Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1892, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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    * *
T1113 OMAHA DAILY UKKj SUNDAY , 1)I&KMMU 18 , 18i)2TVl ) ! XTY4'OtTH PAC1KS , 3
f ( f ) CJorFarnam and 15th.
Men's ' Furnisliiigs.
Immense display of men's silk and
linen hnndkorchlcfis , ncekwonr , gloves ,
suspenders , inulllcrd and line umbrella *
Ixt 1. 800 dor.on jnon'a fnnoy printed
hemstitched bor.lor handkerchiefs , full
size , nnd warranted fast colors ; endless
variety of patterns to select , from : all at
12jc each.
Loll ! . 100 dozen man's plain white ,
hemstitched , with fancy black and
polka dot borders , very pretty , and
some now , foil nl/.o , at Kile , worth Son.
Lot ft. of ) tlozsn men's all line linen
unlnumlorcd hemstitched hnndkor *
hlcfg , 1-inch , iHneh tind 2-Inch hcma
a splendid handkerchief to wear ; special
price , lOic.
Lot -I. 200 do/.cn men's all llnco hand-
hoichlefp , Initial , licmutltchyd hand-
koichief , In fancy boxes , ( I in a box , 1-
Inch hem and very pretty lcltorfla lc ! ,
$1.50 a box.
Lot r . liiO do/en men's extra line
finality all mire Irish linenhemstitched
handkerchief * , laifjo size , in i-itich.
1-inch , H inch and 11-Inch hem. Special
vtiluo at ! Wc , H for $1.
Wo have a largo and bcanllfnl assort
ment of men's extra line all pure Irish
linen hemstitched handkerchiefs , in all
hi/.OS and widths of hem , at f)0o and 7f > c
each. Special nrlco by the bos.
Silk Handkerchiefs.
800 doxon men's real Japanese silk
hemstitched border handkerchiefs , with
the very latest dcslun in hand-embroid
ered initial , a splendid quality of silk
and full size , every handkerchief worth
$1 ; for the holiday trade wo shall close
them out jvt 7oe each.
Wo carry everything in men's plain
nnd whiti ) hemstitched real Japanese
Hllkhaiidkorchefln ! all and widths
of hem , also a full line of tape hordei-H ,
in extra lariro sixes , ut COc , UOc , Too , 800 ,
81 , $1.15.
Wo can show you the largest and
most complete stock of men's fine neckwear -
wear In the city. Our silk and shapes
nro all of the very latest production.
Lot 1. 200 doxen men's line neckwear
In light , dark and medium shades , in
tucks , pulls and four-in-hands , the very
latest shapes and colors , suitable for
Btroet or evening wear ; all special value
at 60c.
Lot. 2. 100 doxon men's extra line
quality all pure silk and satin scarfs in
leeks , pulls and four-in-hamls ; very
choice selection of patterns ; beautiful
bhapcB and colors , in light , dark nnd
medium shades. All inndo to our own
special order. Every scarf in this lot
well worth 81. For Xinns trade wo sell
thc-m at 75e.
Wo nro showlnjr a very choice line of
men's roul silk enpo : neckwear , in leht !
ahado only , in pulTs and foui-ln-hands ;
bountiful dollctito tints , all satin lined ,
and very desirable for evening wear ;
nt $1 and $1,25.
Cloves. Cloves.
150 doxon men's real dog skin gloves ,
light and heavy weight , in 1 and 2-but-
ton lengths , all double-stitched and
EUpBottcd lingers , in tans , browns and
new English rod shades ; every plu
perfect lltlirg ; at Sl.fiO per pair.
fiO dozen men's real kid gloves , the
Treasurer Ncbekcr Makes a Few Significant
Remarks on the Topic ,
Iinprrrrrtanil Unsatisfactory Methods Tliut
* Should lie Improved Upon \Vuilu Hamp
ton Out of 1'olltk'rt Will Hciul tlio
UallnntSoventli Sontti ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 17. Treasurer
Nebeker , in his annual report , makes the
following significant remarks in regard to
the present system of paper currency in the
United States :
"Tho present methods of keeping account
of the issue of the redemption of paper
money are imperfect and unsatisfactory.
They do not afford the certainty of correct
ness desirable in n business of the magnitude
to which this has grown. There being no
record of the redemption beyond a simple
entry of date , denomination and amount ,
the safeguards against errors are insufll-
cicnt. The sole reliance for accuracy is
in tlio examination which the notes re
ceive in passing through tlie department. A
mistake of description la the original sched
ule , if not discovered before the destruction
of the notes , would probably bo perpetuated.
Worse than this , duplicate numbers , or
numbers never regularly Issued , would bo
passed without suspicion , In either case ,
the fact of an error having occurred might
not bo brought to light for years. And then
only by the condition of the account. If ,
for example , in the course of the liquidation
of n particular issue , an overdraft should ap
pear , the fact of some Irregularity would bo
patent , but the correction , or oven the loca
tion of the irregularity Itself might bo im-
"While seine improvement might perhaps
lie made in the details of present methods , it
is doubtful If any system short of a complete
numerical registry of every note , with the
dates of issue and redemption , would ho en
tirely satisfactory. Such records would not
oalybo a stable cheek against the errors
which occur , but would also bear upon their
face a certain evidence of their own integ
rity and afl'ord the means of tracing ami cor
recting any mistakes that might creep in , "
Out of 1'olllli'H for Cood.
Cleorgu C. Tanner , a confederate soldier ,
and political follower of General Wade
Hampton , wrote to him and urged him to
reconsider his resolution refusing tougahi
enter South Carolina politics , Hu also out
lined certahrplans by which ho believed tlu >
general could triumph over his enemies , To
this letter Mr. Tanner has received tlio fol
lowing reply :
Coi.tiMiiu , S. O. , Hoc. ia.-I > rnr Tannorj I
nmoblldKi'd to.vim for your kind Juttcr , which
reached inn a fmv diiys ntjo. tinder mi iio - , ! -
tiloclrcunistuni'i'sor iiui-MinxUm would I lake
nny miicti otnncil mu by South ( 'arullim. I was
uriM'd tit bwonui a fandldiitn for governor at.
thi'liiht oli-otlon , but I iffiiM'il , nor would I
accept thuiHiiltlim If every miin In llioMntn
ih'Mivil mo to no M ) . 1 hnvu M'HU'il my ac
counts botwi'on tlii'ktutiniml myself und I am
perfectly halNtleil with thu icsnlt ,
I inn lejolceil only to know that the affection
of my old M > | < IIT.S for mo remains unshankcn
In a btorni UK In culm.
Thanking you for your kind IntriCht , yours
truly. \YAIII ; UAUITO.N ,
North Dakota'M Senatorial fonteHt ,
Within a few weeks the legislature of
North Dakota will meet to elect a successor
to Senator Casey , Mr. M. N. Johnson , thu
republican congressman from North Dakota ,
today said : "I hope the republicans of
North Dakota , If they caucus , will abide by
its decision us to the republican nominee ,
unless the selection should bo Senator
Casey. "
W. Johnson added , in rcsxmso | to ques
tions , that hu had been Informed when last
in North Dakota by members-elect to the
legislature , that they would not go iuto
celebrated I'lquo brand ; n bo.iulltiil
gloro for tlross ; perfect in fit and finish' ,
every pair warranted ; at $2.33.
Umbrellas. Umbrellas.
Wo call Bncclal attention to our nock
of men's 28-Inch umbrella ? , which ft the
largest nnd most complete wo have yet
shown. An endless variety of choice
handle ? , in plain natural woods , horn ,
real sterling silver nnd M-karat gold
mountings , mtulo in solid steel paragon
frames snd guaranteed silks ; all extra
oil values ot $3 , $4 , 3-1.60 , $5 , 30.60 ,
$7.60 , $8.60.
Collar and Cuff Boxes.
\Vo have a full line of men's leather
collar and culT boxes , in round nnd
'ancy shapes , in o.xlilhcd silver , collar
jtitton pocket on top , dilToront , sizes ;
colots , black , dark red nnd brown , and
solid leather $1.2.5$1.60 , $1.75 , $2.2.5.
Laces and Veilings.
Special low prices for the holidays on
, accs and veilings.
18-inch blnck all silk draping nets ,
$1.75 , $2 nnd $2.25.
12-inch blnck nil silk ehtuitllly Inco
kit-tings at $1.60 , $2 , $2.50 and $3.50 a
Id-Inch dainty stripes and dotted
gauze nets ( In nil the delicate shades )
at 05c , $1.15 and $2 a yard ,
44-Inch real chiffon crepes ( In all the
dolicalo shades ) .
Real hand-run Spanish lace scarfs a
$2.SO , $3 , $4 , $5 and up to $13 each.
Laical novelties and veiling at 15c.
20e , 2oc. Hoc and 60c a veil. i
Ladies' Purses ,
Ladies' coin purse ? , in seal , Russlu
snake , alligator anil line grain dongola ,
at 25c , : > 5c , 50c , 7oc and $1 each.
Ladies' flno leather portmo.iies ( in
seal , Russia , snake , aligator , boa constrictor
stricter , etc. : neatly mounted ) , at 50c ,
"oc , $1 , $1.50 and up to $5.
Ladies' combination pockctbook ( In
all the latest leathers , neatly mounted ) ,
at 7oc , $1 , $1.50 , $2 up to $0 cnch.
( in all the latest leathers ) at 75c , $1 ,
$1.50 up to $5 each.
in all the latest styles , at S3c , $1.25 ,
$1.50 , $2 and $2.60 eac'i.
Ribbons , Ribbons.
All silk fnillo satin edge ribbons ( in
all the delicate similes ) ut Sc , "ic. 10c
andl2c a yard , worth ono-halj more.
caucus. Mr. Johnson eaid that he was not a
candidate at this time , and would not go out
to lils state when the senatorial contest
'The declaration on his part as respects
Senator Casey , shows that Mr. Johnson is
quito willing that his friends should admin
ister to Senator Casey the same medicine
that the present senator's friends adminis
tered to the congressman two years ago.
When the republicans , who were over
whelmingly in the majority , held a caucus
and agreed upon Mr. Johnson as the party
noinineo by forty-two votes out of eighty ,
the other thirty-eiidit votes being divided
between a number of other candidates of
whom Senator Casey was one , the minority
united on Senator Casey , and ba combina
tion with the democrats , elected him to the
senate. There area number of republican
candidates in { he Jleld now , and the state
ment of Mr. Johnson that a number of re
publican membeis of the legislature
will refuse to go into caucus , opens up a
broad Held of possible combinations between
various political elements. The republicans
have a clean majority of six in the legisla
ture over thn opposition , made up of demo
crat. ' ) nnd populists , with leanings toward
and endorsements from the democratic party.
The fact that North D.iltota is ono of tlio
states which had been named in the lists of
western senatorial contests to bo spcciallv
looked after by .senatorial committees of
both democratic and republican parties ,
shows that the former regards it as within
the possibilities-thai notwithstanding the
adverse complexion of the legislature , it may
by a combination of various elements elect a
man to succeed Senator Casey who will bo in
sympathy , if not in full accord with the
principles of the democratic party. With
no caucus noinineo chosen bv the republi
cans , till Us members will have widy party
aioro Work for tlio < iiilliint Seventh ,
General Schollcld , In speaking of the
Texas border troubles today , said it had
been decided to transfer the Seventh cav
alry now at Fort Ulley , Kas. , to the Depart
ment of Texas as soon as possible , and to
transfer the Third cavalry now in Texas to
I'ort Htley , but the departure of the last
named troops will bo delayed until after the
frontier troubles arc ended.
Advices from London state that all the
papers of organization of the Chesipeako A ;
Ohiostcamship line , limited , have been signed
and the capital has nil been subscribed. Tlio
line is in the interest of the Chesapeake &
Ohio lluilway company , which owns a ma
jority of the stock. Contracts have been
awarded , to builders of the Clyde for the con
struction of six steamers , which will make
regular weekly sailings from Newport News
to Kngland. Additional steamers will bo
built ( probably in America ) as the line re
quires them.
Secretary Foster of the Treasury depart
ment sent to the house today u deficiency es
timate , aggregating $ r > 0,00 ( ) , for the quaran
tine service for the Usual year lbut. ; Kx-
traordlnary expense at the quarantine sta
tion , on account of threatended invasion of
cholera during the past summer , have about
exhausted thu appropriation for the mainte
nance of such stations , which renders this
appropriation necessary ,
Mr. Gates , democrat , of Alabama , circu
lated a petition this afternoon asking the
cominltteo on rules to ( lx n date early in lbU3
for considering the Torroy bankruptcy bill ,
Owing to the small attendance in the house ,
not more than seventy-tiro signatures were
secured , a largo number of those , however ,
who desire to iiavu definite action uiwa the
bill , will not vote for Its passage. In order
to obtain favorable action from the eommit-
teo.on rules it will bo necessary to secure 111)
signatures ,
NulloiKil I'lonil Kinblem ,
Mr. Butler of Colorado today introduced in
the house a bill to establish the national
lloral emblem of the United States of Amer
ica. The bill names thu pansy , also called
tlio garden violet , heartsease , etc. , as the
national lloral emblem , The sentiment ex
pressed in connection with this emblem is to
bo "Justice , Liberty , Union , Culture and
Peace , " the last thrcu words to constitute
the motto. The inauguration of the emblem
is to bo tlttlngly celebrated on May 1 , Ibua ,
iu connection with the opening of the
World's fair.
By the resolution adopted by the house a
few days ago Chairman Springe.1 of the
ways and means committee was authorized
to mppolut a subcommittee ( of which he
should bo chairman ) , to investigate the con-
Ultlon of the Treasury department. Ho
Extraordinary Prices in Silks.
Sillv for Oliristiiia.s Presents.
\t 80c.
A beautiful all silk black
Vt $1.10.
A warranted black silk
At $1.25.
_ A superfine blnck warranted
At $1.50.
Exquisite llnish and color warranted
We now display auporbnarty silks.
Our plain and fancy striped
are all the rage. The shades are ir
At ! )0c. )
A rich black all silk
At $1.10.
A guaranteed black silk
At $1.40.
tixtrii sunerllno black warranted
At $1.50.
A splendid dress fllk , recommended
for its durability ,
See our beautiful
At $1.25.
All the evening shades in stock.
Clearance Sale in Dress Goods. .
At 50c.
Fine French black serge
All wool 39 inch serge.
At 75c.
Fine English diagonal cord ,
40 inches wide.
At 85c.
Extra fine black French twill ,
4(1 ( inches wide.
At OOc.
Extra fine silk finished 40 inch
Black Henrietta.
\Ve offer three grades of choice black
camels' hair
$1.15 , $1.80 , $1/10.
today appointed as his colleagues Wilson of
West Virginia , Turner of Georgia , Heed of
Maine nud Burrows of Michigan. Mr.
Springer has called a meeting of the sub
committee for 11 o'clock Monday. The
meeting will bo for the purpose of organizing
ami the formulation of questions to the sec
retary for the information desired.
tnn Notes.
Representative Terry of Arkansas today
introduced in the house a bill providing that
railway corporations shall , for the purpose
of jurisdiction , bo decreed citizens of the re
spective states into which their lines of rail
way extend , or in which they conduct , or
carry on their business.
The secretary of state today issued a war
rant for the surrender of William Haensler.
who is in custody at Chicago on a charge of
forgery committed in duchy of Baden , Ger
l It is said at the Treasury department that
the international monetary conference at
Brussels will adjourn on or before the 21st to
some time in the spring , not yet settled , and
that the American delegates will leave for
homo at once.
IIo TcllH-iiT tlio Trouble Itotwn-n
mid tint Iiiilluns Under Ills Charge.
WASHING TOM , D. C. , Deo. 17. The Indian
bureau has received from Agent Simmons of
the Fort Hclknap agency the following re
port giving the particulars of the affray at
the agency on the 12th :
The report states that a young Indian
named Itaidcr married a sister of Big Mouth.
The newly married husband beat his bride
unmercifully , inflicting serious Injuries. Her
brother attempted no retaliation , but was
taking his sister to the agent to lay
the mutter before him , when they
were overtaken by the husband ,
who shot and killed Big Mouth nnd wounded
his wife in the foot. As xtioon as the agent
heard of the occurrence ho , with two em
ployes and an interpreter , went to the scene
of the murder. "When within about 200
yards of the abode of the criminal , " con
tinues the report , "ho and his father opened
lire upon us , shouting to keep off. Wo turned
to como away , but they still kept tiring ,
wounding mo in the calf of the leg and dis
abling one of the horses. The news of
the murder and the llring upon
myself nnd employes spread rap
idly , nnd the Indians hereabout
camu in nnd organized for tlio pursuit and
capture of the murderer and his father nnd
located them nt a cabin about fourteen miles
east of this place. A cordon was formed
around their place of concealment and there
Is a strong probability of their capture ,
"Tho matter is In no sense duo ton disaf
fection of n general nature , but is entirely
owing to n personal feud. The entire tribe
is unanimous against the perpetrators of tlio
murder and deadly assault upon myself and
' A rumor hns just rcnchod hero of the kill
ing of the fugitives by their pursuers , "
Atti'iidiinro In tin ) HmiHu Light , anil Yt'stor-
iluy'H Jlutdni-88 ol I.lttlii .Moinrnt.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 17. Tlio approach
of the holidays was manifest in the house
today. A few of the very few members in
attendance paid any attention to the pro
The committee on military affairs sue-
ceeded in passing n few bills of minor im
portance. The day was consumed In the
consideration of a Florida claim bill , and the
house adjourned without net ing upon it.
Mr. Breckinrldge , from tlio committee on
appropriations , reported the fortifications
appropriation bill and It was placed upon
the calendar ,
Mr , Otis of ICansas asked consent for the
passage of u resolution instructing the com
mittee on ways and menus to report back at
an early date , a bill Imposiugun income tax ,
but Mr , Springer objected.
Then the special order was called up
being the bill authorizing the secretary of
treasury to settle thu account stated between
the government nnd thu state of Florida.
This measure being in the committee of the
Mr , Bullock , democrat , of Florida moved
At Sac.
Any color oxtra'.flrio French twill ,
40 inches wide.
At Soc.
The now dress poplin , , 40 inches wide ,
all colors.
' ' '
40 innh diagonal cord ,
all colors.
Wo offer so.ino striking bargains it
broadcloths. See our $1.50 grade.
Just received-sunorb colorings ano
designs in thischolco fabric. Justtlu
thing for 501110 pretty house gowns.
that the house resolve itself into such com
mittee for its consideration , but Mr. Burrows ,
republican , of Michigan proved n stumbling
block. Ho demanded : i division , and in
a house which ought to be composed
of ! U5 members there was a vote by
division of eight nfllrmative and two nega
tives. Mr. Burrows suggested that this
was a bill Unit involved the appropriation of
$ .100,000 , and raised the point of no quorum.
And no quorum appeared , but Mr. Burrows
relented and withdrew his point with the
understanding that no vote should bo takeri"
today. The effect of this agreement is that
the bill will lose its privileged character ,
and will bo relegated to the calendar.
The house then , in committee of the
whole , proceeded to thu consideration of the
measure. Keprescntatives Bullock nnd
Mansur were its chief advocates , and Sena
tor Pascowasan interested listener. In the
course of inquiries addressed by the two
former gentlemen to Mr. Dingley , republican
ot Maine , information was elicited as fol
lows : The claim is to reimburse the state
of Florida for expenses incurred in the
Seminole war of lbiw-7. According to Mr.
Dingley there was but ninety-six Seminoles
engaged in the outbreak. Congress had
already paid to the persons who had put
down the outbreak the amount of WX ) per
Indian. It was now proposed to pay the
* -J)0 ( ) ( ) per Indian additional.
No action was taken on the measure ; and
then Mr. Meyer , democrat of Louisiana , an
nounced tlio death of Senator Gibson of
Louisiana , and , as a mark of respect to the
memory of the deceased , the house ad
Some of Vcstcrday'H IVilcnil Appointment *
In llui West.
WASHINGTON- . C. , Dee. 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tm : Bcu. ] Arndy J. Uucker
has been appointed postmaster at May-
berry , Pawnee county , mm W. P. Jacks
of McCooko Junction hns been appointed a
railway postal clerk between Aurora and Ar
cadia , Neb.
Charles E. Magoon , an attorney of Lincoln ,
is at tlio Ebbltt. Ho is hero on supreme
court business.
Li. H. Blckford was today commissioned
iwstmnster nt Dickens , Lincoln county , vice
\V. Mathews , resigned , and O. C , Hnlvcrsoa
at Brandt , Deucl county. S. D.
General Huggles , who was recently placed
nt the head of tlio branch of appointments
and commissions reported for duty at the
War department JU > day. General Huggles
wns in Washington a number of years ago in
charge of the saiiio"braneh of the adjutant
general's oflloe. John G. Gossollng of Ne
braska was today appointed assistant
draughtsman in \\Q \ ] \ War department nt
$ MOO a year.
The decision In the homestead case of
Susie Craig vs Stephen Kromzzins and
August Nickel Interpleader frdin Mitchell , S.
D. , has been modilled. by ordering n hearing ,
and the contest of , J n Andersen vs There
Helgfson from Yanklon is dismissed. In the
timber culture wise' of William F. Herbert
vs Bradley Hogeiii from Watcrtown , the
commissioner's decision' is afllrmcd , holding
Kogers' entry for cancellation ,
The commissioner's decision in the timber
culture case of Neils Christensen vs Knos D ,
Wonder from McCoolt was today afllrmed by
Assistant Secretary Chandler , dismissing
contest ,
WASHINGTON' , D. 'C. , Dec. 17. [ Special to
THE BUB.J The following pensions granted
nro reported by TUB BEE and Examiner
Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska : Original Hydn Strong. Ad-
ditlonal Samuel L. Shiley. Increase
Benjamin A. Dennis , Jnmes McDaiticl , He-
issue Kdwnrd B , Murphy. Original widows ,
etc. Charlotte S. Foote , Ilononi O'Connell.
Sarah M , Duckworth.
Iowa : Original Samuel M. Kckninn ,
Nathan T. Wilson , deceased , Harmon A.
Melyer , George D. Weddle. Additional-
David M. Baker , Ebenczer Martin , Noadieh
Slbert , Walter H. Bell , Isidore I'aynml ,
William Hicok , Increase George W. Me-
Cleary. Julius Bred , Frederick Durvc ,
Original widows , etc. Fidelia K , Wilson ,
Hhoda H. Godden , Annie C. Smith , Caroline
Wheeler , Catharine Snyder , mother , Heboccu
Br.izclton , mother , Caroline L. Forbes ,
mother , Sarah Ann Gillasple.
South Dakotu : Original Christopher
Peterson. Additional llcury T. Itoot.
Hoiuer C. Holmes.
Real duchcitso lace handkerchiefs
at 91 , $1.50 , $2 and up to 915 each.
Ladles'real French hand embroidered
Ino linen lawn handkerchiefs , scolloped
ind hemstitched borders , at $1.50 , $2 , S3
mil up to $15 oach.
Very dcllcato Swiss embroidered chlf-
'on handkerchiefs at COc , boo , $1.125 up to
$3 each.
Swiss embroidered chllTon handker
chiefs , 20 different styles , great bargain ,
only IMc each , worth 40c.
Ladies' line Irish hand embroidered
scollopad border all linen handkerchiefs
in tin ondluss vnrlbtyot beautiful designs
it Hoc , fiOc , 75o , $1 un to $1) ) each.
4 speclil prices In ladles' Irish and
Swiss hand and nv.iehino embroidered
linen and batiste handkerchiefs , all new
Icsigns and astonishing values , at 12c } ,
luc , 25c and HOc each.
Ladies' flno embroidered scolloped
border pure linen handkerchiefs , unlaundered -
laundered , only $1 a halt do/.cn , worth
Ladies' liana embroidered Initial ,
linen cainbic : handkerchiefs only lee
cnch , worth 22jc.
1,800 count , every thread llnon. hand
embroidered initial handkerchiefs , 1
dozen in a neat box , for $3.50 H do/.on , or
$1.75 a half doxen.
Real Japanese embroidered , scolloped
border silk handkerchiefs , special val
ues , nt 15c , 2oc , 3oc and 50o oach. '
Lntost novelties in hand painted im
ported gauze fans , at $1.25 , $1.50 , $2 , S3
and up to $15 oaoh.
Real ostrich feather fans at $2.75 ,
$3.50 , $5 and up to $10 oach.
Misses' ' quill foalhoiMind hand painted
gau/o fans at 30e , 50c , 75c nnd $1 each.
Ladies' chatelaine bags , in all the lat
est leathers , with stylish mountings , at
50c , 75c , $1 , $2 and up to $7 each.
Misses' chatalaino bags in oozed calf ,
seal and alligator , at ! ! 0c , 50c , OOc und
75c each.
Ladies' coin chatalaino purses , some
thing very now , in red seal , snake and
line grain leathers , at 75c , 85c and $1.25
Ladies' leather ant ) cloth shopping
bags , in all the latest styles , at oOc , 75c ,
$1 , $1.50 and up to $4 each.
100 full 26 inch union silk umbrellas
with steel paragon frames and fancy sil
ver trimmed grape handles , every ono
warranted , value $4.50 ; sale price $3.25.
100 same make and style , with silver
trimmed , natural and celluloid handles ,
vuluo $5 , your choice for this sale $3.75.
150 full' 20 inch best quality of union
silk and pure silk , with an elegant as-
sortmct.tof handles , comprising all the
latest novelties , at $4.50 , $5 , $5.2-3 , $5.50 ,
$5.75 , $15 , $0.50 , $7 and $7.2o.
Story of the Helm Family Brought Out iu i
Murder Trial.
Though n Hard Working Went ITU 1'lonrcr
the Ileail of the House Was
Anything but a lo-
slrablu Neighbor.
SIOOUIINET , In. , Dec. 17 [ Specal to Tin
Ben. ] There has been in progress here foi
the past tea days a murder trial that bid ;
fair to bo a noted case in Iowa criminal an
nnls , anil lias a Ions history. It is the Stnti
of Iowa against Guy Helm , charged will
murdering his nephew named Clark and at
tempted murder of another nephew , hrothc !
of the dead man.
This cveiiiiiff , after eight hours dellbera
tion , a verdict of murder in the second do
grce was returned.
The crime occurred near Fremont
Mahaska county , in September. Tin
Clark boys had attended a politica
meeting at Fremont and wore return
ing to their homo over the llm
in Keoknk county. Some distanei
on the road they were confronted by Gu ;
Helm , their uncle , and a quarrel sprung nj
as the result of an old family feud. Hehr
shot at the boys , mortally wounding one o
them and so seriously injuring tlionther tha
for a time his life was despaired of. Hi :
ante-mortem statement was taken nt tin
coroner's inquest , which charged Helm will
the crime , and ho was arrested and holi
under heavy bonds.
At the trial 1)7 ! ) witnesses were sub
pocnacd and the best counsel in tlii
and adjoining counties engaged on both sides
no end of money being spent. It is com
nionly told that the counsel for Helm were ti
cet § 11,000 for defending him another thousani
if they saved his life , and still another thnus
nnd if they cleared him. It Is nlso said tha
certain witnesses were to get forty acres 6
laud each if they testitled to certain things
History of tlio Helm Family.
An old resident of this county who know ;
the Helms well , says of them :
"Tho Helms are a numerous tribe here
and were early settlers. D. P. Helm , tin
grandfather1 Guy , moved hero as tlio In
dians left , coming originally from Kentucky
stopping a short time in Indiana. He en
tered a largo tract of land in licnton town
ship , Kcokuk county , from the government
and commenced to cultivate. Ho hail Hvi
sons and four daughters. Ho kept a largi
number of cuttle and hogs und was a dm
ing , energetic , . ,
"In addition to his own family ho prnnci
nlly had two or three hired hands. ICvory
thing was kept on the go , anil in the mini
mer season his favorite salutation to tli
hands was : Short rests , boys , am
damned few of'em , Industry , economy ani
thrift carried to excess had its reward , H
made money. It was the aim andonjcctc
his existence. As ho accumulated means h
went to loaning money at an early day , mi
if his customer was html up and willing t
pay more than the legal rate , cither th
purchase or sale of a house , steer , calf o
pig covered the illegal | K > imd of flesh. Hi
family grow up with a very limited cducii
lion , and he used to say the devil owed hii
a grudge and paid him in sons-in-law.
Iirft Oulto a Fortune ,
"Ho and hispood wife died some years age
after denying themselves many of the m
forts of Ufo , and left an estate variously est
mated at from .V ) , < > 00 to $ 100,000. Georgi
the eldest of the sous and the father t
Guy has all thu old man's chnractcristii1
carried out to extremes , He lias lived Ilk
an old hog , denied himself ami family all th
comforts of life , worked them for all ther
was in them , never sent them' to sclioc
when ho could use them for work at hoiiu
und now when they urn grown up ho is rea |
ing tha crop of his early sowing , Urut ;
hired hands have married his daughter *
counting on having-a soft tmaj ) with the ol
Christmas Goods in
Great Profusion.
Down sofa pillows , covered with hand-
seine china silks , all now designs , nt
S1.U3 , $2.50 and $3.
Indian bnskotj In all shapes , shades
nnd designs for fancy work.
Special line of celluloid goods just re
ceived ; hand-painted. They will make
very pretty and useful Christmas pres
Hairpin receivers , -10c and -He.
Whisk broom holders , oOc , ( Ho , 75c.
Hair receivers , 05c.
Sachet rolls and bottles , 30c , 40c and
Jewel cases and card receivers , OOj.
Pin trays and cushions combined , $1
Silk and celluloid combination sta
tionery box , SI.
Letter receivers , 63c and $1..10.
Handkerchief cases , $2 , $2.25.
Glove cases , $2 , 32.2-3 , $2.50.
Brush and comb cases , $3.
Choice silk drapes in all the now
shades , embroidered with gold thread ,
OOc , $1 , Sl.Uc.
Lace drapes and mats , 83c and $1.15.
Art squares , all shades , lOc , 15c and
Imported hand-embroidered doylies ,
in silk and linen , 2oc , ! ! 0c , 35c , 40c and
Stamping done to order and every
shade of material for art work always
on hand.
Fancy aprons in fine India linen and
Victoria lawn , hemstitched nad embroidered -
broidered ; 'prices 20c , 2oc , Hoc , 40c 45c ,
50c , 75c , SI an 181.25.
man's money. For tlio hist eight or ten
years tlio.v have had a little hull of their own
In tills neighborhood.
"Almost every term of the district court
has had them on one side or tlio other of
cither a civil or criminal suit. It has been
the State vs Helm , or the State vs Hoaeh ,
or the State vs Short , or Koaeh vs Helm , or
vice versa , nil inflniUim ad nauseam ,
anil everybody in two school districts has
been dragged in as witnesses. The ostensi
ble cause of Guy's crime as alleged was the
evidence of the Clark boy , a cousin of Guy's ,
in the case of Koavh against Koach , when
Guy's sister hail aslccil for divorce , and at
this present term Guy's father and sister
are the prosecuting witnesses in the State
against S. Hoach for keeping his wife. It is
alleged Guy waylaid these boys at the insti
gation of his father and sister to got them
out of the way. I haveno defense of the
Clark boys to make. They have the Helms
blood in them , but just imagine how the
community is suffering in name and pocket'
with this family foud. "
I'rovokeil the Wrong Mnn.
DnsMoiNT.s , In. , Dec. IT. [ Special Tele-
Brain to TUB BBE. ] A white man named
Hhodes and a colored porter of the Morgan
house named Topson , became involved in a
quarrel last night during which Rhodes re
ceived a stab in the right side that is likely
to prove fatal. It is said that Ithodcs was
drunk at tlio time and went to the hotel
with the purpose of provoking a quarrel
with n man named Woods , whom ho accused
of enticing away his wife. IIo charged Top-
son with stealing a watch , but a pawn
ticket showed hu had pawned it himself.
Topson was arrested and released on bail.
CaiiturtMl mi Old Oil'rixlrr.
Dr.s MOINIM , la. , Dec. 17. [ Kpeeitil Tele
gram to Tun Iii : : . ] The police last night
captured an old time offender in the net of
going through tlio Chicago Lumber com
pany's olllco. Ho gave his name as Henry
A. Morton , but according to old ofllccrs his
real name is Kd Quinlan and ho served ten
months at Fort 'Madison for holding a man
up in this city three years ago. Ho was un
able to give bail and will rest in jail until
limo of trial.
In tlin Interest of ( inoils Konda.
NEW YOUK , Dee. 17. lion. Charles F.
Mandcrson , of the United States senate , and
General Stone with Augustus T. Gillendcr
attended u meeting of the executive commit
tee of the National League for Good Koads
nt the ofileo of Dr. Chauncey 13 , Hiploy
yesterday. The object of the meeting was
chlelly to adopt some plan for securing means
for furthering the work of the league. A
report with plan adopted will boon bo made
public ,
Ai'C'cplod ( hi- dill ,
MAI.VEIIN , la. , Dec. 17. [ Special to Tun
BEI : . ] Kov. R W. Drown of Illoombury , N.
J. , has accepted the call extended to him by
the First I'resbyterlan church of this place
He will bo hero January 1 next.
Miijurlty of South Dakota's I.eKUlatnro
Favor lrnulinUnluii ,
YANKTON , S. D. , Dec , 17. A poll of the
state legislature ' shows u decided majority
in favor'6'f resubmittlng the prohibition Inw.
A majority also oppose any change la the
divorce law or uny adverse- railroad legisla
Ed Kelly was locked up last night for
larceny. Ho stole n pair of shoes from u
stand In front of the Boston store.
Last night the city detectives nrrcsted
Harry Costelloon suspicion. The prisoner
is suspected of conlldcncing a well known
business man out of ! 5.
Police Captain Thomas Cormnck was re
ported considerably worse last night and it
is feared that death may follow unless the
doctors succeed by hcrofo treatment In ar
resting the disease ,
Mr. and Mra. S. K. Morse of 1407 South
Sixteenth street , entertained Thursday
nvciiing at high live in honor of Mrs. .1.
Flawngan of Kloux City , la. These present
were : Mr. nnd Mra. Dennis , Mr. nnd Airs.
Loyd , and Mr. Joe Dennis. After the fun
refreshments were curved.
1 fl
I ) flJ J
Siidion $ for to ! Christ-
Pi'i '
Our entire stock of domestic and Im
ported chuus at a discount of from 15 to
25 per cent , the most usaful present and
ono that will bo appreciated.
Handsome fur napes in Porslam lamb.
Aslrachan , Russian martin , black mar
tin , Alaska seal , etc. , cto , , at a dlscoun
of from 25 to COc.
Beautiful shawls In all the latest , pat
terns for evening , street and housa
wear ; prices the very lowest.
Special prices on llrst qualities of
Dlaek hare mulTsloc. .
I31 ck coney mulTs , $1.
ninck coney mulTs. 81.23.
Natural opossum mulTs , $2.23.
Badger muffs , $3.60.
Raccoon muffSI5.50. * .
Capesaal muffs , $2.23.
Water mink muffs , $2.23.
Monkey mulTs , $5.
Monkey muffs , $0.
Black martin muffs , $7.50.
Black martin muffs , $10.
Mink mulTs , $10.
Mink-mulls , $15.
Alaska seal muffs , $18.
Also full line of animal head boas to
match at special prices. *
Children's Jur sots in all the popular
Special line of Turkish angora Bets |
our price $3.25 ; regular price $5.
Wreck of a Passenger and Freight Train
on the Oinciunati Southern.
Particular.- ! tlio Arcldrnt llnril to Get- *
Tralllu on the Itcmil liloclmilcil Tu
I'iDiKiMiKur Train U'IIH MilkIng -
Ing Up Time ,
Ji'SCTiON CJTY , Ivy. , Dec. 17. The fust
mall train No. 1 , southbound on the Cincin
nati Southern road , duo to leave hero at 1:80 :
p. in. , but which left fifteen minutes late ,
collided with a northbound fast freight one
mile north of McKinnoys. The passenger train
was nindcupof so ven coaches and in rounding
a sharp curve , dashed into the freight while
under full speed. The entire train loft the
track. Transportation is blocked and it la
dilllcult to get to the scone of the trouble.
Some reports arc to the effect that an engi
neer , lirenmn and express messenger unU
from ono to a half dozen passengers are
killed outright , all of which are denied by
the railroad men. The employes of the road
arc averse to making any statement and it is
impossible to learn the cause of the accident.
Tliu company's physicians of Danvlllo and
Somerset were despatched to the wreck , and
both wrecking trains north and south wore
Arrlilcnt on ( ho OuecMi CrcHcrnt.
LIIXIXOTO.V , ICy. , Dec. 17. Express train
No. 1 , northbound , and drawn by passenger
engine 579 on the Queen & Crescent road ,
ran into freight train No. 12 , southbound ,
between Moreland station and McKlnney
this afternoon about o'clock. The passen
ger lacomotivo cowcatcher was smashed anil
tlio passengers were a little shaken up. No
ono was hurt a nil thu damage will bo but
little ,
Miifiln Among tlio AbnrlgiiGH | ,
Mr , Otis T. Mason writes to Nature : "In
looking over a very largo collection of musi
cal instruments from tlio aborigines of Amer
ica , I am surprised to llnd that there is not
one peculiar to women , and that those of the
men are never played by the women. It is
true tliat the females beat tlino on various
objects and many now and then usu the rat
tle. This disappointing fact arrested my at
tention , and 1 am curious to know whether
savage women , or any other women , for that
matter , have ever invented a musical in
strument , and whether in savagery they even
play iiiion those invented by the men. The
composition nnd Hinging of songs might \jo \
bo Inquired into , though our American sav *
ago women do join in certain choruses , "
NIMH ynsr
Work on tlm K rent Niagara Kails tiuinrl hai
hci'ii completed.
1'rom tlm plans In possession of tlio War de
partment II IM hbown thai tlio Knullsb unn-
boatson till ) { 'rent lakes are of Milllclent forcn
to destroy any fortlllcutlon on Ihu United
HlHtl'S bldl ) .
Thomas J. West lias settled ! IH | $20,000 ilnm-
iik-ii Milt iiKnliihl tlm l.iilii ) Hlidio ti .Michigan
Houtlirrn and Kllnt & 1'i'ro Miiiqnutto railroad
companies , wlilcb nrosii out of llm "tunnul ac
cident" ut Toledo , O , , for 10 par cent.
Sirs , llurllm I'ldic'iirii LSInr.liilr llniclford of
flit ; HurtiMV hlimtt , Astoria \ . I. , IIIIH hi'im In
formed that her nnclii , James H , ( 'iiiiiinliigH.a
miner of ( Jrei'dn , Colo. , N ( load , anil lias lufl
her Ills prujifrly valued at J'J.riOO.ODO ,
Mrs. f-'anili K. KdwardB , who wns formerly
Iliu resident In ' I'n.
umiKiKcr I'lilliululiihln , , of
thu ( irnnlti ) Kiuto Provident association of
MnneliDhlur , N. II. . hits been huld In J80U ball
by Magistral ) ] Diii-lmmon thu charge of for
Julian Ilntlcr. In the United Htates district
roinl ut I'lilladclplilu , Pit. , IIUHfciintiuici'il Nul-
fcon K , KvaiiH , wbo WIIH larKoly Instriinu'iilul In
wrecking llm Kiirlng ( Jaiden N HI Ion u I bank , to
MJVCII years' Iiiipi-lronnieiit , A line of 1200
was ulsu Imposed. Kvani U a very old wuu
and vt111 bvaruuly outlive liUbuutuuco ,