Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Disastrous Fire at Sterling Results from
Breaking a Lamp ,
Otlirr Vnliinbto I'ropi-rly In tlin City Savcil
liy tlin Vlisoroin KHVirU f thr Cltl-
mm IntrrrMliiff Xe
News Notrs.
STr-nnxo , Nob. , Dec. 20-tSpcclalTclo-
Grain to TIIU URB. ] Tlio most destructive
flro ever known In Btcrllng occurred hern
last night at 11 o'clock. J. 1 . Uciuhaw ,
dealer in general mcrchandlso , carrying a
lamp , was making his last rounds through
his slord , fleeing that everything was locked
up for thr night , and fell down , breaking thu
lamp. The burning fluid soon sot flro to .a'
full tank oToil and In a few momenta the entire -
tire stock and building wcro entirely con-
Btimcd. The postonicc , on the cast side of
the store , and Fred HmlreV saloon on the
vest side wcro soon In flames.
All the mail In the oflicc , together with a
Block of candles and stationery , was entirely
consumed. The stock of Honors In the saloon -
loon , with the fixtures , wove partly saved.
The billiard hall of Wed Entires nml the res
taurant of .lolin Livingston , two other build
ings on the west , worn BOOH burned. Then
came four brick buildings , and the question
wns , "Will they stand the lire ? " ami all thu
people with buckets determined to stop It if
possible , nnd their united efforts succeeded.
Tho'loss and Insurance Is ns follows : ,1.
Grccr , loss on building. $7X ( ) , Insurance iM\ ) \
V. Xliic , stm-k , $ , VX > , fully Insured ; J. P. lion-
Bhaw. stock , $ li > , UOU , Insurance , $11,1)00 ) ; T. 1 > .
licnslmxv , bulldinp , $1,500 , Insurance , (1,000 , ;
IEntires , loss on'saloon. iOOO , no Insurance ;
Mrs. Johnson , builillni ? , 5.VX ) , no Insurance ;
A. Pearson , building. $700 , no Insurance ; D ,
F. Sunderlnml , building , $ lKX ( ) , Insnraneo ,
$000 : ,1. Livingston , stock , )00 , Insurance ,
jaw.There are two safes In the flro nnd they
look as If they wcro all right.
M. M. Sandlfer , who occupied the brick
building next to the lire , carried out his
Block of drugs , but lost omo by breakage.
i Aiimiiil Sliiti ) G'oiiviMitluu of thu Anno-
cliitliin 111 ScHiliin.
Mm > r.x , Neb. , Dec. 'JO. [ Special Telegram
to TUB UKU. ] The eighth annual convention
of the Nebraska Dairymen's association was
convened this evening at the opera house. A
largo nnd appreciative audience was present.
About 100 members oC the association from
nbroad answered the roll call. Hon. J. L
Mcl'hoely , in a speech abounding in wit , pre-
edited thu freedom of the city. Mr. U. B
Ashburn of Gibbon responded with n voi'i
instruetlvo Rtatistlcal address relative to tin
butter and cheese industries of the state.
The president , lion. K. .T. Hnyncs of Au
rora , delivered Iho annual address in his
usual forcible immycr and showed practica
nnd thorough ncqmilntnnro with the subjecl
in hand , abounding in pertinent suggestions
'A'ho evening's session was closed by an en
tcrtainnicnt by the young ladies of Mimleti
The Milkmaids' Convention , " a burlesque
Introducing many laughable hits and i
milkmaid drill , with stools and palls foi
martial equipment , mis very effectively ar
rtingcd.- There is a fine exhibit of but
ler and cheese in connection with the
tonvcnlion for -which premiums to tin
amount of J250 are offered. The ICearncj
County Agricultural society also exhibits i
large and line display of corn which attract !
much attention from the visitors. Tomor
row morning and afternoon will bo devotee
to routine business. The chief speaker o
the evening session Is to bo Chancellor Can
Held. _
St'UFl''I.KI ' > TO IlKT A GUN.
Careless Oiniso Iho l iiiifc < Tons Wound
luff i > r u Lincoln MotsMiRpr lloy.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dee. 20. [ Special Tck
pram lo Tun BKE. ] Peter Larson , a 10-yeai
old boy , was shot and seriously wounded b ,
Emest Caborly , a boy of the sanio age , a
8:30 : this morning. Both are messengers ii
the service of the Lincoln District Telcgrap ]
company and the shooting occurred In th
waiting room. Cabcrly had a revolver In hi
hip pocket. Another boy attempted to talc
it away from him nnd in the scufllo whicl
ensued the weapon was exploded. The bu !
lot entered Larson's right side three inchc
below the armpit and passed entirely throug
the walls of the chest Into the lungs. A
jioon Larson was resting comfortably at h ]
homo at 7"il North Eleventh street , but hi
physician says ho is very dangerous !
wounded. _
Ittmit to Dentil In Ills lluinn.
COMJMIIUS , Neb. . Dec. 20. [ Special Toll
gram to Tin : BEE. ] News was received hei
today of the burning to death of Marti
Zarnskl , a Polish farmer , living slxtee
miles southwest of this city , Saturday nigh
Ho and his wlfo lived in n sod house , tli
roof of which look lire about 11 o'clock i
night. The blaze was discovered by tli
'occupants , who arose and tried to c :
tlngnlsh it. Seeing that it was dangorot
to remain longer in the house Mr
y.irnskl ; went out , supposing her hiidbaii
was following , and shortly after the roi
fell In. Thu body of the man was found i
the ruins the next morning. The head w :
entirely burned off. Ills supposed that tl
frequent drinks of alcohol he had taken tin
evening greatly facilitated the burning i
the man. Ho was about CO years old.
Vlro at Port Jloblnsiin.
Four ROIIINSOX , Neb. , Dec. W. [ Spec ! ;
Telegram to TUB BBB. ] At : iIO : ! p. in. an o ,
log barracks , built In the early ' 70s caugl
lire and burned to the ground. One end vr ;
occupied as quarters by six families of ci
listed men. The other end was used by tl
quartermaster as a storeroom for wagon in
tcrial and other heavy goods ; also a lot i
ordnance property , all of which was entire
consumed. The adjacent barracks , occupii
by company C. Eighth infantry , caught 11
several times , but through the indefatlgab
efforts of the troops was saved. There w :
n very light wind. The fusilado from tl
burning cartridges was equal to a sklrinh
line iu action.
iK TriiKt rrourrty.
NEIWASKA Cm- , Neb , , Dec. i.0. [ Special
Tun Jinn. ] N. If. and W. O. Beasloy
Poorla , 111. , representatives of the whlsl
trust , were in the city yesterday inspect ! )
the company's ' recent purchase. They s :
there is no possibility of enlarging tl
capacity of the distillery here. The tru ;
they say , la milking no effort to comer t'
output , all speculation In spirits being c < j
ducted outside of tlie trust. The coinpai
is simply trying to supply the demand.
Nut AnxloiiN to Servo.
GOI.UII ill's , Neb. , Dec. ! ! 0. [ Special Te
pram to Tun HUB. ] Depositions weretali
before County Judge Hensloy hero today
the contest wherein W. II. Wlnslow contes
for I. Slblu'riiscn the seat of W. J. Irwin
thu legislature. Jrwlu did not appear elth
lu person or by attorney. It matters b
llttlu how the casu may bo decided by t
legislature , us Mr , Slbbernson has dcclar
lie will not qualify if ho should bo ileclar
the winner , _
Not Known lit Hiirimvlllr.
SAIIONVIU.C , Nob. , Deo. UO. [ Special te
gram to TUB HER ] Nothing is known he
of the man that was found murdered ii
car of com at Toledo. The body must ha
been placed In the car after It was load
and left here.
Ignored Sllcht Formalltlm , -
Suitritisu , Neb. , Deo. .U [ Special IV
gram to Tnu BIB. : ] W. H. Closscn was tali
to Omaha today by a deputy United Stal
revenue oftleer for selling liquor without gi
eminent license.
Crippled by u lloli tiled.
NEWU6IU CITV , Neb. , Dee. 20. [ Special
Tun HUB. ] A 10-year-old son of Mr , Carl
was knocked down by a bob sled yestordi
and his right leg broken below thu knee.
Ko\ort'ly Injured.
GIUNU IsiJksn , Nob. , Dee. .I ) . [ Special
fan linn. ] When about to descend u sUi
wiy nt her homo In thin city t < xUy , Mrs ,
John lj. Wlmlolpli fell ntul broke lior collar
Iwno In two plncos nnd split ono of her enrs ,
Kho wan unconscious for tliron hours There
weru no Internal Injuries and she Is doing
_ _ _ _ _
Mnmtfnrttirlnft Ulndliifr T\rlne.
FnnMoxr , Nob. , Deo. 20. [ Special to Tnn
Ilin. : ] Thu Nebraska Hinder Twlno com
pany commenced the manufacture of twlno
from this ycnr's crop yesterday The first
ball run 575 feet to the pound , nnd stands 115
Ittundr. pressure on n straight pull , U. V * ' .
] { oynolds , manager , has made so mo changes
nml added sotno now machinery , and the
twlno now being mndo Is of n better quality ,
smoother and neater in appearance than nny
previously m.inufni'turcd here. Tlioy cx ) > ect
to manufacture about 4,000 pounds n day
for the next eight months.
Suit has been commenced In district court
against A. J. Eddy by E. S. .InfTruy ft Co. of
New York for $3,000 , to tlio Fremont De
partment Store company. Proceedings to
foreclose n mortgage of $ U,40D given by O. I ) .
and F. C. Harms to tbo Hallou State Uank-
Ing company of Storm take , la. , have also
been Hied. Judge Marshall did not.finish
Ills term of district court in Central City
Saturday , as bo expected , so court here was
adjourned until next Saturday ,
Hhcrlft Mllllknn took Charles E. Johnson
and Henry Haupto tbo state penitentiary
today , the former for two ye.irs for forgery ,
the latter eighteen months for stealing.
Not til Her 1'ropcr Clum.
nEATiiiCR , Neb. , Dec. Ut ) . [ Special Tele
gram lo Tut : Unn.l Albert L. Urceno began
mandamus proceedings In tbo district court
today against Oregon H. Phillips , mayor of
Heatrlcc , to compel htm to certify to tbo
governor of the statethat the population of
the city ot llenlrh'o exceeds 10,000 In order
that tbo city might bo entitled to
all rights and privileges of a city of Ihu second
end class. Answer day is sot for Friday ,
December ffil , nt 2 o'clock In tbo afternoon.
Tlio ease is ono that is liable to revolution *
ha the city administration , which , though a
city of 15,000 population , has been operating
under a charter of a city of but 5,000 popula
tion. The suit meets with general approval.
Arrcntrdii Haulier.
DUNINO , Neb. , Dee. SO. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Ur.E. ] L. H , Han-is , president of tbo
International State bank of Urowster , Nob. ,
who runs a little grocery store nt this place ,
was arrested this morning on n warrant
aworn out by .1 , L. Overman , charging him
with horse stealing. Overman claim * to bo
able to prove his charge and will push the
case lo the fullest extent of the law.
Bluy Tout tin ) Iuw.
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Neb. , Dec. 20. [ Special
to THE Bnc.The election board today
Informed the county commissioners that
eight hours constitute a day's labor
according to law , and that they had not been
paid accordingly. They therefore demanded
more money , and the commissioners are not
disposed to view it in a favorable light.
Lyons' Itevlval.
LYONS , Neb. , Deo. 'M. [ Special to Tun
Bun. ] A great revival has been going on at
tbo Methodist Episcopal church hero for the
past week , conducted by Hev. N. L. Hoopln-
garner , tbo distinguished evangelist. About
100 have been converted. Thu house Is over
crowded each evening.
Taken lo tlio Asylum ,
Hn.VTitici : , Neb. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun UKK. ] Catherine Fisher of Lib
erty has been adjudged insane and was
today taken to the usyluui at Lincoln.
J'rom Ne.u'licrjy.
C. F. Moore it Co. , prominent druggists of
Nowberg , Ore. , say : "Since our customers
have become acquainted with the good ( jual
itics of Chamberlain's Cough Hcmedy wo
sell but little of any other kind. Chamber
lain's ' medicines all give good satisfaction. "
For sale by druggists. .
Just Kecclvcd.
600 copies ouch of "Scarlet Loiter'
and "Drummond's Addresses , " in fancj
cloth binding , good paper tind large ,
clear typo , at Hoc oach.
Will Auk fur u National Ouarnntlno.
NEW Yonic , Dec. 20. There was an un
usually largo meeting of the members of tin
Chamber of Commerce ) this afternoon. Thi
meeting was called to discuss aud taki
action upon the report of the special com
mltteo of that body on quarantine. At tin
meeting last week , the committee recom
mended a scheme for the national quarantine
This -was taken as a censure of Hcaltl
Ofllccr Jenkins.
, Resolutions were offered to adopt the re
5 ixrt of special committee , asking congrcs :
to pass a national law , and requesting thi
co-operation of the various chambers of commerce
merco throughout the country. The rose
lutlons were unanimously adopted.
A splendid 8350.00 upright ulano foi
$140.00. An Eatoy organ for $15.00. A
the Bell Dopt. store , 8d floor.
WoounuiDGK Buos.
Paxton & Gallagher unloaded nnolho
car of their fntnoua brand of "Tea Loaf1
tea today , making u total of J0,765 ; hal
chests , imported da-cot from Japan dur
ing the year 1B92. A trudo unprecedented
dented In this country which shows tin
popularity and high favor of their wel
known brands of tons throughout tin
west. And still the demand is increaa
ing. Messrs. Paxton & Gallagher ox
poet to double tins amount during tin
year 1893.
Try "Tea Loaf" or "Tea Blossom1
brand of ton , kept by all grocers. Sat
isfaction guaranteed or money refunded
ti -f -
Dulnth'M Wheat HlocUmle.
DUI.UTII , Minn. , Dee. 20. Wheat continue
to coma into this city very rapidly , and th
wheat blockade predicted a few days ag
seems almost upon us. The increase i
slocks held hero aud at tlio elevators on th
Superior side of the bay , also under tbo cor
trol of the Duluth Board of Trade , has fo
the past week been 1,450,000 bushels , and tli
total stocks of wheat hero aggregate lU,75i
000 bushels.
Long before tbo opening of navigation a
the elevators at the bead of , the lake will b
full , and there will bo nt least 10,000,01 ,
bushels for the vessels to carry down In th
early weeks of navigation. Tlio wheat Is c
the highest grade.
The convenience of a jar of Cudahy's Re
Brand Extract of Beef is never better appn
elated than when some grocer's "Just out. "
Everybody oats oysters. Dealers cu
buy N. Y. Counts per can , ! l5o.
Extra Selects per can , Sou.
Standards per can , 20c.
Favorites per can , IDo.
Also bulk Standards , solid moats ,
wanted , anil celery from 25o toIfio pc
bunch. Sontl your Christmas orders i
once to Oiivltl Cole ft Co. , "Tho Antl
Monopoly Ovstor lionso , " Goods tli
very bout. No lirm allowed to undergo
us. ail ) So. lOtli street , Omaha , Nob.
I Vanilla I Of perfect purity-
Lemon I Of great strength-
Orange I In their
" Economy use ,
to - Flavor as delicately
and dilleloutly at the fresh fruit
Best Cure For
AH disorders of tlio Throat rind
Lungs is Aycr's Cherry 1'cctoraL
It hns no equal ns u cough-euro.
"When I was a boy , 1 had a bronchial
trouble ot such a persistent nnd stub *
born clmrnctcr , Hint the doctor pro
nounced It Incurable with ordinary
remedies , but recommended me to try
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. I did so , and
ana bottle cured inn. For the last fifteen
years , I have used this preparation with
peed effect whenever I take a bad cold ,
nnd I l < no\v ot numbers of people who
keep It in the lionso nil the time , not g.ifo to be without It. "
J. C. Woodson , 1 . M. , Forest Ulll.W.V * .
"For more than twcnly-flvo years , 5
was a BufTcrcr from ImiR trouble , at
tended with coughing so severe at times
as to cause hemorrhage , tha paroxysms
frequently lasting three or four hours.
1 was Induced to try Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral , and after taking four bottles , was
thoroughly cured.--Franz Hoffman ,
Clay Centre , Ivans.
La Crippe
"Last spring I was taken down with
la grippe. At times I was completely
prostrated , and so dlfUcult wnu my
breathing tlmt my breast seemed as If
confined in mi Iron cage. I procured a
bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , and
no sooner had I began taking It than
relief followed. I could not bclievo that
the effect would bo so rapid and the
cure so complete. " W. U. Williams ,
Cook City , S. Dak. .
Cherry Pectoral
I'rcpared by Dr. .1. C. A yet k Co. , Lowell , If am.
BolabynllDi-ugsliiU. l'rlcel ; ill bottles$5.
Prompttoact , suretocure
Every Man whose watch
has been rung out of the bow
( ring ) , by a pickpocket ,
Every Man whose watch
has been damaged by drop
ping out of the bow , and
Every Man of sense who
merely compares the old pullout -
out bow and the new
will exclaim : "Ought to have
been made long ago ! "
Itcan't betwistedoffthecase.
Can only be had with Jas. Boss
Filledand othercases stamped
with this trade mark
Ask your jexvcler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
J They lastJonRor nnd wear bolter than ]
any other make. They are stylish , and
made from selected skins only.
1 > If your dealer does not have thorn nnd
; you want to know something about the J
, BEST GLOVES MADE wrltu to the manufacturer -
' . facturer for his illustrated book about
] I gloves. - J
tmiTMCTuncn , 2
Ortlio Tt < iin > rJliil > ll J'oHllJi'oly Cure
iili > latvrti
Cittttloii S
It-emi be lilvcn In n cup of ootlco or tea or In foi
without tliu knowlmliro of the patient. It Is aba
hitoly liornilcei unit will cfTuct n permanent ni
Blieed ? euro , whethrr thu patlnnt U n inodora
ilrliikvromn tvlcohollo wreck. It hat ) been Klvun
thoiitfnntlB of cases nnd In every Initznca a perfc
euro has followed It never falls. Thu > y te
once ImprcKniited with tlioapecllk- becomes i
utter Impossibility for the liquor aupelltu to oxl
( iOI.DKN SriIl''MJ : ! CO. , I'ropi. . Cincinnati ,
43'paKa book of particulars free. To ba hml of
1Cnlm .t I'o. , Uth and Douulaa Kti. Wholi
lllako , llruco A , Co. , nnd lllehnrtliun Urut
Uuiahn , Is'en.
To thoownurs of the lots , parts of lota ai
roiil ustiitu ubiittlur ; on or uiljacimt to tl
streets , alleys or uvonms libroln nuiued
sltiintod In whole or In liiirt wltliln uny
thodUlrlcts herein Huucillnd :
You and ouoh of you urn horohy notlfli
that tbe city council nf the ulty of Oinulia w
Kit ns n Itoird of Kiiirulx.ntlon , nt the olllco
the city cleric. In the ulty hull , Omaha , N
briisWn. on I'rldar , thuSJJ diiy of UoceinlH
Ib'.y , from 0 o'clooli u. in. to 5 o'clock u. in. , f
tlio nurpuso ot coiultlurlng and ciinll7.ln | t
liroposocl liivyof suoolat ta.VL'sniHl ussos nion
us shown hy "I'rnpo ud I'liinsof Assusstnon
now on Illo In thu ulllcu of Biilcl ulty chirk , in
correcting uny errors thoroln. and at lie.irl
all coinuliilnls that thu owner * of property
to lie nssussod und taxed may inuUo ; H
Npeclnl tn.xcs and asscssincntM proposed to
luvloil DoInK necessiu-y to covur thu costof t
sovural Improvements duly authorized to
mndo and now completed , as follows :
To o-jvor the cost of paving und ourbli
Gnus street , from IMcl street to "Ith struct ,
street imurovumcnt district No. 4110. Bald pa
f IIIK amnuntln In the Hum of II.K.'H.8'J. and ba
ciirhlnz tfl the Hum ofi.lll.70. which mid BIIII
t It IH proposed , hy u rupert duly adopted
the ulty council , to assess on the rnal entnto
oucli aldu of Uuss Htruet , from 'J.'d lo XI
street , according to foot frontiiuo nnd the i
unl senllnc liiiok process In depth to alloy :
assessment fnrcurhliifr tabu miidu wust of
street , at the curb there was laid by prlvr
purtleH. Halo per foot for imvluJ0.4G1
rate pur foot fur curbing lu.iCCl.t ) .
Tocovor the coat of pivlnt lowe nvoni
from lliunllton htrout to M or cor avenue ,
paving dlHtrlot No. ? M. nmoiintlnif to tlio BI
of lui.eril.W , which aald stunIt U proposeduj
report Uilly udnptod liy the city counoll ,
lissom uti tlio real ontuto un each side of Lo
avunuo , from llHinllton street to Mei-uor u
on no , according to foot frontage and t
imml sculInK b.tek process In depth to cuui
nf block or 1st ulluy. Kate per foot , tl.'JO !
The cost of private appruach , amounting
thusumof of Jiu.W ) , to bo assessed to the n
estate adjoining ,
To cover the cost of puvlnu Commerc
streut. from Sliormun avenue to .Hth ) street ,
paving district No. ' Vl , niiionntl
to thosiim of flli.irJ.GO , which uild :
proiMJiod , by u report duly adopted by I
city council , IOIISSOSH pro rala on Iho rnal i
tate on eacb sldo of Uonimnrclul street , fn
tihuriuan uveniie to VUth street , uceordlnn
foot frontuKO nml the usual soul In it hack p
cess In depth from street IX ! foot , not oxoei
I ni ; the center of hlook : 1'rov Idod , that 'M f <
ilmll bu deduuted on the f rontueo of tax
24 , east of Comniorolul street , llulo per fo
13.11007. The cost of prlvntu roadwayuiiiou
Inn to the bum of llS.m , to bo assessed to i
real eslato adjolnlnir.
To cover thu contof pavlnx and curbing K
street from I'opulolou avenue to the sot
ltn otKXtot ! fl In AtrrofImproTflmntit dis
trict. No. 4' } , nmountlnK totlio mim of f < , IO\ti ; ( ,
which ml.l sum It l proflhWd by ire iiortcliily
Adopted by the city cnmitll lo KMOM nit the
raM Mtnto pro rait , pit fach side of Und
Rtrcot from ropnlolon HTOIIIIO lo louth linn ot
tftt lot W. nccordlna to fofit , fmntnco and the
ununl lonllnff tuck prricoM In depth from
utroet liTI foot. Itatopprfoot , MMOI. The cot t
nt prlvnto ronJwuy innQimtlnc to the sum of
tiov.70 lo bo nssosied to Ihb real otlnlo adjoin-
Ina. '
To cover the cost ot pjivlnt nnd curbing
Hpcncer Btreot from Slletmnn nvonuo toSUh
trcot In otrcot Imcrnveinont district No. 4'fl )
uinonntlna to tl.o sum ot ilS.STO.'l' . which dald
nm It M proposed by n r * | iort duly ndoplcd
liy thoclty council , to nioss nm rat.i on Iho
ronltntnto on both Bides of Hpcncer street
from Sherman avanno to S4th street , nucord-
itu to foot frontnao and the usual soillnt
bncU process In depth lo' Iho tlrst alloy or U )
foet. llato ucr foot , * I.M7.Vt.
ToiSovor lliocostot pavlnR and curbing 6th
street from IMcrca street to Hickory street ,
In street linproTotiiont district No. 43.1.
nmountlnK lo Iho sum of ll\ii.(17. ) : ( which Rain
RUIU It Is proposed by a report duly adopted
by the city council , lo assess as follows : 1'tio
cost of nrlvnto rondnay. amonntlnR to the
sum of } IU.\S2 , to bo nssi'iseil ' on tax lot No ,
'I. The rcmnlnlns cost tobonssossod pro rain
on thn prouerty on both sides of Oth street
from 1'lerco street to Hickory struct , accord-
Ine lo the fuot frontline nnd Iho usual
scaling O.ick proco 3 to depth ot dis
trict ni uroalnJ. That part ot tux lot ! )
botwcbti the two private roadwhylfnot to bo
assessed for cttrhlns as the owner put this
curhln nt hN own o.xpenso. H-\to per foot for
pavliu * l.2ri'.i ' ; ; ( orciirblntf J.71V.'i
To cover the cotot pavln ? In nlloy In block
1-1 , city. In street lir-iirovoinont district No. 437 ,
utiiontiilns to the sum of f I , (04. 14 , which said
MIIIII it la propose 1 by a report duly adopted
by tlio city council to assess pro rativ on both
fluosof the iillcy In block 13. accorJItix to foot
fronlniro and Iho usual scaling b.ick process
to tlio depth or onn lot. Itato per foof..5'il. .
To eovor llui cost nml insucollon for Inylntt
permanent sldo walk * lulil hv Kurd & llmo
umntitilinx to the um nf2,8aiU ) , which said
sum It It proposed bv a rupert duly ndoutcd
by the city council tn nescsson the real estate
alonu' which aald walks uro laid , us follows !
N SIM ft lot : hiu 10 city $ :
s4s lot fi biu 10 an 10
LotflblklO " 111 1C
Iot7hlk70 " 478 r > 1
LdtShlkTO " ' .MDirJ
NOJfllntl blkT3 " 4.V ) M
rUllntlblUTJ " S T S7
N ! 4 IntSblkUt " 'JW 7(1 (
I.ot hlklM " KIT-.M
J.ot hlk 1J " 1W fi4
l.ot I hlk 7 Jcromo I'ark s" > 21) )
T.uf.'blk7 " ii.'i M )
Lot.lblk7 " OM
Lot 10 hlk 10 West End Add K7 Il
LotllblklO ' li'JSl
Total aTins noTe
To covur the cost of constructing a sewer In
owcr district No. 1GO , aiiiountliu to the sum
ot il.787.73 , which sum It Is proposed by u rupert
port duly adopted bv Iho city council to as
sess un the real estate along said sewer pro
rain , accoriilnir lo foot froutapo and the usual
scalltiK back prnooss. In depth fioin street ono
lot ; provided , that corner lots havlnt : sewer
onnstriictod cm twoslJcs shall he nsscssod foi'
Iho IniiKor sldo only. Kate per foot , } l.ui)7. : ! ) )
To cover ihocost uf sow r , otirhliiB anil ttut-
lerlns. and paving on the south one-half uf
north 21S feet of east S8 foot at lot : ) , Capitol
addition , amounting to the sum of J'JiurJ ; ,
which said sum. It la prouoscd. by a report
duly adopted hy the city council , tn assess on
the south ouii-lmlf of the north 218 foot , of east
L'S feet ot lot No. : i Uapltol luhlitlon.
Yonnro further notified tlmtsald "I'roposod
Plan * of Assessment" are now .subject to tha
Inspection nnd examination of any ot the
owners nt .said lots , parts uf lots or pluuos of
real estate , or the Inspection or examination
of nny other person Interested In said pro
posed nssossmcnlK , at the olllco of said city
dork , nnd that by n report ut acommlttuo of
.said council duly adopted. It Is proposed that
unless for good nnd sulllplent uauso It may be
otherwise ordered and determined , that the
cost of said Improvements respectively lie as-
si'sicd on the several lots , parts ot lots and
pieces of real estate us shown by said pi < - -
po'od plans of assessment ,
Von , nnd uach of von. nro , hereby notified to
nppenr before said Uoard Ot Kqimllzatlon at
the time and place above specified , to make
any complaint , statement , or ohjuctlon you
desire conco. . ilng Any of said proposed lovlce
nnd assessments ot sccclnl taxes ,
Olty Olnrk.
Omnha. Nob. December 14th , ISO : ' . d5d"t !
- 1 -
An ordinance luvyln ; aisneclal tax and and
assessment on all lots and real ostiuo wlthlr
street Improvement districts Nos. 1174 am
oils , in the city of Uinn'hu' . to covar the cnsi
ot paving and curblnz ; 'comprising I'opulo
ton avniiuo from 32nd street to ; i3rd street
nnd Nlchohis street from LOth Btrcottowos
line of Isaac's addition , . ,
Nhoroas : It having been , and being horobi
adjudged , determined' dnd established tha
the several lot ? nnd real estnto horclniiftcr re
forrud have each been specially bjnolltud ti
the full amount herein levied and assessci
against each ot said lots and pieces of rea
estate , roauoctlvoly. by reason of the pavln !
and curbing of that part of 1'ouploton avcnm
Iroin Il-'nd to IKIrd street , and Nicholas strce
from : uth strout to west line nf Isu.iu's addl
Therefore , for the imrposo of paying tin
cost of s. ild Improvemcntb , conslatlnz of pav
in'- and corlilir- :
lie It ordained by the city council of the cltj
of Omaha.
faction 1. That the cost of paving and curb
Ing that part of 1'ouploton avenuu wlthli
street Improvement district Noi74 ; , In thoclt :
of Omnhii , from Knd street toIKiril stroo. , sail
cost being the sum of } 'J78J.U1 , bo and the sun : (
Is hereby levied and assessed. In proportion ti
the feet front along sitld paving , and accord
Ing to special bonollts hy reason of sild ; pav
lug , upon iho following described lots .111
real estate , as shown by the generally rccog
nlzed map of the city of Umahu , lnOI , lithe
graphed und published by Alnlr & Gnyloro
said cost bolnu so levied on said lots und reu
estate , respectively , us follows to-wlt :
1C O Connor It7blk 7 llanscom I'lnco ? G9 C
V A I'attcrson It 8 blk 7 " U'J t
John J Curtis It ! ) blk 7 " C'J ' t
do It 10 blk 7 llfl l. .
BSl lllnks 0170 ftlt II blk7 " lai :
las \Vooson : wll ft It 11 blk 7 " 8
E M Wicks 0170 ftlt U blk 0 2181
Jus L Woolson wll ft It 12 blk 7 " 14 1
do o' Jft It UhlkT " : i7 :
R W I'oattlo wiJOft Itl'JbllcT " on
Jus W Thompson
e5lft Wl00ftltl3blk7 " OM
Ellen M lllolis
L-M ft W1SO ftlt 13 blk 7 01 4
John I < Woolson o'JO f t It U blk 7 " ' "J j
J W Thompson
O.V ) ft wlOO ft It 14 blk.7 " 33 (
EllniiM Hiukso:0ftvKiOftltl4b7 " : (
K W 1'eattlu wJO ft It 14 hlk 7 " M I
J A Wakoflold It 13 blk 7 115 :
It 1' Kunkhousor It H ! blk 7 ; ( j ! ) ]
Henry UComhslt 17 bjk7 " U1) ) J
JoroinoSIebertlt 18 blk 7 CO ]
J 11 Hitchcock ot ul oll7 ft It 1 blk 8 15S 1
Grace ICyluy oW : ft wUl ftlt 1 blk 8 " 4IH
M Ii Mount wa'Mt It 1 bllcH 411
3 11 Hitchcock etal ell7 ft ItS blkB" 0 l
draco Hvluy orJ : ft It wfi4 ft It ? OlkS" so :
Mury It Mount w : ft ItahlkS . ' :
Jnslah Mlilgan ItablkH III ;
Absolnm Waggoner it 4 blk.8 70 :
Dollu lOrntMt Itrilillc 8 70 :
Ada A Cnnllehl nYt UflblkS : is
Mary Hold n5 ! It 17 blk b : t7 :
KvaDorsoy It 18 blk 8 75.
Ch'irlex lOnlcltenson It IDblkB 7 j
J H Doll If.blk ) H ni ; :
do If.'lblkS 14(11 (
do It&'blkfl -J43
Total . * -782l '
Section L' . That the cost of paving and uurl
Ing that part of Nicholas htruot within stroc
Imnrovomuut district No. auy , In thu city <
Omaha , from -Uih Htreot to west line of Isaac
addition , said cost being thu sum of lrj.1l
bo und the sumo Is hereby lovlod nnd usscsin
In proportion to thu fuot front nlonv said pi\ :
Ing. and according to special huneflls by re :
sod uf said paving , noon the following di
borlbcd lots nnd rual osliitU , us shown hy tli
generally rccnanlzod map of the ulty <
Omaha , I Ml , llthogrnplrad- published b
Mulr& Qaylordt said coif.'belim . so levied o
said lots und real estate , respectively , us fo
lows , to-wlt :
K O Aloyor H 4 blk 1 Annstrpng's'Jd add lila !
Then Olson lift blk 1 iuS i
Uoo Armstrnnt It Ublk 1 , , . " aaa .
ChnsN Schonlt I hlk 4 MS
Boren Lfirson Itblk 4 '
Horuu Larscii It 3 bile 4 'JIU
Total . , , .J , . JI250
Section y. That suld npijclal taxca luvlt
aforesaid , on said lots rjupacllvely , aliall hi
come delinquent aa roll w .Uiiu-taiith of tl
lotal amount so levied on.eaqhoC . nald Iota ahu
boromu delinquent In llt'ly.jlays iro.ii the pm
UBO and approval of this urduianca , ono-tuntl
lu one year , one-tenth In twp years , oiiu-tunt
m throe , one-tjiitli In four years , out
tenth In Ilvo years , onu-tuulb-ln six yoars. out
tenth In seven yearn , ouo-touth In olnlit yean
one-tenlh In uluo yours after aald levy , und hi
lnu from the naniaue am ) Approval oC thin o ;
dtdaiicc. Uacu of said InHilluiontn. except tl
lirst , shall draw Interest at ; tbo rule ot tf p ,
cent per annum from the time of the luv
uforexald. until the game shall become dulli
qut'iit. Intero-t at the raid of I per cent p <
o month , payable In advance , shall be paid c
uach dellnitient | liutallui nt.
Bectlon 4. . That thu entire amount of tax i
lovlod and assessed on any of said lots ma
be paid by iho owner of uny lot. or the ontli
equal pro rntaproportion of said tax on unyc
Bala lots , may he paid oy any person on ar
part of Bald lot ! ) within titty days from sal
levy , and thereupon sit d lota or parts of lot
shall be exempt from any lien or charge then
BoclloaS. Tlmt this ordinance shall take o
feet and beta forcu from and after Us passau
1'uised November 20th. 1KU2.
City Clerk.
A. 0. EDWAHUa.
Acting President of City Council
Approved November 3uh. 1SKJ.
UKO. 1' . 11KM18.
_ Mayor
The above tax Is now due and payable at tl
oalceof the city treauuror aud will became d
Umiucnt and bear Interest an seen la section t >
J.of above ordluuuco
City Treasurer ,
An onllni\nc livylnt ( ) n opocHl tt anil nmun.
inent on certain lots and rcnl pstiito in th
clly ot Omixhn , to corjf cost of construct
ing tower * In sewer dl.stncls No * . l.VJ , l&Tand
. It having been ami being hereby
, dolnrmlnoil nnd ostaljllshcd that lha
sovorallols and piece * of nsul ostntn herein *
nftrr refcrreil to. have ( rftoh boon spololly ben-
qfltled tothfl full herein levied nnd ns.
st < M ( t KI | IIM o ch of unldlits * nil jdeces o !
rcnl cslnto , i esoecllveiy , by reason of oonstriiot-
sewer * In sewer districts No * . ISrt , 15 * nnd IMi.
Thorefcre. for the purpose of paying the cost
ol such sownr construction !
Do It ordained by the city council of the Mty of
Section ] . That tha ecwt of ronslrnctlng n
cwcr In < ewcr district No. IM. In thocltyof
OninhK. sild cost being the sum of tl.iO/.fiS , sail
sewer construction being done undar contract
tvllh llannnn ft McDonald , b nnd Iho same U
hcroby levied and assessed. nccordlnKtosneclKl
boncllts by rensntt of said suwor cuiMtnirllon ,
vponlho following lots nnd r nl cstntonsMuwn
liy the generally recognlr.ed man of iho clly of
Omahn , IN.I | , Hthogrnphed ntid published by
Mulrnud ( laylord , said cost betas so Inrled on
Hfltd lots nnd real estate , respectively , ns fol
lows , lo-wlt :
IIJ Kendall 111 Cunco'ssub } I3 81
do It ! ! 4S 81
do It3 49 81
Ijnmont llowcrs It I 4s 81
1'red Druxol It 1 blk t Droxol's sub M W
S W8li Nolsan It3 blk I f > M K\ \
TroU Droxcl lti : biu 1 f.8 . M
It 4 blk 1 M ( W
tSHnscitllltr.bikl ' 5S52
do 111 Iliiscall'ssnbof lotsm-nt-
03 a K Rogers' Oknhoma 113 TS
I'aul Jerblt2 ? 4311
do nittiti ; : : t ; u
Anhati.sor llrowlns Co s17 ft It 3 M OS
do It I 4'41
l.leno Wasscrman It 12 hlk in
Imnrnvcmenl Ass'n add S9 PS
do PII : ft It I.I hlk ill : m rt !
Mlchnpl Kegan w.'IJ fill 111 blk 13 " l 07
do it 14 blk la tn 03
Svcnspn Honcn nBO flit IS blk It " 1511
.Ins II I hoinnson alOJ ft It 12 ttk 11 " IVI OJ
Kllrnli McNuIr It iiblk : 11 " tw Irt
8 lv lingers It I Ink II " MIC
John KUwuldlt I.Milk II ( H in
y.iblllarPlrvkerlt l.MilklS " lt 10
Kniolo Nelson n'j It in hlk IA " 11 2"J
M Dougherty nfrf ft sios ft It 10 b 15 li ! li'i
MA Truly riij ft t 10 blk 13 " : n :
Ktnolu Nolsuu ni It 17 blk ! . " > 1:1 : 17
M Dongbcrlv n.M ftsliStt It 17 b IS " 19 f.a
M A Truly s.3 ft It 17 blk 15 ai : 18
Sarah .1 Unseal ) s'S It 1 Morrison's add 10J 8S
Lena Morrison s ( { 112 " 10) ) fH
I'attsmotitli ' Inv OD It I J E Ulloy's sub L'1118
Thomns A Murphy US W IS
I'rank D.ivlslta " i IS
K K Whitney It I 2017
J II.Morlarlyltr 10 17
Mary Nolan It0 " 20 17
Charles Taylor ut a ) H 7 Stl 17
l.'rank lltinpcrt Its 2017
J K Illloy n'5 It Si 127.
Ohurli's Illnl7.ltl ) Scnoll's sub 4'J ' ns
do It lo " MDI
do It 11 31 08
John rnstriek It 1-J " 100113
W K boreiizon It I blk 1 Okahoma I'ark 10 15
do It 2 hlk I 45 41
dn It 3 hlk I 4541
1'rlU .Mnllerlt4 hlkl Crt 17
.lohnU Ilrauilt It 5 blk 1 " 40 :
do ltd blk I : . ! ) M
\V ! ' I.orcnzcn It 7 blk 1 117 01
do It a blk 1 7720
Edward E Holmes It 0 blk 1 " 45 41
Joint U Uramltlt 10 blk 1 4341
E I' Holmes It II blk I 45 44
IvutllnaSn cka It. 12 blk 1 " 4541
J U llrantlt It itblk : 1 45 41
do It 14 hllc 1 " lai 77
Ei : Holmes 111 blk 2 131 77
do IfJblki 4541
do It 3 blk 2 " 4541
do It 4 blk 2 4544
do It B blk 2 " 4541
llnnry l.olurann It Cblk2 4541
ft K Holmes 117 blk S " 4544
\V K Ioreii7.on It S blk 2 51 17
1 S llasoall wlUO ft It ni
S K llogors' Oknhoma 141 79
do wiamitr.5 aa 7a
do nIOOft ItGa 101 7C
Mz/.io 1'almtaa n5i sJ ! It 01 43 41
Uorathii Kan nV , n.'O ft It 02 45 44
O 11 Connor eVjsJO ft iiUOU UG3 " 4541
Sum ) Mortonsen
eJ ! s50ftnl50ftHC2 " 4544
1'anl Nolsnn uV5 s50 ft n"00 ft It fl'i " 4541
JnoW Dorcsky oi ! s' > 0 ttuKOft HCJ" 43 41
Henry Beliiuklt oij of that part
sot 1125) ft It 02 ' 73 OE
Oustav Ilnhlman ci ! sS ) ft It 03 " 81 III
1'rcd Miller e70 ! ft It 72 " 321 7C
Schultz llrowlns Cow48 ttlt 72 1)031 )
Now England Loan & Trust Co
all except o50 ft It 0 Wlnthor's sub 27 21 !
dn nil except O50 ft It 7 " 454 :
EdWIttlgHS 4543
Alorcliniils' Nat ) Hk et nl It 9 " 45 41
John Mullet It 10 " 100 3 :
Total T4792 Oi
Sectlon2 , That the cost nf constructing u
sewer In sewer district No. IDC , In thu city o ]
Oinuha , said cost being thu sum of Ss5.1)i. ) : sal ( '
so.vor construction bolng clone under contr.iui
with K Ii. lleuvcs & Co , bo and the same I'
hereby Invlud and assessed according to spec
ial bonullts by reason of said scwci'construc
tion , upon tlio following lols and real estate ai
shown by the generally recognized map of tin
city of Omahn. J8.SO , lithographed and pub
lished by C. 12. Muync , said cost boTir. sc
levied on said lots and rual estate , respcc
lively. HS follows , to-wlt :
Samuel J Chambers
it 4 nlk 1 Paddock Place J31 4i
Hcbocca Crowell lt.ft blk 1 5141
Euclid Martin It r ; blk 1 61 4
do It 7 blk I " 51 4
John U Hamilton It 7 blk 2 51 4
Mary 1 Turner It 81).k 2 514
Emma H OrrltUblk2 514
do 10ulk2 257
Total tofi5 0
Section a. That the cost of constructing i
sewer lu sewer district No. 157 , in the city o
Omaha , said cost being the sum of & 7U3.9. ) . sah
sewer construction bolng done under contrae
with K 1. . Itccvus & Co. . bu und the s.imo I
hereby levied nnd nssessud according t
special benefits by iciison of said sewer con
siructlon , uu0n the following lots nntl roa
estate as Hhow'i by the generally roeognlzci
map of thoolty of Omahn. 1880 , llthngraphci
aim published by O , ] . ' Mayuo , said cot. boin
so levied on said lots and real estate , rcspoc
lively , us follows , to-wlt :
.1 II Hornaslra It 5 Cherry Garden 133 4
Join , ri Owens Itfl M 4
do ltl ! 3S 4
Mary K Wanner It 12 53 7
Cliarlos V Harrison It 13 53 7
John C Head It 14 SO U
Helen E Krcomnn It Ihlk 18 WcstOmalia 113 C
Azarlnh Eldrldgo It4 blk IB 113 G
Marlon Koslor
\vl4 ft nllH ft It 1 blk 22 " 33
ICnto E Monies
e.M ftvl)5 ) ft of iiKlJ ft It I hlk 22" 30 1
Marlon I'oslerull ftnii2ft : It2 b2. " 8 4
do w35 ft of
ccntiot nii2ftitSbikS2 : 435
C Wasnor et al olU ft of will ft
of ulIB ftlt. 2 blk 52 " 37 f
H Schwornor w5'J ft n3i ! ft Its b22 37 4
Total . $795 ! )
Ker.tlon 4. That the special taxo.s and assess
mcnts luvled and asjudsed 113 aforasald , shal
bednuinimedlatoly upon thu pussagu and ap
proval of this ordinance , and shall bo''omu ' do
llmjuont it not paid within llttv days ther
after ; and Ilieri'tipoiiliuero-it shall bu added a
tbo ratu of ono per cent a month , payahla lu nil
- yatico from the time said taxes become BO do
Kcetloii 5. That thli ordmanco shall tak
olTeot and boln fore from and attur HJ pass
1'ussod November 20th. 1B02.
Oltv Olork.
Acting President City Counoll.
Approved Novcmher3itli , Ib/ ! ' .
OEO. 1' . UBMIS.
Tlio above tax Is now duo and payable at th
othco of the clly treasurer nnd will become dt
llnrjuent and hear Interest as seen In sectla
4 of nuovu ordluuuco. .
City Truasuror.
THOMAS l'.SIMI'.SON.\Vtt hln tr
PATENTSS I C , No ally'B ftiounlll I'litiMitol
tallied , Write forliiTenlurKiuia
rial n by Itrciilvcr.
Nnllculshcruby given that , by vlrlno ofn
order Hindi ) by the district , court of Dongli
county , Nolirnsliu , In Ihu rnii-.ii of Henjnml
.MclquKt , pliilntlll' I'red C. Woymnllii
diifi'iiiliint , 1 will sell on h-atunliiy , Dci-emhi
ill , IH'J'J , at pulilli ! iiiicllon , to thi ) highest bli
dor for cash thu following dohci-lbud * prnpcrl
nml lensu-hnld Inluru-itH , to-wlt : Olio lot i
old Inmhi'r , tdldu.s nnd hluylng ; ono lot of hii
Miltnhlo for IL'U packing purposes ; ono wigi. :
bunles and wagon box ; nKo : i certain lease , di
burlbi'd ns follows , lo-wlt ; Under datu of Di
comber 'J , 1HU1 , jnailo by Thomas Davis I
lleiijamlii Mcliinlhl and I' ' . O. Wnyiiinllei' , nil
n nliiK Ilvo years from December 1 , IH'Jl , for a
r the wulcrspaco liitlmsw > ( of the nw U I
r hrctlonS , In township ID , noiih range 13 , ons
Also u certain leiihodowlbi'd us follow.s.lowl
r Under ditto ofMnrch ' . ! 3. IH'J'J ' , iiiudu by ] , !
} than ) Davis lo Hcnjamln .Miilmilst , rtinnli
liveyriirfi from Ductmihor 1,1H91. for tliu twi
Htory fruinu IIOIIMJ and outbuildings , to/i'th
wlthacortaln ploco of ground on wlilcli tu
hulldliiKs i are situated Mini KI-IHIIKI being
Ihu h\v > ( of the nwl \ of boctlon a , township 1
raiiKe lu , Douglas county , Nebraska , morn pa
tlculiiily described as follows : unuimuiicIiiK i
" "
a point "on thu east linn of said i6"ucrt"i"li
feuthoulh of hald 40 , running tlie.ncu west iH
fool , ( bunco north -80 ft'ut , thunr.o oust : i (
feet thenro hoiith 280 font to Iho placuof I *
ginning , containing about ouu und oiiu-hu
acre's , inoio or li' ! > s.
The halo of Iho foregoing In talto place at 1
o'clock u. m , on hald day ut UIH lee house
hltmilo on tliu premises dubcrlbud In u
louses and near Cut Oft luUu.
1 will nlfrOMilleorlulii ollluo siallonory ai
hooU.s , fonnurly used hy Iho Uuti ; City I
company , said hulo lo luku place at Jo'cloi
n. m. of bald day , ut thu olllco of U. Andruw
No. 1403 1'iirnaiiiKtroct city of Umitha ,
Daled Dec. iiO , IB'Jii. . at Omaha. Nt-b.
Itttcolvor of the Ualo City Ice Company
John Q. Iturgnur , Attorney , 11 lec0 ) , III
docs Ito \viu\t for Christmas ? That's ( ho question that u ltalcs ( ho
feminine in I ml throughout this Imuul la ml Unlay , ami , in truth , that
same mind rather enjoys the agitation , It is pleasant this plan
ning ami scheming ; this makingami buying anil hiding tnvny
in Unrk nooks nnd forbidden rooms these Christina' ; gifts , till the
all eventful ilny. Hut we all enjoy Itve men as well , What
a man want ? That's the poser. There's hundred's of things you
can buy for boys and girls and school friends and sisters anil
mothers and wives but a man he's so different. "There's HI >
few things that a man \vants that don't cost u fortune , " says one
woman who's all tired out shopping. Hut she's wrong. If your
particular "he" is a republican , buy him an umbrella ( he'll need
"protection" ) . We've all sorts Una to $1.50. Then
likes slippers every man does likes to put 'em on and put his
feet up higher than his head and putt"a good cigar ! Uc ) to $1.50
( that's the price of the slippers ) . Then men like to be "collared"
by a pretty woman , and they "even enjoy it If they're "culTed" by
one. Best all linen collars or enil's 2Stt.J2"J , 'I'hen if he's a great
blow buy him handkerchiefs plain or fancy 5j lOt 15e 2I )
VJSc. We
to call your attention to a hundred do/.en full si/e fine Japanese
silk hemstitched handkerchiefs the fifty-cent kind at 25c each.
Then there's neckwear a safe think to "tie" to , always. Aside
from the old standby shapes at loc 25c ! ? 5c we show elegantly
gotten up scarfs at1Sc ( ! 5c 75c ? ) lc ) $1.00. Then there's sus-
pendcrs. Aside from regular goods , ( ISc to 75c ) , we show novel
ties designed especially
Christmas in silks and satins all colors plain or embroidered
the finest goods made in individual boxes $1.00 to $2.25. There's
gloves and mittens mufflers 15c to $2.00 an especially attractive
line of handsome colors in cashmere and cra/.y cloth at 50c. Then
there's jewelry cufT buttons , lever or link watch guards scarf-
pins studs buttons and so on. Our corner window with each ar
ticle marked with its price tells yon where to buy your "male"
presents for
The Worlds' Fair Tower Company
Now offers an issue of oVIQO shares of Its
capital stock at pir , full-paid and non
s&cspablo. The capital stock is $2,000.-
000 , divided into 20,000 shares of 8100
Outside of this issue a cousldorablo
portion of the capital stock has already
boon allotted to the sunset-ibors. This
Issue is now olTurud to tha public , nnd
the subscription books are open at the
olllco of F. D. Muir. Boo Uuildinpr , Omn-
ha , Nob. , and will close on the 2-lth day
of December , 1892 , at ! ! o'clock p. m.
Subscriptions will bo payable as fol
lows :
ISO per cent on application.
: i ( ) pur cent on allotment.
40 per cent GO days after allotment.
All payments to bo made to Charles L.
Enstoti , 'Trustee. Allotments will bo
made immediately nftor the close of the
faiibscriplioa books.
The right is reserved to reject any
( subscription invholo or in part. If any
subscription is wholly rejected the
amount deposited , on application , will
bo returned. If only a part of the
amount applied for by the applicant is
allotted to such applicant the But-plus
amount paid on application will bo ap
plied on tlio sums duo under the ullot-
n the allotment of shares to applicants will ba given in the order of the rocolnt of
uch aunllctttion by the nuthori/.e I agent of the comnnny nnmod.
Passengers per hour " ' ?
Allowing 10 hours per day , equals. Ira'nmJ
At CO cents for each passenger equals , per day SoO.OOO
160 days that the Fair will bo open equals $9,000,000
Revenue from concessions and sale of Souvenir Book and Modal of
the Tower , owned by the To\yor Company 400.000
Operating expenses for the 180 days . . $ 413.000
25 per cent of gross earnings . (8-0,400,000 ( to bo paid to the
World's Columbian Exposition 2,350,000 $2,703,000
Deducting this from the gross receipts gives .S' ! ' !
Equivalent to 331 per cent on the ontlro capital of the company of $2.000,000
The olllcora of the World's Pair estimate that the daily admissions to the Pair
will rise above 200,000 peoplo. Our capacity for carrying uassongorrf in our 33oo- (
trio Cars in making ascensions nnd iloscontionB of the TOWER iu 12,000 people per
hour , and wo confidently count on 10,000 per hour. Thlswlll ba found n moderate
estimate when duo regard is had to the attrnctlvonojs J of the TOWER and the
RARE experience allordcd by a trip to tlio top.
The TOWER in located opposlto the WOMAN'S BUILDING , nt the Etstorn
Each person , in making the iwcont and descent of Iho TOWER , gains a view of the
The TOWFR is ovar COO foot high and 210 foot In diameter. It requires nlno
complete turns to roach the ton , the grade bolng eight per cont.a ride of two miles
in making the ascent nnd descent ; consequently , nlno dilToront pictures are ob
served of the WORLD'S FAIR GROUNDS as the ascent is made. A view from
the OBSERVATORY FLOOR not only gives the vast Panorama at your foot , but
also tlvos the geographical position of the WORLD'S FAIR BUILDINGS , HO Unit
nftor making the ascent of'tho TOWER any pot-son can go unguidodfrom building
Intention to Imvo two PULL BANDS on the OBSERVATORY
will play alternately from the opening of the FAIR In the morning until the close
at night. An ORCHESTRA will also bo located In the center of the grout TOWEU
TMi'U'l' A TT
WILLIAM IIAMPDEN .IOHNSTONE , President nnd GunaralMiinugor.
CHARLES P. PLAIT. Secrotnry.
Money mny bo sent by Registered Letter , Postollloo Money Order , L-qu-ajj
Draft , or Bank Cafmior's'Ctwck.
For further information address or call upon i
. D. MUIR. , Building-
1704 Farnam Street ,
Agent for the "World's Fair Tower Company ,
Call and SQO Architect's Plans.