IATM tVIMnT TUP UflTXTlTPPC DLLA\KI \ ) BY TIIMYITNLSSL ; Progress of the Election Contest Qroatl ; Hampered by the Lack of Evidence. IT IS GOING ALTOGETHER TOO SLO\ \ Nntnrlr < Will Very l.llci-lr Try Thi-lr llnml at Cnmiirlllni ; AttriiilniicnlilinpliiR on a llox of dpir * Verier. The legislative contest cases continue t drag their weary way each tiny. A Rren deal oT trouble Is experienced in seeurln the attcndnncu of witnesses nml the contci tnnts nro consuming double the tiino nuce : pary because of the continual waitings fe witnesses to suit their own convenience i opcaritiK | before the notaries. The atto neys nro growing impatient and unless tlici is more general response to the numinous , a effort will bo mmlo to compel the attendant of the witnesses. Some of the attorneys ni of the opinion that a notary can compel witness to appear , and thcro is some enrnc ! tnlk of testing the matter. The testimony of 1'ctcr O'Donncll occnpk most of the forenoon yesterday. Ho was democratic challenger In the Third distrii of the 1'lfth ward. The witness tcstilled the bringing into the booth of a box of ciga : by a republican candidate for councllma with Ills card attached. In the Second di trlct two men were working for Merci within forty feet of the booth. The tv men induced two democratic voters to cnti n carriage and drove them away. The wl ness did not hoar any of the convcrsatio but his supposition was Unit they were lain nway to prevent them from voting before tl polls closed. G. 10. Hcrtraml , a cleric of election In tl Ninth district of the first ward , testllli that out of the four judges in the booth on ono was a democrat. Crltlclm-il UK- < : l-ir : < i. Michael Clarke was recalled to relate h experience with a box of cigars that hi been placed insldo the election booth of 11 Third district of the Fifth ward , i > y W. . Saunders , u candidate for the city counc The witness said that Mr. Sannders' cai was taclted to the lid of the box , and th the judges and clerks smoked the cigars. I smoked several. Didn't enjoy himself , b smoked to get rid of the elgais. llo thong ! they were a product from .lohn Smiley cabbage Hold , and certainly they were n of a kind to inlluenco any voles. If tin had any bearing whatever it was hurtful the republican candidate and benelletal the opposition. Further than the plaeii of the box of cigars in the booth the witnc had no knowledge of anything transpirii then that would tend to inlluence the votei Mr. Barlett again gave notice to the co tcstants that the contestccs Insist upon : equal distribution of time in the hearing , us to introduce testimony , and that wh the contestants have linishcd the conteste will insist upon occupying the closing tin The stenographer made this a part of t record , and then began a tedious wait I other witnesses to put In an appearance. Adolph Hoppo came in a few minutes hit mid was sworn. The witness voted at t Third district of the Filth ward. When approached the booth ho was accosted by man who thrust into bis hand a sample b lot of some kind. Ho did not take notice the slip of paper ; tore it to pieces and ( tered the booth. When ho entered the boo the llrst object to moot his gaze was t Sannders box of cigars. The next irrcf larity that came to his vision was a voi holding up his ballot and Inquiring of t judges whether It was regularly mark ) Thu reply was in the afllrmativu and t ballot was placed in the box. Mr. Hoj : was asked whether thcro were other irref larltici , and ho studied intently for a I moments , concluded that such was the en but could recall none of them. The cross-examination elicited the f ; that witness was not acquainted with t political faith of the ticket peddlers win ho encountered outside of the booth. 0 was a colored man , and ho did not suppc he was a democrat. In reply to a din question Mr. Hoppo said ho had not notic anything which seemed like an attempt thwart the intention of the voter or obstn the voting. The only irregular practice * noticed was the soliciting of the voti within 100 feet of the booth. There u nothing affecting the legislative ticket t way or another. Helped < lnt tins r.mrycrH. George Seav was called and stated tl the election board in the First precinct the Seventh ward was composed of livo. publicans , ono democrat and ono indepei out , ono vacancy being filled the morning election. Sibloy Hcarilon , a democratic challciij at the sixth district of the Fiftn ward , v called to tell his story. Ho saw ball counted which in his judgment were properly marked. The Judges compel each voter who required assistance in i paring his ballot to take an oath to si inability. Ho objected to this , but with avail. A few voters were denied the ej cislng of their franchise because they fused to take the oath of their inability prcparo ttieir ballots. Howasnotaequain with the political faith of the member : the board. Ho thought that the errors ci inlttcd were through ignorance and not \ \ nuy design to do wrongfully. Thu witness iwsscssrd a penchant for planning every answer to a question , and had u few intcrrogallvcs to lire at attorneys when they had finished with h Mr. IJenrdon inquired : "Is it unlawful 11 nd a bottle of whisky in an election boot The question was too much for the all noys and it went unanswered , while the * ness told of finding a bottle of whisky un an overcoat In the booth. The witness then started to lnq\ whether it was a bribe under the Austral ballot' law to present an election board \ \ n box of cigars. Mr. Smyth said : "You are oxcuscd. luivo heard all we deslro to regarding t tiaundcni box of cigars , " and the witu stopped down and out. The hearing was adjourned at ft o'cl and will bo continued thlfi morning at o'clock. * HoitX'tlllllK < ! ouil I have sold and used in my family for ! oral yearn Chamberlain's , Colic , Choli nnd Uliirrluuii remedy , and have founi onu of the most useful and satisfactory r cdlcs I over handled. C. H. Lewis , drugc Salt Lake City , Utiili. J'JAXOS AM ) OltCANS. llliydcii Hruf. ' Sin-Hill Hulu. The lineal nnd cheapest pianos and pnurt over BCOII in Oiuiiha nro now etilo at Htiydon Hros1. Parties contc pluting iv purchase willHUVO money llrst inspecting our instruments. Tlio prices wo are now quoting tire the holiday season only. Every inst ineiit guaranteed. IIAYDKN J1UOS. , Pianos and organ : o Holiday geol UYonjsar , jow'r ' , op % \ Boo tbo celebrated Solimer piano Ford & Olmrlton Mualu Co. , 1508 Dod Coniplrlu Now Mode or I'imilture. All goods marked loiv in plain HHUI : CHAH. SmVKiiic'i ; & Co 1200 , 1208 tuid l io Farnatn . \jinn.iatf.i . * .v Codnr Hnpids people are talking of boring nn artesian well. The Improvements at Cedar Ha phis durltif the yenr footed up { 02,000. The Klkfiorn doiwt nt Arlington was en tlrely destroyed by fire which started fron spontaneous combustion in the oil room , Uonkchnan's grain elevator caught fire Imt prompt action by a volunteer buckc' ' brigade saved the structure from destruc lion. lion.Tablo Table Hock people who were awake carlj ouRh in the morning saw a brilliant metcoi and heard It explode with a loud rciwrt Nobody , however , secured any of the piece : so farasroK | > rted.i I , Slbbornsen of Columbus has filed a state mcnt In the county court , that even shouli the contest case between him and Wllliau Irwln for a seat In the house of rcpresonta lives bo decided In his favor , ho would noi qualify. The light against Irwln was lusll luted by other parties without the conscn' ' of Mr. Slbbcrnson. The parties who , it Is charged , robbed am burned Dr. Gaudy's store at Aspinwall 01 the night of November ! M have been arrcstci and are now In Jail at Auburn. Their name : are Hoblson.lohn Kbbs and William Corey living near Hlllsdalo. All of them wen participating in a revival meeting at tin tlmn and have taken great Interest It church matters during the winter. It li sild : they went direct from church am robbed and burned tbo building. They In duccd a man to decoy Mr. Hall , who rosldoi In the store building , out coon hunting tn the night It occurred and then did.tho job A quantity of goods was found In Hoblson'i possession and when confronted and askot to explain ho broke down and cave the thin ; away , implicating wit'i ' hint the other two Thcro Is much excitement in the count ; about the matter , as many horses , hogs am other things have of late been stolen and thi people are determined to rid the country o the parties if possible. It is believed tha other arrests will follow. \ Draw Your Own Condition. Mr. .T. O. D.ivenport , manager of the For Ilragg Redwood Co. , Ft. Uragg , Gal. , ha this to say of Chamberlain's Cough Ucmcdy "I used It for a severe cold and cough am obtained immediate relief. In the For Uragg I ted wood Co.'s store wo have sol largo quantities of Chamberlain's mcdi dues. " For sale by druggists. REMODELING RESCUE HALL. I'lrstSurvlce Ili'lil I.nxt NlRlit AliiUlnj ; < Jcn Tlio llrst service after tlio dedication Mot day night was hold last evening in the no\ Hcsctio hall on Douglas street. The al tendance was not so great as it might hav been , but the number present was cncoui agcmcnt for the promotion of this worth , enterprise , and the service was a feast fo the unfortunates who found a genuine Chris thin welcome when they entered. A song service preceded the opening of th regular service , and then a general feast f prayer was participated in. Mr. Hoborl talked for a few minutes , urging the slnnci to repent ore it wan tno late , and bcscechc them to become Christians. A number askc for prayer and the services closed with song and prayer service1. Jlr. Itobcrts loaves today for Boston , whci ho has cliargo of the work of the rcscu missions. Workmen are now engaged in transforn ing the old theater. The scenery has bcc removed and the stage and rooms in tli rear will bo converted into suitable roon : for laundry purposes and sleeping apar mcnts for the men. The llrst lloor next l the street will bo devoted to the use of rending room and a sowing room , a partltic separating the two. The gallery will I used for sleeping rooms for girls and womc : To remodel the Duilding will require an ou lay of SliOO. ! IIAVDHX nuns. Toys\nml llolliluy Oooils. The largest stock and the beat assor inont in Nebraska , In fact , few stati wlioro you will find its equal. The display of toys this year excel all p. ovious years. t The now designs in oxidized toil < i sots , porfuino cases , jowcl cases , glo\ and handkerchief sets , collar and cu cases , card cases , brushes , etc. , is tl handsomest line over displayed. Entire now styles in plush , loathe and celluloid photograph albums ; the are beauties. Great variety in autograph album 25e,50c , 75e and Sl.Ot ) each. 13 Everybody aitys wo have the ham Boniest line of Christinas tree ornament and "ohl how cheap ! " you can hear u day long. Ornaments , Ic each , or lOo do7.cn , LJoautiful designs at 2 for 5c , bettor i 5c and lOo each. Our Block of dolls is Immense ; uol of every description , dresseel or m dressed ; largest dolls made ; also tl liUlo bits of dolls. Wo are in a posltii to please any ono desiring dolls from up to S2o. Lartro stock of Japanese dolls nt lOe and ISc each. Games are much ohonpor this ye ; ' than liibt. 2oe games are selling at'lC 60o games at 25u , $1.00 games roduci to 50c oach. Folding beds that soltl last season 25c , 5c ( ) nnd $1.00 ; have boon reduced lOc , 15c and 25c. Wo were very fortunate in sccurii from the largest manufacturer of sach bags his entire line of samples at great discount. No two alike. V have placed them on oalo at about hi their value. Hero is a chaneo to hi the latest styles and designs at Ic than wholesale cost. Elegant line of smoking s ots from & up to $10.00 each. Now Designs in painted plaques , 7C $1.50 nnd $2.10 each. Anything you may ask for in rubb toys that Is now and novel you will 11 at Ilnydons. Iron toys In great variety. Hooks for the little people of eve description , alto a full line of books interest for the older ones. Our 5c .tnd lOc toy counters are t co nt or of attraction , crowded till d long and rollllod every hour or two \vi bargains tlmt you can't match at where at double tuo money , . All si/es la brass drums from Ifio t 1 Doll carriages from the ehoapost the best. Tool chcstB , lOe , 15c. 25c , 50c and t All si7.es of velocipedes , iron wagoi wheelbarrows , eiarts , otc. Wooden toys in greater variety Ih ovor. Fancy work baRkots of ovcry doscri tlon. Handsome line of chlldrou'tt 'tea so vases and fancy perfume bottles special prices to close. HAYDKX JiitOK Hcadqunrlorb for Xmas goods Holiday goodsl''ron/.or , jowYopp , { Iliiytlci ) llro * , ' I'l'iuoi. lit Klogaut now piano , Hlnnilurd mm c. facturu , liandhomo case , warranted every respect , for IIW , The cheap c.s. llrst class inttrumeit ) ever olVored. T s. is for tlihi week unlv. HAYDEN BROS. , Pianos and Organs only I'uns Crcnm of Tartar 1'owder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. tJ0ed iu Milli'ns of Houies 40 Years tlie Standard A Fight for Life , The dcspcrixto struiplo for n ronownl of tha joys of ho.illh Is a succtiiolo rnost pnlnful to behold. Every victim of \IervoUs \ , Chronic -AND- Private Diseases knows but too \voll the horrors of tlmt nlmost hopeless combat ; nnJ every ono of the ninny thousands who have been completely curail of these distressing and dangerous nnllilies by these nn- rlvalcd spcclultsts , tlio fanmas knows the Inexpressible dollsht of a real and iiormniiunt restoration of tlmt priceless Iman , itood houltli , If you nro nmons the uflllcted ones , consult them atonuo. Fena 4 cents for rt copy of thalr lllus- trutud now book otio i Consultation Free. Cull UIIQII , or address with stainu , Dr& Bells & Belts 119 South 14th Sliest , COI1NKK OF DOUG LAS ST. , NEB. OMAHA , - - FOR FAT FOLKS Dr. Edison's FAMOUS PILLSAND BANDS and OBESITY FRUIT S At/ ] roduoo your weight without dieting euros the causes of obesity , such ai dyspepsia , rhoumats ! m , uervou ness , catarrhkidney trouble ? ; keopi you healthy , and beautifies the com plexion. CHICAGO HOAHD OFTnxnE. I rcaln write you to siy : I luivo lost 1 Iiounds , inulcliiK 4 potindB lost In 10 weeks b ; using 4 lollies of Ur. Edison's Obesity I'lll uud woarln ; his Obesity Itiind. Very truly yours. CiiAULr.a II. KINO. 1'fof. HAI.B , Chluazc University , wKtcs to th ClilciiRO llcnilO. Sept. J8. ISO' ' : Corpulent men should uiy ; some attonlloi to reducln : tholr wolRht Wlion a man 1 troubled with rhouinntlsni , dyspepsia , klonu ; troubloor _ nur vousncss HID reducing of weigh Is slower , until the Obesity I'ills luivo euro tliu dlscuso that cuuscd obesity , Tha'plll soften and hnaiitlfy the sic n of the face. I am : it liberty tocltu auuso In point. Undo my .id vice Mr. Armour usocl nn Kdtson Obcslt llund nnd : ibottles of 1'llls uiiU lost -J pound In ( > weoks. Othur p'litlcnts have been oquull. rucessfucl. ( .lent. O. A. SCOTT. Kevonuo Cutter Hixinlli writes to tlio Correspondenc" Dcpitrtnici of the Now Yoilc Sundav World : Three years n o I wolKliod MS pounds. l > i uftor iieliiK Dr. Kdlson's popular Obesity I'll und Suits I reduced to lj'j ( pounds and ensll Iceop at this wolsiit. I saw how much otlu corrospondvnts of your yaluaiilo papers woi bonotlttcd aud wlslie to o tlio Ur.'s troa ment a trial. Dr. Edison's Obesity Fruit Salt is th best and simplest remedy for rogulatin the action of the liver that has boon dii covered. The printed formula on th label of the FrtutSults shows tholr vain to sufferers from excessive' fat or lies ! Band measure at Nos. 1 , 2 , 3. Pric $2.50 ( o 30 inches , and 10 cents extra fc each additional inch. Pills $1.60 a hotllo , or three bottles fc $4,00 , enough for ono treatment. Obesity Fruit Salt $1.00 per bottle. You can buy the Pills , Hands and Sa direct from our stores , or by mail or o : press. gSTCorrcspoadonco and goods forwai dcd in plain , scaled puckago. NOTICE. Or. ICdison's Electric Bel and Finger Rings are sold at our store Send for our special Electric Boll Circi lar , sealed , Klcctrii ! Bolts $1.00 and up. Insoles f emits per pair. Koi' Snlo by UrugglsLs- Wholesale druggists of Now York Gil who carry our goods in stock : Charles N. Urittonton & Co. , McKesson < & Rabbins. W. II. SohiolTolin & G And other loading houses. LORING & . CO. , Proprietors aud Gon'l Agents , 42 F West 22nd St. , Now York Citv 10 F Hamilton Place , Boston , Mas 34 P Kast Washington St. , Chiego II Cut this out and keep It , and 8ond f < our full ( eight column ) article on Obesity. CURB A ncwiinil complete treatment , conilMlni ; of Bu noslturlun , ( ) lntlient | in L'npjiilon , uUn In t'Oi u 1'lllB. A po ulvo euro fur Hxternul , liueriml , III ! ur lllocilhiK , Itclilnu. Clironlu. Itvcunt or llaroilltk 1'lles. Tlil ruinuilr lias nuvt'r lieou known lo fa 1 per box , d ( orfJr neat by mall. Why miner Itc Ihls torrlbln < tlii > o ulmn n written uuarantoa poiltlrulLlvan with d Imxoi at refuuil tlio man ( natcurtut ? i-end itmnp for ( roe acnulj. ( inn iitne | I > UIM | l > jr Kulm .V 1'u. , ilriiKKliitii , solo ouonl rncr 15lh IT | in I luH'oni Omalm , Neb , 's run Tjn.tn.in' . 1 , 1st ot CliiuiK < ' < > r liiiinirluiu'd In I liu lt ' ( ; iil Sorvlfii Yvntcrdii ) ' . WASIIISOTOS , O. C. , Dpc. -Special ( To gram to Tun BEB.J Tlio following army ( ilcrs wt'ro Nsuod today : The leave granted Cuptiiln John C , Soni \h\K \ \ , Siooiul nrtlllory , Novombur 18 is tojjjcd two incnths. M'IIVO for six inont on HUix'L'on's I'L'rtitk'ato of illsubllity grantee ) Cnptuln Charles M. KocUofull Ninth Infantry. So much of special oitlt December 7 as rclutod to CuptuiuVllJli Crozicr , .Qitlnnni'o depart nient , is rovok und Captuln Kogors Dlcrno , orihumco i uurtinent , iu detailed IIH a member of t boa nl ofonicors apiKiinted by that order meet at the army building New York Oil January I ) . * . * v.- * , , - AMUSBMBNTa ' LAST BOYD'S I1T1IEATER , PAY. TODAV , TOKINKSIAY7 ) DEC. SI. _ Iinst twnricrformiiiii0 ! of STUART ROBSQN nnd Ills Kxcellcnucnnipnnv In the I'ollonlnc TIUB Al-TRUNOON AT Si30. Oliver aoldsrallli'fl 1'lno Old Comedy , SHE STOOHS TO CONQUER. I'rlccs-Klrnt tloor TM > unil tl.OOi entire b.ikonr , Me ' THIS EVENING AT 8. Uronson llownrd's American Comedy , ' THE HENRIETTA. rillCKS I'nrquot nnd nr t HTO rows In circle II.Ml Instllvn rows In circle , ll.OJj itcnornlnilmU tlon to ilrnt lloor. 7Sai llrnl four rows In natconj- ll.lui Innlllfa roirs In imlaonjr. TSci goncrftl lon la linlditiT , 5 oi ( tnllor2io. . ROYD'S NOW Gocx DU I V O Theatre Sent for.Uc Tlitirsilay , Friday , Silunlay , 22 Dooombor , 23 and 2 < : Saiiirdny Mnt nco. The GREAT IRISH PLA1 and ROMANCE OF 1RELANI Vtitlcr tlio A/nniiffo niant of SIDNEY R. ELLIS. A C of ' - , < uiif > imy J'lnyot-H M'ssOlur.i Colemaii , Mr. Ons ItcvnaUls , JIlss Nolllo Walters. Mr. ( Jco. Itroniian , Miss Kiiimn Howard , Jlr. Iouls Slum. Mr. llonry Tlmyer. Mr. Henry Kln-isloy. Jlr. riioiniis iMctnrthyMr. ! Alex Johnston , special scenic EIIGCIS , Wines by Baron De Grimm Exquisite vocal Gems , inn o Pair oi Genuine Irish Ponies. Scuts nro now on unlc nt the following price * First lloor , We , TScnml fl.OJ ; Dnlcony , M'c nnil 1S < Matlncis ' 'oc , aOc. 75c. NEW T.HRATRH. I'ourNlttlits T\vo41nllnoQ9 , HoKlnnliiR Sunda Matinee , Christmas D.iy. Doo. 23. TMI'J FAVORITLO COMKOIANS , & GIRARI Accompanied by MISS AMY AMKS Anil tlio "Strongest Comcily Company Eve OrguntzGd.Mii the Funniest and llcstof Them All THE NEW 'NATURAL ' GAS EVKHYTHINO NEW. Funnier and Bettor Than Ever. Silo oocns Saturday ut fnllnwlnit prlcas- First lloor. 5Uc. Too anil { I.OOj Halcony , f.Uo nn We. Mutlnco 1'rlcos First lloor , 5Ue und 7Jc Halcony. ffle undaiu. FAUN AM STREET THEATER | Llkn Tonic , nil roads loud to tlio House r Siicces * . TIIltEK NHillTS , coiiiiiicnuliiK THUKSDAV EVENINU , DEUEMIIEllS ; . The Homaiitlc Actor , Mr. PKED PELTON. [ Monte Gristo Slntlnco H'lturdiiy. aijd ALL THIS WEEK. Burton Stunluy Comedy Coinnany. WIDO W'S TROUBLES. ' the Mldgot MB HOP-O'-MY-THUMB , and un lloiirut Specialties. Matinees , Gu ; evenings , ; 0c : uid 'Me. HOOK GLOVES ARE STAMPED FOSTER'S ' PATENTS , on LICENSED UNDER FOSTER'S PATENTS. SKWAllE OF IMITATIONS ! TheOrignlaniiuenuine ( WORGE3TER8KIRE ) LEAS PEMS' SAUCE Imptrti the moot ulillctoui taste ti.J . Ktt i/ ) EXTItAOl' OOl KOUriJ , MEDICAL OtN. CltAVItH , TLEUAN atMKl. m to hli brother I'IBII , \VOHCEBTtK. . liny , 1661. HUT A ; COI.I1 "Tell 1EA k rEimiNB' that their nauc In JilKhly esteemed to GA.1IK , India , and lain my opinion , tbe tnoat \VEI.S1I- palatable , a well w the moet wuola. aome nauco Uiat U made. " Arc. Beware of Imitations ; eee that you get Lea & Perrins1 Blgnituro on ercrr Iwttie cJ OrUlui' & Qenulne. JOHN liVNCAK'H UO.Nb , NK\V VU1C1L. c THE LOS Recognizing the fact tliat the Moliday trade will soon demand great quantities of goods irv our line , being heavily overstocked and wishing to give our customers the"benefit of low r a t a time of year when our goods are most in demand , we have concluded to CUT PRICES ! all to pieces , without regard to cost of articles mentioned. The goods offered at cut prices afo the same quality and purity that we have always sold , and we guarantee their absolute purftyY We handle no imitation goods of any description. A glance at the prices given below will coh vince customers that we have done as we said , viz : CUT PRICES ALL TO PIECES * WINES , Pure California Sweet Wine ? , Regular prices , JiOolOc and f > 0o per quart ; $ l.'Jo , $1.50 and S1.75 per trillion. Port , all now reduced to 2oc per qt ; 90c per gal. Sliorry , all no\v reduced to 2oc porqt ; 90n per gal. Angelica , till now reduced to 25c per qt : UOc per gal. Muscatel , all now reduced to Uoc per qt ; ! )0c ) per gal. Blackberry , all now reduced to 25c per qt ; DOe pur gai. Sweet Cata\vbaall now reduced to 25e nor qt ; 90c per gal. Madeira , all now reduced to 25e porqt ; OOcpor gal. Malaga , all now reduced to 2oc per qt ; OOc per gal. Toitay , till now reduced to 2ou per qt ; OOc per gal. Ptirc California Sour Wiac * . Regular prices , UOc , 25c and 40c per quart ; COc , $1 and $1,23 per gallon. Claret , now reduced to 12Jc per qt 45c per gal. Zinfandel , now reduced to 20c per qt ; C5c per gal. Riesling , now reduced to 12ic per qt ; 45c jier gal. Sour Calawba , now reduced to 20o per qt ; G5c per gal. Pure California Brandy , Ilcfjulnr prices , 75c , 81 nnd 81.25 per quart ; $2.75 , $ l.2o ! and S3.CO . All now reduced to OOc per quart ; S2.30 per gallon. Imported Port-Wine , Regular prices , 7oc , $1 and $1.25 per qt ; $3.50 per gallon. Now reduced to COc nor qt ; S2.oO per gallon. imported Sherry Wine. Regular prices , 75c , $1 nnd $1,25 per quart ; $3.50 pur gallon. Now reduced to OOc per quart ; $2.30 per gallon. Imported Tlir.ce Star Hennery Braidy , Regular price , $1.50 per quart ; $4.75 per gallon. Now reduced to flOc per quart ; $3.CO per gallon. SI , Louis Export Beer , Usual pricos. 2oc per quurt. Now reduced to 12c per quart ; paclcoil io plain box , 1 iloxon quarts to iv box , $1.50 , packing uhorgo 2octolal ; , 5K75. Meflford anil Jamaica Run , Regular prices , $1.25 per quart ; $3.50 per gallon. Now reduced to COc-por quart , * 2.25 per gallon. Gins. Regular prices. Tom Gin , 81.00 ; Kuypcr , $1.23 ; Crystal , S1.-10 per quart. Now rcdudcd as follows : Booth Tom Gin 70c per quart Do Kuypor Gin SOo per quart Crystal Gin OOo per quart Tom Gin $2.00 per gallon London Dock Gin 2.20 per gallon Rye Malt Gin 2.30 per gallon Cherry Bounce , Apple and Peach Brandy. Former price $1.25 per quart ; SI.00 per gallon. Now all reduced to 70o per quart ; $2.50 per gallon. Imported Bass Ale. Dog Head Brand , 20o per pint ; $2.00 per dozen. Whlto Label Brand , 2uc per pint ; $2.25 per dozen. Imported Dublin Stout. Doir Head Brand , 20c per pint ; $2.00 per dozen. Imported Rhine Wines. - Old price 81.00 pnr quart. Now ro- duccd to GOc per quart. Imported Claret Old price 81.00 per quart. Now re duced to COc per quart. Imported Champagne. Pommcry "Sec. " $1.50 per pint : $2.75 nor ouart , Piper noidpieek "Sec , " $1.35 per pint ; $2.45 per quart. Dry Monouolo , $1.40 per pint ; $2.55 per quart. Muinm's Extra Dry , $1.45 per pint ; $2.05 per quart. California Champagne. Eolipso Extra Dry , 70c per pint. Grand Vin "Soc40o per pint ; 75o per quart Golden Gnto "Sec , " 50o per pint ; OOc per quart. Imported Ginger Ale. 15c per pint ; 81.50 per dozen. Venezuela Bitters. COo per quart ; 81.75 per gallon. Key 1M Clear Havana and Key West Cigan Si 7.0. ncuulia Gracioan , per 50 box $5 25 Holhehila 4 I5 Piinotolla 4 6Q Concha Especial Extra 4 00 Concha I'Jspouinl 8 OS U. U. Espoclals 3 Rosalia Rolna , Extra fine 3 Albortas 4 Clear Havana , White Seal , per f > 0 box $2.25 Domestic Cisan , Grand Royal. per 50 box $2 75 Pure Stock , per 50 box 1 75' ' Wo handle the Genuine Nevada , size Nevada Pcrfcctos , per 50 box 3 40 WHISKIES. Here is Where We Do Cut Pries ? . Washington , per gallon $1 40 Adams , per gallon 1 60 Jollorson. per gallon 1 75 Klkhorn , per gallon 2 00' ' Glontnbro , per gallon 2 251 Pop Corn Whisky , per gallon 2 25 Imperial , per trillion 2 20 Athcrton , per gallon 200 ) i Monarch , per gallon 2 25 > S . . . It. } ' . Pepper , par gallon 200 i ? T. B. llipy , per gallon 2 75' Monogram , per gallon 3 00 Kentucky ( Jlub , per gallon 3 25 Bell of Anderson , per gallon 2 60 i Boon & Knoll , per gallon 860 ' Old Taylor , par gallon 4 Od V Kdgowood ( old ) , per gallon 4 65 ( W. J. Fra/tor , 1871) , per gallon 0 10 i American Club , per gallon 2 GO > Old Pioneer , per gallon 2 25 Tea Kettle , per gallon 2 Op Silver Wedding , i > er gallon 1 75 ' WHiskics to Quart Battle ? , i Cut to Following Prlcoa. i Ilormitngo , per quart , 1880 76o O. F. C. , per quart , 1880 76o Monongahola Kye , per quart 76c Maryland Kyo , nor quart , 1870 75o Guukenhoiinor , per quart , 1878 76o Blue Gruss , per quart , 187-1 7Co Oscar Pepper , per quart , 1880 76o Gibson Rye , per quart 40o Jockey Club , per quart 60o .las. K. Ponper , per quart , 1880 76o { . Bond it Lllliml , per ( itiart 75o f' ' X. X Private Stock , per quart OOo | OUt-of-Town Customers : InstrUGtions to - - We assort bottled goods , putting1 in just such an assortment as you may wish. We do a strictly cash business. Do notse'ndin an order without money remittance , as goods will not be shipped until money is received. In sending money to us remit by postoHicc order or bank draft. Personal checks will not be accepted. . ' . O. D. So to avoid Express companies will not receive wines or liquors for shipment C. delay send money with order. We make the following charges for packing ! Each package of one doy.cn bottles or ono gallon jug , 250 extra over quoted prices. IMPORTANT From now until the ist of February our out-of-town orders arc very nu merous , and while we try to pack goods and ship promptly , we arc sometimes so crowded thaC orders are delayed ; hence we advise customers who contemplate ordering from us to order a , few days ahead so goods will be sure to arrive when wanted. No attention paid to orders un less money is remitted. Los Angeles Wine , Liquor and Cigar Co. 1313 FARNAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB.