OMAHA DAILY" HIM : SUNDAY 8PEG1RL NOTICES. I Kill T11KM1 I Ul t MN i ' AllVKiniKKMhNTH 13 SO r m for tlin Ptenlnu undunlllS - p in for Iho lucrnlnK or.l.ini1 y edl | No cltptlli'rrnetit t * Pti for lt tliim ! . ' > cents for | lie ttril Inmtlon All iKlTorllHrnents In tlioso column * m cent fi word for tliollrtt Inwrtlnn nniJ I rout n word lor pnch fiiWqnpnt It'jottlon or II Ut per line t > cf rnontli Icrmncntli In nUance. Imllals , flKUtcn , rymhol * , etc. ouch coin/I / n ix word All advertise menu mint run roiifcctillrr-lr. Artvcrtlscrt , \ > r re- inp tlnK ft miml > prc < 1 chock , rnn ImTO the letters uddrrtfprtto nnunilicrpil letter In c ru or 'I UK lire , Antnrrs o nddre eil will bo clellTcred on the riroonlMInn of the flipck SITUATIONS WANTEDr " WANTKI ) . I'OSI riON ON STOCK VAllAlTlV man Anil wife. Man tliornuxhly unili-ridanrts euro of ( lock. AddtcpsSdl. llco. .M351 IS * ) SITUATION AS JANITOHOIl OK- AWANTKI itopd penman T" , Hep , 41318 * WANTED-MALE HELP. B-MAN WANTLI ) . HALAUY 1'crronncnt place , whoto or purl tlmo Apply at unco , Drown Hroj. Co , Nuriorymcn , Chlcimn. M7 il 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B-AOTNT8' SNAI'I HOO TO f.OO DAY SUIIK. Addrcsi Uochcnuiir , 4511 Charles tt , Omaha , Nob. M.,77im' T > -8AliAHV Oil tOMWHSlOV TO AUKNTS'IO -L'linndln tlio Chemical Ink Kratlng 1'ciirll i llio nion useful mid novpl Invention of thn nuo Krnrcs Ink thornuidily In two fetond Works Ilko niniilr. SUJ loHO per cent protlt. Aiti'tila mnkltiK IM per week. W o nlro wont n itenernl ak-ent tu tnku thnriio of territory and apnoiiit ut > aRcntu A rare chance to ninki' mone-y W rite for tcrinn nnd n sum v plo of crnfluiUinroo Krnsc-r .Mitt lo , X 31 In N CroMO , W Is."i * "IJ-AIJHNIH-Wi : WANT M.KN t , WtuTAUK AI. ' JOretily traveling mlc'tinc'ii to carry our lulirl cnnti n n ultlo line Nnmo reference ! mm tcrrl tory. .Manufacturers Oil Co , Cleveland , DMI.V12r > MI.V12r _ _ I 1AiitN'lS WAVliD : , I'llt DMNI1AI. 1.11 i : ' JJlns Co. , itoiiil pay. Apply room 50.Frcnzcr block , oppo I' O .MJ70 JIO' Tn-TooMiTs Mm u s. COVKUNMKNT woTTiTTN OArkan aji , Tenni * oo ami ItiulKlann Kramer K. O'llcnru. ' Labor Aicency Mi houlli Ktli stnet M3U 19 1 > WANTttD AT ONI K. 8 OH 4 fiOOD NO COlT J Jnlto maker * : Mend ) lob for the rlalit men II ernhl A fun , LoiuiPlI Iliultx T > -WANTHDA < 10l ) > IIFiAC AT OXCK , J > mu t bo n itouil hnrioshnor Address or cill n A. 1' . Swnnson , Herman , No'j. JUJJS7' " | > WANrKI ) . AT OXCU , TWO NKOATll ! ll .I'louclinrn Apply to llcyn , photogripher , .11.1 , 8l6il7Su : 1Mb. MJ31 13 _ , T > -WASrKI > , A01IN1S HVHIlVWlIKlli : TO Jlmiullo bnnl door rlo rr niiulc Solid I'.xcliulTc ) tirrllnr ) 1'or full piirtlculurn Wllllums Door Closer Co , Mfri , Wnturloo , la " TJ -WANTKII. IN i.A\yni\iW\ \ J tilinr It writ - * - * ! * - l * t tip wr or n fnU ' "ml bookkoppo .Must Do rm " ' Mnni' ' 1'1 . 5.1L"1,1 , , 'JQirtli'H mnn prpforn-d clvo partlo- . , . . .iP , rcferencm niul uttlory vxpcitcil. Jlox .HI , NebniBkn Cltj , Neb 0711 13 _ " 15 11' \ OU AI r"bilKKl.Nt A Hill II ( IKAIK ) I'O- JJkltlon In nny line of bu lnpn , BUO in at ouco. Wo Imio pliiceil biindreil § nf nppllnntH In permn nent popltlons , niul tan a lut yon Wutstein lluat * y. Jib New VorL LUu Uldir M ITU 13 fl-STKNOOUAl'IlKKS , 1IOOKICKKI'IUS : , SAI.Hfe JJrncn nnd lencbem desiring positions In Texas nre Invited to nildrens " 'I ho 'lexin Iluilncs II n icau , " J. W. Hudnnll , Mniuifor , Dnlliu , 'ioxM41S15' M41S15' B-WANTKI ) , HKHMAN UKCISTHttUI ) I'llH - mnclHt , one tlmt iiniltratniulH tbopnliunnd wall paper trade. Permanent pOBltlon to rlKbt man. A. K. Connor , Avocu , la W3 18 * -WANTHI > . MUST rijA'-s nun EOlkltor Address T 6 , llee 42..U B WANTKD , OKNT1.KMII.V orlOODADUIIHhS to reprCBent nn entirely lion cntcrprtin oun iicctcd nllli the.orld n Fair Vlnltorn' nMioelntlon , nadir ] paid In rlKht parties Call or address W1 N. Y. l.llo bulldlni , ' 45813' -AOHN'IS ; HAI.AIir A.S'I ) CtiMMIbbItN. lll.ST fratcinal urder. Assi'ln { JUUUUUU ( Until life nml endowment ( laRscn ( ] llt-cdKe < l In u\ory ro apcct. onio tllstrlct agents wanted. A rare cimnco Addruea Klnit.V Co , , S Unlun Bininru , .Nuiv York. 4.'I 18 * Wi : Oil lilt Afill.MH IIIC MONHY IN l.X- cln-l\u territory , ( ininifis sell nt slulit Intlty or cuuntr ) AKent lirst In Hold nctuiill ) Kctlli'k' rich. Onunxenl liionodnv cleared 5'M It ) > > o cau you. CntalOKiiu free Addri BH Alpine Sufe to , No. 3/0 ( J71 Clark street , Cincinnati , u US IS * f-lOUH HAIjK'-MlCN IN'TlllSTIIItlllTOIlY , 57S Jjpor tiiouth atnl etiienst'H rncloso Htaiup Ken * wood Uuktnu l'o\Mlcr Co . &V7 Madison St. , ChlciKO. IU. 4.7 lh WANTKD , hAI.I'SMKN AND DIJAI.KKS ' 1O B nell \rliltu cuuiiicl letter * for window sl nt * , al&o iK'is cniiineled on Iron. Illu profits tend tor II Instrutuil ] irlc list. N. Y. nnd LlllcufO Kn.unol Co , < 0 Dark el. , UdcnKO. tM 13 * B-AGKM'S WANTED. TJIlIlin IS NO IIK'JTHH holiday Klft thnn a "Mmplex Tj pewrltcr" at 1250 All warranted. Older ono. A U. lloi'uhton , D.'U N. llith ht. . Omnha , Nub 44J i IS * WANTKI ) , KMtlUIKlIU SAI.Kh.MAN 1 Oil Iowa and Nebraska who In acquainted with tall- orliiRnnd drycooda tiado Only those hinlnna tburoUKh knoHlKlgo of trlniiuliiK , llnlnKMiid silk bufclncna need apply. To the proper pernon Induco- JiientB will booirered ( i. 11 , toater A. Co , y.3 I llth 11 von no , ChlcuRO , 111. 4 > 'i IS WANTHn AN Al UTIIOOIIAIMI SOI.IC- Itor for the northwestern territory , Addreia Htephcna Mtbo. cV 1 UK Co , bt , l.oula , Mo , ulth reloronco aa to where you bavobuen. uiuount of trade you are able to control , salary , etc . 4o7 IS T --WANTKD. Uni'HKSUNTATlVK IN KACII JJtown to travel cr control homo territory. I Ih- eral terms. Knclose Nlamp for p trtliularn J It , Campbell , 1'realdent , li'J ' Adams bt , ClitcuKo , 111 tJJ IS * > WANII3D , A KIHbT CLAbB COACHMAN , > Apply5tlH. 12th ft. 4bO 13 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Ow . UiOU Mierinan avenue. 1'jl C-YOU > G LAOIHS CAN SOOV AtcJUIIll ] f ivorkliiK kno\\lcdKO of tdiorthind nnd typo nrltlnx nt Van flints' MJ N Y. Life. M.'U7 -milLKOU ( ilNiUALJlOUbl3 : WOltK , Wlll out wiiBliliitr. 100 Inriinm. J87 IB * -AN KXPIUHL'NCIU ) NUU3E O1IIL WANT1U nf-'llOClilcnKObt. 4JO .0 * C-WANTF.D , Rlltli FOll HOUSHWOHK. bU North It'tli street. JI4W ! ! ) P WANTKD. LAD1I5S WHO WILL DO Wllll' V IDK for mo nt homo , will mnko peed XVOKOS Itu ply with addressed Btainped enxulopc , Jllss Mar ; btanton , boutli liend , Ind 415 13 * FOB RENT HOUSES. JD -ion UK vr , NO. 2in CAPITOL AVBNUI : modern , 'i bu O. K Davis Co , 15t'5 Fariiam si. BNINU ItOOM HOUSi : . MODKItN COSVUN lenccB , xfiitcr rent paid , 125tX ) per niontn. J. H Wlicciler , room 417 Karbnch block. MIST D-I OH ItKNT , MOOmtN 10 UOOM IIOUSK , A 1.1 conveniences , live minutes' walk postoltlcc ttreet can pass the door , Nnthan Miellon or U H Bllnnur , 1CI4 Fiirnam st. 6.XI D-KIUHT-IIOOM DF.TACHF.I ) 1IO1IS1MOI : : crn : bent ncliiliborlionil , J.'O Fo ten rooms an tarn , I'ark-jxe'nuu , t.'i U , V , Hum , o So. ITt atrcot. M083 d.'O D-FOU 1IKNT. 10 11OOM 1IODSH , 2015 CASS HOIK ) , Heed . . gelby , Hoard otTrado. 779 D-8-1IOOM CO'ITAIIB , 8IIJ S1A8ON , | i 11OO' liouie , modern,3l t A Mlibmi Apply , i058 Manoi D-FOll HUM' . 1IOUSI5H IN ALL I'AIUH O city , 'lliuO , F. Davli company , 1MJ5 1 uiiinin si 71B D-bLA'lB. DWliLLINIJH , LOl'l-Alll-S IN AL purls of city , KllkunnyX Co , Continental bll D-I1OU.S10 OK 11 UOOMH. ALL .MODKItN C ( vrnlcnrts , pleasaiill ) Incited near business coi tor. Apply IbOO LhlcnijO at , or L. M , Sklniiur. 111 ! larnuru. ' , A1 i'V-IOU UKNT-.MV 1IIIICIC IIOU8K. NO. ! 7 ( -1'rarniim street nnd brltk barn , completu xvlt every voiivcncnce. Warrvn M. Itogurt , U.'l ha uam at. B-KOH IIKNT. KLKOANT NIUV H II.DM llllir houbu ; all modern convcnleiicesi splendid Cultl locution. Tlioa. llruniiun & Co , Kurback block -FOll HUNT. B UOOM II HIM ; , lull ! FAUNA etrcut. 1-rcd 'lerry , 4.11 llanifi ) bulldlut ; 341 B -IOH IlKNT , 81UJOM linUSKNI ) 1IAII' ' just on North nnd tuuth Omahn line 2llli o chuiip J. t , l' llkiT8 Uih st , MJSt IS' D UllOOM NKW H.ATIODKUN IMl'UOV monls. UUr > . llth m. D-KOll U15NT. S IIOOM lOKNHIt I LAT. bKtON tloor , raiiKO > V other conxc ulcneu , Clouierbl 701 ti. lull at. , f iO , Itlnvwalt llrua , Darker bloc JJ4 Jli D-.MAN Y iiuii i's , WIN i IH ; I'liicics , v 1100 4914 harnam.n room 3108 Junent , K , 1 > Weil Ibtli nuU Douulas. 3151:1 B-VUli ItlCNT , TllllKIS HANDSOMK IIOUMI furiiUhe'd ami unfurnUheili all modern ti Vrore'uit'uts. H. C. 1'ultcrbon , 4il ItaiuEO bulldln | V-FOU ItKNT , KlIItNlnlllCII HOUSi : ; A I -U room modern houuo feirnl 'ied : bplundld noli : borliood near uiotur Hue. Apply 1'urrottu Hunt Agency , liougluj Illock , UiUJS1 , : i TOK " | IB\'P , A TEN-1IOOM 1IOUB1 ! , Al J'uoxxl ) 1'iilnleid mid pupvre'd ; has biith room , li uact ) and ull modurii linprovt'iuuntti ; sltuntedln o tit thu mimt OeblrabloueiKliborliuods lu the city on itelh tUe'vt , ono liulf block north of tnr nn luqulruol llomulUTettme'Ct L'O. , 9d noor 1'uxti liuildlog. M < M J \ HOUSES. DUJll ItKNT , MlOtl.M roTTAHK UN MOTOH line Apply H. W corner ! 'th ' nnd Doiialm 781 FOR RENT- BURNISHED ROOMS ? i , ' a nowis .NST MAitfl Ai i 1'forhoux > kccilnK | , Kiound floor. U. I Utli _ _ _ E-M.WI.Y MIINISIIKI ) ItOOMK rOlt l.AHIKg or pcutlcriKMi Inquire nt ll'IU ' DoitRc Mr I , ' -SICK WA1IM IDIIM IIMI ) ItOOM f4 00 AND MliUO , for two itenlltinen. IIKI N , IStti st stB19 IS' U ANKAT1.Y II IIM-41Ul > I1UOM , Sl'ITAItl.V ! I-Jfor twoRentleiiicn , nl 13JIVrbittr > treet. lief rc < inlrui1 , MS.I2 : u * l , AN I ) HOOMS tor llelit housekeeping. 1SIJ .Inrksoa trcet. | , i-KOIl HUNT Slttnll I KO.NTllOOM , MnliilN ) : IJioiivcnUnccsi rent nnnunnble. 3124 Itorner ulrect , l/-'iwi > uoi\is ( , WITH on wirnot'T IIOAIID , rjnllll S. 27tli t , near at. Xlarj'e nxc church 45) IS' _ _ -lOlt HUNT , IIM'OAKTI.Y 1 flt.NIS 1 1 Kit , Icnrn lioitcil riiniiK , nij So litlntrect. .M41334 liunrti Ifilrtlrcd Sit. N mthM. mthM.MI01 MI01 M 1FOIl LIOllT llOHMiKKKI'IMI , TtlUl.K 1 JfurnMicd room * 1707 Dodne lroit SHU SO * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD TT 'iFli : I > OL AN 201 ANlTlm N. IbTll HI' I1 it I V 2IO fcOL'Ill 25l7l felltKKI. 5S7 l.-Nli'l'.I.YH llNI liTr : ) fcUl I'll CAST FltONT 1 room n lilt nlcovo and bay xxlndnw. All modern cnnvcnlencct Hoard , prlxntn f.imlly dli * 2ith slrecl. M3'il Is' 1 HON'I UOOM , suit CAb CAb.Ml .Ml l 13 * J Nlt'rl.Y I Ult.SISIIF.I ) UOOM ANI ) HOAHI ) * All modern conxpulencct. I'r'xito fnmllj soUi lliirtslieel MI'iJ20 ' -'llllIKK Oil 1 Ol'HOUNll .MLV WIL1.1M1 in 1. room tnitclhcrciui fccuru llrsl clnti with tmrnnln by cnlllnunt unco nl I7U7 DodKe strtel. .MIOl L0 > UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ( I -KLKOANl' UM I UMSIII'I ) HOOXiy , IV VJ Miltei nt one , t o or tlileo , nt IUX , . , , , . - , - „ . ; Allmoilorn cuiixciilences .v.- ' " jiijoioi - ' -ui.M' , Ans r i i.otnt or A nn TA 1 Ith bitli nnil fm , J.'O U ) aw. llu nnl St. Mill 10 * BOARDING. I'lllST ILA'-S 'lAllIiK UOAttl ) , IlII.l.SlDi : H N. W lor ISlh nnd DodKe. III 20 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. i ton itKMviiir : 4-yiitY nuiric Jilini nrnnm tt Ulio bulldliu h i ? n llrciiroof ce ment liuaemont , coniplo'u ntoamhe itlUK tUtnrea ; wntiT on nil thu floors , K.IS , etc. Apply at tin olllco of Till ! lice. iH ) T-DOWN TOW.S ( oitM'it roirin-unint .siior .1 Cntnlillsliml trade.VrUlit X l.aibnrr , loth nnd lluwnnl 771 1-ONI5 roUltSTOIlV IIHICICIILILDINQ 2J 1'KUl' .Iwldc. HU7 Ilnrnny street. b74 1rou HUNT , A YKIInnTitt vuijv ntm.m.sci , 1 inltible fur n uarelionie xvlth statdu In conec- tlon. 'IracknKO front nnd roir. Aildreas 1' . A. Cnrnilclinel , cnru ot McCord , llr.tdy .V Co. 'M T IOUHKNT , UI.UOANT NIMV 8TOIIL.UUOM. l l/e 3 x100 , No 112 llrouilwny Council Illult .for drj Kooili , clothbu 01 Keuer.ll tuorcnanlao liny & llexK , Council llluirs , la .Mut'i 'I I DCbK ItOOM. 1' . I ) . Wl'Al ) , 18 I'll A , DOUHI.AS. 1 .IJj 13 AGENTS V7ANTED. i < < AIIY AinNis WAViii > I.ADIIIS CAN earn Irntn $ j to f 10 ft rliyvltli cas3 bj selling an nrtlclo ii"Cd only by laities Tlili olTora 5011 | ileas- nnt , coiiKenliileinplojinent nnil iplandld returns lor particulars address "IJeiiiolvo , ' P. 1) box J , llnltlniuro , Aid MJ10 111 * I AI.U.VIS WANTllI ) ' 10 SUl.r , 'THIS ClllMi : 'of Caste. " u now , startling , | iowcrtul book , xtrltten by tlio people's champion , licnj It. Dnxen port. Tc-llo what bunt llurrUun In 1J2 , Tlie 1'ooplo VH. the Itarons , Dndei and Chippies , red hot ; every line a Ilurulni ; sword , 'illj1) so Id In 1'hlladel' phla llrst neek , ( hunt 'Jc , lilt ; terms ; books ready Dec. Ti. W'rlto today to ivorstone 1'ub. Co , t'htlii- delphla Mill 18 * T WAM'isi ) , AQi.Nr9f : : > ( U'iofiiui ) ) I'lin DAY , M collecting Hinill pictures for us to copy and en- larKO. batlslaetlon Kiiarantecd and a U UO outtlt free A. Dunne & Co , 66 Itcndo streut , t\cw York. i2l 18 * T-CANVASbKllS WANl'UI ) . MALI ! AND 1'B- " male. $1 00 an hour. Sample * nnd terms free Gland Central Novelt > Co , Lockport , N. Y. 423 IB' T AC.KM'b W'ANTKI ) Toll Till ! WIZA1H ) OF ' Well St. nnd Ills XVenlth or tlio l.tfo and IJoeds of Jjy ( iiuild The most f.iclnallni ; bookexcr writ ten. Sells nt Bluht Onttlt.'jc C. A Ileldcn KOM- eml acent for Mid Publishing Company , 4U Kar * back bloikcor. 15th nnd IKnikMaa , Onmhn. Nub. Oltlco hours lu 11 a in , a 10 3 p m. ( It IB * 1 AGICM'S WANTED 'JO SKLL OUU OASH " coupon sjBlem to merchants Sells at BlKht. Salary or commission Send stamps for terms and territory. The Merchants Ca U Coupon Co' , Chi- C.IKO. 4 4 18 * WANTED-TO RENT. - NICKI.Y 1 tlHNlblllCI ) 11OOMS WITH K-2 board tin private family , by mother and daugh ter , no objection to distance. Addiess T12 , llee , STORAGE. MK C1IUAP , CLKAN , WKLL3 , 1111 Farnnin , slrcct , 780 WANTED -TO "BU Y ] \T WANTHD 'IO HOY SOXll ! 8 I'HH THNT li tlist liiortMik'es. Hucd & belby , J3I Hoard Trndo , 787 -\T-WANTID : r uiUY.FiJHNirutiK AND nous i ! l > boldi0od ! . 14JJ OoiUo i510 ! 1)19 \T-WANTHD , A COOD J HUSKY .MILCH COWr -11 munt be xvcll bred. Itoom bl , Uxchango block. Soutli Omaha. M II. llCKiirty , o4 ! ' . ' f TYI'ISWHITUH. K. D WIIAD , 10111 ANI S95 18 \T WANTIID. frOll CVSII , ON13 SIJCONI ) IIANT -i x top bnncy of Kood mnko and not much norn Adilli'CB , Klvlnn price , P , O. box ( IJ , Omaba "V-WANTIID-'IO 1IUY ONK HAI.b' LOT NO11TI Impart of town , bctnean feliermnn luenilo am Ultlii Btnto price Address To , Hen _ 451 18 * FORSALE HOnSEsTwAG ONS , ETC JV- 1 Oil SA I.K. A jnTAIlLY NK\v"TOu7lLi ) sprlnuoxprussuaKOn , IIOIAO , harness and burey also n nearly non ect of crenmer ) tools , c-onslstliu < if butler worker , churn , Howe pcalo , truck , etc. all xxlll be sold nt n rec sncrlllct ) . Address G II 'Irschuck , I'coollke , or call UIJJJ7 Jllumix strecl where tooda can bo seen. 110.13 -11)11 S.XI.i : , A RWKLL I10DY CUTTEII nearly new , 5 ! 00 t' . A. Tompklns , 3715 Douglnc M4C'.1 18' _ FOB "SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ' " ouAailLp 'A"3rHl6iSU POXVRl nntomatlo enuuno ; also ono 12 her o poxxcr Ui ) rlKht enKlnui both In coed lopnlr Inqulro of 1'esl ncr Printing ro , 1307 Howard Direct , Ouinlm , Nob. _ 7b3 _ - : I'l.NK SI' . 11KIINAIID I'UI'PII'.E Q-lOUSALi best dtoclc In Amorlca , both rouxli and pnioot coat , Address Sk ! , llpuntllcii JlJ.'il 21 -1OII MAM ! , ONK .Till P KNfllNK , ONK < h p , tub boiler , xi Uh pump and lieater , iOO foe shaftlmz unit sundry pnlllo * , tools nnd appllnneei /nbrlsklu ! , let elver Omiilin llnrbod lento nn Nnil company , lllh nnd Nicholas mruct , MJ57 Jl / \-IU.XT ! : n.xiuiAi.v , MM.ii.MHD mm-iu , HAI V ness , buiiiiy and cutter , Inrt'ii cooklni ; ami hea liiKstoxes , lieu , and turnlliiro , LOIIK | nnny.niust I Bold , 3UU and Itoulcvnrd uxu or Nubrnbku Vhuvu Works , „ ! , 'jO lb * -10 LHA&i : , ICP. HOUbi ; , CAPACITY 5K to I ! 000 tons , Kood trnekiuo ami line locatloi ( ii'u , A lluiixhmd , ' .ith nnd llouxlas Sts J'.l.-18 ' -SIOHu' ' lATUIllIS AT 1IALK COST. K. I Wead , 10th nnd DiiKlns .195 IS Q-rill SALIC. NKAIll.Y NiW il-DUAWK cabinet lotloi file , foldlnc door , cost H-V mia mo cash otter. Address T il , llco MtUlIU" -Hll 8ALKI ( J Kv-'a HOLD WATOI1 , f tti coi.t f:5W. Ladle's' diamond uurrlnuu , f.150 to t fbUOO ; goml us now Addicsa T 10 , Omulia lie 457 lb _ Q-HW hALK-bT UlillNAIID I'PPS 11Y I > ported llc-n Mnldn ex Ix'ulo .M.I guntl one llardln llros , Junlata , Neb , 4I7B' DIAMOND b'lUU , 1 K.Mll.T , fCO. ADDIIK ! T 11. lleo ui MISCELLANEOUS. -KOll KENT. LAIICtC HALL iuoetltius or leuuios Apply ntUUJDodKu.K78 K78 J S-MII8 , il.'Sl7l.K KAVK , l'lto"l'lTKTKs571l7K7 Iraiuo clulrxo > unt mnl llfu reader ; lulls > llto fium cradle to tcruve ; ran bu tunsultuj un i uDalrsofllfu : Im tup celebrated Krfyptlau brua pinto lo imltu thu toparattd and caunu nmrrl.i x Ith ono you love , I'oinu uno , como all and bu co \lnccMlof he-riouiarLablo po > rur inilca unit re deiico 417 b , lltti it , hours U a. m , to II p. m , fatrl llfochari ana punlo of your futura wlfo or In band sent throuvb mall for J5.00 , chart alouu ( ji All lulturii coulttluluic i fouti la itauip * urouiui Ji- OLAlItVOYANTS. ( onlinu il C \llt NANNIKV WAIllKVtl Oreilnblc bnsinfttit nu'd'nm , nttli ycnr At IU N Ktb _ . . : ! ? e UKTCiiNi'i ) osn MOUI : VISIT ititionn volnu nbroncl The Inlcn nrrlritl in tliocltj ! Mm lir LP i-horp Thoi o dt < lrln > their pirn , iireBcnt nnd fuliite rormlc I nhnnld enll on Mme lp Clir-re.tlio fnmoii' sclfnrp rc Icr mid pxpononl of infrhometrr "hols the po sc < orof HIP lloo pntra ninii.ct. which hni Ilia power of tirlnitlnR hick and love IK nhooxer coma * unlor Us Inllu pnep ltooms 7 , second tloor , Donalu block , cor IGth nnd DodRO sis. Letters nttb fl promptly nn nwcrcd. 4W Is * MASS AGE , BATim , ETC. --M M E. s nml ? . n u N icTfTTiK A7ETr ? 5ii Douglas block Cor ICth nnd tlDdae. M308 ltt fp-MAlMMK SMITH , 1121 CAPITOL AVKNUK , 1 Kuom .1 , ,1il Hour. .Massniio , alcohol Kiiliihiir nd sen baths. .MUM 83 'iv3iMK. cAiwoN.Tijr iToiin.At "siIIBB"I , JD i- door , room 7 ma ixo , alcohol , inlphur nnd set bnlhs. MJ70 ti' . PERSONAL. U-PKH > ONAL , A l , mlddlo nBod Rcntloman of semi menus dcidrci to cultlvato the nciiunlntncco of a rcppoctabin lady. Object , n coniroillul lady friend AddreusS HI , lice M4H IS * t' IIOLLLIt SiA'lNl ) AT Till : I L every nUht except bundny Mnilc Wednesday nnd b'Munlay nluhts Ailinlxlrin , eputleniun ' . ' ' Indlei lot"nlurdny nttornoon. clilldrrii diy lulinlsslon 10c i'J ' 18' - i'iu : > o.sAL , DO "YOIMVANTIO KsoVv VoTTi Ui'iu U- Rncptlipnrt , your fntnro hii-liand , inntrlmonlnl nnd liisl.i ) ' < linncfl < In llfo m ruvcnled by nstrtil our -end me , full dates of birth nnd de-si rlpllon Prof M llroivn , box 1070 , Clilcaxo III UI IS' " " ' -srs'D iiic rou I'KOI'I.IVH ADVOOATK ilp ( rlbliiK lid'c auil uunts In nil stntlonaof life who xvlsh to marry llox < bit , Chlcngu 423 18' MUSIC , AKT AND LANGUAGES. cor 15lli and Harney llniney tlreet enlr inca lilt MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \\r UIAJ : ! r.srvin I.OXNis ro 7 PKH OKNT , no iiddltlonnl clmrues for coinnil"lon or ntlor nay B fees W.II.Melklo 1 rst National llnnk bldu bOJ _ i r-MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWHST KA'l IIS 'V 'lheO ! DnxIsCu . IM'i 1 nrnam ulreiit. 7U1 puny , 170J tntniim street M'US -117 ANTI10NI 1HAN ANI'lllU < < rCO.113 N Y. ' Life , ipmM nt low rules for cholci security un Ncbrasl.nor lo.-n fanm or Oiaahncll ; propurty. _ _ r-CE.NTUAli LOAN Jl'lKUsrCO llliK lllillU , \V-MouiiiAin : IO\.NS i.iibs 'iiiAN 7 i'in : ' ' eent Inclinlln nil cli irite . Clmrlen W Iliilnux On ) ilnx Nut tmnk bld . 705 W MONKY TO l.OA.V. I.XNI ) TO SK1.1. lioii'es to rent. ( .eono M To itoi. M'JJS ' LT-LOANS ON CITY 1'KOI'niU'Y , 0 ANI > 7 PMIl \v cent i : 1 KliiRor , 151'J 1 nrnnm. MSJ.1.11 * if i AND2 YIAHLOANSov : CIT\ AND FAUM uiorlRaKcs. Heed i. belb ) , 11 Hoard of Uradc 17" MONKY 'to LO.N ON IMl'UOVKI ) Otl'Y ' property , loxx rate. A. C. Krutt , Douglas blk. TIT -7 1'F.ll CUNT MOSIJY NKT 1O IIOHIIOWI'113 T on Ouinhn city properly No extra clmrxei of any kind Why liny liljih rates' Money Is cheap You can KOI full bcncllt of loxv rntos from Olnbo 1 o.m ami 'I rust Co . H th nnd Dodtro 7M > \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS IIAMv MAKKS LOANS ' * on real e t tie nt lowest market rates Loans made In small or IHTKO RIIIIU foi short or Ion ; tin c No commission Is chained nnd tlm lo.ini nro not sold In the e 1st but cnn aUxiys bo lonnd nt tbu Innk on the corner of Uth and DouKlas streets. 7J1 TTTJ OANs ON IMl'ltOYItl ) AND UMIMPHOVKD t clt > property JJ 000 and upnnrdiii to 7 percent. No ilel.ijs \\.tarnambinlth\Co 10th and llnrni'j. 700 r-C F IIAIUtlSON , II1SN Y. LIFE 703 f I'ltlVATK MONHV , 1ST AND2I ) loans , low rates. Alejr .Mnoro. lleo bld | { . WJl Il'l'AlnlKS OWNING 1'IiOl'Kll'lY THAT W Is encumbered for nil or part of Its vnlno wish todlM'oco of their Interest , ulvu deicilptlon and 1m nmbrnnce nnd send their nddicss to T 6. Itco oltlce. M4il MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X CALL AT THIS Ol'KlCK OF ; OMAUA MOHTOAO15 LOAN CO. : ; INCOHl'OUATKD , : riou \oucanborrowon noL'sinior.u IUIIMIUIII : AND PIANOS , HOllhKH , WACONb AND CAHItIAfKiS , WAUEHOUbi : HKCIJU'l't. , MnilCIIANDlSE Oil ANY OT1IKH sni'UllirY. W e n 111 lend you any amount from 510 UU to f I UU ) ON Till : DAY VOU AbIC > Oll IT , wllhont publicity or rcmov il of property. Yon can pay the money back In nnv amounts yon wish , nnd nt nil ) time , and each payment so made will reduce the cost of the loan llemembcr that ) on liavo tlio use of both tlio property and the money , and pay for It only its long as > ou keep It. 'llioro will bo no expense or clinreo kept out of the amount wanted , but you will iccelvo ttio full ninount of thu lonu. liofore borrow Inn elsewhere call anil sco us and you will find It greatly to your m\nntnge. ! OMAHA SlOIl'IOXGK LOAN CO. lloom 11 , CroUhton block 'M ttoor , 111 Miuth I Mil. next to postottlc. TlIEOLDhST , LAU'iKVl' ANI1 ON'LY INCOll- POllAI'KI ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. XVIII remove on .Inn. 1 , IS'J ' , ! to JJUri. 15th bt. first tloornbnvo tlio street. .Ml 75 X DO YOU WANT MON151 T1IE PIDKMTY LOAN OUAUANPKI3 CO. , KOOX1 4 XVH'IINIILL ItLOCIC , iM SOUTH i5th coiiNKit iiAUMSY ar. LOAN LAIIOE TEN WK MAKI : LOANON ruuviTuiti : , HOUSES , CAUltlAClW , WAKIIHOUSH IlllClilPl'd Olt I'Ull- bONAI.l'ltOl'lilll'V Ol' ' ANY KIND _ / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /YOU /ON /D3 K1UST / FOIt. / t / _ / / _ / OU11TKIIM3 WILL MUBT YOUIl APPHOYAL. You can pay tha money back at any tlmo nn I lu any amount you wibh , n-id thns reduce east ol carrying the loin In proportion to ninount yon pay IF YOU ewe a bal inco on your furniture ot olhorpardonnl property of any kind wowlllpiyll off for yon and carry It m Ion111 xoudoilro , YOU KAN 1IAVI5 YOUIl MONKY IMONH 1IOU1I FUOM ! HI : 'iiMK YOU MAKI : APPLICATION , No publicity or removal of property so that rou KOI the use of both money and propjrty. IJJ If-MONI'.Y LOANI51) CIlliAP ATOUIt Vllme. Nebraska Loan Co , l lt ! Douulas bt. 837 X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF 8K. curlty ; strictly eontldoiitlal. A. K Hnrrlu , rooi 1 , Continental block , 05 X SIONKV-30 , 00 , IK ) DAYS I'HIJAP ItATHi and easy pavmunlH on furniture , pianos , llvi stock , oto , without delay or pnlillcltyi caih or liniid. DuffUrcen , room 8 , Murker block , 801 T 1'H1TCIIAHDM DOUOLAb HLK. lli& D JOO'5 k. 600 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-l'OIt bAI.K Oil KXCll.VIiK , A GOOD I1U8I notsxvlth the real ostatu In Omalm Coed rei sons foV sollln. Addresj 707 New York Life Omnlin. Neb , MBI5 l"i ) V-hOll SAI.Il , A OOOI ) I > A\INI > MANUI'AC I turljiK bualnesa ; can bo run on JI.OOJ ; part ; owiilnu uiinblo to rtlend to any bublncii. Adilres oi'k box SW , cum nn , Neh .M.I15 il ' - ' } CIIANCK. US 1)00 ) WOllIII O ! Y'-lUO'lllIM riollilnuaiid fiirnlshlnK unods 111 best locnlloi 111 llruntl Islund fur mile , It tnkon within tlio nex ten ilny i for 100 on the dollar ; best reasons fo selllni ; Address I' , O. llox No. 218 , ( Jr.Hid lulniu Neb JJiJ IJ ArI-lllhISK ) 8 Ol'K.MMJS. NO Cll.XIUii : ' 1 X buyers , bend ttai.ip for printed list , Vim I'm ten of Omnha. ! > 07 Jlr V i'on SAUK. 11:1 : : HOUSB I'I.\NT , ON IUVKI 1 and H. II , track , cnimclty , 1,500 tons ; at aim Bnln , Address S or , lleo MJal ! y 00 VOU WANT TO SKIJj VOUIt IlUSlNKbE Do you want npartnci ? Do yon want to buy business ) Ifto , sooun. Wo cin help you. Call c write lor our bulletin of business opportunltlc Western LUuliiosn AK UC > , 310 .Sew York Llfo bulh InK M378 19 - : : ' 1IIAT IF 1OU I.lbT YOU \-HixlixillKll buslnusii loraalour uxchaiik'o xilth Iho Winter Hiicliuss Aue-ncHlit New York Llfu bntldlnu. > o liaxo the benelllH of their advertising luallof Hi larKe tHIcB In tlio United felatus. JU7118 Ar"A ! IAHI ! HU IMS8 : I'HANCI' . A HAFI 1 easy nnd lucrative bntlness : c'slnbllshcd tlv year. l-M-Hiou iinuli ) requlrc'd x\anl of rust cam for rtllrlng , 1) . Andurton , 2IU M mrccl , boul Omaha. Ul | U * \rITvANTKl ) 1MMKDIATKLY , A I > OOTOH 'I J tnko claaruo of n coed practice , eveiythlnu fu nUhed. Address " 1'h ) stelaii/'carotbermun Council , 15IJ DoiUo it , , Omulia. Veb , 417 Mill * \rZjbii ItKNT , fcl'LKM ) ! ! ) DINING HOOM AN J kllchcu , partly furnished. 1'urt rent taken I board , ( joud clmiito tor widow. Apply ut 109 lilU-tt. 418M 18 * , r-Wll.L 1'AY ALL CASH FOH BTOCK8 (1 dry noodi , elothlnic , bootnand ahocs , iiroccrlt No lo'iuuilttlou. Alei. Moore , 401 illoO OHANOE3. " ' ( V-r'"l HAM ! A I IHir I'l.ASS HOI K III 1 cliolrn Krorftlcs nn Mnlo rtntk will Invoice nbout MOJO wllhont ntttirc * . cnn tnko or Ipnvn fix turp , one ton rlh nfnt'ick In transit rnih oalot nlll nvcrnca OTcr flOJ per < ln ) , nn.crrdlt biislnpni ilono Will Klvo tltflcon pitt of plork xrltli peed tccurltr. Address \V'K. llratton , UOT.I'kxton Mock , MISIP I IniMnc * " In KOodjoJnilon. Splendid chance for yonnit bu lne s nmSjtrltli tninll rnpltfil , For par- tlculir nddrc ! llox.13 > | l , Lincoln , Neb .Ml 12 l'J * K. HAtt'ISTRHUSTIS KSrAll' IMicdnnd telrnbliV inslnuss ; small capital re qulreil Addrp ai ilrVe .MUOJl' -l-Oll 9ALK SroOKOKMBX'S 1 I liiB" nnd llttiircs at t0 N li'lh stroat Oru Rim , or will oxchanBP for A 1 rentll properly. Adilrp s J. M Dnvli. Chnrle ton , 111. 413 18 V-N TO $ IU INCOMK 1'rtll MONTH ON AN IV I Tpslment of f 3 , nnd no work InvestlKntp Art' rtro s U linlltrkl. 'lacoma Illdg , Clileimu. tit 18 * TFOB" y-I'LKAIl OMAHA UKA1. l.ST.VI K Kill MDSK , ' -factual vnhi-illon Money to Uox'ilH.Omithn 603 V-l HAVK VALUAIII.r. IMI'IIOVKI ) ANI ) UN ' Improved f rm lands to exchange for South Omahn or Omaha propurty or for farms within W miles of Omnhn llnvs oneot the heal uf stock and Krnln fnrm , IiOO ac-ies liuU In winter iMientnnd rye nndJiU liondofllnn stock , aU clear of enciiin brniicf , to exchanito for nlnta.tnn t mlnlit pay some cash tlltrercnco for deilrnblo propcrt ) Do ferlbe yo tr properly cirofully , prKo clc. Address bo7JOmnha Neb M'.ll DJ5 y-4 o Ai'um OK CLIAU LAND isONK OF ' the be t lnlor hent dlitrlcK Hi Kamix to ex elinnuo fur 10 or 20 aero tract near Umnln cilr limits Will pay cimli tlllterenco It tiroperty Is liood Ad Iress , t-lx Ing prlco and Ice itlon , o M , lleo olllce-i IQ.-I y-NAIlllOW TIlACIfc 1 'llilV. W1SI ! 'Jcolorcd Bear almost nen cojtMTS toexchanuo tor linrM's cittle lioui nr piano and will pay dirtor cncc _ Address 8 til lipe Xlti7 IS' V-I OWN 100 FAIIMS IN NlinilASKx , KANSAS ' < iinil Dakoln XVIII it'll chp.ip or evliaiua fur merilinndlsp , horsoj and cattle Address box 7' ) , 1 innklcirt , Ind .M.l 01.MIN : s'intNiiiiiNiis , ALSO arket for Oninlia propcrt } . F I ) Wend , loth nnd Douglas S'.A ' la rFOIl 'I HAW. 2 IJOOD lOllNKlt 1O1 > IN /Jsoiitluve stern pirt of clt ) , also n lift mijitJuKU for $100 for n Mock of iuerli mise | , nm put In half cash with ibo lotj tnn put In more property ? , , , $ * " " l' > rn IrtiKiidcnl Fur pn.tlculnrs nddrtss " - it. Oration , (07 1'axlon block M418 III OFIOO ACins : AIMOISINU HOOD ' -'to nof4IJ Knit Nobrn ka. urth tKKM. cash ene il inhered $1000 , nnd modern IS room residence , barn , nice Inxxn , In itond town ol T > 0) ) southeast Nebraska H orth $ I8JJ , xxlll eichnnce eqnlly fJbJO , foiclcnr'-'o lllull'i residence or xxlll tnku part Inlet lot or lull Addren , M U M , euro of Melrlpulltnn. Hotel I onnrll Illnllt FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. IJ.OUO ACKKS OI.KAIl LAND 1 Oil < < A1.13 HYTiTi : AJOxxner. bovurnl Inr o tr-xcts , xxoul t make n tlrst elms Investment to hold for thu rise In price Sllsht o\i liiuino Kiimcoflt for Inildo property In Omiilm or fentith Oiunhn , or aero propurty or n Rood faim nenr Om-xlia If > ouwlsh to exchnnxo dc scrlbo } our property , price , etc Address box 7 17 MU.O DM _ "I7O11 SAL15 Oil IIIADIO , 2 HOOD IX ) IH IN SIT Jricasnnt addition xvlthln i blocks of motor line Will take KOod upright piano or xi III sell equity lu lots vury cheap. Address at once d 1 , llco oltlc-e " FI5ICT WITH S-IIOOM COT- V tnire , $10 per month xvlthnnt Interest. No pay uiontdoHiiIttle llroxvn block. .Mil1 ? T AIIOKllOUsK , COST flOOOO , WITH TWO FINK -l-llots , llniiscotu 1'lnco , J140W , F. U Wend , ICth mid DOUKIPS " Jl'518 ' 1 Olf-ALi : 1WO ACIIFS OF UNI ) IN' ONK OF the best comities In'iiorthonstcrii Kansas This land has boun tarcfull ? selected : md nil ! be Bold on longtime pa > niutit hearing a low rain of Inter- ct 1'or further piltlculars address trod 'lerrj , 43J llaii'go block. Dm alia. Neb .ill 17011 SAI.K KU.UAiyr NIW : HICSIDKNCI : WITH J bountiful Krouinf ; oonr Uaiisc-om 1'nrk. Oeo N lllcki , .N. Y. 1 Ifo liljlgi .MJiO 19 1" > II ! HAIiaAIX-ILKlJITY AI'lll'S , IUoT OUl'- 1'sldi ) clly llmlH 'I hi ? li ono of iho tlnest tracts nrourd Oinnhn , rUht In tin ; nay of Iho future I4ro th of tlioelt ) Frlco JISOW. can lake H or 4 of purchase prlcu In uood Nebrncka land , bilanpo cash nnd mortKiiKU O'eo. N. Ulcks , agent , Wj N. Y 1 Ito bldtf ' .M301 19 ASI'LKNDID lV\-EHTMnVT FOHTY ACHFS just west of city < A bis bargain If sold at once tiuo N , lllcks , JOj .N , Y. l.llo bldK. M36J 19 S UillTI.Y ACIIB MKAll 1-OtlT OMAHA , $5M &UT10U , IStli avenue and Davenport , SI.UJJ. Kast front lOJUU near It park , paved street , tjuuo r. I ) . Wead , loth and Douglas L'JJISQ "v\rANrrni-bnvniiAL LAIUJH TitAcrsor NK- > v braska farm lund to exchange fur good Omalm pioperty. Addret-s I. . C. llardlnx , 05 New \ork Life bulldlni ; Mjbl 111 AT A It A HI ! , \ IN. A 1'BXV VKUY riS'K LOTS IN llrlfgs add at n bargain ; only 5 mill , vnlk from licit line or street car in Oiuuh.i. Address K. .1. .V Co , Uulonn. I. 674 1)2 ' GOOD fi ROOM COTTAOB , Jllll AND JONES , ? l,4yi , $ Ur > cish balance nesumo n loan I ) room coltago. line mile northn cat , $1 , 00 1' . D Wend Itlli and DOMKIHB 3W 13 ' 1 > BAI. Kbl'A'li : , AV llurunlns only. Jly woid Iseooil. W. ( J. Albright , 6S1-3-3 NIMX York Life. 810 40 , 15 .X.I KIIOM O. JIOOO Pltll ACKU. K D -Wciul , Ibth and Douglas 195 18 ELKIJANT 1IOMK , ALL MODKllN IMl'lluVK- mi'iils , hnrdnood llnlsh , pnxed strcots , seventy- ilvo front , barn , blstern , etc ; equity ut n ImrKaln on money basis or xxlll oxclmiiKo for c-ltar prop erty. Address owner. Tit , llee , 414 18 * OMAHA , POPULATION 100,000 , IlfST CITY IN the United states today Invlilch to mnko rcnl estate Investments. A new million doll ir railroad mid wavcn l/rilnu | , n new million doll ir Koxcrn- ruent fort , n half a million dollar hotel , n quarter of n million dollar union depot , nnd ono hundred other ne en'oiprl'Oi now under wn > . tend lor lilatof the lots I am soiling at ten dollars each , lying between Omahn and tlm new fort flu Is full payment for a nice hnlldlntt lot. No martRHKO on this propcrt ) . Chariest' , liunjnmln , lliw DodKost < I516 * LOST. LOsr-iiMLiMAN'b LAIIHH , OVAL PKAII plu. ( SOOrunard , C. S. Unjniond , Jeweler.M M 19 IOVr , TAN COLOIIKI ) lillAY IIOU.M ) , NAME J Ilex " Itcturn to 'SU Hunillton street nnd net lenunJ 4 1 IS' LOST-DIIOWN XVATIII' SPANIKL , AI1OUT etiHit nronths old Answers to name of "bp ) . Had leather collar and city license tag on nci k I Inder will please return to 1D.M bt Murj'u avenue and receive roxxnnl 4u3 lb * WANTED MONEY. \\rANTBIJ.TO nOHllOW 51'OU ON IMI'IIOVHI ) ' Inildo south Oniuhn property nt 7 per cent , two ) cnn > , also $1,00) on uond hocurltj. tbioo jeara No commission Address S 00. Ileo olllco. MJIT'13 WAN' ! Ill ) ' 10 liOHKOW. bKVKN HUMltii : ) dollars ( $ ? U1) ) on Kilt cdito llrst morlKiipe , Im' proved residence jiroperty In HtuiBioin 1'luco , for three or llxo years , ruto of Interest miisl boxoiy low. Address ntatlni ; pnr cent wanted , T 2 , lieu ollico , MIDI ! Ill * DRESSMAKING , E INCAIilCMUM.S TO DO DHUhSM A K INi IN families solicited. Mlns Slurdy , 5uJl llarnpy M Vork xvlshcs work In families Address T. 1 lieu 400 18- CORSES-WINTERED. HcillSKS I'HI ) A.-jl ) CAIIKI ) IOH , tl MONTH Ul' . ci , U , ( him , 1' U. bijx UD , bouih Omaha _ I. J. ' 1 "Impr&ve-ment is the order of llnle age. " Wo never expected , In our most sanguine mo menu , such nn Incrciao In our sulc ni commoncei on tlio Ut of Bepteinbor. The hmllh I'romlur Tjp Wrller Is ImvliiK unormoui slm which nro will and far-reachlnit. 'Ihesu are iho re-porU vro ar receiving f roiu our many branch oltlcc't Send for a descriptive c.italojjuo. Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 17tH and Fainara Sts. , Orailii , Nci. E. U. MAYHBW Manager. TYPEWRITERS Tor Sale , Uont or IC.xoliitiiKo. STln I he World. MEQEATH STATIONERY CO. , /'JO 1 / 'iiriiiini HMoc'f. Oiiinlin. .V l ) . " " NOTICH "dFflUT"stTTINS ( OF Till ) CITY t'OUNOILi AS A UOAUl ) OF To the owners of tlio loK nnrt * ) nf lot * And re ill cstito abutting nn or niljncent to tlio streets , alloys or nvontni hbreln tminoil or Mtnntcd In xvliolo or In part xvlthin iinv of tlio illsrloti licrcln soecillcd : You nnil o ich of you tire hcrobv mitlfled tlmt tlio city council of the elty of Oiuiihi will sit ns n lloiril of rqirul/sitlon , nt tlio olllco of the c-lty c-lorli , In the olty hull , Omah.i , Ne braska , nn 1'rlilnv , the 2.11 day of Docotnber , ISyj , from 0 o'clock it , in. to fl o'clock p. in , for the purpose ot considering nnd cqiinllrlnu tlio proposed lox-vof special taxes and assessments nsshoxxn by " 1'roposcd Assessment" noxv on Ilia In the olllco ot s.iltl olty clerk , : ini1 c'orrectlnn any onors ( heroin , and of hearing nil complaints tlmt the owners of property so to lie assessed utul taxed tuny make : sild pcclnl taxes : ind assessments proposed to ho levied bolus nccr-ssaiy Idcoxer the cost of the RoXeril lniiroxoinent | < i duly nnthorlrud to Uo niiido nnd noxv completed , ui folloxvs ! To oxer Iho cost of pavlm nnd curbing C.iss street , from 2.'d street to 24th street. In street nnurox oinent district No i M. MX d p ix IIIR nmnuntlnn to the sum of JI.K'H si. anil sild enrhlii' , ' to the sum of f Ml 70. xvhleh s ltd sums It Is proposed , by u toport duly adopted by the olty c-ounell , to assess on Iho ronl ostaloon eneli side of Cn s street , from 2.'d toUh street , accordlns to toot front mo and the us- nnl sealing back procuss In depth Id alley : tie assessment for curblni ! to bu m ido xvest of ild street us the eurb there xxns laid by prlx-nto parties Kato per foot for p ivlnr" , * 0.4GUl ! rate uer foot for ctirblnK IU.lUl'0. Toeovi't the costof pnlni l.oxxo avenue , from llnmlltou stn > ot to Moreer axoinie. In p kVltiif dlstilelNo 2-lil nmount'tiz to the sum of $11' ' , kM . ' > ' . ' , xvhleh Bild Is a report il ul v adopted bj tlio elty council , to ussqss on tlio ronl ust ito on oieh nldo of I.owe avuiiue , from llainllloii street to Mercer nx- I'tiuo. ncctmlltis to foot frontauo and the UMial seiillnK b ick proeuss In dolilh to center nf block or 1st alley. Halo per foul , $4 2b2I7. llio cost of prlxnto npproint , IiinoilPM'lK lo thosutii < > f of ? is > M , to I" , ' .Issesbcd to tlio runl Csi.itonillolnlns. To cox or thu cost of pivlns I'ommorclnl street , fiom Mionmui axciiuu to 20th street , In pax Ing dlstilct No. 2.M , ainuuntliu to the sum of (1,1.111 GO , which stld M promised , by u rerun t duly itdoptod by the city council , to.issess uro ritn on the ronl os- tnlo on each sldo of Commercial street , fiom Miormnn axonue to20th slreet , aceordlnit to foot frontline nnd the t-callnc b ick pro cess In depth from stieot I U fuel , not exceed ing tlio euntui of block I'rox-lded , IIIil .10 tout shall be deducted on the frontuco ot t ilot 24 , cast of street. Unto putfoot. . Ifj 4IOi ( ? . The eo t of prlx ate ro-idxv.i\.amount- liU to the sum of flu ) ' , to Uo assessed to the real estate ndlolnlnsr. To cover tlio cost of p ix Ins nnd curbing 22nd street fiom I'onpleton nxeiiuo to the south line of tax lot ill ) In street Improvement dis trict .No. 47. ' , amount I m to the sum of t.tliij. ) : . xxhlehsild sum It Is piopnsed by arvportnulv adopted by tlio city council to assess on the. leal eslato pro rat-i. on e.ich side of ' . " 'ml street fiom I'opnlelon ' nveiuiLto south Hue ot tax lot ,10. according to foot frontage and thu nsnnl scnlltiK Inc-lc pioross In depth from street 1 L1 foot. Uato per foot. flSill The cost of prlv.ito rondxvny amounting to the sum of $ U.7'J ) ' to bo assessed to tlio real cbtixto ndjolu- inr. inr.To cover the cost of paving and ctirblnir fcpencer strc-et from bliermnn axoiiue to 24th tieot lu street Imurovcmont district No , 4.0 , nmoniitliu to tl.ohiiin of fl .sT'J 7. ' . xvhleh said sum It Is proposed by n report duly adopted by thoelty council , to assess pro int.i on the real est ito on both sides of bpencci street from Slii'ruian axenno to 24th street , aeeord- IIIT to foot , fronfico and the usual scillu- b.Sri { process In depth to the llrst alloy or 1JJ feet. H.ito per foot. iLMTW. 'loooxei tboeoslof p ivlnn nnd curblni : Gth sticet fiom Pierce street to Hickory street , In street linproxonieiit dlstilct No 4.M , niiioiinlliiB to the sum ot jn.'ll.l C7 , xvhleh sild sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the c-lty council , to nssoss ns follovxs : 1'ho cost of urlx-ato roidxvax * . nmount'ni ; to the Mini of $11".S2 , to be , assessed on tax lot No. : i. The remaining cost to be assessed pro r.u.i on the piouerty on both hides of Gthstiuot fiom I'lerc-o btroot to lllcKoiv sticet , accord ing to the foot frontage and the usu il scnllnK b.ick process to depth of dis trict ns created. That put of tnlotJ between the txvo private ro.ulxx.'ivs not to bo assessed for curblni ; us the CHXIICI put this em I ) In at his ou n expense. Kile per foot for pnrlnstl.STlUT : for curblni ; $ J ? 15.'i To cover tno cost of pavliu In alloy In bloclc II , elty. In sV'eet In.prox-emont dlstilct No. 407. amounting tlio sum of fl,404.14 , xvhleh s.ild sum It Ispi.iuosol by a topoi t duly adopted by tlio city council to assess pro r.ita on both slctos of the alley In block 11 , .ic'coi.llni ; to foot frontline and the sealing bick process to the depth of ono lot. Unto pffr font. $3.r I > i. To cover the cost an'J insoeetlon for laving pormirnciit sldo walks 1 ild bv I'onl & llu-,0 unionntni/ the sum of 1 ,80 0) , xvhleh s.iht sum It Ii proposed bv a repoit duly adopted by the city coiinsll to nssoss on the loal estate alone ; xvhleh said xvallcs uro Hid , as tolloxxs : N'.HIM ft lot 5 blk 10 City $ ! I5 85 4-rlot. > bllt 10 ' 'Jll l LotGbllt 10 " 181 02 Iot7lll ) < 70 478 > ( Lot8bll < 70 203 2J N 93 ft lot 4 bllt 73 " 4V ) CS h lotlblU74 24727 N Ji lots blk 1)1 ) " 2i2 70 Lot 8 blk 153 " 2J7 2 < i Lot4blU17J " l'JO)4 ' ( Lot 1 bllt 7 Jerome I'.irk85 2'J Lot 2 blk 7 " > Ml Lot.tblk7 " ! ) ' ,0 Lot 10 111 k 10 West Cnd Add 87 21 Lot 11 blk 10 09 8" Total $ . ' .802 DC To cover the cost of constructing a boxxor in sexvcr district No , id.1 , ainountln ; lo thu sum ) f $1,787 7.1 , xx-hich sum It Is proposed by.lie- port duly adopted bv Iho city council to as sess on the ost.itu alone ; said sewer pro i-.itn , according to toot front isio and the usual scaling buck process. In depth fiomsticot ono ot ; provided , that cornur lots h.ivliiL1 sexier constiuctod on two sides shall bo assessed for the lonser sldo only. Hulc per foot , ? 1 0 l'JJ7. To cover the cost of sexv < r , cnrblns and cnl- turlin ; . and paxln , ? on the soutli one-half of 1101 til 21s feet ot east 28 feet of lot .1 , Capitol addition , nmountliie ! to the sum ot $2IJ.OU , Is pioiiosod , by a report du.y ndoplcil by Iho city council , to assess on I he south ono-half ot the north 218 feet of oust J8 feet ot lot No. 1 Uapltol addition. You are further notified thatbald "Proposed _ l4ii of A'sassn ent" are now subject to the Inspection nnd ox.iiiilniition of any of the owners of ild lots , parts of lols or pieces of real estate , or thu inspection or examination of any othei person interested In fain pio- posed assessments , ut the olllco of salit c-ltv clerk , and thnt by a report of a commltteu ot said council duly ndonted , It Is proposed that unlesR for good and Milllctcnt cause. It may lie otherwise ordered and determined , the costof sild Improvements respect lel \ ' lie as sessed on the lots , parts of lots and pieces ot loal est.ito as shown by said pio- poscd plans ot assessment , You , and each of yon , are hereby natlllcd to appeal before s.ild Hoard of Limtl/atlon | at the tlmo and place nlnivo hpeellicd , to make any complaint , statement , or objection you dcslio concerning AIIV ot said proposed levies and ubsUbSinenly of sneelnl taxes , JOHN OUOVT.S , Olty Clmlt. Omaha. Neb. December llth , 189d 15(171 ( . oi'AUTr.itMASTnu'H ornon. : Cnir.r Omaha , Neb , Dec ; , Ifilli , Ib'JU. healed pio- posals will be leeched hero until txxo o'clock p in. , .lammiy Kidi.lbOJ , and then opeiud , foi the construction of a i-oul shed nt Toil Nlobiaia , Nobi.iska. Thoilcht Is icseied lo lejicliiny 01 all bids. All Infinniation fm- nlshed on application lic'in , or lo post < | 11,11 lei- inastei.l'oit Mobiaia , Nebiaska. Knxulopes conlalnliifi proposals lolui nun kid "I'lojms.ilK foi I'onstiuctlon at Toil Nfobiaia , Nell. , " and addietsed lo WM. 11. IIIJC1U > , Lieut. I'olonel and Deputy Quailouniibtoi Ueneinl , II S. A , Chief Quill tc-i master. UlTiUt J H 0 Kotlee. Notlco Is heieby Ixeji that thoannual meel- ln of the stocklmldeiK of thu Omaha ( .as .Manufac'tiiiln company , will lie held at the olllco of thu company , Miuchnnts National Hank bulldlm : , at lo a m. , .Monday , .laiiuniy J , 1HU. ) , foi the olcctlon of dlieclois foi thu cnsulnjjyoai , and sueli nlher bushuss apper taining lo Iheli Inteitsls us stockholder In sahl company. a may comn befuiu thu iiiLUtliiu. TUAXK MI'lil'llY. I'l.'st Omaha ( .Manufuuliiilni'O , or.ouon n , uAKiit.uuijy. : Omaha , Due ID , IbU'J. DITdlOt HtorkliohlorH' Alooiini ; Union ii tat r Coiuiiiiiiy ( it Omiilm , Notlco Is hereby six-en that the annual meet- Jus ol the stockholders of the Union Klevutoi compiny , for the purpiim of olectliw sovou director's nnd such other business us may pinporly ( Oino before the nicotine , will bo held ut the olllco of John.M. Thnrston. I'nlon I'a- olllo bulldltiK , Omiiliu. Nob. , upon Monday , the 2nd day of Januaiy , IMH , bop.xccn tlio houisol 11) ) o'clock a , in , and u o'clock p m. ALi.K MI L1.AK , Secretary. Utibton , Docombtr 10 , ib'JJ. dlJiU'lt htocldiol.lerit' Meetln ii liniiha ti I'.IIdioi Valley Kallxtiiy C ( iinpiiny Notlco Is hoieuy t'lven that the nnnua' ' ineotliiK of the btoekhuldeis of Iho Omaha A iikliorii : Valley Uullway Comuiny , for tin election of seven dlrojtorn and snob othei bublnesii as may jiroporly como biJforn tin meetlni ; . will bo held at the olllco of John M Thuraton , Union I'aclllo bulldlnc. In thoo.t ) of Omaha , Nob. , upon Wmlnosday , the 4th ditj of January. I8U , ) , atlOo'ilooka m. The B'nuK transfer books xvlll ha closed toi davs before the date of thu mooting AI X , MILLAK. becretary. Boston , Mass. , UccutuborlO Jt'Ji Ul&aJit AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Intorcstlng Tnfonnntion Ooncorrlng tlio Ail- vantngo of Raising Qood Stock. EXPERIENCE OF A NEBRASKA FARMER ItPinnrlmhl.v HRI | | 1'rlcp Soeurcd for i 1Vx > limit of I lr < t I'lim I'attle No Itensonliy.Mnnej MiiinM Itu l.iMl. There is no question that has niltatod the minds of cattle producers marc for the past six years than "xx hat caiuxvo do to innko a dollar in the business r H is a fact Hint more money has been lost by producers nnd feeders of cattle west of the Missouri river In the past ten jcars Hunt has been made , to explain which would 10- qutro inoro space than can bo devoted to this subject. One of the prime causes of loss is the want of quality and bt ceding , and that 1ms been talked and wiitten about until , b.x some , it is called a "chestnut " Hut facts ate Just ns true now as they were In 1S1 < < , when the ! 'KiKhteens" weie linpottcd fiom lluitfand And jet cattle men xx ill pro on xxnslitiR time and feed , IOSIIIR money \ear alter ) oar , handlliiR scrub cattle , when a IhimniRh- bred slro can bo had almost at their doots for * HX1 or less , the drat crop of cahes from which will bihiR on any market txx Ice as much mono ) as the same number of cattle can be bought for hero almost an ) dain the ) car Uy xxav of Illustration as to wlnt breed- tntj nnd care will to , U I ) Da > of WcrjilniVater , Xcb , had on the South Omaha matket' the past vock soxon head of tx\o-\ear-old . heieford cattle three steers and four heifers of his oxx n breed- Ins ; and feeding which sold at an a\er.i > ; o of $ Mi. 10 dcr head , and the baldest and slowest , matkot experience at the Omaha yatds in the last six months. OulUtriii Adxnnt.iie. Twenty-four or tw-ont.\ilvo ; head of cattle is about the number tlmt usually comes lit near. Thoaboxo scxen herd netted Mr t.i ) moicinono ) than thousands of full cats that ha\o in-lived at this market within the pastear The enl ) dlffeionce between these se\en head nnd the .IXCT.IRO cattle put on the mar ket , which nt the same aRO does not net the producer f'JO per head , Is in the biccdinif and fcediii ! ? . These cattle were sold bv the Wagnor-Blrnoy company , and hotiRlit by Uobcrt ? of 100 Rtbt Hioadway , Coun cil HlufTs Mr. Hudnt ? took orders at the yards , fiom commission men and empUneshosaw the cattle , for'J.MK ) pounds of tlio meat A lat-RO doldiraliou w ill go oxer to Council BlulTs to see the caicasses cut up Wednes day. day.Many producers liavo nn idea that the man who nuns t\\ohead of cattle is txxico asxell off as ho who owns but one , but the idea is erroneous. It is not al\\a.\s numbcis that counts in the cattle business Only Rood cattle should bo i.iised and only as many as can bo piopcily cared for , and the ) should bo kept in the feed yard tiutil ripe and lit lor maiket. No man should tr ) to feed two car loads of cattle xvith enl ) feed enough for one. If thebu hints x\eio obsoncd the market would never bo so bad as not to pay a ptollt and the commisaion man would not bo forced to inn after a bnjer to taUo the cattle. The bujets would be the men to do the running and the pioblcm Itctuin bUfRCstod will ha\o been solved. Ilou to Hindlo Hops. Koxv.hile the hops are xxoith > 0f > 0 to JT 00 a bundled and likely to go still higher bofoio next .Tune , it might not bo out of phuo to toll fatmcis hoxv to hanillo them in loading and matlteting to get the best money out of them. A IJr.i : icpoiter in conveisa- tion with one of the laigo iiaekcis of this city was gixcn a foxxpointcis the other day which ought to be known by every fanner , stodk tatser and shipper. IX cry bruise on a steer or puncture of the skin on a hog reduces the price offcicd by the bujcts at the ) .nds , not that they mcie : ly want some excuse for knocking down the pi ice , but because they , in linn , must take a loxxcr inico bor the dicssed meat. Many f.umets and shippers in diiving and loading hogs for the maikot will punch them with an iron tipped prod polo or e\cn a pitch- RfflLWRY TIME GRRD folk ) n bllMftil tRiiornitcc ot tlio fnct thai Miiiiwa evpcrt buyci-s for thr < | > nikltit | lioti c cnu sen. nliunst nt n K'lnnco , HIP niannci1 lit which Iho hrtM have been hniiuKl , untl iiutkn their liltU ruvoruliiKh K\tn hnm Munililcr or < tldo that slunx u liutuliuxi or I liolo nmilo with n thai ) ) Instt iiiutit after inn itnlmnl N iticHiott , i-edm-c * the piKe of Hint iMitleulnr plivo t tviit a inwnJ IJnv risiunUo tlnlly MMtt to tlio kllilnjr inui coot- Itip ; t-ooins nf tlm houses for \x Itlch llio.x 1m\ , notliitf iiitrcfully how each iniivhaso "iii-csscs out" nnil tnlto tlio re sult as a Riildo for futtiro imr- chases , Untl liandllntr of hops cnusct prc.ttor loss to fMckcrs thnn bmlsis on cattle - tlo , nftho litttcrcnn lie rut nw.iv without ilniniiL'o to thojcstof the cnivnss , while , ns stated above. Miolo lit a ham or shotiltlor. afTocts the iirleo of the entire plcoo At the eluitcs le.uling to the killing IIHUUS drivers nru iinn Mc l with n polo tlmieil with n short steel spike , not IOIIR unotiKh lo plcivo throuch the slilu anil liijuto the htdo. A IMt-k ln house oiuplojo seen usliiR an extra ninount of inusclo on his prod polo promptly pets the bounce , nnil ) ot altlppcis , farmer * anil feeders \\111 use a pitchfork on their cat tle and hogs ami lese money by ilohitf so. The til city le.iptto composeil of the Kp- woith leattties of South Omaha , Council HluiTs and Oin.tlm , will hold Its next regular session at the Khst Methodist Kplseopal flnnch in this elty Tuesda ) ovcnlnir Do- coinher'.1" The moinbcis of the local Hp- worth le.iKtio aie looklnpforxx.trd to the com- ill ? ineetinirxxlth nittlclpitlons of mneh ple.tsme mid proilt and are tn.iklmr elabor.tto prepatation for the exc-ul The\ propose to ontcitntn their \isitois lu him Isoine .stj li . The Alpha lodpo ball J IM II last nljhtxas ? itttended by about thitt.\ couples Im Imtlnc \isltots trout Oiniiha and ( Vinncil Blutla lodges A ttnich xxus sened In the hall It was aery pk-iisaut social eu nt Doings In I'ullio I It-den , Ollxcr Anderson , a plain drunk ot f."i ami Mists in tlio police conit this inouilinr In do- fault. of the stilll he went to Jail William lloliind , drunk and disorderly , pleaded not ( ? ullt ) and the case uontln- ned utitil this e\culnp ; . 7 o'clock Kiault Mann , inn in fora \ ast < denies the soil impeachment and Kixes refetvnco which maptoo that he is rlifht .ludso Fowler will invcstisati ! and act accordingly. M U ) an , drunk , was dis h ityed with the understand tug Hint the no\l time lie would t'o to Jail. _ Notes nnd IVMointls * Ur 11 ] j Hi nhotit went to Mlssomt Valley , 'a. , ) ( .stcnl.iy. Horn -To Mr and Mrs Christian C Chris- Hanson , December I4 , a son. The funeral of 'I' I { Klcliardsoii will tnko tlaeo Monday at 'J p in ftoin the Prosby- uit in chmch. Mis M Kchlapolof Plattsmottth and Mrs. V \ , Callicott of IX'iinis , To.\ , ate guests of Mrs Alex. .Schl.m'ol. tMward \Vald\ORcl and Miss Addio J. Spiuto w ere * man ted tit the home of the hi ido'3 talents , Th it tjseventh and ( v > bluet's , at I o clock ) ostoiihiy afteinoon Kcv O N. Daxxson ollici itcd The JOUIIR conplo lolt on ho oxeniii ) ? ttalu Tor the groom's out homo u Ohio , to lutmn so JH ami bo , it homo in this city. Thomas U Richardson , 50 yeais old , died .ast nmhl about 1o'clock. . He icsidotl on N sttoct lu the Mats over PI ) nil's clottilng store , The deceased has been an invalid for \eais , lia\iuivlec'n injured in a mine ( % xplo- , ' 1011 Jifteen jcais aiov\liile ho vxas oiiRiigcd in that calling. Ho xxas a nnisnn in Rood stnndliiK and will ptobabh be but led btlmt , pidur , though auMii' cnii'ittb for the ftme.ral iia\o not jot been mado. I' ! ; j\n honest pill is the noblest xx-orlc of the ipothecarx. DoWitt's l.ittlo liitly Hisets euro constipation , biliousness ami sick head ache. FB.OM THE COURTS. Mrs. SirKi'iit'H Vnliirlo Aeelilent irrlci a .Inrv In a M.liuKtlll. The case of Fanny M. Sargent ngalnst the Omalm Sheet Kailway compiny 13 slated for a noxv trial Mrs Saigeut was : i passenger on the Txx cnty-font th street line and was thrown fiom ono of the company' ? caisat the Inteiscctiun of Si\tccnth and Fainam sticcts. She biomht suit , alleging1 the carelcssncbs of the company's agents in stopping and stai ling the car The asoxad tried in Judge Scott's court , and aflur being out thirty horns , the jm.x \\.is unable to agicc on thu amount of damages to which the plaintift was entitled. From the time when the jurors went into their loom they xxoto all of the opinion Unit she was entitled to i-eco\er. Wade Joseph has lit ought suit to recover the sum of 51K)0 ( ) from the Hammond Pack ing company 'of South Omalm. lie alleges that dining the early pait of last Juno the defendant employed him as the foi email of tlio laid room at ? vi per day , and thnt theio was a contiact by whicii ho bhonld bo em- V 1 > 1 oj eil for thu pel iod of ono \ ear Then , ho sajs , that on December 1'J , w llliont causa and without notice , ho was discharged. Ild is of the opinion that ho is entitled to the amount that ho would have icccivcd if ho had served the full year Li/rie Weidt wants the courts and the laxv to dhiuco her fiom hnr husband , ( 'buries , and in addition thuotobho wants her maiden name , which was U zioDckln As a cause for asking all of thib she alleges Unit Charles has boon a bad man ; that ho has failed to pioxido the nccessarv means of support ; that not long ago , without cause or pi ox-oca- turn , ho performed thu nciatchtni , , choking , beating and stiiking act , thus causiiiK the plainttll gioat pain and sufleiing llaiiiut B. Coomho of this citj 1ms ro. moved to South Dakota , and by taking nil- vantage of the lax laws of that state , after a losidcnco of ninety dajs , has applied fora dixouo fiom her hiisb..nd , William C'oombc. ror having committed burglary Morton G. Clatkoand Chailcs Smith wein jestciduy sentenced lo the penitentlarv Clarke wai ghcn UXD and Sinllh sixteen months. Ft .ink Holly nnd Henry lialdwln , a ) iairof foijfeis , xxuro sentenced to teimsof txio each. Judge It-vino made the Injunction pcrpotunl and lestraincd the city iiom onlcting a change of grade on Martha ntn'ot The oidinanco sought to itbbcsa the propoity owncis for bcnullts Yon ilon't want , u toipul Ihor ; ; on don't xxant : i bad ( oinpluxlnn , ion don't \vint : a bail hicath ; jon ilon't a lici.ul.iclio. Then nso Uo Witt's Uttlo Iluly Uigurs , the famous llttlo nills. - hiilfereil TlirniiKli nn l.'iiur. Neighbors of Thooiliuo ICiapp , who lixcson Smith Ninth street , IIIIMJ been Inrnlni ; nf > tliolr nosca at him for homo time and lie was ut los ? to uniloiHliinil tlio cause thcicof until \uslLM day when ho tlisi-oxcicil u i ojiyof Tin : IJisp. wcoks old in xxlilch an iti-in appealed to Iho effect that Mr Ki.tpp hecn aricatcd in pollco coin t for illstm'lmig tlio pc.ico and iihiisinc ' Ills xvifo 'Jho whole in.illcrwas a inlstakoii'i Mr Ki.ippiB on ox- collcnt tci ins with his liotlcr li.ilf nnil nlw.iya lias hecn Ho had seine tiouhlo icccntly with a noif'hlior and W.IH accused in police couit of haUlitf ilistinlied the peuto A Nttix DnilKi- , "When u imin in Hciuchofn , iliinlr , but without the ciibh to tfct it. inunnt'cii to boat 1110 out of It by tiny noxv trick , or old ono , oithcr , if it la u good ono , 1 never sny 11 word , " said Bover.igo Clone Ooorjjo Willininson to the Wnhhinaton I'oHt. "I nin ttlxvayH willing lo give ii | ) the liquor no a nort ot fee for Iho Uwwl- cd ( > o 1 ncquiro , nnd whluh may como in hnntly if anybody tries to play the sumo iiodyo aynin. The olhor inui nliir ( ft came in sind lunged up to the burAa HOOII as I HIUV him I know ho was no good in a. cnsh cliiectinn. Ho luoUod iikoa loyulnr , and , as txvo or Unco of the stuno army had already buoii In , I conclndoil that only ciiHh or collatoial would trot him a oooktttll. Ho looked at mo in a hcHltatini , ' tort of way , and , holding out a silver handled tmk uinhrolln , biiid : " -Can J put this up for a drink t' "An the lain-inakorH were nt work and i hadn't any umbrella , I icpllod that ho eould. Without a word ho shook out the folds and raised the article. Without a word I put out the bottle and the KliiFa , It wan a noxv ono on mo. jL'iiorarico of the inciits of UoWltt'a l.ittlo KuilyHlscisis a misfortune. Theao Httla iiIUHicffuhitotho Jlvcr , euro headuihc. Uys- , lu l bicatli , constipation and bilious *