TIIK OMAHA DAILY BlilE : SUNDAY , HDEC13MBMU 18 , 18i)2-TWENTY-FOUU ) PAGES BENNISON BROS , Special Inducements to Bayers of Holiday Goods , Cloaks , Etc. WE ARE CHRISTINAS HEADQUARTERS Onr Iliurment U Simply .Inmmril with llollilny ( Inoil.i Which Wo Arc t.'IinliiR ' Out nt llnlf 1'rlcc-Cloaki lit toil. 8COO pounds of mixed broken can'dy tomorrow , ( IJo pound ! Buy your candy tomorrow for Christinas , 5 barrels of pure sugar gum drops fie pound. The very finest hand mndo crciun candies only one-half price , 25c pound. 500 largo sl/o bisque dollfc with natural hair , tomorrow only , one-half price , 15o each. COO bisque dollp , kid body with natural hair , only one-half price , at 21e , 8le ) , 50c , 75o and DSc each. The largest line of hooks In the west and all nt cost or one-half cost. Wo uro gohij | out of the book business. Now is your time to buy. Children's story books at 6c , lOc , loc , 20c , 2oc und up , only one- half price , in our basement. 20 largo size nccordoons that have told freely at $1.25 , $1.00 and $2,00 , choice of entire lot tomorrow G8c onah. Everything cut to pieces in our base ment , ENORMOUS HANDKERCHIEF SALE. CO dozen Indies' line Swiss em broidered handkerchiefs , bought to soil nt 2oo and 30c , choice of entire lot to morrow only 15c each. Ladies' line Swiss embroidered hand kerchiefs : u 20c , 25c , 85c and 50a each , worth UOc to 7oc. Gents' pure linen initial handker chiefs only 2oc each. 100 dozen Indies' homstich initial handkerchiefs , half price , 15c each. 280 dozen gents' white cambric linen handkerchiefs with corded edge borders worth 15c , tomorrow 80 each. 500 dozen ladles' hemsllch fancy bor dered handkerchiefs tomorrow } price. 2jc each. BIG HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR SA LE. 65 dozen children's finest quality scarlet - lot drawers , all sizes. Remember , only drawers , no shirts , at i cost , only 39c each , worth 75c fo $1.50. 00 dozen children's pure all wool white shirts -nml drawers , all si/os , worth 75c to $1.50 , choice of entire lot tomorrow , 8c ! ) each. 60 dozen children's fast black all wool hose , till styles , nearly giving them awny tomorrow , Oc pair. 82 dozen nhildrcn'sall wool , fust black , jersey ribbed stockings , alt si/cs , at i price tomorrow , 17c pair. 00 dozen ladies' all wool , fast black hose tomorrow 21e pair. 20 dozen children's fust black all wool knit mittens tomorrow , i price , Sc pair. 15 dozen ladies' fine silk fust blr.ck mittens tomorrow 50c pair. ENORMOUS CLOAK SALE. Our entire stock of children's school clonks at not cost nnd \ cost. Ladies' seal plush jackets , seal plush wraps , cloth wraps , all satin lined throughout , worth $2000 to $30.00 , choice tomorrow $3.98 each. Ladies' seal plush sacqtics , worth $18.00 and $20.00 , tomorrow $10.05 each. Don't ' fail to visit our cloak depart ment tomorrow , wo are cutting the prices away down. Bargains in every department. Wo are open ovcrv evening till Christ mas. BENNISON BROS. o SLAUGlITUItlNG HOLIDAY GOODS. The 1)0 Cent Store Han Let Loose the Dog * of War. Everything now. everything the best at one-third less than others are asking for goods that have been carried ever from ono season to another. The great est crowds of the season attest their ap proval of our magnificent stock. Our doll department is a veritable wonderland for the ilttlo girls. Every body pleased with our styles and prices. Our toy department is a fairyland of wonders ; everything conceivable in the toy line can bo found , und at prices within easy roach of the most econom ical buyers. Wo have presents for all fathers , mothers , tasters , brothers , pld nnd young all can bo accommodated in articles both useful and ornamental. Do your purchasing ns early in the morning as possible nnd avoid the after noon crowd. THE 99-CENT STORE. H. Hardy & Co. From now until the Now Year I will present free of clmrgo a bottle of clioice wine to each ono of my customers at my ' utoro. Prompt ntton'tion given to ail orders for holiday wines and liquors. Wishing you a merry Christmas and u happy new year I am , yours truly , HlJNKY HlLLEIt , To'.ophono 1781. 010 N. 10th St. Krakancr , the favorite piano , only at Weber's. * Samuel Burns has just received n lot of " " " the Doctor "Rogers" groups , "Fetching - > tor , " "Going for the COWH , " ' 'Colum bus , " etc. $8.00 to $10.00. Factory prices. Pocket knives at Morton's. XMAS GOODS. "MRS ! J. BENSON. Aiietliin , MutHV hull-mi I o. Monday , December 10th , 10 n. in. , 5118 South 15th street , Omaha. Hat stack of Aulabough Fur Co. will bo Hld ) In lots to suit dealers. It WKLLS , Auctioneer. Tliu Illj ; Sieelil Art Sulo At A , Ilospo'ri , 151:1 : Douglas street , is bringing crowds. Don't ' wait ; have the pictured put away for Christmas. Engagement , cups 'and saucers at Duma. o. Wobor's for pianos , music nnd repair ing , 1414 Dodgo. lluforo lluyliif ; : i lliuo : See the now scale ICiiiibullat A. Ilospo'e , 1613 Douglas street. a"tlntlc hairdres < iiigIdoiiinalr Store. Kurbaoh Bl'k , 200 S. 15. , Tel. 1018. Fronuli hairdresser In attendance. Fine razors at Morton's. Ilolidny goodnFi-enzor , jow'r , opp. p.o. Puuooak is the bast soft oivl , Sold only by Jones , opauslta putolllca. XMAS GOODST MRS. J. BENSON' ' ' Look Out for Colil Weather.'x But ride Inside of the electric lightoi ] nnd steam heated vostibulod apartment trahia of tno Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway and you will bo as warm , comfortable nnd cheerful as in your own llbrnry or boudoir. To travel between Chicago and Omaha In thcso luxuri ously appointed trains is a supreme sat- infliction ; and , as the somewhat ancient advertisement used to read , "forfurther son small bills. " Small bills aim lure ; ones , too ) will be accepted or pafutii > o und sleeping car tickets ai 1601 t'arnum street. W , II , BENNETT CO , New Holiday Goods and of Every De scription. THEY ARE ALL THIS YEAR'S GOODS Everything It Neir , Trenti nnd Clean , nnd nt 1'rleen You Can AIToril Vou If You Kail to 'Visit UB. Wo do not ask as much for them * as some do for last year's goods or for "drummer's samples" or for bankrupt holiday goods. Examine the goods you buy closely and see l ( they nro soiled or scratched. Don't ' let any onp work oil old goods on you. When you make a present glvo them new fresh goods , our second lloor , easy of access. Como in out'ly Monday morning. Wo can give you bettor attention. Wo will hold the goods for you until you want them. Wo are headquarters on every thing in the toy line In now fresh this year's goods. Dolls at 2 for Ic. Dolls at lo each. Dolls at 2c each. Dolls at 3c cacti. Dolls at oe each. Imitation kid body dolls at Sc each , these look very much lllfo kid and nro often sold as such but they uro not. Other dolls at lOo , 15c. 20 , 25c , 30c , etc. , etc. Wo can glvo you the best value in dolls and our prices are lower than any uno in the xvost. Wo nro in a position to job dolls lethe the trade. Como in and got our prices. Our lines uro complete in rub ber toys , plush toilet sots , writ ing' ' desks , albums , games of all kinds , nuiglo lanterns , blocks , books , picture boolts , 1 coach ; carts and sleighs , " musical toys , feathered and wool toy animals , Christmas tree ornaments nnd candles , toy dishes , chairs , wash sots , iron toys , tin toys , "hurry-up" wagons , fire companies , wash sets , hobby horses , desks , blackboards and thousands of other things to delight the children and the older boys and girls. On our toy floor yon can buy : Oranges ( every ono good ) , lee do/ . Nice mixed candies , 5e Ib. Gum drops , 60 U.- . Elegant mixed candy 8c , lOc , 12c , 15c nr.d ISc. Nuts of all kinds , mixed or plain. Then on our main or Ilrst floor wo have "Holiday Groceries' " in our gro- cerv department. ' ' 'Holiday Jewelry , Cutlery , Silver ware" etc. , in our jewelry department. "Holiday Crockery" in our crockery department. * "Holiday Perfumes 'tind Toilet Cases and Soaps , " etc. , in our drug depart ment. "Holiday furniture" in our furniture department , such ns polid oak plush seat rockers $2.48 , $2.93 , $3.2o , all bar gains. New line child's rockers 48 c , 75c , OSo , extra values. Fancy willow rockers $1.38. Fancy solid oak parlor tables ' 3.00. Plush trimmed tapestry sofa with solid uk frame at $5.00 80.08 , etc. Picture easels , mirrors , photo frames , ugs , lap robes , horse blankets , etc. , etc. It will pay you to look ever this do- nirtmont , in fact every department in > ur store. Wo are certainly selling the goods and giving the best Batisiaclion. Store open evenings till 9 o'clock at ightand as the week advances wo will o ope n later. W. R. BENNETT CO. ALMOST ANVIIODY oXvi Uooil J.liinonr When * Ho Tastes It , Hut CAN YOU TELL GOOD LIQUOR WHEN YOU SEE IT ? There nro only _ a few of us left who can toll anything ubout upd , many of hose who do know will not toll , because hey find it prolltabto to adulterate. Now , if you are not u judge yourself nnd vant something really choice there is only one place to got it , and our ad dress is appended bolow. Wo do not handle the "cheap stuff , " but bo it Choice brands of whisky , Choice brands of brandy , Choice urunds of wines , Choice brr.nds of cigars , ow as that for adulterated. You can put in the water yourso f. Wo make a specialty of the trade for family and ncdicinnl use. Wo make bettor prices on en BO lots. Send for our price list iiid then if you should entrust us with tin order wo will guarantee you nosoluto satisfaction. C. B. CONNOR & CO. , Wholcsalo and rot nil dealers in line whiskies , wines , liijuors and cigars. 1409 Douglas struct , Omaha. Weber's music hull for entertain ments , 1414 Dodgo. An appropriate Xnris present a1 ways useful anil never out of style , opera glasses , retail at wholesale price * . Par ties purchasing gold spectacles for pres ents will bo given a card entitling the holder to liuvo tholi- eyes carefully ex amined after the holidays and the proper lenses inserted without any additional charge. Buy our rcfractionist gold frames from $2,50 up , Tudor Optical Co. , wholesale opticians , corner Farniun and 14th strcots , Otnnha , Nob. " " XMAS GOODS. "MRS. J. BENSON. Frescoing and interior decorating ; de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohmann , 1508 Douglas street. o A Card. . SOUTH OMAHA , Nob. , Doe. 14 , 1602. On the Oth dav of October , 181)2 ) , I in- sutod my dwelling house and furniture in Poisons & Borry'n insurance agency of South Omaha , In the Delaware In surance company , and on December 10 I was unfortunately burned out. Upon December 14 the full amount of the loss amounting to eight hundred and fifty dollars ( $850) ) was pi Id to mo , nnd 1 take this moans to advise my friends , ac quaintances and the pubilo to insure in the above agency , thereby being sure of prompt nnd equitable eottlomont in case of an honest loss. Respectfully. RUNUY SCHULZ. KAST OK .SOUTH OIu the Wuhuiili Houte. The short line to St. Louis and quick est route south. Only ! I7 hours to Hot Springs. Only 80 hours to Now Orleans. Only 381 hours to Atlanta. Only 52 hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fast tlmo to all points east and south. Round trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Galvchton , San Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran cisco , Mo bileJacksonville ; , Tampa , Hu > vann and all the winter resorts of the south nnd west Reclining chair cara free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman buffet sleeping cars on all trains. Baggage checked from hotels and private residences to destination. For tickets , steeping car accommodations nnd further information cull at Wubush ticket olllce , 1502 Farnam street , or write , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. A CARD TO YOU , The Los Angeles Wino , Liqtior and Oignr Company Make a Statement , THE POLICY OF "HONEST" COMPETITORS The Awful lIonoMy of n Ilimlnrm Itouio Will Nearly Atwnyiirnr AVntcliliie I.CRltliimto Dcnlrr * Mnka > 'o Such Clnlmii Beware o ( the business house tlmt * Is Always advertising how honest they arc. Houost dealers' poods spoik for them selves. A man who Is always talking nbout hlmsolt and tolling people how honest ho Is ana how dishonest his competitors are Is a good man to watch a * there Is generally n METHOD IN HIS MADNE5S. Wo know of a cort-xln house In the same line of business that wo are who are continually howling honesty when it re lates to tholr goods and crying fraud against all other doalnrs , when the actual truth is that they oaivy in stock moro imitation goods thun any other house in Nebraska. A FEW WORDS TO THE PUBLIC. California wines and brandies , Ken tucky ami eastern whiskies , and in fact all goods of every description usually carried in a general wholesale liquor dealer's stock , are all graded according to ago and all wholesale liquor dealers handle the same Id ml of grades of goods. They are generally purchased from the same distillers and wine makers. Ilonco , in competition between whole sale dealers , it resolves itself down to strictly business ability and to the abil ity to purolmso good goods cheap for for cash and to conduct the business at the least possible expense. All this talk by other dealers against us is simply because they cannot compote pete against our prices , therefore they resort to the only method left , that is simply BUSINESS lying. Wo make no claims. Wo merely state that wo buy our stock in largo quanti ties for spot cash , and wo sell it for cash at small margains depending on the volume of business for success. Wo leave it to the public to decide between our goods at reasonable prices and the goods of our ESTEEMED HONEST competitors at war prices. Wo call your attention to our quoted prices on page Twenty-three. LOS ANGELES WINE , LIQUOR & CIGAR CO. , 1313 Farnnm street , Omaha. The Gorman Savings bunk is still climbing their growth has boon re markable. Just think , the last bank of wenty organized in the city. The ust published statements show that ; hey have passed twelve of the oldest established banks in the line of de- Now is the tlmo to open a savings account ; got ready for the World's fair. Wanted 20 boys at A. D. T. Co. , 1304 Douglas street. Samuel Burns continues his vase sale mother week. Notice to Clergymen. Clergymen resident in Omaha and South Omaha , who desire to obtain half- "aro permits ever Burlington lines dur- ng 1S)3 ! ) , are requested to make upulicn- .ion fou same at tha city ticket olllco , 223 Farnara St. J. FltANClS , Gnn. Pass , and Tkt. Agt. A Perfect Tralii Is the Burlington's No. 2 for Chicago. It loaves Omaha at 4M6 p. ra. , reaches Chicago at 8:25 : the next morning and carries magnificent Bleeping , dining , re clining chair und smoking cars. City ticket olllco , 1223 Farnam street. W. F. Vaill , agent. To the Sunny South I.iinil. The Burlington route's service to southern cities and winter resorts is un equalled. Uoclining chair cars nnd Pullman sleepers on all Omntiu-St. Louis and Omaha-Kansas City trains. The 0:45 : p. m. train for St. Louis also carries a dining car , serving breakfast and lunch. Fast time , sure connections and low winter tourist rates ( via either Kansas City , Memphis or St. Louis ) to Now Or leans , Jacksonville , Birmingham , At lanta , San Antonio , City of Mexico , and hundreds of other points in the south. Tickets , berth reservations , etc. , may bo obtained nt 1223 Farnam street. W. F. Vaill , agent. Complcto Nmv NtorK of I'lirnltiirc. All goods marked lew in plain figures. ClIAH. SmVKlUCK ifcCO. , 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Furnam St. Real estate. Bargains only. My word is good. W. G. Albright 621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ? . Silverware , John Baumerl514 ! Fnatnur Holiday goods , Fronzor , jow'r , opp. p. o Water rents duo January 1 , payable at company's oflico , Bun building ; 5 per cent discount allowed if paid on or be fore January 1. Olllco open Wednesdays and Saturdays till 8 p. in. Holiday goodsFronzor , jow'r , opp , p.o. * Scissors nt Morton's. Watches , John Bnutnqr , 1314 Fnrnam. California Kxrurmani , Pullman tourist sleeping curs are run dally on all Pticlllo coast trains via the Santa Fo route , the shortest line to California. The cars are furnished with bedding , matrossos , toilet articles , etc. Porters uro in attendance. Second-class tickets are honored on those cars. In addition to the daily service the Santa Fo Route rims special excursion parties with an agent of the comwiny in charge , using these tourist mooping care , and leaving Kansas City every Sunday noon. For further information and timetable of the Santa Fo Route and reserving of sleeping car berths , address li L. Palmer , nr scugor agent , 1310 Furnam street , Oiimuu , Neb , FOR JflDIES ONLY When Yon NewlHAnjtMng in Onr Line Buy it of Ufjiftml Save Money. WE MEAN GENTS AS WELL AS LADIES Notice ( ho I'ollrvTfliiKOur ItrRiilnr 1'rlred Thin Work , Ifttho ( loodi I.iul That I.oiifr. but Thero.AV < i Mnny Otlirr Things AVe Soil Still Chc.ipcr. WE HAVE BESTXMAS. PRESENTS. UUUUHH TOY ANIMALS. BALLS , DOLLS , BKUSHUS , ETC. UETAILlil ) AT WHOLESALE Buy n rubber doll or toy for the little ono , ours last longer than any other kind. Buy overshoes or boots for a present. In fact wo Have a thousand things too numerous to mention. Como in the store anyway ami you will bo surprised at how many things wo hnvo that you want. All this week our regular prices you will SPO below ; road them all. LADIES' RUBBERS , IOC PR. , OTHER STORES ASIC 33C. RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES. The whole "GLOVE FITTING' ' line of goods , which are the BEST goods made , wo sell as cheap as others do the common goods. Como to the manufacturers and save money. Wo make a specialty of all kinds of ' LADIES' RUBB'KR GOODS. Things you cannot got oven in a drug store you will IIml here , and tv lady clerk to wait on you. HOT WATER BOTTLES. ALL NEW. Keep feet warm and stop pains. Every body needs ono. 1 qt 2qt 3qt 4 qt 5 qt OOo OJc 76o 8oe $1.00 Patronize homo Industry. Our goods made hero. BULB SYRINGES. FRESH GOODS. No. 1 No. U No. 01 No. 0 No. 001 No. 002 25o I0o ! ! 15o 40o TiOo f > 0c FISH BRAND BULB SYRINGES. No. 8 No. ! ) No. 10 No. 14 No. 15 No. 10 "fie SI.00 $1.2.j $ l.J > o $1 35 $1.50 FISH BRAND FOUNTAIN SYRINGES No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 31.00 * $1.25 Si.50 $1.75 $2.00 Wo have n few fountain syringes in pasteboard boxes which wo will close out next week if they last that long. No. 2 No. 3 No. 4. No. 5 25o 35e COc 7oc MACKINTOSHES. LADIES' , GENTS' , WARMEST GOODS FOR WINTER. Ladies' Inverness $5.03 , was $8.00. Ladies' nowmarkets , $0.00 ; wan $12,00. Ladies' nowmnrkots , $7.00 ; was $12.00. Ladies' nowmarkets , $8.00 ; was $15.00. Ladles' nowmarkols , $0.00 ; was $15.00. Ladies' ' nowmarkets$10.CO ; was$15.00. Ladies' Uo Lormo $12.00 ; was $20.00. Ladies' nowmarkcls , $12.00 ; was$20.00. Ladies' Do Lorme , $15.00 ; was $25.00. Gents' capo coats. S5.0 ! ) ; was $10.00. Gents' capo coats , $7.00 ; was $15.CO. Gents'cane coats , $9.00 ; was $15.00. Gents' capo coats , $10.00 ; was $15.00. Gents' cape coals , $15.00 ; was $25.00. Como-nnd see our goods. ' OMAHA RUBBER CO. 1520 Faruntn st. , corner 10t.li. Lady clerks in attendance. Wisher's Music ( House and Factory Ofl'erTl One good tone piano for $85.00. Upright pianogood condition , 8170.00. Upright piano , standard make , nearly now , $245.00. ' * Ono line concert Grand piano , $300.00. One fine Bohring piano. $260.00. Decker Bro. upright , $350.00. Shoot mus'c ' , guitars , violins , mando lins , nccordoons , zithers , at Weber's now music house , 1414 Dodge street. XMAS GOODS. MRS. J. BENSON. Samuel Burns announces the arrival of a now lot of cut glass from the cele brated factory of Libby & Son , Toledo , O. , and at lower prices than over bo- fore. Krakanor piano is endorsed as the best by the linest musical people. On sale at 1414 Dodge. Carving sots at Morton's. It'n n 1'ast Train. The Burlington's No. 3 , leaving Omaha at 4:50 : p. in and reaching Denver at ? the next morning. No. 3 carries sleeping , dining , reclin ing chair and smoking cars , is vcstibulcd ni end to end , and arrives in Denver in ample time to connect with all fast morning trains for Salt Lalta City , Ogden and the Pacific coast. Citv ticket office , 1223 Farmam St. . W. F. Vaill , Agent. SpectaclesJohn Baumcr,1314 Farnam. W. T. Seamanwagons ana carriages Diamonds ) , John Baumor , 1314 Fnrnam. I feel under deep obligations to nil these who assisted mo during the sick ness of my deceased husband nnd showed their sympathy nt the funeral , and wish to express my sincere thanks , especially to the members of the Plattdeutscho voroin and 1C. of P. No. 4. MRS. HKUJIAX SCHMIDT. LOW 11ATK .KXCUKSION" . To llmiHton , Tex. On Tuesday , December 20 , 1892 , my second special narty will leave Omaha , bound for Houston , Tex. On November 28 I took my first special excursion , a party of twenty. This party 1 con ducted in person and hope to bo able to do likewise with the next. Allot the first party woneiEO much pleased with their trip andvwlth the rich and pro ductive countryithoy wont to BOO that out of the twini.v who wont llftoon have made arrangements to inovo down and live thoro. I can't tall you about the many advantages of the place. Space docs not permit. Hulllco it to say , everyone ono who went cnmo to mo nnd remarked , ' I had not lol&thohalf. " It is the place to make money. All kinds of business IB good. Labor is greatly in demand. Wages are hlgji. Tiio cl'mato is per fect. The lunil * are deeply rich and us yet oxtromolyilow in price and terms easy. The price ranges from $2.50 to 320.00 per acres I have Bovorul thou sand acres , in tracts nml nt ill Ho rent - ent points , nour the railroads , with timber or without , and all with good water. Can bult you or no harm done. Everything that can bo grown in Ne braska or Iowa can bo grown on these lands ; besides many things can bo grown there which cannot bo grovm iioro. Tjio most excellent results are obtained without fertilization , Remember the time wo go , next Tues day , December 20. Wo will leave Omaha about 0:30 : p. m. nnd arrive in Houston in forty-eight hours. Both chair and Pullman cars run all the way. The rates for the round trip , Mrs ! class , will bo ohoapor than you can buy of any railroad company , nnd I will give you fifteen days to go in , llftoon days to como in and until Juno 1 1803 , to return. For further information as to lands , climate , cost of living and all particu lars as to the purchase of your tickets call on or address. address.It. It. C. PATTKHSON , 425 Uamgo building , Omaha , Nob. BOSTON STORE CARPET SALE Fen Thousand Eight Hundred Yards of Good , -U Medium and Fine Carpets AND A BIG LOT OF FUR RUGS nt n TrpinenilaiM Sncrlflco front n llnnl.tlp Curprt Itmiic In St. l.oul , ( lo nil into Tomorrow Very , Very Cliciip. ON OUR SECOND FLOOR. This lucky purchase just comes in mndy t this time of the year for these vho wish to buy a c.irpot or rug nt loss than half what it would ordinarily cost. You can buy tomorrow an elegant long mlr , real fur rug , largo size , that would cost you from $3.UO to $0 00 usually , for only $2 25 ; romombjr , tomorrow $2,2-5 , Ujsiilo * lhos3 there niM hundreds of other rugs at equally good bargains. NOW FO { CARPETS. You must see the beautiful brussels carpets that wo olTor tomorrow nt 42c , :8c : , 58c a yard. No carpet house in the vorld would' think of Belling you any- hlng near BO good lor loss than $1.00 n ard. Then the elegant Wilton and Ma- quotto carpets are simply grand , rich ) llo , bnaut'ful patterns , all now styles , or which wo only ask OSo a yard ; would > o considered tremendous bargains at il.To or oven $2.00 by other houses. Wo mention but few items out of all his sale for the bimplo reason that every yard of cnrpo' in this sale is nbso- utoly sold at loss than half what it ought to bring. So como quick. It's n wonderful car- iot sale and as for the rugs , they are way beyond your utmost expectations so good , bo line and so cheat ) . BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas. rhrnn r.vcurtlon to Cnlirornln. The next Phillips RockltAnnu person ally conducted excursion to California will leave Omaha at 1 :20 : p. m. December 23. Through Pullman Tourists cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Select company , fast time , ana the very lowest rates prevail. For full particulars call on any Rock Island ticket agent or ad dress Charles Kennedy , general North western passenger agent , 1(502 ( Farnam street , Omaha. Our small expense allows us to soil on a small profit , llubermann , 13th and Douglas. . Sco our assortment of watches , dia- nonds and jewelry and get prices bolero - lore purchasing. Ilubormann , 13th and Douglas. . WILT. XOT OHSMtrE SKCHKOV. Clililriniin Cnlilwi'll of the IVrMrrn I'nssen- Rcr AsuDclnllull Mulii'H u Killing. CHICAGO , 111. , Dec. 17. A ruling , handed down today by Chairman Caldwcll of the Western Passenger association , removes all doubt as to whether the vote of any propo sition may bo kept a secret from the other memboi's. In his decision Chairman Cald wcll says there seems to be no provision in the agreement for the observance of secrecy , and that he not warranted in treat ing the votes cast by correspondence in any proposition as secret. In this decision Chairmain Caldwcll reverses the position taken by his predecessor. Some liino ago the Uock Island road asked for information as to how a comuctitor had voted on a cer tain question , ami under the custom in vofjuo the information was withheld. This brought about a discussion of the subject anil event ually led to the present ruling. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the special meeting of the managers of the Western Passenger association' this week , Chairman Caldwell lias appointed a committee to go to New York and meet with representatives of the Canadian Pacific and See lines for the purpose of bringing about an agreement on steamship business. The committee is composed of .lolm Sebastain of the Hoc ! : Island ; \V. R White of the Santa Fe : George li. HciTord of the St. Paul : W. H. Buscnbark of the Chicago Great West ern. and J. C. Pond of the Wisconsin Cen tral. Commissioner Goddnrd confirms the call for u meeting of the Joint committees in the Central 'J'rallic associations in New York ' next Wednesday , as authorized by the man agers' mooting last Wednesday. Export rates via. all routes , rates on dressed meats , mileage on private cars , issuance of passes , differentials ucioss Lake Michigan , where freight is transferred in cars without break ing bulk , issuance of Joint notices touching payment of commissioners and other sub jects will be presented. i IS THE I'OTTEK'S VIKI.D. Disposition of th Itoily of KIMIHOII , the I.ouvciuvorth , Klin. , .Murderer. LEAVixwoitTH , ICtin. , Dec. 17. The body of Charles A. Benson , butchcrcr of Mrs. Mcttman , who made a desperate assault upon Captain Morgan , his death watch , and then stabbed himself to death , was hurled in the Potter's Held at Mount Muncie como- tary this afternoon at the txpenso of the county. The widow declined to receive the body or to look upon It. The body lay in an undertaker's shop last night and this forenoon and was viewed by several hundred people. At ii o'clock Kov. Dr. Page of the Presby terian church went to the undertakers , ac companied by Kosii , the dead man's daugh ter , and performed a brief ceremony for the dead. The mdo cofiln containing the body was then placed in an express wngon and taken totliogravo in charge of the under taker. Kov , Dr. J'agoand the daughter were the only other persons who accompanied it. Allotfil 1 , mills lixllMrrlinlimtt'ly. EL UKNO , I. T. , Dec. 17. A question is being argued before the court now in session hero , involving the legality of a great num ber of allotments made to the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians during last spring and winter. Jt seems Unit the alloting agents in charge of the work allotcd land to almost every person who applied , whether they wore members of the tribe or.not. Homo white men had settled among this trlbo of Indians , but no provision was over made for the adoption of themselves or their children Into thotrlbu , hence it is contended that thonllotmcntH made to these parties uro illegal , They embrace some of the best land on the reservation and some adjoining the territory on the west. The allotments will probably bo canceled. Settled a IIli , ' I.iinil Clilhn. SANTA Fc , N. M. , Deo. 17. The United Staves private land claims court today con firmed the Antonio Sedlllo grant. It Is more , than cloven leagues In area and is the third such grant continued this term. TIIK ltP.IT . , , . MnintnothlCiitotlllnii niul RtMiRlitrr oCToyn niul llollilny ( loniln. Wo nro showing the flnojt line of handkerchiefs ever brought to Oinalin. Handkerchiefs in cotton , lisle , linen , silk nml laco. Handkerchiefs plain , embroidered , scolloped nml Initiated. Tons of thousands of handkerchiefs of all kinds and nt nil prices. DRESS L.ININC5S . FREE With every dross pattern sold for $3.00 or tnoro this week. GO PRICES ON CLOAKS. We've moro goods in this department than wo should liavo so wo'ro going to out prices dnop before Christmas and crowd a month's business Into next week. We've divided our entire stock of ladies jabkots Into throe lots and offer the. o at prices for loss in many cnsos than wholesale cost. No pood's reserved. AT S5.no. LOT NO. 1. All garments , plain and fur trimmed. , black and colors , formerly sold us high as $10.00 and $12.00. AT $ S.SO. LOT NO. 2. All garments formerly sold un to $15.00 and $10.00. There nro splendid values in this lot. ATi : .7t ) . LOT NO. . All garments not included in ether two lots , except rtlstors and plushes. Includes garmo'nts sold as high as $23.00. Wo make proportionately low prices on plush cloaks , ladies ulsters and chil- drcns cloaks. AH now goods. No bankrupt stocks. No trash. THE DELL DEPT. STORE CO. , Dodge and 10th sts. 9 Woman's exchange , 101(1 ( Capitol ave nue. Handling holiday fjoods. T.ow Itallroiul llutes for tint Holidays. Tickets on sale at one and one-third faro for the round trip via. the Chicago & Northwestern railway , December 2-1. 25 , 20 , 111 tin d January 1 and U , good re turning until January 3. City ticket ollico 1401 Farnam street. G. F. WKST , C. P. & T. A. R. R. RITCHIB , General Agent. ICrakancr pianos , the finest test , MM Dodge st. DiilliiM , Tex. , Ilns u IJItr rulliire S 100,000 IlivolviMl Olhrr 1'iillnrcn. NEW Ouuuxs , I-n. , Dec. 17. A spiial to the Picayune from Dallas , Tex. , says : The wholesale cigar linn of Frelsburg , Klein & Co. , with headquarters at Galvcston and branch ofilces at Dallas , made a gencral jis- signment today. No schedule of liabilities 1ms yet been lllcd , but they are said to bo less than the assets , which are estimated at e-100,000. The creditors are chielly Gnlvos- tonians and foccign llrms. The linn has been in existence twcnry years , and Mr. Klein says the cause of the failure was duo to general depression. They expect to pay dollar for dollar. FOUT SMITH , Ark. , Doc. 17. D , C. Teles & Co. , a pioneer dry goods house , 1ms failed. Liabilities , $70,000 ; assets , flOt)00 ) , A big branch of the lirm at Manslield was also closed. The low price of cotton last year and the shortage of the crop this year arc' the main causes , as the lirm bold largely to the country on credit. VAN BUHENArk. . , Dec. 17. Attachments aggregating i-00,000 have been issued against MeKlbben & Pope of this city. Shortage of the cotton crop and slow collections are given as the cause. Assets unknown. SAVANNAH , Ga. , Dec. 17. George Wright & Son of Cairo have failed. Assets , Sl''O.OOO ; liabilities , $70,000. J.Y WllITTIEH'S 3IK3WIIY. Memorial Services Held nt AincHbury , MUCH. , In Honor of ( he Dfiul I'oet. AMESUUUY , Mass , , Dec. 17. The memory of the poet , John Grcenleaf Whitticr , was honored here today. Tlilf is the anniversary of his birth and according to a custom of many years standing the day was observed with appropriate exercises. There were many people from outside towns ; among them were writers of national reputation , all admirers of the great patriot and poet. The exercises were conducted in the opera house , which was crowded to the door. Orations were delivered , sketches of the poet's life and selections from his writings were read. Hut the leading fcatuae of the event was the reading by Prof. Churchill of Andovcr of an original poem written in honor of the great pcct for the occasion. Arraigned the Impress ICohlierd. * NEW Oni.HANs , La. , Dec. 17. The Tiincs- Dcmocrat'stspccial from Meridian , Miss. , says : Thomas Murray , pal of Summers in the express robbery committed here last week , and arrested in Chicago as ho was leaving the train , was brought to Meridian this morning by IMnkcrlon detectives , Mur ray made a full confession on his arrival. Ho was arraigned today before a magistrate and pleaded guilty. Ho was remanded to jail in default of $ .1,000 bail to await the ae- tion of the grand jury. Captured a Diamond Thief. JEFFEBSON CITV , Mo. , Dec. 17. Joseph Blair , captured hero n few days ago with u quantity of diamonds in Ills possession , has been identified as the man who , on the 1-tli inst. at Dallas , throw popper in the eyes of a clerk in a Jewelry house and stole a tuay of valuable diamonds. The chief of the Dallas police Is hero awaiting a requisition on which to take him to Texas. I'eiuIlo Will Ho Lynched. STANroui ) , Ky. , Dec. 17. For fear of mob violence Lcn Tyc , the alleged assaulter and murderer of Miss Ilrvant of Wllliamsbnrg , was removed to Harrodsburg tonight , where ho will bo kept until the excitement dies out. ll'IS.t TIlKlt VUltlW.ISTH. 1'iilr iini Weil WlmlH Is What NuhniHlm U Hoolfcd fur Today. WASHINGTON. D. C. , Dec. 17. Forecast for Sunday : For Nebraska Fair ; west winds. For Iowa Generall fair ; west winds ; wanner. For the Dakotas Tjocal snows ; brisk west to northwest winds : falling temperature , ex cept In eastern portion of South Dakota. Local Itucord. OFFICE or TUB WKATIIEII Hunr.AU. OMAHA , Dec. 17. Omaha record of temperature and rainfall compared with corresponding day of past four years ; IflOL' . 1801. IfiOO. 1889. Maximum toinporatuid i2H = flH3 fil ) = - < l = > .Minimum tiniipoi-almu. J'J = > UJ : = > 'Ji : = 8B = > AvuriiKO tmiiporatuiu. . 'JIJ3 30 = ! ) ( ) = UH = > I'lfClpltiiUon 0 .00 .00 T Statement showlnir the condition of loin- penituro and precipitation nt Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 18'JJ ' , us comp.iro.l with general average : Normal tiiinpurutuio U7C J h-llcli'iiuy for I lui ila v 7 = > Di'llclciicy'hlnco.Miirch 1 1HH = Normal pifclpltatlon : 03 Ineli Duilvli'iiuyforthiuiiiy OH noh IH'ftcltmuy ( .Info .Murch 1 J.10 ln : h uE. HUNT , l ocul Forecast Olllrial. Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. in Millbus of Homes 40 .Years the Standard. HOAU5 UATTl.tNO IIAHOAINH , ClirUtinmi U Nmr on Bnil tha Writer * Clothing Cotnnittijr l < In It. Wo quote n few prices to give nn idert , how cheaply wo arc Helling good * . They nro such as to stagger competitors. Men's casalmero nnd worsted 8ult > nnck nnd cutixway , Irom $0.00 up. Wo make a specialty of Prince Alberfc'J ' coats mid vests from $10.011 up. Children's suits from 75o up. Hoys'suits , ! ? pieces , from $2.00 up. Children's overcoats from $1.00 utx Boys' overcoats from $2.00 up. Men's overcoats from $2.60 up. Men's shirts nnd drawers from S25o UfX Men's fine dross shoes , lace or con * gross. , from .11 25 up. Spccia' ' holiitay # nlo of Men's fancy sllpporn from 76c up. Men's arctics from 7oc up. Suspenders from 103 up. * Neckties from lee up. Neckties , four-in-hand , tccks or nuCTn. White snirts , open back nnd front , from fiOc up. Gloves and mittens from 2uMip. \VKSTKIJN' CLOTHING CO. , KUT-KMO Douglas street. Tttovni.is ' ewi.o.v/.sr.s. Colorilo Holland Settlement Ttin < ttiic4 ulth a Illtf l.iiuxiill. Di'-Nvnn. Colo. Doc. . - , 17.The Holland' American Immlu'ratkm company Is having sonic trouble with T. C. Henry in regard td the land purchased In the San Luis valley , on which a colony of Hollanders arc settled. A. Van Austernianaml C.V. . Hooght , agents" o ( the company , claim that after their flrsO payment was made on the land and lioforo' the second payment was due , on December ill they discovered that a mortgage ) for$180.00J had been placed on the land. The scttlerM were very much incensed over the troubled I'lioy wcro disinclined to pay for their farina until the land was clear. A meeting was held and the settlers dc dared they would abide by the action ol their company. Mr. Henry asserts that the Holland company has not fullHlcd itn con-W tract and that ho does not propose to spcmt < money paying off the mortgage before ho 1 assured of the Hollanders making their pay 1 inents as originally agreed. There are nevi 'J50 . Hollanders in tno colony and MX ) inoro * are expected soon. A lawsuit is probable. vxinm Jiii.ir.iity nisi'ii'tixi : . OrKunl/allon of u Nc'\v Order In ( ho Hunks of the I'opulMs. TOPI-.KA , Kan. , Doc. 17. John F Wllllta. western organl/.er of the Industrial Legion o * the West , fonne.l a local company of the populist military organlzjition hero toiiaj'l 'I ho Industrial Legion of the United Stated was authorized by the animal convention ot the Farmers' alliance at Memphis and Is an intensely partisan affair. The tlrst stuto to ho organized is Kansas , On his return from Memphis Mr , Wllllts or- gani/.ed a company at McLouth and yesterday - * day a company at Vallov Falls , An attempt ! will be made to get all who voted the tUoi peoples party ticket into the new organiza tion. Ono section in the constitution pro vides that any member who falls to vote fotf ' the populist noniiness running on the Omatui platform can bo courtmartialed after regulaw regular military form , DIIHI. &ntlec nfflrrllnti r If.ii tniifd'i cento ; each , - aililltliinul . . . line . - ten . cents. , , . .l' . M'Al'OHD r.lliMi Mny p , the ilail' lilor nf 0. Us' ' and the lul Slnii'iiii . Spafoi-d , In Iho full communion of Ilio church , on Huturday , DoJ roiiibor 17. Kiinoral from Ilio lOaldcucoox Thuo. W. Hpaford , nHt. > Dwiitur street , 0 < Moiuluy , Doeembor 1U , at 11 u. in. Funeral liilvatc. JIoAVIN Jtrs. Slary , aged 05 years , Inturincnt nl Holy Hepnlcliru ruiniitery 1322 Farnam St. , Moh'dai ) By Gloves , Handkerchief Suspenders , Night Robes , Pajamas , Bath Robes , Umbrellas , Shirts , Collars and Cuffis. HOLIDAYNECKWEAR. NECKWEAR. Special sale toys at Rubber company. . CLOAIS.SUITSFOR8. ( . , . 1619 FARNAM 5T OMAHA * Just Received For Christmas Week , Seal Skin Jackets , Long Fur Capes , Muffs AND Novelty ClothCoaffc Coaffc CLOAK8.SUITSJUR5. 1619 FARNAM ST OMAHA Opposite N. Y. Life Building * Wro. T. Wood ii Co. ' * PLOWS , MARKERS , TONGS , RU23 IRON * Jas. Morton & Son Co. 1511 Dodge Street. SEND F0lt