2 VllK OMAHA DAILY IWKtl KIN DAY , DHrKMKUR 10 , 1802 , HOW THE BOYCOTT OCCURRED Opposition of the Rio Grande Western to th ( Union Pacific Explained. PASSENGER AGENT BENNETT'S VIEW ! fie Urt'liirrnThnt Ihn TroubliOrlijlimlpa In tlio irror : of thn ( Iverhinil ll > I'ouo- lrnti \v Territory IIU- lory or tli i Cine , KAI.T IAKK , U. T. , Dec , li" . [ Special Tclo Brain to * Tun HER. ] Oencral PassonBci Agent .T. H. Uonnctt of the HIo Grandi "Western , this morning pivo his side of tin ho-callcd lioyootl of tliu Union I'aciflc by tin Jo { ! Ornndu Westurn , Ucnver & HIo Grande Chicago , HurlltiBton & Quiticy and otho J -nails. Ho said : "It can't be In any way called i boycott , The farts nro simply these : SOUK time ago , when the Union I'aclilc wan tryltu to got Into the stnto ot Washington , the Northern Pacific barred them out am claimed local rates on all business done bj Hint road , That was before the Union Pa cillc built Into all the territory It now occu pics. Tlio Union Pacific appealed to the KI Grande \VoHtem , the Chicago , Hurlington I Qulncy , the Denver & Rio Grande and othe wads in protest .against that action.V backed them vigorously and helped then win. "Some time in April last the Cnlon Paelfl issued n circular saying they would not re uelve tlcltets of the llio Grande Western t any Union Pacific station east or west n Ogdcn without' the ticket holder paid loci rates , This was , for ono way only. 15ut fo homo reason they allowed our round trl tickets going over one road and returnin over the other. We concluded , that they dt that because the round trip ticket bcnulUc them and they thought tlio one way ticki would not do so to the same extent. W therefore came lo the conclusion that if the would not do business with us on single tri tickets wo would not do business with the ) on round trip tickets. Wo hesitated forsoni time about taking their tickets out of on ofllccs , fearing it might have some Imdoffei on friendly lined cast of u.s , but wo flnall got them in consultation on tlio subjec when they concluded that o were perfect ] right and they resolved to order the Unto Pacific tickets out of their ofllces. The ou come is yet to be seen. " won i , D NOT MKCOUI ; A Mr..uitiu. -\Vl4cminln ( Vntnil 1'rcveiifs HIP irallim of u Ticket , Acent's Association. Cittcioo , III. , Dee. 15. The commltu Appointed to draft an agreement for a loc , ticket agent's association of the wcstei roads , submitted its report to a general meo iuir of the interested lines today. All tin stood lu the way of its adoption was the r > fusal of the Wisconsin Central to take pa in the movement and the consequent refusi of the Hock Isl.mil to accept an agrecmei subscribed to by all interested , but after discussion of the subject , it was decided ' postpone action until after the meeting i the commission of general passenger agcn next week to revise the agreement of tl Western Passenger association. It is uopt that after the revision of that ngreemeu the AVisconstn Central will have no furthi objection to becoming a member of the loc association. At the meeting of the Western ITreigl association today the request for a propa tionatc rate on grain from Kansas City w , referred to a committee of Kansas City te initial lines to confer with lines west of tl Missouri river. A delegation of Kansi Cits' shippers was hero to confer with tl railroad presidents on this subject. Tl meeting adopted a rate of &J per gross ton < pig iron from the Mississippi to the Ml souri rivor. Chairman Caldwell of the Western Pn sengcr association has been nuthori/cd appoint a committee to go to New York fi u conference \ilth representatives of tl . trunk lines , the Canadian P.icific , tlie Si , line and the Atlantic & Pacific , and tl steamship companies , with a vie\v to agi'c ing upon some plan for the regulation rates ou immigrant traffic. WllKUKS ON THK UNION I'ACiriC. llnrd T.uck Culil AVeiitlier Has lining Aliout In AVjo'mlii ) ; . No less than seven wrecks have occurn on the Wyoming division of the Union I1 flllc within a week. One of the most serio was the Ilowell smashup , thirteen frcig cais leaving the tracks nnd .six of the being complete wrecks. One of the cars w loaded with Weber pianos , another wl condensed mini in cans , and five with tl liuest oil put up by the Standard Oil coi panin five-gallon cans mixed. The Wyoi ing sago brush hills were washed with tl condensed milk and oils , and covered wi pianos. The wreck of No. r at Ilalrlllo Mondi evening is said to have been very scrioi Ono authority states that no less tin twenty-flvo people were injured , and th the cngino aud six \\eredcrallcdui telescoped. _ No Chilli ; ; " In Hi" blrllio. Thcru is no apparent change in tlio Ho Jshmd'tolegrapncrs' strike -.situation , Bo hides are claiming victory and are standli out firmly , The air around tlio local ofllc would seem to indicate that the railroad li n trifio the best of it at present. .1. IJ. Meyers , traveling freight agent the Hook Island , came in yesterday fro Kouth Hcnd where ho liar been on duty sin llm strike began. II. A. Suyder. t operator , vas absent on a visit when t strike was ordered and he. returned to wo yesterday , Wednesday night the wlrei between tl point and South Hcnd ncrotlcd togetli and caused no end of incomenieueo a delay until the trouble was located yosti day morning by the linemen. lltillrimd NolcH. Colonel A. C. Dawes of the St. Joseph rs waj\vhohas been very 111 at tlio homo Frank Moorca , will prob ibly bo taken sou In hopes of prolonging his llio. Mrs. D.n\ is now arranging lor the trip. A number of changes arc noticeable- t ofiieo of Freight TraOic. Manager Munroo the Union Pacific. Mr. Woodworth , Iho in assistant fieh'ht agent , and Mr. Claire Mr. Muurou'.s clerk , occupy prominent po t tio'is lu the olllce , Nelson Vandcrpol , northwestern trav ing agent of the Vanderbilt Hues , Is hit city , Mr , Vandei-pool says ho expects llvo lo see the day of a traiiscoutlmmtiil n way , when trains will run solid from N York City to Han Francisco. Ho thinks tl if the Vnnderbilts gut control of the Unl Paclllo Omaha wouul have a railroad as i ; TO vuiiTixf iriST.v ; .i.iii : . lini > irtiiiit Ki'KUbitloii ( 'iiiilcMiiliilcil | In Niiiiiherot' Slut. ' . . MINSUAVOUS , Minn , , Dec. 15- [ Spec Telegram toTui ! Bui : , ] The llsh and gu coinmi.ssloners of the northwestern sta ndjourncd to.luy. A bill which may bo i pllcablo to all the states represented at 1 conference , Minnesota , thu D.ikotas , \ \ .cousin , MicJilgan , lllinolH and' Iowa , v prepared in advance by WP. . Audrus , tiv * 'uver ' of the Minnesota commission , am' was adopted by the assembly , A commit ou legislation was api > oliitcd whoso duty shall bo to see that the bill comes propu before the legislatures of the different sta this winter. That committee Is made ui hanutor Culvert Spelsley of Mineral Pol WIs. ; Senator E. F. Maok or Storm I A Iai W. It. Wilder of Grand Forks. N. W. P , Andrews of Minneapolis , Minn. : . S. 1' . Uurtlott of Qulucy , III. , and Colu " \Vlusor \ of Sioux Fulls , S. 1) , A sti-oug olfort will bo made to have open sbusoiiB unlfonn In the several btul riils will help to do away with the shlpp of gauio from one state to another. , other section will bo prcaontcd in each st providing that as fur us violations of jr'uuio laws are concerned the states uun bo ) irnotlunll\ one state , mi olTenno being an olTcnsu agiilnilall. KMI'.I rtTK ( lll.tXttK. Sr Mlon nt thn OrRiinlriillon i'oti' rluilrd nt DPS Molno * . DniMots-ns. Tu. , Dec 15. fSpeehl Tolc grnrn to Tun linn. ] The Jown iitato Orange , which had been In secret session at ono ol the hotels ht < ro for two days , with but slim Utendance. closed Its labors hito last nlitht. The old officers wore contlnui.tl for another year , The following were among the resolu tions adopted ! "That wo urge upon the semite of. the United States the prompt passage of \VnaU1mrn-IIutch bill now pending before that body , to the end that this Immoral and inequitable practice of gambling may bo abolished ; that convict labor of the stale , and also the prisoner ? in our city Jails , bo employed on the public highways ! that congress so amend the Interstate commerce law as to make it ot practical benefit to'the people : that we are opposed to opening thu World's full-on the Sabbath : that wo demand of congress the passage ot such laws as will prohibit tin sak- and mumiftu'ture of nil adulterated food products : that wo favor a luw compelling manufacturers of oloomargeriuo , huttorlm and llko compounds to color their product pink. " Thu report of the committee on credential' showed that there wore about fifty granges In the state In a nourishing condition. II was decided lo hold the next meeting tieai Lenox. Swln.Me.I IIU rrtriuN. CEIHU HM-IDS , la. , Dec. 15. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Den. ] U .T. IJomoJrl , n Nor wegian. Is under arrest at Norway , Bentoi county , charged with obtaining money undo ! false pretenses. It is alleged ho wont t < Norway about n year ago. and by holding mil to his fellow countrymen that Immense profits were to bo made In real estate ncai Chicago , induced twenty-two of them to In vest $1.IX)0 ) each for the purchase of a forty acre tract near Griffith. Ind. The Ceu tral Iowa Ivajid syndicate was formed The land was purchased , the document : showing the consideration to bo ? ® t.X ( ) ( ) Konll/.hig nothing , some of the members be came suspicious atul two went lo Griffith They found Ijcmojul , ho was imablu ti locate the land. They employed asurve.vo who located it two miles from town on tin edge of n swamp. Further invcstigatloi revealed the fact that it was worth only $ , " > per aero nnd It was subsequently uscertulnci that ? 2,000 hud been paid for It , though tlr purchase price was represented to have beei S ! > 3UOO. It is thought a settlement will b effected by the return of the money to th stockholders. I'orijiMlu Number ol Notes , DEsMotsns , la. , Dec. in. [ Special Tele grain to Tun Bnu. ] .lames II. Baldwin , : farmer thing about four miles noithwesto Sigourncy , has been arrested for forger , and now lies in Jail here. Ho drew a note ii favor ot his wife and forged the signature o Mrs. J. B. Ilarnov. his wife's uunt. to it am sold it to the Keokuk County State bank He also secured monev in the same way o .T. A. Schulto and Chris Keller. The tola amount so far found is from $1,100 to 31,501 The indications are that ho has pursued , similar course for several years , always Ink ing up the/ notes when due and escaping dt lection. The amount now involved has bee secured by mortgages and the parties Intel ested refused to prosecute1 , but the shcrl : took hold of the matter and arrested Bald win. Itolihrrs llusyul llurliiiftmi. BfituxoTo.N , la. , Dec. ir . [ Special Tcl ( grem toTiiu Bii : : . ] At noon today the saf in the office of the Toledo , Pcoria & Wosi crnrailway , uhilc the agent was temporal Hy absent , was blown open aud robbed c WN ) . The robbers was seen to jump a mo\ iug freight train and were captured at Moi mouth , III. , and brought back. .Last ulgli an old man -\vas attacked by footpads an beaten almost insensible and robbed of $4X1. Itiiu Down l\ . the l-'ljer. Gi.r.swooi ) , la. , Dec. 15. [ Special Teh gram to TUB Dm : . ] .1. P. Klsslck of Han burg , la. , an important witness in the cas of Morgan against Fremont county , a dan age suit , was killed by the Chicago , Burling ton .Si . Quiticy flyer this morning near Pacitl Junction. Ho was walking from the lattc place lo Glemvood to attend trial , and bein deaf did not hear the train. Im > : i CiliUMliirs lo .Meet. Cutuu UAI-IUS , la. , Dec. 15. [ Special t THIS Bic. ] December 2r , 23 aud 20 th thirty-eighth annual meeting of the low State Teachers association will bo held i the high school buildhnr and churches ncn by. The program is a lengthy one and a the leading educators ot the state will Joi in the discussions. j'jiiit.inux OF T..HS011. 9 Itrsiilutloiis Introduced und Adopted Otlit Itiisliicts Tnnis-.icled. PiiiiADui.i'un , Pa , , Dec. 15. The mornln session ot the Federation of Labor was lit important. Most of it was devoted to ill : cusslon .of the proposition to cancel sma loans made by the oody to striking organlz : tions in the past. At thu afternoon session resolutions wei introduced ; favoring the organisation e plush workers In America and the organizi tlon of colto workers ; also resolutions t boycott tbo National Brewing company c San Francisco and George Ehrcts compan of Now York "for the abolition of slaver forbjrbew" anil to "secure legislation prc hibiting judges from directing : juries to brin in verdicts. " Tlio report of the coinmitteo was the taken Up. The coinmittco'ii coneurreneo i most of the recommendations wcro approve until the clause favoring thu opening of 111 World's full1 wiis reached. This cause j some discussion , hut the president's i-ccon incndntlon favoring Sunday opciilng wi linally indorsed by a vote of 54 lo 10. Ou Iho recommendation to establish u official join mil of thn federation much o ] position developed and the project was d foaled. The question of a I ibor congress at tl : World's fair was broueht up by the recon mcndationtli.it the constitution be alien sou : , to hold the next meeting during tl last week iu August. Delegate Weissma the radical rrprcscntnlivu of the Baltei union ; strenuously opposed tlio project i impr.ictlcablo owing to the whin divergence niniH and opinions between the working pc plo of America and otliw countries. Otliei objected to the great expeimo involved. To tent the .sense of llm federation u in tiou was olTeied that the organization pa tlcip-itu lu an International labor congress 1SIKI. 1SIKI.At At the hour of adjournment the discussli was still iu progress. ' 'tin : Destrnctliiii til * it KuUKiis City Cracker KII lui-y Otlirr Itlu i-4 , KANSVS CITY , Mo. , Dec. 15. Tlio factory th * Hugglns Cracker company was destroy by Urn tonight. Over lilK ) employes were work at the time. Thej narrowly escape as the lire spread so fast us to nearly cut i all means of exit. Loss , $ lTriNK ( ) , which w insarcd. The > concern is a numibor of t American BKcuit and Manufacturing coi puny. KT. PAI-I , , Minn , Deo. l.'i. Fli-u and wat in the Wann block this morning cans tlOO.mW dainago to Us contents , The pr : clpal losers ai-o the Nouotuck Kllk compai and Sehwab .t Brother , whoicsalo notions , LINCOLN , III. , Dec. 13. The business IM lion of the town of Benson , ten inlu. ' . < Vast here , was wiped out by lire at midnliil l oss , f 12,000 ; Insurance oXX ( ) . , WAIUSII , Ind. . Dee , 15.Tim WabashNo' was destroyed by tire and water this moi lug. I-oss , 3,000. IJQSS covered by insurant . I. - L'lirl li T.ikcn to O.llil.uul. Deputy Sheriff f ongford of Hurt conn arrived yesterday and secured O. J. Carlsc the young man who was arrested by Juil Huvey , Young Carlson forged his fathr slgnatui-o to notes amounting to $1,300 , whi ho cashed at the First National bank of O ; land , The officer was accompanied by A drew Bockimui , president of the bank , a J , W. Ilohiulst and N. B. Boars of Oaklai Movi'iiii'iits ot Oeoan htraiucr.t , At ICinsale Passed Tttitrlc , from N York. At London Arrived Missouri , from I ) tlinuro. Kill 1FT FOIIOW IN flWS Two Orawford Men Qnarral Over a Qamo o ; Cards. THOMAS TALTON FATALLY WOUNDEC IJil .Mooro U r 1IU ttovolvor In 11 DlniciiUj llh an Old I'rlriul UrtitlU of llio AlfrHy Soinn Tiillc of I.J UC'lllllR. , Neb. , Dec. 15. [ Special Tolo gr.iiii to Tun HIE : , ] Last night Ed Moore at tended nu uuturtiiliimcul tit Fort Robinson , reluming to Crawford some tlnio during the niht Ho connncnccil tlrluhlnjj upon Ills re turn hero and bocnnio very abusive. .A ban I i > oVlm'lc this morning ho shot Thomas Tal ton. nud the victim Is in 11 very critical con tlHlen , with ilttlo hope of recovery. Moon nnd Tnlton : n-o old chutiit nnd have enjoyci many a. sprco In the past. They were room mates at the time of the shooting. Moon run a tub game In Meyer's saloon and Tailor is a common Rambler. The row utarted over 831110 chips whlli playing a g.nno of stud poker. Moore was nbtislvo nnd slapped Tnlton In the faro aftei u few remarks. Moore pulled his gun nut struck Talton over the head with It , cutthij. a long Riisli over the loft oyu. Tom Hill who was standing near , stepped up to Moore and persuaded him to RO lo a room near by In u short time Tulton followed him and tin quarrel was renewed. Itullcti followed ItliMVA , Tnlton struck Moore over the ho.id with : whisky bottle ; then Moons commcnra shooting1. The llrst three shots missed tin virtim , but the fourth took effect , the bill entering the left side and came out near tlu rlRht nipple. As Moore commenced shootlnj Tulton started out of the saloon and wai Just"Roiii r around the corner of Meyer's sa eon when shot. Whllo shooting , Moon aid : "When a man does mo dirt .ho musl IP , and It might as well bo done lion' as am inio. " A physician was summoned and in a shorl , imo had the victim resting easy. Moon ried to escape , but wns captured by Mar hal Morrison. He was placed in jail. A irst ho was very cool , but when ho learnei .lu true condition of Talton ho broke dowi ml cried like a baby. Moore and Taltoi re termed bad men and haveiileeord. The ; vero soldiers in I troop , Ninth cavalry , i ow years ti o , and wiiilo stationed at For McKinney , became involved in a quarrel will i cowboy over a came of cards.Tho cowbo ; Hod with his boots on. At .Fort Hlle ; Moore , Talton and a soldier iianicd Jacksoi vero mixed up in a killing , but no couviu ions wcro made. County Attorney Eckles will bo hero ii ho morning , and Moore will bo arraignei ind fjivcn a proliminan hearing. There wa some talk of lynching , but tbero'is no dante ipprclicmlod at present , Soycriil eye wll losses will bo summoned at the preliminary Xclmiilm Slioi'lll'i in t'oiiriTrnco. FnnsioNT. Xcb. , Dec , 15. [ SpcciiS. Tell gram to Tun Bin : . ] The State Assoeiatio of' Sheriffs held a session in the parlors o ho New York hotel in this city this even njj and adjourned to meet in Norfolk nox May. The object of the meeting include the discussion of matters pertaining to the ! calling and to become better acquainted \mong those present were : .TUmes IMMallor warden of the state penitentiary ; Sheriff Tames A. Costcllo of Grand Island , \\T. I ] Uyan of D.ikota City , Charles Trognitz o Sidney , George A. Bennett of Omaha , M. McGre w of Tckamah , C. F , Holliday o Broken Bow , C. H. Adams of Saward , Dei uty Glaus MoncKO of Blair , W. P. Fergus o Palls City. Robert Kyd of Beatrice , W. I ! tlainiltoii of D.IWSOII county , E. J. Hosecr.in of Hushville , James MilUkcn of Fretnonl "William Co burn , ex-sheriff of Douglascouutj M. J. Mawhiney of Fnllclrton , C. Kroepcr t Schuylcr , John M. Nutter of Kearney , D. C Cav.imigh of Columbus and ten others. Two Accidents > "car Hyiiunls. Hv.vsxis , Neb. , Doc. 15. [ Special Tell gram to THE Ben. ] An old Bcntlcnian by th lamoof Nichols was thrown from bis wage and suffered a fracture of his right an : odny. His team became unmanageabli "When found by the roadside ho was ui conscious. A William Chambers of this vfcinity , whll uintint ? today , accidentally discharged hi shotgun , shooting off his left arm. After I'lili-mniil's I'ostolllcc. FAIRMONT , Neb. , Dec. t."i. [ Special Tcli jrani to THE BEE , ] Considerable unxiet has been .manifest hero among the dcnu : r.Us sim-e the election in rtgard to Hi postofllce. It seems they all want it , and t settle the matter called a meeting today an selected a candidate. Isaac Avery was th winner. - g. x.i'riuy.iL mi'xvrr , ov iro.v .v. It .Meets In Trlciinl.il ' eliiu lit Clilcugii- .Subjects l > lsciisid Yesterday. CmcAoo.Ill. , Dec. 15. The National Coui oil of Women , in triennial session at the Pa mor house today , listened to an extensive n ! > ort on dress reform presented by Mr ; Frances E. Hussell , chairman of the commit tec on the subject. The members of tli committee are Mrs. F. G , Parker , Mrs. Annl T. Miller , Mrs. Octavla Bates. The , roper after discussing all the forms of dress sus gestcd by several advocates of reform i women's garments , Jixed upon and reeon mended one ot a composite typo , lees \vuibtcd inul , short skirted enough to enabl the wc.iror to pro up and down stairs witl out danger. The report was exhaustive ! discussed , but it was deferred for futui meetings to adopt or to modify. The coinmitteo on equal wages , having i ui'Ktf the agitation looking toward the e : tablishment of the principal of cqnaLp.i for equal work , reported that efforts wei being made to have a bill introduced in coi gross making statutory provisions for tlu reform , i'ho divorce reform coinmitteo made a n port , outlining the work of the committee i behalf of the council , looking toward tl representation of women in the Nation : Divorce Ueform league. The organisations represented at thomee Ing were : The National Woman's Chrlsti.i Temperance union , Mrs. M. B. Corse ; tl National Free Baptist Woman's sodot Miss Moslier of Michigan ; the Nation Amnrican Woman's Suffrage assoeiatio Mrs , Boynton Herbert ; the Woman Dontenary association of the Universal ! church , Mrs. Qninby of Maine : the " \Viin daughsis , lluv. Anna Shaw , and the Int national Kindergarten union , Miss San Stuart. n rs sr.t'rja Dr. llrlKUi Arrunm IIU KnnmliM of ( ! ro Nnw YOUK , Dec. 15. Uov. Dr. Briggs i sumed ills defensa this afternoon before tl New York presbytery. Ho commenced li argument today with the discussion of tl discipline of the church. He did not rcco nlzu the Infallibility of the pope , and mo certainly ho did not recognize the infal blllty of a Presbyterian general assembly. I" The prosecution , ho claimed , had pi-overt his stutompiitH lu his Inaugural address , 111 had misrepresented his moaning. If th had studied and understood the true lute of his assertions they never would im made the blunders they have made. Council of l.'Hthollii ST. Lot-is. Mo. , Doo. 15. The council suffragan bishops adjourned this ufterno after taking pledges of sceresy regard ! the proceedings , It is almost impo.s-.iblo glean any information , but it is currently i ported that It was decided that Bishop Hi ncssoy of Oubuquo Hould be elevated aich-epUcopal dignity and that u new t bo created As to the selection of three mimes to sent to Homo , of which one will be chos coadjutor to the venerable Archbishop K < rick , much guessing is now being done local Catholics , Of the three suloctoU , It believed that that of Bishop John Lawreu tipaulding of I'eoriti , receiwd the larg ( number of votes Mgr. O'Connell , reel of the American college at Koine , t ttevond greatest number , while the Ilil choice ivats between Yleur General Urudy HI UmK HIMioiy.ttlin Knln of Wlipollntt , W Vn .aminishoi/JilwIitFitmeraldof t.lttle Hook , Ark. i > iiMx.Tr. i\tn.wit.titii.i. E. II. Allen of lff.rWfk is nt the Atvndo. Ocorgo Smith oflJCfeirnoy Is In the city. . F. ( Jrinin of Tcknmnh ! at the Murray E. E. Williams o"f Edgar Is nt the 1'nxton. AV. W. Wilson of .Omdi-on Is iwuost nt the A rend o , A. .1. Gustln of "Keaniey Is n guest at the Murray , nol , U. A. Kcllar of llp Jivlllo is stopping at the Paxton. „ F , C. Xchrung of , rancoln is a guest nt the- " ' " ' " Mlllnrd. Edwnnl Sheldon of Nebraska City Isnt the Mlllard. Ij. P. T ni-sou of Fix'iiiont is registered at the Mlllard. II. Ij. Plerco of North Bend is stopping at the Arcade. Colonel E. D. Webster came in from Stratton - ton yesterday , Will G. Nye of Ivoarney was a gu3st ut the Pnxton yesterday. . r T. C. Held and wife of Fullerton are regis tered at the Arcade. F. H. Meyers and sister of Beatrice arc registered nt the Murray. G. A. Hnyincr nnd wife of Lincoln regis tered at the Paxton yesterday. Hon. W. F. Cody ( BulTnlo Bill ) enrno in from North Platte yesterday morning and leparted for Chicago last evening. Phillip Cross of New York City is at the Jaxton. Mr. Cross is In the wes t looking iftor mortgage securities in which ho is in- erestod largely. Ho goes from hero to Don- er and from there to Kansas City , return- ng to Chicago. At the Mercer : S. B Burkles , Louisville , Cy , ; .John .1. Arcbbold , Chicago ; Ambrose B. Dean , Hastings , Neb , Ciiidviio. 111. , DJU. 15.-Special [ Tolo train o THK Br.n.l Tne following Nubraskans ire registered hero today : Fremont U. M. McMlllen , .fesaie McMlllon. A , G. MuAus- and , Omaha. Grand Pacific J. W. Whln- iiirt. C. M. Boynton , Q. N. Bennett and ind wife , Omalia. Palmer G. P. Davun- > ort and \yife , Omaha. Wellington S. Jusk , Omaha. Leland B , W. Scoville , Lin- oln. Yictoriii J. Beatty , Jr. , and wife , L. I. Drake , E. W. Cooley and wife , Omaha. Ircat Northern Gcorgu A , Joslyn , Omaha ; I. M. Bushmill , Lincoln. t Will Ho flciicriilly I'nlr TliroiiRliout tlui Slate Today. WvsiliNtiTON. D.C..Dce. 15. Forecast for Friday : For Nebraska and Iowa Gener ally fair ; westerly winds ; slightly warmer n southeastern Iowa. ' For the D.ikotas Light snow flurries ; vest winds ; colder except in eastern por- lon of North Dakota , where the tempera ture will rise. Domestic. The brutal nssMlmii of MNs Andnrson ot ilowllng Uieen , Ky. , has so far evaded ai ri'it. A mob at lU'lluvleiv. Tenii. , captured a nesrci who had nssunlted li'iesiiucliiblc white Klrl of that town and lyncHedblm. | Three men were < )8fiied ) to death In a Hro \vhlch destroyed a'bAu-dlirj homo In Union 1'nik , n suburb ot SI. t'luil , Minn. Tim National I'ir6 liiiuiance company of Now York has plven notluo that It will lliiul- date Iti u tl'ii I is and Koout of buslnuss. OliarlL-s O. Snmiiters of .Meridian , Ia. , luis ronfei ed to the tjieft of Jo.OOO from the. Southern Kxpress .Kuiupuny's oRico at that , phicu. - ' Keese , n 2-veav-old JMJINO , valued at $25,000 , owm'dbyj.j. MeOnlt'-rty ' of C'olunibus , Oa. , Jell In ItsNtalland y so badly Injured that It had to bo shot. * * 1 Chicago doteetires lisive arrested a number of men , who , forsonftt'tlinebiixe ' lioun onrfaced ineountei-relthmtliu ticlcets of the hoiiNlium Lottery company. . , ( I'resldent-i'leet Oluvelaiiil or. January 15 will len\o New Voi-l ; City for I.tikui\ood , at wlilch villaco lie will inside until 'March next , when ins will leave I' VusIiftigton. Commissioner Morg&'u bSJ. Infornicd Secre tary Noble that ttiiV'worlr'of edueatlnj ; llio children of IndliuiH Is bailly liampered by his inability to enforce llio provision- the act of 18'JO. Jliss Sarah Podge , who Cvas linjillciiled In the mysterious murder oH'olnnel iilter liabcock in August , 1H8B , is in conlinenient In llio town of .Morris , 111. , ami Mill bu o.Miiiilned as to her sanity. Coiniiiandcr Johnson of the United States steamer Mohlran , is being tiled befoie a naval lioiitd ntSiinrr nul < coforiu > gllgi > nee in allow- liig tbe vessel to run aground on tbo coast of Alaska. Tlio olllcial canvass of tbo vole of the state of Now VoiU shows that Cleveland's plurality Is 45-lQO. Tlio proposed tlireo aniendinents lethe the state constitution were defeated by .small majorities. v A panic occurred among the children In tint Shepherd's Homo at St. Louts , and In the mad rn-h lo escape from the building , a great many of them weie bun , but , fortunately , none of them MM loiiily. The suit of I-YnnkOrny , ox-business > naiirir ( > ill - of the Now York Mull unil K\press , Colonel Klllot F. Suuir.ii ( i for flH.UOO , two years' salary , lias been decided against dray. The ease was replete with sensational Inci dents. H lias been given out that the Illinois Cen tral hail sfcuird , by purchase , tl o Little Hock .t Memphis railroad , which com coU the cities named , and that the tine would lie extended via. Hot Spiin\s \ and Paris , Tex. , to I'orl Woith. tin ) week beginning Monday next tbeio will lie executed by clectilclty ut Sing Sing , N. Y. , prison , Potur Schult/ boy 10 ycaisold , for the murder of a baby at Long Island , and 1-V'rt K.McliiiIre , who killed Mi-d. Giejrory. Peter Hart , one of the lieroes of the late war , the man who , \vlien tliullag of Tort Siimter was shot awajat , the risk of his life left thupio- tectlon of Hut rampart * , iccovercd the ( lag and nailed It to the stuff , lies dying In Now York City. Tin ) executive roi.imltteo of the World's fair will Invite > lr. Cleveland to make lui nddicss on the opening of the fair in .May nu\t , and have nisi ) decided that upon him will de\olvu the honor of putting In motion Hie machinery of llio e.\posllon ! , Now York sports , MI 't Is leported , do not place much contlde.ico In the genuineness of llio coming HslH bet\veen .llm Hall and lioli i'll.sliniuonThey an ) Inclined to think that the two men htivou societ understanding , and tliat the Il lit will be a fake , A mob fioiii.lelllco , Ky. , Invaded WIllliuns- buig , in the same state , bent on lynching a negio who iiad assaulted and murdered Mil- died Hryant of .ielllco. The negro had been removed from the jail before the mob an i veil nnd .secioted by Hie olllcer.s. The executive committee of tbo Ameiican Hlinetalllc league hah passed resolutions de- clarblK that HIIV changes In the present law , looKIm ; to llm discontinuance of iho purchase of silver would bo huitful to thn | > ioti | rlly ol tlio country and bai infill to Its nionut.ii-y sys tem. tem.Tho Tlmes-rnlon of Albany , N , Y. , Mate' thai Senator Hill lias been ollcrcd and has nc eepteil the portfolio of .sin to by Mr. ClovtUnd and Hint , II has ItutnlnKiced that ( lovuiuot 1'loui'inml r.dwarilHMurpby , jr. , sliall repie- sent Now York skiln , Iho Unltod ritatea somite. , , , „ Tilt ) Yalohtudt'nl i Ji9Ciiijinii'd In the dis graceful riot of u feW weeks ago In a Nev Haven theater are \\oii-yliiK ovui the naluri of tin ) punishment tlitirjN to bu motuil out u Ilium. Until thu fn cully'Of thu i-nllejjo and tin city nlllcliiln aru dolt'ruvlned Unit Iho-o gtilUj ( if ( INtni-lilliK Hi" liuiwy Jinil ( ilhi'i-uNo iiiKlii ! liiirliiKtlioniM'lvus ill bo huruii-ly puiilshuil A lur u ( Mivulopu , j'j | y | fi In I MS ; Ihu in drill lnvi missives iilli' i-il l < ifiv ) ' bt'i'ii wrlllen by IM < \\unlTlous.llio ooiirot'tloiiur , tn tliu ulfiio Ids filund , Mr. Chi-l-fllan , and which the latte ii.xpcoteil to USD ollW'llvi'ly hi Ills suit fo i.rjiioou dninaL'f.s ngnluut HID manufactuior o hweotinoats , lias huou'stolcii fiom the ulllco o Ids attorney In The Les IVrance , A > I'l-enoh vessel , huslTeei wieoked oil' ibu ( inccii * < y coast and all 01 board diowned , jjn The pope will send tolthn Itnllan blsliops i letter denouncing l''ieo ' Masoiiry as pursuing i satanlc aim by inpluclug OliiUtlanlly b ; natiirallsin , ' BI'KCIl'lO I.s unlike SWIFT'S totally an. , _ , oilier blood nieillcino. ItcmfHdiaeasosof B3 thublooil und hkin by rcmoUngtliR noison , nnd attliytaiun time Euppllus cued blood to the wasted imrta. Duu't liu iinposuil on by niibstl- lutes , wlilcb are wld to bo just as good , / / is aollnit. No nieillcino IU fllE U/DDI II liasperfoniiuilitainaiiy m I lib BlUnLU nuutlurful cureti , ur relieved eo much aullerlng. My blood was badly noUoneil last jcar , whlcli eutinywlioloeystumouc of order diseased and a constant source of Buttering , no appetite- and no enjoyment of llfu , Tuobottlesof - brought mo right out. Theio ii no I tiettur remedy lor blood liscaaea. " GAVIN Olilo. " "Joim , Dayton , Treatise on blood aud bkln diseases mailed free. BWJTT Sl'CCIWO CO. , Atlanto , Ga. Is superior lo nil oilier preparations claiming to bo blool ( purlllors. First of nil , bfccnusn the principal iiiRrctli- cnt ufectl in it is the cxtracl of genuine - uino llontlnrna saraaiirillu ) : root , llio variety richest in medicinal proper * PataiM'hlos. . Also.bc. PataiM'h ' bui es uatai i n CW1I80 thJ ypl. low dock , being raised expressly for tlie Company , is always fresh and of tlio very'best kind. With equal discrimination and care , each of tlio oilier ingredients urc selected and compounded. It is THE because it is always lht > same in ap pearance , Ilitvor , and effect , anil , be ing highly concentrated , only small doses are needed. It is , therefore , the most economical blond-purifier in existence. It l 8S makes fond nonr- tolling , work picas. , int , sleep refresh , ing , and life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in tlie system and expels them harmlessly by tlie natu ral channels. AVER'S Sarsaparill.i gives elasticity to tlie step , and im parts to the ngetl and infirm , 're newed health , strength , and vitality. I'rcpnrcd byIr..T C.Ayct.S.C'o.IowollMami. Hold bynllnnizglstn ; rrlccl , nix bottlef5. Cures others , will cure you Why the Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases , made by the Keystone Watch Case Com pany , Philadelphia. It protects - tects theWatdi from thejpick- pocket , and prevents it from dropping. Can only be had with jases stamped with this trade mark , Sold , without extra charge for this bow ( ring ) , through 3Vatcli dealers only. Askyqurje\veler for pain phlet or send to makers. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM 'Female ' Weakness , < L Catarrh or I Rheumatism , Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases. nbo , CALU ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. I'or llio Triulin : < jnt of Chronic , Private and Nervous Disease ; SIAI.H AND l-TIMALK. ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND EHS EASES OP NO \TTER HOV * LONG STANDING OU HOW OFTIitt PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. NERVOUS DEBILITY I'lLBS l-'ISTUl.A , fIbUlli : , iicrinnnontly cnrci without the ube of ktilfu , ll aluru ur cauattu All Miiilniilos of a prlvntu or dcllcalo naluro , o cltlicr ieposlilvcly curuil. I'all on nr nililresi , nltli stiimp for Circulars , I'rc Honk iiuil lUclpca , 11B South 15th f-trunl Oniii/ni. .VoO. Next Hour Ki I'ostolllco , riitru / P CLOVES 11 f nVnvo hi ar.ds fo pcrdefprsalo b , The Boston Store N. W. Corner Kith and Boutins. Is a itrava troubln the foru- riiiiuur of lliut ilieiul fao- C'onauinptloa , SPECIFIC OXYGEN- abroathiiitjtroutuiBiit , Is n Kind surjirisu to thu unxloui siitTcrcrwliotn Itrcllovcs with Ituuia ( Ji'nerntn llio Urfct iiilmlation , untl curus , runll ourou In u brief np.ire , nt homo. 10,000 INTELLIGENT PEOPLE liavo resorted to It , nnd our "OXYGEN BOOK , " Free , tolls of thulroxpi'rlnneo. THE SPECIFIC OXYGEN GO , Suite 51O Shooly BlUt ; , Ouiahu. GENTLEMEN I vyho nve good dressers who appreciate really 1 fine clothing who enjoy wearing garments * that [ Hand hang on a man as if they iaelong to him- are invited to step into "The Nebraslcas" suit department today and inspect the elegant , ney Lirce ,0j'-.f , l g Hs designed especially for the holiday'tracle. Here are the ever popular sack the dressy cutaway the single-breasted , square cut the stately Prince Albert double- breasted square cuts , did you ask ? Well , wo smile. We are showing a line ot these fashion able suits in cheviots bedIbPC ! cords cassi- meres and homespunsin foreign and domes tic weaves that foi > style tone and variety of patterns would be hard to matchat any exclu sive merchant tailoring establishment" " . Wo show them in blacks blues browns grays- tobacco slate lancy mixtures ; in large and small plaids checks cords stripes plain col ors ; with binding and without. Thirteen fifty .for an elegant bedforcl cord cheviot is a fair sample price. If you want a suit to in here's the always correct cutaway in worsted , in clay and corkscrew cheviots , plain ancl , fancy cassimeres , all wool and silk and ; wool ; cutaways in black and dark rich colors ; t < in stripes plaids checks mixtures ; a line of goods designed by some of the most noted makers of fine clothing at such prices as four teen fifty for a genuine clay worsted fourteen seventy-five for an imported cheviot , and so on- If you want to buy a handsome suit for father for husband for one of the boys nowj _ the time to buy it while there's lots to pick from plenty of suits plenty of sizes. Our line of sack suits in fine goods was never in better condition to select from. All The" popular fabrics made up with some little extra attention as regards linings and workmanship with prices from four to six dollars less than you'-d cxpectthem to be for such suits. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT offers today GENUINE Uanga rep cork-sole shpesj just the thing for damp weather-al $377 the six-dollar kind in shoe stores. Open Evenings till y o'clock. All of .the Railroad Companies Centering in Omaha have agreed to bringas many SIS & 9 \ & > la as I can sell. If they can do it they are dandies. Remember , I do not sell at retail , but supply the largest concerns all over the west with RUBBER CLGTHJNG , FELT BOOTS , GERMAN GOK , WSACKSPdTOSHES. etc. There is fun ahead , but no betting allowed. Bf you are on my side have your shoe dealer SEMD FOR LSSTSand DISCOUNTS. OEVIAHA. NEB. 1816Jougnw vSfrcot , Oninhn , Nob. Thu eminent bpcclilltHt In ncrvoii" chronic iiri'ntu oijixl rUIn unit uriiwy disunion A ri'dnlnr nml itori'il urailuuto In inedlclnu ami"linn 11 nml cortlllentnj nliun Is mill IrnnUiii ; "I'll the sri'iMi"tt tio- . ii ( vitiirrli kislmnnlmoil nemlnal i-nkno < 4 nlflil luiioi unil n.l f irnu at prlv.il" ' ilHu.ui'1. , No int-ruu. y mail. .NunUrnmic'Ml for lot of vlt-Jl power I'nrtlui uimlilu t > vli < t ma may IM trunlc'it nt liamu hy orri-bponduiico MciUnltio ur InslrmnonlH soul by lunll or oxprcj * * Hncurt'1) puokcM , no nnrUt * lo liulld Hu . ontuun uriuiiilar ( inu inTsonnl InhTvlcw prtrorrml roiMiiltnlloii tnx Cnrnnpiailoiiui ) strictly inlritt" ook iMjstLTlos uf l.iioi uni I tin C tUtiiliuiimUn in lr > 9 | > in hiindjjmlOn in to 12m tniKintaiiip luricjilr VAJ COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , f for Thirty Days on'y wo will olTor our ontira atonic of Dliiiuoatlt and j C'liriaUntiB Jewelry mid Bilvorw 'o nt low th in in itiufaoliiror'a cost. Fourteenth and Farnnm Streets 1 Will move JHII. I. to N. W. for , loth nnd I > ' .ininii. : tiAi'iM rou SAI.I : . ST. CUKED or NO PAY WE KKFEll YOU TO 2,500 PATENTS , Financial HiTcrcncc : Nat'l ' Hank of Cominme , Omalia , No DKTKNTION from buHinoss. No Operation. Invubllcaiuoui-Miittiud , Wrlttnn Riiiirunt lutuly ( 'iiruiill UliHlijciC ItUl'TtlKCof I ' onttlio use of unlfo or y rlniiu , no matter of how loaf etnudlug. etnudlug.EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-300 N , Y , LIFE DIDO. , OMAHA , HEB , Hrnd forOlrcular. "Horvo Seeds , " tbo nomerlul rcturnl ? lo sold with a writ * ten Biinmnter to rtiro All nervom dln'sno , > ucli ut Wcnk Mcmurr , Iiusic'f lliuln l'oftr , llnitdaclip. V.'akefulncsj , J.ost Mm nhooa. Nliihtlr KinU- lon .Ncr oiuiiB .I'a lt'"t'1.nllilralni ' ' amllosiof P cruf llioUcnvruilrv Oruani tn oitliornuxcauBUi ) UKuverozertlon , youthful rrrou.or rxci ! lrf Unoof wbnccoopium or stlniuluiiU wmcu soon Iced to Inllriultr. Consuiuiv [ Kmandliitiumr1'utiiiicunvonlen.locarryInTO I tmckfl. SI iiorpock- asBhy inmtilllo'li. With overyHoHur wf.oliwuwrtlten yuiritntte totun tttrtfundthttr&ncVt CircularXruo. A'JUrbfift ervt WtfU Co , * C'blcuffiti 111 * ITor Sale in Omaha by Sherman & HcConnoll , 1515 Dodge Street , " 4 * < i