Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    T11F OMAHA DAILY HIM /f > ATlTIU\V , DKCIMIWU 17 , 1801 -
-ra (
Dcmorrtliietl and Excited WM the OomliUon
of the Wheat Tit ,
Knmor * Thnl the C1ltiirVm | StllliiR Out A -
luted Uthrr DpprrsultiR rnrtnra
\Vero lllKhrr nml Ciports
Quito l.urgc.
CtiirAfio , 111. , Dec. 10. Demoralised and px-
cltt'd wns the condition of the wheat pit. The
largest break occurred for FOIIIO tlmo past. A
clump nt nearly 2c was recorded with a par-
tlnl ri'COM'iy ' at the close. I 'pleston , whose
recent buying has been firquenlly nlliidod to
ns portondliiR n bl | ? advance , sold sotnu near
the opening , but on the break ho was n buyer ,
Biiatchln ? 2MOOObii. within He of the bottom
tom fiom a panic-stricken seller , which In < i
incasiiro restored eonlldencc. Tonight the
prlco for May N 1'ic lower than lastnltfhl.
Corn \i \ 'jc lower , o.its Isoir ' $ o and pro
visions , after nn advance In thu forenoon ,
wound up til about jostetday's closing price.
Ilclletets In the existence of n poweiful1
cllitio | In wheat ( irew weary early In the day
With news that receipts In the northwest woio
again llberal-702oats , against 500 cats the
BUIIIO day last year- leporl that Clausen , the
Mate Inspector of Minnesota , had stated that
lie expected the noithwestern receipts to keep
tip at the present rate for the entlro winter ,
Immediately a , cinl > | iitiloky fooling devel
oped and thu crowd bosan to throw overboard
their wht'iit. At the same llmo a rumor wa
clictilated that thoclhnto was soiling out and
this Inctea'-ed the demorall7iitlon. ( 'able
\ > eiohlcher and the evpoils fiom the sea-
lioaid wens latRc , but this cut no tlt-mo , ami
the liquidation , shoit selling and stop-los"
ordeis sales went on. , . ,
The weakness washy many.attrlhutcd chlollj
to thu money scare In Now Voik and thu an
ticipated law noldshlpmonls nit week. 1 he
decllnt ) biouisht out n Rood deal of wheat on
slop-loss orders , Theio was buying chlelly liy
hboits until the last hour , wlirii l.KKloston
took a fresh hold. The talk of hlfi lecelpts In
the northwest all winter was llatlv contia-
dieted by messages ftom icllablo houses at
Minneapolis , saylmt that the end of the heavj
movement Is Insight. Thoopenlm , ' was tin
Biimo as vosleidav's closlnp. but bec.imo weak
and n dicllno of 1'ii1 lesiillod. iccoveied "ic
quickly , fluctuated some and the floslns wn >
ulMiit. fiom ' .c to ! ' { lower than jesteiday
A Htory Is cm rent that when business opened
I'mdridgowiisshoi 15,000,0001)11. ) Onthohieali
lie Is lopotted to have oou-ied the entile line
making a largo piollt. It wasinor foity-lUe
minutes fiom the opening bofoio the liii'iil
Mailed , hut when It got well underway It tool than twenty minutes to knock IV per bu
olTlhopiIce. Khott wheat was what Hist bo-
pan to pioss upon Ilio market , but as soon a1
the prh'o got under 77'sc theio was a. will
scramble between bothshoits and longs us t (
who could get i Id of the most and In the " -bort'
est tlmo. I'urchascis could not ho found , ov
roiit ut lower and lower prices , and oveiy turn
nfiosh yell went up from thu hollois. Till1
ovenlne opinion was divided as to whethei
the leading longs In the market let go of Im
porlant holdings or Increased their lines urn
fiticngthened their position.
In coin opeiatlons weio conllned mainly tt
the professional and loom tiadors. The mai
ket opened dull , but steady tit yesterday' :
final quotations , was Him for u while , bu
when wheat stinted down coin sympathl/ed
Rolling off with lianllj u leactloii , ? ( e , lalllei
from Uc to , o afterwanls , changed some
ruled steady and closed with fiom cto ! ai
Selling of oats was not of sufllclont magnl
tudo to cause a big break. After a change o
% f. the mm kel closed at inside prices.
H wimu big day In piovlslons. Kooolpts o
hogs weio moderate and mlcesat the ynid
weio the highest of the year. The Milppln
demand for pioducls was further Impnnoi
Moio attention was given to pork , although It
pioduets woio well aihanced. Aimon
niokors weio , ppihniH , the best huyeis , O
the advance , howu\or , theio was loalbliii.
nml the bieak In wheat Induced selling , s
that at the oloso the gain was erased. Thu ill ]
deal showed weakness , computed with th
others , and closed at a net decline of 7j !
for January and ( ic for May.
Estimated locelpN for tomonow : Wheal
210oais ; corn , 200 cais ; oat.s , ISOcais ; hog.
15.000 bend.
The leading fiituios ranged as follows :
Cnsh ( imitations \votu us followb :
l''i.oint Dull. ilriiKKlni ; .
WIIKAT No. 1 ! sii IIIK , VOJic ; No. 3 sprlns , (
< 2J5i ( : ; No. 'J toil. 70Mo.
COUN Stonily ; No. 'J-12c ; No. 3 yellow , 3C
OATS-Xo. 2 , 30'5c ; Xo. 2 white , f. o. lj. , 35
No. 3 vvhlti ! . 32 : i'.lc.
IlYK-No. 2. 47V.
HAltl.r.Y No. 2. 04c ; Xo. 3 , f. o. ! > „ -tOiQG'J
No.-I , f.o , I ) . , 3nq,18c.
FI.AX faniai > o. 1.J1.09.
TIMOTHY Siin I'rlmc , 82.00.
1'OIIK-Moss , nor 1)1)1. ) , $14.H7'5f5H5.00 ; lai
per 100 lls. , 50.00 ; short ribs , hides ( lees
&B.4K3. ( . .50diyalted ; shoulders ( Ijoxed ) , 7.
© 7.87 , " } ; short clear sides iboxt'd ) , JS.758.t
Wiiisuv tistlllor.s' ) HnlMied goods , per gn
BtinAii Cut loaf , granulated , standard "A
Tlio follow Ing vvoro the tccolpts and shl
inont.s today :
Xovv York Markets.
Nr.w YOIIK , Doc. 10. 1'i.omi Heceipts , 3 !
000 pkgs. ; expoits , 4,000 bills. , 34,000 bacl
dull , weak ; sales , 10,000 bills.
COHN MuAii Dull , hteady ; yellow wo to
WIIIIAT Heceipts , 78,200 bit , ; exports , 0
COO biiales ; , 4,720,000 bu. futuioh ; 120,11
1m. bpot , Spots modorntoly active foroxpo
lower , with options closing hteady ; No. 2 n
70fil7Gii ! ( ! ; lu Moio and oloMitor ; 705 ( < R.'i
ntlout ; 77it7Hc f. o. b. ; No. 2 rod , 82'
iingrniloil ie l , 7070c ; No , 1 iioithein , 81
HOUc ; No. 1 haul , K5.fc ? ; No.2 noilhoiii , 71
No. 2 .Milwaukee , 74 < u,75c ; No. 3hpilug , 7
Options woio moil ) acllvo , inogtilar. hou'
IWlHi' lovvei1 after oponlng hteady ; prices i
vancrd ! c on htenily cahlo.s , became wo
niutilocllned lTola ( e on light money tnntki
lovvor Into cables and longs helling hoio n
ut the west , closing Mcady ; No. 2 led , 1
i-omhor , 74'70u ! , closing at 74' c ; .lamm
7f'ia70'.c , closing at 75io ; Match , 771
70ac. closlni'at78i ; ; May , 80Hlc ! , closl
ut BO'ic.
HVK- Dull , nominal ; western , 5 IS58c.
llAiu.KY--Qiilnti vvohtoin , OOtiiBOc.
llAiu.iv MAI.TDull. .
CiitN Kocolth | ) , 0,400 hu. ; p\poits , 10f
bu.Shtiles , bO&.OOO bit. ot futllios ; Ot.OOII
t-pots. Hpoth | dull , lower , weak ; .M ) . 2 , MI' ' '
file In elevator ; fil' ' ( if52c alloat ; Mi'iui
mixed , ilr. Options weio modoiatoly actl
won ! ; and 'ifiV' lovvor vvlllivlioat and I
xvoaKiioss vvoht ; Docoml'or , 60'ic ; .laiituiry ,
Ci&lifc. closing tit Olt'i .May , B2iG53uc , cl
Ing nt O2' c.
O.WRItocolpth. . 40,350 bu , ; exports , (
Int. ! Mill's , 3U5.000 bu. futllios ; 75,000
Epot , Spots iiulot , lltnior. Optlonsmodeiat
lu'Uvo , i asloi.lniiiinry , 3718'tt374'c. ' ! closlnu
a7 iej May , 3U Wf.30 , i' , closing at l'0'o ; Ni
siiot whlti' , 41ai 42o ; mlM'd ' wobtoin ,
BBlio ; No , 2 LMdcago , 37'tC.
HAY Oiilol , Ihm.
-l''alrdenialid ' , steady ; stnto. coed
choice , lHf23c ; I'aoltlei-oasi. 1851230.
KIHIAIIHaw. . firm , dull ; lollned , dull.
Moi.At.scs Now Oi loans. Moiuly , quint.
MCi'f I'nlrly hteady , actl\i > .
Kniih- Quiet : locolpih , 2,585 pkgs.
A\oii , - Quiets donioMlo fleece , 25SC
pulled , 304 } 320 ; Ti Mis , lOQQlf.
1'OISK Qiili't. llimori old iiioss$15,00ir >
now inobH , * 10.0010DOoMiapilmo , no
mil. Cut iiioalN , dull , btoiidy ; mldd
qillot ; l.ind , qiilot , steady ; western Mi
olosod ut If 10.25. Hill' . , . 550 tloicea nt SlO.t
10,50) ) option sah'.s , 750 tloices ; Decom
olosod at , Jlt.2f ) ) tibki'd ; .liiniinry , closoil
tlO.25nsl.vd ; Kohruary , 810.25 ® HI.'JS , do'
ntf 10.10 Uid ; May , $10.23 , closing ut iH
bid.llUTTKit Oulot ! fancy , about btoady.
t'atiBi : Modt'iatu Uomuiid , firm ; ]
sklmu. ao30'je. '
I'll ) lltON Stead V , quietut S13,00315.C.O .
Coi'1'i.u Quiet i lake , $12.20.
l.KAli btt'iidyi domestic , JD.70. -
Tl.s-Quluti fetliiltH. f 10.UU.
St , I.ouU 'MurlioU.
BT. Joui8. Mo. , Poo. 10 , FI.OUH Weak
lint iiuotuhly lo\\cr.
WIIKAT OiH'iird wi'uk , soort dpcllned ,
with ono ronmlnliiK uirort ut u nilly , contln
logo down uild clotcd lGl > c uudur yet
Any ( ft 1i nnttVrMnttor \ , OG'iCt Jnnitnry ,
OO'ti ' i MUST , 73r , July Tie ,
CORN Uponou' ' i' wltfr , tlipn ilrrllnrii io
intpr ( Item win n imrilnl ii'rovprv , mid tlm
tliilMi wmnnly WHO lidim yiMrrifnyi cn li ,
n7 < ei Jniuntry , 8H' < ei rcliru.nynuvi Mtiy ,
OATS On Ilicnih aa'ictildi ' Mny. lower at
llAin.K.Y-No nl" .
\x-SifnilYi fife east track.
HAY-Unelmiiifod ,
Muti-stoiidy ; J3.Boa3.u5 ; spelter quiet nt
Kl.A.x HKIU-Quiet : nt II 07.
K ms Lower at 23'sc.
{ 'OHM Mi ; vtr Quiet HI 11.80.
JVllUKVStptuly ntfi 30.
IlAiioiNn AND Cimos TIP * t'nchanzpd.
I'novisioNqHigher nnd llrm. 1'oik , $ u > .GO.
I.ard , SO.7GUO.S3. Loose shoulders J7.50 :
longs and ribs , 18.50. Hhorts , ta.ftfi. Howl
UM : mote , llni'on , Minuldors' , } H.12'J ' ; longs
and illx , $0.50 ; Miorls , JIO.OO ; strips' , BJ < e.
Sucnrciltod linms , $1 l.f > ( vJM2.GO.
HKCKltTS-rioiir , 4,000 bbls ; vvhPnt , 39.000
lii.i ) corn , 152,000 hu. ; oats , 21,00.0 hu.t , 5,000 bii. ; bnrlcy 0,000 bu.
Sllll'.MK.ST9-I < 'lotir , 0,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,000
bu. ! coin , 81,000 Int. ; oats , 14,000 bu. ; rye ,
3,000 bu. ; burlcy , 1.000hu.
Oinnliu I'rnducn Murkot.
The rpcolpts of butter and eggs nrc Incrpai-
Ing. Chickens tiio alu ) very plenty. There
was not much chnngo In thu general mnrket.
ArTl.F.s Hood npplrs tno quoted at f 3.50 ®
4.00s choice to fniiov , M.OOJt4.25.n
IlANANAH-Qtiotutlotis aio ; I'nlr to good
shipping stool , , S2.00S2.5U tier bunch.
Ht'TTKit The geneiiil mai kot Is-steady. The
bulk of the lecelpls- soils at 1 ISilGc , and .somo
solocl tmoUagos at 17illOi' ( .
( 'HAMiiititiisQuotntlons : : mo : Hell nnd
cherry. tH.5t ) poi hbl.i bell nnd bugle , J9.5O ;
Into Capo Cod , Jlo.oo. I'ho tirilvtils on tlio
market are light.
CKI.KHY riincy celery Is dlflli'ttlt to find.
Quotations range all the \vny fiom 25o to 40c.
CIIIIIST.MAS Till' : : * I to 0 foot , per iloz. ,
f3.OOUl.GOi 0 lo 10 feet , per do/ , tO.OO10.00 ;
extra huge , for schools and chut cites , each ,
$2.0KiJO,00 ; holly , per bbl. , $2.50 ; mistletoe
] ior II ) . . 25T130. ' .
Kims Till ) hugp nirlvnls of cold storage
oggsarc vvoaKoning I ho mat kot , which will
IIIIAU to bo quoted at 23 < 7t.24c for fre'H stock.
( ( AMI : The artIvnls of quail urn laigo , but
they move quite ftroly tit quotations. Ducks
ate soaio and In good demand , .lack rabbits
am coming fiooly and nio llkoly lo go lower.
Small nibnlis aio not veiy plenty nml sell
more icadlly. Quotations ate ! Htoasants ,
S5.00RG.50 ; pinllio clil.'Kens , $400(0,4.50 ( , ;
mouse , S4.00 ; quail , $ lOOTil.25 ; Milpi' ,
SI.till ; lack snipe. Jl.'JGfM.OO ; plover ,
fl.O'i ' ; gnldon plover , Jl.251il.GO ; canvas buck
ducks , JM.OOTMO.UO I head ducks $1.00 ;
nmlUiid ducks , M.5077.3,75 * ; blue wing ton I ,
} 2.25gtoon ; wliigtonlM.75 ; mhodducksSl.fiO ;
Cniiada get-so , JO.00117.50 ; lack tabblts , $2.00 ;
fi',3.00 ; small niliblts , Jl.25jH.5u ; < .iiulrtol ,
il.onfl 1.2.1 : atilolope Middles , HG.15o ; doer
saddles , iDftltlr : antelope ctucuv-us , oaiOc ;
doet catcassoi. , 1011120.
Hoxr.v-Tlio mtiiKot Is llrm , good wblto
clover honey being scat CD at 17c ,
CM AY No.'l , 17.005fc7.50 ; No. 2 , JG.OOffiO.GO.
LKMONS- Choice , J4.50 ; fancy , $5.50.
MAI. M ] \ ( JiiAl'f.s-l'erkog , $8.00.
OVMKIIS rnoliaiiged at lil ISc per can.
ONIONS Homegrown , 80S85c ; SuiinUh , tl.OC
OliAMlrsI'lorlda , $
I'oi'AioKS Quotntlons aio : IIomegrovMii
G5,75c ( ( ; Coloiadoiind Utah , bGc.
rotn.TUV TitrKeys , If eholcoell readily at
12 < 7M2'So ' and geese and ducks at 010o. The
demand Is fair and the supply not very lingo
Homo M'iy thin and poor tin Keys have boon
loporled as.solllng as low as Oc. Chickens nu
coming In freely and , tlio demand being light
stocks nio Inclined to accumulate. The mar
ket on chickens Is consenuently lower , umi
very eholco stock went at So. Good slock toll
largely tit 7c and Inferior at Go.
Switr : : I'OTAIoils'-Choleo Muscatlno uni
Illinois stock. J3.75S4.00 per bbl.
Vi : Mr-Quotations ate : Small and fat , GH ®
7o ; laigo and hcu\y , 345c. (
Oil .Mnrlcut.
Nr.w Yoittc , Dec. 1C. I'KTIIOI.CU.M Openci
wotiKor and was dull tluoughout the day
I'ennsyUaiila oil , sales , none : January op
tlons sales , 5,000 bbls at G3c ; Iiliini ollstilefe
none , 17ibld. Totnl sales , 5K)0 ) libls.
Coi-io.Nriuit : ) OnVcaU ; ciudc , 3(3c ( ; yellow
TAI.I.OW Dull , easy , city $2.00"ffor pack
Tt'i'ii'iiVi iM-Qulot : , steady at 3131Hc.
LONDON , Dec. 10. CALCUTTA Li.Nsuni > 38i
7'/jd ] ) cr quarter.
LI.SSIII : : ) t' vKi ! i7 per ton for western.
Tuiti'UNTiM ; hi'iniis 22s per cwt.
1'lty liirkcts.
IVANSR OITV , Mo. , Dec. 10. WHHAT-
Demoiall/ed and 2i- lower ; No. 2 haul , GSitfC
04'jC ! No. 2 led , O7'i08c.
COIIN IrreKiilar and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3
G33'/2c ; No. 2 white , 34 .3me.
OATS Lonei ; No. 2 mixed , 2030c ; No.
white , 382e. !
ItiiTTKii Pali' demand ; cieameiy , 25ia28c
daliy , 14 il8o.
IlnilS Steadv at 1822c.
HKCKHTS wheat , 24,000 bu. ; corn , 1,00
bu. ; oats , none.
SiuwiuNis Wheat , 110,000 bu. ; corn , 0,00
bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu.
I.hcrpool 'Miirlii'tx.
LivuiifooL , Dec. 10. WnnTQulot ; holdei
oiler modeiately SUOIIK ; western sprlujj ,
ll'tUJOs percental ; iccelptsof wheat the pi' :
tluee days , 272,000 centals. Including 201 , OC
COHN Quiet , demand fair ; ml\ed we&tcri
4s 2'til per cental ; ivculpts of American coi
the past tluee days , 03,700 centals.
l'iAS : Canada , 5s G'-il ' per cental.
ItACOX l.on ; ; and short , 45 Ills. , 45s Gd pi
cwl.LAUD 1'ilnio western , 50s Gd per cwt.
Cotton .Aliirlict.
NKW OIII.KANS , La. , Dec. 10. Dull ; mlc
dlliiR , 0 0-ldo ; low ntlildlliiK , 0 1-ltic ; goi
otdlnarv , 8 13-lGc ; net lecelpts , 0,703 bale
Bioss , 10,305 bales ; exports to ( heat Ililtal
! ) ,051 bales ; to Trance , 4Hr > 0 b.xless to the coi
tlnenl , 10G bales ! coastwise , 7 , KJ ! bales ; salt
4,000 Imlos ; stools , 270,908 bules. Weekly
Net lecelpts , 80,120 bales ; KIOh'J,74D bale
e\poits to IJn'iit liiltnln , 18,821 bales ;
l'i , nice , 10,258 hales ; to the continent , 7,11
bales ; coastwise , 10,825 bales ; sales , 27'Jl
bales. _
Cofico Murkat.
Nr.w VOUK , Dec. -Options opened stead
10ft20 points up ; closed steady , 15T(35 ( poln
ill ) ! sales , 33,000 b.iKs , liioliidlnj ; Decem'ji
tin.00 January , ilO.OOffiin.OO ; KuDiuat
J15.40 ; Milich. J10.205 ? 10.30 ; Aplll , $15.1
May , $11.00 ® 15.05 ; July , $1185 ! Huptembi
Jl-J.HtnjlB.OU. &pot lilo , steady , quiet ; No.
! > 1G.5U. _
Illu.uilu'i ! Cr.iln .Muricct.
MlMVAHKllP , WIs. . Dec. 10. WlllIAT Pol
! Mny , U'J t'i No. 2 spi Ing , 05c.
' Cim.N-qulet ; No. 3 ,
OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 white , 34HG35C ; No.
HAIIMJY 04'5c. ' M'lrltut.
: .M'Oiis , .Minn , , Dec. 10. Tliero w
fair cash trade most on No , 1 ; noitlioiu sci
at 05'jc. Hocolpts , 383 cars ; May closed
70'jc ' ; December , OG'jo. On track ; No. 1 hai
( ilic ; No. 1 noithorn , ( Jl'ic ; No. 2 notthui
I'lilladolplilii Grain Marled.
I'liu.AiiKU'iiiA , I'a.D.'c. 10. Wiir.AT-Woa
lovver ; No. 2 led , Dt'cember , 74(5,7 ( I'Jc. .
COHN Weak , docllnod ; No. 2 niKod , Decoi
bor , 48i'j(7IOc. (
Ons-U'oak ; No. 2 white , 4lu ! ; white. 1 !
comber , 40Sa41u.
( Jlni'liin.itl . ' .larld'ts ,
CINCINNATI , ( ) . , Dec. 10. WIIK.VT Di
lower ; No. 2 led , ( > 8c.
CoitN Sttong ; No. 2 mUod , 43'4 le.
\Trt-Knslor ; No. 2 ml.\eil. ! )45t35i ) : .
\VIIISKY I'll m , good demand ; M.'M.
Itllsllll'S * Itl'Il-fH.
.1. A. lllanchind has succeeded W. ,1. Me.
lister as piopiletovof a gonoial htoro at
The Hank of Oiohham and the Fanners a
Meicliiuits bink , both of Urosham , huvo cc
lliiltlmori ) IniIn ! .tlarlciit.
IJU.TlMOIli : , Mil. . 1)OU. ) 10. WllKAT Wet
No. 2 led Hpiil. 73"iC.
CHUN I'tisyj mixed spot and year , 47'ic.
OATS-Quiet ; No. 2 whllo wosleui , 42ai lu
Xi'vv Yurie Dry ( iiioiU Mnrkiit ,
NKW YOIIK. Dec. 10.-The demand for i
goods was moderate , but up to the comllt
of the market. The mai Ket was unchanged
tone , pi lens bolng Him at Ilio highest lutes.
Toledo ( ir.iln .Mnrkot ,
TOI.KDO , O. . Doc. 10 , WIII'.AT Actlvo ; Ni
cash and Deoombor , 72o. !
COUN MOID doing ; No. 2 cash , 425i ! ; .
OAIS Qitlot ; cash , 35o bid.
i\orj ; thing 'Inrncd on ( iiilil KxporU u
. Money ( Jiiostliiiix ,
Nr.w YOIIK , Doc. 10. As on yeslon
everything tinned on the gold p\poit i
money questions , Harly In tlio day all soil
i , , iiimoi.s vvoio In clicultitlon about lu port'
® { 2,000,000 , gold by tomoirow'H I iuop
f. fatoiimors and any u hero fiom $5,000,000
[ ' J7,000,00 ( ) for Ihu week. These rumors w
1U roltoitiled BO poislstontly that finally
htroet ii'tilly belloved they were ti
A fact which added to the uncorl
fooling among tlio traders was
action of ceitaln bank pienldonts In c
Ing In loans , backed up us U was by
talk fiom the sumo iit'rsons that 1'iit
will nmkoo.iccutlomiry ilraftH upon the i
icsorvosof this country dining thu no\t
montlis.Vhuther this Mirt of thing U
tended tocheck tliuoutllovv of thoyollovrnv
ut or Is for thu imiposoof helping along . . . . .
latorh In stocKs bus not boon Mitlsfucto
id deturinlned , but It can bo stated tlmt m
consorvutlvu bankoiH and broKeis o.\press
bullet that sold wllUoouiun lUclf outuud
clvlnz thrmspivet mm It tiiipiultici * ( ivf r the
Thp. 1'n t ny flip llrst I
Itih n n Minus innupy mntltPt wni ( n
llin tly fnvmnhlr rhnrm-tcr tnltltm ndvnntnno
of the Midden ndxnncp In inomy ratri fen > l n
Imnkcri nrrnitgcd over lilthl fern Meillntf
loan , I lie result of which un that foreltfn
moiipy npicnicil | lit today's ' local money mar
ket ns MII us businc'-s opcnril. This pre-
\ontcdat theslatt niiylhlns like a xoarce In
Ilio loiin market , though the loan rates for
the week were weaker. A thlilft of M mn Im-
portalico was thiMitiPVpectod transfer of for-
credit which hioiiKht iimvcinont In
sterllns otphniiRO to an abrupt hull ,
and so far upset calculations that the
plan of ( fold withdrawals for tomoirow's
Kncllsh steamer- that nt yesterday's close
had fully matured was abandoned at
once. Later still In the afternoon tin1 higher
rates for local money wcio fuither rellccted
by a formal marking down of sterling e\-
chatifti ) nml the market did not enp oil' until
one of the largest exchunso bonnes Just before
the close supplied all the demands of the mar
ket.The following are HIP closing quotations for
the leading stocks on the New York block P\-
chatiKo today-
The totnl iik'sof stocks tnilnv ere n 10,00(1 , (
lniH"4. IncliulliiR : AtcliKon , ll)00 ! ( ) ; UuiliiiK-
lon , 11,000 : Cliloniro (3ns , m.SlOOi fhlcncn
llhtlllors , 130,000 ! Kilo , O.DiiO ; I.nulsrtlln .V :
Ntishvlllp , 33,010 , Mniilittttiili. 3'J.jO : Mis-
soitil 1''ii'lllc , : i,35r ) ; Now KiiRlnml , 11,200 ;
Iti'ilillliK , 41,000 : St. Paul , 31.000 ; Stijiar ,
43,000 ; Union Pacific , 18,400 ; Westuin Union ,
l.onilon I'iiiiiiirlul Ituvlovv.
[ Co/j/i / lyhteii iwbv James (7onl n
IiONiio.v , Doc. 10. [ NiMviVoik llcralil Cnlilo
Spi-oltil toTm : llr.i : . ! With fi-iv i-xcciitlons the
stouU tiinrKut AMIS very un ottlcil nnil tlio Imsl-
ness ilono rlilclly consist od of u-all/atloiis ,
Consols , liovvDVor , lonviotV ' ( ! lilRlu'r. Inilltiii
ntpui1 papt-r vviishtotuly. 1'urelKii KovL'tiiiiiont
soeiiiltlos woio Inouulsir. AiKontlno IHfaC
nnil AtKuntlna fiindctl lius jjlvon vvny y pot
cent , lint ( Vilnius bonds linptovoil 'f to Vj
iiorcont. HOIIIP nillvvnys , uftor oponln dull
liocnniu ilocliludly lint on n nuinlior of iuull/ii-
tlons mid closuil without iceovovy nt ! 1
to 13C per cent ilorllno. Ainoilcnns Imvt
shown Kiont doptossloii. 'I'hoio hits hooi
a stonily .stioniu soiling mid tilthou li tin
toiuh'iicy Isslliihtly lnipro\oil tkt tln > oloso , i
Koiiornl doollno losultod , InoludliiK l' ( poi
cent In I'lilfiiRo & MllvvntlKo.0 , Denver piofor-
I'lu-oniKl Wiiliiisli dolioiittiio , 1 per runt It
Unliin I'lii-llli'iiiiil llllnuU Central uiul U to \
poroont In nil othois. ( 'iiiindlnns vvoio Until
.sympathy , u fall of ' to 1 pur cent tnMm
plnco in C'annillnn I'nrtllc nnd CJriinil Tiinil
Issiios. Discount tnti's shovvod Inoionsoil vvonk
nos-i anil tluoo inonllis' bank bills vvoio tnKoi
utu shnilo l > olovv 1'twt \ cont. Call monu'
was ijuotod ut ' ( poroont.
Xevv Yorlc Jloncy .Murkrt.
Nr.w VOUK , Dec. 10. MOSIJY ON CAT.T-
Actlvo ; liuisiiiK f rom 0 to'J5 pot cent ; Ins
lutiii 0 per cent , olosod otVorod nt 0 per cent.
I'lliMiiMr.iiCANTiM' I'AiM.u 5 < aO purcunt ,
Srr.itt.iM ] UNCIIAMIKonl < oi ; with actua
liiislnobs nt $ J.H5Jj , for s > l\ty uay bills , um
11.88 for donmnd.
Tlio closing < ] iiotntlons oil bonds :
I'liiiincinl Nulvs.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Doc 13. Clearings , $1
Nr.w YOUK , Hoc. 10. dealings , $149,004
330 ; balances , $7,007,785.
I'AIIIS , Dec. 10. Three per cent rentes , 96
G'jOe.\-eotipon for the account.
liAl.TiMOlli : , Mil , Doc. 10. rioaiing , $2,772
584 ; balances $ -171,500. Money G per cent.
CINCINNATI. O. , Doc. 10. Money , 4(3.0 ( p
cont. Now York exchange , 15@25c dlscoiui
Cloai lug- , , 82,110,000.
LONDON , Doc. 10. Amount of bullion goi
Into the Hank of Kngland on balance toda
I'liii.viiKM'iiiA , Pa. , Doc. 10. rioarlnp
13,020,331 ; balances , Jl.007,575. Money , 4
per cent.
Mr.Mi'ino. , Tonn. , Deo. 10. Cloaiings , ? lir
498 ; balances , 558,175. Now Voik e\chaiii
.selling ut par.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Dec. 10. The Tioasu :
( lopaitniont today purchased 277,000 ounc
of sllv or at $0.83tJO'ii0.8371.
Nr.w Oitt.r.N , La. , Doc. 10. Ploarlngs , $ ' .
180,915. Now Vnik exchange , bight , 50c pr
mliim ; bnnk , $1.00 pieinlum.
IlovroN , Mass. . Doc. 10. Hearings' , $23,111
203 ; balances. $3,135.771. Money , 5 per cot
i\changoonNow : Yoik par to lOo discount.
Sr. Louts , Mo. , lift : lG.--C"leai Ings , j,4OG (
207 ; balances , $ -117,582. Monov quiet. ( W
] > or cent. Exchange on Now voile 25cdl
Ciiir-Ano , Til. , Dec. 10. Clearing- ! , $17,20-
177 , Now York exchange 4O050o piomlii
Htcillng exchange Slioiit ! ! slxly day hi !
H.80H ; demand , { 1.8815. Money Firm , 0 p
Cnttlo IJi'ciivcr Crnci-iilly from thn Di'prc
hlon-llogs Still lilt In , , ' .
OMAHA , Dec. 10. Hecclpls of nil kinds
stock vvoio light. The llvo days' Mipply for
up 15,505 caltlo , 20,4 U hogs and 4,1m , ) slid
against 14,175 cattle , 24,018 hogs and 2,4
bheop the same llvo days last week ,
With light locoipts , n bettor tonu toonste
inaiKets nnd a good Inquiry fiom ontsl
buyois the ilomorall/ntlon of the past two
tin oo days gav o plnco toactlvlty and stiong
in nil binnchosof thn ttado , The showing
good to choice beef Moots was lather poor , lj
buyers aio never MI oxtiomoly pnitloiilar
to quality on an up mai Kot as on a down in
nnil s they paid good Miong pi Ices for t
fair to good cattle without a vvlnco , and ov
I'ondosi'oiiilod to pny piotty Mill in Ices I
very oidlnary stun. In general pilcos ml
about a dime higher and In exceptional cai
inoio , Asldo fiom n hinall hunch of 1,140-
Moon , that woio hold foi the Christmas intirl
the fnlr to ptolty good 1,000 to 1,400-lb , hi
stocis sold ut riom$3l ( ) to $1.45 , with poor
fair000 to 1,200-lb.McoisanyHlioiofiomW ,
to $3.35. Some fair 1,182-11) ) , wostoins btoii
$3,10 , hut oll'oi Infill thlsllno woio light a
mostly on the feeder older. Itwasagix
Miong , ai'tlvo , healthy mat Kot thioiigho
and about i > \ orv thing at nil useful had foil
a imiolmsor before the close ,
Thu cow tindi ) wns active , with pilcos fi
5c to lOo bettor than Tliiiisday all aioni
Tiesh lecolplh vvcin llmllod , nud with u hi
general demand tlio mo\omoiit vvnsfioou
the fotonooii'H finding about oleaiod up i
biipnly. 1'nlr to voiy good cottn and liulf
holii mostly at fiom 41.05 to $2.50 , with
thin cows as low as $1,10 and cholco fat M
up to $3.30. Ollorlngr. of hulls , oxen nnd stt
wi > ii ) light nml they dimmed hands loadlly
good , Miong titli'f.s at fiom $1.10 to $3.
Common yeni lings to choicevenl ralvoss
about as usual at from $2.00 to $5.00.
Itoguhirilonlei.s did HID bulk of the buy )
as thu domain ! fiom thocountiy was sot
what rostih'tod. I'tlcos iiilctl Miong on
suitable guides nud nothing that deal
could tiso wont begging for a puii'liasor. Tr
: > f
) f
III Mr. MiclmeUHggins , Belcher S
lee Taylor Agricultura
in Tool Co. , Chicopei
0.Ill Falls , Mass. , writes
Ill . ,
II ) " 1 Ins company ha :
I10 used
ivv ti for years for their men for burn ?
till I cuts and bruises , and
\ve know of nothing
ru that compares with it. "
Ihff ttns in.MI ij . 9.1 , ftom I1 40(030(1 ( ( , With
rxin HIP .nlrsnt it It Iti to 13 2fi llepto-
Istr 1100 340 07 MIS. . .1182 340
1 fdr. . .1000 205 42 fdrs. . 850 205
40fdrs . . .1028 3 00
lions The market was active and from 1C
to 15c lower , generally 15c higher than Timi
dity fiom sttiit to iliiish. Hecolpts woio light
1,500 lighter than Thuisday , about 2OC
lighter than last Filtl y nnd nearly 0,0f
lighter than the conespoiidlng 1'ilday hi' '
vi'tir. Condition * weio much tlio same as i :
Thursday and nil fnvoiablo to the soiling li
toiesls. I'acltois , fresh meat men , blilnpo
and speculators were all free buyeis- , mid tl
tr.ido was lively llnoimliuiit. flood heav
bogs sold mostly at fiomjlj.35 toHi.40 , with
couple of choice loads at f G.4D and $15.50. 1'a
to good light and mi\ed hogs went mostly !
fiom $0.25 to JC.35 , with scattoilng sales i
light btuff , odds and ends and pigs down
S0.05. The pace was pretty hot , and towai
tlio close the mai Kot had lost somoot 1 linear
htiengtli , but about everything .sold , the bn
at fiom 40.30 to $0.40 against fiom $0.20
$0.25 Thuisday and from S5.9G to SEG.05 01
wool. ago.
Hogs sold higher today than cvor before (
this mat Kot. The previous high day was Se
tembor 12 , 1888 , when the oMiomo range
pilcos was fiomiC 10 to JO.50 and tlio bulk
thosnles vveioat from J0.20 to JG.35. Kepi
sonltitivo.sales :
No. Av. hll. I'r. No. Av. i-h.
81. . .187 100 0 05 73 . ° 72 120 0 3t
51. . 100 0 20 88. . .218 80 0 3C
1. . 310 0 20 04 . .225 200 0 3t
4. . .282 0 20 70. . .238 200 G 3f
0. . .183 0 20 01. . .241 10O 0 3t
2 370 0 25 GO. . .278 100 0 3 ;
51K. .208 120 0 25 . 83. . .210 80 ( i 3 !
0. . .101 0 25 50 . .240 200 0 31
n. . .453 0 25 72. . .213 200 G 3 !
01. . .210 100 0 25 51. . .280 200 0 3'
83. . .200 80 0 25 48. . .219 ICO 0 3-
41. . .181 hO 0 SO 27. . .282 0 3'
71. . .252 240 0 30 02. . . .221 RO G 3'
70. . 212 100 0 30 01. . , .281 100 G 3'
70. . ! ai8 0 30 55. . . .215 120 0 3'
75 . .208 120 0 30 74. . . .272 300 G 3'
78. . . .233 360 0 30 71. . . .245 280 G 3'
HI. . , .250 320 0 30 07. . . .2(10 ( 40 0 IV
GO. . , .232 120 0 3 ( * 50. . , .274 210 0 41
HI. . .218 200 0 30 G7 . , .211 80 G II
83. . , .228 40 0 32" 75. . , .202 40 0 41
77. . , .240 280 0 32'4 02 . . 270 200 0 41
04 . . .240 210 0 32J ! 00. . . .207 210 0 41
70. . . .240 100 0 35 45. . , .218 0 41
31. . . .271 80 0 35 72. . , .283 80 G 41
80. . . .250 200 0 35 H5. . . .205 80 0 41
51) ) . . . .200 200 0 35 CO. . . .250 SO 0 41
05. . . 251 100 0 35 CO. . . .207 240 0 41
1)0. ) . . .258 0 35 71. . , .271 320 G 41
75. . , 248 400 0 35 01. . . .203 200 0 41
70. . .248 200 0 35 CO. . . .300 120 0 41
50. . . 203 80 0 35 01. . , .254 40 0 41
70 . 250 80 0 35 54. . . .205 0 DI
71. . . .204 120 0 35
1'iiiSANi ) notion.
11..122 C 10 1..550 80 G 0
Hnr.r.p Thoio woio some preotty good mi
tons huru um ! on thosu thu uomand wus brl
tlio wort > t form
of cntanl ) , wit :
the tiso of ] ) i
Bapo's Cutarr
Koinoily. It
mild , soothinf
oloniising an
liealiiif ; prop or
tied ctroct pel
foct Qiiil pcnni
noiit euro , n
matter how bn
tlio cnso , or of bow long stumling. It's
remedy tlmt succeeds vvlicro ovcrythlnt ; els
bns fniled , TliouMluls of btieh t'O-scs cnn 1
pointed out , Tbat'fi the reason its ptopri
tore back their faith jn it with money. The
oircr 8500 reward for a case of cntnrrh wliic
they cannot euro. It's a medicine that n
lows them to tnkq such a ribk. Doesn't con
mon tcnso lead you , to tnko buch a mediciut
" An ndvertism fnkc , " you say.
Funny , isn't it , bow fcoino poomo prcfi
Blckness to health when the remedy is pos
tivo nnd the ftuarnntoo nfiso/Kc. / (
AViso men don't put utoitcj/ buck of "faltcs
And " faking " doesn't iviy.
They licliovo in themselves. Isn't
worth a trial 1 liu't oaiy trial pix-fuubla
caturrh 1
You niiihoii'by uotllled that the follow
do-cilbed pionilsOb , to-vvlt ;
Huiili half of lot ! ( > , . Kount/o'8 2ml iiddlt
In tlioi'lly of Omaha , htivo boon dei-laioil
oiilinaiici ) No. 3370 to ho a iiul&nnca by leti
of the hank of oailh existing thoioon.
You nio lieioby dlioi'ti'd lo nbato said i
banco by grading down thu front piu ts of i
t-outli hull of lot 1O , Kount/cH 2nd add. .hi
to pievont the falling , wasting 01 wabhlm
oailhon Iliobldownlk iidjncont thereto vvli
30 ilnyb fiom Hie Oth day of Dii'i-mbor , 1
orbiild iiilUtincQ will bu abated by thn
uilthoiltlON and tlio OXIIOUM ) thoioof lovlo
uhpoclnt tax ngnltist the ptopotty on nl
Chalrmun lloaidof 1'ubllc Worl
JJcc. 17,10,20,1:1 , , 22
nnd pMic * tttm ( innii * lock tirrl ]
n1 n In ttiodr-t-nlr Mrinrtiiil. lint i omimm
nnd Inferior Muff of nil klmlt wit i
Klovr ni' | Tnir to Rooil tinllM * , tfl fitv < l
t 71 | tnirtn peed WMti'tni , M' . ftif I Wtt rotii"
mon nnd itiM-k lieop , t > fMtn'MKOOI \ ! to
rliolriMO to ItHKIb. litnilH , M.UUUO.UO. Hep-
rr cntntl\c nlest
No , Av. 1'r.
70owM 00 MOO
lrrolit | < mid DNpuMtliin ofStni-U.
Ofllclnl rroolpti nud deposition of MooU n
1ii\Tii ) \ by the books of the Ptilou Slock Ynnls
company for thn tvvonly-fotir hours rtulltiR
nt 0 o'clock p. m , December 10 , 1802 :
; o l.lvo Mock Murln't.
j , 111. . Doc. 10. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK HKK.IWllli fiosb locolptsototily about
H.OtK ) bend the cattle miiiKet lomnlned Htm.
Theio was not \oiy urgent demand ftnm any
Hum lor , the temporary wants of all classes of
linyi'li being pietty well supplied but thodo-
I'rensed locolpts for this week and the prospect
of moderate supplies for no\t , gmo n foollnc
of conlldonco Unit has not boon Toll foi many
dajs. Ti tiding begun In good sonsoii and was
icnsonablv active wbllo the supply lusted , on
u basis ot fiom f 2 85 to $0 00 for \ ery common
to oNlra dtessod beef anil shipping si pris $1 75
toM.GO forstockoisand feeders , fl.00 to $3.25
for Infoi lor to eholco oovvs , bolfeis anil bulls
and from $1.75 to 45.50 for calves. Cows and
bulls sold principally at fiom $1.75 tofa.fil )
and fiom J.I.4U to $1.75 bought most of the
Ton cents p"r 100 Ihs , more was added today
to the \alno of hogs , The mat Kot opened
.tilingand cllnibod tight along up to fiom
$0.25 to jo.70 for poor to pilme liemy and
medium weights. Theio was only a limited
amount of tindlmr In heavy guides at loss
than Jtt.fio. nml the bulk of light hogs sold
above 5-0.25. Thesn limitations show an ad
vance on yeslot day's prices of n good plump
lOe. Tlio higher llaiitesdld not chock Hading ,
which was ncllvo fiom stnit to finish.
Aside fiom ChiIstmns stock thcto were fovv
vales of sheep above $1.00 ; Indeed , the bu1K of
the supply wont out ot sollois hands at ftom
$3.50 lo J4.75. 'I'ho decline lu lambs was not
so maiKed , fiom Ifii * to'J.V coveilng It. They
sold at fiom W.75 tofO.25 , with from $1.50 to
} 5 75 the popular pilcos.
_ Itooolpls : Cattle , 8,000 ; hogs,28,000 ; sheep ,
The roiling .lournal reports :
C'ATTt.r. Kocolpts , 8.500 head ; shipments ,
3,800 head ; market dull , lower : Chilst-
mns bto\es , ) r . & ( U&C.2fi ; othots. J2.755JG.2G ;
Mockers , $1.5077,3.20 : cows , $1.05tt2.0G.
lions Kocelpts , 30,000 bend ; sliipmotits ,
7,500 liead ; miiikot lOo higher ; rough and
common , $ G.10fM1.20 ; packing and mlM'd ,
$0.25710,55 ; itood to pilmo lioavv , JO.40ttO.72 ;
Ill-lit. J0.2fiU0.46 ; butchers,1 , ifl.45iiG.55.
Sur.Ki' Hi't'i'lpts 5,000 head ; shipments ,
1,000 head ; mnrKot dull , domund ovot-
slocKod ; Clnlstmas wethers , f5.15ft5.50 ; na
tives , $3.SOf0.Oi westerns Jl.10ffll.80 !
ToMins , S3.10ttl.GO ; lambs , J3.GOS0.12.
Xi-vv York I.l\o Stock Miirlcot.
New VOIIK , Dec. 10. llr.tvis ; : Receipts ,
2,355 ; mat kot active , sliado lltnier for pi line
to choli'o natlM's ; native stoois , Jl.lOTtG.OO ;
Coloiados. J4.10 ; bulls and cows , $1.00a2.50 ;
diossed beef steady at 7"sfa9o per 11) . bhlp-
j/ionts tomonow , 118 beeves and 11,000 ijnar-
Aors of In-of.
CAI.VIX-Keoolpts , 208 bead ; market firm ;
veals W.OOfj.a.50 per cwt. ; western , calves ,
$3.UiW > .2fi.
SliKr.i1 Itocolnts , 3,000 head : niarkot llrm ;
sheep , W. tfiftG.30 per cwt ; lambs , Uc hlghei
at $3.37".rf.0.55. !
HORS HiM'olpts. 1,000 bead. Market nom
inally steady at J3.70SC.30 per ow t.
Kitnsns City l.lvo Mock Market.
K.VNS vs CITY , Mo. , Deo. 10. CATTM : Ilo-
coljits , 7,500 head ; shipments , 1,100 head ]
the maikot was very dull ; choice stoois weak !
otliois KVTTilfic lovvor ; jovvs 10S20C lower :
feeders weak to lOc lovvor. Itopiesontatlvi
sales : Drossodliouf and shipping steois , i3.3
654.40 ; cows , $1.75ii,2.GOj slocUeis and feeders
lions Receipts,0,700head ; shipments,2OOC
head ; the mai ket was active , opening stums
and closing 55Mc ( ) higher ; all glades , $5.00i7j
0.4 5 ; bulk. JO.2imO.30.' Hocelnls , 1,000 head ; shipments
COO head ; good sheep and lambs woio In de
niand and steady ; muttons , $3.75135.10
lambs , J5.20@G,35.
St. I.onU l.lvo Stock Mnrlcct.
ST. Louis , Mo. . Duo. 10. OATTI.K no-
colpts , 9,000 bend ; hldpmciits , 2,300 bead
No good cattle ot any kind on sale. Onlj
lough and poor stntl changed hands. 1'rlct"
woiostoady , however.
Iloos Uocolpts , 5.400 bead : hlilpment' '
0,700 head ; Maikot lOchlghor. Heavy $0.1D
0.50 ; packing , SG.OOi0.40 ; light. SG.OufTLG.35.' Itocolpts , 400 head ; shipments , 1,001
liead. Market nulot and rather easy. Native1
iiingo } 3.005i4.25 ; for fair to good and $4.401
5.00 for choice muttons ,
"About a ycnr ngo I noticed thnt my
klei nud logn were Bwclling , mill a ion-
PU Itation w itli Dr. G , J. JI uU tnn > , of Topckn ,
Kan. , dcf rlopcd tuo fact that I Imd Hrlght'H
disciise , his nnnlysla showing tlie prcfcncc
of a largo amount of nlbumeu in my urine.
I continued to travel , fcullng Unit I could
not afford to Re iipmy position on tucroail.
I kept myself uuder close medical treat
ment , bat the swelling mid unfavorable
pymptomsinciesecd BO bteailily that 1 could
no longer do my work. On being re-esnm-
liutl the doctor finid my coiulltlonvns
critical and advised me to go to Kicclhior
Springs , Mo. I arrived Jaly D , conmlteil
vvilli a resilient physician , gav cup meiliiluf ,
end liaveuscdrcgulnrly llicl'erro Mnngim-
ese nml faulplio Sallno waters and the hot
halt Sulphur Ilatbs dully. My recov cry WBH
rapid and Instead of be'ng n weak , emacia
ted , dropsical wreck , I am 1o iliiy a hearty ,
robust man , weighing 153 pounde , and with
pplendld nppetlto nnd illgeotlon , feeling bet
ter than I have in ten years There rcmnlna
no trace of dropsical swelling or ulbnmen-
urln. 1 believe tlio waters nnd baths tavtd
my life. O. II. JoiiNbON ,
With K. T. W. Mcler-Wliolcsale QuceiiBvvare. Ml
and fil3 North Mala Street , bt. Louis , Mo.
AngUBt 8 , Ibfll.
Tlie ttaUra are bottled only ly the Excel-
eior fyiinga Company at
Richardson Drug Co. , Agents , Omaha , Nc
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornalia.
Itcst Cnttlo Ho nml Fliccp null ket In tlio vv oat.
Y/ood / B'rothers. '
gouth Oranlia Telcpliono 1157.
JOHN I ) . lAHls.MAM , I s
\VAI < TtJU n. WOOD , f " ' "
Mnrki't IU'i > nrt * liy nmll nnd wire cliocrfull ) It
nlulieil upon uiillcutloa. |
Ponied piopouls will bo received by the uiidi
hlgned until 1:30 : o'clock p m. , December ' -
1802 , for the constnotion ) ot all peiniatio
hhlovvalKs , wooden sldownlKs and eiosswal !
oiiloi.-d laid by the mayor and ilty ; coniii
fiom Jaiiunry 1 , 1H03 , lo Jimo 1. 1893. In tl
city of Omaha. I'eimanont MdowalKs to
constructed of htono , nilltlelal hloiie , bili'U
tiling ! wooden MduvvalKs of vvhltoplno lui
ber. and crosswalks of whllo iiliiu , vvhllo ,
IniiroaK iilanUh , accoidlng to plans and spoi
llcntlons on Ilio lu the ulllco of the lluaid
1'ubllo Woikh. llldb hpeclfyliu ti ptlce 1
lineal foot Hill bo lecolved foi vvhlto and tin
on ! ; Umbers 0x12 and 8x12 , to ho placed pun
n. lolon tliogioiind for crosswalk * lu aivind.iii
n.Jll > vvllli plans on Ilio In the ulllco of tli llD.tid
Jll I'libllc WoiUs. No bids for iitono hlik-vval
will bo coiisldorod except for Mono Known
llId IIIIVQ tin actual oxlslonco and of Known < iu
Id itv and merit for poimaiionl hldovvalks.
ils lach : bill for poimiinent hldewalks lo bpotv
ilsof n prlco per biipeillclnl HIIIIIUO foot , and I
In wiHdon vvalkc u ptlco poi lineal foot fort
12 , hldownlk complotu , nud to be accompanied
ty ui'i'i tilled check In tlio MUD of $500 , p.iya !
an to tin ) city of Omaha , as 1111 ovldoiico of gi
faith. Thoboaid it-borM's the rlglit to luj' '
any or nil bids and to waive dofects.
Uiddots must fuinUh u wimp o of Rio
brick or tiling. I1.V. . HlKKHAUblvU ,
Chaliman of thu lioaid of I'liblle WoiK
Owuha , Doc. 0 , lb'J2. Ucc. 0 , 10 , 10 ,
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Morsa-Coe Shoe
- Company ,
I'nclorj corner lltli unit Douitlns Strcots
We nro m.iklmt closi title to cash tuners , nn I nro
eclllcs n clus ) of itouiti "hirli liery ritlcnblo
vllh inorcliniit .
Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sowed
COMPANY.Vlio1iMnlo aiioi'ro. bootii ! )
infrf nxonti Holloa nml rnlitu'ruood . lUa-
llubher Slioa Co0l \ \ - MIU Hartley St
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
1.1MM CO.linrdnnddOft Mfr < . itnlvnnliol Iron
< nl , S I ! tor Itilli nnil cornlc . vvtitlovv
' S(5. , etc
loit d M ,
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kllpatrick-Koch Dry
Dry cooilj , notions , fur- Notions , k'l'iUV furnish-
nl-litiif , ' quoits , corner liiKKOucli.uor. lltli nnd
lltlinml llonnrd M < . Hiirnuy Sts
Omaha Upholstering Beebce & Runyan
CO . liiiliotMercd f unit- : CO.lirnco
tnrc. UJjllUI Nlcholns
\Vliolctnloonl ) nml nth Sta
D. M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. ,
l01-lS03JonosHt. , 10th nml llnrno B. .
Oninhti. Omnhn.
Rector & Wilhelmyi Lobeck 1 & Linn ,
' DPI lorsln lii\rilw ro
Corner 10th nndJnckion Chnnlrs' tool * .
Mroott. I IJl IXHIBldSSt.
\ \ hoU'tnlo
IInt , eapi , Urnw K ,
ClOVPK. lllUtt-IH , , ltll
nml llnrnor M .
John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. Leo ,
ImiHirtpil Amcrlcnnt'ort Hardwood lumber , wood
Iniul ramoiit , Mllwiui- carpet mid pnniuot
kojri'inunt MiiKjiilnojr itoorlnK ,
wliltolln-c 9th and Douulns ,
Frick & Herbert , I. Oberfelder Mo.
Importers end jobbo
AVIiolostlo liquor dealers ol tnllllnery nottou
Mall orders prompl.
1001 Karnam St .US-'IJ S Illli hi.
PAPER. mis.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
Cnny n full Mock nf
printing , nrnpplni : and eMiH'il nml Intirlcatlof
wrltliiu paper * , card
napvr , etc. ell , nxlo srcmo , etc.
David Cole & Co. ,
Wholesale ovslprs.fimcj1
ctiliTV , at' ) S lUtli bt , ,
tfloiluiiiB7H |
Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. ,
1'iodiice , fruits of nil Itntlor , chi o < ( > , cge > ,
Iioultry nnil
kinds , oyster. " . JIT ! ? . Utli "t
Omaha Stove Repair M.A.Disbrow&Co. ,
\VtUKS ) , Rtovo ropnlra .Miiniifaeturorn of sivsli ,
nndvntor nttnclunonts ilo or n. bit nil a nnj
fur any kind of elo\o iiioiitdltiKN. tiriinch of
rntulo , 1'U7 Do ut In s bt. iko , I''tli nnd linril SU
The Worlds' Fair Tower Company
Now offnrs an isatio ot li.oOO shares of it
cnpittil stooit nt ptr , full-fuil ] ami nou
ttsscstillc. The ciip'tltil stock is $2,000.-
000 , divided into iiO.O'JO bharos of $100
Outside of this issue tv considornblo
portion of the capital stoolc has already
been ullottod to the suoseribots. This
issito is now ollorcd to tlio publio , nnd
tlio bubsoription books are open at the
ollleo of R D. Mitlr , Ueo Uuildinp , Omtt-
hti. Neb , and will close on the 24th day
of December , 1802 , tit ! ! o'cloel : p. in.
Subscriptions will be payable as fol
low.- , :
low.HO per cent on application.
! iO pur cent on allotment.
40 per cent GO days nftor allotment.
All payments to bo made to Charlus L.
Eabton , "Trustee. Allotinonts will bo
imulo immediato'y uftor the close of tb.o
bubbcription books.
The right is reserved to reject any
subscription inholo or in part. If any
subscription in wholly rejected the
amount deposited , on application , will
bo returned. If only a part of the
amount applied for by tlio applicant is
allotted to such applicant tlie surplua
amount piid : on application will bo ap
plied on the sums duo under the alloV
mo nt.
n the allotment of shares to applic.ints will bo given in the order of the rcceiit of
noli apnlication by the authorized apent of the comoany named.
Passengers per hour J ' * ?
Allowing 10 hours per day , equals 100,000
At 50 cents for each passenger equals , per day SoOOUO
ISO days that the Fair will bo open equals $9,000,000
Revenue from concessions and sale of Souvenir Book and Modal of
the Tower , owned by the Tower Company 400,000
Operating expenses for the 180 days $ 413.003
2o per cent of gross earnings ( $0,100OUO ) to bo paid to tlio
World's Columbian Exposition 2,350,000 $2,703,000
Deducting this from the gross receipts gives 0,037.000
Equivalent to 1531 per cent on the on tire cupital of the company of 82,000,000
The olllcow of the World's F.iir estimate that the daily tidmibsio nb to tlio Fai
will rise above 200,000 people. Our capacity for carrying nasjoiigorrt in our Cloo-
tric Cars in making ascensions and descontiona of the TOWKK is 12,000 peonlo par
hour , and we confidently count on lO.OOJpar hour. This will bo found a moderato
estimate when duo regard is had to the attractivcnoja of the TOWER and tha
RAKE e.xperionco allordcd by a trip to tlio top.
The TOWER is located opposite the WOMAN'S TJUILDtNG , at the Kistorn
Each person , in making tlio ascent and descent of tlio TOWEU , gains a view of the
Tlio TO WEU is ever 500 foot high and 210 foot in diameter. It remilros nine
complete turns to reach tlio top , tlio grade being eight per cont.nrido of two miles
consequently , nlno Jllleront pictures are observed
in making the ascent and descent ;
served of the WORLD'S FA lit GROUNDS as the ascent is iirulo. A view from
the OBSERVATORY FLOOR not only given the vastPnnm-\ma ; nt vour foot , but
alto gives the googt\iphical poslllor of the WORLD'S FAIR BUILDINGS , HO that
after making the ascent of the TOWER any porbon can go ungulded from building
tD bH il'tho ' intention to have two FULL BANDS on the OI5SKRVATORY
will play alternately from the opening ot the FAIR in the morning until the close
at night. An ORCHESTRA will also bo located in the center of the great IO WEU
WILLIAM IIAMPDEN .TOIINSTONE , President and General Manager.
Postofllco Motioy Ordoihxp rcea
Alonoy may bo soul by Ko-ristopod ,
Draft , or Bank Cashier's Chock.
For fui'thor information mldresB or ctill upon
FD. . MUm , JBee Building-
1704 Farnnm Street ,
Agent for the World's Fair Tower Company.
' " '
Call and son Arc
181G Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob.
hiinili > y 10am > un. | nm. i r ryiy
oakOly tiirlmof l.lfui inn tfJJ OHIJJ li ur < ila m tjtlinn
I entire stock of Dl-itnon Ja nml
will our
For Thirty Hays only wa
Christmas Jewelry and ailvorw.iro tit lo than m itiofaoUror J coat.
Fourteenth and Farnam Streeta.
Will move Jan. I , to N. W , Cor. Ifltn ami riiruam. HAKK3 KOH BAI.P.
. .