TlIU OMAHA DAILY HUE : WUIWKRDAY. DliCKMUHll 21. SPEG1HL NOTICES. KOH will lie tnkon tinlll 17 V ) p tit ( or the f enln and nntll8 Tip m for tlio morning or Sunday nil No mlrorllfcnif-nl tnllcn for ItM than Mccnti fet liefirM minium All inlTrrtlMtiientii In IhorCrolmnna IK * ont nerd * ord for the flrat Intortlon nn < 1 I rent n word Inr rnrli auh eqncnl Innortlon nr JIM nor line per month Tcrranrnfili In nlvnncc lnlil I . mtnrc * ijrnboln etc each count in n won ! All mlcrll o tnpnUmunt run ronsecullvrly Ail erll or , by tc nneilttirt rt ivnmliorcil tliork e nn liaro thn lotlrr * nildrcMcd to a numbered letter In ciroor 'HIE Her Answer * no nilrtrc 'ctl will bo ilcllrorcil on tlio jircienlntlon uf tlio chcclt. SITUATIONS WANTED r ATltwniOV WANTRII A f nolK""KKtCi ( KH Oil any klndof nnico worki will tnrt low ; BOO 1 lienmiini llrHcla referent-1 * furnished AdrtrcM .A. K KcrRUiioii , Mtmotirlnllcy. . In Hi SI * liTlTUATlnV WAVrBl ) nV I.AIIV M KV ournnlipr cif tlirca ynara r | iorlc-nco fnmlllur with nil kind * of nnico work Can ri-for to present nnd former employe . Add-rs llox Clj , ' * ' ' i - , ) IIK8IIIKH IIOMK IN HOrKti Oil widower fnmlly , who hni n plino , nm eood rook MHl ecaniMrcM Aililr care box 4W 603 X' WANTED MALE HELP. l > l AN VVANTK ) . SALAllV AMI J' Permanent plnro , whole or part tlmo Applj at once , llrown llroi Co , Nurserymen , Chlc-ago. _ M7 d 20 * 1) -A(1.NTS ( NAI'I f1(0 'iTTwoa DAY 8UHK iJ M dochcuoiir , ll'.J llmrlui at. Omalm ' 1 > SAI.AHV Oil COMMISSION" TO AI1HST9 Tr J ilinndlo the I'alenl Chemical Inlt rrmilnK I'enrll The nuiKl iictul nnd novel Invciillon of Iho ate 1'raifra Ink Ihnrntiitlily In two accondi Works Ilki tnaitlc. a.0 to Mi ) per cent prollt Aiiimla makliu I fl per week. \ \ a nlro want n. Kimornl audit to taki clmrgp of territory nnd npnointMiti iiKcnM A ran ( haiiruto make money \\tllotorlermnnnd n aam pin of orarlux Monroe Hrnaor Mfis Co , X sn Li ( rojpo , Vi la 775 ' n-AOK.NTS WANnil ) , I'llUlinXriAIjIiU'l I'lni Oi. uood pay. Apply room 20 Frtnioi Mock , oppo 1O M270 J10 TV WANI Kl ) AIOOI ) \CIMMITII AT OMOK JJmnut bo a KOOI ! lionoshoor. Address or cill on A. f.Hwnnaon Herman , Neb AUTO27 * -WANTiU ) . mtsr n.A'-s IIIIK rolletlor AdilrcaaT Ti. lice n-wA.vrmi-r.Nuitm.Tio .vr.usi'Ai'i'ii MAI > .IJor ono of nuclt lennlnit-ln every town loot ) nn over , IllK opuitnir Address , Juncrson Jnr-kioi It. i , 415 Denrlorn. I hlciB'i lib-JO. 1MM M1N ! I Oil U HOVKIINVKNT WOHK 1 ! JArkiumn9 , 'Unncoscn nnil lonlilnim Krntue AiO Minrn , I abur AKCiicyuU3 South llth nlrpet / M487 Sj ( TJ-WANTKI ) IMMl'.niAlKl.Y , 8MAHT YOU.M -Dninn to nrM t on book * Good reference * nn hnndwrltlnir nof e snry Apply by Icttor Btnllnn C" pprlencn nnd pnlnry oxptctrd Mncer Mnnufm turliiR to , 11 CrclKlitun block. S 11th at Ml VI -\VA.NTKD men lo Irnic ! f 0 00 to IIUO 00 pc B month. Stone \\clllnntoil Mnillnnn , \ \ Is. T > -WANThl ) , 11OV A11OUI It ) , 1IIIICJI1T , ( 'r.K V Uamt nrtlTC. Apply linmcdHtvly. room 10 1 Mr ; NntlhnnkbulldliiK MS17 ii3 Ji-llAHIllIll WAVlKD. UltSI h\MS > < IM .1.1 J'fobir. liuluftrlons mnn Win i-ulllvnn , , Mini I > ebru > kn. MC13 21 * ljVANlii : ) , AOK.\T3f : > (1010100J ( I'HIl IA1 .l > collei tlnu tmiill iilctnrcH for unto copy nndi-i Inrno. bntlarnetlon Kunrnntiol niul n MIX ) out ! free A. Dunne \ Lo , M Kendo ntruet , .ScTorl MOI321 * T1-\\H | PAY SAIiAUY WKKKI.V TO ( , OO JJnKcntg I'iperlonco uuncci-ssiiry Apply Slnm olllcc WANTED FEMALE HELP. - ' ' OIJSbHAl. HOUrtt C-CUMIM'IKM'OIIUihOU nork. Ufa "liiinniin iivunilP 1111 C-Yot/ / : IAIIS | : CAN fioov AtguniK worklnu kno\vleilKi < of Miorthnnd and trp vrltlni ; ntnn Mints'611 N l.lfo M.U7 P-A : HKPKIIIUNUKII Ollllj WAN n : V-'atS Lhlcnk'O at. IKKU' -WANT hi ) A rtllST CLASS COOK AN'I ) OM nil o iincti.r.itUHl how to innrkct. IUB N. 9th I' n-WAN'i I'D , A ( Siuij i on uisiiiAij : won V-Mn n fnmlly of llvo ; iiochlldron lt > 14 aoutlitU rlrtct 2I * -WA.Nn.I ) FlUHTCl.ASb COOK. GWA.Nn.I a P. cor 2llh nnd Ilonnnl. MH.7 C-WANTBP , I-ADIl'S OR UIU.NO SHIN 1 tnka lluht , plnntuvit work nt their own homo ( I ( XI to ilOJ 1'ir dn > cun bo quIUIy mnde , wo iilivniulnu. 1-or p irtluulnrs n ilrcsHiilobii MfK CoIl3XJJ.II lloston , .Mii s 1. tnbllshed 18bU MtNiJIS' FOIl BENT HOTJSES. D -H > ri HUNT , iSO JII3 CAl'ITOl , AVK'-U modern 'I ho O P , Davis Co , lOOa I amain nt 11U n-MN'K IIOOM .HOUSH. MODKUN CONV15 ; J ' Icnccs , waler rent paid $2' > DO per month J. : Whcc'lor. room 417 Knrbncli block M4b7 rx-toit HK.S r , MODKHN IOHOOM iiousr , AI J-'con\cnlcncpa , tUo minutes' will , poalolllc plriet cars pass Iho door Isulhun bheltun or Ij. fcltlnner , 1014 hiirnam nt. & .0 -KIOlll'-llOOM DUTACHr.D HOUSi : , MO orntjiest ncluliborliood , f20 Soicn rooms m liarn , I'nrkuv untie , Sli. O V , Hints , W & o. 17 etreot Ml AS dA D-tOH 11KNT , lO-HOOM HOUSH 2014 CAS HOW. Heed .IPclliy. Hoard ot'lriulo 77J D k-t HOOM Uiri'AHH , JIU MASUN 'I HO ( Inniso , motlern , Jlst .V Mason Apply JJ53 Musi DD D I ton HUM' , uoiisns is AM , iAiirs i city. TheO , r iMvli eompanjr , 1&05 b'jrnum \-lLA'IH , DWUIil.lNH' ) , tOllAMI'S IN A ! /parts of city Kilkenny & Co , Lontluoutani 7b . . _ . . . W } \ HOOMS , ALL MOOr.UN C ( 'vciiliiucca , plenannlly located near business ct tor. Apply liJu t-lilcato at , or I , ti Sklnuer , I 1 trnam 78 IV-ion itKNr MV iiuicit nousi : . ho s J-'tarnnni Miect and lirlck linrn. lompleto w every coiivenoiiee. Warre'ii 1 ltoiers , 1531 1 unm at. MS. ) TV-IOUUKST 8 itooii n JUSK , luin KAHN < .l-'atrcot. ' . ' . - .red 'Jerry 13.1 llanigo bullillni ; -OIIOOII MJW MiAT , MODKHN minls 1113 y. lllUm SLIM 2. "I-V-1OU HUNT. 8 HOOM < OIIM-JII I'CO i-'lloiii , ranfo \ oilitr conveniences , Clouir > r I 701U lUllut , tlO. UliiKwall llros llaiker l > li Jll Jl D1UII 1IKMTlillH ! IIANIbMH ( IlOUs furiilflied and iiiifiiinlahcdi nil modern jiiou'iiicnta It. U. I'atlcrson , Hi llamt'obnlldl 41 | D-Hlt 111.NT , A TK.N HOOM llollsiA miwlr iiixllited nnd ) apcicd : linn lialh room , I nnio and nil modern ImitnitcmonlH , altiirledln i of tlio linift I'rslrabln m ItJiborlioodH In the ellen on .IStu ntrcct , ono half liljck nort'.i of rar m liuiiilroof Homo Investment Co. , M tloor I'axt bulldlni ! M4MI ; 1) I-i ou iti'M1 , 6 iioctsi corrAi.i : ON MCU liny. Apply S.N. . corner Vth mid Douglas 7 HUM1 , MIUNHIinil IIOUHK ; A U room modern IIOUHO fnriilsliod ; cpkndld no liorliood in cr motor line. Apply 1'iuruUo Hoi AKi'licy , Diinxlai I'luek. ' 11401 10 IIOOM I1OUHL' . Sii N Bli-et. I > I-u IIOOM Hi'.siDrNcn , Monnt. > , ins sou lOlh Direct. C. y , Uluuttfi.VQI Hue bulldlm. M4 TJ M'.WMIOOM COTI'AUIW , MUllKKV , J 'Btnnfunl circle. < onvenlent for linslui'xi i oftiiualia and "onlli Omahu , C , b hlKuttur , lice bullillni ! Ml _ " ' FOK UEHT FURifISIIED"'ROOI * EnHLOMhshr\iAiu's A forlioiisokceplui ; , ground Hoa l , K Hutu , HMTlli. 4Jd ) E-l I HM8IU suitable lor llylit houbokceplntc itroet. E-l OH 111. NT , KIiKclTIiV UUMSK < leam heated rooiiif , 10. bo Ulhalrooi. Hut " E-NIOK WAHM l'lIIM ) Mii : HOOM , , JIOU J fUW , for IITO uunlliiiuun. 1U1 .N Iblli > I. NKWI.V 1 UH.MMIKU HOOMS 1 OH HI ! JjJ-Wll'll HIUNAJB 1IKAT , Jl'i ' N. ID hi' . 1-WANTKI ) , ONH ( .OOirjiooN r'TniMM Jvor unfurnlilipd , with bjard , In prlralo f n bylldy uhcuoluulmm ! Is out of city. 1'rlc.i i bantrtontblo T ly , lluo , .MSlil FUUNIGirCD ROOMS AND BOA ! rV'lllK l OllA J ANl N."igril " ( < l2U 111 . BI" . TiTM" ti"i it ss rn u ruv : m , If-KASf 1'HONT HOOM , HUITAIII.IJ hOlU i SUiillemnn , wltu or wHUoiu bos d if ) N. ' 414 Q-S UOOMJI AT ISM UAMiUIIMA bl' , PcH n. mthr noon uv ( .OITAUK , iiAiJT : IJttun. Wi Howard at. Wl ) 230AjTDtNa : . r.LAHH TA11I.K I10AIID , Hll.l.1. IN. W , cor. Iftli mid DudKO. till STOllES AND OFFIC 1 - lOK Hr.NT , ' HH | r K Ull . " -VlOratnu'out 'Jhe bulldlnK Imi a llr | iraof incut DMurneol , ouiupUiu rUauht > MIng niti wulf r on * ll U u noori , K I , ulc. Appjt t Hu c 1-oxu tuuiibiunv iiiiicK nufuiiKa 'n v will * . 140T ll rc r FOR RENT-STOIIES AND OFFIOEB. CnnKlllifd. "roiiiBST A HIIY iKsuAii > I iiltnldn for n TTurp'.onsp , wllh Btnhlo In conec tlon , Trnrlnne front i nd roir A < ldrcss 1C. A LnrmlchiTuli core of Met Hd , llrsdy A Co 215 I -FOH HlRN"T. iiJ'nTNT NKW BTOHKHOO\n I l p 57x1 W , No lu nrovlwnr , Council lilutn.for dry Hoods clothlnitor Kcnornl mcrclmnlia Day Ac Hcta Council Hluiri , la JlSn il AGENTS WANTED. I-AIKNT ( < 1 WANTKI ) TO 8KIJ. "IIIK CltlMM I of tastn ' n now. alumina powertul book , written by tlio people K clin-nplon , Hen ] U Daven- | iort 'lellKnlmt bi-at Itarrlion In ISJiiTho I'eoplo ts the llaronn , Innln nnd ttiipnlr , red hot ) crcry linn a tlamtnit nwonl. 4IJ ( > aolil In I'hltnilel. phln nr t wect OtittltZ'io , liln term * , book * ready lire IV Wrllo lodiylo ivorntonc 1Mb ( Jo , I'hllv dolphlV Mill 31 * WANTED-TO RENT. K J MCKI.Y KtlKNISllhU HOOMS WITH board In prlvito family , by mother ami ittueh- tcrt no objection to dlatano1. Address T I ! . UPC. 1A-I TOL'Nd I.Allll'.SOI'M > LUCK HOOM ANI > 1 board In renlral lucalloni tenn roasonablt * Addrcaa T II , lice fill ' - > , ) STORAGE. [ -BTOHAOK I'HKAl' , CI.KAN , WUI.1.3. Illl 11 nrnnm sirect 71) ) M S10UAOK-1 HAVK I.I1IT'A1UV.HOUNI ( ! ( > Door Ktorneo rootnn lniKolcn utorod for TSc per month Uco V , ' . llolbrook'Id 131 , IbJI 1'nttcrson block. 4U WANTED TO BUY. N WANTKI ) ' 1O IHIY < UMt : M I'KIl OUST llrettnurtsiiKoa Heed A Solby 331 Hoard 1 rado. 7S7 FOR SALE-FUBNITURE. 0 FOIl SAW , AT A HAIUIAIN , tUHVlrtntK furniture of n't room house , homo full of room era Address T 15 llee tVM 22 * FOR , SALE HORSES , V/AGONS , ETC i ) -Kll ) 8AI.K. A NIIAULV NKW DOUIII.K fiprlnuetpres tvnion , horse , hnniem nnd nlto n ninrly nu < v eotof criiimery tooli , conalntlnii of butter worker , rlmrn. Howe Boali1 , truclc , etc , nil will bo fold ntaKrun * "ncrlllcj Addron ( i It J , lien olllt , ? . or cnll nt 3J17Mlntim ntreet , uhern Koods cnll bo hien Mtijj FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. roTi'HAT cTi'KAi' "irfioitsirT'bwyKii nutomntlotMiuonu nliio ono 13 hone powur iii | illtbtinulnu. both In uood repair luqulre of test ncr I'rlntlni ; Co , 1307 Howard street , Omnhn , i\el > toitSAia : nsHsr. ntitVAUi > rtii'inus Q best nlock In America both rough nnd Hiuoott cant. Address S Gi , Hcoonlci- AU'il Zl Q roil SU.K. ONI" 1(1 ( 11. I' i\niNr5 : OVK 41 h p. tub boiler , with pump and lipatcr , JOO fee ahafllnzand aundry pullloj , tool * and appliances K /abrlakle , receiver Uninlii Ilnrhe I lenen am > nll company , lllhaii'i Mcholaa alruel , M3j7 Jl DIAMOND bTUD , 1 KAHET , IGO. ADDIlhS ! I'll , lice. JJ7 ( Q KOHSALK OLD STYLH UI'HIOIU' IMAM. Houil order , will tike foldlUK bed ia part pay IU North lull , room in 40J- . ! ' > * ( \ altCOSI ) HAM ) Il.v : < D TOWKK HLKVATOI Wforsnle UOl ) Howard MIS3 jl ' Q-IOH BAL13. 1 OAK FI AT DKSIC , I I.KT1 HI press nnd aevoral oltlco chairs , Kulnir cheap Inqnlra of F A. bmlth , room Ml Hoe bullillni ; . MI.M 2. ! ' Mfs"CELL : ANE OUST R POll HUM. liAHUh. HALIi moellnks or lectuiea Apply nt ' 40J Dodge 878 T 11 TOM10M : IT "MAY tONCKHNj NOl'ICK 1 IMicrcby Kl\cn tint Kil A. Kocn , who was eel Tlele-d of Illel In the dlitrlct cuurt of DoiiKln count } . Nebrn ka , at the tcbrnury , IS1) ? , ten thereof , will on tlm trd day of Jaiiiinry , 1811 , n ) ply to thu governor of this al.ilo for u pardon 07 37 CLAIRVOYANTS. -sins. nii.KoAv'ioi'ihrnis. DKAI S I trnnco clnlr\oynnt nnd life render , tulln you llle fiom crndlolo crtvo ; em bo lonsiiltud on ul nllilrnof life ; Ins the ICxypllrtu breni pinto to unite the repir.iled nnd tnimo mnrrlnn rltli ono you love Ootno one , como .ill nnd bo tor Tlnced of her roinnrkubltt poircru Olllco nud to * doncoinb I t'l nt , hours ' .in m to 'J p m , btrlc lltu chart mil nlioto of vour future wlfo or liu bnnd sent lhrouu'1 ' mttl for J500 , clmrt ulono $2 I ) All letter. * conlninlna 4 rents In Btiiupt iironintl .insnerod. MJOi JJ * S MHS. NVNMKV WAHIIHN , CLAIIIVOYAN reliable bualnoi medium , Illth je ir at IU N lot' TSD MASSAGE , " B ATHS7 ET 0 ril MMi : . s I'OVVli M TiNKTit ; J. Pout.la8 block Cor Ibth ani ri MADAMKb.Mll'II , I > il CAPITOL AVHNU1 J Itooiii I , d lloor M.issa 0 nleohol aultihi and PCI bailie Mltll 2 * T MMP CAI14OV , IIJI DOUGLAS SI'IUIUF , 1 lloor , room 7. missa o , alcohol , mtlphiir and ai balln MJ7b ft' PERSONAL. U NOT1CK. T\VLL PAY12MJO HHWAHD 1 C the prtaint nddrcsn of Jennie bomond , former ofVhlto Hull UN und slio will hi ! ir enincthlni : hrr nilvuntrisO Win Morolniut Hcport at poll htatlon. Oiniiha Wl 20' MUSIC , ART AND 1.ANGUAGES ) P t. . u.iji'Nmccic.iANJo t.T cor l , lh und Jlarnoy. liumey street eutrnnc T ' .ill U l UN7 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATJ N7n n W -I" ' 1'hlATB f.OANS. C , TO T 1'Kll CKN ,11 , * Y no dditional charges for commission or ntti ,11m no ) a fees W. II Melklu , 1 rat Mntlonal Uank. bli m isO. th \v MOM V TO LOAN AT IO\VI5sl' HATH ir- > V 11MOM r. DnvUCo , 1 > 0j 1 arnam Uroot. 7U1 I W I.OWK3T IIA'TOS. IIIIKLITV UlUsT CO pany , ItCJ tiinam sircel M'U. r ANTIIONV 1OAN AM ) IHU8T ( O , SH > I Life , lends it Ion rules for choice security ' .a . or lowu farms or Omalin city properly 7J li ! ULMHAli IOA.N AT'TltUSl'Co'llTii : IILI1 TO W MOHTC5AC.K LO\NH Was 'IHA.'l 7 I'l cent IneliulliiK all cliarKei. ( hnrlcsW llAluor. Omah i Nat bank hide 79 : W MOVBY To LOAN. L\M ! ToTsisI lion BUB to rent l.oorjro w 1 * . Loates 1 riiriiiim Ml > : nr no \\7-ioANS ON cn v ritoi'uiu'Y , u AMI 7 > cenl h t Hlnirer. 15U larnain M ! ) 3 \Y i AND 2 VHAII I.OATCb 0V CITV AM ) I'Al " oittfaiios. Heed , V bolby , JH Hoard of 'Iri " \ \ r JION'BY 10 1.ON ON IMI'HOVKI ) CM i ' ' properly , lowiutB A. C. l'ro t , DoiiKln bll la- W 7 I'Hl CUN'J JIONLY M T1O 1IOUHOWH tnl on llnialiaclly properly .Nocxlrn chariies kind \ \ hlitlt > / ehe " nn > liy imy rati Money Is "L \UH < an pot full benefit of low uitus from Git rii loin nnd ' 1 rut ( o , li > th nnd Doduo v. \\T OMAHA SAVINGS H\"sK MAKhS L'JA ril li on real tat limit loMest market rates Lei m.ido In kiniill'or liruu mui'a for abort or k tluie ? * G coiniiiUaluii la charcod and the loan * not noliUn the i-Ttt. but can hu lonnd N tlm L nn Con thn curncr ot ISth and l/oiulas inn 71 SDl " \\T LOANS ON IMl'HOVIID AND UMlMlMlOV 'l ell ) properly SJOiWnnd uniMirda iltoi per ci Noclola > a \ \ laruaiu Smith i Co Idth and Harm 71 KII \V-o. I'IIAIIIIISON.UIJN v Lift : wo 21 _ _ ! i \\r I'HIVATK MOA'KY 1ST AND21) Molt HA ! MH II luana , low rntPi Alov Moore. Hoc lilil H ou i * \\r-irr.\uju.H OWNIMI I'lioi'Kin'r in II Is i ntiunbcrt'd fur all or purt Of Its value w lodliponoof thi'lr lnti-ri * t , ilvo duitrlptlon i Incutnbrauco nnd send tlielr addrca to T 8 I oll'ci ' ) \u : M ) \\r-S10M3VJU 10AN-I HAVK A1IOUT II il to loan on lniro\i' | < l Omalin propcrO , iirlv fiinilK , In one or moio loans Audreys T 10 , vr , offieo , 6 70 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS r DO\OU WAM'-MONBl IKI ) lly. ins HDRMTY LOAN ( HIAItANrKU CO , lUll UODM 4 U'llllNKI.l , lll.OCK. SOUTH ISIIi C-OllNKIl HAHNKV ST. YOU \ ANY lOn l \ On BMALk U \ . „ „ , . \ „ „ „ \DoLl4An3\ \ \ UP. wi : MAKI : LOANS ON muxmmi : nous- wo OAUitiAiisVAIIHIIOUHK : HKUKii-i'i OH IM nth. bONALI'HUl'KlUY OV ANI I > INI > . / WILL / DO WELIi / TO /YOU /ON /OS riH3T / FOK , I. * OUHTKHM-J WILLMEKT VOUH Al'l'HOV , u You can pay thu money back at uny time an I any amount you wish , aid Ihua roduc thu coj carrying ihe loan In proportion to amount you i IP HU owa n uulanoe on your furniture other parional properly of any kind , wuwlll pa otlfor roil and carry It ai loni u you duilro , YOU CAN HAVK VOIIH MOVKY IN ONK IIC FHOM 'I UK ' 11 Mil YOU MAKK Al'l'l.lCA'll No publicity or lotnoval of properly so I youget ihe uaoot both money ana property. 1 -WILL I OAN MUSKY ON ANY KIND OK curltit alrleily coutldootlil. A , K Harris , n ] , Continental bloik. f XlONKV - W. iy U ) DAY8 , CllKAlHA' nud ca y patrutinte. oo furniture , plaiioa. < tock,4ta. wlthouV dulay or publicity ) oasb bind. Dun Urc , u , rcuai i , lUikvr block. t MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTEL3 , X _ _ CAJ.l , ATTlKOKriCK OP ' .OMAHA MOUTOANK LOAN CO. j : iNCoitTbltATKi ) . : IKIOU WANT MONlVv. \ < ni ran borrow on iioumciioLt ) ruiiNiTiMti : AND PIANOS , IIOUSK , WAIHI.NH AM ) CMIHUJK ( < , WAHKHOUSK HirKHTi : , MKIH'H VND13H on ANY oTiiiMt AN a will lend yon any amount from JIO W to ft W ) ON TUB IIV YOL ASK M > H IT , without publicity or removnl of property. Yon can pay the money back Innnr nmointi 7011 Irish , nnd nl nny tlmo , nnd cnf'i payment so mndo will rodtioa tha cost of the loin Uemomber that yon llavo the n o of bolh tlio tirnpeity mi t thoinonpy , nnd pay for It only a lung ns you keep It. 1 hero will ho no ripcn p or flmrRO kept out of Ihonmonnt wnntod , but you will receive the full amount of Iho loin lleforoborrowing eltonhcro call and PO ns nil you will tlrd II irrently to your ndvantauo OMAHA MOHHI.XOH LOAN co Hoom It , I'rolnhlon block 7,1 tloor , HIuntil IMh. ni'U In postnmc IHKOLDKSl.LAIl'lK-tl' AND ONLY INCOIt- I'OHA Till ) LOAN COMl'ANY IN OMAHA Will remote on .Lin I , ISO to JWS. lull St. first floor nbovo the street. MI76 X-M I.OANKI ) CIIKAP ATOUll OWN tlm f. Nebraska Loan Co , 1310 Douiilna at. . X rni'ic'iiAiiii.M DOUOI.AS mic. BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-HIII > Ai.r. on K\niAM K , v ( loon inrsi. nor wltli thu rcil nstnta In Cninhn Oood rev for solllnn Addrois 707 tsuw Aork life , Omnhn JM'li. > t I" > I > 7J -lOll SAIiK. A 00011 I'VSINtI MANUIAC. liirlnu business , cnn ba run on tl.UU ) ; pitrty oirnlnf iiniblo to Utend to nuy business Address oik box 878,1 iimnn Ntb M loS H V HUSINM'.bS OPKNIMIH. NO ClIAIUin TO X buyers Hind Ktnnip far printed list. Vnn I'nt * i of Uninhtk S07JU' \-\MI.I. PAY Al.t. CASH roll bPOCKS Otf dryitooil * clotlilnit. bixit antl nhocH , urocerlos No cumiiilnslon Alex. Mouro , 4UI lieu bklKM110 M110 roilSAt.K HAl.KINTItllKSTIN AN KSTAIl- lltliDil niul tlelnblc biislnass ; small inpltnl required quired AddrcnaSI.'J ' , lice .11 HO 21 * -H COS1S MONKV IN THIS COUVl IIY 1O . . artM'rtlfo a'Mlttlo bit , ' Woclinnton"llttloblt" nnd ndvortlso the business chnncc listed with us nil over this country. High Kriulo employment no- cured Ciimmunlciite wllli us Western lUisliicss nutncr. Jlo Nuwork Ufa bulldlnK MOI22 Y I Oil BAI.K AT A IIAUOA1.V , CKSAH S1O11K , Rood location , must bosolil before Now \cnr. Addrtss T 17 , lleo. tM 21' FOB EXCHANGE. Z CliKAIl OMAHA UKAI < KSTA'l n KOH MI ) K , nclual valuation. Money lo lonn Uox513Oinnh9 . y i HAVI : VAhUAiti.u IMIMIOVKD ANII UNImproved - Improved farm Innds to oxclmniio for South Omnlm oromnhu property or for farms within M miles of Onmlm llnroonoof the best of stock unil Kriiu fnrma. lt3 ncioa , hnlf In winter wheat and rye , and''jO head uf line stuck , nil clear of oncum brnncff , to exchange for real cstai nn-1 mUht pay some rash dllloronca fordoslribta propcrt > . Iu- fcrlbo yo ir property carefully , prlcj , etc Adrtrosu Lux 73" Omnhn. .Nob MGJi U33 AciiKor chHAit i. AND IN ONI ; or best winter wheat districts In Knn ns to ox cbnnuo for ID or ii tract near Onmlm city limits \\lll piy cash dltlereiiLO If propert ) la freed AUdrua , giving price nnd Iccatlon , O2 < J , Ilcc olllics flJ r/-l OWN 100 I'AIIMS IN NKI1UASKA , KANSAS /-Jnnd Dakota Will toll cheip or ( vvoifxn-o ! fur merchandise , horses and cattle. Address bar TJ , I rnntlort , Ind. MStJI rI'AllM OP 100 ACHl'S A1U01MNC ! OOOt /JIOITII of M > Kant Ncbruki. worth $2000 cnsr cncntiiboreil f lOJJ , and modern U room residence , birn , nlco lawn , In KOOI ! town of M ) south cn9l Nebraska , worth J18JJ , will cxchaneo cqultf.'SOO forcloirOo lllnirs rusldoncoor ulll tiiko part ti lotorloti Ad lre i , 11 II M , ciro of Jlutrlpolltnn llotU Lounell HluITs .MMJ21 * Z FOH KXU1IANGU A wood equity In Improtoc risldonco property In ( .ouncll HluITs for bchoo land Icasu ( paid up ) . UIvo dtscrlptlon Address 'I II lUecJJIce FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. 20,000 ACKi : * ] CI.KAU LAND tOH SA1M IIY ' 1111 owner ijcvernl InrKO trnots ; would mnko n lira clnna Investment to hold for the rise In price Mluht oxclmnuo some of It for Insldo property U Otnaba or bonth Oniahi , or ncro property or n KOOI fnrm near Oniihk If yonvisb tocxchiinz ) tie ecllbo your property , prlcj , etc Address box 717 MIM DM J7011 8AI.K OH THAIIK , 2 GOOll LOTS IN Ml I'lcnsintmldltldii within 2 blotki of motor line Will tnko Ki > i > d uprlKht piano or will it'll equity li lots vcr > cheap Address nt on cod 1 , Dee office 715 KKKT Wl'lll 5 HOOM COT tnfie , JIO per month without Interest ? io pay mentdovMiIttlo , llrown block M1U7 xw SAhlC. 1 600 AOHKS OF iNl ) IN ONK O J thu best counties In northeastern Karma * Ihl laud has been carefully selected and will bo sol on tuun tlmo pijments Imarlnn n low ratu of Intel cst. For f urthur partlculnrt address rrod 'Icrrj IUIRO blOLk , Omaha , .Neb J4 1 IT'OHSAI.ll-lIlGIIT HOOM HOUSE NO 3W KV 1 mot Btroot. near Kountze Placo. lot 100 feet fron A creit baiKBljintWOUUMllsollthlsvorychcni nnl ) if snlo cnn bo effected thti woclc Sl.OOUcns SJUUU mortKnEO Address , ' blutcr 1 ! " Inninniu hospltil , city. 47j l- HAUGAfN. A FHW VKUY UNK LOIS II ATA llrlcKs add atabamaln , only & in In walk froi Hull line or alroctcar In Omalia Addrois K I , Co , l.uleno. I. 671 I-- ' KM , KS1A1K , IlurKiilns only , My word Is KOOd. W. ( , Albrl-'hl , Ml - J Nnw \ orfc Llfo BIO P. \\7 AMKI ) FAHM IN KASTKHV NIIIIHASKA. tl Wnntot house and lot for Sl.SOd cash. Wanted 1 'JOJ at tl per cent. 5 years. Wanted rholcu Omaha real estate i. Wanted lot near iith and DotiKlus Wantod'room house , JIOJO Wantrd fnrmrloso to Omnhn | . C K HarrisonUU > Y. Llfo 43021 ON'AI'KJH SPECULATION OH tOH A IIOMH IJti room cottaue &MI Chicago street , third caat i k utes * roHldnnce. Hoth liol and cold waler ; clsloi water In kitchen ; uas , cellar under entire lious nlialt pavement 1'rlce , JlWJfor two week Owner , .1.1 cook , { lid Iranklln streol , cvcnlnf ; 4U 21th street bo Omaha , business hours AI484 17 OHHAIiK lliO 320 OH 500 ACUKS IN I UHN/ J- county , ( iooil soil , coincident lo nil Iron Will make low prleo for cash , J , II McSIiuno , y rJO lllhntroot MlSj M \CKLK.NT I'AHM OF 4bi ) APIIKS Is'CASS C ( Neb , brlcli dwcllliiK , worth K )0 ) , need orchar hluhly cultivated , ijj tier ucr . C. F. llarrlso Vli N Y Llfo HS K IINibMOOlHKAHM : Ol JW AOItni ID M1I.1 J. from houlh Omaha , well Improved : i&l p ucro If eolil BOOH C' . F. Harrisonl > 12 N. Y. 1.1ft ) BUYS TWO MCI : LOTS NHAH AMI vjpmenuo motor , tornm eaty. Tills la iihontlu 13 tholr valutVllllnnn \ Mltlan. MeCaKUohull of IliK , opposlto poslolllco M5IJ 2. be i LOST. si I oar on HIHAYHD , uii ; ) cow wniiot Jhorna I Inder will recclvo rowurd by culling i tlR manager Honlon wtoro 47J 2 OIT , wiini : AND i.ivnu COIOHI ) ' i-oiMi blloli , iiamo Judy. " Itctnrn toSIIU N , 2Uh t and receive reward & 10 20 JD atr DRESSMAKING ! r- " NtAmMIIss' ! I ) ( ) I tlb SIA KIM ! families aolleiled lilt * Sturdy , 2UJI llarncy i I1Crr' HORSES WINTERED. rr' AND CAHKI ) FOH. II MONTH U " ' [ } JITlJ ( i. ( Jans , I' O box UJ , south oiuaha" lee I DUO ivtu Till ! UIMI.TV MAKKI.T. ko INSTUU.MnNTS plncod on u-conl Docciulj JO , 1H9J : WAIUHNTY Ill'I'DS. W li Sc'lby , Iriisle'n , to O r Dlwards. lot 30 , liliu-K 'J , W li r-olliy1 ! , 1st nitil to South Omnlm . $ 4 South Dmilni CD to Clunk's Kelil. lot 13 , hloulv 103 , r-outh Olll.llllt . . , < i HJ .Siulloy lo J b Coolt-y , lots 0 mill 0 , liloi'U 1H , Oii-lmril Hill . . . . 5,0 Wl'Tozor to llciiiy lleiil , lol rj.liloc-k 4 , J'oltiir ,1 l.'obl ) s ' 'nil acltl lo buutli \ UiiMlui , . . , , 1,1 _ L CiDlTCI.VlM DM.DS. KS , Jolin nillloy loailc'iitro.fil.raiil , Mln- U * iicMpolN iV Oiiniliu Itiillntiy Co , Unit lim lot 'J. liltiolf K > , rloioiicui , Ijlnt ; fill fit'l nniiltlii't bltluof c'l'M- / niiriif intilii trui'K , Of Downs to II O AfkcTtuuim , lot 1 , blooU 1'JH , Utimh.i Phi 1)5. III. 1) II Motrer. iiiasti'r In clinnccry , to III.In Mlllon H MUMIII , uiliultiUtrutor , lot of 1 , lluirUuk , cC ay. ay.or ornt Tolul amount of transfury , . , t 13,1 , UH JN. liat TYPEWRITER ! Xi oil For Sale , Kent or Ivxclmngc. XiK3 J313STin the * Worlc , MECEATH STATIONERY CO. , J'uruuui titftiot , Uuuiltu , .Ve Skin blemishes , like foul teeth , arc' hc more offensive beciuse they are mostly voluntary. The pores are closed. - One cannot open them in a minute ; he may in a month. Try plenty of soap , give it plenty of time , and often ; excess of good soap will do no harm. Use Pears' no alkali in it ; nothing but soap. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people are using it "Improvement is the order of the age. " We never expected In our mot nnnsulno mo ments , such nn increase In our aalci in commenced on tbo litof September. The Smith 1'romler Typ : Writer Is ImvliiK enormous anloj which nro will ; nnd fnr-renchlnK These nro tbo ruports wo nn rccelrliiK from our m tny branch ullicei Send for a descripU' e.ita Smith Premier Type writer 17tli and Fatnam Sts : Omalii , NC'J. " E II. MAYITrAv" Manogor. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGI is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vcstibuled Trains Icavi Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. , riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m City Ticket Office , 1501 Fair nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. \\lll OUc lli llnjr n dinner. Manager WnrmltiRlon of tlio "Skipped by tlio Ll ht of tlio Moon" comiwny nntt Mnn.t < Rcr UufRC H of tlio rnni.un Street thontcr linM5 utiltcd In n no\cl solicino to Rhea holl- ilnj treat to nil the nowslxn niul the West- cm Union , Postal ntul Dlntilrt TolcRiitph Kvery boy In Omnhn beloiiRhiR to tbete clnsses U in\lted by the cencnnis nmnnffcrs to nttciul tonight's jwrform nco free , find each ono will bo provided with n ivseninlsent The no\\bo\s can secinx ) tickets by npplilnp nt the dally ofllcea when they tftt their papers. The messenger boys will bo anpiilloU nt their so\eraloffices. Not from n riiiiiui lul S | iiulpnlnt , "I do not recommend C'lnmbcrlaln's CoiiRh Itcmcdy fi-om ti flnniieiiil stnndiwint , fotM\o ha\e others In stock \\hlcK\\emnkoti larger proflt , " sn.\s Al Jlnpginl , n ptomincnt dtii'Klst ) of llRiddockf 1'a ( "but because many of our customers have sirakcn of it in thu hlphest praise. We sell more of 11 than uti\ , similar prcpuation hi\o in the stoic. " Tor sale by dnipgists Holiday goods , Pronror , jow'r , opp. p.o. l.o Iliillioiiil K.ilc ror tlip l Tickets on sulo nt ono niul one-third fnro for the round trip via. the Chicago & Northwestern raihviiy , December 1 ! I. 25 , " 0 , 81 and Jnnuiirj 1 nnd 2 , { jood rc- tm'iiinp until .laniiiir.y 3. City ticket olllco 1 101 Karimm street. G R WIST , C. P. & T. A 1 { . R. Uiicitu : , General Ajjent. Ever Drank Water ? A good nppctlto flnd improved digestion result from a morning drink of Sur.piio-SAu.Nn. Its con tinued use cures biliousness niul all diseases caused by a torpid ll\er. 'Tls a mild , sure laxative , n natural mineral water , and is only bottled * by the Excelsior Faring } Company , at Excels&OET Springs forPampltltt. E SSSOWFB Riclhudson Drus Co. , Agents , Omaha. Xcb X m a s What presentshall we give our boys.andv girls ? It is'quite proper that * the'pres ent should be. useful , , as well as/ornamental. The facileand ! * correct use of the English language in writing and speaking on the part of one's children is the earnest wish of every parent solicit ous for their future success in life. The home useof ! the Rem ington typewriter will make this dry study interesting and enabl'.a ' the child to attain correct speech in the mother tongue at the beginning of his or her education. "The typewriter accomplish es its greatest good when used by pupils , for it begets habits of neatness and accu racy , secures skill in execution and de velops a more perfect mastery of our lan guage. It perfects the operator in spel ling , capitalization , punctuation , para graphing , business and social forms ; defect and strength in thought , style and sentences are more easily observed when in plain typ& than is possible in writing.t ' -President' Frank E. Plummer's address be fore the National Edu cational Association. "The use of capitals , abbreviation , punc tuation , and ready and correct composi tion are all taught in the most practical m m manner by the use of m the typewriter" . T" E. Hunt , Supt. Schoolw 111 ! Medford and V/inches-- / m m m ter , Mas . in Investigation solicit Si ed. 3 WYCKOFF Imui SEAMANS & . ui in BENEDICT , 175 Monroe StV CHICAGO. 'SI in OTileheAter' * FnatUl * Ifluuitjnif Unit's. _ infer m PILL& OrlfftiiulumrOnly l.cnulnc * A Aft. fclflt * rHtiililf. LADIKV , tlk A * . A PriUfUt 'or C * f\tn < r ficlttk ffa fl.Y moud flranJ ( u Itcd utbj ir tiUc\V ! boiii tt&lal rttU bluu ribbon 1 uLew am other , itrfutt iaHjtrout tutitifu * V In l tup * fur | ftrtleulari tifiUnioolftli in * * Itvllrf Far I fuJIfi1 ! * * l tttr , by r ( Kr fer ferm Slivll 10 itOK VtaiW/V.pi m flipnr < lifmlutil ( Jo.Undf m tUruf.Mi. \ . I'h : m -Volllr. nr Notlrn U liciohyKhcn thai tlie anniuil nice rur lnr | of tilt ) hliwUholdom nf ( ho Uiiialiti I'nl IU1m Dopol iMiiifiany ulll IKI liulil at tilt ) olllou ot I m I Iji kin Do liol coiiin my , at the lu-adiiuarU of tilt ) I'nloii 1'ai Ilic ; ItJlluiiy couip my , In tl [ rltyuf Oinulla , on the Oth cltiyof J 111111:11 21 1HU3 , at : i o'e'locK p. in , tor lln > cldcttou of < IDUl ifOloi-s und ti.iiis.ictlouof anyolliur biiilm Ul UlUI that may Itv.illy COUIK bi'foio thu niuotliiK. UIui T. li. ICiuilAM , , I'rrsldint ui Oiimhu , Utciiuibur BO , Iti'jj. ONI ! DAY'S ' EVENTS IN OMAHA Unsucccssfnl Search of nn Owgon Ex-Justlco for an Heiress Long Lost. JOHN DINGMAN'S UNRULY REVOLVER ivl tl to Mippurl IIU Aullmrlly Hum iRlncr i\lilruro : Aptln \Yu1lcr t I.plKlitr > ( IrorRO I'IIIIM on Trial Mntti'M Mrrrl.v.Ali'iilliini'il. William Morel.tiul , nn oJiHtioe of the peace of Portland , Ore. , Is In the city look- iiift for n woman n lined ,1euuo ! Setnondhr > Is heir to a peed 0i ire of $ WiOO , left by her nlleped father , John Hrendleho died re cently lit Oivpon. It Is thoucht Mioeame to Onnha and resumed n life of shame , vhielt It is alleged she lived in Colorado. The supposed father of the phi separated front her mother in INK ) and a jear after Jennie was bout She was discarded us Hie- gilliu.ito. and after divorce proceeding * her mother man led npain. Theie Is no leconl of her bit th , and her mother steadfastly de nied the leputed iilexlthn u\v She is now dead and the phi has teieheil womanhood under the assumed name she now ixisesses A trace wus found of her hero , but after a tliice il.ijs'search Urn evjustieo is inclined to belle\e she has left the city UUtendle made considerable money after lea\lnp Whitehall , 111 , uhcio he and his Ife founcib lived , Theie Is but ono claim ant for the estate , an aunt of the dead man. ON i.iMdii i iv. : IntiixliiiTil liv Ihn 1'iiitrriitlon In HID Ulurldii illtiiK ( ' ' . In the c.ise of Walter C t 'iphtcy , the cleric accused of uslnp the po\ eminent mall for ci'inilnul purposes , the llrst witness CMiniined josteritaj nioinlnp wasU 1 * Sul livan , a postal inspector , w ho assisted In woikinp up the case afjalnst J.clnhtoy , described the manner lit which deioy letteis wcte bent out for the pmposeof betrnjlnp the person \ \ \\asciuie.notiiip to blacknuiil linnkci * Autcalt of Lincoln Tl'o Innker had ieiio\ed sevoial thieatcnlnp letteis uofoio Jlr Sullivan was detailed to woi Icon the case. case.Tho lettei s w ere signed Gcol fto W Herron Inspector Sullhan put a WO 1)111 ) In a letter mid sent it to Hciron at Holdrepc. The Ilohttepo sick was taken to the ti.iin upon which Mr T.eiKhto.was enpaped as a cat tier. Mr. Sullivan then pot on the tinln and lode to H.tstiiiKs befoio inaklup the aitcst At ILislinirs ho went foi.iitl to the mall car unit when Lelphtci siw him walking iiloup the plat- foim he suddenli sprinp back fi om the door of the mall car ThK was a sufficient indi cation to the Inspector tint he v.asontha light track and he huiiicd into the ear and placed Mr. l.eiphteunder auest Ho seal fbed him to see if he could llnd the letter about his pcison , but he failed to llnd it. He then toltl Leiphtcy to Ininp the Holdiepp p ukase and open it. I > eiphtey complied with the xetpicst but the letter containing the > iO addiessLil to Geoigo W. Ilcii-on had been The let \\asaftcrwaidsfoundhinplgcon- - hole in the car Mr. I > eiphteN's allsons se.tiched and some s unplcs of his h.indwiit- inir weiesecuied. A tablet was > also found Both tlio method nnd results vrlien Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasaut and lefreshiug to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver mid Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and ciuea habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taoto and ac ceptable to tlio stomach , piomnt in its action and truly beneficial in its eflccta , prepared only fiom the most healthy and agreeable substances , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cme it piomptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN /vms/sco , r/u. tCWISVHLf , lit' . IfCW YORK , W.f. "On my trip across the ctmtincnt in the summer of 1891 1 m * attacked in Minneapolis with tlieuuntisw in fiy X/cr , uhidi lasted me for four month" . 4ti spite of every known remedy that I could , including Russian and elec tric bath ; . , and the use of the wafers at ajainous Ifol StiltsWli'Ie in San FiancUco I was advised l > y telegraph to use LQA'DOrWERRV U'flUA WA 1'Kli freely I icluincd home with no apparent improvement , and beiian the u.-e of the LONDON DERRY Linil A J//mtVi'.awl / , to fay ntuprhe , t'ti a few wi\s \ fiaJ en- tiifly ittjvued nuc ) l.a\e ittvsr been tfPH&leJ in the- least since. I have no doubt that the primary ( Muse v/r.s conic deransemtnl of ihe X iri'i/ys , anil I can not tornmeii'l the wMtcr too highly , " lly n. I' . rr.rSIllll.V , Prtill rt 'T'll.'Ii Oj lu'on" rulllihlDt Co. KBOK 'l-.uuo OJ-IMO" , " ov , C. 1 > ' . 'J. 9 \n 3 oryitAyJip v ! vfl. SllUnnd trJikllDX l. < rr ) for nail Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , HII f. P rrrMns. ttllliiK Aclf. , PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Distributing Agents , JIH. 1C C. AVKSI'iJNKllVK AND ItllAl.S UHKA' uiunt , u er/uilllo for IIy > t''rln. HlirliH. * , UU , Nu rnlulu , lleujache , erruu < Proilrntlon riiu ed ! t- 11 juor or tobarmi , wnkufulntn. Mmtul DHprrntlo tIII i > ullnoi * o ( Hici llrnlu , mutlnx Intimity , uil.ory , d ID t.ny , dftitlb , PrtMiiat uroOld AKD , Ieuoor * " * > Irf i rn Power In clthi.ri > ux , Impoteiioy , . . inrhuiinnd i luiualoVLHknoH.en \ , Invnltintu ' . , . t < v < , bperm torrhoicnuteit by r"CXurtloil ho hruln , month' , ircntiuunt II ; t ) furf.'i. by mill. W Kin ontcod bn.xC'i f ) rnro. I.nth order fort ) boion w I t'l lUicud wrlltunuuiiriiiiluo la refund If iiotvuri ( jiinrantculii > uedonly by'lheodoroK ( .imUdi Klttsolea unt , ooutUcuit curu.r II til nnd , vhlrh coriv ixinilpi1lth tlio paper tuoil In no ot the tilitckmiilllnp 1 'ttoi- . The most ihini.iplim tcsllmoio In tlm rft o iplH'nrs tobo tlmtwhlili will bo funilMioil > v the iiostinnstor nt I'.u'lIU' Junction Till * \lHpoto8howtlint Mr l i ? htpy liiqulroit orrt letter iitltlrc iiil to OwuxoV. . lloiron t llio Junction Thoiv was no such letter here , lull Uio fuel Hut ho iniitlo the Inquiry N 111 imtbtlu.\ n serious stumbling block In Ir. i.olRMoj'9 c.tso. " X IHXOMAVS AUTItOllITV. n ( 'oiiiirolliin ulth n ItiMnhrr nntl nto It IHII < | < Him In .lull. A ilerltleitly sensitloiml story of ail nt- onijitcd frntul , bacUotl bonlel il ntitliorlli' , s toltl b.C'h.ulos . Slnrto , the iloonltocpcr , t Twentieth nnil Topi > l"ton Conatnbla ohn Dliipnuin 1ml to sUnul trill ou n hinvjo of lUstuibliiK the pc.ieo ns i result of , ho nITitli1. . \ccou1lnc ; to Sharto's statements , ho was Isltoil last woe's ' by n imn Bl\luc his muiio isV H. Wvutt , w ho agreed to purcluiso ho stock and iKtures of the s Uoon for f$00 , ; i\lti ( ? notes In | > ij nmnt seoured bv n mort- MKt ) of liinil lu Wisconsin. A few days alor Const tblc lIiitm.iti ; appeared for the impose of taKlni ; iwssessUin of the. saloon 'orVutt Shinto would not Mien to and tha oustiiblo drew n rtnoher , nuikliiK mnny Uro threits SerRCint Graves appeared In line to pnnont sellout trouble. Slmrto 'latins ' Unit Wj alt's notes nnd iiiorteairos ire woithless. Ho hud UotisUblo llni- nun ntiested for distill bliiK. the peneo ntul hoount . : man was lined $1 and eosta for eonduet. ( Illllt AllllllttlMl. inteix'stliiffiitituro developed .n the Tuim mui'dcr liltilouln thodhtrlet ourt \ estefday The tinio w as spent In he ir- intr the details of the minder from polled illU-eis The defense has not outlined Uspliinsas \et In the mat tor of defending the pilsoiior. The shooting of the Divwomnn by Kauss adlnUteil nnd the fact that they sustained .inpropor leluttons is not disputetl. Insanity or an ident . the Uno of dofcnso. Cnll ml si inlrj Dnun , Iii answer to CVitiuty Commissioner Stan- lej's Uiek that South Omaha has not ro * eolvcd her proper sbaio of the reid fund , 'oiinty ' Auditor n\aiis bus ptopatvd a statement - ment showing that theio hus been expended In tbo Maple Citiluiint ? the jc irs 188U , 18SH ) ami isfll ne.ulv four times tbo iimount that lilitce has paid Into tbo fund. In oxuot llpmcs theio has been oxpemlod In South Omaha f 17.070 1W , while but $ tl, ! has been paid In , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A sneak thief stole a suit of elothos from the Ummcll liotcl some tiino iMonduy nlpht. Mou Is Nellson was attested lust evening for steilltij ? two cups mid saucers from Moodj's china stole. lr S D. Meieer Ins enjoined the city from e u r\ , hip out Hi plan of lllllnit thlrt\- , be\eu of his lots in Walnut Hill addition to the stieot grade. The police think John Aiulcison , the crook teeentlv auosted , is the tiinii who robbed the lesidtiiLoaf C TJ 1'elpor , 1HM Shouiiitu n\enue , Satunlaj niijht , taking $05 woith of piopettv. Joe. Claik and Thomas Brown wcro each sentcnieil to tltlttx da\s' Impiisonmcnt jestoidnj for tobblng IMwanl Johnson , ti laboicr , of S15 in n Tbiiteenth stieet suloou Monday night. Ycsterdiiv afternoon Oflleer Dcmpsoy fljed a fomplalnt in the police eoutt Uiarging L\ie Oelbci with foigmg the nnmo of Mrs. Pl.tisk loan oilier for : i small amount. Gel- ber bus not , \ot been ai tested , lu tbo distiic-t comt jcstciday Judfio Honew ell listened to the arguments In the ease of M Hilda Castle against Dini&l C , Dotj an application for a pot in.mout injunc tion iChtialniiig a constable fiom scllltijj proper tj thtit is elitimed : is exempt. Om ilia Council No CTi , Ko\al , league , gnvo its sLLond paitj of the season evening In tlm Continental building Cards \\oro is sued ami theio was u good i espouse to the invitations out. The pat tv w as \cry plea sant seri il success and thoioughly cnjojcd bj the 1 idies and gentlemen present. C. C. Iveiiiuu , lonncily a resident engi neer ol the Union P.uilio at Dcmcr , 1ms iiLieptcd the position of chief engineer of the linpoii il railway of China , and will take with him to the Celestial em pit o a l.ugo coips of c\peuoiiecd i.iilw.iy buildcis. Mr. Kinnait is now in Now Yoik leechinc llnal hist i uc lions The tilal of Dr Kiio Monk took place in , police cotiitestculay aftcinoon ami the piisoncr was disihaiged on the complaint ilf obtaining money under false piotcnses. Another complaint was t once llled Lhutglng tbo doctor with obtaining money on. . u pi o- missoi \ note on false pietenses The prosecution failed to make a ease and the defendant wns discharged Something o\er \ear ago thie\os Inoko into a bouse at 'J IS Noitli Eighteenth stieot and stole a iiuantltj of Jewelry belonging to Miss Mat tie Oibson. YestcidnyMiss Gib son iccognUcd the dmmomls wiuit by n lady pissing a long DVinani nticet. 'Jhe police In- lestigated thocnso and pioved the wcaier to be an innocent puich.isor and traced tbo theft to Hem \ King and Sol NcUsiu-r , two tldevei s\ho woiketl thu town some time ago. "f am comliuid of the met it of Hood's Salsip.ilIlia , after ha\ing t.tKen but a few doses , ' tbls is w bat many people say. A special featuio of Sitlnoy H. lulls'pro duction of "Nor.i Mntliroo , " whluli comes to tlio Hojd cm tomoi IOYV night , and continues thoiumai'idcr of the week , will bo tbc pic- tiiicsuc ( [ sccnlo display , n very act will 1)0 c.lli'led complete , und will depict , well known places lu Tiel.ind , be-Ill ! : hlstoi It-ally coiioet , oun to tlio minutest di't.ill. The niccBwnles will bo nmel und unique , nnd Mr. Ellis piomibcs a Ilnu pi eduction of this succe.ssful pl.i ) . Tlio "ilo of scats for the enliio en- KJKIincut will open this moininij at U o'c-loclt. Slum tUobson and his flue c-ompiny close thoii fmii'omeiit atBojd'b tho.itLf toilnvbv I'hiiirT two puifntn.anu i > it miiUiico utS : : } < ) I Ills if ( ci noon , ath it'll ( ioldninilh'Bcroinedj , ' Slto Stoops to Conquer , " w 111 bo glun , und the rc'ifiiuiiuonlni , ' iii'iloiiiLincii .it U , ulicu numsiin Howiud'H Aini'ilriiu comedy , "Tlio Ueitiiotuill , bo the bill Hold's now'thoiitor will bo Hluiiiliialcil iie-xt wi k with tbo "Now Natural , " Donnolly , ind ( ilraitl v 111 tinn it on In lull Cm co at tlio Chilstm.m matinee on next Sun- daj 'iftoinoon The cntiitciiieut IH for Him- tlaj , Mondny , Tiw d i.v .mil WedimMJiiy , with Miiiul.u nmlimo aHo , and no moiu Hiiltnblo .tit tin I Ion for thu ! ucn.JhilatiiiiiH tlmu coulti have been seemed. The iIclicst ami most BOIRCOUS w-ciic ovrr iiwil on the loiMlHtap ) will bo hbown dmlnif the pioduc lion ot the "Now Monte Cihto'1 at Iho I'ainam Stieet theater , for thico nlKht.coinmoiiiIiiK ThiMRdiiy , Iec. ) 2J , with tbo u'.yul S.iturd.ij inatliiLe. It la composed uf\eiy cosiU bnpoilcd plush , suspended fiom slUer \ > MA , foimlni a palace in tlio liiMiiIoiis ttt.tlo of the second icBtoi.itlon , and IsJHutlv the most cxpuusixo BCCIIO o\cr Ubcd in iinj di.inuitlo picscnt.ition. Uou- i' , this is only nno point whcicln lavJali I'xpciidltiuo Is o\ltloiit as I'vciv bcinousod ] ; .is been in.ido c'speclally for Him pioduc'lioii and nio nil line specimens of u imintor aitlst's band. Aoiy hugo and enioleiit loinp.inv is oniriiKi'd c-bpcc-lally for their peihonii nilaptililllty fur the Miiloim ihar- ai tois iniputsonaleti and a very line ippiu * Heiitntion of this ( 'ieut phii may boconfl- dentli osipc'cted. An lioncnt pill is tbo noblest work of tlio aiotnocr.iv DoWitt't Wttlo Laity Kteori ci'.roc'siutlpation , biliousness and slulc lie'.id- la uchu Water ronti duo .Innuary 1 , jmyablo * J tit bomjHiny'ri olllco , 13BK nuildinK ; G JIOP cent uineount iillowctl If wild on or before - 1 fore January 1. Ofllro open Wodnosdayg 1I nnd Suturdujs till B p. m. I Xiiius i'i ulli ut Jlii ) lion's , Fliioat mired nuta , 12jo pnr ] > ound. OrtuiBca , ICc , tlOo , J.T)0 per UoxoOt JJivtut < , 7io per pound , I'anc-y flgo , ltJo ! , Mo , JOe nnd 0c. Finoat Mnluijii t'l'ipos , 860 per pound , Messina lemons , 2oo per do/on. Ho euro and oomo hcio ; you "rilll find lliu above t'oodtt llrst class and prices Iho very lowest HAVDEN BUOd. Fi ult ioiurtmouU