Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY HH1S : HAffiffifEAY , DKOKMHKlT 17,7 1802 ;
HiHory Boiled Down for the Benefit of
Busy Readers ,
PInj-or tti-inU ( Imply Kxtinilnoil niul I'roM
UurMlminl Ultlin-it Miitprlitlly Aiding
tlm I'rno rnlloii I InMiijors 1'nlli
Out Nil < n from tlio Court * .
Allot > cstci\1ay foienoon Mayor IloniU
TV.IH iimlir Ilro before the comml ion which
is now inquiring into the late election In
"Douglm i ount > cspcLlallj w Ith i opanl to the
vote on the legtel.itho ticket. The pirtlcu
Inr tiling sought to bo established by the
testhiioin of the major was that the list of
judges nnd tlciks of election had boon pie-
pared in : i and with icfor-
cncc to compliance with the wishes of pat
ties not dirct'tlj nulhorl/pit to lm\e dealings
with this put of Iho election machinery
In tcph to nillrpit question. nskedbvT
J. Mnhwpv the m.-uor tlrmlod that any per
son or committee lepiosentlng nn > sodetj or
01 panbation other limn the ost-iblishcd
political p.utlcs had nppioachrd him with
icgard to appointing judges and tleiks
On turns ovainlnatlon .ludge Blair called
the witness' attention to the sixth allegation
of the miti < o of ( onttst which ih.ivges a
consphuey between the iimvu ntiU ceitaln
Councllmpii to appoint prejudUcd persons to
positions on the election bo.iid This the
jnaior denounied ns an ' Infamous Ho , " and
there was some lather jtj ui.itoi.v
o\cr the tmltei
After the ma\or , Finnic Solon , a demociat
who helps i mi the partv in the firth w ird ,
nnd who was a Judge of e-lcUton in his jno-
clnct. told of haing seen iticgular-
Itlcs in his pii-clnct. but he had made no
cffoit to pio\ent them. Ifo did not Impute
any dishonest inothrs to the other mombcis
of the bond Theie was no Independent
member of the boatd on which ho s it
llmmns Birmingham saw a lot of Ameii-
can I'roti'ctho ussoclatlon ticket pcddlcis
inotiml the polls in thu rirth waitl When
lie got down to facts ho BIW two He had
not taken out his second papeis The light
xvn s between the dcmoirats and the Anicii-
can Pi otoctive association
.Iiihn .1 Conlon also saw the Ameiican
Tiotoct ho association tickets at the polls in
tlm rifth waul , but did not see them pod-
died Ho saw no fraud which in his opinion
would change the itsult of the election
Adjournment was taken till 10 o'clock this
tnouiing _
\.His IN A. MUSi ACS.U.V.
Hoard of I'nlilliWmkK MrmtHTS roll Oiil
Almit AdJotirniiH nlH.
Yesteidaaftcinoon the thico majors who
compose the Omaha Uoaid of Public Woika
got together long enough to icopcn hostil
ities ami managed to woik out a couple ol
rounds of pretty lively skhmishing for posi
tion , in which Major Biikhauscr came ofl
second best l > > the usual tnajoiity of " to 1.
It ( ami about through the piesentation bv
the chuii man , after the tegular older had
been dispobcd of , of a letter fioin the Stand-
nrd Pa N in ; * i omp.itij , setting foith Its tea-
sons for del.ijmg woHc on the lontiact
aw.uded it last spiiti ? Major B ilcombc
moved that the letter bo placed on lile , antl
with thr > assistance of Major Fiuay it was
placed there
Then , at the dictation of Major Furay , the
clcik of the boaid wioto n lesolution to tin
cflect th it Major Biikhauser had lniij |
cnoush indulged in the lepichenslblo habii
of adjomnTug the sessions of the board al
Ills own snoot willwhctlierthe other m.ijoii
were leadj or not , and tint in the futuu
the meetings would not close until al
h id had their little sijs out AVhllo Majoi
BiiUhaiisci was splutteiingont bisiightcou ! this mo\ement Major Fuia\
the resolution tou\oto , and ho am
Sut Balcombo voted : uc and the cleil
\as Instiucled to sco that the icsolution ap
IJoaii'tl in the- minutes of the mi cling
Considei.iblo talk was indulged in botweci
the nienibcis in the natuioof an cxehangi
K I pei sonal opinions of each other and thei
the meeting dissohcd.
Bofoio the low commenced several grad
Ing and sewer contracts weie aw aided
Notes lroin tlm ( Nuirts.
LittleKddio Babblngton w ill not go to tin
reform sihool This baa been settled upon
even if Kddio's mother and her second lius
band didn't have an\ thing to do wit !
biinging it about. Thomas It. Mooic
a stock laiscr of Lincoln countj
who Know laddie's mother in he
gillhood days , has agiccd to take the bov
and was jesteiday gi\en permission b.
Judge Davis to .idout the lad The foim.i
f.ipeis woio madoout nnd IMdio depaitci
With his now father for a liomo where h
vlll hi\o plenty and thico biotheis am
Bisters to help him enjoy it
In Judge Si oil's court the jury In the cas
of S.tigent against the Stieet Hallway com
panj dis igieed.
Ilenrj Gibson is suing James Walllck , th
Jesse JaiiKD actor , bofoio .ludgo Kovsor lo
n pi hit ing bill amounting to tOU , contraclcv
111 18T8
In.ludfo Ogden's couit a juii awaidci
Chailes B ichinan K'OOfoi ha\lngbccn locKei
up Iwo horns in the citj Jail at the iustanc
of OfllcorBiady. The Addict falls on th
oftlcci1 mid his bondsmen.
Before Judge DaUs , .l.imes G Miner w a
coiuictcd nf disposing of moitgaged JHOI
city I1 II Jciomo is the complaining wii
In the- federal com I the jui v In the case c
the Republican Nowsp.ipei company again'
the Noithwobtein Assoiinttd picss is sti
out. The c iso of the Omaha Banking con
pany against Mrs. Ashby is on tilal.
Crnuil ut tin ! .Mill * Mi i\nin \ ,
Another inteiested .ludiento ciowdcd EJ
position hull , last night , to hear i\angelis
Mills. Not \acant scat icmalned when th
speaker lommcnccd his dlscouise. Mi
Mills llrst took up the matter of the icboi
fur poor nuil unfoitunato peisons to bo c-
tabllshed bv the City mission in thobnililhi
foimcrly ( xi'uptiMl by the People's theat < > i
Ho outlined the hcopo of the no1
climlty , dediulng that it would icbiill i
great good , Ho uiged those piesent to coi
tilbuto what they could to the now ente
inise of the mission
Mr. Mills' addioss was on n text selecte
from'LuUo ; "Compel them to t omo in Y
tlieiu Is room. " llo sjioko with Ills UBU ,
okxiuumo mid oainestnet.s , nnd at the clo
inaiiy pei wins i-oso to Indicate tlnilthoy wei
anxious to lead bettor Ihes
l.t \ } \\.IH 1,111 liy.
AVhcn noithbound motor train No 8 , o
.tho Sixteenth street line , ciosscd F.irnai
sticot , James Ix\ivy , n laboier , attempted I
got off bofoio the car stopped , iHth the usu ,
Jesuit. Ho was thrown under the traile '
but fortuimlely wiisonlvbiulbed Leav\
iheil ii'stcrday from Demor and , in ion
panylth ho\ filcndH , dnink n Ilttlo ti >
inuch. As the patty btm ted to alight froi
the car Conductor Allen Coulter told the :
to wait until the train stopped , but l.p.iv "
did not hood the warning and foil How.
taken Into it ding stoio nnd oxamlnod bv
doctor , who pronounced , the Injuiles slight
Miiixitli ruiiU In Ciiktoil ) ,
Lastineniugriank Davlim was micsti
by JJuteituo Sa\ago and bookal as being
auspicious character Boviiio is 0110 of tl
best "poicli climbers" in the wustoin cou
try nnd picks out only the icsldoncen i
wealthy ppoplo to o | > eiato on , Ho ts
painter by trade , but has not done an lionoi
day's woik for a long time , Hoibastoalii 1
is not out of Ills line of business when ii
utul snow covers porches and balconies.
tJiiMigo had no special moi tgago on tl
man's liboi ty , but for the pm-poso of pi-
> enllngciimo locked him up.
MOM n mi tliu . .
Among other things the Fifth Ward Kic
era , at their meeting nt l'J.V Hhcimau avcm
lust night , decided that the of Publ
"WorUfi should bo iibolishiHi without dela
'Xhoy settled many other nut UTS of it
portuuco and then adjoin nod ,
Mrntliiiiiul ,
The charter auicudmuiit cowiuitteo falli
to * PCAtro n quiimm ! nit night nnd adjourned
until Monday ovpniiig
t nptnln ( "Jonn.Kk Is still vcrv low hut was
reported slightly Itottcr Inst night
ficorgo Aiinelt was locked up In the city
jill last night for carrying a concealed
Seth Uowlln wasnncstcd last evening for
stonllng ft pair of pints from n Tenth street
County Judge t jlter hni ordered the cxecu-
torof the Byron Itced estate to teport in full
on December ! S )
lr Homers , the city phjslclnn , was called
to attend n destitute sick woman at Tenth
and Jones streets last night
The "United States congress" will hold a
meeting in the pirlors of the Young Men's
Christian association this opening.
Clara Alleni arrested for pcrjuiy In the
MiNor Miller case , will hn a piclunlnary
he.ii Ing In police tout t this forenoon
'I he police sale of unclaimed
and contlsiated pioperty was held jcsterday
In Judge Betk.i's court room , and netted the
police relief fund aliout j-i'X )
Yesterday the late I lei man Schmidt was
bulled , the funeral being attended l > i the
Union Patillc band , the Knltthts of Pythias
ami the Plattsdeutschci
People out near Forest I-iw n cemetery nro
going befoto the countv commissioners with
n demand that Thiitleth street north of
1'oit Omaha bo put In better condition for
Uist night the city council had an extra
spsslon to icieho nnd consider the new city
clcctiiiian ordinance 'Iho document was
pic scnted , lead Uuco and laid OMT , under
IIP i ulo
Ycstcrclaj DctcctUo Vl/ard iccoveicda
$3.1 s uk , the propi i ty of the daughter of D
' { Davenpoit , whiih was stolen fioin a
leak loom In the hle'h school building u few
ilajs ago
A loniiilaint wns sent to ) Klico hendquar-
, cis that chlldicn weio coasting on South
seventeenth stieol ncioss Iho B & M.
tracks , and the oflk I ils wanted il stopped
ergeant Wlmlen sent an ofllcer down thcio
.o investigate
Blownell Hall closed jestciday for th'o
? hiistmas holld.ijs , to lusiimc Januiry'l.
Dr Itobeitlt Dohcilj , lector of the hall ,
'eaves today foi Fremont , where at botli
Homing and o\enlng services ho will occupy
the pulpit of St James chinch.
Mis Peel , whoso palhctio story of desti
tution and idiollo boy , aio known to the
policu fiom one end of the touiilri to the
ithcr , jesterday succeeded in raising 80U
, it Iho Union depot In older to assist her to
icach n fictitious husband at Lincoln
bho has been working Omaha for sovcral
One of Omaha's business men who thinks
suggests that in case of deep snows in the
futuio the sticot inllwaj people nriango tc a small locomotive push a snow plow
over the lines from 1 to 5 a m , thus keeping
the track-clear and pievcntlng the iccur
lencoof another blockade such as was 10
cuitlj undetgono
Al a icccnt meeting of Foiest Lawi
Ccineteii associiliou the pnco of singh
burial lots , langing in si/o fioin4 ! ! ti
IxS feet , was i educed to $5 , $0 , $ "
and f8 'I hcso lots aio mostly used but torn-
poiaiily , bmial being soon followed bi cv
humation and lelnlennent in another pail
of HIP country. The pnco ot family lots was
S < itet.uv Nason is of the opinion that the
Bond of 'I rule has been too haishlj ciitl
cizcd llo thinks tlnl a icoiganizatloi ;
v\ould accompiibh some good , but he dopio
eilcs the notion that the boaid is lun foi
the exclusive benefit of Iho giain men The
business of the latter , ho sajs , amounts tc
millions of dollais annually , and the citj
could ill affoul to lose it , bul the Bonid ol
Ti ado has accomplished much for the up
building of Omaha aside from the giaiu
Much complaint is heaid conceining the
condition of Undo Sam's sidewalk , thai
along his propel tv on Sixteenth sticet boini ;
p.uticulatly bidlj blocked by the accu
miilution of snow. Theio is some
conflict of opinion among the icpicbcntati\e ;
of Iho general govcinmcnt as to who is re
bponsiblo , but tlio idea seems to pievail thai
the only man who can older the bidowalli
cleaied is the supervising ai eh licet , and IK
is out of loach. In the meantime people
will continue to follow the cow path alon'f
the cast side of the site of Iho now fedora
Not from u Fiimucl it Standpoint.
"I do not iccommcnd Chambeilain'sCougl
Heniedy from a llnanci il standpoint , for wi
have others in stock on whiuk wo miiko.t
laigor pioiit , " BIJS Al Maggim. a paominen
diuggibt of Bradclock , Pa , "but becausi
iiianvof our customers have spoken of it litho
the highcbt pi also. Wo soil more of it thai
any similar pieparatlon wo have in the
stoie. " For sale by druggists.
A Card.
Sou-ill OMAHA , Nob. , Dec. 11 , 1892.-
On the Oth diw of October , 1892 , I in
burod my dwelling house nnd furnituri
in Persons tc Berry's insurunco agrenc ;
of South Otnahii , in the Dolavvaio In
eurnnco compnny , and on December 10
was unfortunately burned out. Upoi
December 1 1 the full of the ICB
amounting lo eight hundred and lift.
dollars ( sffeSO ) vvus paiil to mo , and I tak
tbib moans to ndvibO my friends , nc
quiiintancea and the public to insure i
the nbovo auroncy , thereby being sut
of prompt and cquimblo settlement i :
cube of tin honest loss. Respectfully.
bnou llurrlrs nnd NoitliMnds AV111 II
Xt luiiKksi'H 1'urtlun Toilii } .
WASIIIMITOV. DC.Dc-c. 10 Foiecast fo
Satui-daj : For Nebraska and Iowa Gcnei
ally fair , except snow iluriies in eastei
low a ; noi tlioi ly vinds ; colder
For the Dakolas Colder in South Dakota
wanner in norllioin poi lions of North IX
kola ; northw ebt w Inds.
I.ociil Itccorrl.
Doc 10 Omaha iccoixl of tempci.ituio an
lalnfall eompaied with eouesponding day o
past four yeaib.
189J. 1891.1890. 188 !
Mnxlmnni Ipinpi'ratnro > = > 30O14O 4S :
Mliilininn tc'iniiui itiuo llo nee 200 40 :
Ati'riiKU tcmporntmo 18 = 34O ! ) OO 41 <
Precipitation OO .00 .00 T
Statement shewing the condition of ten
peratmoand pioclpiulion at Omuli.i for th
day and binco Maitili 1 , lb03 , as coinpaie
\\itti guneial average :
Normal tomppratuio ZT
Di'liolc'iicy forthudiir eli
li < llclpncy blnruMuicIi 1. . , 181'
NoiinaliirccIpltiillDii 01 Inch
Dullclonuyfot tlitMinr ( l J Inch
Uotlcluiicy slncu lliucli 1 , 11li ! Incli
i : . HUNT , Local Foiecast
Onoof ihofllRhlnof Omnhn la our big Toys' Toys OUR MAIL ORDEtt SERVICE
Block. Vlow the mnmmoth otooko In oapcotnlly holotul to you. K you
Fifth Fifth llvo nt n cllBtniiou nnd to whom n vlnll
nnti brllllnntdleplnya from the Innd-
to ouroltynnd UlnStorolnnot nlwnyn
MRS cvorlooklngour aovon floors. Floor. Floor. oonvonlont. TRY us.
Men's Furnishings.
Initial Handkerchiefs
6 for $1
As good as you usually pay
250 for ; elaborate letters , hem
stitched , full sue. Better be
quick at this price , 6 for $ i.
Men's Initial Handker
chiefs 25c
All linen , fine cloth , new
lettering in diamond corner ,
good value for 350 , our price
250.Also a better number still
finer cloth , larger , more elab
orate letter , 350 , 3 for $ i.
Men's Silk Initial Hand
kerchiefs 50c Each
The best value ever seen in
Omaha at the price ; fine , even
silk , lich , elaborate letters , in
fact a gentleman's handker
chief ; 500 each , $5.50 per dozen.
A better one , extra in quali
ty , in size , hand-embroidered
letters , full 22 inches square ,
i.i'ich ' hem , price $ i , value
for $1.50.
Silk Suspenders
We have them both plain
and embroidered , white , black
and opera shades. Nothing is
more suitable or acceptable
than a pair of nice silk sus
penders. Prices range from $ i ,
$1.50 , $2 and upwards.
Silk Mufflers $1.98
A wide range of choice
colors , checks , blocks , plaids ,
broche effects , nch , heavy lus
trous satin surahs , 32 inches
sxuare , have been $2.75.
Choice of the lot tomorrow
$1.98. Buy your Christmas
supply now.
Ladies' Black Jackets
Actual worth $9 ; tnado from a fnst-
dye all wool cheviot , now fnahiotmblo
shape , vary much under prioc.
CIujiniHCount. . ) ' Ilruil anil I'tont Talks of
tlio I < m\ration's Wink.
Sheriff Chailes Ttognitz of Cho enno
counly was in the city jesteiday , direct |
fiom the meoliinj of the State Association of j
ShenfTsat Fiemont , and lepoitsamost in
teresting session. About thirty-ih e shei ifts
of the state woio m attendanco.
The State Sheiifts i association is oiganizcd
for n better acquaintance among the crimi
nal Ijunters of the state and the discussion
of subjects intcicstin , ; to those ofllccis Such
action as is beneficial to the sheriffs is taken
and a committee is appointed to look after
legislation in the intotcst of the metnbeib
w nich may bo eiia tect b > the legislatuie.
Th6 olllcci1 ? chosen for the ensuiiig year
aio as follows : Picsidcnt , W. II. Hamilton
of Lc\in"gtoh , Diwson county ; sccietaiv ,
James A. Costello ot Giand Island , pall
comity ; tioasuier , ChaUes Adams of Sow-
aid , Sowaiel county.
The association Idol : the inteiesls of two
of the mcmbeib in Imnd and nnanimoiislv en-
doised thorn for appointments , one bv Gov
ernor Crounso and the other by Giover
Cloeland. . Sheriff Tiofnit ? of Choycnno
county was unanimously endorsed for the
position of state oil inspector.
Sheiiit James Costello of Grand Island was
endorsed for the position of United States
The two endorsements madohonors c\en
between the icpubjicaiib and democrats
Shoiiff Tiognltz is a icpublican andSheulT
Costello is a demociat.
The legislative committee appointed is
composed of Plcsident H unilton , Secictai v
Costello , McClay of Lancaster , Dennett of
Douglas and Nuttci of Kearney.
r Drnu Voui * ( > n Cuiicluaion.
Mr. J. O Diuonport , manager of the Fort
Etagg lied wood Co , Ft Biagg , Cul , has
this to say of Chumbcrlain's Cough Uomody :
"I used it for a t > ovcro cold and cough and
obtained immediate iclief. In the Foil
IJiagg Hedwood Co's stole wo have sold
laigo qu-intlties of Chambei Iain's medi
cines. " For s ilo by druggists.
The following marnago licenses wcio
issued by County Judge Uller yesteiday :
Nnnic and adihoss. ARC.
j .loM'pli M. I'unco , Bchujli'1 , Neb 23
IrannloSI. biultli , bclinylor. Nub 18
j Henry L. Ku.sM'll. Onuifiu . . .DO
| Lottlo Suborg , Uniclunil , Neb 125
An IiMUlunhln lloniccly for Colih.
Sheriff Ilardnmn of Tyler county , West
vMiginla , was almobt prostrated with a cold
when ho began using Chamberlain's Cough
IomcilIn apeaking of it he sijs : "
mu almost instnnl relief. I find It to bo an
invaluable icmedy for colds. " For sale by
Men's Silk Umbrellas
25 of our $6.50 and $7.50
qualities have been marked
$5 , for Saturday only ; these
are all 28 inches in length , are
made of guaranteed silk gloria
serge ; will outwear any two
pure silk umbrellas ; choice of
an elegant assortment of plain
and mounted handles in knobs ,
crooks , etc ; silk case and silk
tassel. Saturday's price , $5.
Second floor. Farnam street
Ladies' Silk Umbrellas
26-inch gloria si'k ' serge ,
guaranteed to wear ; silver-
trimmed crook handles , fash
ionable case and tas
sels ; worth $5 , Saturday's
price $3.50 each. Second
iloor. Farnam street en
White Blankets
$2. 75 a Pair
Only about 30 pairs left
from the big lot we advertised
a few days ago. Some arc all
wool , others have a thread of
cotton in them ; none have
ever sold under $5 , and most
of them from $6 to $8. We
make this big reduction be
cause some of them are soiled- ,
and a few have manufactur
er's imperfections. Second
floor ; near elevator.
Wrapper Flannels
About 1,500 yards , in a
larger variety of good pat
terns , fast colors , light and
dark shades ; good for street
wear as well as house wrap
pers ; have been 250 all sea
son ; for tomorrow , only 150 a
yard. Come quick.
Dell Akin of Atkinson ( s at the MUKud.
A. W. Critcs of Cludnm is at the Murray.
J M. Tistlcl of Kcatncy is at the Mer
Captain II C Uusscll of Scliuj lor is at the
W. A. Stewart of Lexington Is at the
O.lj Bcigof Blair Is ics'istcied at the
P W Plunk of Lincoln is a guest at the
C. K. Stino of Superior is a guest at the
C. G. Vanncssof Lincoln Is icgistcrcd at
the Arcade.
Hilton Doohttc of Atkinson is a guest at
the P.ixton.
L Ilaskell of Stiomsbuiyis registered at
the Mill ud.
II II Wallace of Tckamah is a guest at
the Dellone
II. C. Muhone of Ficmont is a guest at
the Muu.iy.
T. H Mclntj 10 of Nebraska City is a guest
nt thoAiuido
lion I. W. Funk of Beatiicoas at the
Arcade jcstciday.
AV. T Uoot of Laramie , Wyo , is regis-
tcicd at the Mutray.
A. L Speaiman of Springfield is icgis-
tcied at the Meichants.
lion J. S. Baitley , state tieasuier-elcct ,
was in the citj jcsteiday
C. II Klmoioof Beatrice is the guest of
his old fucnd , Louis Miller.
Mr and Mis C. O " .Vheedon of Lincoln
were at the Paxton yesterday
Mis S L Dixon and daughter of Nclnaska
Citi .u estopping at the Dellone.
Mis H N Shiwolt and son of Ncbiaski
City are icgibteicd at the P.ixton.
S C Smith , cashier of the Fiist National
bank of Beatrice , was 111 the city jcstculaj.
A K. Goudy of Lincoln , state superintend-
cut of publio instiuctloM , was at the Paxton
r. H Mills of Kalispcll , Mont , manager of
the Montana and Columbian Buffalo and In
dian Inhibit tomiuny , is in the city.
At tlio Moiccr : S B. Hatli.iuav , New
Ymk ; A. 13. Field , Chicago ; J. Newton
Niiul , Minneapolis ; I. W. Akin , Dos Moincs ;
It n Walker , C. E Baker , Beatnco ; A. W.
White , Plattsinouth.
Cni < A.o , 111. , Dec. 10 [ Special Telegram
to TUP BM : . | The following Nebraskans aio
icglstcicd heio today : Gland Pacific A.
] J Dmlman , H. C , Gushing , J. J. Johnson ,
Omaha. Sheiman Geoigo B Taylor ,
Omiih.t , Palmer J. W. Johnson , Lincoln.
Victoria It. G. Montague , Omaha , Great
Noithein J. W. Vail , Miss Stra\ui , Omaha :
M. A. Wan en , Lincoln ,
Kveiy penny tolls. YOU can get Salvation
Oil for 26 cents. Best liniment in the nuiiket.
in A tl
in *
al to Trip
ll"i I'll - al for Royal only
"iis * Q/ /
isa II
a ll
Royal Baking Powder is shown by actual llMl nil
a chemical tests absolutely pure and 27 per cent ,
10n greater in strength than any other brand.
ofa Many second-class brands of baking powder
10 * are urged upon consumers at the price of the
high-cost , first-class Royal.
These powders , because of the inferior quality
of their ingredients , cost much less than the
llo . Royal , besides being of 27 per cent , less strength.
til If they are forced upon you , see that you are
charged a correspondingly lower price for them.
Children's Short Clonks , S3 50
and tan
cider-dow" ,
ones ,
in both
finish ,
at $4 and $6.
$10.00 $
Gretchen Cloaks
IMade of all wool cheviots ,
dark brown mixtures , latest
shapes , sizes 4 , 6 , 8 and 10
years ,
$5.00 qualities ar $ now $3.50.
$8.50 qualities are now $5.00.
$9.50 qualities are now $6.50.
$11.00 qualities are now $7.50.
Misses' Newmarkets
With full detachable cape ,
made of fine wool cheviots ,
dark colors , newest and most
fashionable shapes , sizes , 12 ,
14 , 16 and 18 years.
$13.00 newmarkets now $ 8.50
$14.00 newmarkets now $ 9.50
$15.00 newmarkets now $10.00
Ladies' Jackets S3.SO.
Good value forSO. These tire in dark
colors and strictly an all wool uloth , all
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
f | Rheumatism ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
For tba Treatment of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases
I'lLFS , 1 ISIUI.A , I It-SUKi : , norrannontly ouroil
without thu use of knife , llpuiiru or caustic.
Alt nmliillcs of a prtvnto or dcllcato nature , of
either bov , poaUlvcly cured
Cull on or ndilress , nltli stamp for Clrculpra , Free
Hook uuil Kcclpen ,
llf SPflfiP" " X JlPflflP' ' 118 5"th istn street ,
? ?
Ul. ObullbO u ObUI'GO ' , Oiniili , , , A'oO.
licit Iloor lo I'OhtolIlco
incnt , a poclllc for Ilyatarln Dltzlnpns rin , Nuu-
rnlsla , JlcaJiLlie , Norvoui I'rostrallon causoa by
llquuror tobiccornkofulnoa MontuI Dopromlon ,
Boftnoss of tliu Drain cuu lnK Iniinlty , nilsury , ilc-
cny , dontb , I'reiuifiroOld Ago , Unrrcnnom , Ioi ( of
Power In cither tux , Impotonor , I.oiicorrhmiviim ! nil
K.mialouaknC99CS , Iiivoluntury I.OJSI.'B , Spunuu-
torrlioacnusiMl by ovor-oxortlon of the bruin , A
mouth s ireiUnientII. G for > 5 , by mall. Wo unnr-
inilcei ! buioi to euro Knelt ortli'r fort ) boxes with
K wllUcnd wrlltoiiKuarnnloo to rufiuiil If notourud
Liunrantco Issued only by Tlicodorn r l.owlH , drag
Bint , solo iiKCin. southeast corner ll > tu and larimiu
BtroctJ , Oinaba
Nutlcn f AHsmiitient of Diiiiin us fop
ClmiiRo nf Ornili- .
To tlio owners of nil lots or pirtsof lots on
Howard ulrool , from JOtli btreot to .list
Von nro hereby notified that tlio uiulor-
alRiiod. throe tllafnteiuitud fiouholiloisof tlio
city of Oinah i , linvu bunn duly anpolntctl by
tliu mayor , with tlioipurowilnf tlm city coun
cil of said city , to iibiess tlio damage to the
ounoid rospeutlvolv of tlio iirojieity nlVoctod
by tlio cliantfo of zr.ulo of 8 till btrvut , doolurcd
tioooss iry ly orillnanco No I8S. piissed August
Dili , 1-iJ. , npliovod Au'U8t Mill. IriOJ ,
Vou : iru further notlllod Hint liavlns no
copied iiild anpo'iitmoiit ' , und duly iiimlldocl
ua luqulred by law , wo will , on tlio ' . ' 1st duy n
December , A , I ) , IMS' , at tlm hour ol 10 o'clock
In the forenoon , no tlio olllue of hlirlvor
&O'DotmliOti. UOJ rarimm slieot , Nvltliln tlio
co'porato limits of siildclty , n oct for Iho uur-
jioso of lonsldorin j and initkliu the na > OiS-
mnntof dainne to the ( MHiera rospeutlvo'y ' ot
anld property. alToutrd by silil uhitiisu of
erndu taldns Into coiisldoratlon bpoolal uono-
flts. If imy
Vou nro notlfloc. to be present at the time
nnd nlaco nforusuld , nnd ni.iko any objections
to or stfttoinonta ujiioarnliix said nssuajinont
of dainuses as you m iy c-onsldor prone r
' ' ' '
JA . bTUOKUAl/i : .
Omaha , Neb , Dnc. Oth , lbJ2. U0-dlOt |
THOMAS rsiMl'3ON.Washington
PATENTS I ) C , .Ctontty't Ina until I'.itont ob
tained \Yrlto fur luvcnlortciuldi ) .
Coasting Notice.
I , Ocoreo P. llonils , mayor of the city of
Onmliu , hereby K\\U \ public notlco and pio-
chtlin that ruiimm street , from 40th Ktiect to
4nth fctieet extundod ; ( Jhlcaso btieet , fioin
UOlh btieet lo'-Uth stri'ot ; 1'luico htteet , from
Oth Btn'Dt to3id btiuot ; Park Wlldu UMJIIIIU ,
from Williams street to I'lincu sticut ; Utli
fetreot , from lllcUoiy btiuet lu I'lficu btieet ,
uuuiuthorUcd to hu used foi the purpose of
coasting dins \ \ \ the winter of IHO J-18'J3 ,
\ my blind at Omaha , thU 10th day of
Uccuinbur , 1802.
1802.anoucn i' . nnsns. Ma > or
- 7t
Ladies' Silk Hosiery.
Tomorrow we inaugurate a
spirited sale of ladies' silk
hosiery ; they are lower in price
than they have ever been or
will be for the next twelve
At $1,29 we offer to dozen
pure silk , fast black hose ,
double soles , all sizes.
At $1.29 we offer a lustrous
spun silk hose , fast black , in
a full range of sues.
At $1.89 we offer an extra
quality fast black , rich , lus
trous , pure silk hose , white
double thread soles , all sizes.
At $2.50 we shall sell a
superior quality stainless
black , pure silk hose , double
ankle , heel and toe , full as.
sortmcnt of sizes.
At $2.89 we sell a fine
grade fast stainless black ,
wide , also narrow Richelieu
ribbed , pure silk thread hose ,
double ankle , heel and toe ,
all sizes.
At $3.39 we offer an extra
opera length pure silk thread
hose , fast black , will not
crock or stain the feet or un
derclothing , full range of
At $5 we will sell you the
best , heaviest , pure silk opera
length hose to be found any
where ; they have double
soles , heels and toes , and arc
doubled all the way through ;
fast colors , all sizes.
Children's Hose
35 dozen C. & G. finest
French ribbed woolen hose ,
the best wear-resisting hosiery
made : 650 and 750qualities go
tomorrow at 250 a pair ; colors ,
navy , seal , gray , natural , myr
tle , wine and red ; si/ces , 6 ,
the Dutch Process
Ho Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used in iha
preparation of
which is absolutely pure
and soluble-
It hai more than three times theitiength
of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , and U far more economical ,
coiling less than one cent a cup. It
is clelicioui , nourishing , auci EASILY
Sold by Crocore everywhere.
W. Baker & Co , , Dorchester Jass ,
Elastic Stocking-
& Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S.lStuSt. ,
Next to Postofflce.
Is asru\o tioublo the fore
runner of that druad fou ,
ii I > rtmtliiugtiottmeiit , Is a
Kind > iurjrlsu | to the anxious
8Ulfcrorwhom It rolluvos with Hoiiiu ( .c urntor
ihn lliHt iuhivlatloii , and uures ,
oitrcv In n brief since , at homo.
have resorted to It , nnd our
I'ruo. tolls of their oxpcrlniico ,
Snito 510 hcoly Blilu , Omnlm.
Simlcd piopohaN lll be iccelMd by the
iiiiiluisUnud until 1 .lUo'iliM'k | i in , Dt'ci'iiibur
.M , IB'JJ , fin the n-pulif , uf hUUi'i.T ' tfiiit may he
oidi'icd bj tlm clly ( ouiKll foi the jc-iu i nd-
liiK Ocvi'iiihoi 31,18'J3 hnch woil. lo bn douo
nnd inatoilul fuinlslicM ] in niLoidaiii > ullh
plans anil Niiodlli'atloiH on Hie lutliuolllceof
th Iloudof I'libllooikri
1'ioposaU lo 1m mmlu on pilntod blunUn fur
nished h > Iho bond , and | | ICM > aiooiiipanlcd
ullh HCDitlllud cluck In the Mini of I.IDO , pay
able to Iho rlij of Oniuliu , n-t an evlduuie of
g < Kl fllltll ,
Thu Ixiiid ii'Ndtc'H the lUht to reject any
or all bids und tovuln dofrcts
1' . W IIIHICHArf-KH ,
f' llouidof 1'iibllc Works
Onialia , Neb , Dee 0 , IdOJ. Dec U , 10 , 10,17
fiui'l 10 cents for our 1UO POKC
Electro Modlcal 'luoory and
Practice. "
It. II. 1II.ISS , Ion * Fall * . lona.
Boys' Clothing.
lots , odd
sizes , one
and two
of a size ,
la , Bea
ver , Mel
ton , As
trakhan ,
Frieze ,
Cheviots ;
plain ,
trimmed ,
horn or gilt buttons , nothing
better in either quality , cut or
finish to be had anywhere.
This will be our "special" for
Saturday :
35 qualities are now $3.50.
$8 qualities are now $4.50.
$10 qualities arc now $5,50.
Others at $6 50 and up to
$10 , all at equally great reduc
Boys' Two-Piece Suits
The most of this lot have
sold at $4 50 and $5 ; you can
have them in either single or
double-breasted , good , strong ,
wear-resisting cloths. Choice
of the lot $3 a suit.
Boys' Short Pants 75c
All wool , sizes 4 to 14 years ,
Comment is unnecessary.
Boys' Shirt Waists 50c
Stoillng yrndoo ; bought the ilnnnol ;
liiid thoiu imiilo to order ; equal to homo-
nindo g.irmonts ; worth 7oc.
Boys' Shirt Waists 75c
Another lot , homo m.ulo , fust colors ,
nou-shrinUdblo ; yood vuluo for SI.
Boys' Shirt Waists $1
Ourl.t5 ! grade , good , strong serviceable -
able cloth uiuloll undo ; will innko iv
capital Xmua present us well as kcop
.your boy warm.
A } lH M HI NTS.
Saturday antl Sunday , Doc. 17 and 18.
M. | 3a R-E/41/ITT5S [
( .i.nul bpoct icular Production.
NJatlnoo This Aft. at 2:3O.
Inau.iir itlon of tht Onoapl'rkcs.
.TI2 ustrvi'd so its on IIrat Iloor. 7 > u ouuh
29. > KO"rul lulinl sious lo Hist Iloor. f > Jc uach.
"I icsui \ od so its n b ilrony.r > Ji < ouch
IJJ t'onui il , iumissions to b ilcour , "a o ich
Evening Performance * jt 8.
I'ricci-Piiit lluor. Mlo. 7"n and t . balcony.
r > 0i > , uul TV. 1 un'aonioiit iio t.a tomoiroir
3 Nights OlSJflSV flPfi IQ
Beginning iisyiawMa ; UkUi I9i
And an n\collent Supporting Company In the
1'ollowlnir Kunortolro :
K oniB , ,
S lo ol suits will open Saturday morning.
I'lltos . ' "ic. Ma , ? 3c , } l OJ and $160. Mitliloa
nrlces-'Oc' , ? ' > o nnd JI oo ,
I.IUo Koine all llo ids lo id to the House of ,
Tlio lioiiuiiil Ic Actor.
In the \\oodlniid Koiiianui ) .
M itlnco tilurd.iy.
Llko Itunio all ioiU Innd to the luiusu of success
I jiUlita comtnonclnK Suiuluy .Mntlnou Doc IB.
- BY THE -
LIGHT of the MOON.
The Iiondoit X < anh of the Season.
UaimlMntlucuoiln ilny.
' * ayjtl pijoli Theater.
Last Week of tlio HIJou Block Company ,
Kathleen Mavourneen
ClKfi.V/J , the Diuipor nnd mi Hour of T.x-
Matinees , 'Xu ; evenings , 'JOound : iOo.
hpocliil Hot urn I'iuitieiiioiit of
Author of 1'iiriii ItnllntlH.
huhjoet MlDttoi Tlnios , " liitorspursod with
original IHICIMS
IfdinrvcdHuii'H 7'icMinfl f ' . On sale nt Clmso
.1 Kddy'B , HI S ] Uh st , nfic-rU .1 , m Thursday ,
Kcc is ( ' 011111 eat ly us the demand In sure to
be linmuliato and continuous.
C"om'oC'oinintiiy of JSonliin
under thu iiiniiii''oinent of the Ladles' Muuluil
Hnalety ofUiu ilia ,
Admission - SI.OO
Tlukeu I 'or B ilo ut the Door ,
.Sunday r.vuning , Dccciuhur 18 ,
Monday livening , Decent her 11) ) ,
AT 8:00 : O'CLOCK.
HubJcets-Humluy ! "l-iibor htrlfoi lit llio
Lliihtof JCn-iiitunmtloii "
Monday "An Outline of Thoosoihy. | "
Ailminition to Each 50 o.
Tickets will boon sale at Max Meyur'4 muolo
store un Friday uud baturduy.