Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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COUNCIL , uuurrs.
Delivered liy cnrrlcr to nny pitt of tlio city
11. W. T1I.TON , - MA.NAGKK.
lllinlncMOfllco. . . . . . . . No--1'
} jgt ) | , itor ; , | | No.23
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Hinds Iumber Co. Coal.
The Cooking i lull will meet next Tucsilny
evening nt lliu homo of Miss Key on Scxenth
Olmstcr Wilson , a colored mnnxxasnr-
rcstciljcstcnlay , cli upccllth the larceny
of nn nx from Tliomns Capcl.
The Boat club will Rlxo n ninsciucrado
party nt Uio Koxnl Aivnnum pallors on
Tuesday oxcnlng , lccc'inbcr 'J7.
A mnrri.ifro Hccino was Issued jrstcnlny
to William 11. Murphy , n white mtin from St.
Jxniis , nnd Mary Johnson , n laily black ns
tlio nco of spades , balling from Kansas
Judge Smith overruled x ritonlii.v the mo
tion for n new trial which was submitted
noino timoniroliy tlio plnlntKT In the case of
Jr. C. O. Hood ng.ihistthoUhlc.igo & Noitli-
-westcin Hallway vnmpatiy
The work which has been In proftross for
BOiTio tltno on the steam lieatlng aiipii.ilus
Tor tlio IJro.ulxxny Methodist hpHcopal
chtncb hns licc-u completed nnd thucilllico
v ill be well heated for all ot today's ser
Attention , Abe Lincoln post No 20 ,
Army of the Itctmhllc. All. mcmboi s of Abe
Lincoln post will moot nt post hondiiuaitcis
tit 0:45 : this ( jxciiintf , to attend sorxlco nt the
Methodist Tplsi opal ibuirh. IMwIn .1 Ab
bott , ndjtitnnt ; D Maltlcy , post commander.
A couple of tlio olil " .Spanish Stu
dents" w ill ( tlx e n dinner coricci t tills een -
Ing at tlio hotel fiom II to l o'clock.
They nio line musicians nnd the pations of
the nntcl may bo sine of The people
ple of Council UlulTs arc iiuite-l to bu pics-
The Jury in the I'eto l ' .m case called for
Judge Sinitbcstcnlay moinint , ' nnd nsked
tobedlstliaiRi-d. as It could not ngice upon
nvcnllct. 'llio JftilL'u i of used to dlsihnifto
thojtuy and sent It balloted nil
dny , but was still tm.iblo to ngiec , and was
dlscliaiecil ut midnight.
A main clxiiiK his name as .loo tttuko was
found nt ! ( ) . ! ) last nlglit Ijltifr in a diiinkcn
stupor at the coiner of Uio.ulxx.iy and Sov-
ciitn stiects. Ho was so i old that bo bad
nlmost lost tbc use of his limbs , nnd if ho
had not been icscucd would lm\c ptobably
been fro/en to death.
The mcmbcis of tbo Hicndxxay church
Snbbath school ha\o been i client sbiR for
Bcveral weeks the cantata of the "New-
Santa Claus , " nnd will picsent It Fililny
evening December ! 25. Other nppropti.ito
cxeiclses will nlso take plate. An enjo\iiblo
time villlbohml nnd all tbe friends of tbo
Snbbnth school nio Invited to nttend.
diaries Buhl died ycstciday of pneu
monia , nt bis homo , 1KIO Tourtb a\enuc ,
nfter nn illness of n xxi'clc , aged 55eais
Tlio funeral will take pinto this nftcinoon nt
B:30 : o'clock fiom tbe Guimnn church , coiner
of Pierce stieot nnd Glen incline , and tbo
rcmnins will bo intoned in Pali view ceme
tery. The deceased lca % cs a w ifu and tin eo
Miugniot A. Tiank hns been nppointed by
Judtfe Smith as tinstco to look nltor a fjlft
of $1 , 000 xxhich was made by William Oir to
his little gr.mililuughtcr , M.ugaiot niiim.i
"VVniil , ntred 2cais Tbo mother of the lit
tle one , Muiy Waul , was llio tiustco until
her death n shoit time IIRO , and Mis. Fiank
is Mis. Wild's sister. She will h.rxc ili.ugo
of the money until the little one is of age.
A repoit lias been in ciiculntion to tbo
effect that an atfi cement has been i cached
bj tbc waning i.iilwav companies by whieb
the injunction will bo dissoHcd and the
crossing put in nt the eoiner of Avcnuo A
nnd Eighteenth stieet caily this week.
People -\\lio know anything about the mat
ter aio very rotaent , but thulr leticcnco is
tnoio than balanced by the ic.uly flowof
InngnnRc of tbo man with n sin misc. Man-
nffcr Stone of tbo motor line said \cstcnlny
that ho supposed an apicement would bo
reached , but did not think it had been j et ,
as the company's attoi ne v was out of tbc
city nnd had consequently had no ehanio to
confer with the repicbcntnthes of the other
companies. _
KtitiiH' shoo Mile.
It is still running , and nill continue
until the removal to the now building
after January 1. Nothing has boon paid
in the papciB about It for tbo past few
days , just simply for the reason that
everybody connected with tbo store has
boon too busy selling goods to write jul-
vcrtlsomonla. During this week bettor
facilities for handling the crowds , more
promptness in lil'intr ' mail orders , and
better opportunities will bo given iill
around for getting the bettor barza'ns
that will make the week ono to bo re-
mom bored.
It is getting mighty close to Christ
inas and ono of tbo especial foaturcs of
the wtok will bo tbo slaughter of slip
pers and holiday footwear. This is nn
immense now line , and wo will put it
forward for a winner this week. The
Indy tnnt cannot Ihid a pair of slippers
to suit her fancy and her hubbund's
nocds will bo impossible ( o please , nnd
the price well , that will bo the chief
cause of surprise.
C'lirMmtiH CimidH.
Do Haven is offering nn unusually flno
assortment of Christmas and holiday
novelties. Don't fail to examine his
atock of beautiful goods und low prices.
Shooting match at P/irk'a / mills ,
Wednesday , Dec. 121 , for turkeys ,
nnd ducks.
MliOX.ll. 1' . 1 11.1 < 11U1'11 ! > .
MissLoia Black ictmncd yesterday from
a four weeks \isit with fiicndb in Ohio.
T. W. Stevenson of DIoomington , 111 , is in
the city , the guest of L. C , Hnipkio.
DJudgo P. 13 Cusaclc of Idaho Is in tbo city
visiting his fiicnds. Ho foimcily icbidcd in
this city.
Miss Edith Hess Is homo from St. Paul to
spend the holidays with her p.ucnts. Mr.
and MIB.L. W. Koss.
Cuptain C. L Di\Ulson , past commnndcr
of tbo Gintul Aimy of the Hcpublic , is in the
city , the guest of rlnloy Iturho.
Miss Moil ow , who has been \lsitlng Mis.
F. P. Wligbt for several weeks , letuincd
Thursday to her homo in Iowa City.
Mrs. C. C. Staples has ictmned fiom
Kansas City , aicompanied by Mis AVood
nnd daughter , Miss Mnry , who will visit
the family of U C. Empklc.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thointon , who huvo
been visiting fi lends nnd iclntiM's in Coun
cil Bluffs for a few dnjs the past week , loft
yestciday for their homo In Keainoy , Neb.
Kov. Mr. Johnson of Sioux City , who is
now la his llfth jcar ns pastor of the
Methodist chinch thcio , is in tbo city , tbo
eucsl of Mr , und Mis. E. C. Smith. Mr
Johnson w ill occupy the pulpit of tbo Con
grcgutlonal church todny.
Council Hluffa > oung people will ho consid
erably intcicstcd tolcnin that Miss Mary
OlUcrof this city was heard to excellent
udvuntngo in a duct with her instructor ,
Prof. U ( Jaston Gottbcbalk , at n benellt con
cert gUen to the Cailcton club of Chicago.
Commencing Monday , December 10 ,
wo will give with every $ 'J.OO purchase
or upwards a beautiful bottle of choice
perfume. Call everybody. J. J. Man-
rath & Co. , boots and shoes , 6UU Droad-
For wnrminir guest chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our gas hcaturs aio just
what you \\ant. Look : xt them. Clean ,
convenient cheap , C. D. Gas and Klec-
trio Light Ca
Gentleman , the finest Una of fall goods
in the city , juat rucoivoJ. Ho I tor , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
Given nwtiy with $2,00 purchnsa a
nice Christmas present. J. J. Muurath
iV Co. , boots nnd shoes , 6'i3 Uroauway \
See these oil huaters ut Swulno's , 737
Exemptions from Taxation Granteil Manu
factories the Subject of a Lawsuit.
II. \Vntrrmnn Our nftlip < 'niititllmrn A\lio
( Inintril ( ho ConcriMtiitii NO T Dpclnrc *
That the L'oiinrll .tttc-il AVItliiiut U'lir-
riiiitiiiul lllrK.illy.
Sex cral i ears ago a number of manufactur
ing cntci prises xxcro Induced to locate In
Council Bluffs by the promise that their
plants xx ould be exempted from taxation for
a eci tain period of jears. exemption
Is llkclv to ho n thorn In thn flesh of nil the
pirtios eonccitied , ami , xxlth the bonuses
xxhlch xxciosubsciibcd , have already plxcn
rlso to a largo amount of IHUrntlon. Yestcr-
day n noxv tack xxas taken by the commence
ment of a suit in the district com t by E T
Waterman , fonncily a member or the city
council nt the time xxhcn tlmonlliianco xxas
passed making the exemption , to compel
County TIP isurcr W H Keed to collect the
taxes , not onU for the j oai Ib'.tt , but for nil
the pi ccedltig j c.u s , together xx ith the penalty
In cadi casi ! . Notices xxcio scrxed on
Tieiisurcr Hoed and the ofllclnls of
Ko.xos Uros Caiilagc xxorlts. the Ogdcn Iron
xxurks , und the Council Bluffs Canning com-
piny , stating that a petition xxoulil bo llled
onorbofoio .lanuai.x I',1 , allepini ? that the
defendant companies aie liublo for the taxes ,
and that tinticasui or has fulled and i of used
to collect tlio tax or nny pait of It. llio
petition xxill demand that a Judgment bo
Issued dci ieeltig the exemption illegal and
\old , and n xxilt of mandamus to compel the
trcasuicr to collect tlio back taxes xxlth the
penalties claims to bo acting merely ns n
pitriotlc ilti/on xxho pajs taxes , and the
piomul upon xxhlch he bases his kick is that
the council , of xxhlrh he xxas u member ,
giantod an exemption xxhich it had no light
to grant. _
Mm. Ilart'H tlilllliinl Itci ritlun-Otlicr | Iliip-
Ono of the most billllant and claboiato so
cial nffalis of the season xxas the icception
glxen Filday aftcinoon by Mis 12 W. Hurt
at the homo of her mother , Mrs Samuel
Haas , on South Sixth stioet. The house
xxas magnillccntlj dccoiatcd xxlth palms and
pink loses , and the light fiom the plnk-
snadcd laingis and the candelabra falling
oxer the darkened looms made a scene
that xxas indescribably bewitching. Mis.
Hurl xxas assisted in ciiteitainiiig by Miss
Uhl of Cloxeland , O. , and Miss Edna Huth
ot Omaha. The mariied ladies xxero re-
coixed from a to 5 o'clock and the joiing
ladles fiom 1 to G , so that the guests , xxho
numbered x < ell Into this hundicdsxeio con
stantly coining and going all the uftei noon.
The dining loom , xxhich xxas tastefully
decorated xxlth pink roses , xxas picsided
oxer bv Mis F II Exans , Mis W F. Sapp
and Miss Babcock , xxhile soft music fiom
mandolin and guitar lent a eh um that xxas
in keeping xx ith nil the suuoundings
Among those xxho xxeio picsent xxcro the
Mesdames N. P. Dodge , J. T Baldxxin , W.
H. M. Puscy , J. E. F. McGce , Fcison , H.
Kveiott , W. Kcelinc , Felt , J. N. Casady ,
Beit Casadx' , S S Maunders , H. Van Burnt ,
C Campbell , "XV. Muuier , S MaeConncll , F.
Hill , D Hockxxell , E II. Moiihm , S Fains-
xxoith , O. Bcbbiugton , E E. Hart , W. W.
Loomis , Dr. Macrae , Dr. Maciae , jr. , Bub-
cock , T. Olllcer , Dr. Pinney , Oeoige F.
Wiight , H. Cumminps , 3. A. Jj Waddcll , Ct.
Bciesheim , Spencer Smith , Li Wells , T. J.
Evans , C Saundcrs , Gcoigo A. Krclino ,
> lcll. John Plumcr , Gcoigo Gcinci , Dr.
A'oodbur.x , Dr. C. Woodbuiy , Tuilox' , J. W.
Snuirc , 0. C. Blown , II. C. Cory , W.
Slieimnn , W. F. Sapp. J. Li Stexxait ,
O Koelino , D AV. Bushnell , Dr. Hnnchott ,
larmoti , Alfoid , Lining , Gcoigo Metcalf , ij.
Shugart , Di. P.itteison , C. Officer , Bl.ilnc.
B. S. Tciwilllgcr. D B. Dailey , M. F. Dat
cniiort , Doming. Deniing , W. Tiejnor , N. D
-ixxicnce Kilby , Henrv Sxxain , J. B At-
tins , II. W. Tiltou. A. T. Elxxcll , MeDoxxcll ,
T.u ob Sims , Frank Exans , II Cole , F. M.
j.inlt , D. C. Bloomer , Ocorgo Damon , N.
Phillips , Harloton , T. Mctcalf , Shugurt ,
Aitchison , W. Wilt , W. C. James , Ailes-
xxorth , Dr. Boxxer , Mis. DoVol , B. Josslin ,
W. I. Smith. F. S. Pusey , Itoj.ui , L C. Bald-
xx in , F. Wiiglit , E Key , Bert Exans ,
Lijman , Kncppcr , Kcikiuan , F. Keellno ,
lljiin , Plielps , Koontx. Misses J. Fanis-
xxoith. llockxxell , Campbell , Wiight , Buld-
xxin , J. Baldxxin , Dodge , Key , Broxxu , Babcock -
cock , Baddollut , Mmtjn , Uuth , Boxxmuii , N.
Hoxxiuan , Olix'er , I.ut , Wicltham , Moore ,
Daxenpoit , Gieen , Gleasou. Bennett , /MV-
inuelileii. Dobanx' , Hejnolds , Wooubury ,
Gcuicr , Sackctt , r.unsxxoitli , Uhl , Stuart ,
Stuait , I oiton , Waddcll.
Among those xx ho attended the musicale
: it the Grand hotel Funny exeniug , xxcro the
folloxxing : Messis. and Mesdames S. Haas ,
G.A. Keclino. B. fcaigeant , E Halt , W. F.
Sapp , jr. , P. Wiight , E Lougee.F. S. Pusex" ,
W. WnUelleld , W. TiejnorV. . Shcinmn , l\
II. Exans ; MesJames Scxbort , Cook ,
[ A man , Aitchison , Kellej , MeKuno ; the
Misses Huili , Ubl , Lot ton , Olixcr , Boxxmaii ,
N. Boxxinin , S riunsxxoith , Bullaid , S
Bull.ud , Butts , E Butts , Bennett , Gleason ,
Jackson , J , Jackson , Badollet. Wallace ,
ilicimau , Hess , A. Hess , Babcock , Martjn ,
C.iin , Lustei.
Mcssis. Haas , F. Hans. P.itteison , C. Pat-
teisou , Hess , Ogdcu , II. Ogden , li.ulollot ,
/uriiuiehlcii , E. Boxxmaii , Duscoll , Leijiold ,
Majno , Hoxxan , Atxxood , Gilheit , Fenlon , J.
Casadj , Claik , Woodbuii , Atkins ; Masteis
E ) man and Kcelinc.
Mr. and Mis. W. F. Sapp enteitallied a
i ) uty of their friends at caids last oxeiilng
jn houoi ol tliuir guest , Miss Uhl of Clove-
land. Dancing xxas indulged in , in addition
to high tixe , xxhilou dimming x'aiietj xxas
added by soxcial xocal bolos ion-
dcicd bv Miss J-OTton of . .Nebraska
Citj' . 'J ho folloxxing xxcie ] iicscnt :
Mcssib. and Mesdiimes W. W. Ivoomis ,
F. I oomls , F. O. Wiight , C. T. Stoxxait , 1.
Si'Jbelt , the Misses Uhl , Mouoxv of loxxa
Cilv , I-otton of Nebiaska City , Stoxxait and
Kmlly Stoxxait of DCS Moines , Dodge , Key ,
Olixcr , Fiiinsxx'orth , Jessie FainsxxoithBoxx- ,
iiian , Kockxxcll , Wiight , Mcssis. Daxxsou ,
Woodbuiy , Wiight , Xuimuchlen , J. Bo\x-
man , J. Casady , Paxtim , Ma.xnc , Uoxxan ami
Mintcr. Piizes xxcio axxaided Mr. Loomis
and Mrs Stu\vut. ;
Siintii Claim In Iti're.
The nnnonncoment mnilo In Tin : I3ni < _
Unit Santa Cltiua had tnidod his team ol
reindeer for unpin of Shetland ponies
nnd xvould uo at the Boston Store , Coun
cil BlulTu , bVidny ovaniner , roiuly to moot
his friends nnd deliver Uhristinaa pnok-
ngcs , dioxv nn itnmoiibo concourse. The
txs-soinblairo of poonlo. old nntl young ,
k'litheied to frreot him nnd sco xvlnxt kliul
of tv trade lie mndo flllcd the street ,
na ia usiitil xvhon nny o.xtrnordlnury
event trnnsplroa thoro. Ho arrived in
the store curly In tbo oxenlner und on
tcrod by ono of the roar doors. Flo
mndo coed his announcement that ho
v.ould nniko his licndqunrtors at the
Boston store , nnd tiudnciously drove hit
loam right doxvn ono of the main aisles
it was n bountiful totun , nnd the old
man xvas dolighttd xvith his trndo. Hi
good humor xvna infectious , nnd tin
uroxxds that filled the utoro nnd the
street yelled \\ith dolight. Ho hold hi
levee until nearly 10 o'clock , nni
muJo the acqualntftiico of thousands o
people , shoxvcd thorn his goods , unc
nssurod them that ho would nmlo ; th
Boston Btoro this year the greatest
in the ,
pluco country i
n III < ioto
The Dodge Light Guards xvlll attend the
WoiId's fair next summer , nnd are already
making nirungcments for the tlmo they xxill
luix o xx hen they go. A measure is now bo-
foiocongicss proxldlng that 60,000 troops
shall bo taken to the fair during1 the month
of August and kept there at the expense of
t hi ) government , and the bojs hero uve nat-
111 ally xciy-nnxiousto bo among tbe number ,
The memboisliip is slightly beloxv that ro-
qulied by the proxUious of the pro-
| Ki > ud statute , and u vigorous ef
fort xxlll bo mndo ni tbo next week erse
so to bring it up to the icquhed standard.
It U not thought that tUore xxlll bo much
trouble In nccompllshliiR this in tbo Indurc
tncnts to Join arc lather fascinating to tin
nvrragejounir intn
The guards nro in excellent shape nnd the
Momlnj cx'cnlng diills .11-0 well attended.
At the last meeting Pirst Lieutenant O H
Williams wns piwnoted to the position of
captain. In which cnpiclty ho hns been net-
hit' for sexcral months past Other oftlccrs
nro to bo selected in thocouiscof axxcck
or so. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'u < Turn.
Tlvory imaginable kind of fur to bo
had nt the Boston store , Furs lljing
thick nnd fast last \voek ,
Thlt week xvo lutond to keep thora
Hying. Sco the prices :
Hair uiulTs , 30e , fiOc nnd 7oc.
Blnck coney , SI.00 to 8i00.
1-Voncli seal , $1.76 to $5.00.
Astrachan muffs , ? I.OO to 10.00.
Opossum muffs , $1.7o.
Marlon mtilTs , JO.W ) ; xvorth 810.00.
Beaver , from $7.2o to $12.00.
Heal ecal , $15.00 ; worth * 20.00.
Children's sots. Chlnoso fox , $1.60 ;
tlgor sots , $1.75 ; chinchilla sots , $1 76 ;
Thibet seU , $2.75 ; angora sets , white
nnd colored , S2.75 to $5.7o.
All kinds of fin sin capos , boas , col
larettes and fur trimmings nt our low
prices. BOSTON STOHH ,
Council BlutTs.
Where to XX 01 ship.
Congregational Morning service , 10 DO ;
excnlng , " 7 HO Hev W J Johnson of Sioux
City xx ill occupy the pulpit Sttndaj school
nt 112 m Chilstlnn endeax'or , 0 ! ! 0 p in
Fhst Piesbitoiliin Coiner of Wllloxv nvc-
mio and Si > X"iitli street Hev Stephen
Plielps , pastor Pleaching bx tbe pastor at
ID.UUa m nnd7Up ; ! m Sabbath school nt
12 m Young people's meeting nt 0 ! ! 0 p in
Second Picsbjtciliin Ilnunony nnd I egan
sticots S Alexander , pistor. Hcsidence ,
701 East Ui-oadway. Pleaching nt 10 HO n
m nnd 7 W ) p in. Sunday school at 11 ! m
Young people's meeting at tl'10 ! p. in.
Fust Baptist Coiner Sixth stieet and
riistaxenuu Pleaching at 10IOn : ! m and
" : : ! ( ) p. m by the pastor , James H Dnis
Subject in tlio oxcnhig "Tho Lion's Den , "
the lust adihess on the life of Daniel. Sun
day school 1'J in. Young people's meet
ing ( i i0 ! p m.
Young Men'sCbiistian Asso < iation There
xxlll bo a mixed meeting fiomil to-1. Mr.
Delong , the joung conxerts nnd xvoikers
fiom the mission xxill take chaigo. Exeri-
body \\111 bo xxelcome. At 4 o'clock tbo
regulni gospel seixiccs , Ilauy Shilllngton
xxill lead. Every joung man is inxitcd.
Hoomsopen nil d.n.
Latter Daj Saints Preaching nt 10 30a m.
and 7 .W p m ; cjundny school nt 1 ! ) in.
Subjects. "Apostolic Succession" nnd "Tho
destitution. " Chuich on Plerco stieet , be
low Glcnaxenue.
Tiinity Methodist Fourtit stieet nnd
Ninth ax-cnue , Kov. II. H. Barton , pastor.
Class meeting at a TO a. in. A cloak serxico
nt lO-SOa. . Uevix-al serxico
m. at7.IOp ! in.
Sunduy school at 12 m. Epxxoi tb dcxotional
nt 0:45 : p.m.
Union Chiistian Mission 2.18 Brondxxax' .
Pleaching nt 10 ! ! 0 a in. by Kov. G. L
Spiingcr. folloxxed by a loxo feast conducted
by Mis Fuller. At 2 p. in. tbe coin cits nnd
mission xxoikeis xxill meet nt tbo mission for
the puriwse of going to the Young Men's
Chiistian association looms in a body to
take cbaigo of the mixed meeting fiom 4 ! to
4 p m Oxxing to the Inigo cioxxds xxhich
nttend tbo mission Sunday night the force
xxill bo dixided , Hex' . Spiinpter nnd Kov.
Mis Fuller remaining nt the mission , xxhilo
Kov. Dulong , xx ith a number of jKmug con-
\cits.x\illconduct an aftcrmeeting at tbo
Bioadway Methodist Episeopil church. All
aio xveleomo nud especially the bojsand
joung men. .
Fifth Axcnuo Methodist Episcopal ChurcTi
Coi nor Eighteenth sti eet and Fifth avenue.
Pleaching 10 30 n. m and 7'80 p in , ; Sunday
school 12m. ; clnss meeting ( iJO : p. in ; Ep-
xxorth league 0:30 : ) ) ni. ; Kailroad Temper-
mice association Monday evening 7-30 p m.
C. W. Blower , pastoi j. lesideiiLO lb2J Fifth
nx cuuo.
Temple Baptist Young Men's Christian
association rooms , Meiiiam block. L A.
Hall , pastoi' . Kegular pioachlng and ser
vices at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p m. Sunday
school at 12 m.
Bercan Baptist Chinch Pleaching by
Koxs Semen and Blood. Sunday school at
ll:4- : .
Broadxx-ay Methodist Episcopal Chinch
II. P. Dudley , pastor. Pleaching at 10.30 n.
m. and 7 30 p. m. Sunday school nt 12 m.
Epw 01 th league nt Op m. Kov. Heiny De-
long w ill conduct tbo after meeting in the
evening , folloxx ing the sermon by tbo pastor.
feiitorpriso i'laco
Buing frequently urged to sell smal
portions of my farm , I have at last decided
cidod to plat 200 acres of Enterprise
Place , familiarly knoxvn ns the Scott
farm , and to begin the sale at once in
live and ten ncro lots. I have placed the
snmo in the hands of Greonshlclds ,
Nicholson & Co , who will act in the
matter as my exclusive agents. Fruit
groxvrB , gardonois nnd these xvho xvant
the conxoniences of n city combined
xvith all the ad vantages of tho" richest
farmincr land are noxv given n rare op
portunity to do so. M. Tori' .
Free present for oxorybody at J. J.
Mauiath & Co.'s shoo store , 683 Broad
Ho Know Ills MUM.
"It's queer boxv these nowsbojs on the
tialn xxill size a fclloxv up at n glunce , " said
E F. , the propiictor of the Giand
hotel jesteiday , Just nfter his ictirn fiom n
little xx estci n ti ip "As I was tiding along ,
thinking about nothing in particular , the
nexxsboy came up , looked at mo and pulled
out n book entitled 'Billy the Kid,1 and
handed it to mo to simplo. I was dicssed
up in a sort of coxvboy fashion , anil
I vo nn Idea T M thought I was n
tenderfoot , liisl.dii nn wn.x out west
to bunt Indmvji'or bears , nnd would
like n ( iKiiiconjoipost up on bow to do
It Later on I dumped the tiroad bihn lint
1 xvns wearing foi n plug hat , and in came
the lto > ngaln Mio glnnccd nt mo , nnd I
could see hi thaillsnpXlntcd | xxnho looked
nt mo that lie Know ho hid mndo a break
and xx'nsxxllllng. stodo all In bis power to
make amends with mo and soothe my shat
tered feelings - S ) he stopped , ran hlsejo
over his pile of boijks , and nt last pulled out
another that bo thought xxould suit nnd laid
It caiofullx in n > ylap. It xxas'The Saints'
Host , or 'nxlllflL ; Thoughts for the Tiuo
Chiistian. ' "Butho icmarked , uneasily ,
" 1 wish I Vnow"whcther that boy sl/ed 1110
up from mj clothes or my looks. "
foils , t'Umkg.
Tlio croat coat snlo nt The Boston
Store is now in full sxxIng ; liundicds
hnvo boon in ado happy the past xvook ;
do not delay , makoyout selections early.
In addition to the largo line of
samples bought by our Now York buyer
at60o on the dollar , all of our own
stock Is being sold at cost price during
Ifou have not the full amount of any
garment you xvojld hko to purchase , by
pnying part doxMi it cnn bo Mivod for
jou until you are loady to pay the bal
ance. By doing so , you ronp the benefit
of the reduction , also of the largo selec
tion. Wo hnvo hundreds of nouby gar
ments loft yet , although our trade the
tin si season on coals has boon two-fold.
\Vo made greater preparations for tin
immense full trade , and hnvo
been duplicating ordeis right
fiom the opening of the sonson ,
Some people siy , who over heard of a
coat sale in December or a blanket sale
In JulyV Wo say , xvheu could there bo
a bettor time than the proton I for u
When hundreds nro looking for a hand
some , seasonable' , tcasonablo Chtisttnas
gift. What could bo mnro seasonable
than a nice coat to piotcct you from the
chilly December blasts ? \Vhoro cnn
you buy thotn more ron onnhlo than nt
the Boston StoioV They lead in this ns
in all lines thoycnrrv.
Council Hlufls , In.
* CloanliiK Up Mile.
In order to clean up our dry goods
stock xx-o will offer the entire stock at
gtoiUly reduced prices for the next
thirty dajs.
You can buy n $9.00 blanket for $7.00
. blunkot for 0.00
7.00 blanket for 5.50
( 0.00 blanket for 4 50
5.00 blanket for 3.50
1.00 blanket for 3.00
Our stock of ladies' , gentlemen's nnd
children's undcrxvcar is complete nnd
xvill bo sold at greatly reduced prices.
Dross goods , flannels , table linens , nap
kins , hosiery , handkerchiefs , ribbon1 ; ,
laces , joxxelry , cloves nnd mittens nnd
n full line of silk umbrellas. In tact
oxcrythlng in stock xvill bo offered at n
204 Main St. nndjMo Pearl St
Smiiluj t.clioul Sot lul flub ,
Miss Badollet bits oiganized her Sunday
school class at $ t Paul's into a soei il club ,
which is to IUAO social meetings cvciy
month dui ing tbc xx inter months. The first
meeting xxas held last Thuisdny oxeniug nt
tbo homo of Frank Zm muehlcn on BlufE
stieet , the \oung host being nssistcd in cn-
tcitaining bx Master CbailcsSajles Games
xvcro plajcu , such as piogiossix'c authors
and quotations , pii/.es being XXTJII by Miss
Bertio Tioutman and Master Young. The
folloxx ing xxeio the guests : Misses Withroxx- ,
Thomas , Troutman , Cnise , Baker. Baiclay'
Test , Sadie Fainsxxorth nnd Frankie Boxx-
man ; Masters Dailcy , McKisson , Young ,
Sajlcs , Mej eis , Kuthoi ford , Damon , Glca-
son , Jameson /Curiuuehlen. .
We xvoro alxvays headquarters for
handkorchicfs , but this year inoro thm
ever , having received UD to the present
titno 4,500 dozen handkerchiefs , includ
ing our txvo largo importation ordois
from St. Gaul and Loxvgin , Ireland.
Silk handkerchiefs , embroidered silk in
cream and tints , special at 12Jc.
Special 200 do oii cmbroidored silk
hnndkorchicfs , no txvo do/on alike ,
ranging in an endless assortment of
creams xvith chinU orabroidory , dr.ixvn
xvork nnd beautiful , delicate tints at 125o
each. Values in the above line xvorth
us high as $1.00 each.
Fothoringham , WhHohuv A : Co. .
Council Bluffs , la.
Special Christmas cutlery sale on
Colo'bcloan clipper pocket knix'cs.razors
and shears. Colo's , 41 Main street.
Brighter than gas , cheaper than elec
tric light nnd as beautiful as a arearn
these uovv art lamps at Lund Bros.
Coal nnd xvood ; host nnd cheapest
Missouri hnrd xvood in the city ; prompt
delivery. H. A. CoNo. . 1 Main.
I'muul fur thn Debtor.
The case of Frascr against Foster , ono of
the Plattsmoutb garnishment cases , xxas
finished j cstcrd ly in Justice Cone's coui t ,
the Jury lotuiningn X'cidict for the defend
ant. The healing xxas rather one-sided , ns
nil tbo plaintiff's xx ltnos ps. or n largo part
of them , xx-ero kept in Plattstnontb by the
Injunction xvblch xvns losusd b\ncouit of
that place aoxernl months npo , restraining
them from coming to loxxa soil to render nny
testlmonx In the case One of the xxltneiscs
for the plaintiff xxns.Tustlcebxxcnrlngen , xxho
testified that Poster bad admitted to him
that ho owed tbo bill xxhich the plaintiff xx-as
suing to collect , but in this testimony ho
xx ns squaiol.x contradicted by Foster. When
the plalntlfts found xx hat the result of the
first tiltil xxns they secured n continuance of
tbhty ilajs in the eighteen other cases , in
oriler that they might bnxo time to got the
injunction dlssolxcd , 'I ho case nhcady de
cided xxill bo nppc'ilcd to the dlstilct court.
Miittu Cliun ntul I'limcu.
When nt homo Snntn Glaus plays on n
Hnrdtnan piano.
LAND , enjojs hoiself best at her Hnrd-
W A. 1)1 IS , thinks his Hnrdmnn the host.
DUCIICSS OF FIFE , says thoio s noth
ing llko her Hitidnuin.
MONTROSE , plays her babies to sleep
on n Ilardman ,
MOND , sxvoara by the Hardmnn.
Imvo none other than n Ilardman.
the Hardiniui to sxvcot for mix-thing.
GAN CO. . 10J Main street , Council
Bluffs , la. , huvo handled the Ilardman
for 1M XCIUH , and soli them in prcforonco
to all others because they hnvo frlvcn
and are alxvays giving the host satisfac
For an Xmas p csont there Is nothing
Hint cnn take Its placo.
A ( 'Ill-lit in is Xlslnn.
Any boy or girl forming the most
words out of "Santa Claus" xvlll receive
at the mntinco Saturday afternoon a
hnmUome doll or n pair of skntos , the
lists to bo bunded in before the per
formance. Any boy or girl outside of
the Sunday school xvlll nlso bo alloxvod
to compote. Those pri/.cs are ghon
poisonally by Mrs. Kingsbuiy , nnd are
nn additional 5ntorostin < * feature of the
cantata "A Chiistmas Vision" to bo
given by the Unity ginlit in Hughes'
hall Friday evening xvith Saturday
afternoon matinco.
.Tens , Iloiiku , ito.
Our second floor is n perfect parndlso
for everything that can bo thought of in
tlio toy , book nnd fancy goods line. A
visit xvill proxo to you that the Boston
Store is the place to buy your Christmas
proBants , xvlioro n , dollar xvill go one-
half further than nnyxxhero olso. That
is xvhat the most of us are looking for at
this critical moment. Wo nil xvnnt to
get the most nnd best for the money
possibles Tlio Boston Store is the plncc ,
Council Bluffs , In.
The suoxv and cold xvoathor docs not
diminish the demand for ncroago in the
Kin in tract , l > i inilos cast of the post-
olllco ; 300 acres jot for sale in fiom ono
to ton acre tracts , suitable for Iruit nnd
garden. Day & Hess , ngents , 39 Pearl
After the performance of "Tho Christ
mas Vision , " under the auspices of the
Unity guild , Friday oveninpr , there xvill
bo u dinco , not fur the children , ns has
boon suggested , but for groxvn people.
Special Ten Kcttlo Sale.
Fine nickel plated cooper tea kottlos.
81.25 , sold avaryxvhato tor 82.50 ; will
last a lifetime and never tarnish. Cole
& Cole , 41 Main street.
Tu the l.i.lies.
Como and see our cheap holiday goods
at Mrs. PfoilTor's loxvor store , No. 341
A fine line ot holiday goods , juvonllo
books , choice perfumery and fancy arti
cles of nil kinds nt Doil G. Morgnn &
Co.'s drug store , 712 Lower Brondxvay.
Given axvay at J. J. Maurath & Co.'s ,
633 Broadxvay , dealers in boots and
shoes , a beautiful chiomo as n Christ
mas present.
No doubt the most complete stock of
fine holiday novelties is at Dayis' , the
loading druggist and porfumor.
Sco our line of ladies' all silk hand
kerchiefs , handsomely silk embroidered ,
at 12jo onch. Boston Store.
TrjIiiR New' In Uim'iit.
Items have appealed in the pipeis fie-
qucntlyof IntcxMth refcienco tea conxcnt
at Canton , Minnheic , it is alleged ,
the nppirition of the Vngin May Ins ap-
pcaicd sox cral times. The xximloxv xvhcio
tbe apparition hns been seen is supposed ito
bo possessed of some poxxcr ,
and It bus been sought bychuich people all
oxer the countiy AX ho aio nflllcted xxith
any nppaiently incuiablo disease ,
in tbo bopo that cuics may
bo enacted. Numeious accounts of
miraculous elites hn\o been gix'cn , ciipples
ha\e thioxxn nxxay their clutches , the blind
hax'o been nmdo to sco and the deaf to hear ,
so it KsaM , bythomiiaeulousngeney. These
icpoits haxo caused n feeling of uneasiness
among the pupils nt the deaf and dumb
institute of tliia city , nnd four of them haxo
liec'n taken out by their p irents and sent to
Canton in oidcr to sco if their tioubles can
bo removed One of the four hns been there
for some time , but tboropoits so fnr Imxo
been nnfa\or.iblo The people at the hull-
tutontoxxntchlng tlio outcome with a good
deal of interest
Initial Itiiinlkrnlilrft.
In linen , Swiss nnd silk 2.3 u onch.
Bolter grades In ellk nt 53c , 7oo nud
Duchess Inco hnndkcrchloN , Holglum
mndo , ranging in price from $2.50 , $ .1.50 ,
SI.50 , $500 nnd $7.00 cnch. Chlldion's
cotton printed hnndkorchicfs from Ic ,
Jlc , 5c nnd 7c onch. Embroldcrod hand
korchicfs , wo slioxv n largo line nt lOc ,
JSJc , 17c , llc ) , 21c to 50c\ The most
complete nnd best olcctod line In the
west. Bos i ON STOUK.
Uourcll Blulis , In.
Paul Schneider , the druggist , has the
newest novelties In celluloid and alum
inum goods for the holidays. No ono
clso carries the line , and they nro the
hnndsomcst things 5011 over enxv.
Boucht organ stock of C. B. Musi
Co. Will goll thorn chonp. Mar. Bour-
Iclus , 110 , 114 Stutsnvtii strcJt.
Carl liurhorn. successor to E. Bur-
horn , has the only noxv joxvolry stock In
city. Many holiday novoltios.
Wanted Cash offer for ton shares
Citl/on's State built stock. Must bo
bold. Address E H. Sheafe.
Do you smokeV Have you tried T.
U. King & Co's P.xitagasV It's a
charmer. Just lisrht ono.
McPhall planoH and Crown orgnns ,
cnsh or instnllmonts. Mnr. Bouriclus ,
110 Stutsmnn street.
The gcnuino Round Oak stoves , nlso
fine line of oil boaters. Colo's , 11 Main
L P. Judson , civil ongincor,328 B'way.
Scott house ; good board , low rates
TIII : run : iticoiti > .
llioiikljn rircmni Iliixe u Xnrrciw l > rnpc
finm Unit h Oilier Hliirrs.
BIIOOM.XV , N. Y , Dec. 17 A llio at
Ai nolil's big xx alehouse on tbo Biookl.xn
xxnterfiont ntTxxcnt.x-sixth stieet toda.x ,
consumed V,000 ) xxoitb of cotton Bofoie
the llio bad been buinlng b ilf an hour , n
pait of the noith xx all of the xx.u chouse
fell , and nine mcincn , including Chief Engineer -
gineer Nexins , weio foicen to leap into the
slip to escape the nvalancho of stone \xhli-h
cnmo clashing on tlio plor Foitunatelx
none xxcie bin led under the fulling xxall and
all xxeio pulled out of the water moio
frightened than hurt.
Fiicmitn Lafferty xxas badly Injured. Ho
xxas struck by some of the stone , his thigh
broken , nml icccixed sex cral painful bruises.
The loss on the building is $ r > ,000. All
tbo losses are fully insnied.
CiMisNXTi. O. Dec 17 The Cincinnati
Lead xxoiks , D II. Hunfcld's tin plate stoic ,
Claik & Ilawlej's lead pipe store nnd n ics-
tnuiant and bo irrtjng house ndjoining
binned this moiiiing. Ixss , $100000 ; in-
suicd for tin cc quaiteis.
CAHTiixor , N Y , Dec. 17 Flic biokcout
at 10 o'clock list night in the Hubh.ud
block and spicad xx5th such i.ipiditx that by
inidnlu'lit o\er a stoio of occup Hits of stoics
and olllccs xx ei o bin ned out. 1 ho CollinsDimes
and Bachmnn blocks aio among the build
ings destioicd. The xxatcr siiiply | in the
icseixoiis gaxe out and d.xnninito xxas used
to stop the spiead of the lire. Wateitoxxn
x\-as appealed to for assistance The loss is
* I'rofci rril to I.nul 11 runt l.lfi- .
Ct r.vnt.AM ) , O , Dec. 17. The husband of
Mrs Alficd G Hatbaxxay , the xxoman xxho
xxas xxitli Mcsick during tbe debauch \\hieh
ended xxitb bis sensational suicide nt a Chicago
cage hotel last buininer , xxas granted n
dix oice to lay.
Although Mr. Hath ixxay is xxcaltby and
has a luxuiious home , his xxifo piofoiied the
soeiety of fast men and xxomen , her conduct
being linally icxealed by Mesiek's tiagic
death She is noxx xith her father at Gicen-
\illo , Pa.
A'EIlltASK t .I.V7 > XEHIt.tSK.tfin.
Hog stealing xxas the charge made against
A. F. Pool of Iliimboldt , but xx hen the case
camoup for tiial Mr. Pool ( juicklj ac
A Nebraska City man has filed a claim
against the telephone people for cutting
doxxn his shade ticcs to gixo them a chance
to set out poles
A "Peeping Tom" is teiiif.xing Julat.i
ladies and is nerxing the men to use a shot
gun The only cloxv to his identity is the
fuctth it ho smokes eig.ucttcs.
John Com ad of Ccdai Cieek had the tip of
one of his llngcis shot oft while out gunning
ten dajs'ago Ho diessed the xxound him
self , and ns a consequence bo has not had to
employ a suigcon to amputate the xxholc
The iHtccnUi annivcis iry of the orfrani7.i-
tionof the Unit in in chuich at Tecumsch
has Just past. The palish xxas org.inl/cd
December 15 , 1877 , h.x Mis. Sonic , now of
Glasgoxx- , Scotland , AX ith a membeiship of
about txxeiitj pel sons Mis Do Long xxas
the Hist pistor and scrxed for about llxc
> eais.
Theie xvcie six. ciiminal tiials befoio the
Kichaidson county distiict comt , lesulting
in txxo xi'tdicts of guilty nnd four of not
guilty. The Juiy , nfter being out all night ,
found Waricn W. Wai ion guilty of buiglai j.
Judge Bush theioupon sentenced him to si\-
teeii months m the penitentiaiy. In tlio
easoofCieighton Moiiis ngainst the stoik-
boldeis of the defunct Ilumbohlt bank the
Juij luought in a xcidict for plaintiff for
! ? 21,000.
This is a portion of the $30,000 Bantipt Stock bought of Kohn & Hirris of Omaha. Here are a few leaders :
Men's all wpol cassimere suits , got up in the very best style , coat satin-lined , colors brown , black , gray ; check or plain ,
equal to a tailor-made suit , and never sold fpr less than $18. f have 200 of these suits ; they go at $10.00.
LEADER NO. 2. 100 men's awool ] ( worsted suits that have been sold many a time for $15.00 and no questions
asked ; you can Ret one Tuesday morning for $5.75.
LEADER NO. 3. 200 men's suiS , sold everywhere at $8 , go at $3.
LEADER NO. 4. Boys' all woblsuits , ages 4 to 13 , worth $5 to $7.50. Have an immense stock of these , but they
won't last long at $ i. Bring your boy in aim buy him a Christmas suit ,
Men's heavy working pants , $ i per pair.
Men's white shirts , linen bosom , 350 , °
Men's heavy merino undershirts , 350 ; all wool , 500.
Men's hose , 50 , 6c , 7c , 8c to 250.
Men's ' ulster overcoats , $2.50 ; Irish Frieze heavy ulster , $8.
Boys' overcoats , with capes , $ i to $5.50. '
Thousands of other immense bargains.
Store closed all day Monday. Sale begins Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock , December 2oth.
5 J6 and 5&S Brodwziy , Council Bluffs
The Symptoms When Accompanied
by Cntnrrh nml DllloiiBiiosa.
In Uio iirnetlro of a skillful nhyslclim
hero occur iimny cnses xvltnro the na-
ciiifl Imvo pains rxbout Uio chosl nml
lues , and aomotlincs In the back. They
col ihill nntl s\uo\\\ \ \ } \ the mouth him a
mil tnsto. ospcclnlly In the morning. A
oil of stick y sllmo oollocts about the
eolli. The nmiotlto h poor , there la a
eolliitf Hkonhoixvy load on the stom-
ich , sometimes it fnlnt , ull > gene scnsa-
lon nt the pit of (1m ( atoniuch which
oou tlocs not satisfy * The eyes nro
unkon , the hands nntl foot beco'mo coltl
md fool clnminy. After a tlmo a roughen
on in , at first dry , but In a few month *
t IB attended with a greenish-colored ,
oxpaciorntlon. Tito pnliont fools tlrotl
ill the while , and sloop docs not 8com
o afford any lost , After ft tlmo the pa-
lent becomes nervous , Irritable anil
; loomy , and hasovll forobntliiiK" . There
s a giadlncss , a sort of whirling sonsa-
lon In the head when rising sutldonlv.
.ho buxvals become costive , the skin is
Iry nnd hot at times : the blood boi-omoa
hink and Btiignant ; the whites of the
eyes booomo Ungod with jollow ; the
udnoy socrotlons become scanty and
ilgh-oilorod , depositing nft0r sfuullug.
Ihoio Is frequently a spitting up of the
oocl , sometimes with a sour tusto ; anil
omoUmos wltn a sxvootish t\sto : \ ; this
H frequently nttontlod with nil Dilation
of the heart and asthmatic symptoms.
The ease of Miss Uusslo Wittrlon , 1307
Capitol a\onue , Omaha , has uroatly In-
oicstod this young lady's friends anil
lelghbors , among whom she is n jjroat
) oisonal favorite. Miss Ousslc , In ro
ily to rccont questioning , had tills to
aj :
"I do not hpsltntu toapnnlc frcelv. for I Imvo
uit only buununllroly ciircil , Imt have boea
mriosily ( luiillwith. lr. Miniinrtl iiiimoil iv
nnll fco per month ntxxlilc'h hoijuvo inoufllco
rn itniuiitnnil nil nuoilod ineillolnoi to use nb
lonin. I kni > n ( iiHtnliiil 1 hud to | i y , Jlv
KHililo lic'unn when 1 wasn ohllil. I lonmud
0 Im full of UBIIC. or nmlarhil poison. for 1 luul
illlons uttiicKs rlnht uliini ; . xvltli ohllls imil
exiT My stoiiiiich mid llxoi would m t sere
mil tendor. nml nlo itml up Jly uuinrrli KIIX o
no lipiianchn and the dripping of mucus from
liu nci-o and throat Into the stomach KIIX a mo
imiM ) i nnd dlseust , for food , und poisoned my
Hood nil thronh I noticed lunv Hitllon my
I.ln would be. and whc-n my lilllons atiollt
mio on 1 would cot pir/oetly vullow. Always
fo tan Inwaid fuvui ltli llnshi'sof lioiitunil
olil .My mouth und toiumicro pirchoil
nil hllsloiuil soiniitliiiut and 1 hud \\retolicil fcollns th it Is lurd to uMiross In I Know my system wns ctuteril-up In
ionio wiiy , iind my blood imodud ulunna-
uj. nnd asinn as tills was ovorytlilnit
T.issoillirercnt , I cut i siilondld uppollto
nil thn bilious inells mil fosur nil Uift mo ns
Tell is my cat irrh anil hWil.iehus. Iain neb
1 bit us I use 1 to bo und If I nm e.irotul ot my-
olt 1 know I xx III nuy eured. "
-i Mont/i.
C-itarrh trcsiteil at the tiniforiu
ate of $5 a iiiiiilli--inciliciiic st'iu--
lishocl free. For all otiiur discuses
lie nitcs will he low anil nniforiu.
[ 'atientt , at a distance successfully
routed. Send for symptom blank.
w u. cor > Kr.ANr > , M.D.
C. S. ftIIBL'AKD. M. D.
Specialties : ( Jnt irrli , Astlitnn , Unmcliltls.
Neixoiih DISO.ISOS. Illood Olseaios lUiuiiinu-
tlsm , CimsuMipl'im ' , anil all chronic nirao'loni
of the Thro n , Limes , btoinnuli , Hitln , Llxor
unil Kldnoys
onico Hours : 0 to 11 a. in , 2 to5 o in , 7 to 8
p in Minilny , 10 a , in to l.'in
\\rANTKII -A piipll nurse nt tliu XV O. A lioj-
pltnl , cor Otli n\unnnanil Dili Htrnut , inuat 1)3
tctnccn U nml IMciiruohl , of Koocl morul clmrau-
Icr , Aily | | ut UIHU
V\rA.STl tI At onoj , I or 4 idioil No 1 , ornlc
it mnkcrs btoaily jnli fur llio rliilit moil. HI
( iialil A. ban , Council llhi'(9 (
xiosrit iJivus' HOOD ( , iiti , ton
lc uto. 1 Irwt u\ciiuo
K\'IIANtli : A nilU lioiiioonS 7th ulroot ,
Iron IIVOIIHC. i In ir iircMiLMiinUnuicc , for llama
In oninliii. llniiicoiii rinou or Kuunl/o t'Uoa pra *
lurrnl XVIII pnl In . ' ,4JJilifjrj | IDJ Urojnialu ti ,
Mcholion .V I o
17OH IM ! II XM1K ( limit I room liouiii on rioulU
I'aih 5iro tfor luii I llruunililcMi .Nluiulnon& to
AItSlKCTHniiilloaui Kirmnnil city propartr
liiiuiilil uii'l aolil , I'usoy A lliomi ) , Uonucll
\ nml city In in ! Xlonu ) luiuiuil on ntoo <
J\UIM iirnln llual oiitnlu for mlu llnrolllux mill
liueliiHsH rcnlnln Xlonoj linno I for inventors ,
loiiKiOik loAlo. ZU I'uurl iilroul
mil )
Mint * In Xlulion n ml I.
35li > tnln ll'iylUJ.V I'llnurV
ri loin In .Miiynu' " l t
. 'Jlcils ' In I'uttur , v Uobb'i.
II loin In lloi'r'i ill
ID loin In llei'r a ul I
22 loin In lllKliliuMnill
IS | 0H 111 lllUI llllKOII 111 IL
( ilula 111 I'llrlny'sil 11
I llnlii In lllilMlii'uiill.
UM lota In XXrl/ht'B ill.
lo lolnln I'lorju uill
LotnliiovdryinUltloiitotlu rllr rlioip forcii1 ! .
oren iiiyinonti ( nil nml KDU in No tronnlo to
i-huw property ( JruuiiHliluliU MiliolBon .Vi'o
' \t \ Al'ltKS nppor llrunilnrity , Bplii'iillil ' plocii for
cull vlll iKC'un a for
' piuttliiK , clioip ! for ly.lll , nr > *
liniirovinl rimliluiiLi ) prouortr In Council
drctimlilc'ldi Nlcliolnon 1C. )
riAIIDKN AND IllUir Innti rltlioit nut niOit
X J 1,1 until ill Iran In I'oltiirntt itnla uonntyi ou
Viiluriirlna 1'litJ , Hvo < ir tun nara lul * Ur on
glllnlila. Meliolnon A I'u OJI llni'iiltv/iy _
\\ri' XX'AN r ton ntrm of Innil wllliln llvu inlloi of
> illy lion t cnru liow ro Mli It l Urooa.
liliililH Mcliolnon X. To
I'Uc'i for frnlU or ninluni
iiiljurlmn hninon , llmi ncni lot * tivmitjr inluutai
Ironi motor Him ( IrucnililuMi , Mcliol m & Co ,
1& I'AIIXH to nxclM'Mu foi IIOUIM nml Ion or
Jk'ooil vuont lot'I luruiof nlo t ( 'anlun Inuil
for ale ut $ jJ | ur ucto Jciliniion A X'nn I'altun.
/ ' ImproTOI n mllu mill a Imlf from
I/KlJiri'AUXI , IV < uirj , A room lionij , nliible ,
illXXIII oiohuiuo forroilJuncj In Council Illiill * ,
( , ri > o' ililoliln , Mali ilion X I'D
ACHKS. 3 nillos fro n i Itr , will null ul cnt It
IiU tUl vrooli. ( IrooiHlilulilt Mcliolmii A Co.
OM'III.V I'AVXtKNrS-Kor al3 n'JW ' TO ;
room hiu o , bull room , olactrlu lUliln , nil
iniiilurii Improvuiiicnti , ami bloai from mutor. A
moilcl liomo ( Iruunihlulili Mclinlion A 1 u
' loti'l faot front , IIVJ I'lo3 < i from
Illuuiiiemclioul , oltnreU fnrinlj Mr t il ek
only liTiMJ UruonililolU. MUluHj i X cu
OSKAVrt In It. A parlon ilillitrjn 4 p in i
mlulU. 7 iJ P m Hoclilmjcunil nnl fourth
XlomUyn Vp m Miulcfurnlnli9'l ' p ftli ami Uub .
Aiilru ) < II. A l'irlor < , Countll llliiI .orIU | ( l'ttrn o
H , Oumlin. XV , I ! , cliaubor * , liniructor.
AltllAOK romuTuil te > | iooli vaulti ul
G clilninui cleauul K. II llurku , cltr bl'J ;
SAiXJorTKix-roTiKa i oii HAM : CIIBAI' . n. M.
l.uuiku , | 11'urln tunuii , Council Jllulf * .