2 TT1K OMAUA DAILY EKt FRIDAY , DEOBMHER 23. 1802. BCRCLA1S AT TABLE ROCK PostofBco and Quito a Number of Stores Raided. THEY SECURED VERY LITTLE CASH Imllonlloii'v Tlnit tlio ( ImiR Wn < not Wel J'rcnlili-d with TooMof HIP Crnrt-lar- Cnm-nAltnictliiB Atlfiitlnn nt rinttumimtli. i.r. UOCK , Kob. , Dec. 22. ( Spcol.il Tele- /jram to Tin : Ur.r. . ] Uurglnrs did consldcra- bio work bore lust nljjht. They Ilrsl entered the blaeUsmith shop of .lames Karns nnd from Kobertson's wagon doparLincnt took n brace , screwilrlvrr nnd t-hlsol. nnd proceed ing to the postofilro they knocked the lock o'ff the safe. They secured only ( V ) rciits.iind bcfomliiR dUsnstrd tore down the money drawer , likewise empty. Later they went tlirmiKli W. J . Taylor's Kcnenil merchandise store. Getting In n tiack window they ffathurcd up overcoats , mufflers nnd Hllk hnndkcr- chloffl , nnd the pennies and nickels in the cash drawer. They tot probably ? 1W ) worth of property. Matches strewn over the lloor showed that they wore not provided with full kit of burglar Imple ments. - The next store visited wni Wilson's drill ? house , full of holiday goods , nnd Conklin's jewelry store. The lock was smashed off the front door , nnd chains nnd other Jewelry to the amount of ? 1W ) taken. Or. Wilson's loss appears to bo only some candy nnd a faw clears. There was some appearance of haste In their leaving , and it is supiwsed that they were frightened away , as their depredations went no further. Robertson's brnco and screwdriver were found where they had been used. AiiNisuii : : t-Asr.s. Mora Trniibli ) ! ro rlnK Out ( if tlu > Counrll lllitllf. Com AIIIN. j. PI.ATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Uce. 22. ( Si > eclal to THE Bui' . ] Deputy Sheriff .lohn Uglio has nerved papers on George 13. Dovey , Oliver Dovoy nnd H. N. Dovoy , of the firm of 13. O. Dovey ft Son , and E. A , Oliver and Fred Ilnnigo , of the llrm of Oliver & Haingo , ordering them to appear before Judge Chap. .man in the district court and show wiusc why they should not bo fined for contempt of court. The above is another turn In the garnishee cases. A temporary Injunction preventing the merchants going to Council Bluffs and giving testimony in the cases there was granted by Judjio Chapman si short time ago. The plaintiffs claim thai the bookkeepers for the above named Jlnm went up contrary to the orders of the court , The garnishco cases nro creating consider able feeling at this point. T.IIKIATINII : > uvVIIITI : CAPS. " iiMnl In Stochilllo liy tlio Clr * dilution of Warning I.i-ttprx. STOCKVIU.K , Neb. , Dee. 22. [ Special tt TUB HKE. ] Considerable talk and some ex cltcmcnt has been caused hero by llndlnf notices posted signed by "white caps" glv ing certain parties a limited time to leave 01 receive a visit from a select committee Some of the notices were received by mail Opinion is divided as to whether it is in tended as a practical Joke. Nrhnitkii'M Dentil Itoll. QiiANi > l3MNi > , Neb. . Dee. 22. [ Special ti Tin : Bun. ] 'Jharlcs II. Mlliscn , a prominen cltlren of Gr.uul Island , died this morning aged -10 years. Two years ago bo was ulectei ft member of the city council from th Fourth ward , and has been 11 member of th Board of Education for several years. II came to Grand Island In the early 70' uud was one of the oldest citizens. Non were raoro prominent in Grand Army of th Ucpublio circles than he , and Ijyon IXJE loses u very faithful member. Ho served i the war with the Pennsylvania "Hue Tails , " and was shot through the right am disabling that member permanently. Ycai ngo ho was an engineer on the Union Paeitii but for the last two or three years has n tired from the service. On Tuesday evenin lie worked with a number of Grand Army r the Kepublii ! members until midnight , wnc he complained of pain in his side. Ycstc day ho was conlined to his bed , but no or considered his illness serious. Thought It WIIH All FrUIril. FAIIIMONT , Neb. , Dec. 22. [ Special Tel pram to Tnu Bun. ] Yesterday n Unite gtatcs marshal took Minnie. Foster to Omni to answer to tlio charge of selling liqui illegally. It seems Foster was taken Omaha some tlmo ago to answer to th chaigo , and -was released on his own rcco nlzanco to nppoar nt a certain time , b when the time came he failed to make b itppcaranci' . Foster , it is alleged , thougi the matter was all settled when ho was r leased , but was evidently mistaken , I telegraphed to friends hero today for Jl also for I ) . C. Mcl cese to coma to Omih ; AlcLccso look the llyer tonight for th liltico. _ Mliy Srriini it lYIrpliono l.lnp. GIIAND ISLAND , Nob. , Dec. 22. [ Special TUB Bun.1'rostdcnt Yost of the Nobrasl Telephone company has made a propositii to the citi/.c'iis of Grand Island which will doubt pl.ico this city in connection wi Omnha , Lincoln and other cities within year. The projiosllion is that the citi/.e subscribe ? 1.500 , place it with a hank , at have it thus guaranteed to the compan The company will in return build the Hi nnd issue tickets to the subscribers wlii can bu used as toll within the next t\ yours , ft is simply a guaranty on the pi ; of the dti/.ens Hero that then ; will bo $ lr > of business in the next two years. < ; imri ; < 'd wltli Kltliiiiplnt ; . IlAiiTiso'iox , Neb. , Doc. i2. ! [ Scclal ) ) TUB BIK. ] William Gnuit is lying In J ; liero to n wa It his preliminary hwiring whi will ixriir next Tue.sday when he will bo i ( { uircd to ans\\cr to the charge of Uiilm ing. Ho Induced a girl of .1. O. Olliver's go with him to Iowa. He and the girl wf caught nt YVakolield by Sheriff . ( ones. T girl wan recently taken from the asylum a is rather feeble minded. Grant Is a carp < tor and has a family in Iowa. Injured In u Itmmwiiy. STORKVII.I.F , Neb , , Dec. 22. - [ Special TiiKUui' . ] W. Li. McClary was quite bu ; injured In a runaway while ruturntng fn Indlanola last Sunday. It \\IH ; a very cli call. Ho will bo conlined to his room : ' some time. _ In ( iriinil Army Clrrlen. GIIANII Ibi.AND , Neb , , IVc. 22. [ Special Tnr. UEK.J- Harry Hairlsou of this city 1 liei'ii ai > polnted by the national coinmam of the Urand Army of the Itepuhllo asi do-camp on his stuff , F k An liivuhmliln lli'iiu-ily lor ( TnliU. Sbcrlff Hardman of Tyler county , W \'lnInla , was almost prostrated with a c whim ho began using Chamberlain's Coi Iteincdy. In hpcaklni ; of it liosuys ; "It gi mo almost instant relief , I find it to bo invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale druggists , O- Tim KlllllcH. A rowunl will bo clvou for nny inl iimtlou of Tim Killiloa , dead or nli .Ue IIIIB not beun seen by his folks 5 yours. Tim Is u natlvo of Itoscom Irolnnd. Address Jus Ktlliloii , Omit Nob. light nt l-oury Iilanil. : - \ NEW YOIIK , Deo. 23. Thu Coney lal Athlctlo club 1ms coiuiucred ita fonnlili rival in puglllitU ) uffalra , the Oa-scent ( Athlotto club , and the gitiat llglitwc ! champion match between Jack McAu nnd Dick Burgo will bo fought on thu II festive ihliind by the joa , The seaside 011 iuitlon sccurod the contest by offcrin jmrsu of f 15,000 , the lurK < 'st nuiount of me over given by an nthletie ussocintlon for The Crescent City .Athletic club onk have declined to tiltl ftirthrr for the battle , and the Coney Island agreement will bo signed by the principals tomorrow. Austin OlbiKms of Patcrson , N. J. , nnd Hilly Meyer , the Strcator "Cyclone. " hnvo signed with the Crescent City Athletic club for n light for n purse of fr > ,0X ( ) . of pponlo hnvo pllns , Imt Do\Vltt 9 Witch Haiiel salve will euro them. IN THE SECOND DEOBEE. ( Irorffn I'niK * I'liiitul ( liillly liy Hit' I'ullent nnd I.OIIR 1'oiiilcniiR.liiry. After being out two days nnd nights the Jury In the Faim case returned a verdict of murder In the second degree. At StO : ! o'clock Inst night the foreman notified Sheriff Ben nett that the Jury had rcnehed a decision and was ready to make Its report. .liulgo D.ivia was sent for and the prisoner was brought over from the Jail. As the twelve men marched Into the court room Fauss appeal ed very nervous nnd scanned the fncea of the Jurors closely. The court then naked for the verdict and it was read. Fatiss lirK'htcncd up considerably when ho found thai ho would not have to hang for his cowardly crime. It is reported that , on the llrst ballot the Jury stood eight for llrst degree murder nnd four for second. Tviteron every cine switched around and several voted for manslaughter. Then ( he details ( if thn crime wore talked over nnd nt last tlio verdict as ghenabovo was agreed upon. Constipation cured by lj\Vitt's ICarly HIscrs. f Illnkry fur Ciiptiiln , NRW YOHK. Di-c. 22. Fr.ink A. Hinkcy , 'ICi. the great end player , has been decided upon ns the next captain of the Yale uni versity football team. Ilinkoy comes from Tonawanda , N. Y. > .i r. Domestic. financial nil-.fnrtuiirs caused H. N. Jlellar of Antlgo , Mich. , lu commit suli'lile. 1'oreveral day- , past : i heavy snow storm hns pii-MilliMi throughout Oiegim and the i'\- tieino iniilliwiMt Hccietary of tin * Treasury 1'oslt-r vays the report Hint bo will visit New York to consult with Its lianktsrs In u few duy.s Is trim. MisAnlonlcttu Peiichot of New York nnd lion. Allan . .lohiisioni- tlic Ilrltlsh legation wi'io married at Now Yoik Wednesday. Din-tin : a blR fov hunt at Newton Palls , ( ) . , Daniel l.oclilcllner wns uocldi'iitally shot by Ili-niy King , a wealthy fanner , lA-chleltner wlll.fle. The Spanish sipium'rOrao. with 1,200 bales of cotton abonril , burned at Siivunnnli , On. Hlio was loading for Harct'lona. The loss will bo heavy. 531'oachlnn sealers , by tlio employment of In- dlims , think they liAvo discovered a way to nvoldllie lawn icgiAutlng seal tuklng In thy Chaili'sT. Mnyei wns le-elccted iiresldcnl of the Ualllnioio.t Ohio Kiitlroad company at tlio regular monthly meeting of tins bom-dot dliectotsat Haltlinon ; . At f-prlnp Place , On. , Oils DoMer , uprlnler , was family hbot by .1. P. Kilmiimlson. Tlu > men bail IH'CII drlnklm : nnd theiu was an old fend bade of the dllllcully. An unknown near llicnlmui , Tev. , t'liteied the homo of Joseph llrainuer , beat .Mr. Itiannier into Insensibility und tbon assaulted tin ; Insensible man's dnuuhtur. Thoie liuvo bt-L-n 4.0GU miles of tiacklald In tlio United .States by tbo illlfercnt riilliond companies slucu last .laiinury. This lb-100 iiillrs lus- , than lust , year'.s tecord. Tliire nrgioiis who wi'iolohavolmiiReil nt Ilazcllinrst , Miss. , fov tlio minder of .1. A , Davis , n few weeks asto , lime been tuiiiponiitly saved by an appeal to tbo hUpruniL court. The gross earnings of tlio Head Ins Itallronil coinpnny for the past fiscal year HUIO $32- 042,1)10 ) , and a sum of tlH,8.VJ,8HB was ieo.ulri' < l toopeiate It. Tins Incoinu for tlio year wa- fl-lUHO)2H. ( ) Olllcliilsot the OarnoRlo mills empliatlcalb1 deny the. loport , which has been Industrious ! ) chculali'd for Hie iiiist few days , lo the iMferl tlmt they will dlsplmigu all nonunion men It lliulr employ. Fifteen thoftsaml persons paraded at Scranton - ton , P. i. , liicoiiimt'iuoratlonof ltlsliop'lliirii % coldon jublli-e. The column was levleued bj Caidlnul Ullilxms , AiclibKliop Kyan , vKHInc blsbo | - > and cluiKymi'ii. 1 1 Vice PiesIuVnt llond of Hie St. Paul rallioai bus given nntlco thiit $ l,2fiH,000 MIlwauKcu . 'i ' St. Paul Jtulhvay company , Iu Crosse division 7 ix'i- cent bonds , niatnrliiK January 1 , IBOH will bu paid at maturity. Superintendent Uvim-s of tlio New Yoi-l police foico Ims oltei-ed Mr. ( llevoland llii services ot olio of his dutcutlvcs us a body Knnrd. Tin1 president-elect , however , decllnei to iiccopt tin ! prolToi-od services. EA ? dispatch liu- > been sent to Secretary 1'oste of t ho treasury , signed by u number of pioml nent liankeis and biisliivss men of I'lilladcl plilu , dcOluiIng lliemsi'lvus In favor of tbu te peal of tlio silver ptircia.u ) act. Mrs. Mc 'reariy , wlfO of tlm inllllonulru collV merchant ot Now York City , bus concluded ti wltlidiiiw her application fora divorce fi-oi her liiislinnd , wlilrh has been ncndlnt ; for sum monllis In the courts of Ilia I slate. At the annual meetlimof the. Maine ( Vntni rallioad stocklioldi'is Messrs. Ari'lilbalil Mi' le < id of Phlladojpjila , ( icor u M. I'nllintin ( ( .Milcatio and Kiancis . Hill ot i\eler : , Mete weie addrd to the boaid of dhoctors. The Thompson Presbyterian chinch of Itt troll , Mioli. , invlni ? to tionlilu with the i > iesb > tury of that city , has ulthdiawn fiomini-mbei ship In thai body , and IN pastor , Hev , Ilaila \Volton , has le.signed tis a I'lcibj teihin mil Istcr. The Smith Carolina stale sennit * tins pussr tollHthlid tending thn bill providing for < ! ! punslnK " 11 llquoih by rcKiiliuly appolnte olllceis. Thls.lt Is assi'i'lt'd , is llio only foini l prohibition that can pass before lni > iidjoun muni of the legislating next Satiliday. Much indignation has been aroused Inc VoikCllybj the action of llcnlthonic.ur.liM kins , who has In the past few weeks alloiu1 several shiploads of raps from the pest spoi of Kiuopo. to be funded. An orjjanf/od oll'oi to have film lemoved from olllce will bu madDen Don Dii'l.Iri-oii Is authority for llio statemei that ( hi ! ( IIITcreuces tictnee.il I'irsldont-elei Cluvcland and i-pcaKer Crisp , If any ovi e\lsted , 11 live been amicably adjusted , an that Mr. Cleveland has denied any and a lesponslblllty for that pulnful New York luc dent. The Iron Hall ofilceis , under Indictment 1 Indiana , will icslst all attempts loluKethe : fiom Italtlmoie , Mil. , when1 lliey now are , fi trial before an Indiana coiut. The govrrni of Imllinm has made requisition on tlioK'i' ' ' eruorof Maryland for their clolUeiy toollicc fiom lliu former Mate. II Is now claimed that the Hilclilu "f yum I'ooistol , iisslstant city 1ietiMin < r of HI. Loul was caused by the demands of a blackmalk' ' who , with tbo knowledge ( if the. youii man liormnlnrn ; from thn city , bad been bleeilli him for IniKd sums of money. A former liar Her named Canoll Usaltlto bo the mad mailer. _ _ Thn Crucian cabinet lias unanimously a pioM'd a bill to reform the present system < voting In I'russla. A train on the Mexican Southern rallwi \vas derailed. I'our iiursonveiu killed und number weio Injiucu. Tlm prisoners In tbo/.Uiilm nrNou at Ilorl revolted , anil wrro Mipni'--.e | < l only with < lll cully , A lovolt also occurred at Koi'iilxnial Kv-l'renil rMerc.ler will dolluiraii uildri1 at Monlrfiil .liniiiary U nn "Tlm I'linno L'anadii. " it Is understood thai bo will dci'lu foi llio Immediate. Independence of ( 'anada , MaoUii'ind his wife , the baby farmers , w Killed thirteen Infants by plcrclnx theli beai or spines with needle * , havu heen comiiiltl for trial at Sydney , N. S.V , lloth plead not Kiillty. The Ilrltlsh ship Iiuiidonald. which sail from Han J'lanelsooon AtiKiiHt U , bus reach to Oueeiistnun , She bad a tempestuous \oyai Captain Hawthorne , her master , was wash is overbo.ud and dio\uied. r > r (1- You don't want n torpid liver ; you doi want a l > , ul coinploxion , you don't want bad luvathj.vou don't want a hcadacl Then use Do Witt's Llttlo Early Hisui-s , t famous llttlo pillb. Id KAST OK SOUTH Oln thu WabiiMli Ituutn. \jy \ The short line to St. Louis tviul quit est ronta south. Only 37 hours to Hot Springs- Only ttO hoiira to Now Orleans. irO. Only JlSj houra to Atlanta. O.or Only 62 hours to Juokeonvillo. erin AVith corroBponding fust tlmo to in points east und south. Hound ti IU > tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orloa Liiko ChurlcH , GnlvcHton , San Anton City of Mexico , Los Augoles , Sun Kn Del oisco , Mobllo.JiioUsotivillo , Ttunpa , I vnnu nuti nil llio win tor ruHorls of t bio bouth nnd woat. Reclining clmir e ; ity free to St. Txuts , Toledo und Dotrc 'ht Pullmun buiTut eleopln cars on Iffo trulna. Hntrffii''o ohookod from hot Ilo nnd private residences to dostintitii Ull- For tickets , sleeping car ticcointirodutli UllOly [ nnrt further information call at Wnbt wo tiekot olllco , 1502 Farnntn etroot , wrlto , a. N. CLAYTON , als Agent , Omaha irm > r.\o nnttx. OITult-YoM. It would bo dlfilcult to imagine n more favorable time to aMumo the maiTlnge vows than during the season Unit U upon us , n season of festivity nnd good cheer , when nil the world seems to echo the vrnrds of Tiny Tlm , "God bless in every one. " It was a Christmas wedding tint wns cel ebrated last evening In the First Presby terian church ; holly nnd mlstleto ? and ever greens decking the interior , while the fair young girls who participated In the cere mony , Instead of the usual b6 < ] ticts of llow- ers , can-led holly and mistletoe arranged in graceful bunches nnd tied with broad satin ribbons of white , while the bride wore mistletoe - tletoo In her hair , nnd In the pra.xerbook she carried there was n tiny sprig of mistletoe peeping over UiocJgc.s. Throughout the church , ntnn ? the gallery rail , at the ends of the pews nivl alwnt tin ? chancel the season's red berries and white were effectively nrranpcd. Toll pilms : and feathery rents stood on the raised dais be low the pulpit , while an exquisite rue of white fur covered the dais , making an altar lilting for the nuptial ceremony. Society has attended a number of beauti ful weddings during the pro-Christmas sea son. but not one brought together so many representative people as did the marriage last evening of Miss Bertha Clarke Yost and Mr. Charles Oflutt. nt the First Presby terian church. Hev Dr. Duryca ofilei-itlng. It was n picturesque wedding ami so complete was every detail that there was not a single Jar in the arrange ments and everything was done with pro- Won. A pretty fen lure , nnd onu that will . ommrnd Itself to future brides , was the rrangemcnt of the wedding procession , the tarty , with the exception of the bride and icr father , Mr. C. 12. Yost , entering from the side entrance nearest the pulpit and ivallilng down the center tiislp. met the fair irido and Mr. Yost. First came the ushers , Mr. Hobcrt Patrick and Judge Herbert I. Davis , Captain Crowder. U. S. A. , and Mr. Luther Drake. Then came the maid of honor , Miss Sadie NashJ walking nlonc , followed by the bridesmaids , Mlas Clara Drawn and Miss Dessio Yatcs , Miss Mary Sherman and Miss Mary Poppleton , and 'astly by two more ushers , Mr. Henry \Vy- min and Mr. Netherton Hull. At the rear nf the church the wedding party reversed , nnd with tlio wedding march of Mendelssohn lo lend Interest to the occasion , beautifully plnyod by Mr. Taber , the procession walked up the ntslo to the chancel , when ) the groom nml his best man , Mr. Claude Thomas of Middlutown , and the ofllclatlug clergyman awaited the coming of the bride , It was such a pleasing innovation , for wed- dine processions must bo more or less upon set lines , that it excited general comment among those who were fortunate to be there. The bridesmaids , all long time friends of the bride and rcpresentative'soelcty girls , were costumed alike , their gowns being of white satin covered with white .silk mtillc , large sleeves ami belts of white bro caded s-atni , lace berthas completing himplo but exceedingly lovely costumes , and they nil can led bouquets of holly and mistletoe tied tosrcthcr by white satin ribbons. The bride , who has long been considered one of the beauties of Omaha society , and n intellectual one as well , having many graces of mind and heart , wore an extremely simple gown of white corded silk , made in Uic Um pire style , big sleeves with rovers of silk effectively edged with pearls , the rovers end ing in a white bow of lace in front , witli the ends falling to the bottom of the dress , her beautiful veil being fastened to HIP hair by u wreath of mistletoe. At the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding party marched down the aisle , while Mr. Taber played the Lohengrin march , having played during the service the favorite "Tnuunorai.1 Quite a few of the most intimate friends ol Mr. and Mrs. Yost and the bride and groom wore present at the Yost residence , Twenty-third and Cass streets , to say good-bye to the newly married pair , who left at UiO : : upon an ideal wedding trio , going direct to Florida , where they will loiter a fortnight , then on to Cuba and return bj way of VCIM Cm/ and Old Mexico , to bo al homo Tuesdays , February 14 and US , at HIM South Thirty-first street. The presents were very handsome ant completely lilled one of the rooms up stairs Among the guests from abroad were Mrs Pulsipher and son of Paris , ICy. , and Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Jenness of Detroit , who arc guests of Air. and Mrs. Yost. As souvgnirs of the occasion the bride lire sentcd to the maid of honor and bridesmaids exquisite sword pins , with White enameled guards sot witll pearls arid diamonds. Among those noticed in the church were : General and Mrs. Brooke , Mr. and Mrs. , T N.H.Patrick , Mr. and Mia Ben Baker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BarKi'r , Mr. and Mrs W. V. Morse , Mr. and Mr > . H , Vf. Vates Miss Yatcs , Mr. and Mrs. Dcnise , Air. ant Airs. Barkalow , Mr. and Mrs George Squires , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peck , Mrs Tjiningor , Mr. and Airs. Hnllcr , Air. anil Mrs Frank Kumirc , Mr. and Mrs. E. W. fush Air. and Airs. O. J. Brown , Mr. nnd Airs Dietz , Air. and Airs. Swobe , Mr. rind 'Airs Arthur Wakelcy , Airs. E.VakeJey , ills Wnkeley. Aliss Kmily Wnkelov , . AIr. am Airs. Itcdlck. Mr. and Airs K S. Dundy , Jr Air. and Alrl Sam Wheeler , Jr. , Mr. am Airs. T. R. Kimball. Mr. and Airs. Bei Wood , Mr. and Mis. Coutaut , Air and Airs A. Meyer , Air. and Ah s. Uovl Carter , Mrs AIcKennn. Aliss MelCcnriu , Air. J. II. Millard Aliss Alillnrd. Airs. Will Alillnrd , Air. and Mrs . J. Dick'ey , Air. and Mrs. John L. Webstei Mr. and Airs. J. It. Buchanan , Ml' , and Airs Stebbins , Air. and Airs. Charles Huntlnglon , lr. and Airs. Josolih Lchmer , Judge and Mrs Sstcllo , Air. and. Mrs. Harry Deuel , Air. am Mrs , Adam Stigor , Air. and Mrs. Charle "lall , Dr. and Mrs. I udington , Air. Be Smith , Air. Frank Hamilton. Air. John Pal ick , Air. Art Guiou , Air. Will Douuc , All > > les. Air. Voss. Mr , Victor White , Alls Chandler , Aliss Dundy. Miss Sharp , AH.-- da Sharp , Aliss Helen Smith , Albs Alaml Ioore , Air. ICoenig , Mr. Garncuu. Not from u Financial St.iniljiolnl. " 1 do not recommend Chimbsrluln'd Cong icrnedy from a financial standpjlnt , for w nivo others in stock on whick wo make urger profit , " says Al Ala glni , a p.iomineii Irujjgist of Br.iddoe.kPa. . , "but , buijaus imnynf our customers have spoken of it i the highest praise. Wo sail moro of it tin my similar preparation we have in th tore. " For sale by druggists. "Nora M.ii-lirit3"iil tbu lloyil. The Irish drain. i generally is interest ! ! in inverse ratio to its accuracy as late protivo of real Irish life and character ; it somewhat analogous to these dyspeptic s veroJ storks , azure pools and emerald pain that libel nattiro on Japanese Christina present screens. Conventional forms in tl liijjher arts have their uses , and the conve tlonal Irish drama is not only tolerated b its admirers are intiny. "Nora Mucliroo , " seen for the llrst time Omaha at the Boyd last evening , is an Irii drama not much better or worse than tl average play of Its class. The wlcki squireen , the "young master" in trouble , tl beautiful hiph-aplritcd Irish girl , the love fluent colleen , the bright-eyed , blg-hearti "broth of n bhoy , " the "dirty hlackgntm who serves the squlro and the processes they are all in the play and in the name o rotations us oforo. , . Charles T. VI cent Is the author and ho has not si ceodcd if ho tried to wrlto d : loguo In any way distinctive uhuractcrlstlcof the people ho alleges to ha iwtraycd , Yet the purformuneo Is not all uniileaslng. Several swcot little mo Flavoring n- na a- a10 10 ra luSi WATURM.FRUITFLW/ORS. n. Vanilla Of perfect purity- na Lemon Of great strength- 9lor Orange Economy In their use. or Rosoelc. , Flavor as delicately and cUllcloutly as the fresh fruit lien , rv lively ilnfich or two , sorcrnl lively Iflhts , of course , dWFgood Scenery make tin \n cntrrtnlnmcnt thiit I * quite enjoyable , mil should tlrnw Ufa houses oven In Christ- nas week. The tilny was written for Miss Smile Scanlnn , whoso untimely rutting off n 'cw weeks npo so many of her "friends In Vent , " will not cense to deplore for nmnr n lay Tlio BOOKS sunir tlirouehoxit the piny wore written by her. : . Tno company Is hltrtily capable. Mr. Ous : le.nolds . pivcs n capital representation of a jroken-ilown Irish ! ] > ort , who trades his conscience for anything that can bo turned Into whisky. Mr , llrtiry Tra.vcr. who IUU the part of the sqnWcn , , is n rather hnnd * some follow , who has had x-onslderablo hls- trionlc oxpericncu tuuli Is considered it capable actor. Mr./"Thomas McCarthy's Larry Is all that the character demaiuU. Miss Clara Colunmn pl.iys Miss Scniilnn's l art. She la young , iiml shows promlsoof ? ooil work. She slnfrs nlccl.\ and never overdoes her part. Miss Kinma Howard fills the bill completely as the old Indy , whoso heart Is young , and whoso foot have not lost the cunning of earlier days. Mlsi Nettle Walters as Grace Moore also acquits herself pralscworthlly , and the other parts are coinmcnTlnbly played. "Monti- < ! rllo" ul ( he rarniini. Fred Kclton In "Monte Crlsto" opened a three nights' engagement at the Farnam Street theater lust nljjht. The story of Dumas' celebrated production is well known. Edmund D.intesls to bo wedded to Mercedes , u Catalan nnildun. A rival plots to ruin hint and on his wedding day ho Is seized and com mitted to prison on u charge of treason. For fourteen years ho Is coiillned in a solitary dungeon and then escape * to llnd .that Mer cedes has niarrleJ his rival. Under the name of Monte Crlsto ho revenues hlumclf on his enemies and all ends happily. The plot abounds In thrilling situations and Mr. Fclton lu the title role displays strong dramatic qualities. His mipport is weak in one or two places , but on the whole the per formance is commendable. . A Ouro lor Croup. If your children are subject to croup always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at hand. It Is a prompt and certain cure. If given as soon as the croupy cough appears it will prevent the attack. ! jr sale by druggists. i\ Kov. I'l tor oT AlliuiiiirrqiiP , X. Mn I > o- faultrr und a Drunkard. DGNVKII , Colo. , Dec. 2J. A special to the Hepubllcun from Albuquerque , N. M. , says : Hov. Pistor , the Lutheran minister hero re tires from his pulpit in disgrace , the charges of drunkenness and appropriating church funds to his own use preferred against him by his members being sustained by the In vestigation of Hev. Linker of Omaha , Neb. , secretary of the general Lutheran ehuivli synod. The disgraced minister came hereabout about four months ago from Chicago , 111. , and through his inlluenco the Lutherans built n handsome edifice , the citizens of the town liberally donating to assist in paying the debts. Hov. Pistor handled the funds and soon began to appear in public In an in toxicated condition. The church members demanded an accountingof their funds which Mr. 1'istor would not give. It is not known lio\v much he Is sliorJ.HHo left for the east tonight. No legal action has been taken. The convenience of a lar of Cndahy's Hex IJraml Extract of Beef 5s never better appre ciated than when somcjftroecr's "Just out. " \rn.L THITSJ. Kll'orls Hi-tiig Miulclp Organize n Illp ; Dls- tlllliiK Company In St. I , mils. ST. Louis , Mo. , Diitfc-B ! ! . A vigorous effort is on foot to orgafilze a distillery in St. Louis. Messrs. Licrow and Trebus , finan cial agents , have sccOrod an option on the old Madison DistillcYi'jCompany's plant and a sufllcient number of Dealers have become interested in the project , it is claimed , to insure its success. A largo number of rectifiers visited the plant on invitation and discussed the advisa bility of opcratinyr.it.C.i' ' , s . The plant "has 'a eapacltyat present oi 1,000 bushels of grain per day.and , could with a few improvements be made to handle double that amount. The trubt has such a strong hold upon all its customers here at present that many ol them are deterred from going iuto the new enterprise for fear of being squeezed out ol the busiitess entirely. Perfect action and perfect health result from the useof Do Witt's Little Early llisera A perfect little pill. Every IVJonth mcny women suffer from Excessive or Scant Menstruation ; they don't know ' who to confide in to get proper advice. Don't confide in anybody but try Brae ! field's aSpsclflc for PAINFUL , PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Booh to "WOMAN" mailed fr e. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Ga. Bold bjr all lrucel ti. HEALTHFUL , AaREEAHLR. CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. . A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. C'jrcs Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Uurru Etc. A Delitotftil Shampoo. JAH SOAP Specially Adapted JftfUse in Hard Wate OUDINAI5 NO. ann. : ' An ordinance to amend s'oetlon " of ordlnan No. sin. Ilo It ordained by tlio C'lty Connall of tlio ol of Omaha ! ; ' Hoctlou 1. That Bocllpti 2 of ordinance ? 2544 be null the same , ) ; hereby amended road us fnllovtu ; i , > . Hecllon 2. Every parson or flrm orinzud | tlio buslnesi of pawuhroklnKHliall puy to t oily truiiBiiror for iijlconso to curry on t 6am the sum of ouo ijimdri'd dollars ( JIM ) ) i iiiun'clpal year , or fifty dollars ( f.W ) pur i month * ; provided , IhatyuU such Ituuimt'sah terminate ollhur Juno , ' lUli or December' ) of ouch year. Such llcuiibos shall ho obtain In the usual manner upon such parson or II paying tlio NIIIM herein rcrjulruj unil clvl bond to tlio city ot Uniuhii In the binn of fl thousand dollars ( Jo.ODO ) . nllli sureties to npiirovod by thu mayor , uondttloncd for t faithful porforinnncu by tlin principal of en mid nil thu trusts Imposed by | uw or liy usu uttnchln : to imwnbi-jlicrs. No pirson or llrrn licenses na a pnwnbrol Hhull bo ullowud to no business In more th ouo plucu under onu license , oriel ovary n llccusubhall state tne oluci1 uhoroBuch bu ness is to b carried on , und shull not bo slcimblo. Heo. - . That said section 2 of said ordtnni No. 2314 ns heretofore existing bo and thu u U hereby repunlod , Section : i. That thU ordmmico Blmll to effect uud bo In force from utid after Its ua iwe. I'assod UofomUer lllth. 169 , ' . JOHN OROVHS. Olty Clerk K. I" DAVIS. , I'resldent Olty Oounol Approved Uocomber Uth , 1S02. QROllUi : I' . UEUIS. ' ilayo Both tlio inethpd nml results When Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nml refreshing to the tnsto , nml ncU 5cully yet promptly on the Kidneys , jivcr and 13owels , cleruisca the sys tem clTectunlly , dispels colds , hcrnl- nchcs nnd fevers nnd euros Imbitunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd nc- ccptnblo to llio stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in ita cflects , prepared only from the most healthy nml ngrcenhlo substances , ita many excellent qualities commend it to nil nnd hnvo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in COc and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist -who may not have it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for nny ouo who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FttANCISCO. CAL. I LOUISVILLE , Kf. HEW YORK , /V.r. / A Fight for Life , The duaperato strusplo for a renewal of llio joys ot lioalth Is a succtaulo most painful to behold. Every victim of NeruoUs , Chronic -AND-- Private Diseases knows but too well tlio horrors of tbat almost liopoless combat ; niul ovcry ono of tlio many thonsiuiils who have boon completely cursd at these distressing mid ( IniiKLTons nril'iilli" ) by these tin- i lvalue ! succiultsts , lliu r.nnii'.is tlio Inexpressible dcllirht of a real and pornianent icstoratlon of thut priceless boon. Rood hoiiltb. If yon are nmons tUo ullllctcd ones , consult lliom at onco. fend 4 cents for n copy of tlislr Illus- t ruled new book of I'M y&yns. Consultation Free. Call upon , or address wltli stamu. 119 South I4t'n Streal , COIINKR OFDOUOI.AS ST. . NEB. OMAHA , - - DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stocking Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , d Water Bottles , Syringes , a Atomizers , Medical Supplies ALOE & PENFOIO , 114 S.lBtuSt , , , Next to Postofflee ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance" to aitiimd section n of chnpto IS of the compiled ordinances of Ib'U. lie u ordained by the city eon null of tlm cltj of Omaha , Section 1 , Tliat seel Ion 0 of chapter li ci the compiled ordinances of I bin entitled "eli etises , theaters and shows , " be anil the tame I hereby amended HO as to lead an follows : Hov. 0. The following rates shall he ehar e for lleenses bsned under the provisions of till chapter ; Clious. each twenty-four hours M0 ( tide-show with elreiis , eaeh twenty- ' four bourn 10 t Kaeb nifieahmont stand , traveling ; with circus , each twenty-four hours : , c Kach and every tight nr slack rope p r- formaiico in llui open ulr from bouse to house or on any open lot or common , . in i I'.aeb nepio mlnhtrel perfoimaneu . . . 15 I Kaeli ball or bulldliiB to bo used 113 a theater , or theater eoinlqne. ur other nlacu of publlu amusement for pay , per voar 100 i Each exhibition natural curiosity , freaks of nature , or learned ur HUH leu iinlmalB , uer day ' - . ' Knob inhlbltlou of a variety show or concert , , , , l.'i r.ach oxhlbltloii of tire arts , per day. . . . 'J Kaeb exhibition of ventriloquism , n BlolKht-of band performance , or other 10 trick amusementnot above inoulloned ID perilay | ,1 irx \ \Vlieru yearly rales are given , I ho abir xII lleeiibos may Issue lor any period not InhHthi IIit six months ; provided , that all mich lloens it III shall oxnlio on tbeWthdny of Juno orheil ; day of Drvomoornf each year , III ' bectloa' ' . That bald 60 < alon Oof said chit ' I' , ter IH an heretofore existing bu and lliu ban roe lb hereby repealed. > o Section 'J. That this ordinance shall tal 10b ; effect and bu lu'forcu from and after Its pa IB December 13th. istii JOHN auovES. erin Olty Olork. inlt It , 1' . DAVIS. ! lt President Uity Council lls - Approved ' Decombsr Uth. ib's. ' . s- OEU. K HKMI8. Mayor ce ne I'rnpoxulN for ( iUHulliiu l.lilil. Scaled bids will bu received at llio olllco tbo city comptroller up to-4 p MI. , January 1HOJ , for t elvniai ( candle power llxhl t'i" line lamp- , for lighting the suburb * of thu ell Ilids may state price pur lamp , uftor inldnlK bchcdiilc , nr price per lamp from Mimlown HiinrSo , A fcrtlflud chcuk of (30(1.0(1 ( ( to n coiupauy cueli bid. The right Is ruburvcu ivjucl any or all bids. Tim > . OIJJEN , Comptroller Omaha , Nub. , Pec. 23 , 1692. I > 3dU That interest every bu ycr The goods we sell only known qualities , The style our cutters turn nothing but the latest. The making every garment stanch the closest scrutiny. The selling we know what we sell and we soil only what we know ; our mar gin is the closest consistent with the economical conduct of business. Mere are some samples in which these points are apparent to all our store is full of others , etc. A SUIT The goods wool mixture in 5 different We sell you shades in sacks only well trimmed and At $5 , excellent value for the money. OITERCOAT In blue and black beaver , velvet collar , We sell you or in tan and brown kersey. A good ser viceable coat worth anywhere $12.50. Clay worsted , or corkscrew sack , or A SUIT We sell you cutaway , colors blue , black and brown. At $12.50. Unsurpassable in style , cut and finish. Genuine Irish frieze ( imported ) , for We sell you merly retailed at $25. Two shades only til At $17.50. oxford and brown. 1 ARE FAIR SAMLES OF THE , QOODB , THE , © TYLEL , TI-iEX MAKINQ , TI-IEX Columbia Clothing Co. , V 1 Cor. 13th and Farnam.V AMUSEMENTS. Miitlncos , Mut luce , Christmas D.iy. Do ; . - ' . ' > . TinKAVuunv ; COMIOUIAXS , Aucunipnnlcil by M1S AMY AMKS And tlio Strongest Conu-dy Company Kver Orcunbrd , in tlio Funniest and Hu lof TliL-iu Alt THE NEW NATURAL GAS. EVKUYTIIING NK\V. funnier tind Bettor Than Evor. Sale oueiis Slittiitliiv nt following prices I'lrat lloor. oOc. 7. > u ami Jl.iiO ; Iliilcony , ; 0u nnd 7 ic. Slutlnco I'rliesKlrst floor. r > Ue .nirt 75o : Itnlcony. 2.V. ; and "iV. Friday and Saturday , Dec. 23 and 24. pccUl Putin-flay Mnllnuo. The IMctiireMitio nml I'hoiiomeimllr giirccsaful Irhli Play , Introducing a U | > crlnr roinniinr fif | ila > pri * . Inrlml- liiif I lie InvoilUjs. GUS REYNOLDS SNOTE Attho2at' CurdaylYlatinco Por- „ , . „ A . . . . , . formnnco "Nora" CLARA COLL.UAN. [ win distribute Special Scenic Effects.0 ? h ro ! tmas Toys Kxqi.lsltu Vocal ( lomajfrom the StagO for ulHs'iMNi-MKiKH Mho children In the POMKtaudionco. . Night 1'ilccs Klrst Hour."ills. 7'ie and $1 ; bal cony. Tie and . " > Ce. Mutlnco Prices 1'lrnt lloor. 30e aiulTJe ; bnleony. 2Jo unJ > " > Je. 29. 1'lilNOKTON U.N'IVIJKHITV Oanjo § timklw OUsbs. I'llICTSWe. . .vje. 7.e , * l and JI..V. Feats on sulu Wednesday , Dji-omlur SS , at llo.Ollleo. . FAH8AM SrilEET THKATKIl | onus all roids Ki.ul to the lloti-,0 of TONIGHT ! The lloniantio Actor. Mr. I'llhl ) I' * .iiw [ Monte Cristo. Matinei ) & it n rd ay MN ST7fHEATRrIlolTi" " " J.lbo Koiuunll lto < l Lout tu Hi Ho nun , ft Nllltr-.eoianionclii ( , ' ulili 1,1 iti .TSUS alAT. SuiulnyDoo'ii5 , .Moad.iy-\Vo Ine day WobHtor & Brndy'a I Tlll'I KOTTOAI Famous Marino ! ( ) ! ' Spoctnclo , \ 'J'lIIJ SKA. Theater. ALL THIS V/EEK. llurton Ktanley Coiiuily Coiuuany. VTIDO W'S TROUBLES. HOP-O'-"MY-THUMB , tbo MliU-ot Man and an Hour of siuclalll | . DMatlnnvb , V.'Cu ; ovonlnRbH'ca nd UOe u " Ozllio l.liiunrlliiltlt I'ltKlllyc'ly C'i/j-Oi ' Ur.iint's' It ciia bo nlveii la H cup of ciiltuoortcii ur In food without llio knonloilKU of Ilia imtlenl II li iibnu lululy Imliiilex uuil vrlll eUncI u puriauiunit unil spuuily cure irhvtliur tliu imllont l a inuiluralu clilnkcr ur n ulcoliollc itreck. It nan Leva ulven In tliuiiiiintli of ca o tnil la urerj tn laca n pjrfecl hu < tullnvrui ] It noTur fiilli , 'Ihn oncu imiirck-nnti-il wltli tliuHi > uclllc , It hccoiuai un tiller liiiKi | slhlMtlor llio liquor apprtlln to xUI ( iOl.tI.N Srr.CII'K ) < ; < . , I'rupi. tlncliumll , I. 18 I'sju ' book of | i rlluular < fr u. To bu had uf Kuliii & Co , Itlh mid lou Ulan bli. Wlioloi Illaku. UrncB i l v. till lilrl.xdiun Drugl Ouiulin. Nub. rif SI'KCIAL OUDINANCB NO , 17-11. An urdlimncti lovylnt ; a xpecitl tax and umoiit meat on certain lota and real extuto In tin city ot O mail u , to cover rest of construct Inic permanent ul < 1 . . loc Whereas , It bavlliu been nnd bolug lierebj c- adJndKud. iloturmlutid and emublUbed thut tin c10 several lota and pleees ot real estate norelu ufUir referred to , Imvo earl been Bpoclnlly ben ollttcil to tbu full amount hurelu l vlad ( " > d HS e eil against ouch of aalil lots and J > 'oco3 o real estate , respectively , by i eion of eonstruot- IIIL' pcrmaiiauishlow.ill.s Therefore , for Uio purpose of paylnc llio cost ol Hueb sldflwulk construction : Ilo it ordained by the olty council of the fity ot Omaha : Section I. That the cost of constructing permanent sidewalks In the city of Omaha , bald coat belitK thn sum oC Wti.fo sHide \ - walk construction belnir ilonu under vonlraet ivltb.l ( ) Llorbv. be nnd tbo same Is hereby levied and asset-soil , according to Npgclal bone- HtR by rcusoii of yind sldnnalk et.nslnictlou. upon the followliiK bits and ival estate as ho\vil by the [ renerally rocoirnlzed man of the city oj Omaha , I JI , lithographed and published by Jlulr and ( Javlord , bald cost bring BO levied on bald lots and real estate , respectively , as fol lows , to-wlt : O I' Mamlerson It 131)11(4 ) llanscom Place $ 49 fH do It 14 blk i ' 40 IT do UK blk 4 " 4ft SIde do It 1(1 ( blk 1 " 20 do It IT blk 4 " 42 'Jrt Martha A Hounds It H blk 4 do 11.11 blk 4 411 7 JoMipliUflrcon iHdC-loltl.lblkU" ; iT HI K I ) Mradlmbor U. If , blk 11 10 so .las A Humlotlaml It ITblk It 40 ! i7 Karl \V Gannett It 18 blk 11 ri V7 C M richnoidcr ot al It t Uliciry Garden ai 7 do 11 a in ti'i II Lombard jr It : i ( II ( VI do It4 IVJ 47 l.yman lilebaidson n(14-ll ( ( ft It'Jl blur , U7SO 4-a 7r. Henry T'opoloy n'i2 fl It'J blk H K V Mnllh's Add ' 2i BO Hannah M llartman sll ft It : ! blk S Kl 7J Joseph Si-lilller It , Millie B m 42 l.uelii 0 leo sll ft It 1 blkS Tola ! $ ! > 7l ) Ut Hoellou 2. That the ecu of aonstriictln ? aiilllebil slonu walkbln tbu eltv of Omahu , K'lld cost lHon thn sum of il.lO-'ll , said side walk construction belli ? done under eontr. < cl with Kurd is Huso , be and tlio same Is Hereby levied and iisses-n'd according lo special bonellia by reason of said Mdownllc construc tion , upon Urn following lots unit rp.il estate as shown by tbo generally reco'iilrod m ip of tbu city of Omaha. 1HM , Illlm raphod and pub lished by O. li. Maync. said cost belliso levied on s-ilil I"ls an 1 mil estate , resnoo- lively , us follows , in-wit : Helen II Kelley nth fI It I blk I.I ( . 'liy iflfll fl7 H I > Dlllraneo i'l | Itllblk 77 fi't 4il llornrn U I'lnnkuti It 1 blk Ttf JIB in 1st M K Chilieb MM-ti'tv It : ! blk 7B M U'i i : I ! Iliiiiimoiid It.I blU , , < Sl ! dS .U ) Ailnmset al It''blk hs ' 2.'i7 111 .loliii I IteUluk lit ul nlU ft It 4 blk 0) " 4711IW Mm rlclcUunimliiKSh'U fill blMM 13'J 07 Anna 1C Ilowmau thai , p.irt u of whS ft 117 lilicfK ! Ifl7 ! ii : Slcyer Hellmansli ft lt.r > bllclU7 SM 0' > do III blki7l ' r.'S 10 Ch.ulesll llrownl'blk 171 I7D fll I'rcd I'.lahu ltl ! blk 171 'CD 17 < * SI Prank Uhrvsler.t ft blk ail LM.I 60 llo.ird of Kil lieu t Ion It f > blk Ui.Vi ITJ US Win A Uocllok n' It 1 blk ll ! i " : K7 W .luhn II l''olsom It 4 blk-OllJ ' LI'J ) I" do It I blk C'i ' iili 4'J ' 1UIC Ilimiier It tJbk'J.I'i4 | IS I lid .lobu It rolMim Itl blkU'Ul'i ' " 1WJ1I .Mulora ! ( . 'larKsuii It : i IU < li K'oiint/u'.s , V Ituth'rt add ff0 do It 1 blk 0 87 7,1 Total W0''fil HiuUliin ,1. 'I bat tbo cost of conalruclliiK permanent sldewnlKs in tbo ell-yof ( tmahn , said eostlJoliiK tbu Hum of 11V.U.I. , said HldD- walli eoiisiruetloa bulnu' done under uoutraet ulib.l.\V I'nniai \ r ou , bu and tbu Himoli herohv levied and assuH ud ureordlni ; to special benulltH by roaNon of .said Hlduwiilk eunslrnellon , iitiuii the following lots ami iaal ijHtute as bhowj by tbci gener.ill v TUCOK mapiif tlu olty of Onuiba , IftMl , lllliiiKni aim puhllsticd by (1 , 1 Mnyno. Niilil cost bo leiled on H.iUf lots ami real dilate ic llvelv , in follows , lo wlf Addle ( ' Ainbmse ol ? ft of wJIIft Itniilli 114 Oily t Ohas 1' I'eikliisii'Cift II GblU 111 It7 blk 114 Daniel Kunlaloii ell ! ft It ( i Ulk KW 1:11 : in ihan ; II Itiislln Itfiblk 110 IM ut U 1'liy Co 1141 171 10 IW 0 ! H < ! ftof rt of way IMbllCf ! ) OJUI C , 8 P , MiO lty ' . n I1) ft or it f.f way It I blk iSIt " I * P liyC'n , It n blk.'til 171 < 0 ,1(11 I't ojd , Hub I It U Capitol addition V ) Ui f K biiiilrcs u'X ft fcill)5 ) It 0 M Maiblebtonc w'j Kiib lilt J i7 IU Tot ill jsoetlon 4. Thit thuiiptfrtiil tRxori and i meiitH hnleil nnd aannsn'il ai nfoicsalil , shall bodiiolmmcdlately upon thu PHKDHKO and ap proval of thlh ordinance , and "hall hduomu du- lliuiuoat If not paid within llttr duy tln-ra utttir ; and Iherfiiponliiicnut shall bu added Kt the rate of one percent a month , payable In ad vance from the time Maid tuxm bocoiii'j no do- llniiii'iit | , Keetlon A. That thU ordinaucu shall tak'i olfuotand be-In for-ju from uud utter It * pun- Piltsod November SOth , In97. JOHN ( IUOVBS , Uitv Ulorlt. A.O. KltWAUI- < , Actinic Prcildetit Ulty Uouncll. Auotoved Nuvemburllitb . , Ibic. . i i.f. < i ittii\i i Mayor. The abavo luv lb notv duo and payable HI tnt olllooof the city tid.ixurcr and will becoma de linquent und.btar lotLfeit U'i seen lu section f I10LLN. Oltjr Tr a ur r