Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    MCE ! ) HIS FATHER'S ' NAM !
0. J. OxiUtcin of OaU"nc1 Arrested on n
Charge ,
CAI'TURF3 WHILE I LAVING THE COUNTRY Hitmlrril Dnltnrs < ! ctiroil on YVnrtli-
lr > M NtilrnI'.ilioiM of lltiitliniulry III
nl Kp.irtir--Otlirr Ni1-
tirnilm Ncwd Xolon.
I , Neb , Dee. --Spcehl [ Tele-
to Tin : llru ] Alwut 4 l > . ni. O. .1.
C'-ulslun sin of A. C.ulsteinn farmer llv-
liif , ' inr Oakland , en tl'rcil the Tlrst Na
tional b.iiik licro and ashed the caslilcr , O.
1C Cull , If ho could pot n loan , stating Hint
liowotld Rhon lot ofgood notes for col- Mr Cull looking over the notes
notl'ul thiil they wcro negotiable. notes
Amounting ton little oMr J,200 andworo
slpm-il bA. . Girlsteln , his fntlicr. The
cnshkr knrminR Unit the joung man had been slralflhtfouMml and honest
allowed him $ tttX ) on the notes. Shortly
nftir lu < had loft the bank the cashier iipaln
examlmd the notes and having A. Call-
fitoln s RlfjiwUne , cotnp.u cd the filgnnturo on
the nolos with the orlRinal nnil discovered at
once thai the whole \\atfoigcil. . Toinnko
certain ho cnt a messenger to Carlstat In ,
Mho ri tin nod staling that the father did not
el)4ii ) the notes A witirunt was Issued at
unco and the foiger was aiiestcd atCiaig ,
Neb , whcro ho Intended to take the train
'Ihn piisoncrwas taki-n toTckamah.
[ A Carlsteln eamo to Omaha and \MIS nr-
rcslcil bj Oftlcer Ha\c.v and taken to the
city jail When so u'hert SftU was found on
his person Sergeant Oimsby stilpped the
inlsoner and looked foi moip nionov , but
nothing was found Cnrlstcin told the
jiollcotliat bis father bid plvcn him the
checks to s.cll and denied havlnir committed
n forger.v .lames W Holliminlst and IJ I1.
Ojlftln followed Carlstein fiom Oakland and
Aveic at the jail wlien ho was locked up and
will appear against him for swindling them j
I'jitroiifc of Itnilmnilrj.
IfnviiMi , Neb , Dee. II [ Special Tele-
pram to Tnc Hi n ] 1 ho Patrons of Hus
bandry of Xebiaska , in session heie , did no
business of iinj conscciucnie today. A short
liuslncss meeting was held this moinlng , fol
lowed b.s a public icieption piwn \Islting
dclcfinlci by Major Biady and citl/ens
Tbe MIdwaj band discoursed n few selec
tions 'I ho nddtcss of welcome was dcllv-
citd bj Mr ISiadj Deputy Master
G. P Willis icsH ] > nclcil in n neat
nddiess W D Oldham , citv attor
ney made ti shoit uddiess , wbich was
responded to by Woithj Master O lj Hall
of Pawnee City Nathan Campbell , the ilrst
mavot of Kcainey , made a few lem.uks de
fining himself In sjmp.ubv with the giangc
inov ement The cxercista closed with u song
by the delegates This nftoinooii the dele
gates accepted the imitation fora diho
about the ilty , which took up thecntiie
C A business meeting was held tonight The
icsolutions inti educed last night Inue not
been disposed of Among the unfinished
business which Is li.iblo m tome up at this
session is that of founding a farnicis life in
surance < .ompan > on the assessment plan.
frurril lij Ailvcrslly.
INUIANOUA , Neb , Dec. 14. [ Special to Tun
Bsr.'Lhls ] morning about daj light John
Fischer , living seven miles southeast of In-
dlanola , hanged himself in bis granary. He
had eaten his breakfast and his wife asked
him if ho was going to town. Ho icplkd ,
"Yes , KS soon as I have fed the colts. " Ho
was looking for a handkci chief at the tlmo
nnd as soon as ho got It , stalled for the
gianary , as blswifo supposed , to get feed
for the tolls Ho did notlctiun in an hour
nnd his wife stalled to the stables to llnd
him. On opening the gianarj door she
found him hanging within , with the hand
kerchief aiound his nick nnd a small rope
fastened to it His little bo > about 13 ! jeais
old got a knife and cut him dow n , but he
w as ( lead.ihaving apparently slow lysti angled
to death. Ho was somewhat in debt and his
crops not being laigo ho was afraid that his
propel ly would bo sold.
Injurnl It ) KxploitliiK GIIS.
Do.Mi'MAN , Neb , Dtc 14 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BIB ] Ilniiy Wilson , who
vv as to have given a stereoptlcan cnteitaln-
inent bcie this evening for the bcncllt of tbo
CongiegatlonalUiuieh , mot with a very pe
culiar but disticssing accident this after
noon. Whllo al homo Kcnciallng gas for
the occasion , the machine , exploded with
fcaifull icsults Mi. Wilson may live ,
though boil ibly mangled Ono hand Is ul
most Lilt oil and his fa < o was badlj toin
fiom the mouth to the cats and his upper
teeth knocked out. 'Jhc whole Intel lor of
the building was blown out by the explosion ,
the rcpoit of which was heaid all over town
Siitlnn Gninil Aimy OnircrH.
BUTTON , Neb , Dec. 11. [ Special to Tin :
Bnu ] 'Iho Gland Army of the Republic
post of Slltlon selcelcd tbo follow Ing ofllccis
last evening. Philip Schwab , post grand
conimandei ; M. Tasseir , senior -\ico com
mander ; G H Davy , Junior vice commander ;
Dr. Claik , surgeon ; O. M Claik , < | iiaiter-
mastcr ; ( J. Newman , chaplain ; William
Smith , otllccr of the daj , Gcoigo UciUol ,
olllcer of the guaul , Maicus Wellcnbuig , W
Mi Smith , delegates to depaitmcut cncami > -
llcutrU n IJoiuU Soltl.
BEvriucr , Neb , Dec 1 1 [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEK ] The city council todaj
sold Iho JS.OT. ) iiiulng and cuibing bonds for
dlstilct No 1 1 to Spit/er & Co of Toledo , O ,
at liar. Tlio council also p.ibsed anordlnanco
calling for a Hpcclal cleotion for .Taiiuaiy a I ,
Jb'.i.l , to vote on tbo pioposltion to issue $20-
< XX ) inteibcctlon paving bonds for now paving
VVorldiiK AIIIIIIIK Itiillro
Numoi.K , Nob. Dee II. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BI-B ] A series of meetings in
the Interest of lallvvay men was begun heio
tonight in the railway employes hall , con
ducted by Mrs Woodward of Sowaul , Intei-
nntlonal biipeiintendent of w oik among rail-
load men for the Women's Ululstluu Tem
pera mo union. A good audience was
Intorrsti il In ( iiirnlslipo CHKOH.
PI.VTTBMOUTH , Neb. , Deo. H. [ Spccia
Telcgiani toTnn BEU ] Geoigo T , Cain 01
Countil HlulTsv\as aiicsted hcie this aftei
noon on the chaigo of aiding and abetting li
ic'cont gainlHlno cases Cain said ho was
sent dow n from Council UlulTs as a speclalotll
rertoborvo some papers luuv Cain gave
Ixjiuls to appear heio next Monday.
Aliinnriu tnrliiK Xi liuibUii T\\liu > >
Fjll.vioNr , Neb , Dec U.- [ Special to TIIK
Bnir- ] hoNebiaska Binder Twine companj
will comincnco to manufacture twine ncxi
Moiidnynnd manufaetnru about -i.ttX
lK > unds a day fiom time until next fall
' 1 ho crop lalocd this jear is laiger and of ,
better quality than those of pievious jcais
Ailiinm C'linnt ) Dili
JIMATA , Neb. , Dee. II. [ Special to Tnu
BnE.J Qultoa largo crovvil wan In attend
nneo at the old settlcis1 meeting heioye-stei
day. ' 1 ho Intrusting progiam piepaied was
Avcllcaiiled out , especially that part of 1
that lelateii to dinner. Many Interestln0
icnilnlheLiiccu ofeaily tinus wei-o iclatcd
Nrlnilhlui'M llc.ilh Itoll ,
CAMIMIPI i. , Neb , Dec. U. [ Tele
Bi-amtoTiiK BrK.j Mrs Bartlett , vvlfo o
W H. Bartlett , cashier of the runners am
MeivhantH bank , died ut her homo In this
city this moinlng.
nl TntlmuA ) In | | u > Ciintrat Oti-
tinDnuulua Count } Klitllnn ,
This noinlng the lontebt of the Dougla
counti leglblatlvo election will commence U
oaincst Testimony will bo taken on the
thlid 1'oorof ' the Waio block at riftcentl
mul Fiuimm 'Iho nttoinojs fortbe > contest
nuts wlllbcMrsbis T. J Mahoiioy. C J
Himth , J B Shcean and S , H. Hush , while
tlutr notary will bo W. r. WapplUi , am
their steuogiapher L. L. lUbb. 'llio uttoi
for Ihoconlrsloes will bo Mown .1 11
lllalr , J H VnnlhiMMi. H M Hnrtlott nnd
. ! W Cnrr It 1. buy will not t s their
noU < rv , and II \\nrlnitvvlll tnko a tone
graphic1 irimit of Iho ttitlmony for them
luftprnk'ug of Iho cnso Judge Blnlr , who
wan wif nf Huv nttovneja In the Hojd Ilinjer
OUXP , said tiif > ro was nnolo In the notice of
contest throvich which a recount of the
cnliiooto or the Tenth representallvo
dlstilrt mljtht rupi ) Into the pmoertllnps.
Till * br1 tlirriirht would bn favorable to the
rtmtostet-s , us II would bring nlxmt nn ex-
nmlnallon of nsultH In the demnerntlo
Mrnnchnlds of which no mention had been
made In thn nottco of contest *
Mr Snii Hi said there was tlo daslro on the
pait of the e-ontestants to jnako a showing
tlioj eoald not go befoi-o a jurj on nnd win.
Ho thinks n recount Is necessary , nnd says
tint gigantic frauds will be shown.
H Is retried that ono of the contestecs
was approached nnd told that If ho would
vole for n. democrat for tbo senate the con
test against him would bo dropped. The
offer was not accepted.
Piles of people have piles , but DoWltt's
Wit oil Hnol silvo will euro them.
Imlilo I'.icts KtplnlnhiK the IteMsoii Tor the
rrrxiillltiK In\v I'rlcrs.
Omnhfi 1ms distanced all other western
titles as nn ouster inarJiel , not only bee.iuso
or Its convenience as a dlstilbiitini ; JHilut , but
principally beeiui'u of the Vaft that oysters
nrs sold 7c to lOo per can cheaper hoio thnn
In other fellies It has been staled by the
papers that these low piices aio thoicsult of
it war among the wholes-lie o.\ster houses
but the causes leulliiRUp to this war nnd the
cal Inslilo fads not been made public
M-foro and max bo of Intelest to the trade
H seems thut the 01 ster business has be-
wile a gieat monopoh and Is conttoiled by
wo or three largo Ilaltimoio houses that
ombino and llx the prices at the dlfTeient
listiibullnp points In the United States
I'ho smaller houses ate foiced to Join the
omblno or irtii r > from business
At the commencement nf the present sea
son the combine issued its manifesto lu
Omrliu , Hinting what must or must not be
lone. 'Ibcic was one ouster house In
Dmiilin that of Branch iV. Co , that icfused
o join the combine Iliishonso announced
hat It did not believe In cutting pikes , but
hat H wished to bo at libuU losellnt
suchpilcesas It consideicd would jield a
fair piollt Such independence of action
was not to be tolerated anil the combine nit
ices below cost , besides using the < henpest
ind pooiest stock , anil milled on the
iltteicst Iclnd of a war liianch & Co ,
jiowo\cr. pioved too stiong to be downed bj
.he combine , and the light has let up on
, hem Homow bat Pi cseiit pi ices on oj slci s ,
.hough so much lowcl here than at other
narkots , appear to be satlsf.atoiy to liiancb
V ; C , as . \ announced that thoj will
tot now advance them , although piices at
[ Jaltlmoic po up lOo per gallon toda\
As a result of the low pi ices the eonsump-
: lon of ojstcis has been enoimouslj in-
icased in all the teuitoiy trlbutoij to this
1L\ Shipments aio made from beie to
Coloiado , W\oniuig , South Dakota and other
ttostciii points as well as to Nebraska
.mints Tiado has e\en been flheited fiom
Chicago , Iowa bin ing laigeh of Omaha
AltlioiiKli Biamh &Co weie foiced to llRht
the stionpest kind ol a combine , they did
lot icsort to the use of Inferior stock , but
kept u ) ) the quahtj of their oysters to the
usual high standaid As a icsult , the war
lias ieall > been a benelit to this linn , as it
Ins made them inaiij new filends and con-
stimcis "While- the cut of piices was brought
> n at the commencement of tlio season , a
good mum letail dealers appear toha\o
onlretcntlj leained of the cut , and a good
[ iiinilrst : oidcis aio still unlvlmr , indicat
ing that the war is not a shoit-lhcd affair.
Hvorybodv outs oysters. Dealers can
buy N. Y. Counts per can , . " 5c.
Extra Selects per can , 2oc.
Standards per can , 20c.
Favorites per can , 13o.
Also bulk Standards , bolid meats , if
wanted , and coloiy from 2oc to 45c pot-
bunch. Scntl your Christinas ordotb at
once to David Cole & Co , "Tho AntiMonopoly -
Monopoly CKster House. " Goods tlio
very uobt. No firm allowed to undersell
us. 311) ) So. 10th street , Onmha , Neb.
Real estate.
Bargains onlv.
My word is pood.
W. G. Albright.
olM-2-SN. Y. Life bid2.
Holiday goods , Fron/er , jovv'r , opp. p.o.
Two Slumbers of dm L'littlclc Tamil } AV heM
M null il tin ; DmnliM ! Motorn.
Yestcidaj Dejmty Shei iff Lewis stood at
the t-ast door of the court house nnd sold at
public auction a stiect rnlhoad that has
been the subject of a good deal of lilerarj
cffoit , legal and otherwise. It was the linu
in Dundee Place , which has been followei
by a fate of tbogiimmest soitslnco its in
ceptlon. Kight at tbestait waba dispute
with the constiucting engineer , which is
now pending in sonic fonti in the courts , in
volving a claim to soveial thousand dollais
On tbo aw aiding of the contract the luckj
bidder sent to Germany for his
mateilal wherewith lo construct the
Hack , and the ( list shipload bf I
now icstb at the bottom of the Atlantic-
ocean , sent thcio by a wicck in miiUoa
This and other mishap's puiaued the cpn
tiaitor till he failed for some $ .M,000 ) , leav
Ing tbo line uncompleted Then thoowneis
of Dundee Place , Kansas Cllj and New
Yoik capitalists , went ahead and linishei
the line bO that it could boused forJioiso
cars , and subsc < iuentlv comcitedit toai
elcetiiellne But the drain of maintaining
the line the passengers being can ietl fioo
of ehaige piovcd lee much , and the sale
camooff nsadveitisod lo the sheriff.
H W Pali ick. stalled the bidding with an
offer of $10,000 , which sum was doubled bv
his father But tbo son wanted the road
and bid $ i",000 , and this was i.iised by the
the father to 10,000 For n moment tbo son
hesitated , and then ho ended the game mul
took the load on an offei of f 10tKX )
Nut from u I'inuiu ial Standpoint.
"I do not recommend Chanibei Iain's Cough
Itemed ) from a llnancial standpoint , for we
have othcis In stock on wbkkwomakoa
larger piollt , " s ijs Al Maggini , a piominent
druggist of Bniddock , Pa. , ' 'but , because
many of our customers have spoken of it in
the highest praise. Wo sell iroi o of It than
any similar pi up nation wo hive in the
stoio , " For bale bi druggists
Miurliu ! | I.I
The following inarilago licenses weio
issued by Count ) Judge IZller jtMeiday
NaiiuMind uUdiPM. ARC- .
I Tied Powell , Chc-.veiine. Wjo . . . .11
1 Kllilo I'onuli , I'uinii'll lIlulK lu , U. )
j Chailes HaiiM'ii , Omaha . . . 'jj
I C'aiolliio Matilda llciiii'ii , Omaha , , . lJ !
j.lolm II. Hmidtli'Ksi'ii , Oinaliii 'J8
I l.iniKii Ne'lson houlliOniuliii , 'Ja
1 riavlus.1 I'lillllp-.tflii-lnnall , O . . . -3
I INthei L'armod ) , rsow Yuik , I \ ' . . . . ai
j Ni'N I'uinoii , Oinaliii . . . , aa
I Hilda Mai la NuUon , Omaha 23
i. lamrs Mohiljru , Heels. In . is
I Kiiiina C. lliiKlii'i , Hc-e-l" , la It )
jCooruo II. Voim eiman , Omaha . . . . ill
I Muiili A. lle-nry , Omaha . 'J8
( .lolin It. Itiilhouin , Omalia ao
I Maj-vlo M. Mot rl-mi , Omaha . ao
Constipation cuied by DoWltfs Early
Of perfect -
Vnnllla purlty-
Lemon Of great strength-
Economy In tholr uso.
Flavor ns delicately
and dollclout'.y ' at the fresh fruit
Ho Was Not Guilty of Robbing the Emerald
PostofHco ,
I'rlciuM of the Arruurd I.orntf < l Him right
Allies from thn Scene of thn Crime
nt thn Tlmo It Win t'rr.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Deo. 14. [ Special of TUP.
iJnE. ] William Hose , onoof tbomcn charged
vvllh Iho i-obbcry of Iho Hmcrald irastofllco
ono week ago last Saturday night , was
released on ball by United Slalea Commis
sioner Bllllngsloy this forenoon , The case
against him and bis associate , Wesley Johns ,
cnmo up again before Commissioner IHI-
Hngsloy this forenoon , but the further cx-
amlnallon of witnesses was not pursued on
account of the absence of Assistant United
Stales Attorney Haldrldgo. J. D. Philnott
who appeared for Hoseasked for the release
of his client on the grounds that no evidence
had been adduced to show that ho was In
any way connected vvlib the robbery , .ludgo
ICair of ncnkloinati , who also appeared for
Rose , argued In favor of Ibo icleaso of
Ills client , stating that the defense had
shown bv ono of Iho government's own wit-
nessess thai on the night of the lobbciy
Uoso had been seen nt n friend's residence
clghl miles nwaj Ibhlj minutes after the
ciimc was committed Commissioner nil-
Ungslcy then dlschaiged Hose from custody ,
so far as the accusation of being Implicated
in the robbciyMvas concerned , but held him
nsn witness and compelled him to fuinish
ball for his appearance vUien icquired , In the
sum of $ . * 00 The Iwnds vvcio promptlj
fmnlshcd nnd ilosn took his doiarturo. | 'Iho
fill thcr healing of the e-barge against Wes
ley Johns vv as continued unlll December 27
al 10 a in
Major Writ Intrrtrnri.
The fact thai Major Weir has veloed tbo
conliact let by the Hoard of Public Woiks to
r C Sbolcs for Ibo crcclion of Iho new
Btandplpo will not neccssaillv delay Iho con-
stiuelion of that much needed addition to
the citv's water woilis sjstcm. Alijor Web-
basis his veto upon tbo grounds that Ibo eon-
Iracl was iuipropeilj let ami that several
lebponslblo paitlts vveie not enabled to bid
ontbowoik Ho believes fiom ? 1XX ( ) to f.1-
000 ( an be saved by n leavvardlng of Iho con-
Inasmuch as the condition of thowcalber
is likely to prevent woik In tbo proposed Im-
piovcmenl for some tlmo the major believes
that Ihero is no pailloular hmry about the
matter. In the meantime , another Impoi taut
question has aiisen , and that is , will not the
city bo liable for a eontiact made after the
Board of Public Woiks has accepted n bid
nnd the papcis propeily draw imp and signed ?
The whole matter has been leteued to the
cltj attoincj *
llntrdlll Lincoln Court HOOIIIK.
Ill tbo case of Halo against the Union
Paeilic Hallway company , tbo plaintiff was
todaj awarded Judgment for tll.bOO The de
fendant comp my neglected to comply w ith
the law lelattngto vvainlngwhlstlcsatcioss-
ings. Tbo law imposes n jionulty of $50 for
each time tbo whistles failed to sound Halo
piovcd to Ibo satisfaction of the couit that
therailioad compiny ncgjccted to comply
with the law se\entj-six times.
Samuel Hemy commences suit against Ibo
city of Lincoln for $1,000 damages Ho fell
Into an open ditch at Sixth and P streets
and claims that bo was injuied to that cx-
tent.Tho foicnoon in Judge Tuttlo's court was
taken up with Iho argumcnls in the 4Dole-
Slralton breach ot promise case. Assistant
secretary of the United States tieusuiy
wgued eloquently for the defendant duung
the greater pait of the foienoon session.
Working Ulrl * Diinrr.
The ladies assembly of the Knights of
Don't bo deceived by ignorant ,
unscrupulous fakirs and confi
dence men , assuming to offer
" Indian Kemedies , " and w ho
pretend that tholr nostrums are
made by the Indians.
nnd other Klcknpoo Indian
KemodlCH arc T11K OMA'CKMI.
The word " Kloknpoo" Is copy ,
righted nnd they duro not steal
Ho sine Mm get " Klclcnpno ncmedle , "
nnd M' < > that ctcrj hottlo ur ptcknite hears this
'ac-slmllc signature thus :
fI-tllltitllK ARcntH , 531 Grand Air. ,
ll.Ufn , < 't. 'llickogenuine Indian Itcmedks j
not iicditletl but urt bold nt nil dru ; ; utores.
T Send three2-c. stamplopaj-post.
KCI nn , | 1TO tin nmii juu frco n
tlirlllinir nnd lulum-ly Interesting hook of 17.1
iin cs. eiitlllcil L1K AM ) hULM-S A110AU
TelU nil nliout the lihilnoj.
on cheek
and brow
is evidence
that the
body is
getting proper nourishment.
When this glow of health is
absent assimilationiswrong ,
and health is letting down.
taken immediately arrests
waste , regardless of the
cause. Consumption must
yield to treatment that stops
waste and builds flesh anew.
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prf pared by Bcott A Rotine. N Y. .All drucRlets.
Elastic Slocki ng1
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S.iOtliSt , ,
Next to Postofflce.
Lftbor pnvo n ilnneo la Mnlrotwlltnn Imll Inst
night w tilth WIM well njtetidcd titid prox l
Al)0 l 10r couples \\rro
'lh" rommNllo for Ilio t > vrnliiB
r < iinn | oil nf Mrri i ' M h > nn v itiui
IV.iu4ilti . ll < M , Ui it 1 1 in lioiv ,
Mxai Miitili'Tui ' n Ki-oeh ,
Stniln Kcogh CVIiii l < fiiiiso lluliln Ncl-
on , Kfttlo Latin mul | tuU < CAlnhnn
'rnnk Cope \ \ llllMKrtn I'nra till Topckn
nrRrrj .
rrnnkCoiK ) , njoung tnnu v.\\o \ \ U urgently
vnnteil In Toi kn , KftfV , for having ItulU'
reetly niul lather tirtmNcuouslj' slgntnl
thcr iwoplo's name < ? Itf 'bhcck'f , met Shcilft
Bojil ot thnt plnco in Omnlm jcstenlny after
noon , nml nftcrn brief conversation dccldetl
o return to the Kansas capital \\lthout rc-
Istanco. Cope , while In Topekn , raised
oincthltig like * ' , K > on frnuilulunt checks , It Is
alleged , and then lied , A u arrant \\i\a s\uru
ut np.ilnst him clmrgliiR him Mlth
orpery anil obtainltiR money utiiler false
> rotenscs. His victims , however , did not
< now whcio to look for him. Cope cntno to
his clt V and | (0t H Job In a commission honso
on Tenth street , between Farnam nml Har-
ney. This was llnally discovered and Sheillt
) cnnott was tclegraphud to aiTest the man.
; hls was done jestorday aftcmoon Sheriff
Joid of Topeka ariUed In the tlty after the
arrest was made and took Cope luck to the
cenu ot his offense on the 0 o'clock train
Js superior to all oilier prcpaiations
clntinlng to bo blootl-purillors. First
of all , bectuiso the principal ingrcdi-
cut used in it is the extract of gen-
nine Ilomlmns saisapurilla root , the
variety richest in medicinal proper-
Turn * uatai i n Cansoti10 tics > Also'bc Jci. *
low ilock , being raised expressly for
the Company , is always fresh and
of the very best kind. With equal
discrimination and care , each of the
other ingredients are selected and
compounded. It is
because it is always the same in ap
pearance , flavor , and effect , and , be
ing highly concentrated , only small
doses are needed. It is , therefore ,
the most economical blood-purifier
in existence. It
p ul 6S makes food nour-
QfRnni8 A tehing , work picas- _ lllti Blecp refrCsh.
ing , and life enjoyable. It searches
out all impurities in the sjstcm and
expels them harnllesslj by the natu
ral channels. AVER'S Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step , and im
parts to the aged and infirm , re
newed health , strength , and vitality.
TrcnirAl by Dr. J.C. Aver Si Co .Lowell , Max.
Bold Lj nlll > ruKgUtB-rrlccl ; elz bottles$5.
Cures others , will cure you
III tlio treatment "f nil forms ot
JPrivat © .Diseases.
* Anil \Voaknoj3 nnil IJIsordor of
TVTTT''M with Ions of lournRO , Ambition nml VP"
-iTAljli tnlltjr Kicliteuii ycnrs of the most ru
icarknbln nucccns In tlio truntmcnt ! tills class ( if
UlncasLM , which la pro\eu hjr the unUtirtml tcstlmo
nyof thousnniH who linvu bcon curqdVrltofor
clrcultirB unit < itustlon Hit
nnil I'lirniini Sfs. , Oniiifni.Vt ) / >
- THIi -
Ladies' ' Perfect
Tlio only | cifect MiRlnnl
nnd rectal SyrliiKO in the
It la tlio only Byrlnifo ever
or Invented by which rani *
nnl Injoctlonn run bo ftd
inlnlBtcriil Without Itnlc-
llih'ond Holllni ; tlio cloth
IIIK or niiCBDltatliiK the
H90 of n vessel , fciid which
can ulso bo UBCI ! for rectal
Injections or IrrlKntlon
t-otT iiuiuiKi : uur.n
AM ) HA It 1) UUUHUll
bllKLI , .
Mull orders solicited
ThcAloe&PenfoldCo. ,
IfJf/i Sfroef ,
rUyslclnng' prescriptions
Htturutuly prepnroil nt
Is a Rnno trouble thfl/fore
runner nf that ( Il cail , fee ,
u broathlni ; tioiitinuiit , Is u
Kind surpr so to the niVioiis )
Hiiiroror.nhoin It it'Ilmys with Homo Centrntnr.
the Jlrst inlinlatlou , and cures , really
euros In n brief sp ice , at' homo.
ha\o resorted u > | t. nnd out
Free , tolH of tliolr oxporhinco.
Suite 510 Slicclr BldR , Omivhii.
Many of our AUKNTS uro ril'IINJ ( from tOJ to
J.'Oorlh ) or
pcrmoutli. lion't romiln I'llo ' , or woric tor snmil
wngo , when you inlnht La making mora mono
ban m lumnnr. Apply for termi , yV It NOLI )
OOKBItCO.UKh aitliBl. . Dniilm.
ns lo the Qr ftt ElTiJOts
of Ltttln Tnlngs.
A Illtlo rota will > nro Ton much nnnorunC *
A littlenp lpct of tome ulinptoilulf mnj IKit to
dlimlf r whl h wojM Impilt rr > r life
A little MnJnoi * to K fcl ow crosturc n\\r cnuso
you llttlo olToit end m.iy result In untoM KOod.
A llttlo Mtrntlon to the rlRlit tlilni t thn rlalit
tlmo m r result In groixt thing ! to 7011 nt the proper
A little chill m r cem trlflhiu , hut Itmnrbo the
nrstdrniptom ot imoumonU , pos'lblj of death.
A llttlo prompt attention when you ar < t feel chilly ,
l < lr < lltmoMH the thlnj jroillhoillt do , tint do l
A Illtlo pnM nifillclnftl stlmnltnt HKin promptlT
vMlldrlTonway the chill , rottoro the clrculiMlon and
wnrm the blooil. *
A llttlo reflection will how you thut only n P re ,
mr-JIclnnlstimulant will nn wur nml that Ihero Is but
one , which I * luTr' ) ( < I'uraMnlt V\lil key
A llttlo flrmneis when the rtrimsl't or grocer trloi
to toll you xonio sucnllcil whl'kcr which ha < no
motll , will * I\TO you much nnnoynnw unit perhaps
pro'otTOyour health
A Illtlo constnnt u'oof Ihl * pure metllclnnt sllmn
Innt will toml to help your h'n'th mul keep you In
condition to r l't the < n lileii chinaos ot the 'Ois n
Dec. JS.
L ist Two I'orfornmncos ot
Prof. p. M.Bristol's
on EDUCATED iiott Kg. nn
I'rloos 25e , Illo nnd Mo. Children admitted
to the m\tlnuo : for oo anil given n free uoiiy
2pcar > oMe ivnil 'iVi.
Frifloy.soiunioyonflsuniioy , Dec. I6.l7oni ( 18.
M. p. LE/iViTT'S
Hull rely now and nopuUr epcctuculur pro
duction ,
BfiSPjpEI AnJp FLY. "
Koorganlzeil In Kuropo nt nn outlay of orer
10,000. The Krcutcst coinpiuy and most ns-
toundlni ; pniduct'on of mociiirn times 10 people
ple In tlio unsl Ot ) . Tlio silo of xouts " 111 open
on Thursday mornluj at Iho new a ut reduced
bcnlqpt prices
, DEG. 19 ,
And nn Excellent Supporting Company In the
I olloulni ; Hcuortolro :
Tuesday K\o. onr OTfifinO Tfl PHMnilfD
\VonnesdnySIat. OHt olUUPO 10 MJNUutR
Silo of soils will open Hatunlny nioinlnft.
'rlccs L'JC. Me , 73c , SI. OJ uud $1 U. Matlnuo
prices Wi
. Ike Homo nil ronils Icnil to the house of HICCCBS
i nights conimcnctliK Sunilay Mntli of Dec IB.
- BY THE -
LIGHT of the MOON.
The Loudest X.auh of the Season.
UsimljMnUnoo VVoitne < day. _ _ -
' "
LIKe Homo all Itoads load to the Housoo f
The Horn iiitlo Actor ,
In the Woodland Komnneo
M.itlnco batnrd ly.
Siitiirc/iiv \'oitliii. . Doe. 17.
Concert Cnntitnny /osori
under the innniueniciil of the I.udlcs' Miisluil
toclcty of Oiiuilia.
Admission , , - Sl.OO
Tickets I or Sale at the Door.
aid pijoli Theater.
Last Wcokof the niloii Stock Company ,
Kathleen Mavourneen
OV7/.V/ ; , the D nicer nnil nn Ifour of Hx-
cullunt bpccliiltlcq
_ Matl noes. SOej cvoiilius-Oo .ind Me.
i.G. A.
Special lEuturn 1'iu.iKCiiiant of
. or of 1'iirnt IStilluil * .
Subject Mlottci Times. " Intorsiiuisosl with
orlKlnal poema.
] lu or Cl son's Tnc and II , On sain nt Oh iso
.V Dldy's , HIS. ICth at. , utter 0 u. tn Thursday ,
Kcc 1' . Cocno only us the dcin uicl la siiro to
bo Iminedlnto nnd continuous.
AT UWfi-ry
Sunday livening , December 18 ,
Monday Evening , December U ) ,
Subjects Sunday : "Labor .Strifes In the
Llzhtof ivu-liiunrnutlon "
Monday "An Outline of Tlicosoiihy. "
Adiuissiou to Znch 50o.
Tlclcotawlll lie onsulont MnxMeyorU music
utoroon Krldny and bntuiday.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
40 lloonm nt f..OO per day
W looin nt fiOO per day
SOItroms with Until nt { I ( X ) per day
HO Itooms with Until nt > 3 T ) to il & 3 per ttiy
Atuilnrn In Hi i ry litmpi ct.
> culj l urnlHliDilTliroiiKliont
G , S. ERB , Prop.
FAUN AM ST. , Between 10th and lOtli
. . , . ,
Havln : nsMimod the iiiaiiaconu'iit of Hit
McrLliiintb' llolol. I will m.iUo aiali Improvo-
nionlh and tlniiiKt's as will in s > u tbls house
ono of the host at whluh tostop In Omiilia.
Thoroiiiironioiits | unil wiinia ot alt patron
will Lo u.irefully attondud to Heine ni !
centrally luu itcd this holol oirur.i'hCDliil | al
trnct'ons tn the tr.ivclln ? piilulu. A c ontlm
nncouf llsfornivrllljentlpbtioiiauo U rospuci
fully asla'd. W. A. 1'AXlON , JJt.
OMAHA , Doc , 1. 18M.
rrfiiii | > uln lor tli furniHliliit ; ot l.iiiiiliHr } o
tlio ( it ) nl Dm ilm for tlio Viuu1HH.I. .
Honied blda will jio received at the ofllcoo
the city coiuiitrollor up tn 4 p in , lccuinbcr'\
Ib'U. ' for the furiilslilii' , ' of luiulJoi for tlio elf
of Oiiiahu foi ilio year IB'JJ liluika fur HIICI
lilds f urnlbliLd by the eoinptrnllor , A uortliloi
chuok of I tX ) to uccomuunyuaoh bid. Tin
right In reserved to rojout uny or all hlda.
, THKU. OlJsi:5i : : , Corontrollor.
Omaha , Neb , Doo. U. IW2.
This is the time ol' your
when the wcmthor puts
in its best Holes. Some of
our contemporaries ap
parently arc greatly af
fected by what the
weather docs for they are
blowing at a great rate ,
but they en n't sell
Full cheviot sack overcoats , with 1
and wit.hout velvet collm' , in
gray and brown. They arc
worth $4.78 , now
Fine chinchilla overcoats , in blue
and black ; yoke and sleeves
lined with silk , with an elegant
cashmere lining on the balance
worth $12.8O , now
All our kerseys , meltons , Irish
frieze , all sizes and' imaginable'
styles , some worth $15 , any of
them worth $1O to $12 , now. . . .
Beautiful Shetland frieze ulsters ,
in three different shades , extra
long , big collars and double-
Our Oxford gray ulster \ vithoutjfo
lining , double-faced , S4 inches U ;
long , full length , is very desir
able at $7.SO , now
Genuine Sealskin Caps , worth from $10.00 to $18.00 , re
duced to $5.00 on account of broken sizes.
In no length , of time these snap bargains
will be gone , so if you. want ono you must
come quick. . x
Columbia Clothing Co.9
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
> n "n i TIFK nn
Now ofl < > rs an Issue of 'i.GOO slinrcs of ita
CM pi tul stocic al pitftillp.iitl and non-
atihossiiblc. The cnpital stock la 82,000.-
000 , divided into 120,000 slmios of $100
Outside of this issue n considerable
portion of tbo enpitul stocic hub already
boon allotted to the Biibseribois. Tina
isbiio Is uovv ollored lo the public , tind
the biibscrlptlon books tire opon. at tlio
otHco of LU. . Muir , IJeo Huildinpr , Ointt-
lia. Neb , and will close on Ibo 21th day
of Docombfjr , 1892 , at II o'clock p. in
Subscriptions will bo payableuia fol
lows :
iiO par cent on appliratlon.
! ! 0 per cent on allotment.
40 per cent 00 days after allotment.
All p'lymonls lo be made lo Obarlos L.
Elision , 'Irusloo. Allotinonls will bo
made immediately aflor tbo close of the
subset iption books
The right la icsot'vod to reject tiny
bubscrlptioii in whole or in part If anv
subscription in wholly i ejected tbo
amount deposited , on application , will
bo returned If only a part of the
amount applied for by the applicant IB
allotted to such applicant the surplus
amount paid on application will bo ap
plied on the Bums duo under the allot-
in out.
n the allotment of shares lo applicants will ba given lu the order of the receipt of
uch application by the uuthoii/o-l asjont of the toiniuny nninod.
Passengers per hour . 10,000
Allowing 10 hours per day , equals . 100,000
At f,0 cents for each passenger equals , per day . J50,000
180 days that the Fair will bo open equals . $9,000,000
Revenue from concessions and sale of Souvenir IJook and Modal of
the Tower , owned by the Tower Company . 400,000
$9. 100,000
Oporntinp expenses for the ISO daya $ 1KJ.OOO
25 per cent of gross earnings ( $9,400,000) ) to bo paid lo the
World's Columbian Exposition 2,350,000 $12,703,000
Deducting this fiom tha ( riott iocoiplB gives 0,037.000
Equivalent to 1131 per cent on the entire capital of the comp my ot 52,000,000.
The oIllcoiTof the World's I'nlr ostlmuto that Iho dully admissions to tlio Fair
will i IbO ubovo 200,000 peoplo. Our capacity for carrying imssangerri In our Elou-
ti Ic Ufirt ) in making iibeoiisions nnd descQiitlons or the TOWER in lU.UOd people par
hour , and wo confidently counton 10,001)por ) hour. This will bo fouinl n mndoruto
estimate when duo regard la hud to the attnictlvonojs of the TOWER und the
RARE experience ullorded by u trip to the top.
The TOWER iwloeutod opposite the WOMAN'S BUILDING , at the Eistorn
Each poison. In innKing ttiq ascent and descent of tlio TOWER , gains n view of the
The TOWER IB ever 6IJ ( foot high and 210 feat in dlamotor. It rciiuiros nine
complolo turns to roach the top , Iho grade bolus eight per font.nrldo of two miloa
in making the usoont and descent ; consequently , nine Jllloront pictures are ob-
borved of the WORLD'S FAIRGROUNDS us the ascent In iniido. A _ view from
the OBSERVAl'ORV FLOOR not only gives the vast l'minrun.i at vour foot , but
nleo gives the t'ooffrnjliical psklor of the WORLD'S FAIR HUILD1NGS , HO Hint
aftur inakiii ( < ; tlio abcont of Iho TOWER any poison can jjo unyuliluil ( torn buUdlni ;
to building.
It IB the Intention to liavo two FULL HANDS on the OHSEJIVATO11Y
will play altoinatoly from the nooning of the FAIR in the mornlii until the cloio
at nltfht. An ORCHESTRA will also bo located In thoi-ontoi-ofthoKroatTOWER
UEbTAURANT at the bottom.
WILLIAM IIAMPDEN .TOHNSTONE , Pioaldont and Gonorul Munitgor.
CHARLES P. PLATT , Soctotnry.
Munoy may bo sent by llofrlstored Letter , PostolHco Money Order , Exprojj ,
Draft , or Bank C.iahior'rt'Chouli.
For further information nddrcbs or call upon
F. D. MTJIR , Bee Buildingr-
1704 Farnam Street ,
Agent for the World's Fair Tower Company ,
Call and sea Ai-ohiLeoL's ljlui-is. ,