PRRT THREE' OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PRGES 17-24- TWENTY-SECOND YKAll. OMAHA , SUNDAY M011N1NG , DECEMBER ] 18 , 1892-TWENTY-FOUll PAGES. NVMHER 181. With , its one hundred departments , each larger than any ordinary store offers extraordinary advantages and inducements to you to do your Christmas Chopping there. Every department is 1 MTVT OF PROPER ; USEFUL ; WEARABLE , BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES EACH SPECIALLY ADAPTED AS The unanimous verdict of the public is : "There is no holiday display in Omaha that can be compared with-that of the "Boston Store , " There is but one holiday bazaar worthy of the name and that is right here at Boston Store. Our immense basement is piled up from floor to ceiling with thousands of toys and dolls , enough for.every boy and girl in the whole state. People are dumbfounded on beholding the display. Our book department is im mense. The handkerchief department is something wonderful. The plush goods , fancy goods , and glove departments are innovations that are bewildering in their greatness , H. W. Corner IGtli and Bpuglas Streets ; Omaha. SALE OF 4,000 PIECES OF I We offer tomorrow and until sold 4-,00 ( ) pieces of new dress goods. I , The entire stock of one of the largest importers in New York , at a fraction of its real value. This will be a big a very NEW , FRESH All regular NEW , FRESH Dress Goods I , $8.50 goods go and at $2 Dress Goods worth worth $1.5)0 ) , $1.50 , $2.00 $1.00 , $1.50 , $2.00 a yard , a yard , A jUC YA D- 50c YARD. . PER YARD. IN THIS LOT ARE ONLY All Wool * e-s Goods AND INCLUDES HUNDREDS OF PIECES OF Black Henriettas , Fancy Black Imported Novelty Weaves , Plaids Striped , Checked Cheviots , Plain Colored Cashmeres , Serges and Diagonals , in all the latest shades , also elegant lines of Crepes , Chevrons and Fancy Saxony Wool Imported Suitings in fact , all classes of 42 , 44 , 40 , 48 and 50 inch all wool Dress Goods. Let us repeat it again It is such important reading fl.00 , $1.25 $ , $1.50 $ $21 $ Dress Goods Beautiful Christmas Presents. 200 ELEGANT IMPORTED UNMADE DRESS PATTERNS What makes a more elegant Christmas Present than a Hlack Sill. Dress ? Each of these patterns contains enough silk for a complete drcs * and go at / * * * T * ! " " " * A T * T T GREAT FU Pulled Coneyt \ rr \ r\ Klcctrlc Seal II'1 ' 1 I lU HOW FUR GAPES .VI MA THE Handsome Mulls. Black 08t wSsa-uWi * HU ) uU Light Wolf Muffs , FUR ANIMAL NECK SCARFS F' ' ' > ' $1.25 WILL Electric Sea , , $1 DO Seal $1.50 FLY Mink , to Muffs : $2.00 wolf , < nc nn AT Possum. qLMIU ) it F flam rat WE BEGIN THE MOST GIGANTIC AND HITHERTO UNPARALLELED SALE OF A EVER HELD Ity THE WORLD from our latnmoISi Stock For this SPECIAL SALE \4 \ alues $25.OO , $22:50 : , $ I9.5O. All go Monday and balance of the week a Half. They come in many different kinds Plain and Fur Trimmed all tailor made. All silk A Handsome Matelasse All Wool Velvety Cloth Silk Lined Novelty Watteau Hack REEFER Bishop Sleeves , Trimmed with Large Real JJeaver , Pearl Buttons , Watteau Hack , Would be With Helt or A Bargain Plain aback , a At $25.00 , Genuine Bargain At $25.00 even , Bat Goes in Hut goes in This sale at This Sale at at5O 50 5O Plain Tan LADIES' Kersey Coats , Plaid Silk Lining , Large Of Novelty Cloth , Pearl Buttons , With Large Pearl Never Shown Buttons , ' Less than $22.50 , Real Value $ U.50 ) , But goes at lint during 50 This Sale goes at $12 50 ' $12' During this sale. i ' < 25lt Ladies' ' Best Quality TOO of navy Kersey Ladies' ' Elegant REAL PLUSH English1 jB.ox Coat , Loose * in ! back and frontj-velvet collar , pearl buttons. This klentical coat is sold hcre'ii ! Omaha at $25 iKET goes but ; during at this sale .50 Trimmed with electric Tan and black , handsomely - tric seal or astrachan , somely embroidered , real value $10.50 , but fur-edged , real value goes during the sale $22.50 , Each with real astra dian and bear , hand some imported diag onal. The warmest garment imaginable at just half its value , $12 ,50 t ISeceivetl by Express Ons Thousand Dozen ni Y < f Y 73 fra ESP "vsripy wzrzn amm rrm u .i B B JL -f. . iTl scxJ'c Jroin ! 'lc ' 8rcit : bankrupt sale of William Toppings , White soiu in ' three i"'k' tomorrow. alul wcrc bo S t atone-tenth their value. TheyWill . bo tgj Tlio very lilghcst grade iniiiortoU In plain black , white rind silk embroidered , A Remarkable Sale of Silk and Embroidered , . I.1is I'cmarked every day that Boston Store has the largest IiandkciM chief department and the lowest prices in Omaha. * 8.OO Dozen Seconds 509 DOZEN 800 DOZEN LADIES' PUB.E SILK MEN'S FINE EMBROIDERED Silk Embroidered INITIAL SHEER LINEN and LADIES' Highly Embroidered Japanese , scolloped , embroidered - broidered handkerchiefs and India silk hdkfs , Worth 50c. Worth 75o. Worth 81.25. China Dolls 5c. I'inc kid hody dolls Hc' ) We also place oa Larjio satin dressed sale tomorrow thccnk dolls 25c. Rubber dolls from 5c lire sample line of toi. Very lar e hid body dolls 50c , 75c , ! )8o ) and $1.25. 00 inch indestructible from the largest dollhouse dolls ! ) So. house in America. DOLL FURNITURE. There are no two Dolls'beds lcto/Mc. ! ) ) Dolls' brass beds 08c. alike in the lot anil Dolls' sideboards. they from range the Dollt , ' drc.sserri. Dolls' trunks. onu cent doll to the Dolls' tables. stately character doll Dolls' sets of dishes. Tit ' $5. Dolls' wash sets. THE LAHGEST IN THE CITY.1 Over a thousand i elegant cloth hound/ ] NOVELS i by all the noted and popular authors , Worth $1.00. Thousands of hahy's pic ture boohs only 5c eacii. ; < ) ( ) ( ) kinds of children's hooks 15c , Iicand25c. ) Red Line Poems , in beautiful gilt Hooks for every home , Hooks oE bindings , Cowper , Keats , f fiction , art , history , romance , war , Hryant , Goldsmith , Gray , | solemn books , comicbooks , cookery Scott , bookb , all kinds of books.