Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1892, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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< Onyx Tables.
\ Book Cases.
N Dinner Sets.
///KvS /
\ Parlor Suits.
c Reception Chairs
: Fancy Rockers.
Rugs and Mats.
c Hanging Lamps
v Fancy Tables.
\ Draperies.
; Baby Carriages.
; Hall Racks' .
j Clocks ,
c Chiffoniers.
< Folding Beds.
Out-of-town patrons un-
itblu ti > \i lt Oinnliii tire
l tn dolptt tlii-lr
llolldii ) PrpAontH from our
Alitiiiinotli Ciit.itdKiu * . 1 8
, Avlllcll blldWA lll'flt
in uucli ( Icpnrl-
niciit. If you liuvo no
culiilOKoe , wrlio for one
nt onrn. jMiillcd I roe ,
StunplpH ol citrpotg sent.
.Stnto kind unit price.
VVo pxy liulKlit 10O
Wyoming's Big Game Threatened With
Speedy Extinction.
Sliiln liy Tlionsiinils Air 'llu-lr I'dts
oitn-l.uulosH Itril nnd
\VliH i .A
The Laianilo Republican bns sounded an
nlarum that should ling and luveibeiatu
through Wyoming's legislative halls until
action is taUen on the enfoueirtent of the
luvvsgoveinlng.tho question in hand which
now stand upon her statute ) books as so many
dead lottem.
I hiiAO lofeienco to the systematic annihi-
hitlou ot the big game that Is being law losslyt
and fciiilchkly c-arilcd on Iu her mountains
ntul on her plains by the Indians and white
market hunters.
This win pf uxteimlmition , for it can bo
called nothing less , is now at Its height , and
ht's been ruthlessly piosecuted for ycaia , A
halt must bo called , or good b.v o to these
rovnl clenl/cns , the elk , deer and antelope ,
L.UIO thu Hutl'alo , tin Ir absolutu uxteipation
Is Inevitable , unless action is taken bpeedllj
to check thu onslaught of these mat .Hiding
aborigines and cansilenceless market huut-
cr * .
For a long time thu ilghtcous cltUens
Avlthlu the boimduiies of this joung
statu have been demanding thu
vxeluslon of foreign bunteis fiom wltliln
her confine s , and that the residents them
selves should bo ie&tilcted to thu killing of
only sufllclent game to supply their necessi
ties for animal food. This la all Aciy pictty
and rounds well to thu itAcingu car , saj.i the
Hepublieiui , but .fallb far blunt of the actual
needs In thu cabo. It is not the gentlemen
upoitbincn from abroad nor thu legitlmato
bottlers of thohlatowho thieateit to depopulate -
ulato her wilds of Us big game , but the
sources above mentioned , as the following
extract substantially attests ;
' The Indians in 1'lemon t ami Ulnta coun
ties , for nt least three months In each > car ,
have been iu thu habit of leaving their
uservutidiia and seeking tielilb or
'hunting grounds,1 ami when they lutvo
been found , war bus been opened up against
thu clc-cr , elk nml nntelopo that simply beg-
B.u-3 description in the way of extermina
" 'IkoiuauiU of ftutouU are uuuualb' killed
'HE ' ORIGINAL , THE LARGEST and the CAEAPEST CREDIT HOUSE in the World sends Greeting to every Man ,
Woman and Child throughout the City of Omaha and vicinity. The NINETEEN DEPARTMENTS in our MAM
MOTH ESTABLISH MENT are brimful of everything to make merry the Holiday Season. Our EASV SYSTEM
OF CREDIT , coupled with our great display in every department , enables every one to make very accspiable gifts to
relatives and friends. Polite and attentive salespeople v/ill assist you in yoifr selections. We buy largely and direct
from firs t hands , thus giving our patrons the benefit of the lowest prices that are offered any where , and on EASY
WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Our store is now in Holiday Attire , and you are respectfully invited to walk
through the'departments of America's Original , Largest and Cheapest Credit House.
f\s ist fts §
For 25 Cents or Less. .
' Teacups nnd snucora , alter dinner coffees , breakfast cofljos , cuspidors , mugs , vases , salts , poppers , finger bowls , toothpick stands.
' Foi' 5O Cents or Less.
Bread anil milk s ots , bon-bon trays , cups nnd saucois , cake plates , pen trays , funcy covered butters , china spoon holders ,
defaulted Individual butters , rose bowls , out finger bowls , llowor brackets , butter knives , sugar spoons , napkin rings , shaving mugs , orausro s poons.
For 81 or Less.
China cuke plates , covered cheese plates crcam pitchers , silver salts and poppers , decorated stand lamps , lablo bolls , vases , bread knives , moustache coffees , set fruit plates ,
bamboo easels , children's lookers , children's high chairs , nursery chairs , bedspro ids , comfortables , llowor stands , clock shelves ,
coat and hat hangers , sowing tables , towel racks with mirrors , folding chairswaste paper baskets , lire screens , lamp stands.
For 82 or Less.
Ladies' wood rockers , combination toilet racks , hat and coat racks , jardiniere stands , llowor stands , umbiella holders , gentlemen's smoking sots , children's ratt'in high chairs ,
sofa pillows , youths' chairs , baby swing jumpers , line sateen quilted comfortables , pinol pictures with fi tunes , butlors' tuiys , cradles , folding : fire screens , lamp stands.
For$3 or Loss.
Cracker jars , comports , cuspidors , jardinieres , sugars nnd cicnms , salad bowls , salad sets , water sets , cut vinegar bottles , hanging lamps , hall lamps , berrv spoons , castors , wall desks , wallcabinots ,
medicine cases , finely ornamented cabols , ladies' sowing rockerj , rugs , Indies' cano rockers , reception chairs , tapestry seat , largo arm polished rockers , bunboo music stands ,
rattan rockois , statuette stands , folding card tables , folding tables , awing wheel cradles , corner what-nots , hall chairj , dictionary holders , corner stands ,
For 35 or Less.
Ilavilnnd pitchers , salad sots , toilet sots , do/on champagnes , decanters , table lamps , rich cut jelly glasses , silver berry dishes , silver cake baskets ,
carving octs , crumb tr.iy and scraper , work bankets , rattan tea tables , boot black eabes , ottomans , piano stands ,
piano 8toolBtniihognnv and ratt in , rattan work stands , hull chairs , rattan rockers , foot rests , rattan reception chairs ,
ladies' rockers , tapestry and plush scats , gentlemen's arm chairs , gentlemen's arm rockers , gonilemnn'a library chairs , opon-fiont bookcases ,
catd tables , carpet platform rockois , hall tables , teuchors' chairb , typewriters' chalru , butlers' trays , kitchen oupboatds , rattan cradles , art squares , lace curtains.
For $10 or Less.
Large rattan arm chairs , lurcro rattan rockers , funcy reception chairs , chiffoniers , hall stands , hull chairs , hall benches , settees , corner chairs , hall glii ° s with hut hooks.
window chairs , ottomans , bookca&es , library t ibles , tilt-back libiary and ollico chairs , lounges , children's carriages , gilt tocoption chairs , pint form rosko.'s ,
bcclioom suits ( two pieces ) , ladies' dtossing buioaus , ladies' defies , revolving bookcases , library desks , teachers' chairj , stalonts' tab Ie3 , wa rdrobes
For 815 or Less.
Gentlemen's shaving cases , ladies' parlor desks , escretoires , cabinets , engravings , reclining chairs ; fine upholstered easy chaiis , onyx tables , library tables ,
parlots tables , pedestals for statuary , music cabinets , leather easy chairs , upholstered , students' chairs , u pholstorod students' rockers , glass door
bookcases , china cupboardc , bulfots. sideboards , hut nicks. . , birdsia eye maple parlor tables , pillar dining tiblos , couches , ehilTomots for gentlemen ,
, ladies' ehilToniers with mirror , mahogony piano stools , wheel chairs , bedroom suits ( three pieces ) , kitchen cabinet * , la lies' writing desks , secretaries.
For 825 or Less.
Pier miriois , cheval mi.'rors. fine mahogany desks , sideboards , bedroom suits ( three pieces ) , bullet sideboards , china closstg ( glass doors ) ,
gentlemen's shaving cahos with Fionch mirrois , oabinetbook cabos , cylinder bookcases , Mark's adjustable reoliningchairs , roll top library dobks ,
folding beds , fir.o library tables , line tea tables , parlor suits ( bix pieces ) , leather easy chairs , leather ousy rockers , colonial fancy chairs , gold gilt
leception chairs , invalid reclining and wheel chairs , ottomans with down cushions , combination secretary book cases , rattan conversation chairs.
For $50 or Lass.
rine libi nry book cases , bent glass china closets , French buffets , pillar dining tables and chairs complete , le ither Turkish chairs , *
leather couches for ollico or library , upholstered reclining chairs , fancy divans , corner chairs , window chairs , library sets upholstered with leather ,
hall settees with mirrors , brass bedbtoads. ladies' combination hat box and chiffoniers , btrJ's eye maple bedroom suit ( throe pio333) ) , coiveiMatioa chairs ,
fine mahogany secretaries , solo leather hall and library easy chairs , gentlemen's all-spring leather lockers , tiargcunt's pitent reclining chairs.
for tlte hides alone , the meat , with very few
exceptions , being loft untouched.
" 'Lho Avhlto man lias tccoivcd severoecn-
suio .it times for killing Bantu , and no doubt
lias often deserved it , but the few litul so
slaughtered \\ill fotm but an insignificant
atom In tltu viibt number aio dcslioji'd
eailtear hi thcso 'waidb ' of the govcin-
mont' "
United States Deputy Suivoior W. O.
Owen of this city , who bus lately lotmncil
fiom the unmtiy Ijlng south of the Yellow-
Btono pai k , H'lxu'ts that \\hen ho icatlied
tltut Aielnlty tliuio wcie not less than 200 in-
dlaiib in mm mound Jackson's IIolo anil the
Gios Ventio nioniitaliis engaged In this war-
faut against the gamo. ' 1 hcso v ngabonds
htul lolt their reservation without u scm-
blaneo of peimission from the goveinmcnt ,
anil without lot 01 hlnihaneo woio slnugh-
tetlng the game b\ stoics ,
Mr. O\\on i oporto that in one day's tramp
in the execution of his suiveysho counted
no less than MX laigu c.ueasses of elk , lately
Ullod , anil not a ixnliouof the anatomy le-
movcd si\o the hides.
No white , man , s.uo tlio mercenary and
nufiitious niaikot hunter , would think of
doing swli a thing , and yet these led mis
i-idints woio doing Just such acts for two or
thieii months lust fall , and not a woul went
up against It , nor was a single step taken to
piou-iit it
Mr. Owen informs the Republican that
day after day has ho sten those Indians pass
his camp with ft out tinea to ten hoi set com
pletely loilcd \ down with the- hides of elk ,
deer and antelope , and not a sign ot meat to
bi > seen , Seaicnly a dav's tiamji passed
without the paity seeing liom one to thico
dead animals from which nothing savu the
hides luul been lemoved. Now it is qnito
evident that this state of alTalis cannot go
on foi over and Wyoming hope to huvo a
dcci or elk left , within her bouleitj.
Tula is eeitr.inly a deplorable condition of
things , anil something the honest citizens of
thu blnto should not submit to ; in fact , it is
their duty to proceed , and pioeecd without
ileluy. It w ill not do to imitate- the action of
many of the eastern states and wait uutll
after the horse is stolen ami then lock the
stable. Steps , and decisive steps , should bo
tiiKun at once , Kvory sportsman in the state
him n duty to net form. Inthaliist place , a
petition should bo scut in to the government ,
usKIng for a proper lestiictiou of these lea
and rascally white hutcheis. In the second
place , o\ cry gun elub in thu state , and there
Is i' goodly number of them , should call a
meeting fur immediate wink , Thu laws
should bo carefully inspected , defects
icmediod , and the whulu matter
laid befuro the legislutuiu at its
next session and uigeilIgorouHjy
until the subject , is under complete control.
MuUo examples of o\ery Indian or whlto
in.ui caught fmcturing the game laws in the
slightest paitluular , bee that the limltntiou
of the open eeusoua aiesuihaa williuuo-
w iso prove inimical to the piescryntlon and
fecundity of game buds , lish anil animals.
It is the only hope. A few moio seasons
w 111 be all stifllcient to depopulate Montana's
wilds of its loidly monaiclis Thhty-lho
jeais ago who would have been so bold as to
say that h10 the buffalo , which loamed
o\01 this fair state in countless millions , or
the wild pigeon , which , in their morning and
evening flights obscuicd the entiio firma
ment , would ho things of thopist , inconti
nently extinct outside the of p uks and gaidensj
Hut such is the tiuth , and so it may bo
raid of the elk and deer in Montana , unless
this winning eiy is heeded.
r the AVIici-I.
Myron Mcailo of the Ariel Cielo company
lan in on the 15th.
The Omaha Wheel club gave a progiesslvo
iluplit.itu whist paitv nt the club house on
the o\ oiling of the 15th. A good tlmu was
Clmillo Candy , the Jolly generalissimo
of the Den\ei bianchof the O\eihiml Wheel
company nnd member of the national lacing
board , will bo in Sunday visiting with the
boyi ,
Meeting of the bouid of oOlccis J eaguo
of American Wheelmen , Nelunskn dhislon ,
( Kcurieil Satutdaj at Ficmont. A complete
lepoitof the meutlng will bo published in
TUB BL.cncxt ! Sundaj's issue ,
Captain Pottei1 of the Tourist Wheelmen
him tompletoil his annual tcpnit and ftom
its tone one would di aw the infoienco that
cycling has iccchcd duo attention nt the
hniuls of his ilub , The club commeiRed Its
tiding season in Apiil and closed on tbu
iWthjlay ofNo\embor. Thu month ofBoptem-
ber appeals to have been the faxoiito month
for w heeling , The follow lug table w 111 show
the club mllcago by months ,
' Miles.
Apill . ( > H'J
.May . 1,3 4
. . ' '
.lime. i-.V'JU
July . 3.4U7
hi'pteiuler ) . . . . . . .
OotolH'i . .
Nu\umber . ,
Total . ,
Eighty \ms t w 01 o called dui Ing the season ;
nine of these ANOIO abandoned on nciountof
bad A\eathor , so\enty-ono were attended.
The a\cr.igu attendanio on tuns
bus been fouitcen ; the hugest number of
clubmen on any ono inn was foity-tlucu ,
Highest number of tuns attended by anyone
ono member was. lifty-six , The cumputltlon
for thu ilub mlle.igu piizes bus been exciting
and lias f mulshed much amusement for the
club inembciH dui ing the season. Next sea-
boil the pilzo list will be lengthened and the
contest promises to bo moi o exciting thau
ever. Below wo gho the list of competitors
and number of eac"man's mileage when the
season closed , as handed In bv the load
ofllcors of the club :
Nairn ) . Ituns nttuniloil. Miles
n I , I'oltt-r M > 1.310
Lou ru .ilicr ! & I. ' " ' '
Hiiny 1C. hnillh -10 1.017
( ieoriin ham Im -li ! ' ) ' ' "
John I' . Ciilluy 3H 0ir ( >
W. M. Iliiinuin 31 724
John HJIKK ilH 041
\\ulch A. KhiKsluy an Oin
lliiiry Mulliall 'JO 4i > 7
Tom Ilieiiiifinan U > 370
Ki'lchunborK 1H 350
AW. . Cniinnillll 10 340
11. Miinlufeilng 11 330
L n. iioiton 7 aor >
Will T. Nc-BCilo. 15 i04 !
11 , i : . Tamil . . H 'M2
II. II. WliltPhoiihO 10 'J7H
i.T. Vates 11 U73
Jculnli Hull . 13 UOI
IM K Wuiuur H ar > o
M. O. Diixoii 0 245
\\llllnm hclmc > ll U i2'J7
1' . J. Wallaiu U aiH
II. L. HcMiil t IMG
W. O. Honk la 170
W. K. CliuiPh H 175
Lcmill K Dim U 16' )
II. N. lliitU'iihiuiun , a 157
Cliailes.l'eBiiu 10 152
0. Wolff. . . . H 1IH
J. W. Solmelilei 0 140
II. II. MIIISU l > 140
1' . I ) . Moody . , b 140
\V. MthC'hu. 4 10) )
1. L. II. llollon 3 133
W. S. Ulplcy 7 114
I ! . I , . VoiuiB . . . 4 110
.1. U. Kastnmn d 102
Deal \\ilf7 3 HH
( ! , N. Miullii a HJ
( .M.Mnliiei 4 7H
( ! . ( ' , Dodd , 5 71
A.S. llniBlum 4 05
li T W.ililion a OJ
I.iId ) smith. , r 3 oa
.1 , ll.Maillii 4 Of )
S..I. Hiiiiu'i 1 to
Itoy II. WalUer 3 54
! , . . ) . I'dllay . . . 3 50
A. N. D.l\lH .a 50
Thirty-three otheis ha\o noA'or reached
the llfty maik. The elegant gold medal
goes to Captain Potter for Hi st place. The
wool sweater was captured by l > ou Fleschcr ,
who lode into second place. The silver
medal goes to H. K. Smith , who dropped
baek to tlihil place , and the league pin will
ho won by George Baiicha , A\ho lodofioni
among thu tniletulers to fouith place. Bielc
Belt is the pioud winner of thu booby inUo ,
huhiiAlngdemnnstiatod that ho had liddcn
thu least of the actiAU tiiluison thu list.
'J'ho club's racing team for lb'J2 , composed of
Holton , Sclmell , Hnttunhauer , Taggar and
Muntcfeilng , have can led thu club's tolois to
the fiont In many races , A\ bile their com-
\\cioiuliiiguptlioclubinlluugo , Neatly
oxery town and wayside Inn of any eonso-
nuenco within the i.ullus of 100 miles of
Omaha , noitb , cast , west and south , has
been Alsltud by the club ut eomo time during
the summer. Ne\t season the old sjstem of
club touts A\ill ho continued , Inteispetscd
with century runs , IA\O day touis , moonliglit
inns , road races and "slch , "
The Beatings in its Issito of December ( J
appeals to the lnc\clist at laigo to "come to
the fair and to bung jour biciulo with joii "
The National Columbian United Wheelmen's
association , aided by the Lo.igno of Ameii-
caii Wheelmen oflkeis , .no fin thering plans
wheiuby tlio fairoing e\clist AS ill bo c.ued
for like a piinco while In Chicago A big ,
four-storv club housu is to bo built and fin-
nishcd for the A\hcelmen. A iiMsonablo
mcmbeiship feu will bo ( barged and i educed
i.ites gheii to membcis for bo.ud , lodging ,
etc. , ( lining their stay. The club housu A\ ill
contain dining hulls , lodging apartments ,
reading looms and a completes hlcAclo mp.ili
A Ascll known buggy mnnufactuierof In.
diaimpolls stated a few d.i\s , ago that the
biejelo business dining Ib'JJ atlectcd the
buggy tiado to the extent of 10 per cent. I In
also took occasion to say that theio would bo
u falling off In buggy business next season of
at least 0 per ( cut , and that the bic\clo
would bo thu dhect cause of It , Thu falling
off in the buggy business lias caused the im
plement de.ik'ts thioughont thocountiy to
put in blcjcles us an o\pei linen t , and in nine
cases out of ten It has pimed so satisfactory thohic\clo wasmadua p.ut of the busi
ness , Kofei ee.
Good Koids , that blight , newsy little
mnga/ino published by the I eaguo of
Aincilcan Wheelmen , comes to its thousands
of i cadets this week as an exceptionally In
teresting number , spaiklinglth good ,
sound , sensible nitieles fiom the pens of
pinmiucnt men A\lto hinu enlisted in the
ctusado of "rond lofmm" K\eiy A\heol-
man should jieruso hlscopA of Good Ito.uU
with e.ue , then hand it to his nciglnur to
pel use , thus spicadlng the good wink.
Sleighing , coasting and skating parties
galoio attract tlio meity Avlieelmcn thit
A\intry season and the companion of their
Hununerj lunts is allowed to test , foigotten
and foi loin , HA thu way , it was a grand old
"spill" a p.iit.of wheelmen and their lady
fiiendshad out on the rioicnco load ono
evening of liistAveok < mu of thu bosM
it was Just like a club tun OAC-iibody took
"l istciKi dealei-s haA'o begun to cut pi Ices
on high grade A > heels , " bo says the cj cling
piess , "now look out for a geneialcut fiom
i east to coast. " And jet they say blojcles
A\ill cost moiomonoj next jearl
There is a movement under way nt IAS
Angeles to sccuio the observatory which the
Unlveislty ot Chicago pioposes to jonstiuet
and maintain at sumo jioint not jet detci-
mincd , for Mount Wilson , hack of I'asadcnn.
This is the site of thu Ilurvatd
obsei vatory , and several eminent nuthoii-
tics , lm\o declared it to bo a most ftuorablo
location fur suth an uudc-i tukinif.
A Veil t ill u Ilx isl rims ( o l.lfu anil 111lilih a
1'urtuiiu Was Sunk.
Seine months ago a cortcspomlrnt of the
Now Ycuk nvening Host undeitook to give
some account of Ole Hull's disi'itious pin-
eh.iso of land in Avest I'cnnsvhania , upon
AShich ho settled Noiweginn emigiants and
had to icinove them for lai k of good title
Thowiitcr spoke lather Ilippmtlv of the
imittcr ay a loss of about sl'J.OOO Jtwusa
n ACIV tiaglo aflalr , HIJS a coiicsponih'iit of
the 1'ost , AMiting fiom Madison Mills , Vn ,
nnd involved the loss of about 'OO.OOU to Mr.
Hull and the sacilike of the Ihcs of ncuh
"XWNorwegians , us iclatcd to mo by Mi. Hull
Somowheiii about the year 1SVJ Ole Hull
piid mo a visit in Virginia. lfo\\as uccom-
p inied by an Aiab servant , A\lio caniod tlio
liuiao and was Aoty lihc-ial with its contents
to the coloied servants ; anj little senico
Avas losMii'led ' ba gold dollar to thu sen 1-
tor. Mr Bull informed mo that ho Avistiuil
to buy laii-Jb in SMiginla for Not \scgi ins to
locate on , and was pleased with the appeal-
anco of lands in Madison county and 10
quested mo to contract forabout 15,000 m tj > s
atflOprr auo ns an aAerago pi Ice. 'I ho
land embiaecd numoious farms with build
ings on them Ho authoil/ed mo to draw on
him for WO.UOII for the lint piymcnts when
ho totuined to Nusv Yoik t'lty
I advised him against engaging In the
opcintlon , explaining to him that thoc llnuto
vsas vciy hot in summer and unsuited to his
emlL'r.ints , and that as n flnam 1 il scheme It
Asould bolar better to buy 1 imls in Minnesota
seta , wheio the climate ivas ( older , with a
soil much inoiu feitllo th in that of Vhginia ,
and at a much smaller pilco Iloiopllod
that all this w as A nry titie , but that ho had
taken it funci to Vhglnla , and th it its prox
imity to ni.iihi't Asould countcihalanco some
of Itsdlsadvanugc's , and that his people
Asould In time become used to the climate
Ho Intimated that another motive was a do-
slio for political llfo , U would bo an
lionor for him to go to congiess from Vli-
glnia , and ho thought the jmoplo might send
him if l.o piovcd iisoful in dhcctlng Immi
gration to the state. Duo explanation AMIS
nuido to him of the fact that i.imlld.itcs for
congicss wcio c'specially abundant among
Vhginla patilots , and that as thu people
would natui.illypiofoi aiepicsentatUu fiom
their own stock , n foioignor would stand no
clianco ' Oh , " s lid he , "I must talto my
chances for Hint. "
On his way to New Votk ho met with a
11 rm of good standing In Philadelphia who
offcicdhun at a comparatively losv pil 'o a
latgutiuet of land In western I'liinsjlvanla ,
and hu wrotu to inn that. If 1 had not bound
> njself to buy the Vhginia lands , ho might
picfor these in Pcnnsjlvania Inioply hu
was Infutincd that ho was at liberty to buy
iu I'cunsjUanla If ho prufcricd , This ho
HOLIDAYS ! pjj |
Music Cabinets.
Toilet Sets.
Children's Chairs
Manicure Sets.
Piano Lamps.
Ladies' Desks.
Parlor Cabinets.
China Closets.
Piano Stools.
Cheval Mirrors.
Brass Bedsteads.
Tlio People's Mnin-
inoth Jii'tallKU'iic
Iloiinn SUUBCSU to
you Unit liistoiHl of
lm > lnc H ! "f J" -
crnckH buy only urtl-
IBH MULli us ur i use
ful , inipcrlsliiililo nml
\vurtli liiirniBlcnlly .
nil joupny loriliom.
If Lthe Goods are not
On a Bill of Ten Dollars
Bank. Lodge , Hotel , Office and House Furnishers , Satisfactory and as
lars $1.OO Cash Represented , come
and $1.00 a to us and we will
131 S-131Y Street allow all reasonable
Week. , enable claims.
did , ami the cost , [ IK hiding that of placing
about : ! ( ) ! ) immigrants thciu , hu told mi ; , was
about iJfJOll.OOl ) ; thoio AV.IS a defect of title or
other tioublo about the land , and ho AV.IS
compelled to lomovohlsiinmigiants and ship
them to Minnesota , as hu was now umiblu to
buy inVitginli The steamer tho.v weio on
toolcliio and most of the p.utyeio lost.
His Indign itbn iind gilef tit the fatal Issue
to so many of his own countrymun and the
loss of his own fortune woio gre it.
In the Avinter following tills calamity ho
w tote to mo to meet him In HUhmund at a.
111 tain time , th it ho would bo on n ptofoa-
Hlon il tour v.ith other nttlsts , nnd that hu
wished veiy much to t > eo mo , anil to intro-
iliao mo to a voting in tistu who would in.ika
her in tlio woild I melhlm at thu ap
pointed time In the lotundn of thu Hsc'liango
hotel Ho ombr.ti uil mo In liisciitlnisiiistlo
manner "Oh , " said ho , "If 1 had only
bought lands In Vbglnia the lives of my pco-
plu would hilvu been stved and ; nj for-
tmiu not lost ! How miseiahle and wietched
Ilnucbeen ! Doouiut . think that the leg-
Ishituioof I'ennsslvanla v\ill do Justluo to
mo' " Ho VV.IH iibsmed of mv waim HMiipa-
th.v , but Hint theiu was no chancu of help
fiom thu Icglihitmc
Ho intiodui ed mo tn Patti , and upon her
Ic.ivlng the pirloi to piop.iru for thu concert
ho s.iid , "Shu is a man-killer , n pei feet man-
klllei ; and know Ing that she w ill m.iUo the
most bull ! nil I'guio ' in bar piofcssion in thu
A\in Id , J thought It woulilhuaple.muio to
you in after llfo to Imvu met with her hi thu
bet'lmilng of hci i nicer "
Ole Hull was a man with it and moat
noble he.tit Ho ga\u mu an liiteicsling
hlstorj of his lifo and his long-cimtlnuuil
htudics on thu violin buloiu hu nniijt''iod ita
In politld ho wan n of the
Kuiojiean tjpu and hud made himself ob
noxious to the Noiwcglin govoinincnt by
ciidcaAoiing to pio.iwitu ) ) his A'iuwH In that
countiy , so that it was not sufo for him to
tctiiin theici , ho owned an ihland of about
liOOiuics , with a liugu wooden housu oil it ,
In the IJaj of Christiansand In Noiwayla
which hillfhl wlfo tended.
Homo one asked him ono da.v In my pros-
rniu If hu VVUB mairlcd. Hovuri cneigetlO'
alii ic-pllcd , "Maulc'df Vus sir , AW.V much
mm i led , 1 tell -on. " It vviia said thiit ho
and his first wffu woio not cuiigunii.l
A \crj cm lous method of cluxidng a wlfo
Is followed In Kameshlm.i , JapinVhen a
man has sot his atlc-tlons on a fh ; 1 hu bel ! S
her In bomu public thoioughfiiiu and cart leu
hei off to his house , llh thodntj of onlookers
to iciioit the cluuiimtaiuo to thu glrl'a
ii.uentu 01 near iclatlves If the ninUhisnot
approved of the gill is fcsUhed homo at once ,
but if it bu ttgiccablo to tl.n patents they
lake a bho of i ice and picscnt It to thu future
hUbuamlumluiiMiigciuonU for thc-weddiim
ceremony arc forthwith tnucle.