TUB OMAHA 1UIIY 1ttW I'HIIUY , DROBMUKn 1(1 ( , 181)2. ) TIIK SPECCUT1VE MARKETS Provision Pit 7lvs the Oentor of Attraction Among Trailers Yesterday , WIEAT , CORN AND OATS WERE FIRMER InVhcnt , Iimlrail ( it nn Kiprclril llrrnk Tlicro Win i ( looil I.lno f incut ItujliiK nnil tlin Clique \Vi\n Interested. CIHCAOO , 111. . Dec. 15. Tlio provision mar ket was the. center of nttrixctlon toilny. Tlio bull clique Imil cvlilcntly some obstinate fihortHto deal with nnil tbpy slowly but re morselessly twlstcil tliotlniinliscrowii of lilRlipr prices upon tlictn , Tlio conllniicil smiill rp- cplpls of lioss put 4hc slioits coinplotcly at the mercy of th IOIIRS. Tlio inniket was nctUc , I'xcltnl nnil unsettled. HORS receipts were not i\s InrRO ns nntlcl- pat fil nnil pilces wrro lil licr , whllii lliu < lo- nicstlcninrkcts wojo Miongci' , uml Mxrrpool nihlcpsbliowiilconsliloniblu llnnnris In that < 1 mil I IT , with luril anil li.u-onquntPil Oil lilRln-r. Tlio rect'lpti of pioiliirts \ > eioiitiionluit Inrpcr nnil tlio shipments only tnoileiuto WhlltTprlcPH MupMintcil conslileiably , thoex- rpinc Ilcnrcs WHIP fully innlntali'il to tlin CIOSP. Till ) Rll'lll Illlllt tit tllP lll ) lll-M WH'l III May PonttiiPls nnil , conipiiii'il with hi'.t nlRht , pork Is up 47V , laul aav nnil ribs aa Ji' , Wheat , rorn anil oats WPU ; liinipr nnil io tril \ lth tlicfnllonliiK Kiilnt : \\he'it fnim ' to Hi1 ! coin , frniii 'if I" V. umloiii" . 'n'- InstPinlof an uvpi''H'il bn-ak In ln'iu. there HniiiKooil llnntif Invpsttm'iit biiylnc nnil IP- iM > rts MmtPil tlmt tlio plliiuo's plRkltmuii hit RP blocks of wlii'iit. ' ' - ( rot a ntt ID Infusion of bull piithiislasm iinil Tilil pi-lpt-s tip M IIIP > . It wiiHcuriiilii thai I.irKli- Mon boiiKlit i-onslili'i'iiblp whi'iij , pmlly tlnoiiph lluni'py anil Chnnilli'i' and iiNutiM.il OlIllT llOUSI'S for tlll'MIIIIP pill PO-.P. i.ntPi-iiriiiiiur as stinted lliut l.itplpslon had been put foiwmil as a vaieeiow to frlRhten llin i-iond and HlU'iisllu-ii HIP niaiUnt.M ) HIIIIP of thn 1 > I hoiiM's i-ould sell inoiu Rpiipiuusly anil tit. lii'tli'i pilf's. Atten tion \\as calli-il to tfip fiiPl thut in-ill ly iwoiimnllisiifro , Mnhiat Mild us low 11 711 ? , and Ihoiiith In tintiipantlinu stocks h.ivn Uroutly Ini'iPiiM-il , It Is now lc ( hllu | > r than then. I'llri-s Iliii'liintfil within \i- IIIIIRP.OJ- ! ! ! IIIR nt uboiil ypstPiilii.v'si'losliiff.mlvmiiTil ' ' c , held steady anil i-loM'd fnnn 'ni- ' to ' ( ifioin the top. A heavy IIII'IPUMJ In this \lslbhils Innlcateil fet nc.M Monday fioin HIP fact that primal y inniket icc 'litsM | ) faiMhK wpi > khivu : exceeded the shlpnii-nt' . by 3,18HI)00 ) bu. Corn was spisiniKllc : , thcro bchiB li'iiipoiiny periods of activity. AntinpioMd feellnjMIM due mainly to thu iiun-hasp of ci-i lain houses , I Miippnspd to lie act Inn for pat I Irs now hinj ; a ; considerable llm. ' . Initial Hades WUIP at ycs- tcnlay'H closing pi Ices , and after M'lllni ; olT 1-lCe advanced Vc. leaded He. nili'il Ilimei and closed with fioin > { < - to 3 c ttaln. Outs closed a shade tinner , after evperlenc- ln alHiit thuilullest'.sesslon of an unusually dull wi'uk. Kstlmated lecclpts for tomnnow : Whpat , 220 cars : coin'J50cai.s- . 1 10 cats ; hog' ! , 23,000 Ill-nil. The k-adliiK futures ranReil ns follows : JMITICI.KH. oricM.vi. ntiiii OW. cio h. WlI-AT NO. 2 December . . * 714 ms .Inmi.iry B " TJWOM May 774 n t : ? ) , Co UN No. 2 December. . . .Innnnry 4IH Mny KajJ OATH Nl ) . " December. . . sou sou January 31(4 ( Mny 35 35 Mrns I'oitic January 1577 M 10 II 77H 1C 10 10 00 li ( (0 lu uo 1C 40 January . . . . 0 G24 0 ill ' " 0 ! ii 9 bOB B M ) U bUS Bnoirr iiiiis January. . . . 8274 B 'M 8 27-4 S M Slay 8 10 8 I.7H 8 IM Cash limitations \\eie as follows : 11.01111 No special chance. WHEAT No.'JsjirliiR,718c ; No. 3 spiliiR , C3 © OOc ; No. 2 led , 71c. . CoilN-No. 2 , 42'R1. OATS-NO. 2 , 30i'ti30yc ! ; No. 3 white , 325 ! < 833c. UVII-No. 2 , 4 Si- . HAHI.KV--NO. 2 , G4c ; No. 3 , f. o. b , , 41 < BODc ; No. 4 , 3 Ic. 1'i.Ax Sr.KiNo. . 1 , $1.09. TlMO-rilvSKKD I'llme , $2.00. Pome Mess , per bill. , J14.H715 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , $9.00 ; shoit libs , sides ( loose ) , } H.4lyft i 8.MI ; drv baited .shoulders ( boxed ) . $7.7J ( © 7.87 5 ; bhort clear hides ( bo\edl , * 8.70H.BO , WHISKV Dlstllleis' finished goods , per gal. , $1.30. [ HSudAit Cut loaf , granulated , Btandaid "A , " unchanged. Thu following wcio the receipts and ship ments today : On the Produeo exchange today the btiltoi marketwas dull : cieamery , 20ii2G4e ; dairy lsa.Cc. Eggs , Him ; strictly fresh. 23&24u. Nexr York Markets. NEW YOIIK , Dec. 15. PMIUII Kccolpts , 28.- 000 pkgs. ; exports , 4,700 bbls. , 0/JOO sacks btrouger. < iulot : hales , 10,000 bbls. ii COIIN MIAI : < Steady ; yellow westein , $2.75S WIIKAT lleeelptR , 118,000bu. ; exports , 38 , 000 bu. ; Miles , 1,300,0001)11. ) futuies ; 'JGO.OOI bu.Kpot. Spots iiioio active. Him ; No.2 red 77Vi < i 77yc lu sloie and elevator ; 785t7HKi nlloat ; 7G'4@70Wc f. o. b. ; No. 3 ied , 73"(2 ( 73 ( c : iniKriided ieil,7tiJ,79c ( ; No. 1 noithvin Hli ( .81Uc ; No. 1 haul , HG'ic ; No. _ iiorthein 7047ll } 4t" , No. _ Milwaukee , 7n@7G.Uc ; No. ! BprliiR , 71Uc. Options weio modcrntuly ncllv nnd Irregular. The opening was steady am advancing ! tUc on shoits covering througl tinner west , reacting 'oUi ; on weaker lati cables and local lealMng , closing weak at un changed jit Ices to ! ic advance ; No. 1 ! mil. Do , cembcr. vOisc ; .Tanuary , 7fia1i2)77e ( , closing a 7ti.c ; March , 7U310,7'J1tiMosliig ( at 70'iu May , 80' , < i481 | f , closing ut BIJ.c. JlYB Dull , nominal. llAiu.r.Y Dull. iiAiiM-.r MALT Quiet. Cons KeceliitK , I'J.OOO bu. ; exports , 11,30 bu. ; wiles , .150,000 bu. of futuies : 38.000 bu RiiolH. Hpotsdull , llrmer ; No. 'J , 5H51'5cI ' elevator ; 5U < 352'c ' nlloat ; ungiailed mKetl 61Si53c ; steamer inheil , 51AJ , Options woi dull , ' ® , ! higher and Hun , tiado In loei : hwltchlii ! ; : Dei-ember , 51'4c. eloslng nt 51'Sc Jnnuiiry , 51fiB5'-V ( , elosluj ; at 517uC ; May , 521 ® 53)fc , closing ut 53'fc. OATS ltecelits. | 24,500 bu. ; expoits , 29 bu. ; bales , 120,000 liu-futures ; 172,000 bi spot , Hjioth fait ly active , white , llrmor. On thins fltiuer , dull ; December , 301'c ; .lanuarx 87W 37ic , closing at 37 i'i Match , 30 ic No. 2 hpot white , -11 ye : mixed westein , 30 ! < 338e ; whlto Hcstein , 4oa47iic ; No. 2 Chicago cage , 37 lie. HAY Moderately active , firm. llors Oulot. hteady ; stuto , good to cliolci 18 < a23c ; Pacllli : coast , 18(523o. ( HllilAU Kuw.dull ; lellned , quiet , MOMRSI.S New Orleans , quiet , hleady. KICK Klrin , steady. I'OIJK Quiet , firm- sales , 300 bhls. yea MrhsH.7o16.00 ; new mess , $ iri.7& < air.2.r , extra prime , nominal. Cut meatH , qulel pickled bellies , H < 4V ; pickled shoiildeis , 8 Cf8jc ! ; pickled hams , 10"ftlle. Mlddleh , dill land , quiet , HimerCMCIII hteatu closed i 110.20 ; Miles , 000 tlerees nt $10.1)0 ) ; optlu Miles , 1.000 llerces ; December , tlO.D.'iQiIll.Si closing at M0.0.ri hid ; .lauiiary , J10.20 nsUei March closed at $10.10 bid ; May closed i 110,10 bill. lluii'i'.ll-Oulet , unsettled ; nigln , 294O30 CIIKUSI ; 1'nli ly aetlxe , Him , PiulnoN-Oulet.bteady ; Amcilcan , $13,00 10.60 , Coi-i'iiit Modeiato demand , llinif lak 112,26 , l.tAl-Qulet : , domehlh' . J3.76 , TIN 1'lrmerj Htialts , 110.70. Oiualui llldi-H anil Talloxr. lliur.8 No. 1 gieen , ii'Sci ' No , 2 green salte M iin , , viti i ii. * . , cui Ullll , n in iu lll . . . . . < liylllutGito7c ! ; No.'J diy Hint , 4u to 5c ; N 1 dry salted , 5i > to lie. Tail cured hides on lialf i-enl per pound less than fully euted. Hiiuei * I'la.Th-liieen Milted , each 35cffjl , . prwn Milted hheailhiKs ( hhort wooleil ear skint , ) , each 15'J5c ; drv shearlings ( she wi ) Ied early hklus ( , No. " 1 , each. foaiOe : ill MiearllugH ( slioit wooleil eiuly hklns ) . No. each. 5c ; diy Hint K'ansas and Nubriisl buti-her wool poltK , per Ib. , ai-tual weight , 111 14Vic ; dry Hint Kausax nnd Nebraska mil ruin wool pellh , iierlb. , actual weight , 801'J dry lllnt ( olorado butcher wool pelts , per II urinal weight , Iixai2'e ; diy Hint Colorai inurrnln WIM > ! pelts , per 11) . , actual welgl BftlOc ) dry pieces and bui-kH. actual wolgl 7 < 2.0c ! , lliiMi feet out oil' , a.s It U useless to p : fn'lght on them. TAU.OW AND ( liiuAsi ; Tallow , No. 1 , 3 j tallow , No. - , liyUUi1 ; gieiiM > , whltoA.SK Kn-usp , wliltu 11 , 3'n > ; giease. yellow. II grease , dm k , 2'4i.j ' old butler. _ & _ i.i ! bei wax , prime , iu { . ' _ 5e ; loiiKh tallow , 1UG.-C. Onmliii I'rodiu-u .Market , Bonio Muiiitti'NII1 bo noted In thoquotatlu on t'KWH , iioultry , KJIIIIO and hay , Ai'ri.KK-liood apple * are quoted at3 , & ( 4.00 ; choli-o to fani-v , * l.004t4.25.o 1IANANAK Quotations aio : Fair to go fclilpplng htiH-k , t2.OlKQ2.CU per bunch , HiiTTKii Thugeneial murkut Is t.ti-ady. T bulk of the receipts soils at HQlOc , and sol beU-ct packugeii at 17ft'Jo. ClUNiiliiiiilM-QuoUitlona are. ! Hell a cherry. KU.&O pur bbl.j bell and bugle , J'J.t Inln Citpoti ) < l. 110.00 , The nMlvnlft on llm n.iuUM ntPlinlil . . _ . , . . IIIIKY I inn y t > ffrv ] I" tlllTI'ml ' lo ( Iml QIII lallntin intigrnll tlin wny ftom JOi to ' t IIIKTMH Tin p * I to ii fi rt. pr-r i' < i/ , M f 0 | ( Mo Hi-fool.prrdi .lO'ii lO.IIOi luiire , for xehooti niul rlitiHliicm h , holly , per bbl , , la 60i tnlstlclou Ib. , UMntv. . rio-Tho Inrttf nrrlx-fils of rolil Morncn r-pKinm wealiciiltm the imitkct , which .will haxn In b ( ? iinnted al 33413 Ic fortre h lock. tlAMt : ThPfti rivals of quail nrr < latRe , lint tlir-y tnovii titilto freely nt quotatloni. Duel < < nioscaro nnd In good demnnd. .lack rnbblls nreromliiff ( teely and are Illtely to go lower. .Small rabbits arc tint voiy plenty and sell tniiro readily. Quotations are : rliensants , t5.Kift6 ( MM prairie chtchciK , Jt.OOUI.60j prou e , tt.OOi nutill , Jl IHW41.26 ; unlpn , JI.IH ) ; Jack nulpe. il ar lf.r.O . ; plover , JI.OO ; polden plover , * 1.25 < fll,60 ! rnnvns back ducks , JH.ooaio.OO ; red head thicks , $4.00 ! mallnid diu-ks , I3.r.0ffl3,76 ! blue wing teal , J2.2rpreenwliiKtcnll.76 : nil\eddtti'l < s$1.60 : Canada creep. } 0.iHKi7.ri < ) t Inek rabbits , 12.00 ; ( il.KMij smnll rabbits , Jl.'j6A1.6Ut Mjnlm-ls , Jl.lMKil.a.l : nntelopo .nddle , nai&cf deer saddles , 1631Co : aiitolopo carcasses , oaiOo : deercaicasses , lVTil2o. ( IIOM-iv Tlio iimikot. Is firm , good \xhlto cloxei honey lieltiRM'arco at 17c. 11 AV- The olTerlngs consisted of thltty-lhico rats , ftesh receipts mid holdoxers toirether , nnd the market was easier. No. I$7.00'ii7.50 ! Nn. 2 , f O.OOJiO.&O. l.l-.MON.s-Cholce , tl.BOi fnni-v , W.BO. MAI.\IIA ( liiArt : < i- Per kep , JO.OO. OvsTtits--Uneliaiwed ; at 13 350 per Pan. O.NioNs-llomegrown , BOSSfic ; Huiinlsb , JI.OO be relate. oiuNniw-riothia , $ n.2va3 ; r.o. PdTAiom ( jiintutioiiH ate : Homegrown , GMl'ue ; Coloiado and I'tah , HDr. I'oiil.Tltv Till keys , If choice , sell loaillly nt 12n-12'eandgee' < eani | dueks at OftlOo. The demand Is fair and the supply not very huge. Some xeiy thin and pour tiukevs have been tepoi ted ns selling as low as Uc. rhlekensnro romlint lu fteely nnd , the deiiiiiud belnglllit ) , stocks me Inrllni'd to nei'umulute. The mitr- kel on elilekeiis Is coiiseuueiitly lower , and x-ciyt-hoh-e stock XM-nt nt He. tiood .stock sold latgely nt c and Infeilor nl Hi\ HWIIT : : I'dwiDr.s Choice Musoatlno and Illinois siick ( , . < 3.7r > OT.4.liO per hbl. VKAI , Quotations ate : t-mall and fat , O'i ' © 7c ; huge and hemy , 3QCC. St , linl < MarUets , PT. I.otns. Mo. , Di-o. lS.l't.oifn Knsv. Wni'.AT I'laetlon nboxoesierdny ; cash , Gd'd-j .laiiimiy,07 Viil 7Vn'i May , 74' ' . COIN 'd-Q'fi' "Pi cash , 3bUit January , 3a.c ; May , 43'BC t3'e. tAis-Soxx ] ; i-iihli 3-J'ic ' ; May. 3IJ ? . Itvr.-Iluhl higher ; rnc ) asked. ItAlii.r.v Steady. HlJTTiiu - linehanged. Kims Unchanged ; 2lc. l'OIIU-Jiri.25. I.Aimjn.7r > . Hi.Cf.ti'is-l.'lour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat. 42,000 bu. ; corn , 04ooo bu. ; oats , 27,000 Int. ; ryn , 0 ooo bn. ; barley 10,000 bu. .Sllii'\ii\T : ! ! I'lour , 6,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,000 bii.i emu , llO.OOObu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. ; rye , 'J.OOObu. ; bailey , none. New York Dry Goods Mnrkrt. New YOIIK , Dec. -Huslness activity In dry goods has passed fiom deinnnd In deliv ery , an Interval of quiet being natural nt this lime as x\oll as necessary from the scarcity of goods. \ Thcio was a fair trade In hlcnehed and eolmeil cottons , with cutleis and In blown goods , with convctls. Mine business would bo done all lound If the goods could ha had. There were no new developments nnd few are now ex pected. Duslne.ss was fair In prints. Clothing woolens were In stlong movement , for thn no\t heavy weight season , hut full lines of goods luixu not yet been opened. Thu out look In all dliectlotis Is better thuncould huvo been an ticipated. Kansas City Markets. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Dee. 16. WHEAT Was dull and lowei ; No , Sliaiil , GDaGGiic ; No. 2 ted , GOii. CoilN Weak ; No. 2 mUeil , 33'J34c. ( ! OA'is Hatcly hteady ; No. 2 mixed , 30 ® 31c. * Hvn 1'lrm ; No.2 , 47CT.48C. IluriKti Pair demand ; uicnmcry , 25S28c ( ; dairy , 14 18c. KildS Pit m lit 1822'4i- ' . HlXKtt'is Wheat , 40,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000 bn. ; oats , 1,000 bu. Smi'MUM-H - Wheat , 27,000 bu. ; corn , 14,000 bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu. OU.Market. Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 16. PuTitoi.rtiM Neglected thioughoul. Penusyhania oil , spot sales , none : January options sales , none. ; 63'u bid , 533ju asked ; Lima oil , tales , none , 17o bid. Total sales , none. COITONM-.KII Oii/ EasIer ; ciude , 3G@3G > { c ; yellow , y'JS'.IU'ic. TAI.I.OW Kasy , quiet ; city ( $2.00 for pack ages ) , 4 1-lGc. llosix Dull. LONDON , Dec. 15. CALCUTTA LISSCKD 38s Gd per quill tor. ISusliiexs ISrlefs. Pmlth & Smith , who have been running a meat maiUelal llenkelman , luixo dissolved. Mason & Merrill , Implement dealois at Pleasautdale , have illcd a ceitlllcato of asso ciation. Tied Sudman , who has been conducting a geneinl htoie at Chappull , has been succeeded b > Sudman & Pish. 3llluiuilcce C.r.iln .Mnrket. Mit.wAt'Kun. WIs. . Dee. ID , WIIKAT I'Inn ; May , 71c ; No. 2 spi lug , Otic. COHN Quiet : No. 3 , ; ibc. OATS Dull ; No. 2 white , 33'z ! < S34c ! $ ; No. 3 2'SG.33'ie. llAltl.KV GoC. HYC-63C. ? IInuriip lls Whe.it Market. l.lx-orpool M urkets. T.iVKiti'floi. , Dec. 16. WHKAT Dull ; holder .jll'er modetately ; No. 1 California , Gs OdS Us OHd percental ; led westein sptlug , Gs(20 ( : G'id ' ; No. 2 , ied winter , 6 * 7"2dii3s Hd. COIIN Dull ; mixed western , 4s 3d per cental Jj4.Hl > Pi line westeiu , 60s per cwt , TAI.I.OW. Pine American , ilGs per cwt , Coili-u Market. Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. -Options opened sleadj 10 points lower : closing weak , lo to 20 point S10.OOiJilU.00. L'liiclnn.itl Alurl.ets. CINCINNXTI , O. , Dee. 15. WllCAT I'll ! ileniiinil ; No.2 red , 70c. CoitN Plim ; No , 2 mixed , 44c. OAT.S Kasy ; No. 2 mixed. 34'Q35c. WIIISKV Actix-e , if.ong ; $1.30. C'ottou Market. Nnw OIILEANS , Lit. , Dee. 15. Firm ; mid dllng , OU-lOc ; low middling , 0 3-lGc : nt recelptH , 12,124 bales ; gloss , 13,250 bale > uxnoits coastwise , 250 bales ; block , 283I'J bales. Ilaltlmoro ( Ir.ilu Market. II\I.TIMOHK , Mil. . Dec. IS. WIIUAT Dull No. 2 led spot and December , 74e. ! COIIN Dull ; mixedspol,4Hijc , OATS Quiet ; No. 2mlxcd weateru , 385K- . Toledo ( iriiln Market , Toi.ii)0. : O. , Dec. 15. WIIKAT Dull ; No. cash , 71'c. ( CoiiN-Dull : No. 2 cash , 43c. OA'i8 Hleady ; cash , 361asked. . Traders' Talk. CHICAGO , III. , Dec. 15. Counselman ft. Day t CocUiell llros. Commission companv : Again' gem-tally bearish ontsldo news and pemlstei opposlllon fiom loeal short * , wheat sold i lower and closed ' , c higher than yesleida continual absorption of cash ami fiitiue.s by bull element , whoso u-souices nee : to bo abundant and whoso inelhoi aio unusually conservatlxo , in cansln mete caution among somu comml' hlon houses ngalnsl fiuthur 4ixtundln slioit Kales from htielt low pi Icon , vy , , ( bjn tht'ro IshOiiin small chaiico of loss In pui I'lnises. and that almost any day thociow may becomu furious buyers , Coin w : bttong nnd gained ! { c on buying by tl honihuesl , piobably on account of e : pcctcd Inteiiupllou of iniuUutlng owing i htm ins. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AM ) IIONDS , Kperiiliilloii Turned Upon thu Sterling K : . fliangii Kntcx , Nr.xv YOIIK , Dec. 15-.Speculatlon at tl Flock exchange today tinned upon tl htii'iigthof ' the market for slot Hug o.xclmng thiu'ontlnned uxports of gold to Uuiopoai thn Hurry lu thu money marKet. Thcbhl | menu of $500,000 gold today hy the stcami Prussia , which Is a slow boat , attracted attci t Ion , us It was looked upon as additional ev denco that Iho foreign demand for the yellv metal was moro urgent than had been get erally MipiKiscd. On the top of these slit incntHcnnuircpoitx that $2,000,000 , would 1 shipped by Hiitiuilay's btcameiti and that an whetV fiom tS.000,000 to ilO.000.000 wou go forwaid ne.xt week , ThuMoilIng uxciiango inniket was unus ally haio of bills , and tales are rlghl up to tl shipping point. These matteis , inado an li piesslon upon money lenders , who began call lu loans and caused money lo jump su ilcnly fumi-l'i to 6 percent. Many Huns h loatiscallcd and they had to await their u iiingtincntM , thus pieclpliatlng u btilngen for which uiokers , In so mo Instunt'en , at lea were qiilto iiiiui < iiaicd. The talk of hea gold hhlpmentN dliected attention to the coi pulsoiy bllvur colnago laxv , and Induced bpi ulutoi-s to inako bids , for calls ou gold to u < der In 18U3. fo fur us thu advance lu t money market Is conccined.lt U bald tli whllu it iuy buve uu uilvuiuu luliucucc ou t .Mi k tiintkrl II will nl nl nil In ft ( riff n ixr nnd. nl iuii lit til oil i-puiiln ll"lilFf of nlmtrsoti Mr-nil' rinnvlnnlio ( rt1 arrnt nnrlrty to rr-iliti-n tbf'lr xriililr - ' nnd of course tiipre wns no Inrk of intiiiipulatloti f r Ih" pltlpo pof helping tlin tlfi line nlotiR Ihn licnrs hint the n l lniice uf ciMnlti operators , who recently turned pntirr prollls Into cn li and nrn now desirnus of tepuremisliiK Ihi'lr dlorl nt n lo\xcr rniiKP of prices. Thp only rally of Inipnrlnucn ooeuricd between 11 and 13 o'clock unilcr HIP lender-dUp of New lng- Innil , nnil the wliolo list Improxcd H to 1 per cent. Tlio lowest quotations were touched shortly before thu clo p. Then DNtllllnit nnd Cnttlefecillnp showed a decllnu of .Tlpercent ; Missouri Pacific , Manhattan and I.i-ad cointnon , 'i tier cent ! Ametlcan Cotton Oil , 2'i ' per rent i I.end preferred _ > per cent ; Chlcagn CJns and ( ieneral Klectrlc , 2'iper cent ! American Hugnr , I1 , per cent , and West ern Union , in percent. The remainder of tlio ncllxo list Included Ji tier cent. Ainonit tlio speclaltlcii , Itlcbmond Terminal luolveOper cent from tlio last previously reported sale to 02. I'nlted States Ilubher commiiii fell off 'J'i nnd Ohio Houtli- ITU 1M per cent , rinal Hales wore at mostly frai'tlonal rccoxcry outsldo of Maiihat- tatl and I.L'iitl common , which were 1 percent nbovo HID lowest. Heading was conspicuous forflrniness throughout and shows n net loss for the day of only U per cent. The market closed unsettled. The Post says : It was known before business opened today tlmt an extra $500.000 of gold had been oidered late yesterday from the sub- tteasury for export by a slow Ilamlmig steamer today. This need not have been iilarmlng , for the financial community had al- teady inado up Its mlud lo a heavy gold export on next ivcck. Hut this week's gold engage ments Uaxo appeared at such unusual times nnd lu such unusual qiiatters that Wall street has Invariably been taken olT Its guard. The iperators for lower pilces ninilo the most of heir opportunity and attacked the market on ill sides , ( iold expoits to KuRllind xveie pre- lleted fot'Hatuiday. A more seilous eonsld- ciatloti was the fact that In today's icpoit dealing with Tuesday's transactions ) the reasury's cold balance , which had slowly leen Inctcaslng for n fortnight past , diopped ihtuptly < limn to $ ItjOO,0)0 ( ) , Mumlng that he dniln ttotfi gold exiorls | has once moio fallen dliectly on the goxetnment's supply. The following me the closing limitations for he leading stocks on the New Voile Stock c.x- ay : CT-dlV. The total sales of stocks todav were -127,237 hates , IneludhiK : Atehlson , Ih.OllO : Uurllue- on , 9,000 ; Chk-aco Cas , 1HIO ! ) ( ; Distillers , > 0,000 ; Kile , U.UUO ; General Kleclile , 01,400 ; Louisville & Nashville , 0,700. Manhattan , i,400 ; Missouri I'nellli' , 2Gb)0 ( ) ; National Lead , 50,000 ; National Linseed , .1.000 ; Newr.mliiiid , 8,800 : Northetn Pacific prpfei rod. 0,300 ; Itead- ns. 23,000 ; Itock Island , Ki.OOO ; St. Paul , 7,300 ; Hucar , 31,000 ; Union Pacific , 14,000 ; Wcstein 1'nloii , 30,000. London riiiancl.il Ketloiv. tCojij/r/oJilcd / / JS9 ? by Jtimci flnitlnn 7Jciinetl.l LONDON , Dec. 15. [ Xew Yolk Herald Cable ipeolal loTin : HIK. : ] The settlement \\assiit- sfactorlly concluded on the Sloi-k exchanRO oday. Only ono compaiatlvely unimportant 'allure has been announced , lluslness for the ie\v account was very much iestil"ted , opera- ois not cailiiK todo much so near the holidays. Indian rupee paper was'5d higher owliiKto u jetter tendency In sIHer. roioliin } io\eiii- mcnt seciultles close allttlo Irregular. Ameil- cans have been quiet all day ; In the coui-o of Iho afternoon they became firm , but dniliiK ho last hour the tone of the market chanced for the woise. Illinois Cential closed 1 per cent lower , Union Paclllo ? percent and sev eral others 'B to U percent. Krloand Atlantic Ilrst mortxaxucio well maintained at au advance of ' , per cent and ? per cent respect ! \ely. Canadians veto lather bid foriluiliiR the latter partof the afternoon. Grand Trunk Issuu anil t'ana- dlan Pacltlc close K to ' .i per cent higher. Me.xleau wcond preference Imptoved ; Mexi can first preference ? ; per eent , and Central ArKcntlno lj percent. Call money wasslltthtly firmer at lit per cent , but beyond this the { 'lock exehaiiKo payments today had little ellect. Discount rates ere weaker , 1" to l' percent bolii - quoted forthice mouths back bills. Xow York Money .Miirkct. Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 10. MOSKV ON OAI-I/ Stions ; ranslnB from 4'i to D per cent ; last loan4 percent , closed at 4 percent. PiitMi : Mr.iiOANTii.K I'Ai'Hii DltO per cent. Siuui.lMl KxotiANdi : SIIOIIK ; wltli actua' btisliinss at J4.HGMii,4.HG' ! , for sixty day bill- andfl.S8 (34.88'4 ( for demnild. The closing iiiotatlons | on bonds ; 1'lnuncl.il NnU'H. , Mo. , Dec. 15 , Clearings , t , Nr.xv YOIIK , Dec. 15.-CleailnRO , J130.101 ! 603 ; balances , J5,5G5l)87. ) llAi.TiMOiti : , Sid. , Dec. 15. Clearings , I2,65C 338 j balances , $382,017 , Money 0 per cent. I'nii.Aiijii.piilA , Pa. , Dec. 16. Clearing J16.4K0.61&J balances , 11,11B,60H. Money , 4 percent. MKMi'iiH. . Ttuin. , Dec.i 15. Nnxv York o change belling nt par , dealings , $128,03 balances , 7b,240. CINCINNATI. O. , Dec. 15 , Money , 4 < fjfl"p cent. Now Yoik uxchaiiKi ) , 16o dlscoui Clearing ! , , (2,250,205 , NKXV OIU.IAM : > . I.u. , Dec. 16. Clearings , I ! 407,883. Now Ynikitxclmngo.idKht , 60o ur mliini ; bank , f 1.00 premium , HOSTON , Mass. . Dec. 15. Clenrlnas , 116,721 OhO : balaiicos. tl.754.8GO. Money , 5 per cei Kxcliangu on Now York par to He discount. I.DMIO.V , Dec. 16. The bullion In the llai of Knglaml Increased i'G5,000 during the nil xxeuk ) Thu proportion of the llauk of En laud's rciurvu to liability , which luit we win 4 ? ' "ittrr .nt rfvffiw4H MiirM Atnontit of billll.in willidrnwn fti.m Ilii ll.uiUiT I 111 , - hinil i M biilmiie wny n MHNI ( * T t , K. M . tn # 1" > lliniln. " 11.347. 077 Imliuii's * l i iitin Momy iiulet t' . 7 per cent I utiaiMrll nit Ni w Nolk 'J.M1 illl- . . | in npirliifr ( , 024. New Yuri. t'M'IniiiBrfliv tticiiilntn. Ptt'r- llnu prehange Stijin.i sKtvdny bills , } t.80j cltlhl , ? 4 Hfli | . MoneyUnsy , 0 per cent. PMII8 , Dec 15. "Tlip wceldv KtntPtiietit of HIP Hunk of I'rnnm shoxvs nn Incieaso of 8tOOO,00f gold nH < V a decrease of U.O.OOOf sllxcr. 'nneoiMTCTjllientos , OOf 67'4C for the iiecount. ,1 , _ 1.1 VK STOijK AlAltKP.TS. CnlttnTrndn Uriiuiriillrpil llnRs In StroiiR Dpinauil niul Higher. OXIMIA. Doc. 15. Itecelpls w far this work foot up 13,123 cattle. 22,000 boss and 3.075 sheen against 10B8,1 cattle. 18,072 hogs and 2,221 sheep the panic four days. The cnttlo market was In very bad shape. Demorallritlon faintly expresses the .situation. This market , as XTPH as others , has been Hooded all xvppk with fair to ptetty good cattle , and this clr- cumstnnre , taken In connection xdth the usu ally restricted demand nt this season explains xvhy the market has broken from 25c to 60c ( tils xvppk. About the only Inquiry ftom the dressed beef men Is for cattle peed enough for HIP Christmas trade , as xvlth the general pub lic poultry and gamp , being ns cheap or chenpor nt this season of the year , In a great mensurp nt least , take Iho litnco of otdlnarv beef. The yiuds xxero full of cnttle. Ini'luillng plenty of good fat beeves , but It wns hard xxotk to get buyers to look at them , tosay nothing of trying to buy them. The mnrket wasnbout the worst this vear-lt could hnrdlybe worse. Hooil to cholco 1.200 to 1.400.b. | steers sold nt fiom $3.76 to $4.05 , with fair ( o ptetly good stuff nt from f 3,05 to T3.05. Sunn ) veiy fair westerns sold at ftom 83. 15 to $3.50. Tim moxement was as slow as molasses about this season of the year and n good slum1 of thooflerlngs weiu. still un sold In the pens at the clo e. Them was mote life to the trade In butchers' slock and caiitieis than theto was In beef steers , imt u took the good to cholco cows nucl helfets lo bring steady prices while prices continued to shmlo lower ou I lie medium nnd common sluir. ( loud to choice cows nnd helfem sold al fiom 2.60 to J3.35. fair to good cows ftom1.75to { 2.40. while common and calming ntades sold all iho way from $1.70 down to 61V. Hulls ami oxen sold freely at nbnnt steady pilces finni $1.50 to 2.60. Com mon large cnlxes and vearllngs to choice veal calves sold at fiom $1.60 to $5.00 or at full last week's quotations. There was a good trade In stockers nnd feed ers as far ns It went , hut the volume was lather limited on account of the light teeelpts. Uood smooth slock sold sttong. A bunch of branded grass \\ostetn cattle sold for $3.40 and llfly head of coed XM-steins wete letalh-d to a soiithoiu Nebraska feeder for $3.05. Thn big hulk of the fiesh offerings left first hands at fiom J2.30 to$3.15. liepresenlatlvo sales : DIIKSSKI ) llf.lIF , 21 sirs. . . . 1200 3 50 lions The cool weather Isbilnglng the hog in. bo far this week iceelpls aio 3,500 heavle than last week , and very little short of th same four days last year. Aside fiom half do/en loads of eholi-o heavy hogs the genera quality of the olToi Ings was about as It wei on thu tluco preceding days , very fair. Con dltlons rather favored the soiling Intetesti Thu supply was only modoiato. Kastein ail vices woio favoiablo and lu addition to th usual good local demand hot ftom ftesh meat men ami packer theio was a fair shipping Inqulr and a consequent Imptoved feeling In specn tatlvo elides. Prices ruled ' .strong to 0 higher at the opening and at the close thci weio plenty of sales made at a 5c to lOc at vance , thu market eloslng up very strong o fico general buying and thohtieiigth In pit visions. Good to cholco heavy nnd hutclu " * 0.25 and J0.2 BONDS Total li.uri of CITIES ; COUNTIES , SCHOOL J DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , ST.rt.R.COMPANIESelc Corretpondence iollcHcd. N.W.HARRIS &GOMPANYBankers , 103-103 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. 19 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 7O State 9ti BOSTON. r.n . < 71 1' " YH 'nil r.o 33' ' ! JHII o inn ii. ' Ml ,10O I'O 71 t-'l J7 n J71 , 3OII Mil n U7' ' , JU 'ir. ; l.'ll ( i nee 70 " o an 4H. . ftfi 3'jn 40 n see 78 01 180 o ao 71 00 o nee 40 no .305 o nee 73 . 48. 323 o 30 05 . 07. BID aoo 0 30 51 . .310 0 30 01. . 50 , V23 0 35 75. . 51 300 U 35 i-KisANi ) itnnin. B1..130 575 73. . . .10110 5 75 Stiiii : ; The modi-talc leoelpts wcto ns usual of lulu rather miscellaneous In character. ( liHiil millions met with u teadvsalu at fair HKUH-S , but medium Riades anil stock < hPt'i | were ntrllleolT. I'alrto good uatl\es , } 3.5Vio ( 4,75 ; fair to good westeitis , $ . ) .254.50 ; com mon und stock sheep , $2.25 3.50 ! peed to eholco 40 to 100-lb. lambs , 14.0030.00. Kep- rescntatho wiles : No. Av. I'r. 185 nntivo wethers 100 ft 75 107 natives mixed 103 430 5 natives mtxt-d 120 3 50 10 luitl\esml\ed 87 300 Itrerlpts mill IlUpovltlim of Stock. Ofllclnl ri-colit | ! mill disposition of stock an shown by the books of the Union Stock Varilt coinlmnv for the twenty-foili luiiirs ending nl 5 o'clock p. in. December 15 , 18012 : Clili'iiK" I. ' * " Slock .Miirlicl , ClllCAdo , III. . Dl-c. 15. ISpivlnl Ti'li'Rrnin to Tin : lHi.l : Tlio rnttlo inntUi't VIIM sttonp. Tlu-iiMMisn lliilit run , only iilioiil la.OOil lii-iul nnlvlni ; , nnil ullh un iicllvi1 ili'inuiiil for Ini-ul mm smppltiK iioriiiint , vi-lli-rsi-lomly hail tin1 lx > st of t IIP situation. All ilpsotlptlons \ccpl fancy , Milil lilKlicr tlinn ut lliu IIP- irliiiittiK of the wri'U , VotHID fancy styles tlirto was not much Inquiry , anil but for tin- fact Unit olU'iltiKs WPII- low , iiilcos for thai sort inii t havi- como ilown. TrnclliiilnooHs nnil bulls \\SIM jiiliu-lpally at fiom I1.7B to SLl.GO'anil ' tlu > liulli of tlio slri-ls i-liaiiRi-il hanils nt bom JM.MI to $4.Hr > anil the laiiKii of quota t Ion 'i \\as fionifl.Ul ) to 13.25 for Inft-t lor to choice cous and liulls , fioin IH.Vu to t3.60 for stookorsaiulfpoiU'ts mnl fioin$3.00 to { 0.00 for M'l-y cointnoii to ovtin sti-urs. Ualvcs wensnlntilo ut fiotn $1.75 to J.'i.W ) . SollptHno \\t-ll < 'noiili nU-nsoil with the .sltuatlonof toilny's lies tnai kot. Tliciovnsi : .s1impi > r ( li-inanil Ilian Iinil exlstiul forsoino iluys previous nnil pi Ices worn easily 5c hlKlier tlinn on ycstonlny. The run considerably \\cecik-d tlio first esti mates , amount IIIK to nliout 2H , < 1(10 ( head but tlioants of tlio trade woto not fully met and the advance established1 the oiicnliiK of business > \as sustained to tlio end. II illil not tul.o u vt-ry pi line lot of IIORS to lrlnp0.30 ) , and wo notutlmtn large pint of the heavy and inudlnmulKlits sold abovn tli.it llanre. Tliero \ > ere many tunics nt from $0.60 to { 0.55 and u number nt higher figures. ( MosliiK HR- ureseio nt fioin $5.75 toT0.35 for poor to choice and llpht and nt fioin JG.10 to JO.GK for inedliim mnl lieavv. Culls and pl scio qnnted ut f i oin $3.75 to J5.00. Alieady this voek10,000 sheep have been ivrul\iul hero , These mo larger u-celpts tlinn \ eie ever pi uvloiisly known at this staKO of the sousoii , and the elTect upon values has not been Kooil , ns viewed fioin sellers' stnud- polnt. Theto was no decided slulnkaRO liulay , but since Saturday theie has been a ik-cllimof from 'J5c to 35c per 100 His. Tl'cio was a slow movement on u basis of from $ 'J.75 to $5.00 for poor to choice sheep and at fioin S3.G5 toiO.OO for lambs. Kuncy Blades sold at an advance on these quotations mid then- was Infoilor stuir for which fioin J1.76 to $2.20 could not bo rcullrt-il. Hecelpts : Cattle , 13,000 ; hogb , 28,000 ; sheep , 7,000. The Evening Journal repot Is : C-ATTI.K Uecelpts , 14.000 head ; shipments , 4,500 head ; market steady to-sttonir ; Chilst- mns beoNes , $5.80517.00 ; Rood to choice , $4.50 < To5.40 ; others , J2.UO' i4..10 ; btockers , $2.00 ® 3.25 ; cows , $2.203.r > 0. Iloos Uecelpts , 20,000 head ; slilpments , 0,000 head ; mnrket 5(3.10c ( hlKlit-r ; roiicli and common , JtUmSO.lO ; packing and mixed , $0.10aG.35 ; ( rood topiImehcavy.iO.liOfflO.G' 'i ; butchers' welRhts , $ G.30i.r.45 ; light , JG.0049 0.30 ; skips and pljs. 3.S.OO0.30. SHKBP uccolpts , 7,000 head ; shipments , 1,200 head : market Jdull , lower ; Ulirlslmas wethers , $5.405.60 ; natives , $3.H00,5.26 ; westerns $4.25'i4.80 ' ; Te.\ans , H.15S4.70 ; lumbs , $3.70(25.00. ( _ KnnsnH City I.lvo Stock Mnrkot. KANSAS Cirv , JIo. , Dei15. . OATTI.K Re- .elpts , 3,000 head ; slilpmcnts , 2,900 head ; peed stock steady ; otheis dull to lower ; shlp- I > | IIB steei s$3.355.25 ; stockers and feeders , 2.003.25. Iloos Itecelpts , 8,500 head ; shipments , 1,700 it-ad ; maiket opened 60 to lOc loner ; regained - gained loss , closed strong ; extreme range , ' 4.76G.40 : bulk , JO.10TtO.25. Smir : Kecehits , 1,800 head ; shipments , JOOhead ; stonily , unchanged ; nuittous , $4.0C IS4.70 ; lambs , $4.85. _ Now York I , \o Stock Jlnrkot. New VnitK. Dec. 15. Hnuvr.s Receipts 233 head , all for exporters mid slaughterers : notiade ; feeling firm ; dressed beef .steady : il 7l1&IJc. per lit. Shipments tomonow , 73 beeves GO sheep , 10 hogs and 00 quartets o beef Cnlves llecelplb , 100 head ; notiade. SlirXP A > t > LAMMS Hecelnls , 4,058 head inaikel linn ; sheep , $3.0035.25 per cwl ; lamb , , $5.25G.OO. lions Kccelpts , 4,850 head , consigned direct ] Market nominally steady al $5.70 < aG.30 pel - . t. _ St. r.ouls r.UoStoek A PT. LOITIS , JIo. , iio. : 15. \rn.n-Ho- - celpts , 2,800 head ; hhlpments , 2,300 head ] nurkot active ; native stuuiisolil J3.00iJ0.76 ; a ngo steels , $2.0033.00. lloos-Hecelpts , 8,000 head ; sljlpmcnis , 3,500 head ; mnrket strong ; heavy , .fG.OOS G.40 ; packing , $500510.20 ; light , $5.1)080.15. ) SliBiM' Iteccipts , 000 hi'ad ; Milinncnts , IOC ead ; market steady ; ntitlvcs , $3.004.50 ; cholco iniittoiis , $0.00. Worn-out , "run-down , " feo- bio women , need Dr.I'iorce'sFnvor- ito Prcbcrlption. It builds them up. It's ix jiowerful , restorative tonic , or strength-giver frco from nlco- hoi niul injuri ous drugs. The entire system is renewed and invigorated. It improves digestion , enriches the blood , dispels aches und pains , gives refrcihiut sleep , and restores flesh and strength. At a soothing nervine , it allays and subduei hysteria , spasms , and nil the nervous uynip tarns commonly attendant upon functiona and organic dtecnio. It's the only guamn teed medicine for women. It does vbat ii promised or it asks nothing. It gives satis faction , in every ease , or the money paid foi it is refunded. Ko other medicine for wo men is sold on such terms. That's tlio wny its makers prove their faitl in it. Contains o alcohol to inebriate ; IK syrup or sugar to ilormigo digestion ; a leglti nmto meilictne not a leverage. I'urely vegc table und perfectly harmless in any conoi Uou of the bystcin. SOUT/-T Union Stock Yards Company , Sou tli Ofnaha. Best Cnttlo Ilo nuil hliccp market In Iho went. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers , Fouth OmaUa-Tolcpliono 1167. Chlcngi JOHN 1) DADISMAN.I M.nHicr . WAJ/rKiir : , WOOD , fMan Market IleporU briunll and wlrocboorfullr tu ultbuil upon application. DRUNKENNESS Ctrtt'ofJiitmrJIithlt l' Hltl\'oly Ouro * It can bo nix en In u cup of cotton or ten or In fee without tlio kuovrlediro of lliu patient. It It nbsi lulely bnrmlvd und will cltuct a permanent an > peed r euro , nliclbur tlio putlonl U a moilornl drln.eruran alcoliollo rmk. Ulnm teen ulvc'ii I tliuuiandiof eaten nd In uxury Init-ucii a purfui curu lia > folloHuil It nurur lalln. Tlio ojtiei unco Impregnated nllli Uio Hpeilllc , H hccomoi n ullar liuiiomllillltr fur the llquur .ppolUa to ml UI.IiN hl'ICCII'IOCO. , l'ru | , Clncl unalt , IB | iaeo book uf particular * f rue. To bo hail of Knbn A Co. , Uth and Douplut Hti , VVbolem Illaku , llriice A Co. , and lllcboidi uDJUK U Ouabu , OMAHA Manufacturers' and Jobbers' Directory AWNJNOSAND Omaha Tcnl-Awnlng COMl'ANV. ItOltPK COVKI13 , 1111 Karnnm t. JlAOSANDTWIHy.8 _ J BIQYCJLES. _ Bemis Omalia Bag M. 0. Daxon , fOMl'ANY. Importcrj and itiinu fr * . Illcrcles nolil on monthly Hour tacks , butlnni , in I no. HO menu. IN .V IStli. BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-Coo Shoo - Company , 1109 Uowanl Mrost Vnctorr corner Htli nml Ooiwlns SUco ! " . \Vn nro mnVInu cloio prlc to cmh tnirpr * . an I nto aclns. nfnooiU wnlchlivryfMcnblo with merdinnK. Kirkendall , Jones Amer , Hand-Sewed COMPANY Wliolusolo siionro nifrs nuontt Hmon niul ruMnTtouJ . IJU9- liiibticr Shuo Co IlUi- lllOllnrne ) M. 1101-110 ! Harncr St COAL , COXE. CORNISC. Omaha Coal , Coke & i Eagle Cornice Works Ll.MK Cd. hnnl nnil ort i Mfr unlrnnlriM Iron mnl , S It tor lull nrnl curnlco Hlmlonr cip , niGtnlllc nkxlmlitn , vie 111U-1112 DodKo M. DRY GOODS. H. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry I.OO1ICO , Dry Entult.nolloiK , fur- Notions , contii' furnish. nUhlni : uooil" , earner I lnk'k'ooil.ioor. mil und lltti nnd llonanl fti. I llarney Sis. FURNITURE , Omaha Upholstering Beebee & Rnnyan CO upholstered furni CO.Craco ture. II.I.'IIUI .Nli'htilns St Wliolus.ilu only niul 1 ! th Sis QROGERUS. DRUGS , ETC. D. M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. , i:01 IMS Jones St. , IDtU nutt Hartley Otnnlia. Omnhn l < aHave you tasted America's finest Whisky ? Richest Quality , Absolutely Pure , Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-claaa Delicate Bouquet , Drinking Places and Best I Very Best 11 Drug Stores. OALLEMAND 4 CO. . CHICAGO. NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OP GRADE. To the owners of all lots and patts of lots niul real estate along Howard stieet and St. Jlai v'-s avenue , fiom 10th .stiectto 21bt stieut , ' ind'lntersectliis btrcots : You are hereby notified that the iinder- slencil. thieo dlslnteiested fieeholders of the city of Omaha , ha\u been duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the city coun cil of .said city , to assess the ilamase to the ownorsiespectlvely of the ptoperty all'ected by clmiiKlntJ the Kiadoof hald streets and In- tiMsuctlnp stieoth , declared necessary by or dinance 15'J , passed Kebiuaiy , 1801 , ap- pro\ed February 0 , 1891. You aio fuither notllled , tlmt having nllliln thecoipotnlellmltsof said city , meet for thopuiposoof coiisiileilnsand making the assessmentof ilaniacu to tliuniMiers icspi-i-- tholy of said jiiopeity , alVected by said hniiKO of Riade , taking Into coiiMduiuUon peelal benullts. If any. You aio notified to bo picsent at the tlmo and place afoiesald , and miiKo any objections toor statements dnicuinlnisaid assL-ssmont of damages , as you inav consliler piotior. JAM1W STOl'ICDAhE , UKOKC'K .1. 1'AUU C'oiiiinlltee of Appral ets. Omaha , December 13 , 1802. I)14dl0t NOTICE OF THE SITTING OP THE CITY COUNCIL AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. To the owners of the lots. Darts of lots and real estate abutting ou or adjacent to the streets , alloys or uvonuqs heroin immod or situated In whole or In irirt within any of the districts herein snccillpd : You and c.ioh of you nro hereby notlflcil that the city council of the city of Omaha will sit as a Hoard of r < m iil/atloii. at the olllco of the olty clerk. In the city hall , Omaha , No- braska. on I'rldav , thoUU day of Docnmber , IblU , from ! ) o'clock a. in. to 5 o'clock p. in. , for the uurposo of considering nnd equalizing the proposed low of spoolul t.i.xe.s and assessments " " ' I'lansot Assessment" us shown by""l'ro)0scd | now on ( llo In the olllco of s.ild city clerk , anil correcting any oriors therein , nnd of la'arlng all complaints that the owner * of property so to bo Hsscssoil and taxed may make ; S'ltil hpoolnl taxes ami assessments proposed to bo levied Doing neoessaiy to covur the cuitof the souhral Improvements duly authorl/od to uo inado nnd now completed , as follows- To cover the cost of pavliu and curbing Oasa street , from t'd ! btroot to 'JUh struct. In Btroot imnrovomoiit district No 4'10. eaUl pay ing amounting to the HIIIII of < I.K19.h9 , anil said curbing to the sum of 4111.7(1. ( which siid sums , itia proposud. by a rcport.rtuly adopted by Iho city council , to assess on thu real cstntonn eacn sldo of Oass street , from a.M to tilth street , ucuimlliu to foot front uo and thu us ual scaling hack process lu depth to alloy : no usst-ssmcnt for curbing to bu ninilo west of . .Id Btreot as the curb there was laid by prlyato parlies. Unto per foot for paving , JMfl'JI ; rate per fnot forcuiblng to.fUI.'O. To cover the cost of p.ivlni IAJWO avenue , from llnmllton Htruot to Jlorcor inoniio. In p.ivlug district No. 'M. amounting to tne Hum of Jio.tai.a' ' . whloh fluid 8iini.lt Is proposod.by a loportdulv adopted by the city council , to assess on the real esUto on ouch sldu of I.owo avoiiuc. from Hamilton street , to Jlorcor av enue , according to foot frontage and the usual scaling b.iek process In doutli to center of block or 1st alloy. Unto pur foot. tt.'MH. Thu cost of private approach , amoiiiitlng to thOHiim of of JsK.D'Jl , to bo assessed to tuo real cstato adjoining. . . To cover the cost of paving Commercial street , from bliornmii avenilo to 2tth ) Htriiot , lu paving dUtrlct No. SH amimutlnx othosuniof H3.11AO' ) , which R.ild snin.lt U pioposod , by a niport duly ndoptod by lliu clvy council , toabsoss uro rata on the ro.il es tate on each Hide of Conimorchil Btreol. from Hhorman avenua to SOth slroet. accurdliig to foot frontiigo and tlio usual ncaling back pio- cess lu dentil from street IJ'J fuu n < it oxco U- Ing iho center of block : 1'rovldod , lhat.Ufrtut khall bu dcdnctod on the frotituyo of tux lot ' . ' 1. east of Commercial struct , llatu pur foot. * J.IIOQ7. The cost of private roadway.umou nt- liig to thobum ofiM.Ul. to 1)0 ) assessed to the real oatato adjolnlni- . , . and ourblnzn I To cover thn eostof puvlns - - struct fiom I'opploton avcnuo to the south line of tax lot 'M In street linpiovomont IU- trlot No. 47. ' , amouiitliu to the sum of KIM which said sum It lo pioposed by a roportuulv adopted by the city council to assess uii.tlin ronl estate 1110 rah. on i-ucli sldo of . 'nd street fiom I'opnlnlon avunuo to south linn of tax lot UU. ui'conllnit lo fool fronliigo and the usual culliiK biuU prooss In depth from street 13. fuol. Kuto per fool. J.B. > 'JI. ' The cost of nrlvato roadwi } amounting to the hiiiu of tlOi.70 to bo absosseii to the real ubtato adjoin- "TO cover the cost of p-ivln ? and ciirblnz Spcncor strout from Khorma" uveiiuoto.'lih treot In struol linnrovuiiiuiit dlstrk-i No , 4.0. amountiiiztotl.oiiiimof * Kb797u. whli-h said sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city oouucll , to niseis pro rata ou iho HARDWARE. Rector A Wilhclmy Lobcck & Linu , COMI'A.VV. I'pntprnln ' Imnlnnro nn.l Cornpr ,0th niul Jnckion mcclinnlm' touj i HATS , tTO. W. A , L , Gibbonfi Co , Wliole i\lo llKts.rnp ] , Mrnir B0o < 1 , KloTpi. mlttpn * , .Jth nail llnrner t . LUMBER. John A. Wakcflcld , Charles R , Leo , Importpil.Ainprli-nnl'urt lunibor , wood Iniul cement , lioo ccinonl nn IIOOtlMK , Ptli mnl Puii LIQUORS" MILLINERY. Prick & Herbert , I , Oberfelder &Co , , JJl Ullull VA Vvi ) Protluco , fruits of nil llullcr , chocsp , otR > , iiotillr ) unit unme , 317 y. Mill M STOVE REPAIRS. I SUSH. ODORS. Omaha Stove Repair M , A. Disbrow & Co. , WllltK" , nloro ropnlm Miimifnctiircrn of emli , ml wntur uttiiclinii'iHii iloor * , til I nil unit fur tiny klnil ofnto\M moiiUHnKs. lirunch of- inailo. 1207 Iloutflna St. lico. 12th nnil liar it tits. real estate on both sides of Spencer street from Sherman avenue to "lth street , accord ing to fool , frontugo and the usual scaling back process In depth to the tlrst alloy or Ui feet. Itato per foot. Jl ' 'OT.'iS. To oovor ihocoitof paving and curbing Cth street fiom 1'iorce stieet to Illckorv street , In Rtrcct Improviiinont district No. 4''j. txninnntliu to the sum of $ ir . ' .llI.t > 7 , which said sum It Is pioposed by a rcpoit duly adopted by the olty council , to as-ess IIH follow * ; : I'ho cost of pilvato roadwav , amounting to the sum of $ l.r > .S2. lo bn assessed on tax lot No. II. The remaining cost to hoa&sossoil pro ratii on the proucrty on both sides of nth street from I'lcrco strict to IllcUorv street , accord , lug to the toot f i outage and the usual scaling back piouess 10 dcplh uf dis trict as crcatn.1. That put , of tax lot3 between the two nrlvato iiiadwrivs not to bo assessed for curbing as thu owner put thin curhlu at his own oxpon&o. Hito per foot for pavlm $ I.'J7U)7 ) ; for curbing $ i.71.r > - To cover tno costrot paving lu alloy In blocle I'l , city. In street In.urovoinont dlstilutNo. 407. amouiilliig to the sum of $1,1114.14 , ulilch said sum It Is propo ° u 1 by a ropoi t duly niloptcil bv the city council to assess pro rata ou both stilus of Iho nllcr In block I 'I. accor lliu to foot : frout.iso and thousu.il licallng b ick process to the depth of ono lot. Hate per fen * , iir > ' . ' . " > l. To cover thn cost an I inspection for laylni ; permanent Mdonalks l-ilil hvl''orl& . Huso , amounting to the mm of $ JSiJ.yj , which saht sum It N proposml by n report diiiy adontoil by Iho city council to assess ou the loul estate along which said w.ilks are laid , as follows ! N 'Jil'jft lot ! ) blk 10 Ully $ : i5 I M-rilotShllt 10 1111 r Lot fi bll ( 10 rji ca l < ot 7 I > lk70 478 5J I.ot8 ulk 70 MJ 23 N'JJftlott lllc7J 450 tS HH lot I ulk 71 SIT i'7 N ' / lotSblk'Jl a.W 71) ) I.otHblk I OH . t'37 Sd ! Lai 4 bll , I7J 1'J'J ( It l.otl bll ; 7 Jcrorno I'nrk bi ' "J l.otU lllli 7 05 HO Lot. ! bile 7 0 f,0 Lot 10 tilk inlet \Vost null Add fi7 21 lot 11 bill 10 ( i'J Hi Total 5S.60J 00 To cover the. cost of constructing n bower In sewer district No , 1U1 , nmountln ; to Uiosum of Sl,7b7.7l ! , which sum It Is proposed by a report - port duly adoiitoil bv Iho cltv council to lu bes' ! on the lual estate nliiax said Newer pro r itn , aocornlnx to fool front ice and the usual soallus tmck proco-s , In dopih fioinmoot ono lot ; provided , that corner lots having sewer ponstructo 1 on twoMilcs shnll bo nsacssod for the longer hldo only , Kale per foot , * l ICTJIT. To cover the eojtof sow -r , uiirlilnx and put- 1 til In ; : , HIM ! p'lvhiK on the hontli ono-half of north 213 feet of o.ist 2S fnot of lol a. Uapltol addition , iimounlln ? to thu HIIIII of (213.09 , which s-ild sum , It Is pronosoil. by a report duly adopted by the city council , to IIHSOO ou the south olio-half of the north -'IB foot of east ' . ' 8 feet of lot No. II U.ipltol . addition. You are further notlllo.l thatnalil " 1'roposoa Pliin of Afsobsn.out" are now mibjoct to the Inspection und uxamliintioii of nny of thu owners of Hild lots , pirtu ot loin or pieces of roivl ihtntu. ortho Inspoutlon or examination of any othei purson intorottnd In Mild pro posed iiischsmi'nt * , nt the olllco of Halo city dark , nnil tlmt by a report of a commlttoo of Miilit council duly udoplod. It in propiuod thut unlesH for good mid Milllclenl iinuso It may bo othurwlso onluruil and determined , that th oostof H till Impruvnniiints ri-Hpurttvulv lw as- Hesscd on the hevernl lots , purls of lots and pieces of real otlato as Hhuwii by bald pro- pocd plans of assessment. You , ami oacli of you , uro lirruby not'llod to appear l.oforos.ild Hoard of Diuall/atloti at the tlmoand place above spoollled , to maUu nny cumnlnlnt. statiimont , or objoutlon yon destrocyncurnlni ! any 01 bald proposed luvlci and absossinonls of Hnuoliij Ul.x.l > : uiiy Cllnrlc. Omaha , Nob. , December Utli , IB'JJ. ilirU7t TS'nllce. I , Oeoreo 1' . ItcinlH , mayor of thn city of Omalia , Imrcliy KVO ! pulillu notli-u und pro claim tliat l''ainamstii-it ! , from 40th Nttcct to 45th hth'i-t extended ; Chh-ax'o slri-ul , fiom UOtli htiuut to UOtli htire ! i 1'li'ico street , fiom Uth htii'iit toUid Mit'til ; I'aikVildo ' avenue , fiom WlllliimH Klieot to 1'leifo bliceli Otli btreet , from lllel.ory htieol to I'leu-ti btieot. aioautlioil/ed to ho used for the pmpoto ot i-iiiihtliiKllurliiKllionlntui-of 1HU2.IHU3. WltiiKsx my hand at Omaha , tlilw Kllli day ot December , IbOii. ] ( . jn Notice. I , Oeorso I' , llonils , mayor of the elty ot Omiiha. lioioby civo iiubllu notlcu .mil pro claim that Ht. Mary.N nvunuo from lUth itront to 'Hh Htrcut. Poupliiton avcnno from 20tu bticut toCtb Hlniot.iiid street from Duvoii- portHtreut to Welntor struct , and llamlltou street froni 2Uth Htrool lo 25th strnnt. are au- thorl od to DO iibcd forthnpiirpokoof coasting dnrliii : the wlntorof IHK-lbUI Wllnuvs niv hand atUmuhu , thUethduy ot . UOt - Dumber. UJJM Mayof (