Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1892, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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Approaching Holidays Play Smash with
thu Four Hundred.
The KngiiRamnnt of Mlm Urown imtl Mr ,
Henry Wjrmnn Mmln rntitla nt n ll i nll.
ful Lntirlipon Krcnl * I" Store
for the Vonnit Prople.
Somnthtng of a festal spirit begins to per-
Tftdo the w.ilk * of fashionable llfo and the
social circles are putting on a gay and holi
day aspect. Within the week Chrlstmasi
with all Its Jollity and good cheer , will bo
hero aud unto * of proparut Ion are on every
hand. D.iln ty llttlo envelopes are coming
through the malls carrying the announce
ment of dunces nnd card p.irttes for the holi
days. The youus puoplo are coming homci
nnd.itro.itly the resident boys nud girls are
looking fonvnrd to three weeks of unalloyed
happlucs s.
The event of chlofest Importance this
week will bo Iho marriage of Aliss Bertha
Yost 'and Air. Charles Offutt , which will
occur Thursday evening at the First Presby
terian church , nnd for which admission
cards have been Issued to the church , Aliss
Nash will bo the maid of honor , the bridesmaids -
maids belui ? Aliss Mary Popplcton. Aliss
Bessie Yates , Miss Sherwood nnd AIlss Clara
Brown. Air. Offutt will M represented by
Mr. Clark Thomas of Paris. ICy. , the ushers
being Mr. Drake. Captain Crowdcr , Robert
Patrick nnd Judge Herbert J. Davis. It
promises to bo n very pretty ceremony , the
girls nil helm ? fair to look upon. A dinner
for thu wedding party follows the ceremony
nt the residence of the bride's parents , Air.
and Airs. C. E. Yost , 423 North Twenty-third
For the first tlmo Mneo 1S8 ! ) the musical
organizations of Princeton will take n trii >
west during the Christmas vacation , which
will bo the most elaborate slnco the
flrst organization of the clubs. The
tour will include all the largo
cities of the west , aud the enter
tainments already provided for the colleg
ians promise to surfeit them for many
months after their return to fair Princeton.
The clubs will travel In a special train made
up of three Pullman coaches , n baggage car
nnd engine. Airs. T. Harrison Gurrctt has
Idndly loaned her private car , which will
accommodate ten men , Air. Lord of the Bal
timore & Ohio has given his private car.
which will hold fourteen men , and the third
Pullman will nicely accommodate twenty-
eight. Tlio entire train will bo draped In
orange and black and will run on n special
schedule. The itinerary of the trip pro
vides for the clubs' opening at I oulsvillo
December 21 ; Indianapolis , 22d ; Chicago ,
2fld , where two afternoon teas uud a dance
will bo given to the clubs , and after the con
cert nt Central Alusic hall the clubs will
leave for Alilwaukcc , where u concert will be
given on the 2-lth , many of the men return
ing to Chicago on Christmas to spend Sun
day with friends. On the 20th they will bo
In St. Paul , on the 27th nt Minneapolis ;
Cedar Rapids , 28th ; Omaha , 2 ! > th , a ball
being given in their honor after the concert ;
Kansas City. December : ) ; St. Louis , De
cember 111. The men will leave St. Louis
early January 2 for Columbus , where they
will arrive at noon. On the 4th the will ap
pear at PUUburg , their lust point , going
direct to Philadelphia , and from there to
Princeton. Following is the list of men who
nro now practicing in the different clubs :
Glco Club-H. Al. Rogers , " . , leader ; llrst
tenor , R. P. D. Bennett ' ! , J. R. McAlpin "JJI ,
A-Al. Woodruff .M , C. L. Cundco'1C. . J. W.
Garrett ' . " > , T. Cadwalladcr 'DO , J. C. Kcrr
C. S. MacKenzie ' 01 , C. Payne TO ; second
bass. O. M. Edwards ' ! > : ! , N. B. Tarkington
> 03. T. F. Bailey ' 1)1 ) , W. S. Hogers 'U-l , L. F.
Pease ' 0.1.
Banjo Club L. B. Woodcock , ' 93. leader ;
guitars , P. II. Davis .W , K. K. Palmer 'OH ,
C. U. Carpenter " .UJ , P. Sattcrthwaito "J3 , F.
S. Titsworth " . ) ! ! , S. K. McCormlck ' 93.
Banjouurincs , 1.1. Broknw 'lH ) , .1. B. Palmer
' 03 , L. B. Woodcock ' ! ) : ! , J. W. Lord . ) . > , II. K.
Smith , 'ltd ; second banjos , F. C. Kenloy "J4 ,
D. L. Miller > t)0 ) ; piccolo , F. B. Stcelo'03 ;
whistler , D. L. Miller ' 90.
Mandolin Club C.U. . Carpenter ' 03 ,
leader ; mandolins , J. M. Shellabargcr "J2 ,
C. U. Carpenter "J3 , C. I. Shannon ' 93 , W. K.
Doty ' 9-1 , C. B. Worden " .H , J. Shelton ;
second mandolin , G. 10. Whlto ' 93 ; mandela ,
W. T. Noble ' 93 ; violin , L. Wyinan ' 9 ; ;
ilute , W. S. Hogers ' 91 ; 'cello , J. W. Garrett
A llrnutlliil HlBli ' ' ' * I'urty.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cushing's high Ilvo party
Monday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Job \ A. McShano might with perfect proprl-
uty have been called a reception , with cards
ns n feature of the function. Mrs. Gushing
Is a charming hostess , and the card party
Monday owning showed how thoroughly she
linow the pleasing art of delightful enter
The house , which is rich is brie n brae , was
inado unusually attractive by the introduc
tion of many Ilowors , with palms and ever
greens in profusion placed in the corners of
the rooniH. the windows nnd in the pretty
hallway. There were rose bowls Ailed with
flowers , nnd handsome stands , while the
mantels were banked with the lovely blos
Mr. and Mrs. Cusbing received in the south
parlor , assisted by Mr. and Mrs. John A.
McShano , and were assisted throughout tlio
rooms by Miss Dnndy , Miss Buuin , Miss Malone -
lone , Miss Nash , Miss Parker. Miss AleSor-
Jloy , Miss Kinsler , Aliss Johnson , Miss
O'Keofo , Mr , Harry Burkley , Mr. Murphy
and Mr. Tom Gushing.
Three rooms worn sot apart for the players
nnd twenty-two tables were occupied , the
, iai > ; c8t high Jive party of the season. Part
ners'\v < ire chosen by different colored cards ,
nut heart-shape , which were used ns indi
vidual cards by the players , the counters
KOld and green bangles , heart-shaped. Table
cards were the same shape. Nine games
were played , thirty-two points constituting
thu game , after which most elaborate re
freshments were served by BaldufT. In
point of fact , the refreshments were upon a
lavish scale , rivalling u dinner in the num
ber of courses served.
The ladies' llrst prize , n silver bon bon
diah , waa won by Mrs. Ben Gallagher ;
the second , a silver stand , was taken by
'Mrs. Hubbard , while the ladles' booby
iirlzo , a pretty silver brcaatpln , was won by
Mrs , Dundy. Mr. Frank 11 union won the
l\rst \ prize for the gentlemen , which was n
handsome canu ; the second by Mr. Harry
Burkloy , n pretty illustrated edition of the
' 'Seven Ages of Man , " Captain Wordeu
winning the booby , a match safe.
The following were the guests : Mr. and
Mrs. John A. McShano , Mr. and Mrs. V. J
McShano , Judge nnd Mrs. Dundy , Genera !
nnd Mrs. Brooke , Colonel and Mrs. Slier
lilan , Captain and Mrs. Worden , Mr. ami
Mrs. E. A. Cudahy , Major and Mrs. D. H ,
Wneoler , Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Snyder , Mr ,
mid Mrs. Daniel Baum , Mr. and Mrs. J. N
H. Patrick , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Strawn
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gallagher , Mr. and Mrs
James G. Gllmoro , Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Raymond
mend , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Furay , Mr. am :
Mrs , Clement Clmso , Mr. and Airs. C. V
Gallagher , Mr , and Mrs. Chris Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. J , M. Thurston , Mr. am
Mrs. Q. W. Holdrego , Mr. and Mrs
O. J. Smyth , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A
Conncrs , Mr , and Mrs. Gcorgo H. Bogga
Mr. and Mrs. George , I. Gilbert , Mr. am
Mrs. W. A , Paxton , Mr. and Mrs. E. L
Lonmx , Mr. nnd Mrs. Adolph Alyors , Mi
nnd Mrs. Thomas F , Godfrey , Mr. ami Mrs
E. B. Branch , Mr. and Mrs , C. J. Grcciu
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McMnriihy , Mr. an
Mrs. John D. Creighton , Mr. and Mrs , H. I !
Hubburd , Mr , mid Mrs. C. W. Hamlltoi
Mr. und Mrs , E. W. Nash. Mr. nnd Mn
George W. Looinls , Mr. nnd Mrs. John I
CoM , Mr. nud Mrs. D. J. O'Donahoo , Mi
nnd Mrs , J. B , Kitchen , Mr. and Mrs. O , A
Carter , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. U. Wyinan , Mr. an
Mrs , Will Wyman , Mr. and Mrs. , J. .
Dickey , Mr. und Mrs. Frank A. RInehear
Dr. and Mrs , Ralph W. Connell , Mr. an
Mrs. S. I' . Alorso , sir , mid Mrs. J. J. Browi
Council Bluffs , la. , Mr. und Mrs. B. I
Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Daughcrtj
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baum , Mr. and Mn. Duvl
Jiiuiui , Mr. und Mrs. S. II. Mallory , Char
tou , In. ; Mr. und Mrs. D. J , Thaycr , Chui
Books of Fiction , 35c.
1,000 volumes , all the stand
ard works , printed on fine pa
per , elegantly bound in best
English cloth , stamped in black
and gold , with head bands and
silk bookmarks ; well worth 750 ,
Send for list of titles.
E. P. Roe's Works , 87c ,
Cloth bound , original library
Nnturo's Sorlnl Story ,
A Young Girl's Wooing ,
Thu Homo Aero ,
A Day of Futo ,
Driven Back to Kdon ,
An Original Belle ,
His Sombre Rivals ,
Success With Small Fruits ,
What Can She Do ?
Miss Low.
Selected Poems , 5Oc.
From the best poets ; silk il
luminated bindings , heavy
toned paper , clear type , beau
tifully illustrated.
Roctt Mo to Sloop Mother ,
Eve of St. Apnes ,
Sea Fairies , .
Homo of the Ancient Mariner ,
SOUR of the Brook ,
Lcnoro ,
Song of the River ,
Fair Incs ,
Songs From Faust ,
The Earl's Return ,
The Bugle Song ,
Orlixna ,
Song of the Boll.
Red Line Poets , 65c.
'Authorized edition ; all the
prominent poets ; cloth bound
fine paper , clear type ; illus
Children's Books.
Mammoth assortment for
the little folks ; illuminatec
board covers , large clear type
profusely illustrated. Prices 5c
roc , i5c , 2oc , 250 ; better ones
at 35C > 5OC ancl UP tO $ ' SO-
oti , In. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. H. 13. Palmer , Air.
, ml Airs. W. H. dishing , Air. and Airs. Alct-
luf. Air. and Airs. W. F. Allen , Dr. aud Airs.
. \ . A. Parker , Air. und Airs. F. D. Cooper ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colpotzer , Mr. and Airs.
.1. N. Cornish , Mr. und Airs. F. B. Johnson ,
Gcnoral and Airs. John B. Hiiwloy , Dr. and
Airs. Cofltinnn , Air. and Airs. J. R , Bucauau ,
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Jones , Air. and Airs ,
lohn A. Sehcnk. Air. and Airs. II. G. Burt ,
Mr. John A. O'Kcefc , Air. F. P. Halon , Air.
" "ohn A. Creighton , Airs. E. C. Alt-Shane ,
Irs. AlcCaskcll. Airs. Phillips , Duluth.
Ono of the pleasing affairs of the * week was
ho afternoon reception given by Airs. D. H.
Wheeler on Thursday , society being out in
urge numbers to honor the hostess , who has
for a number of years , been a light in the
social world. Airs. Wheeler's homo nt 2021
Harney street was profusely decorated
with palms and Ilowers , a festal ap-
icarance being given tlio place
by the lavish nso of Christmas greens. Iho
> arlor was beautifully decorated in pink
ind white carnations , the mantels being
iimg with smilax , while the hallway in
which the Mandolinclub was stationed was
beautified by ferns ami roses. The dining
room was wholly in pink , the table having a
center picco of pink roses with violets scat
tered over the cloth , while largo bunches of
violets were placed at the ends In a very
irtlstic manner. The sideboard was banked
with ferns with smilax to relieve it on tlio
mantel piece. ,
Airs. Wheeler was assisted In receiving by
her daughter-in-law , Airs. Dan Wheeler , Jr. ,
Airs. Myron Wheeler of Lincoln , Airs. Lewis
uid Airs. 12. S. Dundy. Airs. Wheeler were
i handsome costume of.yellow bengalino ,
trimmed In a shade of velvet , the collar nud
vest being of cut crystnl passementerie ,
puffed sleeves of satin Unishing the hand
some gown.
All's. Dan Wheeler , Jr , were a gown of the
Directory period of black silk , trimmed with
liink and gold brocade.
Airs. Alyron Wheeler appeared in helio
trope crepe , trimmed with beautiful white
Airs. Lewis were n costume of black silk ,
while Airs. Duudy were also u black silk ,
ornamented with rare old lace.
Serving shorbort In the bay window of the
parlor were Aliss Hurtman , Aliss Welch ,
AIlss Underwood and Aliss Hughes , whllo
Airs. Remington , Airs. Will Rcdick , Aliss
Dundy , Aliss Richards. Airs. Gcorgo Boggs ,
Airs. O. H. Brown and Airs. Gilbert poured
chocolate aud coffee.
Moral ArriuiHiii 1'urty.
Wednesday evening Union Puclllo Council
of thu Royal Arcanum lOU'.t , gave another of
its pleasant scries of lilh ; live parties In Its
rooms In THE BEB building. The iirst prize
for ladies -was won by Airs , Griswold , the
llrst prize for gentlemen was taken by Air.
There were present : Air. and Airs. C , S.
Potter , Air. and Airs. J. E. Preston , Air. and
Airs. J. B , Sheldon , Air. uud Airs. C. B. Ged-
noy , Mr. and Airs. William Gyger , Air. and
All's. Y. O. Rhodes , Air , and Mrs. C. A.
Fowler , Air. and Airs. L. Briggs , Air. and
Airs. A. J. Yierliug , Air. und Airs. C. D.
Sutphcn , Air. and Mrs. J. J. Bliss , Air. aud
Airs. Al. R. Alurphy , Air. and Airs. A , P.
Brink , Air. and Airs. H. Salisbury , Air. ami
Airs. R. E. McKelvoy , Air. and Alrs. G. R.
Griswold , Air. and Airs. Al. C. Kiddcr , Air.
nnd Airs. W. P. Davis , Dr. and Airs. W. F.
Milrov , Alisses Ambrose , Zimmerman ,
Storch , Borglum , Gyger , Rohso , Airs.
Dvball. Airs. English , Alessrs. L. A. Storch ,
Hi W. Dyball , G. B. DyDall , W. Al. Ciller , D.
Graham , L. O. Cameron , C. L. Oygcr , H. A.
Sander , O. English. A. P. Connor , R. W.
VIerllug , A. S. Borglum.
Tuesday evening the Arcanum will give
thuJlrst of Its sorlcs of dancing parties at
Alotropolitan hull.
The Kntrv Noun Club ut Curd * .
Tuesday evening Mr. and Airs. Thomas
Swobo entertained thu Entro Nous club In
the parlors of the Alillard , and n right Jolly
tlmo the members had , The Entro Nous
club has been a part of the social life of the
city for years , and no social season would bo
complete without the appearance of this or
ganization In the social ureiia. Delightful
refreshments were served during thu oveiling
und the prizes were later awarded to Airs.
Pea so and Air. Dlotz.
The members of the club present were :
Family Bibles , $1.5O.
Containing the Old and
New Testaments translated out
of the original tongues , and
with the former translations
diligently compared and re
vised , and embracing every
passage of Scripture in the
largest editions. Price , $1.50.
VVith complete concordance ,
apocrypha and psalms , $ 2.50.
Better ones at $5 , $7.50 ,
$8.50 ; and the best , at $12.50.
Bagster Bibles.
The most complete and
comprehensive teachers' Bi
bles published a marvel of
completeness ] Prices , $3.50 ,
$4.50 , $6 and $7.50.
Prayer Books
And Hymnals.
In both single and double
volumes ; large variety of
bindings. All our prayer
books contain the New Versi-
cles from the recent revisions.
Double volumes , $1.35 up to
Single volumes , $ i up to
$4-5 ° l
Epistles and Gospels.
Key of Heaven.
Bindings in every conceiv
able style to suit both rich
and poor. Single and double
Double volumes , $2.25 to
Single volumes , $75c to
$6.50 ;
An immense variety of
choice'little gems in composi
tion and illustration. The
best of both American and for
eign productions. Prices , IDC
to $5oc.
Mr. and Mrs. Diotz , Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond. Mr. aud Mrs. Kirkcndall. Mr. and
Mrs. Coc , Miss Barber , Mr. and Mrs. W. N. '
Babcock , Mr. and Mrs. Louie wood , Mr. and
Mrs. Sloan , Mr. und Mrs.Wakellcld. Air. and
Mrs. Clayton , Mr. und Mrs. Pease , Frank
Brown , Mr. and Mrs. Brady. Mr. mid Mrs. j
George Squires , Mr. aud Mrs. Colpotzer ,
Air. and Mrs. George ICclley , Mrs. Du Bols.
Ci'li'lirntcd ll 'r lltrtliilny.
Air. and Airs. Chapiii gave a delightful
dancing party at their residence 'JOIT llaruey
street. In honor of their daughter , who cele
brated her 10th birthday , Miss Carrie Alidg-
ley. Dainty refreshments were served at
I ) o'clock , after which dancing was indulged
in till a la to hour. AIlssMidgloy was daintily
attired in a pink empire gown tnmcd with
lace and ribbons and slippers to match.
Among those present were : Aliases Fern
Alurty , Alttiuio Thompson , Alice Haun , Lillie
Hiuin , Fay Wolfe , Besslo Hall. Lillian Hull ,
Marion Christancy , ICalovlnh Lovett , Bessie
Lovett , Edna 'Brown ' , Grace Marty , Julia
Hofmayer. Miss Pennell , Marguerite Murty.
Alcssrs. Will Tippery , Fritz Marty , L. B.
Pottigrow , Edward Gibson , W. West. R. L.
Davis , Vincent Gaylord GrilHth , Wiight
Hall , Evans and Smith.
\\lslicil HIT Unit Voyage.
Tuesday evening Air. and Airs. C. F. Bar
nard entertained at cards in honor of Aliss
Alabcl Pratt. A few of the young lady's
most iutimuto friends were invited to play
high live , and a delightful evening was the
consequence. A delicious lunch was served
luring the evening , and after refreshments
irizes were awarded to Miss Nellie Aloorc ,
Victor Ross , Aliss Parrotto and Air. White ,
On Wednesday the same party , twenty-six
n all , were nt the depot to see Miss Pratt
off for her former homo , Riverside , Cal. Air.
uid Airs. Barnard accompanied her as far as
Kansas City. No girl has ever left Omaha
nero burdened with flowers , candy und good
wishes than did Aliss Pratt. Among these
ircscnt both evenings were : Misses Pratt ,
Moore , Nolllo Aloore.Cumpbcll , Short , Baum ,
itceso , Ta turn , Parrotto nud Johnson ; Alcssrs.
Baldrldgo , Clapp , Pease , Adair , Clarke , Jor
dan , White , Ilotn , Boss , Fowler , Ogdcu und
Georgo. _
Morrow null Vcrc > Kjlng.
The Jennings hotel was the scene Monday
evening of u quiet wedding , thu contracting
parties being the genial proprietor , Major T.
Fnv Morrow , late of Kansas City , and Miss
Alice Si'roggliis of Wichita , Kan. The cere
mony took place in the parlors of the hotel
In the presence of n few friends. Rev A , Al
Clark of the City mission performed the cer
emony , after which all present adjourned to
the dining room , where a wedding supper.
was served and uu evening In keeping with
the happy occasion was pleasantly spent.
AInJor Morrow and bride , although compara
tive strangers in our city , huvo a host of
friends , who wish them unlimited happiness
and prosperity.
I'laycd nn Intrllrctiml ( iiiinc.
The If. W. B. Whist club played the first
of the series of games Wednesday evening ,
being pleasantly entertained by Air. and
Airs. Julius Kcsslor. The members present
were : Air. nnd Airs. H. L. Whltnoy , Air.
and Airs , J. A. Hake , Mr. and Airs. J. 11 ,
Blunchard , Air , and Mrs , T. C. Shelly , Mr.
and Airs , Arthur English , Air. and Airs. J ,
B. Livingston , Air. and Airs , Julius ICcssler
nud Air , and Airs. C. H. Bulllutt.
Aim. J. B , Livingston won the lady's
prize , with a percentage of 75 , and Air , J. A.
Hake the gcutleman's prize , with u percent
age of ( M ! % . After the games , refreshments
were served ,
Thu .lolly
The Jolly Sixteen had another of their de
lightful bimonthly high Ilvo contests nt the
homo of Aliss Theresa Juhn , on Lcavcnworth
street , Wednesday evening. Air. Alax
Rcichcnbcrg and Aliss Louise Fruohuuf car
ried off the prizes , These present who enJoyed -
Joyed the pleasures of the evening were :
Messrs. Hennlnger , Hoag , Al. and L. Raich-
euoerg , Allledo , Blattert , Arthur Tabbing
nnd Mr. Emll Ackennan , nnd the Misses
Theresa Jahn , Clara Juhn , Lena Tobbius
Louise und Fanny Fruohuuf , Alamlo Hurt-
lett , Wuothriuh , Alolcdo.
Kutcrtulitucl fur 41 Us Weaver.
Dr. and Mrs. S. Al. Campbell' , liiM South
Thirty-second street , entertained a few
In Duchess , 1'oint and Valencien
nes , perfect handwork , works of
art. Prices range from
to $25 Bach.
'S '
500 boxes , containing 3 hand
kerchiefs , printed borders , in a
neat , illuminated box , all for
25o Per JBo c.
The crowning bargain of all is
100 dozen Embroidered Hanclker
A.t lOo Bach.
That means jnst half price.
Enormous Variety
Cfiristitias Presents.
In every conceivahlc style-
Machine embroidered , drawn
work , hemstitched , plain , printed ,
old lingiish alid script initials ,
cotton , linen , silk and the finest
I'sench cambrics.
We offer a special lot of chiffon
fen embroidered 1 Ian.1 kerchiefs
at 1
I 1
Worth almost double. Also an
other lot ofjsjlk embroidered
At 35e : Each.
Around town lpiicov 50c ; very de
sirable for Presentation Gifts.
friends Friday evening in honor of Aliss Naomi
emi Weaver of Lincoln , who is their guest.
Airs. Campbellis a charming hostess and the
evening was most pleasantly spent , card
playing and dancing being the features of
the evening. Aliss Weaver has a host of
friends and admirers in Omaha and it was a
ileasuro to again meet her.
These present were : Aliss Weaver of Liu-
coin , Aliss Parker , Ada Parker , Cora
A'eavcr , Beryl Sp''iicer ; Alessrs. Harry
Wilkins. Lou Dale , Bert Downs , Ed McMahon -
Mahon , Will Clarke , Harry Nott.
StiirtlliiR Styles That London Drcssliiulu'rs
Are rr.vliiK to I'olsl Upon tlio I'nlillr.
Empire fashions are being carried to cx-
, rcmes by some of the London dressmakers.
To conservative minds the reproductions of
1813 styles that L bpr.ty is imposing upon
trustworthy women'wjioso desire to bo "In
good form" Is somewhat stronger than their
common sense , nro fillrlV startling. Nothing
could bo nioro suggestIve of thu costumes
that were affected -by 'Parisian ' "elegantes"
in that wild cm of French history , which all
sober-minded peopleirngurd with distrust.
From all such snares timl delusions of the
toilet may FaHhlon iii'her ' own erratic man
ner , deliver us ! li-
Prprlt'KHOIUli 1'urly ,
The Peerless club gufo a pleasant party
Tuesday evening ut Kriling hall , n largo at-
tcndanco of the moutbt'rs making the evening -
ing memorable In Ihw scries of dancing
parties now beluj giWft by this club. The
organization is mapiiu ; elaborate prepara
tions for u masquerade to bo given Decem
ber ' - ' .
These present Tuesday evening were :
Alossrs , Philips , Tnlclo , Tucker , Wigman ,
Stockham , Johnson. Harper , Bohunun ,
Luchuso , Fruehauf , woodard , La toy , Kcm-
L. Wigman , Caliban , Homborger , Chcsbro ,
Andreson , Pauck , Alcadimber , Stratmuu ,
Julm , Boll , Puumeter , Axford. Redlleld ,
Shields , Powers , Turplcy.
IIiiiuu for tlu > Holiday * .
Ed and Dwlght Swobo arrived from Furl-
bault college yesterday morning to spend the
holidays with their parents , Air , und Mrs ,
Thomas Swobo.
Aliss Susie Colpetzer and AIlss Iluttlo Cudy
return from Aliss Brown's school , Now York ,
on Tuesday.
Aliss Bertha Sloan , daughter of Air. and
Alrs.i W. G. Sloan , returns Thursday from
Aliss Grunt's school and will entertain ut a
Dress Goods
Suggestive Ft'gnrcs to Aid
Christmas Buyers.
Will buy a full dress pattern
of royal serge , 46 inches
wide , containing 5 yards , a
great plenty for the present
styles of costumes. We
have it in all the desirable
shades for winter wear.
$4 .50
Is our price for a dress pat
tern of the new Persian
weaves , delicate feather
tracery effects , neat , stylish
and durable , all colors.
Buys the best German mixed
cheviot dress lengths , ample
yardage for complete costumes , -
tumes , full range of fashion
able color Mendings.
Is all we ask for a full dress
length of French epangline ,
the latest of the season's new
fabrics , very stylish.
We quote for sufficient
quantity to make an elabor
ate dress of richelieu cord ,
all wool , rich , dark shades ,
plain colors.
At this price we can give
you an enormous assortment
of the choicest imported
dress fabrics , brocades , dots ,
cords , changeable effects.
Choice of any of them in
dress lengths at $10.00 each.
SAMPLES of any of these
promptly by mail.
Should any of these strike
you favorably during the last
few days before Christmas ,
wire at our expense. There
faill be no delay at this end ,
prompt attention , careful se
lections and fair dealing has
built for us a mammoth busi
ness ,
house party Aliss Ella Raymond , Mr. W. II.
Raymond ami Air. Hairy Evans of Lincoln ,
Neb. , Aliss Emily Hamill , and Air. Felix-
Hughes of Kcokuk , la. , and Air. Nat Alans-
lleld of Peoria , 111. On Alonday evening , the
aiith , a dancing party will bo given in honor
of tlio visitors by Air. and Airs. Sloan to in
troduce them to Omaha friends ,
Alisses Alice and Louie Drake return from
Bishop Pcrry'n school for girls at Davenport
Tuesday. On Thursday evening , December
2'J , a dancing party wjll bo given for the
young ladles by Air. and Airs. L. J. Drake
and on Friday following u dancing matinee
will be given for the younger children.
Aliss Lora Gushing returned homo Wednes
day from Cincinnati to spend the holidays
with her parents , Mayor and Airs. Gushing.
Aliss Cushing has been a pupil at the Sacred
Heart convent in that city.
Alaster Ward Clarke , sou of Air. aud Airs.
W. E. Clarke , returns today from Knoxville ,
111. , where ho has been attending school at
St. Albans.
All KlIRIlgfMIUMlt l.llllcllt'OIl.
Another of Omaha's fair daughters has an
nounced her engagement through the me
dium of u luncheon , und "who will be the
next to follow ! " is hoard among the exclu
sive circles in which Aliss Brown moves.
Aliss Kountze was the hostess on Thurs
day , and ut the luncheon in a pretty little
speech from the head of the table announced
the engagement of Aliss Clara Brown to Air.
Henry Wyman , un event not wholly unex
pected , us in one or two cases this season.
The luncheon was beautiful and sufllclcntly
elaborate to please the fastidious tastes of
the young women present.
Aliss Kountzo , who has inherited many of
tlio lovable ( umlllics- her mother , has a
grace und charm of manlier that is always
remarked by strangers a well spring of
delight to her friends , These qualities ,
coupled with a perfect knowledge of what is
good form in enterlainiugand surrounded by
everything the heart could wish in making
entertaining easy , it is no wonder that the
functions at Forest Hill are always so beau
tiful in their completeness.
White und green wuro the prevailing
colors at the luncheon on Thursday , bridal
roses J > eing placed everywhere about the
dining room , soft lights from white shades ,
giving u festival apiKjaranco to the place.
At each pluto there wuro dainty hand-painted
cards with thu name of the occupant and in
one corner sweet cupldH playing pranks with
ono another. The table was enriched by
exquisite eut'gluss nnd Iho service was ono
presented to Airs. Koimt/.o on the occasion
of Air. and Airs. Kountzo's silver anniver
sary.After the luncheon the guests were pre
sented pretty bonbon boxes of satin
with cuplds on the top , Aliss Brown , in honor
of the occasion , receiving a silver bon-
bouiiiori ) with her Initials and the date en
graved on the lid. Toasts were drunk in
Apollinuris to the bride to bo and the , 'next"
to come , speculation being very general as to
who this would be.
The guests were Aliss Brown , Aliss Dovol ,
Aliss Yoxt , Aliss Nash. AIlss Chandler , AIlss
Hull , Aliss Popploton , Airs. Hull , Aliss Sher
wood , Airs , William Popplolon , Aliss Vutos ,
AIlss Johnson , Miss Besslo Yutes , Alisw
I .aura Hoagland , Mrs. Chase nud
Mabel Bulcombo.
Helix ,
Oao of the prettiest weddings of the sea
son took place at the residence of Rov. Asa
Lotml , 020 Eminett street , at 7:80 : o'clock ,
Thursday , December 15 , the contracting
parties being Mr. W. A. Coleman and Miss
Alyra K. Cornell.
After the ccr.emony a wedding supper was
nerved nt Mrs. A. Brown's residence , 1712
North Twenty-llrst street , and was partaken
of by the following well known Omaha ladles
and gentlemen : Alessrs. H. Langstudtor ,
J. F. Hickox , II. Jackson. D. Couch , A. Wes-
sol. E. Wcssel , H. W. Paul , H. Hoyn and
Bob Grotto , Airs. Robinson , All's. Wright
uud the brldo and groom.
A DliiniT 1'arly.
Friday evening Airs. Alajor Brown gave u
honor of her daughter Aliss Drown. These
charming dinner at the Allllard In
participating wore , Aliss Kountzo , AHss Dovol ,
Alias Nelson , Aliss Dem-Ing , Aliss Sherwood ,
Air , liobort Patrick. Air. John Patrick , Air.
Davis , Air. Charles Kountzo , Air. Stuart of
Denver , Air , , Lieutenant Quay. After
Black Silks ,
Money Saving quotations
for Chris1 mas buyers.
Buys a dress pattern of our
black royal anmire ; nothing
more durable ; rich , lustrous
and will not split.
Wjll buy a suit length of
black faille francaise , ample
quantity for a stylish cos
tume. We highly commend
it for its wear resisting
Gives you choice of two
weaves , bengaline and neau
do soie , both warranted to
give perfection in wear.
Colored Silks.
Will furnish you with ample
yardage of our standard
grade faille francaise to
make a complete and stylish
costume , none better.
Gives you choice of two
fabrics , new and wear resist
ing , sufficient length to make
either street , reception or
evening dress.
Is all we ask for the most
desirable silk that is made ,
fashionable , beautiful , lus
trous ; in fact , the silk most
in demand at the present
time. $16.25 gives you all
that is necessary for the
most elaborate costume.
SAMPLES sent by mail.
Money Sent Us is Safe ,
Prompt attention is given to
orders the day received. Or
ders large or small receive the
same quick disposition. Every
article is given at the same fig
ures it is selling for at our
counters. Correspondence so
dinner the party drove to the fort hop room
where they meet Aliss Yates , Aliss Johnson ,
Aliss Nash. Air. Voss and Air. Gcorgo Aler-
cor , and all thoroughly enjoyed the dancing
for the rest of the evening.
A Dainty liimrliooii.
Airs. Andrew Haas gave a lovely pink and
white hyacinth luncheon Wednesday for
Sirs. II. Roscustock and her sister , Airs.
Mans , from Sterling , III. It was n small but
lainty affair , only Airs. Rosonstock , Mrs.
Alaas , Airs. Alexander Polaek , All's. Lobo-
muu , Airs. Samuel Katz nnd Airs. 11. Silver-
stein being present.
CoBHlp ol'Oinulm 1'coplo.
All' , and Airs. A. S. Potter are In Chicago.
Alajor Cryer left for Philadelphia yester
day.F. .
F. F. Williams has returned from the
Aliss Alattie Polaek is visiting in St. Paul ,
Air. Frank Murphy left for Chicago yes
Air. and Airs. J. Al. Aletcalf are In Chicago
on a visit.
Airs. Samuel Burns returned from Dakota
Hot Springs last week.
Aliss 7 . Weizlg of Reading. Pa. , has been
the guest of Airs. Keller.
Aliss Jeuunottc Mursliull of Stone Lake ,
In. , is tlio guest of Miss Grace Slaughter.
Aliss Welch , Aliss Hurtmuu's guest , re
turns to her homo in St. Paul today. '
Airs. Frank Colpetzcr goes to Chicago to
day to meet her daughter , AIlss Sue Col-
Judge Ogden ami Air. Charles Oeorgo
leave Saturday to spend the holidays In New
York City.
Airs. W. B , Thompson of Thoinpsontown ,
Pa. , n sister of Airs. P. J. Nichols , will visit
tjjo latter this week.
Mrs. Joseph Clnrknon , sr. , has taken rooms
at thu Madison since her family bus broken
iiji housekeeping.
Rov. and Airs. Itobcrt Dohcrty will glvo a
Christmas party Wednesday , December 23 ,
for Aliss Dohcrty.
Aliss Alao Bums returned from n pro
tracted stay at Cincinnati , Lafayette and
Chicago yesterday.
Airs. A. W. AlcJsab entertained a few
friends very pleasantly at 5 o'clock tea
Wednesday evening.
Aliss Richards of Douglas , Wyo. , who has
been the guest of Aliss Dundy , expects to
leave Omaha this week.
For Air. Stuart of Denver , Airs , W. J. Cou
ncil entertained charmingly but Informally
Tuesday evening at cards.
Aliss Chambers , who has been the guest of
Aliss Nulliu Bennett , left for her Jackson
ville , 1ml. , homo on Friday.
Aliss ( Jnderwood , the guest of Airs. D. H.
Wheeler , sr. returned to Lincoln on Friday ,
having come up for the reception.
Mrs. Henry B , Williams of Alllwaukco , an
old family friend of Mr. and Airs John L ,
Webster , is their guest for tlio winter.
Lieutenant T. II. Willow. Second United
States infantry , loft Fort Omaha early in
the week to spend December on leave.
Airs , T. J. Rogers , who has been In St.
Louis for several weeks , called there by the
illness of her mother , Mrs , Root , bus re
turned her mother being bettor.
Airs. Woolworth und Aliss Woolworth re
turned Tuesday morning from Governor's
island , where they have been with Airs , Guy
Howard slnco her return from abroad.
Aliss Alao Sargent is visiting friends in
Los Angeles , Cal. , whcro uho expects to pass
the whiter. Her address is euro of Dr.
Aluthuwson , station A , I s Angeles , Cal.
Airs. Osgood T. ICastman will spend the
Christmas holidays with her family and
friends in Omaha. Shu will bo accompanied
by her cousin , Aliss Jessie Lo/.lcr of New
A Jolly sleighing party consisting of Aliss
Duudy , Aliss Richards , Aliss Nelson , Aliss
Deerlug , Air. Al Patrick and Lieutenant
Quay , was noticed on the streets Alonday
afternoon ,
Judge Odgcn , assisted by his sister and
Aliss Ammcll , gave a beautiful dinner Tues
day evening in honor of Aliss 1'rutt und Alias
Nellie Alooro , previous to the former's de
parture for California.
Airs. F. Al. Gllmore aud little daughter
Gracu of IClk Polut , S. D. , und Airs. Wheeler
Carpet Bargains ,
As the season advances we find
ourselves encumbered with the
usual accumulation of ODD
PATTERNS that will not be mad *
These are just as desir
able as any in our stock if they
will supply your special needs.
As we have maaked them at
'LHSS than than the cost of mak
ing we feel that to speak of
them as "bargaius" is to take no
advantage of that much abused
Our general line of PINli
CARPETS is altogether the most
complete in this part of the coun
try , including ; as it does many
private and exclusive patterns
which cannot be duplicated else-
w here.
Antique Rugs.
We would suggest Rugs for
Christmas Gifts. "Antique , Per
sian and Turkish , the older they
are the more valuable they be
come. A TC also brings out the
rich , lustrous colorings , known
only to the waiUcring tribss of
Turkey , Persia and India. We
have many of these gems of
blended colorings ; such as
Beside the large carpet sixes.
These we offer at our usual low
prices , much lower than any ex
clusive carpet house can afford
to sell them.
Carpet Sweepers
We keck only the best , that is
It is a practical gift and of mod
erate cost.
of Lincoln are expected this week to bo Uo (
guests of their parents , Mr. and Mrs. Brad
Slaughter , during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Mulford entertained
informally Tuesday evening for Miss Cham
bers. There were present Mr. Baron Rlloy ,
Miss Bennett , Miss Chambers , Mr. Will
Wakeloy , Mr. Hcth. Mr. and Mrs. Vuill.
Cards have been received by friends of
the groom to bo announcing the marriage of
Miss Jessie Emery to Hichard Dean Aril on
Wade , Tuesday afternoon , December 27 , at I
o'clock at the homo of the bride's parents ,
Now Sarum , Ontario , Can.
Mrs. Brooke gave a delightful dinner
Thursday evening for Captain Thompson ,
who lias been the guest of General Brooke.
The guests were : Major and Mrs. Worth ,
Lieutenant and Mrs. Wright , Mrs. Jorold.
Mrs. Wakeloy , Mr. Al Patrick.
Mr. Will Foyo and Mr. E. P. Mullen spent
Saturday and Sunday at Glenwoo < l , la. , as
the guests of Miss Ida Powell at the institute
for the fcoblo-mlndcd , returning Sunday
evening with Miss Pearl Hartmau and her
friend , Miss Welch of St. Paul.
On Saturday evening last Mr , and Mrs.
John L. Webster gave Mr. Charlcs OlTutt u
bachelor dinner. Those surrounding the
table were Mr. Charles O/Tutt. / Mr , Myrou L.
Learned , Mr. Robert Patrick. Hon. David
H. Mercer , Judge Herbert J. Davis , Mra.
Williams , n guest of the house , and Mr. and
Mrs. Webster.
It is always a pleasure to chronicle the
success of an Omaha boy , and particularly
so when the young man is so deserving as
Herbert M. Hogcrs , who has been elected
president of the class of "J.'f , Princeton , and
also chairman of the class ode committee.
But this is not all. Ho Is also leader of the
Princeton GIco club ,
The "Bon Ami" club
was delightfully en
tertained lust Monday evening by Mra.
William E. Clarke. The members of the
club are Mr. and Mrs , W. N. Babcock , Dr.
and Mrs. Moore , Messrs. and Mcsdamcs D.
V. Sholes , L. J. Drnko , Bartlctt , D. H. Good
rich , Robert Purvis , W. E. Clarke , Boschc ,
Benjamin Baker , Wattles and W. G. Sloan.
The sudden death in Sioux City Friday
afternoon of Mrs. C. D , Woolworth has
caused feelings of profound regret among
her host of Omaha friends. Mrs. Woolworth -
worth WUH a favorite in the social life of
Omaha previous to her removal to Sioux
City. Her daughter , Miss Maud Woolworth -
worth , has the sympathy of all her friends
Mrs. W. F. Vulll Is a charming hostess ,
and on Thursday displayed her ability by
imtortninlng at luncheon for Miss Carrlo
Chambers. The table was bountifully dec
orated with maiden hair ferns und plnlc car
nations. There were present Miss Cham
bers , Miss Sharp. Miss Bennett , MissWako-
ley , Miss Valll , Mrs , Daly , Mrs. Mulford ,
Miss Ida Sharp , Mrs , C. B. ICcllar.
At high noon Wednesday occurred the
wedding of Mr. James Kills , Jr. , and Miss
Hulcu 1'J. Redman , at the residence of thu
bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs , D , P. Redman ,
in North Omaha. Thu ceremony was pur-
formed by Rov. W. A. LIpo of this city and
was witnessed by a largo number of Invited
guests. Mr. and Mrs. Kills left Wednesday
evening for Frankfort , S. D. , where they
will make their home.
The hop ut Fort Omaha Friday ovculng
was moru elaborate than is usual with thcsu
weekly garrison dances. ( Juito u number of
Omaha people went out to participate in thu
festivities. They wnro : Misses Curtis ,
Kmlly Wakeloy , Dundy , Richards , Yutcs ,
Johnson , Kounfs-a , Dovol , Mary Brown , Nel-
slo Hughes , Nash , Messrs , Gulou , Clark
Rcdick , Piurro Gurncau , , John Patrick.
Al Patrick , diaries KouriUo , IJito Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker entertained u
few of their friends at high llvu on Thurs
day uvcnlng , Thu guests wuro Mr. and Mra.
Hull , Mr. und Mrs. Rcdick , Mr and Mrs.
Rogers. Mr. and Mrs , Wheeler , Mr. and Mrs.
Will Wood. Mr. and Mrs , Remington , Mr.
and Mrs. Chase. General ami Mra. Brooke ,
Mrs , Wood , Miss Dundy , Miss Richards ,
Miss Nelson , Mlas Dewing , Mr , Patrick , Mr.
Guiou , Mr. Douue , Mr. Darling.
The Saus Soucl club was charmingly cn
tcrtulned Friday ovculng by Mrs , Hurinur
Garllchs , The following members were pres
ent ! Mr. and Mrs. Cole , Misses Moore , ,
Hughes , Armbruster , Gardiner , Hurporunu
Godso ; Messrs , Rogers , Poyton. Uowuru *
Sullivan , Bercsford , Dowar and Garllchs.
MUs Godso and Mr , Bercsford curried ofl