Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 TIIF OMAHA DAILY lKKAtONTOAY ) : ( ) , DKrKMHKK 1 ! ) , 1HD2 ,
Spirited Controversy Over Inscriptions on the
Indiana Soldiers Monument.
Storlct Told lij Mirriimn A r iur-l.iKRtil
\ tcrnii-Mi i liiR on 1'lcld I Dutj
III nth of u Iliirulnuiif
1'ort Dull ! IMIII.
There Is ti lively controversy fining
Indlnnn soltliois over 'ho ' now menu
intiiit to llio union ( lend , which is now
nlniosl llnishod. Tlio council of udinin-
intuition of the Doiiarltnunt ot Indiana ,
Grnnd Army of the Knpubllc , h s de
termined to icsort to law to'i > rovont tlio
Bold 10 rs nionutucnt ( . oininlt&loii from
liiiicinir the ( Inlet of the Mexican war
upon tlio monument. Commander
Clu-ail'io has hcon itnUuutud to procure
Ictfnl nil vice ns to the best mode of pio-
Colonel Jrv in Itobbint of the council
ems "Uo intend to bring suit to recover -
cover the 521,000 which the
( jiiinU Aimy of the Republic
jjavo to the inniunm nt fund. When wo
KOt Unit inonav bicU the lommlsbionors
muj i ut unjlhinj , ' tliry plu : eo on Iho
luoiiumontVo v.lll Imvo nothing mete
to doith it Thu Oiiind
A liny of tlio Hcpublio of t'ouise ,
will tulto no imi t in the iludlciitorj oxer-
cl'os. The commission may mniiago
them n-i it plc-riso" . Thoio is llttlo doubt ,
good luvvi PI H toll us thnt vvo < ' : ui ( jot
back the inom\v vvlih-h vvu collected for
the monument , bununo it 1ms no1buon
used for the purpobO for which itus
gi von. " _
Morlcs Vlioiil Slici mini.
For two . \o u rd in succession I'll Per-
Uins 1ms midiov-c-d the 1,10(1 ( old soldioia
ut the Niitional Homo. Last iiljjht ,
ni.\3 : the Milwaukee ! Sentinel , the lui-
inoribt told this < -toi'\ :
GeiiPiul hhortnan , befoio bodied , \ \ nan
n neighbor of inino. llo lived at 7" >
\VestSovi-iity-lliststreet. One ni ht I
look the ( up to mv ( Jrinil Army
post Kllpati i 'U post 1 I ! . On the vv.iy
b.i k I iibKoil him if ho didn't think
"Kil" vv.'iB a fiood ( l-rhtoi- .
"Splendid , " slid Shot man , and then
ho Mild , liiufrhing , "but ho vvua u fjieat
botiBtcr , too. Well , ho had a ri < ; iit to
bcabt for ho could never bo.ut attoiifjer
than ho fouirlit.
"One day , " continued the poneral ,
"Kilpatru-k was iccoimtiiiR1 , ut Willard'd
hotel \Vu&hinfton , his cxpeiicnco
dilviiipr back icbol reinfotcemonts ut
Clmnco lorsvlllc. Liatonlnjy to him was
nciovvdof old boldiois , uniony whom
was Mosbv .
" ' ' ' 'tho woods
'Whi''t-iiiil Killpatrick ,
Bvvai mod with i eln ls , 1 had two horses
shot under mo and - '
" 'What did you do then , KilV asked
" 'Win. I jumped onto a government
mule ; a' bill kn < eked mo oil , but the
undo chat trod iifjht ahead into the lebol
.nuiKs. 1 never know what became of
that mule. '
" ' \Vny , Jicnoi nl , ' said Moab.v , 'I saw
that mule. Ho came iijht into our
line ? . '
" 'Well , I'm glnd to sec inj word- ; con
firmed , ' s.nd ltiliiuick | , seiiously.
'Thenou icallv biivv him ; "
' "Yes , sine. '
t- " 'Dead. "
- " 'Yes. '
11 'Hoad shot off ; "
" 'No ; died fiom moitification. " '
Genoinl Sherimn always said with
pi ido that the Army of Iho Tennessee
never lotroatcd. They btaited in at
Memphis and came out at C'harlo&toii
and Washington in si fourth of the time
that it took the Auny of the Potomac to
Bee-saw bntk and foitli between Wash
ington mid Richmond Ono dav nfior
the war the general biiid ho was talkintr
\vitha veteran fiom the Aimy of the
Potomac. The soldier was desciibing
tlio big light of Hooker at Chanuoloib-
"Did the rebels run ? "asked Shot man.
"Did thoj I'tmV repeated thosoldlo * .
"Did the rebels runV Great SrottI I
ehould bay they did run. Why , General ,
they ran BO like thunder that wo had to
i un tin co miles to keep out of then vvajs
and if wo hadn't thrown away our gun ,
they'd run all over in , BUIO ! "
Sin til I ) } llnn.'st .lulill.
Ono of tno members of a Juiiino regiment -
mont told a utoiy of ' 'Honest John
Wood. " 'J ho intidont ocein red in voiy
cold wo.ilhor and at an important crisis.
"At night time , " 'aid the imitator , ac
cording to an exchange , "when wo pick
ets ai lived at the outposts , Oantain
Wood wild :
" 'It is lee SOVPIO foi the men to face
this storm all night. '
"Theio was a small house clot-o by ,
and the captain diiceted that wo should
build a Iho in it and Miolter oin solves
us best wo might. Wo did bo , and ,
weary with marching and lulled by the
warmth , wo foil fast asicep. When the
olllcor ot the grand rounds came our
way lie found r. tegular bleepv llolloiv
Of coui'jo wo were lopoited , and in the
morning wo weio binnmoned to head
quarters. Naturally wo woio terribly
{ tightened , for sleeping on picket is a
Eorlous olleiiht" . Wo were ushoiod into
General Wilson's tout IIo sternly 10-
peated the chaige. Had wo been guilty
of sleeping on our posts ? Wo had. It
would have bctm useless to iittonmi any
explanation , but ( 'upturn Wood , who was
mceont , anticipiUed any that wo might
Imvo attempled ,
" 'Genotal , ' ho said , 'the blnino does
not real upon these met ) . I am respon
sible lor all. I gave them eiders to
take shelter in that houio and build a
lira theto , and I am to blame. 'J'ho\ \
would i ot have uecn asleep but for mefy
" 'llo\v long have you beoij in the ser
vice , bir ? ' said the general , htuinly.N
" 'A low months , yoneral '
" 'I thought so. If JCHI liiul boon hoto
longer jou would huvo come nohoio
full of excuses and icady to shift the
blnmo on any one at hand. You can go.
Your honebty has saved you. ' "
IJvidontly the men vvoto forgiven as
vroll as their olllcor , for the narrator of
the story subsequently beramo a lion-
A I'o \utiiaiii
. " 1 hud a dog that followed mo all
thiough Iho war , and wus of gioat ser
vice to mo , " said Captain Fred Smith to
the Globc-Domouiat man. "Ho was just
u common , 'oniory' looking 'yullor' dog ,
but ho had the heart of a woman and the
coin ago of a lion. I enlisted at Mat-
teen , Miul the dog followed mo there. I
eont him back homo , but ho wouldn't
Btny. The capluin took a liking toAi \
ajid when wo wcru oidcrod bouth ho
went along.In patticlpatcd in sev
eral ot the big battled of Iho war , mid in
any number of BklnnUhos. Ho would
take up his position nuar our battery of
Hold pieces and baric dellancoat the ene
mies of his country. At Shiloh a nholl
exploded within ton feet of Xip.cuiting oil
tin oo inches fo his bushy tall. That
angeled film , and ho advanced on the
enemy but King furiously. The lines
wore about 600 yuuls apuit , and shot
and bhctl wore Hying thick as hull. Y.\\\ \ \ \
ran forwaid fully SOO yaids and gave
the Johnnios to distinctly undoratutul
that ho allowed no tampering with hie
nil. The confcdprrxlo bntlery al o had
. dog , a big , lank miistlfT , nnd ho came
iut to coo about it. Thny didn't wusto
, n\ time 'parrlng for nn opening , but
ook liold in dead earnest The John-
ilca stopped shooting nnd began to chcor
heir dog. Wo did the snme. Kor fully
en mituitos the o two battorlos stood
llcnt vvhilo the gunners watched the
lontcst of Iho canine knights , who
ought ns though tin- fate of imllons
lopondnd on thorn 'Sick him , Tl o ! Glvo
t to the S nrikpu son-of-a-Riinl ' jelled
ho confcdoiate cannoneers advancing
n front of their guns. ' ( Jolt , Xip ! Rip
lim lo ribbons. / \ \ > V wo yelled , also
idvuneing well In front of our linos. A
ionlodorato sot go ml throw n rock at
) iirdo ? , nnd that brought on trouble.
Keep jour hands olT that dog" jelled
ho captain of our battery , as ho burled -
led back and trained a , gun on the con-
cdorato gioup That set both b-ittpries
.o touring again , and beneath the Hood
jf iron these dogs fought on. I am sorry
.o say thnt Xlp got the worst of Ij , . Ho
.uis outclassed , nnd , though ho put up i
is game a light a ° over dog did. ho was '
( ont to his corner loser. Hew the con-
'eds did veil and Hoot and liowll Hut
, vo had our rovcngo. Wo thiovv a six-
jiound shell into their dog and blow him
nto s.iusago meat. " '
llnsiu V IIIIIIK ; M < ( li linn.
A fewdajs after election a grlm-
rlingwl veteran innilo hi" way into the
silica of the treasurer of the Hrooklyn
bridge and asked to see Colonel ( tcorgo
H. Mcl'lollan , sajs the Now Yoik Timo" .
The iresidutit-olert ) of the Now Yoik
Hoindof Aldermen promptly stopped
forwaid and said. " \ \ oil , what can Ido
forjou ? ' * Colonel McClellan's jouthful
iippcaranco pii/plcd the old soldier. Ho
uycd the smoothf.uod joting man bo-
foio him dosoly and ejaculated : "I siid
1 w.intcd tor t-oo Colonel George 13. Mo-
Clellan. "
" \Voil , I am the man , " s-iid Colonel
- ' 'Not on jerlifo , " responded the old
mill imtably. " 1 am IOOMII * for do
I'lisident uv do Hoord ot AUl'mon , and
do son uv mo ould conunundor , Gineral
Mcl'lollnn. "
"You boo bun Loforo jou , " insisted
the BrooUjn Bridge ticasurer calmlj.
"Whalciti I do for you ? '
'Iho vetoian again looked Colonel
Mct'lollnii ovorfiom head to foot , and
lematned unconvinced. "Yer a putty
joung lad to bo president of the bootd
of ald'inaii , ' ' Htua ho at last , "an1 I don't
huliovo je aio the man. Hut boin' as
\c bay \o nio , tin' I can't dispiovo it ,
1 want tcr congiatulate jor as the son
of mo ould commander. That's all. ' '
With that ho reached out a brawny
hand and gave Colonel McClellan a
nearly giip which was rotut ned in the
piopor spirit. As Iho veteran was going
out of the olllco ho tut nod , took another
look at the young colonel , and bhook
his head dubiously. w _
Iliuil on the I iiisun.
Just after the battle ot 1'orrv v illo , in
October , 1S02 , Dr. Savage , a strong
union man , was at one of Ins appoint
ments to bapti/e bomo children There
vviu > n. latgo ciowd , and u sturdy south-
cm matron btoutrht lior four children
to the altar. "Xiimo this child , " said
the union pi cachet , la.v ing his hand on
the boy's head. "Simon Uolivai
nei"vvas the icply , which einibcd iv
binilo to como over the congiegation ;
but the bravo picachcr went on with
his dutv.
"Name HUB child , ' taking the next in
otdor "I'lortn Gustavo Toutant Beau-
togard , " and the sitiilo giew into a
snicker , vvhilo Dr. Sivago became ted
in the face. llo bapti/cd the young
namesake of the gioat engineer soldier ,
and went on with the core-
inony. "Namo this oun , " ho
gabp'cd , reaching for the thiid. "Al-
boi thulney.lohnston"camothoanbwor.
The smile became audible and the
preacher apoplectic. Heaving a high
of iclicf ho took the fointh child , u
liltlo gnl , whoso gcndoi ho fondly sup
posed would preclude a continuation of
liptoie icpioductiop , and said , "Name
" " Stonewall Jackbon
this child. "Mary
Lee , " came the response that set the
eoiigiogatioi in a roar , vvhilo the union
parson thought , ho had held in his arms
the whole southern confederacy. "
1 > < > 1IK | > "I Ntihi * , i 1'ostM.
At the logular meeting of Jolin Ing-
ham Post No 05 Grand Army ot the Re
public of Paw n co Citj , the following
ollicors woio elected to soivo the ensu
ing .v oar : Coinmaimcr , .1. W. Pisliei ;
senior v ice comm iiulor , William Hall :
junior vice commander , William . ) .
White ; qimrlui master , B II Pullet ;
ollicer of the day , Thomas Plummet ;
chup'ain ' , Williuin Hutchmin ; surgeon ,
i'ritMejoi ; outside guaid , David
Poatcc ; dolcg.itub , Al. \ . Biker , J. G.
Sloan ; alternates , William Hall , Wil
liam .J White. The Sons of Veterans
of the same ( ily olec-tcd tiio following
ollicors Captain , Van Haio ; Ilibt lieu
tenant , A. . ) . Co ud ; bocond lie itcnant ,
Frank Sanford ; camp council , Will
Haio , Philip Pearl llc.bsler , W. N.
Hare ; delegate to state encampment ,
C'.vril Miller ; alternate , Chailes Brown.
I oriIt | ltli"i' .
Have vou ever heuid of the way the
badge of the Fiftpcntb Aimy corps
came to bo adopted ? "Tho hadiro was a
mini ituro caiti-idgo bo.x and forty
rounds. It was dm in , ? the year ISW.
Tlio Tenth Armyi'oips hud a badge ,
the chief feaUno of which wus the dia-
gitim of a bastioned fort. Uno of the
members of the Tenth Army corps met
a western fellow of the Fifteenth corps ,
and addio-ised him with : 'Hollo ; whet o'n
jourbulgol' The Fifteenth coi pa in in
thought a moment , and slapping his
cattridgo box , said , 'Hero's my budge ;
c irtiidge-box with forty rounds. ' Gen
eral Logan alterwards he.ud of it and
adopted the suggestion as a ucsign for a
badgo. _
Oun Uoiiiiii'rt llru\ < ) } .
The only woman who carried the
United States lltvg In battle dining the
Into war , died at G irlleld hospital in
Washington tecontlj Kho was Mis.
Eli/a \ \ , Cutler , and ut Fort Donolson ,
as her husband's teglmont was lighting
despoiatoly against toniblo odds , she
apjioaicd on the Hold , sword ID hand ,
beat ing the icirimontal colois aloft , and
remained on the Held until ordered
aboaid the steamboat by the colonel ,
The funeral took place fiom Calvary
Baptist church. The remains were
bulled in Ailiiigtoncomotry in the Mime
Hag which she boio upon the batllotlcltl
of Fort DoiioUon ,
I > ulni ; < < > ( Nrlinsliii I'lisln ,
Ljon Post No. 11 GiandAimyof the
Ropublio of Grand Island lias eleotcil
the following olllcers for the ensuing
vear : Commander , ( ieorno J. Bpcucoi ;
bonier vice cominandor , Henry Tegh'
meter ; junior vito commander , C. C.
Dodson ; singcon , Dr. .1. B Hawk ; oli'iiv
lain , .1. C. Tioyor ; olllcor of the day , F ,
H. Davis ; olllcur of tno gu.ud , Frank
At n mooting of Sodwick Post No. I
Grnnd Army of the Republic of Kenr
noy the following ollicors weio cloetei ]
for the ensuing year : Pubt commander ,
Dr. H. S. Hull ; senior vlco commander
I. H. Wonibaugh ; junior vice com
maiulor , 1. A. Arnold ; qumtermastor
II. L. Koaaiun ; chaplain , Dr. Oliver
ofllccr of the day , Joboph Blaetf ; ollicci
of guaid , C , 1) . Shustor ; s irgeant , J , M
The j early election of olllccraof Foot *
pout No. 10 Grand Army of the Ropub
he of Old took pluco Fiiday , Decomboi
ii. The following ircro elected ; Com
innnder , T M Foster , sr-nlor vlco com-
inindor , A. . .1.dnn , junior vlco torn-
inandcr , I ! . A. Wlllcox , chnplnln , An-
Irow Ior > e , surgeon. .1 R. Fnirbnnk ;
lunrtormastor , Finnic Mnllory ; ollkor
jf the day , F. M. Davis ; ofllcer of the
1'unrd , William Wjgont. The following
ivoro olccto 1 as defogatcs tothooncatnp-
incut : Samuel Vosc , K A. Wlllcox , W.
r Ivlnmonl.
At the annual mooting of J. F. Rey
nolds post No 2(1 Gra-tl Army of the
[ { ( . public of OscooH the following olll ;
. ers nero elected fjjr Iho ensuing year : "
1' . H. Sti'indcts commnndur ; L. .1. Van-
Inoi'ou , senior vlcocummnndor ; William
McHetlt , Junior vice commander ; Dr. S.
0. Wlialov , smvcon ; . ) . H. Mickey ,
chaplain ; H. W. ICennnrd , ( luaitormns-
lor , II. F. Hcnsc , olllcor of the day ;
L'hatlcs Burkhnrd , ollicer of the guard ;
Dr. K. D. Bucknor , adjutant , and C. M.
f'oon , icwcsontatlvo. On tlio sumo day
the Woman's Relief corps No. 0' ) hail
tholr election and the following named
Indies will tula over them for the next
joar : President , Susan Whak-v , senior
v.cj pio5idont , Mary H S uindoi'S
junior vice president'Mary. F Wilson ;
ttcasuior , Marv Pulvorchaplain , Susan
Hartman.conductor : , Margaret Wlicoler ;
guaid , Mary Bonso ; delegate todcpirt-
ment , Mrs. J p. Calkins.
At the lust tegular meeting of Tanner
post No. 12S7 Ginnd Aim.v of the Re
public at Curtis , the follo'wing olllccrs
wore elected for the ensuing year : Post
comnvindcr.Dr. S R R i/co ; senior vice
commander , .1. S DulTov ; junior vice
commander , G. V. Anderson ; qinrtor-
master , II. Montgomery : chaplain. D.
W Kills ; burgeon , S. V. Link ; ollicor
of the day , M. L. Teller. The post is
an active one and in good working oidor.
'Iho ullUeis i-loel of the Gi'imii post No
'JiMine ,1 P Pliik'V , post toimtiamler. W
H Ilitlliott , SLMilor vlio cnmmaiHk'i , K .1
Motsc , junior vii.o commander , M Ciciinvr ,
qunteimaster , A II 1'nllci , oniicr of the
dav D Voimt , onkei ol the gu.i.d , T H
nvvniff , ch tplain
At a legnlni incotlnsof A Lincoln post
No 10 , ( ( Ainu of the Kcpubllc , of
Uuid Cltv the follow ItiK olllii'is VVPIO
olci ted lor the ensuing joar l > C KPV-
nolds post comm indci , Hub Popper , senior
vice loinmandci , .lohn K Townsoud , Hmlor
vkoioiiunnuli'i A Uusbt.ll , qunti'i-
mastci , Can \\altcis. sminnn ; H P
MUIIIIS , ibaplaia , IolmV Hoston , olllicrot
of tln < dav , Coim.ule Ptatt. o'llierof Iho
guaid Wtlliim Pnliiian ami \ VilliimVelkr
wcto plotted dPlciratcs to attend the dcptrt-
mcnt ctu impmiMtt amiV A Uussoll i ml
A'ilmjJiT as allot it UIM
At tlio u-KiiIar mootinjrof ,1 P Hcvnolds
post No ai , C.i iml Aunv of tlio Uopiiblk of
Os oola , the follow ing ollltots vvotc elected
for tliu cnsmmj je.u T II .Sum-
dots ( oininatiiliii \ .1 Van Iloobett ,
senior \iio coiiimandor , S \Vh.ilcj , sm-
poon.l U Midvov , chaplain , HV ICcn
ii.ud nu n tctmastci llitam IJonsp , ofllcoi or
the da > . Ch.nlos lUtikhirt , oflkcr of the
Kiuul , i : D nuckner , adjutant C
M Coon was elected delegate to
the dopiitnicnt encampment and Chat IPS
Hmkh.nt altctnate The Woman's iio-
llof C'oijis elcctcil the follow Inn olll
CPIS foi the I'lisuiiip VL.IIMis S O
\Vhtloy , ] ) icsuluit , Mis 'l' II Saimdpis ,
soniot vice picsiilciit Mis M 1 \\ilson ,
junior vuo incsulpiit Mis C M Ptilvoi ,
ticastiict , Alls II P Hensc , puild , Mis
SUSHI II ii'tm in chaplain , Mts K Wheilct ,
oiubii tot anil Mis L 1 } , Im.kncr , oirMtiist
The loicntlj i hfiacn ollkois of Utissi 11
lost , Gtaml Aimv of the Republic of Pnh-
iiitv.aietbe following Comm mder C B
Wcol.b scmoi VHO lomiuaiuler , C A ( Jink ,
imior vuo commtndct S O Munjrci ,
in nteimastei , A ,1 Kmjr ollket of thcd.iv ,
S 1) Allen-.ollkci of thc > ( 'iiail ( ,1 M ,
ch iplam , 1 Allci , sui eon , Di X Kmib
At the icvulir tin otmj ? ot the Worn ni's
iiellof Coips No U''of Chadion , the follow -
ni ollliois v\uo elected Jor the ensuing
ioai 1'iesiileiit , Mis Satalt LViiirht ,
sentoi vitc prcsitlcMtt , Mis II C Uaud.ill ,
imior MCO piLsulcMtt Mis M M UtiUei ,
; ieisiuer , Mts Iluttio C Cook , chaplain.
Mis M H Divis , conductor , Mis > L M
I'owets , guild , Mis A C bhiilev
ICeiul ill post , tit and Aimy of the Kcpub-
.ic . , of Stanton elected now ollkeib .is fol-
ows Clinles Wolvoiton , po t comm nulci .
I M Mtlehell , soniot vice commamlet , Pi oil
llelmiick junior VKO ( omm inilet. Josopb
rotsvthe , sei eant , S K MuPailnul. chiii-
laml lloilv , < | iiaitcimastoi ; L J Hoiton ,
adjutant , C Ttcnt , olllior of the clai , II
Kkcknei , olllcei of the gu ud.
.loo Hooker post No .N , Gtand Aimv of
the lic'pubUc * , of Shelton , elected the follow-
mironkcib U Mitehell , toinmaiidei ; A N
Muipliv senior vice , D Stonebutioi , junior
vice , W II Billies , qu.utcim.istei , .1 , M
Il.iim in , bin onti , II S Itoss , i haplainV ;
W Wallets , olllcei of the dav , .1 L Hold
ing , officer ol Iho gu.ud , II C Bull , tepio-
sentalivo to encampment , A N Muiph ) ,
Piles of pcoplu have piles , but DeWitt's
Witch Ha/el s live v\ill cute Ihem
'I lie Vininil Vil/ciiui liul.oj Hunt.
I xaiiunei : Thoioato bomo parts of
Aruona that ate full el men who will
live for . ! ( il dayin the joir en bacon
and beans nnd never utter u complaint ,
but on the other day it is dilTeroi.t. If
the bill ofare is not changed on
Thank-giving dnj tl'eio istioubloin
camp , grumbling and profanity nnd a
tondenej to talk bluelj about the homo
in "the states. ' '
Away down in the southeastern section
tion of'tho tonitory theiois a cteck
oillod Rio Pitcto , and nicknamed the
"Turuoj ri\or. " ft is the only place
within about -00 miles whet o wild tur-
kejs abound , but then thoto are enough
of lliom in the narrow valley to slock u
atnto with this greatest of fowlb , wild or
tame , .lustbeforo Thanksgiving , pros
pectors , minors nnd raneheis 'omo into
tlio canon fiom as much as 100 miles
away to shoot turkeys for dinner on the
great daj. l'or a day or so the blaugh-
ler is tiemondous , but the bitds do not
seem to bo thinned out much bj It , for
they are almost unmolested dining Iho
tobtof the year. The place is to far
from any whole , ho dimciilt of access ,
that nobody will bravo the hatdbhip of
miles of dosei t hills and t oclfy clills ex
cept under the gtcat inducement ol
Than Usgiv ing.
Some of the hiinlois como o far that
Ihoy have to make "jorky" of the turkey
meat in order tc got it homo. A follow
wants turkey pretty h ud when ho will
travel 100 mlles for it and then take it
in Iho Hhapo of aaltod and sun-dried
strips and shiods , and usually fried in n
gravy of bacon grctiso tmd Hour.
A Thanksgiving hunt in the valley ol
the little ilvor is worth a Irin , if any.
Ihing in Unit line cuii compensate torn
twenty or llfty-inilu trip over baio rock :
with the thermometer at 110. There arc
noondnf turkojB in the vallo.v. At
vou walk up the creek gieal llockb ol
them , both the big black follows and
the smnller bron/o turkojs Bvvarm ii |
the bulks into the oru-h liuo quail ,
Ono of tltom v\111 carry away as inuoli
lend as a dour , and there nro all soi is ol
stories about turkeys getting away with
ono wing and onoiOgbioKon. The arilh1
at the businebs shoots oil the lurkoy'i
bond. A man who would use a njiotgut
under the circumstnnces would "u'lotmd
elttco" nunil , if ho would not llt > h foi
trout with giant powder.
Half a do/en biids make n tremcndou :
bag , about as much as a pack-mnlo cat
curry out of the vttlloy , for they grow t <
a marvolotiEi si/e. Oid-tlmcrs bay tha
gobblers weighing thirty pound's havi
boon taken out of the Prleto canyon.
An bonosl pill is Iho nohlcstorlc of tin
upatheiMi'V Do Wills Llulu Daily Klscn
cuiocoiistip.ition , billoubiioss und bkk head
Total l..u.ol CITIEO ,
Corn * pondence vollclttxl.
103-IQS D0 rborn Street , CHICAGO.
15 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
7O6tuto9t. , BOSTON.
There Was Qilltt } a Good Domanil for
Whrttt Yesterday.
t <
1'rutldlntKVero < iu the DortliH1 'oon Aflrr
tlin < ) | MiihiK I'nlll ' Ni ir Mio Clo < -
Cnlilcrrc \ uln Urikntiil
Uiuiliil l.p\\cr I'rlu .
111 , Dec 1 -Thcio was n Rood dp-
iii mil foi wheat iv.'iy time It KOI down to
701,0 orlowet , ami nilllloiis sienicd foi s ile at
7b'c foi May. It ekxril wllli 70'ic lild Coin
and oils weio easier , tnls lirln , ! the we lUot of
tin1 two toutiid the chxi * t'oin Isalioul t l-10c
lowei aiiilo it ateiiir > ( c. I'lnvNIons weteon
tin1 decllno MXIII ufl- lluopiMiliu until ne ir
thiMlose Polk oiiinii iroil with jestetil IV , Is
IM' IOWIM .linuni v latil Is IV ( hltjhet ami May
'Jt'je lottiM , Hlbs IICMIIT ftotn 7'C ' to tV (
The conillllonoptii to p niiljfe opei itoti
Inlieal I'llci's ( ijipi ! neil too low to cn- ! si'llln , ! uiiil tno weik to.innnt
nun h Im.vlni : t .ilili-s VMMO nuiln woaU ami
( Hicilnl IOXM'I pi Ices I'lom both coivts tin"
e\poits of wheat nnd lloin VM-IP lepoited to
In nboiil 1 no unit Uu muillei than iliiilm ;
tin- | ) i ivillni ; neil , \\lille ( loin llui All tittle
lioiNIhe ivpoitiofliiit alone wete ibniit
( ) & ( ) ) iiiullei Iho tei i Iplf ul liiliiniii }
In u Ki li for the nci K wc'te about 1,1)00 ) IIOL ) bu
less th in last mel ,
It win tstlniitid III it thel llle ) upplv
inlulil not iionn | Itu ir.iM' of IIMM iiliont
l.'mn.oiMlto I 7rMiiMllm ( tlmiiBhdine nut ties
eitiiiluttd upon J.outioou to J.'jOiMiiio bit In-
i'M ise I ho fiillni ; eailj W is tuiiie nnil
] n li e < < iln llmd ' , ' ' , then lice itni1lioiieei anil
the rhi-lni ; VMIX i built ' , e Im'.i'i tliiin M"-lil-
IM\ | -iMiii' tittle silppoif \\as L'Ucn to the
nmilul on the luMii4 of loil.invj bu ofhcil
til si l.oiilxul 1jc advance on the pi Ice lilil foi
It luo ilajs air 1 1
( oin \ \ iisie ulj for i uhllc mil dtvllni'il 'i1'
I. HIM , \\ltb \\li.-il . inn pioNlslons , iiillled
sIlKbtlj anil eloped ' > lth , i loss
Ti iilliiK n is ; |
Oils soon ihillnrd ' ( > ' , thin tallied 'n 'tc ' ,
( lei lint il v itnd i UIM d HIlom i limn on
Ji'slonliij I'hc in.itkel wits fe Itllieless
rot HUM loiltiKd i\ of th"i i It tbeie was
< pllle an ai'lhr hnslui'-s In ho , ' iiiodueli ,
in ilnls i n illli il In in il op"i Hois 1 lie in 11-
Uc't was ie nlj uiisi'ttfld .mil pi Ices Iliietu-
alid tonildi i tlilv avilliu inileilnlly
luui'i on nil the li .iillnunilli Us I hn ni.n ki t
oiipiud siioiuii , bill am i a fi \ \ pm-
iliises hirUeil em i il siippmt nnd mom
lindi'ls liiol * aiU , intake uf tliu situation
lodNpii-iof c'on-idi l ibl" plop il ) At IliK
jiiiiilnie the I in il lom ; IniiMiI tiidlttd
with i illn i fici elli iln s a i I | nli i dccllncMl
quite l ipldlv nol\\llhst indiiu' snni" pioiu-
liu nt in inilf nMuii'i- iu l put led as in ikliu
i Kin i Illic nil niiii b lit s I oun id the elosi-
tilt ma tl > ( I \hlblli d a little molt ln nuMli In
: i K > n < i > il iv rinding u i > liilsli tiolliln
.r.inii nand \1 ij delUeiles and dUliniicts
wt'ie \\lililiiil -IMIILU hil : 1 he ncilpts of
no4s\ete fill \\llli llltliM li iiui s lo note In
linees stllhu .il Iho highlit ll iue-of the
se i son
INtlni ited stipph foi iie\t eel. onlj inodti-
ate l.stlinaltd n i elpls foi Mtinil i\ \\ ,
lU7cns , loin , JJ7 < us ; outs , JU ( ) ens , ho s ,
J I 000 he id and 13rOiH ) heVd nelM eU.
' 1 ho IP ulliu futures iniut d as follows
f'usli ( iiiitatliiii wrcro TS filln ;
I i oi'it-\\onU , wlnli'i pilenls , JT D031 00 ,
lnl. i sti il litW JDft.l 40 , sinliu lute-tits ,
f3 7)7f ) I in , siiiln strallitiJ < . < 5il 00 ; b.ik-
01 s $ > Wti/2 ) ID
\ \ lllTNo 'JyirliiR , TO'sOi No J sprliiKi 01
( SOdr No J loil.TO'jc : .
CtiliN Mi , icl > . No J , I IDI
OMS-.No L' .Kl'MDilc ; No 2 whllu , .15'jc
on ti ifk. No J nhltf , JJjiJ-.o. '
ItM'-No 'J , 47'c- '
IUinrNo 'J.blL ; N"o 3 , f. o 1)103000 ;
No 4 , f. o 1) , )4fe4ic
I'l \\-l l n No 1$1 OS'i
TiMOTin " ! i n I'rlini1 , $ JOOi7 J 10
I'oitu Mi's- , , ] ) IM Ijlil , fl I 7fUlr > 00 ; Hnl ,
nor KM ) Ills , flOOO slioii 11 | ) , | ( | > s ( loosi. ) ,
is JViH 17 , < s.iltPilsliuuldiMslioxi ( .1) ) J7 87'a
Qh ( Id , short ilou slil.s ( bovotl ) , $8 HOi.H ( 81
\ \ IIISKDlstlllciV finished goods , pui s il ,
M nil Cut leif , ri'jBo'aC ; Ki'iiml ilc'il , Oo ,
st in.I . ml1 A , " l' e.
' 1 followln-5 cio the iccelpts mil ship
ments ted i.\
On tlio I'lodin ii t'\cb injrfi ted iv tbn butt , i
m 11 Let H.IS qiiit'l iMi'.uiii'i N , JO' ! , . " , diirj ,
lOjvJUc l 'h's , SL net' , stilully flush , J.lilt ,
N < uork Mnilf < Is.
NrYOIIK , Dt-L' 17 Pioi u Iit-i-dpts , Tl-
n.H pk 's , \poils llHI'j bbls , , lllir ) s u-ks ,
dull \u il < , silcs , H.IOO bbls , lovv < \tias Jln (
fiJ " > , \ \ lntcivhtnt Ion ni nils , f 2 OUT ? J Vi ,
I ill lo f im' ) tJ litlir.l 7.1 , p in nts 11 H"ti4 11 ,
Mliini-sol i.ot It n iJ lilTi. ) ,0.nulls , } , )5liri )
$1 It ) pite-nts , il Joiil 70 ; 1)1 , inUtiuos , JJ DO
( iv ) O'l '
I OIIN Ml VI Dull , stead ) ; ) cllovv vvcslc'in ,
" \Vni- vr-lttooliits. 7.1 02"i hit : o\potls 20S .
5l ( hi ) , .silcs , fj'J'i ( ! ( ) ( > hii fillinis , ll < ,0i)0 )
hu spot sps , | dull , cn-i , i , No 'J ltd ,
7li'f ( InstoitMind ol.'vntoi 7 ( > V' , illn it ; 73ii
< r 77Jit ; fob , o liod,7'Jii | mui id. . d led ,
7 ( ) 7Hi' , No 1 noitlii'in 7'J'ii ' ; No 1 hud ,
hjifh ( ! ( ' No J n ithi > iM,7lii , No JMII-
vinkt > ( > , 71'ji1 ; No : i spiln 7n'-i' ' options
opimd III mat'iii' idvanei' , it ni'tt tl Vc' \ . on
i ash i e ihltsui.l - \\tst nnd loi'nl n all/In/
clost'd\M il. U 'u ' . 'li.'lo" ) t > sli > iilnv , with a
modi'i it. l\ u the Had.N'o 2 nil , laniinv ,
' Q-Hic 70t 77 * < iij
7'i < 7r > - , i losing ut , f
7H'J(1 ' 77 tc , Mn ) , TJ\faAO'tf ' , c'los-
liu .it 701i > '
Itvi Dull , nomlii il , vvrstcin ulBls. *
Ituil 1 V ( Jtllt'l , ( sIDlll , OOiiHUf , No 'J To-
lonlo Hn IH
llviniv Mvn Qulot ; vvi-stt'iii , 70Jtfi-i' ,
clim id. ' i iiiad i H DC il no
( 'nils Kit. Ipts 1 i ( iliu bu . cxpnits , lO.RHij
husalts , tod.non hu of fiitinisj ootlll bu
spot i-pots dull \ i akt l , No 'J , [ > 0 uCf ,
fHi'jC In fit v itoi , Ol i'iilloil Options ut ii'
dull , : i'ii V lo\\i i , as fulliiuIn. ; \\jitatln llir
\\-st , t losing sli id ) , Dn'i mbi i , riO'ii ' > . closln , ;
! > o , f : limn ) , losln bojjc1 , .MnfJVu.f'-34C' ,
closing at liJV1
OAls-lttetlpts , 12000 bu J o\pois | , A 14 |
1)11 ) , suit's , .til 000 Illl flltlllPs. 11.0011 bu
spot 'spots dull , white Hi ni"i Options dull ,
nasli'i , .1,11111 n v ,17c i losing nl .17. , Mil.I'l a
5i.ll ) 7-lOf t losing at J'J'iiC , spot , No i ! while ,
l.'i1 ! mlM'd vvislt'in Hd'.Ti ' ) Hf , vvhltu nust-
cin , Wn I J'ji' , No i ! Clih aiso , ! I7 ij. '
llvv I Inn. . | iilct ; shipping , ooi ule' , pied
10 i hob i' 70 801 *
Mill's I'll in , fnlily ncllvi" slat.KOOI ! to
cholit , IHi/JJi- , 1'iMll'coast , in i Jli.
MIIMIKiu , dull , Him , full mining Hr ,
nltlfiuals < jil io < i I' , r , n lint d iiuh'i c is ) ,
011 A , | ii l U-Jic , mold A , I lO-ltii ,
stand nil A , I H-Jfi'ii I'jc : confi I'lloni'is A ,
t i-riM'i < , CMII loir , nri-n > i ! > vf. ciushcd.
. ' . . | . .1 I l.t-ld 'Ot ,
fi ) - > : iiri'- : | I.\MI. , -
Intiil. 1 ll-lb'/l , .L'Uliis 1 -llwlr 1 )
.Moissi.s roielgu noiidiiil , New Olli.i ,
9 * .
Colvln , La , Boo. 8,1080. My wife used
MOTIIER'Q ritlUND before her third
conflnemont , and eays eho % voulel not bo
without it for hundreds of clollara.
Sent by express on receipt of price. # 1.50 per bet
tle. Uook"lo Motliers" malbdfiee.
UB o AUonuaai T . _ fl7LAtlTAGA.
u. s , /i os/ioKv , OA/.U/.I , xr.n
Uipital . $10,00 ( ) (
Oniccr * and lltrrctors III nrjrV. . \ atn , prailitcnt
II U L'unlilne.ilcn | ire IUoni , C. > i Muurko , W V
tlorn ) JoluiB colllin , J .N , II 1'alrlck , l.tiwlt ti
Kcecl , catlder
fiili | I Mrndy ipctt ki-ltlc , now , Rood to
tlmli c , J'i ' 1" <
Hl ( l 1 ulr ( Ipinniul steady , dnmrsll.1 fair
01 Mia | ifi > 4 < Input 4 , * V
Mini Dull fan.'s vl. a lvMotrtn boil ,
J7 , ' 'S , '
lIlUK MoidijiiliM.wrt 'illn1 N w Or-
ontm sol.-Kd Ifi mid ( to Ibs , l > d.7r , lV\ns
M'lciM ( d , 10 nnd Oil lb , fi't7e'
1'oiiK ynlct , llrnr old inr , $11001111 J1 ,
low nn s , * liiiKi1nn Wi , evil t inltiio. noinl-
ml. Cut tut ills Inn. . thf : pli'klul bi'lllcn , si
ili'Moil shoitldt r n 4isitr pli-klid h inn. In <
-Mlc - , inlddli < . iiultt ; slum , rloiir. JS r > ,1
l.-ird.i isj.tioinliml ; \\'stotn . ilt nin rliwod nt
liij ( ! , til. . until. ; lioi-i'inlior , ! 10'J'i ' Mil ,
tniiiiim HO 1. Mild , Mai. h tin 1,1 bid , Mnj ,
J'l ' " ) .1 hid
llfTiitt Qnlot wp torn dnlrv , 17dlJ4o ;
( icniiKiv 'JUfnoi' , m-strtn fat-toiy ,
t'lltisl MoiU'int.'ly iictUeInn ( ; putt
I'm Inns - ti'iiHiiiprb'iin : , in ooai.l 00
COIM-I it-Quiet , tit ni ; like * 1J J.I
l.fMi--li id.dom.'itli . * l J1
Jis ciuUt.sH'.idj , tiiilts , il'MK )
Oiniiliii I'l miner Murltrl.
The wool , rlospd without nnyoiy indd'al
h niL'f Iunlnt < on lhi > 1 is ) dm
Al'l'l lx ( moil nppl.H me tpintod ill * 1 r > OJ >
400 i holi f tnf IIH < \ , it J5.
HVN\N\S Quotationsnn Pair to peed
MililtiBs | | < ik , JJIMWJ 5i ( in i bunch
lliniii llu I'lic'tnl inntki'l Issi. nth I'lic
mill of the HI t-lpts M > U. > it llUJlnr , and sotiio
scb ct p u kniti s ni 17i ( 1'ic
CIUMII mill M QuoiatloiH tin" Hell and
PH ! n \ Jn.lOiioi bid ; In II nnd biiirh > , * 0 r > o ,
no ( .ipt'tod , $ louo I he ntihiils on tliu
inuikot niflhsbt
( i 1 1 in I atirolorv I" dUlli'iilt to Und
( Jiiot.itlons i.inu. ill tbi > \ \ \ \ fiom Jli to 4V (
MHIsTM\s Mills I ID d fret p. r do ? ,
( JOOiHfill , dtolllfiot | H r do.Mi OH MOllO ,
eMi i Intuo , foi si heels and rhniflus < n. h ,
Jjoomiuo doll ) pi-t bbljJ60 , tnisth'too
pl'l III , i.1 IOf
( i VMI I ho niihals of quail ait' i.uni' , lint
lhrmm. . ' < | iill. > fit- . | j aliMlol llloim Dm ks
nio M in. . ' nnd In t'nml il.'in . .ml . .lu.'l . < nihlill- .
nit' . 'omliiK fit 1 1nnd nii > Ilkclv to io | O\M i
' -mall i ibblts ii > not \iiy pl.nUniid stll
inor. ' n.idll.s t.iimt itlons tin Phi
triiiOil.1 in pi ihic thli'kini , MdOiM id
itiousc , f I nil , on ill , * l niifitl J1 , snlpi'
? 1 no ; 11. k snip.- . . * l > ; il r.o pl.n.i ,
no ; uoldi npliiMM tl 2VM in-nn\is . !
ilurUs , is on , ' liMiii ud hiid dm ks { inn
m illnitl dm Us ti in./ I 75. liluc \\liii | tt il ,
* J J1iio.'ii\\liuti il i 1 71. inlvi dilm-ks * 1 10 ,
Cannil i nn sc Jiiiio (7 ( ill ) , liii-k i.ibblls * JIO ( ,
( i'on ) small i ibblt" , fl Jl tl oil suuiirtl-i ,
M oo U i1. ! nnttlopi' suddlox , ini'dni , (
siddlc's llji llu milt lope c.Ue'.issi's , UttlOe1 ,
d.'i'l I'ltn assi s , lli ( ( 1 Jt1
llosM I litmn kit Is linn , t-'inul \\lilto
t'loM I bom \ liodiit si , in t > it 17c.
II \ \ No I $7 ( in i" in NoJ , * 0 no JO .10.
I.I MIIN l ( holriIn ! , f uif > tl 50
M vi MI v dii vi'i s IVi Iu ir * ' ) oo
( sii us I m h injii d it rid 1 pi r t'.iti
( IMIINS-IIOIIK IOXMI fcOah.lL , Illlllsh , il 90
DIM cinl. '
nit wilt I'loildi ( Jlfl.l 10
1'nitrois I.IIHII an ins u. MomogiovMi ,
! ! " ' ) ! , l oloi ido nnd I t ih.HV
I'ntiiia liuki'Ns.MO In I iijsoi lonlpt ,
but sold iiilto | ic ulllj at 1 1" 1 Ir ( . . .s.-ainl
ilu.'kMit . - mil pl.nt\ at UK IV ( hi. kens
\M'lt > \tiv slow it 7 ( 1 r foi i boh > stock ,
\\bllt toiisr indlnftiloiont it Mid. '
I iii.s I hf mm kit \\.is tinolctl stt > nl\ .it J I > t
U4.1 .
"S\M i T I'orvTOM Choice Musi'itlnu and
Illinois stofk , i.l 7o I ( HI PIT bbl
Vi M ( juol ill. . in < - in -mall and fit , G'j ' ®
7c , l.u u and liiiJJj'V. .
'st. ' I. mils
5T'is , Mo , Dii17 lrioru Pmli lilted
r Wlll M l losi d | | | in , 1,1' lllidt'l \ .
L'lsd l > 1 'at" ' l.iiill IM , lid' . . ' ! Mil ) , 7J f
I tills - ' < ? ifid loMsti nl i ) , L tsli Hid Ic- )
conidoi , 17 , i % , liiliu u \ , IS11 !
( ) - , - ) , . JJ1 , . ' , Maj. t islet , , )4'ni '
-erina rOi.isUt'd
II vni I \ Vt i\ slow , Mlniiosot.i soltl at GOe'
t nits Ml u ( .iiilt't at Jl f-0
\ \ lls\ | | S | , nv | , | si ; ( o
ItMllilMI VMIII1(1N ) ( ( I'll s - ' , h IIIJOll
I'l DIsinss Vti\iiilet | \\Ith onl\ . l jobblni ,
tl lib' (1(111 ( ( > It plt'VlolH IlllOt llllllls I'olk
$1 i 1(1 ( l.ud * )71'i'h' ) ) > l.oos shouldi is ,
* -7 10 , Imus anil libs , fs in sMMv | | * H 11
Host dlli mini' It n on should , is > M U's ' ,
loiUi mil ilhs , trl ID , shot is , jlnoi , snip- , ,
b'n su n < tin d h ims ; 1 1 50TM J 50
Uxiii'is I loin 1,000 bbls ; uliPil , IfiOOO
liu , .Min Hi7oiii ) tin , oils , J , OOJ bu ,
i\i > 4 Olio bu . bnlty 11 ODD liu
-nii'MiMs I loin 0 OOJ hblslip it ,
bu nun 77OUO bu , oils , L..OO. . ) dii , 1 0 ,
7.UOJ bu , b n It' } , none
U nis is ( . .
If V\S\S'IT\ , Mu , Di-i' 17 \\lil VT lurl\ !
sto id ) , No 2 h ml u4'8C.Jll'ie , No 'J ltd , 07
( ) hi'
CoiiN-Qult nh.No 2nil\id
( ) Vls-\\l'lk No J llll\ll , JUiiJOO
\i\ \ I -1 inn , No 'J , 17c.
llui n H In full lie-in mil , cicamci ) , i25U-Sc ,
d ill ) , 1 KMHi-
I i.s-Me ( id\ -it 187nc.
ll ! ( I ll'is , -\\bi n , U-.OOO bn , coin. 5,000
bu , o its , nom >
Mni'Misrs Who it , 51,000bu ; coin , 10,000
bu , o its , noiii- _ i
> HIuaut ! r ( .mill Marlci t.
MlMIKI1 \\ls DPI17 \ \ IILVr I.o\\tl ,
M iO'l i' , No 'Jspilii ' 0 Ii-
( ( Mix cliiit t , No , ) , .IH'si-
Ovis s > tc'.ul ) , No 2 wliltf , 31'5o ; N'o 3 ,
K\L-5.e ! '
Ilriu our ( ) o ( 'out liislon ,
Ml .1 O D iv e'lipott , man. iifcT of tlio Pm t
IJi.ijrf ? Kcdvvoiiil L'o , I't Hi.i ' , L'.il , his
this to sav of Cliiiinbcil tin's Coitrth U'oinodv
" 1 iisi-d it for a sc-vc-io tolil and cough ami
obtained immcdi ito teliof In the Pott
15i irn ; Ki-duonil Co 's stoto vvo line sold
lun't ) iiiintitks | of Ch.imlic'i Urn's meill-
cine-s " Poi b.ilo dj
from fiand nnd imposition , the grnnino
mi lu ims of DP II \ . 1'iuifo mo now soM
only ( luoupji id up ri ts , iiuthoi i/ul us iinints
'Jhoj mo tlio C/IKI/HS iiiclitmcs to use , as
well us the lift , lietmiMi in c\tiv e.i o I/ON
JHIIonli / fo ) ( lie yutnl iimrt 'Iho nioiiu )
isicfnmleil ll tlkyevtl lad to dcn lit ci cine'
lleinii soltl on fiis peculiar jilan ofnluo
rpccivuloi no jmv , the | iin c-sof tin- genuine
( / ( ( ( ( / ( ( inulicincs ttlv.nyi have htcn , aie1 ,
auilnhvnjsMill lx > , a > follov.s :
Dr. Piciio's Gulden Iciliral Discovciy ( the
icnicily foi nil ilisntnaiiaiiiK fiom n toipifl
liver or impinu liloo.l . ) , . Jl ( it ) j cr bottle
Dr I'icrcc's I'avoiito I'lc tiiption ( the
iciniily lor leii.iilo vvcakiiessos i.nd dciaiiKO
incuts ) . . . . 61 00 ici hottle
Di 1'ic.po's ! I'c-llutT ( the oiiguml
mid debt l.ivor 1'ills , . ii ctnth pel Mill
Di Sj o'i. Lat.uih llcint-dy , . . . .
. ,10 cents poi dottlo
Su-pieion nnt ur illy nnd ii htfiilly attaches
to anini'tln HIPS puijioitmg to l > o Ii
1'iorcps vi hen ollend ut unj other pi ices
than these nUno lvcn
Dealcis not niitluu i/ttl to c'l Dl Plcirt'i
llfnuinr nitilu un s nny ollci dilutions , mil
tntlo'is , 01 budstituUs , nt Icbb than the prices
given udovo liuivniuof thtni _
We mnke aan I ) from Iho
i ill Mini lo ih n.'hr . Ll.tuivr
end . OMI I luMru.ih . I. .
: \ > ( . "INH III fully
\ % iti i au ( .1.
Endorsed by tlie HEST Pltiyirs ,
Sciii/ for f otitloi/it ? nnil
vie il n ( lie InntrmiuAfs you
tltillL OfllUlllMsllliJ.
ou ni. ht'itl' ) noilllid that tin ) follonln
dt si i Hit d pi. . mlsi s to-ull
S-oulh hnlfof lei lo , huiint/u'i Jnd ndilltlon ,
hi tin i II ) of Omnh i have I ) , en . . ) >
oidlnnn.'No . I )7i > to bu n nulsinn i < b ) iiasun
of tin b ink of i' u Ih t \ tiiu tin it-oil
\ on n ir hi ic 11) dlit rli d to ah ittt said mil-
Mini n h > tri.iilliu1 il.iun lim puts of silt !
Miulh half of lul in , K.IIMU/-'S 'Jnd add so as
lopii'Miit the fnllln. , VMistliu 01 VMishhu ol
t mill on the sldi null , ndjafi lit llu It tn wllhir
.Uld ivs fioin tliu Uth d i ) of Hi. ' , mini Ih'IJ
in Mil.I mils in. . < ulll bn abalid bv III. ill )
aiilhoilil.-s . , and Hit'ip nso tin u of h vied a-
aspn lal lax luahist the piop i ty onhlch
biihl mils linn exists
Dated tills ITtliihiy of DM embt r , 1HOJ
1'V \ ItlUlvll " ,
Chalinian Itoirdof I'ubllttnUs \
Dec 17 , 1'J , Jl ) . Jl , 'JJ
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Onnalin.
Ie ! t tattle lloanil feliee'ii market In tlio n cut
Wood Brothers.
Kouth Ouinlia Tclepliono 1117 Clilrnc
JOHN II DAIIISMA1 , ( . , . . " . , „ " . ' „ ,
\\AI.Thlt IOOH. I ! . }
Market IteporU l.y n.ull nd Hlro uht > cr fully lui
DliUed upon
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works Carpenter Paper Co. 1 Standard Oil Co.
I.IVH. , ,
( d Inr
1 1111,1 oft Mfr cnlvnnlrH I | r. . n
tml s i ; tnit > n mil Mink of
( or n ih nn ivirnlc nlnl w i i >
iKnixMa sin luptillU nXilichu tti lirlnlliiK , wmpplnunii 1 iibrknttuf
I ll'll 1112 ) ) s | | inicm , cnnl
MIl r etc- oil * : iTlo i nip etc
M , E , Smith & Co. , , Kilpatrick-KoctT Dry I David Cole A Co. > _
( .O llll ( ( l
Hr > ooJ notion * fur ' Null i ! is < 'nurnHli \
nMiliu kinnl < irin-r IniiKocMl" i ir llth nnil VV link's i'i > > j liMs fnnaj
lllh iml It muni st. i 1 1- , , M , . ( st , ri'lir\ in iutli strt
Peisoiml Statement of Mr. Win.
IL VAN COTT , Glens Fulls , New
Yoik , Into Clcik of Iho Conit of
AViiiieu County , N. Y. , nmclo
September 5) ) , 1S92.
[ Abridged from n Vrnajnpir Interview p ibl Oir. | in 1 Cmcign News Hcconl , Oct. J , lso > ]
1 hc months x ; < > I vv it t ik \\itlitcrnhLpaiiuInni ) oldenml lack 1 calleil In ni ) fimily
ph ) Iclnn , who Ins tloctorcd nip fir twcnt ) flvoeirs Hcbiidll id ucuitlc
rhcimiitlMn He i 5 until I \\-\s donated , iheii I
houiccopatliM. Ho put inu tliriunli a courto of cleclrio trcitnutit-tno
eliocksndi ) nnd lots of pil ] < nnil inc-litinc-i he'lilf Ik tliil mo no good.
Then I sent to St I. mis vul pit i ino.huno . tint el timed to c ifo rhc nmtUH. .
It cost $1'.Jo. bottle' , mull tot > lv i qilon nnil 11nlf , b itltdnlti't do n bit of
Roo.l. . 'Ihcii I tnul eeveril eicilltd iliciinulic cure < , midoiii New \ork.
Chicago nnil 11 o I nrd know f vvl c-e t ' c-gru-vin , ; or-o nil tlio time , until In
ni ) tle-pilr I turned aKi'n ' to the doctors , who f.d tlioro could 1 o no euro
without a "tilled opcritt m. T > tlis 1 d-imrrcd 'lliui tiny ndvlMnl mo * * *
to try a clmii o of dim it to RO omeheio ncnr ha't ' witcr. 1'inill ) , I started to try the
' - eat water cliinito nt llranford , on Ion , ; Inland bound. Olll I w is In n
terrible com'ition-bcnt.loublc. I got tl ere I \\n-i a ait-lit for Ked
nud men r.nd wi niireriiin' tortnrcM In jml descrliitlon-ln u lilt r illy lioiic-
Ic'sconditton-lndhccngoiii , ; from the bad to tlio terrible for neiirl ) thrto
anful month" . I put np with n man mined I oiiiisbnr ) , who helped mo Into
the ho i c nnd I got to bed enmc'ioiv , Biiffirln to tb it I wanted to die. Jlr.
lomi'bir ) said there w is ID no for mo to sutler that he could "euro mo
right nvvn } . 'llicwi ) he tilke.1 give mo a little hope , lie gi\o mendowof
> nn n ree-iblo port of stutr , and I turned u\cr on in ) pillow , iMinderlng If I had
etrnck nnotliir dmp.imnting crank , la i hltlu while , after only one do e , I
VvaBcon clon of a feeling of relief and icstfune ] = .
I found tint hew 13 giving mo Ath-lo pho ros. Ho kept nt me with It ,
and I Improved eteidil ) , until I h id used two bullies. My pains all left me ;
I could w ilkcreitrn well ns ever. I hid run down to ono hundred nnd
fifteen pounds-neurwisahe'U ) mm , but I now wcnun8iniich ! ns 1 have
for ) cars ono hundred and thirty ( Uc. And ever tinco then two months
ngo I have fr't ns wellasa nun can , -mil I'mawi k Inland tiilkmgaJier-
tl'cmentof Alll-lo pho ro * . binre I got home I've cured a friend of mine
with It , who had rheunnti-m terribly. I talk It ever ) where. I'd like to take
the medicine to c\er ) one on earth v\lio 1m nny form of rheumiti'in. It's '
thogrc ile t mediemo that ever w is p it Into n bottle.
The entire interview , n rnc ) bit of rcullng , will be sent free to nny one who will write for It to
THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. , Wow Haven , Conn.
Ath-lo-pho-ros sold by all druggists. $ I per bottle.
All of the Railroad Companies Centering in Omaha have agreed
to bringas many
as I can sell. If they can do it they are dandies. Remember ,
I do not sell at retail , but supply the largest concerns all over
SOX , MACKINTOSHES , etc. There is fun ahead , but no betting
allowed. If you are on my side have your shoe dealer SEND
WlS KM PR YOU ' 10 2,500 J'AIIHN'IS.
Hnaiifial Ikkrcnco : Nat'l Hank ol' Comncrce , Omaha.
No Dnr.Mio.v from bustlings. No Oporutioti.
Invt stlu'aiuimr Mnttiotl. V/rlttou puur uitoo louliso-
luluiy l u ro nil Id nils c ( Kl I'll KKi f . lim > xc.a nllli *
. nt t lin 1110 of uiiifu or uynu-c' , no n .ittor of liuw leiug
ttnucllug ,
307-308 II , Y. LIFE BLDO , , OMAHA , HEB. fnrUirunlur ,
, Oninhn , Nob.
The umlnint .pfclttllut In nervoui clironlc nrlvut. ) hlauil ikln and nrlnirjr IIKOIMII A roKUlur nua
cidsti'rtilKniilimlulnuiPrtklm- - &l..m n unit c rtllltiiti ) Bliow l mill truitliu wllli tlu tfrnntmlnuo-
. . of irWnlu 'lliua'.n No muroii-
! murrli lo t ninnliouil cjiiilnal wunkiiuu nltibt I.KIOI un. | nil forui |
moil Nowtroaiint'iit for lu of vit il iiuwor rurilui uiublu to vl > ll mo inir bi Irintol nl tioinu br
eirfniioniluno y Mcillcliio or limlruiuonU ne-nt l > i mall or . .eourel ) inokad , no iiurAn to In.lloatv .
Cnmultutlun Irm inJouoanlrlUly | .rlv l
prefurroJ Corfoip
( intunl. nr Kinder Ono PurtonallntnrUow
ooMMiltirUmf l.U.MOiuffgo ociceliour < a m to ily to Uuuilir.lO .ro to Km. tflutinump totrtftf