THE OMAITA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY , DECEMBER 18 , 1802-TWENTY-EOUR IMAGES , Taklilg of Testimony in the Contest OMDS Passes Thfough the Third Day , V/HAT / SEVERAL PERSONS WITNESSED ( John .1. fortiori ! 51. 51. Clnrlf , I ) . Clcin Denver , Darn Itrxvilrn , If-niitlu4 Dunn Hnil DriniU I.nun nil ( lie .Stniul Vostcril.i } ' , The thin ! day's session of the legislative contest ojiencil with .lohn J. Conlon still on tlio u ltncs < ? stnnd. Ills testimony wis con- flncd to detailing how certain A-oters secured their three ballots from the judges smd voted but one of them. Ho did not know whether they cnrrled the others outside or not. Ills oomnlnlnt to the Judges rivalled nothing. M. M. ClnvU , n reinihllcan until recently , was n clerk of election Ui the First district oT the Fifth ward , and the only democrat on the board. 'Jlio Judges there peddled Amer ican Protective association tickets In the booth until he protested , against it , mid. . then bundles of the tickets were left in the booth and the voters \nsA them In making up their ballots. IIo hen til a domorr.ilic dis abled voter complaining after voting because n Judge had not made up his ballot as he had requested , nnd the Judge said that the man wanted to vote the republican ticket. Ho saw ballots illegally thrown out because of blots , and thu pllo thus thrown out seven inches high. Ho saw a republican ballot that had been counted and dropped on the lloor , picked up and counted again despite liis protest. Henry OstholT told of being ejected from a booth so that the election board might illegally 1111 a vacancy and organize the board in secret , and ho had hoard that a Judge In another precinct had said that forty-seven of his ballotd'had been thrown out. Jlcnv tlin Iiiili-pcnilonlH 1'iirrd. D. Clem Denver wa' the first witness called In tho-afternoon. He is an independ ent , anil swore Unit Ihuro were but three imlopwidonts on alMho boards in thu Fifth \vnn\and but twenty-three out of thu 010 in tlio whole city. Ho knew of none of the re quests that the mayor alleged to have made upon the Independents askhijr them to sub- wit names , but did know that the independ ents had tried hard to get their men on the boards in the face of great discour.igu- znonts. D.ivo . , another independent , said that he hud furnished the mayor with a list 'of independents , and that official had 'liroirilseu ' that the independents should lilivo two men on each election iboard , nnd had sent him to the coun- tcilrnnn living in his ward , Mr. Hack. Back told him that the election boards wens to be madelipof republicans thisyear , Just as they were made np of democrats ayear ago , Back Is ti republican. Elsasser tried to help out the independents , 1mt did not succeed very well , The witness visited all the polls in the Fiist ward on election day and found but ono of tlio men recommended by the in dependents serving on an election board. IIo saw n republican candidate for the coun- 'll around the booths * A ith a big bunch of sample ballots , and an ofllccr refused to rc- inovo him when requested to do so. The w.ltness was refused admittance to a booth In the evening to watch the count. On a divided ruling of the notaries ho declined to answer u question on the ground that the vote was a tie and the ruling hadn't carried. Ignatius Dunn , an independent , testitled to having seen American Protective associa tion ticket peddlers working close up to the booths. What Dennis l.iinn Saw. Dennis Lane , n republican , was a chal- 'Icnger ' at one of the Fifth ward polling places , and caused the ejection of an American Pro- ttoctivo association- ticket peddler , but the follow kept at it all day on the outside near the door. IIo said that the llvo judges di vided the ballots between them during the count , and each submitted the result of his count , and these sums wore added to make the total. The ballots of illiterate or dis abled democrats were prepared by repub lican judges , who refused to show 'them to the single democrat on the board when re quested to do so. The democratic member was allowed to prepare but ono ballot. It frequently happened that the ballots were folded before the ink was dry , and the result was that another cross was made at other points on the ballot.If the voter had voted for a democrat and the blot came in a place whoro'lt cpuld bo construed into a vote for a republican it was invariably counted , but if it was the reverse tho.ballot was rejected. John Hope , nn independent challenger in the FIfst district of the Ninth ward , was the last witness. The board was made up of llvo n.'publicans , oner democrat and ono in- dependent. The witness saw American Protective association tickets peddled at the . . door of the booth. Disabled voters wore not sworn , and a blind man's ballot was prepared by his father-in-law , and neither wore sworn. A democrat who wanted assistance was RIVCII such insufticent information that after calling on the judges three times ho loft the booth in disgust without voting. Ho had bis ballot prepared on the outside , and when bo returned and attempted to vote , ho was arrested and taken tp the city jail. An adjournment was taken until 10 o'clock Monday morning , it will bo the endeavor of thu contestants to Introduce their testimony 60 as to have that relating to each , all by it self , so as to make a more Intelligible record. IIKSTCKSS. Trouble with Tlinlr ARont May Semi TJic-m on the Wnrpiith. DOIUNOO , Colo. , Dec , 17. From n Narnjo subchief , who e.imo In from the reservation today , It was learned that In six Uiiys there will bo a gathering of the tribes at Itound Rock , near Ghees' store , for the purpose of holding n grand powpow. Ulaclr Hawk and other chiefs will bo present nnd the talk will bo on the methods adopted by the present agent to compel them to semi their children to school , Tlio result of the powpow Is a matter of conjecture , but unless the younger men of the tribes can bo restrained there will bo trouble. .v/iir.s run run i.ut ol CliiiiiKf * of liniiiirtiincn In the ItcKiilur K r lru Yt-nlcriliiy. \VASIIINCITOX , D. 0. , Deo. -Special [ Telegram gram lo Tin ; IJii : : . ] The following army or ders -wcro Usued today : So much of special orders , November 29 , as relate to Veterinary Surgeon C. D. Mao- Murdo , Seventh cavalry , Is suspended until further orders. First Lieutenant George H. Patten , Twenty-second Infantry , will pro ceed to Now York ? City and rejwrt to thu superintendent of the recruiting service foi assignment to duty at David's island. Tills detail is made with n view to n tour of ilutj for two yea s , NEW YOKK , Doc. 17 , Hccolrur Oakum of the Hichmoml Terminal company lllcd com plaint against the members of the Ooorglu syndicate which In 1SSS bold the controlling interest in the Georgia Central railroad ti the Terminal company. O.ikum deelam that when tlio purchase was made tin Georgia Cent nil had no m'ojrnlzod market value , but that HH a part of the conspiracy ti jnako nu ImmeiiMi profit lor the syndlcaU the sale was effected at fill per sharu. Them charges of coiwphiipy are made against ex Pivsidt'iit .1. II. Ininan. Directors Culhoun Swan and Wormstr. all mcmhorb of tin Georgia 8uulleuto.j'no , sUt Involve * rcati tutlou estimated ut t8 , Xl.XW. Jiuuuibj : > i lie is ready to moot the em-nut Ions. Oaknn promises further iislCMiIsliln ; ; ivvulmbus , t'uusi rniU-il u llhlioji. NKW UAYCX , C'ciiu. , Dee , lT.-lov ! l > mve II.Vlis has bex'ii ( xmstvr.ited as bishop 01 the dloccso of Sitokiiiio , In the Htutoof Wash 'inguiu , In Trinity Prote.staut I'.pbcop.i ohuivh. There wci-o uino bishops and uboui fifty cltiv.vmoii from this and other ilhxvsi'.s Bishop wilHumu of Connecticut , who pro eUliHli DUhop Morris of Oiegon , who du lived the sermon of consecration ; IHshoi Paddock of the dloccso of Olymplu , Wash tjBlshop Kllea of New lluuipshiro , BU.UOJ , Nrcly of Mnlnrs nishop Walker of North Dakota , IJIfthop Talbott of Wyoming , Ulshon Hrower of Montana , HIMiop Lj'inan of North Carolina. Hlshop Wells wns a student In Trinity college when the war broke out and resigned to go Into the army as n second lieutenant in the Thirty-second Wisconsin volunteer Infantry. NO GASOLINE LIOHTa. hbcrlrr IJpnnHt Tnltr I'lmrgP of tlio 1'lniit for the Hun Vnpor Company. There wns not a gasoline glim burning In the city last night. They were all In the hands of the sheriff , and ho wns not In the lighting business. Tlio cause of the trouble was all on ac count of the Metropolitan Street Lighting company having failed to pay its debts. Yesterday tlio Sun Vnpor company at tached the entire plant and at once took ixwesslon , claiming that there was the sum of ? 'JGOO duo on the purchase price. During the day John II. I'rck jumped Into the legal arena and levied an attachment upon all the lamps , ] > osts , hoi sea nnd equipments of the Metropolitan com pany , alleging in his petition that there was duo from the defendant the sum of $ ldOO and that the debt grow out of the nonpay ment of a promissory note which the ofllccrs of the company had executed In order to raise money with which to purchase the plant from the Sun Vapor company. He also alleges that there is money in the pos session of the Sun Vapor company nnd that It belongs to the Metioi'olitati company. In order to get hold of the money the bun Vapor company Is made n party to tlio suit. CUIUIENCY QUESTIONS. MuH nrhttftcttn' ( 'onijrc loim Answer Om'stlom. BOSTON , Mass. . Dec. IT. The Boston Com nicrclnl today will publish the result of cor respondence with members of the New Kug- laml congressional delegation on the cur ronry and Its future. There Is substantial unanimity in favor of a substitution of more Conservative legislation for the act of ISPO. As to the future of currency there is great din'erencu of opinion. There is general opposition to the revival of state bank cir culation and the delegation , with a few exceptions , give assent to the extension of currency ( contracted by the repeal of the Sherman act ) by the amendment of the national banking laws , rather than through state banks. cu.\'Tin > ri.\ urEitr j-or.vr. Wyoming's Guburiuiti > rlul Muddle Not Klip Idly Snivel ! . CiicrnNNB , Wyo. , Dei : . 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Ben. ] The supreme court this monilnp overruled the motion to quash the alternative writ of mandamus issued In vaca- tiilR by the chief Justice , Judge Vande- vantcr , counsel for the rcsnonniMits , then submitted two motions lioarlng on the case. The llrst WAS u motion to strike out a p.irt of the petition of the rolntors on the ground it had no bearing on the case , the other to ro- qutro the relatora to luako their pleadltigs more dcllnite. The latter motion was intended to compel the relaters to vccosnizo some ono as gov ernor. They had not done so and u canvass would bo illegal unless done in the governor's presence. Tlio desire was to get an opinion of the court as to who was governor. The two motions will be argued Monday mo'rn- lllillium'n .Apportionment . Unconstitutional. lNDiANAi'OU3 , Iiid. , Dee. 17. The Indiana supreme court today decided unconstitu tional the apportionment act passed by the democratic legislature of two years ago , under the provisions of which the legislature which will meet next month was chosen. The finding is that the apportionment laws of 18'Jl , 1S85,1870 arc all unconstitutional , but the court also finds that there is a dc- facto legislature elected and qualified to en act a law which may take the place of the law sot aside. Colored ropulisN OrKtuilro. TorcKA , Ivan. , Dec. 17. Twenty-five col ored men of this state met hero today to form a colored mcns brotherhood of the people's party. They propose to have an or ganization In every county. This is part of the general plan of the populist organiza tion. It-Has Gome To This That every successful , meritor ious article has its imitations. This is a grave injustice , for the genuine pure article will often be judged by the imita tion. No preparations require for their manufacture more care and skill , more 'costly and purer materials , than Flavoring Extracts , v In this instance cheap mater ials mean inferior flavors. Dr. Price's Delicious Flavor ing Extracts have won their way to public confidence by the pure and costly materials used , the new processes em ployed for extracting from the fruits their natural flavor ing principles. In using Dr. Price's Orange , Lemon , Vanilla or other flavors the housewife will never fail to obtain the grateful flavor desired. nnyn'Q ' MEW I CHEAP DUIU 0 THRME.i PRIDES. LAST TIME. This ( Sunday ) , Evening Doc. 18. M. J3. LEAVlTT'S Ornnd Spectacular Production. A POSITIVE HIT. rilKAl'RK 1MUCK3. 31Z roscrrert oM on llrst floor nt fl e.ich. 1B.1 reserved nonn on Brit tloor ( it 76c cnrli. 122 Boncrnl n'lmln lon to nr. t lloor nt Ma onch. 71 reserved sofltn In I > ntconr nt 75c pncli. 411 ronprtoil nnt In bntcony ntMeoaeli , Yon can noa the licst ( how In tlio city nt moJcrMo lirlcas. Take ndrantagc of It. NEW i HTUAKT THEATER. WOMSO.V. Three Nights Commencing And Wednesday Matlnoo. Unclor the dlrcotlon of Win. II. Haydon. MONDAY EVENING : The funniest of Modern Comedies by Joseph llradford , called Mr. ICobson aa Ilanglo , the Hold , TUESDAY EVENING AND WEDNESDAY MATINEE : An anoqunto production of Oliver Goldsmith's Immortal Comedy , UoopstoConquer Mr. Itobsoii as Tony Lumpklu. WEDNESDAY EVENING : llronson Howard's Comedy success of the Contury. Mr. Hobson ns Hortlu , tlio Lamb , New Scenery by Voegtiin. Costumes by Herrmann. NIGHT PRICES-Parquet and first five rows In circle , $1.50 ; lost five rows In circle , $1. Conoral admis sion to first floor , 75c. MATINEE PRICES-Parquot and first five rows In circle , SI ; last five rows In circle 75c ; general admission to first floor , 50c ; entire balcony 5Oc NEW THEATRE. Thursday , Friday and Saturday , Doc 22 , 23 and 24. ( SATUlllAV MAT1.VISI5. ) The Picturesque nnd Phenomenally Succcssfu Irish IMny , Introducing a nuperjnr company of playcra , lucluil Ini ; the favorites , Cus Reynolds and Clara Coleman Under the miinucpment of SIDNEY H. K1X13. Bpeclnl Boonlc cUc'clB. Costuraoa bjIlnron Do Rrlniiu. KicjulBlto vocal cctas , luulu pair of GEN UINE miHll I'OMKS. 1'rlcas Flrst tloor 60o , 75c imdJI : balcony 75e nm' ' Me. Tlio solo of seats will open Wcdneuiloj murnlnit. BOYD'S Thursday Eve. , Dec. 29 Concert by tlio The largest and best organization ever representing any University. QO-ME1N-50 I am going to HOLIDAY I move on Jan. 15 , SURPRISES j ' 93 , to my New Locatloo on th'e rBETROTHAL west . of J PLEDGES 16th St. , MEW IDEAS Under the Comroerclal I pen CHILDREN National where you car ) see trje most attractive Jewelry Store In the West , after tfoat date. HOWEVER , I am yet at 14th 5s aran Sts. BRILLIANT GEMS I an ) disposing of my FIIOM THK ORIENT elegant stocl of Jewelry iO tre most roodern and ar CLAIJs tistic designs , pine Watches , HEADQUARTERS Silverware and the richest " stocK of old mine Diamonds and other rare gems at importers' figures , to holiday Customers , previous to renoving to "my New Location. D. W. VAN COTT , For the VAN COTT JEWELRY CO. OMAHA. AMUSEMENTS. a i ) A pijq'Thealrc. } . Corner 15th St. nn < 1cJAr > Uol Av. , Omnhiv. - _ uaL tt'H srrm * INAUUlIIA"pON Olf oup ] f\foiif < tjoe. . 111. Burton Stanley Comedy Company In the Latest Drnmntlo Hit and Most Comical Comotly Croatian , The Nlr. Stnnloy'a original version of Mrs. Pnrtlnston In Three Acts nnd 100 Loughablo Tableaux. IN CUUTO PAKLOU. BOP4-MI- The Smallest Man on Earth. Age 20 years , Weight Less Than 10 Ibs , The counterpart In slzo of thn Into Lucia Zarattc , the cilolinitoil .Moxluiin Midget. The The Clmmpion Tfll-k llloycHst. The Kcmalo Hercules , InPilitsof Stroagth and Olovor Dam-jug. ! . lutroJtioln ? hla Uarlin Stilt Wiilulni Upo Swinging' ' ' * * ! Iro. The World Kumous Intr6pfll Double Trapeze I'orforriijurs. C-fJAJeJLIJ ; SULLY Tlio Versatile Comedian , s the Irish Swell from Usual I/ndlus. nnd Wjlldron's Day. POPULAR PRICES : MATINEE : TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE EVENINGS : Balcony scats 2c ( ) ; Parquet scuts 30c CHRISTMAS GMPT .s - nut ea nutAND as AND OLD , C = V | © old. LADIES GENTLEMEN LADIES Gold Holt lluckloi Gold ? oarf 1'lus , jowolofl Oolil 1'ctiliolilors Gold Necklncci. jonutod OoUl 1'nnclls OoUl Garter llucklo * Hold I'ondnnt . Jowolort Go'.d Susuoiutor Uuoklos OoUl Itoart l.ockots Hold Dlnif.ond I'cndnnts (5oll ( Match Sufos Oold llnlr I'ln ? , jeweled Gold Kings , jawolod Gold Tlo 11oldnr < t. jowplod Oolit Hack Combi Oold linecti , Jeweled OoUl Dlainoiul Sturts Oold lion Uon lloxo * Gold llalrplns Oold Match Safes , Jeweled Oold lint Pln Jeweled Oold Vlnnlsrolto Onld Fob Uhalns Oold 1'la Cushions Uohl llrnrolnts , Jeweled Gold Muks , Jeweled Oold Sttiiiip llores Gold Hat I'lns Gold lint Markers Gold Wixtcli Cnsoii , jewel d Gold Stick Pm . Jowclod Gold ClRnrotto lloxos Hol.l Kyo OUssos Gold llonrt l.ookots GoldClfiar Cutters OoUl Gluvo tluttoncrs Gold Clmtclalnos Gold Key UtnE'4 nud Clmlpi Oold Opera Glimos Gold Olovo Solitaires Gold 1'oukot Kiilro * Oold Oporn-Glusa Holder * Hold llroochoa Goh < Booloty Knibloius Oold Nock Olmliis (5old Padlock Urticolols Gold I'enells.jowcloJ Oold IjOckct1 * , Jowulod Gold Piusos Gold Soul I'obs Gold ( Juoen Clmlus Hold l.or notto Chains Gold Must.-iclio Combs OoUl Obatoliilno Wntolioi Hold Cult Huttons Gold Cork Screws Gold Diamond Gold Xlanlciiro Artlcloa Gold Kolliblo ; Tnnotllccos Oold Unity Gold Drcsi Ituttons Gold VostClmlns OoUl Siipnhlro Hlnzs Gold Dlai.iond Drops Gold Scarf Ulnss , Jeweled OoUl Kmcrixld Ulnga GENTLEMEN GENTLEMEN LADIES CHILDREN Silver Tlo lloldora Silver Wntcb Chains Silver Slionplus Lists Sllvor Knives and Forki Pllvor Key Kings and Chrtlni Sllvor Whistles Sllvor Slick I'liu Silver I'ap Simons Silver Clpir : Cuttori Sllvor Tooth llriish Holdori Bllvor Moss Hexes Sllvor Cups Silver Sii9t > ondur'd Sllvor I'onells Silver Totlot Artlcloi Slhorl'a ) ) Howls Silver t'ockot Kulvos Sllvor Shoe Horus Sllvor ColoRiio llottlos Sllvor Spoons Silver tflnslts Sllvor Mustaoho Cambi Sllvor Soau lloxos Silver Hluovo lUittoni Silver Match lloxos Sllvor Blioo Hooks Silver 1'ockot ICnlvoi Sllvor 1'latos Silver Smoklns Sets Sllvor I'ookot Jllrrora Silver Onrtor Ituoklos Sllvor Snfoty Plus Silver 1'ipos Sllvor Oanoi Sllvor llalr Plus Sllvor I'ulT Hexes Silver Corkscrews Bllvor Card Holders Bllvor lion lion lloxos Sllvor Dross Huttons SllvorCicarotto Cnsoa Sllvor Ttipo Moasuroi Sllvor Hat 1'lns Slhor Ilrusbos Silver Sliavlng Sola Silver Needle O.isos Sllvor llll ) IMns Silver Clsnr Cases Sllvor Hoot Hooka OoUl Kocltlneos Silver Whisk Drooma LADIES Sllvor Olovo Solltalraa OoUl Kings Silver Scrrf Vint Sllvor Scissors Gold Sonrf I'Ins Silver Military Hritshes Silver l/oriiotto3 Sllvor Ghiitolultios Ool 1 llunds Sliver Snake Klu s Silver Holt Duckies Sllvor Sboo Ituttouors OoUl Wutohos tinrt Ohalni Silver Watches Sllvor 1'ln Cushions Sllvor Itriiblic-i OoUl I.orkula Sllvor Link liuttous Sllvor Kmorlos SJLvor Cull llolls OoUl Dress lluttous Silver Charms Silver Munlcuro Artlclos Sllvor Salvo Boxes Gold Hlb t'lns Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention. Thousands of beautiful things Olir prices are iic lo uAes ) : for goods that aiebettethap cap toe liad else-wVie-j-e s/iozv you that are not spoken of here eXcceifc quality of oUr goods C.S.Raymond Ispot disputed , "plie e aye po-pe to . . cornpafe as to "beauty of flplsli or Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. lastlpg KENNEDVS CAUTION. KENNEDY'S Are N1IVEH Sold IN BULK , ONLY IN BOTTLES W1TII TRADEMARKLAB ELS Farnam St. Thsatra POPULAR PRICES Like Rome , All Roads Lead to the House of Success. Four 2VJo-jits , TftdaTf'o Mfltmoo HOP Cornmencing With IlHldJ D llldllllOD , IJoO , - so , MATINEE WEDNESDAY. KOWLEXR. and WARMINQ'TON COMEDIANS IN 1 IP IP El Everything Nothing New , hut Brilliant FUn , and and Up Lots to ' of Date , It. Moon Llko Rene All Roads Load to the House of Success. 3 NIGHTS and MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON { OOMMHNOINO BRILLIANT ROMANTIC ACTOR , Mr. f red Felton isc And His Superb Company In a Magnificent Spectacular Production of THE NEW An entirely Now Dramatic Version of Dumas' Immensely Popular Ploy. Gorgeous Scenery/ Marvelous Mechanical Effects ! Thrilling Sensations ! Special attention is called to the ( ior cnus PALxAOEX A sconocoiupntocl cntlmlv o [ Iho riMi-U I'luili , nnd iniula atiirossly ( or Hits company by O&r ( J.uleuuv , o ( I'ar a , utan actual coitot $2OOOOO. Not again inside of your years will you be able to exercise your privileges , and in sym pathy with you we have decided to give you one more chance before the New Year is rung in. Are you going to do the "ringing"Maybe ? % he would get you a much nicer ring if you bribed him with one of our neat and nobby dress up business suits. . What's the matter with Christmas ? . $8.50 , ' $10 , $12.50 and $14 Special prices for special suits in black , brown , gray , plaids , checks , stripes and plain cheviots , all wool , cassi- meres , clay worsteds A limited number at these prices. An elegant Prince Albert suit for $16. Young Men r' * I If she won't get one for you , you certainly 1 can't afford to miss getting one , as any one of"i "i these suits is a dead sure mascot on the ringing J business. * Be sure the sign reads Columbia Clothing Co.t . - Cor. 13th and Farnam. i i Then you will sec where you arc at.