TIIK OMAHA DAILY HlWt TlWjKSDAY , DKOKMBKR 82 , 1802 , ? TO PRESS THE PROSECUTIONS I Suspected French Senators Will , if Guilty , / Bo Brought to Justice. INCRIMINATING DOCUMENTS SEIZED Mnny I UITB of the l.nln Huron do Itrlnnch Jfow Hi Ihn IliunttoC Ilin Author- Illc-rroBr M iifllic In- , Deo. 21. In the scnttto today the epcclal committee chosen yesterday by the standing committees reported in favor of authorising the procurer RUitcr.il to proceed against Senators Renault , Albert Grovy , Bcral , T-hovenot and Doves on account of their connection with the Panama canal frauds. M. Thoronot , who Is ex-minister of Justice , solemnly afllrmed that lie never re ceived a centime from the r.ltmtna Canal company , cither directly or Indirectly. The parliamentary commission of inquiry learned today that n bond of JiOtl.OUO francs , payable to bearer , was given to Dr. Cor- nelliiH Heras compensation for his services in "advertising. " The examining magis trate lias impounded all the traceable bens ail pottinand all of Baron do Kelnach's let ters relating to Panama canal affairs in Ib'.H ) and 18ll ! , us well as a document written by M. Barho , acknowledging the receipt of GOO- IKX ) francs from Iho Panama canal ) oiplo. 1'rovont do I jiu'noy advised the investiga tion commission to summon and examine the men who had hccn ministers of Hie Interior fn recent years. They , he said , know every thing about the canal frauds. Dr.igRliiK In I'n-Mili'iit Ciirncit's Nnmr. Tlio commission decided to examine M. Yves-Guyot , radical deputy for the Seine , to learn whether or not he said recently that a list of tno compromised members of parlia ment had neon submitted to President Carnot. This Is the first official mention of President Carnot's name In direct connection with the scandal. Many believe that 11 hos tile motive is rcsponsibln for its introduction. M. Carvalle , secretary of the Gaulois Pub lishing company , refused to give the unmoor the person who published in the Gaulois on November 21 an article concerning the cor rupt uses of money by the canal company. The article was written , ho said , by a man of very high stand Ing and accurate informa tion as to thu company's affairs. M. Floquct , president of the Chamber , ex cused himself hy letter from appearing be fore the commission today , as ho was obliged to prcsido over the Chamber. Tomorrow , at 10 a. m. , ho wrote , ho would appear to tes tify. tify.Tho commission then adjourned until to morrow morning. Senator Albert M. Grovy was examined ' for two hours today by Magistral o Kramiue- vlllo. vlllo.Tho do ltouledo-Clcmcncp.au duel has not yet boon arranged. DoKoulede , althoughac- ceptlng M. Cleincnceau's conditions , desires ' 'to imvo the affair" referred to a court of arbi tration which shall dellno who was the oP fender. The duel consequently has been postponed indefinitely. His stated this evening that a hundred li j ; . checks bearing the names of senators ant deputies have been secured by the examining , magistrate. ' I'rooncilliiR ! ) In tli Clinmlicr. . Immediately after the opening of the Chamber of Deputies today , Jules Hocho minister of commerce , whom the procurci general yesterday was authorized to prose cute for sustaining corrupt relations will the Panama Canal company , ascended the speaker's tribune and made his defense. Ho was laboring under intense excitement am swung his arms violently as he walked u ] the aisle. As ho passed the ministeria bench , he faced about suddenly and ox , , claimed : "Ohlyou hypocrites and scoun d * dre.ls ! " Several ministers retorted holly. In the f confusion of tho' house , the incident was noticed only by deputies on the front bunches. As ho began his defense , M. Kocho's voice was sharp and unsteady and from beginning ; to end. his manner was nervous and strained. He said he did not know what enemies he thad to face , nor did ho care , for his con- scleuco was clear. IIo had nothing with ' which to reproach himself. His most ven omous enemies could not connect him with the lottery bond affair , as ho did not oven vote on the bill. Ho denounced the pro curer general for proceeding against deputies on insufficient evidence , and de clared that in his ease at least , these gentle men would bo found to be sadly in error. While passing back to his seat M. Roche rev - v colvcd ninny congratulations from his fellow , members. _ M. KOUVIICK-S iit't.s.si : ; : . bbucrviltlilllH of the Correspondent of tlio London NmvH. Losuox , Dec. 21. The Paris correspondent of 4ho Dally News points-out the futility ol M. Houvicr's defense , who , ho says , in truth , sought the assistance of the royalists to Iceop Clemenceau and Floquqt out of oftlco at the time when Boulangism was synonymous of radicals. "It was only after the fall of Grevy , " the correspondent continues , "and the advent ol the Floquct-Goblot ministry that the royal 1st * Joined' Boulanger ! Constnns hail denied the treasury of secret service money , ahd therefore It was Floquot's cabinet anil not Houvler's that wanted the sinews ol war to combat Boulangcr. Whatever maj liavo been the fallings of M. Constans. hi docs not apponr to have held out his buna U do Ix-sscps. " Commenting upon the ill-usage 04 Clemen' ' wan by the successive corrupt ministries4 \ho eorresi-ondont describes an incident thai once occurred in his preseneo on meeting the elder Carnet , while the present president was minister of linanco. The old man's eye ; flashed withanger as he referred to the prevalent valont corruption. "Formerly , " ho said "Oild republicans were known knaves win loved only pleasure ; today theyaro pleasure seekers who wallow In sensuality. "Tho stubs of the do Heliiach checks , ' the correspondent adds , "weio photograpliei by M. Conatans when he was minister of tin Interior , It is probable that a police spy ob tained tlio book containing tlio ntubs a some resort which the baron frequentoi with ballot , ladies , and the book was returned turned to the baron after" M. Constans hai obtained copies. " The correspondent further says : "It i supposed that M. Her/ obtained ono cop- and that M. Koehofort sent another copy ti the ( { overnment. " The Paris correspondent of Hie Mnrninj Post says that MM. do Lcjvteps. Cottu am Andrloux have copies of the photographs o the do Heluach counterfoils , M. Cotistaii gave ono to M. Andrieux because he did no want to bo suspected of nlulng the prescn campaign : I'ITM Commontu. The Chronicle's Paris correspondent says ' 'Several deputies from tha extreme right it ) slaro that t'ie ' government has isolated llsol on the presumptive evidence of counterfoil which possibly nru counterfeits. M , Joi Dots , formerly procurer- general nf the em l > ire , be'lovcH ' in the counterfeit theory , "Among the startling rumors current Is on ? oucnrnlntf the possibility of a presUlenth : crisis within u fuw days. " ThoParlacorrespondcntof tlio Times nay the Vni-ls papers betray an til-concealed coi tternation. The Dobats says that. "Tne ; lay's sitting of thorimuber was the mos painful Mnco 1ST1 , the vague , heavy susp \vmgliintfllkiin storm cloud on all headi it-calling tha famous days of a t-enturv n o. The Uaulols says ; "Tho Ihnil scenes in th Bitting carried us to the tlnodlido of the coi vcutloti in the height of the reign of terror , Jj'Autoito says : "U ia a clear Imlicatlo that wo are in the mldct of a revolution. " The Paris correspondent of thoTelcgrap lays : f'Tho publio U In u state of fevcris expectancy. Tito ominous oppressions of I. Premiere Charcttu are suggestive of tl KullUitni'j and thu reign of terror bus bei used In reference lo the lint baU , of senators and deputies to be saci llc-ctl in i lie Panama affair , The pener question is who will bo tlio occupants o ! tl next Tumbril. The decoration and Bouln gar scaud'iU are not to bo corupu wt with tl present crisis. Both ropuliUoaua and rat cals am to bo sacrillccd. No names of ifu tlonary ) > oHUeiuns have yet been mention. . raid unless the cabinet bo ublu to linplk-n , conservative deputies its futo In scale Members of Iho riclil , ou thu other hun ro iKmalltift of the fompleto Integrity of heir party. " I'lirliliiii ( ! n i > li. | irnwirtutitnl ixrs liu.him Onfthrn Ittunftl. ] PAIIIS , Dec. 21. | Now York Herald Crtblo Special lo Tun BRR. ] Tlio Kuroit | ii edition of the Herald iiublUhea today n ilghly Interostlnf ? letter from the Herald's lotno corroiiwndent allowing the utter fall- ire of HIP cmimarlca of the French royalists nilurlnp the holy see to alter its present rlendly fooling toward the French republic lint had characterized the policy of the Vatican the last two years. At billiards Vigimux beat Schacfor 1,200 to OS'J. each ploying thirty-two Innings , with ilgh averages. Sehncferwus unlucky , but fonoronsl.v ndknowlcdged his defeat. NlKnnux'a highest runs were 130 , liiS and 27. Schncffer's were lar , W , Si. Strong fours were oniortalned that Baron Alphonse Kothsehild would lose hheyo as the result of tbo shooting accident on Sunday , but h"igaro this ( Thursdiiy ) morning says the mron Is in no danger of losing the eye. The nerve was touched , and the inllanimation Is mthsiillntr , and recovery is only a ( luestlon of days. I in cilnl In Mrxtctiu IliillroiuM. CITY or Mnxtco , Dee. 'Jl.--James S. Clark- son , os-asslstantpostmaster general ; V. T. Meek , president of the Colorado Iron com pany : U. W. Clay of Philadelphia and T. H. UlaucwollnmlH.il. Hobart of Now York , have been hero for several days ne gotiating for the purchaa of thu city and district railways , about -00 kilometers long. The documents are reported to have been signed this morning. The price Is said to bo yi.OOii.OOt ) , although some say f7,000,000. They Menu to Kill. PAIIIS , Dec. 21. The report that Clemen- ccauanddo Hotiledo have serious intentions ns to their duel tomorrow is fully couth-mod. The conditions agreed upon will show the two to bo remarkably lacking in nerve if thcro is not ntfatul result. They ore to light with pistols. The two combatants are to bo stationed twenty-ilvii yards apart , but with the privilege of advancing to llvo paces apart. AH both men tire considered good shots , It Is generally believed that ouo or the other will uo killed. I'IISSIM ! till ) I.lquor ItPform Kill. PAIUS , Dec. 21. The Chamber of Deputies today , by n vote of ! U > I to 227 , adopted the liquor tax reform bill. In thodtscttsslonpro ceding the division , the Chamber rejected a motion in favor of a bourse tax and a motion in favor of ti new sur tax of 0 francs on alco hol. The latter motion was killed in splto of Finance Minister Tlrard's protest that its rejection would Inevitably result in a dcllcit in the budget. After voting two months' supply , the Chamber adjourned. American Delegates Sull for Home. LONDON , Doe. ! ) ! . Senator Allison , Sena tor Morgan and Secretary Halo , members of the delegation who represented the United States at the Brussels monetary conference , embarked lor New York on the steamship Lahn ut Southampton today. Senator Alli son took luncheon yesterday tit the United States legation in London. IlKTVKX'S. Itl-Hllltfl Of till ) ClIIIVIIHM 111 MlllllPSOtll Hllll Montmm Consoling to lii'piiMlriiiis. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Dee. 21. The state can vassing board is at work. Kesults so fat show that Kelson , republican , has a plurality of 1-1,020 for governor ; D. M. Clough , foi lieutenant governor , has a plurality of 13,454 ; other state olllcors on the republican ticket have pluralities ranging from S,2.VJ to 18.101. The constitutional amendment prohibiting special legislation was carried , and that for the taxation of sleeping cars defeated. HI-.M-.KA. Mont. , Dee. 21. Theofllcial can vass of Montana shows that the highest Harrison elector has a plurality of 1,270 over the highest Cleveland elector. Tlio republi cans elect Hartnmn to congre&s by172 plu rality , ami the entire state ticket , except the chief Justice of the supreme court. Pembcr- ton. democrat , beating Blanc , republican , by l.CTJ votes. The. republican pluralities on the remainder of the state ticket range from GOO to 2.700. Tlipylluvti Fliiiri-il Out n Wiiy to Organize tin * Kmisnhi LpgNlutiiro. TOPKKA , Ifun. . Dec. 21. Judge .1. C. Webb today commenced proceedings in the supreme court , to contest tlio election of five republicans to the legislature. The proceedings are in the nature of a mandamus , asking thu court , to pass upon the technical and constitutional questions raised by the populists and demanding that a restraining order bo issued prohibiting the llvo repub lican members from taking their seats njxin the certificates of election already issued by the returning board. Then they will ask to delay the hearing , it is said , until after the legislature is organized , and nice having obtained the organization of the liouse. it will of course make no difference liow the cases arc decided. J'i'lM-O.V.I/ C. C. Uplnim of Lincoln Is , at the Millard. John K Olnoy of Norfolk is at the Paxton. II. T. Folsoui of Lincoln is at the Murray. W. B. Hose of Lincoln i.r ; stopping at tlio Arcade. ' K B. Penny of Loxingtoc is a guest at the Millard. c J. D , Dovereaux of David City is at the Arcade. J. U. Reushaw of Sterling is a guest at the ) Arcade. William Daily ct'1'eru Is a guest at the Merchants ; G. A. Jackson of Geneva is stopping at the Merchants. Charles Joyce of Weeping Water is at the Merchants. ' J. R. Johnston of Ci'otc is registered at the Murray. O. II. Kcynolds of Norfolk is stopping tit the Millard. li. 'I' . IHto of Grand Island is n guest nt the Murray. John O. Pollock of Columbus , is'a ifiiest n ! the Paxton. P. 'I' . IShvlnml of Norfolk is tstopptnj ; at the Murray. Dr. M. K. House of Lexington Is registered tit the Arcade. J. T. Kvans of South Bend is registered ut the Merchants. - nUapttiln Cormtink is slowly recovering from his sqvoro illness. H. S. Summers and wife of Norfolk rejis ; hired ut thuPuxum yesterday. J. Myers of Beatrice , vommerclnl agent foi the Hock Itdttiid , is at thu Millard , Kred A. Woolsey and Miss Iluttlo Woolsej of Wyoming are guests at the Paxton. Paul Morton of Chicago arrived In the clt.i V last evening und registered at the Millard. CcitL-r.il und Mrs. C. II , Van Wyek of No I- braslin City , were at the Paxton yesterday Hon. W , 13. Andrews of Hastings was it thu city yesterday und registered at the Mil lur U Frank I1. Ireland of Nebrask ; ' City , uvonipmiM ; by Mrs. Ireland , is at th Puxton , N. II. Nelson of the linn of Branch & Co has returned from u two weeks' visit in tbi Black Hills. Miss Haute Ten Broivk of Atnhlion Kan. , i visiting Mrs , J. 12. Glide of sow Burt street , s > Hon. James Whltchcad of Broken Bow , tin gentleman who reduced Congressman ICcin * plurality to such a small margin in tlio.Six tl district. Is in tha city , stopping at thu Mil lard. lard.At At the Mercer : N. N. Leohner , Akron O. ; William W , Munscll , New York ; W. il Chamberlain , Davenport ; W. P. Collln. Newark ark , N. J. ; lW. . liose , M. D. , Grand Island A , L. Johnson , Detroit ; I r. J. V , Beghtol en 1-Mcnd ; U. linlicck , Newcastle , Wyo. enh CiiiCAito. 111. . Deo. 21. [ Special Telegmr rial to Tnr. HKB. ] The following Nobraskuu al registered hero today : Umiid Puclllo \ \ i' lion J. Lawrence , Allen J. Marsh , P. N. Smlti n- A. J. Smith , Omaha. Palmer U , M. Mel nhe calf , Omahti. Wellington OhurlRs A. Cm li- Omaliti iV. i . li. Hosenthal and wife , Henna ' 10- Mauley , Lincoln , tircal Northern Ph Stlniiucl , Oimihu. te If yon have piles UoWlll'a Witch Hun id , nnlvo wil1 stutly cure you. WILL SETTLE PROHIBITION Iowa Republicans to Consider What Shall Bo Done with the Load , STATE COMMITTEE WILL CONFER Clnlrninii ItlytlnSi.y. : < ( lip Hotly Will Con- MMIP l irl.v In .l.nuinr.v niul Drrlilo Whrther tlm Pollryiirthnl'iirty Slmll lli < I > MOIXM , In. , DJC. 21. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Hni.j : Chairman Hlytho of the republican sl.tto cenlr.it committee is in the city. IIo declined , owing tv his oftieiiil posi tion , to give his views on the best policy of the party next year on the prohibition ques tion. Hos.ildRo many loiters were being received by him from all p.irts of the state in regard to the "conference" that ho should call the state committee together early in January , ami put before it the situation , and its action at thai time would decide the ad- visibility of a conference of republicans on wh'it the future attitude of the party should bo in the approaching campaign. On the question of tlio next convention naming the candidate for United States senator , ho had some doubts as to its wisdom. Hu would not ftivo Ills opinion as to who would bo the next governor of Iowa , but was of. the opin ion that this year the republican party must select the man for other reasons than be cause certain politicians themselves wanted that honor. Sltiiit Clt.v'n LiilcHt Itiillronil , DIM MOINKS , la. . Dec. Ul. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tut : Hnn. ] Attorney D. A. Holmes , legal adviser of the new Sioux City , Chicago & Baltimore Hallway company , was in con ference today with the Ibiihrny Commission to ask for the right to condemn property in Sioux City for additional depot facilities. The property in question is owned by busi ness men and is valuable. The case is sot for a hearing In SI" " . . City , January ! 1. This line Is n bioux City enterprise , and lias its western terminus in that municipal ity. N. Desparois is president ; T , I' . ( Tear , a practical railroad man , is vice president. and the remainder of the directors are all Sioux City business men. The pro jected line runs east to Anthon. thence southeast to a point In the northern part of Crawford county. There it brandies , one branch reaching Story City and connecting with the Iowa Central and the Chicago & Northwestern. The other branch continues southeast through Deeatttr county into Mis souri , when ; it connects with the Chicago , Bur lington &Qulncy , and by that line with the Baltimore iV Ohio. As projected , the line would cross the Chicago cage , Hock Island & Pacillo about 100 miles west of Des Moines , but it is understood overtures are being made to bring the line to Des Molnes and use the Wabash tracks from here south , It is also said that Fort Madi son wants a direct line to Sioux City , and has made overtures to the now company. ( irnri Dt'iit-Qt-c , In. , Dec. ' 21. - [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bm.J : Judge Woolson this morning sentenced H. 10. Graves , presi dent of the wrecked Commercial National bank , to live years in the penitentiary , the minimum term. The bond on appeal was in creased to § 15,000 , and the defendant was given till January 8 to illo a bill of excep tions. Graves' trial has been very closely watched by business men all over the state , as tlio defendant was a prominent man in financiiU circles in Iowa for many years. The criti cism is on his management of tlio Commer cial ban Ic , as ho did n most unwise tiling in assuming the control of the bank , and then did not attend to its management personally as closely as ho should have done. He also allowed J. 1C. Graves to borrow large sums of money for speculative purposes , which did not , from the evidence produced , appear to bo secured. With the knowledge that very largo overdrafts had been made and not ac counted for in the entries , the books were so skillfully manipulated as to deceive the eomjitroller in regard to the bank's condi tion. tion.Tho The defendant at once gave notice of ap peal to the supreme court of the United States. Bail was placed at $10,000 , which was furnished after considerable difficulty , and Graves loft for his homo in Tu'-sou , Ariz. HnUwiiy KmploycK' ray. Di'.s MOINES , In. , Dee. 21i [ Special Tele gram to TUB Br.E. ] The railroad commis sion today finished computing the average compensation paid railroad employes in Iowa for the last ten years with the following re sults : VKAHI.V COMI-ENHATIO.V. AVEHAIIE. ISS'J IT.ZT.'i ? ! . ! ( IS-tf. 27,112 t.1lit.2s3.U7 ; 4V > .K 20,7.11 & 2.MW Ml. 01 183 < i. JSiTIJI 13(177.78J.M ( JW.OSG { 2U.7C 110,7'JI 627.2 : S4M3 ( 677.11 H'JJ. 57,8711 IH.'ltl.lH.l.lill 531.71 : I Sill. iii.ntuio.M 17,870.'JI5.tU 1'rolillis I.o/t < ! On Konnil. Font Donou , la. , Dee. 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BKB. ] Thu war between the Gowrio druggists and the prohibitionists has terminated in a temporary victory foi the former. J. II. Ifetterer's application foi a permit to sell liquor was granted auj t1L ] drusgist will bo permitted to sell liquor foi medical the eustoinar I uses upon tliolilingof bond. The prohibitionists who signed a pe tition to prevent theprantinK of tlio permit arc very much chagrined , and say that tho.\ \ will sco that Kotterer sells liquor for m other than medical purposes or forfeits hi ; bond. ln\va Hey Illinvs Out IliitCas. CHICAGO , 111. , Dee. SI. [ Special.ToloRran to Tin : Unu. ] Peter Scott , a young mai from Ijtilco View , la. , was found ashyxiatei ) in bed at the Le Grantl hotel ou Wells street near the Northwestern dejiot today. Thi gas was found turned on full , and the hole people think that Scott blow out the ga when he retired last evening. Ho hail beei nt the hotel two days , having brought n cai load of stoelc to Chicago , An * inquest wa held this afternoon. liobbcil Kihori-k'H .Solicitor KIM MOINIW , lu. , Dee. SI. [ Special Tele grain to Tin : IJr.i : . ] Fred Ness , well knowi in this city as traveling solicitor of Colont KlboecU'sKtaats An/.i'lgcr , was robbed las night in Underwood. Ness was hold up b , i lings near the depot , his pockets rilled am nearly $150 that ho hail collected , all hi mileage books and everything ho possessed Underwood is a little town on thu Kock in and , thirty miles from Council UluITs. One IH .Mlit n Urn. DBS MOINKI , Tu. . Dee. SI. [ Special Teh - grum toTiin OKI : . ] Proceedings before th Des Molnes Presbytery in the case agalna Preacher Baxter today were confined to th examination of r large number of wltncsbc on the question of thu veracity of Miss Ciei trudoSnodgrass and thu defendant. Th lady says she was engaged to bo married t Ituxtcr , but the preacher denies it , No di cislou was reached up to a Into hour. Jtliunu .MUsliiK. Mifbouiti VAU.UV , la. , Den , SI. JSpcclal t Tin : lui ! : . ] About two weeks ago Lowe Mason suddenly disappeared from this plan since which time no trace of him has bee discovered. Ills absence is causing coi sider.ible comment and It is fcarcc tin some fatality may have befallen him. Hi parents are well-to-do people und are great ! concerned over his absence. Kirn ill Furl v- Font DOIIOE , la. , Deo. 21. [ Special Tel gram to TUB HUE. ] O. F. Gustufson's ugt uulturul implement housixwas destroyed I in i liru lust night. The loss will bo nboi is -10,000. Thu Sherman steam laundry' ' , damaged to the uuioinit of SJOX Spui fc tancous i-onibustlon is the only explumith fce of Us origin. The lobs is nearly covered 1 , inttwmva. 111 ! Twenty Yur for Ili'lin. SiuontXKY , lu. , Dec. ai. [ Spociul Tel gram to Tan HER. ] Judge Ilyiin twlay ov rule I the motion for u now trial lu t : Helm murder case , and sentenced the c frmlnnt ( o twenty A'q.irft In the iicnltcntlnrv nt hunt labor. ltM , pnibablo nn appeal will bo tnltcn , * ' * ibnl llio Cnno , ATLANTIC , In. , Doo. --Special [ Telegram lo Tun Ilr.n. ] lliiJbrfuch ot promise case of Mrs. Anna Srhutyz of Clarlndii against Oeorpo W. I'arham of Anita , for $10,001 , was settled todny. Mrs. Sehultze gets * tVX ) , niul each party to pay ft portion of tbo coats. lie AVID Mrotrh llrinp. O. KM.oti5la. . , pcx ; , 'Jl. The Jury found ' Sum Peeo ( colored ] guilty of murder In the first degree and afttxed Iho dentil penalty. Ho shot u iniiti iMltted Miner October HI , here. ED OROWI3LL DEAB. AWll Known Voting Altnrnry ICtplrpi Sml. ilcnl.vut St. , loscph-llo- . \ Kdwln II. Crowolliti well known .voting til- tonicyof this city , died suddenly ycslordny afternoon at St. Joseph's hospital of pneu monia. For something like three months past the deceased had boon In bad health and had about , given up his law practice. Three or four days ago his condition fcroiv ranldly worse , and , upon the ad vice of physi cians , he wns removed to the hospital , where he. died. Tlio news of his death wns ut , once tele phoned to flcorgo O'Hrlen und several other Intimate friends , und .proved a great shock us Mr. Crowoll was wcH known und had u host ( if friends in this city und throughout the state. 'I'ho deec < ised wns about ! t ) yours of ago and was born in Australia , where ills father at Hint time was representing the United States government. In 18 < 0 Mr. Unwell came to Omaha and made this city his homo since that time. Some years ago he was n deputy shi-rlfT under Sheriff D.ivid Miller , und titled the pu sh I on well. Ho read law under Messrs. Prilclnird , t Cowan und as long as his health was peed hud a very good practice , princi pally in criminal wises , which ho made u specialty. A brother of the itci-eased is a physician in the Marino hospital in Philadelphia and was telegraphed the sad news last night. Unless it is the wish of the family that the hotly bo sent east it will bo buried here. In that case thu funeral will bo held Saturday afternoon. XKH'S or rjcsrKitn.tr. Domestic. pvorfiOOinon and women employed In the lllackslnno woolen mills ut Hlackstono , Mass. , mi ! on I mi a strike. Mrs. AtiMin Ilroiisnn has been grunted a de cree of divorce liy tlm superior court ot l.os Angeles county , California. At .lacksoii. Venn. , Thomas Huston , captain of Hie police force. In u street light with \V. ( . ' . Mrleklaiiil , shot and Instantly killed hsoriy ! | > - Oldeon W. Miih.li , the fugitive president of llio wrecked Keystone hunk of Philadelphia , has been heard from. He Is al piescnt In South Africa. Secretary of the Treasury Kosler will visit New York shortly ami confer with the hankri-s of that city In regard to tin ) threatened lica\y export of gold. A large powder mill. hivlim : n capacity of 2. > , OOU pounds of powder a day , has been started near St. loiils. Mo. , , to run In opposi tion to the trusl. " " < dun-lex h. ( 'uilmu jJ'9-Wk at the \vlioli-silo : staui | ) window al tlll'liffcnprul postotllee , Now York City , has illsti'/fpftired / , leaving a short age nf between } r > ,0iitand SIO.OUU. Damn rumor is aifillli busy llllliu ; out HIR places In Mr. t-leveliind'.scabinet. The latest Is lo the effect that | Vi ) | M. Dickinson will be offered and will ueisi'iil .the position of secre " tary of .stale. * ; , " The rumor Unit Pri-slili-nt Harrison will at tl-o expiration ot his tot-in of onlco ni-cept it non-rc.slilent profpWirslilp In the Stanford , California tinlver.slt-y'liMs been partially cou th-mod at WashingtonH ) . C. In a race between' ' Ittigan and Mcforndck , - champion and ex-champion skaters , rcspeet- Ively , of tbo world , nvf-r a tliree-mlle course ul Minneapolis , Minn , . , Tuesday night , IJogim proved an easy wlmjijr.jii 0:47. : A. II. Andrews & Co. . dealers hi school und olllcef limit lire ut < hit/ago , Imvo Hied a 1)111 HRiiIiist Kdwin I ) . WouiA- former sulesinuii of Hie llrm , claiming IliHH the. defendant , hail de frauded them out of $100,000. Six prisoners conlineil lu the Helena , Ark. , ponltuiillary have dleiPfmui the elfects of arsenic administered , to I hem by some un known parties , and ihany othets are danger ously III from ( he same cause , f It Is said that Kdwitrd Foemtel's , ( son of the city treasurer of St , loiiN , Mo. ) stealings from the city will all lie iiii ! < lo goodastlie young man , who commit led suicide , lias left Millie-lent propel ty to Insiiie the city agulnsl loss. Captain II. II. Pierce and . .1.V. . Garrell were sholilottii In the former'solllcoat AltoonaSta- tlon , La. , by someone outside. Two negro - gro suspects were arrpsted. Hotb of Ihe mur dered men wore lilgly respecleil citizens. Many pnimlnont wonipn connected with the \VOIIIUH'H Coluinbian Laundry company of Chicago , III. , Imvo been inaclo"defendants Inn crlinlmil action , not. thmiixh anv .sliort com- Ingsof their own , bin through ihu conduct of trusted agents. Jack Olesen , of Milan , Tenn. , just before he died , i-onfesMMl thai on tb- ( night of December 10 , 181)2 ) , be ninrilereil at ( but place Mr. and Mrs. .Monmo Kc ricks and their Infant son. Ills motive for the crime was robbery. Ho se cured JOOU. Interested people who have made a canvass of tlm legislators-dec ! of Smith Dakota dpclaro that enough nieinhei-s of the new legislature favor thu Idea of resiibmittlng the question of prohibition lo the voters of the state as to In sure Hie pnAugeof u bill to that effect. At Now Orleans Archbishop .laiisen cele- i hrateil his silver jubilee as bishop of the Itom- 2 1 an Catliollc illoceso of l.oiil.slaoa and ul Scran- ton , Pa. , ltlslnii | O'Harra celuhriu'i-d his gojilen jubilee , llolli ovent.s wep ; attended by many people prominent In the catholic chiircn , Thevoimnlttee of Washington. D. C. , demo crats having In charge 1)10 ) cc'iciiioiili'.s which will attend the Inauguration of I'rosldent- oleetCloNolaml are iiuariullng among them selves , nnd asii lesuli of one of their rows two ineiabersof the Ciiiiiiilltcc have ri-slKiied , Oeorgi ) W. Howell and ICdward TIbbetts , proiiilnenl lumber men of SI , l.otils , have been sentrnrrd by the judge of Ihu federal court sitting In that city . to eighteen months In thu piMiltentlary und'lined I.OOOeach for vlolat- ing the ptovlslons of Iho Interstate commerce law , Cert Ideate holders In the endowment onli'r of Sons and Daughters of America have tiled In the supreme court nf Massachusetts a bill In orinlty. asking that llii ! atlalr.sof thu onlei- bo wound up and u receiver appointed. Thu Indebtedness amounts to ? - ! ? . ' ) , ( MK ) , anil thu a cash on hand Is only $7,000. a 1 . Mr. ( iladstone will speiul a short vacation In thusoulh of l-'rance. C. It. Wolilonand Dr. liainlall of St. .lolnis. N. .11 , Imvo beenconvlcteil on tin ) charge of swindling life Insurance cump-inles. Over 1HOD men working In the | irln HIU linictlim , N. H. , coal mines ha ve iiill | woik lie- catisiof ) e.xcesslve llnus levied upon tliein by Ihu bosses. Thu merchanlK. David , O.'liliis and Kiiiinni'l have been arrested In VIOiiliu on the charge of being Amurii-an fii'lllvi-s from justice , and of havlm ; pel-pelratcil fraudto the amount of jaii.ooo. The iirobatitof Lord Tennyson's will will bu granleil , The gross pi'i-sonal estalu ainotints to BO.OIKt , Tlievimiled estates descend from Iliilliun Tt'imymti In Iho Micceedlng male heirs , i\ Investigation Into Ini'condition of Ihu Sal vation imny'H tlnaniNil iiralrs by a coininltleo nf liroiiilnenl l.oniloii pi-opln lias n-siilicil In a iitport llatti-rlng In ilio cvliciim to ( icncial lloolh for thu honesr-'aiiil i-oiisclentloiis inaii- ner In which ho has dlxiuiiod of Iho largo SIIIILS of money given Into IVm-Min's Weukly.'ii .publication of London which has been conunctlng and inananxlng Kiiestln ; ; matchi'.s , chaijliis each person mak ing a gues-a Mimll.iinfimut for thu prlvlll u anilnlvln acash | ir/l' ) lotlm wlniiur , lias but-n eiijolmol by thurimriKfroni further coiuliici- Ing such enteiprlsus. anil bus been compelled to pay Into thu public Iretihtiry f l'JHKl ( ) ( which It hail nceuiiinlati-illrdni niu-li sources. The dowagi-r dtilche-,4 nf Sutherland hu been diifented In an attempt logiiln po M-sslon of ihe ostati's Known a- > Tit tensor ( hasn nuut Tieatliain Knghiml fiiun thu posi > sslon ol which Iho has been aii ftirri'd by thu present ilnku. Thu dowager 'dutcln-.ss madu an uppll- cation lo the court or 'chanci.-ry to liuvu llit ilnku restrained from Inteiferlng with her posi'aslon of the placu nfid u ih-clslon hai IJL-OII announced ix-fuslng the application. THOUSANDS FOR BRC1SERS Oonoy Wand Olub OfTors a Fortvmo for n Lightweight Fight , l LARGEST PURSE EVER FOUGHT FOR .tnrlt .MrAitllrVo unit lllrU itiiren OITVrrd fllftflOO In Mrrt unit rinMi iv Or- It-inn Outbidden by Nr\v Vinlc Nil Unto Xiumnlt NF.W YoitK , Dee. 21. Olio of the largest purses over offered Tor two pugilists since the iliiys of the celebrated lighter Flgg was hung tin tonight for Pugilists .lack MrAnllffo niul Dick Hurgo h,1udgo Newton of the Coney Island Athletic rlub. 'I'ho sum which tin- great seaside club offered for the battle Is f4 : > ,0im. The latest bid completely overtops the & 10.000 put-so which Captain U'illlainsof the Croseeut City club of Now Orleans made for Ilia light Wednesday morning , and will undoubtedly create a big sensation In spurt ing ciivlcs. 'I'ho put-so was extended for the two lightweights for their ai-ccptaneo at the St. .lames cafe tonight. The only persons present wore MeAiillffe , Kddle Sloddard , his trainer ; Judge Xowton. representing the Coney Island Athletic club ; I'lill D\vyer and Captain Frank Williams of the Cresi-ent City Athletie club. When the party had as sembled , MeAuliffo aslied Newton if he pro posed to raise the ante of $ KOHK ( ) . ' Yes.1' replied the judge , ' -1 do , and my bid isir > ,000. " McAuliffo then informed Newton that the amount was satisfactory , but he would first see what Captain Williams had to say in the way oC raising the amount. The New Orleans match-maker seemed Hr.st to have to tolem-.iph his club in New Oi'leans and uwait instructions before be could bid higher. McAulllTo then suld ho would sign tirtHus of agreement to light Iiiuro before the Coney Island Ath letic club for a $1 ! > , ( ) tX ) purse , providing that the stipulations be made in the document that Dick lioche. his backer , would approve of the match. That being satisfactory to Newton , articles of agreement were immedi ately ilrawn up and slimed by MeAulUTe. Newton also attached his signature and likewise acted as witness. The agreement stipulates that both men are to light at ! ! ? pounds , championship of the world. Nothing is mentioned about the loser's end , that be ing only a secondary consideration , Captain Williams last night telegraphed his club of its rival's latest mtjve and asked for Instructions. Williams informed a re- pru'ter that ho expected a reply in about live hours. Burgo has already signed , so it looks as if lliu north would be the scene of the battle. New-Orleans. NKwOiu.KAXS , I-u.Doe. 21. 'I'ho track was st ill deep in mud today. Only two favorites won. While the horses were at the post for the fourth race Inovo , turning after the llrst break , caught Sargent's leg in his tooth , dragged him from his seat on Captain 13 aiu\ tried to stamp him. The horsu was beaten off. The surgeons say the boy is not seriously hurt. Tlio board of control or dered the clerk to refuse the entry of Inovo in all raecajnlho future. I'lrst race , -.t-lllint , live ftirloinis : ( ircon . T.tiafliito 0) ) won , Kittle Cherry ill tooisec- iid , Harry T (10 ( to , r ) ) tlilnl. Thno : 1:12' ( . Second race , M-HIng , six furlongs : llplolsu JS toll won , Julius Sax (1'J ( HI 1) ) second , Virgin < -J to 1) ) third. Time : lUGy. : Tlilnl race , selling , cini mile : Sir I'lanet ( 1 too ) won. Sight Dnifl (4 ( to ll second , Gless- ner ( B lo 1) ) third. Time : 2OOU. : 1'ourlh nice , M'lllus , live furlongs : Ansel , jr. ( HI to 1) ) won , The Judge (4 to 1) ) .second , lloo lee ( even ) tlilnl. Time : 1:12' : ' } . I'ifth race , liamllcai ) . omj mile : Henry Oivsley (5 ( to li uon. ( 'melon (4 ( lo D ) second , HonllreiH to 1) ) third. Time : 1:58. : Olomi of I tin Iliilmrt S : > le. Niw YOP.K , Dec. 21. ' 1'oday's selling con cluded tlio sale of the Hobart farm stock. Grand total of sales , & 31G- 410 ; average > per liead on entire sale.3,84 7.50 ; number of horses sold , 7-1. At the conclusion of the Hobart sale Kel logg & Co. began their sale of trotting stock offered by Hart , Koswcll , t Uowci-man Ui-os. of Lexington. ICy. . and E. D. Wiggin of llell- inglmm , Miss. Thirteen horses were sold at an average pi-ice of $ l,4Ui : per bead. Amount of sale , $18,110. i Who not tliii rivet j I 1 G.Mtui'-o.v , In. , Dee. 21. - Lust evening | I Julius Sansa bet his brother Augustus $ . " > lie > i could not kill him with a IW-calibcr at thirty ! i paces. Their sister was stakeholder. AuI I | gu.stus fired ; iml the bullet plowed Julius' temple. Later ho became enraged an < l pounded and kicked Augustus into insensi bility. Both are now laid up. They are Germans , aged 21 and PJ respectively. FiiiliMi in riniiii. CIXCIXNATI , O. , Dec. 21. The Lloyd-Nor ton light was declared a draw after forty rounds. IN THE JURY'S HAND. Ivlilitnrn Submltti-il In tlio rams .Murder Trial A I'lru ol In.sanlty. The trial of George Fau.ss was completed yesterday afternoon , and the life of that young man is now in the bands of tlio jury. Tlio defense put but two witnesses on the stand , the defendant himself , and his former employer , Herbert 11. Hopkins of Siou.City. . Fauss tcstillod that ho shot the girl , but illil not know why he did it , neither did lin know why ho shot himself. Ho said that the deceased had a revolver in her hand when the ilrst shot was Jired. and ho was sitting In a chair some distance away. Ho ran to her and took the weapon away from her and shot her. The effort of the defense was lo prove that the first shot was the fatal one , and that it was aecidentallj Jived by tlio girl herself. Hopkins testified that he believed tlio de fendant to have been insane for sovei-ai months. Ho was known to the employes about the establishment as "Crazy George'1 and "the Cra/.y Dutchman , " and the witness said that he acted in a peculiar manner , mumbling to himself and making models for a drawbridge that he bald ho wan going to have erected across the Chicago river. One unfortunate admission jn the part of the witness was when he was asked as to how tlio condition of the dofendantat the present time compared with what it was a few months ago. Ho said that It was now very much worse , and tlio attorney dropped him like a hot potato. The jailer and jail phybi- cian , who had seen the prisoner every ilay since his incarceration , said that he luul never shown any symptoms of insanity , but was of a sullen disposition , and was thor oughly ungrateful for favors shown him. Tlio arguments in tin ; ease oecupi'id about live hours , and during much of the thins tliu defendant sat with his face burled in his hands. Ho was very nervoiw all through the trial , and when on the stand broke down completely when confrontcd vith the con fessions that lie Hindu noon utter the shoot ing to a representative of TUB Hii : and to the' Hherln" several days Ui * . .T , when being taken from the hospital to the jail. Alleged I'olsmim-B Indicted. PiTTsiiL'tta , 1'a. , Dec. 21. True bills were found by the grand Jury this afternoon against Master Workman Dumpjoy of the lOilghts of Labor and the cooks , Gallagher , Davidson anil Uoatty , charged with bijiiig Implicated in the Homestead poisoning. it isy Highest of all in Leavening Po.vcr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. o- o1 1- 1y > y ut its n- n311 311 jy he le- AH disorders of the Throat nnd Lungs 19 Aycr's Clicrry Pectoral. It hns 110 equal ns ft congh-curo , "When I wn < n boy , 1 had n bronchial trouble of such n perststt'iit nnd stub born character , that the doctor pro- noitncnd it Incurable with ordinary remedies , but recommended mo to try Ayur's Cherry IVctornl. I did so , nnd one bottloruredino , l-'ortltolastIIfteen years , I Imvo used thta preparation with fioodellcct whenever t ( niton bad cold , and 1 know of numbers ol people who Urop it In the liouso nil the tinip , not considering It safe to be without It. " J. C. Woo.rson . , 1' . M. , Koroit lllll.W.Vn. Cough "Kor more than twenty-five ynars , K wns n stilTei'er from lung trouble , nt- tended with coughing so .sovcro nt times ns to cause hemorrhage , tlio paroxysms frequently hutlng three or four hours. I was Induced to try Ayor's Cherry Pec toral , and after talcing four bottles , wns thoroughly cured.Kninz Hoffman , Clay Centre , Kans. "hast spring I was talten down with la grippe. At tlittos 1 was completely prostrated , nnd so dllHcnlt was my breathing llml my breast sceinud ns if confined in an Iron cage. I procured n bottle of Aycr's Chon-y Pectoral , and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would hu so rapid nnd the cure so complete. " W. II. Williams , Cook City , S. Dale. AVER'S I'li-nared by Dr. J. C. Aver fi Co , , Lowell , Mniw. Hold by itll DrUKKlntn. l'rlrc l ; nix liottlce , f5. Promttoactsuretocure | Mile by IEvc < < l\rr. Notice Is hereby given that , by vlitne of an order made by the district court of Douglas count v , Nebraska. In tin- cause of Benjamin Melqulsl , plaint 111' , ticalitst I'red C. Woymuller. ( li-reiiiliint , I will sell on Mitiuilav. December ill. 1HOL . at public ancllon. to ilie blehest bid der forc.isb the folloulng ili-scrlbcd property and lease-hold Intciosts. io-wlt : On" lot of old lumber , slides anil stayln ? ; ou > - lot of hay , suitable for Ice packing put-poses ; one wagon M-ales and wacon box : ulsn a ri-rlaln lease , de scribed as followtowlt : I'tulerdatuof De- eetnbi-r'J , IH01 , t.iailrby Thomas Davis to Ilcnjamin MeliiuKt ami IC. . \\\-j ninllni' , run ning live years from ] ) p-i > inln > r I. 1H1I1 , for nil thu water space Intliesw ' ( of the nw ! ( In sectlon'J , In townsliln 10. north ranee 13 , east. Also a cert a In h-a-.i-tlcscrilH-il as foi lowto wit : I'nder ( lute of March -i.1. IH'J'J ' . ulu by l.a- tliain Davis to Itcnjnmln Mclniiist , rnnnltiK live years from Decpmbt-r 1 , I sol , for the two- story frame house and outbuildinglosi'lhur with u certain piece of pi-nund on which su Id biillilhiL's are slluatcil , sahl gionnd belti In thu sw H of the nw M of M > et Ion - , township 13 , i i anne lit , Douglas county , Nebraska , more par ticularly described as follows : eonimcncln ; : at. a point mi Ihu east linu nf said 10 acres -Hit ) feet south of said -10. i iiniiliii ; thcncuMIS | ill ) ! ) feet , thence north USD feet , thence- east 300 feet thence south 'JHO feel lo the place of h.-- XltmhiX , containing about onu and one-half acres , more or les . The sale of the forenohn : lo talco place at 10 o'clock a. : n. on said day at Ihu leu liousi- . , Hlliiulu on Ihu premises described In said leases and near Cut Oil' laki' . I will also sell certain otli.-e stationery and books , formerly Used by thu Hate City l < -ii company , said sale to lake place at ' o'clock p. m. of said day , al the ollle of ( . Andl-uen , No. 1'ioa I'armnn streul city of Oinahii. Dated Dee. 'JO , liltal Omaha , Nr-b. .IOIINC : . COICTIIVOI' : . TJpc"lverof thc < jatu City Ire Conipanv. John O. Itergncr , Allot ncy. M Di-c.'J : ) , lit - Ldttclarltr. ' the micoislly of urail- ] ng uivnnl street from i'llth strool M 3Sth j Hlroot , iind ii | ) | > olntlnrr three dUlntori-stcd i airalsor.-i | ) to u-snss and dnlerniinu tin ! dam- I anus. If any. lo tbu property owners , which I may bu cauiOil by such zrullii : : . I i Wliuru.ix. DrojiL-rty oivnur.s ruprcxpiitlug I more than three-liftlis of llm foot , frontage on | sail ! uart of Smvanl si roe.t have pslltiouod i the ni-iyor ainl ulty council to litivo sulil gr.ullng done unilur llio Ihroe-litths I'l-uisc.is i provided for In suc-thm 01 of tbo elly clii'rtur , anil the co-it i hereof to bo made payable In ttmcrju.il Installments ; therefore , lie Itunlalnuil by the elty council of the oily ot Omaha : Section , I. Tiint it , t-i proppr and ncecss try ami II Ishurdby doclarmt proper and m-cmsary to sr.-i'lo fewarJ itruot to Its piosonl n > > - t.tbllsbeil craile , tiii-lndlng r.oi-e.ssary ap- | iriacbes theruto. from L'Gth slj-oclto'-'Sthstroet In the clt.v of Omaha. | Section1. . That tlio mayor , with the approv al of llio city t-o.ini'ti , appoint tlu-jo disinter ested auprafsL-rs to : iipr.ilso , assi-m aiil ilolcr- mlne llm ( lainagu to iiroporty nvvnur.s which may bo cansoil by stiuli grilling , taking Into coiiHldor.itlon In m-iklui ; filch apiir.ili'uiuunt. thnsincinl ; lienollls. If miy , to such prjjiorty by ruuson of such raulnr. Section y. Tlml Ibis or.llnancp shall tuku effect anrl bu in forcu from and itfler Its jiiifs- U'/O. 1'asseil Dccombor itlh. : ISlfJ. JOHN UUOVKS. L'ily Clerk. K. 1' . IAVIU. ) I'residpnt llty ! Council. Approved lucombr > r lull. ISr. . OKU. I1. HUM Is , Mnvor An oiillniuico vacallnu' Ihu eust. twcnty-iilnu C..1 ! feet , n-.oru or loss , of Jth iiveniiu , north of Oalifornlii hi reel , ami ( In ) nasl tend > ) fnut of sulil Urih avenue , Fuiuli of Uiihfuraia strciit , next adjacent to tbuvust | , > ) of .Swuusy's udillUoa. and provlJIn for tbo conveyance of thu urc/nml su vncitcd ; loVII1 - I HIU I" . .Swoc-y. Uo Itorilalnuil by lliu ulty councilor thu city ut Omaha : Kcutlun L That In puisunnre of Iho report of thiH-ommltU'O on llnancu and thu cnmmlt- lao on Ktrculs iiuU alloys , ] irusentul : to tlio ulty council. Inly lath. IKi ! ) lel.itmg to Ihu settle ment , butwioi ) tbu u IY tit OinMi.iiiuil KOKS .S : HIU ami Willlum I' . fc\voct.y coiicuinlng tbu opunlng of curtain mi-outs niul alleys lunueon Uullfornhtand Hurl bl reels , wcbtof C.'rulKblon eolli'KH , ihut ihu casi twonty-nlno Wi ) fuel , nioroor Juss , oflib moiuns north ol l.'alifoi- nluxtriiuu nuxt ailncenl to.Swi-osv'b ' addition on IhoMSI thereof , bu and thu s.imo Is hnruby vacated ; also. thoua tl n ( M fuut of said Tlh iiviinuu nu.vt njjaccnt to tbu wist Unu of Uwuosy's ndilltloii and south of Cultfoni n Htrcei. hu and inoRiiinu Is hcrely vaunted , and sulil strips of mvnint are horuby anlhorboil lo bu conveyed by duo 1 In duo form toVf - liiini ! ' , Swi ! y , D.MiL-ulDil by ibo mayor nuu atluslcd bv the elty cliirk. rfuctUin L' . This orilliiinuu : shall take olfuut nnd bo In force from and aflur 111 pas.-ia o , 1'asaeU Deijoniber illh , Ic'U. ' JOHN Liovi- ! : : , cliviork. ; | i : . I' . DAVItl DAVItlUounull. Uounull. Approvtd Ducoiabnr''tli ' , IMJ'J. Mayor. ; NO. y,7) ; ) . An onlltmncu KXninptlii I'JS fuot of uronnil on uucli Hlduof that jiiirtnt llowanl ntivot , Ije- twciin'-'il i.nil 4JIUi hiicoisfrom thuilrQllnillii ordinance. Ho It ordalnud by the elty coiinutl of tbo city of Oiniihii : fcOL-llon 1. That ono hundred anil thirty-two ( tiJj : fuolof vrouinl on each u cloof th.it Hurt of Howard slroul between -'il t > tn > utiil ! ; "Ith htrout. In tliu cliy nt UmaliM. lie and huruby Is oxctnpled from thu provisions of Uio tire I lliiillorillniiiii'unf H-ilil city us now oKlntins. I ftcction : ' . That all ordlnuucoK or IMHU ot orilliiiinu''sko far as tlm 8 unu conlliet with llm urovl luiiihureof , bound tln-samo are heieby roiMialed. Hcctlou il. Th'it Ihl-i nrdlnancn lulco olToot ami bj In forcu from and nftor Hi pass- upi1. 1'iiHbOil Dcuiiinbcr GLb , ISH'J. JOHN OUOVEH. i-'lty Ulorlf , K. I' . DAVIr , I'r" iUcnti-'lty Cotinull , Approved December 'Jib , UX ! . OKO. 1' . UBM1S. r Mayor. _ _ _ Notice , The I'aclllv K.xprciJ Coinpuny. Ollh'u ot th I'n-ildcnt. Om.ihx Net ; . . IJjuuinbur 1st , IMC Notice IH hereby cfviui thnl iho.uinunl mi-el lug of tliu Hiookhuhlitrd nf tliu ccniiitiiy | : for tlm election of director * anil tliu tianiicllt : > n til hiicli othur biialncsa at mny properly 001:10 before - fore ll. will bu.'iulU .it thu onlco of thu coin- puny. Ixo. HOI llnrucy Klieut , uiiiuhu , Nob.on Thursday , Januiiry tb. IbJJ. ut II o'clocka.m. . liy orclor of thu ItoarU of Directors , K M. MUUdMAN , I'roildout , At teat t WILLIAM ! ' . IIICCIIKL , BoeroUrr ; GUADI : ouniNANci : NO. p..m An onllnniico > * tnbll hlitit ilm prndo of I' rnnrc * lrppv f rotu Htli utroot to loth ulroutt In thooltr nt Omahiu Ho II ordnlned by tliu olty council of the city ofOmahu : Soptlon I. ThoKMiloof I'mnPC Htrort from 8th stipi't lolOih stri-pt , In tbo city nfOmnhn , Nlmroiiy p < tnbll hoil al ihu follnvtlnii oluva- HOIK , Ihniir.'Kln liplntf iinlforin HtrnlKnt line * between the points Rpocllled In the utronlc , nvcnitp < nr alleys mined In thu respective ROC- HOIK fill lowing. to-iTlt ! i-cclloiiZ. Ur.uleuf I'mnrp utroot - l-.luvntloii Ktnvatlon of .Miuth of North , Curb. Curb. „ . , . , Upsl curlof Sth streot. cs- l\hllMicd : nriiilo . 11)7.5 ) 107.0 I. list curb of nth street , ot. labllshPd t-rn le . 2.19.5 est eiifttof tuli stieul , iiiiiiMiod irrmin . n.r > 1'pnterof liloc'x bptwoi-n nth street ami loth ulreet . SII.O 211.0 hiist iMirbof luth slleot , UN est'Uillshcd . 2IO.-.M SiWO Sum Um ; i. Tlilmmllirtnco sltull unu bo In forrrt front and nf tor Us pi 1'nssod Dcpombcrl.'lth. ISC. JOHN HltOVIH . Presldunt ( . 'Ity Counoll. Approved December Mill , isj-j. OK ) . I' 1JF.MIS. "Mayor. ORDINANCKNO. .TI70. Aiiordlmnca ducliirlnc tlm hnnkof mirth now ( 'Xiitliiiti'ti tlio soulli Imlf of lot. lUKountro'i . (1 ( ndilltloii. In thoullyof Oiiiiilui.ii niil : iiict , nnd orilcrlns the nme ti > lie sradod down. IIo ll ordiilnuil by tlm city t-imnell of thu olty ofOmaliu : Hrctloti 1. Tlmlllio lianUof uiitli : now o.xlst- Imcontlie sonlli halfof lot li. Kountr.o'a Si I 1 addition , in tlm i-lty of Umuha. l > u anil Iho sumo Mlioioby ili'daroil lo tic n nnUsinon , nnd iln'sunoi-iirJcr : il to lie iiliatcu bv uraillni ; ( town ( ho front | url-i of said aoiith half nf lot in. l\oiinti,3d iiitilltlon. si as to iiruvunl tno wiiNtlnii , falling or wuslunj cif uurth thuru- fioin upon tliu adjacent slilewulk , unit tlio owniM'nf s.ilcl 'ol , H In-ruby ri'tiuli-rd within thlllv d.iys from tliu puss.ivo or tills nidi- mint-e to iilvitc sitlil iiuUinc'o. : niul criulo down salil lot us lii-reln teiiiilrcil , ami f-ulln.c. no - lei'tlnu ori-i-fiislnvsiiioilo , tlm liicuil of puli- 1'e .vurk * is hereby dlreuteil loeauso sild : irr.ullin lo I n clone mill riipott tl.oeoit thureof for tlm purpose of nssL-salii i tin ) saino ngiiliiHt s.uillol. Sui-tlon'J. Tlmt tills ordinance shall tuko oll'eet ami hu In foreu from anil uftur Its pan- Ul0. ! 1'ussod Occoinbor Oth , 189i JOHN ( lliOVKA Olty Clark. R P. DAVIS ; I'n-slilent Oil y Council. Approved December nth. IMi-i OlOJ. 1' . UiMI3. : UiMI3.Mayor. . NOTJCK OF TI1K SITTING OV THE. . C1TV COUNCIL AS A HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. To the owners of tlio lots , uarls of Ion and run ! osuto ubiittln ou or adjacent lo the streets , alloys or aveuuhuroln iiamod or slliiatinl In whole or In p rt , within uliv of tliu ills ! riots hurutn Hucoilluil : Von and uui'h of you urn hernbv notldrd Hint the cli.v connPll ot tliu elty of Omaha will sit lisa Itoinlof l-nn-iilx.allon. ut lliu ollloo of Iho elty cleric , In lm ety hall. Omuhit , Ne- lirasUii. on I'rUtnv. tho'J.1 1 duvof llei'unibi'r , IS''J , from t'o'elocti tu in. to5oVli > i-l < p. m. , for thu uurpoM ) of eonsldor1 ! ! } ; and oiiualUIn ; tlio proposeil low of Mieclnl taxi'-t and ahscsttuonts us shown liy " 1'roiMXcd I'lunsof A nessincnt" now on Illo In ttiu olllce of said f.tv cleric , uiul eorri-i-tltiR tiny errors ilinrcln. nnd of lii'.irln nil eoiiiuliilnis that thu owners of property HO to lie n > st > s < afl nnd tnxnd may niiilco : s'llil N | > iclikl ! taxes and asieHsmunts proposoil tu lie levied Uoliis ncuossary to cover the coM.of ihu sovoril Improvements f.uly uiithorliucl to bo mnclu and now comliluteil , as follows : To ujvnr tlm cost of p.ivlm nnd curblnc L'nhs street , fioni . ' ( ) street to4th street. In street inim-nvumoiit district No.nil. . bixul | inv- Ins anioiiulln to tlm siuu of | l > : h.S'.i. and aild : i-tirblii' tu t lit- sum of jlil.TD. which sml .sums , It is propnsoil , tiy a report duly adopted by the city uounell , toa'-sosson the real statoon uaon nlilu of I 'ass xtrcot , from U''il toIth stiuut , aoi'orillou to foot front , mu : inl ( tlio us- nal B iilln buck jiropess In dt-iitli to alloy : no assfssincnt for curlilni to bu inndu'wust of .Mil Klruut us the curb thuro wns laid by private parties , Unto DOT foot fur iiavlujr , SB.40'J1- ' rntn ner Toor. for cm bins iu.ivtcii , Toeovrr thoi-ostof pivlnr IAIWO avenue , from Hamilton slntut In Mnrcui' nvuiuin. In | > ; ivliiLMllMrli't No. " 'i.i. amounting to the sum of S'i'.s'il.r ' ) ' . ' , whluh said iuni.ll Is propoiuil.by a report dill v ailnutiMl by thu eity uonnoll. to assess on tlm real cstito : on eai-b .slilu of l.owo avenue , from Hamilton struut to Moruar uv- enuu. nccor < llti2 to foot frootii''o and tliu uvuii ! spallni ; Ij u-k tiroecsi In doinli to ccnlnr of bloulc or Jst alloy. Haio per fool. SI.SKII7. The ' -e-st of prlvuto npproarh , uinoiintliiK to tliusum of of te.511 , to 1)0 iis-SL-ssud to ttio real cstnluiiiljolninir. To cover the" cost of iiavln'4 c'oinmcrelul street , from Sliorman avenue tu"th titruul. lu uavln-j illstrlet No. : r > 'J , annmiitlnc to tho.snni [ of SlH.Itll.fA winch uniil Miin.lt. t > prouosoJ , ny a roiort , duly ndoitcil | by tin ally uounell. toiii-sess DI-O rata on the real us- tate un citoh wide of t/'oinini'ivlat struct , from Slioriniin avenue toOth street , ntTordlni ! lo foot , frontairo anil tliu usual Hi-alln ? liaclc ] iro- ut-ss In doth ] ) from streetI.'W feut , not oxecnil- IIIR the contur of block : I'rovldoit. thin ; i ) fnut shall bo ik'dtiHlcil on the frontiu-o of tax loc -M , east of L'omineri'liil struut. Kuto pur foot. $ : i.lini" ( . The co-anf Drlvaioroudway.miioutit- Inv ; tc tin ; > uin oftlVUI. to bo assessed to llio mat estnln adjnlnln ; . To cover tbo cost of pit vim : ami onrblns : 21nd street from I'opnloton iivcnno to Ilia south line of tax lot : u > In stivi.'t linprovumoiit ills- trl'-t No. 47. ' , ainouiilliii tolliostini of * < , 111.1 IW. which silil : sutn It l nroposiMl by a riiportduly adopted hy Ihu nlty c oum-ll to nssoas on tlm ic.il estate pro rali. : on I'.iuli side of t 'n < l street from I'opnloiun avciiin > to south line ot tax lot : iii , according lo foot f rout ti-'o and llio tisu.i ! scaling lnuU pi o ess In ilupth froni struct i:1 : : ! fuel. Itiili ) | ) i-r foot. { J.KVJI Tlm cost of prlvato roailw y amounting to ihu sum of Sitf.TU to bo ! isso-.5L'ii lollio real estate adjoin- In i : . To envoithu coiit nf pavliu and ciirblnv t = | ionciir Mrcvl fro n Sliormun uvuniiu toL'ltli street In Htreiit imnrovuinuiit district No. 4''U , to ll.uhiimof SIS. S.'y ? u. which Bald sum It. Is proposed by a roportdulv adopted liy ilioclty oonnull. to nsioia pro rata imilio real t'sf.iton bolh sklfs of Spcti'-pi ' Mrcot , from tjlu-riiinn avenue to tilth blruut , ai'eonl- ur { to foot frontatio ami the usual soullnt hai-U proocas In ilepth lo tlio llrst alloy or D ! ' feet. Itatu per foot. * | . 17.S. To jover ibo''Ojt of pivliii ; and curblnx Gth Irccl from I'lurno Htiuut 10 HHlory : atrcut , n htri.-ct Improvoinunl. illstriut No , 4'.M , ainoiintliu- llio KIIIII of > ' . : | : . " . wlili-h sulil hiini It Is proposed by a report duly iiclojHoil by the elty euiinelli to a.oss us foiloivsI'liu yost of prlvato roadway , ninoiii'tlii' ! t Iho .sum of ilJi.b' ' . to Ijn assi-sit-il on u\ lot AO. : i. The H'inalnliii ? rust lo boasso-seU pro rata 1 on tlio prnutTly on both .sld s of Uthsiruot /loin J'loivo ' straist to Iliuuory Blroot , nuvonl- iii' ' to the tout front IKO : ind i.hu iiKtial hualliix biclt process to depth of ills- trli't nit OMMtnJ. Thut p-irt of tux lot : ! between the two prlvato niiulwayu not to bn assosicil for cnrbliis art thB ownnr put thli uurliin nt hUoivn oxpt'iisv. Hiln iwr Toot fur liavm.'fl.-'Tiy * ; fori'iirbltii ; SL'I.V.'i To rover Itiociiit nt puvliitj in alloy Jn.lilottlc Itt , eity , instrni'tlir.iiriii'o'iii.-ntdlstrlul No. 107. aiiiuunilm ; tu tlio mmuif sfl.nl. II , .vhlub said hiiniJt In prutiOM ) I liy n miiorl. duly iwlotJltxl by Ilioclty oijuuull VMISSIUH pro rufion IKIUI Kl'iles of tlio ulioy In hloel ; U. iiucor tins I" fo')5 ) front. AV il unit thu usual scallnK b.iUlc JIIOCLMH to lliniUipth nl oto : lot. Unto per fi i . i".ri''il. To icjviiithe josl nii'l inspiietion for laying pornianiint shlonall.M 1'ihl liv Kot-1 , t Ifmo uniotiiitnu to thu sum of S..SI'i'.n. \ > ] ili-h bald sum it.lt iiropmiiil by a niporl. du y niloiito.l by thui'lty voiuiL-ll to iisiohB on Ihu real iiHtntu nu whtoh haul < .vi11u : au laid , Ni.'iJ'jftlot.'J bll ; t' ) City ; ; V > S't hj-ii 101,5 tiiic 10 iii i r-'i Lot niiiu IH ni ( Lot7hlkU 47S Kl lol 8 blk 71) Vtl'l - ! N'JJfllnl I blicTil 4.VI M S'/ lot I blk 71 N V hit 8 bll-JI : j a 7J Loth blk IU < ' ' Lot I bliH \ i'tii'i iii Lot. I blti 7 Jc-romo I'urlc Lot U bill 7 ( ti Ml Lot.I bll < 7 ii : V/ci.t Knd Aihl l.ol lUlillcM LotllblUlU IHI Si Total H.MIJ WJ To covur thn cost of foiistrr.ulln ; u sewer In wotilUlvlul Kc , int , aiiuinntlifj In thu sum of tl.7ii7.7j , which HIIIII ll U proposed liy H report - port ihilv jidOiiioil bv Ihu ulty council In IIH- sci-'s on the tc.iI o.statn uIongHiiId btiVpr ] ) ro r.ila , uccoiMln ; : lo fool , froul-ico mid tiiu ntiial bcullii'i Duel : proi' " H , In depth finin Flr < * et otni Jot ; piovjdu.l , ihat corner lots htu'luir huwpi1 consiriicteJ on twuslJi-x Him I bn iubbi-il for Iho lonxnr tililu only , Kale pur fool , Ij ( van , 'J'o cover ihu coitor suw-r , ouruliu und iinl- lurlii' ' , and pavln-'on thu wiutli ono-lialf nt north "l-i feul of nithtiH fcot nf lol it , Cupll-I uildilton , iiiiioiintliii t' ) Ihu KIIIII nf i l.-'bil. which : ihl sum , II Is iirotirisuiT. byi n port ilu.y udoptcil by the vity c-niiiu-ll , to iiKum on thcsoutli nun-half nf tliu nnrl'i ' 'I'l foot of u..st 'M feel nt lot No , .1 Uapllul aildillon , Vou uio furthur nottfiO'l ' llritsulil "I'rJiimpil I'lun" of AtHtmiicent" nru now Kiihjuctlnthn liixiiuctloii nnd uTHinlnutinn of ailV i > f the owmiMof H ild lotfi. p'iris ot lots or ploccn nf ro&l i-btiuc , or ihu Inspection or cx.iiiiliiatlon . of uny other portion Inturostuil in Kail po.-xi [ nssosiMenU . . . . . , ut tbu ofllcu of xnl ( clorlt , nnd tint by a report nf ucwiltmui0i , { ! Kalil council duly nilnpto-l. It It ) p | irio ) | ) > oi | that iinluso for iood und Hiilllclcilt IIIIL ovhurwlne oniuroii niiil dcturmlneil , lliat tin . .l linprovoint'iiU rtttpulively be us- on thu Bcvcnil loin , partiof lot < : tul . _ ot real iiktuto an sbonii by ailJ pro- pOiOll plUIH Of nkK'JSIllUtir. \oii , nnd uacb of vou. HID li'-robj not ili'J ' lo iipucur lioforostild llouril of l.ouill/.atlon : at tlm time mid pliioo ubuvt ) spuclllPil , to muku any complaint. * tatuinuii ! , < < r nbjt-otl'in ynu doslro eonecrnlni ; * ny ul Bald pruj ; o I luvlvi und U6bes incnls ot fciiccln' taxon. JOHN GUUVJS. Ulty Olcrlt. Omnba. N b. Doeembor Hth. IfJt. divJ7