PART TWO , THE OMAHA iSuNDAY BEE PKGES 9-16. T\V UNT Y-SKCONI ) YKAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 18 , 1892-TWENTY-l'OUll PAGES. NUMUKR 181 -dX > e Toys and Holiday Goods The largest stock and the best assort ment in Nebraska , In fact , few stales where you will find its equal. The display of toys tills year cxcolls nil piovious years. The now designs in oxidized toilet eels , perfume cascf , jewel cas-cs , glove and liandkorchief bets , collar and cull cases , card cases , brushes , etc. , is the handsomest line over displayed. Entire new t-tylos in plush , leather and celluloid photograph albums ; they uro beauties. Great variety in autograph albums , 25c , 6Uc , 75c and $1 each. E\orybody nays wo have the hand somest line of Christinas tree ornaments , and "ohl how cheapl" you can hear alt day long. Ornaments , Ic each , or lOc dozen. Beautiful designs at 2 for 5c , bolter at Co and lOc each. Our stock of dolls is Immense ; dolls of every description , dressed or un dressed ; largest dolls made ; also the little bits of dolls. Wo are in a position to p'.oaso ' any one desiring dolls from Ic up to $25. Larjro stock nf Japanese della at 5c , lOc and 15c each. Games uro much cheaper this year than last. 2'ic games uro selling at Hie , 6Ue games at l5c ! , $1.00 games i educed to 5c ( ) ouch. Folding bads that sold last sea on at J6e ? , 50o and $1.00 ; have been reduced to lOc , 16c and 2oc. Wo were very fortunate in securing from the largest manufacturer of sachet bags his entire line of samples at a great discount. No two aliko. Wo have placed the in on uvlo at about half their value. Iluro is a chance to buy the latest styles and designs at less than wholesale cost. Elegant line of smoking sots from 50c up to $10.CO each. Now Designs in pain ted plaques , 7 c Sl.SOund $2. < 0caeh. Any thing you may nslc for in rubber toys that is now and novel you will find at Hoydens. Iron toys in gioat variety. Books for the little pcoplo of every description , also a full line of books of interest for the older ones , Our 5o and lOc toy counters are the center of attr.iction , crowded all day long and rolllled every hour or two with bargains that you can't match any where at double the money. All sizes in brass drums fioin lOc up. Doll carriages from the cheapest to the best. Tool chests , lOc , 16c , 25c , 50c and up. All sixes of velocipedes , iron wagons , wheelbarrows , carts , etc. Wooden toys in greater variety than over. over.Fancy work baskets of every dc&crip- tion. IlandEomo line of children's tea sots , vases and fancy perfume bottles at special prices to close. Colored Dress Goods. $ .r)0.000.00 worth of wool dress goods and llannels at less than bankrupt prices. . Every piece of goods in the bouse markiMl at prices that will sell them at tight. Special bales every day this week. Mail orders filled at the low prices. Goods sent out the day the order ro- colved , Now is the time to buy your Christmas presents. 50-inch broadcloth , worth $1.35 , on sale tills week for 52-inch broadcloth , extra value , worth $1.85 , reduced to $1 25. 51-inch heavy French twills , worth $1.35 , reduced to 05u. 40-lnoh all wool eerge , regular price 05o , reduced totoo , 40-inch Uedford cords , all colors ; reg ular price $1.25. reduced to 75c. 54-inch nil wool llannol , worth ( lee , reduced - ducod to 45c. 40-Inch all wool llannolB , worth 63c , reduced to 30c , ! iO-inoh part wool plaids , worth 28c , rcdiicod to , lot- . 40-inch nil wool suiting , worth 49c , reduced to 12je. ( ! 50 plccos imported dross goods , crepe and iiioga'or weaves , worth $1.25 , rt > - ducod to 75c. 500 pieces 40-inch all wool , satin finish Gorman henriottn , worth $1 lo $1.25 , all go at 75i' . Black dress goods. Wo have the bout assorted stock of black goodu in the west. Whip cords , Borpos , diagonal ) ) , nangallno , Sabiieto- pol cords and fancy weaves. You can't afford to miss the sale in this dopart- mont. 40 inch all wool imported whipcord that wo have sold all tlio season for 81.25 , reduced to 75o. 300 poicos of imported fancy woavoa that wo sold from $1.13 to $1.40 a yard , reduced to 85c. 40 inch satin finish Gorman honrlotta ; our price Is $1.00 ; this time goes for 75c. 10 inch heavy imported bongalino , worth $1.03 , reduced to ( this is u very line and heavy goods ) $1.15. 5 inch all wool Kensington euckingd flannel , worth 7oc , reduced to 5'Jc. ' 40 Inch Roods ellk wftvp Henrietta , worth $ J45,1'oducod to $1.15. 40 inoh all wool storm serge , worth 05c. reducml lo fiOc. 30 inoh English honrlotta , worth 35o , educed to 5o. Christmas Gifts , Wo uro now showing Hie largest line of { routs' linen and silk handkerchiefs in Uio country , at our usual low prices. It will piy : you to look. \Vo have now on display an elegant line of gents' line sill : umbrellas , boiu- tltul handles , at $2.50 , $3.00 , $4 00 and 8o.OO. Our line of silk and wool mufllors can not bo equaled In the oily at the price. Our entire stock of ladies' fancy lisle thread and silk hobo to bo closed out at less than they can bo imported today. Commencing tomorrow , wo will show the finest line of ladies' aprons overseen soon in tins city. Over 100 dozen on display. Aprons from lee to $3.00 onch. Clearing bale of fur mull's must bo closed out at onco. Froneh sc-al mulls , lit.o quality , $2.00 , $12.50 and $3.00 each. From now until Christmas wo will nut on su'o 500 do/.cn ladies' real kid gloves , worth $1.50 per pair , sale price ยง 1.00 per pair. Buy your gloves o.irly. Special sale of gents' night shirts , fanc.v trimmed , 50c , U3e , 75e up to $3.00 eacli. Silks. Your * wife , your mother * , your sister , or your boat girl would bo to have one of our bKick silk dress patterns. Prices for this week only : $ ! ) . For tills amount wo will give you 12 yards of a nice black gros grain silk that will inalco up n very nice dress. $10.50 will jrot 12 yards of tin exit a good quality black faille Francaisp silk that would bo considered by any judge of silks worth S3 moro. $12 will buy of us only , a pattern of Satin Luxor that will make a handsome , serviceable good wearing dress. $15. At this price wo give you 12 yards of Roynl Alma silic that ought to wear any woman live years , and wo believe it will , too. N Linens , GREAT DISPLAY OF FANCY LIKENS. Plain white hemstitched and fancy colored frinfrcd seatfs in great variety at Hoc. 40c , 50c , 75c , $1 , SI.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 and $2 each. Plain white and fancy borders in towels , immense assortment , 5c , lOc , 15c , lOc. 25o and oOc onch , An elegant line of line towels , 75c , $1 , $1-25 and $1.33 each , 11-4 white MarfiCillcs spreads , $1. Crochet bed spreads at Ooc , 75c , 83c $1 , SI. 23 and $1.50 each. Special bargain in imported Mar seilles spreads at S2.0S and 83 each. Lunch cloths , in every style , coloi and size , at all prices to suit. Fringed cloths , with napkins to mateli the pot , only $2 , $2.50 , $ d and $3.50 a sot Big line ( if napkins , 50c , $1 , $1.25. Blankets. Gray wool mixed blank els , 69c , 05 < 75c , $ i , 81.2) and $1.50 a pair. All wool gray blankets , 10-1 sivo$2.75 ; $3,50 and $1.35 a pair. 11-4 srruy mixed blankets , $1.07 , $1.95 $2.98 , 31.35 and $4..H ! ) a pair. 12-4 pray mixed blankets , 0-pount weight , only $2.35 a pair. 10-4 white blankets , 75c and $1 a pair 10-4 5J-pound white wool mixed blankets ots , $1.23 a pair. Fine white wool mixed blankets , $ , and $2.50 a pair. 11-4 white wool blankets , $3.98 a jnlr Fine white California blankets , 11- si/.o , oacli pair in box , $ O.OS a pair. Fine all wool white blankets , $4.75 ? 5,75 and $ jl.50 n pair. Sample line of white blankot8slightl ; soiled , at a big bargain. Art Wo have just tocoived a large stock c elegant Bilk and plush head rests an sofa pillows and will offer them on Mor day at the following pi ices : Fancy all silk head rest nt 15c. Fancy allk head rests , ull colors 23c. Elegant sofa pillows ( tOc , Very fine silk and plush head rests n 43c , SSe , 6o ! ) , OSc , $1.58 , $1.03 und $2.05 Bargains in felt ttiolo scarfs. Square covers and piano cover * . Stamped llnod dresser scarfs ut 14o. Stamped linur. splashers at Tic und 10 < Fancy chenille cords 5o per yard. i 02. knitting silk , ono day only , 15 < Wo hnvo a largo block of fancy glov und handkerchief eases in silk and plus ! nil hand painted , ut prices ranging froi 50o to $3.00. Ladies' ' Neckwear. Wo have un olognnt line of the ! goods und will alter barpr.lns on Moi day.All All silk Windsor ties , plain colors , 14 All eilk Windsor'ties , plain color largo , lOo. All silk Windsor ties , plulaa ai etriuos , 25c. Wo have full length roofer scarfa f ( oOo. oOo.Lurgo allk inuflleri , plain colors , 05 Handkerchiefs. Hero is a line of goods that will make as suitable Christmas presents as .you can buy. Wo have a very complete- line and at very low prices , viz. : Lndles' silk handkerchiefs , embroid ered odffo , 12c. } Ladies' very fancy embroidered silk hankorchiofs/lSc. Ladies' very line cliiiton handker chiefs. 12Je. Ladies' heavy embroidered chiffon har.dkorchiofs , 25e. Ladies' very line silk initialed hand- kerchiels , 25c. Ladies' very line linen initialed hand kerchiefs , per half tlo/.en , $1.03. Ladies' very line linen , hand embroid ered hankorchiofs , 18c. Ladies' very line embroidered hand kerchiefs. Sc. Ladies' very fine hemstitched hand kerchiefs , 3c. Ladies' very fine Swiss handkerchiefs , 5e. Children's bordered handkerchiefs , Ic , 2c , 3c and 5c. 115 L _ ri t J Card cases and hand bags. Wo have put in an extra largo stock of these goods specially for .the Christ mas trade. Here are a few prices : Ladies' very fancy hand bags 45e , 55c , 52c , 70u and 72o. Ladies' hand baas , extra fine , from $1.00 to $3.75. Ladies' and gents' card cases , 50c , CSo up. up.Ladies' and gents' purses from 5c to $3.00. Pipes. Wo have everything in the line o pipes from a 2c cob to the finest Vienna meerschaum. Fancy wood pipes , 3c , 5c , and lOc. Fancy wood pipes , extra , quality , loc , 20c and 25c. Fancy Briar pipes , 80c , 35o and 50e. Imitation meerschaum pipes , lOc , 25c and 75c. Genuine Vienna meerschaum pipes , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.05 and $2.50. Very llnoat meerschaum cigar holders , lOc to OSc. Cloaks and Jackets. Unprecedented Dargains will bo the rule in this department during the coming week. Having made at1 vantage- ous purchases for the above department , bargains will bo oll'ered to buyers never before equalled. Elegant clonks and suits , plush gar ments , furs , wi uppers , at prices that defy competition. Ladies' blnck coonev collar and reveres - voros jackets for $4 50. Ladies' black coonoy collar and reveres - veres jackets for ? 0.75. Ladies' mink collar and reveres jack ets for $7.75. Ladies' possum collar and reveres jackets for $10. Ladies' raccoon collar and reveres jackets for $13.50. Ladies' mink collar and reveres jack ets for $10.50. And the latest novelty of the season , the Paletot , all bi/es. The regular price is $30 ; our prioo is only $21. PLAIN JACKETS. A good warm jacket for $3.83. A tan jacket with straps for $5. A tan worsted jaukot for $0.75. A tan beaver jacket for $10. The Franklin goes at $13.50. 2 styles , plain and Wuttcau pleat A tan Kersey jacket , $ i5.00. Last , but not least , a 411-inch jacket , Wattoau pleated , worth $22.00 ; our price , $15.00. Plush Garments. A $15.00 plush coat for 810.00. A $17.60 plush coat for $13.50. A $20.00 plush coat for $15.75. . A $23,00 plush coat for $18,50. lt A $30.00 plush coat for $22.00. * Wo will close out our ladies' ' dresses and suits for 60o on the dollar. These nro novelties , nnd every lady should B. avail herself of this opportunity. Extra skirts at prices that the material cannot bo bought for. Children s Cloaks. 100 children's cloaks at $5.00 , sixes , 8 10 , 12 ; worth from $9.00 to $15.00. son n0. - . Silk Gtienmile and Lace 0.HI HI Curtains in all the now styles ant id special prices for this week. Thin Moor. or Qur spring stock of flno window shade have arrived. Seine elegant poodb u ic. lower prices than over. Third floor. New full scale standard instrument , fully warranted ! Twenty other styles at all prices up to the finest concert errand o at All Special offerings this week in.musical instrument. Drug 'Department. Ponca compounding box. Hansom's Hfvo-Syrujj , 23o botllo. Red Cross 'Cough CUre , largo , 3oc bo tie. tie.Chamberlain's Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , 20c , 40c and 75c. , Ayres' Cherry Pectoral , 75c bottlo. Acker's English Remedy , 2c ( ) bottlo. Ayors' Hair Vigor , Ooc bottlo. Seven Sister * Hair Grower , Ir.rgo , 75c. Seven Sisters Hair Grower , small , 40c. Gray's Aregotablo Tea , 15c package. Mollin's Food , largo , ( > 3c package. Ayors' Sarsaparilla , 75cbottlo. , Hood's Sarsaparllla , 75c bottlo. Wright's Sarsaparilln , GOc bottle. Wo have a largo stock of toilpt soaps and perfumes at very low prices , and wo sell our drugs at lower prices than any other store yin the city , a'nd our prices on proscriptions are lower than over. Call and see us. Chinaware Etc. CHINA. GLASSWARE , CROCK ERY , GRAN1TEWARE. FLINT- WARE , BLUE ENAMELWARE , TIN WARE , COPPER AND BRASS GOODS , WOODENWARE , FIBHE- STONEWARE , CUTLERY AND S1L- VERWAHIC. 14 distinct line of goods in ono largo mammoth do pur tine lit. There are hun dreds of useful .and appropriate articles among them tliUt will make a splendid Xinas present. - A fine lnmp. IMnner set. Tea sot. Toilet sot. Fire sots. 5 o'clock tea sets. Carving sets. Kitchen sots in copper , brass , flint granite , b'.uo ' onumol , cameo or even tinwuro. Fine cups and saucers. Plates. v I Lemonade sots. { Baby berry sots-figures , etc. , etc. Dinner sets $7.05 , Worth $15:00. : Tea sots $3.20. worth $8.75. Hanging lamps 817fi. ; worth $5.00. Stand lamps , \ylth'l decorated sliado and hurnor to match,1 and line burner , $1.35 , worth $4. . , Toilet sets , $1.95 , " worth $5.D. ( ) Fine brass ilrd sots $0 , worth $15. 50 clock ton sots tt:60 ! : , worth $3. Carving sots Ofic ) worth $2.50. Cups and saucers' lOc , 16c , worth 25o and 50c. Gups and saucer S5b , worth $1. Fine china plates" lOo , 12c , 15c , lOo 17c , 22c , worth four rimes as much. Fine ruby , caiiui'vjntid blue lemonade sots , jug and si&rlasscs. $1.25 , worth $3.50. J 0-nleco glass crehnvsot 20o , worth 75c. Bissell curpot svrenper , $1.40. Fine blown glass , tumbler 40c , worth $1.00. Syrup pitcher 10 , worth 23c , Sewing Machines Do not pay fancy prices for u sowing machine when you cnn buy the best on ( made for $20. also n good ono for $ lfl Every machine fully warraontod for ilv < years. Third floor , - A Fine Rug In fur or smyrnia Is n suitable Christ mas present. Wo have a complete us sortmont of nil grades ; Third floor , Jewelry , Our holiday offeri n gs in fine watches , clocks , silverware tin ti jewelry. Solid gold neck chains , iSc ) , worth $2.50. Solid gold heart charms , 58c , worth $1.50. Ladios' or gents' heavy band rings , beautifully chased , $1.50 , worth $3.50. Solid gold band rings , O'Jc , worth $2. Genuine diamond eardrops in solid gold settings , $3.03 , worth $10. Beautiful California diamond eardrops in heavy solia gold diamond soilings , $1.95 , worth $5. Genuine Bohemian garnet eardrops in Solid gold settings , 4So , worth $1.60. Solid gold baby rings , 19c , worth 50c. Silver napkin rings , 5c , each , worth StJC. StJC.Solid silver thimbles , 15c , worth 50c. Beautiful lace pins in now designs , 25c , jewelers' price $1. Child's silver mugs in cases , 50c , worth $1. Silverware of all kinds at haV jewel ers' prices. Rogers' 12 dwt. knives or forks , $1.25 per sot. Now holiday goods arriving daily. Why pay exorbitant prices to jewelers when wo can furnish the same quality goods at half their prices. Gents' gold stiffened American watch , stem wind and sot , $5.75. Guilts' gold lillod hunting cnso watch , warranted to wear 20 years , with Elgin. Springfield or Waltham move ments , $11.43. Gents' 14 kt gold-filled watchwarrant-- od to wear 20 years , with a line full-jow- olcd movomout , adjusted to heat , cold and position , $18.15. Gents' solid gold watch , stem wind nd got , hunting and open face , with flno American movement , 1810.50. L'idios' solid coin silver watch , stem wihd and set , full jewoied , $3.50. Ladies' gold filled hunting case stem wind and sot watches , with a line nickel American movement , ? 0.05. Ladies' line 14 kt solid gold watch , open face , stem wind and sot , $0.75 , Ladies' 14 kl gold-jillod hunting case watches with genuine diamond set in center and handsome raised gold orna- montationfl , Elgin , Springfield , or Will- thnm movement. $18.45. Elegant pearl opera glasses , black , white and oriental , achromatic lenses , with line morocco cases , $3.50 , worth $7.00. Black morocco leather covered opera glasses with cases , Too. Solid sterling bllvor souvenir spoons , 08c , atorth $2. Watch and clock repairing at half owolcr's prico. Tea and Coffee. If you wish good goods , and , also , to save money , buy your tea and coffee horo. Our teas are all now pickings. Wo can soil you u good plain draw ing tea 16 c Choice sun-dried Japan lOo , 25 o Basket-fired Japan , sweet drawing , rough leaf 35 c Choice cultivated uncolored Japan , 40c , 50 o Extra choice spider log Japan CO o Young Hyson , good loaf and heavy liquor 00 o Ping Suoy Gunpowder 40c , 50o 45 o Moyuno gunpowder 3oc , 89 o Ceylon lou , very fine 00'o ' English breakfast 35u , ii8c , 48c , 50 CofTco wo receive dully Irosh from the roaster. Crnckod coffee 19 Cracked Juvu and Mooha , . . . . 22 No. 0 Rio coffee 24 Golden Kio 25 Candy. Chocolate creams , hand-made , Soc nor pound ; sold regularly. 40o. Bon-bons , hand-made , 25c per pound ; sold'regularly , 50c. Best bon-bon * , nut centers , 40c per pound ; sold regularly , SOc. Huttorcups , eight flavors , 30c per pound ; sold regularly , 40J. Peppermint and wlntorgrccn wafers,30c , ; sold regularly , lOo , Hock candy , best quality , 23o per pound ; sold regularly , 40c. Boston chiis , 20c per pound ; sold reg ularly. 40j. Assorted kisses , 20c per pound ; sold egularly , 40c. Peppermint losongors , 20c pound ; sold ogularly , 40c. Caramel's , 20opor pound ; sold regularly , Oe. Wintcrgroonlosongors , ISo per pound ; old regulailylOc. . Mixed fiMit drops , lee per pound ; sold egularly , 30c. Maple biigar cocoanut , 15ccr [ pound ; Id regularly , 30c. Vanilla cream cocoanut. lee per lound ; sold regularly , , ' ! 0c. Jocoanut taffy , 15cper pound ; sold rcgu nrly , ; ! 0c. I'otisut tail y , 15c per poundsold ; rog- larly , 30c. Mo'lasfics taffy , old-fashioned , loc per round ; sold regularly , .We. Cream tally , loc per pound ; sold rogu- arly , 30c. Cliocolato and vanilla cream barb , IGc ) cr pound ; sold regularly , 40c. London mixed , lOc ; p'er pound ; told egularly , 20c. Log cabin mixed , lOc per 'pound ; sold ogularly , 20c. Clove cushions , lOc per pound ; sold egularly , 20c. Jardinal pear drops , lOc per pound ; old regularly , 20c. Wo carry a full line of imported' ' JYoneh fruitst marshmollows and super- no chocolates. Salted almonds made to order. Those are some of the troods wo make. Mio public is invited to see our canuy- lakors at work. lardware. HELVE AND BUILDERS' HARD WARE DEPARTMENT. Common , fence , shingle , llooring , and 11 kinds of wire nails , by the keg or lound ; 100 pounds makes a keg of nails ( Id nails $1 DO Od nails 2 00 Od nails 2 15 Od nails 2 15 Od nails 2 25 2d nails 2 33 0(1 ( nails 2 40 0 nails 2 40 Sd and Od nails 2 VJ fld and 7d nails 2 Oc 'adlocks 5 c ack pianos 50 c le. = ston'ssaws , 2i-inoh ( 1 40 Cmpiro saws , 20-inch 72 5 Jlock planes 13 o mooth planes 38- traces 22 , lacliot braces 53 , Vutomatic screw drivers , with 3 bits 82 e o. 45 giant tools 4 ! ) o ladole hammers 40 c A full line of shelve- and builders' lardwaro at corresponding prices. Oysters , Cheese , Butter Don't forget to visit Jlaydens' ' butter cpartment. ' Where you can buy the finest country ind creamery butter ; every pound of it nado in Nebraska. Wo have country butter for Mo , lOc , So and 20c. Creamery wo hnvo at 22o , 2lc and 20c. Romomb'or this butter is guaranteed o bo as wo say or money refunded. Wo altio carry the finest stock of cheese in the city , and selling at the 'oweht prico. Wisconsin full cream , 8c , lOonnd 12Jo per pound. Now Jersey pure cream ehecso , Mo d lOc. Young America full cream , 12jc. Brick ohooso ; 12o } , 14o and lOc. Llmburgor choose , 12jc and 15c. Swiss cheese , 12ic , lie and IGc. Neufchatel , 7jc per package. Sab sago , 80 per package , Fromapo do brio , 40c per pound. Pineapple cheese , 50a each. Rochfort imported , 50e per pound. Swiss cream cheoao , 30o per package. Club house , 35o each , Edam chcoso , $ l,25oach , Wo have mince moat for 7jo poi pound. Apple butter , 7jo per pound. Strawberry and raspberry preserves , 12c. | 12c.Como Como here for your fresh oysters. Wo have thorn fresh every day from Balti more , 25o per quart. Trunks and Valises. No matter what others say , the trunks we soil for $1.49 are just as good us the ones others sell for $2 und 82.50. Wo ohallonjjo comparison , Everything in this line , whether bag or trunk , is u cheap UB it la possible to bo , considering the first class quality of the goods. W are always open for a comparison. Give us u call , Groceries. Pure H > * o flour 85a Pure Hyo Graham Hour 860 Pure Wheat Gruhnni Flour 20o Minneapolis best superlative Hour ( warranted ) 00 o A good Flour ( Snowllnko ) 05 o Havdon Bros. ' Best Superlative Flour $1.23 Just received a car of nowstrictly . pure buckwheat Hour 60 Self-rising buckwheat Hour r o Aunt Sally paneako Hour 8o Aunt Jemima pancake Hour. Bo Liob's ryoninjun flapjack 3Jo No. I sugar-cured ham's ' 12jo Picnic hams 8jo N. Y. hams 80 Dried beef 7o Corned beef 60 Potted ham , per can Co Potted tongue 5o Deviled ham 5o Bologna sausage 60 Liver sausage 60 Head ehecso" 60 Frankforts , 7 0 Sapolio or Scouring Soap 60 Save all the wrappers that como on the Sapolio , mid sctul them to the fac tories and tlisy will send you a very line ehrjmo. All In mis of washing powder , 25o per package or 4 for lie. Soapine , 1770 , ( Jold Dust , Soap Dust and Poarlino. Van IIouton'H pure cocoa 05 o Fry's improved homu-opathie cocoa 05 o Prune Russian caviar ( per can ) . . . . 20 o Best home-mado catsup 25 o Genuine Spanish chili-sauce 25 o 3 packages Doherty's Now Euglund mince moat , 25 o 3 packages Andoison's celebrated i condensed mince meat 25 o 3 pound can tomutou ? 8lo California evaporated poaches 17Jo Galjfornia dried grapes 6.0 California evaporated pitted plums 17jo California white nccturenos 17Jo Californa | rod nocturcnes 17Jo California evaporated apricots 20 o Imported English currants 8Jo These are all now fruits just re ceived , and the most delicious you over ate. They uro worth lOc per Ib. more than wo ask. ust imported from Seville , Spain , the finest olives you oversaw all packed fresh for us. Pofqt. . 35 o Imported chow chow ] 5 o Imported mixed pickles 16 eWe Wo sell a good baking powder. . 5 o Evaporated raspberries ( now ) . . . . 25 o Now California raisin-cured prune 15 o 3-lb pail pure fruit jolly 20 o 2lMb piil pure fruit jelly 75 o Lariro bottle blueing. . . 6c Corn starch 6 c Laundry fltaich 15 o Bird bcod ( very fine ) 5o 2-lb CMn early Junepeas. 17Jc. If you buy a can and if you do not say they are the llnost and most delicious pea you over did eat , wo will p\y ; you back the money. We have peas for 8Jc , lOJc , 12Jc and 16c . per can. s Condensed' milk , .i.f 10 0 7 bard O.d Country soap , 25c. 7 bars White Paris soap , 25o. 7 bars Progress soap , 25c. 7 bars Saxon soip , 23c. 3 bars imported castile neap , 5o. 7 bars Wbilo E'iglo soap , 23c. 7 birfl Domestic soap , 25c. 7 bars Mngic soap ; 26c. , ( 7 bars Water Queen soap , 25o. it Meats. No. 1 sugar cured hams , 12Jc. Picnic hams , Oc. < Boneless hams , lOJc. < Breakfast bacon , lie. Salt pork , lOc. Dried beef , 7io. 1 Bologna hausago , 5c. ' Liver sauBago , 7c. Head choose , 7c. Frankfurls , 3jo. Codlisli , 7fc. Whilolish , 8Jc. Mackerel , 12c. } Stoves and Ranges. If you will examine our $27,50 solid steel range that other doalnrs ask $15.Of ) for you would take it in preference to others if wo nsk also $45.00 for thorn , but not alone giving you the boat range in the world , wo save you 05 per cent. Wo do the oamo thing in our cooking and boating stoves. If you will road the following prices you can con vince yourdolf : IN HEATING STOVES : The Magnot$2.05 , worth three times us much. The F. W. Jr. Oalc 10.45. worth $12. The Emblem * IU ( ) , worth $15. The Cannan $5.95 , wortli $12. The P. P. Stewart $37.50 , worth $50. The Matchless $10.20 , worth $35. The Splendid $38.25 , worth $55. The Putnam $5.16 , worth $10. IN COOKING STOVES. The Cooking Emblem $7 , worth $14. The Hearthside $9.45 , worth $18. The Matchless $10,05 , worth 927 , The Signal $19.05 , worth $27. The P. P. Stewart , the finest cooking Btovo in the world , 822.95 , worth $35.00 uny man's money , The Magnum lamp stove will heat any room you have , price $3.60. There nro other oil hoatort in the rnar hot that you pay $12.00 for that have not the heating capacity that the Magnum lias.