Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1892, Image 5

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'Edwin ' Morrison Found with a Build In His
Jfrlonil * ft Ilin Victim liirllnpd to AUrll.iitn
tltnflhiMitlilf ; in An Arclilrnl
Theory of Hulcldr Not
\t 'll3iti | | > nrlp < t.
Hr.ATntrn , Nnb. , T > c. 21. [ Special Tlo -
gram to Tim Una j tidwln Morrison , tbo 10-
year-old son of W. W. Morrison , a Icnillnu
farmer of the county , \vn * ) found last evening
about fiI0 ; ! o'clock tylnj ? uneontctous in a ixxil
of blood with a bullet hole In his head , in tlio
hay loft of bis father's barn , about IS mllco
southwest of this city.
Youiitf Morrison bad gone out a short
tvhilo before to attend to bis cvenlnR chores
about tlio barn , Hii father followed a short
While afterwards , nnd , presuming the boy
xvas milking , went late the loft to tbrow
down bay for feed , aad found hli son lying
on the floor of the loft with a IW-oallbor | ) is-
tel along side lib body. The l oy was taken
Into tbo house and physicians were sum
moned from Dlller and tbh rlty. HP re-
jnalnpd unconscious and diet ! at 0 o'clock this
morning ,
It is nt.t . knntvn wholhcr Iho shooting Is
tbo result of aulcido or accident. 1th gen
erally thought from a Ummledgo of tbo
young in-ins' e.vellcnt habits and cbccrful
Uinposltlon tl'at the tr.igcdy rcsultud from
nn accident. There It nn Unown cause that
could giro any reasonable support to the
theory of sulculo. _
'lily Center Nnim Notrn.
Cr , v C'r.KTr.ii , Nob. , Doc. ' ) l. [ Special to
Tnr Knr.Light ] snows have been falling
In tnls locality for the i\ias tbrco days , but
so far not -uifHdent to Intorfcro with tr.illlc
or farm work. Corn picking Is about com
pleted and a largo amount is being shelled
nnd markotfil.
Tlio new btlck buildings of .lames Harvl-
eon and l-'rank Stanton are completed.
Tbe Ancient Order of United Workmen
lodge hoio baa olootcd tbo following
ofllccra for the c'lisulng year ; O. O Williams ,
master workman : George A. Sliiive , fore
man : .1. M. Lyons , overseer ; N. M. Urnham ,
recorder ; J. U Cainnbcll , llnanclor , .1. J1 .
Wheeler , receiver ; .1. W Crmmse , guide ; C.
M. Free , iner warden , H. R. Stlun. outer war
den ; Dr. O , P. Shoemaker , medical exami
ner.The Knights of Pythias lodge has elected
Officers as follows : . I. C. Ward , chancellor
commander Leo Hurltngame , vice chancellor
commander ; W. II. Wilson , president ; J. M.
Jones , keeper oC records and seals ; W. A.
Ward , master at arms ; W. W. Campbell ,
master of llnanco ; Peter Cruikshanlr , mas
ter of o\checriicr. |
i The Masons and the Knights ot Pythias
held their annual social anil banquet in thch
hall last Friday evening , being tbo skth
nnlvcrsary of their joint occupancy oi tlu
Arqiilttnil tlio t'HHltlcr.
CnNTiui , CmNeb. . , Dee. 21. [ Special to
THE nr.n. ] The trial of S. B. Starrott , ox-
cashier of the Platte Valley bank which was
closed hero List Juno on account of the al
leged losses of tbo cashier on the Chicago
Board of Trade , has been in progress hero
for several days , and ended yesterday attei'-
noon in a verdict of not guilty. Starrctfs
shortage was away up in the neighborhood
of $40,000 , but the only spcciiic charge that
the state was able to malic a stand upon was
that of falsifying the books , in that ho
marked as paid a fc'JOO ccrtillcate of de
posit held by his father , but failed
to take up the ccrtlnVatc. The de
fense admitted that the bookkeeping was
Irregular , but Introduced evidence to show
that Stairett , senior , had given bis son au
thority to use tbo money for private purposes ,
the old gentleman swearing to jt on the
stand , and It was on this ground" that the
jury rendered its verdict. The verdict does
rot surprise anyone , as most people looked
for an acquittal or disagreement.
Aurora' * ) Legislative Coiitt'tft.
AnnoiiA , Nob. , Dec. 21. [ Special Telegram
to TUB I3ni : . ] The taking of testimony in
Whitmore-Ncwberry legislative contest has
been in progress during tho.lust tbrco days
hero. Kvldcnco in chief for the contestant
Js In and , the contesteo Is now Introducing his
evidence. The testimony thus far adduced
shows that a number of ballots were i-ejected
nnd not counted by tbo judges of election on
account of Irregularities in marking same
by the voters. A sensational feature
today was the examination of John
Fast , who testified that bo voted
the republican ticket knowing at the time
that ho was not a legal voter , being a minor.
Fast is known as a pronounced Independent.
Immediately on.lcaving the witness stand he
was arrested by tbo sheriff for illegal voting ,
Ills hearing was continued to December SJ4
several prominent independents going on his
bond for 500.
NntSntUllcd with OiuiTrlnl.
Osccoi.t , Nob. , Dec. 21. [ Special to Tin
BEE , ] ( Vbout a year ago Joseph Curran
with his family , moved from hero to Okla
homa. A few weeks ago Mrs. Curran canu
back with the children and took up her rcsi
tlenco In town. A few days ago Joseph re
turned , claiming that ho bad got a divorci
from his \\lfo , and that ho was going to taki
the children back to Oklahoma with htm
Last evening they went before Judge Hnrs
nnd had the nuptial knot tied again. Mr
and Mrs. Curran and the children took tin
train last evening fora wedding tour.
Hold Work of
BnATniCBv , Neb. , Dec. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnc BCE. ] The mercantile estab
llshment of C. Smith & Co. at Ellis was
broken Into by burglars at an early boui
this morning and a quantity of clothing
canned goods and other o.itables taken
After the robbery the thieves broke opci
the school bouse , built a lire therein and lira
ceeded to hnvo a feast oil the eatable :
Kirn at Nolir.iHkn Oily.
NBIUUSKA CITV , Nob. , Dec. 21. [ Special ti
THIS BEH. ] About 8 o'clock this morning lln
was discovered in the hldo and wool house o
McCulloeh & Burnett , nt Fifth street am
Central avcnuo. The blu/o was .stubborn
nnd owing to the intense cold , caused th
firemen gieat trouble before it could bo ox
tlngulhhcd. The loss is not largo , nnd covered
erod by Insurance.
Itliilr KnlRlitn Tompliir.
BlAin , Nobu Dec. 21 , [ Special to Tn
BBB. ] Jordan commandory No. 15 , Knight
Templar , of this place , gave n reception t
about ( 0 invited guests hero Tuesday even
Ing , Several from abroad wore present.
Our I. Ittlo Af.1-iitx.
Wo would llko to Invite the attention c
those who have in view a change of cllmatt
era desire to make money , whether la th
capacity of small fanners , or as investors , V
our handsomely illustrated pamphlet entitle
"Natuio's t'holcej" also a clover llttlo booli
lot ivlat Ing to the advantages ottered bv th
North Oalvoston association , entitled "j
I'cnnj's Worth , "
These little pamphlet s will give a varict
of Information j\s to the opportunities olTerc
for judicious Investment , whether la cit
property or small fruit farms. The Nort
( Jalvcuton association is represented i
Omaha by Franklin F. Williams who will b
happy to furnlbh any additional informatio
! lcal.TKTllu mW vss of the general ofllco I
box 1KB , Minneapolis , Minn.
Sco the celebrated Sohmcr piano n
Ford & Clmrllou Music Co. , 1608 Dodge
Holiday goods , Fronzor , jow'r , opp. p.
for llt > | ii | I'roif n Out.
Miller Uros. , who wcro in the live sloe
commission business at South Omaha uutil
few months ago , have sued the' Union Stoc
Yards company for damages in the sum <
filO.OOO. They allege In thuir petition tin
they complied with all the requirements <
the yards , but that without warning or an
reason for so doing , the defendant
shut off their privileges and refused to d
liver them stock that was consigned to the ;
or lo tiso their ynrdft. nnd n n cmwrptftie *
hey were forced out of the bmincM nfter
.hey hail n | > rnt n ( treat deal of ttmo nnd
notioy In building It up ,
C P. Moore ft Co , prominent ( trtiRKlU * of
cwborgOre , . a.v , "Slnco our customer. *
law become acquainted with tbo good qual
ties of Chamberlain's Cotitth Homody wo
sell but llttlo of any other khul Chambers
aln'n medicines all plvo good satisfaction. "
[ An' sale by druggists.
All Iliind * AnUccl In Tahn it Mmrp In
Sotlllnc the QiH' tlon.
Provided public spiitlment l found to be
educated to the proper pitch , tliere Is a pro *
iioct of an early .settlement of the union
depot controversy , but of course there Is
always the contingent as to whether
"Harkls U wlllln' , " "U.irklfl" In the case
being the taxpayers.
A meeting has been called for 2 o'clock this
afternoon In the council chamber of every
cltlHMi and taxpayer Interested In tbo
dlspo itloli of the vexed question.
At Tuesday evening's session of the city
fathers an ordinance was Introduced , drawn
and designed for the purpose of "providing
for the settlement ami adjustment of sundry
suits in equity nnd of sundry controversies
now existing between the city of Omaha on
one part and tbe Omaha Union Depot com
pany and the Union 1'nclllc Hallway cum-
p.inyjoinllv. and between said city and the
Union Pacllic Kailnay company , and author-
I/Ing the ennvoynncc of certain lards , lots
and grounds by said city , and the accepting
by It of conveyance of stindrj lands ; and
providing for carrying out and completing a
settlement and adjailment of said suits and
The railroad company agrees to waive the
$ ir > ( ) .OuO bonds ; turn ever to the city its inter
ests In the live blocks north of the pumping
station ; give up unpaid city warrants
amounting to & 'iU,0 ( ) ( ) , and release certain
money claims it holds'against ' tbo city. In
return the city releases some Ui.OOO , en
joined , and quit claims its right in the depot
grounds and other proprrtles in which an
equity is claimed. Should the settlement be
cllcctcd the railroad will glvo bonds of $ ' ) . " > ( ) , -
000 to at once proceed to build the depot
within n reasonable time , according to re
modeled plans ,
Not from u rin.tiu'iiil tllinulpoliil.
"I do not recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy from a ihinm-ial otandpoint , for wo
have others in sleek on which we make a
larger prollt , " sayAl Mimgini , n prominent
druggist of Br.iddock , I'a , "but because
many of our customers have npolten of it In
the highest praise. Wo sell moro of it than
any similar preparation wo have in the
store. " For sale by druggists.
xnii'N ron THI : .
. Ill ot't'lniMRrsnf tiitiiorl.iiico In the Regular
WASIIIS-OTOX , D. C , Dec. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bnr. J The lollowing army or-
dcis were issued today :
lieutenant Colonel John n. P.irke , Second
Infantry , Is. detailed us a member of the
army retiring hoard at Columbus Uarracks ,
O , convened December " 2 , 18111 , vice Colonel
Simon Snyder , Nineteenth infantry , relieved.
Post Chaplain William II. Pieusouwill re-
'ort ' in person to the retiring board at Co
lumbus Barrack- * for examination. First
Ueutcmuit Wallis O. Clark , Twelfth in-
fiintry , is relieved from duty as a member of
the general court martial at Davids Island.
New York harbor. Captaia Summer H. Lin
coln , Tenth infantry , will repair from
Fort Stanton. N. M. , to tins city and report
to the olllecr in charge of the publication of
the official records of tbo rebellion for duty
li : his office. The boards of officers convened
at the places and by the orders from this
office hereinafter specified for the examina
tion of officers to determine their fitness foi
promotion are dissolved , vi/ : San Francisci
convened March 31. 18U2 ; Fort Sill , Old.
convened May 18 , 1SW ; Davids Island , N. Y.
convened July 20 , 1SU2 : Washington Barracks
D. C. , convened July 1 i , 1892. Leave of ab
scnco for siK days is granted Second Lieu
tenant James A. Shipton , First artillery.
A Child in.oya )
The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth
ing elTect of Syrup of Figs , when in need o
a laxative , anil 1C the father or mother bo
costive or bilious , the most gratifying results
follow its that it is the best family
rcmedv known and every family should have
a bottle.
I.IHV It.tllrimil liiilcrt for Iho Holidays.
Tickets on sale at ono nnd one-third
faro for thcTrouud trip via tlio Chicago
& Northwestern railway , December " 4 ,
iJ3 , 2i ( , 31 nnd January 1 and 2 , good re
turning until January 3. City ticket
ollico 1401 Furnnm street.
G. F. WIST , C. P. &T. A.
R. II. RITCHIE , General Agent.
Sh Wimtft to lln liiiit.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Fannie" Bishop ,
who lives in East Omaha , reported to the
police that her 17-year-old daughter Hattle ,
liad loft homo and taken up her residence in
the burnt district. Mrs. Bishop said that
her daughter bad been a good girl but had
been led astray by a young man with
whom she nnd kept company against the
wishes of her parents.
Sergeant Slgwart and the mother visited
the Third ward resorts and found the daugh
ter. The girl refused to go homo with her
mother and she was taken to the jail and
locked up. It is probable that a complaint
ol' incorrigihility will be Illcd against her in
police court today ,
An Inviilmihln Hi'intcly lor C'uliN.
Sheriff Hardman of Tyler county , West
Virginia , was alaiost prostrated with a cold
when he began tiding Chamberlaiu't , Cough
IJemcdy. In speaking of it ho s'lys : "It gave
me almost instant relief. I llml it to bo an
invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale by
Looking ( Her tint riant.
G. F. Swift , the packer , accompanied by
his son , Louis F. Swift , arrived in the city
a last evening and registered'at the Paxton.
The gentlemen came direct from Kansas
City , where they visited their local plant ,
Louis S lft stated lust evening that their
visit was purely of a private business na
ture. After n visit to the South Omaha
house Mr. Swift and his son will leave today
for their homo in Chicago.
A Cure for Croup.
If your children are subject to croup
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy at hand. It Is u prompt and
certain care. If given as soon as the cronpy
cough appears it will prevent the attack.
I sr sale by druggists ,
The predominating qualities
of Flavoring Extracts should
be absolute purity , cxcellen.
flavor and superior strength.
All of these elements are
combined in a perfect degree
in. Dr. Price's Delicious
Flavors ; therefore if the
housewife wants a complete
cake , pudding or cream , she
should make use of them.
Those who want the very best
flavorings are never disap
pointed in purchasing Dr.
Price's Vanilla , Lemon ,
Orange , etc. , which are as
natural as the fruit from
which they are extracted.
G"cat UaloRiUng Srilo of Shoes This Week
Good * nt a SacriOco.
\ll .Unll Order * rromptly rilliMlnt tin * rot *
low lug 1'rlrM Thl WtM < Only-Only
Tlirr i Itnjdof ThU ( Iront
Snte. -
\Vo now have on sale tlio largest nml
Inost line of Xumi slippers ever in
\Vo put into this sale tlio largest nnd
Inost utooU of sample sllppora west
of Chicago.
All tlio flno sample slippers from
Atlanta As Pottlntrllra factory ut less
tlinn tholr coil. Compare our prlc s.
Mon'a velvet embroidered slippers ,
Goc. worth 81.00.
Mon'a line oporn embroidered slippers ,
"Oo. worth 81.1M.
Men's line opera embroidered slippers ,
90 . worth SI..50.
Mon's flno plush embroidered slippers ,
$1.2.J , worth $2.03.
Mon's ' line plush embroidered slippers , ) , worth & 2.50.
Hoys' line velvet embroidered .slippers.
70c , worth Sl.SM.
Ladies' light U3c rubbers , 15o.
Children's Goodyciu" 76c arctics , 60c ,
Ladles' Goodyear $1.00 arctics , 75c.
Mon's llghtHUc rubbers , IlSc.
Misses' Goodyear Sc ) ( ) arctics , Goc.
Mon's Goodvonr SI.'Jo arctics , Ooc.
ChiUU'on'd line SI10 rubber hoots
Ladies' fine $2.00 rubber hoots , 31.05.
Hoys' piifo fum $ ! ! . < " ( ) rubber boots ,
Mon's ahoep wool $1.60 felt boots , 95c.
Men's line $1.23 wool lined Alasltas ,
Miisps' line $1.7" ) rubber boots , $1.33.
Men's pure gum $3.00 rubber boots ,
Ladies' line 91.00 wool lined Alasltas ,
In flno shoes wo olTer you bargains you
cannot nlTord to miss.
Dry goods nnd shoo- ? .
The Forcible and Brilliant
David Frost.
He SprnkR of an IimlilloiiB Fee of Trmper-
n 1110 nnil unyn It Drinnntlx I.nw Commends -
mends In Earnest I.nneimp ; ? the Mnny
Virtues of Klrlcapoo Imlliin SugArn nnd
Gives 1IU KeuBoni.
The portrait of Davkl Froit , the noted
temperance lecturer , will lie recognized far
nnd wide. The noble work of thU distin
guished ndvoeiite of temperunco has given
him n reputation second only to that of the
late John II. Gough'3.
In a lucent conversation with Mr. Float ,
lint rentlcinan said , with the convincing
euincstness which chaructorlzeshisvoinaiku :
' One of the greatest pvlla with which the
ilcnd-i of tompuinnce have to contend la the
clu-tip whlikcydpcoctloiiiand nihernblo mm
nl.ftutcs by which the mail.ct 1 Hooded
.inder . the Kiilse of ' UIUer"Siu8ii ] > nrlUns , '
Gingers'nnd other piitont medicines. The
jnornioua consumption of such niMeruble
tiift doci Incnlculnblo Injury In many cnsea
by Implantliif ; thu taste for liquors wlu-ro it
never would exi-t othciwlie. ThU most In-
Bldlons fouu of intcnipcrance should be put
down by law.
" I do not mean to say. " continued Mr.
iron , "tlmt nil proprietary medicines coma
under this head , nnd In fact I know from per
sonal expci lance of one which ! > not only a
Great Medicine , a Splendid Tonic , and Un.
ilvnlled Illoml 1'nrlfler , but which li Inuocont
of all deteriorating Ingic < llent3 and Freu
fiom Harmful r.rfects , no matter how much
or how Jreoly It may bo med. It Is not my
wish to appear as the exponent of any public
remedy , but In this case I deem it my ilntv to
commend that Grand Komotlyof the Imllan
lacn , 'Klck.ipoo Indian 3aswa. '
" I speak fiom exnerlence , for It 1ms stooi\
mo in good stead. When half sick , worn out ,
nnd my most rebellious stomach refused to
loniier act In its normal capacity , ' Kieiaaoa
fiitluin bngim' ha * restored me to a healthy
coiullllon ulien natliinii else icoiiM. I have
taken occasion nl o to Icai -.oinethlng about
this medicine and its originand know that It
Is not only nn old and tiled lemedv among
the Indians but that Us Vegetable Purity and
IInrnilcs > 4 Curative Ktfccts is mill malntn'ined ,
and that IN manufacture Is still carried on bv
modern methods exactly in accordance with
the wuj s of thu iiohlo lied Man.
"Simple. Hoots , llniks , I.eavesnnd riowers
from the Fmost nni all that enter Into IU
composition , and the Stiength which H
gained from It * u-w M not thu false sticngth
of Iho mm bottle ! mt the Xoble Kxliilnrntinii
of Iloimdli'Health ! , nnd the I'liiilleil Itlond ,
cleansed of ltn poison , t'ourglni ; through a vciy
Vein and Aitery of tlm Iliinmn Sj.stem. "
Till * and moiu did Mr. Float huvu to sav In
leanid to " Klckapoo Indian fengwa. " Wouls
fail to cony the earnest force of his re-
muks : as oxpieased to thowilter. Mr. Fiost
still pnr ues with unabated vigor tlio noble
caiisn In which ho has enlisted , and wivs that
tempciaucii ivas never making biich vast
hendnayns it lit today.
Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
To tlu > ownersnf nil lots and parts of lots
nndri'ul valuta ulons llowatd ( .tu-ot nnd HI.
Jlniy'h nvoiiiH1 , fiom 10th btrcettu 21st blrcot ,
und Intelsi-i'tliiR htrtt'ts :
You aio hi'ruliy nolllli'd that Iho nndnr-
.slKiii'd. thrf dl-.lntorrsti'd fiouhnlilcr-i of ( ho
city of Onmlm , Imvo I'i'cn duly nppolntod liy
tin' major , with the approval of the city rnnii-
cll ( jf Mild oily , lo ascsi the dainaKO to the
awiiu4 ! u'-ipi'olUi'ly of the piopcity allcctcd
by chuiiKliiK the Hindu of hald Miculs and ln-
ti'iM'i'tlnt : siici't * . , doclaii'd neccssai v by or-
dliiiiiirn 15'J ' , passed 1'ubruary , 1B91 , up-
IirouMllVhnmryO , 1BOI.
Von aio funlicr notllleil , that havlnR ac-
cpplfil t-.ild uppolntiiiciit , and duly qualltled as
ii'ipilii'd by law , * iMlll , on the STlli day ol
Porrinbi'i * . A. I ) . , 1H9. , nt Iho hour of 11
o'clock In thu fort-noon , at the ollico of' ] ' , II ,
JlcUnllooh , room B4SJ , Now Vnrlt Mfo building ,
within thocoipoialullinll > > of t > ald city , meet
for the purpo-.o of coiiblilorliiR and niauliiK ( he
ussi'htinunt of daina u to thuonnurs rv * > | > ui'-
tivoly of bulil propoity. allcutud by ald
change of Rnuli' . takliiK Into conslduiatton hont'llts. If any ,
Von uiu nolllloil to no present at the tliau
nnd place afoiesald , and inaKo any objections
toorhtatitnuMitHionceinlni ; > ald assestiuvnt ol
damage- * consider ,
! > you may proper
T. ll. M't1lrM.UUll.
C'onimlttet' of Appialsuri ,
Oniulia , December 13. 1BOJ. D14dlOt
1'roputiilH lur the Dopniiit ut Funds ut tlu
City ornmnlm.
Sea'ocJ ' bids will bo rcculvod at the cltj
comptroller'ollico op to 4 o'clock D. in. . Do-
oeinborSTtli , ! * ) . ' , for the boat riitu of Intorcsi
for thousuof funds boloiiKlnc to the city o
Oiiialm for the periods of ono your In en in pi i
iinoo with section W nf Charter for Mutropoll
tan Cltlo-i. A.cvrtlltvd chocU In the sum o
ono thousand ilWJ ) ) dollars will be require !
from bidders aa a siianinli'O ot iiood fultli , Al
so an iillldavlt ot pi Id up capital sloe * . Tin
rl ; ht U n served to rojoot any or all bids.
Tlinu.ULbKN , Comptroller.
Omaha , Uoccmbcrl7th , IBVi dS.ddt
ttiN't EEL , AY
* lilll ! ii I I
It Curei Cold ! , Coughs , Sore Throat , Croup , Infla *
ntt , Whooping Congh , BronthtUt and Aithmt.
A certain euro for Coniuraptlon In flrtt itagii ,
and ft Hire relief in ftdraneea itajei. TJ e ot once ,
You will ltd the exotlltnt effect after taking the
flrtt done. Sold by detlcn everywhere. Large
bottlei 60 eefiti and 81.00.
The Marked Success
of Scott's Emulsion in consump
tion , scrofula nnd other forms of
hereditary disease is due to its
powerful food properties.
oott's Emulsion
rapidly creates healthy flesh
proper weight. Hereditary
taints develop only when the
system becomes weakened.
Nothing in the world
of medicine has been
so successful in dis
eases that are most
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
Propnri-rt by Rt > nlt * IVmno , N. V.
u. s. DKi'osi'roitv , oarA/r.i , xisn.
Capital S'K)0,000
Surplus $05,000
Office and Dlrectorn llpnrjr w. Yntei , president ;
It , C Cujhlni ; , vlon preildont ; C. S. Mnurlcu . V ,
Morso.John S. Colllm , J. N. II. I'Htrlc&i Lutrls S.
Cashier. " *
\Vo will fend you the marr lou <
French I < rrr rallon CALTHOO
fre * . and a legal guarantee thai
CAl/l'HO.S will Ilvttaro your
nienllli , Strength uud Vigor ,
Use it and /iiv if satufitd.
Addreco VON MOHL CO. ,
n l Antrlta-AgtaU , ClatUmitl , OUM
bexs-use ftis cVe. ) V >
tSj ( jtfxv. . , . nvsCi o * b
0uTS \ \ VB
' vV\ue
an 'ntTMYirtc \ < j o
wc\owo \
be K beexj
K < jo
wbe. \ \ .
V cS
best Qo&\Vty \ ,
, IN
The History of Ben Hur and Rudder Orange in
The Youth's Companion New Oulldlng
How I wrote Ben Hur by Gen. Lew Wallace. The Origin of Rudder Grange by its author , Frank R. Stockton.
The Bravest Deed I Ever Saw. Four-papers , abounding in thrilling incidents , by U. S. Generals Gibbon and Merrltt , Cact. King and Archibald Forbes.
In Foreign Lands. Articles by the Deans of St. Paul's and Westminster , The Marquis of Lome , Sir Edwin Arnold , Charles Dickens , and others.
" Your Work in Life. " Thirteen Articles by successful men and women in various Professions and Trades , written with special reference to aiding young
men and women in choosing what to do. 0 *
New Subscribers who send $1.75 nt once will receive Tito Companion Free to Jan. 1 , 1893 , nnd
FREE To for a full year from Hint date , including the , Double Numbers for Christmas and New Year. With
' The Souvenir of The Companion , describing the Now Building , 42 pages , In colors , will be sent
Jan. i , 93 FUEE to any ono requesting It who sends a subscription. ( Check , Money-Order or Registered Letter. ) Souvenir.
THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , 201 Columbus Avenue , Boston , Mass.
Get a Good
Theatre i-oat for 'Oc.
fliiirsilay Friday Saturday _ December
, , , 22 , 23 and 24
Saturday JIatlnco.
A. Suitoi-h Coniiiwty of FIiiyorH ,
Miss Clam Coleman , Mr. ' ( Ins Itoynolds ,
Miss Nolllu Walters. MrJ Ceo. llronnan ,
Mist r.ininn Howard , Jli' . Louis ijliea.
Sir. llonry Thavor. Mr. llenrv Klncsloy.
Air. Thomas McCarthy , Mr , Alox. Johnston ,
Geouine Irish Ponies.
NTi-At the Sutuid.iy
"Xorali" will ( llHtrlbnt0
Clirlntinns Toy * front
the staco Tor the chll *
( Iron In the uuillenoc.
Scats nro now oa snlo at the following prlocai
Firm Moor. lOv. "Sound tlUJ ; llalcony , il'o ' and Tic ,
Mutlnoe , V5c , Mo , 7tc.
rourNlL-liiH Two .MatIncus , HoKlnnlni ; Sunday
Matinee , Christina * Day , Doa. " > .
Aecoiuimolucl br
And the Strongest Comedy Company Ever
Urttunlzrd , In the runniest und
Hc tofTlium All
Funnier and Bolter Than Ever.
Halo opens Saturday at following prices
First lloor , 60c 7iu and 11.00 ; Italcony , lOu&nd
7 > c. Mutlnue I'rlcea 1'lrst lloor , 5J3 uud 7io ;
llalcony. l5u and bio.
_ _ _ _ _
Jjllco Dome , all roads load to the House of
Success ,
The Romantio Actor , Mr. PKED VnLTON.
[ Monte Gristo.
Matinee Saturday.
1 > 01 > UI
I.lko Homo nil Itonilb Lcnil to the HnuseoC buccms.
l XiuiiTAcomnioiioln ; with CIIHISTMAS MAT.
Snuday , Doc1 25. 5Iats.Moniliiy-Woanusdny
Webster & Brady's ) THE KOTTOM
Famous Marino [ - OF
Spootaclo , ) THE SEA.
aijd Theater.
nurton Stntiluy Comudy Comnnny.
' tlio Man
HOP-O'-MY-THUMB , Mldgot
and an llourof siieclullli.'b.
Matlriocs. ' . "Cu ; ovonlnjB"Jc and 'Ms ,
- TIIH -
Ladies' ' Perfect
Tlio only perfect raglnal
nml ructul bjrlriKO In ttia
It 19 tlio only Byrlngo ov
er Invented \ < r which VBK !
nnl Injcctlana cun bc > nil
iiiliilstrvil vtlthuut louk-
Inxund nollliiK tliu clotli-
Ini ; or rifcusBlIutlnu the
UBOof H veBfcl , nml which
rnn ulna bo utotl for ructal
liijoctloim or Irrlxiitlon.
bOFJ * millllttf. 1IUL1I
AM ) II A It I )
B1IKI.I , .
Mail ordem bollcltod.
TlieAloe&PenfoldCo , ,
I'hxilclunii' | iretvrlitloiii |
nccurutcly prfparcci ut
low urlcei.
Von urolii'reby nollfiod Unit tlio following
di" > oillcd inciiil * , . to-ult :
Hontlt lnilf of lot 10 , Kountro'riSnd addition ,
In tlio city of Omiilm , hnvo bt'un di-cliirod hy
ordliiiinct * No , 11370 to bu a riulMiiico by luason
of tlu ) hank of raitli uxUtlnK tliuii'on ,
oti : ii ti liuitiby dhrcti'U to iibuto hald nul-
hiuifd by Kiudlncclonii thu front puitsot tiald
hcjulli liulf nf lot II ) , Kount/ti'-i 'Jnd add. , ho us
to liruvciit lliii fiilllii ; . ' , wasting or HUbliliiK : of
curthon thOtolduwalU udjarunt tliurcto within
ilUilaysfioin IliuUthday of De-cumber , 1UU2 ,
tirfculd nulcuiicu ulll bo nbalcd by thuulty
nuthorlllus , und the uxpt in > o thurcof lovlcd ; in
iiHpeulal tux uKulnvt thu property on which
bald nulMincooxUls ,
Dutc-d this 17th day of Doconibnr. 1802.
Chairman lloaid of 1'nbllu Works.
1JCC. 17 , 10 , 0 , 81 , 22.
I am going to HOLIDAY - .
move OQ Jan. 15 , SURPRISES
' 93 , to my0New
Location on the
west side of
16th St. ,
Under the Comrrjcrcial FOR CHILDREN I
Natiorjal BaoK.
where you car ) see tfoe most attractive Jewelry Store
In the West , after that date.
14th paroan ) Sts.
* *
wfyere I an disposing of
elegant stocK of J-&w&Iry
l LZ ! '
- iO thje most roodern and ar
BB SANTA BBBBOBnBMflHMdKM0tBBDKMMHX CLAUS tistic designs , pirje Watches ,
Silver\A/are and the richest
stocK.of old mine Diamonds
and other rare gems at importers' figures , to
Holiday Customers , previous to removing to my
New Location.
For the OMAHA.
Teeth Filled Without -
out Pain by tha
La test Inven
Tooth Extracted Without Pain or
A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.03. $
I'erfoct fit Kimrontood. Tooth ozlract9d lo tbn
. I-en ones InicrteU la tUu uvunliu o ( iiiuu
day ,
Kca epocliueui of Heinornbla llrlilito.
t-co t | > ocliucni of Floxlblo Hluttlo IMato.
All work warrunted
Office Third Floor Paxton Dlook ,
TelcpUODU 10SS , K.lh and Kurnam Hts.
Take elcrator or lUlrvrar from 10th Ut. uatrnnoi ,
It a Kravutroublo tlio fore
riinnor of Hint clroail fuo.
a broathini ; tiuutinuut , U a to tlio unxtou *
BillToror.wliotii 11.rc.llnVL'a with Ilomu ( ittnoratn
ilio iimt Inliiilatlon , ami ouicu , roull
curcalii a Urlul spauv , ut homo.
liuvo resurtod to It , nnd our
I'rtio. toll * ot tholr oxiierioiioo.
Suite 510 Uooly Bide , Omul-a.