Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1892, Part One, Image 1

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Weichnnchsfest Oom5ng a Welcome Quest to
the People of Germany's ' Capital ,
Homes High and Low Will Bo Happy Ono
Day Even Though Times Bo Hard.
Shopkeepers and Commercial Travelers Find
That Trade is Very Unprofitable.
Cniirlxl'H li frill Still the Snl > | ect ot Com-
mi nt inn ) llln I'ntiiri ) CoiirM ! I' I for
Jliuh spi i iiliitlon-Giil ) 1 } l' lil
Out for the Court.
lCopi/rf0Mf / < l ISMfcu Jm iM onbm Jtenntll 1
Bniti ix , Dec. 17 [ Now Yoik Hoi aid Cable
-Special to Tin : linn ] Heilln la icdolon
\\lththo refreshing smell ot plno mid llts
coming fioin thousands upon thousands o
saplings , vnrjlng from four to twenty feu
high , which have allot a sudden tinned tin
usually bate-looking open squaies , whicl
mo ono of the featuu-s of the tity , iut <
artistically mrangcd shuihbeiy A mil
lion at least of thcso s tpllngs will llnd pur
ehascts heio on Chiistinas day , foi all inus
hirvo tlio Xmas tico. The haise
takes the lend In this , and no
only has in the pilaco u beautiful tiei
alicady , but thcio will bou line tieo fore-iel
child , the soldlets , people and students aliUi
must lui\c n tree 1 ho latter in.iko sport o
tliis , us out of every other u\eut. ' 1 hej dei
oiato the tiees with fantastic hangings , suel
us ends of sausages , wilts of dishonor am
bills of unlucky eonficies , whilst at the sum
mil is gencially pi iced a luscious looUim
tipple-which is diawn for by lot. The winner
nor , after having had the honor of cllmbm ;
for it , is m ulo to chew a piece out of it no
u paiticulnrticnt , us the fruit is gcncrall ;
inado of cheap soip
Hut Hun-Hiiro llnrd.
The shoos ha\o also assumed the Xm.i
appeal anco and the streets aio crowdci
with people , ti .imping through the sins
intent on the purchase of Wolhnathls
I'e ehcnke , but those who bought thei
pic-splits tit 10 inaiks in pic\ious jcais ai
looking out for them at halt mice this jcai
or n ( tor. Tiado is indeed tori ibis' bi
heic. A shopkeeper in Ficdciichstiass
bald to mojcstcidny :
"Thcio is no money to bo made in Belli
nowadajs. I am going to give up my shop
The sumo is the crof thous aids of othei
A man who should be well able to give a
.opinion on the subject assuicd mo a fe
, . ilajs ago that sc.ucely any of 11
big shopkecpets heio aio making mono ;
many uio sc.ucely malting expenses , .111
otheis aio losing. % lt runs thiough neail
all classes tiavclois , for ii
stance , a Imgo class in this country , fin
their incomes hnlcd , ow ing to the stagn
tionof ti.ido. On the houiso the biokei
ure struggling haul to make two ends nice
and view with blank dismay the cxtia tax :
tiou which the go\einment wishes to hnpos
Of this I shall have moic to say heieatter
in : < led nn KpoUi.
The Helehstag has closed upon ono of tl
most momentous and critical pciiods in Gc
man history since the consolidation of tl
ompiio. Out of the mouth ofCapihihii
sslf had como the statement that tl
inllitaiy bill was of allital impoi
anco to the efllcicncy of the aim
mid yet his icqnest was icfnsed in
jnanner almost biutal. The chancellor fin
himself thus with two comscsopen to hit
Either toiesignor to appeal to the counti
The kaiser , it is geneially understood , w.
favorable to an appeal to the country , bi
Capilvlwas keenly against this. lie Knc
that the icsults of an election would bo bt
moio fatal. The German people ha
changed stioagly since the dajs of U !
marok , the iron inler and William I. Tin
weio then like a piii of joung hounds , b
since then have been bled and killed in.nij1
time. Twice within a peiiod of a few mont
has the sticngth of the German people .1
hoi-ted itself , on the education bill and uc
in cinplmliu manner on the military , at
each time the people tiiumphed. Tltoj km
Miclr power now , mid they icllsh it.
Approximating th III null.
Ilm-votnhen considei able trouble to II
out what would bo the it-suit of an appeal
thu country at the pic-seat moment. T
socialist p.uty would gain cle\en sea
which would ) ) iing their number up fn
thittj-fivo to foi ty-six , and Semites woi
{ aln fifteen scats , bring forces fiom seven
twcntj-two. 'Iho ficlsinnige , the stiongi
opponents of the bill , would sain possll
Jlftcen scats , inaking their voting pov
eighty. The national liberal p.uty wo' '
piobably disappear , for the 1. .
Yai ° on d'olio. The center , hithetto 1
nest powoifnl contiiigont , would icm
ibout the sumo , 100 to 1'JO , whilst I
xticmo const-natives would bo divided I
two factions , ono a small ono of ten 01
very ooleot , thick and tliin in support
Capi 1i i and the .low s on the pi inclplcs 1
out by Heldoiff , the otlicr hostile to
under the lines traced by Hammerstein
The fact Is the i t of 'the election wo
bo the ecu tain icturnof a strong , c.ipa
ind compict opjiobltlon ,
Such is the dlffeii'iico between the p
and piescnt iu the feelings of the people , i
the dlffeiunco Is ono which Is widening
cam moment. Thoi'oimnlbclon appointei
meicly u makeshift to gain time , Capi
will take what aumbs ho can pick up , i
now would bo content with a % oto giving 1
turner to augment the stungth of his. at
Turning of tliu Worm.
AfterhaIngltupeiatcd the Herald
liming d.ued to get the nowti which tl
lia\o been miahlu to obtain , it is mints
now to watch some of the unfoi tuimto slu
which lopresont jouuialUm heio beeoin
Mil 111011 s. 'Iho IXXH * llttlo Helchbbi
edited by thu Hessian pastor Hcmi Km
. iiul which has over and over again otl
sively attacked jour conChpondcnt and
llciald for its opposition to Iho govcinnu
lias conio out witli u longaitlclostlgmati !
Capi hi and taking up Ahhvmdl. SKco ]
of this Join mil reach the lourt dally and
cmpicss , good wlfo tlmt she U , leads
leading m tides to the KaUcr , The Gnu
do lit CfoK slnilhul.v rounds on tliu i-han
( or , Jt may bo mentioned that neither of
editors oT the above papers wcio invitei
the chuncollor's pai ty , and cm lously cno
an Invitation or lack of ono to the char
lor's parlies booms to woik wonders with
press la-Hi. Other pupera follow suit.
The end of the IXKJW o BUM queatwn hua
been hoard j et. There aio still pr.ivo dis
closures which may como to light. Wait
aw hllo and you * v 111 see The subofllcer w ho
was supposed to have stolen the Weiscl pa
pers lias been shadow ed for n w cell w Ithout
avail , and for the presr-nt It does not look as
though the culprit will bo found. Se\eial
others tire under suspicion , hut no arrests
have t-iken place Heir Hmtwlx , the lawjer
who defended Ahlwault , has In the mean
time applied dlicetlj to thn rmpeior for the
icleasoof his client To this the kaiser has
icplied by a icfusil fo move in the mattir.
Morn ( inn < I'roinUcd.
When 1 lecentlv tckgraphed tint Or-
many had found her Panama in the Ahl-
wnrdtttlal lire-suited inn vvavo of intense
indignation heie Tin1 Hoi lid and its eon is-
siKmdent wcio villltled in all dttcc lions
Nevertheless I can guarantee th it thu scan
dal is not jet ended The Pails has
tin own a bomb into this camp wltli disas
trous effect I have now received icllable
infoi niation tint another document of
even more seiious impoi t will be exploded
after the Chiistmas liolldajs Atpicsentl
am not at llheitj to disclose the contents of
this document.
Mc.miAhilo , theic Is a stgn'of ' the times In
the fact that baldly a single paper today
will siy n w old in defense of lxcwo or on
his side The chain ellor , when asked about
his effusive speech In piaisn of the Ixiowo
guns , replied ' Ordeis will bo given for the
future , " while the l.aUcr declines the guns
for.tho uimj shall no longer bo made bj prl-
vale Ilims
nulenbeig was snmmonod In hot histe
last night by the cmpeior , who wished to
talk over the situation
How-over'the holid.ijs aio now upon us
and it is unlikolj the scandal will show any
fuither development until thny aio over.
1 h iv o just received the follow ing telegram
fiom Hiimburg , signed In the cholera com-
mittoof UioseiuteThe icpoit on
the Heilin bouise that twentj uses of chol
era li no bioken out lieic is entuclj without
foundation IXn mg November and Uecem-
qcr there have been in all seven cases , each
of which was at once publiilv icpoited. " A
piivato telegram which icichcd mo at the
s imo time states that two cases of oholeia
wcio lepoited jcsteidaj.
l'l ( .IM1K S 111 rr > ISIPPt | <
The couit is making picpaiatlons for a gay
winter A piogi.nn of imposing fetes has
been di.ivvn up In .lanuaij t heio will he
several balls and lonccits Of couise the
mailingo of thcempeioi's sister will bo the
close of all , mid pi op nations foi it me
alicady being commenced I hear thai
a lojal minuet is talUed of. It
will bo led by the k.ibcr .anil
kaisciin , including fifteen couples. woild the event of the
w eck h is been the pi osculation of Tasce's
"Santa Lucia" bt furo Iho Udiser and paitj
tit the Hojal theater on Tbuisday. 'Jhc
piece is being placed at Kioll's , but UK
kuUcr won't go thenliistlj because he doc ;
not think the house line enough , and s > cc
ondly because ho coiibideib it inns in oppo
bition to the opera houso. He wanted t <
hcai the new open , and H < llinconi , so hi
called for a matinee .it the Ilnliner theater
How near that ni.itineo was to being stoppei
on the question of authors lights it wonli
suipiisumanj to hear. ' 1 ho author Cognetti
had despatched an ordei of the conit to pic
vent the further peifonn.incc of the pieci
until liis lights woio satisfied , but it enl ;
i cached ninths Duicr on the evening of tin
mitinee , mid this is whj a line dramatic in
cldeut was spoilt.
Dcl.i'sspps nnil Ills l'rllo I'rlsimcrs ProtcH
AK'ilii'-t ' TlK'lr Tuiitnu lit.
PAWH , lcc. 17. Chailes do I.csbeps am
bis fellow pusoneis , aiiested for connectioi
with the Panama canal fiauds , piotestcd to
day against the il id seclusion 10 which the ;
aio subjected in the Mil/as piibon. 'Ihc ,
said that they wcie confined lilto coimno :
ciiminils and subjected to the snno tical
jiient as robbcis and other offcndcis ol tli
\ ilcst tj pe , and they demanded the puv
lego of being allowed to see v isitois 'J ho o >
amining m igistrato piomisjd to consider th
icquest after ho had examined the doei
ments lelating to thi-u- case
It Is ooveialof thop.uli.i
montarj icportcis will bo auested as agent
in the conuption of 1 < gislatois.
An entry in ono of the books of Thieiic iCe i
Co , the coulisse Him , shows that Joseph d
Helnach , son in-law of Bnon do Uoinacl
leeched 10,00 * ) fiancs fiom tlio Him Josep
do Heinich s i.\s lie ircolved the money us
dowry and haib willing loietiun tlioamoui
to thollijuldatois of tlio Pananu Canal con
pmj if It can bo shown that the monc
came fiom Its filends.
The ofllecs of the nowspapeis vvhicli i
( civcdmonoj fiom the Panama canal , wi
bo scan lied at OIKC , and unless it is fouu
that the inonei was rnlhclj expended in in
voitlsing , the inopiictors orotheis whoa
D cepted money will bo piosecuted.
A duel growing out of llunsday's heatt
ilobito In tlio Chamber oC Deputies , \vi
fought today. Deputy Aione , lejiublicai
having challenged Deputy ( Jabiu 1 , llonl.ui
ist 'I'wo bhotb wcic exchanged , but noboil
was hint
Vii' , Dfc 11 Union Coltu , ono of tl
accused dliectoib of the i Canal coi
pany , v\ho tied fiom I'aiK to Vienna to c
capemicbt , left tlii1. cits tonight.
HITIn London.
LONDON , Dec17 Cousellus Her/ , who
\\anted in ton licit Ion with tlio P.imin
fi.iuils , is In London Howiltcs to lilb cio
leagues in Pails and to the committee sa
Ing tint ho will lotuin presentlj , but n
jt-st now Ho ib too 111 Ho is at the Hi
llngton hotel mid Iho dooisto tiisioomsa
guarded by PCI sonal bci van ! s His family
o with him. Thcj taUo their meals at tin
looms mid go out very little. Her/mado 1
first moncj in California , wlieio ho piactic
' : i as a doetoi He b iv ed . ' 0UH , ) and then cat
I to Hurope , whoieho made u foi tune thiouj
Ills connection with thn lobbyist in promi
ild ing cleotiical enti-ipilrtos.
IU lltllti ! : > .VM )
' A"fnt I'nlo 'Hint lliftllTuo Knulim .Mi
( liiintH on u Itallu.ij 'l r.iln.
ST Pl.Tl'itSiiiUKi , Dec 17 - A teull
, tnigcdj is ici oi ted finm IJostcio , capital
* thogoveiniiunt of that name
sengcr train on tlio X'ladivauscar i-aiho
iirilvcdat that place , t\vo mcivhmilH nam
, .lunskovv and Hatcliowltih , were found mi
' dcicd in n compntment of a Ihst-chiss ci
Tlio compaitment hoio blgtibof a filgliti
snuggle. Hlood coveted thu scatb and w
, In pools on the Hour The meicliants h
1 evidently made a deteimined H lu for tin
lives A thousand roubk-b which they b
In their possession wcio missed , bhowi
tliat the object of the cihno was robbe :
. Tlio conductor has been uiicstod on t * <
plcion ,
10 ToC.iiurd Vtllltiiry secrtU.
to Hutl IX , Dec. 17 , A bill will bo picscnl
; h to tlu ) Kekh.stag In January { iroviding
. Ithe pimislunciit of pei-bons e-ommunicatl
lie military secic's to foix-Ign powers. Tin
jc-ars Imprisomncnt and Jl''S line will bo t
ot I penaltj for such offcuso.
Brighter Prospect for the Germany Army
Bill Becoming a Law ,
Von Onprivi Assured of ti3 Emparor'a Sup
port in His EfTort3 to Pasa tbo Measure.
All Manner of Evil Preaictjd for Franco by
the Garmany Press as Its Rjsulti
Ililosuic4 III Itcrr I.IICWU'H C.i o IIn
Ciiuscil Aililltlonal Adhltj Ainnnjr tlm
J'nniith s Aincrlca's
[ Coii/i | / luJitcil 1W IA'cm | Vorfc tssocldffd ]
Dnm.iNDoc. . 17 Although tlio composi
tion of the committee of tlio Kelehstag to
which the army bill lins been icferred at
fiist might appear unpromising for the gov
ernment , its elements admit of such group
ing , under tlio inducements that Chancellor
Capiivl may offer , as will enable the minis-
trj toRctamajoiity The committee , which
compiiscs twontj-eight membcts , is made
up of tliiee social delegates , six membeis of
the fieisimilgo p.ntv , eight ccntiists oi
cleik-als , two Poles , tineo national llbeials ,
one fieo conservative1 and five light coiibcuv-
atives If tlio eh incellor i educes the money
\oto to ? 10 000,000 and mo lilies tlio govein-
mcnfs demand for.iiiincicase in the piesent
peace effective , the bill will have a chance ol
appioval ; in its piesent slmpo it will stand
no chance whatever of becoming a law.
The semi p ipeis admit that ccitah ;
changes aie essential to the success of the
mcasuie , but tbe-y expiess a confidence thai
. -onccshions w ill boofTeicl that will be suf
eicnt to win over a majoritj of the com
littce to the suppoit of the bill in a fern
, hat will not m.itcii illy eh ingo Its scope.
The notions of the conservatives' p.nty
illicit mo all against opiiosing the demands
ftho gov eminent so far as thommy 10
'onus .no conceined , arc now set at naught ,
rho implied of the chancellor In his
pcech when the bill was prc-scntcl to the
. { ciehstag to dissolve the house and have ,
ow election in the event of the measuie
icing i ejected has bad little effect upon tlu
onservatives. The KicuXcitung , th (
iditor of which ib Heirllammcistein , who i ;
.mong tlio conseivatho lepicsentativesoi
, hc committee , declaicb that the bill w ill no
) .lbb
llire.itcnt'il to Iteslgn ,
AVlien it bccamo njipaicnt to Chancelloi
api iv i that his full demands for an in
jieasoof the standing at my would not bi
ranted , ho infoimcd the cmpeior that Iu
, vould gladlj icsign tlioc.iies of ofilcc. Hi'
majcstj1 , however , was not disposed togiv <
ho chancellor encouragement iiiietu
ng under flic. Ho expressed liis deteiinim
ion to make the .u my bill u law , even a
the iibk of an appeal to the eountrj- , and hi
assuicd Count von Capiivi that ho woult
stand bj him under all eiicumst.inecs. 'I'll
chancellor gamed icnowed courage fiom hi
nterview with the cmpeior , and a&bcntci
to leinaiiiing in ofllce and fighting the battl
out by tlio elissolution of the Heichstai
f need bo. Nothing in liis speeches in th
Heichstag showed the slightest sign of th
.liscouiagement attiibutcd to him , but h
was quicker and moie spintcd Uian c\ci i
defense of the attack with the weapon al
forcd him bj' the cmpcioi'b piomiboof suj
ppit. Whatever concessions ho may offer t
the committee , he showed no intention in tli
opc-nhoussof abating oncijot or tlttlo of hi
A not.iblo fc.ituio in the debates has bee
tlio omission of all allusion to 1'iinco Hi :
maiek or anj icfeience to his opinions Hi
old adheicntb avoided mtioUucing his nam
in the discussions , and also avoided in ii
dulging in their old comparison of the chaii
cellar's method and that followed bj Piine ok ,
ling thu I'liiuiinn IiivrstlKiitloii.
The developments in the Panama scandu
aie watched with the keenest inteiest , ant
it may bo sild , w ith anxiety. ' 1 he ono con
foil is that the spectacle of coriuption an
confusion among the Fiench political leadei
lessens the Russian dcsho to make Pram
an nllj' . Advices iccelved heio fiom Si
Petcisburg show that infoimation icccntl
i cached the tz.ii * tliat a coi tain Kussh
papei had ic-ceivcd from P.uis the sum t
$100,000for advocating. ! Husso ric-nch all
anco. Ho at once oidcicd an inquii
to bo made , which icsultcd in tl
dlscoverj that the icpoit was not only tru <
but that pait of the biibcs weio distiibute
by the Panama company and had been a
ccpted prominent poisons in Kussia. Tli
Husslan . putj , under the of A
PobedonosbolT , aio hostile to a ricncli all
.nice and they sol/ed tlio oppoi tunitj to vv oi
on thoezar'b piejndlces againbt the Fiom
lepublicans Tlio Geiman foicign office
hopeful that General " \Voulcrcr , tlio no
Geiman ambahsulorto Kussia , will succei
liidetaching the czar from Tiaiico mid
lead a now grouping of tlio powcis.
Another and to Geim.iny a far moie li
poit.iut view of the situation is tliat tl
chaos in Fianeomay produce an adventur- -
who would luuard war with Got ninny as tl
bcbt stroke to c.ury his paity and lilms <
into pow er.
ThoNoith German Ga/ottosajs that tl
btiongmmi who obtained note
loly , miglit imitate the fiibt Napoleon a :
bcUo the oppoitunlty afforded iij the pi esc
disoidernow piov.iiling in rianco , to ma'
himholf master of horminj and of the con
tij Itself. The paper commends the Tien
gov eminent for lefuslng to grant dlctatoi i
poweis to the Panama committee of Inquli
and i ( .calls the cominttteo's lesoluti
asiundeiing vcij-regular govcimncnt i :
possible. The end was "C.csjtlsm"
Ciesir ib not fleshed bj- the Houlangisi
who tlnnk , witli teason , tliat the light m ,
vv ill boon be found.
llirr I.OCV\II'H fast' .
The admlbblon made by Heir Loevvo , t
Jewish Hinali aims taanufautuier , tlmt
offcicd to supply Fiance with the machine
necessary for tlio mmiufactmo of I < el
iiilcb has caused lencwcdiiulenco In t
JudonhcUo. Tlio papcis which mo makl
bitter attacks uj-on Heir I ewoco | not iguc
thefuct that Jewish woiks continually st
ply Kussia w 1th gunb and ammunition u
t lint t hey executed laigo eiders for tl
countiy at tlio tlmotlie nations forming t
tilplo alliance Geimany , Austiia and lit
seemed to bo on the verge of wai wl
Franco mid Kussia.
The Cologne Gazette , which has hlthei
been above the nntl-semlto craze , attacks
Herr l/ewc's offer ni strengthening Iho as-
scitlonsof the nntUsomltes that the Jews
hnvo notnttiral. feeling ; that they never
amalgamate with any cither people and they
nit ) dominated with the Idea tlmt we arc a
pilvllegcd nation that they niiy prey upon ,
but must not bcsnbt > oi bed by other nations.
.Itidenhc't/o pimphlcts arc w 1 lely eirculated
Itcro and In other countries Tlio most of
these nro entitled "A Jew Ixjuso in Christian
Fur" t
The bourse was disturbed jesterdaj' by a
i cport that tvvcntj' cases of tliolcia and four
deaths from the dlseaso had oce-uried at
Hambui-g To lay onici il denial ot the story
was published. The roiwit had it that tlio
iiulhotitics wcio clc.iring out the people re
siding in dirty and overcrowded tenements
Some icsidents were ill with fever and taken
to Iho hospital Tills cieited a suspicion
that the dicad scourge had again appealed
In the city The nuthoiitlca of Hamburg
have taken extra , means to inecta lecuucnco
of the epidemic In the spring.
Ami'rlum KcMrli tionof Immigration.
Nothing bejond rumor lias been heard
hcio-of the allegeil communication chmged
by the Cm olioin governments in regard to
the Ameiican restt lotions upon immigration
The icpoit that such communications luid
passed h id Its origin in an at tlclo publlsho I
in the riendeiiblatt of Vienna , iu which the
vv liter lailed at Amcilca for coupling her in
vitation to visit the Columbhn exposition
with Insulting methods against Huropeins
tlmt mo uiiwoitliy of a civilized country.
The aiticlo in the lYemlenblatt sc'cms to
h.uo no ofllcial inspiration.
The gold movements liavo not mateilallj
nffected finance or business here. The Aus-
tilan govcrninent is taking gold from I ondon
slovvlj but steadily , and has concluded a gold
loan of fW,000,000 , fiom a Hotbschild sjmll-
eato. The monej inaikcthcic and in Vienna
is , however , uneasy. The prospects after
the New Year are s-ild to bo unfavoiable ,
especially if tlio United States government
icsti lets the exportation of gold.
Tlio empoiHjr is llttlo seen in public now
Ho is constantly away Soctil life at the
: nut will commence on New Ye.ns day with
ho usual gi.ind icccptloii.
The Hambuig Coirespomlence , in discuss-
ig the pioposil that Call Sehuiv bo ap-
lointcd Ameiican minister to Germany to
lUc-cced William Walter Phelps , sijs tint
ho Gcnnin government would not like to
ave to ticat a formeii subject on the footing
f a minister of a foreign state , entitled to
dmlssion to tlio Gcrui in couit It would
refer tliat a native Aniciiean should sue-
eed Mr. Phelps.
Iiii/lllan Itclicls DeO tli" Authorities and
Ciiptnro it'I'itKuc. '
IConui toMcil ltV2l > i/Jainrs dnnlnn Ilcnnelt. ' ]
VAII-VHVISO , Chili via Galvcston , Tex ) ,
Dec. 17 [ HjMeicanCablc to the New Yoik
leiald Special to Tim Bi r. ] Tlio Herald
oiicspondcnt at Kio Janeiro telegraphs
hat the entiio ( regiment of police
t Nictheioy across the bajr from
his citj' lovoltpd , ' and Govemor Poi-
iuucula lied from Rio to escape from the
ovolteis. The rebclgmaiched to the icsi-
Icnco of the gov crnoi < who served under foil-
cca , and began clicciing > and demanded the
lismissal of the chief of police Imtncdi-
itelj- after the aiiivnl of the fugitive gov
ernor the Seventh'icgnncnt ot infantry was
cut to Nicthcroy , They found some of the
cbcls in the governor's palace and theotheis
n their bai racks.
An attack was made which icsulted in the
complete defeat of the icvoltcis , many ol
hem being killed and wounded duimg the
ight. More than 200 men Avho weie mosl
active in the outbicak weie sent to Toil
Santa Catallna and Governor Porciuneula ic
turned to bis post. The feeling of disquietude
tudo and unrest is extending to the capitol
CriK-HIc-K In Hio tirando do Sul.
Piivato advices received heie from Kie
randc do Sul complain of the excesbivi
wib.nitics peipetratcd by the followois ol
ovcmor Cnstdho. Ihe llciald coircspon
lent nt Montevideo telegiapbs that the Cas
tilhibts have wired to Piobidcnt Pcixoto tin
icquest mentioned in the dispatches to tin
Heiald jesteiday , that ho either decl.uc
w.irag.iinst Uruguaj-or take some waj ti
[ ) ievent that country from giving aid to tin
fedcials in Hio Giando do Sul.
Gcneial G.ncia of the Uuigunjan aim ;
has gone to the frontier witli moio soldiei :
to piovcut violations of tlio ncutialitj-law
lie has w Ith him fcovcral squadrons ofcav
nlry. A battle is fe.ned between th <
federals nnd Castilhists and G.ncia is detci
mined to picseive the ncuti.ility of Uiii
The Clillian congress has passed a lav
.suspending the light of habeas corpus am
giving tlio executive power to mat
tial law In any pait of the countijHverj
tiling is quiet now.
I ic.nn that Alberto Hlest G.ina will nc
proceed to the United States as minister un
til after Mr Cleveland lias taken his seal
Much icgiet is expichsed in official clu-le
Unit economy will pievcnt the cruiser Cat
tain Pratt going to New Yoik for the nav. :
pai.ide. but she will proceed dhect to Va
- ' ' .
IliiinliiK lliiIiiinri-illxt'H I'rojiertj.
1 he-office of la Santiago , 111
leading Halnuiccdist paper was limned las
night. The tiicmcn found the water pipe I
tlio vicinity cut. The house of the sister (
Minister Hairos I.AUO mid those of oUici
hated by the dictiUiomils mo in tlio iinmi
diatoviclnitj of the binned office and it ;
thought the fit o nvps started for that pu
Minister Romero Cables from Txmdon I
Huenos Aj-res Hint 'tlicro is no truth In tli
rumor that the European IK > WOIS intemk
taking charge of UioJArgcntino customs w it
a view of he-curing tlm payment of the deb
General Koca bus resumed to political lifo
Iho legal advisors of tlio tie.isuier bi :
that the payment of the 170,000 subventic
for the tr.insuiidlno yaiiioad would bo illega
Moving t. | tlio I nltcil MiitcH ,
HAI IP \ , N. S. , pte. 17 The exodus fro
the Annapolis and Coinwallls valley to tl
United States lias notched l.n-go propoitioi
this fall At a way ktatlon in Kings counl
seventy tickets were sold in eight weeks :
pai ties moving to the United States to i
bide. If the exodus ut other stations alon
the line in this county Is as largo as tl
station iefeticd to , over 1,000 poisons bai
left Kings countj-this fall for the btates.
KrfiKe to Arrest Him.
VIENNA , Dec. 17 M. Cottu , who is want !
bj-tho Palis | K > lleo to answer for his put
the Panama canal frauds , came to Vienna
week ago , mid isut the Hotel ImiKjilal. Tl
Pnis iHjlico have iiotilled the Vlcni
mitlioi ities that ho should bo detained. Tl
police heie , however , lufuso to arrest him
Movrmciilti of Occnn htrainern.
At Lizurd Passed \Vcslci nland , fto
New Yoik for Antwerp.
At Queenstovvn Ai rived Wjoinlng , fro
New York for LJicipool ; Aurania , from Nu
Italy's Foreign Policy Will Probably Re
main the Sanio for Some Time.
His Ideas Concerning Relations with Franco
Arj Not Popular Just Now.
Soma Rumors That Ihvo Gained Currency
of Lat3 Outside tha Vatican.
lilt IllVorts So I'ur Hiuo Atttrputly I'lo-
ililicil thn tleiiiU Drtlrcil Will Not
Ilo Itcriillfil I'liins to MiUo :
llin iU : < rnil City ItliiR.
lOim/i toMtil 1SOS Iw James fonlon
HUMP , Doc. 17 [ New Yoik Herald
Cable-Spec ! il to Tiir. HUE. ] The little
stoun uilscd by the Itallni senito's refusal
to contluu the itomln itlon ot Slgnor Xucaro
lias died away. Grollito is still piemier.
Tlicdebitoon Moitday list has somev\hat
shaken his picstlio , and bat few think h
will stay long in olllco It is not suio tlmt if
ho fell Ci ispi should succeed him lie is not
anxious to t.iko up the foicign policy mapped
out bj Hudini In his piesent mood 1 tliink
Ciispl would HKo to draw neircr to Franco
This wish , however , has been icndeicdain
by for sijensof the tiiplo alli
ance. His hands tuo tied. Nut unn aurally ,
lie feels bitter. Wliilo the oxUting tieatles
stand Fi anco suioli his little to expect but
toleration fiom anj llali in ministry.
night j jeais , igo theio seemed borne hope
of a peaceful solution of the gicat Homan
question. Kovv theio is nono. This fact ,
pel haps , explains the sudden fiiendship of
the Vatican mid Russia , the dispitch of the
pipilbilof to Poland and the icception of
the Giand Duke Rergius bj the pope. H is
woith noting that just about the time of the
gi.ind duke's visit u icpoit , impoi taut , if
tiuCj gained civdenco heic , to the effect that
Franco and Hussii hid agiccd upon the
teuns of the alliiinco The Vatican was s lid
to have approved , if not encouraged the ar-
langemcnt. Its approval could h ue pointed
but to ono tiling , an undcistanding witlirc-
gaid to the in some foim of the
popes temporal power , but dlplom itists in
Homo luuo se iled their lips upon this sub
v CoiircrningS itolll's Jllsslon.
Another i cport conccining supposed hos
tility of the Amci ican bishops to the educa
tional sclicmo of Mgr Sitolli has moio im
mediate inteiost. All tint is known in
Home about the matter is that iv hitch of
some kind luis occurred in the negotiations
bctw ecu the papal delegate and part of the
Ameiican episcoiycy. The pope himself
know s no 11101 e. When current rumoi s were
discussed the other day at tlio Vatican the
holy father simply s lid , "Ci nnnca il case
iiominativo " ( "We have no names jet. " )
Until the names of the opponents of the
lil in havis leiched the pope , and up to tlio
time of sending you this mess igo they have
not ariived , it would bo idle to Indulge in
speculation. But this seems sine : Whit-
over views the bishops may ha\e expicsssed
Mgr O'Connell has not undci taken
the ungrateful task of piescnUng
any piotest in Homo against the
plan w hich hoheai tily approved. 1 may adO
that if the bishops , or some of the bishops ,
hav o expi cased anj sei lous opposit ion to Mgr ,
Satolli , their action must have como aftei
the closing of the episcopal confeience , foi
Mgr Satolli'sfiist official repoitwas posted
when the confcicnce had ended , and its. tone
was jubilant.
No da to has been fixed for the retuin oCthe
pupal delegate , nor , I am nssuied , is theic
any intention jet of giving him a successor
U ill Uphold S itolll.
Contiaiy to the icpoits cabled fiom Nevi
Yoik , 1 hear that tlio diffciences botwcei
Satolli and his episcopal .intagooists is noi
serious In any case the aiithoiity , tin
pajiil envoj' , w ill bo uphold by Home. Tin
v lews of the Vatican in icg.nd to Satolli am
his scholastic schema inaj shoitly bo cm
bodied in a letter of insti uctlons to hhnscl
or the bishops.
On ( lit , another agent of the Comto d <
Paiibhas within the last few dajsattomptci
to tuin tlie pope from his lepublican com si
tovv.ud Fiance. 1 liavo made caieful in
quhics , but am unable to obtain confiimatioi
oflhoiumor , whicli piobably giow out o
the fact that two distinguished rrenclimei
had an audience at tlioatic.ui this week
One dIU trj haul to icconveit the pope ti
monarchism After healing him Indul
gently , his holiness cut shoit his hopes b ,
sajlng to hlsompinion : "Vous otes Jcun
notio voio cst la benne suivcIn. . "
' 1 he event of the week ha
been a publication of the pope's two lettei
on Fieomasonry. Tlio sudden issue of tlics
Important documents is duo to Impaleie. Th
holy father leained that Fa/Alii , of concell.i
tion fame , and Menotti Gaiobnldl wcio ii
tilgueing to hamper his action by suiioum :
ing him with a netwoik of pseudo lllicr.ih
The instant lesult was the appeaianco u
Little is liuaid of the coming conslstoij
not o\on the-c\act date being known ,
VMM lu a ( ill } Winter.
Ill splto of the misfortune that has com
upon so many Roman nobles , the sc.ibon bid
fair to bo at the Quiiinal. W
may or may not have the si
ver wedding fetes Thu king , whob
tastes mo simple and whoso wislti
discountenance extiavaganco , would bo be"
pleased if the event weio commenunatc
quietly. His objections nmj bo outwelghe
by the desho to please tlio Romans , wholov
clicuses still as much as they lack c.isl
Theio is some talk of a gi.ind touinamei
next Apill in which the piinces will tali
part. licforo that wo shall liavo tliu usu :
com t balls
Thulhstof the functions comrs over i
Tebiuaij' . Till then bociotj wlllha\u plent
to attract It in the inniimeiablo icccptioi
and dances Comtessa Qnuiottl , who is I
town again with her husband , the gran
master of i-cicinonlcs , is about tu lesumo ho
pleasant 'IhiesdajH Her lead will sou
be followed by a scons of elmrmlns Roma
d.uncs. A tUtcimined attempt will I :
made to keep King Cauilval allvo.
hut not least , \\o shall fw\o a nei Ics of eccl
slastical icjolclngslii lomicction vlth tl
pope's Jubilee. The piogramof fcHtlvitie
pilgrim igcs mid holeinn civiccs bywliic
the occasion will be mnikcd is vlitually con
plotc. Homo will not bo a bad place I
winter In. MLLT/UU
1IVnl/ifr/or / Omalui mul Vicinity
1 < n f
1. l.ltrl ) ( 'In l tmm for
Climiro for tliu Ciii.M\l Vriny Illll ,
lt illu , ; Itomn mul llnlj' .
Mitorln l.curin Nrw TrlcU * .
( | , , , | > , , | , | | ( . s ( lioolt.
Itork Uhinit Oprmlois Ulll llo.u-olt.
ClmHliiR tin ; r thi McKlnin , < iiir/i. :
0. l'r M i-nUnc * ut WiulitiiKlon Vr trnlnj.
lu > ItrliiM t'oiulrlcil ( , r Mnnli-r.
Wroc l < on n Ki-iiliirl < . > It ,
1. IMItorlul mul Co in in cut.
n. niplilhrrlnut ( Urrolu.
Uojd Ciiiinlj CiMlc li In Court.
( I. Nown from roimrll niullH.
T. DoiiKliiK County I lection ( 'outlet.
Id. IIHp-iriKli-Otlirr Home Itnll.lliiK.
> ol s from tlic l.oilce Itoiitns.
II. l.oril Trillin ( nn full } lli-\lo\\ .
1 Inindil mul Coiiiineicliil luroriiiiitlon.
1 . VVoi-lt In the ( n . S liii.
ii. : NIBOII DrleiuN tlm lloiiril of Ir.ulp.
Young Illiioil In rnlon rnilllc AilUlri.
1 1. Alllilnnl simdi Omili.i ,
in. Wlnl thr I'lujcri Vro Diilnir.
\ VhVorldrtAre It. tlr i ,
10. WjomliiK'h lUi ; Cillllo ( loliij- .
1H. ClirUtumslii s , ,11 11111 ! storj.
III. Uofrnml ( M dor Tilings In llcilln.
Aloid > Tillltsof lilt Mi-loillrs ,
: : i ) . Helen Conlil mul Otlicr f.lrls.
Ul. llok'fi l.ttcran Co < i l | > .
rusliliiii-H ' ) | | | for llolliluy Wcur.
lion t'rloiul Itciiicinlieis I'llcnd ,
S1 } . Tollt I.oie of the I le of MVII.
AloiiR tliu I'mnmis Siinlu To Trull.
M. 1'lillllpH Count ) , Kmmm.
Ailxcntiirrs of l.lttlo l.ori-im.
ai. Mmlcul tlio VVorlil' * I'.ilr.
ltuik > Moiiiituln 1'rccloiiH Stones ,
if is .1 / > /s/.ii ; ; .
I'l.lino NOH StillerH rrtiin u Molcnt 1'orin
of rolltltnl limit i.
LfoDl/i f'ilfi ( ; ' ( JS9. h /lines riinton HritiicK.I
PMIH , Dec 17 [ Xew Yoik Heiald Cable
Special to Tin : Un : ] Fiom daj todaj the
Heiald has been kept posted upon thovmi-
ous steps that have led up to tlio piesent
cilsls As there aie no new scandals today
1 will taUo tlio oppoituiiitj of explaining tlio
The foielgner prob ihly docs not know that
wh it is going on in Pi anco todaj is a disease ,
with which the countr.v is affected evorj
twentj'-llve.vcai-s since the bcirlnning of tlio
centuij' . Unlilvo the pcnod of the icvolu-
tion , howevervtho vhiof the bullet Is no
longer heaid in the stieets , because evcrj-
bodv Is fully awaie of the danger of icsoit-
ingtoaims The lovolution was biou ht
about bj tjranny and scandal The icpublic
has had o\cij chance to do well iu the past
twenty jcus , but so many mistakes have
been undo that the piesent ciibis was in-
The Hist fit of ficn/y was IJoulangciism.
That was cut slioit by tlio cncigy of M.
Constans The next was the Pananu scan
dal a much moio sciious matter , because its
natuic is not only political but economical ,
and touches what tlio Fiench people hold
most dear , the integiity of tlioir elected
Then in the main , there was the necessity
for a change , not of the foim of government
( for the icpublio is indestructible ) but
of tlio personnel of the govcimncnt.
Tlio leading men of the Pan-urn
Canal compniy aio in tlio fiistplico politi
cians , eacli ono vv anting to succeed Piesiilent
Cainot. In the next place , failing that ,
eveiy one of them wanted to bo in the minis
try. In the thinl place , finding that the gen-
"ciatlon which had spiung up Mine 1870 , was
too obdmato for their pmposes , they put
themselves in opposition to all foim of gov-
eminent , monaichial , iiiti.insigeant 01
Cm not Missed Ills Olllj Cli.uuc.
Fourthly , thi-io aro'tho ' mill semites , not n
numeious class , but noisy and blustciing ,
mound whom aio gioupcd all that icmain
of noulangisin.
Fiftly , tlicie aio the prepirations for the
appioaehing gcneial election to take place in
October next.
In the sixth place wo have all kinds ol
vengeances to besilisllcd , intiigucs and per
sonal politics of the second class , mid llnallj
the indign ition of that p irt of the public
compaiatlvelj poor , who have lost moio thai
1,000,000,000 fiancs in the Panama cana
All these things culminate in an assaull
on the go'eminent , which is badly , if al
all , defended bj' the people it has fed for tin
past twcntj' jcais.
What can President C.imot do now
Nothing. At first ho might liavu strangleil
the aflair. Ilo had in his hands a copy o
the Panama documents and photographs o
checks Ho ought to h.uo oidcicd t (
como to the Eljbco these deputies who wen
implicated and ndv iscd thorn to i esign. Nov
it is too late. The only road open is dlssolu
tion of tin ) Chamber.
Hut what would lesult fiom the elections
Nobody can saj' , except tlio disappcaianci
of the majoilty vvliich the govein'nont now
has In fact , thcrcfoic , the step would havi
been u ilsky one , foi v.'o might sue the gov
eminent pass into tlio hands of the i faction
ists or tlio socialists.
Piesldent C.nnot , who h quite cool , doe
not dam do that , unit does not want to , besotting
setting aside the horiiblo condition o
moi.ility unveiled b.tho . Pananu earn
scandal , wo may say tliat v\u mo In th qiiagmlio fiom wliici
wo cannot escape. How many inciiaiosaj
Ing :
"Oh ! If Houlangorwoio not dead , "
And how many aio cverywhuo looking fo
anotlicr Boulangcr. .UcQui.sSi Cum ) .
'i : IX I.O.MIO.V.
Dr. liftvincli Winiteil III I'urls , I.hliig n
IIU iit.o : mul Di'tllnliiR Inlirili > \ > .
[ Ciipui tulittil tviyiiii Jtuiicii Cmilnn itcnitctt. ]
I MIOV , Dec 17 [ Now Yoik Hei.ll
Cable-Special to Tin- HIT ] -Dr Coinelhi
Hertlio Gcrnmn-Aincilcan holder of th
gi.ind ( oidon of tlio Region of Honor , whos
picscnio is so much de-sited in P.uis in coi
nection with tlio Panama Canal compan
scandal , is still iu I/indon mul his when
abouts have only now been dls ( loscd Ho I
n guest at tlio Huilinglon hotel , Coik slice
Piccadilly , wheio ho is suiiounded by lotinuoof scivmits Ho spends mo
of his time In ids looms and denies hlmse
to all vlsitois.
I called jCHteiday to got fiom him a stati
incut , if possible , as to his dealings wit
Haion do Rclimch , paittculmly these I
which the two cheques fora million fram
cadi plajcd so conspicuous a pait Hei
hcnt down vvoiil that lie would lilco me I
send him a loiter , giving the object of in
\islt. This letter was promptly iviitten an
despatched , woid was iotciv (
today to tlioeffectthat Dr. HC-IY would n
tend to tlio matter In the comsc of A Jc >
The otlghmlitj of this icply seems to hav
commended Itself to the wily and seciollv
mianeier , for ho has todaj sent the san
iiicbsab'o to soveial other callers.
Qootl Queen Victoria Turns nt Last to th
Language of Sleepy India.
She Oau Now Keep Her'Diary in Excellent
Iliuilustanoo with Easo.
How nu Enterprising Publisher Has Booniod
His Magazine's Circulation.
America' * Admiration for tliu imprr : H Kt *
putl iti il I'luiiuiml follow t-illi. ) MigKCS-
tlmii 'Unit Ihirjluiil } luily Hindu-
Htiuivu A Vr ) 1111111 } Sit tint Ion.
I'M } by Jamci ( Ionian lltnnett. ' ]
LONDON , Dec. 17 [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Hi uVo ] ha\o nil
heaid tlmt Cato began leainiiig Oieek at 80 ,
and ho has been so much praised for
it that some people have been
led by ills example to put off the
studj ot Ciicck until they re iched the sumo
age. It is cquall.v intoic.sting to bo liifoimotl
th it at the ago of 7.1 Queen Victoil i is html
\\oikupon Hlndust.inco in fact , she lias
been a diligent pupil for the last tin eo > ears ,
mid she has now acquhed eonsldor-
able proficiency in the language. Theio
could not bo much bettei proot of her
iiidustij 01 of Inteicst she takes in the III-
dim ompiio The queen has , indeed , aU
wajs been \or.v pioudot the Indi in posses
sions of the cioun. She Is the only Uiltlsh
monaich who seems to have boon auaio ot
the existence of that continent. To bo sure ,
her piedeccssors wcio not in any way re
sponsible for the gov eminent of India , as
that countrj formed no put of the imperial
Queen Victoita delights in having around
her \isiblc sjmbols of her anthoilty as nu1
oilcntal moniich Her Indi in sonants tire
ahvajs about her icsidenees , and ono ot
them usil illy aceomp inies her on her drived.
She lias quite a little statt of Indi ins In hci *
household , gieatly to the disgust of the ISii
lisli servants , who used to lie very jealous
John Drown but who arc ten times moro so
of the d.uklcs , with their silent , stealthy
wajs and impcnotrable eistein icseivo. \
ltiiHlnl HCI Into I'rlnt. J
Her mijesty's studies mo ditceted by
M inlvio Hiliiddin Ahmad , who not only lias1
been allowed to copy some entiles fiom the
lojal diary kept in Hindustani , but to pub
lish them in the Strand Magazine. Mi- .
Ncwns is a \ cr.luckj' mm in having suc
ceeded in inducing the queen to pro *
mete the cjiculation of his magazine.
His livals must bo gieen with cuvyi
On the last page of Miulvio's aiticlo ft
poitrait is given of the queen's mushier ( seci
ictary ) . It is \oiylikcNownshlnisclf
that I cannot help thinking ho has adoptee
Lhis method to inliolucc his pleasing coun
tenance to her mijestj's notice Munch !
New us took caio to send an caily copj' of thom
m igazino to the queon.appiopiiatcly bound la
plnsh. For Ahmad ho lajs it on thick with ,
[ uaise. which ho should got his illustrou *
pupil to tuin into Hub-Hindustani Ho 111 *
foims us that tlio people of the United States ,
who are supposed to woiship no oilier altap
but that of genius , vcneiato the queen's nanitt
and luno been good enough to speak favor.ibly
of her politic il talent. Ho cites Chauncoy
Depow as a witness to her model Icadciship.
Moicovcr , the queen has "a mind so deep
that she mlht have given the world a si-eat woik , " or "a sensational novel
of high icputatipn , " and "sho has picserveui
her intellect ! ! U faculties to p Uri ichal ago. "
SomuVonilrrliil I'roinlHiH.
Tlio queen cannot fall to bo delighted with
this gratifj ing testimonial. Mulvlo further
idvises tlio aiistociacy of England to begin
leaining Hindustani , lovers of music to play
on the tom-tom and pouts to imitate an.
Indian epic in seventeen volumes. Actors
muy deilvo "valuablo infoiinatlon" from
eastern literatuic , and doctors may find
icmedlcs for "certain clnonlo diseases pro
nounced ineuiable by phjsici.uis. "
When I lived in India thopiinelpil icmody
was to daub a stieaic of thick D.ilnt over the
p itient's foiclicad. I hope Ahnmd will novcr
lie called upon to picsciibo for the empress-
It is a cm ions affair , take It altogether anil
ono docs not know which to admit c most ,
our graiions queen , Maulvio Hnlliddin AU
Sin I mean Ahmad or Alunelilo Nowns. I
should like to have Muncliio's profits for my
Xmas picbcnt. A Mi'.M
wu iTKV TIII : r.ilrritx ol tlm iiiKllili : Nnvy ta
lin ronrtluilliilcil. .
LONHOV , Dec -Vieo-Admlial Fairfax ,
commander of the Hiitish Meditcrraneaa
: qu ulion , to vvlilih attached the battlo-
shlp Howe which stranded on November 'J
at the cntiaiico of Kenol haibor , Spiin , will
bo tiled by ( ouit maitial in eonnectioii with
thcstiandlugof that vessel It is claimed
that ascommmidoi of the squadioii it was Iho Howe as Una vessel
was following the llagslilp , and ho
failed to do it.
Commander DIckbOii and Captain Huntings
of the Howe wcio icccntly acquitted of all
blame in the matter by a couit imntliil held
at i'oit'imouih , It being Hhown the
( linrtbot Ken ol hm bor used on the Howe
wcio my defective
for u l.iinit Amount. >
LONDON , Dec 17 Tim ilim of Kejnolds ft
Olbson , cotton bioker-j of Liverpool , aio be- j
ing sued ut the l.iveipool assUca on a claim
of IVJO.liUU by the Hank of f.ivei pool , being
money obtained from the bank on forged
checkb by Petty Lunt and Johnson , manager
mid c-auhler of the Ilnn. The bank claims
that hunt and \Vilson had mithotlty to sigu
( beekb for thoJhm , while KovnokU & Co ,
claim tlieiovvaii cvideiKo of tampeilnx and
the checks should not huio been paid by the
bank , I.unt , uudVil.sou vvcro ( onvictedof
einbe//lemcnt and sent to pilsou 'j hey luul
been cndeavoilng to bolstt-r up u cotton
s > mllui to and the detection of tbplr opeia >
tluns nc.nlj c.iubtd a panic In the inaiket.
ItMiiKl itn nf dreut Import mi e ,
IXIMIOS , Deu 17 'Iho Clnonlclo says tliat
a gov eminent dot umcnt Is being tot up by u
bliiglo tiustwoilhy compositor who worlta
behind locked dooitt and Is guaidcd against
uvcrj intiualon byoveiy piccautlon. Such
seeitsj would bo observed , siys the Chi on-
iclc , onlj in thu ease of the homo i ulo bill.
ni'il for I ruuil.
IXJ.NUON , Deo. 17. i. W. Hobbs of