B OMAHA DAILY IWIfc : SATt'HDAY , DKCKMBKR 17 , 1802 , I > CO N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts , , Omaha , Neb. era 'N. W. Cor , IGtli and Douglas Sts , , Omaha , Ne ; . eram 1000 200 The very finest grade of Dozen lo/.en FT" ? Ladles' Ladies' ess .Misses' All Wool Ladies' Imported CT Pure Silk Klogant Pure Silk Heavy Ribbed Past Hlack GSS'N. Embroidered Half satin lined , Tan mixtures , satin and Japanese - Chiffon braided , bound , in linuil , ULJ Handkerchiefs and 200 Dozen Ladies' and Men's White Silk sss . . Worth SI.25. Qp Initial VJll Misses' All Wool Handkerchiefs LJtJ Setunless anil Full ' Regular Mtulu Ladies' Pure i SVIMTIJ AM ) HLACK Caslimcru Hose Silk Hose 5o Worth 25e. in black and fancy J3rocfidcd AfiifJFlers , CO colorsworth $ ' 2. = 3. 35c .Mufflers in New Culm's and Polka Dots at 00 Fur Trlinincd Choice of 200 latest GSS Reefer Jacket style Trimmed Plain or dar- Fur Infants' All Wool Tills eleuant Ladies' All Wool Ribbed anil Plain and Silk Lisle incuts , worth to up Plain Hib black 48G Brown or Tim..Lined. . $25. Cashmere Hose Worth Hose Sl.CO' ' Cashmere Hose MHtVA * f FlRKfrr-frrM\isfiit : , tMl S * l tf-fi SS SfiiiX e * t jiht-Kfatij XT f& D f&V V Vax B G 1ST. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha. o N. W. Cor 16th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha , Neb , H. W , Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha * , "Nob. 1000 DOZEN 800 DOZEN Ladies' 400 0 Heavy Do/en ale ? AIoii's Kliit Children's 0b J Tfn'\T\r . \L \ > vj Combination and * CHRISTMAS GLOVES. \vcight - / -A1 w ° 01 Suits , Misses b All Sixes , Jersey Like Cut , Ribbed Having the sole agency of P. & P. Gloves , we claim to have the only A.U Wool Natural Gray Worth $1.00 , Underwear complete glove department in Omaha. We have added an extra line of and Go for 39c. Worth 40c. 1 Christmas gloves which you will find very handsome and useful presents. NON-SHRINKABLE IN THIS Fancy vitx CondG Vicuna Ladies' Ladies' Finest Fleece Fast Gloves , LOT you will alsofil Wool lilack Dressed or un find a full line of " * White and dressed kid in Natural Gray Kcuicstriennc blacksmodestans , Combination Tights , grays , browns , Shopping G loves/ ; * Suitable for policeman , fire All si/es , shirts CD Suits S1.25. . . S every pair guaraiW men , conductors , streetcar or drawers , Worth $ ' 2.50. Worth $1.25. rH teed. If they rip drivers : iml tuainstura , we give a new"pair.J Ladies' Fine At $1.25 We will sell At $ ! . { ) we will sell CD Ladies' "White P. & P. 7-IIook Heal P. < Jc P. Fontaine Mous- g- All Wool Merine and Kid Gloves which are quetaire Gloves in ev Zephyr Natural o equal to any $2.00 ery light and dark - Knit EH gloves in Omaha. All shade now worn , in Underwear shades but $1.25 Sat cluding all shades of Worth at least Worth at least Underwear Worth 75c , urday only. yellow , green and red. Regulnr$2.2B Worth $1.25 , During this $1.50. $1.25. Go at 75c. Sale just 25c. Gloves arc IFStfcetl ; ! to the B aijci by Expert ; PiHers B HAYDKX 1IKOS. ChrlituuiH Girti ) , C'loalcs , Jurkrli , l'i\rt , itc. : Wo arc now showing llio Inrgost line of gouts' linen mid silU hunillcorclilefs in llio country , ut our usunl low prices. It will pay you to look. Wo have now on display an elegant line of gonts' line silk umbrellas , beau tiful handles , ut $12.50 , $3.00 , $4 00 and $5.00. Our line of Bilk and wool mufllcrs cannot - not bo oqtiulcd In tbo uity at the price. Our ontlro stock of Indies' fancy llslo thrcaa and nilk boso to bo closed out at loss than they can bo imported today. Commencing tomorrow , wo will show the finest line of ladles' aprons over seen in this city. Over 100 do/.cn on display. Aprons from Ific to $ , ' { .00 each. Clearing snlo of fur muflfs must bo closed out at onco. French seal raulTs , nr.o quality , $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00 each. From now until Christmas \ will nut on sa'o ' 500 do/cn Indies' real kid gloves , worth $1.30 per pair , sale price $1.00 per pair. Buy your gloves onrly. Special Btilo of gouts' night shirts , fancy trimmed , OOe , Cjc , 75c up to $3.00 each. , CLOAKS AND JACKETS. Our largo and complete stoclc of jackets , plush garments ami furs , sug gest to purchasers suitable Christmas presents for their mothers , wives , sisters - tors and sweethearts. To avoid the rush of holiday trade , wo suggest to our patrons who contemplate purchasing gifts for holiday prcsonU to cnll ejirly before assortment is broken , make tholr selections and wo will deliver goods when they wish. To induce purchasers to call carlv , wo hiivo placed our entire Block on sale at minced prices. FUKS. Coonoy capos for $3.00 , reduced from $5.00. Astraohan capos for $5.00 , reduced from $7.50. Astrachan capes for $7.00 , reduced from $10.00. Coonov ' capes for $11.00. reduced from $15.00. Astrnchan capes for $10.50. reduced from $22.60. Astritolmn capes for $22.50 reduced from MO.OO. ' Monkey fur capos for $10.50 , reduced from $2.'i.OO. FUII < TR 1M M HD J A CK KTS. A cheviot jacket , $4.50 , reduced from $7.00. A camolot'.o ' jacket , 80.7G , red need Iroin-fi ) . 00. A cninoloUo jacket , $11.00 , reduced from $1U,80. A worsted jacket , $10.00 , reduced fiom mCO. A dlHgoiml jacket , $12.00 , reduced from $1,5.00. Above line in blnck nnd all shinies of tnn , trlmmod with eoonoy , electric soul , pusBtim , racoon and beaver furs. 600 children's elonlfw , nt tlio phenomenal onal iirico of Jo.00 , sizes 10 and 1- worth from $9.00 to $15.00. It is not a question of price any longer. Thin is a grand closing out tmlo of all hinds o ( winter millinery goods. Lad lea1 plain and trimmed hats. Chil dren'a huts nnd caps of every descrip tion. tion.Fine Fine millinery ribbons , trimmings nnd orimnioulfi. Ostrich feathers nt 2oo , 80o , 85c nnd COo , worth OQo up to Sl.r > 0. Fancy feather * at 5e , 7c , 10o , 15o nnd \ Now is the time to buy infants' and Children's caps and hoods of all kinds BUTTER , CIIKiSE , Etc. Don't forget to visit Haydens' butter department. DWlioro you can buy the finest country and creamery butter ; every pound of it made in Nebraska. Wo luivo country butter for 14c , IGc , ISc and 20e. Creamery wo have at 22c , 2le anil 2Ge , Romeinbor this butter is guaranteed to bo us wo say or money refunded. Wo also carry the finest stock of chceso in the city , and selling at the lowest price. "Wisconsin full cream , 8c , lOcaud 12c per pound , Now Jersey pure cream cheese , 14c and Hie. Y/iunt / ; Amoridv full cream , 12jc. I 1/rick cheese : 12c , 14c and lOc. } Li in burger cheese , 12jc and 15c. j Swiss cheese. 12jc , lie and lOc. Neufchatel , 7jc per nachngo. Sab sngo , 8c per package. Fromago do brio , 40c per pound. Pineapple cheese , 50o each. Hoehfort Imporlca , 50c per pound. Swiss cream cheese , iiOo per package. Club house , , ' ! 5c each. Kilam cheese , $1.25 each. Wo have mtnco moat for 7jc per pound. Apple butter , 7ic per pound. Strawberry anil raspberry preserves , 12Jc.Come Come here for your fresh oysters. Wo have them fresh every day from Balti more , 25c per quart. See the celebrated Sohmcr piano at Ford Cliarlton'Musio ' Co. , 1608 Dodge. I.ruiU Out Inr fold Wriltlifr. Hut rldo inside of the electric lighted and steam heated vestibuled apartment trains of ttio C'hicngo , Milwaukee & St. 1'atd railway and you will bo as warm , comfortable and cheerful as in your own ' library or boudoir. To travel' between Chicago and Omaha in these luxuri ously appointed trains is n supreme sat isfaction ; and , as the somewhat ancient advertisement used to read , "forfurther mrliculars see small hills. " Small bills [ and largo ones , too ) will bo accepted or p s aio ; and sleeping car tickets at 1501 Karnam street. Holiday goodsFronx.or , jow'r , opp. p.o Ciniipli'tii Nrw Morn nl * rimillim1 , All goods marked low in plain flgures. ClIAK. SmVKKICK it CO. , 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Far n am St. Real ofltato. Uargalns only. Mv word is good. WG. . Albright. 621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ? . TUI : Monsi : DRY csoons co. Shoo DrpurtiiKMit. A pair of fine shoes make a very ac ceptable present ; try a pair of our best tlongola hand-turned button shoes at S3.25 a pair , $5.00 is our regular price. This price treed for ono week. MEN'S SLIPPERS. Ladies will find our assortment very complete in both sorts and sizes. Second lloor , near elevator. THC MORSE DRY GOODS CO. IAST : OR SOUTH Olii the Wuhiish Kotitc. The short line to St. Louis and quick est route south. Only 37 hours to Hot Springs. Only 3 ! ) hours to Now Orleans. Only 38 } hours to Atlanta. Only 52 hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fast time to all points cast and south. Round trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Galveston , San Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran cisco , Mobllo.Jacksonvlllo , Tampa , Ha vana and all the winter resorts of the south and west. Reclining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman bulTot sleeping cars on all trains. Baggage checked from hotels and private residences to destination. For tickets , sleeping car accommodations and further information call at Wabash ticket olllco , 1602 Farnam street , or write , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. Holiday goods , Fron/.or , jow'r , opp. p.o. Frescoing and Interior decorating ; designs - signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohuiann , 1508 Douglas street. Everybody oats oysters. Dealers can buy N. Y. Counts per can , 35e. Extra Selects per can , 2oc. Standards per can , 20c. Favorites per can , 13o. Alee bidk Standards , solid meats , if wanted , mid celery from 25o to 45c per bunch. Send vour Christmas orders at once to D.ivld Cole & Co. , "Tho AntiMonopoly - Monopoly Ovstor IIouso. " Goods the very best. No firm allowed to undersell us. 310 So. 10th street , Omaha , Nob. o Holiday goods , Frenzor , jow'r , opp , p.o , Water rents duo January 1 , payable at company's oillce , HICK oullding ; 5 per cent discount allowed if paid on or before - fore January 1. Olllco open Wednesdays and Saturdays till 8 p. m. akin Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Auiuioniaj No Alum. Used iu Milli'ins of Homes 40 Years the Standard * on cheek and brow is evidence that the body is getting proper nourishment. When this glow of health is absent assimilation is wrong , and health is letting down. taken immediately arrests waste , regardless of the cause. Consumption must yield to treatment that stops waste and builds flesh anew. Almost as palatable as milk. Prepared by Scott & ISoirne , N. Y. All druggist * . Wo will rend rrm the mar\i'ou French reparation CAL.THUU I'rov. mill it U'ual euanuiuc that CAl/l'HUS will Il..lor.jour Qlcullfi , Ktreiiclli uiiil Vigor. I 'se it and fay if sail's/fit. Address VON MOHL CO. . HcU iutriiu IgrnU , ( lurbiQMl , OUa. HL'ALTHTUL , AOREGADLE , CLCANS1NQ. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER , Cure * Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burna , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE Russian SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watoi / / . s. ijni'osrroitY , OMAHA , xis Capital $400,000 Surplus . . . .j , , . . . ' . . . $ G5,000 OlUrcn and IlrcctorHcnry ) W. Vatci , preililentl II. 0 , L'lKlilnir , vice protlUanti C , U. .MauriceV , V. Muriu.Jnluiti , Colllui , J. N , It. 1'atrlckj Ulnli U. Hctil , canliler. canliler.THE THE IRON BANK. DOCTOH. : JDis eases. A in ! nil Wunknoa nml Disorder of TVTT\r wl" ' Io8S ° ' CournRO , Ambition and VI- I'A IJli tallty. KlKlitrcn yunra ot tlio incut ro- mnrkitbto micruBB In tlio trontnu'nt of tlil.i uluss of illecusfii , which la provun tiy thu iinlvurxul testimo ny of tlioiitmmls wlio ImTO been curuil. Wrllofor circulars nnd qucntlou Hit. niitl I'linniiii .Ss. , Oiniilni\oli - TJ 1 H Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. Tlio only iiorfc'ttnKlnnl nnd rectal ttyrlnuu In tlio world It IB tlio only Syringe ev er liivi-ntod by which viiizl- nnl Injcclluns can uu nil IllllllBttTlMlltllOllt ll'llk- liiKiind siilllni ; the cloth- IIIK or iirrueHltntliiK the line of n vi-isol. slid which tan nlHo ba IIDIM ! for rcetul Injoctloiu or IrrlKiillon. bOhT HIMIIIii ; 111)1,11 ) ANI ) UAHIJ UUUllliU Price OJ3.OO. Mnll onlors tollcltcil. TlieAloe&PenfoklCo. , intlt Sfroof , NKXT TO rosTOI'KICn. riiyxli luns' | irukcrlptlon nccuraU'ly | > riinrccl | nt low prlcui , DR , R , W. BAILEY Teeth Filled With out Tain by tint Latest Inven tion. Tooth Extracted Without Pain or Danger. A Full Scl of Teeth on lluhbcr for $5.03. $ I'crfoct lit Bunrnntoocl. Teeth oitractod la the inornlni ; . New gneii Injertert In tbo ovouliiif of BIIUIU day. day.h'co ciificlmeiii of Itcmornbln llrlduo. too specimens of Kloxlklu Klmtlo I'lnto , All work narrontcd at roprocutvJ. Office Third Floor Poxton Bloolt , Telephone 1055 , liUli and Kiirnuiu St . Tnko elevator or ilulrwuy from IClli Ht unlrinca. raorpluue Iluljlt t'ura In i toUiidiiiii. > i > pur 1111 t-iii-tU. l > r. J. Mrpbfiit , Lfliuuon , ( ) < lilaiuuitd ) lrt , 4 does he want for Christmas ? That's the question that agitates tha feminine mi ml throughout this broad land today , and , in truth , that same mind rather enjoys the agitation. It is _ pleasant tin's plan ning and scheming ; this making-and buying and hiding away in dark nooks and forbidden rooms these Christmas gifts , till the all eventful day. Hut we all enjoy it we men us well. What a man want ? That's the poser. There's hundred's of things yott can buy for boys and girls and school friends and sisters and mothers and wives but a man he's so diflerent. "There's so few things that a man wants that don't cost a fortune , " says one woman who's all tired out shopping. Hut she's wrong. If your- particular "he" is a republican , buy him an umbrella ( he'll need , "protection" ) . AVa'vc all sorts 5c to $1.50. Then likes slippers every man does likes to put 'em on and put his. feet up higher than his head and pull * a good cigar Me to $1.5 ( > ( that's the price of the slippers ) . Then men like to be "collared" by a pretty woman , and they even enjoy it if they're "ended" by one. Hest all linen collars or end's ! 25e trmlr. _ Then if he's a great blow buy him handkerchiefs plain or fancy 5c lOc ISc 20c 25c. We to call your attention to a hundred do/en full sl/e line Japancso silk hemstitched handkerchiefs the fifty-cent kind at25c each. Then there's neckwear a safe think to "tie" to , always. Aside from thu old standby shapes at ISc 25c 'Jnc we show elegantly gotten up scarfs /Inc-dno / 75c-c--l ! ) ( ) .00. Then there's sus- penders. Aside from regular "goods , (15cto7nc ( ) , we .show novel * ties designed especially Christmas in silks nnd satins-all colors-plain or embroidered the finest goods made in individual boxes $1.00 to $2.25. There's gloves and mittens- mufflers 15c to $2.00-an especially attractive line of handsome colors in cashmere and cra/.y cloth at 50c. Then there's jewelry cmT buttons , lever or link-watch guards scarf- pins stud buttons and HO on. Our corner window with each ar ticle marked with its price tells you where to buy your "male" ' presents for OPEN TILL 0P.M.