Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Olr'K'L XO. 19 I'KAHt. STUEKT.
1'it'HvtiH ' 1 y rariler to niiy pail of ttio city
II W. Tll/ruN. -
Office . No. 4tt
' 1tiHiic
t i tiKiiiiM ' .
Tl IKl'l'OM > 1 . | glit | , ; , | | , or . No. 38
.I//.N / / .i/.v i'
N. V I'lu/r.l.i-.iKC.V ) .
< / ( > urn Hluffs I.iunbor Co. Coal.
The iib < il lioird will hold Its
ntf > nthi.if. . . otintT this evening.
Miss OI-.IPP Iteming entertalard n linrly of
her frit'tiiii i > ! a "cake walk" last Wednesday
evening Tin- quests vferu residents of
First aiennc anil tlic - , Icinlty.
Mr nnil Mrs. .1. I. . Slewart have iMurul In-
viiatim s for a dancing party on l-Ylday
cvriiiiiu' Iiorc-MiVr : ' 0 , at tlio Orand hotel.
Mr aii'l Mrs I" . W. 'I'limnton have Issued
I in itatioi , , fur a reception next Thursday fit
tlicir in im > IIKI South Kirst street. In himo'
of tlio lift n : ii Miiiitvi'iT.av.v of their marrlajrp.
, IniM' ' < < I , ) 'atoii 1ms received the nppoint-
ITII t , ' of ii'-Htant Kcne.ral inatiai'CT of tin.
T'r "i Mofc Yards rniiimiiv | , at South
Otii'itii mid ill remove there to make his
linn iifti-v .t.iiiuar.s 1.
Miii ( 'h n fii Id , from Omaha , lllrd an In- IMII in the superior court Saturday
nlplit f..i . a si'iiivh warrant for the promises
at U North Fifteenth ali'orl. She claimed
to \\fi\c \ \ li f i a wati h there and has not
HPI n it since the woman who Uses there re-
fi."iig . iu nun it , nM'f to tinowner. . A
M'iin li nraiil win. plaecl iu the hands of
: ui i-nti ulin v.i'de ' an . " "tnilnatlon of the
pn it ix. , . I , MI 1 Uril to Him llii ! ailsslng tlinc-
Alnimhemfonitf ? people enjoyed a bob'
M > 'd IMI-U I. t Thursday cv : iiiiH. Thr fol-
louii'\r i-im.p.'sed the part.Mif"i's : Jennie
( i'linnr l.'li'h Ifp.uiolds , May HollK l-Mim
l.iriiiu I . .IliiKills. . Idu IVnipsitor , riinnU'
Hrotlv. Li//ic Dnboise , Miu'tfii : Drill nn , Miss
\\o.iil Mes-iis. I'harlet UetallM ; , Will
1'f | | IM < I mi i . I jv Wittt r. Walter Lviin < r ,
\\i i \\IMII . It-rl Hairctt , Al Me.Xutt , Wal
ler .Ii - i li. If Slillllnptoti.
' i.n ii'i-'i'ini'iits were made by the
n , 'ii i" . .i > i.i ni' the ( iram'i hotel for the eii-
lei'tiiinnict ) ' of their iruoBlH liir.t evening. A
1 CM. < rl v > , - L'iu-n in Iho dlnlnir room during
tin itiiinri hut r. nftpr which the FIIP IS vent
to I In | ini is and listened ID music nntil I )
o'c loi-lc 'I In' performers WITH Messrs. A.
Mmitiiii' ' 'h ' unit Joseph Uislolli. two former
men lifi'f the original "Spnnlsh Ktndenls. "
ihi - | , ii\ in/ ; ( in mandolin , banjo and L'liitar
\viis 'ielit.ii ! fill. The treat was tuUan-
t"t'icf l\ ) , : itiotit Ilk ) , lownsp , "pli" , bi'sidts
the p.itrons of ttie hotel.
Tnere i- . .1 J.CH id pvospeet that the criinlnnl
rii'i'S aif.iin i .1. P. ICiinball and Urnrtfo II.
C'huinp v\ll ! Uu disnu.'istHl In the near nit tire.
AH already si.ited , a motion has bouu illod
in tin dlstrn't eonrt by tin1 eoinity attorney
iisiini ' Unit tht ! ense bo ilisinisii'd , 011 the
Knxiiul that ( ieni'jiu K. ( iane , who has been
jirusi'i nl inu itiK'ss until now , in behalf of
the investment lotnpany , lannot be indnrod
to ( nine to ( . 'uiineil BlulYw In proseeute. The
jiilorne.N s lor the defense have liled a roMst-
nnoo to the million , on the pron'id tint tlio
fount. \ all i'1-iiey does not claim that I'.aKO
API \er Inhere , and it is states ! that tlio
eoiinU ntliii'iie.v will not put fovlh any vovy
MK i'1'i , . I'ilni'ts to secure the continuance ,
n * in hi ; IK art be has an iilua that
the i .ii. ' li .1 broil PeUlL'il out of court. If
the iiiuu.iii fur u cotitiniiaiu'e ' is overruled he
\\ill ilisiniatin - case , as ii cannot po to trial Hi'1 priiaipal tvitncss for the state.
' As delii i'His hns ( Hidahy's Hex Urand" is
a i\ \\onl .tiiiiinp ladies in biiyinj ? licof ox-
liiu ts Asli yon f/roi'er for "itox.M
IS'o di'iibt ' tlio must complete stoulc of
fni'i ' holi J.iy novelties in tit Havis' , thu
leading dru lsl mid purfuiuor.
Soooui' line of luilies' all sillc linnil-
knroliU'fs. htmi ( ! iimuly sillc embroidered ,
ut 1-jc ouch. I'ostnn .atore.
To I lie l.llilli > .t.
C'omo ii'iil sco our cheap holiday goods
at Mrs. ljfoitlei''s lower store , No. Jill
Uroadway. _
A flno line of holiday Broods , jnvonile
boolis , ehoieo perfumery and fancy iirti-
cles of all kinds : it Deil C ! . Morgan &
Co. ' 6 drug store , 7 1:2 Lower Broadway.
'I i > ys , liio ! > , I'.lc.
Our second lloor is n perfeet paradise
for everything that can lie thought of in
the toy , hook mid fnney ( roods line. A
visit will prove to you that the Boston
Store if- the place to buy your ( Jhristums
presents , where u dollar will ffo ono
lialf furtlie.r than iinywhoro else. Thai
is what the most of us are looking for til
this critical moment. Wo all want U
ict the most anil best for the mono. )
possible. Tlio Boston Store is the place
1'ouncil Bluffs , In. _
I'unl Schneider , the drutrjrist , has the
newest novelties in celluloid and alum
innni ( roods for the holidays. No OIK
ole carries the line , and they arc tln
handsomest things yon over saw.
Mr and Airs , .l.W. Squire arn in Chicapo
Mrs .1 W Chapman is visiting relative ;
tit I'liiiKiii nith , Xcb.
Mrs KvcivH returned Saturday from ni
oxtimli.l Kuropi-an trip.
.1 Ij Piixtini left last eveninp for Mis
SKiirlh > re lie will visit his ( ( inner home.
< . ' K I'arsnns has pune to New Vorlc t
spi n-1 the holidajs visiting his brother , 1. 11
I'liar'i ' s IX 1'armelee. traveling salesma
for M K Smith .t Co. of Omaha , is Ivinjf a
hihiUiie. . ' .HI Second avemiP , very ill. II
iv. 1.1 attacked with hcniurrhaKcs one da
lait week while at l''reMiniit and had to b
brought liai-lc to his hunie. What the oul
come will i > cannot lie tuld now. hut bis coi :
ditiun Is coiihiilered very critical.
Tram ! Se\ilier
C I'1 ' Mni'iv .t Co. . pniminent dnifxpists 11
Kewberp. tre. ) , say : "Since our customer
have become acquainted with the pond ipia
ities of Chamberlain's L'miph liuinedy w
null hut little of any other kind. L'lmmbci
Iain's mcdk'ines all pivo jjood satiataction.
For sale by
L. 1' . .1 uilsoii , civil ongineei'.itZS J3'wa\
Spoolal ( . 'hrltitmtiH eutlory milo o
Colo' L > lliper | pocket lnivcHray.oi
mid shears. Colo's , ! ! Main street.
HrijhtiM' ( tliun ( fas , chuapor than olei
trio li lil and as beautiful us a uroiun-
the o now art lafiips at Lund lirog.
C'oul and wood ; best and cheapo
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prom )
delivery. II , A , Cox , No1 Main.
limits' Sluie Null * .
It Is still running , and will contim :
until the removal to the new buildiii
nfter Jiinuary I. Nothing lias been sai
In the papois iiDout it for the past fo
days , just himply for the roiinon tin
everybody I'lmneelod with the sioro hi
boon too busy selling goods to write , ai
VLTtlhL'nioiils. During thijt week bottc
fiu-llitii's for handling the crowds , mot
promptness in HHlng mail ordorn , an
bettor opportunities will ho given a
around for getting the bettor bui''u'.i '
that will make the week one to bo n
It is getting mighty close to Chris
mas and one of the especial features i
the wtok will ho the ahuightor of slii
pers and holiday footwear. " 'Ills is 11
immunso now line , and wo will put
forward for a winner this week , Tl
lady tnal cannot tlnd a pair of ulippoi
to suit her fancy and her hubbaad
needs will be impossible to pleabo , ai ;
the price well , that wlll bo the chi
cause of surprise.
Gentlemen , the ( inosiiiiio of tall good
in the city , just recuivod. Uoltor , tli
tailor , 81U Broadway ,
Given away with JlJ.tiO purchase
nice ( , 'hrlbtmus present , J.J. Maura I
A : Co , , hoots and shoos , frill Broauway
See those oil heuiorn ut Swuiue'u , 11
Rev. Henry Dalotig and His Forty Preaohors
at ttit A odnlion Kooins.
Dully M < ! i > llliK < i Held for tinI.nil Yriir nnd
Aloio Tliini tltimlrrd Slr.ijbitf
amilk HroltRlit to the l.lKbt
unit flight . \ijnliii
Tbe meet In ? nt HIP YOXIIIS Idea's Chris ! Ian
nssoelallon romns yo&lcrday afternoon was a
ralhrr tmnsttal one , from the fact that it
was in eliarfc'c of Hcv. Henry Dcluiig niul
"forty in-eaehei's a weolt old , " as ho expresses
It. The forty preachers are tbe result of tbo
meetings whli ii have been going on for some
time past at the Union Christian mission.
The youti { ? men assisted In the meeting ,
which lusted for nearly two hours and was
highly enjoyed by those present.
In the evening a meeting was held fit the
Hroadway Methodist church , in wlKTh Mr.
Delong nii'l bis tntcKinn band also partici
pated. The ( Jrar.d Artn.\ met and tiiarclmd
to the church , the nU- ; ; ion people falling In
In their r"nr. A serine , ' . 1 > . \ Her. II. I' . Dud
ley was followed by s.ee1iet. | . by Mr. Delonjr
and others , nnd thn enthusiasm of the oven-
Ins was hardly less than that of the after
The work of tills irisslon deserves more
than passing mention , for it In to be doubted
wheiher tliert'is nn Institution in the cltj
which is doing more actual good. Meetings
arc hold daily at 'Jst1 ? Uromlway , and In the
last ; ear there have been 101 conversions.
Yesterday the list of conversions- was in
creased . . As it is now operated , the
bulk of Hie work falls on Mr. and Mrs. Uc-
oiijr , but they are anxious to enlist the s.\m-
pat by of tlii'chiircbp ? in behalf of IliPini'iston.
belong's plan IM to have adi'legate : iipointed ]
from each church on Wednesday evening
to attend the meeting of tlie mission on
l'Ylda.evening , take part in the exercise's ,
nnd make a report on the next Wednes
day. In this wTry bo thinks
the churches would keep belter informed on
the needs of the mission , and would be en
abled to furnish the aid that is needed.-This
plan will be presented to the churches hi the
near future and tltclrco-operation requested.
The dinner which clvcii at the mis
sion last , ThanUsirtvinp , was such a success
that a .similar venture is to be made on New
Year's day. Dinner \ \ ill be served nearly all
da.\ for the poor people of the city. Conlri-
biilums of food and clothing are solicited
from the public generally , and there is not
the slightest aonbt that Ilin people will respond
spend with their usual generosity. Abe
Lincoln post. ( Srand Army of the Kepublic ,
is to assist the manager in looking after the
wants of the gntsts.
A Cnro lor Cionp.
If your children are subject to croup
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
i.'oujrh Hemcdy at band. It is a prompt and
certain cure. If ( riven as soon as the crotipy
ceiijrh appears ii , will prevent the attack.
Ijf sale by dnijlhts. ( !
Couti. cliiaU.H.
The great coat sale at The Boston
Store is now in full swing ; hundreds
h..vo boon made ha'pny thu past week ;
do not delay , nmkeyom selections carlv.
In addition to the largo line of
samplub bought by our Now York buyiT
atOlio on tins dollar , all of our own
btr.ok is being sold atcost price durini ;
If you have not the full amount of any
garment you would like to purchase , by
paying part down it can be saved for
you until you arc ready to pay the bal
ance. 15y doing so , you reap iho bonoiit
of Iho reduction , also of the large selec
tion.Vo have hundreds of nobby gar
ments left yet , although our trade the
i > : itt season on coats has been two-foidT
\Vo made greater preparations for an
immense fall trade. aiid have
been duplicating ; orders right
from tlio opening of the season.
Some people say , who ever heard of a
coat sale in December or a. blanket f-alo
in.lulyV Wo say , when could there bo
a bettor lime than the present for a ,
When hundreds are looking for a hand
some , seasonable , reasonable Chuistmaa
gift. Wlint could bo more Mmionahlc
than a nice coat to protect you from the
chilly December blasts ? \Vhero _ ear
you buy them more reasonable than al
the Boston Store ? They lead in this as
in all lines they carry.
Council Ijlull's , la.
For warmintr guasl chambers , batl
rooms , etc. , our tfas lioators tire jus
what you want. Look at them. Clean
convenient cheap. C. 15. Gas and liloiv
trie Licht ( . 'o.
Carl liurhorn. successor to 10. Uur
born , has the only now jewelry stock it
city. Many holiday novoltio-i.
Vllluke II fpRiilii. .
Nearly a year ago an association wa
started in Council IJlnlfs for the purpose o
'booming Council Dluifs enterprises and see
ing that the merchants of the city bad the !
share of the current trade. An admissioi
fee of fTi was levied on each member , am
there were about forty of them.
Ofllcers were elected , the -retur.v wns t
receive a salary of § & > per month , ono meet
, ing was held and then the associatiot
1 ilroppcd out of sight and has never heel
board ol'-since. Thi < business men who hav
dropped a liver into Iho slot with the oxpei
tation of drawim" out ( ) , ) ! ) ) worth of trad
have been waiting in vain for some news o
the pri/.e , and are now anxiously inqulrin ;
what has become of the organisation.
Inquiry from the otllccrs of the organUi :
lion elicits the information that the dca
silence has been caused liylhn protrncle
absence of I'rcslilcnt T. J. Kvans from Hi
city. Helms been umiblc to pay any altei
lion to Iho duties' of the nfltce , and state
that he wants to resign. . A meeting is to h
held this week to elect a successor , when 1
is hoped that Komething u ill be done.
l-'vcry season brings a new crop r
cough remedies , but they cannot compel
with iho grain ! old Or. Hull's Cough Syruj
Inltliil lluiidlu'ri'lili'l'x.
In linen , S\vls and silk iHu oac.h.
Hotter gradcfa in silk at fi'Jo , "oc an
Duchess lace liandkorclilofs , HolKlui
niiido , ranirin in jirlu'o froni'i ( ) , sJIi.ot
$ l./ilt / , $ o 01) ) and $7.00 c\oli. : Children
cotton prlntiMl handkerchiefs from li
, ' ! c , iic and 7c oticli. Hmbroiderod hand
korehiofs , wo bliow a Inr 'o line at 1U <
1-ic , 17C , II ) . ' , L' . " ) tO fiOi ! . TllO 1110 ;
eomploto and bt'st fiolectod line in th
wobt , I'osTox SWIM- : ,
Council HinlTri , la.
Spi'rl.ll ' ! ' < -.I lil'ttlii sit ) , , .
Kino uickel plalud conpcr tea Ituttlei
$ ] . > > , Milil everywhere for ; I-.rOj wil
last a lifotinio an'l nuvor tarnish. Col
& Cole , -11 Main ulrout.
Tlio snow , and cold weather does lit
diminish the doiir.init for aeroago in th
Klnln tract , -i miles civil of the pnai
olllce ; 1100 acres yol for sale in from on
to ton aero tracts. suUnblo for trull an
garden. Day & Hess , agents , 'M 1'eai
B l root.
Houghl organ block of C. B. Musi
Co. Will boll thorn cheap. Mar. Boui
icius , 110 , 1)1 ) Stutsman street.
< : harKt'il ltli a shurl.itjf.
SiiturUay evening a suit was tiled in tl
district court by the Firemen's Fund lasu
aiu'u company against M. 1. Sears , Jo )
Bchulllur , M. Ii. beam , M. li.
W II Uiu-p In wlm'i ' n serious ih.ugi , ' ID
nifidc itjiui. ( * ' M 1 Si nis
Tim \ieitiiiin \ 9iat" that Scnrn
M'ufTsnaciit ' fur the < . ii >
tmny inst April nn < l Ibftt ho gax-f it bximl i ir
JfiOi ) for the f.ntlifiil prrfurmaine nf hi d'il.\ ,
the bond brbif ( alftned bv too other defi ml-
ants as surolles An aildltloaol l md of tfflo
was furnished two months biter. S ars car
ried on the business until .luly. when it h
alleged ho censed to act ns neon taint a Minrt-
ngcof $ l'2t In his aecounts was discovered.
'l"io plnlntlff now seeks to have the defend
ants compellr-d to make ( rood the dotlclt.
The earth moves. Kvldonco , yon can buy
a ilrt class liniment. Salvation ( HI , for 8.V.
* < : iltu ! ClillM U I'.ITP.
Tl.o nnnounconiQnt tando in THH HEH
that Santa Claus had traded his team of
reindeer for a span of Shetland ponies
and would tic at the Boston Store , Coun
cil UlulTi. Friday ovotiing , ronily to inret
his friends nnd deliver Cltristmas j tck-
age ? , drew an imtnente concourse. The
iisEomblnca of ] ieopla. old and young ,
gathered to greet him and sou what kind
of : i trade ho made filled the street ,
as U usual when any extraordinary
event transpires thero. Ho arrived nt
the * tore early in the evening and en
tered by one of the rear doors. Ho
made coed his announcement that he
voukl make his headquarters at the
Boston store , and audaciously drove his
loam right down one of the inalft aisles.
H was a beautiful team , and Iho old
man was delighted with his trade. Ills
good humor was intectioas , and the
crowds that filled the store and the
btruot. veiled with delight , lie held his
levco until nearly 10 o'clock , and
ina.lo the acquaintance of thousands of
people , showed them his goods , and
assured them thai ho would make the
Boston store this year the greatest
pltu.'c in the country.
I'lll1 * . I'llM.
F.vcry imaimiablo kind of fur to bo
had at the Boston store. Furs llyln
thick and fast last week.
This week wo inland to keep Ihom
Hying. See Iho prices :
llnir mulTs , ; tlo ) , ode and To ? .
Black coney , $1.00 to S'J.OO.
Froncii seal , $1.7o to * o. < IO.
Astrakhan mulTx , HOO to $0.00.
Opossum mulTt , ? ! . " ) .
Marten inulV , Sli.'iO ; worth $10.00.
Beaver , from$7.'J" ) to Sl'J.OO.
Uonl seal , sJlo.OU ; worth > .
Children's sets. Chinese fox , 81.30 ;
tiger sots , 1.70 ; chinchilla sets , 1 7o :
Thibet sols , f'.7.V. ! angora sets , white
and colored , & -.7r > to Si. 75.
All kindo of furs in capos , boas , col-
larottes and fur trimmings nt our low
prices. BOSTON STORK ,
Council Blu IK
I'l'tilean's I. nek.
The Imperfect Inns of Iho jury system are
not often shown more glaringly than in the
case of the state against Peter Kgan , in
which a disagreement arrived at after
forty-cl ht hours of deliberation.
lOfian was charged with attempt to commit
burglary. IIo caught in thf act and
shot at the. time. His reputation has been
that of a worthless fellow , continually in
trouble and spending half of his time in
either Iho city or the county Jail. He did
not deny tr.\ ins to get into the house of Fran'c '
Phillips at ni.iht and bis only defense was
that he was drunk when it happened.
In spite of the cvidnnco soineof the Jury ,
led by personal Irlondshlp for K < ran , refused
to vote for his conviction , and as the evidence
was su slromrly ag.iinst , him the rest could
not vote for bis acquittal. The jury consequently
quently hung. As .i sort of poetic justice
the men about the court house arc siiir.svsthig .
that tin.1 next thing to do might ho to hang
the jurymen. _
Constipation cured oy DoWitfs Early
Kiscis. _
Santa Olitus ami t'lumii.
When at homo Santa Chun plays on a
Hard man piano.
LAND , enjoys hersulf best at her-1 lard-
\VADKS , thinksi his Ilardman the host.
Db'CBKSS OF F1FH , says there's noth
ing like her Hiirdman.
MONTTIK > S1C , jilays her babies to sleep
on a Ilardman.
MOND , swears by the Ilardman.
have none other than a Hnrdnrin.
the Ilardman to sweet for anything.
GAN CO. , 10IJ Mam struct , Council
Blullsla. . , have handled the Hiirdman
for 'i years , and : -ell them in preference
to all others bucausio they have given
anil are always giving tlio best satisfac
For an Xmas p-oscnt there is nothing
that can take its place.
( 'In-lit mis ; < inutN ,
Do Haven in offering an unusually fine
assortment of Christmas and holiday
novelties. Don't fail to examine his
stock of beautiful goods and low priced.
Wanted Cash oiler for ten shares
Citizen's State bank stock. Must be
sold. Address 13 11. Sbeafe.
Mcl'liail pianos and Crown organs ,
cash or installments. Mur , Bourioius ,
110 Stuts'inau street.
Sprung tint Sniiflu
A curious accident toolc place yesterday 01
the motor line at the corner of Fifth aveinu
and Pearl street , and travel on the line was
stopped for an hour or so. A heavy wagoi
struck the switch in such a way as to sprint
Iho llango outward. Cars could not bo rm
over the switch without running oft tin
track. A force of men was brought to tin
place and after an hour or moro of delay i
new switch was put in , after which travel
went on as usual.
Ignorance of the merits of DoWItfs Lltth
ICarly Ulsers Is a misfortune. These Huh
pills regulate the liver , cum hu.nlache , clys
pcpbila , bad breath , cimsUp.itioa and bilious
( 'leiiiilni ; I'll Mill' ,
111 order to clean up our dry good :
stock wo will oll'or the entire htock a
greatly reduced prices for the nox
thirty days.
You can buy a iO.OO blanket for $7.0i
K.OO blanket for ( l.Oi
Those blankets 7.00 blanket for o./V /
are all wool , 0.00 blanket for -J.oi
western made 5.00 blanket for : i./i /
4.00 blanket for 3,0' '
Our stock of ladies' , gentlemen's am
childron's underwear is complete am
will bo sold at greatly reduced prices
Dress goods , llaiinols , table linens , nap
kins , hosiery , handkerchiefs , ribbons
laces , jewelry , L'lovos and mittens am
a full line of tilk umbrellas. In lac
everything in stock will bo olTorect at i
01 Main St. and 1105 Pearl St.
This is a. portion of the $30,000 Bankrupt Stock bought of Kohn & HUT'IS of OinAha. Here are a few leaders :
Men's all wool cassuncre suits , got up in the very best style , coat satin-lined , colors brown , black , gray ; check or plain
equal to a tailor-made suit , and never sold for less than $18. 1 have 200 of these suits ; they go at $10.00.
LEADER NO. 2. 100 men's all wool worsted suits that have been sold many a time for $15.00 and no questions
asked ; you can got one Tuesday morning for $5.75.
LEADER NO. 3. 200 men's suits , sold everywhere at $8 , go at $3.
LEADER NO. 4. Boys' all wool suits , ages < \ to 13 , worth $5 to $7.50. Have an immense stock of these , but they
won't last long at $ i. Bring your boy in and buy him a Christmas suit ,
INI en's heavy working pants , $ i per pair.
Men's white shirts , linen bosom , 350 ,
Mcus ! heavy merino undershirts , 350 ; all wool , 500.
Men's hose , 50 , 6c , 7c , Sc to 25C.
Men's ulster overcoats , $2.50 ; Irish Frieze heavy ulster , $8.
Hoys' overcoats , with capes , $ i to $5.50. v
Thousands of other immense bargains.
Store closed all clay Monday. Sale begins Tuesday morning at S o'clock , December 2oth.
and 548 Jiroohrov , Council 131 tiffs.
'NVe wore always homliiunrtera for
handkerchiefs , but this year moro than
ever , having received ut > to the present
time l.oOO do/.en handkerchiefs , includ
ing our two largo importation orders
from St. U-uil and i-ewgin , Ireland.
Silk handkerchief ? , embroidered silk in
cream and tints , special at 12ic.
Special " 00 do/.en embroidered silk
handkerchiefs , no two do/.en alike ,
ranging in an endless assortment of
creams with ehinU embroidery , drawn
work and beautiful , delicate tints at "oc j
each. Values in the above line worth
as high as 41.00 ouch.
FothoringhainVhito'.aw vV : Co. .
Council niulls , In.
l-Jutorpriso 1'liU'U
Reing frequently urged to sell smul
portions of my farm , " 1 liavo at last do
elded to plat tiOO acres of Enterprise
I'laco , familiarly known as the Scott
farm , and to begin the sale at once in
live and ten acre lots. I have placed the
same in the hands of Greenshields ,
Nicholson & Co. , who will act In tlio
matter as my exclusive agents. Fruit
growers , gardeners and those who want
the conveniences- a city combined
with all Iho advantages of the richest
farminir land are now given a rare op
portunity to do so. ' M. Tot'T.
Do you smoke ? Have you tried T.
U. King & Co.'s Purtaga&y It's a
charmer. Just light one.
Tlio genuine Round Oak stoves , also
line line of oil heaters. Colo's , 41 Main
. I .V.VO I'A r'K.1111.\ .
This evening Mr. Stuart Hobson and his
excellent company of players open a three
night's omrugcnioiuat Uojd's theater. The
occasion will be doubly interesting for the
reason that the opening piny is one in which
Knbson anil Cr.infNnado one of their earliest
successes "The Bachelors. " The play was
written specially for the comedians by Joseph - |
eph Bradford , a Boston journalist , and this
is the lirst season it has been played in thir
teen years. The follow.i.a is the east" of
"The Bachelors. ' '
Juaii Handle Mr. Iol ! > M > a
.limlcr MiVooihMiid
Wnilnu Mr. Klwood
Miildoiiii Mr.V < ) iiliT-on (
Uriii'u Mr. I'iinell
Sinn ; Mr. Yerancu
I'.ve Mrs. I'.oliMiu
Itella Ml s May
.Moii'-i'r ' Mrs. M < : l\eao
Clara MKs llonlon
Kuty Mi-s Ilii yd ;
On toinomiw evening and at the Wednes
day matinee LioldsinitH's immortal comedy
' Sin1 Stoops to Compior , " will be Hut bill , a
special production buinn made of it. 'I be en-
piccmont closes Wednesday evening with
Brunson Howard's American comedy , "Tl.-
Henrietta.1' .
"Norn .Mac-bree , " a beautiful fmir-aet Irish
comedy drama by Charles T. Vincent , comes
to lio.ul's during the three last days of the
present week.
A remarkably peed performance of a re
markably peed play is promised at the pre
sentation of the "New Monte C'rlsto" at the
r'arnam Strivt theater for three nijihis.
commencing Thursday evenint- , December
! ! ' . ! , with the usual Saturday matinee. The
dramatic arrangement of this wundcrful
work of Ik-lion is new , and the cast cujjatrcd
is a very superior one. The scenic and me
chanical effects are marvels of Btago illu
sions , and are of a very elaborate nature.
"The Mldnlfiht Storm at Sea'1 being the
most noticeable , a war of thu elements heinj ?
presented with very realistic effect , includ-
intr a debifro of water and Hashes of seeming
real lightning.
R. A. AND N. U.
Oltlcersi nl ( ienentl tli-unkn ( iarrlson Chosen
At the regular mowtin : ' of the ( lencral
.luhn li. Broiiko garrison of the Ucgular
Army and Navy Union , lield at their hall on
nftconth street last 'Saturday evening , the
following officers were elected for theensu-
ia < ; vear : .lohn 13. Howe , commander ;
] > . 'I'lioriiton , vice eoimnander ; William S.
Kellv , deputy coimuanderj 1C. Shaack ,
adjutant ; .lames li , Johnson , paymaster ;
.liihn Ij. Hlilman , nuartermiitilerj 1) . D.
Williams , chaplain ; , Henry F.ilvey , officer
of the day ; Mahu-bl Kerwan , olllcer of the
( .Miarit ; John Burke , ulllcer of the wn.tch ; W.
H. Shoup and Henry Sollnj-'er. ensigns.
The Instalkitlon of the newly elected ofli-
eers will take place on January T , at which
lime it is quite liUuly the national vice com
mander , of Loavonworth , Kim. , will bo
present and take part in the exercises. Two
new membcr.s _ were "mustered in' ' and ap
plications ariTcomiuK in rapidly.
Tnis Kiirrisuu will give its lirst annual
bail on January ' , ' , at Coodrlch ball on Twen-
tv-fourlh street , which promises to be a
line affair. The proceeds of this cntertaln-
iyhcbt of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S , Gov't Report.
inent will be used In orpini/iii r and equip-
pinna X.otiave drnni corps , to be conip < ted
of bo.\s between tlie anes of ten and I vvelve ,
and will , when orjiani/.eil. lie a credit to tlio
city and the army and navy union. Th-
Karrihon already lias two lint' musicians ,
ini'tnbi ? rsof tbe Second infantry at l-'ort
Onriba , wbo will instruct tbo
Union Vet c IMII I.i'iliiii In Ni'lirmk'i.
Tlio Union Veteran l.-j ion of tbo L'niled
States lias gained a foolliold In Xebras'.t.i tiy
llii > muster in and orfr.ud''Ulon of Kncunip-
inent No.'i \ \ on Saturday eveninsr bv
musterini ; ofllccr Lieutenant Colonel t1. It
Crisp of lincanipiiRMit No. S of Conn--II
IJlnlTs. Tbe new encampment s'.irted ofl'
with a charter moinbcrsliip of over tliirtv
veterans of tlio late war. On account of tln >
absence of several who desired tn
liavo tltL'ir iiitines placed on tbe char
ter it was decided on Satnrd.i.\
eveniiiff to keep tlie charter open unt il Tuei
day cveniiijr. January K. next , tbe next me-'t-
in nftlie eneantpinent , at wbicli limn the
balanccni tbe olectho and appointive ofllecrs
will be elected and appointed and installed.
Tlio colonel of the new encampment is Mr.
13. ,1. Davis , chief clerk al General HrouUe's
headquarters , a veteran of tbo Into war and
with an honorable record of over twenty
years' service in tbe United Slatesxnny.
All qualified veterans are cordially invited
to bo present with their proofs , of service , at
Clark's ball , on Tuesday evening , January
1 ! next.
Harrison .t Oonrhiy's ' latiirtiiiif ; rape , "
"Skipped by the Light of the Moon , " opened
another engagoincnt at the Kariiam Street
theater yesterday afternoon to a fully and evi
dently bipbly appreciative house. The class
who enjoy such performances is very numer
ous , and largo audiences will doubtless be
the rnlo. The leading comedy parts are in
tbo hands of Messrs. Charles J. llajran ,
C.eorge A. Hooker and IJudd Uoss , the two
last new to Omaha in these characters.
All are perfectly competent foi1 the kind
of parts assumed , though Mr. Hooker
speaks bis lintwith tlio monotonous
onous rapidlt ; and expressionless manner
of a comity fair faliir. Mr. J. A. Weber , as
[ "rank I'elbam , sings one or two songs in a
not nnpleasing baritone. Miss Lida Wells
distinguishes herself in tlio little allotted
thu soubrette part of Sarah , and the other
ladies in the cast aie successful enough.
There arc scenes -Skipped by the Light
of the Moon , " notably in the second act , that
are irr < sistibl.\ funny and frn.iranteed to
move the must de\oid of linm-n- , and when
the absunlity makes many liiiwb. as it cer-
tainl.\ ( Lies , it has justified its existence ,
whatever the trilics MI.IJ .s ij .
It Curpa Colds , Coughs , Sore Throat , Croup , Influ *
cnzaYkooping Cough , Bronchitis and Asthma ,
A certain euro for Consumption in first ctaRCB ,
ml a eure relief in advanced BtafffS. Use at once.
You will tee the excellent effect after taking the
rst dote , Sold by dealtra cvfrywhcre. Largo
bottlci 60 cent ! and $1.00.
vlicn you are btiylnR Kloves , for i
drlvliiK or street wear , rt-mcm- '
) ) i.i that Ilutcblnhon's niu the !
best for wear. Thu rcputntloa bo i
lias Bidnuil la tlio piibt 'M yuurs for
juakitiK gloves
nnd that nro etyllbh and Fcrvlco-
able , Is such IIH IH cnjnjed by no <
other inaaufnc'tarcr. Selected
fckius only nro usud. If you want \
to know more uliout glows that
nro handsomely inmln
ixiuj your dealer cnnnnt mipply you '
with Hutchlnson'B lilovts wrltn to
lilia for his Illustrated bonk about
cloves. It will Intel Cbl you. Eatab-
lislicdlrffi } ,
JOHN 0. IIUTCHINSOH , - Johnstown. N , Y.
I'oniuliniiHli-r'N Xollci- ,
Iinpnillided on the Illli of Deccinher ,
inninoolcy co'.v , aliont. 'A'\ earn old diilndlei.
If not ledc-eined i-.ald cow ulll lie hold al | inhlli !
niicllon lleccinbi'l-'Jl , al 10 o'clocl ; it. in. , at
'Jl l and I.cax en worth lieel. . , In the alley.
01I.N Hl'OKUI. , I'oundiinihlei- .
1'onndMKiHlcr's Notice.
linpoiindi'doa tin ) tilth of Deceinljcr , ono
black pony , alionl > ir > yearn old. If not 11--
ilci-ined stild iiony lll lii'koldat puhlle am-tliia
Diceinlicr 'JII , at Id o'elocl ; n. in. , at 'Jlut unit
l.c'avcinvui'th hticelh , In the alley.
JOHN Sl'OKlUj , 1'uuiKliiiio.tcr.
Ul'J U3t
Tw/isj CifesJ Sleap .p Je Works.
C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
Dyeing ; , C/Cfi7i//Ji > - and l-tofinixhincr
Omaha ofllec , l.)21 Ririmm St , Telephone I."i21. Council RlulTs olllco and works ,
cor. Ave. A and ith St. .Telephone oIO. Semi for circulars and price list.
Moro sold tlnn all others eoniliined. Do not bo deceived by imitators or o1 f
those claiming to liavo almost as good a machine. Roy only the SANDWICH
CORN SHBLLER and bo protected by direct guarantee from reliable manufac
turers. You can always depend upon our repairs being kent in stock by all local
dealers. Apply for our agoncy. Send for catalogues and prices. 8AXTDWIOH
NUFACTURING CO. , Coiindl Rlutl-j , low.i.
1L i Vw J11 * U I iiVJilLiiv/
Special Sale at Reduced Prices
Dining December ,
Plilops. ras'it'Color , Hoi-Uora. NowSivIo
Blocks , l-'niuni'i'a mill Uiiiiidiiins , lt-iu'.s ' ,
Scales and spring Hulunuus , llntc'hurV ,
KrocUs , l. , ips , etc.
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
820-822 Main St. , Council liliilfs , hi.
Funeral Director , Ernijalmer ,
114 Main Street ,
Council lliulK
Atur viys-'it-biw. I'r ui
i IIOJ In tnp.laio and
fnilcrtl c-iiuits. Itmrii'i l'oC-7-a-U , Klm urt.
, Cuiinuil lllnll' , i.l.
Cuukllni ; Nnllce.
, . . P. lli'inN , iniivor of Iho elly of
Omaha , heiehy Ivc pnbllu nollcn and pio-
clalm lliat Kimniin Klieel , fioni lUlli hlieei In
Kith hlieel exteiidiMl ; rhlcii'jto hllcel , fiiini
iifilh hli-uel lo Udlh * tieel ! I'leicc hli'L'ul , fioni
illli hlii-i't loUril klii'i'l ; Park \Vlldc avenmi ,
fioni Wlllhinis xlieel lo I'lcrco sliiii-t ; ( ith
blieet , fioni HIcKory sliect to I'hireo btlcel.
inn anlhoi'i/i d lo lie usi-il for lh inirnoM ! of
eoasilns dm Ins Ilin winter of lhUJ-18'Jl.
Wtncs ! > my hand ut ijmiiha , lids luth day of
Deuembor , In'jj.
J'r < ii Kaln for Iho rurnUhliiK of l.iiinlier fur
llln Cltynf Oniiiha liitill' | Vcar | H ! ) : | ,
f-'Ciileil hlds will 1i iceelved at tln > olllceof
tliucliv roiuiitrolli'i' up hip. . in. . Deceinlii-r
'JO , IH'J'J , for tlin fiiiiiUhlni ; uf lumlier for Ilin
city of Omaha fur I lie ; year Ih'KI. llliinlii for
such hlili furnished by the I'uiniilioller. A
cei tilled elieek of HOO to iici-diiipuny each bid ,
The lliilil i * icserved to i-cji-ct any 01 all bids.
THKO. Olr.5i.N. ! : I'oinjuiolli-r.
Omaha , Ntb. , IJcc. M , Ib'J'J. ill&dot
\\rA.STKIl A | niill | iiurKii nt tliu W. C. A.uti \ -
'l | ittiil , curjitli avuiinu niul 'Jill ntrei't , niiiat bu
liilnuriiliiun .11 yd.irs ulili utKUJil moral cliirao.
lc-r. Apply nl ( inei ) .
\ \ , r.NTKDAt cina . ; i or 4 cuoil No. 1 rornlro
* f unikcrH. htuuly joli lor tliu rlulil inun. Hi
( irnld AMJII , Coiinull llliillH. '
QlJ A MONTH CilVKN l ! ) < > ! > ( illdi Full IKJIJrita
'Ipuuilc at < i , F > 1 iivciiiin.
l/Oll K.\'L'nANiiir A IdrarTTi7nioii H , Itli nlroot ,
Jc niMiri'th nviuiiiiiloir orriuiunitirnni-o , for humu
l.-Miiirilui. lluiihcoii : I'ltio ) or ICounUu I'lncjj pro-
Icm-ii. Will pin In , 'ij ) illir.irj.ic > . liroi.-iiiilolj ,
Mchblsiiii , V r < i.
1'nll , I'A'i II \.Nii- : : ( < ui | l-ruoin linuna on "nutli
I elli slriiul for I in I. ( iru in.i'ilul'H ' , Nli-tnileon .V Co
\ I.STItACTrt iinil loani F.inn iui < l clly iirnpnrtr
jiliuiililit anil nol'l. I'ua'jy x Tliunria , t ulllitll
I AUM mill city loans. .Munuy ln.uiiMl on Htoulc
niul uralii. lo ( il ultimo fur niln Dwuillii'i ' nirl
iMihliicrsmiit'ilx. Miinoy lii.uij 1 tur loual Invunturs ,
01 Al'ltKS iiii | , r llro.ntw.iy ; HIII | > HI | | | plHOU for
pi tttlnK ; t'lnt.iii tur cull , or will I-YU lan/J fur
lniir | < iviMl rusMiiii | iniiirty In Council lllutfd.
IjrL-ciiHtiloliN , .Mi-liuhoii .v To.
/ < Alll-s' ! ) : AND Ka'M'l' iiuiil : ru'ii'iit nJ limit
Vii | < ioitlliil tract in 1'iiltnfaltniulii c.unity. BJU
KntiirprlBii IMiiiu : tlvu or tun auiu lul . urcuu-
hliloliU , McliuUun A r < J. , irjl llrJiiilw.iy.
\\n : WAN < ' Km , i"mi i.f mirl HlUiln llvu nillus ( it
' city , llun'l I'.irn linw i o lull It U. Union-
rlilcliU. Mcliyt-Kiti .V I'o.
I N'I'ICIII'ltlMi : l'liii : > , for frnlu or unnluin
J < iiljiirli'in hoiiai.i , IIii.i : t rn loti twi'iily niliniluj
fioin inulor lluu. liiouiiililudlt , NlcliulviKi , V Co.
. ' I AIIMS in I'vi'li.iTiuu lor liouiJi niul lulu or
uuoil vnrnnt IntH. 91 ui-rm of nlr uar.lun linnl
for mlo at I tl per auiu. ilutoniiun \ Van I'attun.
IT I'AIIMlinpnivi' I Hinll niiila lialf from
' llio p < i il'.tllao. .1 ai-rM ; , fi r'jij.u ' lions > . Htililn ,
elu Vtlll luuiiiuiiu liirri'-i'l-inowfii I ounull Illutti ,
iroi alilulib , Nli'li ilnu i V : ' 'i
1'i % Afltm , rf v nilli-i fruin rll/ . will null ut cut 1C
I iki'ii tliU 0ii. liruuiMhiiiliU' .N'l.-liol on , V Co ,
MONDAYS I.l It. A. pirlur * . < Ullilran. I p. in. ;
nilidti.7PUJ ii. in. Ho.-InN HIIUI-I.I mi I ( ourlli
.Munition. Up in. Minli ) furnliliu I partlu * mil club * ,
A'lilrt > It. A. I'.irlorj.i ouui'll Illutli orlllil Kiiriuiu
M . ( iniiilri.Y. . K. I IHVIIUIK * . linlrniilor.
GMlllAiil- } ruiiuvwl , c mj iln , vaullj unil
rlilmiiuyt rlutniil. I' . I ) , llurku. city bli | { .
- _