8PEC1KL NOTICES.1 ! - * mu IIIKSK toi.rviNs I -t AmnuiHBMi-NT w 1 if taken until I ? * ) p tn fur thn ovoinna in 1 . "it jm \ fur tiie m irnin * r similar pill N j adv. rl fi n < nt ( K > n for Irn Ilian U ronls for IcHitl i dl'r All ndv * rh'oint'nt * In the n column * 1t | wnM n Ivrrrtf rl > > i < flr < t inn-itlim and 1 rent ft wnnl for fh > rr itril iDwtllon ur tl Wl | > T HtiPinT m ill , firii < ii li In n ! Mi in iInlllnH thinrn * prmboi * tr naditonnl n n word All mUi-rtl'i * li l } t i l i n rotiocmtlvi'lr Atlverllnoff 1f rn q ir l n n numbertl < heMt cnn linvithalfttlt'M n h ill n h until rod teller In rureor Tillllrr An wf no n lUoi ot1 will bo delivered on tlio lirtn .i a i nof tun cherk ( SITUATIONS WANTED. " - \ \ A I'l.AI K IN A IIVIIMUIl SIIKI' { ) " " " * " ' " < " ' " " : > Alr ' ; ' ' < , , , WANTED -MALE 1IELI\ 11 MAN \NrKt ) A1AHV V.ND It' I'l'frir nn > i I'inio , liol > - or inrl lime Apply rtonrn llrnun HrtM to Nurserymen thlengn KIT il W I ) \l N1 > "NA1" II l ) To fVU ) 1IAV SUIIU I > Artii n ' tlionuiir , 45I2 Chftrlun nl . Onintin , T > S > l V oil r ) M MISSION' TO AdKN-lslO J > hao < M < < I'ntcnl I lipinlcnl Ink Hrn'lnn I'unrll 'Hi n. i i tul nml tioTi > l Invonllon of tin' nuo ] r rt < l Ii 'iiuchly In iwo ! i < Moiul < Work Ilkn tpn ? o | ior crnt prntll Aunntft tnnklni : Ii pc' ' i * w d nlnu ttiinl n unnnrnl nunnt lu trtko n i"ry nnil itpticnnt MibM-oiils A rnrn Mi am ilr monojfllp for Iprtnii nml n nin I lo < r it Mi/nruo l.rncur MIV Lu \ .n l.ii tr-mc > 7i _ TiT A , f v M vvi : W\NT MIS : WHO Aiir Air I * r < tmMlinif f.ilusmrn to onrry onr liihrl cnnn n n iil line Nnmo refc'ronciM HIM Urn lory MniHin tarors oil ( o , ( levotnnJ , f ) M151 20' Jj I'N1 < VV'iNini ) . 1'llt DKMIVIt 1.111" i t'ui ,1 pay. Apply room V ) Ktntuor 1.1 I' o MJiO III ) ' T > VVANIIHAl ON I I' | ( . ) ( ) NO ( Oil , lo. , tniV ulenily Inti for tlio rl tit men 11 Urnln A . i t oulirll HlullH a'.tl 11) ) p vv vs 1 1 M v noon 111 , AMiSMi rn A r oxi r. .1 IID ni IIP n K mcl lioMuiliiinr Aililrt' s or mil on A ! -wii'i .n llorman , .Sob M l U 'JT * VMI nisi' ( i\ns i inn I.NUUIIANCI : H to tor Vil.lrcnsT 5 lice Ki'.U T > VV VMI I ) A Mllll ! IVIll HTlllOI VOI'NII Jtmii'i wnii n munll fnnilly In work on n tunnll fnnn ni'iii ii" > nt ) , liy tlm > our I'.vcryllilnn Inr ni tioil Soni lint a kooil mnn ni ) ilnpply ( .nit nl Inrni tlirc < > inlli n wu < l of llunpr s purk , or niliiri"ii J n ini'i Vorv llox III. ( iiiinlin .113 IT 1)VAN II I ) MAN io VIAs llTi Ol nCll AI.- .Diiry $1 etui ( fi pr yrnr nml , I' luri' l In Ii1iilni' < i tiilUU ) cnhh ( iitiltnl rLiiulruil AOilruit In. x . I. . Kniimm ( ll > Mo WANTED FEMALE HELP. p ( dVll'iTl NT ( .1111. KU ) ( , KN'iitAI : , HOI V work t'ii ' i Miornnin n\ mint * l.n r\ \ \ i < o i veins cvv MOON.v ( ( , < i uu : A v niiikliiu knouleiltio -liurllianil nml tyi'C viritll. ill V iin f-nnlH .11 i N V Life M.1J7 1 VN ) M'l Ilir.NLI.D .SUIlSi : ( .1111. \\-Avnt : > Ill 1 i tin mo tU , _ / I VV VN I I I I , llll < rtilt 1101 si.\voitlC V sorlli 1 III _ _ CAN'I'I \ I ) ( .1111 Fii i.K.nr norsnvvoiiK V nl N VV cor 15th nml llnrnuy , M Hour I n- trnnre on llnni y I VV VNI1 II. A ( JOOII LOOK AMI I.A1 NDIIKS In Kinnll family. Mrs ( .voruo II I.iki > . 'JUT oinri' airi-ot > T. IT * FOR RENT HOUSES. 1) FOIl 111 NT , NO. 2111 I AIMIDl. AM < N'Li : , JI-'l nioilcrn I lie O r. Dnvln I o , IWj 1 iirimin xt iNINI itoost 1101 HI : MOIIIIN : ( ON J'lcnipn ul > > r rout pnlil 5-"iUU | > ur luontli I II AMiu'lcr room II ! Knrlinct.lilock MIST 7\ i on i i s r MoDi.it.N in IIOOM not M : AI.I. .1'coiivi'iilt MI'L live minutes n.dk piistolllcti , firm dim pn i the iloor. .Nutlinnholloa or I. a bklnner 11,14 1 nrnnm Ht 620 1\ i u iri itooM hi.iAinr.i ) iiorsi : , MOD J cin hi ht nelKhhorlionil , ? 0 Sorcii roonm iiml larn I'urk-ivenuo , J5 I. V llntlu , MO So 17th Ftrrct MtoS rt.'il 11011 IICNI , 10 IIOOM IIOI1SK. S015 CAb . J fMOU. liccilXSc'lb ) . lloiuil of Irailo 77J I 1) f Hill VI ( OITAdlC , UU MASON. ' . ) IJOOM 4 'house modern , .list .v Mason Apply uU5S Mnion D ( It I INI' , 1IOI1SI s IN AI.Ij I'All-is OF clly IhoO 1' Duvli couip ill ) , IWJj 1 uiiiiiiu.st 1H.AIS lWii ) : < lIMs IOII.V.1' ( > 1 IN Ahl , J-'imrln uf ( It ) Kilkenny X Co , Lunlliifiitnl blk ; aJL ( _ _ 11 IIIJl SK 01' II IIOOMS. AI.I. MODIIHS COV l'\cinienccft plenHiinlly locnte , ! nenr hiislni' * ' , ren Ur Appl ) liji. Lhlcnuo at , 01 I/ h bklnnur , I'.ll J iirnnln 7bJ 1\ iou ittNi xiv iiitiiic uoraii. NO ZTIH l hirnnm tIltel an t lirtcU liirn. tomplelo Mltti every tonvencncoVnrrun M Itouur , UiI \ I 11 lir.innl _ _ _ _ _ V1P5I | \ Kill PI NT , Kid ( SA.NT.NKWll ll-OM 1IIIKM ; 1 'lionne nil moilt'rn cunvcMih net H Hplemlltl liHltlo location 'llioi llrc'iiniin A. Co , Kurb ick block Mkli 19 TJ-l IOU IKNT S IIOOM II ) U I. , Uh. 1 VHNAM JAlrt ot 1 rcMl Turry. 4tt Itaumu linUttliiK TA BIlOi'M M\V ! 1 I.AT , MoliiniN IMPIIOVI J ' rapnti III.'Slllh l VIN ) * T \ HM 111 N'l" , b ItOOVI ( .OIlNHIl 1 I.T SFCON'I ) 1 'rtoor rniiK . . ullicrconvenlciiccB , Clompi lilk 701 S loth H ! flO. llhiKwnll Dion lluikpr block , .ill Jlj _ _ _ 1 k mil IlKVI' , 1II1IIIU HAND-OMi : HOI > l > , 1 'fnrnNliPtt anil iinrnrnltluil nil modern hn provLMiienti , It ( . ' . I'allernon , < . ' ) lluinnu InillilliiK i Oil III'M' . 1 UllNlsIlnn lim aK. A Tu room n , i lern hoiiHp fnrnlVipil HiilcMKllil nolKh h < rlto < l m tir motor lluuVppl > I'tinolu * llunlnt Amu 1 > iiKlui lllock 1UU > > U nl Oil III'NT , A TI.N IIOOV1 HOUSIV AL.1. iu > nl > | nlnteil anil patiereil , linn bulb room tor mil t nnil nit inoitorn liuprov tMiientit HltiinliNlIn ono tif lite m ) hl < lt Klinbju nel hhorhODili in llie tll ) on > Mh hlrtcl onu hitlf tl ) jt k norlli of Inr niim Iniinlrnof Homo InvcBliiiont to , Jil Iloor I'n .ton biilltllni : MIVI SI Dl Oil HUNT , d ItOOM COTl'ACi : ON' MO1OH Itno. Aiplyb VV cornorVlh anil DoiiKluM 1K'H III NT. h-liODM ( OTI'Adl. , Ill .NOIIII1 4'IStli meet ( all at iirundneti lmmeill.ilo D t Bl'MlOII .11 17 * JIENT rUBNISHED ROOMS. 1 , ' j noovis ON ST VIAIIV. s AV i : , FriiMsnnn for IIOIIHI kouphiUi Around ttoor it 1 Hulls , .i-JJ t I tli ) ' " 'L _ EM \ \ I \ I ii.MM1il : ! > IIUOMs I Oil I.ADII.- , i > ttnt t'liii'n iniuiii | > .u HIU Diiico M ; I. ' V.NIA.1 I UltNI * < llii ) IIOOM , HIlirAIU.i : I Jfoi tni > iii-iitlumun , ut UH V\c'Uter dtrtet lief oietictm rt jtiln il ' Ai ( .u * 0 * I,1 II IINXII'D | | KOOVIM OIlltf.M , AND ItOOvfs I uliablo tor lluht liouiokiiphiklol'i hukaoii Blreut _ Jit- , > "j If IIUI.M' SOI I'll 1 IION'I IIOOVI MODIIIl.N- voiimc'iil IKOS , runt rojitounble. JI.'S llnrnoy htri'oL. Mljip. ) ' 1 ? HW IIBNI' . HM't'.AM'I.V ItllN'IsllKD 1 Jitenin lu'iili'tl looms , IDi * o l.lhHlreut Vllis l J ! > NIVVIV I l'llNI lliil : ItOOVls ft , niulfsl'KII Jin. nth llonra It iloKlretl ' 'Hi N PJtli t Mini M' _ ' . in.iiT inn > KKiii'i.Ni. : : , IIIHKI 1 Jfiirnlhheil roomi IIU7 Doiluo uliaut Ml'ii.'O' ' i ; MIT VV V1IM I UIINIhllHD IIOOVI II Ol ) A Nil JjfttUO , for two uc'iilliiiiieii IMJ .N l&tli l .JJ 20 FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOARD. T' I HI. HOI.A.N. .MJ AMI 211 .N. 18 III Si' ; io SOL I'll b-ruihi. : X Ml I ' V I UIIMSIIRI ) IIOOVI AM ) IIOAIII ) Ji All mo mra ooiiveiilonce : ! 1'rlvaiit livmlly vtK ) ' Itnrl atiui'i MI'IJ. " ) ' \f \ I'lllll.K Oil I ( II II VOlMlt.V : Wll.l.INC' ! ( J room loiiotltorcim net urn llr l rhins lioiinl will from rnoitii nt aKnnt baiunln by calllnKnt unit Bl I'tn liudKOMrii'U Mild .U * I , ' K Vh 1 1 llTl.NI' IIOOM. slt\ | | | | | , | ; HIH ' | vVT > Ktnllviiien nlili ur nlthoul bunrtl,5.0 N I.Hh UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 3 HUOMb A'l / ( tlMNT KM I'HMsltri ) I'.oovis T : VI Billion of ono. Inner Ihruu nllllN .tilh lreul All inoilorn convonlc'iiet' * Mill ) IV V'lH HUNT A 1 HIS I' I',0011 ! OF \ OI'T.VUI I with Ltth ftUit cm iJO > AITJ lluv\iinl Si Mill 19 * BOARDING. I-KIUHT ( I.VJ'H TA1II K IIOAIII ) . llll.l.SIDli I N W ( or Iblh ana DoitKO Jil vu- FOR RENT- STORES AND OFFICES I- Hill UKVI''llll. 4SoltIIUKK ! Ill'IIDI.N O I Old r nrnnm > l llio bulhltim IHU n ilruinoof oj liiuiit buioiiii'ilt , itiiiilutu | blviiinbealliu tliluio witter onnll Iliu ttoor , tins , etc. Apply at th ottle of Ibu llt'O. 919 J -DOWN TOWN COIlNKll KOH IIAUIIKII HHO1 ICilnblltliutl truJo Wrlxlit k l.aiburr. IClli un HuwarO. 77J 1 O'MK Hiuiih'ioitv iniicK IIUII.IIINH r KKt : JwlJe. IIJ7 llarnur olieot. t4 I tVKUUVr. A VKHDKSIUMII.IS IIUILDIM Jiultnblt ) for a ri'homu. wltu liable In oonoc lion , 'Iraotw-'ii front anil r * r AiMrmj 15 Ji t riulrliitl , care uf Mcl'urtt , liraJy .V Co Vli T -Hll UKNT , mUKHrUHV IIIIICK WAlt * Jhiiu.i ) with tinckaue. Euijiilrti J A Crcijhloi K.S lit National Dank kldg. tUVUIT FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFIOE3. ( 1. HKNT KI.KriASr NRW STOHK.IlOOM I . NII HZ Ilr inilwnr ( nnnrll lllulti.for Irygooili i lolliinK ur RiTiernl monhnnlie liv * lien lonncll Illurn In II AGENTS WANTED. J pnrn fmtn fi to tin a < \\r with ' hf soiling nn arlli IP uod nnlf bf Ind p < 'IhHoHiM iron pl nnl poiiKpnlnlPniplormoiit nil < pun II I < 1 letnr * lor pnrtlculnrt nddrpat Demelfo I * ( ' I'OX 3 , llnllliiK'to .Mil M4H1JI' _ WANTED-TO KENT. K-i NU n \ 11 IISISIIPD uoi'Mx wnit b mrd In prlfxli-funiliv hr in > thr > r Rml dinsh tpr nu obH'ctlon to dlntnne Addicts 1 II Hoc tA ) STORAGE. " ' " ' " ' M - T"oUA't".is l'Hi\T : > t'l.i\N. : \\IU.4 , Ull nrnnm ntrect T8 > > WANTED TO BUY. v/iiiTrTirTirii M\rK s r Ki < : v lim niDttK KD' , llc-o I & * -ult > r. 331 llanrj 1 rnilc * WAN rK T > lU'V KHIINITUIIK AM ) HOI'S holil BOIII | < 1IW Hut ? . ' MSIO 1 > 1J v VANTID : A I.OOD , niisi.MIT.I n i i > w. ' iiuisi IIP null breit Ho nn .11 Kxclinuito hlnek , ' until Oniilrn M II Hi-Early i4 ! ! ' FOR SALEFURNITURE. . 01 mi SAI.Ini ( : vt' usi inii.i , ' : < ! ! ni.sK , taiiillln : ill 'k AmliiTU Ic-tlrr tile ilinlr i tr In- iiili | I A Mnllli rn nn l ! Hoc uullillni ; > .IIT * FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC ? rTTiTiTr A sTTuTA s"i\v"iioi ' mTK I Hirliiu ctpiciii wauon IHM I * linrno * nti'l ' tuniuy nl n H ncnrly ii" M-I ol cu nniprr Itioli ronslitlnit tiflnitur ncirknr tliurii II i i < > unli * trnik clr nil lll In- mil , ) nt n uron nnrrlllc' Aililros ! ( I II ' 17RI lnlLk , HIMolllri' ur cull ut 1J27 Mlntllll utri'i-l , t\liMt Kooit * , din lo hi tMi MtJI - s M.I. iin\i' \ 3.1 nuns , ! , povr.u Q-iiu iintotiinllr i nfoninl " mio Jlmrsu iiowor up ilKlili lulni' t > tli lii iioml rup ilr Inqnliu of 1 ol III.T 1'iliHhiK i o I , 'jr ' Jtun.ml strict Oiiiulin , Not ) ' -Kin H\i. : i IM s unsAiii ) PI ri'ii > liMHl Hlnrk In Anurlrt tmtli rou h mul inuuth cimt Aildn Hi2 lirixiitlii ) MJ-il Zl ion SM.r OSK i > n P PM ISK OM : 10 h p tuli liollor llli inimp nnil ln-ntor iOO fct-t i-liuftliiifiinil mindry pullloi tnnH nnil nilliincun | | r /nlirl kli rt-i > ltur Oinnlin llirlio I Itnm nnil .Nnil cunilinny , Nth nml Minolta strutl. MJ5 ? JI Q -iIA\iTM ) ) Vlll ) KAUKT , ftfl. Alllllll r ii 11 MISCELLANEOUS. T > -roii ui'.M' . i.Aiiiii : MALI , i-ousi JAnioc'tlnKB or lectures _ Apply nl ' 1)1 OoilpuS7S S7S II CLAIRVOYANTS. C-v'iltS Dtl M 1 iiUAM I'llOI'IIMM s 1 > KAt > I'lrunn. clilrmjnnt nml life1 rc'inb'r lulli > onr life from ir.nlli'I ) unni ! cnn tin t niHUlli'il on all iilTilntol Illu tins the ci'lebruul l. yptlun lire ist tilnlo lo unlit' Iho i > c > piruttd nnd ejitisu imirrlauo with ono you lov tome ono como all unit Iw con- v Intcil ol her remirUitlili ) pt wort otlfro nml roM tlemi 117 S Ilth fl lionrt 'in m lo' ) p in , Mrlct llfeehnrl nml plmlo of vonr future wlfu or bin bnml sent Ihrmivu mill for f5 uo t hurt atom ) $1M All leisert containing I ec-uU la ntmnpj tiromntlir jnnnt'rcMl M iJ. JJ * S-viu N.v.N.Nir. v WAUiins CI.AIUVOANT , rolliiblo buaiiii > t uiuU'um ' , IIfill juur at 11J N Hall SJ MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rp-.MMi : SlOWi : MAOM'IK III.Al.Kit X ) * L DoiiKlni block Cor Ihih ami lull * ' . Mlu& ID * TMA DAVinsMHll , 1I.M tI'll Of. AVI-M'K , 1 Itoom I M Iloor. Mnis.iio , ulcoliol tii'nliiir nml fen bitht Mini L't * 'P vivn"i : viiM.NriTii nouiiLAs siitKiir , HI i-tloor , room ? in.i-Mi.ii ) nlcoliol , iiilpbur .mil oa bntlis MI7I. ? J- Vr- ( ! 1 ( Jhl.I.l N cor 15th nml llnrnuy llnrnuy strc-et. oatr.inco .III MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \\r-iii.A Lsv > ' no nddltliniil tlmr/us for coin-nlsslon or iittoi noy ti fcesV II MelUlu , 1 rst .Niillomil lluiifc bltli ; i > OJ V\r MONI.V TO LOAN' AT I.OWKVT ItATP.i ' ' 'llio l ) P Davlsco , 1301 I nrnini xtreot T'Jl \\r i.o\vi- UATF.S i inni.inr Tiiuor lo ptnv , ITi'i I iinm'n sirtet V1'H ' -ilf xN'TIIONV I OAN AND IllUSf CO.'lls N V. I.lfo , lends at low rales lor choice Hecurlly on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Oman l cltr property. _ _ - r-Ch.NTKAi , I.OV.N .VlllUsrCO ll15 ! 1IIJ1U. \ \ TVOllH ) V.I5 ( I.OV.NS , IJISSi 'IHA.N 7 I'HI ' i ci'nt IIK InilliiK" all ilmrios. Clinrli-H ltiilnov.UniiiliiiN.it bunk bills TJj \v 7 MONKV ' 10 I.OVN. I.V.NI ) TO SI'.I.I. house's to rent doorco > I Coaler M.ii ) ! v\r-i.o VNH * > N < n v ruoi'Kiirv , i > AND INCH < < com l : t itlni.cr , l.ilJ I arniun .Y.'UI ' .1.1' \\r-l AND iYKAIU-OANS UN ril'\ AND I'AIIVI ' tuortB c's llcoU X belb ) , JH Itoiint of 'liulo Mlj \\r- VIOMTO : i.o < iN O.N ivipuuv BI > ctrv I ( iropurt ) , Ion rate A. C. Trout , Doivlis till ! A\r 7 I'KIl CK.NT MONin JJIT1 O IIOIlllOVV IIUS M on uinuli i cltv protic'rly .Nooilrn chnrci's of nn > Unit VVIi > iny hi li nilui1 Monc-y tnthcai | \on fan tot full bpiiotil of low rales Ironi ( th > bo 1 iit.lt uml ' 1 mat ( o I bill anil Doilvti T. " \\r OMM1A SAV1NCS 1IA.NK M Aid's LDANtj * on rcnl eat ito at louc'st innrkct rnti'S 1.0.1119 ninilo In Kinnll or Inr u HIIIIM tor Hliorlor lunu- lime .No t oniiiilMiliin Is char uit nail the loiim are notHOliI In tlio east tint fin U | IIJ-H bo foiinil nt tliu bank oa the cornc'r.of 1 lib nnil Iioiuhis atrt i'ta 7'Jl \\T-IOANSO.N ivii'tun ii ) ND rviivii'iiov ici ) i ell ) protiei tv.Jt 0 W nml niiwunts h to 7 pc-r rent N'otlolu ) VV. 1 ariinni biulth XCo 15th anil llnrnoy. w- 1 lIAllllIbO.N..M..NI.lbK \T I'lllVATi : VIOX1A 1ST A.ND2D Mllll'K.AIil l I mns , Ion tnlei Atux Mooru Iteo bliU ' 'Ut . . _ OWMNi ; I'llOI'Klin ' 111 VT " Is c'liiinmbeiitl fur nl ! ur purl of Itsxilue Ish to ilNpnsu of thc'tr InU'rent Kite doit rlpllou unit Im iimbrnncc'niul st'iul tliolr .utilrc'sd to ' 1 Iteo oltlie Vtljl MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS , x-c . . . A't 'i in. orncnoi 1OMA1IA 'MOliril VK ! 1O V N' CO : t INLOHl'Oll.V t I'D , ilMOU VV VNT MONI'V. \ on onn borrow on iiorsnioi.o iiitM'iLiii : AND IMANO * . IHIUSI s. WA.ON-1 ( AND C'\KIIUlii- , W.Vlll'.llOl si : ItlliniTVll'IK'llANDHIC Oil A.NV. Dllll'll slit l Ull V \ \ o 111 lonil > mi nn ) ninount Ironi flu ( ) to ( I.IXJU : ON Tin : DAVoii V K iou IT , without inibiuiiy or rt'inu\il of propertjr Von ( nn pny Ihu niiinoy back In nnv ainounla yonnlnti anil nt nn > tlmo unit c'nrh pijriuent no iniulii H | | | rviliiCLi Iho cert of till ) In.in lli'iiii'inlic'r tliit ) on tinYO thu IIHO of both Iho pioiuit | ) nail thiiiniiiii'jr , anil pn > for It only an loii - as > ou kot'p it. ' 1 liuro will bo no oxpoiiiio or rhiirco keiit out of Iho iimuiint iintt ) I but yon will ti'cihulhu full iiniuiinl of iho lonu Itvftiru borrowIHK clpowhern cell ami AIM * us anil roil wilt Unit It lire itl > In your mlviiniUKU , OMAHA Vltllllli Vt.K I OAN ( O Itoom II ( rt'Uhton block , Jil Iloor , 111until I Mil next In poslolllc THBOI.DKST I.AII'iltsl ' VMI UNIV 1NTOII- I'OIIAHID LOAN COM I'ANV IV OVI VIIA Will n 1110 vo tin Jan 1 , IS'.i ) ti ) JWS. loth bl lira tloor nbovu llio Htrret MI7i X - DO.OU \VA V .VlONBi Till * . KIDKI.1TV IXVN ( IIIAIIA.NTKK CO , IIOOM 4 VV11II.NK1.I , 1I1.OCK. .SOU I'll lull COIlNKll HAUNKV ST. N I wi : VIAM : I.OA.N' , ON iDitMnmi : . _ . l'\UIIIAtil.ri , VV VIlKIIOUsH KKl'KII'l'aOlt I'lJIl- bO.NAl.l'KOI'Blirr Of' ANV KIND / WILL / no WELL I to I /von / / / JALL ON / US ITIHBT IXJIt HUH I'KHV VVII.Ij .VIKIU' VOUU AI'I'llOVAf , Von cnn pay Ihu niiinuy b ick at .my Itmo ana I oiiy nmouiil you tinli und thin roUuco tuuuon o curr > Ina ihu loan In proportion to amount you paj IKOb' owu a buhinco on your furulturo o otliarpor < onnl prop-rly of any kin ; ! wo will pay | , oil for you niul cirry It tit lon < a * yon iltlra - \OUC\N HAVK VOUU MON'KV IN ONK IIOl/l , KUOM in : IIMU vou MAKK API'I.IUATIO.N en No publlclly or removal of properly to th ron vet thu utu uf both uionny and pruporty 1 )0 ) X Wll.l , U1A.N MONUVOV ANV KIND OK bK rurlln ulrlctlr i-anlliloullgl. A. K. llnrrl , roo- I , Contliienial block , 5Ui sr MONiv-3o , uJTiT A\T "CHE A i' IIATK unit mmr parmunla. on furniture , planoi , llv ilot'k , via. wittiout iU'l r or publlcltr , cauli o hanil Dutttireca , room D , Darker block. till X - MONhV JXJA.NKII T'HKAl' AT lOUl'l OW , time , hebraika Loon Co , Ult ) Douclai > l. 8Jf . _ V. . . H. , X I'lll It'll AUU , 61 1 > OLJG1AS ULIv. BUSINESS CHANGES. Y -KOH At.R on KUIIANIIK \ onoi ) n ith the roil | p lMs In ( irnnliR ( Inml tuns for idling AddreM 707 New York I .He Omnhn Nrb Mils \m vl i on PALIA : noon POISU MA"N r f A 1 luring ImMnpM , eixn bo run nn II Q4)l put. , oirnltik' unable lo Utentl to miy bn lne i Ai1t1res\ oek box J78 , Omnnn , Neb V3i * 11 V rMrnfiM CIIANCK. fuoou wo i mi OK I elnildnit ami f tirnl hlnir K oil9 In be l loentlon inOrnnd lulnntl for snle It tnkan nltbln thn next ten tlnys , forWc on the tlollnr , be l ro/isntu for ncllliiK Aililre s I' O llox No. 313 , Uraml IMnml , Neb fi 13 A'-MUslM. ; * oi'isi\is ; NO CItAltdB 1 ( I buyer * Semi utamp for prlntoil list Inn I'M ten otumnli * . 8 < ' JO * V-r' ' > ll "AI.K. ICK II ) INK PUNT , ON UIViil : 1 nnil II 1 ! trntk , rnpnclty 4VM tonn , nt n Inr- Bain AlUrcss S 07. llco 1I I | ' > \-A UAiir iir iNK. s rit\NCK A I emf nnd lucrntlvo Inillnes ! e ln1 > ll liPil tlvn jrnr tl .VJOU ) rnslii required Want of nl eiiii o Inr ri'tlrlMK 1) Atulur > on , III ) M Btrect Suiitti ' uirnhn 4J.I19'J V VVANrKD IMMlTltATKI < V , A lUlCTOIl 'I O 1 inko chnrcB of n coed prni llct ? everylldna fur nlihed AtlilroM I'liyslclnn care "hcrinin .V Me Conncll 1'dJ DoilKC < < l omahn Neb IK Vllu * V-vu , , I'\Y AIAHII n > u STOCKS or 1 ilry uooil ) clotliliiK. Iniotn nml hoe urowrlos .So commission Alex .Moorx , 401 lieu blili ; MITO _ \rnill MIK. A Hll"T ( M\M > STOtK OK I rhnlto Krorerp | nn Pttilo stock , will ttuolco nbiuit ttOM wlttiont flxinr cnn take nr len\i > llx ture oni'-fuHrtli oMtnck In transit ( null Mlp' will nv rn o ox or ! OJ per < laj , no eredlt liu ln < i done \\lll Klvc time on pnrt of Ptock wltti peed Pi.urttj. Aihlri'33 \ \ E , lfrBltontK)7.1'nitonbloek ) V rOll SA1.lC l'-l * MIl.l-HII.I ) ( IUK'KIIUY 1 luistnc1 * * In no td location bplcntlhl chance for yoniiK bnMno man nlth RID ill lapltnl. Ior par tli nlnrs address llotlolil , Lincoln , Neb MIU 1'.l ' * -Foiii < vi.i : uvi.iiNiKiibsi IN AS r.si vn- I llilit'il nml iprnl | | > 1 iinslnjis , sumll inpltnl ro uIriMl AcMrp" > ( > Ili-p M4IJ51 * FOR EXCHANGE. y-n.KAii OM VH.V HiiAi. rsi VI /-/iicuinl Miluntlon Vlunoi to loan llovjls Uniiliu NH / - \ 1I\VK VM.tTAIIt.K IMI'IIOVP.I ) AND UN 'Jlinprovc'il fnrm Iniulu to oxclmniru for South Oinnlin or i Uniiliu propurt ) or for fnrniflvltlitn5J miles of Oin iha Hutu oimof llio lipxl otnlock nnil Kniln fnrnis , I ) ' mips hilt In Hlnlur whoilttnil r > p nntlViU hcnil of tine t loc'k nil tMunr of pncuin brnnrc , lo oiLliiuiKt * for real estat'j an 1 mlithl pay Homo cn h illlteienio tur ilunlr.iDlo property On- vcrltioyojr property cirufull ) , prlco , cto Aililross xTJ' Oinnlin Npli Vli U ti ) y-tfo At illOF ui.iiAii LAND is OSK or /Jtho bc t nlntor whput illstrlrts la K insnit lo ix chuimo furlUor2Jai.ru tract nonr Oinnlin city limits VMII p.iy in li dlllprc'iicu If properly It cooil Adilreaa , ttlv Inn prlco anil Iccntloa , O3U , lleo unices iU3 ! / \ OWN 100 FAIIVIS IN M'llllASK , KAN VS. ' nnil DakoK VV'ttl lell chpap or oxchnnxo for iiinrrlinnill3e , horses and catllu Adilross box T' , I rnnklorl , Inil MbUI y-\ \ Oil THADH , 2 (1OO1) COItNIIlt I.O1 * IN /JHonthwcRtel n pnrt of tlt > nlso n llrnt niorticnfiQ f"rilK ) for a lok of inerrliniiillsp. "Ill lull In Imlf onih with the loin Inn put In more propotly anil pnth for.11nriioilcul I or pnrllcuhiti nililri'ti VV P ( .ration , UT ) I'nvton Mock Mils 1 ! ) I/-I VUM OK 100 ACIIKS AIMOlNINd ( , OOI ) /Jtnnnofl3J Kimt Nubriskn north f.'OOO cnsh eat umbered $1000 anil inoih n ( , room rptt Icnce , b irn , nlro I iwn. In 14001 ! town of ftO ) south cant : \i biu-k i uorth SIsJ ) " 111 oTihunco i'iiilt | ) f'aK ' ) lorcleirto Illutls rt'sliloacu or nlll tnku pnrt Inlet lot or lots Ailitren * VI It M , c ire of Metrliolltnn | llotil Louncll lllntls Mil.1 ! r/ Foil \riIA.Mir 1 A Kooac'ijnllj Inlmprovail /J icslileiicp pro pi rty In ( , i uncll III utln tor HI hoot Inml lcla o < t > ilil n | > ) . ( ilvo ilesirlpllon AililrosQ 1 It llpootlleo. M4IA .II * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - 9 Ji uo ACIUS ri.iiAii LAND K > H AII. nnn : jouncT Several Inrco Ir xels wonhl mnki ! n tlrst i tnsa Inve&tmunt to heM for llio rtso In price .MUht orcliumo home of it for lasl lo tiroperl ) In Ouinliii or smith Oinnliii or ni ni properU or a KOOI ! fnrm near Omnha If yon wish lo p\eh umo de tcrlbo your property , prlui ; , etc AUJrois box 717 Vlklj I ) > 1 17011 SA1.K Oil 11IADK , 2 ( IOOI ) J.OH IN VU' J Plemint nrtitltlon within 3 blocks of molor line VV ill taku iiooil nprtuht plnno or will sell equity lu lols vc'ry cheap AUilreas at oaco S 1 , lluu otUco I > iAITIIIS-.Vx1ISKF.K'r : ) Wll II 5 IIOOM rOT > Inuo $10 per nioatli ulthout InteroBt. .No pay mentiliinnIttlp. . Ilronn bloik M1.I7 ir'ousAi.i ' : 1'ju ACiiKs OF LAND IN ONI : OP i tlio best lomitlct * In northeastern Knnsnsfills Intul tins been c.irofiilt > selecteil mil nllt bo fotil on Ionthno pn > menls lienrln n low rnto of Inter e't For finllii-r pirtlonlnrs aililrvas 1-rcil Terrj 4J1 llanifu block. Oiniihii M-li 111 l/OHSAI.n-KLKCANI NIIVV lll.slDK.NCi : WITH 1 beautiful ground * nonr Uiinscoin I'.irk ( ieo N HIcLa. N. V I.lfo lililx VI Hil ) I'J Blfi II VIKJAIN-Klr.ll 1'V AC11FS JIJsT OUT nlilp city limits 'HiU U ono of tlio llncst tracts arimvi ] uiiuibi rlvlit In Iho wny of tlio fntnro Krowth of thu city 1'ilco JlSU1 * ) ( nntako J or Hj of inircliiiKe prlco la Kootl Nebraska lanil tmhinro cnsli nail morlKaKU I.eO N. Hicks , uKOiit , ,101 N V I Ho blilg V3I.1 1U ) INVK TVIKVI-1011TV ACIIUS ASPMINIMI just nest of clly A blu bnriiiln If eohl ntonco lieo N Hicks , , IUj > . Y I.llo lihU .M.IbJ U \\r\viiii-mjvKiiAii : IJAHOI : TiiAnsop M : 'i brn kn fnrm liiuil to oxi Ii IIIKO for cotiil Omuha ttroiirrtr Aililrcss lj C llnrdln , J05 Nuw v.t > rk I.tfu building .VI ,01 1'J ' AT A HAIK.AIN A H1 W VKIIY PIM5 I/JIS IN DrlkKS nild ut n bariln. . only 0 intn vrnlk from Holt linn omtiucauir In Onnilii AUdien K .1 k Co ( .ulc'nn I 074 D2J * ! > 1.AI. I'-1'Ali : , 1 llurenlns only. Aly nerd Is iood. VV. ( . Albrlubt , t > llJ .New Vork life 810 WANTED MONEY. \V-AXIMI -10 iiouitow. SUVKN HUMIIIII : ) dollfirs tf'WJ ) on fjltl cdcu tlrsl inorlw me tin proved roMiloiicii | > ropi-rty In MIIIISLIIMI 1'lmo for llireo or live years rutu ol Intert'st m nut ho very low Address Blnlhitf per tent wnnlod , T 2 , Heo uiiii'c MIDI ! lu1 DRESSMAKING. E NRACKMK.VJ * ' 10 DO DIlH-b VlAKl.Nf , I.V f.uiilllea HOllcituiI Miss blurtly , * t > Jl llnriicy st \\rANTI.l ) IJItlJSSM VKINI. IN l'AMII.II'8 11V i * t onipotiMit tlruitsniakoi , reforoncfurnlHlioit. . Atlilrt'sH Sij , llc'i > JhS I7 HORSES WINTEBED. HOIIfeKs I Kl ) AND CAUIID I Oil. f I MONTH Ul' ( d duns , I' o box Uil , soutUUin ilia Tl ) n LOST. I OVI' , I.ADIKS' ( , ( ) fl ) WA'HII KI5\ WIND , iJullh clmht , llniler call at Hsu N ' 'jlh iivo and ru cplvo lewnrd , , &J It * ING TON Tor Sale , Kent or Kx tieVorltl , N1ECEATH STATIONERY CO. , * 'i I'linmin Sfroofi O/IIII/KI , A'ofj. "Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo never expected In onr mon aniiiliio nio- miMiU luch nn iuuuii > o In our nilei n roimaenciHt on llio lilof bcplcMiiOTr I'liuSinitii I'roinlor Typu Writer la Imvlnu oniirnioui nsloj nhlrli nro ulilj ami fiir-riuclilm ; llu'tii aru the rt-i > url uu are receiving from our iiianr branch olllcuv Send for a doscnpllvo cattiloguo Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 171ft anil Fainam Sis. Oiiulu , NC'J. 11 II. MAYITKW ManuRor l'iiuiiilniui > l < > r' Not lev , linpounilfd on tlio 17llt of December , onu ri-d hi'lfcr , uboul two years old If not 10. di'fiurd said ht'lfor vvlll boboln ut public uuu- lion Diri'iubei' 27 , nt H ) o'uloclf u. in. , ul 'Jlst nnil I.L'avenuortli fctroets. In Ibo alloy JOHN bl'OUtL , rouiidninslt'r Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.ar , riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Ao-cnc. TO ALL OWNERS OF LOTS OR PARTS OF LOTS ON StIIULKY STUUKT FROM STU STltCKT TO AVINUI : . Von aio lii'ii'liy iiullded that llio inulur- sliiu > il , tlitt'c illiinti'ii'stcil fiL'cliolilnis of llio i'll > of Om.ili.i , have ht'c'ii duly appointiMl by Hit' iniii : , with llio uppuiMil of Ihui'lly coiin- i-ll tf said cltj , tn assi is the il.iin w to tlio miit'ti ii'spoc'llvolj of tlu > iti > | ) i'Hy illccicil liyKi.nlliu Milili'J ilic'i't fiom JSlh htii-cl to tlUlli avt iiiii > , < h > clatril ni'crs .iiy lij oiillii.inci ) No tl'tl iiaiiud Julv 'Ju , Ib'JJ , anil apiiiotcd July 2S , 1HOJ Vou HID inttlioi notified. Hint having ri'iiti'il s.ilil : i | > | ) ilnlinciit , and duly qualified . isii'iiilicd | liy li\\ , \u < vvlll , on HID -l t d.iv nf ] ) t'C ( inhi t , A. 1) Ih'JJ ' , , il Hit' hoiii of 10 oVlocic In the foii'iioon , nt tin' olllei of U. U ( ilhson , iiHini'Jlli , Ni-tt Voilv Ijlfi- hulldliullliln llio coi | ) IM id ) limits of s , ild rlly , ini'i'l fin Iho ptn- I > OM > of cinisldt'i IIIK and in iKlnx tin1 assi'-snu nl Of (1,1111 IK < ' t' ) Ull' OHIH'IS llspl'I'tlVC'lj Of SI , lid inuji'itj | , nlli'i'U'd by said ( 'i.tdini ; . I akin , ; nto Lonsldc ration sprrl.il lit nt Ills , If nn > Vou ait ) notlllt'il to l > u pii'si'iit at the Ilinc and pi in * afoitild , nnd tnaKo nnv ohjci lions loin stalfiiiL'nls c'uiR'oi nln snid asifssini'iit of il.iniiiKLs MS vou may roiishlri piiipri. U W. ( .Ill-UN JOHN \ \ . KOIIHIX.S. \ \ II. UAT1 > . d'JdlOt .NolICII Ol AHSfitlllllMIt Ol Dlllllll lor < 'liniiK nt ( .r.idr. To the nwnun of all lots or pirtsof lols on Howard streiM , from .Wth Htroot to Hist HI root , Vou are horohy nntlllcil that the undor- li-niil. thfoo dlainlurosloil froulioldors of llio city of Oinah i , h ivo boon duly appointed by thu in ijoi , vvilli the ipuroviil of thoully uoun- fil of s ild c-llv. to assess Iho iliiiiniKu to llio owners lOHpui'tlvolv of tlio pruiorty | nllocloil by the Lliaiuo nf ur itlo of Haiti streol , di'Blarod iioci'Hsuiy I y orcllnanc'O No lbt > . P issed August Dili , ivu , appnvc , ! An just Ilth , IN. ) . ' . Yimaic futiliur notlllud ihal III vine ao copied i lid iiii | > ontinoni : , and duly qn.iilliuil us ii'ijiiliud by law vvo Kill , on the L'lst diiyn llocoinbur , A 1) , ib'l' , ntlho , hour ol 10 o'c-louk lu llio fotoiioon , ai tuo nlllcu of ShrUcr > O'jloiiulioi' . 1401 1'arnii.ui slri ) t , wllhln thu co'-porato limits of b.ildcUy. n not for tlio pur- lioao of coiisldurnu and niaUInz tlio niuovi- inont of Uiuni' : < i ) lo the oy tiers lospccttvoly of bald prnpurly , uirouti'd 1)V suld ubiin n of k-r.ulc. takiiit ; Into consljuriitloii special bonu- II is. if any Vou are niitlllei. lo ho iruiont at llio tlmo nnd plato afotiHald , und inako any ohjuotlund ti > or sliitoiuenta I'oiioorntii uiild assossinunt us vou in ty ronsldoi prnnur \\.ij.Hnitivr.u. ' ' Oniah.i , Nob. , Doc. Oth.'lbfe. DlJ-dlOl NOTJCIOF AKsr.sifinNT OP OAM AGHS KOJ { CIlANii ( : QF GHAUU. TollioiiVMieisof all lou.jiiiil p.u Is nf lot' , nnd icnli'stnlo alon l ( < | K > ) i < l r < trei't ami st. MIUJ huvi'iiiif. fitnn KiiliUiifuttoiiUt stifol , and liiloiiti'iiiiK htretds. Vou aio lifiihy noili/d ( liiut tlio under- hUiuil , Ihn'cdlslnlciL'sleil fiut'linldois of thu cltv of Unialin , have liet n duly appointed by tht > in I > DI vvllli thonppiovalof the clly fiiiiii- ell of s.iid clly , to tisst'is Iho dainaxo to tin1 ovuieii HHpei'thelj of iho | inii'ily | ) nllicletl by i litiitKliu Uu Ci.idr of said htitels and In- luisd tln htieelh , deflind uet'e-.11 v by ot- ( Iliiaiiid liJ'J , IIISMM ! I'i'luii.iry -I , 1601 , an- piovid 1'i'hi inn j ( ) , Ib'.tl. \oti UKfuiihei noilliid , that ItavliiK nc- ( I'plrd h.iiil iiiiiilntiiHMit | ( , .mil dill } nii.illlli d , i > it'iiulii'd l > > fun. uiMvlll.oii Iliu 'J7th day ol Deceiuliei , A I ) , Hit. , ul lli houi of 11 o clock In ilie foieiioini at Ihu olllci' of T II Mcriill < 'li , iiMiiublJ , Nmv VoiU l.lfn hiilldinj ; vtllliln UK coipiiiatt1 Ilinllnof said cltv , inu-i foi Hip | ) iiiMi | > i > of coiisldriliuand inaulnc tin ussi'hiiuriii lit ilaiuaxu lo tlioounuM ri'spec1 liM'lj uf h.ild piupeil ) , niricled by h.ili cIiatiKii of Kiuile , taking Into coif > lcloiulloi bfi'lul | ) ht'iirtilN , If any oii mo nolltlod loot ) pirtcnt ut llio tlnu nnd pliii'e afon-ulil , and inuUi , an > objoctloii' ' toot nlati-ineiitfic'oia'fiiilii Mild uisc.ssiucnt o d.un.i i'-as you miij conildei ploiiri. T 11 M'ClMiMJl'll. JAMKs sJ'Ot'KKAlji ; , ( ; i.itti : j 1'Aiii , , c'OlllllllltftUlf Allllllsl'IS | | Owuliii , Dt'cciuber 13 , ItlUJ. 1UUI10V JftNTACLflUS STOOD 7W 7 WALL THE SOAPS "CUB GIRLS' W/sTAIRBANK3"is / TOE BEST. © URCIOT/IES / SMEU SW ETOUfl DP/V / 5HWSS p T E/fOUSE tS CLEAN AN0 WO WONDER FILLS HOUSMIDS W/7/J / CHICfl O. NoTirr. OF Tiir. srrriNt1. OF THU C1TV roUNl'H , AS A HOAUl ) OF F.Ql'AM/ATIOX To the owners of tlio lot Dirtu of tots ntul real ustitK tbiitlliiK mi oi luljnocat In the , stri'Lts nlli'js < T muaii"i hi-rufii n uooil ur I 'illiiiloil In wluilo or in Dirt \\llhlii uuv of . Von and uu : > h of Jou nio hoiohv notllluil flint tlio i-ltv coiitii II of till' city of Urn ih i \\lll nit us u Ho ml of 1 ipi illitlon , ul thu otllro of thu ilty oiorU , in the uitvh.ill , Oin.ilKi , No- lirutUii. mi 1 rlilnv thu''ll ilnv of Poi oinliiT , IHOJ. ftom 'lo'i'locU ' n in t < > t n i lucl , n in , for thu inn pose of con l < liriii nail oiinnll/lii , ' the proposed lovof stioclult ixosnnd nssuiomciits us shown liy I'lnlMnud I'l.insof A Bossiocnl ' iiiiu on ( Ho la tlio ollh o of s.i > 1 iltulerk , 1111 1 cnrrPiilliiK uny urrors ihuruln ami of lii-nrlas nil i-otniilulnis tli.it tlioonnon of prnporty - < n to 1m Hssu < isol nail tivoil may nmuu ; sulit sjiei'lil tn\cs nnil .isM'sMiiuiils | itoOMil | ) ) to bolo lo\ led Dolaa IIPOPXS viy to uovw tlio cost of the soxeril I'lipiovoini'iits duly iiuthoilrod to bo in. iiio nml now coinplutud , , is rollii\\s' To oovor the cost of ii.ixliirf nnd cnrblait C.T.S slri-Pt from 2Jd street to "Ith struct , In tttcut inniroMiniont district Nil 4ii > bi'd pav ing i\nioiiiitin to the sum of $ l.si > sj. nail s ild uiiiulnu to the sum of Jill ? < > \\bli h s il I sums , It is | irni | Mi < i. by u report duly ndoptud by the oily council , lotissesson thorcil o tntnim uicli nldn of C , i 9 htrrot. fioiu ' . ' , ' ( I toUh street , iii'i'ordiiiir to fool fiont mo and tlio as- n il su illnc b tele piOL'os In depth In ! illi.'N'.nt > ussLbsintiit for ciirlilni : to bo in iiiu wett of . ' Id alri'ot Us the curb there \ \ vs 1 ild Ii } prlx-nto p.utlet Htitc per foot for pivlur' , iC > IGJI ; r.ito pot foot for cuililni ; iutil.l.'ii To om or Iho cost of pivltu l.owo avenue , fiiiin lliinilltiiii sticot , to Merei'r i\caiic , la p ix Ine dlsli let No " 'U iiinoiintlii- tlio sum of Jiu,1- . ' ! ! V.1. which s ild siiin.it Is proposed , by i report ( lulv ndoDtcd by tlu1 city council , to nssuss on llio ro il cst ito on r ich side of l.owo HMtuuc , from 11 uniltoii streol tn Moruoti n\- ai'L'iinllii- foot fiont.i o mid tlio n uil seillDK b icU process in depth U > col ) tor of block or 1stilloy Huto per root , J4 " ( kilT The eoslof prlx ito npproiuh , .iinoiiatln to tlio sum of of Jis 5U4 , to bo asaessed to llio real Tocovei the cost of p.ivlnR Com morel il trout , from Miormaii avc'iinn to Jtlth fatreul. in Living dlstilet No ' . ' " > J , aiiiountliu olhosilinofiM.llJ.no , which s ild sum It H imposed , liy a report duly adopted by Iho ilty council , lo is o s tire r it i on the ro.il os > - ate on each side of I'omiiiorolal struct , fiom Sherman avenue to 'Olh sired , nc'cordlnir to nut , fioatiiKo nnd the tisniil scaling bach pro- oss In depth from stioot l j font , not oscood- tiK Iho c'onlorof block. Provided , lh.it M foot h.ill he dedueted on the fronl.ii.-o of 11\ lot ! 4 , cast of ( 'ommori'LiI street. U ito per foot. J4IOt > r. I'lio oo-t of prlv.ilo rondw iv.amonnl- IIK to the sum of f 11.04. to bo assessed lo tbu real estate adlolnlnir. To cover llio costof p ivln and ctirbln ; 2Jnd street ftoin 1'oiiplutoii ivoiino to the sontli Ineoftaxlot .Hi In street impioveniunt dls- rlct No 47. , nnfoiiiilliu to I he sum of > . IDS 10. \ hleh s ild sum It Is pioposod bv a reportdulv idoptcd by tjio city council to assess on Iho u.il rslato pro rat l , on oiiuli side of 2.'nd streol fiom I'opnlcton avenue to south line of tax lot . > . according to foot fronta o and the mini ; callii bick | ) HXO H In depth fnjin st rtet 1 IJ feol. Itato per foot. ? J.s.vj | The cost of private nmdwiiy uiiioiiiitlnir to the sum of $10. ? u lo be assessed to tliu real estate adjoin- To cover the cost of pivlnz and cutblni S-pcticor struct from shonnnn avenue toilltn street Instroot Improvement , district No. lifi. aluminum,1 lo Iho sum of $ Is.s7' ' > 71 , which s ilil sum It Is pioposod by a ropoil dulv adopted by tboelty ooiineil , to assess pro i.iti on iho rual estate on both sides of bponeei stirot from bhorm in avenue tollli sticot , necord- 1113 to foot fronl ij-'o and the usual soillur b icl. process In depth to llio tlrst alloy or UJ foot. Unto per foot. Jl'G7' > " . 1 iti'ovor iliui'Oit of pivln and curblne Oth slicet fiom 1'iorcc slreot to IIIckory slreot. In stiuet liupiovonient dlstilut No 4J , amounting to the sum of JIVU I fi7 , which s ild Mini It is pioposod by a tupoit duly adopted by the city council , to assess as followsI'lio cost of private roidwav , amounting to tlio sum of f I li.-J. to bo assessed on t-i\ lot No. I. The ronrilnlnn cost to be assessed pro r it.i on the piouerty on liolh sld s of Glh struct fiom I'leico slrjot lo MluKurv street , aecord- Ini : to the foot front.IKO and thu usual sualliii ; back JIIUUCSM to depth of dis trict us orentod. That part of tax lot. ) between tbo l o private ioad\vavs not to bn assessed for curbing as the o nur put this cut I ) In at Ills own oxponsn. II ilo per foot for piivliu ai ' . ' 71U7 : foi eurblnif If J 7lri-'J. 1'oi'ovoi tnoiost of p iviiu In allev In block I1 , oltj. In stieet Improvement district No 4H7. nmonntln ID the sum of $1,401 11 , which a ild sunlit Is propound by a icport dul > adopted bv the clly council to assess pro ration hotli slues of tlio alley In bloek 11 aecorillnz to foot frontnco and thoiisu.il sealing hick process lo the depth of ono lot IE ito pur foot , i2r > ' > l To eovoi the cost and inspeotion foi lavlni ; permanent iddu walks 1 ild liv I'oid .V llii n amoniitiiu to the sum of J-.MlJUJ. whli'h s ild Bum It U proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to assess on the loalnst no aloiiu- which h ud vvalkb are laid , as follows : N'Jil'j ' ft lotIbllt 10 City * .O 8" . 4-1 lot.1 lli ) ( 10 .111 IH Lei filillt 10 ' l-'l 1'J l.ot 7 blk 7(1 ( " 47rt ' ! l.ot K blk 70 " 'JO1)'JJ ) NU ) ft lot I blk 73 4V ) 81 Mt lot I ul k 74 -17 ' . ' 7 N ' ,1 lot 8 blk Ul 'JVJ70 Lot H blk IDs : 217 M 1,014 blk 172 " I'JUdl ' l.ot 1 blk 7 Jerome Park b" > i1) ) Lot.1 ! blk 7 " Dim Lot I blk 7 ' HVJ l.ot 10 blk 1J ( West Hud Add M ' . ' 1 Lot II blk 10 " C' ' ) ( rt Tofil S. ' HU Of To cover the cost of constructing a sewer In soui'i district No. Pit , ainoiiiitlii : to Iho Hum of $ l,7h7 7,1 , which sum It Is ptopo cd by aio- port duly adotod 1 > V Iho cltv coiinoll to is- bess on tbo 10il ust ito alonj ! said sewer pro rata , nci'orulni : to fool fiont ifrn and llio usual sealliu liaek proeoss , In depth fiom stieot ono lol ; provided , thai corner lols havliu sonur I'onsti iiuluil on two sides shall bo nbucssail for tin ) loiier | hide only. K ite pur fool , il 0 I'M ? To cover thu cost of HOW < i , curbing and -rut- toiln. . and p iv In on Iho Miiitb ono-lialf of north ; 'h ' foot of east 'In foot of lot .1. Capitol iiddiuun , amouniliin- the sum of t.'l toy. ulili'h s ild sum. It Is pronoiod. liy a roporl duly adopted by tbo i liy counoil. lo ris--n on the south ono-half of tin' north | s fool of u ml 'Hi feel of Inl No. .1 U ipltol addition Vou further notlllod til mid - ' a re it mid'Proposed IManaof Asauiin out" aio now subject lo llio Inspui'tlon and oxamlnation of nny of tbo ownoinof sild lots , p irla of lots or iiloces of iohl estatn , or the Inspection or ex iniliiulloii uf any otliui poison inlorestod In i-iiiii pro posed assessnieiits , a I tlio olllco of tt ilu oitv ulurk. nnd th u liy a toport of icommitloi ) of said council duly adopted , II Is proposed Ih il nnlesii foi Kood and Hiilllelcnt cuiiio It may ho otherwise ordotod and determined , thai llio uostof Hull ) liiipn > Vinnnts ifsjieelUely bo 'H- Bt ssed on the nevunil lots , purls of lols and pli cos of real iM.ito ns tihovvn by said pro- po.iiil plans of assessment Vou , and each of vou , urn In ruby notillod to nppi'ar before s ild Hoard of r.iiuill/iulim | at tbo tlrrm and pluco ubovo hpocllled , to mnko liny oomulaliil. Htiitomont , or olijuotlun vou doslio toncuiiilnz auv ol Mild proponent levies und ubbi'saiiieiits of btioulal taxes JOHN ouovr.s. t'lty OInrK. Omnlm. Neb . Doccmhcr Ilth , IVJi ill5d7t PROPOSALS KOl'v PAYING. Scalid | iio)0siils ] ) vvlll be lucilud by the mull ixihiiul until I . .10 o'clock p m , Diet mliei : io , li'l.i. foi paving with I'oluiado sand stolid , class L Sim I Impiini infill 1 INI i let No 17' ) com. I > iislii4 lliiinlli v in lilock J17 , city , and iln < In- leisi ciiini of 4 lit 11 and ( liming sticois , aucoid- 111 ! . ' lo i-IH I'llI'Ml ' lulls I' irli bid tonpi clf > .1 jit It-ii P'M siiiai | ( ) yuii foi tin p ivlug uoiiiph it ill lilt ) ulloj and liitui. heel km \\oik to bo done In iiccoidaiico vvliliplan ! and KIII i Uiratloiis mi tlio In the olllco of tlu Itoaidof riihllc . Kin h juopo9.il lo ho inado oa printed blank ! fuinWicd by ihu boaul and to boiiccompialci M Illi n cci tilled chccl , In thu slim of { 500 , pay. able lo tlio ullS of Omaha , Ub uv Idencu of 001 fill III. The boaul iChervus thu rlrlit to reject any o all blda ami vvulvo all defccls. 1 * W JlilthiiAlirtF.il , Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Worl.s Onmhu , Nub. , DecomU-i 12,1MUJ IJtiC. Ii ! . 13 , 10 20 , "On m\ trip .ictoss the continent in the summer ot iSot I was attacked in iltlne. llolts \\ith iluinnatHiH i" iy kiiefhuh hstcd me (01 ( fotn months in spite of cvciy knouti lemetly th.tt I could use , iiKludinR Uussinn and elec tric baths , and the use of the waters tit n/iman < Hot bf tut ; , \\htle in San I'laticibto I xvas ailused by tcloiiiaiw to nsu LOXDO.\IU : RRUIUIA \ H\-U'iR fieely. I tctnined home with no aijn.Mcnt improvement , nnil began the use of the LOXDOX- DKRR J' Unit A ll'.l H-A\ and , to my surpi ise , tn a ff't' weeks had fit- luely leioveml and ha\e never been troubled m. the k-ast ttitit' . I have no doubt that the pt unary cause v\.is some iteniiitt > iitiit ol the kuinfy * , and I can not commend the waters too highly. " . , ltlcnt ' I'ulillc onln'on" lly O. r VIll sniir\ln i'uiilMiIng Cu. I'noM "I'lULit , OUMOX , " ov. r. . ihu. . AII JJxcrj'dny I3\i > i't Icncc * Still nml fi'irKIIni ; I.nudoiiilcro f r snlo cttrjnlicrc. Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , < Jh is II I'l-rUlns V < llnjVits , I ! is on VI iss PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Distributing Agents. X m a s 1892. What1 * present , , shall we Civet our boya'and girls ? It ia'quite proper thatthes'pres | ent ; should , be useful , as ' well as f ornamentals The'facileYand correct use of the English language in writing and speaking'on the part of one's children is the earnest wish of every parent solicitous - ' ous for their future success in life. The home useof the Rem ington typewriter will make this dry study interesting and enable the child to attain correctspeech in the mother tongue at the beginning of his or her education. "The typewriter'accomplish es its greatest good when used by pupils , for it begets habits" of neatness and accuracy racy/ secures skill in execution and de velops a more perfect mastery of our lan guage. It perfectn the operator in spel ling , capitalization , punctuation , para graphing , business and social forms ; defect and strength in thought , style and sentences are more easily observed when in plain type than is possiblein. ' writing ? . President Frank E. Plummer's address be fore the Natlonal Educational - cational Association. "The use of capitals , abbreviation , punc tuation , and ready and correct compos'i- tion are all taught , in the most practical manner by the use of the typewriter" . E. Hunt , Supt. Schools Medford and Winchester - - ter , Mass. Investigation solicit ed. WYCKOFF 'SEAMANS & BENEDICT , 175 Monroe St' CHICAGO. Dll I ! C. WUVTh NlillVK AMI Illt.UN 'I ItKAl niunt , n bpuiltto fur Il ) > ttrl i DUtliiux lilt .Sou ralKlu , Heal-iUtf , bervuus I'roMrnlloir ciuvuil Ii llciuor or toUiccu , wHkofuliiOBitminl Uei > re lei Hoflnuisuf thu Iliuln ruiuiliiu limnlt ) mliory , d < utr.dBtttti , I'rvMUulMre Ol I Aw , Hurr < * nno JA c I'ower In either ox luipolenvy l.uucurrhieriunilH l.iunloVin ni3i oi , luvoluiiury tu e > ripinui torrlie.'icuuued by uviT-ontrtlon o ( thu bruin , month BUoatiMDiit II ( Iforjl by mullVt > iua aiiKuil tioxut to euro. Kncli orUur lord liu > n wll 15 will euiiU wrlilmiguarKiili'ii to rufiuul If nut euro Uimmnlcul'iuud unlr by'1 liouiium I' J.OITIH ilrii Blit. Kjlc ancni , loultitait auruvr IttU und fuinu UruuH , Uombk WOMEN TRIED FOR CRIMES Terrible DwiU of Which Siiuo of Them Have Oonvictotl. THE MAYBRICK AND WHARTON CASES l'l ti'l nml Knlfo iiiuiloji-l : lull PnUiiit If ( lie I'tnnrlte Mclliixt It ixuiiilo : | or I tic H-irU IViiilnlnll } . The indlctmont of Ll//lo ISordan nt Tnuuton , Mn a . fur llio inuttlciof lior fuilici' nnd inoiliiM1 lust August hm nt ituctcil altfliillnn boyonil llio bnuiulnrliM of Now r.njjltuid. The iloiuiish spirit shown , the myMory surrouuainj ; tlio cnsu , llio wulosproiid boliot that llio womiin was Inoapsihlo of oominlttlnu so alroclous a orlino , will in iko the trial n colohnilotl ono. Women Imvo always boon lonlontly iloalt with , ami the prisons of uYory state oontilix at loasl n few whoso son mono s.ivcd thoin from o.spiatlni ; orlmoa on tlio sciilTold. Hut s.\mp.itln for women muitlorors Is lj hij ; out. Mr * . Montajjiu' , the daufjlitorof a nobleman , is siM'vmu nut a < L > ntoiu n frr rhiltl mur- lor in nn Irish in nii , \\uli no hope of iminotlmtu reloaso. Mrs MaOii'U-U a flliMlils llnd It nllUOit inipnssllilo to 80- ouio the atti-nlion of the homn IOIM-O- tir.to ! . her apponl for ( union , aud there is no hope nl nil for tlio worn in who iiidoil i\i-.iud : in his awful i'atis crimes. ' 'J'ho MajlitlcU ca o i * of spooial tutor- cst just now , in view of thoco intinj efforts - forts which arc making in her hulmlf , and which luno as their pi-lino factors the ho.id , the ho.irt and the hands ol Hail Hamilton , the cousin of os.-boino- tarv .I.nui'sr. Hl.tlno. The murder of her husband , , lam 139 ' Miubrii k , ofhioh she was coiiviulod , occu led In Lhorpool , Mav 11 , 1SSO. Ho was a rich cotton inuruhant , and hud married his Amoric.in wlfo eight veara boforo. At the trial , of which full do - tails won ) published thioughout tlio civil i.i'dorld , the rola- tioiib ol Mia. Maybrick to a Ah * . Hriorly furnished tbo motive for the rrimo. 'J'hoso who \\cro pres ent when the jury , nf'or a llttlo inoro than half an hour's deliberation , returned - turned \cidict of guilty , Miy that the pallid f.ico of the convicted woman had in it alcoU almost of > hniity. . As tbo word "guilt j" \\.is spoUcn slio foil for ward as if struck by a dagger. bho chitchud the rail of the doi'lc in front o ( her ; she arose and bioko the awful H- cuco of that com t loom with the words , pliMdinglj nttoiod' "My lord , ovory- lliing has boon airainst mo. I wish to snj th it , althonuh ovuiimce has boon given as to a gi o.it many oil cumstancos in ( onnoMiou with Mr. Hriorly , much has been withheld which might have in- lluotu'ud the iur.\ , had it boon told. I am not guilty ol this crime. " This was a case of murder by poison. Most iiibtnncos in which women are the criminals , and \\hero the crime is pro- mcdUntod , nio t-uch , and that inulcos the uhaigo in the Hordcn ca-c , whoio a brut.il m.iu'fi wo.ipon an iior a hatchel was used , strangely inconsistent - ont if not impoisihlo. A woman bent on criino will solve the iiroblcm bcforo her in the easiest possible manner. Hallimoro's c.ui'-o eclobro was the trial of Mrs. Wlmrton , the widovof an army olllccr , who in 1S71 was accused of the murder of Concral W. b. Kotchum ol the U S. A. Mis. WlmrUm was nearly oO years of age. an intimate friend of the general , and -floa\ily in his dobt. She wns piopared for a trip to Hurope , and on .rune tJ ! , 1871 , tlio goneial came fioin vVashinglon to bid her good-byo and incidentally collect the money duo him. Ho was lakon ill after leaving the hon e , and dud . .InnoS Ills waist- ( o.it , containing the widow's note for money duo , was missing. Air Van Ne'-s. a man fully cogni/.ant of the widow's financial allalrs , was also taken ill at the same time and nariowly escaped dualli. It wiib proven Hint the genet nl Irul uictl of poiboning. Mis. \Vlniiton was acquitted of the charge of poisoning Gcnoi.il ifotchom , aud tbo charge of attempting 10 kill Mr Van Xibi wa never pushed. The trial wan poi haps ono of llio mostsont-ational over liold in this country , oor 100 exports loslif.\itiLp pro and con concerning thoof- feols'of tlio poipon adimiiistoied. The defense clai. nod , in the fnco of the expert - port examination that death was duo to spinal incntngltiu. Laaura IX fair's grout crime was tlio fruit of lior awful t'Jinpor. Her victim was A. 1' . ( Jilltondun , a monibor of a famous ICon lucky family , and a distin guished liiAvyor then practicing in San Francisco. Mr.i Pair was a btrong minded woman , not narlicularly good looking , and infatuated with Crilten- dcn. She had Dccn married four times , nnd nibbled that Crittonden should so- cuie a divoi'co ftom blH wife and make lior lifth matitalietim. . Ho icftuod and soul for Jiin wlfo uho VMIS oast. Hemet met bur on the fonyixiat Kl C.ipilan in the Hay of San Kr mcisio November ! ! , 1S70. Hiding near at hand was Mrs. Fair. As ( 'rittemlon prob&ed hih arniH around his wjfu's form , touching her lips in wukomu , the t-lioL that ended Ins life tang out lib dcatn knoll , and ho foil a corpbo between the two women who claimed him. Alifi. Fair'b dofonbo 'was inh'inlly , but at the llrst trial it was not taken Into consideration nnil bho was found guilty of innrilcr in the lirst degree. On a technicality the \otdict wa hot abide and n second trial cuded with acquittal. Kach trial lasteirn full month and was telegraphed In uxtuibO to all Iho papoiH of thu country. Omaha wan the Hcenc of a tragedy in which a woman was thu principal. The murder of Hairy W.King bj l lbulo Heeclilor in the I'axton hotel in Novem ber , 1SS8 , nttriiutod national intor- cst owing to the prominence in commercial circles of the family of the doetiuod. The motive wan jeiious\ ! , the woman having traseled fioiu ( Jiovoliind , O. , to Omaha , to wrccic \cngcancu on a fnilhlobs lover. .Sho wan tried in .lune , IbS ! ) , and acquitted. The mobl Honsational judicial mm dor , of this con tiny wan the execution of llll/ii Fanning , lu her lime ono of the most beautiful uumun of London. She was scarcely IB when uharu'ed wlth polhoning the family in which who was u governess. It was provun consliialvoly that nho liorsulf had become H ) from eating the poiaonud food. Her iiino- cunco wah established at the trial , but the icceider , bufoio whom the ciibovirn hnarU , conceived so gnat a piojudico thai in hU Until ehargo ho p.ib cd only upon Iho ovtdcnco adduced agaliiht hoj- . him was cxocntod.and .msbo blood rol.cd in white on the scalTold butween two old olTendors , who \voro biilToring a llko ponaltv. hho cried out : "Hoforo the just and almighty ( -lod , and by the faith of the holy sacrament 1 have received , I am innocent of the offence of which 1 am charged. " na a- aof An limiliiulili ! Ittiuti'il ) fur Cold * . ofll ll Hurdmiui of T\lor county Weil aA was almost jirosliateil with a cold ir- \\licn ho l > c > . ' ! in usinx ( 'haiuboihiln'a ( tough irHi Hcmt'Uj la bjieakliiKOf It hosays "HK.IVO id inonlnii'st liiBtitnt icllcf I llml It to be uu IU1 IK invu'uniilu ' icmoUj for coldi * " For nule by