TUB OMAHA 1U1LA HKKi KUIAY | , DKCKMUKU lit , 1HIW. 8PEC1HL NOTICES. ADM UIIRKMtNTq Kll Til KIM C will iTtiiVmtnl \ \ 15 30 | > m for Dm pyenlni nmtttnlllR op in for Ihn mornlntt of Swnrtiir em No nrtTCtl fmrnt uVeit fotlm thimlXfrnl * for ) io tint Intel ! en . . All niltrtH < > nicnU In thrne rolnmn * IM rnl trotdfof Itionm InH'fllon nnrt I emit n word tor mrh niM > PO pnt Innottlnn or II M ) frr line | > or inonll l < rtn fli ( In ndrnnrc Itiltlolc , flsiirpn , Minim" rlc oncli count in word All ndTi'MHo menu mint tun roncfciill 'lf Adtprtl cr i nrrc tiii-M | < n n numticrfn' check cnn lintn thnlollerii nddrtsiPrt to n mtrnbcrort Irtur In earn or 'I tin Itrr Answers on ruldreMpcl will bo dcllTorcil on tlio tirofnutlon ot lho f heck " * " " XVANTKl ) , POSITION ON fefOCK KAIIM IIY m n nnd wlfolnn tlioroniililr unilprMnnrt euro of Much. ArtdrCMSIII. lice .M3M 19' WANTED-MALE 11MN WANTKIIOJf SAJ.AIIV.OVB WHO t'AJt Jjlenrnqnlcklr. Aliply nt IMBnftUglai < OI1)1 XVAMKO , SALAHY PAH ) XVK151C 4011)11 ! TT MAN XVA.NTIM ) , SA1.AHV AND KM'K.SSK ? J'Pcrnmncnl plnco , who ! " or part limn Apply nt onto , lltown tires Co . Mireorrmcn , llilraito 617 il M * _ 'lAHEMS' BNAPI tine 'ID r.uo DAY sum : . J'Aihlrc s Uochurmur , 4)13 Charles it. Omnhn , yfol . M&77112.1 * 1 } SALA"llY bll COMMISSIOV 'IO AI1ICNTS TO J hnnilln the Pntcnt Chomlcnl Ink Krnslnit Pencil llinniOKtMM'ftil nnd novel Invcnllon of Iho ace Krnrrit Ink thorounhlr In two M ronild XVorka Ilko rnnulc 'AD to WO i er cent profit Akonln mnklni : IVJpnr we < k Woal'O wnnl n nenernl nuonllo llikn rhirirp of territory nnrt appoint Mil > intents A rnrn chance lo nmko nioiior Xrlln for turnn nnd n sum | ilo of rrnMliK Monrou Frnsor .Mftf Co , X 3rt. l.n I ronfie , \ \ It " TJ-AOKNIS-WI : XVANT MKN. wno AUK Atr J > rn dy irnvollnit folemucn to cnrry our luhrl cnntii ni n Bide linn Nnmo rofercnci'-i nnd Icrrl tilry .Mnnufnclurcrd Oil Co , Uinolnud , I ) MlilM * WANTKD , i'itt/iiNriAi. : ui M J > ln Co , wood pay. Apply room JO I renter block , oppo 1O M270 ] IU rT'uWMKX K1IIU S ( lOVKHNMP.NT WOHK IN I'Arkansas , Tcnncsseo nnd I uulslnnn Krnmcr & O'llinrn , Ijibor Afcncy , JOJ honth Kth street 13 WANTBIi AT ONI KI OH < ( HOI ) ) NO COIl .1'nld'innkurs. Ftenil > lob for thu rlulit men II ( Irnhl \ fron , tuuntll Illulls 34J-1U l .DWANTi : , A llOOIt \CKSMIT. . II AT O. CK ; .D miist bo a Kood horsoshoar Address or mil on n , lltrmnn , oil M310 S7 * ) -PIIlHIM'LASS MKAT COOIC XX'ANTKI ) AT > Llmol ! llolol Lincoln , Neh M271 ll * T > WANTI'I ) AT ONCK 1-OH ONI ! YHAH. A .I > druiiRlit sliiRlc , from SO to 21 yenrsold Mn t Jmvo Kuod rolcrouco Salary for the two llrst months , fV ) HO per month nnd for the remainder of the yonr flit ) per nioiilli Address SU3 , care llco M3I3 11 1 > - WANT1ID , A hOHHH. INDUS rillOUS YOUNO IJmnn lth n small fnmlly to work on n smnll fnrm nenr the city , by the jenr Kvurytlilnii fur lilshcd Nomi but n Kood ninn not d apply Call nt /hrm three miles wojt of Himcr pnrk , or address Jniiicsore , llox 4J ( , Omnhn .112 17 n-xvAfTn : ! ) , Is "LAW 011 irp , STIINOC.HA .I'phcr , lypewrltcr nnd bookkicpur Must bo compeUnt , unmnrrled ninn preferred irlvo pnrlle ulnrs , rufi'ri iicra nnd salary eipeclcd llnx tl ! , Nibrnnkii ( ll , > ub ! > 70 13 T5-IP YOU A UK HK15KINI } A 11IUH (1HADK PO- .IJsltlon lu nny llnu of biiilneis see us nt once \ \ oinu \ placed hundreds of nppllcants In pcrmn nent uosltlons , nnd cnn m lst yon \\estein llusl ness Aiicney Jli > No > Y\orn Llfu bldtt MI7'J 17 11-WANTT'I ) , AHKNTS1 , J" > 0) 10SIOOT 1'KH DAY .1'collecting small pictures lor us to copy and rn largo "ntl'fnctlon Kimrantcol nnd iiflWIonllH free A. Dunne i , Co , &U Hondo Blrcel , Now \ork MoSI ) 16' f > WAN1HD , AT ONCi : , TWO NI'OATIVU HK iJloncliur Apply lo Hcyn , pholoiirnphcr , JIJ , 815 , ,117 t50 15lh. MJSI 17 WANTED FEMAI.E HELP. ! -COMPBTU.Vr (11HL Kll ) (313MJUAL 1IOUSK- icrmun 191 C-YOIIM1 LAIIIKd CAN SOON AIQUIUK A MorUInu knoivlrdiio of shorthand and typo vrrltlnit nt \ nn friinlg'5U N Y Life Md)7 -WAMl'D , AT ONC1 tllltl. 1OH OKNKHAL c houtenurK. 1135 ( > oori.ln avenue 121. l& * Cl-WVNTii : ) , \XOMKN ) Oil ( JIULS 1011 Til 13 CiothMihurKcrnll nnd shirt factory , nt Coth- uiiburK. Nch , by .liinunrj ID M.IIU Id VANTni ) , GIIIL PJH 1.1(5111' HOUSl'.XVOlllv nt .XV. lor. nth nnd llnrnoy , .Id floor Kn- Irnticu on llarney ifrjS IT * C WANri:7) . A fiooi ) COOK AND I.AU.NDHKS In numll fnmlly Mr * Ceorgo 1) Lnke 2JU7 JJoouo nlreet. J7J 17 * -A GOOD OlltL XVANT13I ) AT M3 SO 17 I H HT. 305 JO' FOB BENT HOUSES. D -I OH HINT. NO 2413 CAPI1OI , AVnNUU , modern. 'IhoO F. lnvls Lo , ISVj 1 nrnnm m 111 T -A LA HCII Llhl1 OF CI1O1CH HOUSKS , uJL/BtorCB. tints , etc IfouKen from $5 UO per month < ind up Ocoriio J. Pnul. 1(06 ( 1-uriuini 37i it 11 * TV-MNK 1100X1 llOl'SK. MODF.IIN CONVEN- JIcncon , nuler renlpnld , JS5U ) per month. J H XMieuler , room 417 Knrljni.h ulotL. .M1S7 TA FOll H ) > iST , MOliltN : 10 P.OOM IIOUSK , ALT. JL/conTcnteticis , tlvo iiilntitLi' wulk poslolllcc , rlrtel earn piirn the door. .Nutliun ' hi.llou or 1 * S fcklnner , 1114 i-nrinunM SVU pv LIGHT HOOM DP.TACIIKI ) HOUSH , MOI ) ( rn , het t jiuUhhoihood , $20 f-oreii rooms und Imnii I'urk-Celine , .6 ( < i. liiiltg , fid Ho IVIh Blrect MUM cl.'i ) B-A Dh inAIII.13 1IOXIB OP 9 ItOOMS , Kini nlsheil or uufuriilsliid I'nrllos uolnx to Call- forulu Appl ) ' on promhtct , HI. bouth Tenth > t. 770 r B ton IIICNT , 10 HOOM iiousn , sois CASS. ? 40M. Hi-ed Afciilby , Hoard of Trnilc. 77J I I-\-BlOOM | rolTAOB. R112 MASON , ' .I ItOOM X/liouse , modern , Jlnl & .Mucou Apply olbSMiison . 777 ( "V-10H IIKST , JIOUSKb IN ALL PA1HS OP J-'clly , 'JhuO , K iJuvIt company , IMS laruniii Bt , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 778 \-H.A'1S , DWKLLlNdS , ( OTl'AOiCS VN ALL J-'pnrlaof city KllkunnyX Co , Conllnonlnl tilt , 7SU J-\-rOIl HI'Nl' , 61100M COTTAHI ! ON MO1OH /lino. Appl ) b. W corner t'lh ' und 781 rj-llOUSIC OF U HOOMS , ALL MODIiliN COV J-'vonlencct. plcnhnnll ) looHlol near business con ter. Apply l U Uduiso at , or L S Sklnnoi , 1014 1 nrnnm 7b , ' TNKWMlUONi COlTACHISi I1A11I , HOT AND JVc'oldvnler , nil modern ImproviMiient1 , Deslrnbln locution for hn lnt > s < ! men In bu.iutlfnl Kinnford circle. Convunleiil to Omnhn and boulh Omiihu Apply C' H F.luutl'ir , r 4 , New York Llfo bulldlmr , 78J JVOll H1.NI'MIIIIIUK IIOUSK , NO 27 iia .i-'l Hrnnm xtrcet and brick barn , complcto ulth o\ory coiUL'iieucc. Wniren M Honors , 13 1 1 ar- unm si. f\-l Oil HKNT , KLI'OAN'I NKW 14 ll OM UHIPK J 'liousn ; all moilern conrenU > nce , splendid lieldu location. Thos. llrcnnnn .V Co , Kurback block. 13 n - POH Hl'NT : 8-1IOOM tOTI'Alli ; , 111 NOH'Ti J 'ISlh street. Call at promises Imniodluln pos rexlon. .ni n * B-IOKltllM' 8 HOOM 11 JtlhlJ , 1VIII 1AHNAM iitieet. I rod 'Jerry , 43J HIVIIIKU bullclluu mi I OH HUNT , iOltOOM HOUHP , IblH A Nil Imintro IIIIH 1 nrnnm. Sumucl llnrns Jld 10 HPN r , 5-imoM llHinlhi 1UI7 .Mu 'iM alrc'el MuO 17 * Tnmt HI.NT : , SHOO.M iiou.sp. AND HAHN J-'Juslon Norlh and boulh Ouiiihu llni 2llh st. very clioup. J , I' , Pnllk , JI7 S. Dili st MJS1 17 Pi i ! HOOM NF.W FLAT , MODL'HN IMPHOVK J minlt 111. S. llth si. Jissu 2J FOB BENT FUBNISHED "BOOMS. UfariiauiektwplnV/BruuVul tiob'r , ' 'll , P limuj A I'll' . _ 4Wdli ) Ij1 MCI : XX-.UIM t aii.MBiiii : ) iuo\ii ! w AN ! JfHUii , for two lioutloiouu IIA3 N , ISlh bt 830 1U E-M.XVI.X "j i IIDOMH loll irKeiitlcmcii lnqi.lroul H'lJ Dodge I , ' vA N IIATLY KtlllMsllKD HOOM , K JfnrtwoKviitlomim , lit IhJiScbstur btreel. lief f cronco ri'iiilri'd | , Mil. ' so * T ? M UMBUKnltoo'M'irtoiTTiicyf , AS D itooxTi Jniiltnblo for llcbt FUBNISHED BOOMS AND 3BOABD , " 1 . ' - ' 1 Ulj DOLAN. SVJ AND , _ , _ m _ FPHMBlIii : ) HOOMb A Nlf no A it i ) , "soT iDougUnitreel. . MIOl 17' , XVITH IIOAHI ) , < PU11N18IIK1 - friinl room ullntluor Uo imnllviucn. 201 : Callfornln direct. nu n- 1 510 tSOU'lll 287 * " F inisiSiniu PAHI.OII XVITH UOAUD , AIM OIIB olhur room .13 M. 19th t Zit li' I > WCILY : ruimiHiiKii t-au'riiKAST KUON' i'laom with alco > a und bar nlnduw , All uiodori innvcnUuco * . Uoardi prlvato rnmllr. Kll H. 2 tl ttc H jj | < 4 i | Yj-KAST FHONT HOOM , SLITAIil.K toll T\V < J' j ullvuiiu , with or without board , tM N. 10th ruoNiHOOM , son UNFUIWlBHEDttOOMS , 1-aTlOOMH ATlXn I Al.lToitNrA BT , Ml JJI I -TWO UNUmNHIIKII 110OM9M1I IIUUT 8T ) I ml IS * BOARDING. ir-HllST U.AH TA11I.M IIOAUI ) , I IN XV ( or IPlh nml IHnlgo ml 20 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFJOEa' t--rtm HI5NT. POUHSTOflY IIIUCK XX'AHIt- lhouf > < > with Irarkngc Knqulro J. A , Crclithlon , t(8 lilt Nnllonnl Hank tilde. 4UUD17 1-Hlll UK.NT , Till ! KSTOUV HltlCK IIOII.DINU , lOlfi 1-nrnnm t Thnbulldlnn lift * n tlroproof ca- mont bnnompnt , romplcto Ktcnmhontlna flxturca ; wntrr on nit tbo DOOM , gns , oto. Aiplf | nt th onico of Tlio llco. 91S 1 DOWN TOWN rOHNKIl J'Oll I1A1II1KU H11OI' . LKMnhllshctl tradD. WrlRhl A LMbnrj , 10th nnd Howard. 773 l-o.Ni : KUDU sioitv nntcK iiint.niNU ti KKKT Inlilo 14U7 Hnrnor ctrcot. B7I 1VOll UKNT , A VKIIY lK9lltAllliC 11UH.D1NO , I sultnbla for n wnrphomo , wIth ntnhln In cnncc- tlou , 'Irnttnga front nnd ronr AiMross > ' - . A Lnrmlchnol care of McUord , Ilrndr A Co S15 l-IOII HKNT , ni.UOA.NT NKW 8TOUKIIOOM , IjIfcnxlOO , .No HJ llrondwnr Coiinill lllulTK , for dry Kootls , clothing orKcncrnl mcichnnlso. Day A HUB , Council HlulTs , In -M3PI 21 AGENTS WANTED. 1-I.AIlV AtiHNIS WASTKI ) 1 , VDlllS CAN ' " cnrn from I > to 110 n ditjr " 1th ei o by uplllnif nn nrtlclo ii od onlr hr Intlluj This ofTors you plons- nnl , connenlnl employment nnd splendlil totiini I or imrlloiilnrs ndilruss "Doiuclvo 1' < t hot J , llnltlniure , Mil MUOI'i * STORAGE. M -STOHAli ( : OllUAP , CLliAN , WKLLS , 1111 " ntnnm street TW WANTED TO BUY. T-XV'ANTKI ) 1O IIIJV SOMIC 3 PI3U CP.NT I llrst mortKHRer Heed & Solby , 331 llonrd Trndo 7S7 \T-WANTKDT ) IUV ) 1 > hold ROOdi H''J DodKO MSIO D19 V-WH't' PAV ALL CASH Poll h'lOCKS OF -i i dry Koods , clolhlnic , boolsand shorn Kroccrlvs No commleslon Al x. Moore , 401 Uco IddK -yr WANTI5D , A OOOD J15HSHV MILCH COW , -limiistbo well bred , lloom 31 , Klclmngo block , fcoulh Omaha. M. 11 Hi'Knrty. 3/4 IP * XT WANTKO. TOIIUV A HKCONI ) HAND DIUJO iNiilsts' dlipcnsnrj , not older limn 1690. Adlro s box 4 , Anderson , In 371 15 * FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. -roil SALl ! AT A I1AHOA1N , OKP1UK OH O bank fiirnllure , also Rood burRlnr nnd lira proof info Inqulro Mnorlcnn Snvlnt'i bank U5 a-FOH 8ALK CllKAP , F1N12 HOLL 1OP DKSK , tnndlni ; desk , Arabcrx lotler tile , clmlrs , clc In- qulro P A. Bnilth , room U. lloo on lid hi ( T .171 17 * FOB SALE HOBSES , WAGONS , ETC 1KH SALK. A NnAYlLV NKW "fOtJm7lJ ) L sprlnenxprosswavon , IIOTMI , harnnss and lmiuy , alio u nearly new set of crenmer ) tools , conslstliiK ofbnltcr worker , churn , Howe scale , truck , cle , nil will boBOld niiinroR ncrllleo Aildreas a It 'Iriilinck , lleoolllcj , or call utJJ 7 Mlama struct , where Koods can bo seen Mb3S p-TXX'O HMAVY XVOUKtlOItSKB , XYK101IT I nbout LIXJ , ulKO 0110 Him Mrlvlnu homo I yonr.s old lldollly 1 onn nnd ( IllarunUo Co , room 4 XX llhiii.ll building , corner l&lh ami Hiiruoy utreel FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. - 8A1.K CIllIAP. A 35 IIOHSK POWKH Q-FOH nutomnllc onKeno nlso ono 12 horse pouor up rltihl ciiKlno. bolh In KOOI ! rcpnlr Inqulro of Pest ncr PrlntlUK < 'o , U07 llo ard street , Omnha , Neb 7S3 Q 1 OH SALK , KNK1NK AND HOLlKIl S AND 5 horpo power , 4 j ears old , almost K c-n away Call nt27u3 I cavunnoith Mt US r > IOHSVLH PINK bl1 IIKHNAHD PUPP1I.8 , Q best slock In America , both rouxh nnd smootli conl. Address 8 U , lice olllco MJM . ' 1 tOH BALU , ONK 30 II P 15M11NK. ONE 41 Q h p , luh holler , wllh pump and heater , 200 foot shnftlncnnd Biindry piilllei , tools nnd nppllnnces /abrlsklo , roiPlttr Omnhn llnrbod tcnco am Nail company , 11th mill Nicholas utrocl M3&7 11 1IISOELLANEOTJS. R ilKNT , LAHOHHAl.L 1 OH SOC1KTIKS u ks or lectures Apply nt ' 403 Dodtre 878 J * ij po niiNr-i insroLAss CONOVISH PIANO I Vj jicr month to Rood parly Address H. W U care Drover s Journal south Omnhn M274 17 * CLAIBVOYANTS. * - VI119 'XANN4K V WAIIUKS ; OIjAIIlVOYANT S ; rcllublo buslnoiH medium , tlftb year at 1U N' lull IS I S-MHS.DH.JI.LKOHAVE , I'llOPlIK n > S. DHAI trance clalrroyant and llfo reader ; tolls you life from ciadlo to Kravc , can bo consulted on al niliilrsof llfo. bus tha cjlubrntcd Fcyptlnn breas plnlo lo unite Iho xepnrntcd nnd cauio miirrlnKU Ith one you lore t'onio one , como all and bo con vinced of her remaTkablo powcra Olllco and resl d ( net ! (17 8 llth st , bourn U n m to U p ui , btrlc llfo chart nnd pnnto ot vour future wlfo or hus- bund Bunt Ihrouub mull for 15 00 , chnrl alone $ J 00 All letters contnlnliu 4 cents In stumps promutly jnswiTcd. il ib. J J' MASSAGE , BATHS , ETcT rp-MMK. STOWK. MAONK110 IlhALKH. J05 JL Dounlao block Cor Ibtli and DDIBC. ! M308 1'J' rfi MAUAMKbMlIll , 1U1 CAI'lTOf. AVKNUB , I. Itoom J , d floor Massage , nlvohol sulphur nndsea baths Mali ) li > * fit MMK. UAHSON. ll.'l IIOUl.LAS MltKBI' , JD Jt lloor , room 7 musjnxo , alcohol , sulphur and sen biths. MJ7I , 22- BOLLEB SKATING. UOLLI1H 8KATINQ AT TUB COL1HKUM U every nluht. except Sunday. Music \ \ odnesdar and bntiirdny nlnli's ' Admission , ROntlcmcn 25C , Indies lOc Saturday afternoon , children ) ) ' day , ndmlsslon lOc W IS * MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. \r-Ci F ( .KLLFNIII'CK.llANJO'riiACHlJH , N W cor ISth and llarney linrne ) blicot ctitrnnce "II -UO TO WHIIKH'S MUSIC UOUaU , 1114 DOnOE , M.I.J 17 * MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. KBTAIK LOAN , i > TO 7 PKII CUNT. < r no tiddtltoniil chnrKos for commission or nttor * ney'a fees W 1) Melkle , 1 rst Nntlonal Hunk hl.ln . \\T ANTHONY LO\N ANI)1lllSrCO'iI3 ! N V. 'i I.lfn , li'iiili til low rnte for clioloa Kt-curllyou Nubruoku or lo.vn farnia or Omahn ellproiiorty. . wMONKY 'IO LOAN AT LOWI > 1' H 'Iho . O P. Davis Co , 1MJ l-nnnim ttreot. r-CK.NTUAL LOAN X'lHUSl'CO II13K HLDH. \ \ -MOItlllAUK LOANS LKbb 'J.HAN 7 P1IH cunl-lncludUiK nil chnrRCH. Charles W Kulnui. Onmlm Mit bank bids 731 \\r-LAHOK LOANS M ADI. ON OMATiA , LIN- coin Conucll llltitra butlneti properly , (1 ( per oenl. Also Binalllouns ( JegrnoJ. Paul , J'jIS Parnam. ' , d 15 * MON ICY TO LOAN , I , AND TO SK1.L IIOIIKOS to rent , ( ioorco M Conies JIU''S \ - LOANS ON fin PKOP1511TV , U AND 7 PHIl ' cent K. I' , UliiKor , I5IU Hinmm jl'JJ J.f "iAll LOANS OS' C1TX ANI > KAHSI inortKUKC < Ittcd & Sclbr , in llonrd of 'Jrnda Wi Ylr MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPUOX'KD CITY 'i propurtf , law ruto A. C. Irott , Kouflus blk. \\r-l PKIl CUNT MUMiY NKT1O IIOIUIOWKIIS li on Om iliurltr piopcrly .Nooxlru clmrio9 of nny kind l\h > PK > hlEh rates ? Moncr Is cheap Xou run i.ol lull hcnulU of low r toj frpm dloba 1 oan uml ' 1 runt Co 10th und lodio. 7W \ \ r-i.o\v i vr UATHS. i IDIILIIY Tiiubr COM ' pany , 1704 1 ainiint aircet MJJ5 W-OMAHA HAYIN08 HANK MAKKS LOANS on rial ostaloat loucsl uiurket rates Loam inado In small or Ittixu minis for shorl or long line Nn commission Is chariiod nnd the loans ara not sold In the e > aiil , but cnn always bo found at the bank on the eornor of UUi and Duunlas slrceta 11)1 ) > A\r- LOANS ON BlPHOVHD AND UM1MPHOV15I ) > * clly property HUOU and unHiirdsilio7 per lent. No \V.hariiambinlthXColithand Unrnoi. 7'JO / C. K UAU1IISON , V17 N Y. LIU : . _ 79 § _ T' PItlV.X'IP. MO.S'KXJbT AMZI ) MOItiaAIlK loans , low ri\le . Aleir .Mnoro. Hco LliU bOl -10 LOAN II.5JO PlllX'ATK 1 UMS U U. Tl - L AHtn b U M 8 O V l lxLA 83lHNlH8 ) : > properly , li U.FroncU.iiUornty , 801 Now \ork I ifu. MUM _ lA-fJOO TO LOAN. C. K. HAHHlbOX , 1J N. Y. ' Llfo. M3W 17 MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTEL9T - MONKY LOANKD CJIKAP ATUH OWN 'llaic. Nubrntka Loan Co , 1318 IJou las > l. 807 V WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANV KIND OP BB- - -curltyi nrktl ) ( ontldouttol. A. K Harris , rooui I , Contlueiuu' ' block , SOj -MONllir-foi "u)7w ) DAYS. CHKAP HATK9 and easy puirr.ents. on furnlluru , pianos , lire tock , ola. wlthoul ttelity or publlelty , cub on baud Dufftlievn , rouiutl. ilirkur Uloolr. 801 MONEY CO LOAN OlIATTKLB. -CAM , AT Tit II OKFtCK OP jOMAHA MOU10AUR LOAN CO. ! J INCOlipoitATKl ) . I IK x. ou'WANT MONKY. XOH CAM borrow on iionsKiioi.D HiiN'iruitu AND PIANOS , IIOIISKS , WAdO.NS AND CA IlIllAOKS , WAHKIIOKHK HhCKtllimuHANIH3t ! Oil ANY OTIIKIl HKlUIUTV. V 0 will lend you nnr nniottnt from 110 HO to f I ( XX ) ON ' 1 UK llA'k YOU ASK MMl IT , without pnbllcltr or rcmoynl of properly. > Youcnn pnj thonionnj unck In MIT nmounti Ton wlnn , unit nt nnf time nnd cnrli pfiymonl go mndo will reduce the cost of the lofin Ilumouibor Hint you hdTii llioi o of both tlio nropetty nml ttio money , nnit | if\r for It only ni Ions us you Xcoji It There will bo no ptpense or chnritn kept out of the nmount wanted , but you will receive tlio full nmonnl of tlio loan Iloforo borrowing cliowlioro cull nnd tea \is nnd roil will find It cri-nllr to yonr rultnntneo. OMAHA MOIIKI.SUK LOAN CO lloom II , Croluliton block Jil floor , 111 ! * oiith IMh , next to poelofflp. THHOLiiKsr.LAiiiiKsr AND OM.INCOH - POIIATHDLOANCOMPXNY IN OMAHA. XXI11 remove on.lnn 1,1S'ji : toIJC3. lilh 8t. tint floor nbovn the street MI75 ' -DO YOU XVANT MON'tti L. L.TH13 FIDELITY LO XN nJAHANT13H ( CO , HOOM 4 XXirllNKl.ti HLOOK , 31'JVj 80U1I1 lilll COHNHIl IIAHNKY SP XVILL \ LOAN BUM \ LAHOE FKOM \ TEN WK MAKi : LOANS ON KlJIINn 1IUI5. , CAHHIAdKS , WAHKIIOUSI ; ItKI'RIPTd OH PKIt- tJONAI.I'HOt'KHTr OV ANY KIND / WILIj / DO WKU , / TO / /YOU / ONUS F1H3T / FOIL / I / / / / OUHTKHMS W1LI.MKP.T YOUH API'UOVAI , , You cnti pay the money back nt any llmo nn I In niiy nmount you wish , ivid th'is rodiico llio enst of carrylm ; the lonn In proportion to nmount you pity IFOU owe n bulanco on your fnrnlturo or other porsoiml property of nny kind wowlllpnylt OH for you nnd inrry It us lnn < ni you djjlri' , \OUOAN HAVK YOU11MOVI3Y IV ONI ! HOb'H FHOM 11IH ! 'IIMKOU MAKII Al'l'I.IOATlON. No publicity or rumovnl of property so that you get tlio USD of bolli money nnd property 1W V PHI icu A tin , 5t nouoi.As ni.K BUSINESS CHANCES. V-FOH 8AI.K OH 15XCIIANOK , A OOOD 1IUSI- JLiiosswlth the real estnto In Omnhn. ( iood rea sons for selllnK Addreis 707 heir York 1 Ifo , Omnhn. Neb. M8IS DSJ Y-YOU.N(1 ( MAN WITH $1,000 CI.nAH HICAI. cstnto nnd S'.OO. ) cnsh , wants Interest In Kood business In Onmhn 1 or pnrtlculnrs address ( I u. WnllucuIIU llrown block , Hth and UouKlns. 3U 1C - r\VANrKI ) ; PAHTY XVITlt H DO ) TO $ S 000 J lo lake Interest In old vstnbllKhed hnrdnnro lm lnosi > In Omnhn hnlnrlcd position itnd Kood n tcrutil on mouuy lnTO3tt.d ( L Q. XX'nllncc. Cll'J llrown block , lUh nnd Douglas .114 K ! V-IOIl SAI.K , A OOOU PAY1NCJ MANUPAC- 1 tuilns business ; cnn bo run on tl.WD , party oivnliiK uiuililo to vttcnd to any business. Address lock box .178 , annum , hob M3o5 'Jl YCIOlllInR CHANCE. 12,000 WOU11I OP clothliiK nnd furnlihliiK K ods In best location In Urnnd IMnnd for sulu , If taken ulthln the ncYt ton days , lor lUc on the dollar ; best rensons for pclllliK' Addre&aP.O. Dox No. 218 , Grnud Islnnd , Neb Ei.'J 19 lIL'tflNEbS Ol'ISNIMiS NO CllAHCH 'IO Y bu > crs bend btninp for printed list. Vun Pnt ten of Oiilnha. Hi" Jll * y' l OH 8AI.K. ICl ! HOUftK pr.ANl' , ON IllVUH audit It track ; capacity , 4,500 tons : nt n bur Ifaln Address U7 , llco MI31 1S \r-no YOU WANT TO SKIjT.i VOUll llUblNI.SS L Iloj on wnnt n partner' lo ) > on wnnttobuyn biiBlnL'13 ? Ifso , K'juus Wu cnn hul | > you. Call or wrlto for our bulletin of business opportunities Western Ilusluoss AKonty , moSen York I.lfo build IIIK JU78 17 V UKMKMUKK THAT IKOV LIST YOU1I I builness iori > lie or ctchingo > vlth thoWcsltrii lluiilncxs AiioriC ) , Jll ! Now ork I.lfo bulldlnK. > on hn-\o thobcnelltsof tholr ndvcrtlslng In all of the Inrnu cities In the United States. Jl 177 17 FOB EXCHANGE. Z CljKAK OMAHA KKAl. KS TA'l 13 I OH JID1K actual Tiililitlun. Money to loan Uox313Omalin SOS Z I OWN 100 1'AHMS IN NKIIIIASKA. KANSAS nnd Dakota \VII1 sell chcip , or exchange for merchandise , horses nnd cnttlo Address box 70 , 1-rankfort , lud. Jlbfll I HAVIS VAI.UAI1I.K IMPHOVKU AND UNImproved Z Improved fnrm lands to exchaiiRO for jouth OmnhaorOmahn property or for farms lthlnSl ( miles of Omaha. Have ono of the btht of stock and grain farms , 1,300 ncies hilf In winter wheat nnd rye , and 2jO head of line Block , nil clear of encum brance , to OTclianiro for real L tn. i and mlRlit pay some cash dlfTurence forduslrnblu property. lu ) scrlbo > our property cnrcfutly , price , etc Address box" ) * Omilin , Neb MWj U2j t a ACltK-9 OF Cl.IJAH LAND IN ONE OF the boit winter wlicut districts In Kansas to ex change for 10 or 20 aero tract near Omaha city limits \\lll pay cimh dllTcrcnca 1C property Is 1'ood Address , KlvliiK prlcu nnd location , O2G , llco o Illcos _ JUi Z-E1.KGANT 9 HOOM UKSID15NCE , KVltllY modern Tonventencc , on Houth vdth st near Lcn\ennorth ; must lea > o city ; will sell cheap , teriim tosnlt , can t bo bout Iiubraska KTClmngu Co , nee bid g amu n _ r/-\ ( JI.I.Y KQUIl'I'KD IIHHMCVAlti ) AM ) ION- HrnctlUK bushiest for enlo cheap a good time to buy , good reasons for solllnK , It will pay to Imos- tlgato I'rlco S'4XX ( ) , part cash , balance time. No braskn KichniiKO Co , llco building MJIO I ? UNI ! OMAHA KLOUll JIIL for clonr Nobraskn nnd lown lands 18 U sales , fiXJOUOOU , prollts , 20 per cent , price , 510,00000 lor a short tlmu Itennons for selling , other Interests outtfldoclty. tcbrnskn KYclinngo Co , Ueo illtlg _ M24li 17 r/-KINI ! IIOTHL. FULLY PQUIPPKI ) HNH HAH f-l K'SOOCO worth of Block , doing & 5UO per day. Monthly prollts , ! 3i5 00 ilciit iciisonablo Prlco 87,000 OU Will exchange for good clear Nebraska lands mil too far west Oiler open for few days only Honsons cor soiling , 111 health. Nebraska Uxehnnga Co , lice Uldg MJM i ; Z-NAHHOW THACKUII HUOC.Y , WINK colored , gear almost now , cost { 17 > , to exchnngo for horees. cattle. hog < or piano and will pay ill HIT- enco Address 8 01 lloo JUI7 18 * / ACHIC PHOI'KUTY AND PIN'I ! UES1DKNCB 'Ma Central I Ity Nub , nnd J2U ncro farm near by ; tlnu opportunity for nhecp raising nnd poultry f.irm , HIM.ill fruits , clc , otc ; this will hear the closest InvostUatlou , you can't Und anything better - ter , will exchange for fSO'JJ general merchandlio slock Nebraska Uxchaugo Co , lluo building. M.'IU 17 rH 000 In cnsh nnd balance In clear lands for SJ 3IUlXJi , ) stock of konoral merchandise. Nebraska Uxchnngo Co , lloo llulldlng M.'iO 17 Z fiOJO In rash and bnlnnco In ilcnr Nebraska lands for fiitWJ stuck of general mcrclmndlBO Nebraska Kxchango Co. , lleo building , .M.Mb 17 y-10IOACHK NnUHARKA 11ANCII AM ) WOOO S-jcnsh for nJISOJO stock of gonorrl merthnndlio. Nubrnnliu Kxchanke Co , l > uu lliilldliig .M.'IO 17 y KINKS ! ' Hni'Air. imuu iiusiNissh IN ' -JOiunlin Annual sales over 7.20 OOU Slock now nnd clean A irrcat bargain for shorl time. Host of renvons for selling I'rlco t.UOOU , about $10000 In cash , balance good clear lands or time N'obrasla Kxchnnga Co llco Hulldlng M24II17 y-CliAK : LOT , \\OIITH J4.000 , toil 8 HOOM A/home / , modern convenlencos , wllh full lot , Will nssumo t..W ) ciicunibranco. I ! (1nlluco 312 llrown block , lull nnd Douglas Jll in ' FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. > 5WJO ACHHS Ol.KAIl LAND 1-OH &ALU IIY ' 1IIB downer. Hovoral lurito Iracts , would mnks n llrst class Invpstmont to hold for the rt In price Mliilil uxchungo some of U for Insldo propel ty In Omaha or South Omnhn , or ncro property or a good farm near Omaha If you wish to exchange da scrlbo your properly , price , olo. Address box 7J7 .MuS n.'j AN KLFC.AI-T OMAHA HKSIDENCH. PINKLY located , dirt cheap ; price , i 17ODD , tiOM cash , balauco to suit A grand bargain for the right man. Neb HxchnngoCo , lleobulldlnu Mjlil IT o K\CPLI.INT : LOTS 1-011 SAI.U CHKAP ov 'tllh .tri'i't , Boulh of hnrnnui Do you deslro lo spoculnloor build ! Think over ibis Null. Kx- cnanno Co lleo InilMliu 1UIO 17 Foil 8AI.K OH 1 HADE , 2 OOOD LXIS IN Ml1 Plcniant addition wltliln 2 blocks of motor line Will take good upright piano or will sell equity In lots very cheap Addreis at once S 1 , lloo olllce 715 T A UAIIUAIN , A FKW VHHY UNK LOTS IN llrlkgsndd alnbargalni only & mln vnlkfrom Holt line or lr ol car lu Onuhi Address K. .1 , V Co , Unlena , 1. 674 IUj * 1 > KAI , KSl'ATIJ , * * 1 v Uurgalut only , My word Is good , W. ( i. AlbrUhl , 6il-2-3 Now York I.lfo. 810 UnADTHIS-WxlISFKKT WITH 5-HOOM COT- tago , f 10 per month llhout Interest , No pay. me nt down. XIUlo , llruwu block. MIV7 17OK8ALI : . I.WO ACHKB OF LAND IN ON'i : OP 1 the bg l counllm In iiortheastvrn Kansas 'lhl land has tuun caiefuliy > olectud and will bo told on long tlnioTayments ) bourlnn a low rate of Inter est. 1 or further particulars nddross Jred 'lurry , 43.1 llanigo block. Omnha. Neb 811 "I/OH SALK-KLF.OANT NKW IIKSIDI5NCK Wl I'll -i beautiful grounds near llanicoui Park , ( .eo N Hicks N. \ . Llfo bldj. _ _ J1JO ) 19 H ! llAIIOATN-EiailTY ACUHH JUuT OUT- Bldo iltr limits , 'i hl It ono of lliu finest tracts arourd Omaha , right In the nny of tbu future growth of the city , Prlco 113000 , can tuko U or M of piirchiiku prlcu ID good Nebraska Innd , balance cash nnd morttuuo. duo. N. Hicki , g nl,805 N. Y 1 Ifo Uldg _ M801.1J ) A SPLENDID INVEarMKNT-tOHTY ACHKH JuJ , ' * ' ' c"r ' Ablgbargnlnlf Boldnlonco Goo. N Hicks , JOJ N. Y. LI Id bldtf , JJ35. ID Foil JALE-BEAt. ESTATE , ) MKVKI1AI , IA1I(1K ( TIIAt'11 OT braskn fnrm land to fwYllnmun for good omahn propctty Addrpss ! . t llMdine , soj NWork I.lfo building _ MtCI W \\TA.NTKnT VA1I.M I.ANUA ' ' ' WnnU'd to loan. $ * K ) ; ' Wnnted to borrow HOtOUjirlH , HM. Wnnlcd to cll PlnlnvlPirlot ( TOO Wanted to soil lied ford Int VW \\nntcd rlty proi-orty wonh. 2vrin ) for furmii W anted , 14 TOD i > 1ac mittlnfln clenr lot. W nntcd , to borrow tJ 000 , 'Mrtfch 110 , 7 per cent. \\nntod HlorldaorCallforat-.rorOnifthnproportr , Wnrtcd , De Mnlnfs f or Omixlm property. \ > nntcd , Columliiu O . for < mnhn propertr. W nntod , hnrdwnro fet Or 'hSVd lllll properly. Wnnlod , farm land for business nroncrtr. V V Harrison UH v Y. I.lfo 875 18 DBESSMAKING. E NOAOKMKNTS TO DO lHi\l AKINO IN fnmllles solicited. Mlmfclnrdy , 5631 llsrnoy at. IN KAMIMK8 ; SATISFACTION J-'gunrAntood 14U N 17lh . _ 317 15 AV-ANTK1) , DltmSMAKINK IN KAMIMKS IIY M compotpnldressmnkor , references furnished. Address AK. llci- . 5 , 1 15. WANTED MONEY. \VANTIU > .TO noiutow $1,200 ON IMPHOVKO i liuldo "outh Omnhn properly nt 7 per cent , lito years , nlsoHOOJ on oed security , ihreo years. No commission Addrea W ) . lleo offlrc M3I713 HOBSES WINTEBED. HOIISKS FBI ) AND CAIIKI ) FOH , $1 MONTH UP. tl (1 tlnns , P O box Utl , bouth OmVm 7 < ! 1 11 LOST. I OS1 1 ST UKHNAllI ) lion 0 MONTHS OLD ; appears sick. Howard , ( Illsh lllrd Store StoreMill Mill 10' Till : IU3AI.TY JIAIIK1.T. INSTUITMnXTS placed on recoid December 15 , lti'J2 ' , W VIUIVNTV 111 CDs' , .7 r I'hicK nndlfu to n M Kdtor ot ill , lot 13 , block a , Pliiln\lo mid $ 1,500 botlthOmiih 11-ind I'd lo I' \ \\atoi- - nilin , lot 11 , Mock 147 , fcotlth Onilih i 495 GCVallon andwlfo lo KA Ueod , lot 1 ! ) , block 1 , Axoiidiile | ) irU . . . . 1,100 \vltiis-llii und husband to .lanii A Mint Ice , lots 11,12 and 13 , block 1 , Alamo I'lar.i 18,450 John llompluman and wife to W r llonobooin , lDO\150feot in sxvcor- IIPI lot 10 , ukalionni , and \ \ \l \ lolG , block U , Patrick's 2d add . . . 8,000 Christina Nordoll and husband to Klclmid IIo ebooni , lot 10 , Aichor Place . 0,000 S A Bio ulwoll and ulfd to same , s 1UJ feet lot 12 , block 14 , linro\onicnt Association add , . 7,500 r Coit'le\-kl | and xxlfif to Michael I.aniok. n 04 ft lot 1 , block 0. Wllcov 1st : idl ( . 800 1 ( J Itlnm and Unsband to I.oirn/ ICoenlp , lot .1 , block U , Otchaid bill 3,500 Henry Atnblei nnd wife lo ( Irani Cobl ) , lol 5 , block 4 , KoKei man PI ice 350 \ \ O llrldjtcs el al lo O h Cobl ) , lot 20 , Modes , Suhor Place 300 C .1 Laiudon and w Ifo to II1' dc liols , lot 1 , block r , , It ikoi Place 700 HeorguGi ihcand xxlfc to n I. John son , lot IS , bloek 0 , Mnttlieus'snb , lot 2. block 1G , boulh Oiiinlii , am ! n'Jrtft lot 0 , block 10 , b i : Hoguis' add 1) \\aiish and wife to I M Wostoi- liold. nnd } 4 H 40 ft lot 12 , n 20 ft lol 12 and s 20 ft lot 13 , block 01 , boulh Omaha . 2,000 Sumo to sinio , und 15 lots 1 , 2 and ! ) , \\.uivrh iVftc i Hold's sClli 3,000 Same to s imc , nnd < lol ( I'b ' imo , nnd nnd' . lot 14 , block 13 , Utuiwipiik 350 Santo to same , nnd "t lom 1 and 2 , llo ) < k 2 , I'ortloi Place , lots land 4 , block 5 , 1st add to I'owloi' PI lee , lot 17iiKonei PhelanS < mb , lot 17 , block 3 , IOMII Pl.ieo . . 000 S imo to same , nndlv'iot I'l , block 1 , McUixoc.k&U'lCccire's idd 400 I'll Little tom U CiaijVputof lot 1 , block 143 , and of lots R. D and 11 , block 294 , and of Market , sticot , d , Om ill i 5,600 J Hcnlck and hiisbuul lo W II stott.itI , lots U and 14 , block G , Walnut Hill . ' , 4,000 QUITCLAIM DI.I.OS. I' HT/owo and \\lfo to John broen , jr. , lot 29 , block 2 , P.uk I'liui ; E H Duncan and wife to 3Ji.Cujuo In- \estiiiontcoinpany. lots 10 , 20 and 21 , block lM.iMiul'lici ! > 30 S.tino to K \\hltmaictil : , lots , J lo 0 , block 2 , same , , , . 40 Ill I D-4. 0 Holbiook ( apecl.il mastei ) to A O Cntor , lots 1 and 2 , block G , llofsa & Hill's 2nd add . . . . 2,700 Total nmount of transfers ? 07,021 REM I T OE" Tor Sale , Rent or Exchange. ESTiii the World. WECEATH STATIONERY CO. , Qfi. I7itnitnn Wf roof O/iin7in. AVH > . Pears' What is wanted of soap for the skill is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap docs that. This is why we want pure soap ; and , when we say pure , we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure ; no al kali in it ; no free alkali. There arc a thousand virtues of soap ; this one is enough ; You can trust a soap that has no biting alkali in it. All sorts of stores sell 't , especially druggists ; ° 1 sorts of people use ' 'f "Improvement is the order of the age. " VTo no\or etuectod In our most innnulno mo ments , such tin incroiiHO In nur nnlcs A * commenced on the tut of beptember The bmllli I'romlor Tjpo \\rltcr In Imvlnx onurmoiu natui wlilch are wldo niul fnr-rrnclilnK. Ihoio nro tbo reports wo nro reci IvliiK from our innnjr branch olllcet. Send for a descriptive e.italoguo. Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 17lli and Fainam Sis. , Omaha , Nel ) . E. U. iMAYFTHW Manager. Simply ainther reason why Kem-Kom is a household fue necessity Kem-Kpm will reduce your coal bills to where they ought to be and charge you nothing for reducing clinkers and kill ing coal gas. Grocers sell a package of Kem-Kom for 2.5 cents , sufficient to treat a ton of coal. . / "or Solo In fimnJintiyl'ax- ton A : Giillnffhor , THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m..ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. One ot tlio most successful physicians HI Onulia toil.iy Is Jir , 0. Goo Wi ) , who for the past two ye.irs hn ; boon doin , ' inuru eooil for siitrerliti liuiuiinity than all other apocl.tllHts luthu eiiiintry. Tim doetoi e in sticooasfiilly treat you Iiy mall , mid cure you , as Im lias done iliousnntls ofothors , wlili Ills wniuluifiil Chlneso loino- dlet. Do not delay until your ( llsuasi ) It hu- jonil .ill helii , but. wrlto to him If you cannot cull upon him atonuo , und ho will tsivo you Ills candid opinion of your uitho Kxaiiiliiatlons free , nnd It vvlll uost > im notlilni ; to conault with him. Question hlaiilis sent uptiiuppllou- tlou. Aililruks DR. C. GE WO , 51'JK N. 10th Ht , Omaha / / . . . OMAII.xitn. . Uipital . $1 00,000 Sin-phis . . . . . . $05,000 Ofllci rs nnd Directors Henry W. Yotes , protldonts It. O CuahliiK , vlen prohibit ; C , h Muurltu , W , V Mor oJom ! rf Collins , J N , II. P trlek , Loivla 3 llcod , canhlcr. canhlcr.THE IRON BANK. Many of purAOKNTrt uro riHLLlNO from tJOO to miorth uf ARNOLD AUTOMATIC STEAM COOKERS permoalh Don't remain Idle , or none for nuiail wonea. when you uiliiht be utakluv inora mona ban m iiiiuiur. Apply fur terrai , AHN'OLO OOUL'lt CO , UJI S ajiti at , OmaUa ROYAL ARCH MASONS MEET Twenty-Sixth Annual Nebraska Oonolftvo Hold nt Gcnovn. FIFTY-TWO CHAPTERS FULLY REPRESENTED Ill-ports of OftAcpM Indltnto n rro jirrom Condition Iadlif tlu r.mtrrn Mnr llnniiuot tin ) li IrRiitm I.Ut of Now Ofilrcrs. GBXKVA , Nob. , Dec. 15. [ Special to TUB BUB. ] The gram ! chapter of Koyal Arch Masons convened hero josterdav In the tweiity-sKth nnnunl conclnrc. All of the pr.uul ch.tptcr onicerspto present , .lohn 11. Dinsiuorc , gr.ttnl hlglt pi lest , presiding The grand lilijlt priest , ecrctnry nnd custodian delivered their annual ropoils jestctxlay. The credentials comntltteo re ported that'of ilfty-tno chapters in tlio st.ito there was nearly n full rcpresent.Ulon This Is ono of the most interestlitfr sessions ever held. Last evening was dovotcil to nu ex emplification of the woik A roccption nnd haiifiuot to the \lsitois w.isgi\en tills cvenlntt by Geneva chaptei- No JS ! , Oi dor of Uistern Star. About 1ft ) deleg-ites nndisltbrs \\ero ptvseiit Tlio meetiiiR adjouined this tncninir , hav ing done u huge niuount of business The new omVois olcctod niul installed aie Grand blub piiest , Hobott 12 Frcneli , Ke.iv- IIOA , deputj giand high pi lea t , Albert W Ctites , ChadtMii. gwnd king. rr.inU 13 litlll.u-d , North 1'l.tttoigiand st-ilbe. Ch.ules ,1 Pheljis , Sthtivler. gland ticasuior , huclus D Hlohnrds , riemnnt , grand soi'ictar.v , \VilllaiuH lioucn. Onulm ; gtand chaplain , \VilliainT.Wliltiniirsh , Omaha ; ( ji.nid lectuiiT , Ieo 1 > Oillutto , Beatrice. The last of the \\o\lc of the grand chapter \ \ as the confoiiinir of the ordur of piiesthood on several candidates. ( "onlriillril h ) the I'lilou KnviiMtr , Neb , Dec 15 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Ir.c ] At n meeting of the Kcainey & lllaclc Hills Hiil ay coiupauv hold in the company's ofilee this inoining for the pui pose of electing ofllrets , the full stock was tcpiesented and the following Both the method mid results \vhen Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acta Eintly yet promptly on the Kidneys , iver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevcis and cures Imhitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptahlo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeahle suhstances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50o and § 1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable , druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Bo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. HEW YORK , N.V. Does Hope Ever Die ? Wo Iiavo seen those from whom It seiMiiod to huvodopirto'l forevui. Tlioy vvoro tlioso tintortiinato boln a who vvero holplcss victims of NBH/OliS , Chronic VXD- Prii/atB / Diseases , nnd tvlio liavo tried acoroi of so-cnllud dootori wltlioitt rocntvlnir tlio sllilitest lioiielU or relief , Wo li.ivu svun llicio 8.1M10 dcspiililnst mortals , after Ijolng inidcr our sUIIllul trottniont u fotv vvuolcH , bocomu flllod with hupo and Joy , unit Health Hhono In their spirkllns eyes , tvhlln tholr step was fltin and olustlc , tholr ( .hooka 111,0 roses , and tholr vulcus stroii ! : and cilunr. They had boon CUKHI ) , by onruiloiU and our old. If you nro one ot the hopeless ones , como and Hliaro lu the joy thuso ru- hlorori and h ippy moital * fool , P ( < r. 1 nenM for a copy of tlnlr Him- tnitod new book of UO JM/OI , Consultation Free. ( lull upon , or address with al.imi ) . DPS , Belts & Belts 119 South 14th Street , OMAHA. - - NHG. J'rriiu | itU foi tlio liinimlilnj ; I I.iiiulnT for Iho < It ) of Omnhu for tluiVi.tr IHUi. : Scaled bids will 1)0 ) received nt tlio ofllee of the cliv comtit roller up to I p ni. December W , Ih'i. ' ' . for tin ) furuUliliiK of lumber for lliu iltv of Oiniiliit foi thu year Is.i'J Illinks for 'ieh ' uidn furnished by thecomptrollnr. Acttrtlllod oheok of i W to accoinuuiiyeauh bid Tin rlhtla | reserved toreJoct uny or all bills. TIIEO. 6lU-r.N , ( . 'omplroilor. Omaha , Neb , Dee 11 If-tU. diW'H ' \\ct-o oloclod S II ll Clnrki | irc t tlonl , .1 II IxtJirop. vlco president nnilnrt Ing Rciiprnt nmnnirpri .Innics Hnrrl ( teens- iirvr ; W C TIINon , loonl trcnsuwr , U Aloe Miller , spcrotrm , W .T Cit roll , rtMlst nut Roon'tnij , K , W Mlnlci , i-otnpltxillcr , nnd O.V Mtilkn , ntuUtor niul rnRhlpr .1 H , llanitltono \ was president , will ao to Now York In n few iln > s to nweiil n ) > osltlon > \ltli nn cnstortt i-oad Tlio rind inny now bo i-onsltU'iiMl n brunch of the I'nlon Vnrlilo ijstoin , the Rcnenil oniocrsUll rcinnln In Kearney. _ i > HAPpHNrin : IN i.ovi : . I'tillntulor Colllnclinni of York PuM IV llnllrt Through IIU llrnlti. YOUK , Neb , Dec 15. [ Special Tolcsram to Tun Uur. ] ' I'hls inornlnj , ' nt 8 o'clock Philander CollliiRlwm Mas found dead In hla boi1i\Hin OUT Fin man's bahcry on Lincoln nronuo. A few minutes bcfow his room * unite , A. C. Smith , nroio from hit bed nnd left Collinglmm n | > \rontly i slcciilnir. Mrs A StovcniUiontvtiplpi n room in thoantno lloor , was aroniiHl bv n heavy fall nnd ( Tohn ? to henloor siw CollliiKhnin lajlnt on the lloor in front of n iuitl.\ | > cii door. Mis. Slovens uotlllcd Mr. ( Uou-r ho , In compiny \\ltlt Mr. Smith , went to the room and found the dcad.lHidy of I'ollliitjhnm hlnRlnaiiool of blood v < Ith a bullet hoto in the sldo ot the hiMtl and a JW-eallbro revolver bv his side H has boon nscoi tallied that the deceased wasvln lo\o with a JOUIIR lady of this city nnd Hint his affections \\cto not ivclprocntctl lie \\ent homo \\ilh her last nlirht nKmt 7 oVWlc and piessed his suit \ \ II limit success. Uiwu her refusal he s.iid that ho would kill himself Uo soon aftcnumi boiroui'd a 10- \oherofMr Smith , but icluunJd to Ills room for the nlpht , and after Mr Smith left the room this mottling Oollliihain ( made good his \\oul _ I- < trij < ' ( l a Pouch of .Mull. STitvrroN , Neb , Doc. 1ii [ Special Telo- b't.tm to Tur HP.B J No 0 , the lljor from the west , made an tinsucccssftil attempt to take the mall ftoin Iho hook vthllo rmintng nt the i.tto of sltmiles , an hour t hi oti'h ( this place todin. Kor some unknown c.uiso the hoolc failed to hold the mall pouch , but car- lied it Torn distance , when It was dropped and ilrupgcil under the train for n mlle or two , Hcatteiln ; and mutilating the contents us it \\ent. A poitlon of the mail \\.is iccovciod , but considerable was lost , A gte.it many notes and dt.ifts were dostrojod , being cut in two and others mutilated The Hunk of Strnt- ton had nbont Sl.SKH ) In notes and drafts In the pouih , and it is snfo to nnv theto wci-o nt least flXK ( ) in notes nnd drafts of inlvnto pat tics , many of which when found wcio mtitllatod , Kjjtdoting them worthless. u's li ) > itth Itnll. FIICMONT , Neb , Uco Ifi [ Special to THIS HKK ] William H , Hunter lOjears of tigo , who has been conllned to his bed for the past , \eok , died last night lit 10 ! ! 0 o'clock. The deceased w 1th his wife has icsided in this : itj many jc.it s , nnd for the past three jenrs : us held the ofileo of county judgo. Uo was i\ ell aeqn tinted in this county and state mid rt.ts lo\od and icspo-tod bj1 all who know : iim for his Kind and gentlemanly treatment o ever\ ono ho met , bocially or in a business , vaIlls brother .I.unes II Hunter andwlfo ; ) f Oinuh.i were v ith him soNOtal ilnja pro- vtons to and at the time of his do.ith. Funeral will bo toinouow afternoon. Not Kitlly i\iiliiliu < { l. , * Neb , Dec. 15 [ Special to TniUic ] The Vi'oild Herald of Docoiubor 1 contained an cndoibomont of Matt Jet ing for United States attorney , pur- poi ting to have otitinated ; with the "Loxing- on Ocniociatlc club ofls ! ) members " Out ot inerWXotcs ) in Lexington piecinct , Clovo- ' ind iccched forty and Morton seventy , i\hich leads manv to Bender whoto the democi.itlc club obtainsits mcmboi-s. While Matt Gciing has in.in.Inends . hcion largo ) ercont of the demociats objett to three or lour men passing icsolutious of endorsement under the deluslvo title of "Democratic club of 18'J member * , " Jnlii'i Itcil u l orlunc. KEVHVKT , Neb , Doc. 15. [ Special Tclo- giam to Tun Bt-F ] Sowaid Ctouso , n les- Ident of this citv , is a milliOnaiio by an lu- leiitaneo ictenth loft him by Daniel Edgar blouse , l.Uo of Siiacuse , N. Y. The intel- i cnce of Mr Cronsu's fortune leaked out today. Judge Boist of Ainsteidam , N. Y. , has been huio nil \\eok looUlng nfter Mr. Otouso's inteiests. Mny lirlilRK the Mlsiouil. Cnr , Neb , Dec. 15 [ Special Tclcgi.im to TUB UKB. ] A i.illroad tumor to tbo effect tli.it tbo Kock Iblaud and Missouri Pacilic will biidgo the Missomi at this city has been in circulation today and caused much comment Tlioso in a position to know will neither .ifllim or contiadlct the statement. toii'H vltitci Wiik > ystcm. Neb , Dec. 1 ! ! [ Special to Tun BIT ; . ] ' 1 ho water woiks stand plpo , 115 foot in height , is tomploted , and the system will bo in operation in about two week. Hook and ladder and hose c.uts liavo been put chased and the city will bo amply pro- Udcd witlt Hi o protection. X < il > iasl < : i VrtrnuiH C'onfrr. NEIIIUSICA CITT , Neb , Deo. 15 [ Special Telegram to Tim HIT. ] The annual moot ing of old soldiers of Nebraska comonedin the district court room Ibis afternoon The attendiiiuo is light , but the meetings tire \ uiintcitsting. . The session will bo con cluded in tuodays 'Iiil.cn for Tuxes , , Neb , Dec 15. [ Special to TUB DLI ; . ] Shot iff jNIUlikin jcbterday took from the hardw.iio stock of Fied W. Ilhoilcs u wagon loidof paint on u dhlicss uarnuit lor taxes duo the county of J.VJ , and Htoicd them in the basement of the court house. M B. Ix : ivltt'B new and popular spoctncu- lar iiroduction , "Spider and Fly , " will bo presented at Boyd's theater thrco nights , Lommenclng this ovrning with niatlncu Sat- uidny , with manifold novelties nnd a host of talented pcifounors The l.ugo company was mostly iccrulted abio.id , thou li sovoi-al of Iho favorite : * of last season's company havobcen ictalned Tlitro ate sixty people in the organl/ation "Spldi'rnnd Fly , " not withstanding its numeiouu adjuncts , has : t stoiy to toll , a deeply Intelcstlng ono , which cnmoys a moral as well as Inllllintlv adorn ing a tale Of couiso , tlio edifying plot is the foundation for u delightful ovcnlng's cnjo.mnnt , made tip of catchv miislc , humor ous topical songs , nnignlllcent hitllutH , man hiri , gintesijuo comed.s , p.tntomltno and sxr | > inlt.Sinto . last H" won the jilay has bern cntlrolv lowiiltcn Seairely anything lemniim of tlio litht text but tlio name. But In the nowshapo it umtalnn moio Intel-cut , humor and piobibllliics for the display of Hpclaities , billets and Btiiiiptiioim costunuw , The beautiful SCOIHTV Is undoiod pi ot tier 1)a ) seiiis of Ingenious tiiinsroiunitloiiB , SMiiinotilc.il joung women incased in diu- /Hng iiimur pcifotm intiiuito o\nlntioiis. In the ballets tuo given rare lllustratluns of the poetry of motion Tlio vocal muslv Is imuloupof solos , ducts , tiles , ( { uaitotu and S > l\tlb ) ! Tomoi io\\ morning at SI o'clock the sulc of scats for tlio engagement of Stmut Hob on at Unyil'n the iter will c.omni'nco. ( Monday uciilnuTho BIK hcloiH ; " Tue-iday \enln'jf i ' nndVedncsdiiy niatinco , ' 'Sho Stoops to Comjuor. " nnd Wwlnosday cioulng , "Tho lloink'ttu. ' and ineii Intent will iclni s\i. \ 1 picino at tlic r.iinani Hticnt theater1 Hiu ihst li.tlf of tlui ensuing wiclf , ( ominenclnu ; \\ilhSiindajinatliRo Ueitin ) ) < T IK , the ot > easUm being the in-iipiie.ni.ineo luuu ot Powlcr und Waiinlnjftotrs comedians , in that \oi.\ fiiniij'comtd"hlltlppcd by the Light of the Moon " This pluj , xvhlch W.IH iriclved with RUTH fiix-or bs * n luiKunudl- cni o on the M cnslon of Its last vlalt , him iccenth inidciKono u coinplulo i ox hum. Kow "UusluehB" hits heen Intiodtlu'd mid the latest poiml.iinnd most catchy inunto fioin the new opcnm h.'is bicn hcouiud and will liu liravd tor tlio ( Irat tlniu heio , As for the play Itself , Its \ltullty , action , humor und irrnto < > iucii ] ( > 6fa , Ha xt-ibnl fun nnd ni- n.istic liilinitj , its \lm and "KO , " thut delight - light all \ \ ho witness it has lost 110110 of Us ( harm mm mioh laughter ( is it oxolccaxrhur- oxer it is produced U bcldom heaid within the walls of any theater. Usual Wednesday