8 TJIE OMAHA DAILY 1JEK3 FRIDAY , DKCHMHKR 10. 1802 , 1IAYDEN BROS,1 SHOES , Qroftt Unloading Snlo of Shoes This Week- Goods at a Sacrifice. BIG LINE CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS AUMnll Orders Promptly rlllnl nt tlio Vot- tatting I'rlrrn This \Vcck Only Money Itofiiinleil on All flnnili Not .S.i IN file lory. S AND ARCTICS. Lndica' light "Go rtibbors , 16c. Children's Good yon r Voc arctics , 50c. Lndlos' Goodycnr $1.00 arctics , 7oc. Mon'8 light HOe rubbers , Me. Misses' ( ioodycnr OOc arctics , O."c7 Mon's Goodyear $1.2" ) relics , 9oc. HUUIIKH HOOTS. Children's flnoHUOrubber boots.Sl.OO. Radios' fine $2.00 rubber boots , $1.03. Hoys' pure gum $11.60 nibbor boots , $1.1)5. ) Moil's slicop wool l.fiO foil boots , OJG , Men's line $1.'Jo wool linotl AltisUns , OOc. OOc.Misses'fino $1 7o rubber boots. SI.35. Men's mire gum $11.00 rubber boots. $2Ja Ladies' fine $1.00 wt.ol lined Alnsltns , Toe. XMAS SL1PPKRS. \Vo now luvvo on biilo the Inrgost nnd finest line of Xmus slippers over in Omuht' Wo mil into tills snlo the Itirgcnt nnd llncst stock of siunplo slipuors west of Chicago. All the fine Batnplo slinnors from Adnms S : I'ottlnglll's factory ut loss than their cost. Compare our prices. Men's velvet embroidered slippers , i ® Ooc. worth Sl.UU. Men's line opera embroidered slippers. 70c , worth $1.'J6. Men's line opera embroidered Flippers , DOe , worth $1.60. Men's fine plush embroidered slippers , * 1.2-3 , worth $2.00. Mon's fine phmh embroidered slippers , $1.60 , worth $2.60. Hoys' ' line velvet embroidered slippers , 70c , worth $1.23. GREAT BARGAINS I.N SHOES. In line shoes wo pIToryou bargains you cannot tUTonl to miss. Read the prices carefully. Ladies' dongolu opera button shoes , $1.20 , worth $2.00.HAYDEN HAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods nnd shoes. Frescoing nml interior decorating ; de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohinunn , 1508 Douglas street All appropriate Xniiis present a'ways ' useful nnd never out of Btvlo , opera glasses , retail ut wholesale prices. Par ties purchabing gold spectacles for pres ents will bo given a card entitling the holder to unvo their eyes carefully ox- nmincd after the holidays and the proper lenses Inset-tod without any additional charge. I3uy out1 refruclionist gold frames from $12.50 up. Tudor Optical Co. , wholesale opticians , corner Farnum nnd 14th streets , Omaha , Nob. Everybody oats oyblcrs. Dealers can buy N. Y. Counts per can , 35c. Extra Selects per can , 2 c. Standards per can , 20c. Favorites per can , 13o. Also hulk Standards , solid meats , if wanted , and celery from 25c toloc per lunch. Send vour Christinas orders at once to David Cole A ; Co. , "Tho Anti- .Monopoly Oyster House. " Goods the very beat. No firm allowed to undersell us. 319 So. 10th street , Omaha , Neb. Samuel I'.nrns Announces the arrival of a lot of now out glass from the celebrated factory ot Jlawkes of Corning , N. Y. Call and sco it. o Sco the celebrated Sohmcr piano at Ford & Charlton Music Co. , 1508 Dodge. Holiday goodsFrcnzor , jow'r , opp. p. o > Complete Xunhtoeic of I'lirnltiirp. All goods marked low in plain figures. CHAS. Smvumcic &Co. , 1200 , 1203 and 1210 Far n tun St. Real estate. Bargains only. My word is Rood. W. G. Albright. 621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid i. llltOW.N'S ltANKUUl > T &TOUK , Iliirilrn Uros. I'lirolinsett the Hut In ; Line. It was a splendid llrst class stock and very extensive. The goods are now being sold at our store at about one-half of C. O. D. Brown's former low prices. The hotels and restaurants are laying in a supply of these goods. Families should take advantage of those low prices to got their holiday snpplv of groceries , etc. HAYDEN BROS. A I'liiir I'rospeet. General C. II. Van Wydc and wife came in this morning from Nebraska City and are stopping at the Pnxton , The gcti- cr.il touched briefly on the political situa tion , and said that ho did not look for any great things nt the hands of the legislature , ns the body was very unfortunately made up so far as the enactment of good legisla tion was concerned , as neither party had a majority , and it would bo dlfileult to hold anyone of them responsible. Ho thought that it would encourage bartering and rascal ity , and declared that the prospects for any good at their hands were very .slight , us it was only a thread that held anytliimi-in place. Ho doubted if people wcro any mnro honest now than they always liuvo been , and bald that the ringstors and corporations hud always been able to buy whatever they wanted in the legihlaturo. "Folks mustleaui ono thing , " ho said , "and that is the word parly' don't mean anything but rob the people. That is all that party means , and when they llnd it. out there will bo a chance to do something. Jf they had done it before Gould anil Vanderliilt made their millions , wo would have hail things ditterent now , but It looUs us if it would take the coming of an other Jesus Christ to straighten things out , and I don't know as even God Almighty could do it. " Never defer a vital matter , A oomjh shouldn't bo neglected when Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will euro It at once. . 'Sff-i/ ' . ' . rr. ' ! . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . W'u ' COOK Mra. 11ulumTrTCwIfrtofiloiinI ( .lYll. Coek.Cliotoiiu , K a. , HKeil riUyeui , Wi'dsio-- ( Iny , luruiiili ) > r 1-1 , t l. Jntupli'H lie > iilal | , IteuutliiH ulll bo nt the i juin-o | ( | nf Jlr , lloiMiid tools atalnui lllil until 1'iid.iv uvennig , wliisn they will bo bUlnuutl to Clio- topu for Interiuent , TITI : MOII.SI : DIIY ( loons co. lYrnrli Drrmrtl DolM At fabulous reductions. Sco them in our center show window. Sixteenth otrcot entrance. These dolls nro nil mndo by the celebrated French manu- fncturor , Jutnonu , are inimitable In taste , finish and combination of color blondings. Jumcnifs bobcs nro made ot the finest French blfquo. life like , natural lialr , Bilk dresses , huts to match' , ns nearly perfect as it U possible to make them. Wo quote n few of the reductions. Sale begins tomorrow morning. SO.OO French dressed dolls , $ H.OO. $12.00 French dressed dolls , $5.00. ' $20.00 French dressed dolls , $7.50. $27.00 French dressed dolls , S10.00. $32.60 French dressed dolls , $15.00. $35.00 French dressed dolls , $17.oO. $ -10.00 French dressed dolls , 220.00. $00.00 French dressed dolls , $20.00. $75.00 French dressed dolls , $20.00. Our stock is limited and at these prices cannot last over a few hours. Bolter bo on hand early. Three lots of Gorman bisque dollsper- fcct in every way except the hulr which is slightly rumpled. Wo mark them lOc , 20c nnd Hoc ; they hivvoboen 25c , 35c nud up to 7oc. Those you will find on our fifth lloor along with our toys , the cleanest , brighcst , most sensible lot of toys over seen in Omaha. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Tire Sain of ( irncrrlrft. The grocery stock of Frnnklo & liny , how , llth and Fnrntun , is now on sale , and will bo closed out at your own price- within the next ton days. . - o - The ladies of All Saints church will continuo their lunch tomorrow in the Cr-jighlon block. "A Slf-rry Company. " This sparkling operetta will bo given bv the young people of All Saints church tl'ii-5 evening in Metropolitan hall onllnr- uoys treetcoimneiicing at 8 o'clock. The young people will bo assisted by the Omaha Guards ; Mr. Winliold Blnko , the well known basso ; Mr. Will S. Mo- Cuno , baritone , and Mr. Robert M. Weir , tenor : Miss Edith L. Wagner , accompanist. Admission only 25 cents. - o - JIAYIIKN mtOS. Toys nml Holiday Goods. Cutting and slashing of prices now going on in toy department. 2oc , oOo and $1.00 folding beds cut down to lOc , lee and 2oc each. Iron banks sold at 08o now 25c. Iron banks sold at $1.35 now 50c. Children's tea sets 25c , oOc , 75c and 31.00. Dolls from le a piece up to $25.00. Best assortment of dressed dolls in this city. city.Boys' coasting sleds , 25c each. Tool chests , lOc , 25c , 60c , 75u and $1.00 ; shoo llys Coc , 75c nnd Soc. Hobby horses , See , $1.00 nnd $1.25 ; Two wheel carts , 10c"oncli. Iron wagons , 800 nnd up. All sizes in velocipedes. Look over our 5c counter of toys ; lots of toys at just half price. Examine the bargains on our lOc counter , others charge 2oc for n Croat many of these- exact items. Wo have too many toys and they must bo sold and will be sold regardless of cost or value. Special prices made on musical in struments to clobo. Fine sample line of sachet , giovo and handkerchief cases at just half their regular prices. Christmas-tree ornaments of every style , design and description at Hay- dons' popular prices. Christmas cards nt le , 3e nnd 5c each. Fancy toilet bets , perfume cases and bottles , fancy frames , photo anil auto graph albums , smoking sots , etc. , at prices to suit everyone. The largest book department in the state. Fancy baskets of every description. Rubber toys , dolls , balls , etc. Beautiful line of celluloid fancy goods at half value. All to bo iound at atHAYDEN HAYDEN BROS. , Santa Glaus' home. Holidny goodsl'1rcn/.or , jow'r , opp. p.o. Water rents duo January 1 , payable nt company's olllco , BKJJ uuilding ; 5 per cent ( Jibcolmt allowed if paid on or be fore January 1. OHlco open Wednesdays and Saturdays till 8 p. in. JAST : OK .SOUTH Ol.i the WiilMhli Itonte. The short line to St. Louis and quick est roulo south. Only 37 hours to Hot Springs. Only 30 hours to Now Orleans. Only 38j hours to Atlanta , Only 52 bouts to Jacksonville , With corresponding fast time to nil points onbt and south. Round trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Galveston , San Antonio , City of Mexico , Lew Angeles , San Fran cisco , Mo bile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha vana and all the winter resorts of the Foulh and west , Reclining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman bulTut bleeping cars on all trains. Bnggago checked from hotels and private residences to destination. Tor tickets , sleeping car accommodations and further information cull at Wabash ticket olllco , 1502Fnrnnm street , or write , G , N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. Holiday goods , Frotr/er , jow'r , opp , p.o. IliillilliiR ; i The following permits were issued by the Hiipcriutomlcnt of buildings yesterday : J. II. Kllrln'ii. iL'iilrs | ; to holi'lat I'oiii-- ti'i'iith ami I'uniam stu-els . $ 3,000 Two lullior JK'I ml ! > . 1 &o Total . { . B.I&O . Nut f rii in ; i I'liiaiiclul Standpoint , ' 1 do not recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy from a llnnneial standpoint , for wo have others in .stock on whiek wo make a larger prollt , " bays A I .Magginl , n p.ioinliient druggist of Itraddodc , 1'a , , "but because many of our customers have spoken of It in Ihu highest praise. Wo sell moru of it than any hiinllnr preparation wo luvvo hi the store. " For wtlo by druggists. 11c only 1'nre Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Aluui , iu Millras of Homes 40 Years the Standard * KfiTTMMtiffn'lin nro rmil/y < loNfrnif ir / ' rflonliirly rinoClirlnliiiim fironoirth wl/l fliul n ff 10 Hforo 11111113oro borirtftiriif offer- iiof Jioro iticrif/ono < / . ( lolrt br-lt buckle * , ( lolrt ertrtpr buckles , Silver lorjmcttes , ( Iolil nccklncoi , Jeweto.l IIold ( hnlrplns , Jcnolod , MlvorboluBiieklci , ( lold pendant * , Jeweled , , ( I loldbnck combs , Sllrer pin ennhlotu , ( iolil diamond fondants , Hold i bon bon notes , HIlTpr ontBHos , ( lull ) fines. Jeweled , field lint pins , jeweled , Silver mammiro nrllclei , ( iold hi Irplns ( Iold pin cushions , Hold vlnMKrcttos , ( Iold stamp boxes , SllverstMkptns , ( Iolil Imtpln * . Hold eretifsMos. Silver lion boxes , ( Inld mick pint , Jowolcd. Klovo buttons , t liver toll * ! nrtlclps. ( iolcl lieiirl lockets , Hold ( iporn ulnssos , Silver Cologne bottles ( Iolil tlntnlnlMPii , ( Iold upirn Klnss holdcrsSllver ionp boxes , Hold Rlovo tolltnlre * , ( Iold neck chnlns , fllvcr pocket knives , ( lolcl iirtfbclioa , ( Iold lockets. Jeweled , Mlver nutter bncklcsi ( inlil padlock brncolct ! , ( i Iold queen clinlns , Mlvor Imlr pint , < ! old pursci , Gold clmtolnlnowntches.Sllvorbon IKHI boxes , ( iold lorgnette clmln ; - , ( Inld dltinonil rliiKS. Silver lint jilns , ( Iold nuinlciiro nrtlclcs , ( loin ruby rlnxs. Silver neudlo oases , ( iold dress buttons , ( Iold snpphlro rings , Silver boot hooks , Gold diamond drop ] , ( ioldomcrnld rlnis , MlvcrWnshiM , Uold pnholilcJ3 , ( iold Insects , janclcd. Silver snlvo boxes , Oori } C. S. RAYMOND , S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS , WASTE RULES. " GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF THE PUBLIC OPINION , "On my trip across the continent in the summer of 1891 1 was attacked in Minneapolis with rheumatism in my knee , which lasted me for four months in spite of every known remedy that I could use , including Russian and elec tric baths , and the use of the waters at a Jainous Hot Spring. While in San Francisco I was advised by telegraph to use LONDONDERRYL1THI A WATER freely. I icturned home with no apparent improvement , nnd began the use of tfie LONDON DERRY LITHIA V/77iA'and , to my surprise , in a few weeks had en tirely recovered and have never been troubled in the least since. I have no doubt that the primary cause was some derangement of the kidneys and I can not commend the waters too highly. " . . " 1'ubllo Opinion" By O. P. VUKSllllKY , President VulilUhlng Co. U'liost "I'niLio OI-IMO.S , ' > 'ov. 0. ISO- . An Kvcryilny Experience. StMlnml sparkling roinloiulorry for sale cvtrywhcrc. _ Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , Ohaa. n. Perkins , S-elllii ; Agts. , Iloaton. JInss. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Distributing : Agonts. HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. f or Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SDAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei KENNEDY'S CAUTION. KENNEDY'S HIST INDIA BITTERS Are NEVEIl Sola IN 1IUMC , ONLY IN BOTTLES WITH TKADMAIIKLABEISE Hutchinson's Kid Gloves , They last lonccr nml wear better than > nny oilier make. They nro stylish , uud mndo from selected Kkius only. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED PERFECT FITTING LATEST STYLES MOST DURABLE THEY NEVER RIP If ymir dealer iloea not linvo them nnd you want to know BoinethlnR iibout tlio 11EST GLOVES MADE write to the manu- facturcr for Ills illustrated book about gloves , JOHN C. HUTCHINSON , JHIINh'lOWN , N. Y. CURB A nowand complete treatment , consisting of Sup- noalturlun , Olntmunt In Cupiulua , uUo In box mid I'llla A pobltltn euro for lUturnul , Imvriinl , Illlml ur Illoodlnt ! , Itching. C'lironlii , Jlecont or llortulltary 1'llos. TliU remedy liuaiiuver boon known to full , 1 p.-r hoi. U for * 3r Bunt by nnll. Why > ulTer from tliU ti-rrlblo dlnt'MO wlivn u written t'uoruntoo U positively ilvun with U l > nx j or rufund thu nianoy fnotcurud' t-ond mump for frea namiila. ( Juar- itu2 ) Initial by Knhii X Oo. , driixilsta , ole iiuenu , Irncr 151U nnd Do u Inn atruuti Ouintin , Nob. Suy CoiMi ID Innocent. Onmlm friends of Frank Cope , reported In .Yesterday's Dun ns having been tal < cn to Tojioka , Ivtin , , on iichargo of forgery , dcclaro that tlioro is nothing" to tlio uliurgo , 'J'lioy hay Cope got from his brother a cheek in n business transaction ; ho endorsed the check and sent H out In another business transac tion ; the cheek proved worthless , hut Fr.inlc Cope is bald not to have known this , the whole transaction being , so his fi lends say , perfectly legitimate and regu.hu1 as far as concerns him , o Draw Your Own Co Mr , J. O. Dtiri'iuiort , manager of the Port Hi-agg Hedwood Co , , Ft. Hragg , C.U. , 1ms this to say of Chamberlain's Cough Uumcdy : "I used It for a severe cold and cough and obtained Immediate relief , In the Fort Uragg Hedwood Co.'s store wo have bold largo quantities of Chamberlain's medi cines , " For bale by druggists. AMUHEMISNTS. 50 NEW SIIIJKK 5 THRATRE. Frlfloy , soioffloy end Sunday , Dec. 16.17 and 18. SATURDAY MATINEE. M. p. LEAVlTT'S Entirely now and popular spectacular pro- duellon , "SPflpEB AI p FLV. " Heorirnnl/od In Kuropo nt nn outlay of over $ 0,01)1) ) ) . Tlio crcntost compnuy and most ns- tiiuiullti'4 production of modern I lines. ( ,0 people ple In the east-0) ) . Thosnlu of seats lll open on Thnisdiiy inornlni ; at the now anil reduced scale of prices. WEDNESDAY MATINEE. Anil an Excellent Supporting Company In the Following HoDorlolro : Monday THE BACHELORS Tuesday I > o. onr OTflllDQ Tfl VNodiiosdiiyMat. Otlt olUUFo IU TJHE HENRIETTA Snloofcuts will open Saturday innrnlnj ; . 1'rlces a"ie. ftOc , 75o ; Jl.OJ uud $ I.5J. iMatlneo nriocs-soe , 7'ic anil.Jl.oa FABHAH'STHBEI THEATRE , r Llko Homo all Koiuls land to the llousa Hncccss. TQ-jWIGHT. Tlioltoninntlc Aotoi\ FRATJIK MAYO , In Ihu Woodland Kcnnunrt ! . DAVY CROCKETT. Mntlnco biitindny. FARNAM STREET THEAW01' WA I.lkc Home all loads lend lo the honso of success < nights ronniiouclDK Suniliiy .Mutlnce Uoc. 18. - -BY THE - LIGHT of the' ' MOON. The Loudest I/au h of the Season. Ueiml .Mntlnco Wcdiic dny. Theaicr. ALL THIS WEEK. Last Week of thu Ullou Stock Compuny , Kathleen Mavourneen VJ , tlio Dancer and an Hour oC Kx- cclluntSpeoliiltlcs. Matinees. ECo ; ovoiilnss , 20c and SOc. y. T .G. A. SATtJ Hpocl.il Return nngngoment of .Author < > i' I'linn ISnllnil * . Subject "Hotter Tlmog. " luterspeiaod with orlKlnalpooins. Heservcd sea's 7.ic and J1. On sale nt Chase & Kddy's , in S. Kith St. . after U n. in Thursday , Ece. l'i. Coinu ujrly us tlio demand Is sura to bo Immediate and continuous. MRS. mm BESMF AVILL LliCTURE AT iJj iTV Sunday Evening , December 18 , Monday Kvening , December 19 , AT 8:00 : O'CLOCK. Subjects Sunday : "I.ubor Strifes In tlio Llzlitof He-lncarnatlnn. " Monday "An Untllno of Thcosophy. " to Ench 50c. Tickets will bo on sale at Max Meyer' 3 music store on Krlday and Saturday. DOCTOK : In tlio trcnttnont of nil turmi of JPrivatQ JDisoases. And nil Weattneia and DUordorof TVTTTVT wllli lutm of CoiirnKO , Aiiibltlon nnd VI- -lli-ljl > tnllty. Ktiilitrun > i > arii ul tliu most n > - tcurkiibUi BIICCUMS In Ilia tritiitiiiunt uf tliU clasti of ilUcui.ualilcli , la iirovm lij HID unlvornal testlino nynf tliuiisnnda who .liuvo been cured. Wrltofur clreulnra and iinuslluii lUt. . . M - A IT lltu luuuu. iiru ruiu uiiu rut , ujai | x tlJti bt'hl nuHllciiu1 known for bllloup- nem , ri > HBlliatl | < in. il ) tit luiH. fuull ijri'.iUi , liiuJai-lm , lioartluirn , ( uui > ( &iilHilielii.4utal utpri'MMlon , luluful ( UKi'stlon , pimples , Mllowr roinnlex. * lon.auU every dlu iscrt'sultluK from linpure Mood , or a failure liy Uiu > tumo < li , UTFI or In- * toiwrforin tliclrproiwr fiinctluua. tsHn ontjafltr * tuov r-cAtiiiffarpbunenttidlij Kiven iarliinral. J'rioohy null. 1 grua , 2 | niuii | > 1elc. J lill'ANS CHKMKUL CO..llif.rucebt | , Kew Vork t r > * * * * * ° * * * ' * * * e * * * O < > * < > C4 IU. ) K. C. WKST'B NK11VK AND 1IIUIN 1 UK VT. men I. n | > OL-IIC | for IIr > terlt. DUdmiss. KIU , Nun- rulKlu , Huu'lHcliu ' , NLTVOUI 1'ruiiratlun u.iu > ud by liquor or toi.icoo ! , wnkeftiliium lltuitiil lioprexlon , feoltnuis of thu llMln , cauilnx liDvillx , iiiUorr , do * euy , di'atti , I'r.'iiut jroOl I Aita , llurrtfimof , l.mi uf 1'oncr In clllil'ruojt , liniiotaiiujr , I.aiigorrhcoa Hinl utl KanmluVi'iknf c . liivoluntiir ) ' i/uius. bin'nna- torrhuii uaiised bt ovor-oxertlon of ttio bruin , A iuontli' lrcaliuent lii ( forlS ; by "mil. Wo Kiiar- uiitfot ! Uoxi ! to euro. Kacb order fortl boxen wllli 15 wlllicnd wrlllouiriuranleB to rofuud If uotcured. ( iuuinnii'u ImuoUoMlir ty Theodore K. I.ewli. druv iil > tioloancni , toutbcuit corner Htb sud t'araam ttieeti , Omaha. Recognizing the fact that the Holiday trade will soon demand great quantities of goods iji \ { | our line , being heavily overstocked and wishing to give our customers the benefit of low prices ' at a time of year when our goods are most in demand , we have concluded to CUT PRICES all to pieces , \yithout regard to cost of articles mentioned. The goods offered at cut prices are the same quality andt purity that we have always sold , and we guarantee their absolute purity. We handle no imitation goods of any description. A glance at the prices given below will con vince customers that we have done as we said , viz : CUT PRICES ALL TO PIECEbl QUOTED Fnre California Sweat fine ? , Regular prices , 30c , 40c and oOo per quart ; SI.23 , $1. CO and 81.75 per gallon. Port , all now reduced to " > o per qt ; OOc per gal. Sherry , all now reduced to 25c perqt ; OOn per gal. Angelica , all now reduced to 25c per qt ; UOc per gal. Muscatel , all now reduced to 2oc per qt ; OOc per gal. Blackberry , all now reduced to 25c per qt ; 90o per pal. Sweet Catawbaall now reduced to 25c nor qt ; OOc per gal. Madeira , all now reduced to 2"c per qt ; OOc per gal. Malaga , all now reduced to 2oc per qt ; OOc per gal. Toicay , all now reduced to 23o per qt ; OOc per gal. Pure California Sour fine ? , Regular prices , 20c , 2oc and 40c pot- quart ; OOc , SI and 81.23 per gallon. Clnret , now reduced to . , J-ip nor qi.loc per gnl. Zinfandcl , now reduced to 20c per qt ; 05c per gal. Riesling1 , now reduced to 12 c per qt15c ; per gnl. Sour Catawba , now reduced to 20o per qt ; Goc per gal. Pure California Brandy , Regular prices , 75c , $1 and $1.2o per quart ; $2.75 , $ X2o nnd $3.50 per gallon. All now reduced to OOc per quart ; $2.30 per gallon. 'Imported Port Wine , Regular prices , 75c , $1 and $1.23 per qt ; iK.50 ! per gallon. Now reduced to COo nor qt$2.30 ; per gallon. ImprtGd Sherry Wiie , Regular prices , 75c , $1 nnd $1.25 per quart ; $3.50 per gallon. Now reduced to OOc per quart ; $2.30 per gallon. Imported Three Star Hennery Braidy , Regular price , $1.50 per quart ; $4.75 per gallon. Now reduced to ! )0u ) per quart ; $3.50 pet- gallon. St , Louis Export Beer , Usual prices , 2oc per quart. Now reduced to ISiJo par qunrt ; packet ! in plain box , 1 dozen quarts to a box , $1.50 , packing ehtirtro 25c ; total , $1.75. MM ant Jan'ci Run , Regular prices , $1.25 per quart ; $3.50 7)oigallon. . Now reduced to OOu per quart , $2.25 per gallon. Gins. " Regular prices. Tom Gin , $1.00 ; Do Kuypor , $1.23 ; Crystal , 81.-10 per quart. Now roduded ns follows : Booth Tom Gin 70c per qunrt Do Kuypor Gin 80c per quart Crystal Gin OOc per qunrt Tom Gin $2.00 per gallon London Dock Gin 2.20 per gallon Rye Malt Gin 2.30 per gallon Cherry Bounce , Apple and Peacli Brandy. Former price $1.25 per quart ; $ -1.00 per gallon. Now all reduced to 70c pci' quart ; $2.50 per gallon. Imported Bass Ale. Dog Head Brand , 20c per pint ; $2.00 per do7.cn. Whtto Label Brand , 25c per pint ; $2.25 per dozen. Imported Dublin Stout. Do ? Head Brand , 20c per pint ; $2.00 per dozen. Imported Rhine Wines. Old price $1.00 per quart. Now re el uccd to SOc per quart. Imported Claret. Old price $1.00 per quart. Wow re duced to COc per quart. Imported Champagne. Pommory "Sec. " $1.50 per pint ; $2.7 uer quart. Piper Hoidpieck "Sec , " $1.35 per pint ; $2.45 per quart. Dry Monouolo , $1.40 per pint ; 82.53 per quart. Mumm's Extra Dry , $1.45 per pint ; $2.05 per quart. California Champagne. Eclipse Extra Dry , 70c per pint Grand Vin "Soc40c , per pint ; 75o per quart. Golden Onto "Sec , " 50c per pint ; OOc per quart Imported Ginger Ale. loc per pint ; $1.50 per dozen. Venezuela Hitters. COc per quart ; $1.75 per gallon. I Key W Clear Havana and Key West Cijars. Size. Reurnlia Graciosu , per 60 box $5 Rothchilu . . ! , 4 13 Pnnotolla 4 60 Concha Especial Extra 4 00 Concha .kspoeinl 8 05 U. C. specials 0 55 Koialiii Rolnn , Extra fine 8 0 Albortna 4 Clear Hra , White Sonl , per 60 box . $2.2 * ' lc Cigars , Orand Royal , jior 50 box . $2 78 Pure Stoclc , par 50 box . 1 75 Wo handle the Genuine Novadn , eizo Nevada Perfectos , per 50 box 8 40 WHISKIES. Here is Micro We Do Cut Prices. Washington , per gallon 81 40 Adams , per gallon 1 50 JclTcrson. per gallon 1 76 Ellchorn , per gallon 2 00 Glonmoro , per gallon 2 25 Pop Corn Whisky , per gallon 2 25 Imperial , per trillion 220 Athorton , per gallon 200 Monarch , per gallon 225 II. P. Pepper , per gallon . . . 2 00 T. B. Ripy , per gallon 2 75 Monogram , nor gallon 800 Kentucky Club , per gallon 8 25 Bell of Anderson , per gallon 2 60 Boon & Knoll , per gallon.- 850 Old Taylor , per gallon 4 00 Kdgowood ( old ) , per gallon 4 55 W. J. Praxlor , 1870 , per gallon 0 10 American Club , per gallon 2 00 Old Pioneer , per gallon 2 25 Tea Kettle , per gallon 2 00 Silver Wedding , pur gallon 1 t& / Whiskies to Quart Bottles. Cut to Following Prices. Hermitage , per quart , 18SO 7Co O. K. C. , per qunrt , 1880 7o Monongahola Uyo , per quart . . 760 Maryland Kyo , nor qunrt , 1870. . 76o GuoUcnhoiinor , per quart , 1878 . 76o Ultio Grass , per quart , 187-1. . . . 75o Oscar Pepper , per quart , 1880 . 75o Gibson ] lye , per quart 40o Jockey Club , per quart 50 , Tns. E. Popper , par quart , 1880. . . 7oo Hond & Ullnrcl , per quart 75o XX Private Stoclc , per quart OOo Instructions to. DUt-ofTown Customers : We assort bottled goods , putting in just such an assortment as you may wish. We do a strictly cash business. . Do not send in an order without money remittance , as goods will not be shipped until money 13 order bank draft. Personal checks will not money to us remit by postoffice or ' C. O. D. So to avoid Express' companies will not receive wines or liquors for shipment delav send money with order. . , , . . . We make the following charges for packing : Each package of one dozen bottles or one callon iuc , 2 = ; c extra over quoted prices. IMPORTANT-From now until the ist of February our out-of-town orders are verv nu merous , and while we try to pack goods and ship promptly , wo are sometimes so crowded that ? who contemplate ordering from us to order a delayed ; hence we advise customers arrive when wanted.No attention pad to orders unless few days aheSH so goods will be sure to less money is remitted. 1313 FARNAM STREET , j j > OMAHA , NRB.