Till ? OMAHA lUIIiL HKKs TIlJJlKIUY , nflPBMMKU 22 , 1802 THE DAILY HUM IMUA'FFS. Oil U i - NO IS I'HAW * STKUITT. U'd l > j rnrilof to tiny part of the city II \ \ TII.roN , - MANAOKU. iHutlni-nOnirft . No. 41 Kdltor No. MHMIO.Y. N. Y , Plumbing Co. Council HlulTa Timber Co. Coal. .IwlRo Smith has modified the Injunction In tlio IM N , Hrown rase 10 ns to nllow tno , horifT to sell the tfoods which nro likely to tic destroyed If left In tlio atorngo house. Andrew lloilerwii niTCstnl jcstcnlny for KPltliiK drunk , ( llstmliliitf the pence , nnd breaking the windows , brer glasses , nnd r > thiT brenlcnblcs nt a Main street saloon. A lettrr hns been received from TJ Kcubert , n ntunitc wholsnowlsltlng his old homo In Ucriniitiy , stilting that ho Is to be marilcd to u lady of the fatherland lit the near future. nojmty Sheriff Stone of Shelby county was In the tlty yesterday em-out o from Hnrlnn to Clnrindn , ulth nn Insane p.itlf-nt who Is to bo taken to the nsylum there for treatment. Thoto111 boa special mcptlng of liar mony cliiter : | , No W , Order of tlio Hastorn Star , at the homo of Miss K-nmn Totter , liinicroft ton ace , this ovonlns ? at S o'clock. My order of worthy matron. 'I'hcro \ \ 111 bo a concert tomorrow ovenluc at , the Union Christian mission. U'lH Broad way , under the auspices of the Oirls Industrial - trial school The ptoeecds will be used In rimchasing supplies for tlio school. This afternoon at H o'clock there w 111 bo n Bpcclnl meeting of the Woman's Chrlstiai Tempo ] ami ! union at the loomn of Hit YouiiR Men's Uiii istlan association. It expected that Mrs rrancls Muiphy wouh bo iHcscnt , but she having been failed une\ lieclcdly to New Yolk , her place will be , lllled by other Interesting featuies. A O Nownmndli'dTucsday.rfjredl'iOie.ns lifter an Illnt'ss of three weeks The funer.i will take iil.ioi' this afternodii at 'i o'clock ftoin the l.imll.v icsiilcncf on Thirteenth street , near the toim-r of Twentieth IIVCIIUP , Dr. Pliulps ofllclatinic The icmains will bo Imilcd in Walnut Hill letmilerv The de ceased leaves a wlfo and two diumhteis I.onls Wclustein of Hmlhigton , A ( ' HatiLkof Iowa Citv , and A T Klii Unger of Council HlulTs , who compose the boat d of trustees of tlio school for the deaf , held n incotltif , ' loipntl.v , at which It was decided to continue the woilt of boilng an aitesian well. Woilc lias alieady pieKic.sscd to a depth of .CIO feet , and the oM'isccr thinks that Holn will lie btruelc within 100 or 1M ) fcctinoro Tlie , larIs Wine company bepan .U'bter- 3ny to tcmlnd their fi lends thai tlio holiday season is ut hand. ' Ilandsomeh { rotten up packages decorated with pink and blue ilb- 1)011 * were sent out , bearing the pi luted words : ' 'Merry Cliiistmjs and ii happy Now Year. Compliments of the , Iaris Wine company " All tlio hobpltals and ehui Stable Institutions in tlio vicinity were loinembcicit with gallon packages , siniilnily decoiated and lllled with the iinest brandy Beccham's Pills for a Tj.ul liver. G'lcmiliiK I'Pnlo. ' . Ill order to olcnti up our dry goods Btoolc wo will offer the on tire block ut Hioittly reduced prlcoa for the no\t ' thirty'iliiya. You win buy a Sfl.OO blanket for 87.00 8.00 blunkot , for ( > .OU These blankets 7.00 blanket for 5.50 uro nil wool. 0 0 ! ) blunkot for 1 50 westoi n inndo 5.00 blunkot for 11.50 4.00blunket for 3.00 Our stock ot Itxdics' , pfontlomou'rf : ind children's unilorwear is coniploto nnd will bo sold ( it greatly reduced prices. Dress goods , Ikuinolri , table linens , nap kins , hosiery , handkerchiefs , ribbons , luces , jewelry , cloves und ml lions and u full line of fcilk umbrellas. In lact BVorythinpr in stock will bo oftorecl at n bargain. JAMES &HAVERS1OCK- 201 Main St. nnd 205 Peurl St. I'nrs. I'urs. riiri. See the line nt the Boston Store. Mulls from lc ) to $15.00. The liugest line and the best vuluo in Iho west. BOSTON STOUK. Council Bluffs , In. iM.moy.1JM'MHMPUS , Mrs .1. M. I.'ino is \ iblting friends in Min neapolis. Mrs. J. T. Baldw in lias gone to Chicago ti visit fi lends. Horn Tuesday night , to Mr. and Mrs. B N. Wiillcn , a son. W. W. C'uuger and family lelt last oveiiiiif for Chicago , where thej will spend the hoh rijs. : IM Strew loft jrstcul.iy for Foil Dolgo s wheto his family has a reunion during the liolid.ijs. Mis. Francis Murphv left last evening foi Now York to spend Chi litmus theio will her husband , Dr. Sarah Smith , who has been attcnditi the post-giaduato college in Philadelphia fo scAcral months , letuincd homo jesteiday. Mis. J , .1 Giavatto has gone cast for visit ot sinoi.il months She will spciu bomo tlmo in Philadelphia , her former home1 C. II. Ilutehlns and wife lea\o today for \lsit of two moutlib with f i lends in Gram Island , Chicago und Pittslnug. Miss Ida Wallace has rctuiued homo fioi Iowa City , wlieio she has been attendingth medical department of the Iowa State mil voislty , and will spend thoholidijs with he paiouts , Mr. and Mrs \V W. Wallace. You should keep Salvation Oil on hand ; i Will euio all aches and pains. I'rlto - . " > cents l.iiturirmu | I'liicc HulnK frofiuontly urged to bollsinvl portions of my farm , 1 have ut lust do cldod to plat 200 ucres of Untorprlai Place , ftunllinrly known us the Seot farm , mill to begin the sale ut once ii live nnd ten ncre lots. I huvo pluced tin Biuno in llio luinds of Grcoiibhialih Nicholson & Co. , who will uctinlh inultor us my exclusive agents. Frill IJroworB , ( jurdonors und those who wan tlio conveniences ot u oltv combine with all the udvuntagcH of the riches fin-mini : lund uro now given u rure 01 Dorlunity to do so. M. To IT. The snow und cold weather does no Jiimiiiah the demand for ucroago In th iClniu truutJ uilloB east of the po-il Jllloo ; itOO acres yet for sale in from on ; o ton acre tracts , mill'iblo for fruit un yarden. Day & Hess , ngoiHs , ! i'J ' 1'oui itroot. Now wutohcs , now rings , now style aow prices' , sterling bilvcr und pfutc joods. A. A Hart. Apilnst tlio Motor ( /onip my. .Tudgo Alcfiou lendeied u voidlct yestcrdu igalust the Omaha & Council Bluffs BiUU mil Uallway comp my for $ \OJ3. The plai ' ilff In thu easu was , f. W. Cropland. Clain igalnst thocompiny forpaviiu between tb tmeks and on emu foot on either side w ei assigned to him by various piopcrty owuei nil over the city , and ho commenced a su for the above mentioned amount. A slmil , Judgment was lendeied nome time ago favor of another party and thu case was u i ( Msalcd to the supreme coutt. Tlio presei cnso will pmbablj'Ko the same way and may bo ioira before tun property ownei w 111 | fet hold of any of the comp iny's cash , Piles of people Juno piles , Imt DoWltt \Vlteh Hazel sal\o will euro them. < ' < mt Milo , At the BOSTON STORE , Council BUiffa , la. Curl Burhorn. Biiceessor to 15 , Bu horn , hiis the only now jewelry stock i city. Many holiday novelties. Do you amoUoV Ilnvo you tried' 1) . King & Co 'a 1'iirtagubV It's uhnriuer. Just light one. Wanted Gush oiler for ton shun Citl/.on'a Stuto bank stook. Must 1 told. Addrostt E. LL Sheufo , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS further Reasons Why W , W , Bllger Should Bo Apprehended. OTHER VICTIMS OF HIS DISHONESTY At Prrnrnt tlir lnl l \Vlilcli tlic Invnltn 1 lililrrn Tliom mil Ditl- .Mnito to Capture Him. The victims of W W l llior arc not through coming to light ift , and { f l\o should o\crrctuin the chances uro oxccllent for his spending the remainder of his natural life In the penitentiary on the numerous counts" that ha-\o so far been made against him. Oeorgo A. M'lgue.y , a prominent attor ney of Oimilii , was In the city yesterday making an Imostigatlou of Ullgei's nflalrs , and inquiry develop id the1 fact that he holds a note of $ "iON ( ) ) , bearing rxactl.v the same slgnatuu's as those alrrulv mentioned , all of which are undoubt edly forged. Magnes does considerable busi ness lit the money loaning line in addition to his law business , and when Hllger presented him the note it appealed to bo all rlaht on Its face , and he bought it A suit was commenced in the superior court yesterday by Andrew Miles , .lames W. Viliton , executor of the estate of .lohu lj Miles , uud .lames Thompson ngalust W W Hilger , K. W H-irt ami S P MaeConn ll , to collect $ xi/l alleged to be duo for interest cousins , which the plaintiffs were given power of attorney to pay off , on several mortgngas on Hllgcr's property. % W II. K'nepher attached u stove that had been in use in the Columbia , to satisfi a claim of JM The stove had been taken down by tlie older of Fiod ( Seise , the owner of the place , and set out in front of the build ing wailing fora man to come along and take It down to the llllger lesidcnce , when the wilt of attachment wassened Several letteis have been received at the First Nation il in lepH to Iho notices of pro test which vveio sent out the other day to the Indoiscm of the His note of W.KX ( ) They all deny having signed their names to the paper The mvstcry sllll dc'cpuis as to how so pier a penman us Hilgcr could loigeall these stgn.i- tmes so perfectly Tlio last discov end note biiugs the cnliio amount of his peculations so far as thej .no known , lo about $ l,0l)0. ! ! ) and as Iho amount glows the probabllitv of his lelathes settling in case he should be caught diminishes. JJfloitsaio being made to trace him , however Tclegiams aie.being sent and detectives aio working on the case Constipation cm oil l > i UcWHt's Kaily Kibcis. COAT SAM : . The ( Jicit Co.it sale at tin * Uoilnii "itiiri - I.astH All ncelt. Wo say without fear of contrndiclioti : tliiit wo luivo the isireest line , the nob' blest line mi d by fur the lowest cusli prices. Ij.'erythinj * included in this sale plush coats , Indies' und misses' ami children's every tjiiriuent in the store al cost prieo until S-itimliiv ovonint ; at It p. in. BOSTON STOUK , Fotheriujrlisiin , Whitolnvv it Co , Council Blulls , la _ C.lrnu nod iviiplc1 Dlstnrln d. Glenw-ood , Mills eoimtj , is just now nl toin up over n letter said to line been writ ten by Mis Alice D cr of this city to b. E Williams of lh.itplace. Mis. Dior fonncil lived with her husband nt this Mills count' capitul , uml while there became liuohcd it u very extensive neighboihood loud. It I alleged that she wioto this letter in order t lelioveher feelings after h.uing icmovci fiom the scene. In It some very sensation. charges aio m.iUo , well calculated to npse the internal economy of the < [ uiot little toui most interested. Mr. Williams has laid thi matter befoie the federal attoiney , and th . latter nd\Isecl that -in action bo commence against Mis DI or for ( .ending obscene matter tor tinoujrh the iniiils. She was taken be foie the United States commissioner and he bail lixcd at ? . > 00 , which she piomptl\ gave The trouble over which the letter wa wiittcn is aho.idy in the distiiet couit o Mills county in the foiniofnMO.OOOlibel suil and the letter will bo re.ul duiing the trial which begins today. o Mr. and Mis. Dior are well fixed finaii Lially and weie well respected in Glenwood An honest pill is the nnlilp&t work of tb apothecary. DeWitt's Uttlo Karly Ulsor cuie constipation , biliousness and biuk head acho. III' ! { , o Don'l full to view the ten head c cnttlo nl Mcschomloif's meat market bought from Swift & Co. , thu ( inn thu donated the big ox to the Ulniutauqu last suminor , nnd testified on the wil ! nctH stand lust week that nil their eattl : were inspected by the United States in speotor. , FOR CHRISTMAS. Turkeys , 12e. i Geese , JUje. Ducks , I''jo. Chickens , 8.3 , to nil comers , al Mei ' ehendorf's meat nmrkot , 3,1'i Broadwtn SICl.ll | T'l Kl'ttll ) N.I 11' . Fine nickel plated coopar ten kottlcs $1.23 , sold everywhere for 82.50 ; wil lasln lifetime uti'J never tarnUh. Col & Cole , ! ! Main street. If you have not bought Iry Hurt o Hlurlintr nnd plutod goods ; golhispricoi see his lino. 10 In till ) Coillts , Lt Dining the tii.il of the case of the stal Ltn Lto against II. Pybiirn , on chtugo of obtainin o money under f.ilso piolensu , which icsulte , in u coiuiction , V. II Joromu , the o\\ner c 10 the famous Lifiijotto aildition to the city i It Council illutls , was put on the stand and tl It attoinoys undertook to K.I in some insigl id into the methods ho pursued In disposing s stat his lots. After u number of questions co ; coining the addition and its location as r gards the bottom of the river had bci asked and ansucicd , the couit inlencncnl. at the objection of the lounsel for the dofen > to und the inquisition was nlint ofT , tot Ficd Mou is , n butcher of Oakland , t10 under ancst for bending an obscene lott id through the mailh to Miss Susie Hankin , idrl school tpueliwof A oea Mortis is slid rl have bi-i'ii actuated by jealousy and took th method lo get c\en with the joung lady b cause bhu piefi'iied another young man Tl ] v butcher was sant to Jail In dcfnult of is" -tl bail and will probably bo icinoved to D Molnes forconllneiiicnt piovlous to trial. Yon don't want a torpid lUerj jou iion want n bad complexion , \ou don't want bid bteathyon don't want a hcadnuli gu Then usu Do Witt'rf I.ittlo Ihrly IJisura , tl " ' J famous little pills ns Paul Schneider , thoUniircist , has tl ro newest noveltH'H in iolluloll ; nnd aim irs liuun { roods for tlio holiday ? . No 01 tit elbe currloa the line , nnd ( hey are tl ar in handsomest things jou ovov saw. pnt Spoulul ChriHtinas outlory Halo i nt Colo'ucloan uliior | | ) poolciitknivos.iMzo it nnd Blioars. Oolo's , 41 Main sireot. srs Coal and wood ; best and chcapc ts Missouri hard wood iu the city ; proin delivery. II. A , Cox , No. 1 Main. Brighter than ( , ras , elioapor than oU trio liglit and us beautiful ns a tiroam tlioso now art lamps al Lund " ' " I'orrcitoii tin ! ii ill. iu The case of the city of Council Hlu against Frank Can oil , chaiged wlthbcl T.it an Inimito of a dlsoiderly house , was set ; it a trial in the distiict couit jcslerday 1110 ing , hut thodefcndaiit failed to show up. i was fined in iiollce court several months ai es uud appealed the case , getting Dan Ciirrl bo to go on hia bond. JudguSmith gave not that If lie did iiot uppoar ut 1'JO ; o'clock dcrlnrc th ( > bcn-t foi foiled nor hi * uttoni. urrc piMf n * ul thi ii' ! ' t' n iul tbpcmnt iniiirlout thrlhion' 'Ihli was the lost iiimin.il ras * m the rtuclict. tin i i < nil Ilium * bcvn ills | i c lof or lontinunl , an 1 tin1 Hit v wns dliihiiiged until thp next term , v\hlch opens .tnnu ifv 31. The convicti'd rrlmltinls will be sentt'iiecd iifxt'Satuiilny afternoon at I ! K ) o clock. Ijraorancfl of Iho merits of DeWltt's l.lttlo Unily Klsers Is a mUfortini" Those little pills rcffulato the liver , cure headache , d.vs- popsl.i , bad breath , constipation and bilious ness. llnllililj < ! ( > ( il < . nvorythlnp in the holiday Hue con ceivable in Iron , wood , bisque , etc. , to bo found on our uounloro. HOSTON STOIin. roriinuiNOiiAM , WirtiT.i.AW.fe Co. , Council UlulTs , la. For warmluc K\\osl \ \ chnmbors , bnth rooms , etc. , our uas hciilora uro just what you want. Look nt them. Clean , convenient ehuap. U. B. G.vs und T.loc- trie Lijtht To. 200 wool foil huts nl Me and 100 Wench felt linte at l)5c ) ; woolen hoods ul Ji'xs al Mrs. 1'fullTor's , 202 and 311 Broadway. Prices low. Goods now. Assortment large. No misrepresentation. A. A. Hail , 145 Broadway. I.rapr.r I'm I ) . A number of the joiing sieietv Indies of theelt.v gave a leap.\ear p.nU last evening atthi'Sapp building It wns an Informal affair , but none the less enjov able The .voting ladies did all in their power toji\o Un veiling men In iheir chaise a peed lime , keep- ini ; tab on their PUVIMIIIH vIth \ the greatest solicitude for fear the.v should laik for part- neis , while the .voting men in their turn held the mirror up to the irhls bv secluding them selves In iccesses ana other places just be- foie eaeli dance , andioinpelllng the gills to undergo a pleat deal of uimecoss.ir.v worry lest a dance should go b.v niidanced M tsii- \rtis futnishcd by the Spanish students , nnd icficshmunts were .served shortly before midnight. Perfect action and peVlect health lestilt fiom the useof DeWitt's Little llirlj Kiscrs A perfect little pill. A line line ot holiday goods , juvenile boolcs , choice uarfnmory and fnnoy arti cles of all kinds at Doll G. .Morgan cc Co.'s drug store , 74' ! Lower Broadway. - No doubt the most complete stock of , line holiday novelties 1 * at D.iyis' , the . lending druggist nnd perfumer. Bouglil organ stock of C. B. Musi ! Co. Will sell thorn cheap. Mar. Uour- ichib , 110 , 111 Slntsnmn slreot. McPhail p'.iitiod nnJ Ciowu organs , cash or installments. QMnr. Bourlclus , llOStutsman Blroct. The genuine Lfoutul Oak tove = , also fine line of oil hodtord. Colo's , 11 Main street. i ' See those oil heaters ut Swuino's , 737 Ii Broadway. L P. Judsoncivil ongincor.3-8 B'way. , il / ; . % / a. With dramatists \viitesuch plays as Bionson llow.'rd'j ' "Tlio Henrietta , " and comedians to piesunl them such .ib Stuart Hobson and his company , the Ameiican diaina is not in such a pulous condition as should bo c illed Inpjlesb The audience II was small that assisted in the presentation t- of Goldsmith's loincdy Tuesday evening ; last evening the Bo.\d was filled to see "The ; . Ilcmietta. " The uimodj lias be'cn seen in ' Oimilia hoveial times and is familiir ton ' J thcati'r-goeis. The same Loinpan.v , cssen- n ti.illj , has been seen before in the patts , and iso : it is.ilmobt needless to say that last night's o ( puiformancc was practically faultless. To id partieulaii.se as to degicesot excellence weie idil ! vain , but the perfection ot Mr. Woodward's iln ait as Old Vanalstjno demands expression n of appicciation. Air. Woodward's study 1C gains in finish with every performance , till now it is only compatible vuth the 1C 1Ct ! very best work of the French m.istcis of t- comedy character o\pics > sion. Mr. Uobson tB - is Uortic. The pait lltb him as well as his clothes , whkh is saying all theie is to sty of o. praise , and his playing throughout is of the ls highcbt tut. M is Hobson's widow is the most charming , as to many it is tlio most pcifcctly successful , of her impeisonations. Kvcry other part in the comedy a comedy w hose mam motives are Mipicinoly tragic is in most capable hands , the whole making up n pcrfoiinance to be enjoied on Hist see ing and ever after in memory. ( > oil. I have sold and used in my family for sev eral .vcais t'hambei Iain's , Colic , Cholera , and UiaiiluiM ivincdy , and have found it one of the most useful and s itisfuctory icm- of edics I ovei handled. C. II. Lewis , druggist , Salt Lake OU ) , Utah. _ llLll.lt IIIt tIc - Xe York Mipior Uo'iters VIIl I'lRlit the Ic Whlsltj Trust. n- Nuw YOUK , Doc. .til A l.ugely attended meeting of the liquor Dealeis asssociation was held heio this aftciuoon Tlio members of the trade were invited whether membois of thp association or not The cause of the meeting was the i event lisa in the price ot 'SV. - spiiits , made by tlio trust. Colonel blossor V. ot the Wine and Spiiit Gazette piesidcd V.s. Mr. D. M ICoehlei made a speech lie said that the wholesale liquor denims were dic s. tated to b.v a few wrstcin men , -who com 11 bined together to lender thodealers poor and Ic themselves lich , lie moved that a commit tee of cloven bo appointed to solicit subscrip tions fiom the trade for Iho building of dis- 111 tillei ics , to bo run by the dealers , indepen is ; dently of iho tiust. This was carried unani mously. 3Iurilnn ; l.ict'iiscH. lo The following m.uriago licenses were ! , ' issued by County Judge KHlor jcstciday : jd X.uno and nihlios . Auo jdof ll'luls IVtPisi'n , f-onth Oimilia i2f of I l'.ll/i I ) . lliiiinliMill , > ontli Oniiiha : i : of III. Diulc'l l > . Tc < iitinMu\llli > , In he { nillo M. l'.ul < s , W.ili-iloo , Xi-1) 'Jt lit I'l.ink Mn/.ik. Hi's Molui" . 2 : of I Allio lleiiuotl , It.iudoliili , l.i I ! ofm II Mli-lincl ruUi1'oit Oinaliii 2' iij- I Lena Kuhi'i , I'ml Oni.ilni It iijen I Tumi's Knott. Oniiiha H ( at I Mis. 1:111111.1 : Klninu'll , Uinuli.i : < ( iCcnuu W. riulcl.Uinilm 1 ! ( ( haiah .1. l.oii nniii' , Onmlm 21 is j Wllllani II MouN , Oni.ilni 2- NullloM. Allen , Uinihii. to u Why tlii'ow away jour money for ovrrj now eolith sjrui > , \liou jou c'an buy tlui JC- stauiliiul iciuocly Dr. Hull's Cough B . . , Illllllllll I'Cl'lllllH. The following pel mils wcio issued by the supciliiteiiilcnt of biiildiius jesterday : Mel/ HUH , Inlckbtoio , Tenth audllav- n't onpoi t . . . . $ 2,001 n'ti AlHliuVv 'roinienliuiK. coll.U'i1 , 'J-tl'J ID bdtithTvuMilli'lli ut'liiii ) HOI IDho M , lluiwiuh.hlon > , lOlH Dciiinlis htiiut. fJUi ' " ' ' 'mill I'nsli'llnr stieul . . . . 3,20' .hiliii ll ! > liop , dwi'lllii ) , ' , 1'oily iccond lie : and ( iitiiil sircols , . . 1,60 IU- Tom inliiui pvimiln . . . v 70i II O Tot ul penults Issued . * 8'JU ho The iratuoiili ! siclil iu Uojk's n\tr.i Dry Tin puilul L'htiiniuHiio is DUO of tlio best lumcilic on foi cello or lii.ailuiM , Jl'8 est lUt 00- for PHI- PHIHu Hu KO , Ira lieu he rTlll lll A1 ' 4\T I PCM 101X1 SCIItJIli Ol1 AA ASbASMN Miners Enticed Into tlio Mountains Stories of Ortnt Wealth , DETAILS OF A COWARDLY MURDER i Mory of n Coloiniln I'rmprotor Who Unit i Nurrcm l > < ipc from Dentil nt tinIliniilf of n Com * ( nnilon. W\o , Dei- -SiH-oIal [ Tele- to Tin : Hr.r l-Tioin HOIMIIM ionics mc.ipcr dctiilli of u most iwumlly crime' The story IIIIIH as follows Tuo men named QKiduln mid Stclian.ciitlntotbat | ) . coun try last fall from Colorado , Vtliero tliey claimed they h.id been uoi king in tuo mlulnc dhtiic-t iii-.ir 1'lke'i Peak. The litter olnlined to know \\hcie there was a tlch irold lodKe In the Hip Hoin mountains in the Yellowstone iinintr.v , either In uoitlipin W.\oinliir ( nr Moilt.uu Tin1 iuir A\c-ut to that section. iMinplnp at Hr.v Homl , In sight of Hip lloin c.injou A little lilslunan by the name of Oaffnev ( Mine l > v their caliln on his \\av from Sheri dan to stall a s'lloou In Hill Clt.v. S D . uud .is nttr.ii'tcd hy the yarn about the rich ledtfc' One day while ( lladu \\asatisont fiom the IMIII ) ) he htMid a shot and on ro- tuinlnj ; found both G.iflncv and Stcph.inv nilssiii ) ; SiMU'h was uindo for soM'r.tl wreks with the assistnnco of r.nigo riili'i-s nnd otheis. rinally Oaffni'j's lemulns were found , anil on which the oo.\otoshul : fc.istcd. Steh.in.hasn't | ) . been trarcd IK1 is believed to lune nnnxU'ied ( laflncx and robbed him of hit outfit. Kohl watch and inoncs ( ! lad- win thinks hiinsi'lf lucl < \ . as lie now bcho\os Stephan\'sstnrvof hidden ticasmo was In- vcMitod to hue him into the mountains and nib and kill him. Ariiiliie the ( ' ( latest CIIBPS. CiirviiNM- , \\\o , Dec. 'Jt. [ Spedal Tcle- pi-aiu to Tnr HunIn ) the suuomo | court ; nday arguments MCIO heaid on tin1 dc- muiicr of the stale can\assintp board to the C.iibon county nctltioni-is. The dumuneis \\cie on the followluif Rrounds : 1 That die . \c-tloii \ should hiM-licc-ii Inoti ht In ( In * ( llxlilc't couil. ' _ ' . That llicsiipicnu1 couit had no Jurisdic tion. ! ) . That the petition (11(1 ( ( not show the can- Miss to li-iM' bocn l"r.illv ! he-Id. -1. That tlii-pc'tltlon (11(1 ( ( not show facts sulll- clcnt I o const It nt u acauso of action. U W. Uiwkons opc-ucd on the second pioposition for the defendants. Ho aipucd that each branch of the legislature , accord ing to the constitution , is the sole judge of the qualification of its own members It the coint gianted the piayer of thciel.itms it would bo assuming an exclusive function of the legislative bodies Per this ic.ibon , alone , the wilt should bo denied. Attorney Goneial Potter scoicd Mi. Pat- teisouigoiously for his attack on the dig- iiltj of the com t and the opposing counsel. Ho argued that the justices on the county canvassing boards stood in the s nno position as the ginernor docs under the constitution , to the state boanl. Neither wctciiaitof the boards , though icqulred to be picsont. A. C. Campbell , for the potitioncis , claimed that a w tit of mandamus could bo issued to compel the canvass of certain re tin us. C. K lJl\U'nbui'h ( , for the petitioneis anil Judge Van Dovatiter for4thc > behalf of the de- imnier. made the ( 'losing ' aignnicntb. The latter dotted most of his attention to the point that the law meant that the clerk alone constituted the Uoaul of CountvCaiivasseis. ' 1 ho coin t then ailjoiutn.il to Friday at 11 a m. m.For For coughs ami thioat disorder use Brown's Bionehi.il Troches "II.uo never changed m\ mind icspc'cting them , except I think better of that \vhich \ I b-an bv think iugwell of" lio\v Hunry Ward Ue echer Sold only in boxes. TOOLS A'ND SUPPLIES. Special Sale at Reduced Prices During December , Fplccs. Cishiis Color , Krclcers. Now Ptvlo Klocks , I'liniac'es niicl CaulUimiH , Mnit Hacks , be lies and nprliiK Bal-meas , Itutchors' Coats , frocks , U.ips , etc. D. H. fflcDaneld & Co. , 820-822 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Id. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS. All kinds of Dyeing and rioinliis done In she liUhoit btyhi of tlio art. I'lidud uml tilucil f.ibilus ni.ulo to Ion ) , us RooJ as now. Worn promptly done tin I clollvuiul In all p irlh of tlio country , bend for piiuo list. C. A. MACHAN , Proi > rlotor. llrc.idw.iv.no irNorthwudtorn DJ ot , Council lilntr * . . Tn. UK. K. C.\VI3ST'8 NKHVI3 A.NI ) 11UAIN 1IIKAT- ment , n hpoclllo for llyftcrln. lilz/lnoss , Klti , .S'on- rnlKlu. lleii'Jicho , > crvo 3 rrustnitlon cuisailhy llquuror tubiouo , wnkufulneii * . Mcntul leirci ) lun , boftnoai of the llrnln cnimlUK iinsinlty , nihorj , do- cny.iloalli.l'rciuitireOlil AKC , .Ncrvousncsi , IMH ot Tower In I'lllier suit , liiipotency , Loncorrhca unit nil I'onmle WcAkne Hun , Invnlunlnry I.OH UH bpcnnii- torrlion ciuitcil li > UTur-Pxerllon of tlio brain. A muiitli'H trcilmontil ; ( ! for 55 ; by null Wu Kimr- anleoil boxes to euro. Hacli onlor fore hojtos wltli f5 will send wrlttc'iitfunrnntc'u to refund If not cured , ( iiiiriuilco Issued only liy ' 1 licoiloro K Iowl , driiK- tint , nolo nt'urit , touthunbt corner Idtli and tarintm streets. Umulin. PARTIES WANTING Anhousor , Uuihyoisoi1. Fnust and Piilo BIClCHh , ISITlIBlt BOTTLIOD OH IN KEGS , cnii lo.iVo orders nt No. 21l ! Main Strcol , Couiicll Hlullrt , loivu , or Telephone UU , ! , Goods delivered promptly. AGENOY for Anhcuscr-Buscli , Brewing Ass'n , ' ) , ! of St. Louis , MJ. ID Improved Safety Elevators , KIMBALL BROS. OMAHA orriur jou iouios ) .srunm Cor. Oth St. and 11 A\e. , Council DlufTs. FOUR POINTS JL \ * / % * fi JLI * \dfAJLll JL k That interest every buyer. The goods we sell only known qualities. The style our cutters turn nothing but the latest. The making every garment stands the closcst scrutiny. The selling we know what we sell and we sell only what we know ; our mar gin is the .closest consistent with the economical conduct of business , Here arc some samples in which these points are apparent to all our store is full of others , etc. A SUIT The goods wool mixture in 5 different We sell you shades in sacks only well trimmed and At $5. excellent value for the money. OVERCOAT In Glue and black beaver , velvet collar , We sell you or in tan and brown kersey. A good scr" At $8. viceab'c coat worth anywhere $12.50. Clay worsted , or corkscrew sack , or A SUIT We sell you cutaway , colors blue , black and brown. At $12.59. Unsurpassable in style , cut and finish. ULSTER Genuine Irish frieze ( imported ) , for We sell you merly retailed at $25. Two shades only At $17.50. oxford and brown. THESE FOUR ARE FAIR SAMLES OF O JHEL QOODS , T-HE1 BTYLE1 , THHx MAKING , 'THJEX Columbia Clothin > Cor. 13th and Farnam. Merry tore. Do not leave your Christmas purchases until the last moment but come early- avoid the rush and select your presents while our stock is complete. You can have them laid aside until Christmas week , at which time we will deliver them to any part of the city desired. TOPLM8EPSPMNDTHEBOY8 An overcoat , a suit of clothes , suit of underwear , a pairo trousers , an umbrella , silk ties , silk hanlkcrchiefs , gloves , mitts , night robes , smoking jackets , bath gowns , dress shirts , negligee shirts , collais , cuffs , silk suspenders , etc. , etc. All Useful Holiday Gifts. Cheapest Clothing House in Council Omaha Medical and Surgical I Eye and Ear INFIRMARY FOl-i THIS rniIFN ( llest faolllllos , iipii irntui ami rtnnudlesfor the successful Ire.ilinuul of ttvurv forni of biirwtlo.il tro.itiiicnt , fiO beds for i > nlenlH. bo nil runl ultundtnco. Host uuconiniodiilloiis In tlio west. V.'rlto fur circulars on dofonultloi iui'1 ' brncei , trussuu , club feel , cur\uturos of spine , piles , linn or , c.incor. rat.irrh lironcliltla , Inliitlatlun oleutip. Hy , pur ilykH. epilepsy kMney , bliullsr wye , on , Bltln ami bioud "ml nil nuruli'il nporullnne DISEASES OF WOMEN of women I'ltHI ! \ \ ' luivo Inloly milled n lyliu-ln ( laimrlmvnt for MOIIIOII dnrlnz tonilnumunt hlrli lly prlvato Only llollablu JloMlc.il luntltutu nuiklinf a specialty of 1'HIVAin DISKASKS All lllooil ll ) o i oi micooHif iilly trentoil Hyplill- Ilia I'olroiiB nunovtil from tlio ny tom ull'iont ' nier- curr. ow llimorotlvu Irc.iliuonl for J.usi of VI- 'lAli l'O\V-it \ ) ; Tenons uiubla to > Ull in may DU treated at homo lurreipunilunru All comninnl catloni contldontlHl Medltlnuj or lintriiiiiontt Hunt by nmll or u pru , ecuuruljr INK keil , nomarkHlo Indlcalo contenti or tender i'no personal Intur view preferred Cull nnd uonxilt u > or fond lilatory of yonrrn < u , nnd nmvlll son I In plain wrapper our " I'HKU "pun Trlvulo , fcpoclal ROflK" TO MPN DUUIV 1 U 1UCN or iCrvoti , liliainn * , linpo tency. Hjphllls , ( i Iceland Varlcotolu , iTllli < jno Uim ll t. t.llracot , Appliances for neformltloi nnd Triiioos. Onl ) muntifuitory In tliu vtoit of UKKOHMITV , ATTl.IANCK5 ! , THU-HK3 , IJI-UST. U1C IIATIKUIKS AND 1IKI.TS. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th and Broadway , Oaunoll Blair i. Ton nilnulce rldofroiu center of OnnlianoOunhs und Council lllufN electric uiutur llnu , W , C. ESTEP Funeral Director , Emiaimer ) , 114 Main Street , Council BlulTa. SpecinJ Notices. COUNCIL BLUFFS. EDIPLOYMI2NT. " \\TAMKH A pupil nursu nt tlij W. C. A hoi V pUitl , ior Bill avenue .mil Utli ntrcct , nni t bj between W nnd .11 jears old , of oed moral ciiitria ter. Apply ut once ril TWO GOOD 1IA11M SS .MAKiiS : ( WANTKI1 I lit once , ttfiuly work. Vonclci A Son Jli Main elreet HOUSES AND LANDS , "i im"J A"cVlTNiVi ; nlc.7Tio nio on S. Till Mroo t 1- near < th aviinue , clotr of cnctiTiibranco , for honio In Omahn , Iliiimoin I'laoo or Kounua I'luce tire /cinud Will put In Si.iJ ) dlrtoroncj. UrojmliloJi , Nicholson fc Co , 17(111 i\CU : MiU ( Jooa I room lie Hi > on homli Bill street for Ian J Urnuiu'HoliU , Mcnolson t Co AIiSTIt M'lri mid loam ruriii un I cltjr propjrt/ lioiulil mi.l no 11 IMaey & 'Jlioiun , Council UJUilts. [ I7AUM nnd tlty loins Money loaned on ntoox unil Kritln lleil tmt tie for Hnlo Dwolllnt .in I uiirlneaBrentib Mono ) loiiud lor local Inveaturj , I.otiKcaft lonlu .MJ I'enrl BtrJut /'V4 Af'lim upper llroidwiy , eplanilld ploija for v/pliilllnut tlie M' f ° r Lid'i or will exc'i in j for lmpro\eil roililjncu proujrty In Council illnin Ureeinilileldi. .NltliolMon A I'o. GAltnr.X AND fil'Jir hud , rluliait uml must lieiiiitlful tract la I'oUaraltuinlu onnty. nu Kntorprltu I'laco , Hru or tin ivoru loll ( Jr ' 0.i ulilolda , MolioUuii A. I'o i.-'l Hrn.i'l ' u > , WI ! WANT leu iicnn of nind within Hru inlloi of illy Don't c'.iru how rotuh It la , liroon ilileldn , Nlcholaoii AC'o ENIKHl'lllSK I'laoo , for frnlU or ar loin iiiljiirlHin lininon , line .icro lots , -rainy nilrmtui lioui iiiotoi line ( iruenaldoldi , NlclioUon \ I'o 1i I'AIIMH to eiclunuo for IIOIIOK and loti or Kood vnciiiii lots ilurcijof \ nlciKurden linl fomnluutf j ) | ur ucro Jiihnslon A , Van 1'nttu.i l HUll rAllM-mproveil ii inllo niulii Imlffron J tlioimitolllci ! ' > ncrj ( | 'i room honu , tubl < i f \SllloruJHUifoforroslljnujluCouncll Illuti , lree"nlilL'hU. ) Mo'uUu'i i. Co 1 ACHIM. 8 liiUi'H fr-jmclty , will mil at cut If J-tikvn till * week ( JroeiuiilchU , NRliulHUii X Co . tdCIIOICi : Intnln Muyneuddlllnnnearoaiit end /of Iho now Inlimluti ) trldto Will tell In luiiictiet or flntly. lluurKo JlcUalf. Council lluin | ( DANOINO SOIIOaL" MONDAVI * 111 It. A , tiirlor * , ailulU , TJ : p ni Hooluli HE MomUys.upin Muklcfurnlihul pirlloj an I cluui Adilri'sOt , A I'JrlorCouncil HIiini.orlDH Kiirutu it , ilmulii. VV. K , rim nbor * , InHrnclor , MISOfiLLANKOUB. GA1IIIAOK ruincne-1 , ces i > ual * , vutilti nnJ rhlmriuyj claim I tt D llnrke , tltf uldj \\rA.NTKD-Ta bur nullnblu taunteri nnd uliolv < ' Inn for tint ( Inn dry Kcodn und clothliiK room tUa'finiW lu > \ Heui. loiiacll lllutt . l.MHt.NIKIIUDUOOJld toilUKNI'-MJI'AUKAVIS Juua POw O p& * 4 4ra ra QJ < * < S3 S3O CON N < g n a n n g 1 X n * > * a' " 3 n a " < p < o o 2 - 3 3 " | pa. . 5 S.R. o a IIM * 32 ° ° " " * * " r * " * 'i * w n J ET 5. I P ! f P - 8-Cw0 * < f 2 si. ! ! ' ? P rt 3 -.2 P w " S c cr Cl. y 3 a' s11 * rj 1-1 i/ ) i-t f 3 11re ft > US p tn pi 3 w fD f i f5 „ . w- , o * 3 r g-g3 C/l ? - n > o : i § "S P n > crt > -t i/i 1f | oi CLg o p g W C-pj o- - crq 2 - rte o t c W 83' S ? ; ft 5'O n > SP 2. S. 3 3 JS acfq w rt r-f- . O 3" 3 * 3 C .1 ; CD