THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. T W KNTY-SKCON I ) YEA R. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNINd , DKCKMHKR 22 , ] 892. -NUM1UOR 185. BEW NICARAGUA CANAL BILL It Has Been Tavorably Reported to the Sen ate by Mr. Sherman , CHANGES THAT HAVE BEEN MADE IN IT Allilll Idlll UlitchI1I InrrrlKc tlir tleiii * of the rtimpinj mill Insnri * to tlin ( lem-riiim-nl Atnpln I'rotrc- tlnii from Any < " " WA nix TONI ) C. , Deo. 21. The Nicar agua bill , which has held theS attention of the foreign rcliitians committee since the beginning of the session , lins nt 1'ist been completed unit was today favorably icporled by Its nntlior , Senator , wlio gave notlco In the bcnnto ho would call It up ut mi c.uly date anil endeavor to secure prompt action upon it. The new bill Is drawn on substantially the same lines us thn bill ie | > itcd from the cotn- jnlttce to the last congioss , including , ! H does , a proposition to puiii.uitro bonds of the company to the extent of ? 100,000X10 ( to n Id In the construclion of the The new bill , however , con tains wine additions , which IneioaAc the obligations of the company , as well as the seouiltj of the government Tor instance. In the second section the ical and pcisonal propci ly and fi.inchises of the coinpanj me Included In the liabilities In the thtidsee- tionlt JspioUdod that all the stock hciclo- loio subset Hied for or Issued shall be called in and cancelled1 that all bonds issued shall bo ledecmed mill cam died , and that all out HtiindiiiK obligations shall hcsitlsllcd hcfoin the act lakes effect 'I he dates ate changed ho as to make the bonds issue .laniiarv 1 , lbU ! , and to make them malm o in UW1 , in- Htcadof I'lll , as i-i ptoposcd in the oiiglnal bill , and thej aie also made icdeemablo at the pleasure of the United States after I1. ) ' ) i The section i eeiuii ing the company to execute - cute a moitgagc to the United States us se- iiilt.v for thegummitj is amended b\ the addition of a clause icquh ing the moitgniio tocoiitain a pio\lsofoia sinking fund for the pi.v mcnl of the1 bonds at nwtwitj In addition to section i > of the old bill , it pio- v ides that if the company default in the p ij went of Intel cat , or in other icspccts , bofot the canal is put in operation , the light of foiee-losuio shall at onio alt.ich in favor ol the United States. 'ihe section aulhoiizing the scciotary ol the tieasury to delivei to the compinv bonds equal to the e\pcnditiiies iiior ) to .lanuaiy 1. lb'J.1 , is amended bj iciiiiiing [ the companj to ihst satisfy all liabilities , and to accept the provisions of the act by a lesolution of stockholders. The section is feather amended so as to make the bonds bear inteiest fiom the date ol dclherj and to exclude ftom e\pcndituics that mabo taken into orcount the considei ation paid or agicod to bo paid to the iigua Coiistuu.tiou conipiny , orothct patties Tor o\pendiliiics bj them and for the ion cessions to Nicaiagua and Cost.i Ulc.i am the total amount ) ) iineipal and Intel tst o Itouds Unit maj bo issued for the liibt paj- inent , is fixed at * U)00,000 , ( ) , instead of ? l)00- ( ) ( XX ) as in the m 1)111 ) ' 1 hei e is also jn eluded in the same section , a new pio\ision for the pajment to the i oinpany of $1,000.000 inteiest bc-.iung bonds , the pioceeils of which mo to bo used ns a woi king capilal and ap plied oxelusivelj to the constiuctioii of tlio -cnnal , to be at counted for in the fccttlcment mid ded uctcd fi oin the total i sue of bonds. linpiHliint Uh.iiiKos in the Hill. Perhaps the most important e-hmigos in the bill aio these madu in the ninth section , lolativo to the issue of stock. In the nov bill this is limited to > IOO,000,0001'J,000,000 to bo letained bj- the companj , the amount stUllitul tj ba delivers ! to the govcin- mc-iits of Nicmagiia and Costa Hic.i , accoid- ing to the concessions , and the icmainder to bo issued to the United States full paid and not subject to assessment , to bootcd by the picsidont of the United States or his pioxy at slockholdei- ' meetings and but thiec diieotois aio to be selected fiom holdeis of the stock other than that owuc'd by the United Stales. In this last section an amend ment is made so that ten instead of siof the fifteen diieetois shall be appointed by the piesident ot the United States , not moio than li\o of them who shall bo appointed from ono politii al p n ty. EVILS or THI ; MVKATIMI Itcsult of tlio IiiirntlKii I > J * Coiiiinlttri' on Miiiiiilui tun H. ' WAsni.saios , D. C , Pee. -Ifopiesenta- - tlvo Winner of New Voile , the chairman of the subcommittee or the house on manufac tures which was diiccted to iminiie into the sweating sjstem , has just letmned to Wash ington after a thorough investigation of the voikingof the system in New Voile , Chicago cage and Boston , On being asked how the condition of Now Yoik compared of the other cities , Mr AVainersiid : "They mo so .similar as to bescaicelj distinguish able , except as modified by the difleicnt con ditions of the soveial cities In Chicago , for example , this sweating business la car- lied on in quartcis wbcio the sticotsaio jiractically bottomless and the buildings aio jottcn and disgusting , as well us inadequate and unlitted for human occupints , "In Boston the industij' seems to bo car- i led on almost oxeluslvelj In extremely old , but fall ly substantial buildings , in thomojt cioudcd quiiiti'i-s , so while the municipal conditions .lie batter the lestilt is an oven n enter liability to contagion in thomoie limited men "In Now Yoik tl.ej sticets me , as a whole , much bettor pared and eaied lor than in Chicago , and much moio spulous and uftoul moio bicalhing loom than in Boslon I. Hie Iliiiiniii Illus , "While ibn tenements in Now Yoik aio , on the ono hand , fai mote llku human hives th in these in Chicago and Boston , llioy arc1 mom teiently anil solldh built , and , thno- foio , on thoaveiagc , much less siiualldand iincoinfortahlo. 'I he human conditions .uc jiraetically identiciil and the general ics-ult Mules only by essential local conditions " "AVhat do joulind to bo the attitude ol the local anthoiltlcs ! " UIIH aiiKed , "Ono of prompt c o opeiatipn in e\ cry ca. n , and m oof frank admission that the o11 \ \ at l)0.\ ) end their power to luindlo. An to dan- Ki'ionn contagion , tlicio ii equally little ills ttnctlon. In Chicago wo saw the SCMI lot fo\er signs posted uphcio the sncatim ; ) stem had been cai i led on and in a neigh boihiHid whcid it v.iis still being prosecuted , "In Boston \ \ -iti.mblcd Into proxlinit ; , with this disease in a loom wheio the household - hold ma-iufacUnlngof i lothlnir was ifolnn on. H was not occupied ly thohimc familj , but It opened upon tlio saniu couldor In Now Yoik one of the most typical instances waa wbeio wo found jmor wsotchev woilsini- under the most lllthv conditiona al . 10 o'clock on Sunday , when in the noUblocU to them the tjphua feui had bi-oken out only last Hmiuncr. ' J'homcinibeis of the co.nmitteo airlrctl licio , " coniJnned Mr. U'niner "and expect that they will complete tin taking of testimony today , mid then itll inalio its lepoit ut the uarliist iwss'.blo ' mu ment. " "What Is the lesult of jour Inves tlg-utlon ? " win , the next question. Vt'illItMl thu Wumt ItcportH. "Wo luiNo,11 i-cpllcd Mr. Winner , " \ciiilod not meicly us instances , but asareneia condition , the woi-bt that has been alleged Hilt with ono c-M-eptlon \\\\o \ \ met \ \ llm \ proof of Immouillty , and Kix > aUliig for my self , lhti\o the greatest ves.peit for tin manliness mid \\orianHncsb of the per bousemplo.xt'd. nom tl < u vcbtlmouy Utkcn wo find icpeatcd instances \\lic 10 ut U ami II o'clock ut night the oper.uivee weie stll continuing their woik. 'loy \ < had bcgui their \\oilc at 5 or 0 o'clock n. m nnd the so called 'swcatei1 ' orlxbs. workci \\iUi tlicui , biintilug work for then the next morning. Jt was not unusual to find eight or ten people with their machines .nblcs , etc. , crowded Into a 12\1f > foot room In n number of cases the living room of a family was connected with the shop , and gaiinents finished and unfinished were scattered nbout IndlscrimlnatpU. Of child abor 1-pcisonallv saw but few Instances , bull did scon little gill about \cnrsof . igontU.iK ) In the evening , diagging along n Immllo which she was phjsicallymable to cairy , midaitim ; as n human e\piess for the transfer of goods Childien In e\eii condition of flltli mid health swarmed In most of the shops In the lust one wo \ islted i'\eiy ono had gone except two woili mit fellows , who had nridc a pile of the bundles of goods ieadto bo made up. upon which , without bed clothes , they pioposcd to sleep without change of the lllthy condi tion of their persons or their t lollies 'I ho "wp.'ik'i" and the 'sweated' perfectly agiccd as to the miseiabl.v low wages p lid. " MIt. llliAIMJ'S DONDITIOV. Illl'lijsl < lin Ilolili Out mi llopo for IIU I'ltlm it)1 ISrcin crj. \VvsniNiT ( < ) N , 1) C , Dee ! ! ! Tlioip has been no appieciablo change in tlin condition of Mr. litaino since jesteidiv. After liis soi iousi elapse and attack of heat t failuie on Simdav the secietaiy his i allied some what and ho seems toiennlnat thosnno point lie has had a respite That Is about all that can bo made of the icpoits of the phjsiclans and familj todaj Mr. Hlaine pissed another faiilvcomforta ble night , and as a icsulj. of the rest he seemed to bo at no worse this morning than \\asjesteidaj 'Ibis is nil that the doctor would \entuie It is the s line stor.N as hid to bo Should the sick man lime another sol back similar to the one ho had on Sunda\ is hardly to bo hoped that his enfeebled constitution will bo able to withstand it All the mi'inbeis of the familj except Mr nialno s son Ill-law , Colonel Coppinger , aio at the house now. and while they at times Icvne for shot t sti oils about the neighboi- hood , none of them daiocntuie far awaj fiom the house on L ifa\etto squ no for fear that the case maj take a sudden tuin for the woisc 'Ihcie is constant dicad that Ihe end , when it does conn1 , miA come suddenh , and it is understood that all aie piepaiecl for Ihe woist at any time Whc-n the doctois left after their Hi st visit this 11101 ninj the cm tains in the soulh win dow of the skk uj'ii weie laised to catcli the Hist i.ns of the sun Mr Hlaino is pitifull\ weak and can mo\c but little with out assistance Tiainecl luii'os aio conatant- h 01 hand , and Mis Blaine is by the bed side almost all the time I3erthing is done that clan bo done to allcvi ito his condition , but this iserj little after all. and it is piob- able Ihat e\en the iihjsicians teel now that theieis not much that lies within their ) iower to aid him Time alone will tell the stoiy Tluit his illness m ij ha\o a f.nora- ble ending , is the hope of e\ctj one , and the people of all political cieeds are as ono in their cNpiesslons ot sympathy at this sul time "Mr Blalno is much better this evening , " said Dr Johnson in icph to the usual 111- quirj. " 1 called to see him hetw ecu r > and 7 o'clock tonight and found him e\cecdingl\ cliLCifid for ono in Ins condition His \oico was much firmer in tone and his ojes biightei. In fact ho is so much improved that I shall not lepeat misit of this o\cn- mg unless summoned b.\ the familj , and that I do i'ot expect " ' Does Mr Blainosit up dm ing anjr poition of tlie daj ' " "Oh. jes , Mr. Blaine is muth stiongcr than the-outside w01 Id has been led to be hove In fact , his condition at no tune lias been as seiious as has been p linted in the newspapers It is tiuo Mr Blaine was for a few minutes \eiy sick man , but ho was not as near to death as bi-lie\edbj-soine. Mr. Ul.nne is still cij- ill , but he is in no im- medi ite danger ol death " "Do j on think that Mr. Bl line's piesent show of nnplio\ement will waiiant his ic- to a moio congenial clitn.itc in the futuio1' ! After meditating a few seconds the doctoi said : "I cannot say as to lliat. It is useless to look that far in thofutnic " While Mr. Blaine s ph.iiciaus aio as dis- cieet in their utturain.esis nieu well can be , Ibeii manner of oxpu-ssion tlioso who conlei with them daily , that Mr. Blatne s condition is hopeless While ho is in no immediate d ingei , his malady must puno fatal , and that his span of Hfo is mcasuied bthe pioi'iess ol the disc.ibo with whiclj ho is iiilhetod. ODUlils Talk \lxiuL Iho 3I.uit.llli , .11. ill's Oiler , , D. C , Dec 21 The offer of Mine Supciintcndent Allen , of Butte , Mont. , to coin a silver dollar of moie intrinsic value than tlio st.iiid.nct dollar issued by the gov- eininent , at the rale ot IK ) cei'U apiece , w ill reecho no consideration at the Tieasury do- pal tment. lei the simple i eason that I hero is no authoi Ity for the acceptance of such an offer , een it it weio icg.uded as advanta geous. It is conceded that a pi oflt would boical- ired in the c oinago of . ( itollar cout lining 100 giainsof silver nt 'JO cents a coin , and the existing disci cpincj between the face value and ihe bullion \.iluo of the coin is a temptation to lounteifoitois. Under exist ing conditions , however , the lemcciy for this stale of uflniis lies solelj with the peojilt whomaKctho l.n.a , and not with the olll ceiswho "xecnlo them Ono ol the ojlkials of the mint bin can said todatliat Mi. Allen'j asseition that it would bo prolitablo lo ( ounteifeit the stand- md. silver dollar at its piesent value , o\en with the use ot the same amount of silver , applied witli equal tiutli to all cuiicneles and secuilties issued by tin.- gen eminent , with the possible exception of gold lie added tlio point would ha\o been e\cn stionger had it been raised against the Col umbian half dolhus instc id ot against the standmd siher dollar , for the leasontlut while both aio now lloated on tlio maiket as woi th a dollar , it takes just half as mini siher to piodueo ono as topioduio the other lie admitted that the value of the soiuenli coin was wholly fictitious , but siid Jt heh the j.imo lelatho value as the larger coin al present , simply because of its novelty nnc the limitations of the Issue The ottlcia added thn t Mr. Allen's piDiMisltlon was lilco a gr'.it many othois that had misenoutof thn piesent iKsition of the white metal as a elivuluting medium , and like ) most of them wasnotsnnii'ieiitK\ practical to meiit seri- cms consideration , except in tlio event of un looked-for legislation of a most ladical chai- actor _ IHt. IIHItHUt' ' . Hi i. * V1. % l.iiniici 'iiiitliiiii's Ills Aililress fur tllCI I'lDU'l Illloil. NI.W Yoio ; , Dec , 'Jl The tiial ot Dr. Hilggsiuuicsumed loda.lo the Now Yoik picsbjteiy Immediately after the calling of the soil and the ic.'ding of the minutes of jeMeida. , ' session Dr Uiiivs pirscntcd an exception to the noeePiHiws. of tlio coutt jcbtculay , mid tlun Dr I mnpc > , under the cloak of ti-ilimony , Introduced ; > . laigo mm/lint of evidence and now matter. The n , > evidence subi-iiftcd was exliacts f nil ' . I'rot. S'.nith's wiitings , John tl.lti.iar.d tl'o life of Calvin. Di. BiltTs pictcstcd against the ivcoption of tii3 ! in li'cnce , but was ov crruled , Ho took an esc > ptien to the i ullng. I,1. ) 1.ampo then icMimcd the ru.iilhio ( ; ( hli , o to Or. llriags' iciply. - * - Knll , SixTIIASH isco , Cal , Dec. ' . ' 1. Dtwmii II , Miller , jr. , first secn < tar > of theSontheni Paclllu and fniiui-iy ) busim33 part- nei of Mail ; Hopkins , the dece'asud million- aiu' , illi-d at lil-s teslileiico at Alumeda of JJrli hl'u dlseiib' , \\asboin In ( iiccuvlllc- , V , , In IB- ! ) ! , ami IMIIICI loCullfciijiln In IBIU. llc < Isciudltcil \tlih lmvlnoianlzc < il li ! < > entliu acccnintliiK and llnaiu'li-l Mhtoin of Iliu Central Pacific , and ulii-n tlin bocithertl Pacific ccituiiuny vuis oiiranlt'd Miller IM-CUIIIU isccruinry of that niacl and icm ilnid to un'll Unco JIMIIS .i o , \.licn hiMi > Uiu'il. ! ln continued an iccllieulor c.f Ixnhcompinlc * mill was iclto in Iliu illuut- in.iiuof thti CiooUc'r-\Vojh\nt ih Lank of this city , lloli uve n laiuo fitinlly , TOOK UP THE TIME TALKING Anti-Option anil Iiuliin Territory Matters Discussed in the Sennto. ONE USE TO WHICH DESPERADOES ARE PUT Tlirv Are Mnelii Deputy Murvlmls In Indian Tcrrltiiri lolnt ltr olntim ! to Mil- pcml SUMT I'lirclin i < VVhut Ilio IIiiUHr Die ) \rilordij. WASIIIVOTOV , D. C. , Dec. 21 The senate was in session today dining four hours and n Inlf , three-fourths of that time being cie- \oled to speechmiiUlng. Mr Hunton , , fiom Virginia , con tinued , but did not conclude his argument In favorot the McU.ur.ihau bill , which went over without action. Mr. Palmer , democrat , from Illinois , fin ished his mgument nigalnst the anti- option bill , and Mr Pi'lTor , populist , from vans is , commenced , but did not finish a speech in favor of it. Mr Peikins , icpiibllcan , from Knnsis , ad- Iresscd the senate on the subject of the Killcy to pmsue.l as lo Indian Tenritory ic favoring the extension , ol a state , or of : i ton hot ill goveinment OUT the teuitnry , with or without the consent of the llv c civil- /ed tiibes The conemrout lesolution for the holiday ece s was agiecd to , and a Joint lesolution was introduced bjMr Mi'Pheison , domo- , fiom New Jcrsej , which ho will press to a vote immediitcly nfter thholidivs , liiccting tlie sec'rotar.v of tlio tii'isuiv to susiienil all purchases of silver bullion under the Sherman act ol Jiilv II , IS'W. ' Mr Sherni in piesented a bill to amend the at of Inciupoiation ol Iho Nieaiagui Cinal eompinj , and it was plae-cd on tlie cilendar. Aicsolutlonforau investigation into the chitpcs of paitisin action against eeitain census enumeraloi s v\as agieed lo Di'Hpe-rtitors IIH Drpuli M.UHh'.iN. D.uing Mr Peikms' spepc-ha lefeienco to the shooting of the Dillon Inotlieis in their attempt to lob a bank at ColTcj ville. Kan . brought out a communication icceiveel b\ Mr Vest fiom n citi/en of that town , dated December I1 ? , sfiting that on that \ cidaj one of the notorious familv of Daltons was walking tluough the stieels aimed v\ith a icpe.ilimr gun and 1-oldlng a c-ommission as elcputj United States m.uslial Mr Perkins admitted that the statement was likelv to ho true. He knew that some of the men had been guiltj of Iho giealest ciimcs and lawlessness and had been shielded and piotcotc'd by commissions as deputy mar shals Mr Pei kins had no doubt , he said , of the authoi Ity of congicss to confer statehood or teiiitoii il goveinment on the people of Indian Tei i itoi.v , w hother the civ ili/cd Uib"s consented to it or not. He hoped that soon after tlie holidajs the Cheiokee outlet bill would be taken up for consideration ami that tluough it some legislation looking to the pmposo which he had in view might bo so- cuied His own Judgment was that the no-\ admitiisUaliou would Unit a most difllcult question piecipitatc-d upon it Iho thou sands of people who weie now waiting for Ihe oiiennig of Iho Che-i-okeu outlet weie being diiven to a condition of despoiation and to a spuit of lecklcssness. All senalois ought to desuo that , in a candid and law fill and fair way , Ueaties in idc with Indians should be i.ititied so that theio should be no violation of lawor tiealies with Indians , and jet that the land should bo open to settle ment and that the homeless should be given thooppoitunity ol seem ing homes ArgiimcMits ol Anti-Option Hill. The anti-option bill was then taken up , and Mr. Palmer , democrat , fi oin Illinois , i 011- tinued his aigument ( begun j esteidav ) in op position to it. He said that one of the most sciious objections to it was that it stiuek at the common light ot citizens to make cou- liaels in aiiy'nianner now pcuiutted bjlaw. . Nothing , Mr. Palmer s lid , was fai tlicr fiom the tinth than the idei that the farineis and planteis ol Iho United States demanded the bill or would demand it , if thcj weie made aw.110 of its piovisions. The people wanted to bo pioteeted , inoio than anv thing elsOjfiomtheirso called fiiends , fiom the men w ho w ould subv ei t the 01 doi ly , constitutional ideas of goveinment , and who would turn tlioso helpless people whoahva.vs suffeicd most when ouleily goveinment was at tacked , over totliomcio discietion of con giess. Ho was happy to know th it theio was no in gent demand for such a bill in the state of Illinois. 'Iho effect of tlio bill , should it become a law , would bo to duve .speculatoisout of the business , and to give laigo capllalisls a monopolj in dealing in f.uin products. The effect would bo to diminish puiehnses , lo diivoout competition and to leave the Held of business to the men who weio so llcicely demanding Ihe pass ige of the pending bill. .Mr. I'i'llVr'H llc'iiiiirkx. Mr. Peffcr. populist , fiom Kansas , siid that ho woi'lcl not ho quite satisfied with his own conduct if lie did not , at li-ast openlj , boioio the senate , expiess his appioval of Ilio pending me.isute. It not his intention to enter into a discus sion of the details of the bill , nor did ho expect lo consider at length the legal question involved in it. But ho wished to einpliasi/o the iinpoitance of cailyand favor able action on tlio bill , Ninelj percent of American faimeis favoied the pissige of the bill , or of another having the simo ob ject in view. Faimeis did not object to buj'- ing and selling for futuio deliveiy. Th it was olten convenient and sometimes ncces- saij. But the laiinc'is insisted tliat a llcli- tious , motcmtod and false comnieuo In pmc'lv imaginaij m tides , which continuillj' intcileicd with their business to their in- Jinj , ought to bo Mippiessed Thev did not expect tliat the pending measine , if it became - came a lawwould liil them wholly of the evil complained of , but it would open tlio way to moio Biicccssful legislation after the methods ofovadinglthadboendlscoveml. Ho doubted whether KM ) votes could bo obtained among thofarmeisof K.insis in opposition to tlio bill ; so that , in uiging its passage ho was doing their bidding , and it afforded him plcasmc to aid them in all mallei s about which they had given him instructions , as they had done in this matter , Mr. Pofler jieldcd the floor without con- eluding his icmaiks. On motion of Mr Teller , republican , Jrom Colorado , It was ordeied that the MiUaua- linn bill shall bo taken up in the morning hour tomonow House bill , extending for ono jear the nets nuthoii/ing the constiuctioii of a bridge acioss the Cano iher in l ouisiana and a hrldgo across the Ued liver in Louis ma , weio pissed. Ad joui ncd. ix TIII : iioiisi : . Liu k oCit Oiinrum 1'ren cuts tlio Tiniimie lion Of VI lull llllHllU'HS , WASIIINCITOV , D. C. , Dec. 21. Tlio session of the housu todaj * an innocuous one ; it did nothing. Theio was evidently no quorum - rum in the chamber and the membeis who hadmeasuics which they desiiod to bo con- nideied lofrnlned from offering them , know ing that a single objection would defeat their pioposltions , Theio was a special older for tlio day , and under it the committee on com- mcico e-allcd up a bill inovldlng for aids lo navigation , Hut Anthony , demoerat.fieim Texas , thought th it the aids provided for vIMC lee c.xpensho and conveited himself Into an olistruction. And as theio was low water in the quotum stieam his obstruction wan olTcotlve , On motion of Mr , Smith , democrat fiom ArUona , n hill was passed icstotlng to the public domain a eeitain poition of the White Mountain Apache Indian icservation in Aiizona. On motion of Mr , Giiswold , icpublican from Pennsylvania , u bill was passed grant ing certain iljthst6 ( tlie Hom-d of Water Commissioners In tlid city of Uiio , Pa. Mr. Outhwaltodnmooivt from Ohlonskcel consent that Iho votoliy which the house tabled the motion to reconsider the \otoby which n bill was | us < ted Satuwlay for the silo of the fort Biinvn mllltaiy reservation in Texas lie reejonnidei-ed. Mr. Atkinson , republican from 1'onnsjl- v anl i , objected } The iioorwas then accorded to the com mittee on commerce , t In committee of the whole , the house pro ceeded with the consideration of the first bill called up , being ono providing for sundry lighthouses and other aids to navigation Mr Bricknor , democrat from \Vl eonsln , in n shoit speech , advocated the passage of thomeasuie , anil thc'n moved tint il bo favorably icported to the house. Mr Hobnail , democrat from Indium , wished that some time be given for debate , which elicited from Mr. O'Neill , from Missouri , n lemnik one which was gioolcdwith applause and laughter that economy ot lime \ < as as essential as any oilier kind of cconomi And thetofoio a half hour was the limitation placed 11)1011 ) the discussion Mr Anthony , democrat from Texas , was a strong opponent of the mcasuie , and , although ho pelmitted U to bo reported to the house with a favorable iciwnmondatlon , ho iesumi'd his antagonism , and the house , being without n quorum , was obliged to ad join n. xi\v : oi.n rix IU Illicit on tlin IMA nf slUrr DUc iH oil I ) } Srnulcir'l oiler. WvsuisoTox , D C. , IJoe. 'Jt The o lit co incidence tliat seemingly huge deposits of gold should bocllsi-oveied in Colorado just at llie time Senitor Jones of Nevada , a dele gate from the United States to the intoina tional moiiotarj * confcience had made the statements that silver would smclj bo icinoneti/ed unless a huge discoverj of gold woio made , ciused some comment among sllvei men in ihe senito mid honso today Senator Teller , the acknowledged leader of the lopubllcan sllvoikcs in e-ongress , wlicn asked about the matter , s lid lie believ ed the discoveij in his state was not ol such gi gantic pioportious as some of tlie newspaper .accounts would people believe "I think Senator Jones is light in his dea.1'he siid , "liut I am quite eeitain tliat heio never w ill bo ei'sfovoiod ' such a find of .fold as ho had in mind w lien he made his ucdletion The gold capacity ollhcwoild s well known and an approximate oslimato an bo made of the output of the mines w ith his recent discovery and while it may bo ei.v laige , llie Hold has been so Ihoioughly Mospccie'd that it must nocessuilj' be iinited in extent , and1 it is lidieulous to bo- iovo it v\ill approach the Califoinia dls- oveij oflSlS. Kothiug can aftect the ic- aonetiratijii of silver except discoveiiet" Ike those of forty .vears ago , when Califor- lia , Kussiu and Austi.iHi weie pouring $ JU,000 ( ) ODD jcarlj mtiilhomiiket. Besides , the c-onimeic o and trade of Iho wet Id has in- incased so i.ipullj that business must ncces- suil.v be done1 in silver the more abundant metal " ' bpcaKiujr of the i" sh for the now Holds , Senitor Tqllei s lid liftlc could be le lined , of "ho capicllj' of tho. deposit fiom this Jieedi1 , he suit , had icceivod 0,0)0 ) people iv hen llie excitement was at its height , but hoie was not number llicio now , al though Cieedo was a icrj1 neb camp. VV.lslllllEtOll XlltLH. Kepoif 'at ' the Trc ' ; ieyetypd isurj' dcpart- nent toda\ indicate that tlio lluiry in Wall sheet is at an and fflr the piesent , and that jxchango has fallen below the shipping lomt. * A statement i.ssutHt by the United States he.isuicTshows that the not gold holdings of the goveinment todav aio $11J'JS4HM ( , , a teciease nt ne.iilv0OJJOOU , since the 10th inst , the date of the issue of the last state ment. The Tieasury depaitmcnt today pur- ehised IliljOUO ounces of silvci at fiom ? 0 W-l'i to $0SJ30 Ueiucscut itivo Bi.yan of Nebiaska , speak ing of the decision jesterdaj- the supiemo court of his state m the Nebraska election cases , slid tlio decision insuied an anti- icpubliean majority in both houses "Tlie democratic editois of Nebraska , " ho siid. "have just been in session and thej'iesohed .igainst any union of the democrats and icpublicins on anv question , or in fact , for any pin pose Tills indicates without doubt that democrats-and independents will com bine on organuition. It is also all but cer tain that an anti'iepubhcan will bo elected senator" The ( ollcctoi of customs at Suspension Budge , N. Y. , infoimcd the Tieasuij' deputmcnt tliat Hvo Cliin.nncn lecentry arrested near Lewiston , N. V. , have been convicted of unlawful entiy iuto the United States and sentenced to thhty dajs im piisonmcnt at haul labor in the Erie county jienltentiary. When released they will bo depoited to Chiii'i. j'.t ji.\n Asxi\.mof. H | ilillsliincMit of u 1'apci ut Toronto HIM Ing lei Its Aim That < > l > | i > it. TOHONTO , Out. , Dec. 121 The Hist issue of an evening paper called the Sun , made its appearance heio tonight. Its avowed object is to advocate the annexation of Canada to tlio United State's In its silutatory itsij "Wo liavo no hesitation in s ij ing our lack of like pie { iess has bceen and is entiiely duo to our unh.ippj sepaiation fiom the le- public of Ilio United States , and as our faitli is that as one of Iho states of tlio union wo would become moio prospoious than wo can bo asa Bulish colony alongside the over shadowing gi eat republic , wo slull do vote ouiselves to Iho furtheiaiiee of this great mission. With Hn land wo have no cjnaiiel , nor mo wo unmindful of horgieat services on behalf of human freedom , but our beans and energies should bo dovoled to impioving the condition of this , our own land and our own people , and 'consider what is best for ouisohes , rather thiin w hit is best for the countrj with which wo cannot long bo prac tically connected and whoso people care little if anything for us. "Tho advent of this piper is not duo to financial aid of Americans , nor to the con- tiibutlons of favored classes in teturn for patronage Wo conio honestly bofino the country to secure , as far as in us lies , Hie bright and better daj for our people who , while blessed/by natmowith an abund ance of her choicest gifts , have failed toieap any harvest , but that of disappolntmunt and humiliation. ' "Of but constitutional coiiisonoiiu agita tion will bo resorted to or countenanced by the Sun , Wo advocate tlio political union of Canada and the United States upon fair and honorabio terms and as the act of two free self-goveinln ? people , but wo do not advo cate sue li union , nor -would wo consent to it , w ithout the consent of her M ijestj' and the P.illiament of CJieat Britain , " n : jiuvn' ' ov AT A n. i.vr.i. * ii anil J'urtj"Ohm a llrlllliuit ltd irptliniut < J x rKlii' Ciipltul. A TI.\MA , da , Deo. 21 Vice Piosident elect Stevenson and his party reached this city at noon today from Aniihton. The ( inival of the party was heralded in Atlant : by the screeching of a ohorus of whistles along the line of the load and b.y the tinging of bolls The crowd today and thoovatioi was , despite the cold weather , second onlj to that of Mr , Cleveland's icceptlou foui veais ago. By icqncst of Mr. Stevenson Editor Clark Hovvell joined the party at Annlstoii last nUht. Today the commlttco of tlio c ity council , tlio Young Men's Uoiuo- cratio league and the coinmltteo of social clubs went to meet the party and give them w elcoino , The program for this afternoon Included a diivo. over tlie city , and tonight the dedication of the Commeicial club occurs , the exercises being preceded by an elegant m option at the club looms. Tomorrow theio will bo a round of gaiety. A bieakfast by the Young Men's Democratic ) league , lunch eons and icceptloiis , and ngicat public ! ic- ccptlon at the executive mansion at night. 1IOX Banners' ' Alliance Will Have a Steering Oom- niiUeo Located at Lincoln. AS THE STATE CONVENTION VIEWS IT Sj nnp < U oT Somn r thn Air > nnrc till' I'opu- Ihtt l'u\or linn 'I'lipj Will C'lindncf' Tliclr I'eircc ut the Appro idl ing I.rgNIiUho Sonslon. GnvM ) TSI.VND , Neb , Doc 21 [ Special rclegram to TUB Br.r. ] The fauneis1 alll- uico imy bo a nou-polltieal otv.intMtloii , but is n piominent member said of it , "Iho ight Is icserved to express opinions on ) olltical anl iclicions milters , as also to alto such action as Is deemed neecss.irj.1 Ono of the gentlemen who spoke at the ncetlng last night made an entirely people's ) .irtv speech and w is loudly appl uided Speaker Elder eamo in jcsteulay mid last light at supper time tlie lobby of the Palmer muse was crowded with members of the nl- Imice , manj of whom congiatulatcd the speaker on his victorj in the supiemo couit n the Clay county contest case The speech of President Leuck's , of the . " "mineis1 Alliance and Indushial union , too , was an arraignment of the east as against the west and south , the republican puty ic- ceiving the eiedit for all the ills that onfront the nation and especially the fauneis1 alliance The convention met again this moiniiig I'bo icpoils of the stlto sccictiiv , state uMsuier , state lecturer , assistant atato cctuieisand chairman of the state execu tive committee weio lead and considcicd. It was icsolvcd unanimously that the state fauneis' alii nice consolidate witli the Nation il Rirmeis1 Alliance and Indus-trill iiilon Other losolulions wcio adopted as ' 'ollovv s : That \\e endoi e the inds of the convpii- Inii held ul Om ilia July I. Tliat wefavoi the ippolntnieiil ot a loiiiinltleo to attend the coming session of Hie U'glslalmo a i anaihK- ) ij i ominlttee to look aflei needed le lsl itlon n Ilio Inteicsl of llie whole p'ople. Thai u favor the -essiiic > iit of piopvilj at IN ictnilaluo mid that Iho peinlty 10 as to IiKiiie tlio cnfoicc- nent of such a li\\ Mliilo v\o aio leiilllv In favoi of lnino\ed ] 10 ids v\o un- ilteialily oppose and v\ould condemn any niollio 1 pioposlng the bonding ot the slate 01 counlyoi dlsti let foi sin li pui pose and tint wo here and now sound tlin alaini to all otliei labor oiganl7.itInn ? to watch this new scheme of capital to ftntliet enslave laboi. Tint vvhllo we rc'jolco at tlio establishment ) f new cMitc-ipilscs we mo un UteiaUy opposed to any and nil subsidies 01 bountlo . Tint is wheat lalslng Isone of the. chief fndiisti les In NelnasU.i v\o lecognl/o the millers coinbhio isoppiesslvo to oin r.iiiuc-is theio bolnu an ibvlciiiMj' unjust and iinfali in nsln ot piolit ic'tneen piodueeisof wlieiitand coiiMimeisor loin and tliat some steps should bo taken to moio iie.nlv divide up piollts e\en If it should bo found nocessiiy lolmlld and opei.ile cnu own mills Oi'iiiiinif-vil thu llo.ird. ISesolve 1 , That vut dpiionn o the membi'is of dm pre-ciit lionicl of Public Lands and HulldliiRs foi gioss , If not cilmlinil , nccllec-nco In tlio nmmitteiiicnt of tlio public Inslllutloiis and ) ) irliuiilaily tlio Insaiui asylum nl Lin coln , on account of whli li Ilious mils ot dollus hiivu buen stolen and tlio fall namoofthu stale ) Kieatly Injuied , and wo demand that thu comingUvtslatme m iKo a thorough InvostlK i- tlen of Iliu miimiKcmcnl of the satin ; ind e\- nuiltio lute ) Iho management mid condition of tlio statu outers themselves , mid I'speclally tlmtoftbe tieismei. Tli it v\o dcnoiini e tlio present state tieiisine'i and Ho ml of 1'iliira- I/inds and t'uiuN , ulio , In violation of law , lefiiso to Invest the pcim mcnt suliool funds In slate wan nits , but use tlio same for pilv.ito Rain , tlieicby luhblnc ; tlio taxpiM'is of ( housancls of doll us , and wo dem indc'il that Ihuatloinc-y ciuioial taKe le'Kiil steps to recovi'i all money to tlio staleso , or In any olbui way , taken and lerelved by piesent 01 aiij for-ni'i-tic is- iii ci 01 bondsmi'ii. Anxious About dm I'ln mi OH. Tliat uo demanel thil stulo and county tu < isuiiTs fully mid faithfully obvivo tlio pisent luv\s lecjiililn all public finals to be ) deposited In bomls and inteiest tliuicon lobo placed In tlieli ic'spi-ctlvo tie isiulos. We * believe that all gieal vvcnUsof uitlon il reiiiilie'iiii'iitiilcli aio of public or MMiii- publlc inteiest sin li as the pioposcd PI iltc- canal bo constiiicted , ownfil anel eipeiated by tlin state , nol private coipoiations Hesoliillons vuMoalso pissed to the e'lTeet tin' alllam e appioi'l ites thu gieatwoik and iindcMp ild 1 iboi of thu stain and local ie- foi m pipuis , and tint all possible aid and cii- coiiiagemc-nt should bo given lliem.V. . cj. llolclun and ills llbe > rty vvc-iorondomncil and ( Ic-iiounced because ho tavo thu p ipci'n feeble alel to the dufeat of Ilio state iiidepenelent tlc'kot In thu lite * election undiii covet of filendsliii ) by uss illlnt ; somu of Itsc.indlil ites. A leseiiiitfem was p issucl tbiinkliiK MIIJOI Iloyilcn , tlio city council and cllUcns of ( iianel Island foi geneioslty nnd lclndnc-s In Ibn tu- ccptlon of iho elc'lcRiitc's , and tins i'.icllic HO--O company bund for fin nlsliiiiK music. OIlleorH Cheiec'ii. The e-lection of ofllceis icsulted as follows. Piesident , J. II. Pi/vvers of Hitchcock ; vice piesident , W. A. Pojntor of Boonoj sccie- tar.y and trc.isuier , J M. Thompson of Lan caster ; lectuier , S C. F.iiichild of Antelope ; executive committee , B F. Allen , chaii man , of Cass ; Allen Hoot of Dougla , , II. B. Mc- Ci.ivv of Adams , P. If. Birry of Gicclej' , and Cl.ukOldsof Box Butte The convention closes tonight , DAIKVMr.N IN ( ONVKMTO.V. 'I'niilcsof Inlcio-,1 lit tlie < Ti.lilo Dlse ilsu'd lit . Mluilin. MINIIEV , Neb , Dec' -fSpoeinl'lVle-giani to THU BHK ] The State D.urjmen' . con vention mot at 0 o'e lock this morning and the seciet.uj' and ireasuier made their annuil icjwrts The tieasmer repoited ex penditures for the j'far , fl.oOO 10 , balance on hand , ,070 7-1 , A F U.utwcllof Inavalo gave tlio convention the l > "iioflt of Ills six je.u's oxpeiicnco in checsij making ir. Ne braska Papers weie icid by C O , Emmci- son of Norman and i1 b Flumer of Gibbon. Atthoafteinooiifsesslon tlie question , -'Isit not Advisable to Use Senaralois in the Ne- bi.iska Cieamrile ? " vas ably dlscjussod Addicssss weio in ido on the following sub- Jecns ; 'Diirj' Industij , " J. H. Uatbeon , Fairmont ; "How Oleinairfaiino Effects the Dairy Industry , " W K. La.v , Columuus ; " ( Jrading Cieam , " John H , Sutton , T.ili'e ' Hook. Williim Stilton , Tab ! ' ) Uotlr , was c-lei ted piesident ; W. A f'arpcntor , Yoik , vito ] ) iesident ; S C Basset , fliblion , secietaiv and tinahuior In tlio evening Chancellor C.inlleld of thoslato univeislty de-liveied an able lecture , subject. "Anv Fool can Faun" The oimia house was well filled andcncrj ono Ihioughlj pleased MOIU : I'liori.r Sltttn ll.inUiTi , ' AHSIII 1 itlon Decl.ui'S for I ate > iiibl i.i ISHIIII | | | | , I.ixcoi x , Neb , Dec tl ! ISpei i il Tolegiam to THIS HIT. ) The State Bankcis' assoda- lion clos ° d its mmu il session this aftoriuvin. Vciy little routine business was transautc'd outsldo of the executive council und the deliberations - liberations of tliat body were secret. On motion of Ij M , Kecno it was iciC'lvnd , that the icpoit of the convention at vvhi'-h this association wns orjiiinl/cd , In lbW ! , be-mado a part of thu icior.U of this session A lotte-r of icgict was iccolvod from lion J Sterling Morton , who was to have dollveied an ad dress on "Tlio Tools of Commerce , " but was unublo to bo present owing to the illness of a sister 'Iho following olPcei.s 10 oinoied' IVosl- dcnt.C. V Baitloy , Ciranu Ijland ; first vice piesident , A. E. C-adj , St. I'aul ; executive council , il W.neb , Omaha , N S. wood. Tamolii ; A. H. Graham , Wlsnm'i (3 ( H. Mori ill , Lincoln , W. It , Wilson , Nebraska City ; L 1) . lUcliauls , Ficmonf.A. IJlnrke , lhiBBjQ.V. \ . Pojt , Yoikj Edwaid Up dike , Harvard ! 1 ° . V. Itobortson , Ko.uncy. Vice presidents' Tiist distilct-O , Howe , Syracuse ; O. W. Holland , Tails City. Second - end district R H. Div is. Omaha ; A , P. Brink , South Omaha ; William Wallace , Omaha Third dl ti let -Will ! im Steuffcr. West Point ; W H. BucholU , Norfolk ; i : P Folds , Scliuylor. Fourth dlstiief S. C Smith , Bpatilcej K. E Leonard. IXuld Clt.v : Clinics Pciky , Wahoo Tifih dlstilet A. U. Cur/on , Cmtis ; Kincild , Cm t Is ; A. D King , Culboits.m Sixtli dlstilct U H Jewett. 13 roll on Bow ; Job Hathavvav , llem- ingfoiil.C K Ctlovcr , Uing 1'lno Tlie fol lowing icsohlllons were ilso ndotcnl | Ilesolved , That c'onitre'i bo petitioned to suspend ( ho pnicliiM'of SM | | < I bullion nildei Ihi' Miermun ae't until MU h time as HIP rale of silver shall IH'MI Used lij liilormilloiiiil ajjn-e'- ment Ihit the llvei leiral tender iloll.u nr Us piopft repie'-cMilatlvi1 sli ill havcan cMiunl pin ch islni ; qua III v \\ltli Ilieitold dollar. | { c"-olvi'il , Tliat It ! > the sense of this con vention tluil tlio naileinnl banl.lna net bo M ) amendi'd ns to lestote to tint li ink one'eif Us propc'i fniietlon1) , namolj , tlie fiiiiiNhliitt uu- ( lrrpii > prrgnvpiumi'iitiil viipi'i v Won such nil- illllonil liistiuments'In \cesH iif coin nc'ecs- sai j to meet tlin elem mils of ttade The committee to which was refeuod the matter of davs of grace iccoinmcnded their abolishment bj legislative enactment. The time mid place for the next association will be decided upjn In the executive council ( i > llliu7fM ltlillie'TiaIn. Snni.TON , Neb , Voe ) SI Tele gram to Tni ! Br.i : ] Clalio Sheldon , n farmer , while dilvini his teini across tlio lalhoid track todny was inn Into by the fast m.iil tialnNo J and Instintly killed. Ho was thrown 100 feet or moio and the wagon torn into spllnteis The coionei's Jmy brought in a ACidict ns follows"We Had tlie tialnmen gave signals for the crossing. Wo consider the crossing on Main stteet dangeious by the view being obstructed on the west side ot said sheet" ' Co7vi ) , Neb , Dec -jSpeeiil Telcgiam to TinBt i : 1 - Uxnit i ) o do ; k this nun ning Thomas Graham of Sow aid in the employ of the l < oiiibat d Investment compain started to diivemto tlio country with alhoiv tram When just Loutli of the rallioid Hack the te.imimiaw.iv tluowlng Mr. Giahani out , bioaking his kv near the hip. lie is about IX ) .veil sold Niimvuv. Cm , Nob. Dec 21 [ Speclil Telc'ssiam to Tin : Urn I Miss \M \ Wilson , one of Iho most piominent joung socletj 1 idles of this city , met with u seiious acci dent tins evening while coaatitig She was Hiuck bv a heavy sle-d and sustainoiKsorious inteinil injuiicM as well as painful sinains and bruises. jucr .1 ii C'lr.ih man Ciulrr's V icof Din r < illtli-il - sltuiitliin In i , SM.TLV.KI : , U T , Dee 121 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BIT ] Clmiiman Caitor of the lopublieau nnlioiuil coimnitteo was in this citj- todaeiuoute to his homo at Helena. When asked if tlio democrats would succeed in steillng Mont ma , he slid : "I think not. The republicans of Montana elected ovciy state ofllcor except chief justice The demo crats made a special effort to c.iptmo llie logislalmc , vvilh the icsultof ninodoniojrats to seven republicans in Iho senate , and twcntj-six icpublicans , twentj-six demo crats and tin eo populists in the house. "A portion of Iho democratic picss e'liti- cised llie action of the icpublic.ins for un dertaking by tlio courts lo right agiievons wioug perpetrated on Ihe eleetois ol Box Elder piecinct in Chateau County. Thoio- tuinswero formal and regular m overj 10- spect , but wcio tliiiiwn out and disieg.uded by the canva ing board w ithout warrant of law. Bv this action tlio democrats elected their legislative e'.indidate vvhcicas thoie- publican c'andidato was in fact and tiuth elected , as shown bj the ictuins , including Box Elder picciuct. This precinct was thiown out bv the canvassing bo.ud em lhe > pielext that tluce or four poisons alleged tint they leceivcct small sums of money for their votes Under the state laws canvassing bo.uds cannot judiciously doteimme on anexpaitoshowing. anv question of fnet relatives to the light of any cituen lo vote at any election w hose 10- liuns aie iepist < % icd Whether Iho couit gives Leech , Iho icpublican i.iiiitlil.ito , a diicct coitillc.ilo or not I think ho will bo so ited by the next legislature , as a good poi tion ol tlie democratic' pics * mid fair minUed demoeiats .no favoiablo to his quilifviug. In Hi it ease the populists will eontiol tlio vote on tlio joint ballot These gentle-lien , I am infoimcd , wcioiepublicans befoic joining the populist ranks ] think a republican will be sent to Iho United States senate " Asked as to tlie e-andidates for that pi ice , Mr. Cm ter omitted himself and men tioned Senatoi Sandeis and Eeo Mantle of the Butte TntciMountain. . It is geneially undci stood m Muiitan i Unit Mr , Caiter will bo the stiongest candidate in the Held. In case a is i-lectect there is a long list of .ispii.mts in CoiiKiessinan Dixon. W. A. Claik , ex-Goveinor Hauser , T E Collins , Ooveuior Toolo , Martin Maginnis and W , M. Biekfoid. _ Appier luli'd tliii Sltiiiitlou. S\i r TJVM : , U. T. , Dec. 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hen , ] On November 8 a daugh ter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Audi ew Kimball - ball of this city. They named the baby Ruth , In honor of Giover Cleveland's daugh ter and of his election on that day. They also vvioto to the piesident elect , congiatu- iating him on his vlctoiy and infoiming him of the miming of their oflspiing , signinc' * themselves ' Mormon de'inociatic li lends " The happy paioiits weio suipilsed and de lighted to leech ed loilaj a icply fiom tlio pi i sldciit elect , thanking them for the com pliment mid expic-ssing this wish : "That the baby will boas gie-it a joy and comloit to jour household as our Until is to ems , and thai her life may bo long ami useful " rtn : run : ini.oiti > . lls mil HUH itl i/ci In Uiiuy 1'liici" ) mill LIKH - ol l.lli' . Pill' VJH i run , Pa , Dec 'Jl The bi dicss goods mill' ) of I1. A Bachman to Coinpiny buiiicd this nftoinojii I.OSH , i.Vi,00) ) ; in Billed. Of the loss ( l.Yi.OOO i.'picsonts the valuable miuhineiy whie-h Jiilrd tlio build ing and u consideiablo anniint of llnislieil goods and law material Oil the south is the laigolirsipr.v mill of Sullivan it Biowe , which was saved only 1'V ' the efloits of the Hi omen It was diiinage.t i 1,0110 HOI th , O.I tlio west slclo of the mill n low of ticventecn liouses wns badh dnmugf d , entailing a IVc 21Too vllliifeoof llrrionins been neaily desti'Oj'c-d bv file anil fouite-en inhabitauiH w iKbuim-d lo dc-alh in their homes orw liile tryii K to icscuc voir.1- ! : and ehildic'ii in l > ciil. : Thu inhabitants aio miflcr- ing gieatly for vv.iiit of food and c lothing , bl'lilNf.liri l ) , C ) , Dec tilA e-rivlo oil tank at fiists it Co 's exploded this moinlng , throwi'irf imuiing oil DVCIllio rmp'ovc-i ' Kohlor vv.w cookoci 'ilhoiind many t'thnra aio ihought to bo fiitalh Innm-l. ( CONDON , i > M. a ! Tlio Morgan iMii'aro ' I vvniUi ) . near Ijondon , burned lids moniliiic EO-.S , O'J.OJO Amoi'g the cauiagc-H binned wcio ten InU'iiilcd for exhibition at tlio Woi id's fair. Hvvinuxi , Doi- 'JThe ! f.v toiy of Holt X Philllpl , ! aiio ( amiiuf.iulmors of > , binned , I.eiuili-il with INiil-liifi-i li'd New VOUK O"v ! il The nt'-amshlp M ir- tcllo , ii'om 13-ijlIsh PHI is , % ia Hull , it , duo hciu tomorrow , hiving on bo.udtoiao ( KK ) bales ol Itucniin , Gentian and Fioncli lags. These am rughteied aacoming fiom infected countilc-s ami as being subjected to the order of IhoTieisiiry t muni of August 111 last iu ruferonco lo tlio imputation" foreign rags. It is undc-i stood that the cargo will not bo allowed to land. < il Oe'Ciin S At I.lAird Pussed Nessinoro , fiom Boston - , ton ; Travo , fiom New York. At Kingsilalo Passed Majestic , fiom Now Yoik for lilvnpool , At Uu-mon AulvejclDnisdcn. . fiom Now Yoik. At Now YOi-k An hed Teutonic , fiom CHILIAN REBELS ARRESTED Quito n Number of Prominent Poisons Among the Prisoners. NO DANGER OF THE TROUBLE SPREADING Atnrrlnm Ninal n nicer * Krrrhrcl with the rM Ciinitr < > lij tlui litprroc-ntn- i iirtlio ItrpiihllrsmitIon | | In Illo Unimto do Hut , [ fopi/i / Wiled ls9 > M/ctiM ) ; Gnnlon Htnnttt. ] Vui-Muiso. ( \ { \ Oahcston , Tex. , ) Dec , 81. [ Bv Mexican Cible to the New York Hor- nld--Spcclil to Tin Urr. ] Airests of per sons supposed to h-ivo been coneeineil in the plots against the government at Santiago continue. Ono of tlio most prominent pm * oncis Is u nephew of Archbishop Cnsanovn. Theio Is not the faintest idea that the rovoi lutionary movement wlll extend fuither. The countrj is iiulet and business continues good. v lalts w ere exchanged bctvv ecu the ofilccrs of the Chill in n ivy and those of Ad miral Gherardl's fleet. Oherardl and his stafi weio received on their arrival atSnilligoby oniceis of the go\einmcnt who escorted them to thelrhotel Incai rlnges. The goveminent is giving the Americans every possible attention Chilian mivnt offUei.s and citizens of the country geneially are disappointed over ilia shoit stay of the Amciican miumlroiu Thcj feel that at least ono of tlio Anioilcan warships should be allowed to leinatii in the Itnibor inoidei that themaj shovvtheirhos- pltallty and make known their desiio for nil entile icnewal of the former coidtal ielu- tions between the two poveinments. Ttio oftlccison bond UioSnn rranciseo and the Chailcston aio icganlcd with special favor bj the Chilians. Tlio IIoiaid's coriespoiident at Montevideo telegraphs that the levolutionaij sentiment in Kin ( Uando do Sill is subsid ing. It is now known that the federal government intends to intcrfoioi Yoiircoirespomlcnt at Klo do Janeiro snj-d that troops aio ready to embark for Hift OaiidcdoSul ThoCastilliistas aio eagci1 for wnr with UruguajIt is siid that es tates belonging to federalists have been abandoned in all puts of Hio Griindo do Sul. Hobbcis mo overawing the country and the citircis mo afiaid they will bo mur dered. The robbers snek all houses anil the police are poweilcss. The gov eminent eif Hr.ifil has dcciecd Hi it a fusion shall take > lace between ths Bank of Bia/il and the Bank of the Kopublie for thp unllleuUon ofl cm lent notes. Tlio now bank is to issue 100- 000 cantos secured by 4 per cent bonds to aict n industiies. A now ministry has been founcd. The Herald'a cor lespondont at Buenos Aj'res sijs that Dr. Assist denies that ho m ulo n propos - pos il to div ido Paraguay butw ecu Brazil and Aigentino. Ho pioposcs tlio compulsory pay ment of the war clubt by Paragiiuy althougU ho thinks that division is the best thing that could happen to the country. l.VIMCXATIOX IX VKNn/ t'K'Hpo anil UN I'rlrnels Inrlltieel to Seniitor 'MorRiin'H Thri ills. tOii//i/i'i | / / ' ril / WJamtt / | fltudun llcnnctt.l CMIVCVS , 7ell07Uela ) ( vl.i Oalveston , Tex. ) . Dec.31. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now Yorl $ lleiald Special to THE Br.iDr. ] . Bustu- inento has returned fiom Maracailm. Ho ro poits that the work of affecting a reconcili ation between the waning factions in Julia , < s p > ogi essinir \oiablj' , ne > outlnealc is now leai oil. He has decided lo , ? o to Washing ton. Rc'iitorMoigan's threats against Vcne/- ui-la in his speech in the seimlo at Washing- lon in coiineclion witli the Mijores incident , caused e'xpicssions of suipiiso and indigna tion in Vcne/uela , II is criticised as being illtimcd and unbecoming iv member of the senate committee on foieign lelations. The iucslion ] is closed so far as the Heel D Line jteaincis Philadelphia and MiJoiOs is con- ccuicd , but ( leneral Cicsponnd Minister of Customs Piotio say they have not , icceivccl fiom their oiiginal position mid should a Heel D Line steamer bring similar Venezuelan crlminalb ftom Cuuicoa into jurisdiction the question will bo raised again unless Ihey aie suriendercd by the * captain. In the event of n refusal tosur- icndi-r the suspected poisons the Vcnc/uclnn gov eminent will rofnso to register the ves sel If , nfter the iffusal of icgistr.ition , the Amciican consul should clear the \csscl , the con ilgnois will bo subjected to a heavy line , r Efforts aio bi'intj made to consolidate the Bank of Vono/ucln with tlio Bank of Carn- cas and foun a now institution lo bo known as the Natioml built The minister of llnmico has icportcd favorably on the propo sition , Theic was a demonstiatlon nt La Citiajia and Caiacas on the i.iilval officn- erals fiucria ( Jnlntano and Kcuiades from I.oi Andes and Cieneral Mora fiom Puerto - > t CalK'llo A ipi-opllon was gheii them which J v\as attended by all classes of citi/ons , Gen 'I ' "ral OUCH , i reports tlio pacification of Los Andes and /amora. ( Crespo lias ordeicd the teleasoof Liurlano Villancuva , who was a c'aiididato for | ) iosldi > nt against Dr Hojas Paul anil ( Jenoral Crespo himself. Neaily all the political suspeots impi Isoneel In Caiacas in tlio oulj claj's of the U'irallBt Uiinniili have been u'leised. Tlio rionch gov eminent on behalf of the Fiencli C.cblo eomp inj' is about to llloa big cl urn against Veno/uola for IOMC.S in tolla on account of ine-nige's Inning been do- tallied by VillcgaH Mcndo/i.mid Pulido thiough tlielr e-ablo censors dining tlio war. A big light In oxpc-eted bftv\ceu the now | { 'ovcinment 'ind the L-i Gnayra Breakwater c'omiianv , a Biltish coi poration , over the -j | fiiilmo to complete the work , The govern * ment In icconstruutiiif , ' the Puerto Cabcllo 41iu > Mini Kllletil nnil .Mmiy Injiiiril by ( h Cm i'li KHiiC'Hii < il u I'n llflit Tiiiln'H Cieuv , KAMJXS Cnv , Mo , Dcc."l. A most serious head-end e oHlalon occurred at Lcnoxa , Kan , on the ICansm City , Foil Scott fi Momphls at'A \ \ > thlu tni'iilii' ! between a northbound fi eight mid tlio Missouri , Kansas ft Texau bouth tiouud pissengor , which rum. over tlio Mem phis tracks fiom ICaasas to Paola , Kuglncc ? Som.'i l.nid of the jiassengcT tiuin was i'latantly killed The two engines wcio ( omlet''ly ) ) doniollshed , ami Soui'iland W.IH found cut to nieces beneath the ruli'H The oxpfcss aim baggage - gage CMIS wcio torn to spllnteis mid an emigrant car altaclud toilio fi eight train was compli'tely demolis-hed. Twelve pasucn * icis i < ml train liandH wcio slightly Injuied. > ' 1 ho freight trai'i was dlbablod on a cuno. and the wieek Is said toboeluo to the neglll gem o of the freight eiuvy in not ll.igglng the passenger tiain ' 1 ho conductor and engineer of the freight train disappc.ued Immediately after the wte'cknnd I'm ) not been PC/CII since. The loss to the i-uihoud company amount * to , | f.'W.OOO. '