Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Important Beatrice Litigation Bottled After
Frequent Trials ,
AltrcntloMiorrrutul In Uin Orl lim ! Trans
fer from Clmrli-i It. Holt not StiMnlncil
UtlinrlntrrrMliiK Nehrnakn
New * Noted.
nr.ATnicn , Ncl ) . , Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hr.r. . ] The suit to quiet the
title to the wcsthalf of thcsoutheastquartcr
of section 27 , township 4 , range 0 , known as
Ornblo ft Heai-hlcy's addition to Beatrice ,
hns been derided In" the United States circuit
court of appeals by Judge Sandborn at Min
neapolis In favor of llcarhlcy. The suit was
brought by the heirs of the original owner ,
Charles 1) , Holt , who sold his Interest to
( } U Ueachley , on the ground that the sale
was fraudulent and that undue inlluenees
were brought to bear to compel Holt to sell.
The raso was tried In the United Slates
circuit court at Omaha n year ago and was
decided in favor of neachioyby .ludgc Dundy.
The plaintiffs then took the case to the
United States circuit court of appeals and
again Is Hcarhloy the winner. The derision
Involves the interests of a largo number of
small property ownera who have bought and
built homes In the addition , und thus quiets
their title thereto.
THriiil'M I'm-inrrs Insllliitr.
FniiiN'i ) . Neb. , Dec. 12. ( Special to Tnr.
Br.ri , ] One of the series of fanners insti
tutes to bo held in the state during the com
ing winter will bo held In the Congrega
tional church at Friend , December-0 and ! il ,
Ib'JSJ. with tlio following program :
I Dt-reiiibor 20 , 0 a. m. "lleriMllly In Hired-
IllK , " by I'lof. ( buries \ , . lii ei-snll. " B p. m.
"Iliilrylin : In Nebraska , " by S. O. llassctt. sec-
lulat-.v Htule Dairyman's unsocial Ion. 7tll : : p.
in--"An rdiirallonnl Kllbjeel , " ( 'lium-elloi-
James 11 Canllold of the Stale university.
I let'emn't- ) . 0 a. m. ' 'Ilecs und Honey as
( 'untuned with Aiirli'iiltmo null llorlhiullute
In N'ebiiiski. : " led by \Vhltcomlj , pu-slilent
Ktnlo Heo ICeejifi-'s iissoi'hitliin. ' _ p. in.
"Nebraska and lloitlctilture , " \ ' . . V. Slepbens ,
pu'shK'iil Stale Hiirtlculliiral Miclely.
The evening n eeting ill cnniprisc ! a social
program made up from local talent. The
ability of the pcoplo of Friend to furnish an
entertainment of thla kind is well known.
Entertainment to speakers from abroad will
bo furnished free. Adilmission free. This
meeting baa been arranged for the people of
Siillno and adjoining counties and it Is ex
pected that they will ono and all take hold
and not only make H interesting but profit
Nrlinisleii'H IH'ulh Koll.
Neb. , Deo. 12. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : 15rn. ] Charles II. Over-
ton , aged 20 , died suddenly this morning of
heart disease. The deceased was the only
son of Mr. and Mrs. John II. Overtoil and
ono of the most highly respected young men
In the city.
T-aura Morton , granddaughter of lion. J.
Sterling Morton , died at Arhor Lodge yes
terday , aged I ! . Together with her parents ,
Mr. and Airs. Mark Morton of Chicago , she
came to this city to spend Thanksgiving and
was taken with scarlet fever , the result of
which has changed u meeting looked for
ward to with brightest anticipation into
dccjTcst gloom.
BiiATnicii , N6b. , Dec. 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu Bui : . ] .Tames K Ayres , famili
arly known as "I'ap Ayres , " died hero last
evening , aged 82 years. Ho was tin early
pioneer of this section and was widely known
and esteemed.
Shot In mi Oiilum Joint.
CnKiaiiTo.v , Neb. , Dec. 12. [ Special to Tun
BUB. ] "Doe" Frost , a gambler , shot am
seriously wounded William York , Jr. , a river
man , in a Chinese opium Joint bore. Frost's
friends claim that it was an accident , but
the facts would indicate that the shot was
llrcd in a delirium produced by opium
It is certain that Frost brandished a re
volvcr and pointed It at York. The bullet , n
45-calibor , struck him in the right arm , Just
above the elbow and shattered it so tlia
amputation was necessary.
Narrowly KHrupi-il Death.
GUANO ISLAND , Nob. , Dee. 12. [ Special to
Tun Bt'.K.--Mrs. 13.
] - - Clcary , an aged widow ,
arrived hero from Detroit Sunday morning
and put up at Hotel Palmer , where her sot :
is fireman. Shortly after arriving Mrs ,
Cleary retired for n few hours rest. She
turned out the gas , as she supposed. Abou.
' . ) o'clock her son tried to awaken her and dis
covered that the jet was fully turned on. y
physician was titonco called and the woman' :
life saved.
Will Unti-i-tiilii Visitor * .
BBA.THICI ! , Neb , , Dec. 12. [ Special to THE
Bur. . ] The Beatrice club will tomorrow
night receive and entertain the Commercial
club of Kansas City , which comes hero on a
friendly visit.
Hawlins post No. 35 , Grand Army of the
Republic , is making elaborate preparations
for iin open camp-llro and public reception to
Cominandcr-in-Chiof Weissert , who will visit
this city Wednesday evening , December 15.
Suddenly Itoriuno IIIMIIIP.
NEIIIIASKA CITV , Neb. , Dec. 12. [ Spccia
Telegram to THE BBB. ] M. J. Delph , n.
former employe at the institute for the blind ,
became suddenly insane today and was
placed In Jail. Delph imagines the Lord has
commissioned him to spread the gospel ,
Major IIowcll , a well known character
about town , was today taken to the insane
asylum , The major is well read and at times
intelligent. His mania runs to politics.
Army Olllrur.-i Kli-rtcil. , Neb , , Dec. 12. [ Special to
Tin : Bun. ] Llttlo Phil post Grand Army
of the Republic of this plneo elected
the following officers for the ensuing year :
Charles Hnlstead , commander ; F. Appiegot ,
senior yjco commander ; J. L. Young , Junior
vice commander ; S. Vlelo , chaplain ; William
Hamilton , quartermaster.
r'lrn at I'rciiuiiit.
FHBMOXT , Nob. , Dec . 12. [ Special to Tun
BKE , ] A largo frame building near the 131k-
horn truck and freight depot filled with
baled hay , belonging to Hon. George W. K.
Dorsoy , was totally destroyed by lire this
afternoon , Mr. Dorsoy had fiX ( ) insurance
on the hay which was probably about ono-
third its value.
Sent In tin , Id-form School.
BKATIIIUK , Net ) , , Deo. 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBB.Asa ] C. Ravin was today
adjudged Incorrigible by Comity Judge
Bourne and ordered sent to thu state reform
school ,
An liivaluiililo lU'ini-ily for ( 'oliU.
ShorilT Hardnmu of Tyler county , West
Virginia , was almost prostrated with a cold
when ho began using Chamburlaiu's Cough
Remedy , In spoahing of it ho nays : "Hgavo
mo almost instant relief. 1 find It to bo an
invaluable- remedy for colds. " Fur sale by
Fromilnjj mm Interior decorating ; do-
Blgns mid oHtlnwtou furnhihotl. Hoiiry
Lolimuun , 1508 Douirlns street.
In tlin < ' < > nrt < if I'rlviiti , l.aml Claims.
SANTA FK , N. M. , Dee. 12. In the United
States court of private land claims today
the Sebastian do Vargas grant which covers
42,000 acres in the vulluy Just south of Santa
l < "u , was argued and submitted.
The present session of the court
Journ on December 211 ,
It. L. Long has been npiwlnted deputy
clerk of thu court of private land claims at
Tucson , Arz. , where the court will assemble
February 31 , MM.
A Uhllil inJojH :
The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth-
Jug offeot of Syrup of Hgs , when in need of
iv laxative , and if the father or mother bo
costive or bilious , the most gratlf ving results
follow > ts usoj so that it is the best family
remedy known and every family should have
a bottlo.
Wounilml UU I'rldf.
PuiLADKLi'jiiA , Pa , , Doo. 12. Edmund
liUtz , 10 years of ago , attempted to commit
euicldo this morning by shooting hluiseh I
with ft revolver Ho Is now In the hospital
and the ph.vMMntu f y ho cniinot live.
Yesterday the boy's father and older brother
urged him to find employment nnd Rlro up
his Idle hnbllA nnd 1-Mimmd promlaod to hunt
for work this week. It U supposed the ro-
iirltnnnds ho received humiliated him nnd
led to the deed ,
corixtirox' ( i.i.itmjits ,
Jfrbrnsltn AuDmrltlr * Dotrrinlnrd to Keep
lh < iTiiiiRh Dnu Clncc-il.
Siorx CITT , la. , Dee 13. [ Special to Tun
Bnr. . ] The authorities ot Dakota county ,
Nebraska , nro moving to suppress the dens
of "sure-thing" gamblers In Covington , Just
across the Missouri river from Sioux City ,
nnd connected with it by n pontoon bridge ,
There arc- dozens of brace games there and
every saloon a poker room attachment.
Into which strangers were steered nnd
fleeced of sums ranging from ! ,0 < x ) to small
change. The confidence sharks oven had
notices posted on the bridge to inveigle vic
tims from the crowds constantly passing
over. Sioux City thieves have taken advan
tage of thd situation to draw their dupes
beyond the Iowa Jurisdiction to rob them.
Dally complaints to the Sioux City police by
persons who had been "skinned" have been
received. All the gambling houses at Cov
ington have been ordered closed , and the
Dakota county authorities have undertaken
to keep them closed in spite of the Coving-
ton police , who are belic\cd to bo in league
with the lawless clement.
Sioux I lly's Mlloull Mimiliblc.
Stor.x CITY , la. , Dee. 12. [ Special Tele-
grant to Tnr. Bun. | The row among the city
oftleers over the illegal saloon license ordi
nance has reached n crisis. When Alder
mciiSundound Johnson of the police com
mittee were taken before Judge
Nolan for violating the saloon ordi
nance they ivvengcd themselves soon
after by dismissing Policeman Harris , who
made the arrest. Thereupon Judge Nolan
gave notice to the police committee that he
should refuse to impose the S.V ) revenue line
upon saloon men , from which the city gets
* T > , ( )00 ) monthly , and would line them only $1.
The committee has hastened to the
Judge , has reinstated Policeman Harris and
hereafter the saloon ordinance will be
strictly enforced In spite of aldermen who
go on a lark.
'Miilvorn ( 'alls a .Mlnlitor.
MAIAT.HX , la. , Dec. 12. [ Special to THE
BBIJ. ] At a meeting of the congregation of
the First Presbyterian church of this place
yesterday an hearty and unanimous call was
extended to Rev. K. W. Brown of IHooin-
bury , N. J.
Ignorance of the merits of DoWltt's Little
Early Risers is u misfortune. These little
pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys
pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious
SKTTf.KI ) IT l'l.tCE.Uirr.
KansaH' County Scat \Vnr Kmls Without
LinmuiICnn. . , Dec. 12. There will bo
comity seat war. The people- Springfield ,
while greatly chagrined and disappointed at
the result of the election , will make no en
deliver to prevent Liberal enjoying the fruits
of its victory. The party of Liberal men that
went to Springfield yesterday to witness the
canvass of the vote and to see that no irreg
ularity should take place , returned last night
with the news that u canvass of the returns
showed that Liberal had been chosen the
seat. There was no disturbance during the
canvass and the Springfield people submitted
quietly to the inevitable.
At the conclusion of the cauvass a courier
was sent to Arkalon , where it had been ar
ranged ho was to meet another party which
had gone from Liberal , and where the county
records were stored , there to inform them of
the result of the canvass. "When the courier
arrived at Arkalon a id told the Liberal people
ple that their town had been victorious in
the election , they immediately took posses
sion of the records , loaded them In a wagon
and removed them to this place. No trouble
is anticipated.
Attention Called toMusic In Saloons Vaul-
tloiiK lor Men.
Ill a letter read to the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners at the meeting last
evening Chief Seavey called the attention of
the board to the numerous second and third-
class saloons where they have music to
draw crowds. The chief thought that
music , dnnoing and singing in a saloon uiudo
it a disorderly house , and suggested an ordi
nance as the proper remedy. At the next
meeting of the board the matter will be con
President A. U. Wymanof the Omaha LoaL
and Trust company tiled a complaint against
street peddlers who stand iu front of his
bank and hawk their wares. This mutter
was referred to the mayor and council.
Officer Flynn was allowed ten days vaca
tion and Olllccr Cox five days. Drivci
Dlnecti of hose company No. 7 was grante <
ten days leave.
The resolution of Councilman Prince , in
traduced recently allowing full pay to police
men and firemen who were injured on duty
was read to the board and laid over.
KoniPtliliiK Good.
I have sold and used In my family for sev
eral years Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera am"
Diarrhoea- remedy , and have found it ono o :
the most useful and satisfactory remedies
ever handled. C. II. Lewis , druggist , Sal
Lake City , Utah.
G/.1/ > .S2'O.VK MAVCO31R ,
KlVorts llpliifi : Mnilo to llavo Him Tor Orator
of the Day at I World's Kali'Opiuiin .
CIIICAOO , 111 , , Dec. 18. Perhaps William
Kw.irt Gladstone , the grand eld man of Eng
land , will bo the orator of the day at the for
mal oponiug of the World's Columbian expo
sition , May I. ,
Mr. Gladstone's name has been seriously
considered by the ceremonies committee and
Secretary Kulp believes the committee can
sccuro the famous Briton. Some weeks ago
the name of ICmillo Castellar was promi
nently nientionop. That a Spaniard , and so
eminent an orator as Castellar , should bo
chosen seemed emirently acceptable , but It
was also said that while Senor Castellar loft
nothing to bo desired in the Spanish lan
guage , when it eamo to speaking in ICngllsh
ho was at n disadvantage. Mr. Gladstone ,
although far past the eightieth mile post , is
nevertheless still a sturdy and active man ,
and it is said would not hesitate to cross the
ocean on an occasion like the opening of the
World's fair.
Secretary Iviilp said this afternoon that
the board of control will probably take some
action on the matter tomorrow.
Look out for cheap substitutes ! Beware
of new remedies. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
bus stood the test for nearly fifty years.
XTUI.K .1 CI11L1 > ,
Hold Act of a Kldimimr In u Onli'l lVnnyl-
vn nlii Town.
HAZI.KTUX , Pu , , Dee. 12. The boldest case
of kidnaping over perpetrated in this region
took place on ono of the principal thorough
fares of this city today. A carriage stopped
near the residence of Mrs. Fetter , from it
alighted Mrs. Daniel Hugo. Without cere
mony , thp woman entered the house , nnd be
fore anyone could realize what she was
about , picked up little Sadlo , the -f-year-old
daughter of Mrs. George Puttit. Like a
Hash she darted through the door , xtcpplug
Into the waiting carriage and was gone.
Neighbors nave chase , but the carriage was
soon out of sight and the kidnaper escaped.
It is alkved that Mrs , Pettit was visiting
her aunt , Mrs. Fetter , to escape the cruelties
of her husband , who lives at Handy Run , It
is believed that the women was employed by
thu husband to Hteal thu child. Warrants
were sworn out and officers have gone in pur
suit of the child thief. The affair 1ms
created intense excitement ,
1'rUonern Kuritpo.
KNOXVII.LB , Tcun. , Dee , 13 , Twenty-five
inmates of the Kuox countv work house over-
iwweretl the guard yesterday and escaped.
They were mostly colored , A number of
citizens have been held up and robbed in the
suburbs by these outlaws.
If you have piles DoWltt's Witch Hazel
salvo will surely euro you.
Ilormiui Stoln Tiles His Answer to the Peti
tion of S. W , Christy ,
I'rlnlrd tlio Numo ot n Cnndliliilo Tnlco
On Kitch Ticket I'mlcr tbn Ailvlco
of linlcpriidciit * mid Demo
cratic Committee * .
LINCOLN , Nob. , Dec. 12. [ Special to TUB
ntr..j : Herman 13. Stein , county clerk of
Clay county , this afternoon filed his answer
In the ease of the State of Nebraska , ex rcl. ,
S. W. Christy , against Herman R Stein.
This case was filed the week following the
pencral election on the 8th of November , and
was instituted by S. W. Christy who asked
the supreme court to issue n premptory writ
of mandamus compelling Stein to issue to
him n certificate of election instead of to I. . .
Ij. Johnson. Tlio ccntf-st was commenced by
Christy on the grounds that Johnson's name
appeared twice on each ticket , once ns the
independent candidate and once as the dem
ocratic nominee. Christy claimed that this
was Illegal and insisted that the votes
should not bo consolidated.
In his answer Stein admits all of the alle
gations set up In the relator's petition , and
presents copies of his correspondence with
the chairmen of the democratic and Inde
pendent central committees. Ho had pre
pared the ballot originally with Johnson's
name followed by the words "democrat ic
people's independent.1 On October iiT ho
received notice from the chairmen
of the two committees to the
effect that unless ho printed Johnson's
name twice on each ticket they would apply
to the properly constituted legal authority
for a mandamus to compel him to do so. To
this letter Stein replied that in his opinion
it would bo illegal for ono name to occupy
two places on the ticket , and for that reason
he declined to comply with their request.
He was willing , however , to submit the ease
by stipulation of facts to the supreme court.
Before any arrangement could bo made to
submit the matter to the supreme
court Mr. Stein came to Lin
coln and consulted an attorney of
this city. This attorney advised him that
either form of ballot would bo legal , where
upon ho notified the chairmen , of both com
mittees on October W that "rather thau
appear to bo taking an advantage of u iwlit-
ical opponent by reason of my official posi
tion , rhtivo concluded to grant your request
nnd print the ballots as you suggest. " In
order to make the matter certain , however.
the democrats and independents commenced
legal proceedings in the district court to
compel Stein to print the tickets after their
own fashion ,
JWiulc Assiiriinco Doulily Sure.
After the vote of Clay county had been
canvassed by the proper authorities , and
after a certified abstractor the vote of Ham
ilton county had been received , Johnson
commenced a suit in the district court to
compel County Clerk Stein to issue to him
tlio certiticato of election. Judge Hastings
caused au order to be issued requiring Stein
to issue a certificate of election to Jonhsou.
In accordance with this order Stein issued
the certificate to Johnson. He now represents
to the supreme court that ho has no interest
in this cause save and except as ho may bo
affected by costs , and ho prrtys the court that
the peremptory writ may not issue.
Mr. Stein also files his answers in the cases
of Palmer against Stein nnd Turner against
Stein. His answer in both eases is similar
to the one filed in the Christy contest.
o -
Draw Your U\rn Conclusion.
Mr. J. O. Davenport , manager of the Fort
Bragg Redwood Co. , Ft. Bragg , Cal. , has
this to say of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy :
"I used it for a severe cold and cough and
obtained immediate relief. , In the Fort
Bragg Redwood Co.'s store wo have s > oUl
largo quantities of Chamberlain's medi
cines. " For sale by druggists.
Mnny Altcrntlnits anil I3mi > iiiatl < > ! i > * lirlnjj
JWailiIn tin ; City CliurU'r.
The charter amendment committee met
last evening and covered more ground than
at any previous meeting. A great many
sections were adopted without change and
others were referred for revision. The
amount of the bond required oa city con
tracts Was reduced from double the contract
price to 25 per cent of the price. This was
suggested as an improvement on the old law
which tended to create a inonoinly in favor
of u few contractors.
Tlio section providing for changing the
grades of streets was referred to City Engi
neer Hosewater to revise and submit at a fu
ture meeting.
The section governing the flro and police
commission and the police department were
referred to City Attorney Council and those
defining the powers and duties of the police
judge were submitted to Judge Borka to sug
gest advisable changes at the next meeting.
The committee will not meet again until
Friday evening , the usual Wednesday night
meeting being omitted out of respect for the
Mills meeting.
A Curu fur Croup.
If your children are subject to croup
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy at hand. It Is a prompt and
certain cure. If given as soon as the croupy
cough appears it will prevent the attack.
For sale by druggists.
JiilK Dundy Ailmlnlhlitr.4 Klin-D to 801110
Unlli'd Stutr , Ollrmlcr * .
Judge Dundy sentenced a lot of criminals
yesterday afternoon.
Grace Wood of Alliance pleaded guilty to
selling liquor without exhibiting n govern
ment stamp and was fined $10 and costs.
The costs part of the sentence was the item
that appeared to break the woman all to
pieces. The costs were ? 2TO and she had not
thu necessary coin of the realm with which
to liquidate. She pleaded and wept and
pleaded with the prosecuting attorney , and
was finally permitted to go out iu the custody
of a deputy to see if she could find a friend
or two to help her out of the scrape.
D.ive Barker got fTK ) nnd costs for circu
lating obscene literature ,
Fred Corby got $10 and costs for soiling
Dave Euslow nnd several others were ar
raigned anil pleaded guilty to the charge of
counterfeiting , but tlio Judge withheld sen
Wine ! Drink Cook's Kxtra Dry Cham
Wine I Pure Juice naturally fermented ,
Winol Of forty years record , Try it ,
JColibivl liy All Umployi * .
Nr.w YOIIK , Dee IS. A story wis ; circu
lated today that the Louisville & Nash
ville company bad been robbed by an em
ployo , The reirart brought out the following
ofllcial notice :
"Tho statements about n seriout shortage
in a local ofllco of thu Louisville & Nashville
villo company at Cincinnati are greatly ex >
aggerated. The loss will probably bo cov
civil by the bonds under which these loca
officers are held by the company.
Perfect notion and perfect health result
from the usoof DoWltt's Little Early Risers
A perfect little pill.
Cures Pain Promptly.
mtn prcatMiC tintlll ho
It tint jieot'oiNtiryftu/o iniio/i fie ; > -
Ideas *
in e/imu > m ( innponrf pontfiuifn , ncox'oii' ' . ciirr
mill lint f if JIM \vfifofi f fio"Mtvonnf finif"iiro I lie
iiio-4f po/mfdr , Hiitrfttrstt /iii/i/iy soiifon of the Clirint *
IIIIIH profi/oiii.
Opori /ii'oiil/iji-.s nffor Moo. O.
C. S. RAYMOND , S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas
Tlio Exquisite Natural Flavor Is Fully Developed.
No Vanilla Used to Cover Inferiority nnd Imperfection. j
Weakoess ,
Catarrh or
Rheumatism ,
iChronic ,
Nervous or
II-1 bO , CAUL , ON
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
Tor ttio Treatment of * -
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases
MALI : ) Kn.MAi.n.
PILES , KISTUIiA , KISSUUB , purmiinently cured
without tlio use or knlfo , ll iuuru orfiiustlc.
.Ml nmlmllos of n prlvnto qr UellciUe nature , of
either BOX , iiosltlvuly curuil.
Tall un or ndilrcss , nlth stamp for Circulars , Free
Hook and Itcclpcs ,
118 South IMh Street ,
8 '
Neil Door to rostpfllce.
A Ruddy Glow
on check x\v\\\\i\ili//// \ /
and brow -
is evidence
that the
body is
getting proper nourishment.
When this glow of health is
absent assimilation is wrong ,
and health is letting down.
taken immediately arrests
waste , regardless of the
cause. Consumption must
yield to treatment that stops
waste and builds flesh anew.
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prepared by Scott & Benne , N , 7. All druccists.
Die ?
Wo have Boon those from whom It
sooiond to have departed forever. They
wore these unfortunate bolngs who
Wore helpless victims of
Neruoils ,
Diseases ,
nnd who have tried scores of so-called
doctors without recolylng the Hllghtest
lieneflt or relief , \Vo.hnvP seen these
same despairing mortal * , , after bolus
under our skillful treittnont a few
weekB , Ijocomo fliloil with liopo and
Joy , und
shone In their Bpurldln ; eyes , while
tholr atop waa firm bid''olastlc | ' , their
cheeks lllco rnsos , dnil1'tholr ' voices
stroiis and elcnr , Tlioy had boon
OUHEI ) , liy oiirolforla and our aid ,
If you nro ono of the Hopeless ones ,
come and share In the Joy these re
stored and hiippy inortuUt/ool.
Eonu i cents for a copy of their lllus *
tratod now book of 120 pages.
Consultation Free.
Call upon , or address with stamp ,
119 South 14th Street ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee ;
& St. Paul Railway , as repre
sented on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled Trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. ,
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office , 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASII , Gen'l
Elastic Stockin g-
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114S.15tu.St , ,
, Next to Postofflee.
Wo will eenil you the nmrrtloui
French Preparation CALTMO3
frro. unil a lecul Runrnutee that
CAI/I'IIOS will n < - lor < > .itiur
21ikHllli , Slrviijflli and Vigor.
t'se ft and pay if satis/led.
Addrasa VON MOHL CO. .
Bole Imcriru igcuU , Uueuiuatl , Ohio.
E US AIR ! "
AIR Wltli aa much ozouo is
It will cnrrclilolly oxyzon.
medicated and muunutizod It
( Ills tin ) Hystum wllli a dcllnlil-
fulirlowof licultli. YlKorcmmiB
back appotlto and 200,1 ( linos- _
tlon wait upon It. SpuolHo Oxyweu u null In
ozone , impregnated with a huiilltis balm n
iniirvolnus blood unrlohor nerve ntretuth-
onor constitution builder , germ destroyer ,
roallv ouios-colds. bronchitis , asthma , eon-
sumption. headai'ho.
Hook" Free !
The Specific Oxygen Go. ,
Sulto 610 Sheoy * ) Bldg. , Omaha.
ftrnil 1O ceutB fnrotir 100 papo
Electro-Medical Tbeory and
Practice. "
II. II. 1ILISS , InnaFalln.Innu.
Many Of our A01CNTS lira rflCU.INU from J203 to
KOI worth of
per month. Don't rumiln lille , or on for small
wane * , when you mlulit lie making ninro muna
luui in Diuumar. Apply for teruii , All. Sol , I )
OUKKUCO. , IJj ; 8 ZJtudt. . Lhulha.
Uipltal . $400,000
Surplus . . . . . . $05,000
Gnu-ore and Director' Ilt'nryY. . Yuto , president ;
H. U Cunliluit , vlcu proiluaut ; C U. Muurlcv , W. V ,
Moriu.Jotind. Colllui , J. N , U. 1'atrlcki LewU a.
Hood , canlilur.
who are good dressers who appreciate really
fine clothing who enjoy wearing garments !
that iltand hang on a man as if they belong to
him are invited to step into "The Nebraskas"
suit department today and inspect the elegant
new Line of fine suits designed especially for
the holiday trade. Here are the ever popular
sack the dressy cutaway the single-breasted
square cut the stately Prince Albert double- *
breasted square cuts , did you ask ? "Well , wd
smile. "We areshown'ng a line ol these fashionable - <
able suits in cheviots bedibrd cords cassi-
meres and homespuns in foreign and domes
tic weaves that for style tone and variety ol
patterns would be hard to match at any exclu
sive merchant tailoring establishment. We
show them in blacks blues browns grays
tobacco slate fancy mixtures ; in large and
small checlcs cords- colors
plaids cordsstripes plain
ors ; with binding and without. Thirteen fifty
for an elegant bedford cord cheviot is a fair
sample price. If you want a suit to
in here's the always correct cutaway in
worsted , in clay and corkscrew cheviots , plain
and fancy cassimeres , all wool and silk and
wool ; cutaways in black and dark rich colors ;
in stripes plaids checks mixtures ; a line of
goods designed by some of the' most noted
makers of fine clothing at such prices as four
teen fifty for a genuine clay worsted fourteen
seventy-five for an imported cheviot , and.soon.
If you want to buy a handsome suit for father
for husband for one of the boys
now's the time to buy it while there's lots to pick from
plenty of suits plenty of sizes. Our line of sack suits in fine
goods was never in better condition to select from. All the
popular fabrics made up with some little .extra attention as
reg-ardb linings and workmanship with prices from four to six
dollars less than you'd expect them to be for such suits ,
OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT offers today GENUINE kangaroo
roe cork-sole shoes. Just the thing for damp weather at $3.75
the six-dollar kind ( n shoe stores.
Open Evenings till O o'clock.
1316 'Doimlns Street , Oninha , Are > .
The cmlnnnt miecI'Mtst In iicrvoiii. olironlc prlvnto. lilaoil , Mcln nnd iirltmry III IMHIM. A ropiilnr nnrt
centered frmluntc ; In nifdli'lno. uniltlmnn iiml ci'rllllc.Ui-i show. Ii Mill tru.tlliiK with tnoifroiitunt'iuc-
uh cntnrrli. lost in aiilimul. somlmil wrnkiiOHt , iilelil ID-SIM unil nil forms ol prlviitu illii'uiot No morcu-
y IISIMI Now trunimt'iit for lois of vital power. I'nrulo * uiiablo to v.slt , mo ni.iv I ) ' tru.ituil nt homo \ > T
orri'simiiiloiicu. .MoJIoIno ur Instrmnontn sent liy mall or nxpruti KiMiun-ly puokiKl , no ninrkn to Inillcnto
niitoiita'irMpiidar. Ono porsonalliuorvlow prcferruil Coniulliitlnn Ire" . CorriMpm lo 103strictly private ,
ook l.Myntorluaof Ului sontfrco. onicohuiiM'Jii.m to'Jpm .SiniiliiyalO tolJm. couiHtlumpforruplr
JFoi- Thirty Davs only wo will oltor our entire stouk of Diamonds uud
Christinas Jewelry ; ind Sllvorw.iro ut loss thin iivinufaoturor'6 cost.
Fourteenth and Farnam Streets-
Will move Jan. J. to N. W. Cor. lOUi and Kiirnain. BAKES IOU SALE.
DOOTOB , : MfiB,3SW.
Anil all Wc'nknoB and IHnonlar of
TVT T7XT w' ' " ' I"1" "f ruiirnite. AmliUlon ntnl VI-
111 1 wli lullty. l.iiiliU'i'ii ' yunru ur tlio most ru
irurKiiblo Miruuat * In lliu IruutiiiiMit of tliUi-Iitsi'i of
illneHHCK , uhlch l proven by thu linlvuraiil ti tlino
iiyof thouBnnils who huvu buon cured.Vrllulor
clrculura nnd quuntlun lUt.
1/ttlt mill I'nriiiiin HtH. , Ouirifiii , A'o l >
FAUN AM ST. , Hotwoon ICtU nnd 10th
Havlnz iissinnod the miinuRomcnt of the
Merchants' llntol , 1 will m iko Hiiuh lniprovi > -
munlH nnd dilutes us will make thh IIOIISD
one of the host .it which litslop In Oiniiliu ,
'rhorciulri | > minits .ind wants of all putrou
will bo onrufiillv atteiiilod to Delnu iiius
I'entrnlly luu.itcil thu hotel oll'ors hpccial at
tractions to the tr.-ivulliu piihilo , A contlnu
nnuoof Its former liberal piuiiniazii iHiuipuut
fully uslicil. \V. A. i'A.Xl'ON , Jit
OMAHA , lies. 1 , 1B92.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
40 llooniB at t..M | > r day.
(0 lluoum at (3-0(1 ( pur day.
90 Uruuu mill Until at tJ.UJ per day.
VQ lloomt with Ilatli at UM to 14 60 per day.
-Modern In Kv ry Itumirct.
Nun ly I'uriilKlivil Tliro ) ; liout.
C. S. ERB , Prop.
FARNAM St. Theater
Lthe Itixnc nil Jlixtilx J > e > iil ti > the lluuxa of Success
The Midnight Alarm.
Tlio Eroatest molotlr.unatla prooluotlon of
modern turns.
Matinee Wednesday. _ .
Llku Uomoall Hnaila leads to the Housoof
3 Days , Commonc'liiK Thiirs'ltiy , Doo. 15th ,
Tin ) Itninimllo Actor.
In \YtOilinnlliiinnci ) ( ( :
Matliii'ii riatiiiduy.
, DEC. llfh
Kniiilly .MMtlni'cn Wudnnidny and Thurailay.
The firent nnd Duly I'llOK I ) . M. 1IIII8TOU
JOHN O. PATRICK , Mnimgor.
Ml'LKH AM ) l'ONKH.t3U (
A I'nl'iiK * . N'ovol nnd Inti'iiHoly Inturu tliii ; ICntur *
liilniiMint The Inixnsl nliovv of thu kind uvur or-
k'unlred. mid
Spi'dul 1'ilcin. ICKinllii ; . T.'io. fi'Ja :153 : , iJu ; .Mutl-
noo. 5)i" ) . 3' > o. itSa Clilldri'ii , admitted to tlio uiatl.
iii-o JiirJSc and elvon n KltBli _ I"J.XV UIDK _
Riiioy , soioffloy oral sunfloy , Dec. 16.17 end 18.
Entirely new und nopiilar Hpcutiiuular pra-
duDtlon ,
ANp FI-V. "
Hi Kuropo nt an outlay of ovur
U.ouo , The uruiildst coinpuiiy and mom as
tound In.1 pi-ouiu'tionof nio.iurn llmeH. ( ti puo-
n o lii-llie unit < > u. Tliiia-ilo of huutM will open
on Thurbduy niornlnj at llio new and rednueil
Last Wi'iiU of ihit ll'Jou ' SuicU Company ,
Kathleen lavourneen
CJVW/i.Vli , tlio Dancer mid an Hour of Kx-
oil Html punla lllo.s ,
Mailiioes , CCcj dvonlnvH. 21)0 ) nnd Ilic.
FIRST METHODIST CflDHCH | , . ,5n , rti ,
Sul nriliiy IS\'i > ntiift ( VJot1.7. .
T1U MbXOhLSSOLN ( lulSriil'IB UU. )
C'oii ) ( / - ( C < i1ni > iitiy < tf llttHtiin
iiinlt-r the iiinnii'jtiiiiuiilfuf thu liaJIcs' Mi.Kloil
Bnulutv of O.iuhu.
Admission Door.SI.OO
TluuutJ 1'or Sulu ut thu Door.