„ , - . .ro.iMjtui.iMi .On a-a P | < W WBpMdM ! * ' * " * 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , DECEMBER 12 , 1892. li TWO SUNDAYS THIS WEEK MillB Meeting Managers Arranging for an Extra Session on Wednesday , MANY BUSINESS HOUSES TO BE CLOSED llrrrlinnt * Ajjrco to < ! lie Tlielr r.mploj es u Kprrlnl Opportunity to llrnr tint JJvnn- BfllM III * Sermon to Mrnnml llliTilllt to ! < > } . More than 1,000 men listened toKvangcllst Mills jrstorday morning at Imposition hall. The service was Intended cxclusl\cly for men , not because Mr. Mills wanted to say anything that could not bo properly said In the presence of boys or women , hut because ho wanted to preach a sermon that could bo applied directly to the lives of grown men , and ho wanted room In the hall for all the men who came. There wore no ladles pres ent except these In the rholr , but the sermon seemed to bo very Interesting to them as well as the men. DTho fk-st half hour of the meeting was de voted to music. Mr. Hlllls sang "Yes , I'll Sing the Wondrous Story , " with the assist ance of the chorus choir In a very effective manner. Prayer was offered by Ilev. S. Wright Butler , and Dr. Duryca made a few remarks about the proposed closhig of bus iness houses for a few hours on next Wed nesday. Ho said that the business men of Omaha rc.ill/ed the fact that such an effort ns that now being put forth was from a bus iness standpoint worth n great deal to the city. The welfare and stability of the com munity depended upon the mortality and the Integrity of the people. This was nothing more or less than nn earnest and united effort on the part ot the Christian people of Omaha to awaken a deeper religious interest in the tnlmls nnd hearts of the people and draw them toward everything that was good and pure and noble in human life. As a busi ness proposition this effort commended itsclt to all sensible , law-abiding men , niul ho was delighted to bo able to say that scores of business men of every belief and unbelief I- had expressed a willingness to close their places of business for a few hours on Wednes f day of this \\cek that their employes might have to mid-week Sab liti u ail opportunity t.v enjoy innviv * * Ijuth , u ( lay oT serious thought about their moral and spiritual welfare. Dr. Duryu.i read the following note from Mayor Dcmls : To TIM : HimiNKSS Mnx OF OMAHA , OUECTINO ; ItocnKiilzIni ; llic good Inllitcnro or tliu incnt- Injss now being held nt Imposition hall tinilor th direction of Itov. H. l'ay Mills , ami believ ing that nil clloils ( o i > | uvnle llm moral toiu ; of ourccimiiiiiiilty should liu sustained , \\ouhl iThjifdfully Migjress that the business men of thu clly elosu their places of business nn Wednesday , December H. for a pait of the lay , either fiom 0:30 : to la in. , or fiom 2:30 : to 5ao : li. m. , us may bo most convenient , In order to uflord your employes an opportunity to at tend these meetings. Very i esjiectfully , Gnomii : r. IIKMIS , Mayor. Wlint the Lender Thlnlis. Before entering upon his sermon Mr. Mills took occasion to speak of the Wednesday meeting and the proposed closing of places of business. Ho said ho wanted to congrat ulate tlio people-of Omaha upon the hearti ness with which this request to close hail liccn met. "Hero Is a list of the names of business men who have signed the agreement to close , " and tlio evangelist began to unroll r sheet of paper about ten feet long , com pletcly covered with signature's , ' 'We have in this list of business men representatives o : nearly every legitimate mercantile" pro fcssionnl calling. There arc liomaii Catho lies , Israelites , Christians and pnofesscd in fldels in ths list. I have never in all my life seen a moro general willingness on the part of all classes to help along with the work of improving the inor.il and spiritual condition of a city than that which It manifested by this roll of names which I now hold in my hand. And this Is only a beginning. Wo don't propose to give this list to the news papers for publication until many more busi ness men hnvo an opportunity to sign it. There are scores and scores who will gladly sign it I believe as soon as they have a chance. "Tho idea is to have the business houses closed for a few hours on Wednesday , to give the employes and the managers themselves a chaijco to spend a short time in n.religious service , free from the busy cares of the week , free from the thought that they are taking the time of their employers or that they are losing business by their absence from the stores and ofllccs. Wo want n mid week Sabbath nnd we feel sure that it will bo n ilny of wonderfulMjlessings to Omaha. " The evangelist then explained that where business men felt that they could not afford to close both forenoon and afternoon they could close for ono service only. They might close from 0 : 0 until noon , or from 2iO : ; until fi , Just as they saw piopcr or most conven ient. Most of the wholesale houses would close in the afternoon and thu retail stores would probably close in the forenoon and Iteop open In the afternoon. That plan seemed to suit the business men best. Given n Ohiinrc to Choose , Mr. Hillls sang , "Why do You Wait n Convenient Day ? " and Mr. Mills began his sermon to men. His text was Deuteronomy xxx , , 10 : "I call heaven and earth to.record this day against you that I have sot'boforo you life and death , blessing and cursing ; therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live. " _ This was ono of the closing addresses of Moses to the people of Israel. Ho had been a grpat statesman , a philosopher and a poet , ono of the greatest leaders of men the world over saw. Ifo was about to die nnd these were some of his last injunctions. The evan gelist said that God had given man powers of reason nnd Ho expected to see him use them. A reasonable man must necessarily bo a re ligious man , Submission to thu will of God h-ns a mark of the very highest reason. God must help a man or ho could not bo perfect. In his youth the speaker had started to write an essay on manhood. Ho had never gone past the opening words which , wc-ro ' 'Manhood Is ' " Ho had stopped there be cause the subject meant so much. Ho doubted whether ho would over ho able to tell n half of what manhood meant , The best way to Ilnd out was to let God into the heart , The bpeaker hail oncu heard a niau eay that he was not n Christian because ho was not man enough to lead that kind of a Ufa. That was nn honcbt ami correct con fession. To bo n miserable sinner was to bo something less than a man. God wanted every man to make the best of himself. Some men seemed to think It was binart to live for the dovll until nearly the close of Hfo and then turn over to God the dregs and come In with a miserable wliluo for mercy at the last minute. That was not manly. It was despicably small. "What did ho leavot" was the question which ono man asked another concerning a very rich man who had died. "Ho left H all , " was the significant reply. Many a man who had an abundance of thin world's goods would go down to the cohl river with nothing but a jioor , wasted , shriveled remnant of a soul , The invitation was extended for all those who wished to make a change in the char- nctcr of their lives to rise and ask for the prayer's of religious people , and homo twenty' live or thirty men arose. The cards wen circulated and a largo number expressed 11 willingness and desire to become Christian ! by attaching their signatures to the cards nud handing them back to thu ushers. AT TIII : jiov'ri Miirix : : < j. Croat Turn Out of tlio You lit ; Gimps ti IIriir thu 1'ronrhvr. Probably the largest congregation o : boys over assembled in Omaha greeted Mr .Milts yesterday afternoon at the 12xposltloi hall in a special service intended for tin bencllt of hopefuls ranging In ago from C t < 18. The main auditorium was complete ! ; illlcd with bright fared lads p nearly every nationality , coniploxioi nnd condition if lifo. The colorei urchin sat elbow to elbow with the boy o German or Swedish or Irish extraction. Tin lad of American parentage was there in al his original earnestness and In largo mini l > ers. How they sang I The waves of liar mony that swelled up over that splcndii juvenile assembly was u most wonderful nt tcstutlon to the earnestness with which tlu youth of the country enters upon thing : I'irKual to the extent of his understanding Mr. Hlllls led the singing , hut ho lot the boys select several of the songs. Dr. Asa I cnn ! offered the opening prayer. It was a fervent petition in behalf of the boys nnd young men gathered there to spend n few hours in religious thought and worship. Mr. Mllli read the first six verses of the first Psalm. Ho said that every Ixiy before him "should know these verses by heart. They were not only beautiful but wcro won derfully true. Mr. Hlllls sang "Hnvo Courage My Boy to Say No" and the choir and all the boys joined In the chorus. Mr. Mills said he had not met nn audlcneo that made him feel moro glad than this of l > oys. There wore two things ho wanted the boys to understand at the outset. Ono was that all the boys must stay until the meeting was over and the other was that they must not talk during the sermon. If any of the lads wanted to sleep during the sermon they could do so , but they must not try to go outer or to talk until he gave them permission. Tickets were distributed for Mr. Mills next lecture , Tuesday night on "Dangers to Young Men. " The boys and \oung men present seemed anxious to get hold of the tickets. Putting Some Aihlro to Tlirin. Mr , Mills found his text In the fourth chapter of Corinthians nnd fourteenth verso. Ho said ho knew a few things about boys' . Ho had been a boy once and ho had three boys himself , lie wanted to warn the boys about several things. Kirst lie wanted the boys not to trlllc with sinful things. Ho ex plained how brothers often took different roads in life , ono going in the way of integ rity , honesty and Christian living , while the other took the opposite comso Into sin nnd ruin. It was a good thing for a boy to bo tied to his mother's apron strings some times. A mother usually tiled to lead her boy In the right way , and it was safe for a bov to bo tied to his mother. Mr. Mills told how monkeys are caught by hunters taking advantage of the simian's natural Imitative bent , nnd thus inveigling the unwary animals into pulling tarred boots on. That was Juit the way the devil caught Iwys. Ho persuaded them to imitate grown and wicked men and tha first thing the boys knew they had the tarred boots of Satan on their feet. The speaker warned the boys against pro crastination , It was dangerous to postpone a proper stop. Ho nd\ised nil the boys to become Christians and to grow up good , honest and useful men. TIII : IMVIVALS. .Mr. 31111s Tnhrs Itnltnt u the Question Ono .Man WVnt Out. O Every scat in Exposition hall was taken long bofero Evangelist Mills opened his ser vices last night and in a few moments after the opening prayer standing room was at a premium and the doors had to bo closed. The usual service of song preceded the ser mon. mon.Tho audience seemed to bo especially taken up with the music , moro so in fact than they wcro with the sermon. Ucv. Mr. Mills talked about the foolish people who were sinners and made light of the teachings of the bible. Then he stated that many frowned on revivals on account of the excitement that generally centers around such gatherings. This , ho thought , was wrong , and claimed that iiiuo out of ten middle-aged and old men were brought to Christ by revivals. Then after making this statement the speaker asked how many In that vast audience had been led to the throne of grace by joining churches. Out of the hundreds present only five stood ip and Uev. Mills claimed to have carried lis point that revivals did moro to convert icople than the overy-day plodding work of ho churches. Then ho told a lot of stories illustrating Ifo among tlio toughs in New York and ithcr largo cities , and of course had a moral .o each one. Several small boys up near the front rose 'rom their scats and started to leave ho hall. The reverend gentleman saw hem and stopped his preaching long enough , o order them back to their scats. About , ho same time a gentleman standing near one of the east end doors politely asked the usher in charge to let him out , but was in formed that it was against "orders" to allow liny ono to leave the hall until the services ' were ovo'r. The man who wanted to get out gently but firmly , informed the polite usher .hat . ho was going out even if ho had to kick , ho door down and ho went. Only a few sinners confessed and asked 'or prayers and tiie usual experience mcet- ng was omitted. - o No flowery rhetoric can tell the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla as well as the cures accomplished by this ccellent medicine. a. - A XSO t/.N Cf K.U KXTS. Prof. D. M. Bristol's school of educated lorses , the most prosperous amusement enterprise in the United States , will appear in Uoyd's nuw theater tonight , Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday nights , with family matinees Wednesday and Thursday , at the close of which the children will bo in vited to visit the ponies on the stage and take a free ride. Thcso wonderful mind endowed , reason gifted horses , ponies and mules , thirty in number , accompanied by twcnty-llvo men , a band and orchestra will arrive in their own train of palace cars. It seems almost incredible that horses can , un aided , give nn interesting performance of two nnd a half hours' duration , but Prof. Bristol's horses do this night after night , and send people away wondering more than over where animal instinct cuds and human begins. At thi ? Farnam Street theater opens an en gagement of three nights , commencing Thurs day evening , December 15 , with Frank Mayo in "Davy Crockett , " a rather remarkable drama , which has stood the test of many seasons. The play is one which always in terests , and Maya's portrayal of Davy Crockett , the ideal frontiersman , honest , simple and bravo , never fails to carry with it thu sympathies of the uudicnco. Kudo and untutored , but gifted with the natural in stincts of a gentleman , he falls in love with Eleanor Vaughn , his boyhood's playmate , who was removed from him in early child hood , and roturifs an educated lady. His love Is of that character which is closely akin to worship , and his unselfish devotion , which never presumed to hope for reward , finally penetrated the heart of Tils goddess and brought together the two beings so dia metrically opposed In character. Usual mat- Inco Saturday. M. B. Leavltt's now spectacular produc tion , "Spider and Fly , " will begin three night's engagement al Boyd's theater Fri day , December 10 , with matinee Saturday. Mr. Stuart Hobson , the eminent comedian. comes to thu Boyd on Monday , Tuesday ami Wednesday of next week , ami will present Goldsmith's high comedy , "She Stoops to Conquer , " with an elaborate setting of line scenery and stage neccbsories. Ho will nlsc bo seen in his famous character of Bcrtio , thu 1-umb , in Uroiibon Howard's comedy "The Henrietta. " A Cure for Croup , If your children are subject to croui always keep a bottle of Chamberlalii'i Cough Remedy nt hand , Jt is a prompt urn certain euro , If given ns soon us the croupj cough appeai-s it will prevent the attack For sale by drugglbts. Everybody oats oysters. Dealers cur buy N. Y. C6unts pur can , Sac. Kxtra Selects per can , 2 < 5u. Standards per can , 20o. Favorites per uan , l.'io. Also hulk Standards , solid monte , i wanted , ami celery from -5u to 45o po bunch. Send vour Chrislmus orders a onuo to David Cole it Co. , "Tho Antl- Monopoly Ovstor House , " Goods tin very uobt. No linn allowed to undorsol us. 310 So. 10. h street , Omaha , Nob. RING MACK WILL STAY HERE Ho Succeeds in Getting a Vote to Continue His Revival Services. SOME DISSENSION IN HIS CONGREGATION Tlirro Attempt * nt r Vote finally T.niuli n Majority The 1'rcnclirr Drfoiulu Ills G'oitsrp niul III * 1'cnonal Itccoril. Probably 150 jicoplo wcro nt Eton Bali- tlst church , Twenty-third anil Grant streets , last evening to nttcml Evangelist King Mack's revival , yiio Interest In the meetIng - Ing was not nil the colored oviingollst could have wished for. The feeling that the con gregation Is divided as to continuing the re vival services was very plainly manifest. Uut King Mack Is not easily discouraged and ho came Into the pulpit liist evening with a determination of pacifying the opposition and removing the prcjudlco vhlch might exist against him. lie was not entirely suc cessful , however , and after the services were over there wcro these who yet ex pressed dissatisfaction. .lust before the closing services the evan gelist said ho desired to have an expression from these present regarding the proposition to continue the revival. Those who favored the continuation of the services were re quested to rntso their hands. The response was not very general , and the cxhorter cou % eluded n rising vote was what was desired. But a small percentage of the congregation arose and King Mack was a little nettled but his wits were at work. JIo Counted Quorum. Ho wanted n more general response and quickly stated that ho had put the question wrong , and again invited those favoring the continuation of the revival meetings to rise to their feet. The number was considerably Increased and more than one-half of his auditors arose. "Good , I have got you , " exclaimed the evangelist , and with n triumphant smile ho seated himself. There was notthlng out of the ordi nary in last night's meeting. It was simply n revival , such as may be witnessed lt almost any African house of worship in the land. Tim worshippers wcro not so lib eral with giving expression to their feelings as generally is the case , but a few of them performed their duty in this regard , Evangelist Mack's sermon was not any bet ter than most any African minister wilL de liver. Ho grow very sarcastic at times for the benefit oC these who have not faith in his sincerity , and ho was very plain In giving these people to understand that they wcro missing It and some diru disaster would over take them. Before announcing the text Mr. Mack said ho wanted to tell of what the ministers of humble churches had done for tha cause o Christianity , llo had established n mission on Lafayette street in I/ouisvlllc. Ky. , for fallen women , and had contributed most of the money for the purpose himself. "If any one wants to know who I am and whether I am all right , " said the evangelist , "they can ilnd out very easily. I want you to know mo and it you will write to Dr. Geary of the Grant Street Baptist church , Louisville , he will tell you all about me , or yon can write to Kov. John Frank , pastor of the First Street Baptist church , the largest church in the state of Kentucky. I want you to Ilnd mo out. brothers. I am a Chris tian and I live a Christian life. I hnvo lived n Christian life and no QUO can say anything else and toll the truth. " Didn't Maliu Ills Collection. Mr. Mack then delivered his sermon , which was quite lengthy. His sermons arc not writ ten , and ho took occasion to suggest that manuscripts in the pulpit are a curse and will bo the ruination of the pulpit. Ho waded into sin in Omaha pretty heavily. Ho said ho proposed to hold open meetings down on Ninth street , and hoped to reclaim some of the unfortunate women there. He had tried this plan and found il to be a very successful one. His sermon ended with an appeal to these not Christians to como to God. Two or three responded and asked for prayer. The meetings will continue at the Zion Baptist church , and will bo held each evening. < f The careful mother : ihviys keeps Salvation Oil handy , for cuts and bruises. o .MotorH Wruckcil. An accident on the motor lines at Sixteenth and Webster streets yesterday afternoon broke the platforms of two cars but did not do any other damage beyond shaking up the passengers on the two trains. The switch at the Webster street crossing was open and a northbound train collided with u train bound for Hanscom park. It it sup posed that a passing team driving in the car track had opened the switch. * If you are bilious , take Bcccham's Pills , KAST Olt SOUTIf Olu ( ho AViilmsh Itolllc. The short line to St. Louis and quick est rotito south. Only 37 hours to Hot Springs. Only ! 10 hours to Now Orleans. Only 38 } hours to Atlanta. Only 62 hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding Hist time to nil points east and south. Hound trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Gnlvoston , San Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sun Fran- etscOj Mobile , Jacksonville , Tnmpa , Ha vana and nil the winter resorts of the south nnd west. Reclining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo anil Detroit. Pullman bull'ot sleeping cnrs on nil trains. Daggago checked from hotels nnd private residences to destination. For tickets , sleeping cnr accommodations ami further information cull at Wabash ticket olllco , 1502 Farnam street , or write , G. N. Cr.AYTO.v , Agent , Omaha. Real cRtntc. UurguliiB only. My word is good , W. G. Albright. 621-2-3 N. Y. Life hid ? . - * - Complete New Mode of Furniture , All goods marked low In plain figures. CHAS. SmvKiucK &Co. , 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam St. Frescoing anil Interior decorating ; designs signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lelimami , 1508 Douglas street. t > NKW PIANOS YOU HENT Ford f Churl ton Musiu Co. , 1508 Dodge. - * - Shetland Ponies for sale at Ilorton'i pony farm , Muacatlno , la. o Holiday goods , Fronzor , op. p. o. Gutters of Jicellnttnr lc i iiwltrtMilidiiLftft f < " ( "i' tach additional line ten ctndi. HUSTONfiVccVlO. 1802. Olive , beloved < lailpli tcr \\llluml Kimim Huston , : iged Sjuonihi 13 itiiys. Funeral fiom tlio ivtltleucp , O'J Sn ut'i 17th uvuimo , to J'jo-.pcct Hill , Dei 1'J , uc. 'J p. in. friends Invited. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used in Millbas of Homes 40 , Years tlie Standard , FIRE IN FJCANKLE'S ' GROCERY. Snow liiterfcrcilMtUli the Firemen I.o Atindt 83,000. Flro In the Mn& Meyer building at the corner of Klevairth and Farnam streets , called out the department nt 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon. 'The fire was In the gro cery store of Fmriklo & Moyhow , who oc cupy the corner rooms. On account of itho amount of snow on the ground It was hartl 'running for the hose carts and trucks * but they arrived in n very short time aniVsoon had the blaze under control , Lint's dHlioso wcro run in up the stairway on Klcvonlh street , and up ladders at the front of the building and the lower lloor was completely deluged In a few minutes. The loss on the building can easily bo repaired for fcWO , but the grocery- men will lese probably $1,500 tlamago by water. Both the building and the stock In the store wcro insured. About n year ago the sumo linn , then doing business across the street , burned out and the loss was al most total. ' t llcimoii Ilitrlrili The remains of the late August Benson wcro laid to rest yesterday nttornoon in Forest Lawn cemetery. Tha funeral services wcroconductcd at 10 : ! ! o'clock at the resi dence of the deceased's sister. Miss Anna Benson , 1H1I ! North Seventeenth street , and were of a simple and impressive nature. Many friends were present to pay the last sad rites and joined the burial cortege to the grave. Soap People have no idea how crude and cruel soap can be. It takes off dirt. So far , so good ; but what else does it do ? It cuts the skin and frets the under-skin ; makes red ness and roughness and leads to worse. Not soap , but the alkali in it. Pears-1 Soap has no free , alkali in it. It neither red dens nor roughens the skin. It responds towater in stantly ; washes and rinses off in a twinkling ; is as gentle asstrong ; and the after-effect is every way good. All sorts 'of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. If you hnyo Clnanllnos ! rookies Is unxt your face is to IJIrty. Godliness. How to . 'Cure- Freckles .IN 3 DAYS. MME. M. YALE'S LR FREGKLH WILL DO IT. Since tliob clnnlncof the world pretty fncoi Imvo born tpuilod with freckles und tliu incut licaullfii coinplcilonj liUUlcn up by thuio unsljhlly blcullslios. LA FRECKLA In tlio only cure over Lnomi. Dlncovored by MMK M. VA1.1C , the world-fumed Ueanty and Complexion hptclnllst. .Mine. Vnln Ims trotucU crownad licntl- ol Knropi' , Indii'sof Ins Wblto llou o. an 1 the tclobi rltlc.i of Ilia world.Vrltu her In ronHdcncc. Shu cnn in a ho you beautiful , bhu cnn miiko you young again. Turn Cray luilr to llf imtnrnl color. Nodyo mod nothliuuut mcuiclno. rthBcn develop your Inut.tlll oiityiuireunten elicit , euro you of liny skin blumlih. fpnil for tier fitnioui lieiiuty HookHwlll lii nnillod Jim free. All of Mine , tnlo'a remedial will La tildppe.I you from I'lilcavn , or you ran KCt them from your druggist , llo will Ket tbomfor you. On to your driixcl't on Monday nnleot a bottle of Li : Krcckla , tuko It bouio and npply ItaccorJln * to Ions on.MondayTucHiiar "ml WeJno'dar , and inday yon will not bavp a freckle. Your com- plcilon will tie as perfect an w Tbli la absolutely true. 1'ilcu H.UU. Mme. M. Yale's Temple of Beauty 146 Slate St. , 1 * . S. Send for M M 1C- Chicago , HI. VAI.K'3 vnl uablelloAiity MallDept.52 Iloolt Kroe. KENNEDV'S CAUTION. KENNEDY'S ' Are NKVKH Sold IN IIUI.K , ONLY IN BOTTLES WITH BUY Hutchinson's Gloves I They Inst lonKer nnd wear better than $ nny other inuku. They are stylish , aud made from selected skins only. I EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED ' , PERFECT FITTING LATEST STYLES MOST DURABLE I AND THEY NEVER RIP If your denier does not hnvo them nnd you vrunt to know something about the BEST GLOVES MADE wrlto to the innnu- fncturcr fur his : illti trutt4 book about .JOHN C. HUTCHINSON , JOIINbTOWJi , Jf. V. Tl I li Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. Tlie onljr perfect vagina ! and rectal Bjrrlneo In tti < world It It tlio only Hjrlngo ov cr Invcnteil Ly which vaitl nal Injections run be ni mlnlrtured nltUunt leak I UK u ml tolling lliu cloth lutf or uvcoMltatlnc tlu u > u of a veitol , mid wlilcl ran aUo bo u > ed for recto lujectloru or Irrlvutlon. tWi KUIlllKU HUM ASH IIAUU Mall ortlcri tollclled. TlioAloe&PenfoldCo , lff/i Street , HKXT TO rosTOKKICK riirnlclanfc' pmiTtpllon accuratej ! j > f i red a l w prlcei. DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDICINACUSE 40 FUSEL OIL N This great medicinal whiskey la especially vnlmblo'orca'arrhiil coldsorlp cold ? , nnd all pulmonary troubles. The grip In certain to appear njalti thli season , nnd a wise man or woman will ward off Its nppro.v h. In no way can thU bo bolter dona than by the use of this pure , malt whUU y , which Is the best stimulant In the mirltet. Do not lot your druggist or Rrocar so 1 you nny other whiskey which ha may claim to bo "justns good. " It U not true. Send lor pamphlet to , TI1K UIHWV MALT WIIISICKY CO. , . Uochcstcr , N. V. A M UK IH'M HI NTS. FARNAM St. Theater 4 Nights , lloglnnlng Sunday Mat. Doc. 11. The Midnight Alarm. The greatest molodramatlo production of modern t mis. Matlueo Wednesday. BOYD'S NEW TH.lilA.TRm. ; SUNDAY , DEO. 18th Hnnilly .Mntlnci'B Wednesday ami 1Imrsilay. Tlio Oront nnd Only I'ltOK I ) . M. 11IIISTOU EQUESCURRICULUM JOHN C. PATRICK , Mniinger. Oft EDUCATED HORHKS. QffU Oil MULKS AND I'ONinS.O&l A Unlfuo ] , Xovol nnd Intensely Interesting Kntcr tnlnmont. Tlio InrKost show of tbo kind over or- cunlruil , und THE BEST in tlio WOBXD Spi'Clnl Prices. Ilvmhii ; , 7. > c.Mo I So 2" > c ; Mntl- nce , 5)c ) , 33c , 25o I'lilldrnn. ntlinlttrd to tlio mail- nee for 2So nnd KlvonnKltnu I'OS'V HIDK y. pn. c. fi. HAi fe ] -\y \ ST P AYs lOEG. * I Spoclnl Uotuni nn n oment of .Anf/ior of I'tirmIIKS. . Subjuct "Ilcttor Times. " Interspersed with orlRlnul poems. Ke orvcd sea's 7."c nnil $1. On sale nt Chnso it Eddy's , 1ii : S. 10th St. . after o a. in Thursday , Kec1" > . Como early 114 the demand Is sure to bu Immediate and continuous. FIRST METHODIST CHnRCH . J TUB MENDELSS01IS QUISTliTIE CLUB Concert Com/m/i.v or nilcrlliomnmizoiiicnUuf the Ladles' Musical Society of Oa ha. Admission , , - SI.OO Tickets For Sale at the Door. ( Tlnse rinru. ) SL * " & Ho H v KID GLOVES . _ _ _ _ The above brands fo goods for sale by The Boston Store , N. W. Corner 10th and DouglnB. U. S. KI OS7TO7V. OMAHA , A'/iW. apltal $ / ) 00,000 Surplus , $ ( ! 5,000 oniocrn nnd Directors Henry \V. Vntcs , proslrtont : I. C. Cunlilui ; , vlcu prcsldont ; C. H. Muurlcn , W. V. ilor o. JolmS. ColJlua , J. N. II. 1'utrlck ; Lotrla a. llccd , cnblilur. cnblilur.THE THE IRON BANK. AIINAM ST. , Between 15th mid 10th Streets. \Y. \ A. PAXTON , JR. . PROPRIETOR Hnvlns nssutnod the management of the IcrchitntH' llolol , t will nuiko such Improve- nontH ami fhniiRos us will inaUu this hoiiso no of the host nt which tostop In Omiiliu. Thorcqnlromoiits ( iml Wiiua : of nil patron will bu carufullv iittondud to. liuhiK mna cntrnlly luo.itud this hotel ollor-i sjieclul at raullonato the traveling liuhllc. A cnntlnu incoot Its former liberal pr.tiotmL'o IB roipuct iilly nskfd. W. A , 1'AXTON , Jit OMAHA , Dee. J.1S93. The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel COR , 12TH AND HOWARD STS , (0 Itooms at (2.50 per il.ijr. 0 Itooms at ! 100 per dnjr. SO ItrouiB ivitli Until at 13.09 per dajr. SO Hoonu with Hath at tJ.SO to 14 60 per dajr , OPENED AUGUST 1st Modern In llvury Uoipoct. > \vly I'lirnlnlieil Throughout , G. S. ERB , Prop. DR , R , W. BA1LE1 Teeth Filled With out Pain by the Latest Inven tion. Teeth Extracted Without Pain or Danger. A Full Scl of Tcelh oo lluMw for $5.03. $ Perfect lit guaranteed Tuetli extracted la tbi tf.uwouei Inserted lu llio criiula.- eaiu , Hee tpecluicnt of Honiovable l. fee ipcUraeni of Flexible Klantlo l'l t , All work warranted as ropreicnted. Office Third FloorPaxton Block , TclcpbonolOSS , ICth and k'arnam Sti. Take elevator or lUtrirar from KtU St. iiuiriuco. GENTLEMEN who are good dressers who appreciate really fine clothing -who enjoy wearing garments that fUand hang on a man as if they belong to him are invited to step into "The Nebraskas" suit department today and inspect the elegant rifew Line of fine suits designed especially for the holid-ay trade. Here are the ever popular * sack the dressy cutaway the sii de-breasted square cut the stately Prince Albert double- breasted square cuts , did you ask ? Well , we SHOULD smile. We are showing a line ot these fashion able suits in cheviots * bed ford cords cassi'1- ' meres and homespuns in foreign and domes tic weaves that for style tone and variety of patterns would be hard to match at any exclu sive merchant tailoring establishmelTt. We show them in blacks blues browns grays tobacco slate fancy mixtures ; in large and small plaids checks cords stripes plain col ors ; with binding and without. Thirteen fifty for an elegant bedford cord cheviot is a faiii sample price. If you want a suit to DRESS UP in here's the always correct cu'taway In worsted , in clay and corkscrew cheviots , plain and fancy cassimeres , all -wool and silk and wool ; cutaways in black and dark rich colors ; a in stripes plaids checks mixtures ; a line of goods designed by some of the * most noted makers of fine clothing at such prices as four teen fifty for a genuine clay worsted fourteen , seventy-five for an imported cheviot , and soon * If you want to buy a handsome suit for father * for husband for one of the boys now's the time to buy it while there's lots , to pick from plenty of suits plenty of sizes. Our line of sack suits in fina goods was never in better condition to select from. All tha popular fabrics made up with some litfle extra attention ag regards linings and workmanship with prices from four to sii' dollars less than you'd expect them to be for such suits. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT offers today GENUINE kangarl ! roe cork-sole shoes , just the thing for damp weather at $3.75 u the six-dollar kind in shoe stores. ] , All of the Railroad Companies Centering in Omaha have agreed to bringas many as I can sell. If they can do it they are dandies. Remember I do not sell at retail , but supply the largest concerns all eve * the west with RUBBER CLOTHING.FELT BOOTS , GERMAN SOX , MACKINTOSHES , etc. There is fun ahead , but no betting allowed. If you are on my side have your shoe dealer SEND FOR LISTS and DISCOUNTS. T , OMAHA. NEB. To Bring Home a Bottle of It is an indispensable household liquor , recom mended by physicians as strictly pure , rich and wholesome. He can get it at any high-class drinking place or drug store. DALLEMAND & CO. , CHICAGO. ILL. 1Q1G 'Douglas Street , Omaha , Arot > . The eminent pcclallut In ncrYotu. rlironlo. private , blood , nkln . and urlnarr ( llioaiM. A regular anfl . cnl tiered irmduato In innllilne. mnjIpltMim * and ccrtllliate * ; liow. In itlll trimtlni ! with lliUKre . teitiua. e calurib , lo t manhood. Miulnal vte ki.e , ulubt loeee nnd all forms at prlva udUen ' > p " " > ' 1 inert. Kcw treatment for low of vllul power I'artle. uimblo to vlull me nmy b3 trolled . at bomo bf orrunpondonce. Wedtclro or In.lrmuenu n-nt by mall or o pre jeuurel ) packed , i.o luarku to luaicit * . . o Jiltnta or nenUor. linn personal lnt rlew priTurred Coniultutlonfrua. C'orre < poiiJtmcu ( trlctlr prltoto. ooMSIiteilt of J.IJoicntlree. ) Ollltououriiia m loVpui , KundayilUu.m. lolzm. coud Uuipforr pir REMOVAL SALE. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , I For Thirty Dava only wo will offer our ontlra Bto k of Diamond * nnd Christinas Jewelry and Sllvorwaro nt lo tha-i manof.ioturorM cost. Fourteenth and Farnam Streets Will move Jan. 1 , to N. W , Cor. ICth and Karnara. BAKES VOll 8AI.U.