TIIH OMAHA DAILY HKKt TIlHlsiHY , 1)K(1MMHKH ( lo , 1H 2. THE DAIIA BEE. NO. 12 I'HAUli HTIIUKT. Iielivci-cd liy carrier to nny jmft of tire ntty II.V. . TII.TON , MANAOtJU. IHrmlnoiwOnirf ) X . 43 Tl U1IIOM9 . HO } NRl | | | jailor Mi. MIXOlt .l/r.Y N Y. rinmWng Co. Council muffs Lumber Co. Coal. A social will t > o clvcn tills ovonlnn nl llio Young Men's C'lirlsttnti nmoclatiou room * . 'Ilio I/xlrn of IVrftvllon , Scottish Illtn. meet Friday cvunlnit for lm | > ortnnl Inmlucss. Tlm nimu.il business ineetlni , ' of Hie First l rrsb > tcrlnii e-burvlt will bo bold this ovi'.n- JIIR. .Jnnics O. Poavsall anil Kmnm F. SiiMt , both of Oinnlin.cro mivrrlcil Tucsuay tutor- noon by .Tnstlce Hatnmor. The Kniplitn of Labor will I'tvo t.bclr fourth annual ball at the Masonic temple on Tuesday I'vi'tilnp , .lanuar.v 10. Mrs Allf" Ik-nson ban roinnicnooil a suit In tlioOislni'ti'om-t fora divorce from brr husband , N. H. liensoii , on the Ritmwl ' ( ' 1'- ' ficrtlon. A man Intro Hi-e-nso was issued yesterday to .liwpli Nepali and Katn .Icnsen , both of Koulli Omaha. They wcro mavripd by .Ins- tlco Hatmner. Tableaux nud music have been prepared for the sot-lal entertainment lo be Riven by Miss Barnard's Sunday sehnol class In the parlors of the llroadway Methodist tiplse-opal chuirh this evening. r The \oinitf people's soeictlca o the city will K\VO \ u unisiealo at the Young Men's Christian association hall Friday ovenintr. Vocal music , the "Clover Mandolin club' ' nnil imtsiwin iho language of iho deaf are jimoiiK the attractions. lee Hnmlin was arrested yesterday after noon while trying to sell mi overcoat. Ho claimed to have been minciiteil by a friend of his , whom bo left at I'aelllo .lunction , to nell it , hut he was put In Jail on suspicion until his case could bo invoslifrated. Hazel caimi No. 171 , Modem Woodmen of America will meet this urcninff In regular Hesslon in Knights of I'.vlhlas ball on Main street at 8 o'clock for the purpose nf elcctinR onicers for the ensuing term. It is desired that a full attendance of Iho members be present. Tbo eleventh annual niiuuiucntdo ball ol niult City Typographical union will be ulvcn Momlay eveniii } ; . December 'J'S. ' I he following commlttco will have charge : Arrangements rangements1C. ! . Spencer , .lames Kirloy , O. W Ifvan. Master of ceremonies d.V. . Kyan. Heccption .1. M. Thotmis , W. II. Troynor , Harry Wcsteott , D. Nlcoll , H. J , Thomas , , T. U. Klebards. P. II. Katzcnmeycr. . FloorW. . B. Fisher , CJeorgo Oliver , O. S Henderson , A. U. 1. Kulm , George Irvin Hwlght Haggcrty. Perfect action anil perfect health resull from the useof DoWitt's Little Karly Kiscrs A perfect lltthi pill. The great success that nttonelcil the first , day of cloiilc snlo IIIIH been boyoni our moat siinjjuino expectations , ovoi'i liurohusor Yiwdo huppy. Wo rccoivci miiny compliments durinj ; tin dny , the stoelc boinff far suporio:1 ti unythlnir over shown in Council Bluffs , the prices si wonder. Ono liuly re miirkcd , our eastern buyer must him nearly stele them , orn friend did it foi " him. Hoinoinbor , the { front cloak salt will hist until Christmas. Every ( jur inent in our stocU : it u new price , n sav- intfof from $2.5 to $7.CO on every guv mont. Ladies , don't bo niiblcd , but cal nnil examine our stock tuui trot , oui prices before purcluislng. You knov full well when we atlvortUo nnythinjr wi nlways do IBvo aiv and oven a Hltl bettor. BOSTON STORE , Fotherniffhuin , Whitehiw & Co. Srxrlul llnliihiy Huh ) Tor JIn. . At the Council LUtilfri Carpet Store fo two weeks , for the benolll of genllomoj who eloslro to ihako presents to thoi lady friends. What is handsomer o will bo bettor appreciated than porliim lace curtains , ottoinausn car potswcopcr rugs , especially fur ru ; s , for a snow ; Christmas':1 : Mail orders given cspecia attention. Coal and wood : best , and chcapos Missouri hard wood in the city proinn delivery. II. A. Cox , No.1 Main. 1'nnsox.ir I'.us.Hiit.trns. Miss Belle Kalb and Miss Ida Lutz len : this evening for a visit of a few days wit friends In Chicago. Mrs. Maria Mynstcr , who lives north i the cityis lying very ill , and it is feared tlu her deatli is not far off. M. TO. Meader of Goslicn , Tml. , is In tl city , the truest of the family of A. J. Step LMISOII , on "Washington avenue. A private telegram received by N. J Pusoy from Judge Deemcr states that tl latter is slowly recovering from the rccci attack of catarrhal fever which has lie ] him conllned to his bed for several week The symptoms are now favorable. An honest pill is the noblest , worlc of tl npotheeary. DoWitt's Llltlo Karly Ulse euro constipation , biliousness and sick hea uulio. I'nr.s I'urM. See our line of furs. Wo have outdoi our own olTorts , this season wo show I fur the largest line and most ehoii stock in western lowu. Muffs start at . ' ! ! ) , CO. 75,1.00,1.2 1.60 , 1.75 , ilOO , 2.15 ! , 2.50 to 1C.00 1 every kind of fur known. Children sots in all furs at our low prices , BOSTON STORE Council Blull's , Iowa. The snow and cold weather does m diminish the demand for ncroago in tl Klriin tract , L'j miles cast of the pos ollleo ; 1100 acres yet for sale in fro in 01 to ton aero tracts , HulUiblo for iruit at gnrden. Day & Hess , agents , ISO Pea Htroot. , Ciillril Out thu Alilltlil. Ncola looked for a riot yesterday , but , f < tunately , looked In vahi. Striking Opcrat Howaitl had a bit of physical discussion wl the young man who took his place , and cat off second best. Then his threats to brl down a gang from Omaha and clean out t town frightened the now man , and ho tc graphed to DCS Molnes that a imATwas co Ing to tnko possession of the ofllee , a maybe his life. Superintendent Stillwoll turn telegraphed to Sheriff Hazen , askl for protection , and the latter went down Neolu , prepared to take euro of the ivmal of a ] iltehed battle. Ho returned last ov ( Ing. saying all was peaceful and that t authorities at Ncola felt competent to ci : for any trouble that might arise. AVe often hoar people say there Is only o jiooil cough medlcio | ! and that Is Dr. Hul Cough Syrup , the only spoelllo for cold. If you want a doll eco the Boston Stc lino. Everything from a doll for lo $17.50 speaking dolls , crying dolls , c ored dolls , dolls till you can't rest. Do fall to make your purchases early 1 fore the great rush. Wucnn store tin for you txml deliver them free. Bosl Store , For warmlne guest chambers , bji rooms , oto. , our gas hcatom nro ji what you want. Look at them. Clos convonloiit ohean. C. U. Gas and Kit trio Light Co Beyond all doubt the largest and in complete stoolc of holiday goods at In cst prices is at Davis1 , the loading dri ylst and perfumer. "Wanted Cash oJTor for ton shin Clli/.on's State b.\nK stoek. Must told. Address E. II. Sheufo. Bought organ stoek of C. B. Mu Co , Will sell thW choap. Mar. bo iuiue , 111) ) , 114 StuUiuau street. VtMl'O riwnt'Al'VPM HI IMM\1 MA\S : \ HIOM lOUtIL BLlrrS Tboma That E et tlie Patliwny of a "Fenr- Isss , OnUpokeu Jonrnaliit , " TOLLE ROASTED AND ARRESTED IN COURT Attorney * In tlin .MrtolicmlorlT CHIP I'ny Thrlr Uo | irct < to tinYCIIIMK > ! ' " " ' .Mar li : > l Trmjilrtmi Takr < Him Into Uiialoity for I.llicl. All day yestcrilay was taken up In the dis trict court with the arguments of attorneys In the Mcseheinlnrf meat ease. These nrgu < inents , together with that made by .luilgo Aylesworth the day hrfore. were by far the most Interesting part of the trhl since the second day , and In spile of th f.iet that the jury has been at work on thu ca.so without ecssntlon for over a weelr , the spceehes wcro listened to with the clovsl attention. The time of the attorneys for the defendants was principally dovotcd to giving Tolle. the eor- respLiiulant , sjch n roastln. ? as ho Hs not likely to Kct a aln soon unless he die1 * in the near future , while the plaintiff's attorney tried to sliow that Tolle's eo-de- fondants had conspired tojrether to see that the alleged libelous article \\us published. Klnle.y had not finished at the hour for ad journment , and will commence again this morning at 1)HO ) : o'clock. While listening to the arguments during the forenoon session 'Polio was served with a warrant for his arrest by Marshal Temple- ton , llctcctlvo Vanglm of Omaha wild wait ing for him , ho having been charged with criminal libel in writing up a hotel man in that city in a paper with whirh ho now claims to bo connected. When first arrested lie seamed to ho in ooiun doubt ar , to whether ho would better go at. onro to Omaha or make the ollleers pot u requisi tion. Marshal Tcmplctnn reminded him of the roasting he ( Teinplelon ) h.id received after Tolle's Jlrst invest , when Iho latter had been allowed to occupy Hie plush covered sofa In the olllce instead of the cast Iron bunk In the cell. He promised to throw htm into the darkest duuvoon he could mid about the jail , whereupon Tolle concluded not to accept the Irr.ile marshal's hospitality. Tolle was to have had a hearing yesterday before .lustti'o Kwearlngen on the charge ol beating a board bill at O. II. Jones' hoarding house on Mynster street , .lust before leav ing for Omaha ho called on the Justice and was granted n continuance for ten days , Tumploton playfully suggesting that be make it ten years in order that ho might he reasonably sure of being on hand. SPKCIAI. CLOAK SAI.K. YostiTiliiy Morning llui Huston Store I'lurril on Sain u Spi'i'lul Piirrlritoof itDU L-.ullrV < : ariiirnlH ut fit ) 1'er t'rlit Ucluw Mumi- The Boston Storo. Council niulTd , has soem-ed another big attraction for the ladies. Koad eai-ofully thb following telegram received hist week from one of their eastern buyers by Fothoring- 1mm , Whltolitw & Co. : BINOIIAMTON , N. Y. , Doc. 7 , 1892.- Fotheringham , Whitohuv & Co. , Coun cil BlnlTs , la. : IInvo just mirobasod from tlio wnll known firm of. Cliarlud Roman & Co. the balance of their stock of Indie's' garments , mostly light colored and tur trimmed coats and cloaks , nt5C cents on the dollar. This uhoulel bo r very good drawing card for you at this soiiBon. The goods no forward by ex press today. J. ELLIOTT DODU. These garments wore placed on sil : < yesterday morning at , slaughter prices and to make the sale still more interest ing the present stock of coats and cloak : was placed on sale at the same tuue a cost nnd wj.ll bo until Christmas , ii order to help the ladies secure a hand some present at n nominal cost. BOSTON STORK. Council hllulTs , la. * Hoard I-'riini ut Lust. "What is that strip or track that was lai on North Eighth street two or three year ago by the Inter State Ilnllway cotnpan good f&r ? " is a < iiicstion that lias puzzle people at different times , but it has llnall found a solution. A suit was commenced in the district e'oni yesterday by Mrs. L. L. Ilendrie'Hs , which i likely to cost tlio city some money before i is ilnished. Mr. and Mrs. Homlrioks wcr out driving in a cutter hist Sunday aftei noon. AVlicn they readied the corner c uveimo n and Klghth street the cutter cam into collision wi'h the end oC the rails whie have been projecting over the edge of th last tie ever since the track was laid. Tli horse was going at a good Rait , and the ii stunt the collision occurred tlio harnes snapped and the boi-so started to run , wbil the sleigh stopped so suddenly as to thro both occupants a distance of ton nr fift.cc . feet , so they claim. Thi > y landed with coi siderablu force on the ground. Mr. lira dricks was lucky enough to escape without scratch , but Mrs. Ilondricks sustained number of bad bruises and some internal ii juries which it is feared will result serious ! . The city authorities were served with notice yesterday that a petition would 1 Hied in time for the January term of com- claiming damages in the sum of $1,000. .lesse llollenbeek states that hisslcigh ah collided with the same track and was broke to pieces last Tuesday. This is the ilri tiling that has been heard from inconnectic O with the interstate railway project for long time- Look to your Interest. You can buy Si ; rutlou Oil , the great pain cure , fort5o. ! S If you want to make a Chrjbtmas precut cut In the toy line don't rest until ye visit the BOSTON STOKE , got the prices and sou their lino. KvoryUiin that can bo thought of , from all the foi quarters of the globe. All at our we known low prices. Boston Storo. A fine line of holiday goods , jnvoni books , choice perfumery and fancy art clcs of all kinds at Doll G. Morgan Co.8 drug store , 7-112 Lower Broad wa , Criminal Ciurn Trlcil. ' .ludgo Smith commenced the trial "Orituiii il cases yesterday morning. Will ! . ! lienzcn was the first on the list. Ho is tl man who was arrested by Oflleor Lcin several weeks ago and llrcd at the ofllc 10fl while In so close proximity to the ollleei fl nose that his whole face was powder burnt flu flid The uvidcne-e was all taken and the case w id ( riven to Iho Jury , who brought In a vcrdl Into nflcr a nhort deliberation llndlii'r thejei > g fendaiit guilty of ass.iult with intent to co : to mil murder , j us Hennessey nnd Murphy , the two b It10 burglars who entered Hubert Puttlboiii 10 house In thet northwestern part of the ell ro pleaded guilty to the crlmo of burglary a were sent to the reform school , neither them being JI years of ago. 10 ' Tlio case of the state against I'etor Kgi ; 1'a who was shot whllo trying to climb h another man's window , was on trial at t . . . hour of adjournment , but It was not co pletcd. . d- If you have piles DoWitt's Witch Ha salve will surely euro you. Brighter than gas , cheaper than oh trio light and as beautiful au a eXroam those now art lamps at Lund Bros. Do you fiinokoV Have you tried ' 111 l ) . King fi. Co.'s Partagos ? It's at charmer. Just light ono. 111o Sco those oil hoatora at Swaino's , 7 Broadway. Ui'.ul MUM. ' A petition was placed on llio yesterd rt'- „ . afternoon In the district court which rather out of the usual run of petitions account of the startling freedom with whl oa criminal charges arc made against a m ho who Is now in bis gr.vvo. The Amerle National bank of Sallua , Ivan. , Is the pin tltt and Mrs. Mary 1C. Teats , widow of U. Teats , defendant , irThe i > otltion alleges that Uurlm ; his 1 the defeated"Dy u syntvin of discount fi m < 'liinlrs ' iiinl nidlilna i > atia In fii'l'l ' i * Halm n iibl.ilin . .llun/i . mni 4nf notitNlv , ! 1) ) , li.iin ! ; in. I th it In fiMu < l'iHtlturiiC'l i'\ < 'i' In In- * wife a part nf the tmmo.v tlius nil. tamed The plaintiff il.ilms th"vt uf the \nrli.m nm untnvlidh wore oblained in this crooked wav $ .s.too : belnnns to It. and it demands a writ of attachment for the nmmiut , the defendant being a non-resident of Iowa. The writ was l iupel. and the Council Dlitffft Mnmnle Henovolcnl association of this city ami tlm Northwesteni Masonic Aid associntlon of Chicago were served with notices of garnishment , two insurance poli cies having been purchnsod by Teats before his death , in which Mrs. Teats wns named as beneficiary. Draw Your Omt ( 'iinrtiKliin. Mr. J. O. Davenport , manager of the Fort Ilragg Hedwood Co. , Ft. Ur.itrg. Cal. , has this to say of Chamberlain's Couch Remedy : "I used it for a severe cold and cough and obtained immcdi.ito relief. In the Fort IJragg 1 toil wood Co.'s store wo have sold largo quantities of Chamberlain's medi cines. " For sale by druggists. Kutitrprito 1'luoo Being frequently urged to Eoll smal portions'of my farm , 1 have at last do elded to plat " 00 acres of Enterprise Place , familiarly known as the Seott farm , and to begin tlio sale at once in llvo and ten ncro lots. 1 have placed the HII mo in llio hands of Grocnshiclds , Nicholson < fc Co. , who will act lu Iho matter as my exclusive agents. Fruit growo.rs , ( iaruonors and those who want tlio conveniences of a city combined with all the advantages of the richest ftirmlncr land are now given a rare op portunity to do so. M.TH'T. IfiO dozen moussolino de snio handker chiefs , silk embroidered , at lAc , 25u , ! < 3c , COc , 76c , $1.00 , 81.23 and $1.50 each , something that mak s a handsome Christmas present. Boston Store. Olu'rlinUcr-MUimrr. An elegant wedding toolc place yesterday noon at iho First Presbyterian church. The parties wcro R. I < . Oborholser , West Superior , Wls. , and Miss Li7.zio Mnsscr ol this city. Tlio bride is a sister of Mrs. S. 1) , Sharpies , whom she has been visiting at hei homo on Fourth street for some time past. She was attended by the Misses Troynoi and Richardson as brmesiuaiils , while W. P. Officer outdated as best man. Tlio bridal party entered the church to the strains ol tlio wedding inarch from .Lohengrin , and were met by Dr. Phelps at the pulpit , where , surrpliiidcd by a mass of palms and hot house plants , the ceremony was performed. After the ceremony they lefl for the homo of Mr. Sharpies where they wcro greeted by llieii friends with congratulations. In the after noon Mr. and Mrs. Oborholser left for West Superior , where the former is engaged at chemist In a large .steel works. Ignorance of the merits of DeWitt's Litth Early Kiscrs is a misfortune. Theselitth pills rcgulatothe liver , cure headache , dys pepsin , bad breath , constipation and bilious ness. _ Siipd.il Ton Ki'ttlo Sale. Fine nickel plated cooper tea kettles $1.125 , sold everywhere for $2.50 ; wil last a lifetime an'l never tarnish. Cell & Cole , 41 Main street. Genuine Round Oak , Uatllnnt Home P. P. Stewart stoves and ranges , sole exclusively by Cole & Cole , -11 Muiu. ' Keller's -torn lOnt i-roil. A young man i nueel Coyno was passing u ] Droadway last evening shortly after1. ) o'clocl when ho saw a man enter the basement o S. S. Keller's sloro by the front- window IIo went homo ami casually mentioned wha ho bad seen , when some ono asked him wli ; ho did not report the case. So ho retrace ) his steps anil not illuel the police of what In hail seen. .An examination was mad by several ollleers and a" Bun reportci but nothing could bo found of the burglai excepting his footprints in the snow unde the iron grating through which lie ha elVeeled an entrance. Tlio side door of tli store was found to be unlocked. A thoroug search through the basement and throng both floors of the store failed to show tha anything had been stolen. The safe had no been tampered with and the papers in th ollco ) were lying undisturbed. Why go to Europe for Champagne who there is a hotter article at homo. Try Cook' Extra Dry Imperial Champagne. Paul Schneider , the druggist , has th newest novelties In celluloid und aluu inuin goods for the holidays. No ono clto carries the line , and I hey are handsomest things you over saw. 1,000 12-mos. ut the Boston Store fc 12n each , handsomely bound in cloti Others got 25o for the sumo thinf Boston Storo. „ Choral Unliiii Or ! tnizfil. The Choral union , which has been talked i considerably of late and which has bee prevcntcil from coming to a head sever : times by the bad weather , was organize finally last evening with Prof. L. A. Torrci as director. About fifty singers mi at the Young Men's Christian associatle rooms , and the now society started out wil very flattering prospects. Books have bee ordered , and will be hero by next Weibic day evening , when the second meeting wl bo held. It is hoped that the membershi will ho doubled within the next two week o Preparations will be made for a concert i ( l soon as the club can bo Cotton into propi shape. An Invaluable Kcincily for ColiN. - a Sheriff Hardman of Tyler county , We ; Virginia , was almost prostrated with a e-ol when ho began using Chamberlain's Cong Hemedy. In speaking of it ho says : "It gai mo almost instant rolief. I Jind It to bo : i Invaluable remedy for colds , " For sale I druggists. _ McPhail pianos and Crown organ cash or installments. Mar. Bouriciu llOStutsman street. Satisfaction gua antccd. Special Christmas cutlery sale e o Colo's clean clipper pocket knivesra/.o 1- and shears. Cole's , 41 Main hired. 1B B Gentlemen , the finest line otiall gooe in the city , juat roceivoJ. Roller , tl ; tailor , 1)10 ) Broadway. 1's n SIclKhlnu ; I'arty. o Tuesday evening the young men in tl h High school , eleventh grade , gave a sleig IIIK party In honor of the young ladies. "Aft 'sI. driving over town they went to the homo I.IS Matthew 'Uliiley , where they were reeelv ISt by the Misses Tinloy , who served an elcga : t supper later in the evening. The follow ! ] 1311 - were present : Minnie Williamson , Mill 11- Pile , Mamie Norene , Mamie Oliver , Ai Stcplienson , Alie'o Holland. Dora Lyou , Ji ' .V slo Alworth , Aurelta Tinley , Binlio Linilsi 's Florence Heed , Elllo Miles , Llllio Cheniii Carrlo Wells , Francis Dickey , Miss Jin idof Baldwin , Mr. Eastman , Vcrnio Witter , M of Tinley , Conrad Bock , Charles Hlaliio , Artli Heed. Hi to A t.'urc lur Crimp , te If your children are subject to cro n- always keep a botllo of Chamberlaii Cough Remedy at hand. It is a prompt a certain euro. If given as soon as the crou el cough appears it will prevent thu attai For sale by druggists. Carl Rurhorn. successor to E. Bi horn , 1ms the only now jewelry Block city. Many holiday novelties. See our line of ladies' nil silk liar kerchlofH , liandsninolysilk cmbroidim at Jiijc ouch , Boston Store , 37 The ponuino Hound Oak stoves , a flno line of oil lieatora. Colo's , 41 Mti street. ( IntiRlit St < > aliir | Coal , ls A man was discovered stealing coal -in Hradley's coal yarel on upper liroadv ' " 'J'uesday night , Ofllccr Martin , who mr .inm the discovery , gave chase to him , but got m foot caught In the ) fence , so that thu tl inM. - got thu start of him. Ho drew M. revolver and shot at the groi close to the llcelng llguro , i Ife the llcelng llguro responded by sc ing a ball over his shoulder whizzing closi ho fifth 9 i ir Mnr'lfl.firi t nimin . the M w ii'.ii'd t'lM ' fi i eaul Ml la < v lio.in uh the oilier v-1" The bull wm fouid InU-i' on about fl fimi fii'iilhctt the fcllutv WHS If the officer's cali'viljtioii.4 aw rorrci t Th < - fugitive' s.tccee'dcil In making his escape capo , 1ml tenIt no blncK diamonds with him. You -don't wnht a fbriUd liver ; you itou't wnnl a bad e-omplexloiv , you don'tant a Imd hre'alhsyou don't \vaut a hoadnehe. Then HOP Do Witt's l.lMJo Karly Risers , the famous little ptlK i , . Holiday photos , cut prices , SI.00 for cabinets , for 30 days. . Cottage gallery , HUoy's old stand. Coal and Wood. Sackott & Preston , 028 Broadway. Telephone 41. L. P. Juilsoii , civil oii inocr,32SB'vvxyi ; Scolt housoj good ooard ; low rates. i > irn.trin Tin : r.wKKits. Inwa llaltroail Onlrl.ilj SittUltoilrltli tlm DIvlHlnmif Trnfltc. Sioux CITV , In. , Dec. 14. [ Special to TUB linn. ] The long standing war between the old railroad companies having Hues to Sioux City and the llvo stoek market hero has been amicably scltled. The railroad ofllelals announce thalCudahy Bros , and Ihc Aiiglo-Amcrle-an Packing companies , which have Just begun to operate extensive packing plants here , have agreed to divide the hog product shipped out among the vari ous roads In proportion to the live animals which they carry into the stockyards. This This is all the roads have demanded. The inen who two years ago built the Sioux City & Northern rallreiad lo a connec tion with the Rock Island and the Cireat Northern systems were also deeply interested in the Sioux City steiclt yards and packing houses. The man agers of the Chicago it Northwestern and tlio Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul systems , which have brought ne.irly all the live stock Into the city , com plained that the slock yards people diverted shipments of the product out over the Sioux City it Northern. The upshot of it was that liiose companies , as it was alleged , arranged rales , train service and time tables so as lo drain the hogs of thei tributary territory ajvay from Kionx City to competing markets , greatly crippling the market here. All these matters are now understood to bo corrected and satisfactorily settled by the agreement to divide freight proportionately among the roads. Story "I'll Vt'lrrnn'i * I'rcull.ir I.lfc. Siorx CITV , la. , Dec. M. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bnn.j Norman Bullock , who on June 111 , ISrJ , mysteriously disappeared from his home in Providence. R. I. , leaving a wife ami child , and who has been believed to bo dead for twenty years , has been found here by his elaughter. All Iho tinukUtllock has been a pensioner on account of service dur ing the civil war , and a short time ago Mrs. Bullock , believing that she was a widow , applied for a pension. She was notified by the pension olllce that Norman Bulloe-k was drawing a pension at Sioux City. Investiga tion shows that he Is her husband , but Mrs. BulliK-k , llnding that ho is still an inebriate and docs not rest till ho spends his pension money for drink , writes the chief of police that she does not want to hear further con cerning him. Ignored by Hit I'mully. U.ivcxroiiT , la. , Dec. 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Unu. ] George I. Haglcy was taken to Anamosa penitentiary this morning to serve his two and a half years for robbing the United States Kxprcss company of $100,000. His family refused to bid him farewell because of 'hid ' past neglect and cruelty. The two Chicago women , from whom he received letters while ho was in jtiil , are believed to have been the cause of bis crime. , IIMVII Nohli's at C'dir : ItapliN. Cciuu HAPIHS , , la. , Dee. 14. [ Special Telegram to THE Rir. : . ] The annual meet ing of El-ICaper temples , Nobles of the Mys tic Shrine , was hold , hero this afternoon. About seventy-five candidates from Burling ton , Davenport ; Waterloo , Clinton and other neighboring cities wended their way across the desert and were initiated into the mys teries of the shrine. A big banquet was given this evening. Slu-cwd Settlers 1IIKT I'riillts. A largo number of our new settlers on the lands of the North Galveston association ai armors from the northern latitudes wboe have previously eked out a bare existence 01 poor lands , with the additional adverse con ditiiin of rigorous climates. What was con sidered a fair profit to them is as nothing compared to the profits derived from the eul tivation of the various fruits and vegetable ! which are grown so profusely in Galvestoi county. It is not at all unusual for farmer : in this county to make from 025.00 t < $1,000.00 a year per acre , in the raising o pears , phnns , strawberries , etc. , with aboir half tlio labor and inconvenience that at tended their former efforts. The Nortl Galveston association , through their loca agent. Franklin F. Williams.Omaha , Neb. are offering splendid inducements at present and by taking advantage of them the in f vestor or settler in Galveston county canno fail to reap abnudant.reward. The addrcs u of the general olllce is IJox 003 , Minncapoli ilil Minn. il ils , n'j.tniKit j'o HISV.ISTH. t \Vct THiiil * Will Itloir iintl It Ulll II n MlKlitly C'olilur Toilay In Nclira-ilfa. lin WASHINGTON. D. C..Dee. 14. Forecast fo i" Thursday : For Nebraska and Iowa Fair ll west winds ; slightly colder in southeaster ! llp p Nebraska and the western portion of Iowa For the Dakotas Fair ; westerly winds [ . warmer in Soulli Dakota. I.lira ! Krcoi-d. OFFICE or Tim WISATIIIH BirncAU. OMAHA Dec. 14. Omaha record of temperature am rainfall compared with corresponding day o past four years : 1802.1801. 1890. 1880 Maximum temperature .1. ! tilis - 47iijc Mliiliiiun'i teinpeM-anire. 'J0 = 4I1O 1 > H = > 20 : Avei-atro tuinpuraturo. . 718 > . = ! ) H = : ; : IVeclpltatlon . T. l.OG .00 .00 Statement shewing the condition of tern poraturc ami precipitation at Omaha for tin day and since March 1 , Ib'JJ , as compare ! with general average : Normal temperature . 28 : . ss for HID ( lav Deficiency since March 1 . 170' ' Normal pre'Clpltatum . 03 Inch Dollcli'iiey for the day . Oil Inch Dullulcncy slnco March 1 . S.OOInche GEOUOB 1C. HL-.NT , lxcal ) Forecast Oflleial. Hi I'S id ' .V .Vk. in A new and complete treatment , conalttlnu of Su ' * , ointment in c'upiuleii , alio In bux ni Fotltorlt' 'IIU. A ponltlvo euro for lliternal , lincrnal , HII . or lllct'illnu' . llchlnk' . Chronic , llecent or llorejlla d. I'Ue * . TliU remedy lion never been known to fn ' 1 , 1 per box. ii forlJr lent by mall. Why duller iru thin terrible dl ei a uhen u written cu.inuiluj ponltlvuly Liven with 0 bnxox or refund the moil' ' f not cured ) k'oml utomp for frua ttmuli. ( im so lite i ImuaU Uy Kutin \ t'o. , ilriunltti , > ole aieant in Irne-r 15tu nnj liau lunntroou Umulin , Nob. Notice. The I'nclllo K.\ircn9 | C'omnnny. Oflk-o of t I'ri'.sldi-nt , Omiilni. Not ) . . ljunnibur 1st. IK ! In Nollco lu heiruby glvon that , tlio niinu.il nioi ay inif of the stoekhokle'rb of tlio comiiaiiy for t do ou-oilon of dlrvotorri and thu ti-ansaullun Hitch other liualnuss UH may properly i-omal ils furo It , will behold nt the ollluo of the coi luf puny , .No 1IUI llurnoy klioJl , Umnlia. Nob. , ils Thursday , January . th. is. a nt U o'clock u. : Uy order of thu llutrl of I II rue lord , ndml K. M. J10USMAN. I'rosldont ml Attesli idto WILLIAM V. HECUICL , Sccrntary. to . UJ-8-15.22-20.J ; WOHTII A awjraA A nox. " Sleepy. : In llio Oi\y llmo nticr n cooj UlRllt'8 6lCCp , there's Inillges- lion unit stomach J disorder. by rnmovltiR tlio _ B n UH . F tanner which Is CU.R. , log tlio sTMeni , will euro nil Illllmn < Sanil KerTiiim IllHnnlrry , nnd wlllj Sfialcllj relict * Rick llcadaclio. i 5 CovBted with n T stele ss an J Soluble Coalln j , | C Of .ill ilrucclsls. Tries 2S centa < v boi , ; S Nor York n pot , 365 OnnM St. ' Sik 'at 'vkfc vv * * * HEALTHPUL , AQREEAnLBCLHANSINa. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER , Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Durno , Etc. A Delich'ful Shampoo. Spacially Adapted for Use in Hard Watci 19 Orny Imlr or wliUlcprx clmnfioil to 11 Klo ! < y liliu-Ic by uslnilMiipll < "itl < m ot'tlils l > yu. 16 Impurts iv nntnrul cnlor , iirts liistiinliiiiciint- ly mill rontaliiHiiotlihiK In.lni Ions to tint luilr. Sold liy ilrniTRliitK , oi1vlll In , Kent on rocelpt of jirle- ' , 81.OO. Uinrp , ao 1'urk I'lacc , N. Y. IH. K. C. WKST'3 SEUVK AND 1IHA1.N TItKAT. uionl , n Bicolllo | for llyi > terln , Dlzzlni'ss , fits , XPu- rnlRln , IloiiUnclio. Ncrvom 1'roatrntlun CUIL' ( | liv liquor or tolncco , > Tiikcfuliie9. Mental Poprui'liiii , t-ofti ! si of the llrnln , oati-dnif limnlty , ml > Bry , ilc- ray , death , 1'r.Miiafjro Old Auo , II.irrunni'K , l.un ol IJowur In c'ltliiTRitx , iMipotcney , I.uucurrhiu unil nl 1oninloVonkni'f"oa. . Involuntnry l.x-os , Sponna- tun-hen canned by iiTer-uxnitlnn at tlio lirnln , / muiitirittruiitinoiitflili forjo ; by mall.VoKiiar - iintceil buxus to cure. Knell onler for U boxes will } 5 will send written itnnrnntco to rufiunl If not cured ( iunrnutco lj iied only liy Theodore K Lc'ttis , druii Elst.Bolonuent , touthu.-ut corner IClh nnd riiriiau Urocts. Oninlia. norpnino IlablK.'nreci In l T atiopal u. s. nm'osrroKY. oai\n.i. * xmi Capital $ ' 100,001 Surplus . $ ( J5OOI Olllcors and DlrectorH Henry W. Yntei , president It. U. CushlitK , vice prcildant ; C. S. .Maurice. W. \ Mono.Jolin S. Collins , J. N. H. Patrick ! Lewis S llced , cashier. cashier.THE THE IRON BANK. DR. R. W. BAILE Teeth Filled With out Patu by the Latest Inven- , tiou. Tooth Extracted Without Pain or ' tfangor. A Full Set of Tceih OD Ilubbir for $5.03. $ Porfocl lit ( innranteod. Teeth cxtractoil In tli inoriiliiK' . cw ones Inserted In the evening of a.nn p- - day. Sco apoclmeni of Itemo ruble Ilrldne. h'eo Epcclniens of 1'leilblo Hlnatlc I'llt3. : All work warranted ns reiro3entcJ. Office Third FloorPaxton Block , Telephone 1035 , H'.tli and Farn.vn Sta. Take elevator or stnlrnav from Itlth St. eiitr2.nc . PARTIES WANTING Anhouser , Budwciser. Faust and Pal BKEKS , EITIIKU BOTTLlil ) OR I KEGS , can leave orders at No. 21 Main Street , Council Bluffs , loivu , e Telephone 323. Goods delivered promptly. SOLE AGENCY for Anlicuscr-Buscli Brewing Ass'n , of St. Louis , Mo. Omaha Medical and Surgici Eye and Ear INFIRMARY FOK TI-1K TREATMENT -OF ALL- Clinic ami Snrpl Disease Host facilities , apinr.itusanil roinoillusfnr t Biiccosafnl treiitiiiuiil ot uvnrv form of dlsuasuM i-oiiiiinirx inudlualor hiirzlu.-tl truatinuiit , Mbods for | ) .itlonts. boird and attendance llobt accommodations In thu wust. V/rlta fur clrcnlara on clufiirinltloi nnd time trussuii , club Ii'et.'cnrviiUirnu of Hplmilis. \ \ . tu iim , cancer , catarrh , lirune-hltli , Inhulatlon , elcctr Ity , par.ilysli. epilepsy , ktiluey , hladder. eye , u kin nnil biuod mid nil Hiirulcnl upcnillona. DISEASES OF WOMEN . . of women VIIKK. We Imvu lately ed.ledn Ijrlnz ilopartment for womiin during fonnnvmenl , ftrlc privuiu. Only Ilellablo Medical Inatltuio m akin , pectalty of JMUVATI3 JJISICAKICH. All lllnod Dlko-iies urrnusfully troa'.od. Sypl Itlo I'olfcQiia'Tcinoveid from Ilia yntein without in vnry. .New llrntorntlvu 'I'reutroonl ' for lo of ' 'I'AI. IMWiil. : 1'drtunt unable tu vljllinnny IruHleilat liomu by corruipiindeiice. All column CAtloiiJcuntldenllAl. .Mudlclnu orlnitrnmentx i liy mall or otprati , becnruly pnckcil , no mar'nt Inilh'iitn i-unlenlu or x'nilernu personul Inl vlewpruforri'il Cull nnd roiiault nxirhcnil lilsl of your caie , and wo will lend In plain wrapper e nnnw TH MUM KHKK upon I'rivuiu , s'poi OUUft. 1U iUbrM or ncrvoui Dltainui , lin ttinc'y , tiyphlllB , tllectnnd Vurlcocelo , with ijuot Hut. Hut.llrace > , Ai | | > llanrca for Iluformllloi ami Truxe ( July manufactory lu tUe nuit uf UBFOUM1TV , AI'l'l.IAN'L'KS. T11UH : , KIMO Hit ) lU'lTKHIKU ANU lliiTJ. : Omalia Medical and Surgical Instltutf 2Oth and Broadway , Oounoll Blufl Ten inliiuteii rldufroiu center of Omalia uaOwi and couucll UlutK electric uiotor Hue. A/etea/F ® Store. Do not leave your Christmas purchases .until the last nnment , but come early ; avoid the rush and select your presents while our stock is complete. You can have them laid aside until Christmas week , at which time we will deliver them to any part of the city desired. TOPLM8EPPMNDTHKBOY8 An overcoat , a suit of clothe ? , uit of umlcnvear , a pair of trousers , an umbrella , silk ties silk hanlkerchicf ? , jrlovcs , mitts , night robe ? , smoking jackets , bath gown- ? , dress shirts , negligee shirts , collars , cuffs , silk suspender. * , etc. , etc. All Useful Holiday Gifts , Cheapest Clothing House in Couiicil Bluffs. mGBLEBRHTEDCTJDT T CD SHNDWl'GH ollE/LLDl\ Moro sold than all others combined. Do not bo deceived by Imitators or by those claiming to have almost as good a machine , liny only the SANDWIOBt CORN SHBLtiBR and bo protected by direct jiiirnntcc' : from rolliblo nintiufac- turers. You can always depend upon our repairs being : kent in stock by nil local dealers. Apply for our ngoncy. Send for e\Uiloguos : and prieas. SANDWICH NUPACTUHING CO. , Council niiiffj , town. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. EAI > IU OP DISEASES OP MUK AND IV09IHH. PUOrHIETOK OF Tllti SA11Y OF .11KIJICINH. f treat tha following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , ami T/jnfrs : DIs. cases of the Eye and Knr , Vlts n-ad Apoplai- , Heart Disease , Uvor Couiiilaitit , Kldnoy Complaint , -Nsrvous Dobillty , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , Dlal'Cte.Brighfs njjcnso , St Vitas' Banccr HJJcuiuatlam , l-arnlyfls. White Swelling Bcrofuia , Fever Horcs , "Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In nno removed without the knife or drnwlns a drop of blood. Woman v/lth her delicate orpmia re- Btoreil to health. Dto\-y \ cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 85O to SbOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease I cannot euro without mercury. Tnpo Worms removed In two or thrco hours , or no pay. Hemorrhoids or I'llcs cured. THOSE WlfO AltK AFFMCTKD Will save Ufa and hundreds ot dollars by calUna on or using OR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL T/iEDICIHES. / Tlio only Physician wlio cnii toll -wlmt alii n. person without asltlnp ; n question. All corrc rion < lenco strictly conndenttal. Medlclu' Bout by express. Address all Isttera to 5 ac'Ja o/p oadway , Bluffs , Iowa TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. Special Sale at Reduced Prices During December , Pplces. Oaslni1 , Color. Ilockors. No > v Style IllookH , I- ' urn nie : s and I'aiildrons , Mo-it Kuu > b , i oalos and Spring llalancus , Btitchor.V fonts , Krook , t'aps , otc1. D. H. McDaneld & Co , 820-822 Main St. , Council Bluffs , fa. S led i ! riil courts , llonnis 'AiO-7-H-O , Hliilarl ) blocic , Couimliniuil's , In. Nollcn of AkHi'Hiliuiiit of DiiiiuiKU * fin C'liuiiK" " ' < iniilf * . N la lair. . To the owners of alt lots or inrts of lotsoi Howard slruot , from U'Jtli Htiout to UU 'V. ' street ; 'V.UK You are liuruhy nollfloil that the nntlor- 111 sltfiiud. thruodUlutoreistud frooholdoi-s of mi ny etlty of Uinnh i , tmvu boon duly appolntod hj ru the iiiuyor , with the .p rovil ; of thouliy conn ell of said city , to assess Iho dainaito to tin owners respectively of the iiropurly airn-toi by the chuiiu'u of uTJiluiif Buldhlri'ot. duelaioi nocessiiry ly orUlii.iiicu No. IK , pnsscd Allans Ulh. Irtl. ' . aniiovud All tl&t 11th. InJ. . 03 ) 'ou are fiirthur niitllloil that hivlns no Ill- - llt e'ltpted < uld uupi ) luiniiiit. uii'l ' dnlv ( in.ulllu tu UH luniilrud by lawwo will , on tbu UMKt day o ur- Ducmnliur , A , | ) , , M' , at the hour ot IU a'cfoc iry In tlio foreiiioon , at the ollluo of bhrlvu ur & O'llonahoo , 14'J.I . Farnuiu strcul , within th lid fo'-pornto limits of Haldulty , : i oclfor the nut poiuofconslUoriiri and m-ikln : tlio UHSII > S inniit of ilaniii'o to the nwnsrd ruupcctlvoly n huld proporty. uirectrd by said ohiuisi ) t trade , talant ! IntucoiislJurutlon Bpoola.1 limit llta. If any. Vou are notlflou to bo present at thu tlm nnil ulaco aforesaid , und miiko any objeieitlou toorstutometiits cinioiirnliu uuld assu iinun of damages as you m ly consider proni r. W. O , HHUI \ Kll , T. It. McUIM.UJOII , ilm JAtf. bTUOKIAl/K. Omaha , Nob. , Doc , Cth , Ib/A DiJ-dlOt JCQUnCI BLUFFS. _ " EMPiOYAlBNXr " \\rANTKI ) Apupll niirso nt tlio W. 0. A. hoi- ' > iiltnl. cor. ( itli IITIMIIIO nnil 1'IU ' street , innit hi bolnceii ' 'a anil : K > years old ; of KUOI ! mur.il cliarao- ti > r. Apply nloncu. VirANTICD-SUCONl ) tltlll.jVAHS ( ! fl.0.1 1'Kll * \\ooli. Apply to Mr.i. Horace Kvcrett , 2il ajo * line ami Stli 5tri'0t , Council II lulls " \\r ANTI-ID At once. 3 ur 4 l No. 1 cornlon > * makers. Htouly : Jnli for thu right men. II L ( irnhl.v Son , Council lllnllu. IMVO Rlrlit nan toil to do houses Apply at 025 Hrst avLMiuo. " \\rANT131 > I'lrst-chisa Kin for linii < imirk. ( ! oo > TIIICK. Apply at 18 North Klrhtstreet. l.'Oll H.\CllAMi : : A nlcu home on S. "t'.i street , L ncarUtli iivenuc , clear of enciinibr.incj , fur homo InOinnha. llaniconi i'laoo or Konniza t'l.ico pro'- , fcireil. Will inn In f , WJ illllorunoj. lirooiuliluJj , Mcliohun & Co. KXCHANCK-Rooil 4-room house on South j bth Direct fur lanil. eiruennliloliU. Nlcnoleon k Co A ItMTKACTS unit loans. Farm anil city property 1 liouulit und teld. 1'iihejr , V Thuina-i , ( Council lllllffB. I.\\H\\ and city lo.ins. .Munoy lonni'il nn toolc anil Kraln. lte.il catatu for aalo. Du-ollliu mill business rentals. Money Inaned fur local liwoatorf , l.ouKce Jt Towlo. ' .15 I'curl Htreet. lots In Central RUli. 100 .Vllntnln Mullen's ad 1. 35 lots In llnyllns & I'almon' lott ) In .Mnynn's iHt. , ' ! U lulu In Totter , t C.iblj'i. 21 lutHllI IIULT'l 111. 15 lotBln llci'i-'s nil I. ; 2lotnlu lllcliliiiiilaill. 18 lota In Hntchlnson'M aiH. 4I > Iut.s In Tnrley'ti aild. 13 lots In lllildlu'iiall. , IVOlolH In Wrjuhfa ad t. Hi lots In I'lor'co'n luM. Lots In every ndJItlun to the city cheap forcaVi , or on payment * , enll tin ! ncu "H. No tronhla to i-how property. ( Jrecnslilelila , Nlcholxon , t Co. /'Mi ACltHS upper llro.idmiyj Hple'idlil piece for wphiltlni ! ; cheap tor cash , ur will oxclianjo fur Iniprovnil ruslilenco prouorty In Council lllulta. ( irecnslilolda. fslcholsun .1 Cu. GAHDICN AND flt'JlT laint ; rlrlion anil most licaiitllnl tract In 1'oitii-utumlii coimty : neo Knteiiirlvo 1'laco ; llvo or tun acre lots. ( IrfOiv , NIchnNdii A t'o. , 1121 llroadway. \VK WANT ton acres uf land within tlvo miles of ' city. Don't care hotr roiuh It Is. Ureon- yhliild ! * . Nli'huUun Jc t o. E.S'l'lIlll'ltlSH 1'laco , fur fruits or Kanlotn itnliurljiin liilini'w. liny acre lutH , twjnty inlnatoi from minor line. ( Jrucmxlileld * , Nicholson .V Co , "I 0 l-'Alt.MS to exclLincn for huuncs and lot or J coud vac.int lutn , 'JI ai.-roH of nlci Knrden hind for sale at SiJ per acre. Johnston A Van 1'atton , I i'.Urr l-'AUM-liuproved , a mile anil a half from thopustbillco , : i ! ivcro.v. 3 room honij. tal > lo , etc. Will riclmimu lorroHldoncL' In Council lilnlTii , Oreo' bhli'lils , NlelioUun \ Co , -J'cilKS , : i' ' < uillct from city ; will neil at cut It Itakcn this week , lirooiiililulili , Nleliul un ' TVrO.NTIU.Y l'AV.MKN'1'-i-I'or alo. nsw live- JUroinn house , hath ronui , electrle llxhtti , all muilcrn linprovetnenti * , une hhiclc from motor , A model home , ( ire'i'iifchlcld * , Nicholson k Co. nKSlllKNOKlut.iUfiietlront. llvo lilooki from I Vliluoincr xclicinl , odcri'd female , fur this week only nt filtl ) . ( Jreonihlel.M , XlBlmliiJii A Co. MONDAVrt In It , A. pnrlors , chlldrnn , 4 p. m.j inlnllH. 7il ) p. in , Hurhils nceond and fonrtli .Mondnyn. Up. m. M title furnl liiid parllOH and Address It , A. I'orlora.Cinmcll lllul ! , orliJ.M Kuruaai Bt. . Omaha. W. K , I'lmiihora , Innlriintor. G AUIIAOIO removed , cusjponlH , vault * auil clilmnnys clojne.l. I' . D. Hnrku , city lilil , W. C. ESTEP Funeral Direcior , Embalmer , - 114 Main Street , Council UhilTs. TO ALL OWNHltS OP LOTS OR 1'ARTrf Ob1 LOTS ON SHIRLEY HTHEKT KROM SJ8TII STHI5KT TO 2TH ! ) AVHNUH. You are lioroby nolllli'd that the imdor- slxncd , Ilireuidlslntitii'sli'd fici'lioliliirx ' of tint city of Omaha , liavo buun duly appolntud by tin ) mayor , with the approval of llio clly coun cil of said city , lo uhsi , i the iliiiiiago to tint owners icsprcllvoly of Ihu piuporly alfoctod bv KrndliiK Slih-loy hlicot f rum UHI Ii M root to ii'JIli avi'iiuc , declared m'ci'siary liy iirdlmimi : ) Nil. lll'JI , iiussi'il July 20 , IHU'J , and approved Vou urn furl her notllli'd , Unit havliiK ac- cppted huh ) appolnliai'iil. and duly < iualllli > d us iciiulrcd by law , \\o will , on Iliu UINI day or Ihri'iuliiu' , A. D. 1H'J ! ) , at tint hour of 111 o'rliR'lc In the foroiioon. al tliuolllCKiif K , W. ( llbsoii , iixjiii'JlC. , New Vork l.lfu Inilldliig , within tlio corpora lo limits of said clly , moot for tlio pur- POMI of consldurlnj ; and making Ihoassessment of iliiiiiuKutothu'iiwiii'iH lespi'Cllvcly of wild iiioncrty , all'i-cMcd by said cradhm , lal > lii | { Into coiisldurallotiHpfclal licuolllK , If any. Vou.aro nollllud to bo present at thu tlmo and plat'o afon.'hitld , and inaUu any oliJfi- UlOlhtllK'lllflllS COIICl'lllllIK hUlll US.MMSI of duiuaijL'.s u you may fitnuliuir iimpi- ( ' W.U.OATIIH.uuaioi