* 8PBCIHL NOTICES. > VKimSX.MKNT8 Volt"TIJK.aK Cof.fjMF : . Al will l > n tnkpn tintll 1J:80 p. m. for lue nvenlnff finritintlU Vv m. for tlio morning or similar cdf' Ions. > 'o ( irtvorttfrmpnt taken for kts thnn 25cent for lie firM Inffttlon. All m1rcrll omcnU In them colnmna 1M cenUa * ord fnr thntlri > t Insertion and 1 rent a word for ftfutoPiupnl \ < Innorlloti , or II M per line per tnontli TcnnncMli In nrtrnnco. Initials , Knurrs , ffrntxils , etc. . ench count an n ttoril. All mUertleo- tncnt * must run ron rcntltHf. Artvcrllserf , t > r ro- tliirM'na n numbered thock.rnn Imrn Ilic loltorn mlclrrfi-cil to n numbered loiter In caru or Till : HUE. Anuwcrs * n mldrr-ftfrd will bo delivered on the l > rc onlntlon of tlio check WANTED-MALE HELP. 1) SUN \VANTKI ) OX BAl.AltV. OSBVIH > CAN JJIrnrn quickly. Apply nt lilBDoiiitlm. 4011)10 J-AOP.NTS WANTKI ) , BALAHV PAlllVKKK > ly. ntHnccr olllco. 40llin ti MAN WANTKIl , HAI.AUY AMI KXPKXSHS. J'Pcrmr.nctit pi nro , whole or pnrt limp. Apply nt Olid' , 111 on n llros. Co. , Nurserymen , Clilrnso. 627 d _ n-AdK.VTS' SNAP ! M.W1 ' ! > J5.UO HAY HtJIIK. J'Acluio Oocueiiour , 45H Cbnrles * t. . Omahn , Kel > . 1 > S\l AKY ( lit COMMISSION TO AI1KNTB TO J.'hnmlln Hie I'ntcnt Clirinlrnl Ink Hrmlng Pencil. 1 lie niott iifrftil nnd novel Intention of the nee. ] : rn c Ink thormiKhly In two fccoiul . Works Ilka tratilc. 2iutofUicr cent profit. Aiienl * mnklnu I.VJ per neck , Via nlco wnnl n ppnornl nccntto take cbnrfe of Icirlltiry nnd apt-dint mih agents. A rnro tliniuc lo lunka money. Wtltu lor tvriim nnd n nnm- | do of rrnHUtf , Monroe Eraser MfK. Co. , X SH l.n CrCBfe , Wli , 775 ) WANTBK. FIIIHT-CI.ASH COACHMAN . 'Apply W , U. Mlllnrd , Oinalm National bnnk.MffiS MffiS * n-AlKX18 ( WK WANT MK.N , WHO AUK At , . .1'rcMljr ItavellnK rnlcpinrn , to carry our liibrl tnnts na a Mdo lint ! . Nnino roftuences and terrl tory , Mntiufacttircrn Oil Co. , Cleveland , l' ' . .M 15120' ' MX' MKN KOIt Till ! SOUTH ON U. S. IIOVF.IIN- incut work In TPIIIIOBMM' . Kramer , V o'llparn Labor Ani'ncy.SOll ' South IIHi Mrect. .M2IO I2 11 AdKMH WAMTKD , PIIIJI > KNTIAJ I.IKK J'lns , Co. , food p y. Apply luum III. I'rpnzor Hock , oppo , I1. O. M270 JIO' > -iilWT CIiASH MKAT COOK WANTKIl AT 'l.lndpl llotol , Lincoln , Nnh. M37I 13' WANTED FEMAT/E HELP. C-WANTKU. LADIF.S OH YOUNG .MKN TO tnko light , plcnsnnt norknt their oirn Iiomrs ; 11.00 to fi. ; < W per ilny can lie quietly nmdnwork ; ent Ijy tnrllt no cnnvnsMnif. Kor pnrtlcnlnrs ad * dtPKB ( Jlolio Mfu Co. , lloxU31 , lloston , Mnss. Ks- Ubllthi-d IStO. * 3Uii Illl * -COMPI-.TKNTdlltl , KOU CKNltllAJHOUHK. . c work , li'iCO yhcrimin avenue. 1'JI ' cC C -YOUMI LAIIIIIS CAN BOO.Y ACDUIHK A working knonleilco of BhorthnnU nnd typo- nt Vnn Snlit ' 51H N. Y. l.lfe. -WANTUD-COM I'KTKNT onu , KOU crnl lioUB nork In fnailly of tlirco. 110 B. 21th ctoniiu. Mliiil 12 _ C-ANYONlt WiatllMI 11ONA KIUI ! IIOMK KM- pluyiDpnt to uiirn 15 tollfi ) weekly , npmu tlmo or ptently work without cntirnKsInK , pund uddreaH to II. 11. Wilson. Kail ItlTt-r. MUM. m202 12 * WANTKD , ( ,0011 C.lltb FOU (1KNUUAL ( liuufcnoik. filOS. 87tli struct. M2J U * C-WAN FBI ) . ( ! OOU NUUS13 UIIIL , AT 4W North XlnliitrouU 1C7-IO * C-WAKTii : > AT ONCM , TWO YOU.Ntl 8AI.KS- iRdlen to toll Quell lintml ciTc.-iIc , Thlllnn only th ( > Inrtior cltlen , In compnny vltli several salcv Indlci , on a snlary. Must hu IntclllKCiit , of KOOd nddrcss : itlvo the lieit of rcforcnees. Apply to J. W. lluntvr. Milliard hotel , from 1 to 2 p. ni and from U to 7 p. in. MV81 13 FOB BENT HOUSES. FOU I1KNT , BVIIAMK DWTLIjINKH COKNKU of Dodpr r.nd litli nnd 17th nnd' Capitol nvfinio ICIcrcn rooms vnch. Near new putlolllco tllo fee II. R. CInik A Co. M253 1)12 ) J ) -FOU IIKNT. NO. 211.1 CAl'lTOl. AVKNU1 ! . iiioiloru. 'J ho O. ! ' . Davis Co. , ISM Furiiain at. I''l TV-A iiAiuii : LIST OK CIIOICK IIOUSKS , . -Untores. Hals. etc. Houres from J3.W ) per month nnd up. ( icor o J. 1'ntil. lt'15 1'nrnani. olk-il-15 * " ! NINi : UOOJI I1OUSIS. MODKUN CONVKN- J ' Icnrcn , nnlor rent | iiild , 125.00 pur month. .1. II. Whei-ler , room 417 Knrlmch block. M487 rv-roll HHNT , MODHltN 10-llOOM IIOUSK , ALL J-'convtiilencci ) , HYO lulnulPB * walk postodlco , slrc-ct curs rut" lllu door. Nulliuu KlivUon or 1 a. tklnner , 1UI4 Fnrnnm st. 620 ICKlllT-ltOOM DKTACI1KU IIOUSK. MODern - ern ! I'CBt ' iii'lchborhond , r.U Fo7en rooms and born , 1'ark avcnuo , t 'O. U. K. Dnttit , 220 So. 17th street. M083 ( lv. _ I-\-A DKSlllAlILK 11OMU OK U ItOOMS , KUIl- J-'nlDlicd or'iiiifiirnlKlit'd. ' 1'nrtlos colnx to Cull- lornln. Apply on promises , 1112 South Tenth at. 776 D KOH HUNT , UMIOOM IIOUSJI , SOU CAS8 , f40.0Q. llccil A b'elby. Hoard of Trade. 773 I J3 B-HOOM CO1TAUK , 3112 MASON , U-KOOM ousc , modern , 31st A MuBon. ApplyiiU58Mns < iii. 777 rv ' "Oil HUNT , HOUSES IN ALT. PA UTS OF .L"cltT. The O , F. DavU company , IMJ5 Fnrnani t. 778 Tl-FIATB , D\VHLI.lNtB ! , COTTAQK8 IN AI.Ij jJparts of city. Kilkenny & Co. , Continental lillc. . 780 JD -FOU IIKNT , D-HOOM COTTA H ON MOTOlt line. Apply S. W. corner'.ah nnd Douglas. ,81 TV-HOUSE OK U IIOOVS. ALL MODKUN CON l venlonretf. pleiiMintly located near business con' ter. Apply 1SUU Chlcnito et. , or L. S. Hklnu'er , Kill Kuril nm. ; 78' ' D-NI5W7-ltOO > l CO'ITAGKS ; 11ATII , HOT AND cold water , all modern ImprcivcmenU. 2 > o > lrablo location for linnlncbn men la lieautlfiil Stanford Circle. Convenient to Omaha and South Omaha. Apply C , H , KlHUtt'jr , r 4 , Now VurU 1.1 to build Ini : . 7&1 Pk-I-'O" UKNT. NKW7-KOOM MODKUN 1IOUSB , -l-'nlrcly papered , near \Vcit Fnrnnm car. Dr. Mattlce , Douglas block. M821 TFOU UBNT .MV IIIIICK 11OUSB. NO. 2703 J'Farnnm streetalid brick barn , complete with every 6onvcnunco. Warren Jl. Itoeers , 1821 Far- nam it. MSi'J TPk-lMlOOM llllKMC IIUII8H , f23 ; .20T1I AND J 'DodKo ; orcry convenience , Keys 2001 Cnpltol nvonna. MI2312' 11 TWO Sl.Y-UOUM IIOU8ICS IN WALNUT .I'lllll. city water , ono block from motor line , M.WJ. Oninlia Iteal Kstnto acd Trust Co. , room 4 , Jloo | 3 IN KAMILlHBi SATISFACTION 14U N. 17th. M203 12 B-KOIl ICi.NT : , 6-HOO.M COITAOH , KID a. ZIST ntreet ; city wntor and cistern. Apply nt SOU IluniRr building. ili5l-l3' : REMT FURNISHED ROOMS. 1-3 IIOOMM ON 6T , MAUY'R AVK. . 1 -LjfnrhautieU'Cplnif , ground tloor. U. F , llutti , WJ b. 17th. E NF.WLY FUltNISIlini IIOO.M8 FOU LADIKg or eiitlemcii. Inqtilro nt ll'lt ' ) UodcP. 617 SOUTH IIOOM , SOC8 11AUNEY. M3W 1)15- J'-KOU ' heUKNT , KLICdANTLY KIIUN1HIIKD , Bluiiui heated rooms Mi ri. Kltli tt , iaI E-NIOKLY UOOJI , 2010 DAV15N. port. MJ7S 171'LKASANT PUUNIrillKU J'UO.NT UOOM JfU\lmonlh. 1121 N. 18th. M247 13 FUJlNISHE KOOMS AND BOABD. i > . .iioM ( ; , Vntl ONH Oil TWO (1KNTLKMKN with or without hoard , prlvutu tnmlly , con Teulcnt to I'xrk uvenuo cur , ! lul'J l < oarcnworth , _ 143-13' TUB IOIAN,2UI ) > AND 211 N. 18T1I ST. 411 1FUUM81IKI , ) UOPMS AND IIOAUII. 201. ; -L1 | > ouil ! s street. M101 17 * \j 11)11 ) IIKNT WITH 110AUD , A FUUNJSIIKi : J front room KUltablo for two Kentlemon. 2011 California utreet , HO li _ F. KOirilM.NT , FU11N1H11KII UOO > 1S WITH Oil wllhout bonnl. 1707 Dodso street. Mll 5 13 N1CKI.Y KIIONI J- room Mlth ulcoxa niul Lay nlndovr. All modern convenkMiccs. llonrd ; prlvnlo fnmlly. IJ22 8. 2iitli treut , MSOO IS' ' f 'lilUKUFIIUNISIIIil ) 1100M AND llOAItl ) J'yiW Douulas. . . Li family without ciifuifmi ; ajui"Kuru" tu , "inqnrr ( C.4 Paxton block. 765 Q- i'HCO.Ma'A'FlSOrCALrFOHNIA bT , 003 W n-FOIt HK.NT , TWO Oil TIIIIKU UNFUII VJulshpd rooms , wllli all luodorn oinveulencos tin Hunt liuutektmi > ltiK ! rent roasoimbla. Call ire irtli.-Bril tloor , MV73 13 TKoi HKNT. ' "f UU-8TOIIY IIHIOKVAIIK' Jhmnn with tracV.cc. Kuqulru J. A. Creliihlou , ITS 1st National 11 , . k bldf. 1UODI7 _ l KOH UKNT. i'lIK i.S'fniTFillUCK UUILmNo" JUIU Kurnini t. The bulldlnKlnu n llreiToof ca- Iiicnt t n > ijfiit , campleto ( teniuboallnx flxttires water on nil tUuilcort , * . . ulc. Apply nt th3 otuci l Of The leo. ! VU _ IDlVN TOW.N I CoilNKH KOIt UAIIUKU SHOJ1 Kstahllslicd trudo.VtUht A Jjuburj , 10th anc llownrO. 77 -UIIIt CTOUY IJItlCIC 11UILUINQ M KKK1 wlde. lilr ; llainey trKt. m 1TOirilKKTTAYKII V 1 > U3IIIAIIIK _ IIUILDINO lUllnblB for a warehouse , with st blo In CODCC tlon , Trtcrnpo front nnd ranr. Addres * K. A CnrmlctiAol , cure of UcCorU , Urndy & Co. Zl5 3"5f 3" IOCM o DBaiTItocnT fo tbo tvl * | > bon . slv ui bait. g aud Jn. Tlco lluoui K. l' Usr oa bluot , 17IU sniil irarnam ilrogU. STORAGE. M -8TOUAOR CIIUAf. CLKAN , WK.I < 9 , lilt Ffirnnm street. JSfl WANTED TO BUY. , -WANTKD TO IIUV SOMI ! PF.lt CRNT i first inortRliKOi , llccd it Sclby , 331 llonnt Trailo. 737 .T-WANTKI > T.MItVKiilNlTUItKANHIlOtm * TsT hold good * , 14J Dodge. M.'ilO IUJ - WILIj PAY Al.t. CASH FOU STOCKS OF 11 ilry Koodi. clolhlnit , honts nnl "lior . cruccrlc" . No cummlMlon. Alex. Moore , 401 Ileo hide. 'V WANTKOTil llt'Y , FIIKSI1 JBHSKY COW. .x > Inqulro IUI ! ) Fnrnnm. _ llp-lv V T > ' - rr.KMKNTTlUSINrSS WANTKD.VIMi ' - ' pny cash. Van I'nltcn ; llnnrd of Trade. FOR SALE FURNITURE. h-oALiY A T "A hank furniture , aim KOOII burnlnr nnd tire proof nife. lnqnlrn American s-nvlnes bank. \ > M FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC , , 1J-FOU SALIC , A NKAIILV NKW DOUIILH 1 sprlne express waeoii , liorsihnrnom nnd bunty ; nlso it nearly new net of crenmery toolp , conslnttnu of butter worker , churn , Howe ncnle , truck , rle. , nit will Ixrohl nt n trcr.itncrlllco. . Addrcia n. U. 'Imcliurk , Ileoollleo , or call ntHJX ? Mlnmn utrect , wheto Roodn can bo ( ten. 1TWO IIKAVY WOllKIIOItSI'.S , WKIUIIT I about 1,2ml ; nUo onu line Orlvlnx horse 4 yearn old. Fidelity Loan nnd ( iuurnnlen Co. , room 4 , Wlthncll hulldliiK , corner IMIi nnd Harn0y street. IJ-VOIl 8AI.K , .MAUK AM ) COLT AT HALF J their value , Nebraska Loan Co. , I3IU lional.n street. MIVO-12 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ( \ FOU HALK CIIKA1 * . A Mt-IIOItSl ! I'OWK.ll Wniitomntlo cncenos nlso on 12 horse power up tluhl cnalno ; both In K'totl ' repair. Inquire of Fest ner Printing Co. , 13U7 llonurd street , Omaha , Neb. 783 MISCELLANEOUS. n-TFOU UKNT , LA 1U1I- : HALL FOU SOOIKT1KS , - * - tuoetlnKSor lectures. Apply at NO'l ' Dodnn. 87 6J-1 Fdll ItKNT-FlltSTCLASa CONOVKIl IM ANO R Jj per month to uond party. Address K. W. II. care Drover's Journal , South Omnhn. M274 17 CLAIRVOYANTS , c MKS.'NANNIB \ WAimiwJrcLAi u vo v ANT , Orollablo buplnois medium , llftu ycnr at ll'J N ll'.tli. iS'J 1I1IS. Dlt.M. LKCUAVK. I'UOI'HF.TKRS. DKAD S trnnce clairvoyant and llfo reader ; tells your llfo from cradle to uruvu ; can t > o eunsnlted on nil urTnlmof life : has the celebrated Kuyptlnn breastPlate Plato to unite thu separated nnd cause marrlago with ono you love. Come ono , coma all and bo con vinced of her remarkable powers. Olllco nnd resi dence. 417 i * . 11th * l. , hours ( in. m. to a p.m. Strict llfnchnrt nnd pliuto of your future wife or bus- hand gent throiiKli mall for $5.00 , chart alone JJ.OO , All lettera coiitalulni ; 4 cents In stamps promptly nnnwcred. IXS ) 1C' MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rP-MMK. HTOWK. MAI1NBTIO HKALKIl , 203 JL Douulas block. Cor. lUth ami Dodicc. rp-M.MK. LAUUli , MASSAOU. 410 S. loTII ST. , Urdlloor , lint 4. MI7I ! 15 < 'P-MMK. OAltBON. 1121 IIOlir.LArt STUKKT , ill ) JL-Hoor , room 7. masjaxe , iilcohol. sulphur nnd sea bnths. M170 15 * Ti MADAMK SMITH , 1321 CAl'lTOL AVBNIMC , lloom 3 , Hd Moor , M assa o , ulcohot sulpliur nnd sen baths. Ml'CJ 1U * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. r-O. F.KLI.KN1IKCK,1IANJOTKAC11H1I ! , N. W cor. 16th nnd Hartley. Uainuy street entrance. UI4 Lr-CO TO WISlllSll'S MUSIC IIOUSK , ! V > I2i 17 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \\r-LAHOH IXIANS MADK OM OMAHA. LIN- ' ' coin. Council Illuir.i bitslnca property ; ti per Dent. Also small loans. OeorKuJ. 1'mil , IOIJ Farnam. 370-d.lS' 17 MONKY TO LOAN O.N IMI'ltOVHD CITY T property , low rate. A. C. Frott. Doutjlas hlk. 7'.i7 \\r-l.OANS ON IMI'llOVItl ) AND U.Ml.MrUOVKI ) i city priipcrly.f3OCO nnd upwnrds.ii to 7 per cent. No delays. W. Fnrunm btultu A Co. 15th and llnrney. 7WJ \\r-7 I'CU CKNT MONKY NKT1O IlOIlltOWKUS ' on Omnhn city property. No extra clmrjicn of nny kind. Why I' ' " ) ' hlph rates ? Money Is cheap. You ran net full benefit of low rates from ( ilobo Lonn and Trust Co. . lIHIi and Dodco , 7' ' . ' W-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKK3 LOANS on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In email or laruo suiim for short or lonK time. No commission IB charged and the loans nro not Bold In tbo east , but can ulwayH bo found at the bnnk on the comer of 13th and uouiilns streets. \\r-ANTHONY LOAN AND-JUUSTCO. , 318 N. Y. * T Life , lends nt low rntos for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farnm or Omaha city property.TJ3 TJ3 r MONKY TO LOAN AT LO\V1ST 1IATKS. The O. F. DnvlsCo. , 1T05 Farnnm Ktrout. 7'J1 CBNTUAL LOAN & TUUST CO. llisi ! HLDO. \\7--UKAL F.8TATB LOANh , 0 TO 7 I'Kll CUNT , v T no additional chnr es for commission or attor ney's fees. W. 11. Melkle , Frst National liank bldR. \\T 1IOHTOAUB LOANS LUSB THAN 7 PKll "i cent tncludhiK all chureo. . Charles W. Haliier , Oninha Nut. bnnk bldit. 705 Vr 1 AND2-Y15AIILOAN3O.VCITV AND FAUM mortgaKCs. Heed & Selby , 3l Hoard of Trndo. \r-LOANS ON CITY PKOPKItTY , 0 AND 7 PIJH l cent. IS. F. Kinder , 1519 Fnrnnm. MO3 ! J3 * W MONKY TO LOAN , LAND TO S1CLL , liotises to rent , ( loorgo M Coatos. \ \ pnLOWKST llATKrf. F1D15L1TY JIIUST COM- pn ny , 1702 Fnrnnm strcec MUM r-C. F. HAHIUSON , 01 ! N. Y. L1FK. 798 \\r I'HIVATK MOAKY , 1ST AND2D MOHTOAI1K 'I lonns , low rules. .lex.Mnoro , Ileo bldit. 801 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. _ CALL AT THK OFFIOK OK IOMAIIA MOHTOAOK LOAN co. : : INCOIU'OIIATED , You cnn borrow on HOUHKHOLD FllltNlTIIIll'i AND PIANOS , IIOIISKrl , WAI10NH AND CAHUUGKB , WAUKllOUSK UF.Cini-JV , MUltailANDISB ( III ANY OTHKIl HIICIJIUTY. Wo will lend yon uny amount from HUM to $1.000 ON TDK DAY YOU ASK FOU IT. wllhout publicity or romovwl of property , > You cnn pny thu money bark In any amounts you wish , and ul nny time , und onch payment so made will reduce tha cost of the loan. llcmciuber that ) on have the imo of both tbo propoity and thii money , nud pay I or U only as loiii ; its you keep It , There will ho no expense or cliarcn kept out nf the amount wnutcd , b.ut you wlll.rccelvo the full nmoiint of the loan , Iluforeborronlnic itlnawhoro call and see us and yon will llnd It eri'titly to your ndvnntnKO. OMAHA MUHKi.UJi : LOAN CO. Iloom It , Crohihtnii block , 2d ttoor. , , HI South l.Mli. next to postolllc. TIlUOLDUrtT. LAUUKKT ANII ONLY IKCOR- POUATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. MI75 _ V DO YOU WANT MONlCt THE FIHI3MTY LOAN ( JIJAHANTUB CO. , UOd.M 4 WITHNKLL IILOUK. SOUTH Hill COUNKIl 11AU.NK.Y ST. WILL \ LOAN SUM \ LAUQH FUOM \ TEN WB MAKK LOANS ON KilltMTIIIU ) , , UAIllllAUKH , WAUKIIOUSH IlKCKIlTd Oil I'KU- bONALPUOPKUTY Of ANY KIND. _ /TOD / WILL / DO WBLLTO / IALLON /ca jfiusT / ron. / OUUTKIIM3WH.LMKKT YOUll APPUOVAf. . You can pay thu money buck at any llrne'aml In nny amount you wish.n'nl thus .reduce the cost of carrrlnc thu loan In proportion to amount you pay , IF YOU o u n hahiueo on your furnlturo or other portonal properly of any kind , wu will pay It olffor you nnd carry linn lonti as jrou diiilre , YOD CAN HA VI' YOUI1 MONKY IN ONU HOUIt FllOU THK ' 1 1MB YOU MAKK APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property no that you net the use of both inoucy und property , IW X MONKY J.OANKO CI1KAP AT YOUIl OWN time. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Douglas st. 801 _ _ _ X -WILL LOAN MONMV ON ANY KIND OK HB- curltyi strictly coulldcntlil. A. U , Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 6Uj X-1'KITCII Alll ) , 51 DOUOLAS 1)LK. 1041)01)015 , bed _ _ VIO KY-3g. CO. W DAYS. CHKAl' UATKS - < Vend easy ptfments. on furniture , pianos , lire clock , etc. . wllhout dolsy or publicity ; cash on baud. DutfOfeeu , room a. Barker block. 601 _ BuilNESS CHANCES \r WANTKD A YOONO MAN TO TAKK AN 1 interest la k wall established prlntlnR tiuslnessi ouvvho Uopatle of keeping books nud do gen era ) o nice work ; must come well recomtuenled and be able to furol'ti tore * capital. This Is a good chance ( or tb * right man. AUdreis B u , U e ooJc * . BUSINESS CHANCES. OmllmiM. Y-X > lt HALK Oil K.XCllANdK , A HOOD 1UISI- iifMnllh Ibo renl dutntn In Omaha , ( iond ro.i- tuns for polllnz. Address 707 Now York Llfo , Omahn .Neb. M8I.S D2V -IIUUO STOCK. MUST HE FOLD ON ACCOUNT of death of owner. Uooil opcnlra ; 1,000 popn- Inllon. IlUrnnh discount to neil qnlck. Vanl'at- ten , 1'onrcl of Trade. IFfl-14 * V-TO MKIlCIIANTSi "AUCTIONBKH. " MKIl- 1 chanlsde , ! > lrlnK to quit hnslnex or rcilucn stock I ninkfl n upeclally atictlonecrlnit nil kinds mrr * ehnndl o llpsl retorenco. For terms address L. W. Newell , Ion n City , la. M2.M I.V V-WMXW STOI K of DIIY (1OOD8. ( CLOTHINd , -L hoots nnd shoes nnd furnishing Roods , for snlo nt n bargain It Inken soon , KO.uou stock of clothing , Ron In furnlslilne eoods nnd hoot * nnd shops , new , nil bounht within the la t Mxty days. Will sell for 70o un the dollnr If tnkcn nt once. tlll/JU stock of hoots nnd shoos. Will sell for 700. Hood clenli stock. fl.KW mock of clothlns nnd cents furnishing ROOds.Eond clcnn stuck and wood location. Will sell for C&c on the dollnr If tnkcn within the next ten days. llruK.iltn In stocks of Roods (2,000 to fl'flOOO. Henry 0 Smith , Falls tlty , Neb , M275 12 V ViNllin TSK ! s"6I'KNTNrFOU ; MAN WITH JL Jj.U J c sh nnd rome property. Must bo n busher. Nebraska Uxchango Co. , UcebulldlnK 1039 FOR EXCHANGE. y-CLKAIt OMAHA IlKAL KSTATK Kllll MDMK. , /Jaclunl valuation. Money to loan. Uox5l3.Omaha. HM V-I OWN 100 KAIIJIS IN NKHIIASKA. KANSAS / < and Dakota. Will sell cheap , or r-xclmntfu for merchnndlse. horses mid cnltle. Address box 7 , Hankturt , Ind. MSfil V-l HAVi : VALUAHLE IMPHOVni ) AND UNImproved - / Improved farm lands to cxchanxo for Fouth Oninha or Omnhn property or lot farms within 60 miles of Urn nh n. Have oimof the bent of stock nnd lirnln fnrms , 1)00 ; ) nrtpa. hnlf Innlnler wheat nnd rye. nnd'J.'iU hcniloftlno Hoctt. nil elenr of encitm- "irnnce , to exchnnciifor rcnl estatoand tnluht pay ( Hnu cash ( MtTcrenco for Upslrahlo property. Do * c/ll'O your property caiofully , price , etc. Address ox737 , Omnlin. Nob. MR , " . ' ! 1)25 OMAHA PHOPKUTV FOU property In southern Cnllfornln. Call or ad ilrcss. nlth lull pnrtleiilars , (1. L. ( ireen , room 48 Darker block , Omaha. 7 > ' / 4SO ACUKS OF CLKAII LAND IN ONK OF /Jthp bo.it < Inter wheat districts In Kansas to or- rhninio for 10 or M ncro tract ncnr Omahn city limits. Will pay cash dlilerenco If property Is Kooil. Address , ijlvliiK Price nnd location , O20 , Hco otllees. 205 Z-iinUOO ( IKNKIIAlj MltltCHANDISB AND store ; want ronlly and cash ; sales , (24.000. Ad- Itess t ! 43 , Omnhn llee. Mlta 13 * rIHAVK3 STALLIONS HOTHADK , NOUMAN nd trotter , pHco K.OOO. lllscly , Shcnandonh , la r/-llKAUTIFUL UKS1DKNCK. COUNCIL HLUFF8 /-Jand f..IiO'J cnsh for llnnscomor Kountt Plncorcs- Idencui llutcblnson & Wend , 1023 Fitrmim Htroot. M2GM3 y-KLKOANT it-IIOOM UKSIDKNCK , KVK11Y AJmodorn convenience , on Booth 2Sth st. near cnvonworth ; must leave city ; will sell cheap ; , ermn to suit ; can't bo beat. Nebraska KxchanKO Co. , llco bld'p. MZ48 17 Z-FULLY r.CJUlPPKD UllICKYAUD AND ION- trnctliiR business for-nlo cheap ; n uood time lo buy ; Kood reasons for sclllm. ; It will pny to Inves tigate. Prlco { 4.UUU , pnrt cash , balnnco tlmp. No brnsUn Uxehnntcu Co. . Ileo building. M24t > 17 ACIII3 PUOPKIITY AND T1NU KKSIDKNLIS Z In Central City. Nob. , and 320 ncro farm near by ; linn opportunity for sheep raising and poultry farm , small fruits , etc. , etc. ; this will hour thu closest Investigation , you can't llnd anything better - ter ; will exchange for { S.OOO general merchandise stock. Nebraska Kxehanuo Co , Hco building. M24I1 17 Z SI.U'JO ' In cnsh and bnlnnco In elenr lands for JIU.OOJ slock of general merchandise. Ncbrnxkn iclmnKO Co. , Ileo Hulldlnu. M''iU 17 Z 12.000 In rash and bnlnncc In clear Nebrnnkn lands for SM.oiW stock of Kcnernl merchnndlnu. N'obruika Kxclmngo Co. , Hco building. M2IIM7 y-1010-ACHK NKltllAKKA ItANCH AND fJ.OOO AJcash for n f I5.0JU utocU of general merchandise. Ncbruskn KxclmiiKo Co. , Ileo Hulldlnc. M24U 17 Z FINKST KKTA1L DIIL'G BUSINKSS IN Omahn Annual sales over { 23oir ) Stock new nnd clean. A urcnt barguln for short lime. Ilest of rensons for selling. Prlco { 20,000 ; nboul S10.0IX ) In cn h , balance Rood , elenr Innda or llmo. Ncbrnskn Kxchnngo Co. . Heo llulldlng. M21K 17 y FINK OMAHA FLOUll MILL FOUKXCI1ANOH A/for clear N'obrnskn nndlown Innds. 1892 sales , $1 1,000.00 ; prollls , 20 per cent ; price , ! 10,00000 for u short tlmo. Itcnsons for selling , other Interests outside clly. Nebraska Exchange Co. , llco illdg. M24IJ 17 y-FINK I1OTI5L , FULLY KQU1PPKD , FINK HAIl /J $2.500.00 worth of stock , doing $ # 5.00 per . .day. Monthly profits , ! ' _ ' 2S.OO. Itent rcasonuble. 1'rlco $7,000.00. Will oxchungo for good clear Nebraska lauda not too fur west. Ofter open for few days only. Reasons gor ncltlng , 111 health. Nebraska ISAchungo Co. . Heo Hldg. M240 17 y WILL OIV1S GOOD NK11UAS1CA Oil COL- orndo Ian < < a for stock dry goods , furnishing foods , chocs or hardware. Address S 49 , Ileo. M''WMS * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. r > IAL JCSTATK , JLV llurgalns only. My word Is good , W. U. Albright , 621-2-3 New Vorlc Llfo. 810 FOU SALK OH THADK , 2 OOOD LOTS IN MT Pleasant addition within 2 blocks of motor lino. Will take good upright piano or will sell equity Inlets lots very cheap. Address nt once a 1 , Dee olllco. AT A HAIU.AIN. A FKW VB11Y FINK LOTS IN llrlggs add. at a bargain ; only 5 lulu , walk from Hell line or slreet car In Omaha. Address K. .1. & Co. , Galena. I. 674 D2J * STOCKS OF MDSK. FOU LAND AND cash. K. K Ulnger. I61U Knrnam. Jl 4i ! 1,1- \VANTKD-OWNKHS TO LIST OMAli/t I'llOP- I orty , ncrcago nnd farms Hint are bnrgulni , either for Biilo or exchange. 12. 1" . lllngor , I61'J Fnrnnm. MU52 13 * 20.000 ACUKS CLKAII LAND FOH SALK 11Y THU owner. Several lurgo tracts ; would mnkontlrst elnss investment to hold for the rso | in prlco. Might oxchnngo some of It for Inside property In oiunha or South Omnhn , or aero property or u good fnrm near Omnlin. If you wish to exchange de scribe your properly , price , olo. Address box 737. MK5 D25 OK A KIND , I1EINO A PAIll OF SNAPS IN Orchard Hill. Sco Spencer , Hoard of Trade building. RHADTHI8-MX1I8KF.KT WITH 5-HOOM COT- tnge , (10 per month Hlthout Interest. No nay. intdonn..Ittle , llroun block. Ml'JT ' AN KLIGANT : OMAHA HKSIDKNCK , FINKLY located , dirt cheap ; price , (17,000 ; K.030 cash , balance to suit. A grand bargain for the right man. Nob. Kxcbango Co. , Heo building. MUI8 17 T OIt SALK AT A HIOHAliaAIN.NF.WCOTTAai1 ! . 1.9 rooms , 3 bed rooms , parlor , dining room und kitchen on llrst floor. City water , soworngo nnd closet conveniences ; will bo sold for SI.OW less Ihnn It Is worth. I.WO cash , bnlanco longtime with Inluri'at ICSH thaa 7 per cent , or wll | rent It for (2.lUOper month for ono ycnr ; choice location. Inquire of Willis Gates , iftnd and California su 219 13 O KXCKLLKNT LOTS FOU HALK CI1KAP OX 3.IUhstruct , south of Fnrnnm. Do you cleslro to speculate or build ? Think over lnl , Neb. Kx- chiiiiBB Co. . llco building , M810 17 T7CW SALK Oil TIIADK. COHNKIl IWxIItO , OH- L1 chard Hill ; Corner lOOxlW Ambler Place , both clear , Klther cheap for cnsh , or will oxchaiiKU both for uooil rental property not heavily encuiu- berud. Hue Spoucer , Uoard of Trade bulldliiR. MiUI-13 17AHM ClIKAP-fiO ACHKH 20 MILKS SOUTH ; -L wen of Ouialia , t3,200. C. J * > > Harrison , UU N. Y , i.uo. lai 10 ' ' ' HORSES WINTERED. HOIISKS FBD AND CAltKD FOU , tl MONTH UP , U , Ii. ( Jans , P O. box W , South Omaha. 7C3J3 HOItSKB FKD AND CA1IKI ) FOU fJ.GO PKll mouth UD. on farm two miles south nt South Omuhn. Address Goo . U. inns , 1' , O. bor 130 , South Omaha. 170-12 * DRESSMAKING. NOXAOKM"KNT TO lio'niiissBMAKiNa IN fniullles solicited. Miss Sturdy , SiWI llurnwy St. K3-IM2' AFI116T-CLABH DllKSSMAKKIl , JUST FIIOM Ihoenit. would like work In families. All work guaranteed. Address Uox 3M , Oninlm. M278 12 * If ! TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Kent or Exchange. J3J3SVdn tliG MEQEATH STATIONERY CO. , /'JOJ I'lirtiiiin Rtroot , Oiiittlui , A'ob. YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU ! Wellcoma and have thorn examined by our optician reoof ihariie. andIf nurassary , lilted with a pair of our-PKUFtCTION'1 Hl'KOl'ACLfdor KYK ULASS- bU-thu best In the world , If you do not neol glasses we will lull you to und alvlto you what to do. UOLI ) bPEUTACLKS or KYK GI.AbSKS KllOM 13M UP. I'Uln. tmoko , blue or whltoglaitet , for protecllnif tbo eye , from MJou pair up. Max Meyer & Bro.Co Jewelers and Opticians. ILK FllttibibtUtit * "ImproveriEieiit is the order of the'&e. " We never expected , In our most snngulno mo ments , such nn Increase In our snlcs ns commenced on the 1st of September. The Smith Premier Typu Writer I' having onormotis nlci which arc wldo nnd fer-reach Ing , Those nro the reports wo nro receiving from our many branch olllccs. Send for n descriptive uatnlo uo. Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 17tn anil Famam Sis. , Onulu , Xcl ) . E. II. MAYITKW THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.ar , riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agenr. In the trcntmcnt of nil forms of JPrivat © Diseases. And all Weakness and Disorder of T\T17"\r with loss of CournRO , Ambition nnd VI- 1'jLlj.LTl tnllty. Klghtccn years of the most re- mnrknblo HUCCCSS In the treatment of this class ol dlsca&Ci ! , which Is proven by the universal tcitlmo- nyof ihoupnnds who have been cured. Wrltofoi circulars and question list. null lfnrnuin St-s.t Oiniilin. Both tlio inctlipd nud rcsjills Syrup of Figs la tnkpu ; it la plcnsnnt nud refreshing to tlio tnsto , nud nets gently yet jiromp.tly on tlio Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , demises the sys tem cflectnnlly , dispels colds , head- nclics nud fevers niul cures Imbitiml constipntion. Syrup of Figa is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , plonsing to the tnsto nnd nc- ceptnhlc to the stomach , prompt in lia notion nnd truly bcneficinl in its cffectfl , jircparcd only from the most healthy nnd ngrcenblo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil nnd hnvo mndo it the most populnr remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c nnd 81 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who inny not have it on Land will pro cure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to try it. Do not ncccpt any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FKANCISCO , CAL. LOUISVILLE , AT. HEW YORK , fJ.V. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM Female Weakness , Catarrh or Rheumatism , Nervous or Private / W" Diseases. b SO , CALL ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Kor the Treatment of Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases MALK AND KEMALB. ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES , ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND DIS EASES OP NO MA.TTER HOW LONG STANDING OR HOW OFTEN PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. ItfERVOUS BEBILITY I'llUS. FISTULA , KIPSUUH , permanently cured without the use of knife , llKnturo or caustic. All nmlndlcs of a prlvnto or delicate nature , of cither sex , positively cured. Call on or address , with stamp for Circulars , l'"ree Hook am ! Recipes , ' 18 South isth street , SQnnrlno , Oiimliii. A' Next Door to PostolMco. O en ! "l have made a trial of the LON DONDERRY LfrHIA WATER , with special reference to its effect in cases of insomnia , and I find it de cidedly beneficial in such cases as are connected with the artlnitic predisposi tion , I have used it for several years , and I like it as a remedial agent m re leasing \\\t \ secretions of the Kidneys. It is a pleasant drink also. I think it is a blessing to the clttli men. At any rate , that class of 'high livers,1 whose diet is not confined to the narrow limits of pleLeianism , are gradually recog nizing LONDONDERRY LITHIA WA TER as their nostrum. " From IIIlXltY M. LYSIAN , A. Jl. , M. D. , Professor , of I'hyslolocy and Diseases of tlio Nerves In RUSH Jlctllcul college ; I'rofosor of Theory nnd Practice of Medicine In the Women's Medical College ; author of "Iniomnla ami Disorders of aleeii , " &c. f OP AEIi Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , , NASHUA N H. , Clias. R I'orklns , ScllliiK Ants. , Hoiton , Jltus. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Distributing Agents. What Can't Pull Out ? Why the Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled Keystone Watch Case Com pany , Philadelphia. _ Itjirf > tects the\Vatchfronithe _ _ pick pocket , and prevents it from dropping. Can only be had Sold , without extra charge for this how ( ring ) , through Watch dealers only. Ask your jeweler for pjun- phlet. or send to makers. WE OS AIR ! " AIR With as intioli 010110 SB , It will cnrr ? clitofly oxyuon.j ineUluatcd und mnL'nctlrutt , It\ fllls tlio iiyslum with a delight ful slowof health. Vl oroonies < baoU appotlto uiul Kuofl ( llos- ( tlon wait upon It. Bjioolflo Oxygen la r.cli In ozone , improitnatoi ) with u liuallnx- balm a inarvalnua blood onrtchor ncrvu stienjtli- enor constitution ViiillUor , gonntlevtroyor , ronlly onres-colds , bronchitis , asthma , von- duinptlon , licaduche. "UxyRci llook" 1'reel The Specific Oxygen Co. , Uulte 610 Bb ely Bldg. , Omaha. CHASING THE FESTIVE KID The Onriotn Warfare Boinjc Waged on Our Southern Frontier. TRYING TO MAKE A GOOD INDIAN The I.lfo History of Kid tlin Aii plir. the Trim llrnilunln of it ( lnvrriiinctit School \Vlint tlio Attempt lln < Unit. , Once there was an Indian baby on the San Carlos reservation who wns lucky enough to attract the attention ot the arronl'a wife. His Apncho motlior used to tilt his bnskut up against it troc whllo she worked in the iitfont'H house niul leave him in chitrRo ot u eortiiln yellow dog until it was time to take him back to the tepou at nlfjht. Ho hail n name tlnvt. nionnt Yellow Wolf , or Ktinlo-that- Tears , or something like that , but the Apache Bounils wuro lee haril for the white folks nntl ho was soon plain Kill. Ho was the smartest Indian baby over on the reservation , and reitlly noticed the oaslorn lady who wntehod him from tlio voriuulu and thought lie was the funniest thing in the whole wild coun try. try.Thoro There was not much. humor there then , sajs the Sun Francisco Examiner. There was death in a hundred hideous shapes always threatening , for every year had its uprising , and these nearest wore most llkoly to aulTor when the Ap aches started away on tholr raids. But Kid's father had the fortune to bo killed during ono bit of inurdorlnc ; and burning and Kid , outgrowing his basket of wiclcor and buckskin , tramped nakedly about the agency until ho was qullo a boy. Then the agent nnd his wifn decided tu do something for Kid. The people - plo were ( letting tired of the regular spring overflow of devils from the reservation , the soldiers killed ninny and brought others back , but thu Indians only stayed durinsr the wet weather , and when out of doors became pleasant again away they wont , fresh from months of lazy living , with now blankets and n , hunger for blood whetted by a season's abstinence. The government in its wisdom decided that if these benighted people could only bo shown the hopelessness of killing all the whites they would bccomo dis couraged and quit. So they determined to take away to the casa a number of the young bucks , educate them up to a proper apprecia tion of the value of a while man's life ana ultimately to send thorn back ns missionaries to spread the knowledge they had bestowed on him. It was a good idea and on other sav ages it had worked well. That was the ehanco to do something for Kid. Ho was so bright , so dilVeront from the other Apache spawn that the agent picked him out for the govern ment's pupil , and away ho wont to the Indian university nt" Carlisle. From there came bade all man nor of good ro- ports. Ho lout-nod easily. Ho look to cultivation with as much readiness as any child of twenty generations of civil ization. He came out of the Indian school an educated , finished gcnUetnan , with n college training and all the rest oflt. oflt.His His native brightness nnd the culture ho had como by so strangely made him a great favorite. Society took him up and ho was n lion at rcccDtions. His was a presence that would innko any such show a success. His strong Indian face and tall , well-knit frame set oil good clothes splendidly. Women partic ularly were interested in this reclaimed snvago with n high mission , for ho know the purpose the government that had done so much for him intended him for , and ho spoke of it with enthusiasm. Ho. livcd _ the white man's life , said pretty things to the white man's women in romantic conservatories. Surely the education of Kid was u great success. There was a story of a prospective wedding with ono of the fairest and gentlest of those who listened to his stories of his life on the desert reserva tion , but his mission called him buck , nnd ho came to teach his follows that there was moro in lifo than murder nud thoft. His return was a triumph. The par sons used him for a , text in their ser mons and pointed to him as the solution of the Indian question. At last ho reached the reservation and the whole country wiitclitftl to see the result. It eiuno quick enough. One night Kid doited his good clothes and his school-leaching manner , brained a squitw who would have betrayed him , and at the head of half n hundred others broke from the reservation and tore through Arizona , killintr , torturing nnd burning. Through thGy wont over the line and into Mnxlco , drivlncr before them cattle and horses , the spoil of the raid , and leaving behind them men and women and children dead in Ihoirblood , amid the blazing ruins of their homos on the ranches. And at the head of Ihohand rode Kid , nuked us the Vest , with the black wur- strenks on his cheeks and the white vengeance lines painted acniB3 his foro- hoad. That was ton years ago , and ever since Kid has been the scourge and terror ol the southern mountains. Scorns of thobo who have ridden with him hnvo boon killed and captured , but they have never succeeded in pulling back ilio bonds on Kid. IIo hat ) alain a hundred whitu men and womon. The soldiOTH nf Ihn United Stated and Mexico have hunted him over thousands of miles , and every tlmo ho has escaped from thorn , and , turning back , has time nnd llmo ngaln crawled into tholr camp and cul the throats of ono or moro. \Vhon Gcroniino mudo his last raid Kid joined him among the rocks of thu Sierra Madro. Tlioro worn 200 of the rod ' fiends on tlio warpath that time , and the record of ihoir awful Crimea is a long ono , But nt last they had to quit , and General Crook brought thorn back Ic San Carlos , bul nol nil of thorn. KiJ would not agree to the Rurrondor and slipped away like n coyote into the brush. They Boat Coronlmo and hif chiofB buck Into the Florida nvorglados , whence they could never hope to comt buck to the mountains and deserts tlioj know eo well. Ono of HIOBO chiefs was MIIBSO. Ho escaped from the train ii : Kansas , and , savage though ho WIIB , he iniulo hifl way buck through the state ; unapprohondcd into Arizona. lie fount Kid , probably by the Biuno iiibtlnct bj which ( i freed wolf finds the pack , nml togolhor they murdered through the yours. At intervals they descended or the reservation and curried oil women Thcso women do not como back. Kit has an easier way of getting a divorce than through the courts. Ldss than n year ago , the eoldlors go MUBSO. TJiov were pursuing the pah as they had often pursued thorn before and H lucky long shot knocked hln from his horso. Ho foughi on tin ground until the lifo was gone , hut Kit got away. Usually there are four or live rcno gudea with this evil spirit of thu moun nlns. Just now there nro nupposod to bo nix or so von , nr.tt for onoh ono dorvd 71,000 in offered and the Kid's ' hoait U worth many thousands. The great cattle ranches of Now and Old Mexico have been hid hunting grounds. Ho has slaughtered many non thoro. Within u few months 10 loss than lx vaqlioros have 'alien by his bullets. Ho lies by n rail or near a water hole and waits for omo mutt to como along. As the ravolor pnsbOJ n , shot in the hack ends 11m. From his victims Kid keeps sup- illcd with whatever ho needs. Ills worses nro the best in the two torrl- orlos , for ho has all there are to choosn roin. His sWowdncssi passes bollof , KvnrV rick of the fugltivo ho knows. A quad of cavalry followed his trail for nllcs , and llnally found n dead horsa tint had trlvun out under him , nnd the lorsos shnua were turned wrong oml 'oromo.it ' , They had followed u buck rail. rail.When When ho Is nlono ho covers hit ) tracks bchlnd'.hlm and no ono can trail him. They only know .that ho him nassod from ilaco to nliico by the bodies of his vie- ims. Kid novur touches food ho finds n n cunp. Even whisky howill , not ouch for fear ot poison. Whouovor ho Ikes ho goes Into the towns. Ho speaks inlf n dozen languages , thanfis to his . .ollogo education , and no ono known lihn. Ho passes for n Mu.xlcan then and buys whiit he likes. Not loiig ago there was In the employ of one of the cattle companies down Dona Ana way a splendid vaquoro. IIo was a Mexican , but so expert with the rope and HO much of n rider that .evon thu tall Tcxans had to admit him an good its thu best of them. Ho had worked along for some wcoks when ho was sent with unoihoi1 vatuioro to round iip some stock in onu of tlio dislant val leys. Neither ot them came back. They found the body of the cowboy where they had camped. His throat had boon nil while ho slopt. The export vaquuro ivas Kjd. This wns merely ono 01 his jrlm surprises. Allot- each outrage tha soldiers have como out after thu Apacho. No ono but the soldiers will hunt him. The cow boys , afraid of nothing on earth , will not tempt fate by ohnsing thin one In * dlan , and it report thai Kid is In camp will stampede any cow outllt from the gulf to the panhandle. But so frequent have boon this Apacho's outrages of Into that the two governments have apparently deter mined to end Ilium for always.Two troops of United Stales cavalry have boon Bout oul for him and nro now scouring the hills on the old Head rnncho in New Mexico. They have orders to hunt him down , no mat tor ho\v long or how far they have lo follow him. Just over the line COO Mexican infan trymen are on ihe sumo mission. It would bo a close placa for most men , but Kid has boon as badly besot boforo. Many a wild rule has ho glvon them over Iho lulls and dcsorls , his horse louring over Iho counlry uncruidod , while Iho naked rider dealt donlh back to them as they galloped wildly on. Draw Your Own Conclusion. Mr. ,1. O. Davonporl , manager of the Fort rapR Hedwood Co. , Ft. Ilragg. Cnl. , 1ms this to say of Ulmmborlain's Cough Homcdy : "I used it for a severe cold and cough nnd obtained immedialo relief. In the Fort Bragg Hedwood Co.'s store wo have sold largo quantities of Chamberlain's medi cines. " For sale hy druggists , " WIIEKE COINS COME FBOM . Tlio Origin of Viirlmn riccu.i of niniioyuntl ol tlii'h4 NnuiCH. The florin , 0110 of the most famous of modern coins , originated in Florence. Snmo say Ihnl it gave tno name to the city , while olhors assort that it was lirsl so culled because it had on it a lleur do 11s , from Iho Italian lloronp or "llowor , " for the same roabon that an English silver pieceiscalloua "crown , " or certain gold pieces in Franco indilTor- ontly.a "Napoleon''or "Louis , " or the $10 gold piece in America an "TCnglo. " For Hovcral hundred years , and down tea a companilivoly recent ditto , 'according lo Iho Homo Journal , money was coined al from Iwonly-llvo lo thirty different cities in France that had inherited Iho privilege. Now all French money is coined nl Iho Paris mini. Few French gold pieces are , however , in clrculallon , except HIOHO bonrlng Iho head of Napoleon III. , and silver pieces of Iho same colnugo are almost as com mon. French silver coins wear ad mirably , and pieces of Iho rolgn of Charles X. , Louis XVIII. and Napoleon I. are very common. The standard coins on the continent nro in Franco , the franc ; in Spain , the peseta ; in Italy , the lira ; in Holland nud Austria , tbo llorln ; in Germany , the mark ; in Russia , the ruble. Belgium and Switzerland use the French name for the piuco of twenty sous , Eaoh of these pieces is , llko the American dollnr , divided into 100 parts , called uopek In Russia.pfennig in Gcr- . many , krout'/.or in Austria , cent in Hol land , nnd in Italy , Franco and Spain by the word meaning hundredth. The word shilling is of Gorman doriv- alien , Hko penny , which cornea from the Gorman "pfennig. " The word "crown" coinus from the iinngo placed on the coin , The name franb was glvon by King John , who first coined Ihcso pieces in IJKIO. They bore the motto "Lo llol Frank" ( king of the Franks ) nnd Were of two kinds , ono roprosontlng Iho king on horsolmelc , the oilier on foot , The franc was formerly also called Iho livro ( pound ) , though iho connection with any special weight is not evident. The name of the Gorman coin , mark , meiuilng a wolght of oighl ounces , wan formerly in general use in Europe. The name of the Italian coin that coiTo.sponds with tlio franu ( lira ) also nioniib pound. The coins in present use in Spain have their names from ether sources. "Posota , " the name of a small coin ruprcsenliim the monotiiry Blnndard. moaiiB simply "lllllo ploco , " "Rubin1' Is from Iho word moaning "to out , " and WIIB BO called bucauso originally Iho coin was made wild an ornamental edge. Few parsons hnvu over troubled thorn- solves to think of the derivation of the word ollur.il It Is from the Gorman thai ( valley ) and camu Into lisa In this wny Boino iiuo yours ngo. There la n lllllo silver mining cl , y or district in northern liohcinia called JnucUiinatlial or Joachim's vnlloy. The . cigniiig duke of the region - \ nuthorl'/od thin- city in Iho sixteenth \ \ century to coin n sllvor piece which was called "Joachlmlhalor. " Tlio word .loachI m was aoon dropped , and the word "thaler" only retained. The ijleco wont into general use in Germany and Denmark , where the orthography was changed to "dulor , " whence il came Into English nnd waa adopted by tlio Americana , who Btlll further changed Iho spelling. The Mexican dollnr IB generally culled "pinslro1' in Franco and the name ia sometimes applied lo the United States J ' dollnr. The appellation is correct in cither case , /or / the word "plofltro"or "piastre1 . | has for the last lllty yours boon only ; | applied with corroctnofis to the email bilvorcoln used in Turkey or Egypt , which is worth from 6 to 8 contu , Dr. null's Cough Syrup Is the beat In tha nmrla't. A ultimo bottle will convince yuu of Us excellence. Try it.