Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Excitement Almost Reaching ft Panic
Among the Speculators.
of n I'ronilnrnt rirm Cnnac *
Downward Movement In Chicago On
Other Stock * Affected liy tlio l > o-
cllno Money TuUci a Jump ,
Nr.w YOIIK , Deo. in. There wns nn ex
citing time In the Stock oxchnngo this nior'n-
Ing when nn nnnouncoincnt wns mnilo thnt
the big pool , Including James U. Kccno ,
I. ft S. Wormscr and K. C. Benedict , hnd
boon dissolved , the contract having expired
by limitation. With the lirst report of this
occurrence ! tlipro was n stampede among the
holdorsof Chicago Gun ccrtlllcatcs , nnd the
prirc started down rapidly. Tim traders
who have been watching Iho stock for n
break , offered U down at first , then a flood of
commission orders came in from nil quarters ,
ninny of them being to sell the certificates
for the account of speculators whoso margins
had been exhausted , for the pool hnd worked
the priccupto ? 100 como time ngo , ami on the
vraydown many outsiders were loaded up.
Today their accounts wcro closed out. Then
there wcro others who had bought the stock
for investment , n number of whom joined in
tbo stampi-do without understanding what
the reason for the dcvllno was.
On tin ) floor of the Stock exchange the
Whisky trust Is allotted space next in Chi-
cngo ( Jus , nutl the traders in that stock
Joined in the rush ns soon as Chicago ( jus
broke. The books of the Whisky trust , or
Distillers nnd t atllufeedurs , as the concern
Is formal ! } called , closed today for their
dividend of 1'i per cent , and the stock is
closed nt CTilM : , having opened at 01 , equal to
nn advance of * ( , pur cent. In n short tlmo.
however , the nrlcei gave way , falling J < f per
cent , and before the decline was checked tbo
certificates sold nt f > 7 , n full of T per cent ,
While tills decline wiiuln progress tbo crowd
trading In Chicago Gas Intcrmlnglod with
the traders in whisky certitleatc-s nnd pre
sented n scene equalled on tbo floor only In
times of n panic. There was. however , no
trace of a panicky feeling at any tlmo today.
One of tlin ( .iinirs.
A good deal of Iho liquidation nnd much of
the decline recorded was attributed to the
extraordinary stringency in the money mnr-
hot. Brokers wcro in the loan crowd early ,
trying to make arrangements for carrying
stocks nnd the earlier borrowers paid 10 per
cent per nnnum for money on call. Several
renewals werorando nt tbo same rate nnd then
the supply on the exchange wns exhausted
The latter borrowers bid 15 , aland ! )5 ) per
cent , nnd ns high ns10 percent , or equal to
nearly 1 per cunt per week was paid by bor
rowers , who had urgent need of money.
After noon one firm sent over { CiOO.OOO to
lend nnd wns followed by other bouses desir
ing to plueo money nt the high range. Af
the nppcaranco of a supply , the urgency o
the demand disappenrcd.
Members of tlio Chicago Gas pool stnto
that there hnd been no quarrel between the
operators composing it , nnd thnt their rela
tions nro as friendly as ever. They also
deny that Its dissolution wns forced by the
tightness of tbo money market. At the
olllco ofl. &S. Wormscr the statement wns
mndo thnt the pool had already liquidated
nnd had its accounts closed up. But the
members of the firm are confident of the
value of the property as a dividend payer. It
is said that the Chicago Gas , which was
closed up a year ago , divided profits of $1-
OOO.'OO. .
Treasury OIUclalH DUcus.H tlio Wiill Street
* / i\rltnnii-nt.
WASliiSjtiTOX , D. C. , Dec. 19. The Treas
ury department was kept fully nnd promptly
advised of the progress of the stock market
in New York today , nnd Secretary Foster
was in conference with his assistants several
times upon the situation. After the depart
ment closed , the assistant secretaries ,
Messrs. Gear , Spauldlug and Lnmbcrtson ,
gathered in the secretary's room and dis
cussed the events of the day. Tboro a re
porter for tbo Associated press found them ,
with no Indication of any excitement appar
Tlio secretary said , In answer to ti _ ques
tion , based on n report printed In Now York
statlngTTiat ho was much exercised over the
matter , and intended to como over to New
York to consult New York bunkers : "I am
not going to Now York to confer with bank
ers , or any ono else about the financial situa
tion. There Is nothing In It to warrant
sucli a mission. The idea has not , previously ,
even occurred to me , "
"You have noticed the engagcmdnts for
gold shipments tomorrow nnd the panicky
fooling reported on the Stock exchange ? "
' Oh , yes ; but there was a moro comforta
ble condition of things ut the close , you
know. "
, Quid In the Trcnunry.
"As to the treasury , " continued the secre
tary , "wo are nil right. Lnst month ex
ports amounted to $7,000,000 , but the treas
ury lost half a million only. Tlio reserve
limit is fixed at $100,000,000 , and 1 huvo $ 4-
000,000 moro than that. The resources of
this country nro greater and moro varied
than most people know and tbo money that
is paid to tha treasury for gold can bo used
for replacing the amount sold. Tlio money
is needed west and south to buy grain , pro
visions nnd cotton , and If I can save n man
live or six hundred dollars on a million , lie
does not stop nt giving mo gold in Now York
for currency laid down for him wherever ho
wants it. If they get us down in this mat
ter , It will bo only utter u long light und u
hurd ono. "
"A man bet mo n box of cigars today , " ob
served Assistant Secretary Gear , "thnt gold
would bo at a premium In Now York , I
oxpcct to find the cigars on the tublo when I
go to my room. "
"Don't you believe you will. " scntcntlotisly
observed the secretary.
"If they at-o not there I'll to gunning after
them , " said Mr. Gear. \
"But , " resumed Secretary Foster , "If It
wore not for the scare that seems Inevitable
from the shipments of goldltbi-oad It would
not bo such n bad thing after nil.Tho bal
ance of trade is In our favor nt the rate of
$ .20,000,000 a month , aml'tho gold will cer
tainly find Its way back bore. I ist month
wo shipped moro provisions abroad than
over before , nnd I believe the showing for
Dccoinbui : will bo ns good , "
Continuing , the secretary said : "Wo have
nearly $000,000 , < XX ) of gold in the United
States. If Si.OOO.OOO wcro to go out. it would
result in the reduction of our publlu debt to
thnt extent , with the accompanying saving
of interest on that amount. 1 am not nt nil
uneasy regarding the situation nnd If Gov
ernor Gear's friend wants to renew his wupor
that gold will bo ut u premiuiib before tlio
4th of Alurch , I'll ' tike ( It und double It lifter-
wurd for the remainder of the llsciil year
ending June 'JO , next. "
I'ronperoui Condition of thu Country.
Then the sccrotnry uud Mr. Gear fell to
exchanging observations on thu prosperous
condition of the country , shown In the purely
agricultural portions , notably Iowa , Gov
ernor Gear's own stuto. "Pork Is worth 1
cent a pound moro now than u year ugo , "
said the sccrotnry ,
"Yes , " assented Mr. Gear. "It was quoted
nt $0.40 iv hundred in my stnto the lust time
I noticed the reports. That's u higher price
than the farmer ever got for it before , ex
cept during the war , when it wus paid for in
u 40-ceiit currency. "
"I've held u pii-co of land in Jones county ,
Iowa , " said the secretary , "for twenty
years. Never could get an offer for it until
this fall , und 1'vo Just sold it for Ri5 an aero ,
cash. " '
"Well , you boat yourself by f 15 nn acre , "
remarked Mr. Gear. "It's worth nt least
WO uu ucro. Up In the norther tier of coun
ties of our state I located u quarter section
of lund twenty years ugo. Never could have
Bold it fur { ADO until this full. Got un offer
of . ' , MMnndlutlt ) go , "
With these comfortable und consoling re
flections in their winds , the secretary and
his assistant separated , llio former roller-
utlng his statement of yesterday , that ho in
tended tu mauuKo thu ulTuirs of. the depart-
ffieul ua thuactive ) head uutll bis term ex
Jilrcd , nnd thnt lie hnd no doubt of his Mill *
Ity to maintain nt Its present figure- the
gold rcsorvo In the treasury.
Doctoral I'.ihi\Tl ( Tnko Heeohnm's Pills
Honrim Unit , \Milcli Wns thn I'roplo'.s Thrn-
trr , 1'nrinnlly Oppiird ,
Thnt whk'lvused te bo the toughest plnco
of ntmisement tn Omnlm wns lust night
trnnsfonjicd into n house of refuge for the
homeless nnd the wayward. The old Pee
ple's thcnteron Douglas street wns dedi
cated to Iho services of God nnd humanity
nnd will bo known henceforth its Hcscuo
This Is ono of the rcsults-of the Mills meet-
Inns , The nllled ohurchos Interested in the
ruvivnl meetings wore advised to
take this step by Mr. Mills so thnt
the neglected nnd sinful people who never
go near n church might hnvo n helping hnnd
oxtcnded to thotn. l nstweok the-organlza-
lion wns begun , nnel by Iho nsalstnncc of Mr.
Mills nnd Mr. Thomas I ) . Koberts of the In
dustrial Homo , Boston , those Interested In
the good work hnvo found tlio way open to
leases llio old theater for n your nnd tnko the
preliminary steps toward converting It into
nn Industrial school , n plnco of worship nnd
n general honso of refuge nnd assistance for
lies fallen nnd the neglected of both sexes.
Tills enterprise will ho supported by the
Hied churches of Omnhn nnd by phllnn-
liroplc nnd Clii-lstlnn people In general.
The dedication look plnco hist night , nml
L was attended by n larH'o nudlenco. Ail-
fusses were madu by Mr. Huberts , Hov.
ohn Gordon , Ur. IJuryca , Hev. T. K. Tin-
nil , Mr. A. P. Tukoy nnd Hov. A.V. . Clnrk.
\tthoclosooftho meeting Mr. Hoberts ex-
ended nn itivltatlyii for penitents lo stander
or prayers , nnd hnlf n dozen nrose.
This hull will become the homo eif the
Omnhn city mission In the near future. A
lace will be provided for giving inenls to
lie destitute and for sheltering those who
invoiiot. the means to provides themselves
vlth n plnco to sleep. 11 will bo Iho tilm of
bo Institution tu innko work thu basis of
ho assistance extended. Tlio poor who
tppl.v for hull ) will , 1C possible , bu put in u
) osllion to help themselves. A meeting
vlll bo held on Thursday afternoon of this
vcolc nt the Young Men's Christian associa
Ion to perfect the organization.
A Child inoj-s : )
1'hc pleasant favor , grnllu netlon nnd sooth-
ng oflcot of Svrup of Figs , when in need of
i Inxntlvo , nnd If the father or mother bo
ostlvo or bilious , thu most gratifying results
follow Its use ; so that It Is the best family
oincdy known nml ovcry family should hnvo
Merlons Chare ; " r/odgrd Against Sumo Insur-
nnrn Coinpanlcx In Court.
L swindling case wns llled in the civil
irniich of the district court yestonlny aftcr-
lomi. Thnt harsh word does not appear In
the petition , but thnt is what the allegations
ncnn nnd several people of moro or less
iromlncnco nro mixed up in it.
The tlllo of Iho iso is Samuel Ferguson ,
guardian of .lames II. Thompson , Incompe
tent , against , Ihu Gurmtui Insurance com-
lany , the German Land nnd Mortgage com
pany , Jyhn T. Ilinderks , Kllznbcth Hlmlerks
ind ICdgar P. ICoohler. The llrst named dc-
rciulnnt is n corporation of Frcejsort , 111. , nnd
the second is another corporation of Blue
Hill , Nob.
The plaintiff recites in his petition that
liis ward , who is uu old man of ( i ( > years , is
mentally unsound nnd subject to spells of .ab
erration , nnd thnt ho Is , or rather was , the
owner of nbout leu acres of land in Ihis
county , nml that Iho defendants took ad
vantage of his condition to bent him out of
It. It is charged that they got him Into n
private ) olllco in this city nnd kept him there
all day , "nnd long Into the night , until much
Inter than business hours , " ami frightened
and coerced him Into making out n deed to
the property , und then took it away from
him in a manner nnd nt a time of which the
said ward knew nothing. The defendants
Ktivo him several shares of stock in the Cen
tral Nebraska National hatikof Broken Bow ,
an institution which is alleged to have then
been on its last logs , and of which the stock
was practically worthless. "What the plain
tiff wants is to hnvo the cloud removed from
Thompson's titles to the property , and the
deed sot nsiderns fraudulent and unlawfully
obtained by undue inlluenco on the mind of
nn individual incapable of properly transact
ing business.
A Cure- for Croup.
If your children are subject to croup
always keep n bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy nt hnnd. It is a prompt nnd
certain cure. If given as soon ns the croupy
cough appears it will prevent the attack.
" " 3r sale by druggists.
Stuart Robson Is always welcome In Omaha
and the usualdargo nudienco attended tbo
opening of his engagement nt the Boyd last
evening. Mr. Robson is always welcome for
himself alone , but perhaps oven moro be-
cnuso the theater-going public can always
trust him to present n perfect all-'round en
tertainment ; his company of players is
never less than collectively and individually
competent. In his own line of the higher
farce comedy Air. Robson Is unrivaled , and
"Tho Bachelors , " which was presented last
evening , supplies him with n part in which
his peculiar mannerisms have fullest play.
Bradford's comedy is an admirably built
piece of work and ovcry part is n "fat" one ,
a moro than usually enjoyable entertainment
being the result. Air. Uobson's Bangle Is
beyond criticism. Air. Woodward as Jowlor
divides the bailors. Mr. Klwood ns
Waring Is hnndsomo- and strenuously
expressive. Air. Wooderson ns Aluldoon is
comincndnbly restrained nnd natural , while
missing nothing in presentment > i ! tbo
character. Air. Fun-oil as Bruce gives a
bint of attaining bolter things. Air.
Yeranco endows Snug with moro character
than wo are often permitted to see in a
minor part. Airs. Robson is wholly ndmir-
able as Kvc. Miss Benton is eminently
artistic us Clara , and thu samu wortl applies
lo Allss May ns Bclln. Mrs. AlcKcan is
Airs. Alouser , and the requirements of Katy
nro fully mot by Aliss Iluyck. At all points
Air. Robson nnd l\is \ company of players'
presentation of "The Bachelors" Is ndmlr-
nblo und particularly refreshing to the theatergoer
ter-goer who seems torccd nt times to regard
tbo stage as un institution of possibilities
rather than realizations.
Soniotliliii ; Good ,
I have sold and used in my family for sev
eral years Chamberlain's , Colic , Cholera ,
and Diarrhoea remedy , nnd have found it
ono of llio most useful and satisfactory rem
edies I over handled. C. II. Lewis , druggist ,
Salt Luke City , Utah.
Aealnut thn Sqmittors.
The Board of Health hold a short session
yesterday afternoon , but no business was
Commissioner Somors will , at the next
meeting of the board on Wednesday , ask for
authority to ovlci the squatters living down
near the electric light plant and on the Jones
streut'dump. Dr. Somcrs thought thnt with
the assistance of the railway companies whc
own some of the land the district down there
could bu cleared of the squalid sotllurs , Con
tinuing , the doctor said that ho considered
tlio residents of that locality n mcnncu to the
health of the city , first on account of tlielt
llltliy condition , and secondly on account ol
their circulating through the city and
mingling with people up town ,
Tlio commissioner wns in favor of sorvitifi
notices next month to each resident.ordering
him to vacate within three months. This
matter will bo fully considered sometime
when there Is u full board present.
Dr. Chambers snys : "Good champagne
oxhlllnrutcs and repairs waste. Cook's Kxtra
Dry Imperial is perfectly pure ,
Hut lie in .tilnHlni ; .
Charles Davis , n former employe of Count
Pulaiikl and recently hired by Siwerl , Ihe
poundmustcr , to catch dogs , is missing. He
went away from homo two weeks ago for a
day's hunt over in Iowa , und since then hue
not been heard from. Saturday tbo dog
which accompanied Davis returned homo , ii
total wreck und e-ompletoly covered with
blood. This alarmed the family , and thov
feared foul piny. The police don't tnko mucli
stock In tho. story , bocnuscT there is u war-
ruut out for Davla' arrest for larceny.
Beatrice Capitalists to Have a Round with
the Trust.
Work to Commence n * Soon n * the Hrn < on
Oprni Members of the Democrat lo
IMIturlnl Amnclntlon lnSo -
uliiti nt Lincoln.
Kob. , Doc. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hr.K. ] The requisite nmount of
capital hns been subscribed for tlio early
bullillng of n largo distillery In this city.
The preliminary negotiations have been con
cluded and the plant will bo located hi the
southern part of the city , near the river.
Work on tbo plntit will begin ns soon ns the
building season opens.
rAHMiiis : IN MSSIO.V. :
Several Hundred DclrRntri Mret ntdrntnl
lolnnd to Dltrnss lln lne < < i ,
GtiANn Ist.Axn , Neb. , Dec. IS ) . [ Special
Telegram to Tun Her. . ] Local hotels are
rapidly being tilled with delegates to the
farmers' convention. Among those to nrrlvo
today are : President .T. II. Powers of Cor
nell , Secretary J. M. Thompson of Lincoln ,
n. V. Allen of Wabash , chairman of execu
tive committee , nnd S. C. Puiri-htld nnd
W. R Wricbt , assistant state lecturer.
Secretary Thompson has opened headquar
ters in tbo leading hotel , and Is busy taking
credentials nnd signing railroad tickets
issued on tlio cert Idea tn plan.
Tonight nn infornul meeting wns held In
the parlors of the Palmer botiso for discuss
ing mutual insurance methods. It was pre
sided over by Sam I.icbty of Falls City nnd
,1. O. Swlgnrt , secretary of the Stnto
Cyclone company , organized tinder tbo
auspices of the alllanco. The discussion
lusted until midnight , tbo sense of the meet
ing being to further their activity In the line
of Insurance and organizing mutual compa
nies in counties for lire and lightning nnd a
stnto company for cyrlonc , etc. Tomorrow-
Is in reality the opening day. About ! 20t ) of
tbo MX ) delegates expected nro In the city.
Valparaiso I'jlblans Kntrrtiiln.
VALPARAISO , Neb. , Dec. 1 ! ) . [ Special to
Tun BIB. : ] Lily lodge No. MO , Knights of
Py thins , of this city held their first animal
reception , banquet and ball Saturday ni ht ,
and , although the night was stormy , there
was n largo attendance. The reception was
held in the loilgo room , nnd nu interesting
program was rendered. The address of wel
come wns delivered by Prof. S. 15. Clark ,
and responded to by Qrand-Mnstor-nt-Arins
Sackott of Omaha , who gave a short history
of the order.
Toasts were responded to ns follows : "Tho
Pythian Press , " Colonel Sissom , editor of tbo
Knight's Jewel nt Omaha ; "Uniform Rank , "
General Hotchkiss , and "Lily Lodge No.
MO , " Colonel Bcchtol , The speeches were
all made in a happy strain and Interspersed
libcr.tlly with music by an orchestra from
Lincoln nnd a double quartet composed of
home talent. iMisscs Alary Hosello nnd Inez
Lattln contributed some excellent recita
tions. At tbo conclusion of the reception n
tableau was given , showing the , the
devil and his imps , etc. , which created much
A grand banquet was spread in the dining
room of the Lindcll. The ball was given in
the dporn house and was participated in by u
largo number. The whole entertainment
was n success and highly appreciated by all
who wcro present.
1'onca'ft \ \ ortbless Wnlvr Worlts.
PONCA , Nob. , Docv 1U. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The Poncawater works have
been the source of considerable annoyance to
both the contractors and tlio citizens. When
lirst put in opcraiion it wns found that
almost every Joint of the piping leaked nnd
would have to be soldered. After this was
done tbo cement in tbo reservoir dissolved
nnd n now coat became necessary. This wns
put on and pumping was again resumed until
this morning , when the wall of the reservoir
around the main gave way and the water
went tearing down the strcot. No damage
wns done further than to tlio system.
I'urclinxed the 1'npor
BCATKICE , Nob. , Deo. 1'J. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bui ! . ] The Beatrice paper mill
property , which has been in litigation for a
conplo of years past , was sold this afternoon
ut sheriff's sale to tlio Bolsit Iron company
of Belsit , Wis. , which is a largo creditor of.
the concern for $10G07. It is understood
that tbo property was bought in by this company /
pany for a well known paper mnnufacturci
from Pennsylvania , and that the mill will be
put In active operation early next spring.
HurKlarx at ralrinont.
FAIRMONT , Neb. , Dec. 19. [ Speela.1 Tele
grain to THE BUB. ] The real estate otHeo ol
George Maxflold and Justice of the Peace J
G. McFaddcn was visited by burglars lasl
night and everything plundered. The
thieves forced a window in the south end ol
the building nnd went through all the desks
but found nothing but papers. It is though
the thiovcs are the same who robbed the
postoftico when it occupied the building ant
that they had not learned of the removal.
NubriiNka's Dentil Itoll.
TABLE HOCK , Nob. , Dec. 19 , [ Special Tele
gram toTin : BEE. ] Mr. B. J. Baldwin diet
very suddenly last night of apoplexy. Hi
has lived hero almost nlone for the pas !
sovcn years and Avas about 05 years of age
lie complained of headache , became snd
dfcnly unconscious and expired in n fev
hours. His two sons happened to bo present
nnd hastily summoned a physician , but to (
late to bo of any service.
Injured \VbIlo Cuaatlnpr.
PLATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Dec. 19. [ Special t (
THE BEE. ] Dan Atwood , the 15-ycar-oli
son of S. H. Atwood of this city , while coast
ing last night wns struck by a traverse und
thrown upon bis head. Ho remained in i
comatose condition for twenty-four hours
No bones wcro broken , and ho is rapidly re
covering. _
For coughs and throat disorder us <
Brown's Bronchial Troches. "Havo novci
changed my mind respecting them , except . '
think butter of thnt which I began by thlnl
ing well of. " Kov. Henry Ward Becchci
Sold only in boxes ,
The discovery by Dr. Price
of a new process for extract
ing from the true fruits their
natural flavor will be of
inestimable value and benefit
to the consumers of flavoring
extracts. By this process the
flavoring principle of the fruit
employed is brought out so
perfectly that when used to
flavor cakes , creams , etc. , it
imparts the delicate and
. delicious taste of the fruit
itself. Thousands of pounds
of the costly Mexican Vanilla
Bean are annually consumed
in the manufacture of Dr.
Price's Delicious Extract of
Vanilla , Ladies , try Dr.
Price's flavors if you wish
nice desserts. You will never
be disappointed in their use.
Best Cure For
All disorders of the Throat nnd
Lungs is Ayor'a Ch'crry I'cctoraK
It has no equal as n cougli-curo.
"When I wan n boy , 1-lmil a bronchial
trouble of such n persistent nnd stub *
born diameter , thaf ljo ; doctor pro *
nottnccd It Incurable vrltli ordinary
remedies , but rcconfmcnded 1110 to try
Ayor's Cherry , ' I did so , nnil
one bottle cured mo , . IJor tlio last fifteen
years , I Imvo used this preparation with
good effect whenever I take n bad cold ,
nnil I know of numbers of people who
keep It In the hottso nil the time , not
considering It .info to ho without it , "
J. C.-VVoodson , I'.M. , Forest Hlll.W.Vn.
"For tnoro than t\vcnty-flvo years , 1
wna n stifTorcr from lung trouble , at
tended with coughing so severe nt times
ns to causn hctuorrhngo , tlio paroxysms
Ireqijcntly Inatlng tlirco or four hours ,
I wns Induced to try Ayor's Cherry Pec
toral , nnd nftcr inking four bottles , wns
thoroughly cured.--Franz Hoffman ,
Clay Centre , Kans.
La Crippe
"Last spring I wns tnkon down with
In grippe. At times I wan completely
prostrated , nml so dlfllruU was my
lircnthlng tlmt my seemed ns If
confined hi nn Iron cngc. I procured n
bottle of Ayer's Cherry 1'cctoral , mid
no sooner hnd I bognn taking It than
relief followed. I could not believe thnt
tbo effect would bu so rapid nnd tbo
euro so complete.V. . II. Williams ,
Cook City , S. Dale.
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Un .
Hold by nil DrugKlnU. I'rlcc $1 ; six bottles , $5.
Prompt to act , sure to cure
for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watet
| & © © © © © ' © " © © ©
If you Imvo jrnlnrln , Vlle-s , Sick Head-
Audio , Cost I vn Itouc-ls , ] > iunl > A gnu oi-Q
if j our fooil loc-s not iMslml ! lit o ,
I will euro trnubh-s. JJuso small. \
1'ricc , nc. Olllce. at ) Turk 1'Iarc , N. Y.
An ordlnanco lovylnK a spcclal'tax aii'l assess.
ment on certain lots and real estate tn the
city of Omalm , to cover the full cost of grad
ing Grant street from : ! lst street to .Mtl
strcot : and thueiast alloy rnnnlni : north and
south In block ! , Idlcwlld ,
Whereas. IthnvliiK been and bolns hereby nil-
judged , determined and established that the
several lots and pieces of real estate herein i-
after referred to have each been specially bono
, fitted to the full amount herein levied ana asses -
ses ed aiwmst ouch ot said lots and pieces ol
real estate , respectively , by reason of the
tradlnRof that part of Ur nt street from ' 'Isl
atroHt to 21th street ; and cast ulloy running
north and Honlli In block 3 Idlowlld addition
done under contract with Lamoroanx tires
! & KttlnKfr.
Thercforo for the purpose of paying the ful
cost of such cr.idlnc :
lie It ordnlnud by tlio city oounoll of thoclty
Section 1. That the full costof grading thai
part of Grant strout. in tbo city of Omahu.froit
-1st street to U4th street ; and o int iiiloy li
block , Idlowlld add. , said Rradlnz helm ; done
nndor contract with Iinnioreaux Hroiliors A
ICttlncor , S'lldfull cost Iielng the sum of J112.fi7
be nnd the same Is hereby levied nnd assessed
according to special benollls by reason of sab
for grading upon the rollowltu lots am
real estate as shown bv the irimerally rccog.
nlzod map of the city of Omaha , lltliograplieil
nnd published by Mulr A ; Gaylord in Ih'Jl , salt
cost being so levied on said lots and real estate
respectively , as follow * , to-wlt :
A lux itlddlo ll 1 blk 1 Foster's add } ll 1' '
It II Willis It2 blk I n i ;
Jnoo winis it : i blk i 11 r
/.Ion lluptlst Church It 4 blk 1 " 10 0
Uharles lOHbaw It.lblkl 10 U :
IjTSpaiiKlurltGblk 1 inn
John H IlarberR It 7 bile 1
W51 FosterltSl-lkl
Byron Hood 111) ) blk 1
WM Foster It 10 blk 1
da Itllhlkl
Sarah Anlsorow nH It 1 blk8
KM 1'ark mid H It 1 blk 3
Samnul I'rnyn K It 1 blk 3
Oeo Hammond e3IU ft It 2 bile 3
J tnrdlok wlHi ? ftlfJblka
do olUJi ft It 3 blk : i
Martha W West oili : ! ft of w37 > i ( t
ltihlkU :
Martha Hall nOU ft It3 bile 3
do oJH4blli ! ;
Win V llenson wM It 4 blk 3
do o M ft US blk3
Joseph Z llrlscco w31U ft of i-IITli
ft It 5 bill 3 "
Win V Ilonson I2 > .J ft It.'i blki :
do olSM ft ItO blk : i
Charles A Wusner W3IU ft It fi b3"
JohnU Wllllaltl blku Idlowlld add
do H2blka
W II Vlnoiar It 3 blk 2
Win Kltlddollltl blk 3 ' '
l < H Io\vo It , 5 bile 2
do ItOblKa I' ' i
John O Willis It 7 blk 3
do H8blU2
Il77.1o ! li Sainpsom ItUblUS '
1230 A Ho iitland It 10 b\K3 \
Cburlua Impey it 11 blk 2' ' ' '
J II Loomlsltlliblk : . ' ' '
JohnG Willis It IS blk 3 i 4.
do ll 19 blk 2 , „ , i ; <
do It SJ blk 2 , . , , r
WmM Foster lot "A" at n'o per Grant
and 2Uh stH Footer's ad'if ; ' " ' .
JnoO WIlllSBlllifttax lot-ll'ion
- 10 bfl 0
JaniL-a A llrown sub lot 4 tix : > Iot 4'1 BOO 10 3 7
I'Vanc-lslO .MillnrBiib It n taxlot < : 6co 10 3 7
UlaraM Orumni HUbltSiiax toU sue W 0 ( i
JasM Wuld silt ) Iot7 tax lot J'ftoo 1U. , . , 107
Quo tiNuBon aiiblot 8 lax.Jot.fua 10 74
Total .V..Ts JliSO
Section 2. Tnat tUu upsclul-taxes nnd iisauai.
inemtH lovled ami ussoiau.l 'usl aforesaid , stial
be dtielmmedlutuly upon thopawayo and ap
proval of this ordinance , and snail becomu de
linquent If not paid within llfty iluya tbercatter
and thereupon interest Blnill bo uililoil ut tin
ruto of one per cent a month , tmynblutnnd
vnnce from ttie tlmo said taxes become so do
Ht-otlon : L Tint thl * ordlmvnvo slntll t-iki
otfocs und bo In force from und uftor Its pass
I'a November Uth , WJ2.
Actlna President Oily CuuuolL
Approved November ajlh UIK. .
UEO. l . IIEMI8 , .
Thenbovo tax is now duo nnd payitblo'a
thootllce of the city treasurer , and will bvccnui
dellnipjent und bear Interest on and ufto
Juimury SJth , 18J3 , asb en Iniootlun i ! uf ubuv <
Ulty Trouauror ,
To tlioownors ot the lots , p-\rts of Ion unft
ronl c.slnlo nlmtllnft on-rrmOjaornt In llio
streets , nlloys or n omiis herein nnmoil or
Mtttnteul In whole or In part within an.r of
the district * heroin aoooillixl ;
You nnrt oncli of yon nro hereby notified
trim the oily council ot the ellr k * Omnlm will
sit ns n Henri ) ut hcUMUtitlon. ] ia the olllco of
the city olork. In the o.ty ball , Umnhn , So
braska. on Frldnv. tho231 duvol December ,
1MB. from t ) o'clock n. m. toflnMen-k p. tu. , for
the purpose ot considering nml cqunlltliu the
promised lovyofspoolalttixesnnd Assessments
ns shown by Proposed I'lnnsetf Assessment"
now on llio In the olllco of si ld city clerk , and
correcting nny errors therein , and of hearing
nil coinplnlnls that the owners of property so
to bo nssessod and taxed may miilio : s-ild
special taxes and asje-asinonts proposed to bo
luvlod coins neeeMiuy to cover the costof the
aovi-rnl Improvements duly nulhorltod to bo
made nnd now completed , n * follow" * :
To o-jvor the cost of pavlnx and curbing
Onss street , from Sid street ti ; " 4th street. In
street improvement district No. 4.10. saul p v <
Ing nmountlmt to thu sum of II.S31S ! ) . and said
curbing to the sum of W1I.70. which stld sums
It n proposed , by a rupert duly adopted by
the olty council , toassesson the real ustnloou
uacn Hide of UHSS strcot , from 2M to 21th
street , according to foot front.r.'o nnd the usual -
ual scaling Inck process In eleipth lo alloy : no
assessment for cnrhltiz to bu made wcit n [ 23d
street as thoi-urb there was laid by private
parties. Itato per foot for paving , Ji > .4 ( > 'Jli
rate per foot for curbniK 10.0.13.U
Tocovor the costof p.-ivlnt l.owo avenue ,
from Hamilton stri-ot lo .Morcer avenue. In
paving district No.2IX1. . amounting to I lie sum
uf t ' ' .Mil.i2 ! , which aald It proposedby a
roportdulv ndnnted by thu city oounoll , to
assess on llio roul I' latu on each side of l.owo
avonuc. from-Hamilton street to Mercer nv-
cnnc. according to foot frontaeo and the
usual scallnK back process In depth to crnter
of block or Ut alloy. Kato per foot. J4.2r.2I7.
Tbo cost of prlvato npnroacli , amounting to
tliosum of of } ss.fi04. to uo assessed to llio real
estate adjoining.
To cover the cost of pavlntr Commercial
street , from Sherman nvuiitio to With street. In
paving district No. 2.Y ) , mmuintlni !
to thosilm of Ji3.ll3.09 , which M.ild Is
proposed , by a rupert duly adopted by thu
olty council. toiissos < i pro rata on the rout es
tate on unch sldo of Commercial struet , from
Sherman avcnuo toVOth street , according to
foot fronttigo nnd the usual sciilinz back pro
cess In depth from street 132 feat , not uxccod-
ln Iho ci-ntor ot biooki Provided , thai 110 foul
shall bo diMliictcd on the frontage of tax lot
-M , enst of Commercial street. Unto pur foot.
* J.4IO " . The cost of private roadwtiy.amount
ing to the sum of $4X04. to bo aa-iosseil to tlio
ronl catato adjolulnsr.
To uuvur thn costof pavlnz and curblnv : 22nd
streut from I'oiiploton avenue to the south
line of tax lot : n ! In street Improvement dis
trict No. 47. ' , amnunilnx to the .sum of } < . IM III ) .
which said sum It U proposed by a report oulv
adopted by the city council to assess on tbo
real nstato pro ruti : , on each side of ' . ' 2nd
street from I'opnlcton tivunuc to south linn of
tax lot ill ) , acconltni to foot frnntavo und Iho
usual scnlliiK b.ick piocoss In depth from
Ktreut 1:12 : feet. Uato per foot. JiLSMI. Thu cost ,
of private rondw < y amountlni : lo the HIIIII of
JlU-.Tl ) to bu assessed to the real estate adjoin
ing.Tocovor the cost of paving and curblna
i-pcncer strcot from Shormini avenue to Sltli
ulreut lust root Imurovomunt district No. 4'0.
iimonntlns to tl.ohum of ifl.S707t ! * > . which said
sum It IB proposed by n report dill v adopted
by thoelty council , to nssus pro ralit on thu
real i-stato on both sides of Kponcei-btreot
fromShurmnn avonno to 24th street , accord
ing to foot , frontage and Iho usual so-illn- ;
bauk process In depth lo the alley or 134
feel. Kato per foot. JI.207M.
To cover llio cost of paving and ciirblnc Cth
strool from Pierce street to Hickory street ,
in street Improvement district No. I-M.
amonnllnK to the .sum of ? 15.lii.G7 ) : , which said
sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted
by tlio elty council , to assess as follows : The
c.-ost of private roadway , ninnuntlni ; to the
sum of } 13.\,82. to bo assessed on tax lot No.
; i. Thu romalnlni ; eost lo bo assessed pro rata
on tbo property on both sides of Cth street
from I'lerco street to IllcUor.v street , accord-
\i\3 \ \ to Iho foot frontiiijo and the usual
sualliiK back process to depth ot dis
trict as croatnil. That part of tax lot 3
between the two private roiulwr > .VH not to bo
assessed for curbing as the owner put this
curb In at his own uxponso. Unto per foot for
pavln-$1.27107 : for curbing W.71323.
To cover tno cost of pavln ? In alloy In block
13 , city. In street Improvement district No. 497.
amounting to the sum of SI.4UI.I4. whluh said
sumlt U proposed by a report duly adopted
by thoclty council to assess pro ratuon both
slues of the nlloy In htook 13 , accordlns to foot
frontline and the usual scaling buck process
to the depth of ono lot. Kate per foot , f2.5-'j4.
To cover the cost anU inspection for laying
permanent sldo wallet laid br l-'ord & Huso
amounting to the sum of I , B32.0 < X which said
sum it 1 < proposed by a report du.y adopted
by the city council to assess on the real estate
alone which said walks are laid , as follows :
N20M ft lot 5 blk 10 Olty $ 358 %
H4-5 lotSbllc 10 " 311 tti
IfOtOblle 10 " J l 02
Lot 7 blk 70 ' 47H Kl
Lot 8 blk 70 " 20922
N 03 ft lot 4 blk 73 45088
S 14 lot I blk 74 - 247 27
N J4 lot 8 blk'Jl " 202 7J
Lot S blk IDS " 237 iM
Lot 4 blk 172 " IW ) Ul
Lot I blk 7 Jerome Park H , " > 21) )
Lot 2 blk 7 " li.-i M )
Lot 3 blk 7 " 0 SO
Lot 10 blk 10 West Knd Add 87 2t
Lot 11 blk 10 " G'JVi '
Total S2.P J OC
Tocovor the coat of constructing a sewer In
sewer district No. 10'J , amounting to tlio sum
of $1,787.73 , wblch sum It Is proposed by a re
port duly adopted bv Hie city council to as
sess on thu real estate along said sewer pro
iratn , according to foot front-i o and thu usual
BcallnK back process. In dupth from street one
lot : provided , that corner lots bavins sewer
constructed on two shies shall be assessed for
the longer sldo only. Hate per foot , $ l.oi9)7. : )
To cover tbo cost of sow ; r , curbing and stut
tering , ana pnVliiKontbo Hontn ouo-half of
north 218 feet of east 28 foot of lot 3 , Capitol
iaddition , amounting to the sum of $211101) ) ,
which said sum , It Is proposod. by a report
duly adopted by the city council , to nssoss on
f the south one-half of the north 218 feet of east
o 28 feet of lot No. 3tJ.ipltol addition.
it You are further notified tbatsald "Proposed
K Plau of Assessment" are now subject to the
! inspection and examination of any of llio
owners of said lots , parts of lots or plucus ot
rent citato , or thu Inspection or examination
of nny other person interested In sain pro-
posea assessments , at thu olllco of sulii city
olcrk. and that by a report of a commlttou of
Raid council duly adopted , It Is proposed that
it unless for good nnd sulllolcnt cause It may bu
n othorwlso ordered and determined , that the
n costof said Improvements respeetlvaly bo as-
c aessed on the several lots , parts of lots and
pieces of ronl estate as shown by said pro
posed plans of assessment.
Von , and each of you. are hereby notified to
appear before suld Hoard of Kiiuallzatlun at
thu tlmo and place above specified , to make
any complaint , statement , or objuutlon you
desire concerning nny or said proposed luvlus
and assessment ! ! of special taxes.
Olty CHnrk.
Oinnlm. Nob. Tlecoiiibor 14th. ISi. ! dlSM7t
To the owners of all lots and parts of lots-
nnd real estate along Howard street and rit
Mury'.s uvunue , from IGth street to 21st street ,
und Inturhcctlnx streets :
You nro hereby notlllod that llio undor-
slRiicd , Ihrco disinterested freeholders of the
city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by
the mayor. , with the approval of the city coun
cil of said city , to assess the damiiKo to the
owners respectively of the property affected
by changing the grade of said uircets and In-
torsectlim streets , declared necessary by or-
dlnunco 159 , passed 1'ebrnary 4 , Ib'Jl , ap
proved l-'obruary 9 , 1891.
You nro further notified , Hint having ac
cepted Mild appointment , and duly qnullllcd a'
inquired by law , wo will , on the U7th day o !
December , A. I ) , , 1B912 , at the hour of 1 ]
o'clock In thu forenoon , at the
Jlct'iillocb , room H4'J , Now York Ilfo building
within the corporate limits of said city , mcei
for the purpose of cnnsldrrlnK nnd mauliiK the
nsKi'ssment of damage to thu nwnois insjicc-
lively of bnld property , nlVocted by said
clmnKO of Rrado , taking Into fon.sldentlloi
special bi'iieflts , If any ,
You are notllicd to bo present at the time
and pliioo aforesaid , nnd innko nny object lon >
toorstatomentsconcernlmisald assessment ol
ditmiiBos us you may consider proper.
Committee of Appraisers ,
Oinolia.Bccoinlicrlil.189a , Dl-idlOt
Is unsurpassed in the
ticatmentof all
and nil IlM'ii ( .jt
18 years experience.
WriUi for circulars
nnd question Hat free ,
14tli arid Karnatn Hta. ,
Uinalm , Neb
lor tlio H llv ry < il lr to tlio tll ;
oroinulm for thu Yfur IKOil ,
Sealed lililu will bo received at the ell ;
comptroller's olllco up to 4 o'clock p. in. , He
com bor 871 li , IH'J. ' , for the delivery of Ice to tin
oltv of Omiiha for tbo year 18 ! ) I. Ccrtlllei
ohcekof fifty (150) ( ) dollars to iicco/ : . puny oucl
hid , The rUht Is reserved to reject nnv or ill
bids. TIIEO. OhsKN ,
Umaho , December 17th , 16'jl , Comptroller.
_ _ _
l'oiindiiuiiiter'8 Xotlee ,
Tjiipnunded on thu 17th of December
one red lielfcr , about two yuan * old , If not tu
deemed bald lielfer will bo sold at publlu uuu
tlon December U7 , at 10 o'clock u. in. , u
'Jlstand Lcavfiiworth btruets. In the ulloy.
JOHN Bl'OKHL , I'ouudmustor.
FUR , all Kinds ,
Finest in the World ,
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
An ordinance lovylnKii spoclal tax and assess
ment on curtain lots- and real estate In t'io
city of Omaha , to cover thu full co-it of ( iriul-
Inir l.ith street from V'lnton Htreot to nnrlli
line of Oak Hill addition No. U. lu grading
dislrlct No. : i7.
Whereas , It hnvlnp beotl and being
he ruby. Adjudged , determined nml ei
tabllshed that the Hevenu lota and
pieces of real o-itato hereinafter re
ferred lo , have oich been specially bonelltted
to thn full nmount herein levlo.l mid assessed
agiillibtcachof said lots and plnces of leal us-
Into , respectively , by reason of Iho ( ; r.ulliK ) ( it
that part of ijth street trom Vlntun street to '
north Oak Hill audition . i' . In grielln. : dis
trict No. 7 , done under contract with O. A. I
Juni-on. ' i
Thernforo , for the purpose of paying the full I
costof such Ki'adlnp. |
liu it ordained by the city council of thoclty of
Omiilni ;
Section 1. That the full cost of sradliiK that
part or istli street , in tin ; city of Omaha , from
Vlntun street to north line O.ik Illll a-iilltfun
No. - ' , In uradlnz district. No. : ir. suld grading
botng done under contract nlthC. A.lensin ,
said lull cost hcma thu nm of HOIM.bu and
the sanm Is lieruby levied and assessed , accord-
In i to special bencllls by mason of satit grad
ing , upon thu following lots nnd real otate as
sliown by tlio generally rei o nl/.ed map of the
city ot'Onmlm. lIUionrupiiMcl and imnilshud by
JlnliW Gnylord in IMII , .said cost beliiKSo levied
on said lots and real ojtulo , respectively , AS
follows , to wit :
Anna M G McCornilck ot al
ol.V ) ft It 1 bile 8 Door Park JM 17
do o50 ! ft ItSblU 8 (17 ( 03
do elfl'Jft It ; ) blk H UT ui :
do el.M ) ft , It4 DllcH ( > 7 Oil
uo el50ftlt : . blk 8 (17 ( _ _
do eil'jOft HO blk8 U7 O.J
do eil.lOft It T blk g 07 Kl
do ol.V ) ft ItS bll ; B : Ii7 03
do elM ft It U blk 8 (17 ( HI
AilttiistCioIsaleTUiJO ft It UulkS " 0702
\ M G MuCurmlck ot al
ol.Vlft It 11 blk 8 " 0702
do oI50 ft It U' blk 8 " (17 ( l
do ol.V ) ft HI blk U " OS 43
do elM ft 112 blk ! ) ( UK2
do ol.V ) ft It 3 blk I ) " ( i'J8-J '
do elM ft It 1 blk U C ! ) W
do ol.riflft HiiblkU " O1. ) hide
do ol. > ) ft ItOblk ! ) ' II ! ) K !
du uir > ) ft 117 blk ! ) H ! ) h2
do oi-0 ft It H 1)11,0 ( DS2
do eilM ft ttllhlle 1) ) " ( i ! ) b. )
M O Maul w40 ft It 4 Drexel & Maul's add : il V8
M.ius Mortunsen It & K\ \
do UU 111) ) 7il
.M O Maul It 7 ll h7
do ItB 111 ft !
do w 10 ft It U M Ul
do wmtltlO 'M 01
do It 17 41) O.'l
do U18 im n
du It II ) lit ) 7C
do It iO fill 1C
do will ft It 21 111 28
.1 1' M Ahruns wlf ftlt ? Klsoloa sub ( II 41
Anton O Hrelbiis wlMftltB 0141
JneobKopi ) wl.Wft Ita 01 it
Anton 0 Urolbns vrl.VI ft It 10 ' Ul 4 !
do wlfiOftltll 01 41
Mlchaol Kopp wlftO ftlt a " ( il 41
II Klsolo olMft lot lit Ul 41
John .Shot-book nlM ft. It U " (1141 (
lcoV Kox ul.VJ ft It 15 0141
Kruii I'lorson elM ft ll 18 01 41
John Vlclc 0150 ftlt 17 61 44
do elf > 0 ftlt 18 III 41
John Krersuhvl.Vj ft It B Io\vla sub M IT
Albert K l-uwh wlWi ft It 0 M
do wiliOflltlO. " ns 05
Fritz Mtmmormun wl--U ft It 11 M ll.'i
MFx : Stablber , ' WIM ) ft. It 13 DS IB
Albert K I.awls wl.VJ ft It III fH 05
do wKOftltll " ta bl
Sebastian llluni'io wlW ) ft It 7
Mnullorfc lllumlo'a add Cl 41
Annall Kllnkowl.VJftlta - (1141 (
! ' AfThuoDulisu wlSO ft ItO III 44
Johaiin Doliao wlSOftll ID r > l 41
do wIMHUl II 111 4'
do wIMfllHU " 01 43
Sebastian llltunbe ul.VJ ft It 13 til 45
do elM ) ft It li " Gl 45
do oliJft It 15 Gl 44
Henry fc'ehroenor ol50 ft It in 11141
Mueller & Illninbo ol5Uftlti7 Cl 44
du elMUHIS 01 41
Adallno McCnlloch It 1 Mottor'a sub f.S f..H .
\VuItorlHulUoy If. 6358
Frank Uoijuru olj Ita 41 54
W'.i 113 " It ) 5 ! )
WiuKUiirlhorteAmitt 17 io
M II ( loblo wl5U Hli It Id Oknhoma ZU 40
Mlclniol llarry wisjftnl'i It 10 - Kit ) 41
O O Lai-sen ot al wl.VJ b''J ' ft It 17 I'MJl
U Ityurnatiii w5) ! ft nu1. ) ft of
bllH ft it 17 " iM 24
John Klshor wIM ft nlJJ ft It 17 " 181 ;
II N I'utcrsim w5u ft It U7
ti K Kuxars' platof Qkahonm 181 X !
do wlVlftitii : " 181 ua
8 n Uoxora wlf.O ft. It il1. ) l l 111
John I'Tlmimui 40 lt > 4 : u
Mary M Dibble \vl..U tilt 11 " Mill.
Alalfmlal'OdoU wr.Uftlt43 ' - ' Ittl itj
Itultub Jotter uMJ | ft nllJ ft 1141 1M GO
Jacob IbullcK-OUBllofl
ofu-'Oftltll 15'J CO
Iliutns Jettor llM ft f V > ft
eifiiV7iitlt 41 70 SO
Daniel Franz o50 ftstiO ft
of iiXnitlt'l 6376
Margaret Fax elM ft nM ) ft
of Hift U 41 " C38S
John II McMahnn
0150 ft of t.55 ft It 41 " 7081
Oinulia Horse Hy Co ul.VJ ft It 45 " WtU
U UK iHworlbuirflftof ir.lKftH40" ) S7ll ! ' . ' <
II UDuvrlusol.VJftof s'D ftlt 4tl V7 IH
do ulSOftlt47 " 307 n
Juinos 1'luuiiury ut ul elM ) ft
uDiftltia 708 }
Kasmus UasninssRii
clJftlt7bK ) Uogcrs1 add 21119
Oinulm llorsit Ity Uu
w.-.l flof ut50ft , It7 " 6413
A Schlpporolt w i f i It M Sclilpnoroli'ssub 17 70
do It 4 fiS M
do US 5551
do ItG f > 5 54
Esther Gaunhur It 7 53 M
uo 118 0554
do Hi ) 0554
do WL'Iftltli ) 1770
Onthrlno Lohlulneljj ftHiib lt/1 tax lot
" 10757
Joseph l.u.s uljU ft sub lot 'J tax lot 21) )
see Ill-n-l.l . . , , . f,9 2
Julius Ac u enl o53 ! ftsnb loti ; tax lot
Total } ! ) .oii ; 8 *
Foctlon if. That s.ild special taxes levied
aforesaid , em said lota respectively , Bhall become -
como dolltuiuoiit as follDWo ; unu-tanthul the
total amount MI levied on each of H.ilil lots shall
become eK-lliuiucnt in IIfly days from the pas-
age and approval of this ordinance , one-tenth-
In om < year , one-teiitn in tu o years , onu-tenth
in three yo.ii-r : , one-tjnth In four years , one-
tenth In llvo your.- ) , onu-tenth In six years , onu-
Kiiitlilns.iven yo.irs , onu-tentli In olght years ,
one-tenth In nine years lifter said levy , and Ue-
iiiK from thu p.isiiiito and approval of this or-
dldance. lincliuf said installments , except the
lirst , shall draw Interest at the rate ot II par
cent per annum from the tlmo of thn levy
aforesaid , until tlie HIUUU shall become delin
quent. Intiire.-t at the ratii of I per cent per
mouth , payable In advance , nhall lie paid on
each dollniiueiit Instnllment.
Section.'I. That the entire amount of tax so
levied nnd assessed on any of said lots may
bo paid by the owner of any lot , or the ontlra
equal pro nitiinroportloii of said tax on nny oC
siild loU , may bo paid oy nny person on nny
part of said lots within llfty days from mid
levy , and thereupon sa d lots or parts of lots ,
shall bo exempt trom ivuy Hen or charge thoro-
Section I. That this ordlnanro shall take ef
fect and bo tn force from and after its passago.
Passed NovomljurlUtb. Wl.
Olty Clerk.
A ( ! . KDWAllDS.
Acting I'roshieiit of Olty Council
Approved November : i tli , 1SW.
Oio. I' . IIUM18.
TJio above tax is now duo nnd payable at th
olllco of tlio city treasurer and will become elo-
llniiucnt auil bear Interest it ) aeon In uectlou No.
L' of abuvo ordluuuce.
City Treuauror.
You are hereby notllicd thnt the iltuhu--
nniiil. three disinterested freeholders of tbo
city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by
Iho mayor , with the npprovnl of the city couu-
cllof haldclty , to assess the dama o to the
owners reihpectlvuly of the property ull'ecled
brKi-adlnx Hhlrley bttent fi-om 'Jbth strout to
j'Jtb ' avnnni ) , declared necessary by ordlnnnco
No. ) ! ) , passed July i0 ! , 1BUL' , and approved
Von tire furthnr nollfied , thnt having nc-
Cdpled halt ! npliiiliiliminl , and duly ( | Uiiillloil
iequlieil by law , \\o will , on thuKI ! day of
December , A. I ) . 1HU12 , nt thu hour of
III the fmrnoon , ill the olllco of ] ( , \V . ( illsou ,
room U1U , Now York I < lfo linllillii' ' , within thu
corporal o II ml t of mild city , meoi , for the pur-
uf ilnmaKO li ) the OWIIUI-H respect I vuly ofululd
properly , nllVctril by said grading , takln ; { nto
cunslderallon Miedal licnclllH , If any.
Von aio not illtMl to bu present at the tlma
ami pliii-o nfoiualil , and nmku nny olJitlon ; *
lootMati.'miJiitH concornliig wild nssimmont
of dnmuijes us you may ronsldor piopur.
H. W. ( J1IIKUN.
W. II. OATKrf.
Notion of Asii-mmtmt of Iluiuucei fur
OhiniBii of ( Irailis
To the owners of all Jots or pirlnof : lota on
Howard street , from Wth Htreut tu Ulat
ttrcot :
You are liorohy notlflRd thnt the iinilor-
blsnod , thfcodlslntei-u-iloJ freuholiluis of tno
oily of Uniah i , havubuiinduly appolntod by
thu mayor , w th thu pnroval of thoclty connell -
ell of sulil olty , to nsii.btho ( iiitniiKii to tbo
owners rospoetlvuly of the projxtrty atVuetud
by thuchaiiKu of LIidu of u.ilil Hlrcet , dijelnred
noL-ehsary jLy ordlnanco Nix IBS , iiiBat-d August
Ulb , Ih-J. , aniioveid An ml llth. 1HJJ.
' You are further iiullllud that having no
cuptud mid uuiioiiitinuni , anil duly mm 'III ' ml
us roijulroil by law , wo will , on thu L'Ul day u
Dei-ember , A , I ) . , Ib9. ' , at the hour ol 10 aVlocte
In thn foionoun , ac the olllco of hlirlvur
ftO'Donahou , HOI I'arnuin street , within the
co'ponito limits of ttuldcliy , n eel for tbo nur-
pose of coiiblileriiu and nrikliri thu assosa-
munt of duma-u to thu owners rospoetlvuly uf
mild property , iilfooted by said uhaiiKu ot
urado. taking IntocuiiHlJerullonupeulul bunu-
II u. If any.
You are notlflec. tn bo present at the tlma
nnd plavu aforuald , und nmko any objection *
to or statements conoarnliu said
uf dumuzes us you in ly consider nrone r.
' '
Omahu , Null , Deo. Ctb , lb/i