Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIK OMAHA DAILY HKK : Fill DAY , DKCKMHER 10 , 1802 ,
Or'tU-fc NO , 12 t'EAUL STIU3KT.
Delivered liy carrier to ntiy ptxrt , nf tlio city
11 W. Tll/TON , - MANAOE11.
rri . iri'iifivrq . } . lUinlnwwOfllcc M0-.4- )
} NRlt ! | Kdllor Ni .U3
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Council niutts Lumber Co. Coal.
The Woman's Hello f corps will meet nt 3
o'clock this uftornoon.
Fidelity council No.M \ , Iloynl Arcanum ,
will meet this evening.
Wnntuit Hey nt least If. years old , with
pony , to carry a Hr.E route. Apply at Coun
cil Muffs office. 12 Pearl street.
This evening tlio ! il&o of Perfection
meets In Its hall on Pearl street to consider
liniwrtant business matters. Kvory member
nhould he present.
ITnltV Guild will meet In regular session
this afternoon at B o'clocli nt Mra. V. A.
r31litcr's : , Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Klnpsbury
nnd the children of draco Episcopal church
will Rlvo a cantata cnlltledTho Christmas
Vision , " December 'J3 at Hughes' hall.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to
the following parlies : Henry lurgcns and
Anna Hullwle of Council Uluffs and John
Itobinson and Llllls King of Omaha. Tlio
latter groom was n colored man and the
lirlde n white woman. They were married
by Justice Hummer.
IJiivo Wilson , who was brought up from
Hed Oalc to answer to the charge of passing
counterfeit money , was bound over to the
L'rand jury yesterday , and sent to Jail , in de
fault of ball , to await his trial , which will
occur at the March term. Ho claimed not to
Icnow at the time bo passed the money that
it was worthless , hut the circumstances
were against him and his previous record
was had.
Complaints nro being made against the
school board on account of their neglect In
allowing the snow to remain on the sidewalk
in front and at the sides of the Pierce street
m'hool house. A janitor is employed , whoso
duty it is supposed to bo to see that the
snow Is kept out of the way , hut so far he
has failed to do so. The attention of the
bdiool board and the city authorities is
called to the matter at the request of one
of the lesidents of that part of the city.
Kot ex-celled by any high-priced liniment ,
Salvation Oil , twcnty-llvo cents a bottle.
t'p .Mile.
In order to clean up our dry Roods
BtocU wo will offer the on tire stock at
prontly reduced prices for tlio next
thirty days. Now is your chance to pot
You can buy a 69.00 blanket for $7.00
1 S.OO blanket for ( i.00
These blnnkoU 7.00 blanket for 5.50
arc all wool , } ( i.OO blanket for 4.50
western made 1 5.00 blanket for S.50
j -1.00 blanket for 11.00
Our stock of ladies1. ROD lion-ion's and
children's underwear is complete and
will bo field nt jroatly reduced prices.
Dress ftoods , flannels , table linens , nap
kins , hosiery , handkerchiefs , ribbons ,
laces , jewelry , trlovcs and mittens and
a full line of silk umbrellas. In lact
ovorythlnp in stock will bo offered at a
bargain. Take advantage of this olTor
during' the holidays and tavo money by
buying from us.
20-1 Main St. and 205 Pearl St.
l lcrpriHU I'liliV
Being frequently urged to soil smal
portions of my farm , 1 Imvo nt last decided
cided to pint 200 aures of Enterprise
Place , familiarly known as tlio Scott
farm , and to begin the sale at once in
Hvo and ten aero lots. I hnvo placed the
en mo in the bands of Grociishiolds ,
Nicholson & Co. , who will act in tlio
matter as my o.xclusivo agents. Fruit
firowfjrs , gnruonors and those who want
the conveniences of a city combined
with all the advantages of the richest
farming land arc now given a. rare op
portunity to do so. M. To FT.
The Misses Dora and Emily Stewart of
DCS Molnes arc in the city , the guests of the
family of N. P. Dodge.
The Misses Hattioand Mattic Halter re
turned yesterday from a visit with friends
in Shenandoah and Marysvillc , Mo.
pJiilius Unger , formerly of the firm of
Brown & Unger of this city , is visiting hero.
Ho and Mr. Drown are now In the wholesale
liquor business in Chicago.
D. C. Chapman , formerly general secretary
of the Young Men's Christian association in
this city , has accepted the secretaryship of
the association at Canon City , Colo.
R. E. Fowler , who enjoys the distinction
of having been in the employ of the motor
company longer than any other motorinan ,
wns promoted yesterday to the position of
second engineer In the power bouse.
If you hnvo piles DoWilt's Witch Hazel
salvo will surely euro you.
Furs I'nrs.
See our line of furs. Wo have outctouo
our own efforts , this season wo show by
far the largest line and most choice
stock in western Towa.
Mulls start at ! ) , CO , 75 , 1.00 , I.Oi ,
1.00 , 1.75 , ' 12.00 , 2,25 , 2.50 to 16.00 In
every kind of fur known. Children's
eels in all furs ut our low prices ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The snow and cold woathcr does not
diminish the demand for acreage in tlio
Klnln tract , 2j miles cast of the post-
olllco ; t00 ! acres yet for sale in from ono
to ton aero tracls. suitable for Iruit and
garden. Day & Hose , agents , W Pearl
iNltiKfjrfl ( lid Olllfcr.
A. Dennett , who was formerly Janitor at
the Dloomor school , cut up a largo rusty on
lower Droadway yesterday afternoon , in the
vicinity of Wnrdian's saloon at the corner of
Sixteenth street , Ofllccr Covalt ran across
him while hu was limiting considerable noise ,
and mildly suggested that ho go homo. Den
nett refused to do so , and in a largo , horny-
handed voice , proclaimed that ho was a dem
ocrat and could do as ho pleased. Ho also
laid his two lists against the officer's face ,
oi.o of them leaving a headache in its track
and the other dislocating several tcutli.
Covalt drew his club so effectively that a
few minutes later Dennett was landed In tlio
patrol wagon with bin head covered with
blood. Ho was slated with drunkenness and
assaulting an olnYer , Joseph Wittich , a sa
loonkeeper near the corner of Droadway and
Sixteenth streets , claims ho was struck by
Dennett a few minutes before Covalt ar
_ _
Ignorance of the merits of DoWitt's Uttlo
Kurly Risers is a misfortune. Tlieso Httlo
pills regulate the liver ; euro headache , dys
pepsia , bad hrcullt , constipation and bilious
Sprrliil Holiday Kiiht for Men.
At the Council Blutfs Carpet Store for
two weeks , for the benefit of gentlemen
who doalro to make presents to their
lady fflonds. What is handsomer or
will bo better appreciated than portiors ,
luco curtains , ottomanBu car pot sweeper ,
rugs , especially fur rugs , for n snowy
C'liristinnaV Mall orders given especial
_ _ _ _
For warmlnir cuost chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are just
what you want. Look at them. Clean ,
convenient cheap , O. B. Gas and Eloi >
trio Light Co.
_ -
Doyond n\i \ doubt tlio largest and most
complete stock of holiday goods at low-
t'Bt prices Is at Davis' , the leading drug-
glut and perfumer.
offer for ton share ?
Citizen's State b.inic stock. Must bo
eold. Add roiia K. II. Sheiifo.
See those oil heaterg at Swalno's , 737
I\VC ? UPflll PfllWPH IHPIMi
HO rivUJl lUliMIL ULtlT
Justice Ooncs Introduceg a Now Eulo In the
Trial of Civil Cam
Not Nocr nry to llnvc Tlirlr lec Onurnn.
lord , AcrordliiR to tlio Holding Trj--
Ing tlio ri.tttMnoulli ( Inrnliliro
i No Drolilon
Justice Cones' court ran against n full
sized snag yesterday mornlmr , but succeeded
in clambering over it before the day was
over. Thecase.of W. E. Frnsor ngnlnst O.
C. Duke was on trial.
This is the llrst of nineteen other cases In
which parties residing atPlattsmouth. Neb. ,
nro made defendants In garnishment pro
ceedings by a Sioux City collection agency.
and derives considerable interest from the
fact that it | s to a certain extent n test case.
The parties decided that they wanted to
have the trial take place before a Jury , so a
constable went out on the street anil picked
up the first six unfortunate Individuals ho
could llnd. When they arrived at the court
room they held. n brief consultation among
themselves , and with one accord demanded
their fees in advance. This was n question
that the Justlco had never been called upon
to decide , and ho adjourned court immedi
ately until afternoon In order that he might
consult Jud go Smith.
In the afternoon he stated that Judge
Smith had decided that the Jurymen must
nerve , fees or no fees , and run the risk of
getting their money some lime in the future.
Vivo of the jurymen were there tint ono had
disappeared. Justice Cones offered to send
a warrant for him , but an agreement be
tween the plaintiff and defendant wns ar
rived , by which It was decided that the case
should bo tried before a Jury of live. The
trial of the case occupied till the afternoon ,
and the attorneysrfor the purpose of making
the Jurymen do penance , insisted In making
speeches far into the evening.
Doctors ? Pshaw 1 Take Deecham's Pills ,
A I.cttrr Itrrrlrril by tlin Itoston Store Last
Night from the 1)1(1 ( Jentlenmii.
A good many pcoplo scorn to think
that Santa Glaus is a myth , existing
only in the imagination of childhood.
This is n grave mistake. There is un
doubtedly n mysterious personage fa
miliarly known as Santa Claus. In
proof of this the Boston atoro submits
tl'o following loiter , just received from
the jovial old follow :
IlAinv. MOUNTAINS , Germany , Dec. 5 ,
1892. Messrs. Fothoringham , While-
law & Co. , Council Bluffs , In : Gonllo-
mon I shall arrive in Council Bluffs
Friday evening December 10 , at 8 p. m. ,
and will como direct to your store.
You may bo interested , to know that
I hnvo traded my reindeer team for two
beautiful Shetland ponies. Had to pay
$200 boot , but the ponies wbro so beauti
ful I had to have them. Your proposi
tion to Imvo mo deliver packages from
December 10 to 25 with my ponies and
cutter is accepted , and I will bo on hand
the date and hour named.
I will mnko your sloro my headquar
ters during my stay in Council Bluffs.
Very truly vourn ,
At the Boston Store tonight , 8 p. m.
Special Toil Kettle Sale.
Fine nickel plated cooper too , kettles.
$1.25 , sold everywhere for $2.50 ; will
lost n lifetime nnO never tarnish. Cole
& Cole , 41 Main street.
Will Not Keep Store.
Sheriff. Huron , who was intending to keep
store with the Kd X. Drown stock of gro
ceries , has changed bis mind , an injunction
having been issued from the district court
restraining him from soiling the goods at
public auction , and restraining tlio men for
whom ho seized them from disusing of them
In any way. Tlio writ was issued on the
strength of a petition filed by
the Consolidated Coffee company and William
Preston & Co. , against lili Drown , Kd N.
Drown , D. M. Steele & Co. , Paxton & Gal
lagher , Kirschbnum < fc Sous. L. J. Boynon
and .lolin T. Huzon , sheriff. The plaintiffs
claim that the defendant , Ed Drown , owed
them t327 and § 787 on two separate accounts ,
and that ho had disposed of a largo amount
of his property to his brother , Eli Drown of
this city , although nothing appears on the
records to show any such transfer was made.
Tlio petition alleges that if any such trans
fer was made , it was made fiv.uiUilently. The
oilier defendants , it is claimed , commenced
attachment proceedimr and sei/ed the stuff
after proceedings had been begun by the
plaintifl's in tlio district court of Douglas
Piles of people have piles , but DoWitt's
Witch Hazel salvo will euro them.
The great success that attended the
llrst day of cloak sale has been beyond
our moot sanguine expectations , every
purchaser made happy. Wo received
nmny compliinonta during the
dny , the stock being far superior to
anything over shown in Council Bluffs ,
the prices a wonder. Ono laily remarked
marked , our eastern buyer must'havo
nearly stole them , or a friend did it for
him. Itemoinbor , the great cloak ealo
will last until Christmas , Every gar
ment in our block at a now price , n. sav
ing of from $2.50 to S7.50 on every gar-
mont. Ladies , don't bo misled , but call
and examine our stock and col our
prices before purchasing. You know
full well \ hon we advertise anything wo
always do as wo BIV : and even a little
Fothoringlmm , Whilelaw & Co.
Holiday photos , cut prices , $1,50 for
cabinets , for ! ! 0 days. Cottage gallery ,
Riloy's old stand.
Olllcers l.lorteil.
The following officers hnvo been selected
for the ensuing year by the Ladles auxiliary
to the Union Veteran legion : President ,
Mrs , M , Crisp ; senior vice president , Mrs.
10. F. Wlllliiins ! junior vice president , Mrs.
Sarah Watts ; chaplain , Mrs. H. Deal ; treas
urer , Mrs. Annie Htrontr ; conductor ; Mis.
Hello Hico ; guard , Mrs. 13. Sherwood ; stan
dard bearer , Mrs. Lottn Klnj , ' .
Mi/pah temple , I'yllilaii Sisters , has
elected officers ns follows : I' , C1. , Mrs. .1. M.
Scanlan ; M. K. C. , Mrs. Adel Hutti-r ; M. K.
S. , Mrs , Li lo Hoherts : M. H. J. . Mrs. Net
tie Spencer ; M. of 'I' . Mrs , O. Wesli-v ; M. of
I-1 , , Mm. S. Kelley ; M. of K. and C ! . , Mrs , J.
L. Smith ; 1 . of T. , Mrs. .1. 0.
Constipation cured by DoWitt's /Karly
I Users.
If you want to m lco iv-Chrlstmns pres
ent In tlio toy line don't rest until you
visit the HOSTON STORE , got their
prlcos unil BOO their lino. Everything
that cuii bo thought of , from all the four
quarters of the globo. All at our well
known low prices. Hoston Storo.
Paul Schnuitlor , iho druggist , has the
newest novelties in celluloid and nlum-
Ilium goods for the holidays. No ono
cleo carries , the l.ino , and Ihoy ixro the
Imiiilsomost things you over saw.
1,000 12-H103. at the Uoston Store for
,12c { each , hundomol.v bound in cloth.
Othora got 25c for the suuo : thing.
Boston Storo.
iiKeiillt H Cooilii.
J , S , Flagcollo , iho well known contractor ,
la in tight circumstances , if the allegation *
of two or three petitions that were lllod In
the district court yesterday are to bo be.
liovcd. J. W. Stnilro was plaintiff in two
cases , demanding writs of attachment upon
two notes of the raluo of tsoo and Jl.MW re
spectively , upou the ground that tlio ucfcud-
nut wfl about to dlsiwif of his property
with Intent to defraud his crcducmt Later
In the day C A Tlbbotts filed n petition
nskinff for n writ of nllnvlimonl on nn unpaid
bill of f l.'lrt.
QLntP Imt pvMilnjr Mr. Flapcollo tnndo nn
nislgnment of all his business to W. It. Kne-
pher for the benefit of hfo creditors. The ex
act amount of his liabilities is not Known ,
but It Is stated that n number of other suits
are to be filed today ,
Perfect action anil perfect lir.tlth result
from tbousoof DoWitt's Little Karly Risers ;
A perfect little pill.
IT ( ois : TO TIII : m.tirrs.
Tlin Kolin & llnrrU StocU nf Clothing Sold
to M. Mnrcui.
The 530.000 Jtock of clothing and
penis' furnishing goods of Kohu & llnr-
ri8 , the manufacturers and jobbers at
1107 llnrnoy street , Omaha , who re
cently failed , was bought yesterday at
sheriff's ' snlo by M. Marcus , the Broad
way clothlnc man. No definite llgurcs
could bo obtained , but it is understood
that the price paid was something less
tlmn $12,001. The cntlro stock will bo
removed to this city today nnd tomor
row , and In n few days Marcus will bo-
glu a slaughter sale such us has never
been seen in Council Bluffs.
The Pocnhontas ladles will glvo n
social and literary at Masonic temple
this evening. Supper and dancing.
Admission to all only 2oe ,
Y. M. C. A. Kiitrrtiilninriit.
All excellent musical and literary program
will bo the attraction at the parlors of the
Young Men's Christian association ibis
evening. Schubert's Serenade will bo sung
by a ladles' quartet consisting of the Misses
Colby , Daldwin , Kitlio Ogden and Bcrllm
Grass. Miss Olllo Tracy will render in Iho
sign language lo musical accompaniment
"Nearer My Cod lo Thee. " The Clover
Mandolin club , consisting of the Misses
Dcdison and Louie , will play several num
bers. Mr. H. W. Rothcrl will rccile In Hie
sign language "Paul Revcre's Ride. " Mrs.
Lyons will give a select reading and Miss
Carrie Dodge will contribute a paper on
university extension.
g ( luoil ,
I have sold and used In my family for sev-
ral years Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
plarrluca remedy , and have found it ono of
'ho most useful and satisfactory remedies 1
ver handled. C. II. Lewis * , druggist , Salt
.akc City , Utah.
Special Tout Snli" .
The Boston Store coat sale every day
until Christmas. All our stock of
auios' , misses' nnd children's coats at
iost price in addition to the sampln line
ust received , boutrht at 50c on the dol-
ar. Don't miss this sale if youvrnnta
coat , wrap or capo. You can't afford to.
Council Bluffs , la.
At the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation ontortaiiimont tonight the stu-
douts from the school for the deaf uro
to furnish two numbers , the Clover
Mandolin club plays , Mrs. Lyons will
recite , Miss Dodco a , paper on Brown
ing. Altogether a program of unusual
exco'.lonco has been prepared for this
occasion. 25 cents admission.
Blind Burke , the musical prodigy ,
willappoarin three numborson program
of the Pocahontas social at Masonic
temple this evening. Ho will surprise
; is well as please everybody.
A fine line ot holiday goods , juvenile
books , choice perfumery and fancy arti
cles of all kinds at Doll G. Morgan &
'Jo. 's drug store , 742 Lower Broadway.
Special Christmas cutlery sale on
Colo'scleun clipper pocket knives , razors
and shears. Cole's , 41 Main street.
Brighter than gas , cheaper than oloc-
trie light and as beautiful as a dream
those cew art lnmps"at Lund Bros.
Church .llcctliis.
The First Presbyterian church held its an
nual meeting last evening. The report of the
treasurer showed that the total receipts had
been ? 400 ! ! , somewhat less than the disburse
ments. The following ofticcrs were elected
for the ensuing year : Trustees , F. II. ICcvs ,
V. D. Warner , R. P. Officer , S. D. Snyder , F.
II. Hill ; deacons , .1. S. Love , W. S. Marshall ,
and J. ( Jr. Woodward ; treasurer , J. M. Flag-
You don't want a torpid liver ; you don't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't want u headache.
Then use Do Witt's Little Karly Risers , the
famous little pills.
If you want a doll see the Boston Store
lino. Everything from a rtoll for Ic to
$17.50 speaking dolls , crying dolls , col
ored dolls , dolls till you cnn'trost. Don't
fail to make your purchases early before -
fore the great rush. Wo can store thorn
for you nnd deliver them free. Boston
' Josiah Allen's Wife's Sister" will express -
press her opinion "Onto the Wimmin
Question" at the Pocahoutas social nt
Masonic temple this evening.
Coal and wood ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 4 Main.
Bought organ stock of C. B. Musi
Co. Will sell thorn cheap. Mnr. Hour-
icius , 110 , 114 Stutsmnn street.
Do you smoke ? Have you tried T.
L > . King & Co.'s Pivrtngus ? It's a
charmer , .lust light ono.
Gentlemen , the ( iuorftiino of fall goods
in the city , juat roooivod. Roller , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
The .Iiu-y 1 * ( irimlliiff ,
Tlio Mescbcndorf meat case was completed
yesterday afternoon and given to the Jury in
the district court nt o'clock. Last night at
II o'clock the jury was still grinding.
A Ciiru lur Croup.
If your children are subject to croup
always keep a botllo of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy at hand. It is n prompt and
certain cure. If given as soon as the croupy
cough appears it will prevent the attack.
For sale by druggists.
ISO dozen inoiissolliiu do solo handker
chiefs , silk embroidered , at Ifio , 2oc , 35c ! ,
50c , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50 ouch ,
something that makes n handsome
Christmas present. Boston Storo.
MePhail pianos and Crown organs ,
cash or installments. Mar. Bourlcius ,
IlGStutsmnn street.
Carl Burhorn. successor to E. Bur-
horn , has the only now jewelry stock in
city , Many holiday novelties.
See our line of ludlcs' all silk hand
kerchiefs , handsomely Bilk embroidered ,
at 12)u ) each. Boston Storo. ,
The genuine Round Oak stoves , also
line line of oil hcator4. Colo's , 41 Main
Conl and Wood. Sackott & Preston ,
028 Broadway. Telephone 41.
L. P. Judson , civil cnginoor,328B'way.
Scott JIOUBP ; good ooard ; low rates.
Billy Pinkortoii Runs , .Down the Man Who
Worked Hho Job ,
I. f\ \
t-'nink tlruro , the Notnl lp | iorailoArrrsteil
After n I.OIIB ChA'U'--lto Once Tried
to Kill Tom
CHICAGO , 111. , Dec. lo. [ Special Telegram
toTnnllcc. ] Omaha people will bo cml-
nently interested to know that ono ot the
innn who robbed Jonasen's Jewelry store has
been arrested. This was the result of the
Identification by William Plnkerton of two
noted crooks under arrest In Milwaukee.
These men had maintained n quiet residence
nt 269 Lincoln street , this city , nn emi
nently rcspectnblo neighborhood , and it
is said were largely responsible for most
of the crimes committed hero within the last
few months. On Monday morning W. A.
Plnkerlon. accompanied by postofllcc Inspector
specter Fleming , went to Milwaukee nnd
found the two prisoners in custody there to
be Frank Druce , n noted western and south
ern thief , with a very desperate repu
tation , nnd William Doyce , alias
W. C. Brown , alias Frank Hush , alias .loo
Schcll , alias William Doycr , well known in
St. Louis and Kansas City.
On account of the numerous b.n'glarlcs
committed in this city and also because of
the Jonascn Jewelry robbery perpetrated
in Omaha , the work being placed in
the hands of the Plnkerton agency ,
search was made by them for Frank Drucc.
The agency looked up a friend nnd compan
ion of Druco in this citv named Rob Curry.
Curry and Dnico had recently been arrested
nt Canon City , Col. , for attempting to liber
ate from prison at that point an old pal of
Druco's named .1. K. Stratton.
Druco and bis gang nro wanted for many
postofllcc and Jewelry robberies throughout
the west. Curry accompanied him In his
raid on the Canon City penitentiary and
here were captured , but Hmco succeeded in
escaping the night after tlie capture.
Cuiif-lit Uriieu'nTrull.
Curry wns afterwards released , and re
turned to Chicago. It was found that Curry
was nt ono time employed as an engineer in
a theater in this city , and while not a pro
fessional thief himself , was on the most intimate -
timato terms with all Ibc members
of Iho western gang of burglars.
Curry was approached relative to
securing information regarding Druce ,
but protested his entire ignorance. The
story was not credited and n careful watch
was placed on Curry. About eight days ago
the watch was rewarded by bringing him in
contact with n man living on Cottage
tago Orovo avenue , near Twenty-
sixth street , under the name of Frank
Foust. Foust was readily identified by the
superintendent of Pinkorton's agency as
Frank Druco. alias Frank Doyd , alias How
ard , the well known' western sneak , burglar
and all-around thief.
Druco is , a southerner by birth , but
for years be has operated in
the west. Ho ' is known to the
police authorities of New Orleans , the police
of Fort Worth , Tex. , Kansas City and Den
ver. Some years ago , in company with a
companion , he committedn daring diamond
robbery at Dallas , Tex. , stealing n tray of
diamonds valued at $10,000 from a
Jowler's window > iu tlio city. Shortly
after he was taken into custody , but man
aged to escape. On being arrested in Omaha
h'eattempted to shoot Sergeant Ornisby of the
Omaha police force. Bruce was afterwards
arrested ut Kansas City , Denver , San Fran
cisco and has also operated at Salt Lake
City , Lo $ Angeles ana all over the west.
SlmilcMrlii the Victim.
The witnesses to identify Bruce not having
arrived in Chicago , and knowing that if he
were arrested without the proper papers ho
would bo discharged on a writ of habeas
corpusMr. Plnkerton instructed bis men not
to arrest him , but take up a careful
shadow until the arrival of n wit
ness for the robbery in Omaha. The
second da j-after the shadows had located
him , he was found to connect with a very
tall , smart looking chap , and together they
proceeded to the west side of the n-iver. A
watch was kept on the tall man's movements
and it was found that ho was living at 20 ! )
Lincoln street , in this city , under the name
of Boyer.
The men seemed very suspicious and sly ,
as did also their wives. The men were
traced down town while examining some
prominent , business blocks and stores. Or
Saturday last they acted so suspiciously thai
the shadows were obliged to abandon' them ,
The next heard of them was their arrest in
On going up there Mr. Plnkerlon saw Ihe
tnll man who was connected with Bruce
and at once identified him as Will
iam Boycc. This man came from
Now York originally. Ho started
in life as a shoplifter and was known
ns a partner of the noted Mao Bennett , a
student of old Mrs.Mamlelbaum. a well known
receiver of slolcn property. From New
York he drifted to St. Louis , where be
is well known lo the police. He
is at present wanted there
for grand larceny , is also wanted in Kansas
City for Jail-brc.ikingandhas been in custody
at Louisville , Ky. , on a charge of shoplift
ing. Lately , however , ho has confined
all bis business to "porch climbing"
on swell residences and to safe burglaries.
Ho was * supposed to bo connected with the
Huffman jewelry robbery at Quincy , 111 , ,
about a year ago.
That DiirlnK Drnl ISollcvnil to ho Oun of
llrurit'rt Crimes.
It is believed that among the crimes for
which Frank Druco will bo com
pelled to answer is the daring diamond
robbery which was perpetrated on the
Sioux City and Pacific express near Califor
nia Junction some time ago , W. G. Pollock ,
a New York diamond salesman , was shot ,
pounded almost into Insensibility
and robbed of $15,000 worth of
diamonds in the presence of a
dozen passengers and the work was done by
a single man , who then leaped from the
train , which was running fifty miles an
It is claimed that 'Druco ' was seen la this
locality iv few days previous to
the Pollock j i-obliery. Sluco then
ho has kept pretty yroll out of s'ght , but , it
seems , has not abandoned his criminal pro
Bruce is well known , in this city , where his
escapades produced ' series of sensations
about two years ligo , Ho was the leader of
Iho gang of thieves who robbed the Doston
Store and was subsequently recognized by
Sergeant Tom Ormsby In the World-Herald
business olllco , Di'uco showed light ,
nnd quick as , ii ( lash drew n
big revolver , which ho leveled in the
officer's face , A tragedy was averted by the
nervy action of R. L. Motcalfo , a well known
newspaper man who'grapiiled ' with the crim
inal before ho could pull the trigger. Druco
was arrested and looked up in Uiu city Jail ,
from which ho madoi u desperate effort to
escape. Ho bad got out of his cell nnd
was in the act of prying up
the scuttle and escaping into tlio
street where ho was discovered.
UHo was afterwards released on $ SOO ball ,
which ho forfeited , but was apprehended iu
Kansas City and sent back. Tlie
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
evMt-neo ngnlnit him wns not
suniclent to convict and ho was m-nt rut nf
town. Ho Is wanted In almost every Inrec
city in the west and ! , contKleied ono of the
most nervy nnd desperate criminals In the
country ,
Vrom Niitvtirrgt
C. F. Moore & Co. , prominent druggists of
Nowborg. Ore , , say ; "Since our customers
have become acquainted with the good qual
ities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy wo
sell but lltllo of any other kind. Chamber
lain's medicines all glvo good satisfaction. "
For sale by druggists.
South Omnhn Iliirclur * M ltn tint UoiiniN of
tlip Tint Hi
Three stores on Twenty-seventh street ,
near the Exchange were robbed Wednesday
night. A quantity of merchandise was se
cured In each place.
The meeting of the clly council nnd Hoard
of Trade , lo bo held at the new council cham
ber , Pivonkn block , tonight , is an important
one nnd should bo attended by all citizens
who are interested in the welfare of the
Urnnvillc T. Dnrlow , the motor conductor
who wns injured by falling into n sewer
ditch ou Twenty-fourth street last spring ,
has received n verdict for $1,200.
The top on hogs Wednesday was $ ' , . ! ) , " > ,
and they went to $ ( UC > yesterday , the hiirh-
est price paid since September , 1SS8. If corn
and bogs keep on at this rale , Nebraska
farmers will be the people.
The Nebraska Central has abandoned
work for the winter.
K. 13. Day. n prominent Weeping Water
cattleman , is in the city.
Elastic Stocking'
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S.15tuSt. ,
Next to Postofflce.
IVoll.rome nnil have thorn oinnilno.l by our optician
reo of c'hniyp. nnd. If nocr < arrtlttdJ with ivnalroC
jur-l-KtlPliC-riON" Si'KCTACLKSor KVK ( JI.ASS-
SK the best In the world. If jrotulu not ni'od KR | * B *
we will tell you M ami a I visa you what toilo. Oll.l ) >
I'lnln , uniokc , blue or rrnlto k'lrmc * . for protecting tbu
eyes , froin&jcti putr up.
Max Meyer & Bro.Co
Jewelers and Opticians.
' tit Ilitrrn H reels
Teeth Filled With
out Pain by the
Latest Inven
Tcoth Extracted Without Pain or
A Full Set of Teeth OD llulikr for $5.01 $
I'crfect nt guaranteed. Tooth extracted In tlio
nioriilni : , KCTY ones InicrtcJ In the evening ot sama
ca specimen * of Ucmovablo Dridcc.
Eco specimens of Flexible Klaatlo I'lalo.
All work warranted us represented.
Offlco Third Floor Paxton Block ,
Telephone 10S5 , ll'.th and Knrniim Sis.
Toke elevator or stairway from lljtli St. entrance.
Improved Safety Elevators ,
Cor. Oth Pt. and 11 Ave. , Council HI tiffs ,
iFuiieral Director , Embaliner ,
114 Main Street ,
Council BlulTs.
eomi | njr Ilicm In mon Ql'll'KLV nnil 1'HIIMA-
NKNTIA' UUIIHU. Kill I 8TUKNGT1I anil lone
clven toovory part of tlio bony. I will 'coml ( to-
curely p c < Bil'KHBB ) to nny eullorer the pruicrli. |
tlon tlmt cureil mo of these trouble ) . Aclilrass , It.
An oidlnanonchaniliiK the irrado of Dorcas
street from the wcateurbof Tlh etrcotoxtciul-
ed to the onst curb of lllh slrcot , In the city of
Omnliu , nnil repeallni ! so much of Orado Or-
dInlinee No. HI , and so much of uli ordinances
In coulllct herewith :
Holtordnlnod by the city council of thotolty
of Omaha ;
fcotlon I. Wheroae. property owners repre
senting tlio totnl frontn o on Dorcas strool.
from Till Ktrout to Uth slieot. have iintllloiicd
the mayor and city council for the clianini of
ErailohoroltKi'lermuntlonod , nnd liuvo waived
ull ( liunanos that may ailsu by reason of shell
ohiinKeof RrndO !
Therefore , tlie crndo of sild : parts of Dorcas
street is hbreby uhanzod and ostabllshod so
that the elevations bluill lo : ns follons , the
Krado between the points cltod liolni ; uniform
striifcht lines ;
( jriuleof Dorcas street !
Klovatlon Klovatlon
of . outh of North
Curb Uurb
\Vcstcurb of 7th street ex
tended , as established. . . . 18.10 1R1.0
Kastcurbof 8th street 'J 0.5 Boas
Wcsleurbof gth street ' . ' 01.0 JiOI.O
ICabt curb of Uth btrout , us
oslabllsbeil ' 'I2.i 2l2..r >
Boetloni' . So mucliof Grade Ordinance NoS'.l ,
nnd so mueliof all oilier ord iiiinces dcflnliiK
the grades of the above htrocts , us conlllcts
with tlio provisions ol thU urdlnaiiec. lu here
by repcafi'd.
Section I ) . That IhH ordlaanco shall take
clTeotand bo la force from and aftur Us j
1'ussed Novotnlior29th , 1801.
Olty Clorlc.
ActliiK ProsliJunt Ulty Counull ,
A pprovcd NovonAjcr , ! * ) *
Mlhj , , RJ , I3f
Mayor ,
SealL'd pioposuK will do riTi'lved by llio
iindi-olKiifd until 1:30 : o'clock p. in. . Duot'inlicr
123 , IbUL1 , for llio repairs of huwurs that may lie
ordi'ivd by the < : lty coiuicll for llio year fiiil-
Iiitf DeceiulM-ral , 1H93. Kiich work to du done
uud nialrrliil fiirnlxlicd In accoidiiiico wltli
] ilansind Hin'clllcatlons on fllu In lliuollleu of
lliuj'oaidot I'ublluVorliw. .
1'ioposalu to IM ) madoon pi-lnlcil blanK'H fiir-
nlhlii'il by tlin hoaril. and tht'Mt accoinpanlcd
will ) a ci'MIIIrd check In tlio Mini nf } MO ) , pay-
itblo to the ulty vi Uinaliu , an an ovldunco uf
good faith , x
The board lo-servi's tliu rlulit to rojcct any
or all bids and to walvu dcfcclM.
. Chulrniaii Hoard of I'llUUuVoiliH. .
Omaha , Nub. , IK-c. 0 , Jb02. Dec , 0 , 10 , 10 , 17.
Oh ! Girls ,
Not again Inside of your years will you
be able to exercise your privileges , and in sympathy - *
pathy with you we have decided to give you ,
one more chance before the New Year is rung
Are you going to do the "ringing"Maybo ?
he would get you a much nicer ring if you
bribed him with one of our neat and nobby
dress up business suits.
What's the matter with Christmas ? . $8,50 ,
$10 , $12,50 and $14 Special prices for special
suits in black , brown , gray , plaids , checks ,
stripes and plain cheviots , all wool , cassi-
meres , clay worsteds A limited number at
these prices. An elegant Prince Albert suit
for $16.
If she won't get one for you , you certainly
can't ' afford to miss getting one , as any one of
these suits is a dead sure mascot on the ringing
sure the sign reads
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
Then you will see where you are at.
Special ftf
\\rANTKI ) A pupil mir o lit tlioV. . C. A. hoi-
> > pltiil. cor. ( itli avcmio niul ! ) th nlrcot , niiiHt 1)3
between 2J nnd H3 years old ; ufttooil moral charac
ter. Apply at ouCo.
' week. Apply to Airs , llornco Kvcrett , 2d UTO-
nuoaiulBth Etruet , Council UlulTa
AWANTii : > At onca. 3 or 4 KOOUVo - 1 cornlro
i mnkcru. titontly job for Iho right men. II )
Grnhl ,1 Son , Council lllutTs.
rP\V < ) Rlrls wnntcd to do houn-HOrk. Apply at 023
JL Klrnt avcnuu.
irANTKU Klrnt-cliise islri for housework , ( ioou
wnito ? . Apply ftt la North Kirbt aIrc-et.
FOR UXCIIANUB A nlc < ) home on S. "th street ,
noarlHh avouue , clear oConcumbranco , for homo
In Omaha. Hnnscom I'lnoo ot Kounui ) I'licu pre
ferred. Will nut In ? i,5JJ difference. Ureanihl odi ,
Nlcholtun & Co.
FOUKXCIIANdK Goodl-room liomo on South
bth Btrcetfor land. Grconahleldi , .Nic.'ioNon , V Co
AHHTIlACTOnndloans. Kami and city pro.arty
bought and sold. IMacy & Tnoma ) , Council
11 In ITa.
FAKW and city loans. Money loaned on btoc'c
and grain. Heal estnlo for salo. Dwelling an 1
business rentnlt. Money loaned for local Inventors ,
1'OUKUO XTowlo. IMS leurl Htrcot.
lots In Central anb.
! a loth In Mullen's ad1.
.15 lots In llnylls * .V I'almoiM'
&HotH In Mayno's 1st.
0 loth In 1'ottor , i Uobb'i.
21 loin In lloar'n sib.
15 lots In llcer'a add.
. > 2lottiln lllghlaudadd.
18 lots In llutcMuaon'u adj.
4. > lots In Turloy'H add.
Hints In Hldnlo'Dadtl.
mints \ViUhfHudd. .
Iti lots In f'lerco'i * add.
Lots In ovnry addition to the city cheap forcjs'i.
oren paymenU. Cull and sou us. No trouble to
fhow proporty. Grccnnhlolds , Nicholson & Co.
f'\t \ ACltlSS upper llroadmiyi uple-idld piece for
OplsittliDfj cheap for cash , or will iivchatixo for
Improved residence property In Council 111 nils ,
( jrociibhlolds. Nicholson X Co.
. * AND Kll'JIT Unil ! rlcheit and most
beautiful trnct In 1'oltavaUamln county : too
Vntcrprlsn 1'lucei live nr ten acrj lots. Ureon-
6lilolil . Mchulauu & Co. , ( HI llroadwuy ,
WK WANT ten aero of land within five mlluj n (
city. Don't how roiuli It U. ( iroau-
shield * . Nicholson , vCo ,
EXTKUIMIISK I'laco , for fruit * or cardoni
iiiburban homca , line aero lots , twenty mlnutoi
Ho in motor line. Urocnahleldi , Nicholson & Co ,
15 FAK.MS to oxclunRO for housaa and lots or
Lpood vacant lots. 21 acrcior nlcj Kurdon land
forealout $ .VJ per acre. Johnston , t Van 1'attun.
| 7iUlT : 1'AIIM Improved , a mile and a half from
i. thopostolllcn , : i' ' ucrai ; A room lions ? . Htabla ,
I * 1C. Will tifclmnxo for roslduncs In Council UlulTs ,
( ireoriiflilcldH , Nicholson .V Co.
. from city ; will null at cut If
-taken thla week , ( iruenidilnld * , Nicholson & Co ,
MONTHLY 1'AVMBN'M-Kor alo. naw live-
room IIOUBO , | ntli room , floctrlo lights , ull
mnilorn Improvements , one block from motor. A
model liomo. ( iroi'ii.tilehU , Nlcholnoii k Co.
I ) KH1DK.NCU lot.ft ! fool front. Hvo blo i from
illllonmer holiunl , uifureil for sale , fur this wouk
onlyatfiUi , ( ireonihloldn , Nicholson & 'C'o.
MONIMYS In It. A ? parlor * , chlldTon. tTpTmT
mlulU , : 'M | i. m. HoclalH second anil fourth
.Momlny'Ji. | m , Muslufninliihod partlon and clubi.
Addrosi It. A. I'arluri.Coiincll luUorlOJ ! ! ! ! Knrnim
st..Omaha. W , ! ' . t.tianihum , limlructor.
G AllllAOl1' rumored , roipoola , vaults and
chlmnoys cloinoJ. K. I' , llurku , city bld < .
You niu licnO > y notlfli'd that the undur-
hlKni'd , Ihri'ii illnliiUiri'slcil fr < Mholili'rs ! of tliu
city of Oiniibii , liavn bei'ii duly appointed liy
Iho mayor , with tliu approval uf tint city coun-
i.'l. of Mild clly , lo ahsitvi tlin daina M to Urn
owners respectively of the properly alTeoled
byKiadliiK tMlilfh < y hlivul from'JHth htioot to
UOtli aveiiui' , ( h-i'lart'il necessary liy oidlnancii
No. aiUI. passed July 'M , IU'J2 , and appiovi'd
July US , iW'J.
Vou are ftirllior notified , that having ac
cepted said appointment , and duly iiunllllcd
iiHrciiulifd liy law , wit will , on tliuIht ilay of
December , A. D , Ih'J'J , at Iho hour of 10 o'clock
In the forenoon , nt lliuollleu of It , W.tilhson ,
room 21(1 ( , Now urk Llfo buHilliiK , within the
corpora HI llmllh of * ald city , mcut , for Ilio pur-
posoofcoiihtderliiK and inakliiirthoahseshiiniiit
of danuiKo to iho ownen , lexjiuctlvuly of sald |
liroiierty , alfi'ded by Mild uradliiK , taliliii' utu
consideration Hpeclal liciu.'lils , If any ,
'You 11 lo notllied in bti iiiuhfiit , at Ihu tlmo
and place aforehald , unil make any objections
to or btali'MHJiilb concmilim hiild nfchOM
of damaafs us you may consldor proper ,
JOHN W. ItoilillNH.
All kinds of Dyeing nnd CIonnhiR done lu
Mm highest style of tho. art. f'aclcil and
tnlncd fabrics inudo to lool : as ROOI ! us now.
\Voric promptly done and dollvorod In all
liurts of tlio country. Send for price Hat.
C' A. MAGHAN , Proprietor.
Breadwnv.nourNorlhwGslorn Do ot ,
CouncilHhirt'H. In.
Unlli-il Mtntcs AIiiiHliiU'R Kalr.
In tlio circuit court , of tlio United States for
tliu district , of Nebraska :
Algernon S. 1'atrlek vs. Krwln Davis Xo. 233
Public notfco Is horby clvou that In nursu-
iinconnd by vlriuo or nn alias order of court
Issued out of above n.-uncd court In above en-
Itlcil cause. I , Hi-ail I ) . Klniik'hter , United.
States marshal for Iho dlstrletof Nobiuskn ,
will on the olchteunth day of .laiuiary. A. D.
18M , at tlio hour of ten o'clock In the faronoon
of said day , at the front ( north ) door of the
: oiiiity court linuio of ICnox county. NobruB-
< ii , In the town of Nlohrara , Knox county. No-
naska , soil at public auction , as tliu law (11-
lorts , to thu highest and best bidders , all the
iRdl , tltlo nnil Interest nf tha nforotalcl I'rwln
Davis In nnd to tlio following lands and tene
ments , to-w.t :
N ii of sec 4 , twp'U , north of nuico 'I. wcstt
iml n ! i no1 ! anil o ' 4 s o ' i of see ' . ' . and thu
s ' .v'i of see " . > . In twp : il , north : nil of range : i ,
west of the lith p m , and the o SS of soolll in
twp Ml , north of runeu * . ' , west : and the s ! J of
the s w ' .i of see ! . ' , and the n ' , { of the n w U of
see 11 , nnd thos w 'i of llio H w ! i of sou II , and
the n o ' .i of sec I' ' , and the H w U of see 15 In
twpII. north of ran o'J. west : and the s o ti of
souf'O , and tlio w < > of s w 'i of boo'iu , and the n
w > 4 of see I1. ) , in twp : i ) , north , all of ranno 2 ,
wust : and the n Vi of see l ! . and the s w ! { of
see 19 , and than w 'i of see'-0 , nnd tlio w H of
-GO H , .mil the no ' 4 of sou ill. In twp III , north
of ranuoll. west ; anil the s o U of sco . * > , nnd 8 w
' 4of sou I , nn I the n u ! i of sou ? , anil tlio n o ] i
of s w A. and the w ' , 1 ' of s w ! t of bou - ' . and the
n w ' 4 of s o U of HOU ' . ' , and thu u ' 4 of s o H of
pec 11. In twp > , north of ran o : i. west ; and iho
s 14 of see 13 , and tno n w H of nee ay. and the n
Yt of s w U , anil then \ - of n o Hot sou' " . ' , In twp
Jl. north of rangd : i , wint , and the o ' , { of BOO H ,
In twpito , norili of ranco' ' , woit : nnd tlio w ' ,4
of n w U. nnd th < ! w Yt of s w U of sou : ii : , In twp
III , north of nmKii' ' . woiti and the s ' ,4 of HOC 0 ,
In t\v ) > ; ( ) , noi Hi of i-iiiuo'.1 , west ; nnil all of see
J. ' , In twp'll , nortli of r.iiiKO 'J. west ; arid the n
w ) i of sue 7 , twp 20 , raiiKO * ) , west : auit
and tlio si ! of sec. 'M In two. if ) , north of ran 10
: i west , and the w'.i of hoc. "D.aiul tlio sii of ROD.
Ill In twp. ill , north of riuno if west , mid the
H1 } ofswU , anil thos'iofsoli of see.M. . and the
M'/I of sec.7. . and Kw'i ' and no'-i of hee. L'.i , ami
tlin nwy and swU anil soil of sec , 17 , all In
twp. 111. norJJi of raucn'l west : ami tno n'i ' of
nw'4 of sec , -I , mid mi'4 of sec. 4 , and ntjof nw
U ef sec. R and nu'i of sou. 1' . ' , anil no'4 and sw
U of Gee , U In twp "U , north of raiu-o II west ,
and o'i of sw'i ' nnd wHof so't of sec. U. In twp.
Ill , north of raneo U weal , ull situated In Knox
county , Xohrnslia ,
Tliu Hiimo hiivlii ! ! boon heretofore lovlcd
upon by vlrtuo of a writ of altarilunont Issued
out of the district court of Knox county , Ne
Said sale Is to satisfy a judgment of Raid
I'nUod Hlnlc.H circuit court obtain nil at tin
January term , IKtJ , In favor of Alcornooti t ) .
I'atrioK , and usalnst the said Krwln Divls.
TTnlted Ktntes Marshal. Dlslrlotof Nubraska.
JOHN \\KHHTKit , Attorney for plalntlir.
Nolle" "if , \n rmniinit lit Uuimijoii fop
Ulmiiifii or ( irnile.
To tliu owners of all loll or pirtsof lots on
Huward stiect , from UOlli utiuol to Ulst
Vou are hereby notlfloil that thu under
signed , thromllslntoioilud freeholders of tno
city of Oniulni , have boon duly appointed by
the mayor , with -jpurovaldf ihuulty coun
cilor said oily , to assess the daiuaKO to the ,
owners respectively of Iho property airootcil
by tlm clmmio of urado of said street , doelared
nocussury l.y ordinance No IKS. passed August
tllh , 1V.U , appoved Au.ust llth , lrtU. !
yon are fiirthor notified that havliiR ao
copied laid aofio ntment , nnJ duly ( juallflou
m , required by law. we will , on the afht day o
December. A. I ) . , IH'J. ' , at the hour of ID > ) 'coclc
In the forenoon , at the olllco of hhrlver
, VO'i > oMiilioe , HO.I 1'arniim Blrcpf , within thu
i-o'uorato limits of s'aldclly , n not for the purJ
noioof coiislileriuK and maUInt tlio nsswu-
iiiiintof damiuo to thoownOM reipuetivoly of
suld proporty. nirocli'd by mild ehaiiKO of
L-rudo. tnliinn Into coiiblif eratlon upeolal bono-
You arc notlflee , tobo jnesont , at the tlmo
and plaeo aforusiilil , nnd maUo any objootlona
toor liitoiiicnta conoainliu said assosimunt
of dumaijoB UK you m iy jnjldiir iirotior.
\V. ( i , nlllCf \ ,
T. II. SKOI'1,1.0011 ' ,
Omaha , Nob. , Dec , Oth , 1BJ3. l > \