Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Opened Weak nml Lower , But Re
covered Later ,
In Wheat \Vn Clilrfly In thnVny
of iviiliiR Up-Onod lliiyliiR It ;
Opcrnlnri Checked
the Decline.
CiticAcio , III. , Hoc. 19. Wlipnttorlay dropped
Me , bill recovered tlio loss nml loft off nt llio
enmo nrlco as on Saturday. Corn nnd outs
wcrooacli ulrlflo lowur. Corn Is off Uo nnd
oats about 1 l-fic. Provisions wcro orratlfi
lull closed from 7'Sr ! to loc lower. Lard Is
from 7'ic to 30c higher. Trailing was not
largo In nny of tlin pits.
HiiHlncss In wlic-at was chiefly In the way of
nvi-nlngtip. The feeling wns n llttlo ninet-
tlcd.tlio nmikot opening up weak and ! sc
lower , followed by Uc advance , and docllm-d
Si" , recovered the decline and ruled steady ,
and thu closing was about thn same for May
as Saturday ; ! ic lower for other dpllvoi-lus.
The other decline1 } ate attributed to lower
cables , a larger Incrouso In the visible sni ) ly
than was generally expected , and rather
mnduratu uxportctQnriinrr.s from Iho seaboard
Halnidiiy , 1 hero wns , how-over , peed Inlying
nt. tliudeclltiuliy good houses , which checked
thu decline and caused a ii-ai'tlon and bettor
fnollng. Tliuiecelpts In Hu Hhwi-sl fulling
iifT 400 cars , computed with a weuk ago ,
nltoidpil snmr > cm'ourngenient.
I'nrn wnscotitrolled largely by the course of
wheat , and trndn wan light. T'ln 'tnatlons weio
limited to from ac lo 'i range.
Oats set'inud featuinless. ljilotatlons.dld
not vtuy over ! { c and thmo woic long pauus
bolwi'i'ii t null's ,
Tlioiu wcru 43,000 hogs at the yards this
nioinlng. This was ihu llrst , u-port giving In-
dli-ntlon of a better movemi-nt , and It had the
I'lVect of HUildhig prices lower In Iho pro vision
pit nt , Ihu opening. Pork started on a break of
about , lOc. Laid was oil 10.nml libs Ulc. On
Ihii bti'iik brokers for Annum' uiiil Cuihihy
\U-fo dl coveied to bo peed hu.vers. This
Marled a llttlo scare with the general trade
and a llttlo Hurry carried prices up from 20c
to40o from thu low point. During tin- latter
part nt Iho session the feeling was not. so
mrontr , prices settled back and the market
closed ralhcr < iult > l.
I--4tlmati-d : ii-ivlpls for tomonowhcat ,
4110 enrs ; mm , 515 cars ; oats , 310 cars ; ho s ,
80.000 head.
The loading fntnri's ranged ns follows !
.AiiTici.Ktt !
WllKAT Nil. 2
Ilcet-mlicr. . . 70 C9KV IjW
Ininmrjr 70T V
o r !
Cons No. S
Dei-Dinber. . . 4m _ a' *
Jnnunry. . , . . I2K ' , <
liar I. .
llofomber. . . 80 so 80 so
jAnunrr 3UT
11 CSS 1'OUIt
Jnnunry 1575 1(1 ( 07W 15 75 15 95 ! ,
Wny 1005 1U 40 W05 IOJ > I
Janunry . . . . 9 M 10 10 II 93l < 10 10
Mnr . . . . . , 0 W U G5 V 95
Snout ulna
January. . . . 8.17W B 2JM
Mny. . ' . . . . . 8 60 8 : ! i 8 42H
Cash uuntntlons wcro ns follows :
FI.OUU N'omlmil , depressed ; winter pat
ents , $ .1.00011.0(1 ( ; winter MnilshtH , $3.20 ! ®
0.-10 ; sprlnis piitenls , J.I.VtHW.lO ; spring
Btralshts , S'J.Vr/d'J.OO ; hilier.s : , J'J.OOS'J.10.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , CO ; ; < iJ.OO'i'c : No. 3
spring , iHiiinrjc ; No. i > red , oojittfiuyc.
OATS No. 2 , 30f H)5e. ) ( : No. 2 white , no
snles ; No. : t white , idff.S'Jo.
l vi-No. : 'J , 474 < ! J47 > 4n.
ltAlll.iv-No.2 : , nliNo. ; . 8 , f. o. I ) , , 403G8c ;
No.4 , f. o. h. , : UrW8o. (
KI.AX HIIIINo. : : . 1 , il.0fl2. !
TIMOTHY SKIDI'rlmc : , i'J.oo.
1'oiiK-Mess per lhl. ) , * M.7r > OU.B7'/S ; Inrd ,
pnr KM ) Ibs. , ) ; short rllis , sides ( loose ) ,
18.30 ; rtrv Malted Miouldurs ( l > o\cd ) , J7.87i ! < a
a.OO ; hhort.elem-sides cljnxeil ) . 8.BO8.83.
WHISKY Distillers' llnbhed Roods , per gal. ,
SiidAii Unchanged ! I'ul leif : , 5i.ri'Bc ! ;
grnnnliited , DC ; standard "A , " 4Tie.
The following wore the receipts und bhip-
mentH today :
OnthoProdnco oxchaiiKO today thn butter
market was dull : creamery , 20Ii20c ; dairy ,
10O2GC. Kggs , llrm ; strictly frcnli , 23S20C.
Nr.w VOIIK , Dec. 10. Kr.oim Kecclpts , 21-
400 pkgs. ; exports , 1,700 bbls. , 1,400 sacks ;
Ktondy , dull , lownr to Mill ; sales , 10,500 bbls. ;
low extras , J2.00'J.55 ; winter , wheat , low
grades , W.OOif4.G5 ; lair to fancy , $2.GOJ 3.7G ;
patonls , ! 3.85'i7-.lCMlniio.sota - ; , clear , $2.noa
8.50.StraltK ; , ? : i.G05t4.10 ; patents , $4.54.7& ;
rye mixtures , * ' _ > .aojji.50. :
Coit.v Jltuiijtoady , dull ; yellow western ,
WlllIATItccelpls. . 115,2001)11. ) ; exports , 40-
000 bu. ; wiles , 1.0.Vi.OOl' bn. futures ; 8,000
liii. npot. Spots dull , steady ; Xo. 2 red , 70 ©
7GJJC. biKtoroaiid i-lnvator701 .a70c [ alloat ;
7DJi77ic f. o. b. ; No. 3 ivd , 72' ® 77ic ! ; un-
Eraded mil , 7IXfl7Ue. ; No. 1 northen , 70' © 80il :
No. 1 bard , Uo' c ; Nn. 2 northern , H-1Q ,
H4V5c ; No. 2 Milwaukee. 73'/2il74r ;
No. 3 spring G0y70 < : . Options were
dull , liTPKiilar and ! SUc lilghur , clo-lng
Bteady. The opening was steady at. JslMic.
ndviincu nn Rloiuly caliles and nioderatu for
eign buying , re.sllng U'f&i'tc. ' ' on small clear-
RIICPH , fair iccolplH west , Increased vlsililu and
Blocks ajid heavy rcculplspeuli > d tomorrow ,
with local realizing , reacted Uc ( on cover
ing. No. 2 December , 74',4ifJ74Jje ; January ,
7676 > jc , closing at 7D'.ic ; March , 77M77So ,
closing at 77 c ; May , 7'J 9-lOaaOc , closing at ,
IlYK Dull , nominal ; western , 54iiJ8c. !
Htorlifi of grain In store and alloat Deccmbor
17 : Wheat 17.301,070 bn : corn a Ou.O.l bu ;
oiils 2,488'J33 , bu ; rye 123.002 bn ; barley 1'24- ;
007 bu ; mall 17.754 ;
llAltl.nv Dnll-.weslern , G0380C.
llAiu.r.v MAI.T DulL
COUN Hecelpts. 3,200 bu. ; exports , 42,000
bu. ; sales , 300,000 bu. futures ; 24,000 bu.
spot , tipots dull , low and weak , 5K ( ; ; No.
2 , In olovalor & 0i@51io ! alloat ; steamer
mixed 50Q51 ; options lower on uasy cables
increased visible , local reall/.lng , closing
Eloady ; December , 50c ; .liinnary , 50) ) < ® ? 4c ;
( JIoslng5c ( ) ? ; ; Jlny , 52 > ( © 52"ic' closlni : 524f.
OAis-ltecelpls. 15,700 bu. ; exports , none ;
sales , 135,000 tin. futures ; 127,000 bu.
spot. Spots , fairly actlvo ; whiles , stronger.
Uptlons dull , easier ; January , ! t4'0'0,1ic ( : ,
closing at3G'c : May , 30U30HC , closing at
aOoRiol ; , No. 3wlifto , 42c ; ml veil western.
8G < ftuii ! ) ! : while westoru , 3740c ; No. 2
Chicago , 117 ! ic.
HAY Quiet , llrm ; bhlpplng , CftSGCc ; good
to cholcu. 7.V480C ,
HOPS Dull , Ntoady ; Htntn , good to choice ,
Ib5i-3c ; Piu-lllc coast , 18M23c.
KiiiiAitItuw , dull , llrm ; fair lednlng , 3o ;
centrtfugalK , 00 tent , a ? ; ( ; ; n-llnc'il , ijiilnL anil
Bli-ady. OIVA,4U 4 0-lOc ; mold A , 4 IG-lGc ;
Btandard A , 4 H-lU47iiv confectioners A ,
40-10M4J/C ! 1'iit. loaf , 0 5-ir.J054 ! ; crushed ,
6G-10 < i D'to ' ; imwdured , 4 13-l ( > a3c ; granu
lated , 4 ll-lOiiifiu ; cubes , 4 rJ-lO'iSOc.
MOI.AKSKS1'oielgn , nominal ; Now Urleans ,
quint , Kteadv ; open kettle , new , good to
Choll'i' , 2ri < a,37c.
Itici- : Steady , fairly actlvo ; domestic , fair
to iixtra , 455y s ; Japan , 4iic. ! !
Kins--Quhit ( ; fancy , Kteady ; western , best ,
27 WJ6u. KecelptH. 1,087 pkgs.
Hums- Dull , bteady ; wet. salted Now Or
leans Mild-led , 45 and GO ] hs. , D7c ; Texas
( .olected , DO nnd GO Ibs. , 57c.
PoUK-l'Irm ; active ; old inesH.fin.OOQlD.S.'i ;
now , lliUHKrilU.DO ; o\tia prlmi it-
mil. l.'ut meatsactlvii ; plckli-d bullies , Uii'.i oj
middles tlrm. I.ard. qiilel ; tinner : western
Ktenm closed at $10.3Kbll0.45. ( Options , Miles
nonn ; Di-cumbi-r , J10.U5 ; Januury , * U.4O ) ,
lUiTTlili-Onlel ; Kteiuly.
CIIIII.HHMini ; modi-rain demand.
Pill IIION-Dull ; bteady American , $13.00
toWinKlrnj ; : ! lake , J12.25.
I.KAIiQuint ; domestic , I3.HO ,
TINVakisr ; rilralls , (10.45 ,
Oniiilia I'liidiH'ti .tlurluit.
There were tbii usual tight receipts and quiet
market on .Monday , The oucsttim which rom-
mliisloii men are asking tla-iust-lves Is "what
are we lo do with the chlckt-ns'f" A largo
amount of chickens were carried over from
juht week , whllo tlm fresh itvelpts rontlnim
liberal. In lliu fucii of Ibis ( lie demand Is very
llKhl.and pitmil.sen to bu bllll llghu-r as thu
week draws to a vlosii ,
apples are iiuoted atJ3.50@
4,00 ; choice lo fancy , * 4.1HW4.25.
llANA.\Aii--Quolulloiis are ; Fair to uood
fehlpplnghtock , f2.0041/2.50 per bunch.
] | UTTI'.IITim general market Is hleady. The
bulk of the receipts soils at 144ilJc , and sonui
fci'lect packaxos at 17QlUc. ( )
t'll.\NliKllliiK8 yiiotatlons are ; Hell and
cherry , iu.50 tier bid. ; boll and luwle , fO.50 ;
latu Cape foil , $10,00. The arrivals on HID
market are light ,
CKI.KHYruncy celery Is dtnicuU to find.
Quotations mmiuull the way from 25o to 40c.
I'nuiaiMAS 'I'liKKit ' t to 0 feel , per do * . ,
ia.IKxa.-l.00 ; 0 tu 10 feet , per ( loz. , fU.OO10.OO ;
extra largo , for schools and churches , each ,
1'J.OlXiiO.lK ) ; holly , pur bbl. , 42.00 ; mistletoe
per II ) . . 253C3IK' ,
KAMIThe : HIIOW Is bringing Inja good many
Jack labblth , and they have taken 11 sudden
ilrop. ( juoiatlomiure : Pheasants , J5.00Q5.60 ;
pliilrljj chickens , M.Ot > it4.Wl ; groiiso , 14.00 ;
Jinan , ll.lRVitl.Uri ; snlpu , (1.00 ; Jack bidpe ,
ri.'JOJtl.SUiiiluvt'r.fl.UUi golden plover , l,25i6 (
1.00 ; cuiivua back Uucks , tu.ooulO.OO ; red
lioftrt dui'Vs , M.OO : mnllnhl duok . M.riOfft
n.7M hluo wliitt tpn12. n , Rreen wlna loal ,
11.76) ) mlxediliirk < , } l.WICiinailiKee | ! ofl.Kii (
7,001 Jnrk rnbbU.H , 11.60' Mimll rabbits , Jl.a.lii
i.liDj MjillrrcK H.OOSll.Mt iintelopo snddlo. , ,
14J loc ! iloer nnddleq. Ifi irh't nntelopo car-
caiiei , Oililo- ! deer rurca-.s , s , lo.M'Jo. .
IIAA'--A little belter prices were obtnlnrd
thiili lit tlir rlo oof tlie week , No. 1 , 17.6022
8.001 No. 2. ! 0.6lJJ7.00. )
lloscv The market h nrm , good white
clover honey being scnroo nt 17c.
l.r.MO.vs-Cholce , * , GO : fanry , * 5.GO.
MAl.vtiA On M-ns lVrkcR. ( S.OO ,
OVHTKit.lTnchnnned at l3ft.15R per can.
O.NioNs-Honiegrown , 803850 ! Suanlsh.ll.OO
, . .
1'OTATOKs-Quotationi are ! Homegrown ,
C5j70c ! Colorado and Utah , 8Gd.
1'ouwiiY I'hlckeiii are nnt. wanted and
Alow sale at fiH.7c ; turkeys In fair demand nt
I2tftl8c { : KOCIII nnd ducks , Oi-JlOc. . .
Etios The market Is very well supplied
with cold stoniKn ORBS which sell all the way
from 22o to 24n. As a ruin they goon the
market us frc h stock and thus keep down tlm
mnrkct on strictly fre h laid eggs. It U hard
lo say what the market I on strictly fresh
ogKH. Those who have them try to got moro
than what other circs 'in ; selling for , nut It Is
hard work , In view of thn fac.t that most
everything on Iho market Is called freshstock.
Swixv 1'oTATOr.sChoice Muscatlno nnd
Illinois stock , W.765M.OH per bbl.
Viuir-Qunintlonsnto : Small and f t , OH ®
7c ; largo and heavy , S IV.
St. .Mil'lirl : .
ST. Lout * , Mo. , Dec. 19. ri.ouii UnclmnRcd.
WIIP.AT l-liiii'jc ' lower than Saiuiday.
Cash , 05' < i-i Iieci-mbpr , tlti'Sei May , 72y'ii72ii' ? .
( Jens , \ij In-low Hn I urdiiyt cash , SGlic ;
.Tnnuary , 371 , ! : ; May , -I2ic.
OATS null ; ciifh , 33c usked ; Jtay , lower ,
UvlJ-rirni ! 4R'ii > bhl.
llAUt.iv-Jnli : ( > t ; Minnesota , GlQSGc.
lltn-ri'.ii Unchnnu't'd.
ICOfl.s rnehanged.
I'liovisioNs I'ork dull , easy ; tl5.25 < ai5.00.
I/ird nomlnallv higher ; ? n.H7V .
UCCEtfTS-I''lnur ! , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 00.000
bu. ! corn , 25OIO ( ( hu. ; oats , 07,000 mi. ;
rye. none ; barlev , none.
Hllli'MKNT.s-l'four. ( ' , (100 ( lihl . ; wheat , 29,000
hu. ! corn , 0:1,01)0 : ) hu. : oats , 5,000 bu , ; rye ,
6,000bii. ; barley. 2 , ( > tbu. ) '
( 'iillri , Alnrlu'l.
NEW VOIIK , Dec. -Options ! ) opened Irregu
lar at 0 points up to at ) points down , closed
Itio.lANntno , Her. I- ! ) l-'irst oidinarv.H.OOO
nils ) n-r 10 kilns ; pond sri-ond-i , 12(100 ( rels ;
receipts dtirln. t IIP past , vveek3OlO ( ! ( bags : pur
chases for the United States , 20,000 baes ;
shipments lo Iho fulled States , 03,000 ; .stock ,
14(1,000 ( ha. * , s
SANTO * , Dec 10. Gond average. 10,700 rels
per 10 kilos j receipts during the weuk
bnirs : jiurchasi-s for the Dulled .Stales fiO.OOO ;
shlpiM'nls to the United Stales none ; stock
315,000 hags.
Oil .liiirl > t.
Nr.w VOIIK , Dei1. 10. PiTitot.KUM-Slagnant :
throughout the day. Pennsylvania oil , spot
sales , none : January options sales , none ; Lima
oll.salo.s , none. Total sales , none. United , no
COTTON Sr.iinOitr-rirmer ; crude , 37Jc ! ; yol-
lnw , 40ibid. . Firmer : city (12.00 ( for packages ) ,
OR bid.
KOSIN Qnlct , steady ; strained , common to
good , ? 1.27ii'Q > 1.32'i. '
TuiiPii.NTiNK Dull , wonlf nt 30j-ril3l ? ! < c.
LONDON , Dec. 10. TuiiiM.vriNt : : SI-HUTS--22s
1'Jd percwl.
CALCUTTA f.iNSKin--39-j : 9d per quarter.
Itrlllsli ( Jruln Triulit llevlew.
LONDON , Dec. 19. The Mark Lane Express ,
i Its weeKlv review of the llrltlsb gialn trade ,
xys : English wheats have advanced 5d dur-
ig the week , owing to the comparatively
oed price.oll'ered ) by London millers. In
> rly four out of sixty retail markets prices
ave favored buyers. Twenty-live shillings
as not n n unusual price In the west and south-
osl. American wheats have fallen Gd and a
nrtlior deellne was only checked by the llrm-
ess of the New York market. The prices rui
ng In Mark Lane Indicate that only the higher
miles of Amei lean llourcnn now be profitably
xportcd. The largo Itusslan shipments cou-
Kansas City
KANSAS CITV , Mo. . Dec. lO.-Wiir.AT Steady
o lower ; No.'J hard. G3G3Kc.
( j'OHN-Qnlet , unchanged ; 'No. 2 mixed , 33 ®
OATS-Woak : No. 2 mixed , U'930c.
Kvn rirm ; Xo. 2 , 47iiS.4Sc. !
itm-r.u In fair demand ; creamery , 2D28c ;
Kan's rirm : it. 18ffi22'ic. '
UECIIIPTS Wlu-al , G8.000 bu , ; corn , 3,000
bn. ; oats. 2,00lni. (
] SHIPMENTS Wheat , 08,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000
m. ; oats , none.
I.lvi-rpooi Markets.
LlVKliroor , , Dec. 19. WHEAT Dull ; holders
itler moderately ; No. 1 California , Gs5dGs
id per cental ; rod western spring , 6s lOJJd ©
is lid per cental ; No. 2 red winter , 5s GVSd ®
is 7d per cental.
COHN Dull , mixed western , 4s lojfd per ccn-
TAi.r.ow Flno American , 2Gs Gd percwt.
I'BAS Canada , 5s GJ-Jd i > er cwt.
piiIU Wlicut Murkct.
MlNNi'.Ai' Minn. , Due. 19. Opened at
M'/Se and closed at049'c , No. 1 northern going
irlnelpallv at G4.fe ! ; No. 2 northern , 59aOOc.
Ifecolpts , OUG cars. Close : May , 7c ( ) ; Decem-
) er , G4ic. On track : No. 1 hard , GG'iRi No. 2
lorthern , O4'ic ! No. 2 northern , 58QOOC.
iiil < c ( iraln .Market.
„ . . . . „ „ . , , . . . . . . WIs. . Dec. 19. WIICAT rirm ;
May. G0 ? c ; No. _ spring , G4c.
COUN No. 3 , 3Hc.
OATS-NO. 2 while , 34'ic ; No. 3 , 325335c. ! !
Cotton Market.
NP.W OIU.PANS. La. , Dei19. . Easier ; mid
dling , 09-1(1. ( ' ; low middling , 05-lOc ; ( rood
ordinary , H 13-lic ; net , lei-eipts. 10,893 bales ;
gross , 20,350 bales ; exports to Great Britain ,
4,350 bales ; sales , 5,000 bales ; stock , 2,230
HllBllH'HS lll'lurx ,
J. II. lllclmrds In the lumber business at
Friend Is reported deseased.
Kennard > fc Vlckers of 1'awneo Olty have
succeeded Powell .t Wickers , boot and shoo
dealers , and W. M , Itoblson , general store.
Cliii'linmtl A
CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. 19. WHEAT Easy ;
No. 2 red. G7c.
OOIIN Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 45c.
OATS Steady ; No. U mixed , ) .
Iliiltliuiiru drain
HAI.TIMOIII : , Mil. Dec. 10-WiiUAT Easy ;
Decnmber , 73c.
CoiiN ICasy : December and year , 474C. ?
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white western , 42@44c.
Toledo ( iriiln .Murlu-t.
TOI.KDO. O. , Dec. 19. WIIIIAT Dull , stead
ier : No > 2 cash and December , 71J4c.
COUN Dull , sleady : No. 2 cash , 42He.
OATS ( julut ; cash , 35c bid.
Now York llry ( iimils .Market.
Niw : YOIIK , Dec. 1 ! ) . The dry goods market
today disclosed no now features.
Traders' Talk.
Cimufio. Ill , , Dec. 10. Counselmnn & nay
to Cockroll Bros. Commission company : Those
who have been pivdlc.tlng an 80,000,000 bu ,
visible supply reiiort ami 75c for Miiv wlieat
were Jubilant when the total readied 78-
300,000 bu. and the pHco dropped to 70c
again. The feature of tlm day was the buying
by linns Ibrough whom the northwest , Is sup
posed to bo short In this market , which caused
a recovery In the face of ronsldcrahlo
scattered liquidation by longs who are livening
up for the holidays. Corn anil oats
were llrm and a rmiill business rc.siillcit from
tlm lack of selling orders. There were liberal
buying oidcrMil 3 141- for May oats nnd 40'tc '
for .May corn which could not bo o.\ccutcd ,
Provisions opened at u sharp decline on ac
count of hog receipts , and scalpers took tlm
short side of the. market , but were slumped by
packers buying , After that them was not
much demand except for lard , which ceased at
the top on buying led by Armour A Co.
CIIIOAIII ) . 111. . I > i'ii. 10. I' , li. Logan .V Co. lo
Duncan , HollliiKur k ( ' < ) , : > Today's visible
supply was somewhat larger than o\pcrtcd
and caused conxldi'i-abli ) selling. Quito a pro
portion of It wnsMi > believe , for short account.
The feeling that llio market will go .still lower
Is now gelling popular , too much MI consider
ing thi ! fact that tlm largii holders are adding
lo tlmlr holding ) , . If thlxsicady ncciimulallon
of long wheat continues , and any leasonablu
strong feat urn counts In , wo belltn-e the mar
ket will be quite Imrn of ofYiirlng.-i and work
higher , Irmsnm'llviiof tlm seaboard markets ,
at least until toward the openlngof navigation
und ( he ( line for receiving purchases draws at
hand. Corn Inclined to weakness , Wo learn
of an Increased movement of corn from llrst
hands , especially through Illinois. With the
holiday trade , Increasing receipts and large
slocks wo bullevo prices will pay , Oats were
quiet and easy , with the cash demand decreas
ing , 1'rovlslims closed weak , especially pork.
There U considerable disposition to rcall/ti on
thu pioduct by largo longs. We bolleve thu
whole market Is being fed on hard spots.
Uiiutuul Activity Clmrurli-rl/i'd thu Open-
liilf of thuVi'ik. .
NEW YOIIK , Dec. IS , The week opened with
unusual activity and excitement on the Stock
exclmngo. The bales aggregated GG2.105
shares , the largest total for a very long time
past , The great feature of speculation was a
bad break In Industrial block , due to the ex
port movement of gold , which has lightened
up the money market and has caused the
bunks to UU > < * rluiluuto uguliut luu si'dii-ltles us
collateral In louns. Thn situation was ntrurp-
vatpd this morning by the Announcement Hint
13,000.000 pnld hnd been taken for shipment
to Europe by tomorrow's Menmor * . This
Alarmed smnll holders and evidently tnndo an
Iniptc.sslon on * omo of thp larger npnrators ,
who proceeded to liquidate. Immcdtntely. Ho-
foroihoy liHil ptosresscd very far In lids di
rection , Imnovnr , the members of llio shorts
took fright and there followed a general
scramble In got out. Chicago Gas was the
first to reflect the selling of long stock on a
largo senle.
It broke rapidly from ooy to S3 amid In-
tcn n excitement , and wns promptly followed
by n drop In Distilling nnd cnltlofeedliiR from
64 to S7 ox. dividend In National Cordage ,
common from 1.38M to 1.3I' ( , In National
Lead from 44-Slo30y , In National Starch ,
from I)2j ) ( to _ ! Hj , In Amprlcnn Hngar from
1.001.4 to 1,04',4 , InOonoml Electric from 1.124
to 1.091 } , and In National Linseed Oil from
40.V to 30'f.
A sharp drop naturally brought out a good
deal of stock on ulop orders , The bearish
feeling was Intensified by nn ndvnncu
In call loans to 40 per cent. These rates
did not. rule for any length of time , however ,
and before the close both local and foreign
banker.s wcro llbeial lenders nnd a decline to
G per cent ensued. After 1 o'clock prices re
covered confidence to a certain extent and a
rally eiiual to'5 to 44 pnr cent followed. In
this rally Chicago ( las. Distilling and Cattle-
feeding and National Coiduge were most
prominent. The market ruled comparatively
steady until near the clone , when a broker ,
usually employed by ibe acknowledged boar
leader , made a dlvo at Heading. 1'nder largo
offerings ho succeeded In breaking the stock
to ftl'J , against 54earlier In the day.
The old rumors about llipprefciem'Plnteiest
were revived , although It had been seml-ofllc-
lally stated that the mattei will not , bo con
sidered until some time next month. Tlio
break In Id-ailing had an emphatic oUVct 01
the whole market which closi < l very Inegular
nnd In thn main weak , Tlm comparative llrm-
ness of the railway list In HIP faeo of the
break In the Industrials was the subject of
general remark. As a rule Hit- losses In rail
way stocks for the day weio only Vi'ti'i ' per
cent , while the Industrials show net decrease
of 1"TC2I percent.
The following are the closing ouotations fo
the leading stocks on thu New York Htoc't ' exchange
change today :
Ail.tins Kxtirt'sv . . . . 1M Northern 1'iicllto . -H
Allun. T. U . ilo iiruforrcil ' . i
ito prBfcrreil . 15' ) U.I' . Don. AOulf. . . 16
American h.xiro | < \ . JI8 Nortlnvnsturn 110 i
llnltbmiri ! A. iihlo. . Ill do brcfurreit HI
Cnnnili : I'liclllc . S ) < M , V. i.Vntrnl IDS (
Cnnarln Sontliorn . . Wij N. V.N. . 15 -U (
LVntrnl I'nclilo . Sf Untnrli > & Wetlern. . I'
I'lins. \ nhio . 5i Ori'KJn Imp IP
( 'hit-mill Alton . 14D Ori-xon Nuv 70
r. II. k < O. S. Ifi U. N VI )
SiiU.I'nclllc.Malt 25 > (
uitJin. . . \tt \ I'ciirl.i. Doe. & 13. , . . Ifl
( ' . ( ' . O , V St. I f U I'ltlnbiiVB 154
folo. 1'onl , V lion. . . IWli'l'ullnnn ' I'nlneu KM
Cotton Oil Cert inty limiting < ms
Dot. ll'iil-oa m Illflittiuiiil Tcr f.J .
I.I.\\V 118 I , lo | irofprrnl 2
t ) . A II. O. tiM . fflK till ) Hinmla West. . . 20
I ) . A ( ' . p Co do prt-ferreil . fit
1'nst 1'cnn Dock IMitiil . 82 < t !
M. b.'ib. b'.UtpM. . 75
ilo | iriifi.-rrnil . 63 St. Taut . 7.9 <
Fort Wnriii ! . 152 - do prcforroil . U'J' (
( Jt. Murthrrn pfil. . . 151 St. I'nul , t Oiinlm , . . 4ii
C. A , K. I. pfil . . do preferred . 117
Llockliix Valley . 27 Soutla-rn 1'nclllc. . . . S.UJ . 07 HiiRar llctlnorr . WW
HI. 1'ftiil A Dillntli. . l To IIP. Conl , t Iron. . 3IX
Knn. jtTux. t > r < 1 . 54 Toxiis 1'nclllc . l )
l.nko ISrlo.t West. . Wi Tol. & O. foal. pfd. . 77lj
do preferred . .SH Union I'nclllc . 37 Ij
I.ako lioro . ] : " . ) v U. 8. Hxprnsi . , ' > C
I. end Trust . 4.1 W. St. L. & I' . 11
I-oulK. A Snsh . t.US ! ( do preferred . Z3M
I.ouls. , t Now Alh'y. 53U Walls Kirco Kxt > . . . 145
Manlmttia Con. . . . 13'J Woilorn Union . KH {
Momppls A C . M ) Whcellnc.V I. . K. . . . l ) i
Mlolilpnii Central. . 10.1 do preferred . ( tt
stlsiiourl 1'nclllo. . . . MV Minn. A St. I , . Ii (
Mobllo.V Ohio . SMi O. A U ( ) . 1M <
KaMiTlllo Chntt. . . . 8(1 ( ( Icnornl Klcctrlo. . . . 10'Jfi
Nattonnl Cord.-iKo. . KISV National Linseed. . . 27
do preferred . 112 4 C. Kuel , t Iron . ( Whi
N..1. Ccntrnl . 123 do proforrcd . 113
Norfolk JtV. . p"d. . S7 IIon . .VTov. ( "en. . . no
The total sales of stocks todav were 022,000
shares. Including : Atchlson , 47,400 : llurllng-
ton , 17,000 ; Chicago ( Jas , 00,000 ; Distill
ing 143,000 ; Lackawana , 5,000 ; Erie , 7,000 ;
GoniM-al KIcctrln. 7.200 ; Missouri I'nclllc ,
10.000 ; National Li-ad , 28,500 ; National Cor
dage. 8,000 : New tinglautl , 12,400 ; Northern
Pacific , 0,000.
London Financial Ituvlnw.
[ Coni/r/uMril / / ISDibu Jtima GintlnnietiueU. . ]
LONDON , Dec. 19. [ NowYork Herald Cable
Ppeclal to Tin : Itm : . ] lluslness on the Rock
exchange has been on a scale quite In keeping
with the commencement of Christmas week
and the markets presented little features of
Interest , Kiinds close sleady. Indian rupee
paper has given way ltd. 1'oreign government
securities were favorably Inlliienced by the
firmness on continental bourses. Among the
South American mines Itrazlllan advanced M
to 1 per cent , owing to a rise In exchange rales
and Argentine Issues were , well maintained.
Home railways close somewhat Irregular , but ,
In the absence of business , prices moved
within narrow limits. Americans wcro
not unfavorably Inclined at the
close , but pending some definite
outlook on the silver and gold question , opera-
torn abstain from doing anything , so that
prices simply followed those of New York and
the result Is a fall of ! j percent. In Northern
1'neilic preference and Lake Shore , from > j to
H per cent. In Chicago & Milwaukee ,
Missouri , Kansas & Texas , Pennsyl
vania and Wabash Issues and a. rlso of
H to U per cent In a few others. Canadians
met with little attention , but Grand Trunk
preferences arc H to M per cent bettor. Mex
ican ordinary preferences closed dull at n de
cline of from U to 1 per cent. There was
scarcely nny Inquiry for money ; short loans
wore easily obtained at from ? to 1 per cent.
The discount market was quiet , llllls wcro
scarce. Those at two and three months-were
quoted at 1-li percent.
Xow York Mmu-y Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 19. MOXBY ox CAM.
Actlvo ; inngjng from 0 to40 percent ; lust
loan 0 per cunt , closed olfered at 0 per cent.
I'KIMI : MniiCANTli.r. I'Ai'iiu 5(3(5 ( ( percent.
STKUMNU KXCIIANOK Weak ; with actual
Inislnoss ut W.H&.f for sixty day bills am
t-J.HVHJWSVi for demand.
The closing quotations on bonds :
II.S.43r ; { 11 , > . .Muliiui Union u . . . lit )
H. H. 41 toiiii lU IN. J. C. Int. Cert . . . lll
IT. B 4K rm : 10. ) iNortlicrn I'nc. lain. Ill )
rnclllclis of ! . . 105 I Northern I'HC.Zniit. USX
I.oiiBlmm nfied | 4 . ! ' 7l"X. ! W. Consols 137
Missouri Us 105 JN.V. . Dob. 6 * 104
Tcnn. now BOtlis. . . . 10.IH St. L. A. I. M.Oon f. . 84
Torn , now sot.Vi. . . . lOI | St. L. & Sun K. U. M. Ill
Tcnn. now e t 3s. . . . 75H St. I'aiil Consols. . . UK )
CnnndnSo. anils. . . . 102 St. P. C. , t l > . Ists. . . 117
Cun. I'nclllo ! ! . . . . 107 'T. ' P. U O. Tr. Hcts. 77
1) . A U. ( i , IMS 1111 T. P. It. ( J. Tr , Hcts. SG
I ) . AH. li. 4a 8rK , Union 1-ac. Ists. . . . 100U ,
Krlo Znds 101Vest ! Shore 103V $
Al. K. &T. Oon. ha. 71H < II. O.V 78W
M. K. Jl > T. ( Jen. 5s. . 47J <
lioston Stoc-k OuotatloiiH.
BOSTON , Mass. . Dec. 10. The following are
the closing slock quotations :
Atoh. , V Topokn . . . : ! ' < ) i.'ruiiklln . H (
lloDion fi Alljnny. . , 2IOV rKO . HH
lloston A llftlno.Ti
I' . , II. A Q WiH 114
Fltbhlmrs H. It Bl' < I'amnrnck
Flint A I'oro M. pM 75 loitmi l.nnil Co . . 5U
L. H. A Kt. a. 7s . . . . ' . 'i Snn Ilon ) l.nnd Co , 11'4
.MUB § . Control 17H Woit Knd Lnnrt Cu , 17H
Mox. Ct-u. coin lOTftiHult TGlunhnnu. . . . , 2lbi <
N. Y. i N. Kniflnuil. 42'liiin ! ' oii Slora H . . . 15V- !
do7 IIVVntor ( Power , . . , "
Ohl Colony IS ! 1C. M
Wls.Ci'n. com 14K N. 1C. ,
Atlantic II. A II. 0 10
lloslon A Mont Tlionipion 1U'J } (
CnlnniPt > V Heulii. . .
Kan Francisco .Mining Storks ,
SAN KiiANrifsno , Cal , , nee. 10 , Tlio offlcla.
closing quotations for mining slocks today
wcro as follows :
Alia - . > : >
llulwer 15 Mono 15
Hulclior K5 .iphlr 1M
Ilput A llnloliBr 115 I'olcisl ISO
llnnlo ( 'onnollilatod 15 iHvnio 105
Chnllnr ' ) Storm Novniln I2U
foa. Cnl. , t Vn . , , 1115 Union l.-ontollilnta-l I1U
Crown Point 0) ) lltnli fi
r.ould & Curry .VI 'Vclluw ' .bicki-l 45
Iliilo A NoronUH , . . , 115 Nny. Qunt-ii 5
\mv Viirlc Mining ; ( ) iH > tiliini ( ,
Nnw YoitK , Dec. . 10. The following are the
closing mining quotations :
L'ruivn point H ) Inrru .N vad.i. . . . . . I..U
i nn. I'nl. X Va. , . . I.U tiin.I r.l I'M
lii-adwniid nil Tiiloni'mi lu.l
Could A Curry M Vi < lliiw.l ciOt ! 40
tliiln , > c Sorurs ) till ( run nllvnr 41
lloniuilnki IUM : Quick Sliver K5'J
Muxli-in 1VII ilii profit. . . I7IK )
Norlli 'tor H.VJ ISulnur , 10
Plyniouili . . . . . . . . . . lil
St. I.nnU .Mlnlin ; S ( irk Oimt-itloiiK ,
ST. Loi'lM. Mo. , Dec. 10. Tlin lomiof thn mln-
Ing market was wi-aK'-r to lay ; no sales worn
made on the exchange at the noon gathering ,
but several sales on thn curl ) worn reKirled. |
Ono hundred shares of Hop" sold at $4.h < ) and
later was ollercd at i-l.H./f/.O.lir. bill. ( Iranlto
Mountain. * n.2W7,0.2fi ;'ic :
Illmulalllc. if U.TrxSi 10.25 ; I'm Murpbv. 4'4 ' lOcs
Amorlcan Nellie , 20Ql7li' ! ; Hiuall IIopu. UOu
asked , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Noii-4 ,
KANSAS Cnv , Mo. , Dec 10.- Clearings , } 2-
0&3,404 ,
PAHIS , Dec. 10. Three per cent rentes , 08f ,
07icfor ! the account.
NKW YOIIK , Dec. 19. Clearings , 505,234- ,
522 ; balances , * 0,552,2l > l.
IIAI.TIMOIII : , Mil. . Dec. 10. Clearings , J2.027-
S67i balances , f 3 17,751. Money , 0 per cent.
ST. LOUIS , Mo. . Doc. 10.--C'4oarlngs , ? 5,1R2-
175 ; balances , M'-'l.OHi , Money quiet , 0(0-7 (
I'nii.ADKi.i'iiiA , Pn. , Den. 13. Clearings ,
13,507.430j balances , J1.U70.474. Money , 4 U
percent ,
LONDON , Dec. 10. Amount of bullion gone
Into the Dunk of Knglund on balances today ,
MKMI-IIIB. , Tonu J > c , 10-ClcarlnRs , $407.-
010 : balances , t6B,2&4 , New York exchutigu
selling ut pur
, III. , Dec. 10. Hank clearings
today , 122.003,752. New York exchange par.
Sterling excliauinj Quiet , bUlyiJuy bllU lB4 ;
irtrTT' TTr
.88W. Money -Stoixdy , fi't ' O per
cent , ,
CINCINNATI. ( > : , lA e. -Money , 4515 per
cent. New Yofl - nxchangc , 26c discount.
Clearings , 12,0 1 ( > , _ 00.
IlKn\.iN \ , Dec. lTlpho ntntonipnl of the 1m-
nrlnl' ' bank of flj'rmnny shows n tlocroaso hi
specie of 6HOOOfA ) mlirki.
WAStliNnTON , Drn7Ioc. 10. The Treasury
department ted -iiircha | cd 476,000 ounces
of silver at J0.834S'jo.835S.
NKW Oiu.EASi.JLa. , , Doi. ( 10. CloArlntti. * J-
330.451 ! Now YifrKslblit commercial 50o dis
count : b
NKW YOIIK , Dac..Lg. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : lir.n.l Kxclmnjr. wnsiiuoted ns follows !
Chicago , par ; HI. I/ouls , Cc discount to pnr.
BOSTON , Mass.H > e"A 10.-Clearin s , ? in,082-
800 ; balances , & ,3UG38. Money , 5 0 percent
cent- Exchange on New York , par lo lOo ills-
Cuttlo Scuroc aiiil of Indliroront
Hogs Tut Cents lo\vor.
OMAHA , Dec. 10. As mual on Monday the
supply of all kinds of stock was rather lim
ited. There were about 07 cars of cattle re
ceived , and of Iht-so ubottl a fourth were good
enough for tht dressed beef men. As tbeio
worn haidly enough suitable cattle on nle to
furnish H full day's killing for oim house local
buyers were not overly anxious for the MUIV ,
and with practically no outside demand trade
wns dull throughout as far as beef steers weio
concerned , although prices wore not ouotalily
lower than at thu close of last week. The gen
erally Inferior quality of Iho offerings al o
had a depressing Inlfuenco on the market.
and iniiiip the sales look very low
"on paper. " There were absolutely no
choice cattlo-- hero , and but few that
could bo called good. Common to nrnl ly good
grass and partly finished steers weighing fiom
| 00 to 1,200 Ibs sold ut from J3.00 to J3.00. and
11 bunch of pretty good \\osioiiis biouzht } 3.50.
Business was dull and dragging thioughnul ,
butn very fair clearance was llnally affected.
Cow stuff generally sold a simile stionger
than at the close of last \\cek , und Iho move-
maul was free. Poor lo verv good fat cows and
heifers sold at from $1.00 to 12.70 , thu bulk of
the fair to good stuff selling at , from $1.00 to
i'J.-lo. Hulls , OM-II and slags were llrm at from
il.tidto $3.15. Common yearlings to eholco
veal calves sold as usual at froiutl.&O to Jo.oi ) .
Thestockorand feeder Irado was quiet , but
prices wori'iiiolably | strong nnd the demand
good. Trading \MIS largely at from $2.00 to
J3.oy. Koprcsontntlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
. 031 } 3 00 15. . .1122 } 3 40
.1100 3 20 1. . .1080 3 50
I ? : : ! . mm 3 25 1. . .1211) ) 3 5(1 (
1. . . .1070 3 35 55. . .11 IS 3 40
17. . . OH4 3 3.- ) GO. . .1108' 3 00
: io 100:1 : 3 40
. 700 1 00 24. . . 017 2 05
. 908 1 20 1. . .1000 2 10
1. . 870 1 25 10. . . H48 2 10
1. . 070 1 25 10. . . 000 2 10
0. . 780 1 35 10'JO 2 10
7. . 828 1 40 . 013 2 10
25. . 871 1 40 . BOS 2 15
1. . 8GO 1 40 . 057 2 15
14. . 789 1 50 5. . .1144 2 20
. 835 1 50 29. . . 000 2 20
. 938 1 50 3. . . 10H3 2 20
1. . . . 98O 1 00 . 810 2 20
3. . . . 833 1 GO 1. . .1100 2 20
1. . . . 950 1 05 0. . .1048 2 25
2. . . .1140 1 05 . 1005 2 25
1. . . . 990 1 05 2. . . 805 2 25
7. . . .1000 1 75 1. . . 070 2 25
2. . . .1030 1 75 1. . .1080 2 25
3. . . .1120 1 75 1. . . 840 2 25
11. . . . 979 1 80 3. . .1070 2 25
40. . . . 883 1 85 G. . . 0.0 2 25
5. . . .1008 1 85 1. . .1010 2 55
21. . . , . 847 1 85 7. . . 080 2 35
1. . . , .1080 1 00 1. . .1030 2 35
17. . , , . 773 1 00 4. . .1012 2 35
4. . , , .1157 1 00 21. . . 054 2 40
7. . . . .1091 1 00 27. . . 005 240
19. . , , . 927 1 00 3. . .1010 245
8. . , . .1100 1 00 2. . 730 2 00
10. . . . 875 1 00 18. . . 003 2 50
1. . , . .1200 2 00 5. . .1172 2 50
14. . . . 079 2 00 24. . . 1055 2 55
2. . .1110 2 00 3. . .1150 2 05
15 .1052 2 05 * 39. . .1008 2 75
50 905 2 05 .1110 2 75
tCoinfcd westerns .
, iiuuT.ns.
G 010 2 10 ' . 21. . 772 2 50
1 800 2 25 .
1. . . 340 1 no ' ' i. . . 330 3 00
1. . . 200 2 25' , 17. . . 181 4 75
1. . . 200 2 35 1. . . 150 5 00
1. . .13GO 1 50 1. . .1010 1 90
1. . .1300 1 55 1. , .1720 1 90
1. . .1300 1.60 1. , .1530 1 00
1. . .1170 1 GO .1720 2 00
1. . .1830 1 70 , 2i ! .1270 2 00
1. . .1390 1 70. 2. . 700 2 00
3. . .1440 1 75 1. , .1370 2 05
3. . .1330 1-70 - 2. .1310 2 05
1. . .1380 1 70 1. .1210' 2 05
1. . , .1320 1.70. 1.o . .1510 2 10
oi' , .1440 1.l .1410 2 10
i' ! , .1180 l ! . . .1260 2 10
i. . , .1420 1,85 1. .13(30 ( 2 75
i. . .1440 2-25- 1 1550 8 10
.1450 2 25
4. . .1410 250 2 1380 2 00
I. . 000 1 GO 4. . . 850 3 75
1. . 920 2 25 1. . .1020 2 75
1. . 010 2 20 1. . . 740 2 75
2. , 410 2 35 1. . . 800 2 75
8. . G90 2 30 2. . . 880 2 80
' 395 2 50 3 . . 917 2 90
10' ! G03 2 50 11. . . 880 3 00
4. , 440 2 50 38. . .1005 3 10
7. , G31 2 70 19. . . 976 fl 25
20. , 905 2 75
2 cows. . . 020 100 24 cows. . . 890 200
20 steers.,2170 3 50
Iloc.s The market , wns slow and about , a
illme lower limn Saturday fromMart to llnlsh.
C'lilcaj-'o had 41,000 hogs and was reported 5c
lo lOc lower and they were u\pectliiK 30,000
: > ojs tor Tuesday. This Is what caused the
break as loeali-omlltlons wcro unchanged. All
local houses bought and there uas a very lim
ited shipping and spoculatlvo demand. Hood
to rholun heavy and bnteher weight hogs sold
at from * (3.30 ( up to $0.40 with fair to coed
llKhtand mixed loads largely at. fiom $0.25 to
$0.35 and from that down to 10.15. There was no
Improvement as the tnornlnj ; advanced hut
ifoout everything finally changed hands , the
Imlk .sellliiK at. from $0.30 to } ( UO against $0.35
lo 10.45 Saturday and 10.00 to JG.05 one week
Koprc.scntallvo bales :
N'o. Av. Sli. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
1..2GO - $0 10 80. . .252 120 $0 35
5. 150 - G 15 02. . .257 40 G 35
72..217 400 _ . . . G 15 54. . .205 200 0 35
77..201 240 6 15 .240 440 G 35
72..194 G 17tf 7l ! ! . .240 100 0 35
54..240 200 G 20 79. . . .230 40 0 35
5..278 G 20 85. . . .2-15 200 6 30
80. . .203 80 G 20 74. . . .208 200 G 35
07. , .302 3GO G 20 70. . . .252 200 G 35
33. . .232 280 G 20 8. . . .435 G'30
80. . .217 120 G 20 75. . . .200 100 G 35
89. . ,293 320 0 25 GO. . . 282 200 G 35
G8. . .245 ICO 0 30 47. . . .280 40 G 30
58. . .204 120 G 30 03. . . .239 24O G 36
72. . .220 1GO 0 30 18. . . .205 G 35
08..2UO 120 G 30 CO. . . .285 200 G 30
137..222 200 0 30 08. . , . 'J8G 40 0 37H
72..237 80 G 30 48. . . .321 40 0 3714
8 , . 231 G 30 71. . . .204 120 G
73. . .231 320 G 30 03. . . -.280 120 G 371J
75 , . .243 320 G 30 GO. . . .281 240 G 40
G8. . .210 240 G 30 08. , . .287 280 G 40
OH. . . .231 120 0 30 2G. , . .289 G 40
G7. . . .200 200 G 30 71. , . .207 120 0 40
72 , . .232 2HO 0 30 04. . . .273 40 G 40
G7. . . .224 KO U 30 63. , . .24H 80 G 40
7G. . . .21H ICO G 30 CO. , . .2CO 80 G 40
80. , . .244 280 l > 32f 63. , . .32O 80 G 40
GO. . . .200 100 0 32J ! 04. , G 40
1'KIBAND 11011(111 ( ,
17. . 80 70
flood millions are In fair demand n
about steady prices , llecelpts today wen
light.A small hunchofChrlstmns lamhshioiigh
tu.OOnnd Mime good mixed natives sold fo
M.604.75. Knlrtogood natives , 53,5024.75
fair lo good westernsi3.25'ft4.00 ; common am
stock sheep , & 2.26K3.50 ; good lo choice 40 t' '
100 Ib lambs H.OJ&G.CO. liepresentaliv
No. . Av , Pr.
29 lambs 1 90 fG 00
21 nallves mixed , 15 4 70
84 natives mixed. ' . : . . . . 02 400
C'lilriiK" 1.IYA Stock .Market ,
CltirAiio , 111. , Dec. 19 , [ Sppclal Telegram to
Tun UKI.I : Prime or good iiualtty of caltlo or
even anything cnnylng llesh sold stron erund
were scarce , butjthemarket ; was Hooded with
medium undi-slrnhiound common sleerstock ,
for which there ( .ootnttd lllllii or no outlet to
day , most of HID s.utio selling no heller than
at llio close of last tucck and at prices about
the for thyytiar , Theru was also a big
run of co\v Mocki * < iiii prliuu loin of fat eons
and lielfei-khUlllilbhtrniiKi hut the Kl'cat hulk
went nt prices that lost money fnrthiihlilppur ,
The uenetnl hoiiinarUot opened nitherweak.
The pi fill bulk of this early * ale hliuurd from
Oc lo lilt1 deellnivhntilatoilecelpts failed to
hhow upas heavy as lit c tmatcd ! , and at
the ti.xucmo close the general marKet WUK
For every ono who lias blood trouble , no matter
In what Bliajio or how long slamllnj ; , iirovlilcd
nonoof the ilal organs ha\o lieen BO far Im
paired as to render a euro impossible. H. B. B.
toes to the root of the dlbcase , and lemovca thu
cause , by cxpcllim ; the iiolsoii from the body , anil
at IhoBainollmols a toulotothu whole eystcm.
However bait your case m.iy be , theru la hojio
Cured mo of a most malignant type
of chronic blood trouble , for which
| had used varloun other remedies
without effect. My weight incrrascd. and niy
health Improved III every way , 1 consider B. B. 8.
the beat tonlo I ever uecd.
< H. A. WuiaiiT , Midway , Ga. "
ifreatlso on blood , ekln and rontaploua blood
poison malleil frco. t > WJ-T Sl'KufrlU CO
Atlanta , Ga.
boiler tlmn nt tlio oponlnst Ml toil nntl
nnoknr.i fold lit fnim fo.,15 to iO.-IO ; nrlmo
heavy nnd Initrhrr wclffhls nt from JO.f.O to
? ( ; , ono lot of fniicy nt (0.001 prlnio from
( n.naon.7U | n ori'il fight , fo.ift. 1'liorp a
Rood ilomiind for "hoi'i | mill liiinln nnd the
ninrkot was llrm. Snlcs nf slipi' | ) worn on n
bash of fnim $ .1,00 to $ > " > , ( ) ( ) for conimon to
rbolco nnd liinibs wcro qnoti'il nl from M.IHvfR
0H ( ) . K\trniniilttlossnlil | nt tiitimll nilvniu'u
on thoii ! llaitn-i nnd rulN nml rutfcod slulT nro
notwiinlpd nt from ( l.fiO tn.V5 ! ,
Ili-cclpl.t : I'tiHU' , 10,000) ) hoiSd , 40,000 ! shcop ,
Tlio ronorts !
OATTI.K Utwlpts. lu-iul ! < dilpmcnt ! < ,
4,0H ( ) hoiul ) marki't llrmpr im bp .t jinidci :
Chrlstmns stoi-rs , fj.OOttfl.'jri ; others , S.I.Mvro
ri.5 ( ! ! no TOXIIIH or ramjors on sains cows , $ -.60
lions lli'ccl | > K 40,000 lic.iili slilninpnta.
8,000 hend ; mnrkot & 5T > IOL' IOVMT : HINIM | | nml
linckcrs , tG.35Hn.-l.pi ; primp liouvy nnd buti-li-
or's wclchts , ( ti.ritif/.n.iu ) : iiilinu llslit , $0,05 ®
0.70 ; iiM oiti'd lluht. $ n.4ri.
SIIIIP : : Hci'i'lpts , 8,0i)0 ) lirad ; ,
2,000 lipiulj niiirkt't Ri'tu'rallv stronai'iiwi" ; * ,
$3."r > H-t.'Jo ; mKcil , $ ! . ( ) ( ) ; > 4. 6tt ; prlniu wotla-rs ,
JS.ooari.80 : liimli" , ( j.-SUO. 10.
KcrrlpM HIM ! DNpo ltliin orstorc. ?
onii'hil rivi-lpts nnddl < iio4loii | | | of st < vk UK
shown by tinbool < of llm rnlon sio.-k Yurdi
c-oinpany for HID forty-oltthi hours
ill D o'clock p. m. Divi'inln'r 10 , 1 'J _ :
fn o
Car * . llcnil Curs. HIM. I.
7 -'I
I'aeliers' I'liri'liiixe.s ( .ant UYclt.
Now Yiirh Live Slm-Ie
Nr.\v Yonu , Dei1 , in. Miivis : : : Uerelnti ,
f > ,7'JO head , hieliidliij ! 7(1 ( ears for .sale. Mnrl.t't
dull but steady , native steers , ifUUHT.5.f : > nj
lid lee pounds ; 'IV.xans and Coliii-adnii il.riO :
QS4.2U ; bulls- and cows , $ i.liipj.7O ( : Diesscd
beef , sleady. 7'im.Ui1 ' per II ) . hlpineiitM to
morrow , 70(1 ( beeves.
t'Ai.yr.s IterHiiK 850 bead ; ririn : eholee ,
stenily , ! 4e per pniind hluber , Veals } 5.MVff- (
0.00 ; rasM-is fU.liUQ'J.TOi western , calves
f 'J.O.VTi H.OI ) .
SllKf.l' AND r.AMtis Itecelnts 10,7(10. Shrt'p
very linn , $3.0iJi.UU ( ) ; lambs , ' ( o hlghuriia.bu-
lions Ueeolpls , ll.SOOhead. Steady $5.70-
© 7,125 ,
StM.nuls MvuStiirlc .Alurld-t.
ST. Lotus. Mo. . Deo. 1'J.rrr.i ; lo- !
colpts , 1,0011 head ; shipments -t.-IOII hend ;
nnirket , stea'dv : natlvo steers , f.0Wf.ri.-in : ) ( ;
ranijo stuurs , i'J.10iji,15 : ; rnngii cows , $1.10 ©
lions Ttecelpts , 5,300 head ; shipments ,
5,200 bead ; market 10e to lf j lower ; heavy.
$ (1.2057,0.55 ( ; paillilnt ; , jn.0030.-15 ; HBlit. JG.iiO
Snnia1 llecelpln , 100 head ; shipments , 100
head ; market .steady ; natives , 53.00S5.50.
Kansas Clly Stock Market.
KANSAS nirv , Mo. , Dec. -CATTI.I ! : lle-
cclits | , 3,000 bead ; hlilpmcnts , 5'JOO bead ;
marUet. more netlve , unchanyi'd. Hhlppln
steers , t3.05Q-l.50 ; stoelu-rs and feeders , * .35
© 3.50 ; TOMIS and Indian steels. J'J.ii3.85. ( ) ( ) (
Ilocs Hecelpts , 0,500 liuaihshipmiMits , 1,800
head ; the niatket was DffllOi ; loner. All
Krndos , $4.5oa4.85.
SHKHP Kerelpts 200 bend ; shipments ,
400. Sleady ; muttons , $3.40 .4.50 . ; lambs
} 5.000.00
Constipation cured by DoWitt's Early
ss' I'lan to Kseape tlin I'onully of
\Vlllfill .Aliirilff.
George Fauss , charged with having mur
dered his mistress , Laura Day , several
months ago , was called for trial before the
criminal court yesterday. The day was de
voted to securing a jury of twelve men. The
panel was exhausted and a special venire of
twenty men was ordered , while the special
panel was produced in court at 13 o'clock , and
capiases were issued for ten members of the
regular panel , who had failed to report.
The prosecution will endeavor to convict
of murder in the llrst degree , alleging that
murder was done prcmcditatcdly. The de
fense will be insanity.
Fauss has completely recovered from his
recent illness , which was thought at the
time to bo very serious , and ho showed it
only by being extremely pale.
The mother , stepfather and brother of
Laura Day were present. The former two
will be placed upon the stand for the state.
Waste no money. Salvation Oil , the
only good liniment. It kills all pain.
- >
\v Trust < ompiiny.
The articles of incorporation of the Metro
politan Land and Trust company were Hied
for record yesterday. The incorporators
are Louis Schroeder , Joseph Kavan , Am
brose II. Leo and Fred Stubbcndorf. The
capital stock is llxcd at $100,000 , and is to be
issued when subscribed and fully paid up.
I3usinpss may be commenced when $10,000
has been subscribed and paid in. The con
cern will transact a general business in the
purchase and sale of real ( -state , rental and
agency of buildings and a .number of other
things that properly come under the same
Do not lot your dealer palm olT on you any
new remedy for colds. Insist on having Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup.
Incrraxed ItH Capital.
An amendment to the articles of incor
poration of the South Omaha Stock Yard's
company was Hied yesterday with the county
clerk. It provides for the Increase of the
capital stock to 0,000,000 and that may bo
Increased at any time by a two-thirds vote of
the stockholders , provided each stock
holder Is given thirty days' notice of the
ntendcd change.
If you have piles DoWitt's Witch Hazel
salvo will surely euro you.
Useil vp. It's
the only wny to
use some things ,
but it's a bad
N condition for a
j v man or woman.
, vV It means disease.
VV Tnko Ur. 1'iorco's
Golden Medical
Discovery. Tlint
menus health. It
Invluorntcs the liver nnd kidneys , purifies
the blood nnd clonuses nnd renews the whole
system. For nil scrofulous humors , and
blood-mints , nnd oven consumption ( or lung-
scrofula ) , if taken in tinio , it's a jiositivo
remedy. It's n. giiamnlffil one , In nil dis
eases of the liver , blood nnd lungs , it's war
ranted to iMMieflt or euro , or the money is re
funded. No other mcdiclno of its class is sold ,
through drii Kisls , on this ; jccn/iir / plan ,
You ran judge why. You only pay for the
good you get.
In other words , it's Bold OH Mill ,
No other niedlelno of its kind is.
And that proves that nothing c-lso is " just
as coed " ns the " Discovery. "
The dealer is thinking of his profit , not of
j/onr. , when ho nrpea something c > l o.
Jnd o for yourbolf which is likely to bo the
better inulicmo.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ojnaha.
Hoot Caltlo Ho and Elii-ep luarUet In the west.
Wood Brothers ,
Houlli Onialia Telephone Hi" . Clilcaco
JOHN I ) . DADISMA.N , I , , „ . . , . „ „ ,
WAI/rKlt K. WOOD , f "nu of
Market KrporU by mull aid wlroclicerfully tur
nl. Uuil upon uppllcutluu.
I'oiiiiiliinihtrr'ii Nolirr.
Iinpoumliiil on llio lllli nt Di-ronjbor
ono niDoluy cow , nboiit II yi-iirso il ( urliu HIt - )
It nut ri-ilruini-d tulil cow will hit Mild ut nublli !
auction Di't'cinlicr' 10 iiVloolc u. in. , u
-Ibtuncl l.t-uvi-nwiiilh stn-i-ts , In tlm iilloy.
JUll.N Aroint ! , , i'uuniliuiiNtiir.
uio uat ,
-r- = , V'J
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Omaha Tent-Awning
K covnns ,
111.1 rnrnnni SI.
Bemis Omaha Bag id , 0. Daxon.
rmti'Avv .
Importer * nn.l tiiiiiu fr , Mlcrclci CfiUl on mniitlilj
Hour s.-u'kf , burlim ,
tnlio. IMymi'tit * H ) X IMh.
Mors Co3 Shoe Company ,
llnnnrd MroM.
I'nrtorr corner lllli nml lii.iicln" ' 'trcols.
romikliiiM-lmi | nlfs tn r\ li IUI-PM. nn \ nro
elllCR n flat ill IT unit wlitrlilt very nMoatilu
wllli tiiorc'Imnt ! . .
Klrkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed
COM PA XV. IVIioUwmo Hllllt : I' ! ) . . l ) < MlHSllO M
rarrs. nv'-'iin llcnton nml riilitiiTKuoits , iUS- :
Hubiior nho. > i'o. 110- ! 11)10 ) lluinc ) St ,
IIOI-IIU.I llnrnuy St.
COAL , COE ( ,
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
.IMtJ CD. , h.inl nnrl rt MTr > . Imn
conl , S i ; cor. U.tli . aim cnrnlc' . lml iw
inetiilllo nkrl ulit > , etc.
I.E. Smith &CoKiIpatrick-Koci , , | ! Dry
no oiis I'o.
Iry coort , notlou , fur-I N'otlom. f.mtv fiirnlili-
nl'lilnit inxiil. . TDrtiiT I Inimooili.eor.'lltli nml
lllli nml llownnl St . I llnrncy St- . .
Omaha Upholstering Beeliee & Runy an
CO. . Ujiliolitvoil riirnl- KUIlNITiilK CO. , ( Jrnro
turo. tlUllut
SI. VVIiolo uluonly. nnd 1'ltli St9
D. M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. ,
1201-1M5 Jones SI. , 10th rmil llnrno
Omaha , Oninlirt.
Rector & Wllhelmy Lobeck & Linn.
. , . . . I > o Ior ln lifinlirnr
torncr loth nail JncX on ! uiootiinlcv tuolf.
.HAT ! < ! JJL' .
\V \ , A , L , Gibbon & Co ,
Mill' . i'.ii | < . tr iw iooiM ,
Klove , . Million' , Vtti
nml llntiiny M , .
John A. Wakclleld , Charles R , Leo ,
lliiuirtLM.Aiii' | ' < rK-iiil'orl -
llnM-onil lumber , wo at
Innil c-m-nl. Mllrtm-
- cnrpot' nn I pnrqitut
Ko. . i-iiiiii-iit
nnitOutlioy lt < mlnit ,
whllo Iliro. Vtli niil Dnuglaii ,
Frick & Herbert , II. Oberfelder &Co.
limnuli'rv unit Jobbo
\Vllulr nloll < iiii > Mleiilir < | r tniitlnvrrnotlim
I .Vtnll orders juom til.
IH01 Kfirnam St. I Mi-lit .1. nth St.
Omaha Stove Repair I M. A. Disurow & Co. ,
WcHKntovii ropiitrK Mnliufnatiirora of snsh
unilnnlur nllni'liinunl ! ! i iloorK. lillnili Ml ) ' ,
for nny kind of itovo immlilltiz' , bmncli olu
made , U'07 DounlnB St. I llco , mil nn.l Irnnt St
' 1
Dr. SYDNEY RINGER , Professor of Modlclno at University Cqllcgo , London ,
Author of the Standard Handbook of Therapeutics , " aetnallu writes as follows :
'Troui the careful nunlysos of I'rof. AITFIKI.I > nml otlioru. I am nalfollud that
" " " " " "
Is In no wiy injurious to lu'.ilth , und that It Isdeeldedly more nutritions than
otliur Cooons. Ills eoitalnlv " 1'uro" anil highly ( llKi'HllMc1. The ijnotatiolis Inrur-
talnadvertl.s' iiKMiUfrom Trade rivals ) from my book on ThuruiioutlcHuroiiulto
K. and ftinnut possibly npplv to VAN i flouTiis'B COCOA. "
Tke false reflection tm VAN UOUTKN'S Co 'ov is//IMS / / rfft'cluallurfpeUfJ , niuZ the very
autltoritu cited to injure it. in thereby prompted to fficc it n verv handsome testimonial. B
The Worlds' Fair Tower Company
Now offers nn issue of H.SOO shares of its
capital stock nt par , full-paid mid non
nssossiiblo. The capitiil stool : is $2,000.-
000 , divided into 20,030 uharus of $100
Outside of this issue n , considerable
portion of the cupitil : stoulc has already <
been allotted to the subsurihora. This
issue is now offered to the public , and <
the subscription books are opou at the
olHcoofF. 1) . Muir , Hoe Uuildiner , Oran-
liii. Nob. , and will close on the 2-tth day
of Dccombor , IS'.W ' , at :1 : o'clock p. in.
Subscriptions will bo payable as fol
lows :
; ? 0 per cent on application.
ISO per cent on allotment.
40 per cent GO days uftor allotment.
All payments to bo made to Oharlos L.
Easiton , "Trustee. Allotments will bo
made linmcdlatoly after the close of the
btibsoription books.
The rlffht is reserved to reject any
Kubscription in whole or in part. If any
( subscription is wholly rejected the
amount deposited , on application , will
bo returned. Tf only a part of the
amount applied for by the applicant la
allotted to such applicant the surplus
amount paid on application will bo ap
plied on the sums duo under the allot
n the allotment of shares to applicant * will bo fjlvon in the order of the receipt ol
uch application by the nuthorizo'l acenl of the eomniuiy named.
Passengers per hour ? ' !
Allowing 10 hours per day , equals lr , ' , . '
At CO cents for ouch passenger equals , per any * oJt.JU )
ISO days that the Fair will bo open cnuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * JUOUUUO
Revenue from concessions and sale of Souvenir Book and Medal ol
the Tower , owned by the Tower Company 4U .uoo
OnoruUnc expenses for the ISO days . . . . . . . . $ I 111.003
2-5 per cent of gross earnings ( * ! ) ,400OUO ) to bo paid to tlio
World'H Coluinbiun Exposition ! , : ! -50,000 52,703,000
. . O.OIW.UOl )
Doductincr this from | Jfjir)3ji'tiuiJVi { | ivu * < i * * iit * ff * - „ - - -
Enui'vnlont to : ! ; ! ! per cent on the entire capital of the company ot $2.000,000
The oIllceiM of the World's Fair estimate that the daily admissions to the K.ilp
will rise nbovu 200,006 people. Our capacity for oiyrylIJB imMoiiBdrH In our Llao-
trie Cars in nuikiti"jiHUcnsions and dcscontions of the TO WISH IB 12,000 peonlo per
hour , and wo confidently count on 10.003 per hour. Thiswlll ho found a inoclopato
estimate when duo rojjurd irfhad to the iiUractivonojs j ot the 'iOWhH and the
RAHK exporlonco atloi'ilud by a trip to the top. , ,
- -
-'H I located onnasito the WOMAN S HUIijDiNO , at tlio Kislorn
Knirnncoo. . i.u . ! MIDWAYTl.AISANCK in the WOULIVS FAIil OHOLINDS.
Kiwsli pot-Bon. In mnldnff the ascent and descent of the 'J O\VI3U , gains a view ot the
' "nil 210 foot In dlamotor. It ronuiros nine
complete tuniH to roach the top , the grade bolnfl.B ? . tl pr ontu rlilo of two miloa
in in-ikingthoaseontiinddosconu conseimontly , tune d ITorunt pioturos are oh-
Borvod of the WOKf-D'S PA III GROUNDS as the ascent IH mttdo. A vlow from
tl . OMSFH VATOIlY KLOOU not only ylvcs the vast L'iuioraina at .vour foot , but
also Bivos I o , . ? of the WORLD'S KA1U niJILWNOS , so that
after innlcing the uHcent of the TOWKU any person can o uuiruidodfrom bulldinur
! | the intention to lnivo two FULL BANDS on the OI3SKHVATOHV
will pluv alternately from the oponi.iK . ol the FAIR in the morn n- until t , h o close
at niL'ht. An OUCHES I'RA will also bo located in the center of the grout lOWhlt
WILLIAM FIAMPDKN .IOHNSTONE , President and Gonoral.Managor.
Draft , or Hanlc CiiHliior'a Olieulc.
For further information nddrcss or call upon
K. D , MUIR , JBee
1704 Farnam Street ,
Agent for the World's Fair T.ower Company.
Call nnd see ArohlLeot/s Plans.
181O Straot , Omaha , Nob.
the eminent ineclullit In nurvuiu. clironto , iirlvuto , blood , tkln ami nrlnurr illiiitiei A regular siuj
itercd Saduulu lu iii" illclnu. n. U&lom u unil c < irtlilc ttu _ oi . U till Iruiitu. irlili llio .rcatoitiiiio. .
c c-l-rrU. luil rouii liuuii , Voi ulnul ui'.kueii. nliilit IUMOI uml ull f rm of prlvatu ilUJit ; No raofcu.
uit-o - - . ' lorli of vital power. I'urHin uiiublu to / nit inu m bj truito.1 at liomu lif
oici _ ndo e. i eiclri Vr ! . . n-nt ty iu.ll or on.rem . noourul ) pnoku.1. no lu.irk. . tu Ini lout ,
_ . LMn.ult-tloufro. . Uorru.pinJinojiitrlc-llr prlvulB.
_ , m-ii-rionuUnli'rvlowpriferrU.
i-ndor -
ooi ( " ljit rlt' ' i ol : J.lfS - I iimt | Hot , uulcu liuurJ a.m. to y m. buildup 10 H.IU. lu U ui. twuu.tjmp for