Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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* Yesterday Wna n Day of llcnvy Liquidation
In Wheat ,
AVIillo I'lrat Trans letlonn In Whcit , U'oro
' Prices the I'c-il-
, About nl Tiicmlnj'H , ,
\i\K \ AVnsVrnk nnd Tlicro UM *
n Quick Decline ,
CntCAno. 111. , Dec. M. It w-nsn day of honty
llquldnllon In wheat mid a iciliictlonof 34coc-
ciirreiHn Its price. Nonoof the nnrkets were
AI wenkns jesterdny. Corn nppe.ircd to tcnil
upward ntthoso times when wheat was not
iKiIng subjected to eitrnoidlimry pie < mrenml
onts declined to vpryroltictiintly. l'ro\lslons
weiostroiiRer for May anil n sliudo easier for
While Hist trnnsaetlons In whent were about
ntjestei day's closlns.llKillcs , the fetllliK was
\u nk and there was u quick decline. Innddl-
lion to the enormous Incie.iso In the world's
nllnblo supply tnnilo public jesteidny , Hi ail-
Htrecls leporttd an Increase In the stocks east
of thoItocUlesof 4.0SO.OOO bu. , anil G',7,000
bu , lucitaso on tlio 1'aclllc slope , inaklns n
totnl Incieaso for the week of 5,510,000
Cables were wink mid nil domestic mar
kets wtio on the down grade. The lecelpls
In tin ) northwest showed some fulling olT
lining only 7u2cus but weio still legauleil
us lienxy for the sen on , cspeolnlly when the
enormous eonsl nmenl' * already recelxud thcro
nre considered.
Tin to wasiiRenpral disposition toRetildof
Ions wheitandslioit sellhu ns M-ry urgent
Hnldwln mid I'arnutn wore supposed lobe buy-
liiK for I'.irdrlilRi' to cover shorts. I'mdiliUe
Isciedlted with h i\ltu bousht fully .1,000 000
bu. of wheat during the Hst two diiNH A
deal of liquidation wasi-redlled tol'udahy
'lhodlcii < -sloii uf the llatih bill wasclmmcil
to bo a weaki-nlnc factor After opining un-
rhnnK'idthe tn-irkiit , wltn homo lluetliatlon ,
diellmd "jc , then followul n little sli-idler
feeling and pilci s uco\eted Jc of the decline ,
but iiiliil easli i ajr.iln , and theclmlii ! ? was
fiom 'ii'lo ' ( i pi i bu lowei than jisteid ij
'I he tt.idi is lit 10111 were atliiled at the
npinliiK li > the heaviness nt this wh ( a I m nket ,
but iheio was an undertuiui of conlldenco
hhh Moplied the dicllneaner ' { ' ' h " 1 been
UnocKi d oil the pi Ice Nebi islci faiini.iswlio
liave moie oodi inn th m Is to bo found In
nny olhei Hlate , wi ID slid to ha\o Mill some
In the Holds foi which they ha\o not provided
pilbs , and II w is said as sotjn as that was for-
u m < li'l ( to m nket iccelpts fiom theio would ,
to u creat eNlent.dij up A Kood do it of
took place , bnjim ? .Inly unit
May , the pieiiiium ut ono time being only
i\li : ciiio dullness was Hie most notnblo fcnt-
iiieof tin-oats ( rude , riurtuallous weio tn
light and so Inficnuenl thai the most noted
t-eatperiould Kineely mnko 1-lue piollt out
of a IIe dining the entlte session.
While nlno out of ovoij ten In the pit mo
Bald toconsldei hog pioduels nillliclall } high
in pilco , no one up ] ) nently dmed sell the stult
hhoil , and the maiket was so sensitive nml
noi vous I hat It look very little buvlngoi sell-
ingto rilso or depiess pihes ituolpts ol
lie s weio full , with sales ut slightly iidv.inred
figures , nnd this fuctoi cneimi.uod consldui i-
llo ) bujlng of'pioduels e uly atn modeiatc
udviineo in pi fees At the Imptovement
theio wns rfioie piessuio to sell lee il Inol.i is
uppaicntly well supplied with ordeis mil n
vi-.ikir feeling wns deelopid , with ( jullo : i
une-tlon In pilees. riiotlilloicneo be
twcen .Timuiiy and Jlny contracts w.i' <
\vldencd soinewnat. To/aid the i lose the feel-
ill ) ; was steadlei and pi It ts i.iflled to inedliiii :
ll nus Iheio was fall selling of Jiinuii )
liiopcitj and biulii- May Compared will
yesiiidnj's i losing juices .lanuiiy poiK I-
ii'x4o lower , May 12'jililchei ; uy laid I-
lOo IOWLI and May 7'4c hUhei , while libs foi > aio 2'c lower and unchanged fo :
KsllinalPTl ncelpts foi tomouow : AVheat
inoc.its ; em n , 210 cars ; o its. IbO cats ; boss
30 000 head.
The le idliu ; futures ranged as follows :
Cnsh ciuotnttons weio as follows :
I'l nun Dull ; otrutlngs lowci than oor hi
WIIKAP No 2spring,71'ic ; No SsptliiB , G
© GO'Sc ; No. 2 led. 71 e.
COIIN No 2te'ie. ' .
OATS-NO. 2. 30'iftJi)11 ) : No 2 wliltc , f. o. b
35i'e ; No. S white , . )2'Ji.Mc- ) ( .
lUr.-No 2 , Ibe.
UAIUJY > o 2 , Glc ; No. n , f. o b , , 3GftG2 <
No Jf. o. b.yjQIOe.
riA\bn - .No 09.
TiMOrm bi i n I'll me , J2 00.
VOIIK Mess , jci ) bhl , $14 50 ; 1-ird , per 10
Ibs , $ ' )55 ) ; shiitt rlb > - , sides ( loose ) , $8 2O
8 ill ) ! dry sailed shoulders ( boxed ) , J7.U7
© 7.u7V-hoit ph-iii sides ( boxed ) , S8 75
A\iiibk-i DIslllleis' finished goods , poi gal
bilciAll Cutloif , Kianulatud , stand ml "A ,
iiii'han ? < d.
U ho following were the icculpts and shli
incuts ted ly :
. _ . _ . I'ggs , Him at lowci pilees ; htilcl
fre-bh , 22x } { < 2jc- .
? York Ilni-Ueti.
Nl w YOUK , Dee. 14. I'l.ouil Hecelpts , 4 I
OOOpKgs ; exports 0,200 bills , 1.2,000 sack
more nctlo thiough a dlsx | > slllon to vlold i
juices wllh a minor of 80,000 bbls | ;
jintt-ntH taken nt 5rilOidecllno and future d
lively ; Miles , 2H.050 bbls.
COIIN Jlrl lDiMI , stcndy.
in AT liecelpts , 80.0J5 hu ; ovporls , 5 (
825 bu. ; sales , 1,520,0001)11. ) futures ; 128,0
bu. snots. Spots fall I v nillviIon or , elosli
hteady ; f > u 2 n-d , 77'trl4773- store ai
elovalor ; 78 l7H're nth ) it ; 7l ) < a,70'e f.
b. ; No. 3 red , ; No. 1 northdii , 81
No. 2noithein , 70"8e ; No 2 MIlvvnuKcu , 71
70' < cNo3 ; hpiliu. 735173c. ! Options we
inoiieintuly active , lionvy and "affJJiC lowei i
u largo Inciensn eastot the UocUt.s and t
Piu-lllc coast , heavy lecelpls west , eabl
cables , hiuall cleai'rtiicc s , weakness west n
c-Hd ) crop nous from Hiissln , closing wen
No. 3 ml. 7l'ja70'5e. closing at 70 § c : .In
uaiy , 701iffi771Bioloslng at 70'je ; .Man
70 > Bii.71) ) O-llio , closing at 70'Jc ; flluy. 81
Ul'c.closinrat81'Jc. ! >
\ \ \ \ . Dull , nominal ; western , 54Q58C.
lUllliQuiet : ; western , CCxabOc- .
IlAlll iv : M M.Iiiilcl. .
COIIN Itec elpts , 2H.OOO hu. ; e\poi Is , 181,0
nil. ; sales , 350,000 hu. of futllies ; lit 000 1
boots , bpolsdull , iusleio ; , 2 , 5i'iS51I'e
oloalor ; 5214-0 afloat : stcninei and inlvi
fjl'tiOptions weio dull , > Bc lowei.elosl
bteadj ; Janumy , 51 l-10e. closing at Clue
OAiH-HeeelplK , 30,150 hu. ; oxpoits , 1,7
1)11 , ; hales , 00,000 hu. futllii s ; 5'JOOObu spo
41'tiirJ"e ( ; No. 2 Chicago , 37',03734'c.
\ \ \ \ .Modcintodemand : bhlpplnt ; , 003G !
Koodtoehoh-e. 75 < iJUOi- .
HOPS lulleas ) > ; state , good to choice , 11
23c ; Pacllli- coast , 18CJ2JC.
HUOAII Huw. moio aelle , llrmnr ; fair loll
lnT. Iloi i-i nil If u-ills. 00 test , 'Anh.iles \ , lt
lihds.i niusc * ndo , 89 list ut 3uehhlp ;
lined quiet.
Jloi.tssifl Now Oiloans , modeiato denial
Itici. Meiidy , fnlily iictle.
Uiiis-Qulof fancy sleady , webleiu be
PciK-Oiilit ) ; Him ; cut meats di
steady. Mlddlon. ciulet ; hbort ele.u , h.
Laid , fnlr demand , closed hleadv ; wesli
bteam closed nt $1000 tibked ; onles , (
lleices nt $0,0501000 ! opiums Miles. ' ,
tierces ; Deeeiiibor closed $6 05 bid ; Jmiui
t-losed $01)5 ) bid ; Miiuli ; , $0.80 , closing t ! )
bid.May ; close cl$0.7B hid
'i-Qnlit ' ; fancy about steady iwesti
ilaliy , 7G,24c ; vu'steiu eieamiuy 205J3
western faeloiy , ICU'JJot I Klgln , JOc.
Cni'i hi : -1'liin , fair demand ,
flOdO ,
Oiuiiliii llliltH and Tnllnw ,
Ilinrb No. 1 green , 3 { ci No. 2 gieen Bull
45i4'ie ; No. 2gret-n b.ilttd , 2'tU lo : icMi ) < i
1 groin salted. 25 .to 40 lbs,4Uc ; No , 2 gr
Milled , 25 to 40 llw. , 3)e ) ; No , 1 veulcalf , i
IClhs.Oo ; No. 2 veal calf , B to 151hs.,4e ; N
dry flint , ( u-to7o ; No. U dry lllnt,4e to5o ;
1 ury salted , Oo to ( V. Purl cuitd bides u
half cent pei pound lest than fully cuie-d.
bllLU * I'i'l.iBUreen hulled , each 35cxftl
KM en billti'd khearllugi , ( bhorl woolttl e.
hkliih ) . each IMP'-Oc ; dry blunullncs ( bl
v\oyled early bUlcul , No. 1 , uucli , OiilOc ;
iiinrt vtofted rtnly stem No 1 'i t'ty H'tii luiu in mid N i rnsl < n
liiiii wt vvt I IH it 4 liftIti Rrttml wdvrht l A
1 1 i > ilrv ( Hiil Kiuisns nnd Nri < rniUu imir
tntu WIM 1 | tt it * | wr II' nittiil vvrhthli h MA i
dry Illi I r iluradn t n < < hi r wool pi UK per Ib ,
muiul wilLht 1" ( .1 ' i < i dry Hint ( olornilo
InillTilll Wn il pi IK I'l r 111 tli III il VM-luht ,
tnainc i iliy pic-ic-s niul Inn k , nctiiiil tnighl
7 < P < . Have foil nil off , us II limclcin to pay
frylcht on thriii , .
T VI tOW AMI OlIHW. Tnllow , No I , 3 0) )
tnllon , NIK 12 , naa'C" ! KMIIMwhile A. 3 > ic !
nretiMvvhlto II , .1'fej Krrnsp , vellovv , Jc ,
KITIKC , ilnf K , 2'e. iM ) butler. 2ft'2' e ; hces-
wax , prime , tOftJVi iDiigh ttiHovv , '
Omnlm I'rnilui n .Murltet ,
A fnlr amount of business was transictod on
the market , although the day lind something
of the holiday a p''et ' A great tunny retail
Hlorcs nnil some Jobbing niul commission
houses were elnd ( during n part of tlio ilay
for tlio pmpon'of allowing employes nn op-
imttiinlty * > r. iilUmllntlio Mills tncotiiu * .
Tlio inntkol did not develop nny especially
now tenures 10 fnr as prices lire concnriRil ,
Poultry Is coming In MTV ficoly nnd It begins
to look ns If pi lees would h i\u to go lower un
less thcro was n let-up soon.
Alil.tsflood apples nro iimtcd | at $3. SOU : choice
IUVAVKS Oiint-itlons nro : l"ulr to good
shipping slock , $2 OOJ > 2 50 per bunch ,
HIITTFH If anything. stoeks appeirtto bo
moving n llttlo morn fieoly , but prices ate
iiboilt tlin < siinp. A l.irpo niopoitlon uf the
country loll sell * sit 14IOc' with selected
Mock going to tint ictall ti.idu nt 17@19e.
CitvNiiruiitns-fJtiotntlons me : Hull and
cherry. ? 8 60 per bhl : bell nnil Imelo , $050 ;
Into Capo Cod. } 100l > 'Jhu aiilvals on tlio
m.iikctmo. light. .
ri i.ritv I'micy celery Is illnlrnlt to find.
Quotations imiEcnll the way fiom'JOc to VOr
CIIIIISTMVS Tut m t to 0 font , per doz ,
$3 ( )0J ) I GO ; 0 to 10 feet , pel do$0 00 ® 10 Oil ;
o\tru law , for -c'liools mill ehiiiehes , each
i J OOJJil ( id ; Imllj , per 1)1)1 ) ) , JJ.50mistletoe ,
pel Ib , ar/iiSOo.
iiius : I'ho mm let Is steady nt 24&25e.for
fiesh sleek , which Isciy MMU-P A KOUU
many enlil stiinigo eggs mo bring uhlpped In.
( IAMK 'Ilio nmikot Is steady. Quoin-
tlons mi" 1'ialilo chickens. $4 OOiM.W ) ;
giimso , $ tOOi iiurill , $1 ( MWl.25 ; Milpu ,
M Ill ) ; jack snipe. 1.1.25T61 50 ; plovol.
$1 IH ) | Bullion plover , $1 25fU 50 ; canvas bm k
dui-k , SO 007MO 00 ; led hciid dili'Us , $4 Ot ) ;
iiiullmd dui-kM , M 75 ; blue wing teal , $200 ;
1 Ir ; deei satlilles , 1 lKie : antelope c.ueu-i
iOideei : rmoiisti's , lOfilli * "
HOM.V 'Die in.uknt Is Him , Rood white
oMT lionej bolint siaue at 17e
IITinMi wenon tun k lwentv-l\\o cms
and the denniml was fali : No I , $7.&OSB.OO ;
No. a , SO 00717 GO.
Ii MOSS I liolee $ t DO : f.inev. ? 5 50.
M u.\l ( V ( . .n u-i - I'ei Keir , ' ) 00
tHTHtsL'ndi iuji dit 13Iir ? : > o per can.
UMONS IIomegio\Mi , S028&C , Sunnlbli , $1 90
nerei lie
( ) li\Mlt S rioililn3 20(73 ( SO
I'oillAin 'I he 'ineril inatUctas about
tie idy TurKi-js lliSil'J'ie ; ( jet-e and dlieKs.
UfilOL" cliklvim , 80.wome smnll lots of
faney ehlcUens went , it9o. Ltxupuultiy Is not
I'OTtrnrsQuotations me : Homcgtowu ,
D'ffi'Oi" Color ido mill t tali , Htir-
S i rr POIATOI sholco Mncitlno and
Illinois stoi-k J175S400pei bM
V * Mr-Quol itlons me bmall and fat , CH ®
7o , lingo und heuxj , 3MOc.
St. Louis
KT. Louis MoDee 14. riot-it 1
Win VT With ono weik elloit to rally ,
pilees declined tlitougliolit the session und
ilosed "ioto lc below jeslerdny : cash , ( > 7e ; Do-
, 'embeil)01ic ; Jiiiiiiaij.G3 ! ; May , 731jlil74c ;
Coils Declined carlv , then reacted , but
v.entolTngiiln-mil llnlshid Ue under jestei-
dnv ; cash , 38'8c ! Deeemtu-i , 3S34e ; January ,
3Hsse ; I'ebi inn v , .IQ'.e ; M iv 431-
O vis-Cash dull , Jlc bid ; sales of Slay at
nhnuii , 46c bid. siouh : Minnesota sold 575J.03C.
\N-Qulot at rjbSu'Jo.
II vtliieh meed
I nI'll m ntH 07.
Kuril u lTnch meed.
reins - Iietterlc. : .
COIIN MitQulot nt * 1 80.
\\ilisK\-t-teady ntil 10
II vdciMi AMI LOT TON Tn s tliichanscil.
1'oilk lllfjliei : Jobbrris , U1500 ; laid , noinl-
n illj f ) GO : diy suit bit it : nil ( bcon qulel
with only : i job tiado done at previous quota'
Hl-CMPTS rioiH. 2,000 bills ; wheat. 35,00 (
bu. ; nil n , 120,000 bus oils , 27,000 bu
i \ e. . ) 000 bu. ; barley 15 000 bu
SIIII-MINM riout , 0,000 bbls ; wheat , 42,00 (
bu. ; coin , 8,000 bu. ; oils , 11,000 bu. ; lie
3,000 bu. ; b n ley , none.
Nnu YorU 1)13 ( , oods IMiirkct.
Ni.w VOIIK , UPC. 1 1. Dem mil foi ilrv Rood
tends to Ineieascd iiulet as usii il at this pe
iloil , nearliu thu hollUays and \\hen Imytr
ha\e placed thelroideis 101 the loading want
of the season Yet buslncsi uns fair and fo
cottons them was inoio Inquiry th inMisen
tei tallied by selleis. Uotlonsrlll bo none th
less Ih m In the of iHli nlshmiiits a
indicated bj thestioiu undeicuuent of th
inaiKet. Agents uiHunicd Ki.iy duck V c
> iid. mil Huston "A" i hi.c.k duoU Uo ajaid
Clothing , woolens , oxeno iliiiL's ji ntlculailj
wi-in lmIn cnoi moils s lie. This Is the i cor
of the Ion xr ides now about sold up I'lne
descilptlons beliu ii-.iilied , piomlses WL ]
aUo , as do uthci .11 tides j et to bo brought for
ward. _
K nuns C'ltj Mnrlti-ts.
K \NSAS CITY , Mo , Dec. 1 1. WIITAT-
I.onei ; No. 2 h ml. b5 > { c ; No 2 led , G9VJ < < ? .70 <
COHN Ixiwi-i ; No 2 mlNCil , 33'jQ,34c ; No
white , 34 . . @ 3r.c.
O vrs StiMdj ; No. 2 mlNcd , 30331c ; No
white , 3132e.
ItM.-No 2,47'Jc.
HUTIIII Kali ilemand ; creamery , 2S23c
d.iliy , 11'ilBc.
r ( ] a I'll m lit 20222C.
KKM iiislaat , 04,000 bu. ; coin , 1,00
bn ; oils , none
Siui'Mi MSlic it , 70,000 bu ; coin , noiu
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oil Mark. t.
Nrw YOHK , Dec. 14 FTTHOM IIM Nffilecte
throiuhout the day. Not .1 sluelo tiansactlo
has bLCii ulTLCtuil , I'eniisyU.inla oil , spc
s iles , none ; Janimiy options s ilos , IKIIII
J , Im i oil , sales none , 17e bid. Total " -iU : >
none. 'I hu nominal qnntatlon nt the cloMii
wasmclild , Ol cnskid
tOTiONSLi D Oiir-rirm.
TMIOW Kasy , quiet ; Lltyf200 ( for pacl
lliiesl , Gc.
Hosiv Dull , steady
Tl'lll'l MINI , Dull , stead } ; $1 31.
LONDON , DLC. 14 Tuiiri .sn.M. bi-iiiiTS 2 :
Cd pu cut. _
Colliu M ultrl.
N'rw YOUK , Dec 14 Options opened stead
5 points up to 20 points down ; clostn , ; Illi
ipiii t , J5 points up ; Sales iGG G70 h.iK4 , II
eludliiK iWi'in'jei ' , J15 905J15 01 .lammrj
$15 y.V.1,15 55 : IVbriiaiy , J1G.55 ; M.ucli. $15 (
< TU5.0 ! : Anill , $15 10 , M.i > , $1 1.70 ,15 O1
.Inly * 14.55(2)1 ( ) 4 05 ; t-i-ptembur. * 14 5514 6
spot lllo , llimoi , quiet , No 7 , Jib 50310 G21
MlniKupiilU'WIieiit Minliof.
MINM VPOI.IH , Minn , Dee. 1 1 , 51 iv who ,
nauowly cleaned Koln below 71c , mi
toiuhed th it lliuio once , DLcembei w.
almost neKlected. Hecelpts , wheat , 4l > 0 cat
and at Duliith and feiipeilor 380 cars Decci
bei i lospil ut ( > 5' ' > e ; May elosod at713 c. I
tiacU : No 1 haul , d5ijc ; No. 1 noithein , 04
No , ' . ! not them , 50QG8u.
I.U < TClol | Mlllld-tH.
LtFiipoot. . , Ike. 14. Win : w n isy ; dem n
pool ; holders fieely ; No. 1 UallforiurfT ( 's dfl
( is Oi , d pei lentnl ; nil westein spring , Ostt
( ' , ; No. 2 led wlntei,5s 7'tdS5s ' Hd.
COIINQulot ; demand fallen oil ; ml\i
western , Is 3d poi cental.
LAUD I'llmu westem,40j Od percwt.
] MlluikiiUeo drain Murkot ,
r. WIs , Dee. 14. Wiiu VT Kas
May , 72'e , ; No 2 spring , OOc.
COIIN Mi'.iclv , No 3 , JBSJJOr.
OVTS-QuietNo. ; 2 white , 34O35CJ No.
HUH l.b5c. .
Cotton Millknt.
j.u. . Dec. II. Steady ; ml
tUIni ; , 00-10c ; low inlddllng , Olt-Uic : go
oidliiiuv , 8 13-lOc ; not ri celpts , 13OJC.hah
cross , 13,018 hales ; expoits lo tiieat Ililta
( { .O'lO h lies ; co ist w Ise , 0,000 bales ; sales , 5,7
bales ; block , 271,598 biles
* - Tcilt-ilo ( irnln .Mmkit ,
TOM DO , O. , Dee. 11 Wini Loner ; No
cash , and Dee-cmboi , 73e.
COIIN Dull , hit ady ; No. 2 cash , 43c ,
OArs-Quletii-nsh , 3lc. )
Cincinnati Murlrt ( .
tnnl ; No 2 ii-d , 70C.
COIIN I'lriui No 2 int\ed , 4 le.
OATS l.aslei ; No. 2 ml\ed , 313Ic.
Wlllsuv Kiimj $1.25 ,
Iltltlmnro drain Alnrlct-t.
] l\iTiMOiin , Mil. , Dec. 14 , Wilt\T Has
No. 2 led spot , 743 e.
Otrs-1'nli Inquliy ; No. 2 whlto wcbte
rn 42-3 2'e.
rnc ; COIIN No quotation.
TiudtiK- Tulle ,
CIIIOAOO , 111 , , Dec14. . Coiinselmnn iV Daj
Cockiell Ilios. commission c-ompanv ; Th
wtiHaiuetty Ihoioii h bhalilng out of HU
holdings of wheat which line ) been bought
etpuhtntlouof tallliiK onto a hiiiiposcil
clique. The nbseneoof luir-o hiippoitluc
deisnboti 78c foi .May Mopped Ihutnlk
'il. iiuinlpuliitton , and ahiingo i aid by local be
'o , broiiKhl out u largo aggregate of inaiilpulu
en Hues of long wheat on Mop orders. The pit
to Incut wenlthy holdeib steuied to lie. balls !
i 1 with their purchases until prices cot to 77
after which they bought fieoly on healed
ders ilon N to t ho closing pi lee-b. Not lieu
nil thu Ini ) Ing ordeis weiti limited ut 77
for May n heat ( ould ho tilled. Coin and n
HiU'd llrnily hut bec-iimu dull later aiul en
) rt oil' fractionally with thudonnlum lujiwh
Iry and piovlsloaa. Iloi ; product oyonc'U \
"trcnu led by ( uilntiy il i5ln hut thet * |
dm u Hint ho wn , u lit > nil Killer through
tletolMl perlnl Attrntlon to Itrnillnp :
iiuil A trlil \rMrrdny. .
Nr\v YORK , Dee II The movements In the
Moolc ninrket were k"ts uniform todny. Thn
beiu-n dexotrd spr-i-lnl attention to Ut-ndlint
nnd AtehUon nnd dopros od the eshates fiom
1 to 1'4 per rent , resneelhel- the snnm
tlinelhey took Dlstllllim and rnttlefecdlnc In
hand nnd marked the iirlco down oer n po nl
Aflertho opening , which wns very Iriesular ,
there wns nu nihancoof from ' ( to 'i jicr M'iit.
\\hllo \ the liiiproement was subsequently lost
under sales to reallro prollts , the dcclluu
brought Inn fresh bitch of luiNlnRorileuiind
the market elosed ( Inn. liock Island , Mlssoiitl
P.iclllo and I'nlon 1'aclllc wc < ro notleeibly
stroitK. Union Pacific wnslioiiBlit freely for
I'uropcnn nccoitnl.
A inovcmeiit In Iho Nleklo Pinto wascnnled
up these slcx-ks 0 points , started up an In-
quliy for the other Vanderbllts.nml Non YorU
t ntril nnd Lake Shore rose 1 to 1 % portent.
( lencral Klectrle was In better demnnil nnd
advanced from 113V to HGVftll5 < i , Nn-
tlonal Lead rose I'D nt the opening and later
sold ilon n to riOMii50U ( ! Linseed oil rose
fmm42i to-15 ; Dlstllllns nnd Cnttlefeedlnir ,
nfter Itsouly deollno to70'i , rose to 71' , mm
elosod at 71. American SUB ir sold up from
lt)7't to 109 and closed nt 108s ! . Chicago Gas
nnd Nntlonat Cordage were ( Inner In demand
throughout. Hocking Valley sold up ly to
30V and reacted to 30 ; Oblo Southern was
exeeptlontilly heavy , diopplnn ' < to 51. The
genetnl nun hot closed llrm In tone ,
Thn Post sasIn iniinv respects the pres
ent slock mirket Is one of the most eurlous
witnessed In lecent ycnrs. It Is far easier to
pick up specific nrgiiments for u decline than
to ( lev clop arguments for an ad * mice Kutopo
Is piofoumlly bcirlsh o\er our nnrkot out !
look A stioiic nnd skillful "pool ' Is , Indeed ,
known lo be oper it Ini ; for higher prices , but
the maiket has shown tinces hilelj of home-
thln ? dltleienl ftom oidlnary boird loom
nianlpulntlon. How fai outsiders hao * en-
luied In thn maiket It Is aln.ijshard to judge
Hut If thcie has been actual outside buvlng In
ronsldeinblo iniotint In the last fortnight , th > ?
bull pool will Inuo to bo eredlted with a very
unusual amount of dai Ing.
The follow IIIR aio the clmlng ciuotnttons for
the Icidliu stocks o.i the Now York fctoek exchange >
change today :
Tlio tot il s lies of stocks today wcfo 310,000
slimes , includlne : Atclilson , 'i5,100 : Chic isc
( Jas , 1700 ; Kile , 4,050 ; Mlssoutl I'ai lllc
l,000X.iUonil ; Unseed , 0,000 ; National
Lead , J2.000 : Ue.idluc , 40,000 ; Itock Island
21,000 ; bt. l'.iul,5.GOO ; Union lUellle , 27,000 ;
bujMi , 28,000Vcatein Union , 6,300 , 1)1 ,
tlMeis , 31,000. _
London I'lll inc. ! ll lt < ileu.
[ Copyi lulitul IS ! ) ! t > n James ( Ionian llennctt 1
I.OMIOV , Dec. 14 [ Now Yoik Herald Ciiblo-
Seel il to Tuu Hui ] Auaiuement foi tin
settlement chlelly ensairi d attention on the
block exchan o today. Business foi the new
nc'coimt his been untored into spiiln lj
Tunds closid 1 1-16(1 ( lo I'&d easlei. Indlai
rupee panel has K' ' OII way 'id o\\ln to weak'
nes of silver. 1'oioltfn goMinmentjeeiultlc -
eloso dicldcdly llrm , thouzli contlnentu
boiuscsweiu not tepoitcdto ho putlciiluh
Komi aftoi opening tolerably slioin ; . llomi
i.illwajsha\o shown coiislduinblo dupiussioi
during the uftcrnoon and eloso weak. Amerl
cans , though oMicmoly Inactle , ha\o beet
toleiablj stioiis the Ricnter p ut of the d ij
but dm Ini ; the list houi the tendency hi
been le-s f.ivotable. Union 1'aelllc , howevei
le.nesolT 1J ( pel cent hlghei. Chic 1 0 & Mil
w.iukco 5 per cent , Northern 1'acllli
piefoiionco 'J poi cent nnd a fm
olheis 'B to ' ( per cont. L-ist price
In ne.uly oveiy case were the best. C in nil u
lines ha\o hem little dealt In , hut close les th in they ha\o been , the fall In C.imullai
1'aclllc nnd Orand Tiunk Issues buliiK icducei
to ' 6 to 'i per cent. The maiket formlnln
sh ires closes dcpiessed. Money was \ery littl
! niiiliu | ! for. bhoit loans weio cusfiy-ob
tallied at 1 pei cent. In the discount in , like
hills weie In better supplj , tliOhO at two an
tin eo months were quoted at 2 percent.
Now York Money Market.
Nrw VOIIK , Dec. 14. MONKV ON GALL n.isj
4 to 5li pel cent : 1 ist loan 4 per ccnt , cloe
ollered at 1 percent.
I'IIIMI. Mi iiCANTiu , I'APFU 5QG percent.
bn IIMNII n\niANli > 1'lrni with actual bu <
innss nt $4 80' , foi sl\ty day hills and W 8b5
4.884 foi demand.
The elo-liu quotations on bonds :
Sun I'rniii Isi o Mlnlni ; Stocks.
SAN I'ltANCisco , Cal. , Dee. 14 The
closing < iuolatIoH for mining blocks ted :
wore us follows :
St. r.niiU Alliilnir OnolallniH.
PT. I.ouis , Mo , Die. . .1 I , T ) 10 follow I
weio Hut closing iuolalions | on thu Mining i
chan o :
1 Imiiiclul Noted ,
KANSASCITV , Mo , Dec. 14 , Clearings , J
848,120 ,
PAIIIS , Dec. 14. Three per cent rentes , C
20cfor the account.
nNi.w. YOIIK , Dec. 14. Clciiilugs , J133.4D
280 ; balances , * 5,359,132 , ,
It VI riMOHP , Jld , Dec. 14. Clearings , I2,0f
to 770 ; balances , (412,715. Money 0 pui cent.
toni ST. LoiAs , Mo. . Dec. H.-CIearlngs , el,2 !
ill 010 ; balances , $434,513. $ Money quiet , C
In per cent ,
ill PIIH.ADI ii'iiii , Pa , Dee. 11 , Olcarln
ir- 112,201,205 ; balances , $1,042,251. Money ,
irof percenl.
, | H M i.M rn If .Tcnn. , Dec. 14. Now York
Cll changohollfni ; al pai. Clearings , J10J.3
iled balances , * 14J,183.
NivOIII.KANS , La. , Dec , 14 , C'learlnss , I
077.082. Now YoikuxclmiirfO , bight , OOo i
ly mlum ; bank , $1.00 iircmlum ,
ic , IIOSTON , Mass . Dee. 14. Clcnrlngs , $18,0 !
itH 005 : balanceh. $1,089,840. Money , 0 per ei
ed Kxehungo on Now York Bo dUcount to 3c l
ut mlum. .
CUICAGO , 111 , Dec. 14-Clcarlngs , $18,7i
7 i5 , Vow ryl nt ipr 3 'itrcmluiu
lltiKtirhn i\ \ \ff\tt\ \ \ > M\fydiy ( Mlle
ilcinniiilf4 l ) < } ) oiidv 0 percent
Cnttlu Trnilrlittlly - Dt-nloniHreil
StroiiR , AHltci nml Higher ,
OMvllv.ncc- Urtelpts o fnr thlswrok
foot up t,7i5 ) cixttfe ; in 603 | HM . nnd U.ano
Mioep , as ngalnn tTi'ii , cuttle , 14,911 hogs
and l.OM .lu , op lhtvtli t half of hut week.
'Iheritlle in itijji was drcldodly lint and
gene-Hilly lower Jltjee-lpls were llbcrnl , the
demand omowltnt laslilelecl nnd eastern nd-
vlcs ImlllTetent , to put It mildly. Ineludcd
In the onerlngs wiiMti very fall xpiInkling of
ii-nlly good bcovpsjlhit the poor toptetty good
rattle made up the b g bulk of the lecolpts
and on these the market was more or less de-
moi.illrcd nndcrv hie in. This class of slock
never soils satisfactorily until nfter
the holldiys. fco far this week pilce *
have declined fiom 15e to 25c , mid
the worst ot It Is , prospects mo more
favorable for a continuation ot prevailing
low prices than for nny Imnu dhito Improve
ment. Them was one ulg nlne-lo id bunch of
eholco 1300-lb , Christinas steers tlmt sold for
$5.15 , but fnlr to good 1100 to 1250-lb. steers
brought from J.I 40 to $1,15 , with scattering
sales of boor to fair sttllT nt fiom $100 to
$3 35 , I oronoon sales were few and far be
tween , but selloissubmitted to the Inevitable
after dinner , mid tliu movement was morefieo
nl the morning bids , Consldeilng the condi
tion of the tiadcui reasonably good Clearance
was finally nlfcctul.
Cow stun" solil slowly at unevenly lower
prices About n third of the leeeipts were of
this kind , mid with lime is more or less Indlf-
feiont nnd bcailsh the trade was dull nnd
ditijgliu tliroiiitliiml , Pilees ruled weak to n
dime lower than Tuesday 01 about 25c lower
than Monday on nearly everv thing Poor
shelly cows sold as towns $100 and a couple
trf pilme fat helfeis good enough forC'hi Istiuns
beef brought $4.50 The big hulk of thn fnlr
good stuff , howovei.soldnt fioml 75 tot35. .
Hulls olil nt good strong prices nt fionijl 00
toJOO. Common je.ullngs to eholco veals
were In limited supplv nnd good demand at
t rom $ J 00 to $500
Duly a modet ttu business was transacted In
thostockor and feider line , but with regulai
dealers In need of supplies pilees tilled strong
on all desliablo ollerlngs Common light
lough stock cattle weio us usual slow sellers
at rather menu pilees Snlesweio Imirelj al
fiom $2,25 lo$3 00. Itcptcsrntatlvo sales :
1)111 ) SSI 1) ) llLl.f ,
D 715 2 00 12 . 051 2 00
--S , 83'1 2 25 0 1017 2 10
21 055 2 25 ! ) . 043 2 00
8 G33 2 45 30 83.1 2 05
8i 8i : 80J 2 GO 12 . 012 3 00
i 8UO 2 75 8 . 041 3 00
o 812 2 75 . 840 2 00
u b71 2 75 . 815 3 00
12 811 2 80 . 053 3 05
G 8bG 2 00 . 074 3 10
7 810 2 00
2 cows 980 200 08 cows 983 245
lions Tlio run of ho s was about the s im
as Tuesday nndovoi 2,000 he.ivlui thanawee
ago. lluj eii said Iho quality of lilt'oiler I iif
was not as good as on the two preceding day
but thuin weio plenty of good hogs hero nevei
theli ss. liublnohs opi ncd out hi Isk , with pi lei
5e to lOc higher than Tuesd ly all aioiim
There was no Inquliy from shlppeis und tli
speculative demand was eomp natively Hit
lied but with Chicago lepoittd higher and tli
supply not at all huge , local houses lost n
time In gatheilnrf In Iho olU-ilngs at Iho ai
v unco and although soveial tialns were slo
in niilv InfMho hogschangid hands about .1
soon as uulo tiled. To * * .ml the eloso 11 :
m.tiket we ike-nod badly on the light an
mlMil giades und Iho e.uly advance w :
mostly lost. Everything sold befoio nee
( Jood tft choice heavy luwssold hugely at $0. ' ,
nt J025wlth fall to good light and niKed loii
alSU.lOnnd $0.15. Poor light and mixed stu
and odds nnd ends sold ut Hi 00 nnd if'j ' 05 ' 11
111 , ; bulk of the h lies woto at fiom fO 15 I
(0.20 against $000 to iG.15 Tuesday and $5 I
D $0 05 ono week ago. Itupiusuntatl\o b ilO'
i ? the painful orde
attendant upi
Child-birth , prov
an Infallible MU.I
the tortures of co
\ -
9 llnonicnt , loscenli
the dangers there
. to both mother ai
2 child , hold by i
o- druggists. Kent
o8. express on recol
8.nt. - of price. ei.W i
nt. boltle , ctorgeap
t\ \ ? o n ts os 320 o as
07 J3A 60 0 Iti
rms K nofoit
n do a ill 4 7ft
3 iH ( ) 4 50 4(1 ( Ul f > ID
SIHM IticMpts wt-ro fair nnd dul.ledly
inlMi llnnc-ous In rharniler ' 'nme rlmld-
Iambi brought $ n 00 nnd n small bum h of
Imnbsniid jenrllnits old for $ ri8r > A good
innnv of the olTerlints hiiully cnine up to the
buyers' notions nnd did not sell The' market
Is qtiotnhly Mroux I'nlr to good natives ,
$3 503 I 70 ; fnlr to peed western' ) , $1 2M&
4 OOt-cMjiniou nnd stock sheep , $2 25it3 6O ;
good to eliolee 40 to 100-lh. lambs , $ OOft
0 00. Itepresentatlvo snlcsi
No. Av Pr.
3 nntlvo tnlllngs . . .n $ J M )
l buck . 210 4 50
09 lambs and j em lings . . 117 085
Itrrrlpts mid DMptxttlnu uf Sfoc k.
Ofllclnl i-ecelpts and disposition of stoek as
shown hy the books of the Union Sleek Yards
compiny for the twenty-four hours ending
at 5 o'clock p. m , Deccmbci 1 1 , 1392 :
Cnra lload Cnti I Ilcnil
Movcmmit itril is SoiniM\hut I.roieiie-d the
I'aM Wrelc.
CIM'I.NN\Tl.O .Die 11 ISieolnnviegrnmto
Tin : Ilhl 1-Tomorrow's 1'ilce Curient will
saj the movement of hogs h is been somewhat
lesse'iied the p lit week Total picking 325-
000 against .170,000 last \\iok and 575,000
last je.ii , making 1,020,000 slm u Noemlier 1
ngalnst 3,2.'iO)00 ) n > eu ago Piomliicnt
pliues eomp lie as follows-
riilciK < > l.l 4i Still U .Mnrltf-t.
Clllf-vno , til. , Dec 14 f.picliil Teleuritn to
Till ! 1UM I'l lees forinlllu weienot nitieli
hotter thiin on the pieci illnu dn v of the week ,
hut the movement w is fuel and hotter , and a
si-nslhly Iliinei feeling had possession uf tlio
imuKot. 'Iho stienKthenluR faetois weie rho
fact that reielpls had fallen oil , and that the
wealherls coolci , I/oc.'il lanneis and butch
ers bought llhei illy and so did shippers , the
former pi inelpall } at fioni SI 75 tosJno. and
tholattei ihlKcl ) nl fioni $1 10 to $1.75. A
few Chilstnms homes weie ollered , hut theio
was llttlo lniiiliv | foi that class. The i 111 0 of
quotations was from Jl 00 to tl 23 for LOWS
und hulls , fiiini Jl 75 to n r > 0 foi siocKors and
fenleis , and from $2 00 to SO 00 foi steci" .
There was slUhtly Increased ncthllyln
the ho tinde and the tone of the market \MIS
Ilimei. Shlppeis hoiiKht fieely duihiK the
nioriiiiiB nnd theli puiehases ponei illy eost
them about a nleklo moio th-in Tuesd ij-
J.oe il pieKois stienuously ohjeeted to p ijlns
thcaihance hut nil Kood ho s sold foi a fiac
tion moio than was obtained for slmlll it
KooiKon lesloidiij. The lanno s ilo was fiom
$3 25 tob.55. Culls and \ounu piss sold at
from $ .1 75 to $5 50 and a few choice as- > oiled
hcav ho s fetehed fioni $ C 00 to so.5 , * ) . The
quality was not good and foof the orteilnnrs
got aho\o $ G 45.
Today's ii eelnts of sheep weie less thin hill
as luino as foi jostoidny hut th it fact did not
prevent a furthei sa Kln of pi Ices. TheiCi
AM re thotis indsof stale sheep In the pens and
undei a leslilctcd dem ind sellns weio foieed
to accept still lower HKIIIUS. A side fiom Clulst- stock S3 00 was piaetlenlly the top of the
sheep maikut and SO 00 was a fall outside
quol ition foi lambs 1'ioin these Urines snle- down to fiom $1.75 to 12.75 for culls , sheei
and to from $3 50 to $ .1 75 for light thin lambs
Hecelpts : Cattle , 17,000 ; hogsi20,000j sheep
'The n\enlnn.Tournil repnits :
CMTM-Hecolpts , 18,000 head ; shipments
4)00 ) head ; niaiKct rliont ; for best cattle
otheis dull , wink ; Clnlstmns hce\es , $5807) )
d 40 ; good to iholce , $1 rioai 25 ; olheis , $4.11
< re4.2o ; fctockers , $1.5033 40 , cows , fl.OOtfi
3 00.
lions Receipts , 29,000 hend ; shipments
5,000 head ; maiket steadv to 5o higher
rou h and common , f > 90510 00 ; picklnan : <
ml\Ld , J505Rj30 ; prime licny , SO 35 0 55
Imti hois * weights , UG22J1035 : ILjht , $5002
b 21 ; skips nnd plfts , $ o 005 85.
sin LIKccelpts , 7 500 head ; shipment'
200 head ; maikot 23o lower than Monday
Chilstnus wetheis , J5 105.70 : nathes , $3 81
(5(525 ( ( ; wcsteins * 4 4XJ1 ( 85 ; Te\nns , J4.25f
4.70 ; Mexicans , $3GOG430 ; lambs , S3 DOS
Neu A'oik I , \ to < k llnrlcet.
Nnw VOIIK , Dec. 14. Hi s Keeolpt"
10J1 head , iiicludliii ! 57 cars forsile. Marlte
slow but steady. Nalho sfoeis $1 35 > ? 4f5 51
lor 100 Ibs ; cows and hulls $1 25 275 ; diessci
beef steady , 7 V3.9C pei imund. hhlpinents to
day 400 huo\cs , anil 3,834 rjuaiteis o
beef ; tomonow 7.1 bee\es.
. 1.000 held market llrm
t/Ai.vrs Ifecelptt1.000 ;
\ cals 15 00Tc8 ( 25 pt-r ewt. ; giassets > f2.2Q ® J.51
westein , cah.i s $2 SO cJ GO.
blir.iiAMI LMIIS Itecelnts , 8,101 he id
shot-p , stLid > ; Inmbs shade stiniiKci. blue
? 300525 pei ewt ; lambs , $5 0030 GO.
lions Iteri-lpls , 8,002 head : Ini Iiidln 2c ir
foi sale. Mm Uel Meady J5 70 0 10 pel cw t.
Kansas Citj I.lvo Stork Market.
KANSAS CITI , Jlo , Dec. 11 , CATTU : Kr
celpts , 5,000 lie id ; shipments , 2,500 held
mm Uel rfonoi.illy steady. ICopiescnt.itl\
sales : Dressed beef nnd shipping steer1
$3iO550 : ; co\\s and helfeis , Sl.70aJ.20
stocKcis and feeders , $2 85QT 55.
Ilcxis HcLOlpls , 12,500 he id , shipments , 70
head ; maiket iicthc , strong and 5c t
lOo hUhei ; oMiemo e , } 5 b33G.40 ; hull. .
} G 15G30.
bin 11Hecelts | ) , 300 he ul ; shipment'
1,800 head ; good tlicep In demind and stion :
ntheis dull and weak ; muttons$1 004.70
lambs , 14.85.
St. I.onU 1,1 * . e Mock Market.
ST. Louih. Mo. Die. 11. ( HrrM.-Kp
celpts , 0,000 heid , hhlpinents , 1,100 he.u
maiket acfhe andstion ; fall to pod in
the sKois , 5325iil.DO ; choke , $1 VWj.5 K
fancy heaxy , S3 75 ; mullum to Rood
steeis , KUiWl.l 00 ; laiijio co h , Jl.25542.15.
lions KccolpK 10,500 head ; shlpmenr
1,100 head ; in.uker lilchei ; lieu , ) , td 00 !
O 50 ; p IcklllR , J5 UOSli 35 ; llKht , J5 OOQd 20
bill n1 Hetelpth , 1,000 hiad ; hhlpment !
ono ; maiket Meady ; nathis , 4J.OUS.O 00.
Can't le found
the Kjual of Dr ,
Pieico's ( Joldoi :
Medical UiscoV'
cry. If othoi
medicines of it's
cliusacio like it
they'd bo gunran
tecil. This Is : II
it doesn't bcnclli
or cure , in OYUJ
case for which it's recommended , jou gci
It Isn't " cuio-ull " bui
yotu money buck. n - ,
It does cum nil diseases ni islntj fi om n t rpii
or deianged Ihcr , or fiom impure blood
Tor nil Bciofulous , SItiu and Benlp Discnses
it's a pobitio remedy. K\cn Consumption
or LunE-Bcrofulo , is cured bv It , if taken ii
time nnu civcn u fair trial That's nil that'i
nihod for it a fair trial. Then if it doe&u'
help you , there's no jiay.
1'ownixiof hpuiious tmilattoni or dilutious
ofTcred ut Je-rf ji ices.
AVe claim it to bo mi imequaloil icineily t <
urify the blood nml inviinirnta the ihcr
puw claim it to bo lusting ill its effects , trca
ting u" appetite , puiifjiiiR the blood , am
preventing llillous , Tjpbold and Jlnlana
fevors. If taken in time : Tlio time to tuk
it is when you first fel < the signs of uearlnes
Uy di uggists.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
llcsl Catllo Ho nnrt fclicep market In Hie cil
Y/ood / Brothers ,
fcoulhOniBlin 'lelc phone HIT Clilen.
\\AI.1KU H WOOD , ,
Market llci.oits . by mall aud nlrecliccrfulljr i
iilnlii'il upon upiillcallon
I'nlillt ) Aiielliin of Tour CiittiiBeM.
On Dei embei 27th , 1802. at 10 a in. , the c
will , ut public' Hiu.tIoii.M-ll the follow UK i
M-illud hoiiMhon the iiiemlsib lo Iho high
bidder for eash t-a Id houses to ho lemo *
within foui months. The highest hlddei toi
posllCil ) nt the lime of biilo , thn balnnco
bo paid to the elty within ono "Lok. ' 'I ho h
c-otliiKcs uio Minuted on loth 7. H , 0 nml 111
Justin's hiibdhbloii of loibla. . d 2. block
bhln'addl.lo , , . , . . ' "
Omulia , Neb. , Ucc. Olh , 1692. dlO dC
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Omaha TcnUAwning
iioitsn covnus ,
lll'i i nrnim vi
Bemis Omaha Bag H. 0 , Daxon ,
Impottcri nnilninufr < Iilciclcs sold on montlilr
tluuf tncki ,
IwlHO. IJJ N 15th
Mprse-Coe Shoe Company ,
110'lllonartl itroat
Knctorj corner 11th anil ttoiiitlni StrfOti
Wcnrn nnklni ; cln i iirloto r li hnyi < r ahl nro
eillicc n clitsi or v < ] 0(1 < which li > crj rnlcntlo
nllh mcrihnnts
Hector & Wilieliny LobccK & Linn ,
DcnloM In linrdnnro unJ
Corner ,0th nmljnckson '
lucrluiiilrs' tool * .
W , A. L. GlbbonS Co.
lat , rois | , Mri\tY eaoit' ,
BlOM-4 , mlttCIH , Jill
nnil llntnor Hti
John A , Wakeileld , Charles R , Lee ,
Iinrortnl.Aiiii-rlcinl'ort Unrtlwuod lumber , wood
liuiil csnuMil Mllnmi- cnrpet nnil i > nrquol
Veaii'infnl nnituiilnoir tlOdtlllE ,
wlillplla-i- ftli nml Douulas.
Prick A Herbert , I , Oberfclder &Co.
linporlrr nnil JobbA
\\lolo ) ale liquor tlcnlvr' ol millinery nutlon
.Mull onlort pronint ,
lOill Vnrnnm st , ? > ib.'U ( i II Hi SI. Jl
_ PAPERA I . - . _
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
Inri ) u mil flock cif
lirlntliiir , wrnpplnit niul Itcllneit nn.l lubricating
wrlllnii piper , ciml
imper , clo ell nxlo crcnso , etc.
_ OY3TERS , _
David Cole & Co. ,
VMiolosnlc oriter * fnncr
roli-rr 110 < loth btf ,
& Co , , t Jas , A. Clark & Co. ,
Prottiico , fruits of nil llutlor , rhoo o , cffK5 ,
pouttr ) tind knine ,
kltulH oyster * 117 s | ( th M
Omalia Stove Repair M.A.DisurowfiCo. ,
\Vi'HkJ , slo\o i | i lr-i Mnnnrnotnror of antli ,
mill wnlor \chlnuiiU d n o r li 1 1 n iM a rut
fir miy Ulna of ( to\o ninnldliim tirnnch of
maUil."U7 llauk'liisM tHe Ulli nmlltnnl St ;
131G Douglas Street , Omnhn , Neb.
The eminent specialist In nervous clironlo prltnto blooil akin nilflrlnary ? ilhi-i c V rccular und
Pelstercil vrstlutiti ) in incilU Inc ns d c-lnnns un < l Lt-rttlkttO1 * Khow , is Hill troatltiK nlth thu tfrt-nti-slBiio. *
ess citrrrh lint mnnhooil pt-inlntl cnkncrii nl lit losso * aint nit f jrnn of itrlxalo illiofl : ! No meron *
y uscit Now trc-itmcnt foi km ol vltil ] io or Pnrtlpi tumble to viilt mu HID In trotted nt hoftio \ > t
orrespomlcnc Mullclno cr nmtrumaniB sent liy in ill or o | > r s socurol ) pac'ccil , no ID vrks to ludldntjt
ontonti 01 landcir Ono personillntLniow prcfunoil ( "omultnllon Ira * lorroaponJoncoetrlolly iirlfuic.
ook ( UysturlOKuf Life ) sent f roe t lllci-lioursUn ui lu'.ipin bumlnjn lOii m to 1-Jin 'oiulitamp forreplf
Pot- Thirty Davs only wo will ofCor our o'ltiro stock of. Di untl
Christmas Jewelry anil Silvorwaru ut Ion thin miuufacturor's cost.
Fourteenth antl Farnam Streets-
\\lllmovoJnn. 1. to N.V. . Cor. 10th antl rirnain. SAFES I'OH SALE.
To theowneis of ill lots and puts of lots
.nil mill estate ilon Howard slice ! and bl ,
ilan'H a\ unite , fiom IGth stieot to 21st stieet ,
.nd inlersoctliustieets-
You aio heii-hy notified thit the under-
iKiied , thieo dlslnlerested freeholders of the
Ily of Umah i , h i\o been duly appointed by
hu m ij 01. with IheappioMilof the city con n-
: ll of slid city , to asse-ss the damiiKO-to Hie
'Wncrs ' ii'spccttMsly of the property allected
ly changing the r.ule of siililstieets and In-
eisectln slicets , dcchued necessary by ot-
llnanco 150 , passed I'ebiuary 1 , 1891 , ap-
) io\cd rubruary 0 , 1801.
You are fuiihei not tiled , that ha\lns nc-
: uptcd said niipobitment , and duly nimlllled as
ciiutiid by law , wo will , on the 27lh il.iv of
-lecembei , A. 1) , 1802 , at the hour of 11
j'clnck In the foienoon. nt the olllee of T. II
Medulloeh , mom 812 , New York I.lfo bulldlntr ,
Allhln the coi poi ate limits of s ild ell ) , incut
"or the pu ipo o of consldcrhu. ind making the
isbossmcntof d UIIIIKU to Iho owneis u-spee-
huly of bald pioperly , allcclid by Mid
ilmnxu of Krade. l.ililn Into consideration
ipeclnl hcnelitb , If anv.
You mo notllled to no piesent at the time
mil place ifoiesalil , and make any objections
ooi slateinentscoDceiiihu'ald usi > essiiiuiit of
lainagesus jou miy consldd piojie-i.
T It .
Ul OKi ; J. 1'AUU
I'ommlltee of AppiaKcis
Omaha , Deecmhei IJ , Ih'U. D14dlOt
To the owners of the lots , mrts of lots and
roil estiito ahuttlm ; on or adjacent to the
stieots , illo3 or noniii s heroin n.uiioc ! or
sltuntod In whole or In p irt wllhlu any of
the districts horeln suooillod :
You and o ich of jon 1110 horohv notllled
that the city eoiinell of the city of Om ih i will
Bit us n Itojrrt of I qu illitlnn , lit the ollle-o of
ho oily clerk , In the otyhall , Om ihn , No-
u wltn. on I'rldnv. llio.'M duvof Decomhi r ,
.b' ' ) , ' , from ! ) o'clock n. in. to S o'clock p in , for
tno Duipaso of conslilerlhd and oniiiill/ln-
iiroposed lo * vof t i\es unit nssobsmonts
s shown by ' 1'ropoiucl I'l ins of AsBessmcnt '
now on lllo In Iho otllco of suld olty clerk , niu
correcting any oriors thuroln anil of healing
nil compialnts that the owners of property hole
lo bo nssos ol and tnie- t in ly make ; sulu
Mieclnl laxes anil asscasments proposed to bo
olod L'olna ncoessuy tucorui thocottof the
, ovoril linpio\oinenta duly nutliorlzod to bo
undo nnd now completed , as follow * :
To o-jvor the cost of pivlnv : and onrblnz
CHSH btri ot. fiom.d stioet tollh Hticut , In
; ti out imnrovomcnt district N" 410 ha d pnj-
, n ninountliu to the sum of > ? l Ms S'l. ' nnd H lid
cm bliu to the sum of fill Til nhlch Hint sums ,
It s proposed , by a ropoit duly ni opted by
the city coiinull , tonsst son thoionl esLtloon
oicn Hldo of Lass Blicut. fiom I''d lo ' 'llh
btiout , acconlliiu' lo foot front mo mm the u -
unlhe-allnsbiuk pioc-ess In depth to alloy : no
asscssmunt for ciubliiK to bo m no wet of 'id
struot as the curb Ihoro was laid by prlynto
pirtlcs Hutu per foot for pnln ; , fiilOJI ;
into per foot foreuihiiu lU'iUiii '
Toioviu thoeoitof pi * In. l.owo avoniie ,
frm Hamilton stieot to Moieor nuiiuo. In
nivhudlstilct No ' . " ) ) . union n tin i lolnosiim
of JiU.tfil r > i , whlish said Is pi opined. by a
report ( lul v adopted by the city uoiiiiuil. to
onth Hldo of I.OH o
assess on the ro il est no on
to Moic-ei n * .
HUIIHO , fiom Hamilton bliont
enuo. nccoidliu to foot froiitaio and the
usual hCitlnuhtikprocosH In clunlli to center
of block or lot alloy , lialo nor fool , l Jj-17.
'Iho cost of pi Unto approach , aiiioiintlnu to
thoBUin of of tss 5JI. to bu u&se'ssod to tlio ronl
'locooi lbo"cnst of pivlus Cpininciclal
street , fiom Sherman avenue to''Oth htreot , in
paving dlslilct No MH miioiintln , '
10 the hum of IIAIUff ) . which HI Id U
uinpnioil , by a loport duly adopted by iho
city million. toimsossuroriU on the mil us-
taloon onehalUoof Ooinmnrolul Direct , from
Sherman aveiiuo lo Uith blretl. necordlni. to
foot frontnBo and the usual Healing h ick pro-
ecss In depth from btreol IU font , not oxcuul-
In , ' the lontur of blocks Pro * Wed. that .D foot
sh ill bo deducted on the fronlneo of lux lot
- . ' < cast of Commercial Mtroet H Uu pui fool
} J 4IO,7. ( ThoiO'tof iirlviiluroiidw.iy.uinount-
In-to thobiim ofl.UI. tobo absosted to lliu
real estuto ndjolnln ? . , , . _ . . ,
To ecu or the oostof p ivln. and curblnj : Kml
btroot fiom Pppplutou nvouno lo the toiilli
llnu of lax lol , A In strout Improvement illH-
trlul o 47. , ninoiiiilliu to tlio sum of f .lUl. J
which B till sum it U prc > | ii ) e'd by u report ciulv
ndoptod by the tlty eomicll to nssoss on llic
ronl c-slalo pro ratJ , on tueh side of Win ,
utreut fiom I'cipnluton nveiinu to south Him ol
ly tax lot .10. uecordhu to foot .fronlH.o.iinclJljj
l ! ixual scallni ; back pie oss In .ilfl't ' }
fool. t-ltUtl 'I hu
'S1 btiuut H. foul Itatu per -
( . ( ofnrhuto roadwi > uinoiiiitlnu lo the MINI o !
luII 1U.,71) ) to bo u ! .osaed to the real o tatu adjoin
II '
111 " 'f'o cover the cost of pav'iu nnd ciirhlnj
II bponcui street from Shurmun nenuu to.'lil
IB lrcot in Blreot "IJ""lJvr..V ; district 'T" , .No , V 4 c
mnounti.u . to il.u bum of tit 6u if. wlili ' h sali
sum it Is proposed by icport duly udoptei
by the city council , to sssobs pro rutu on vh
roaleitato on hoih sides of Hponcor street
' -
jHf nS
! i'm0r ' , , oltrio2riourJ , , v v1k-sail
sum It Is piouosad by a reportdnIvuilnntiS
by the olty i-onncll , to assess follms- i'hii
cost of privito roiidwav.
. >
amount mi : bo assessed 01 t"v
. Iho rom lining cost to bo
) n the prouerty on hot ) , M" . . . . : " " . n ' , ' .
Ploroo - , , , ,
rom str- to HloKoi
y slrool
115 to the root froiitujo iiml "l
uall.iB hack process 10 lopth of Ul.
rlct as cruatod. ' hut of
JS ?
locokortnocostof pavliu-
I. oil * , n stieot In nrivon ut , , , u
imotinl ! ! „ to the Hum of * l IU1H tthlol , ald
.urn It Is propose I hya lonort clulv ni ontVll
iv the city council to asscTpro otS
r , m
, iuoa of the alloy In bloult ITo
1 1. i c-cor I " - foot
niiiUBunnd thoiisiid Hunl nK IM "k limocsa '
o hu depth of ono lot. j { u , pu " * ' Vjl
To covut thu cost an J liiB nvI
loriniinont bldo walks I ild hV I or I lao
inoiintiiu to thu bum of .b" 'UJ v/hlcl suhl
m It H proposed b > n ro , ioVt du y , d onto 1
) y the city coinull to assubsm ,
' 'I'j ft lot 5 blk 10 City
113 Ki
4-5 lolS 1)11 ) ( IU
.olOhllc IU
l.'l 04
hot 7 Wlc 70
1.018 blk TO 478 M
' 10) ) S3
N'JJftlotl ullcTJ
4V ) fit
S 'ilotl
71 i'17 27
Ni lot 8 blk 1)1 ) MVJ 70
.01 H blk l ( > s i.17 ' .M
, ot I blk I7J
IV ) (14 (
i.ot I blk 7 Jeronio I' irk H5 2 ! )
, otSIIU7
) '
t'i ) 89
/ot I blk7
t )
f > 0
ot 10 blk 10 Won Hud Add 87 'Jl
.ot 11 blk IU "
1,3 8i
Total V tMbO'TJi
, ' 1vi < ? , r"u01 ; S1" ? C5st of colltl uctliis a so'wor In
" IOnmoiinlliu ) to the sum
, fi'wT- . , , , -
"ill ' w.lllcl'1" ! " ltls inoposed byaro-
iort diilyniloiod , bv Ibo clly eounoll to as ,
HOSS on thu ran ) est ttu along sulcl ouwur pro
rain , leeoifilnif lo foot frimtn ro nnd thu usual
icalliiK tiiick process. In dopih fiom stieot ono
ot ; pioviduci. that eornoi lots havlnr bower
constructor cm two sides Minll bo nssiusod for
ho lonsor sldo only. It HeDor foot , Jl OJ9J7.
lo coor Iho cost of sow r , ourbliu nnd put-
Inrliii : , iinil piv lnon the soutb ono-hiilf ot
north SIS feet of oust M foot of lot .1 , Uipltol
" "It'on. ' amounting to the hum hf IJI.109 ,
vUilohsaldsiim. It U pronusoil. by n report
Inly iiiloplod by iho city council , t. ) imoii on
the Biiutli onci-half of the north am foot of east ,
M feet of lot No. I Uipltol addition.
, „ u" aru fiirthor notlllo I thatB ila "Proposecl
lauiof Asso-isii out" nro now siihjoct lo the
inspection nnd ox.imlniition of any of the
imnur-i of ild lots. , p iris of lois or ploco-i of
roil estate , or the Inspontlon ur ox imlnallon
of nny othoi iiounn Intoioitoil In snln pro-
piiM'il iisschiniiiitH , at the ollloo of mid city
olork. nnd th it hy a rujiort of a commlttoo of
said uoiinoll duly adupioil , It IH nrnpoiuil Hint
iiiilosH foi Bond ami siilllole-nli-aii'io It may bo
otliurwlscii or.lorod and dotormlnod , Hint tlio
ucistofHiIil lniroomonls | lenpot thuly ho ns-
Hi-ased ( in Iho hi-vuial lots , p irtsof ( oil mid
jiheos of real ot ito as bhown by aald pro-
lio.oil plans of imonsmonf
Vou , and each of jou , are horuby notlflod to
appeal buforoBiliI tinircl of l.iinall/iitlon iil >
tha time and place nbovo spoolllpcl , to nmko
iinrooiuiiloliit. Htiituiiiunt , or ohjuullon you
duiliuioiiLornliiR HIIV or N ild proposed lovicn
nnd assessments of uncului tuxes.
JOHN uuovr.s ,
Omahn , Neb , December Mill , 1B ! .1 .1iliSdTt
4'illlhtlllK .N'ntll I
I , fieomo P. Itemla , mayor of Iho city of
Omaha , heiohy glvo public nothit and pio-
( lalm that Tauuim btieot , fiom lOlh htuet to
45lh hi 1 1 nl. oxtendid ; Chh-iuo stinl , fiom
20HiHticetto2thHlicot ) , I'luri-u hlreel , fiom *
' ) lhbtn-etlo3id btieet ; Pin Itllde men no ,
fiom U'llll.iniH hln ut lo Pleice hlnit. OIH
MM ut. fioni Hickory bluet to Pluio bticul.
aic uiithuil/e < l to bo used fin Ihn iiiiiposu ot
coistliu cliiilnit HID wlnloi of lh'J.lH'J )
U llnoss my hand at Um.ilu , Ibis lOlh day ot
mcombci , IBUJ.
, , , ; MIHbM , o7r.
Counting No tier.
I. Ooorgo P. IlomlH. mnyor of the olty of
Omahii. noroby 1,10 puhllu notice and pro
claim th it Hi. Mury.s nvoniio frjm linh if" " '
to 4th Htroot. I'D l ) | i ! iilon uvuiiuu from .Otu
htroul t < i'Oth Htrrot. M blreot froni Davuii-
porlBlrent to Wobilor stre-ot. and llniiilltou
hlrool from Both Hlrcot lo'JMh Btrout. nro iiu-
1 hurl/oil to oo used for thonurposoof coustlng
diirluj the winter of ISW-lh9l. . . . .
WlliiusH mv Imnd utOinuliu , this Bib day ot
Doc-embor. lb 2.
Gjo. : mMla. : Mayor ,