8 THE OMAHA DAILY HHE : 'ITRSDAY , DKCKMKKU 13. 1802. WILL CLOSE NEXT SUNDAY This Week to Bo the Lart of the Series of Mills Meetings. SPECIAL SERVICES FOR MANY ARRANGED \Vr liiMt1n } lo Itn n ( lrc.it llollj liiK lnj ( looil Attriidanrn nt < l < rtll J' ( liiKi l'ri > Brniii for tlio C'liin- IneV < < k. Tltc Mills ro\lnl meeting will close next Stitiilaj iiljjht It h doslrc-tl by nil Intcicstcd in tlio meetIngs - Ings tlmt tlio greatest jwssllilo betiellts should bo di-ihcd from tills , tlio last week of tlio seilei It will boa \\celt mudoip ton IniKiMlcgtt'o of speiinl seimntis by tlio evan- pellst This afturiioou Mr Mills will speak upon'"Ho\v loWin V'our rrlcmls toClulst. " This CAenin ? bo will prondi a special scimon toOUIIR inon , taking for a subject "Dangeis to Yotiiin Mi it' ' On Wi-diiM Isu tbcie will be specl.il meetIngs - Ings beld at 10 u in and 11 p in to aci-oiniuo- il.itc buslut ss men and tbeli emploics It will be closing d.n Yestonlaj nftenioon Mr Mills ptcnelicd to nnaudlcmo of o\cr lOiN ) people llo ie.nl the foutteentb diaptcr of Luke In openIng - Ing Mr Mills asked tlio people befoio bim to be\ci'i pi.i\etftil wbllo ho tittemptcd to pieadi llo seleeted Luke \lv , M , as bis text. In 11(1bnll } Clillit'4. .Testis had ghon In this p.iss ige some Idea of what It meant to bo Ills disc Iplo "Wlnt- soever ho be of jou that fotsiketh not .ill th.it ho hiith ( Mtinot bo disciple" ueio the woids , and C'htist me.int eerwold Hu .ild ,1esussemed to bo imptessed upon many occasions with the idea tli.itonlj n fo\v of those who weto follow tin ; Him would prove to be faithful Chi 1st impitsstd the linpoitanco of peifect shueiitj upon His lic.iiCYs bj s.nlng th.it it was ON on noitssaiy that thei should foisiko their kindled and their friends in older to bciomo Ills disci ples. ples.The man who umlcitook to Ihc a siiulu.il ) life with a c.iin.U heut is timid taking an imiiosslhllity The pithwa > to eteiniilgloty was sttowii with the witdcs of Ihos tint weio dhlded. of he.uts lh.it weie not llunl.N llxed In the light w.n God wanted to know that llo hud the light of-waj and a clear title in the IHMH ts of men befoiu lie began to Lstabllsh His kingdom thcio No m.iiiiould UNO ex.utlj as Jesus Chi 1st hadlhi-d No man lould bo so perfeetH lonseeratcd and so poi feet in o\eij action ab the S.u lor of Men had bein , but ONCI.N 0110 ( ould and should do the best ho could b\ detiAing himself and following after Jesus Self denial me.int self s u i illco and a sinking of self out of sight In the know ledge of Chilst. It was not onh necessity to deny oneself but it N\as nee ess uj to take up the cioss as well The old self must be ciutUlcd and the new self hi ought to life o 1 bit 'Icslliniiiilalx Published on behalf of Hood's Saisip-mlla nro ns leli iblo 'and as woithv join eonll- dcneu as if they canto fiom join best and most ti listed neighbor 'I hev state only the simple latts in legaid to what Hood's Susi- parilla has done , alwajs within tiuthand leason Constipation and all tioubles withthodi- pestho oig.ins and the liNer aio c-uiod by Hood's Pills Utiequaled as a dmbei pill. WAS EATING HUSKS. Horn Sir ills of u Voiitbful ItcHtmitso Who \ViiH " < i-IiiK tlui < ( iiintrj. T ast Sattudaj night Ch nles Uobinson , n IG-jear old boy , was nirested for vagianey nnd begging on the sticets Ho was lagged , unkempt nnd ditty. llo used peed language and had the inanncis of a gentleman , bu CNidently had not bnjojcd the luxuty of a bitli since tlio last i.iiti stoim In jeply to the ciuebtions of the police ho blid that ho was not \agiant and his father was n n.tptist minister in IJoslon Ho had left homo six months ago to see the countty oil his own account and landed in Om ilia without a tout He had wiitten homo for money and was LCI tain that it h id been sent , but his NvandeimgR had been so de\iotis that the letter must h no gone astiay. lie spoke Jna liesltuting , iniLoitain manner , which , coupled with his uncouUiappcaiancc , made Ills stoiy seem improbable The lad asked for a day or two of time bofoio he was sent to j ill to see if his money would not come. His lequest was giantcd , but not with the idea that anything would come of it. Ycstcidaj inquiiy was undo for him nt the jnU A letter lONeied with postm.uks nnd "tamiot bo found" was loft , and whtn opened a i " ' 0 bill diopped out The letter ami money wete tinned o\or to the pusoncr and lie was given his llbeity with the advice to go home to bib pucntb and lot the west nlono. Oio\tlli anil rrnipi-ilt ) . The wondoiful glow th of GaUoston , and especially Unit poition known as Noith Gal Ncston , dining the jiast few .NO.US hisbeei duo not onlj to local imptoNements and tin natuial icsult of i ipid bettlement and capita liberally invested , but also to the i.ipii crow th of manufactuiing industiies whicl hoio find an unnsii illpiolltable Held Tlni' wo Ibid a combin itlon of conditions for con tiniml piowtb that Is tinsutpassed in an ; other poition Of thu counti N , namelj , agenia and healthful elimato , an industtlal giowtl capable of stippoiting a laigo population am npiiiMiltmal atttactions that cannot bo ex colled. The oppoitunitles aio Just as good a thopiesont time for making money , oithe in city piope.il } or binall fitilt fauns Tin latter class of faimlni ; alwajs icsults ii laigopiotits to those who hav"0 beenfoitu jmto enough to invest. D'J'ho proi > eit.N of the Noith Galveston asso clution cannot bo otheiwlso icgardcd thai usoffciing splendid inducements alike ti home-seeker and investor The fullest in \csUgatioiiofthta jnopeitj is coidially in > ited. The assoilatlon Is lepiesoiiled b' ' Franklin K Willianib , Omaha , Neb , whi will be haip ) > to furnish all infoimation d sired. The addiess of the gcneial olllco Is Ube Noith ( iiilvcston Abs'n , HoDbJ , .Mlnnc apolls , Minn ' BOABD OF TRADE. Aci-iimul.itril llnsliiiss Dlspnsid of lloincii 1 lU Ailoptt il. Theic was a very small attondaneo at th mooting of the Honrd of Trade last ovenlng Thobuslnobb ttaubacted was of a loutln inttuo. A communication fiom Albeit A Pope o Hostonwas icfoiied to W 1 ] Claiko Mi ljopo lb Inteiested in the improvement o couutiy 10ids nnd asked the boaid toeituu late a momoii il to congiess asking for K-gis tion.A . A communication fiom the Chamber o Conimeico of Utiluth VNSIS lofeiicd to th tianspoitatiou lommltteo The Dulutl people aio desiioiih of moio activity in th consttictlon of the Canadian canal , tin wunt the co opoiation of the Uoaid of Tradt i Several other communications was ica and lofoucd The bo.ud passed appiopiiatn lesolutlon UIXM the deaths of two momboib , Hugh t ; Clailc nnd SamuelJ Ilouoll The iiiesldent VNIIS empoworcd to appolu ncunimlttoo to go over tlio bookb and in counts of the board after the llmiucu con mlttco has completed its labois. Slek headachol Ueeduim's Pills will u HONO , lu tlui IllslrUt < omt , Befoio JudgoRcott thocasoof rannlo Jv Bcott against the Omalm Street linlUvu company is on tihil , The plaintiff Is scokln to recover the sum of $10,000. She allege tlmt on the aftei noon of December . lSt W slio boaided a noithbound i'4ir at Fatnai at loot ; that then and there she w as throw to the ground with such violence as to bica the bones of her loft foot. In Judge Kovsor's couit Henry Coombo trying to coin inco a Jurv that ho should n cover the sum of $ Jf > 00 from the city. For cause of action ho alleges that duilng tl night of October 18 , IbUO , ho was diivit ' ' : nlung Locust sticot , between Thdtccnt nnd Sixtceutli ; that hodrovu Into a sowi Unit wus unpiotectcd with signal lights. I Alleges tlmt ho is cntltlcil to iwover tl amount sued for , as his leg was broken ai ho vtas laid up for three months. Tin : MOUHI : nitv < iooi > s co. silk lln lrrj. Tomorrow IniuiRtirnto n Bplrltod epocint Bnlo of Indies'ollk luHlcry. They nro lower than they hnvo ever boon , or will bo , for tlio next twelve months , AtSl.lMvo ) offer pure silk fnat-bltvck lioso , double soles ami nil sires. At SI.2 ! ) wo otTur n. lustrous spun silk hose , fast black , all sixes. At $1.81) ) wo offer extra quality fast- black , rich , lustrous pure silk hose , white double thrctul soles , all sixes. At $2.60 NVO soil u superior quality Btolnloss blnok , pure silk hose , double tinkle , hcol and too , all slxos. At $1.S ! ! ) wo sell n lluo grade fast stainless black , \vido nlo nmrowlttch- olicu ribbotl pure slllc tbread hose , double ankle , hcol niul toe , all slxos. At $3.3' ' ) wo shall soil an extra opera lonffth. pure silk thread hose , fast black , will not crock or stttlti the [ cot or under clothing , full raiifioof si/os. At $5 00 wo will sell jou the best , heaviest , pure silk oporn length hose to bo found uiiywliPto. They htivo double soles , liools and tees and are double thtended all the wny through. Fast colors , till si/os. Tin : MOUSI : DRY GOODS co. If C. 13 Moore is in the city' ' write to W. J. Mooto , Chicago , Water rc-nts duo January 1 , payable at company's ollloo , Dr.n uulldtnp ; G per cent discount nlloNNcd if paid on or be fore .lai.uiir.N 1. Olllco open Wednesdays and Baturdtijs till 8 p. in OVER , FOB THE WINTER. Ni'liruslm Cent nil I'lcld Corps Will Inj Up t'lltll SprlllKT. The Nebraska Central people have ab m- doned Jleld work , the coips of suivcjois coming ina few divsago 'Ihc men letaincd aio deNoting theii labois at prebent to llnish- Ing up the accumulation of ottlco woik CivII Knt-'incer LIVMenco his been leli'-ved foi the piesont and will not lesiimo Held woik until thenis an improvement in tlio state oT the w either. llo mav coneludo to uctoptn profeited position with the Plittc Hivei Canal commy ) ) The pioposed miiii line of the Ncbiaskt C'cntial his been suivejcd fiom Conmll HlutTs to Toil Dodge , la , bv wuyofAvoca he binvc-Ning coips has been iimningan- ther line bj wav of Caiiol , Churden and Coon Rapids in the hope of impioving the 'ntended bnob\ i.v of Avoca , but the hull- ations auth.it the Hist intention is the test and will be cm led out when conbtiiic.- lon begins Piesldent Diniiont is now in the east and iNill letuin within a few dajs ALIIISII ! Dl sl "These. no tioub'ous ' times tori illioadb , " said a pissenger * m in jesterd.i } , "and the uospei Is foi a late war in the veij- near futtiio aio vciy blight When the Union Pacific commemed haiassing the Colotado loads , foicing these loads and 'their con- lections into an association aggiessivo and defcnsiNO , thoOveil tnd loutc thought it had stiuck a soft snap , but it is ( juite well known the icpnsal is having the oflcct do- shed and the Union Patillo ib almost leadj' to hold out the white Hag 'One thing , howovei , showb to what ex tent the Union Pacific is going to got busi ness over its load The eistein man wanting to go west via the Union Paeilio and ictuin In tlio Santa Fe , for in stance , goeb to the eastein agent , who assincs him that , notwithbtanding the agiee- intnt of the loads to lefuso louud tiip tickets over the Union Pacitlc , ho will sell htm a ticket over the Sinta Fo Just the same Instead of e.u rj ing tiel.ets covei in , ? so gi cat a distance thp ticket agent uses an outer foi m , v\lucli calls upon I"o ticket agent at Couni il Bluffs to sell the tiaveloi a ticket to California MI the Union Paeifle and back bv wav of the Santa Fe The ticket agent at Council Ulutts , without the tutning of a ban or noticeable qualing of conscience , tuins back bib dater to Novemboi JO and dates the Santo Fo ticket and the man goes on his way rejouing , while the ticket agent congiatulato himself that the circular signed , bvall the loads in mteiest stating that after Deeembci 1 no loimd tup tickets loid- ingoNcr the Union Pacillcwouldbeieeohed , is so easily bioken ; 'Now this can't go on for a great length of time because tlio 10 ids aio aw.ue of the methods in use bj the Union Pacitlu and mean to take pionipt me ismes for theii piotection , c-Nen if thej have to inaugurate a vvar that will biin somebodv to their knees " Mr. Loniax , when asked if the minor that ho v\as ] ) uisumg u policy as above was tiuc , indignant ! v 10- ] ) licd that the Satra Fo tickets weio taken oft s lie November iib and VNOIOo \ \ in his stock loom , not onlv at Council Hlulls but at all points , Siouv City , Denver , KansisCitv , Cliejenne and not onlv thcvSintoro but all othoi loads inteicsted in thobojcott. ' So fai as this action huits the Union Pacilic' " said Mr Lom , i\ , "it is 'all in my oj e ' Om Chicago olllcc show b that w o h.iN o done moio tianscontinental busines duiitig November than in anj similai month for the p ibt Ihieo je lib ONCI since the Cali- foinia boom collapsed AVe have a southern louto that knocks the Sinta Fo 'galley VNCst1 and people aio just commencing to get on to the fact that with our southern connections wo can take pass-'ngeis thiough the HotSpiings , Aik , Houston , Galvcbton , Now- Orleans , Fort Worth , all the southoin gatowavs and deliver them in Southein Califoini i quite as soon as the Santa Fo and without the thcbomo eflect ol traversing the desert which extends fiom Albuquciquo to Newton , Kan Coming cast wo can give thorn umivalrd sui vice , and ic.illv wo tuo feeling M > IN happy over the condition of affairs , whicn are quite to our liking Just at this time" An lionest pill is the noblest worlc of tht apotheeaiN DoWrtt's Little Duly Itlsei- cuio constipation , biliousness and bick head ache NIGHT SCHOOLS OPENED. Opportnnit } to I.oiun In lUliArtri Hour' IliliiK Sllslilly luiiiotiMl. ] Four night schools were opened for the winter last ONening 'J'hoy were at tin Dodge , Hattman , 1/rrd and Leavenwortl school buildings , and in chaigo of competeirl teachers Some of the bdioolb did not have as largi opening night attendance as was expected Unit at the H n tin in M heal being pritieU' laily small Paul Ueigon , instiuetor of tlr < liar timtn night class , b ild that thciooii soventj'-llvo persons In attendance on tin opening night last .Near , and expects t < luuo a cl.ibs that laigo or huge bofoio the end of the week Ho accountsfo last night's sin ill attendance In S.IN Ing tha the night hchools weio Insutllclentlj advei Used The other bchoolb opened success fully The class at the Dodge school is composci of Husshin Jews Ihoro weio about thirtv live peibons In attendance , allot them wc'l advanced In jeara All , except thu-o o four , were bearded men , stonily bent 01 mastering the English langii.igo The clas was attentive and eager to learn and a grea deal Is expected of it. Constipation cuied by DdWltt's Klseis ALL KNOW C , 0 , I ) , BROWN They Know His Famous Grocery Stock and His Low Prices , MR , DROWN WAS UNFORTUNATE lint III * NmiKiAVrn n ( liiarnntcn of j ; ( -clleii ( n nnd I.HU I'rltrn lliijdcn Jlros. I'IIK linm-d 1114 Stock 1'roiu thu Mortf ; igi cs. They can now soil the goods nt nbout one-half Utovvu's low prices. The goods arc now in nnd the sale has ; begun and Nvill bo continued from day to day till the entire stock is bolti. This is posi tively the best elmnco ON or olTorod to purchase holiday supplies. The stock is complete In oNeri imrllculiu- and Nvlll put om1 grocery iloparltnont on iccord for high giado goods at lowest prices ever known. Pure rjo Hour , 8jo. 1'ure r\'f > graham Hour , 85c. Pure Nvhcat griiham Hour , "rtc. Mlnneuiiolis host buporltitivo Hour ( warranted ) UOc. A good HoiirSnoNvllnko ( ) 05c. Ilirjdon Htos. ' boat stipeiMitlvo flour , SI.25. .lust received , a car of now strictly pure buckwheat Hour , fie. Self-rising buckNN heat Hour , fie. Aunt Sally pancake Hour , HSc Aunt Jemima paneako Hour , USo. Lleb's i-Noninjun llanjack , ! JSo. No. 1 sugar-cured h.uns , l"Jo. Picnic liatns , 8c. N. Y. ham" , 8c. Dried buof , 7e. Cot nod beef Co. Potted ham , per can 5o. Potted tongue. Co. Deviled ham , Cc. Bologna sausage , 5c. Liver sails tgo , Oc. ' Head cheese , fie. Frankfortd , 7jc. Saolio [ ) or scouring soip , fie. S ivo all the wiappoiB that como on the Sapolio , and send thorn to the fac tories and they Nvill send jou a very line ehromo. All kinds of NN ashing powder , 23c per package , or 1 for lie. Soapino , 1770 , Gold Dust , Soap Dust and Po irlino. Van Ilouton's pure cocoa , 05c. Fry's impioNcd hoinojopathic cocoa , 05o. 05o.Pi Pi imo Ilussian caviar ( per can ) , 20c. Best homo made catsup , -5e. Genuine Spanish chili snuco , Uic. 'A paeUages .Dohcrty's Now England mince moat , 25e. I 3 pauKugcs Andotsoira celebrated con- i densod mince meat , 25c. J ' 3-pound can tomtiloes 8Jc. California evaporated Doachcd 17 c. I California dried grapes 5c. CnlrforniJi evaporated pitted plums 4c. 4c.California California white ncctuiones 17jc. California ted nocturcnes 17ic. California evaporated apricots 20c. Impoitod Englrsh currants 8c. } Those are all new fruitb just received , ind the most delicious you ever ate. They are worth lUc per pound tnoro than wo ask. Just imported from Seville , Spain , the Inest olives you ever saw , all packed 'rosh for us. Per nuat t , ! 55c. Imported chow enow , 15c. Impoitod mixed pickles , 15c. We sell a good biking no\vder. \ 5o. Evaporated raspberries ( now ) , 25c. Now California rarsrn-curod prunes , loc. 3-pound pail pure fruit jelly , 20c. 20-uound pail yuro fruit jelly , 75c. Largo bottle b'luoing , fie. Corn stiu eh , 5c. L-iundry staicb , fie. Bird seed ( very fine ) , fie. 2-lb. can eatly Juno peas , 17ic. If you juy a can and if you do not saj they aio the Hncst and moat delicious pea you over did eat , wo will pay you back the : nonoy. Wo have peas for bje , lOjc , I2io and lot ; per can. Condensed milk , lOc. UAYDEN BROS. , Dry goods and groceries. Real estate. Bargains only. My vvoid is good. W. G. Albright. 621-2-15 N. Y. Life bid ? . NKW PIAXOS rou KHNT Ford & Charlton Musie Co. , 1COS Dodge. Holiday goods. Fron er , op. p. o. , - < - Complcto > OH sioiiciiri urnlturc. All goods marked low in plain figures. CHAS. Sinvniucic &Co. , 1200 , 120S and 1210 Farnam St. Everybody o its oysters Dealers can buy N. Y. Counts per can , 35c. Extra Selects per can , 25c. Standards per can , 20e. Favorites per can , 1'ic. Also bulk Standards , bolid moats , il wanted , and celery from 25c toloo pot bunch. Send vou'r Christmas orders ai once to David Cole & Co , "Tho AntiMonopoly - Monopoly Ovstor House. " Goods the very best. No tirtn allowed to undersoil us. 310 So. 10th street , Omaha , Nob. > o Onnriim. The absence of Councilman McLeaiio pie \ented the cilj ball investigating commlttc < holding a session .vesteiday afteinoon. Tin aiLhitcct andcontiactoi weie in waiting t < contiibuto NNhat infoimation they possesses icijaiding tlio fanltj place of tlio oveiheai I beams 'Jho committee NN ! ! ! meet thii afternoon at 'J o'clock. Important Salvation Oil , the grcatcb cuio on eaith lor pain is onlj 25 tents. t'\tr on sou ru Qlii the VVnhihli Hiiiito. The short line to St. Louis and quick cat loute south. Only 37 hours to Hot Springs. Only 30 hours to Now Orleans. Only 38 } hours to Atlanta Only fi2 hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fast time to nl points otibt and south. Round tri ] ticUots to Hot Springs , Now Orleans Lake Charles , Galvofitou , San Antonio City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran clsco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ila vnna and all tjio winter resorts of tin south and west Keclining chair car free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit Pullman bullet sleeping can on al trains. Baggage cheeked from hotel nnd ptivuto residences to destination For tickets , sleeping ear aceotmnodiUlon and futUror information call at Wabasl ticket ollico , 1502 Farnatn street , o write , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. ay "B esW LIU Nil akU oho ho 't'ii or llo ud ho The only Pure Ctesui of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. iu Millions of Homes40.Years the Standard , An OKI SoIUior ntul Well Known Citl/cn Clnnflrins and lvinphu > sl/es n Former Compli mentary Reference. About onoiyoir neo the frtontls of Mr. D. Fluck were 'gratllletl ' by noNvspapor nnnouneeincnls iof his final recovery from serious ill health duo to catarrhal troubles eovoring a period of many years , the gr itlfying change in bis condition being credited to a course of treatment with Dis Copeland and Shopard. To a newspaper acquaintance ) who called on him a day or two ago at hi" borne , 3021 Pinelsnoy street , Mr. Fluck had this to faaj : NVhito 1 know by s-xc' ' CXPT on o tlio wit- Inz utrcet ofiitnrrli upon thosvslcin nnd how powerfully Humlrrmliies the he iltli , 1 mnJust us ciTi'iln tlmt It h otitiroly cnniulo lithe rl lit tre itmcnt Is nscil My own ease con vinces in u of this f.iot My service In the civil wnr us u volunterrln tlio I.M Indinn i Inf intr/ linn ilrcd in ) stroiulli and linhiucd the ca tarrh il disc i .o "I'or tuuiu iiionths I hud benn a very inlRcr- iiblu niiin viy siiirorliut w is siiuh that it is 1mrd to fully do crlhc I h id Rroat troitbln with nisloiimch. . It w is very oik , si ) Unit my food cuusc-d ere it pain ami dlstroo nnil L cnnlrt o it voiy llltlo My ipuullto was uoiii ntul I hnl no icllsh for foml of iinv Uln I. VNhon I did uit my stem ic-h nould III ! with gus , so much so Hint I thought L wo lid Uiirst JOMUADK I ) . n.UCK , 4Vd Indlini Infnnt y. The constant drlnnlnR of cutnrrhal mnttur "re. 11 j nose mid thro it Into my sto'iinch iitide mo feul slolc , connect uu my llvc-r nl bowels and poisoned my whole system. also foil very NVrAlv NM < NUUVOt'S ily ho irt vsis very feeble and Irrosnl ir ' ov- inl times every dij I h id ittauks of pnlplt i- lon th it ave me much distils and in inn At tliu'-o time" 1 felt us if 1 could not live much loimcr 1 coal t not lie on my left s du it all is that nosltlon jrc illy disturbed my 10 irt. I had i foulln : of ere-it iirobsuio ever ho hotrt nnd pilns thiough niv chest ami bul My sloop w iMil every uiiiuh dlbtnrbcd il lirofi-n I consulted snvoril phyilolins forrollof ; nit got no bolter until Urs Copoiauland Ehcpird tooU rur c isc Under thulrtre iltncnt ny lintirovcmunt WHS nrompt and sto idy , ind tin now lQttor ) than I ever oxpccttd to ho isnln 1 eat well and have a Rood dUestlon. y hnarr trouble Is entirely lolioved. lalcot ) > voll tnd am much slron or 1 hose sil ] ndld results h io stood the test ofavoarnndl IHTO no p itlunco with people who s ly c itarrh cannot no cuioil I havtihid no return of any of mv old symptoms and f Tcol lllvo unlsluz Ors Copoi ind and bliopud .ill tlio time for tholr system Is. 1 am sure , the bolt In the world " 0 a. Rlonlh. Catarrh treated at the uniform ate of $5 a month medicine sf iir- lislicd free. For all other diseases lie rates will be low and uniform. 1'atieiits at u distance successfully treated. Send for symptom blank. ROOMS 111 AND 3IJ NHNV VOllIv LIt'E IIUILDING , OMAHA , M : W H. OOt'CljXX ] . , M.O. C. b. S3 1112 PAUL ) . M. D. Specialties' O itarrh , Asthim , Bronchitis Nctvons lisonsei ) , lllood Dist.iboa Khuum i- tlsm , Uoiisniiiption , and all chronlu alluc'lons of the 'L'hroat. hun b , btomacli , SKln , LUci and Kidneys Ollloo Hours 9 to 11 a. m , 2 to 5 u m , 7 to 8 p m fcu mi ay , U a m to \ - in HEALTHFUL , AQREEABLB , CLEANSING. for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Spociaily Adapted for Use in Hard Watei A ncwanil complotR treatment conMilliu of gup , ( Untniunt In Cuinutt's , aluo In liut nil 'Ills ' A I'Oslllvo ' rnru for Kxlariiiil Iniernnl , llllin or lllccillm : Itclilni ; , Chronic Iteconl or lloroilltur ; I'llus 'llili remedy hns never licoa known lo fall Iperlior d forJ5p ont by anil U hy snlTi r fron thin turrtblo ( Hsiu e when a written eunrunlca I potltlvoly Ktrca with 0 bires or rufunil iliu inuiiej fnotciiruil' bond at ni > for fraa siuinil ) ( luar nloa UiiiHj ly ICnlin & I'o , druultts ; , solo aiionti Irncr 15th nnJ Kou Ui itreuta Umahik Nob. DH n C WK3TBNKUVK AND niUIN IRKAT rnunt , n spocllla for Hysteria Illzilnena , Tin Nni ralnln , Hc'iUacho , Nnrvous I'nmtnillon cau oilli liquor or tobacco wakofiilneiis Menu I lloprenloi boftmisH of iliu llrnln civislm ; limnlty nilsnry dc cay dumb , l-remuturnO11 Aue , llarruiineii' Losi u 1'mrcr In eltlier > nY. liupjtenty Lcuaorrlioo mind n ! Innialocfikiumot Invulnntnry i.oisus bpe'rma torrlieacainea bi a cr oiortloii or the timln. . montli H tnmtuiuin tl tlforfi by mall We KUM nnuod boxe'i to euro Inch order for I ) Loins | t Ii nlll lend wrlltuniruirnntua in rufuna If notcurn Ousrnnteo Issuuil only by J lii'OJurc 1l.onli rtnu glit , ioloai.ent loulkoaat corner lUu and runini itrcoti Omalm DR. R , W , BAILE' ' Teeth Filled With out Pain by the Latest Inven tion. Tooth Extracted Without Pain or Dangon A Full Set of Teeth oo llulikr for $5.03. $ Perfect fit guaranteed Teeth extracted In th luornim ; Ie uuei luierled la tbe evening of iaai taj , boo ipeclmeni ofltf moratilo Urldite , fee gpeclmoDi of flexible Khutto I'lnta. All work warranted a > ropreiouted Offlco Third Floor Paxton Block , ' Telephone lOBi , l tli and Furnuia Sti Take dictator or ilalrwar from lotU Si autriace. n OF TIIK SITTING OF THK CITY COUNCIL AS A liOAltl ) OF EQUALISATION. To the owners of tholots pirMof lotsnnd ro\l ofttnto nbuttlnxonnr ndjnrontto the a ( roots , allcps or uvcinipM he-rein unmcd or sittuitod In whole ) or In pat within any of the ells * trloU Ii otoln spoclfled : Von nn d each of yon , uro horobr notlflol hut the cl ty council of thn city of Oinnh i wilt sit in a llenrd ot hn | llrntlon. at tbu ofllcuof thocltr clcrx. In the eltv hall , Omaha , Neb , on I'rlday , the 18th d ly of Dcicmher. 18 W. from D o'clock a. in. to fi o'clock ix in . for the purposn eif considering rind e < | imlmtt.t thopro- jio od levy of ipecl il ti\m utnl ii o < meiit us shown by "l'ropo cd I'l ins of Ass sinic'nt" now on Iliu In thu ollleo of > iiil eltv ciurk , anil corructlns tiny erroM thore-ln. and of hcirliiR all complaints ttiat Ihu owncis of property so to bo msi s cd and tnsod in ly imiku , s ilel pedal tines mid iis o smoiits propo- < oil to bo lovlcd liclnu ncciissiry to cover the coil of the' amoral Improvements ( In y nuihorireil to bema ma io and IKIW coinpletotl. as follows I'o cover the cost of datmiucs for israilln. ? Twe-iuy sccontl street from riiirk streol to Nicholas slrce-t. iiiiioiint IIB to thn mini of JIJI ie which s ild sum It Is proposed bv a tc- port dnlv iidopteil by tlio eMtv eonncli , tons- sens pie r ita on tbu real cst no on bolh shins of fvventvsecond street from' lurk stieet to Nli-homs sin e t. acc-or lint ; lo the nsiuu s nllnv hnuk proci'sslo the depth of | | j fict from the strict U iti per font iltll > 'l ' % Tooor the-1 est of ar id In j Ohm si root from I wcntv-soi end stre-ct to the oist linn of Denises addition , .iiiountiim to tlio Mini of Jilli 4ii , nil iih sild Mini H Is proposed bin re port doiy iieloptinl hy llio citj imniell , to as sess on the re il isiateon buth sides of Ohio street , from I ivcnlvsre'onil stieet to the u-ist line of lit ulsi 's iddlllnn pro i i a aevimlln. ! to foot fiuntiiL'o and the nsii i | sc illiiK b icU pio- i ess In di-btli to thelltsl alloy K ito pur foot , Jl ) DJI. To covpr thn cost of trndln ? Mnclinnth ftri-et from Mason stieet to I'lorco stient In Dlsiilct No ti. amountm * to the mm of till i" which said sum It Is proposed by a ie - Hurt duly uelopleel by Ihu city council , to assess em the real e-st ito on both sdesof N'lneHcenth Bttoet from Miuon street to I'lUteo Mrdet , ic-coidinc to foot fiunlaitc , In depth to thu llrst alley us putusiiil sea.ini : back process - c-e-ss Kale per fnot , Ji07ni To ceivor the cost of ft nllni Donslas street from rortv-fmii th stieul to Porty-ei hth si root , in j-riuliiu : ill tilei No . ! ' . amounting to the siimof it MI.n which Bald sum It Is proposed bj u re-pott elniy udoptotl bv the city eoiiniII , to assess pie r.itu nieonlini to foot front me on thn ro il cxtuto on p ich ileloof Dou I.is stteot from 1'orty-fnintli strict to 1 oriy-olfjhth street , accemlliu to Ihu usual seilinu bukprocessto tbo cc-nte-r of block. Kate per foot , totuihs' roeovet the eostof criidliiK Cipllol IIMUIIIO from isth stn ct to licit l.lno i illwii ) In KI ul- Inn district No 01 , iiinoiintlii. lo llio sum of $ ltiU'.74. whluh s ud sum It Is pioposutl by a rupert - port duly adopted bv the e'ltv council , to as- M as pro rat t uccoidliiK to foot fiouliiKUon Ihu real ostatuon u icb Hide of Cipllol uveiniiu from 4Sth stieet to licit l.lno nllvviij iccotd- 1ns to thu asunl su.illnu piiKiess to tbo ( list al ley. Itatu per foot , SMHili,1. I o eovor th" otie-h ilf e-o t ot pi ml In .2 M ison stre-ut from lEtli street , toJOih street , .imount- Inp lothu sum of ifliusi , which siitl sum It ts proposed , by n report elulv adopted by llm u ty council , lo issess on this real eatato on CTch sldu of M ison street from IStb sticot to -Dili strcot pto rata nceoidliu to foot fionttiKu and tbo nsn ilsc illiu bicK mocoss to thu cc-n- or of thu block Kitepci foot , 4) ) iSsH , locovci thu emo-hatt cost ef RI ulln 22(1 ( stiiijt fiom I'oppluton . cnuo lo south lln of lax Tot .10 , section . ' 7. amounting to thu sum of $ .111.17. wh eh said sum It is pioposod. by a re- pnrtdnlv adoptud by thucltv cnnne.il , to as- M ss pro r it i ac-coidlm : to foot front ifeon s thei lual estate on eaeh sldeot ' 'M sticet fiom 1'opp'oton ' avunuu to south llnu of t.ix lot .Id according to the Usn ilfc Iln b ick process in deplh n. feet from bliujt. It vto per fe-ot , JO K ) 7" 'Io ceer Iho onc-l.alf cost of. rridln ; 2.M street from I.oeubt street to fcpcnc-cr btreut. amoiiiitliu to tbo sum of $7Cnti. > , which sild sum It Is pioposud , bv a icport du v adopted by the elty council , to assess on tin ) re il i s- t uu on o 11 h sldu of --'d fiom I .tic'list sucut Ie ) spencui strict , act nrdliu to the usual soiling b iek pioc-css In depth us follows On thu west sldu to the ) alley ; on thu east sldo to the cen ter of b'ock 1 ! itn our foot , tJ > ! 7.ri 'io ( ovui thu ceiat of Kiadlnir Dnpont street and C isiulliir slreiot from o ist line of Diipont I'l ie-e to west llnu of Dupont I'l.ieo in LI iulti4 dlstiict N'os 4" > ana 4 ( > , .imouallni ; io tli. ' sum of t'D7li II. which a ild bum it Is proposed hj .1 reportVjuly idopied by the elty ( ouncll to .IE OSS , pie lata ace-ordlni to foot frontage on the rual csiato on each sldu of Cestollar ind Dupont streets In Dupont I'l ice , accorJInt ; to the usual sealing b ick process In dupth lo thu ( Irsi alloy Kulu per 'tot , 80 71701. Tocovurthu cost of KI ulliiK Amos ivenilo fiom Shetmtin a > enuu to W feel east of thu alley between 10th and llth blicots , nmonnt- liu to the sum of JJ,7lH % which said sum It Is prnnosi ! IJLtv a lopoit duly idotcd | by tbu city council io as ess pie iat < on uae h sldu of Ames avonuu from hburman i\onu < } lobJ fee to ist of illev Lcivvcon 10th and llth succts , .iccordlnj to fool irontapo .ind the usual selling bic-k pioeess , In depth from b.ild sticd 1 iO feet. IJ ite per foot , $ D ubu7 'io eover thu cost of cradliu .illcy In block : ! , 04mplCli' ) < . aeielltlon In KI ulliM district No V > , ninoiintiii to the bum of 9011 , which sum it is proposed by a leport duly adopted by the elty council to assess on the roil cst ito on each MMe of P ild .Uluy pro r < ttu. iceoidin , ? to foot fiont i-'O and tbu usual sc illn b i > I ; pro cess In depth to deplh uf lol Hutu nor tool , JO 7tju. ) : To cover Hie cost of pradlns the illoj in Tu- pnut I'laco butvvecn Diipnnt nnd Caste-liar stricts. from 'JJtli street to the1 wust line eC li.iont ) I'lacc , imounlln io thu sum of $4 > J IJ , which sum It Is ptoposQ by a report duly idopted Ly tbo elty council to assess on the ie il ust itu on both sides of s il alluy pro i < tt i , aeeoidin : to foot frontino and tbo usinl sc il- Ini ; b ick pioce-ss , in cloptb 0110 lot. Kato per loot. $ ) . I'is7l. ' 'lo cover t'-e ' o.ie-half costof Rradlmrtho allej in block U lvuunlo's 4th suppie'incnt.iry addition , amounlin lo thu sum of J'JJ'i ! - ' . vvlilch sum It 1 < > uroposod bv a repuit duly adop cd by the eltv council to issess pie ratu on tlio ie it est no on c ich side of s ild al'ey ' In blnek 10 , Konui/u'd 4th supplementary addi tion , as poi fool fronta-u and thu tisii il se il- intr bacl < piocess In elojith onu lol itato per foot. S , "SJi To cover tbe one-half co > t of , 'rncl in-r II111111- ton sliuul from 4'itb Htrcot to thu Hull Ijlno rallwiv. amounting to the sum of Jl.bySUI , which s ild sum It lb pioposed by a loporldulv adopted b/thn city council to assi-ss on llio ronl estate on uaeh sielu of I ! million stieet fiom 4Hh btroot to the Holt l.lno r illway pro rata. as per foot frontage , according to ilie usu.il soallni : b icit prouuhs. in depth to the lirst allov. K ito per foot , $ l OsllJ 1 o cover Iho cost of radini ; alley 'ti block 4 Campbell s .idilltlon bcin the south ailey In siiil bloc-l < .imounttiu to tliesum of tllf ! ! > ) . which said sum II Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the elty council lo iissc.sa on thu ro.il c'btito on both sides of said alley pro r itu , .is pel foot front w and aeeordliu to ill ? usual SL'ilIn bie-U proee-s1 ! . In deplh from alley on south sldo to llancroft siri'Dt , on north sldu to the depth uf luo lota Hulo per foot , i'J IJJOS 'lo covci thoono-hilf co > tof Krudlny the olluy In block 1 , KOUIII/Q'H 4tli ilditlon. ( amountlni : lo Iho sum ot SJil ( K. bleb s.ild Bum It is pioposod by a ropoitduly .idoptud by the oily council lo assess pior.itaun the ealnui to on both sides of s lid alluy , ns per ootfron t.iRc , to Iho doplh of one lot , ac ord- liM to thoiisuai scullne back uroccss. H.itu per foot. W4sll. | To cov or the cost of gr idliu"Hth streut from rurnum street to Dodso Htieet , amounting lo pho sum of { J4 01 , which said sum It K pro- cosed bynropoil duly mloptcMl by the city fiouncll to.issess on tliu loal estate on both skies of .llth slrcot from DoJ o HI i cut to I'm num strcot pie r.iU , as pui foot fiontaRo anil the usn il scaling buck proc-csn , In dcnlh to thu comer of block , itato poi foci , J J'lHJ ' , Toeovoi Iho cosiof pivliu and c-nihliu In etruet Impiovon.ent dihtilct No , 4 ifl. ( omprls nf Izard olreol fiom Ibtb hlrni-t to.'ld sti out amount- ! ! ) the bum of il' > I1- ) o/ , which said uin. It Is pioposed. bj a lopjil duly adopted by tlio city council to absoss pi > rntii , uceoid- Ing to foot frontiiKO on II o real est ilo on Loin aide-hot Iuu slnut fiom Ihib slrcut loId slrcul , In deplb toe-entor ot bloelf , ni cording tothnjisuil ucatliiR backpiocess it nu poi To'c-oCor the cost of p ivlnr anil ouihlnz Uth street fiom tbo south line of cii ice blicol lo north line I'addock place , in snuut Imprnvc- nic'iil disfiel No .imoniitln to tlio .11111 of flu"i .11. which s ild mini , l Is pioposuel , by a report duly adopcd by thu e-lly e ouncll , to an- sess on tno reil estate on nacli bUlo of llth si rout from liiacu street to noith line of 1'ad dome place , pro rnt i aecoidiiu to foot front- aito and Iho nsutil BC illiu' bauk proi'tis 1- depth thu dlstiinc-u of onu lot , Uutu per foot , J > , Ui/l , 'llio cost of piivinc and curbiiu prl- vatu approiuh toboutso seel to the real estate for whluh It Is laid To covet the cost of pnvhiK nnd curb i\t bhurin.in IIVPIIUU lo ft point Jiu foot north of thu cuntcr of bcclton lln ttrcot Improvement district No. 4U'J , .iinouiitiii { to tbo sum of $ T > . - WM , which sum , II lb proposed , by a report duly adopted by the olty council , 10 assess on tbo pioperty on both sides of Shorniun avo- iiuu in bald Jlstrlct , pro rata according to loot frontacu und the usual scalhiK back process In ile'U Ii 1 i- ! foul 1'iovidud. lliattbat I/art of tux lot Jl l/lntf boiwcon Uinulm lluit railway rlRlitof way and Oommeieiiil street Bbill bu asbcssed for u fronlugo of 110 fcot. Halo put foot. $ fl,510J5 , To cov or the cost of pivlns and curbing of atreut Improvcniunt district No. J' > 5 Uharlrs btroetfrom Thlrly-oUhth street to rortloth btreetainoiinllng to thu sum of I7li.5 IU. wh lu said sum It in proposed by u leport duly adopted by ibo olty council to iisacs * pro r ita on th real estate on both stilus of Ohnr os street from 'I hlrty-olnlith street toi'urlliti street , in depth to II rat alley or euuter en block , uccoiding lo llio UaUiu bciillnu Lick process Kato per foot JJsii5 To cover the cost of pfcvum and cnrbin ; Michigan street from Twenty-third btreot to Tnuuty-foiirlh ulrcot In btreot Improvument district No 410 , amotinttn , ; to tlio bum of $ lIGd 04 , whluh a till sum It Is piopuicd by a re port duly adopted Ly the olty council to a- He-Si on tno ro il esttiioon bulb slilc-a of Mlohl- Ran Btreot from Tweiuv-tlilrd ulrcut to Tnonty-fourlh urect , pro ratu nocordlnx to foot frontline , nnd the usual ucullng b ick pro- ci-is In depth to center of block , Hate per foot , I WJ.'S , The coat of prlvutu approach tc the real estate ( or which H It laid. To oovtr the coit of puvluii and curblnn Shcrinnn nvnnno I mm n point aitlfeot north of I thoconiorof section .1 l\ l t. tollrand nvcnno In Mrt-ol In pro von , cut dU'Met No. 41. nmountliuto tl.e iim ot JI2 , , iti. which s ltd sum It Is proiKHod by a report duly ndopted by tht ! eltv council , to n < scMnn the property onone'h side of Micrmiui avenue from n point I1X ) feotnorthof thopcntorof section ttoUmml nvcnuo , prornta. uccoriltnit lo the foot fronl- nze. In depth from Hlicrmin avpnitn in. foot , us per the. nsiml selling bnck process Hito per feet , tisiu To eover the ci l of pivln * TIK ! curhlrc Iblrty-socoiid streol , from the north line of hit Mill I'lnio \\oolvvorth nveiino In si root Improvement district ! No 411. iininuntliiK to tbo sum of JKSK1S7. which sild illn 11 Ii pro- poie.l. bv a report duly adopted by the pity council , to IIMPOS nn ino nronerly on each tiihiof Thirl ) opoiintl strpeM , fro n north line ofl.uclld I'l ice \\iio.\\orth iv nuc , accnrd- jlU to foot frontaso. and the usual c illni buck ptocrM li < depth ti tltsl illov or ranter of hock II ito per foot , tl 74IU. the i oil of prlviilc ulipruitchos to hoassesstMlto llio prop erty for which undo To cover the < 'o < t of pivln } and e-urbliu Callfoiniaslrcet fiom ntn stieet to Idtlistrcct In street Improvement dlstt icl No 414 , iimimnl- Inir to I ho sum of n"vni vvhUb s v d mini II Is proposed by a repoit duly aduptcil bj Iho eltv council td assess on the ro n e < t itc on eaeh s de of I'll ! foi n 1 1 strep t fiom 1 dhslit et to ( l'i ' stuel pro nt i neiordliu to foot front u-onnd the usual sc illnit b i-U process In depli to the llisi alley us ni r ns i il so illn t It icl , pro- ( ( < Kuto ppi font Jr. ,1 , the pilvuto io ul w iiiiniuntliu to thesiim of jvto'.tobo is- sutsoJ tdtliornil entile idle nlni ; , lo covd thn e-ost of pivliiit and ild sticct from : Mth street to "ili | sticet In si root Improve ) mint district No , 4 IT. sjld n i\ - IIIL' iinnniitln. ! to thn sum of $11 "i .1 and 'bo e tubing to the sum eif ill t < 7 , which ild sums It Is pi iiKHod lij a it-mill dulv udoptcd by Iho oltv cnnni-il to assess nfu'lous ' ' 1 IIP post of ciiiblnt lo bo iis-cs cel to lotfl , bl ie-k li , s.nn | | s addltlii i 'Iho cost uf pivlnt pilv.itn approloh. amountliu to the sum of $ JI 4to bo assessed to lot t , bloo < n. Milnn1addition I'be tial.iiicu of tin cust of pivliiK iimmtit- IiU to the sum of ft , isi7n , to be a oscil on the leal est itb on both shloi of SCHIIII ! init fr.mi Mth street to Jith sliec-t pie rata per foot fiont iliu and In depth fioii sired to llrst iitlej , aecorilltu : to the usu it siillnj ; b ick pio- ccss Unto per fool } ldn7. To cov e i thu cost of pivln ; uul cniblnu of "lid street from I illnhij street to ninth llnu of Mli-hl.'iin stieet lustre t Impiovemunt dis trict No 4III. iimoiiiiliint to the sum of f.11 J.U7. which s ml sum It Is proposed hy a irut 11 dul > adopted by thu city council lo asses j as fol lows. I ho amount of $ "iDI"i to bo asses o 1 em lot 7 , block 101'a , for p evilly uul cumlnc aptirnich 1 ho h ilanco of J.I fil 'I. ' , to be asnossed on the re il ust lie em both sides of "Id street fiom I tuning sticct tu llio noilli shlu of Mlchl an street , tiocordltii : to foot frontage. Ineleith to thu center of block , aciordlnz to thu usual selling hick piocosa Kate per foot l O.VI To eover the eot ot pivlm ; anil curbing Oraco street from the u ist line of the 0 , M. 1' , M & O. Ity rUht of w ij too ist lion of I'ad- dock pi.ico , In strcot. Impnm nicnt dtstilut No .I7J , iimountliiK to thusiim of if.l1.Sii , , which said sum , It is pioposed , ty a report duly aduptud by the city council , to assess on the ru il ust lie on n ich si lu of l.nieo sti cot fro u tbo said ilulit of wav to thn nist line of I'ul- doc-le place , pro i.it i .ts pur fool front iuu and the usual SL illng bauk piojoss In depth UJ feet. U ito net foot , JiUJJI To I'd v oi i ho cost of p iv In j ami cuihliudlh sin et from I'lurco stieel to Hickory stieot In Bttect Improvement tlKiilot No I-1 , amountIng - Ing lo the sum of ? | it1l07 vvhleh si Id sun. It Ispioposed byuiopoit. duly adopted by llio uitv council , to .is ess is followVho cost of piiv ito approach , niiioiinlliu to the bum of } 1 K s.1 , in bo assossu I to llio loil ustatu foi which constructed I ho balance of salil cost to bo assossi-d pror il ion the ie il eatato on bulb hides of b.ild sli cut. ai. cold lux to the- fool ft out i o mil the tun ii se illn b ictnocud" to the depth of b ild district as cic ileil ; thu strips from n ir- lowing the stioois In said dlsti let not conslil- oiedln cilcillalliM the front IKO. Kilo pur foot , JOsJ. . locovor tl o cost of pivlni and curbing C iss struct from J.'d street to JHh sticit , In slrcot improvement ( list ! let No 110. iimount- liu to thu sum of two i d. ) which sild siim.lt Is piopcsed , by a report duly adopted by thei city council , lo asses pie inta per foot fiont- iiu and tlio mil il soiling Iniik pie ess In depth to Ihu liisl , ulloj , Kato per fool , ir.ssll. " To cover thoeostof pixlns and ciiibln of t'ass street from oistilnoof I vvcnly-fouith stieet Io west line of Tivontj-fourtli uticolln sti col Improvement d sti let , No 43 > . imounl- liU to Ihu sum of ! } ln Ii , wlilc-h s ild bum It is proposed by uopoit duly adoplud bv thoclly eoinull , to assess on lot 7 , block 'Oi , city. 'io eover thoeostof constructing usevvurlii sown ! dlslrlc-t No 1 iS amou'illnt ; to tbo sum ofil.OJin which b ild sum It U pioposed by a icDortiluli adopted bv tno i Itveounell. to as sess pro r ita accord In : to foot fiont IKPOII there ro il e-stalo fronting on s ilu be vei. corner lols Inv.nj ; i sever on two sldoa to bo asbesscd for thu lon ei sldo oulv U itu pji foot. ? i * H7I | > 'I'o covet ! the cost oi constriictin , ! a sewer In sovvei district No luJ , iimoiintln ' to the sum of il 717 svh ) eh s ild sum It Is pioposcil by u lepottduly idopted In the ell > council to as sess pror it ion the ro il o t lie adlolnlnij s ild butter iccnr Iliin'to the foot fiontKC \ , and thu iibii -ca'hu ' b iuk process In depth lo tbu Louiulailos of sild district as eru itctl. K itup-i foot , tJ 8001J To cover llio cost of constniciliis l suvver In binier district No Ibl , amounlbu to thu sum ofi.'i4 I.1 which salil sum It Is piopmoil by .1 repoit duly lelopted bvlbu c-IM e-oti-iell. tons- scssproiiti on the foot front i cmil Iho usual so illni ! back process In depth to llio bound iry lines of sild distilcl as croitcd. II no pel fool , H t 'l. 'lo cover thoeosi of construotliiz n sewer In sewer dlstiktNo. 1" ) ) , amounting to ihosnmof WI..M IG' ' > , whie h i. ild sum it Is proposed by .1 repottdiilj adoploii by the-ellj eoiinclt to as- bcss pror ltd aeconlln to foot frontage and the usu il beilln , ; back pioeess to the depth of onolol on leal ust no In s ild district. i'rovldol , I'liiit on coinur lols hiving a suivcr on two bldts they shall bo issessed foi tbu lon sldu only. , Ccrlaln tilniuiilnr lots nro issossed for the ono-balf of front itfo K ito per fool. $1 UI.'H. Tix lot , IJ assessed foi SJlJJsind t IN lot U assessed for f Oiil To cover thoeostof co-istriiclins Connec tions to sew els In sUcetimpioveiiient eiistrlclr , Nos 4111 , Jlil 4J.I , 4l ! > , 417. and 4JI lionet mulct eonti it wtn lohn 1' Diley. amounting to the sum ofisl'iri4 , vvliieb II is piopoied by i repoit duty adopted by the city eobncll to assess tbu co t of each bop 11 ite ( onnuetlim to thu lot oi part of lot 01 idiil estalu lo vvhlcli such con nection Is made , an follow b. To cover the cost of conslrnotlnj connecllous .Obunuru In stiuot Improvement dlstiiuts Not 5 0 , Ul 411 , 4H 141 , 45)IM , 4 % , 4W. KllfT \ and 4"Hn ihocltyof Urn ilia. ainoiuitlliK tolhusum off 101 ) 'iJ which silil sum it ispioposod b/a loportiluly adoplnil by tbo oily oouncll lo it- tes-sonlho lot , part of lot or roil obinn'o which coimoollciib aru made , us pui Ihu ful- o ln , ' list. Dlst. No. Amount. 'bJ It3 Konson'iisub til IU lu II ' " It IB Elizabeth I'laco 1'J 'JJ It la " J2 { US ' K M B'JO ft of 1123 franklin Squire 11 ) uJStt'otUU ; II > HOblK.l Lake's addition J ) .id It7 blk J ' " ° M ItU bU J " J10 It 12 rranklln Square II IU It U ' Jl 1'J 1114 " 1 IU it 13 " J IJ " ' : K" M It 18 ' H | j It7blkl ny Smith'saeldltlon U It It&blkJ " U 1 ° It Iblk 4 " 23 .W It blkt K4blki Tot il } ! OIO .1.1 T o covoi the cost of d nn lees for chingoof undo , helm ; a JiidguiniMit In f ivoi of bohui- poiot , ( Jiaik and Clobiirnu for eh uuoot ur ido eif Llnhtconlh slrcut ti ( m ho ivcinvoitb street to I HI f ( et soulh of M ison stioot , itnuiinllni ; to thesuin of fJ'Jll ,0 , which s udsiim It Is pro posed , by a ic-port , ( Jiiiv adopted by llio elty council , to assess on tlio ic il cstiito on both siili sot l.i litieuih si reel fiom J.o IM nvvorlh slice ! to tliu r illvv ij 11 iht of iv ly pro rat i as per foot , frontage nnd tlio usual sc illiu buck pro res in depth to thu Hist illoy Kilo per foot t ) 7U707 'locovuitho oostof daimnes avv.ndet ! for the opemln ' of I iviintv-sl\ih street fiom Iho mil III line of Nc ( .on s a Idltlon io r.ildwell sticot , imounllni lotbo siimnf jii Uti > , which sild sum It IH preipusoil lya npoit duly ailopted bv tbo elty council , to .is ion i liotli sliU s of 1 \\cnly-sl\th stieet fr-nn I'liiiilnn btreel to ' evv ud stKa-l , as follows ; I lorn e iiinlnsluot , tonorlb line Nelson's aihlltlon tl,4 J1J. at the r.ito of f'41 per flout foot. foot.On lols 2 to 0 In Imivo In .1 losle n 'sub , ! Jil7 is , in , the i itu of * . ' II pur fiont font I'reiiu Uildive 11 lo IU ml I ton sti i Is.SIVJOO , ut the r ito of UJ cents poi front fo it i'loin Hamilton to I h irlos sticets ilO-'OO , it tlm r ito of MJ ( outs pei front foot I rom Cbnrli s to "ait I stieets lJ."n 00 , at thn r ito of 70 ooulfl pur fiont foot. On lot Nil I , .IdOsten's sub. * il S' On lot t. block 11 , Hilnu s ul lltlon l')00 ) Tlioabovo issassmont In depth from I nonty- sixlli Hliect lo ihuillst iniA-of one Ii t only To eov ei tbo eostof consu IK tiii 1 pei m inemt blilowalks bv 1'ord .V Huso , amounting lo tbo sum of * . ' , ' ! I.'u , \\hioii s ild sum It Is propose 1 by a iitporl duly adojitod by the citv council , lo assess on tbo follonln ical ust ito , alonx which s ilil w ilusaru 1 ild : Iot1bloik7J Oily W ! M i.otl ) blool > 7J 1MO 40 Iot7bh ) ( k7J t .IJ M lot 1 block Bl ) 61714 I ot t blook 00 " il't ' 17 Lot 4 block 01 ' i'i7 ft I ldl d blooiJOI4 iJ ) .1) hull blei3lc > Ql " H1 * 17 Totil J"lU2 Tocovcr llio cost .mil Ii H nn i < n of lavlnir pirintiienl htono wains1 by I W IIIIIIHSAC Mins , iinioiintln. to iho sum of * > , , , | i , , which h ilil hum It H piojinscd by a KM ut dulv adopted bv the cilv oiitini II t iss vss i n tbo re i cst ito ilon ivhlih salil wallib no ! id , as folio vs Lot l , block Sll. Cltv t'JI 1"7 lll.h school mounds , biilvvcen "lib an I i'Jd and lotij ] and Divonpoil Ucita ' tl'.10 Ton I t7d o7 Tncdvoi th cost of Htono siilovv ilksiinl bv .1 W I uiii is \ . Jon. iiinoiinliiu l Iho sum of Kn's' , whl h bald hum It Ispionnsid by a ic- poit duly iiiluptoil by Ihu eltv i otin. h to .isi-o-s nn Iho IntH or n ills of lols jiljacont to Ihu nlk laid , lo-wit IJ 7 blk II ) ( iiv 9111 ) > snip nf I ind uiljoiHin ; on e 1st . . . blk 4il City I.I M blk H 107 ( W I ! i , of It 7 blk 51 41 l/ l.fi blk IH7 21J 18 .Sub lot II Ita Uipltol addition lu' ' ) 41 1,1 II bl It 1 fcummlt I IUL'U I'J ' 71 Total t8i hi YIIU itro fnrthor notlllod that H ild "I'roposod I'l inn of Aisossmcnt" uro now bnbjcct lo tbo inspoi tloii and examination of any of llmowii- ( ref i , ild lots , p u t of lots or pn cos " < rual cst itc , or Iho inspection nr evumin ill m of liny oilier ir-on intorcsto I In haul pioposod iirM' sii onU at the ollico of sa ( I n ty cuirk , and lb it by a rupm t of a cummiiu ti ( if hahl eiiiiuclldiily iidouted. It Is pmp it d Unit nn- h-s foi 'OIKI and hiilllulont u nnu a nmy bo oihorw's' in loioil an I ( lulitiiiiliin I tint llio riivl n [ s ild lin n rot onion ta nupci Hvi y lin IIH- ( , o > Mid on Iho suvuial luU , p uln 'f < tH and pleucs of ro Uusl.itu us biioun by fciul pro- iidi ( i plans of asst-iiiiiMit ) on , and o uli of von , art < horuby noU.Ici ) to iippe-ar bcforos ild lloiud of 1 < iu i i/ttion , > il the tlmoanil plaoi ) abuvo spijullod to malc any tOiiipliilnt,8tiitomoiit or objection yoiiUe- slrn uoneornlnx anv of HaUl prupu ud luvlei and ubsuaiiucnls 01 spoelni tutu' . JOHN ( jH'Vi-J. ' : O.ty ( llork. Omalm Neb , Docenibor "tli ISJi 1 > 3 o7t itmfmhTluHihE-S ? ! SFfi'i I fy Iho l > liH l. oniwfu mill < Uf } l l I | UiuU > tini < IUliokll ! > KlilurMltuu - ; ncu , toiKthiHlluii , U ) > ltl'-li ' , fouli bn ath lituduliv , Li aril urn , I ( of i mM | > | lll 1l ( lllllllt | > r llbll | llljllll VJIKWr ilku tl'n plnulv willnw tiiiotlii loiiaiiauvnryillM M risultliiKlromJ Impure blood , or ft fftlluro t > Utu * tnii aIi llvirtrm Itsjlluci lafxiform tlidrpiuiti lunillnii * . Ir < ; i ; I'lvi n loovir CAtliiKuru - - nllijtnkliil'oneMltr ; ml 1'rlro Ly iu ll. I tfruji iinuuiile.lic | ( | , J hS C-IU MfUAI. lo"llbpruoeU ! ) , J .w York J ' > * " ' * *