ClrVlvvv 10 icno _ MANY MYTHS OF 1IANXLAND Superstitions and Polk Lore of tbo Fisher man-Farmers of the Isle of Man. WEIRD REMINDERS OF PAGAN TIMES Modern Spirits I'nnt HPM to i\pr1 : Ilio 1'nlr- lc i l.lti-n mill ( liioini Some I'niml * unit l'rr < imnlltl < s I'nrtkular Onummiil I'orti nt . DOIOI.AI , Isle of Man , I3w. ! ) [ Coirc- Bpomlcwcof Tin : Hen ] 1'ew willow c\cr troubled tin niBflus at till nlmiit , tlio Manx people 'Ihoso ha\o iiivnilnbly-set llinm down nt ' oUt.iouHnuilly superstitious" 'Jlirn tlipli.uo galloped a\\ny , Ipmlrij ? tlio MntiMiiPti in inlslniul llulr icndcis In mjs- tcijA A tmci itntotnrnt icgntdlni ; thpsn inter- rstinsr mid sturdy pnnplo would bo Hint they lin\i iiiu'ifrod from boundless stipcistltion Kxi'ivlir IP one mnpn In MntiKlnmt me found \lilriucsof Hint exlicinc antiquity ulilih so Inipiessis nml at limns ; ii > | > .ils ! tlio student in Iti-l mil and Coinwnll Coming to n l.itei tlmiiL'h sllll lotiiotP porioil , one tan- not esi ap < tbo coin it linn that HIP llrst Cells of and tlieu'st of Kngl.iml and thu llrst people of MatiNl.uiil ueio not onlv of common stoi 1 : but for i entui IPSOIP , while p.ipans .iptoplp of lummoii Iniigungp , cus toms and interest. In th ( inleiv.c.nini ? of pvimhin and Clulstlaiiitv there undoubtedly laipo O'desimtii al saiutloll cntei taineil tnuntil Hianj of the supeistitioiH pt.ietKcs of tlio niuient Man\ people l.oni ; isilatlon fioin the letn.iinder of piojmsshc 1'nRlalid and tlio i' tentlnn of a distinct lanirna o , in \\liU1i the tfospol is still picai hid , in a fou installers picil'th as a fiieiiil of mine pu-.u ins one diiiii siiinon per month in the little old i hinih of Pas na Inle. Stiath- Khiss Si otlainl , fostoieil tlio i Ian theiiy of boeii'U and left totintkss lejrnuls super- Htltions and < iistoms ainoiit. this stolid , though simrnlaili impassion.ililc and suill- mental people lint 1 ha\e ( 'i.idu illv COIIIP to Icnow tint , lio\\e\er t-riim \is iir.pil thu fai eof the ono f onfitliiijr the \ \ i ( id n sii lion of iimainu be lief setioth the m issi s of the people si out nml llont thini all , s i\e those of a tender nml u iiisoiiiotli.itailir Bnellv , the Mans , foil : today icjett the essi ntial sla\i ly of nupeistltioiis in.ntUis. hut iniiuisilh iu- insist un ulalnmpr the ple.ismc of siibsuib- ing to thu supoislltloiiH theinsthes Sinuii Manx Siipi iitlllniiH. One lllustiatiim out of in my which could bo ni\.n A\ill sine to emphasis this ion elusion In olden timi s it was a unheisal custom heu > on letiiing on Xeu Ve.u's o\o for tlio faii'ilj totaiefulH stiew ashes upon tlio floor , Iji the oxnoitatii \ of llmlinp the. next nioiniiiK the Impulsion ofafaii.\ foot It was leligioush helie\ed that the duet lion of the foot piediited deatli iftnwaultho door and iftowaul the liiepl.uo .111 iiuicise In the household bbiith or in in i ifjo ' 1 he rustoin is quite as uni\eisalat the pit sent time , hut Ilio eh incut of tenor \\hollj eliminated foot pi nits aic alwa\s disu > \ - ctcd pointing low aid the UK pi u e and the Mipeihtition pie\ailsonli in its gtmlle and Hlnillj aspcti to f.ri\e added ? cst to the ineiij holida\ time In tiainiir Manx , nntholopy tlieto will bo found , pm iseh as in the ( i.ielic ni\lhiiog\ ] of Scotland and the Cillie m\ timing of lie- linil , two 11 issis of buiraboo innnoit ils One of these tonsislcd of Imps , and dt mons ha\- ing the powei of tailing upon themsehes the fouii of man or woman at will , and In uooin men or woinin , and piitii nlail.v b\ holding out i iMshlng piomisis of immoital- lty , leading them into fatal unions thiough \vhah the souls of moitals so deluded WLIO cndkssli lianislud fiom lu.uui The second U issioiiipiiscil semi-immoi tals nml mairUi.ins ulmlh dwotul to diiulism and the black ait. Whether the lattei li id existence , or A\eie sokly ueatmesof the imagination , lentniics behind tin m sonic soil of folk ualll\ existed in untirnt Miui\laiil ( 'I heir vondeifnl .skill in the election of mounds , sti no inths and mcnhiis , and in the making of oinaments and di li eu t eh such as to compel fiom a less skillful anil moie.uliko people the piailnil deilkation of the m\s- tenous laic , and then e\iutuil uleiitilka- tion with local phantoms and gods Only tlio Coixl Viitnifil pi iln Kcin ilns. In the gi.iclual e\olution of Manx faiues , whose oiiirm \ \ is in the Finnish s\l- \aiis , s.itjib and fiiuns , Hi it poition of its dumonologi pioMding impish s ] > nitt > of a Jnalo\olent natuui h is hoc n laigeleth - pitcd. Tlio manof theliills , " theiiUntk il fellow found in the lush and Scottish High lands , was \\liled fellow indeed Among the Manx slupheids Snaefcll and Xoitli Baitule mountains 1 found .i fe\\ \\lio still liimlj bolie\e in his power for hum , who iccognbo liis MPUo in the coughing of the winds thiough the goigcs and , whin tiouhled in toiisdeiiie , a\oid tlie daiKness of nltjht and lead flocks to theloneliei glens 'J he banshrp , that fateful mother of piew- Bomo biood in all oiiginillj Celtic loim- tiies , liau ( 'hen \\a\ In Kcotl ind to Its host oT "guid neibois , " or biouiues , as mtght.\ host of good and ill spntein lie-land , and in Manxl mil to an hit ingiblo niiny ot gnome's , plus and spiites. 1 in ffcntial possi ss power of nw uding tlio good nml punishing lor eul AWeslejan ckigi man named Corj lig a few j cats ago under took to "lithem bstontlj declaiing fiom Ills pulpit he stu them with his own Cjes depait In a hoilj fiom the 1m of Doug las in cmph rum pmu heims , si lidding bcfoio thowind in thodlicction of , lamiic.i Hut the "weo pcoplo" aio safoh ensconsed in the heaits and tiadltions of Manxmen ami can not bo depoited and maiooned o\en bjcll meaning deig\men Ono will still llnd among the Manx fishei- nioii fanners dear tiaii s of exact ( ongenei' of the ancient water hulls and hoises of tin misty 1101 th of Kiotland lochs 'Ilio "tiuioo ushtoi" i' , the wild uatei- bull , and tlio "clashin" ! tlio fmiou Matei-hoiso of Manxland. 'I ho foimei dcstioed cattle , the latter loft the sea ti chnbo Manx ponies o\PI the mountain ciag to destiuctlou 'Iheso hae no teiioisnow for Manxmen ; but if ill befalls kino 01 ImiscH , tlieso ueatuies of the inlst.dajs ulwa.s ictuin in the ( lie.siilo b.lntci am gObblp , The I'rlimll } i > riiiiiuiililcr < T. " Tlicso folks hiuc 0110 icmniU.iblo filcnd Bmongtho ol\es Hois called tlio "pliMi- noddeico1' Tor some foim ot inisdeme.inor ho was banished fiom ullland and became a iat.rith . Blugg\ hair ' 1 lioso uho lia\i < seen him ashcit that hedias feet likoanclf with a piotiuillng speai-lllto limn wlieio the fctloikHhould bo enabling him to scale \salls end mountains at will Ono good old l.uh of nnet % whom 1 found among tiiogliiisol KIM fe'l lemunbeis disthu tlan einoimter \\ltn the "pliNonnoddeico" when still In nor teens She jauh d , " that Is , legally madoa beiMint at a neighboiing estate , and was set to canjlngpeat in a cio < l hi a ciuel nuihter She % \Mh 111 unto death , hut wab dihcu to her toil le lelltle sllQuo dashucamo to the bog , but lould not u tuin laden She fell upon thu giound and moaned her wish to dio. Then the ph.uinoddeic'o" appealed HoHtood beside her shlCling wltli the told , mid piteouslj begged her for her tartan to proent him fiom freezing Appalled at the thought of an\ being nulTe'i ing moio dcepls than heiM-lf , she lustantU complied with his | Her btiength .mil health at once iciuined The next moiniiu ; all her month's tabk was found to hpcu per formed by lnblblo ! handb And , better than all , the handsomcbt taitan in man wab found hanging hcbitlo her bed in pmif of which she prodtucd a bit of Iho self's tmo iilald , and a handbumo ono it binel must hino Leeu Thlbbamo handi elf possesses the-inlinlto di-olleiy of the lilbh dullaglm. , , who is gen- 01.illy found with his ncad under his * * ainu. In his iwcket orheio a num ber lu'eP-togotncr. illnglng It meiiily at 801UO other dullaghan , or again ongagtd w Itli It in games of foot ball. H also IKISSOSM-S the IKJW IT of nuinbci li bs doU i s and disgulbcb of that mobt exasntratlngly Implbh praitlcal joker of allhibh failles , Ilio Icpradiaun , or ' 'thu llttlo imp In gieen " Iheiiwheio In little Maiixland wheio Huuor Is in and wit K out.hcio uncouth folly meets % \ 1th letil- butlvo humblluf , anJ lu ull these xluggish instlc channels of forplvalilo nilsthlrf and merriment xxluro pin.iltlcs an * ll"ht as pounlrxsldf1 laughter thn luiidlx li. Ipfnl HM tiglng ' 'phximoddme is exci uad ) xxith a helping liiiiid 1 lie Ulootnj "MooilJ Dlion. " Ono tiadlllomil si x > k xxhkh icpiespiits .ho oxil pr nius of dull dexpalr , of dumb In- 'xitabllltx and of lank fatalism gloxxeis .hrotiph Man < c tradition as blni k and dread- rul as tlio Bloom of thelinllsof Hlilis 'Ihis s thn ' Mood ) Dhoo ' Tanjrlbly nnd n.8 r.\stnll/i < d In tradition It took on the form of n hueo , xoholpss black spaniel xxlihh liiiuntcd aneleiit Peel castle , the daring of whoso Satanic itower by i dntn'tcn soldier leimlmtcd In the .m le deith of the latter , ns mailo fiimoiis In llrllon and son : ? OeiiPtalbcd , Iho 'Moody Dhoo Isthesiblo sphll of loneli ness , of Impending dancer , of itienoi'ablo do- ipalr To n people baircn of book loic. irn > inossioiiablt'xxlth n thousand mlstv shadoxxs from the past , \\hose mental netlxlties aio fhlell.v In lontunplatlon of the saddening sea and the kcniiiig xoleos of mountain ivlnds , some fonniif a ment il Mood ) Dhoo'1 a a Inpli al and lne\ltalle ) ptoipnee 1 h ixo nexei been able to dlsioxer among Lhe peasants nl llilttanx' , of laigland , hc- Imid orSotlind , the exact pqtilx.ilotil of u fililous suit of elf of dalknoss xxhieh tin ) Manx people si 111 possess It is fulled the "doMiiiioj ole , or nlirlitman lie meets PCI- Lain belated persons nlong the hlglixxa.x.cirin lonelx sDts | ton-Idling dismil exentsxlth gloatxnluhllltx. Imtnlxxaxs inaloxolomo Indeed his hints of Impend ing dangpi aie teg.mlod us Inxaluable He pioxldes thoonl.x xxontliPt bureau the Manx ipoplu possess , and on all pal ts of the to ist ils xu-lnl ( is of Mioxxl.t.i , hoxxlaa ! " foictdls an apiMo.u hing stojin All pxil spirits in Man'.land ate knoxxu undui tlm unlxiTsal teim of Inurbane ' If tbo eieain falls to ' liso. " if the oiops aie poor. If the inteli of boilings bo xxoithhss , if haim befall the sheep upon the mountains , or the kin'- ' and foxxls at home. If a loxo af- fall goes xx i omr , 01 anx 111 xxhatoxer butldts for xxhkh theie Is not a pisent clear and uniiieationable | explan.ition , the "bmrgane ' is held nspoiisihle I'scless M-xation and anxictx aie thus dispensed xxith , and , as a good Manx dame pie is intlx explained "Axx , moil , ih hiigg.ino do in t mind axx blame , an' ils bettor n' fast nin t' n lobois1' ! I'lili ) Dm lei unit Hi i inlt. ilrx doetois and heimits aie popular In the lltlle isl ind In olden tiims the pet son and home usuillx a e.ixo , of the Manx littnilt xxt 10 so xeniiated that the poison of a nioi tal onenix XMIS suied against bairn xxhen in a heimit s piisoneo 'Ihtse p.innx old loifeis aio no longei pioof against slit ptit ism , but they an xxoll liked lithu ptasantix "ho hospit.iblx toleialo tin in 1 have made the aniiialntani e of sexei il One \ in qulto a despondent mood ami thu.ilemd to le.uehis Miuition foiexei Ho ailmittid that thu tountixsldp people \XPIO fiiendU but thu Liu i pool holidax exiuiaumistsguxedhim uiiineuilullv ami thu Douglas hotel l.indUuds , xxho had ongigod him to uuexpci todl ) appetr to toiuists in lonelj glens , \\ciu not piompt about p iing his eoutiaet btipentl of 0 shill ings pti xxeek U ho ' exil e.xu" is still possible to bo cast upon hoiscs and cattle and exen upon elnl- dien in nnfieipieiiteil phuts xxheiu old snpei- stitions die haidist Pah los also xxoik mis- thief in bntlei and amen the fields ' 1 hcio aio still these xxho and sell Uianns not onlx toiomcdy but toaul ott sueh Ills All but the most l mnant of Minxmenio- } ; anl ' f.nrx duLtms' in a jotose spuit if its expiession em inati s fiom themstlxes Hut amoiiK the best tbeie liinit'is .1 irenial tolei i- Hon for all these olden xafjaiies , and should a foieif'ii.r Hist oflei the sl > ( ptual allusion , the inliLiont btnbboin lebentmLiit to kono- el.ism xxoultl inst.iiith llnd expiession in something like 'Axx , inon , safu M'Ju's no h.u m's side. N.itui.illx among a people xxheio folk Idio lai elj taKi b the pl.ue ot book lei o ointns , l > oi lent * , and xx hat might xx ilh cxaiti- tude bo eallul "xxlmnsns' aio extccdmglj fiequi nt among Manxnun ' 1 he bndbof the Island and t ieir hahits [ iioxuk as nianx , of these as amoii ' tlair lush neighbois xxith ( lultker inxtntion and xxaimufanex - A i.ixen lioxeimg mai a held ol eattlo is an tinxxekomo sign ' 1 ho plaint ol the linnet is associ iled xxith the ti ) of a lost soul. When theiobin xxill not sing in iluiuli-jaid tiees the plate is s ild to he haunted A iino is still imposed in man il a sea nll be killed dining the1 Iibbing be.ison , and tbo le.itheio of Iho pool xxii n xx huh is so men.ili.ssly limited heie on ht httphens d.i ) aie sold lei tiillmg sums as ehaimti. Other Oinem .mil IVirttntH. 'I heie is thiouglioul the island an actual ( head ugaidmg piibluit ) ot xxeddings. 'J hough all the nuighboit , max bo ot little details leading up to tlm teiemony , house holds illicitly mte tested alleet the gieitest seeietj Cookuir ? for the feast , dies'lug and the like , ib often done xxitli flosel ) PHI tamed xxindoxxs at night , and xx hen all ib iead\ the xxeildmg pnti xxill mount an open e.n and gallop axxai to the noaicst in the giaj of meuniiig as though all the \xittlics xxeio .liter them , Uut tlie auixal of the Manx Inbs bun s a host of tiadilional bujie'istitioiis safe' u udb and ominous poiteiitb into immedi itu aetix- itx. itx.Xo Xo one must step ox ei it or xxallc cntlicly iliound it , lest it Ixtome dxxaifed and xxea/- encd Amulets ot und.xedooleneoidaio ofttn xxoieaiound the mulhei s mik until the babe i * xxu mod to xxaul elf Icxeis Until baptism nil lube. } aiu quite at Iho meitj of thu fnus 'Iho bib ) xx ill lemain liultx thinuirh life if It handles a spoon xx it h its lelt hand , but it xxill lomo to pel fed eslito if it shall h.r.o n pe.itod tumbles out ot Its molhei's aims , itb nadlooi bed bc- foie it h.i. , attained its biithday One of the most xxinsome of halt supeisti- liotis instoms in Manxland is lei the lamil.x on stoi m.x nights to lithe to icstataxor ) e.ulj hoiii , so that the good faiie-s max un- obseixed enter to llnd shelter and leposc A xtiy ancient tiadition that a fairy in tno guise of a boiutifiil xxonini oneo boxxitehed n host of the eslo men of the Islinnl and then led them bilt oxei a i llll to theh death In the sea , piexalls soun.xleldingl ) to this da ) that a Manx xxito orsxxeetheait xxill on nooeeaslon pieeeileihor husbind , lest hei ehaiaeter tor eolieet xxomanlx attiibutes beimpugned. . 'Ihcsuno. fail ) xxhkh tstablished this lustomistho ono xx hk h , m its olloitb to est ipe Manx xen- geMiiee , trainfoimed into a xxien and has oxci smee , on St Stejihen's da ) , been hunted , stiipped ot its feathois and beaten to death in tountkss iiumbeis Thosimo inuiifounlablo meieilessne'sb loxxaid the xxien exists , though 'I ho lohln and the txn n Aie dod's txxo hoi ) mi n lu Inland 'I heie , in the xieuilt ) of Oalxxay , I haxo seen the xxien hunted on I'In Minus dax , It ) pitiful tomains In liliboiu-d and hung to tieo biam lies , the exhibition of xxlikh b ) ehlldien befoio liouho ihxns pioxing an un failing piomptlng to the gltt of toln or ' hxxeets " llnoAit L WAKLSIAS. o- AH ni-ii nun. An IrlMi iroiitlonuiu xxas ontortalnoil ba part ) of KiiKlishinon at ! i hotel in n 001 tain toun in Dii lund , Fays the .Mil lion , xx lion the ciinx'orsation turned on lush hulls. The ) Itlah trentloniin : beiiif , ' a little nolllud. t-uid : ' Hullfel bulUl You can't tnllc iibout un lilbhuiiui xxithont Bpeakin of n hull. You hiixo an mini ) hulls in Kn land as xvo hax'o. In lOuglatid ) ou c.ui't jmt up n bin | ; on u public hotibi ) xxithont etielv- IIILT up u hull. In the xor ) btiuet uhuro xxo nro uittinir now thuio 1110 BIN public : houses xxith ul ns ol bulls. " "Oh , no , " bald ono of thu uontlemen , "not bo ninny 113 thtit. " "Hut 1 toll jou tlit > io nro jtibt so iniiiiy. " ' No , xxo hnxo e'ountoel the r , and xxo Knnxx thoio nro not six. " "Wull , I xx ill xxaKortho ilinnor for the coin pan v in the same place ulioio xxu nro sitting noxx- , that tlicro uro six pub- lie houses ith feigns of bulls on thorn. There is the ' \VhitoHull , ' that's ono ; Iho 'Hlae-U Hull' IH txxo ; the 'Hrtmn Hull' Is three ; the 'Spotted Hull' IB four ; the ' 1'led Hull' is nvo " "Ah , that's alll thul'sull ! " "No , there's another one. " "Ah , hut xvo Know bettor. " "J toll ) ou thoio is unothor ono 'Hlnelf. ' 'Wliito ' ' ' ' . , 'Biown , 'SpottoU , 'I'iod,1 itnd there's the 'Ued Coxv.1" "Ha , hal that's nn Irish bull. " ' Very xxoll. if tho'Jted Cow' Is an Iilsb bull , that makes six , and 1'xo xxon niajjor. . " Coinmissioneis at Kinopcan avaiikd picmlums to Cook's Kxti ) li ) 1m penal Champagne fur it delicious uouquet uud uurlty. IMIIrtl'C ' IRAIL ftP ( SAM A Hi History of the Path of Civilization in tbo Southwest , ENORMOUS PROFITS IN THE EARLY DAYS feliiRlp Ciir.ttiini Vetted r < irlune for Aihrn- InroiM 1 uidrrs bid tdi < if Life un the 'I rail An Inti r thi ( ; Iti eord or li } KOIIO 1 linri. The opening of what was known for half a century as the "Santa To trade" ' h id no definite oilgln , bill was i.ithertlio tesultof nccideiit or the force of clieumstances. as is almost pery Important event Tlio Hist Kuiopean to enter New Mexico leiiitoiy , SITU ! open up commetco with the I'lench tor- lltot ) of Lolilsluia , was a 1'ielidi eteolo named Haptlstu l.elnnil A mcichaiit named William Aloiii onof Ifaskaskia. a dt ) a few miles above the 1'ieiidi village of St Louis , dlspitdied Lelond to tlie frontier with a Mipplv of goods to tiade with the ludlins lie was v\ell iccdved by the indiins at AlbuipiciUP | and Santa IV. and lealinvl a small foil line , but never made anv letuins to his piindpal , Motiisuli , al ICaskaskia 'Jhls was in isiij 'I IIP 111 st Ameiiian to enter these vvllils was .lames I'm slev. a Missominii , whocatnu from tlie riemh v illage of St Louis in IMil beimr enioute about eit'litcen months , spent mostlv in Happing on tlie Osigo liver Ho ami his thlie lompaliions wcio capsbed in HIP liver , losinutlult hides and pcltiles , the icsull of a vtai s laboi 'I IIP ) ' then encaged in hunting anil weio diiven bv Hie Siout Iniliins into tlie mountains of Coloiado. wheie he dis-oveted inilu.itiuns of gold about the held vvateis of the 1'Iitto liver lie did not stop to piospcd lor thu % .iluahlu inimials. as ho had no hope of fitting Inlo c hili/alion again I low evei. he soon i cached Sinta IV , wheio ho settled , pmsuilig hN tiado c'.upentii- ing He was looked upon with suspicion b > the Siniaiils ) ) anil was not peunitted to le.ivo the conntiv or to vviite home 'Ibis was due to his impuidem u In telling thu bpaniauls ot liisdisioveiv of gold , and bo- i ausc he at tei vv u ds i ef used to iiindui t tin 111 to the gold fields Ho believed these lldds to bo wltliin Ami lie in ten itoi \ , and so lu- fusrd the infoimation Had he done so , IXevv Spain would have ic iped the ' booms ' Hint VM'ie cnjovcd bv Duiver and l.eadvillu ne.ul ) thiee ipi.uteisota ecntui ) l.itei. UK ! first i\peitttlon. The Hist oiganii'ed expedition , the foie- nmnci of the 'oveiland tiade " was that undu Colonel MPUW ether Lewis of Vnginii and Captain Jonathan Claik ofKcntmky 'I her had twenty cicjht men ami an esunt of Mantian Imlians 'lhestaittd horn the "l"i em h village of ht Louis ' m May , IMM. ascended the Missouri to its souices , eiossed the Hot kv mountains , and. i caching the head of the Columbia ihei , follovved it to the I'a- cillc The second expedition was under Lieutenant Xcbulon M 1'ike m liO'i , thedis- eoveier of Pikes Peak , anil the second Ami to entei Santa IV About the time of theaiiival of his expedition New Mexico ice was thiown into a state of excitement ) % ei lumoisol the A lion HUH conspiiacv , md pmplu believed that T'iKe and his paitv vcio invadeis and weio in tlio alleged ilot to capture this wetetn eounti ) Hut his nission % to lecijninoitie the Sp.uush fion- ici and com ih ite the Pawnee amlComandiu lull ins in the inteicstsof the United States Ills put ) lonsisted of twelit-two men He milt a stoikado on what lip believed to bo ViiiLiican toirioi\ ! and hoisted thu Ameii- an ll.ig ' 1 he p ul v weio taken captive to s int.i To , ib Huu conspuatois As the\ nteied tlio pil.ico of thegoveinoi the ) weio ioUed upon as "wild Amci leans , " being Ucssed , or undiesseil , in iiioteasms , blanket oats , leggins , bin ksluii iiantaloons , leather .o its , foxslnn eaps , with not a hat in the . .nit'lhe \ weio taken to Chihmhu i. and hence csioitcd thiough Co ihuila and 'I ex is o Watdiitoches , Li In tins putyasa Ji Hobinson , who had eomu out especiall ) o collect the mone\ duo the men bant Mor- ison fiom the tieacheious Leloud 'Jhe fel- ow vvas seen at Santa 1-V , but would not dis- I'lUnV Starts .1 ICu li. 'I ho letuin of Lieutenant PiKe and the ubhshcd .u count of his ti.rvcls in 1S10 leiucling the beauties and wealth of the ountiv , g.uoit a seeontl ' 'boom , ' and led .o the ac lull establishment or beginning ot the Santa IV tiade , subsequent Humiliation mil the ultimate i onquesl of this eountiy n the s.imo way , i00 ! ) c us plenums , a few itlvc ntuious fapaniudb , h ilf soldieis and 'ialf fieebooturs. came to tins 1 mil of tlio ueblos in se.uca of wealth ' 1 hov letuincd vith gloving accounts of i land teeming vith abundant harvests filled with diamond nines of fabulous wealth , "and the sands of whoso nvcis weio washed with gold" Ibis led to nnlitaiy expeditions and .ho ultimate conquest of Iho coun- i ) by Spam 'Jho repotted mi ni nso piotlts of the tradeis , hunteis mil tiappeis iiicicastd the "New Mexico fevei,1 and the initiation began In Islt ! theUobeit Mi KnlL'ht pnt > left the "town" ' if St Louis , coming vvcstwaul to the Colo- ; ado mountains and thence down the Uio ' ,1.111110 to Taos , an Indi in tillage near Santa IV , and s lid to be one of the seven golden Hits of Cibola " About this time the Spinibh goveinor , Hidalgo , had inteidictod 'oidgn lommcice , unless bv special pci mis sion " Not luiMiig seen" the goveinoi , thu uitv wab airejted on the di.iigo ot being spies ot thu Mexiein revolutionists , their 'ooils weie conllscatcd and they weio im- liilsuned at Uiihu.ihui for nine veais Cou- lessmm Siott of Missouii midosovcial elloits to have thein lile ised , but Si eietai \ Ad mis' lettci s to the king of Sp un w ei e not even answeied 'I heweio icleasod only when the levolutioiusts gamed their nule- IHiidenco. 'ihe ) fin ill ) 11 , tinned to St Another pii ty , composed of Auguste P Choiitoau , .lulius do Mini and otheis ot St Louis , \\iis aiiested at Santa Pi and lobbdl of > WHK , ( ) xxoi Ih of goods TIPi ! nteiod taut at St Louis against the Nexx Mi xko aulhoi- itus , xxhttli magged along until the L'nited Stall staptmed tins touiiti ) , ami then , pei- haps it xxas diopjied fiom thu calendar He- ftuo the Mixkan toxolution this scetlon of e'ouuti \ elepi mled upon Spain loiamuket Afteixxauls it lookul to the United Stall s , and the noxx "old Siuta To tiail' xxiis allxo xxilh iMiaxans of goods , xalued at fiom . "iOOU toJOUlKeaih ( ( ) , and both Noxx Moxiui ami thotiadesof 'tliu stales ' xx ixed xxe.ilthx under the moie llbeial polk' ) of the Jtuibidu goxe'inmont SMIII > rillll J I'l-ltm. 'Ihoconsost i alii o xxas sold to the Mox- le.ins at xl a .xanl , ami other goods in piopor- tion These enoimous ] ) iotlth indiiied other meieliiiuls to send their goods to this distant m.iikot , and this lei to the innovation" of xxagons L'p to 1MI JS goods xxeio ti.ins- poitnlbx p.iek milk's but noxx the eaiaxans i iiiibistt d not enl ) of mules , but. ot xxagons , Knoxxu .is Oeailioin taut ige , ' ami diaxxn bfiom txxelxoto sixteen pahs of mules 'Ihe lommcm slat ting point , xxas Imlepen- deme , Mo O\xinn' to the se in itx and high pikes ot mules , \xeiegraduallx Mibstl luted , and. to the biupliseof the ti amatols , the ) lunniitliat oxen xxoidd do equalU xxell , did nut kkk so iniitli ami xxue ehoiper and stiongu , ho thi ) mules xu'iohont hick to the pluxx llelds 'Ihe Hist st.u ting | iuliil xx is fiom Pianlilin , Mo , but hi about 1K > U inde pendence xxasdiOMii as being noaiei the xxobtoin fiontier 1 his xxas on the dlitit line of the eml/ianth to Oiogoiiund ol Iho Hoi k.x mountain Hade-is and ti.ipjieis A desi iiptloii of those eaiaxans , eonsisting of fiom txxent ) llxo to 1X ( ) xxagons xxould up pear iiinil in thosoda.XH of lailioads Kadi earaxan eloded n laptain , xxhoso autlioiit ) xxabiioxoi quoslloned H.uh piopiiotoi tin- nisliod him xxith u list of men , xxagous ete- Theeaiaxan xxas dixidod into dlxisloiib ot fitJin ton to tx\cnt-llxo xxagous , e.ah in chaigi'of a lioutt nant , xxbosedut ) It to ins | > eit the loids ahoid , ( onstiutt budges , ete Sentinels blood guinil dax audniglit.and , In addition to the usual aimimont , txxo 01 thiee small tannon xxoio goneiatlx tallied 'lhopaeklngofmouhaiidiseieiuiied | no lit tie adeptnobiand piaetko i.V ' .Sinta Puassuit mont" eolislbted of xxookn and i otton goods , Bilks , baidxxaio , nntijiis , etc Cotton xtlxots and domesticeottons xxeio pihulpillx in de mand Heside-s tliose < , piux Isloiib xx 01 o i ai i ltd fur the tonubtcib , such as baton , uirteo , biigar , eto 'Ihoiaptain gaxe the lommand , All .sot" and the long , snail like \\hito coxoiod taraxan began moxlng , usuall ) in paialloltolumiibof thieo or foul , tlio team btoib nai king their xx hips , the touml sumo xxhat like the rattle of muskoti ) At night thu xxa uuu xxcru wheeled Into u holluxx I squatp , uprxItK' tin4.1 < ri ipngiinst Indians and a tulial feu Mio otxk. When the ( in Wrl xx is xx Ithln COO miles of Santa Pe i minr-Vs'1 ' xxent to notlfx the natlx-'s of thMk1 IIP ir approach , so that the1) could liaxe their tnoncv In iPtullnrss Those "uinneis xx ie gpiieiallx- the pro- lu letors or apenUjof xxatron loads of goods J hex also Ind to Mix' the untom house ofllelals at Taos 'I be ( itaxan met bx n Mexican cseoit , ttlllih aceompmled H to Snntn Pe , so as IH piexent smuggling. As the xxagnns xxetidefl their xxax doxxn tbo itprpliills to HIP tituioiil dtx' of Kanta Pe her Httlo biass ettnnons suit foith \\pak salute , the * muletp < > i > cheered and tboio xxas gioat exeltoment and lonfusiou oxer this ex- traoidiuar ) exent The xxagoueis spent the tla.xs and pxenmgs ai tlio nuiueions famliiu- goes , xxhlle the lueiehants xxeio disposing of their stock rustom liouso duties xx010 about 100 per tent and for a fexx- XPits ( loxeinor Armlzo pxactod a dutx of SodOon e-acli xxagonloid of goods , luespeo- tlxoof Iho amount of goods or their vultio < 'I IIP men bants then used onlx the hngest xxapons and brought the llnest goods Mhis i-.iused the goxeinor to lexlso ills taiiff seliedule. 'Iho iPtuinliigeaiaxaus xxeie not so Kngo , minx of thoxx.igons being sold 'I IIP i etui n consisted of spec ! il sihor bullion gold dust , fins , bullalo lobes xxool and Mexlcin bhnkets A xxagon loid xxas about ,1000 pounds The xxtstxxard tup otiupied sex pntx or eljlitx daxs , the borne tup about hilf thit time Among those tiideisxvas Captain John A Sutler , xxho established lilmsdf in biislm ss at Santa Pe in is lit , but not li'timr ' the futnie of the slei px dtx. xxent to Caliloinl i , xxlieie he dlsioxoiodgoid nt his "old mill In IMS ( iinernim nl Xhl. 'I ho people of Missouii in I'vj'i got a 1011- riossloiial appiopiiatloli of * .lrttKXI foi Iho Building of a bettor xxagon to id to Sinta IV Ueoxes Matthexxs and bible ) \\cietlioeom- mlssloneis and 1 C Hunxii m.ide tbosuixex but the 10 id xxas tioxei completed The Hist Siuta Pe ti ill din ctlx xxeslxxaid fiom Imlipindeiico to the mountains of Coloiado , and thence south to Taos , xxhii h is about l" > miles inu th of Sinta Pe Afteixxaid as the tiadegioxx another tiail lonsideiahlx1 Used-a loilto xxbldi xxas folloxxed substau tiallx bx thu Atdiison , Topeka .V Santa IV raihoid Hut tlio faxoiito'old Santa IV tiail that alomr the Alkausis theme ai ross to the Cimarron. thorn c almost in a tilled line to Wagon Mound , N M i eonspkuons lamlmaiKtheiito to Las Vcgis S m Miguel and Santa IV 'Ihe sdiimmg Mexk.ins , at last axxaking to the impoitaneool the tialllc , atti mptiJ to establish all independent Hade xxith Cliilui i- hua , leaxinu' out Santa IV , but tlie "opposl lion line did not last lon _ ' IJuldins pntiis ox PI the Santa IV Had gaxo to the famous siout , Kit Caibjn , his Hist noloiietx bis skill ami dating noxx lomiii.'into full plax His Ihst tup xxas made in is.'ii Later A ( ! HOOIIP , a giandson of the onginil Diniel , aihiexed a ueonl as a gindo and fi lend , it not philosopher , to the piektiam Ho xxas an excellent Indi in lir'btei , and iindeistood ne.ulx all ol their numeious diileitsand languiges As the tiado beiamo moio xaluablo tioubles xxith the hull ins iu- neased Muideis and outiages beeiimo so numeious and ftequcnt that it btiamoncecs s-u ) for thegoxoinmeiit to fuinish eseoitsof tioops 'Jho osioits xxeio eominanded hx Majoi Rile ) , Captain What tan and Captain Cooke Valu ilile fnintaiK , The ineidi uidise of the pioneer patk tiain in the Santa IV tiade xxbiili enteied Sinta Pe in is.1 , xxas xalued at ] . "i 01)1) ) ) 'l ho Main consisted of sex cut v men , of xxliom sixt ) xxeio meuli.ints or oxxneis of meidiamlise 'I ho folloxxing xear the eaiaxan xxas bin iller , and in the next jt l.ngir , txentsix xxagous bciiuuscu.1 'Iho expedition of isjii consisted of sixty xxagons , KHI men and a e.ujo ; x.ilmd at > . < ) ( ) OIKI The noted "Aikau sas expedition ' of 1st' ' ) \\.is xalued at j.Till- UH ( ) and h ( il ! ' ! ( ) xxiigous ami 'iM men 'I he expedition of ls.ji ; xxas xalued atH" > 0HH ( ) , had .MO xxagons , ! i50 Inen , and thee.ugo xxas oxxnedby tlintx mon It had an , eseoit of goxeinment tioops. Uuiinjf this xcar the xxdx Santa Amu , piesidont of the Mo.xkan lepublic , by a pei- omploi ) de'dee elob d the i ustom house at To is and all Iho poitsof noitlioin Mexico to all common o 'I ho taigoos b id amounted to about y > ,000HM ( dm m , ; these ) oaib. and upon this xaluation the merchants no doubt ixcd a piolit of four or lixo times that amount Ihe poits xxeio opened the folloxx ing ) ear , and the ' Santa IV ti.ulo" lontin- ued , not being seiiously atledid h ) the Mexican xxar ' 1 hu caiaxMii of isii ) , xxhen Sinta Ko xxas taken b ) the Aineileans eon sifted of 414 xx.igons ami a c.ugo xalued at W 000 000 After the xxar the S mta Po Hail but a pioiession of "pi.iiue seliooneis'1 loided xx ith goods fur the "S mta Pe ti ido ' With the building of i.iihoads , the point of staiting foi the e.iiaxans xxas mined luithor xxestxxari , fiom ludepcndonco to Il.ixos Citx , to Kansas Cit ) , Kit C.iisou , Gianada , J-.1 Junta , Kl Meta , Vo .is , and llnallx the i.ulioid oetiipied the "tiail , " and the uiiaxans ceased altogether ii juTIII : u / / / s i i.i : m o n A. jVcn Tinlillinnr / Vou won't llnil no in CM foniki ninth of nm-lc sun I limn me 'I he liiliiiiinii' of Un bulli illy \lf oT llu bllnilili li e , The 1 iii.-lili i nfimii i hlldii n , An' tht shonls of si liDiillio ) s ly , Is inilsli sMiel.t u II'iloiln'li loclKibU 'I'be bliic-Ki si c.ue aw iv lint tin u ain't no Mini of music. Kliiinv t u soiiilclt | iinliu'lv 1 li in Hie miisli of tlie ulil-llo \\luli It blciMsat U o'eloel. . I love to hear the music of 'I lit oi/an In the chilli li , An' the loliln sinking SVM i Hy Un MKsvv iv In h i/t 1 peicli ; An' the b ilible of the biooMct As II i Ipples 'lining llif in cs ; An'tin Mifl in.'i'llc vvhlspiis Of tlie si i nil i | i M nin1 liii e/i > : Hut b't-'osh1 theie iln't no iimslo dives in } e u u SHI en i slnn.1. . ' 1 ban the music of t lit \\lilsllu \\henllblotts it 0 o'clock. O' I tell von , when n in in Is : In llin e M oio ) i us mil ten , An' lie l > i eps Ills sliovi 1 inovln' All tin day Vilnst JOIIIIKII men , \ \ lit n hl > pool old b icU Is bieal.ln' , An' Ills In ad a-vUililln' pu s , An' lie fn Is hiIn .111 a-n'oin' Dinuiu.uil ( luwnuaid to Ills toes , Tin ID'S no SHIM ( ei kind of innslo In all Mollu i Natiue'sstock 1 h in tin * inn .li of the v\lilstu | \Ahe i It blow sat li o'clock. i ILK .uiinrr i'inri / ; . Hi own , .Innps and iiobinson aio membcis of Queen Lilhikalani s t abinet ( "Soveinoi elei t Levvellini ; oT Kansas vvas once a mule diner on thu Lilcc.inal. It is ( 'iven out upon thoauthoiity of Henry i'lline Hismiiik is inteiesled to tliu amount of alMut . "i)00 ( ) ( ) in Milwaukee btieet i.illvva ) piopeities. An alileiinan In Hau Cl.itieVis , is ih ui'd with l.iKiin- . ! $ . "iiO ( finnacu 1'iub- abl\ had a Iho in it at Iho time Tora voimg man just beginning his bus ! lit ss c.ueei ( ! i oigoUould si t ins to bo getting along stvlimnmglv Ho has m.tdu about frlfi- UUI.UIX ) sinio liis fathers death. The siibjcc t of icttiug the best design for a Htatuo of Cicnui il John A Logan , to ho cici'ed In Washington , % % -as unilnr eousidci- ution hist week at the- capital whither ( ! en- cial Algol fiom Michigan went to consult with tlio other members of the monumental lommiltco M Marliionl. th piindpil propilotor of the fainotik Paiisrui novvsp iper , Lo Pi-tit .loin n il , which hiibia cluulatlon of ncail ) 1'J'iO (1.1)copies ( ) a da ) , commenced lifu as a factor ) lid i , Vice Picbident elm t Stevenson is to bo most hospit.ihlv enteitalneil b.v his soiithi in filends dining his visit in the c nil of Det embci On the ' Mst a I ) inijuet vv 111 bo given in his lionoi li ) the Couimeidal dull of Atlantu , on whit h ociasiuithu will ddivei an addiiss Ho has also aceeptid an invitalion to a binquet at Anniston Ala Ho will bo accompanied on his Hip b ) Mis and Miss Stevenson Mis Lease has given out a lltllo Informa tion ahoul hci modesi and lethiiii ; husband ofwhomvci ) little is Known His inltlils aio C H nnd ho runs u drug stoio in Wldiita Ho Iocs not have to devote mm h of his tlmoio housevvoik now , as tliu i ml ill en am lingo oninigh to help themselves The' little town of Do IJnjtei- , Madison count * , . N Y . vvas the nhthplaio of two men well known in the vvoild of fin uiieand in public life , L.vniiin .1 ( Jage , the Chicago bank pHbltlent , and ex ( iuveinor Alunio H Coiuell 'I giandfathet of the | - \ vvas a mainifactuiei of ml pittci ) in a dis tilct of ltdtuter known as c u.iku liasm ' l The Plttsbuig Post that if Ihomas | Uldley of Wllkiiibbuig , I'a , Iho Pumsl , xnnln's veteran on Inp house foirinnn llxrs until 1MM and thiudsc xor.x pii pe-d siidi xxill bo the ease ho xxill liixo bei n In ton tlnuous railroad serxiu tlft > xens he Imx ing \ bet'iin bis almost unprci olinti dlx long lallioiid eaiver In 1 < H mi HIP inn leus of the I'hlladelphti > < ; Koadlmr nxstim X m a.s 1892. Whatpresent ; shall wo ' give' ; our. boys and4 girls ?'quitb proper that1'the'pres ent , should bo ] useful , as'we 11 asTornamentar. The'facilsfand correct" use of the English language - in writing and speaking on ths part of one's children is the earnest wish of every parent solicitous - ' ous for their future life. The home useof , the Rem ington typewriter will make this dry study interesting and enable the child to attain correct speech in the mother tongue at the beginning of his or her education. "The typewriter accomplish es its greatest good when used by pupils , for it begets habits of neatness and accu racy , secures skill in execution and de velops a more perfect mastery of our lan guage. It perfects the operator in spel ling , capitalization , punctuation , para graphing , business and social forms ; defect and strength in thought , style and sentences are more easily observed when in plain type than is possiblein writing' ' . President Frank E. Plummer's address be fore the National Edu cational Association. "The use of capitals , abbreviation , punc tuation , and ready and correct composi-i tion are all taught in the most practical manner by the use of' the typewriter" . E. Hunt , Supt. Schools , Medford and Winchester - - ' ' ter , Mass. Investigation solicit ed. .V7YCKOFF SEAMANS & BENEDICT , 175 Monroe 'St'/ .CHICAGO. Altli FOSTER'S ' PATENTS , OK LICENSED UNDERFOSTER'SPATENTS UIi > IMITATIONS ! Artistic CHICAGO ENGRAVING at Low Prices. Stock and Design Tlie Latest ami Best , Send us Bl.'iO sntl we'll tend vm iuo engraved caids fjf ui a new cnjijicr j > Utc Sen J us IK ) cts. iml 5 < ur pn tot pi , tc ( in lie held and rcii tcrcil ) and c'll kcnd > ou 100 rn- gra\cil cardl. We pay express chares * . KETOALF STATIONED COMPA2rJT | ( I.lto C Ub'd I II i nry Co > 136 Wabash Ave. , Chlca n. DON'T MISS IT ! Vou don t need to siitrltlco the lUifc of your UllOII Ucplidicriti .tiul Membranous Croup will i tulun. ! I Hie iinlKhliorlKiiid of j uui lionim I IK Hi Nil MIIO Mmeille mdill Inu TO I'lil- \INIc intainii | o ( tin in , unil tliiru Is also u blllL II ( > Ik III dll Illl ful Cure of Them \ > ln n tlu > h in. not run litjoiij hum ni ru ich " ' " " ' "ll.'c. SKILL , InCrctc. Neb , , if In HIM ) of tn ) In linn it mil Jim will llnd that h IrLiitniunt h nl on in m > yea 1 i \ - ULI Inn ill * inn iiniU h iS HLiniri il him 11 suc- lua-i tiKh lll not ( llbuiiiuintuu | 'pin IIUHVN or Tit K A i n A iTTTFlcin 1 butt 1 mill ( < Mon will | Inert UKU tin- till ) of y ur butt I uin tlircu lu lUo incln or inunt > > riluniluil I'rli i tl 'M Mulvil punliuliirb ic tuuu > l om i unileiu u lacrtUij tourJUcotlal Cuiuru Iloior tl , jumpfe , Aio 1 < NOVV A FV\.CT ' HATAII\BAKK&O , op CHICAGO MAKE ASOAP "WHICH HAS Ho a sssssssfe : SAVE YOUR TAGS TO THE CHb'WERS OF PLUG TOBACCOS , WE OFFEiR , P2LEE Aii Elegant 300 Gold Watch.FOR . Tags. American This watch Isstrm wind and st ° m setter , 18 si/ " open face , n fina movement , with patent dust proof sifety ptnioi , and uamcca to be a Hist class tij-ncpiece in every rospacl A Handsome 50 Silk Umbrella FOR Tags. This Umbfplln Is gouts' , 28 inches and 8 ribbed p-u-nnou tramp , with fine handle , or natur-al wood and attractive silver trimmings. A Fine 4-Bladed Pocket Knife FOR This knife has bautitiil win ir s'ng handle , O or 4 bin la ? , solid patent back , and iin iclo oUli t v best bteel , combining highest quality and elui obnity. These bran-is nro xv-l | k n-.xvn and fjivo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < , . . . . . . xvnerever bold , as. we only numulncture line plug tobacco. Try Any of the nbovo offero ssnt promptly on receipt of the rc-cmircd number of tags. Tins oiler will continue after January 1st , ISOS. Write your name and acldraes plnmlv nncl mail to PERKINS & ERNST , Covington ; Ky. NOTION What some of tlie dc.ilcrs of Omaha I xx ho sue handling IJALM Ll AB1 TOBACCO ] .i- ox , VI1 V ( Oct. lh ! , IMlJ. Tohom it max-concern Wo the niulorsipnca doalois of Onialia , aio nandlinK1 PALM LPjAl-1 TO 15AC CO , nnd x ill favxo llnd it in qualit ) equal to mi ) pound lump xxo hnvo oxer handled. When sold to a customer he xx ill call foi H again. The deal ponncutetlith it n a squato ono , nnd tlio bi-st xxe h.ixo oxor soon , fc'uv- thor. xxe ehccrltillx' ruconnnunil il to any doalur xxho xxill taLe an inteicbt in slioxv- iiiL' it. J. 1' . T.u-plov , K20 ! Douglas St. .T. W. Ponnoll , IhdO , S. l.'Hh St. K Costello , oOll N Hth bt Von KioiroA Pnhl. 17th utiil Clark SU Vims Bro' . , ol ! ) S I.'Uh St , P. .1. Uiliak , 1S24 CliuU St. .M 1Tuninu , L'J ! K. KflhSt .1. P. .loipc , 1'ltl N. llllh b' .lohn-on HtoI'm Ic \\o h A P.lauk , 100(1 ( NT iilth St Krod Annbrur-it , 1007 Vinton St. Kiutolph Ueal , lOOii N. 21th St. \V. D. JMv\ards A , Co. , . ( dlli iV i'tiininu t has.llinbll N. llth bt S. Omaha. II S SUtt , 1115 S. 10th St. Ileiuy Lei -jo , 2SULoa\on\\oi Ih S t. And nuiny otheis. VAW COTT JEWELftY COMPANY , ForThiily D.u-soily ws will oT'ouontit3 stojl : of Uiunonls and Christinas Jowclry .ml Silvo \ \ uo at lois th 11 in in if lo.uror's coht. Fourieenih and Farmm Streats- \\lllnioMI n l. loN W Cor lith null irnun AI Pi I OH H\I I Vi illioiitiiinni v nml > lili it pi I To the Von lire nut uoll , unil ha\o no tlllllioy ( II lIlllU tl ) h0 ! T lIlHltDr. Uut mil lliu M ind printed hunt. Itll'ANS ( ' 111 NIW : ] ' | ! nun poiUil oiril \\ilto > oiii outi iiitinu > n tlio oilier tl Innf time inl , | iul It In the ro.tolllic , .mil by inliirn mullen will 'ol u lultor unl ; boiiiuinu llclno tlini will ilovnii MIDI , try It nud loll ycur friend * . 1I3TG Omnhn , Nob. The eminent ipcrlnllst In nerv.nii rhrmilo nrltnt ) lit > nl kln nml urlimr ; illiu ncj A n fa > nr nnrtl eKlnlc.rul kni'lnnln ' In in > iM inu uiunin | in I < Mill' Ui iiilijw l mill IniilliiK with th < un ilestitio- < ( ulurrli IIMI nixnli'ii il n uilu il ui'ilinu < n ililn \ ai an 1 nil t irim ur prlv it ! il | aaiiH No inurcn y uewl Nun Iruilini nt r ir I i < r vit il IKIIV ir I'irlii mub < i I > visit mu in iir In Iriutol nt lioiutt lir err < | ion < liiiiLti Mtlltlnu > r Inilruiiiunlii Jinit l > r nml r inpruM ajiiri I ) | > I04 < I n i in trki 1 1 linllc itn iinliMiti ur M'liilnr Oiiu iinrjoiinl Inuirvi nv pr ( n I < > > < illttl in Irii i I urr < ii i i In in < i > tii | tijr ( irlrnto ouk ( Mj-nUTic'Buf 1 Ifti unt fne l II n In urn ju in t" 'i' ' " > undii > lUn in tul.'in ronusluuiii ( urrcplf S.E. CanJG S. .PERCENT , to I OH ! THE ari'GINAL AMD CTIUIIIC Tl.t unlit Niifr. Hurr.i I llruiiUtt f tAe ( l ! I InftiiH Imnnil UitnJ lu „ with ilu r 6UD 'I t' ' ulicr tllul Atll ubiflludonl unit / .u - - t tllU lui > MI 4tJ toin | lbk VfHtirtt nrc uun yt rout cuuiilirr * It * . AlUruffUt i > 4 ul .j > ln tuiui | fcr | ll l i tnuuouUli u4 "Hf lit T for | udli * , " in litttr l > j rtluni AlttlU JO.IIOOTrlllTOnUlt ; apu r CHICHCftTCn CHIMlCAL CO lti 1Uon Hy fiviU II M local VruiultU. '