Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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    f ' . , . .
TltK OMATI'A * - ! *
Dollrcicd by carrier to tiny pnrt of Uio city
Nglt | | Killior . No. 23
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. Coal.
J. IA Formanovci-sccrof the poor , states
that ho has fifty-four families on his hands
now ,
The choral union will meet Wednesday
evening at the Young Men's Christian nsso-
elation room s. - '
Mary , the 11-months-old daughter of.Iohn
Denny , died yesterday of bronchitis , nt the
family residence , 1113 South Seventh street.
Miss Molllo Illoe will have irn exhibition of
fancy work at hcrliomo , 128 Fourth street ,
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons of this
week , \vhlch all of her frlemla are cor
dially Invited.
II. W. Howshurc. the Avoca man who was hero the other day on a charge of
obtaining goods under fulso pretences at
Avoca , has been bound over to the grand
Jury nnd put In jail In default of WOO bonds.
Masonic. Koguhir meeting of Kxcclslor
lodge , No. U.VJ , A. F. and A. M , , Monday
evening , December 12. for election of oniccrs.
A full attendance desired. By order of the
"Worshipful Mahler , is'at Shcpardsecretary.
Manage licenses wcro Issued to the fol
lowing parties ycstorduy : Wf U. Emmons
and Jcnulo Ixingcncckcr of Voltnwultnmlo
county ; A. F , I'cmbcrtoii and M. Dlcltovcr
of Douglas founly , Neb , ; W. D. Henry and
Lucy Hendrlcks ot Silver Creek township ,
Pattawall.'imlo county ; Jacob Andres and
Mary Clark ot Omtilm.
The Evans laundry , ono of the largest
plants of any kind In Counrll Illufls , and the
largest of its kind In the \\cst. has just
added another great piece of machinery that
necessitated the taking out of the side of the
building to get It In. It is a mangle , that
irons goods faster than half a doren girls can
feed In and carry away. Other machines
require the goods to be run through several
times , but this does Uio work at one revo
lution. Mr. Kvans , the manager , Is anxious
for the ladles of Council IJlufls to visit the
big plant and see how work Is done in a
modem laundry. Heccptlons will bo held
every afternoon.
rm ul Display.
Tlio Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In. ,
hns got on its Christmas garb nnd Is
ready for Christmas trtulo. Never before -
fore wns the collection to rare nnd
beautiful ; everything ihnt cnn bethought
thought of to mnko the old nnd younp
happy. On our second floor wo show
everything in the toy nnd book lino.
Make your purchases n1- ' ty-JiIJ'3"tno
collodion is liu-rsj. Vri < 5dB'can bo stored
away until ,1 jor or delivered at
show by fur the largest collection
In western Iowa. Our handkerchief
line , this cannot bo excelled.
Our line of furs in muffs , capos , oto : ,
5s the larpost wo have over shown. See
them ; get our prices.
Gonte' scarfs in tocks and four-m-
hands ; wo have a larpro nssortment , spe
cially ordered for Christmas , put up
ono in a box.
Headrests ; sco our collection at I2ic ,
25c. 45 , 60c , 75a to $ . ' 1.00 , the most beau
tiful collection over shown.
Council Bluffs , la.
Sco those oil heaters Ut Swaino's , 737
Broadway. _
Judge H. E. Dccincr is very ill at his homo
In Ued Oak.
Mrs. Laura ICirby returned yesterday from
n two months visit with friends in Mount
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. II. Van Brunt have re
turned from a trip of several weeks through
the cast.
Mrs. D. W. Keller has gone to Boone
county in response to a telegram announcing
the Illness of her mother.
Don't Affect Council Hinds C. O. 1) .
The recent failure of Ed N. Brown's
C. O. D. grocery in Omaha and the sale
of the South Omaha store does not
affect the C. O. U. establishment in
Council BlulTd run by Eli Brown. The
Council BlulTs house will bo run on a
larger scale than ever , and the people
of the twin cities will still have a chance
to buy groceries at wholesale prices.
The greater p-irt of the Oinuhu stock
has been moved to this side nnd stored
for future disposition in an adjoining
building. _
Ili-iird In the I.utii Ill/zird.
She Oh , Charley , how grand this
snow storm isl How wondorfull I do
BO like to hear the grand rush nnd roar
of a mighty storm that shakos the
Ho So do I , darling ; please keep
qulot. Lot mo read the prices that
Evans , the shoo man , is shaking the
town with. llo inako ? the storm en
durable nnd comfortable as well ns
grand. _ ,
Y. 1iC. . A. Sorliil.
A social will bo sivcii next Friday evening
nt the Young Men's Christian association
rooms , under the auspices of the young pee
ple's societies of the various churches of the
city. A committee has been appointed , with
ono member from each society , to arrange a
musical program , and all indications nru now
that these who attend ulll bo handsomely
entertained , An admission fee of i5 ! cents
will bo charged , and the proceeds will bo
used In defraying the expenses of some con
templated improvements in the way of furni
ture for thu Young Men's Christian associa
tion roojns. A new reading deslc for the
reading room and a desk and counter for the
. general ofllco aru the things most wished for.
12ninr | > riHii I'luco
u Being frequently urged to Boll smnl
portions of my farm , 1 have at last do
otded to plat 200 acres of Enterprise
Place , familiarly known as the Scott
farm , and to bogfn the sale nt once in
live and ten ncro loin. I liuyo placed the
same in tlio hands of Greonshlolds ,
Nicholson & Co , , who will act in the
f matter as my exclusive agents. Fruit
growers , gardeners and those wiio wnnt
I- ttio conveniences of a city combined
with nil the advantages of the richest
farmine land are now given a rare op-
portunlty to do so. M. Toi'T.
Brighter than gas , cheaper than elec
tric light and ns beautiful ns n nrciun
these now art lamps at Lund Bros.
AVIII Oprn tlin Depot.
Tomorrow nftcinoan the Northwestern
railway will throw open Its now passenger
depot to the traveling public. This Is ono of
the finest passenger depots lu the state , but
In spilo of the fact there will bo no unusual
demonstration in honor df the event. A , re
quest was quite cenenilly made that M. J.
Alworth and J , C. Mitchell , who represent
the company at this point , deliver addresses ,
but they would not accept.
IIlK lU-dllHlcmln Hutl-
At Mrs. Pfolifor's.
$9.00 hats for $4.00.
S-U'OlwtB for $11125.
French felt an IB for $1.2-5.
83.00 imported huts for $1.75 ,
Baby bonnets nt half prlco.
$1.25 and $1.50 felt hats at 75c.
.Milliner } ' riule.
Of trimmed goods at the Louis , Ma-
eon io block. lints not a cent apiece
but as near It as possible.
Coal and wood : best and choaposl
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompl
delivery , n. A. Cox , No. 4 Main.
Don't forget the bargains in hats at
Mrs. Minnie Pfollfor'i ,
How a Ohioago Girl Pleads for Her
"Brother's Liberty ,
Smith ItrquestIM ! to Scrtiro Uio 1'nr-
Inn of n Young Iliirslnr Ho Opcr-
v ntcd In nn Orlelnnl
Mlss Harrison , a young lady whoso homo
Is In Chicago , called on Judge Smith yester
day afternoon nnd begged him for n pardon
for her brother , L. Harrison , who Is now
serving n term In the penitentiary. Harri
son , It will bo remembered , fell through the
pinto glass windows of the Mint , the Colum
bia , Heno's store nnd several other places ,
while In n drunken state , and while Insldo
improved the opportunity of stealing some
of the different kinds of stuff that was on
sale there. He wan tried nnd hisicxcuseof
drunkenness not being deemed a valid one ,
was sent to the penitentiary for two ycai-s.
One year hns now expired nnd Miss Hnrrl-
son wants n pardon Issued by the Judge In
order that her brother may have n chance to
show how much moral Improvement has
been worked In him by his enforced good
behavior behind the prison walls.
Her only ground for such a request Is that
her brother has conducted himself according
to Hoylo ever slnco his conilncment , but us
ho could not very well do any other way
without tunning the risk of having his head
blown off or suflcrlng some other punish
ment more useful but less pleasant , he Is not
Inclined to give the request much attention.
Ho agreed , however , to look over the papers
and the evidence in the case , iin'd if he linds
n good excuse for his milking himself into an
angel of mercy , he will doubtless perform
the great transformation scene.
NOT A : : .
tlin I'rlcrH on Hniirft | , Stoves and
llird : aru AreStnrtlbiKly Low.
For twenty dnys , boginnlnp Monday.
December 12 , I will soil anything and
everything in my stock at tilmost your
own pricos. This is not n removal sulo
or shorllTsalo or n llro sale. I simply
moan business nnd the prices tallc for
themselves. Look nt them nnd look at
the goods.
0-holo ranges , with plpo shelf , re
duced from $122.00 to $17.00. " " "
4-holp ranges.'witli Vcdorvoir , re-
duecdfjvjs ; .coto $21.Ott
'Vholo ranges , with reservoir nnd pipe
iholf , reduced from $32.60 to $27.00.
0-holo ranges reduced from $24.00 to
> 18.00.
0-holo steel ranges reduced from $42.00
to $34.00.
O-liolo steel ranges , with high closet ,
rom $45.00 to $3fi.OO , and nil cook stoves
educed in the same proportion ,
13-inch genuine Burr Oak j-educed
from $11.00 to $8.60.
14-inch Live Oak reduced from $14.00
10-inch Live Oak reduced from $10.00
to $13 00.
Parlor Novelty bnsoburnor reduced
from $40.00to$32".00.
Prices on tinware reduced in same
If you wnnt nn elegant lump wth :
decorated shudo. suitable for holiday
present , coine and see me.
737 Broadway.
Hoard Motions.
The damaged meat case had n brlof vaca
tion yesterday in the district court , and will
jo taken up on Monday again. The trial of
riminal cases , which it was expected would
jc commenced tomorrow , will have to be post
poned for a little while. They will probably
jo taken up on Tuesday or Wednesday. AH
lay yesterday was occupied with the hear
ing of motions. One of the most Important
was the motion for a now trial in the $40,000
damage suit of Dr. C. O. Hood against the
Northwestern Hallway company. It was
argued and submitted.
Arguments were also made on n demurrer
in the cases of Jacob Sims against Pottawat-
tamlo county , in which the plaintiff demands
fees for his services In prosecuting liquor
Injunction suits. The county attorney claims
that the county is not liable for the fees in a
certain proportion of the cases , from the
fact that at the time when they
were tried the law did not create
any liability to the county. In Janu <
nry , 1SSS , a lav ; was passed making the
county liable , but the claim of the defense Is
that in the absence of any direct statutory
provision the county cannot bo made a party
to the suit. The defense also claims that
an attorney cannot collect any fees from the
county for his bervices excepting when the
fees cannot bo collected from the saloon
keepers who have been enjoined.
Catholic NucriMl Concert.
A sacred concert will bo given nt St.
Xnvior's ' Catholic church
Sunday oven-
ing. There will bo n chorus of twenty-
voices. The best local tnlont in the city
will bo assisted by Uio following boloibts
of Onmha : Misses Croightoii , Bivbcock
anil Nnsh , Mrs. P. L. Lange , Captain
John Kinxio nnd Messrs ) . P. .1. Burkloy ,
E. J. Brett nnd W. T. 'Tabor. ' The
following splendid program will bo
rendered :
1. Organ Ovcrtuio Stradclla
Mr. W.T.Tauor.
2. Chorus PnncMiis Mo/art
bt. l''raiiclh Xiixlur'tt choir , assisted by quar
tet from tit. John's Colle latu church
' choir , Omaha ,
3. Tenor Polo AMI.Marln" Rounod
( Violin ohllgato , K..I. lln > tt ) Captain IUii/.Iu ,
Port Onmha.
4. Contralto Polo ami Ulumii Agnus Pol. .
C-O Wobbcr
Mr.s. Mi'Allstor and choir.
n. Alto Solo Aiiguln Sciuimilu Ilraua
Mm. K. .1. I.IUIKU.
0. Qimitft Yrnl ( iruatnr Mlllnrd
Ml si Cicluhton , Mi * . F. ,1. I.IIIIKC , Cuptaln
Klnzlo , Mr. II. V. llurUoy.
TAUT u ,
1. Organ Polo Selected
Mrs. W. T. Tnbor ,
2. Chorus I Will Sing of Thy Mercies , O
Loid I'lum tit. I'nul
Full choir ,
3. Popruifo Solo AvoMiulo Itosslnnl
Miss llro\\n. x
J. Trio Hancta Mnrlii Owrns
MlssCioluhlon , MSN | Itahcock , Caplaln Kliulo.
D. T/Jiior&olo A\o Yoriini Mlllnrd
Captain Kliulo.
C. Solo nnd Chorus-O'Cnra .Mnrls..T.unblllott [
Mis. M.J.O'XHll.iml choir.
Spcclul llolliluy Snlu for Mt'li.
At the Council Bluffs Carpet Store for
two weeks , for the benefit of gentlemen
who desire to muko presents to their
ludy friends. What is handsomer or
will bo bettor appreciated than portiors ,
luco curtains , ottomansu car | > ot B weeper ,
rugs , especially fur rugs , for ft snowy
Christ inns ? Mall orders given especial
Dlvldi'd thu DUt riot.
Li. O. Williams of this city has returned
from Cherokee , where ho went last week to
attend n meeting of the fruit growers of the
northwestern part of Iowa , There has been
but little fruit grown la that part of the
state heretofore , but this year the crops were
considerably better than these in the more
favorable cllmutes in the south. This fact
lias encouraged the fruit men of that vicin
ity In thu belief that the extension of the
xfrult-ruiblng industry will bo a prolltablo
venture , and they accordingly mot for the
purpose of effecting an organization of tholr
own. A society to bo known us'tho North
western Iowa Horticultural society was
formed , with a charter membership of fifty ,
and composed of the twenty counties north
of Harrison county and west of the Des
Molnes river. This cuts In two the original
Western Horticultural society , which will
clmngo Its name by prcllxing the word
"South" to its old name.
The seventeenth annual session of the
Southwestern association will bo held at
CornltiR thli week , commencing December
ID nml continuing three ilnys , A highly In
teresting program linn been prepared nnd
the subjects which' nro to bo discussed are
of vital lm | > ortnnco to nil who nro engaged
In the raising of fruit. Among these who
will take imrt In the discussion are the fol
lowing : Hon. J. Y , Stone of Olcnwood , II ,
A. Terry of Crescent City , Shirley Gtllllnml
of aicnwood , Prof. Herbert Osborno of
Ames , Peter Wels , L. O. Williams , II. C.
Knymoml , Alex Wood , A. S , Ilonhnm , Ji P.
Hesi , Ij. A. Casper , J. P. Wllcox and Oeorgo
H. Wheeler of Council UluffsV. . O. Mitch
ell , Prof. Ira Clark and Judge II. M. Towner
of .
Coming. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Whom tn Worship.
Latter DaySalnts Plcreo street , west of
Glc nvenuo. Preaching nt 10JO : ! nnd 7:30 :
o'clock. Sunday school at 12. Subject :
"How May Wo Know the Truth ? "
Young Men's Christian Association D. P.
Winter will conduct the the men's meeting nt
4 o'clock. A boys' quartet will furnish
Trinity Methodist Episcopal. Kourth
street and Ninth avenue , llcv. H. H. Barton ,
pastor Services will bo held nt 100a. : ! ! m.
llovlvnl services at 7:30 : p. m. Class meet
ing nt H:80 : a. m. Sunday school nt li ! in.
Young people's meeting , ( JiO : ; p. in.
Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church
Corner Eighteenth street and Fifth ave
nue. Preaching 10IO : ! n. m. and 7:30 p..m :
Sunday school , 12 m. ; class meeting , 0:10 : !
p. m. ; Epworth league , 0U : ! ) p. in. C. W.
Urcwer , pastor , residence IbW Fifth avenue.
First Unptlst Preaching at 10:30 : a. in.
and 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor , James H. Da
vis. Subject in the morning : "Hlblicul
Financiering , or the Path to Wealth. " Even
ing : "Who Is Responsible for the Liquor
Traffic ? " Sunday school at 12 in. Young
people's meeting at 0:150 : p. m.
Temple Haptist Uegular preaching scrv-
ices at the Young Men's Christian associa
tion rooms , Mcrrlain block , at 10:80 : a. m.
and 7:30 : p. m. Evening subject : "Does
Prohibition Prohibit , and Why ! "
Congregational Hev. Marccim Stone of
Omaha will preach this morning. No even-
itur service.
Second Presbyterian , Harmony and Logan
streets , S. Alexander pastor. Residence , 701
East Broadway. Preaching by the pastor
at 10:30 : n. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Subject for
evening , "Temperance. " Sunday school at
12 in. YOUIIK people's meeting nt 0iX ; ) p. in.
First Presbyterian Corner of Willow ave
nue and Seventh street ; Rev. Stephen
Phelps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor at
10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sabbath school nt
12 in. Young people's meeting nt 0:30 : p.m.
TwcntjMilnth Street Mission There will
bo no Sunday school today on account of the
repairing of the furnace. L. W. Estus ,
The snow nnd cold weather does not
diminish the demand for acrougo in tlio
Klnin tract , 24 miles cast of the post-
olllco ; 300 acres yet for sale.In /"nnj / 5no"
to ton acroJ.ractH Suitable for IruTt and
G'JTL'Sii. ' Uuy & Hess , ngents , 30 Pearl
street. _
200 bushels potatoes nt 85 cts. a bushel.
W. S. Homer , 25 Main st.
How Ho Wan Located.
Considerable interest was aroused In the
case of M. G. Robinson , the Union Pacific
Tea company's man , and Miss Grace Austin ,
irhich was telegraphed to THE TAr.r. from
Sioux City yesterday morning. An informa-
ion was filed in Justice Swcaringcn's ofllco
ovcral days ago for the arrest of Robinson
in the charge of seduction , but it was kept
I'ery quiet , in the hope that ho would come
, o terms without having to bo put under
trrcst. The bride is the daugh-
er of a respectable family of this
? ity , and great preparations were
made by her friends for the wedding occa
sion. Robinson was expected to bo on hand
it the appointed time , but ho failed to show
up and the wedding guests had to shoulder
their disappointment and go home. His
whereabouts wcro unknown for some time
lifter his disappearance , but were finally
learned by the use of a decoy registered
letter , which was sent to the home of some
of his friends in Omaha. Upon the return of
the receipt it was found that ho had gene to
Sioux City , where the bride prospective and
"icr attorney went.
For warmincr guest chnmbors , bath
rooms , etc. , our gns heaters are just
what you want. Look at thorn. Clean ,
convenient cheap , C. B. Gas and Elec *
trie Light Co.
Holiday photos , cut prices , $1.60 for
cabinets , for 30 days. Cottage gallery ,
Riloy's old stand.
Takrii to C'lurlnili.
John Casey of Boomer township was given
an examination yesterday by the commis
sioners of insanity and found to bo insane.
His family had recently moved to Missouri
Valley , and when ho was arrested the ques
tion arose which of the two counties were
obliged to care for him. An investigation
shows ho was not In Missouri Valley and
had not acquired a residence there , so that
Pottawnttninio county will have to bear the
expense of his removal.
r Casey , according to the testimony of his
father and brother who wcro in the city yes
terday , is far from being the kind of a man
ono would want to meet alone when under
the influence of ono of his "fits. " On ordi
nary occasions ho is ono of the most peace
able of men , but without the slightest ap
parent cause ho flics into an insane rage , and
then no ono is safe in his vicinity. Ho is a
blacksmith by trade , and is consequently
able to do all ho threatens. Ho made some
of the most blood thirsty threats against his
father and brother yesterday afternoon when
they attempted to visit him in his cell in the
county Jail. Ho will bo taken to Clarinda
tomorrow for treatment.
Thu I > : idliiK .Millinery Sale.
Every hat nt the Louis millinery store
will bo sold at just one-half its' value
during the next thirty days.
For rent , furnished rooms heated by
furnace ; bath room ; hot water ; nil the
modern conveniences. 745 Washington
o u Snrprlsu I'nrty. x
A number of friends of Mr , Eugene A.
Ingoldsby swooped down upon him last Tues
day evening at his homo , 222 South Sixth
street , bringing refreshments and musicians ,
nnd announced their intention of spending
the evening and having a good timo. The
following were present :
Misses Cclln Mulqucen , Maine Hughes ,
Maggie MoDermott , Li//lo Tholl , LenaTholl ,
Agglo Coyne , Tessio Coyno , Doyle Davis.
Jcnulo Keating of Portland , Jcsslo Gilbert ,
Maude Bcekler , Messrs. Phil Paschal ,
Charles Paschal. Henry Paschal , James Mul-
quce.n , Thomas Hughes , IJernio McDerinott ,
Thomas Coyno , John M. Galvin , Andy ICast-
ner , P. J. McUrldo , E. A. Ingoldsby , Dr
The guests danced until 11 o'clock when
lunch was served , after which Mr. John M.
Galvin , the toast master of the evening , pro
posed comical toasts , which were responded
to In turn by these present , amidst much
laughter and applause. After the last wait/
the Innlsfall quartet rendered some vocal
music , and at u late hour the company dis
persed. _
Gentleman , the finest line of fall goods
in the city , juat received. Uoltor , the
tailor , S10 Urondway.
T. D. King & Co.'d Purtagns cigar
helped to elect Cleveland. It's the i co
ord breaker for the year.
Cliuutiiuijuit Program.
The regular Chnutauima circle will meet In
the Young Men's Christian association roon
at 7:30 : Monday evening. A plan will bo pre
sented which will need the co-operation of
each Chautauquan In the city. Any ono
reading , or having read the course , is earn
estly urged to bo present. The outline pro
gram will bo us follows :
Grecian History , chapter x , Miss N. Mc-
CUHOJ United States uiul Foreign Powers
chapter xvill , Mrs. II. Rose ; Culling , chap
ters vli-vill-lx , Mrs. T. James ; A New Fac
tor in American Education , Mrs. II. Wheeler
The Internal Revenue System in tin
United States , Mr. L. A. Gray ,
Coal and Wood. Sackett & Preston ,
028 Broadway. Telephone 44.
L. P. Judson , civil enginoor,328B'way
Ilurned to JH-ulh.
A sad ease of death by burning came to
light yesterday. A 15-months-old child eCon
Con Hauaphau of Wcston was creeping
about the floor tfrlfny when the hired girl
accidentally "Pll/iM / , some boiling ton from
the tenjiot iixm | If. ; The little ono wns hor-
rlblv burned , ontf'hfilf of the body being cov
ered with big vM blotches. A few hours
later It died nnd. was burled ycstenlnj after
noon , _
Kvnrn Sliort Sulc.
At the Kvnns alioo ante yesterday the
hlgh'Wntor mnrU wns reached , nml the
dny closed with , tha largest business
tlono during the year. Several times
during the afternoon it wns tvlmost
necessary to close the doors , nnd nl the
time the crowd'bf customers was larger
tlmn could bo totlsfnotorily waited upon.
The ciuiso of nil this rush wns simply
the fact that the very best goods thnt
can bo bought onmy market in the
world wore being retailed nt prices far
below the usual retail llgnro , and ns the
goods wore of the character required by
nil classes of people thorn was a general
outpouring to secure the bargains made
so thoroughly appreciable by the cold
The sale will continue until the 1st of
January , nnd the people otilsldo of
Council ] 31uTsnndOmnhn ( will bo reaching -
ing for the bargains , nnd for tholr nc-
commodation the mall order department
will receive special nttontion.
A muslcnlo , under the direction of
Prof. Herman Swnnbherg of Omaha'
will bo given at the Scandinavian Bap
tist church , corner 7tli avenue nnd 7th
street , Thursday evening , December 15.
Admission , 25c.
Beyond all doubt the largest and most
complete stock of holiday goods nt low
est prices Is nt Davis' , the lending drug
gist nnd perfumer.
Scott housn ; good ooard ; low rates.
A IIiinilsoiiiK City of iiiroprin : : Aspect
j\olvc' l rroin u Ton 11 ofStniw.
Any ono who hna rend of Madagas
car's progress has hoard of tho/ltav.
Jnnics Stbrco , who for thirty years hns
been Identified with missionary work
thcro. llo 1ms now returned to Eng
land from Antananarivo , the capital ,
and has given to the Royal Geographi
cal society tin account of Madagascar
civilization. Ho describes the capital
of the IIovu kingdom , n town which
thirty years ago contained only huts of
straw nnd mud , and the placow ) 0
hundreds Ch'-'sJ ' ; ; ; , were killed dur-
. . "F " ' 3 "cuthen persecutions. Today
ho capital is far advanced in civlliza-
ion and contains hundreds of line stone
uulbiiuk buildings.
Antananarivo stands upon a long hill
500 foot above the valleys that surround
t. It was the old custom in Madagai-
: nr 10 build all towns upon eminences ,
n order that they might ba moro easily
iofondcd. The hill is covered with
louses from summit to base and
lundrcds of structuios are parched upon
ts sides on terraces cut into the rock.
On ono side of the hill is the prcciplco
vhcro in 1849 hundreds of Malagasy
Christians were hurled to death because
hey refused to disavow their belief in
Jhristianlty. Llond making is very
lilhcult bccauso the bare rock almost
everywhere comes to the surface.
A silly law was once in forco. No
mllding of stono'or clay wns permitted
vithin the limits of the town. The
louses of the nobles and wealthy people
voro of maseivo timber , reefed with
voodou shingles or thatch. Fires , there-
ore , were of i frequent occurrence.
When the queen and her government
accepted Christianity in 1868 this
oolisti law wns repealed , and the
old timber houses have now almost
wholly given place to structures
of brick or stonp. The building art was
revolutionized when Mr. Sibreo and
ther missionaries erected in stone the
martyr memorial churches. The city
now contains several thousands of good
two and threo-story houses and many
rmbhc buildings. The residences of
iorae of the wealthier people have spa
cious verandas with pillars of moulded
erick or of stone with carved capitals.
Not n few buildings are still unfinished ,
Hid an aspect of neatness and tidiness
is lacking. Still , when the visitor remembers -
members that the present town has been
evolved from n heathen settlement of
straw and wattle ho wonders that the
Bovn people have made such progress.
Among the prominent buildings are
"oyal piluces , ' .ho largest of which , a
; hreo-Btory brick timber structure , is
surrounded with n great stone veranda
and arches strengthened with corner
towers. Then there in the Immense
stone and brick enlace of the prime min
ister , who is alsollio _ queen's husband ,
ind handsome residences of nobles and
high olllcors. The high court of justice
is quito imposing with its Ionic columns ,
and has the appearance of a Crook tem
ple. The spires or towers of the rolic-
ious and educational buildings are seen
From a long distance and add much to
the beauty of tlio city.
Thus the capital of the Malagasy has
become n respectable city. The missionaries
sionaries there nnd in other' towns oftho
Hova nation are teaching 100,000 child
ren in their schools , and it is these mis
sionaries who have wrought the wonder
ful change in Madagascar. They have
lifted a once ignorant and bomi-barbar-
ous people to tlio position of an enlight
ened and Christian nation. Nowhere in
the world has the good of missionary
work been , moro strikingly manifested
than in Madagascar.
The government has never taken a
census , but Mr. Sibrco and his friends
have counted the buildings in the city
and made inquiry as , to the nvorngo
nunihor of occupants. They think the
city contains about 100,000 Inhabitants.
There are often many strangers in the
capital , as people come from all parts of
Uio island on government busi
ness , bringing tribute to the queen
nnd receiving orders from her. The
nn mo Antananaiivo means ' * nt the
town of a thousand. " The city is the
heart of Madagascar , Olllcors and
soldiers nro son from it to garrison all
the ports on tho. coast and important
towns in the 'interior. Every week
thousands of books and periodicals are
dlbtributcd from/Antananarivo M over
the countiy. iXuro native doctors , sur
geons , nurses , schoolmasters and evan
gelists are laugh\ and then bent away to
other parts of the kingtfbm to carry on
the good works' ' tlio white man has
brought into tlio 'great island ,
. . .
i i.j. O
Vulmibli ) TITO Kliimps.
Now York Sllri : The vandal wood
cutters in the California sequoia forests
used to cut trecVnt n distance of from
twelve to twenty foot above the ground
in order to avoid the gnarled and
knotted base. Hut it has lately been
found that those stumps are us valuable
n the straight wood. The gnarls present -
sent most beautiful flgurings nnd the
wood is sawn into thin sheets and used
for interior decorations. Now those
stumps are being dug out and soon not
oven u vestige will remain to show
what was the appearance of torno of the
most majestic natural monuments ol
lh is wondoiful continent.
Jlf tSTS J-'ltUJU Jl.Ul'S HOIiX.
People who are noisy nt a church enter
tainment are generally very quiut during a
You can't always tell how much religion n
man has at homo by the way ho shouts at
camp meeting.
There are people who think that if they
behave themselves on Sunday they havt
done more than enough.
There are people who honestly believe
that the meaning of religion U to belong1 tc
church and wear a long face.
Electric Light , Hoixt ami Power Company
to Bo Reorganized ,
He N ttrlloxocl to llo Acting m the Itrprr.
Kcntntlvonf the Vnlon Stock Yards
Coiiipiiny Wlmt I' l.lltrly
to llo Done.
The South Omaha Klcctrlo Light , Heat
nnd Power company is all torn up at present.
For some tlino past shares of stock have
been quietly changing hands and much talk
as to the outcome has been passed around.
Charles W. Key , who has all along' been the
principal stockholder , has been buying shares
from holders until ho now owns about three-
fifths of the whole , or 800 shares. Speculation
as to what his Intentions are is indulged In by
business men all over the city. Some have
it that lie is simply acting as the agent of
the Union Stock Yards company In the pur
chase of the stock , and that as soon as ho
takes in nil ho can get a new company will
bo formed with Keys and the stock yards
company in control.
It Is trim that at present the company is
demorall/ed and the present working force
recently engaged in lieu ot the old men is
only expected to hold its position until the
llrstof the year nnd until the company can
bo reorganized. It is also stated by share
holders that Joseph T. Smith , the original
electrician , the man who first started the
plant , will bo tendered the position of super
intendent when the new company shall have
been organized.
KCMlllt Of 111 ! i : < C)1 | < lxlllll.
CiTho residence of Henry Schultz , at Thirty-
sixth street , Just over the county line , was
burned last evening. Mrs. Schultz was pre
paring slipper for her husband , who works
at one of the packing houses , when the little
girl dropped the lamp , causing an explosion.
The house was n frame and burned so vap
idly as to make It Impossible to save
anything. Mr. Schultz places his loss at
$1,000 ; insured for fcSSO in the Deluwar In
surance company.
IIUSUlllI as Crushed.
Syijiaus.e j < ; ' ' - -
jaycj e- . 3 s'7nii-oTf- (
> y Fred Schmidt's horse and had his skull
rushed , is recovering. Another operation
vill be necessary as a portion of his skull is
still pressing on the brain. This fact was
tnown to the physicians at the time the
Irst operation was performed , but the con-
lition of the patient would not admit of it
it that time. It will bo attended to in about
Itcmrd of Trade Meeting.
On account of light attendance the Board
of Trade meeting called for last night was
lostponed. The meeting was called to order
Vice President Levy and adjourned to
meet , at Levy's olllco in the Pioneer block
icxt Friday night. George L. Dare. A. II.
Morrow and James II. Vandusen added their
lames to the roll of members.
NotcH unit I'orHoimlH ,
Mayor Walters is entertaining Colonel
John Olmstead of Chicago.
Owners of lots and buildings have been
onicially notified to clear the sidewalks and
gutters of snow.
W. A. Sloan , of Dixon , 111 , , is visiting his
'athcr and mother , Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Sloan of Albright.
Miss Luclla Erion wont to Blair yesterday
as a representative of the local Independent
Order of Good Templars lodge.
Mrs. August Bemke , residing at N and
Twenty-seventh , who has been very ill for
the past two weeks , is convalescing.
The annual meeting of the shareholders of
the Union Stock yards will bo held Monday
evening at the oOice of the company.
L. J. Mayfleld went to Louisville last oven-
ng to bring homo his wife , who has been
visiting friends for the past two weeks.
The Misses Alice and lluby Grinithsentcr-
: aincd a company of young friends at their
liome , Twenty-third and J , last evening.
John A. Dee was called to Hockland , Me. ,
last evening , by a telegram announcing the
death of his aged father. Mr. Dee will bo
absent a week or ten days.
John Davidson , an employe at Swift's
racking hoi so , was before Judge Fowler
yesterday for disturbing the jxjacc. Mrs.
Lltzio Ely was the complaining witness. Ho
was assessed ) and costs.
J. C. Loguo of Central City was in the city
yesterday. Mr. Loguo had been attending a
meeting of the democratic central committee
ind came around this way to see his old
blend and neighbor , Xach Cuddington.
Andrew and Anton Nelson , brotlwrs ,
stood In police court yesterday morning
ind pleaded guilty to being drunk and dis
orderly. Andrew had a fearful looking face ,
the result of a collision with Oflleer
Spoetler's club. They were lined $1 each and
William Walker is sobering up in the city
basilic. Ho found the way to a temporary
residence at Brennau's tavern by appropriat
ing a team and buggy belonging to William
/Ceisler of Sarpy county. Ho got the team on
Twenty-fourth street and had a high old
time until ho ran into thcdltch and was cap
Joseph T. Swift has boon awarded the
contract for putting In a NXMneandesecnt
light plant at the Omaha P.icking company's
building. The company will use the slow
speed dynamos , especially adapted to fac
tories and packing houses. Mr. Smith has
Just completed a similar plant at Ham
Paul Stevens , who lias been visiting in
Iowa for some time past , returned yesterday.
Ho came in response to a telegram informing
him that ho was wanted as a witness in the
William Barlow case. Barlow is the motor
conductor who was injured by running Into
a sewer trench , and bucd the city of South
Omaha for $10,000.
Councilman Haley and Jack Hyan yester
day afternoon were driving down N street
In a buggy when their horse became im-
managahlc and Hnally fell In the ditch in
front of Lowr.v's saloon , In their efforts to
release the animal and get him on his feet ,
Kyan narrowly escaped being kicked to
nieces. Ho escaped with a badly bruised
Yesterday morning a man from the coun
try was driving down Twenty-fourth street ,
about K , when his team took fright and
after running a block throw the driver out ,
painfully though not seriously injuring him.
At Twenty-fourth and M the team brought
up suddenly against a telegraph polu and
was captured , The harness and vehicle
wore badly disfigured.
W. W. Dalton bought a ticket from Chicago
cage to Denver and return of the American
Ticket Brokers association over the Hock
Island road. The ticket was refused by the
conductor between Lincoln and Omaha and
the man put off at Albright. Ho stopped at
the Dclnumico until his money gave out and
then applied at the ix > llco station for lodg
ing , Ho got it and ! i5 cents to got his break
fast with.
Church Ncptlrrx.
Mission Sunday school at Third ward at ! )
p , m. J. A. Silver , superintendent.
Mission Sunday school at Brown's Park at
2IJO : p. in. C. W , Smith , superintendent.
Hegular services at the First Baptist
church , corner Twenty-fifth and H streets.
Preaching tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 730 : !
p. m.
m.Uegular services at the First Christian
church , corner Twenty-third and K streets ,
Preaching at 11 a. in. uud 7:30 : p. m.Key. .
Marlon Boles , pastor.
Hov. Itabcrt L. Wheeler , pastor First
Presbyterian church , announces sermons for
tomorrow as follows : Morning topic , "Powci
of the Cross ; " evening topic , "Your Bible , "
Methodist Episcopal church , corner Twen
ty-third and N. streets. Sunday bchool
at 9:45 : a. m. K. D. Gideon , superintendent.
Preaching at U a. in. Subject : "Giving
nnd Receiving. " Class meeting at 12 in. , led
by M. Mabery.
Epworth league meeting at 8:80 : p. m , led
by B. D. Gideon. Preaching at 7iO : ! ij m.
Subject ; "What Ho Buffered , " Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at7)0 ! )
p. m. Wo hope that all Sunday school schol
ars will bo present at the Sunday schools on
account of arrangements for Christinas. C
N. Dawsou , pastor.
Ait Old Soldier ami Well Known
Cltl/.cu Confirms ami Kinpliu.
sl/.cs a I'opmer Compli
mentary Reference.
About ono yo.\r npro the friends of Mr.
D. I luck \voro firntillcd by newspaper
announcements of his ilnal recovery
from serious ill health duo to catnrrhnl
troubles covering n period of man v years ,
the griitlfying change In his comlltlon
being1 credited to a course of treatment
with Drs. Copelanil and Shopard. To a
newspaper acqiiaintancu Who called on
him n day or two ngo at his homo , 30 ! ! I
1'lncknoy street , Mr. Fluekyhnd this to
say :
"Wliilo 1 Vnow by sni1 experience llio wnU-
Ing enrol of cattrrh upon tnonyMam anil how
powerfully It umlimiilnca Hie hunllli , I HIM jutt
ai cortnlti tluxt It Is cntirolv cnrablo If the
rulit Ireiitmont | used. My own case con
vinces mo lit this fact. Jl v service In the civil
war ni a. volunteer In llioV.'d Indlnnn Infantry
ImpairedI my ulronelh mid Induced the 011-
tiirrlml dlscnso.
"I or many montlm I hud boon n very mlsor-
umoimin. My snirorhiK wm snob tlmt it is
Imrd to fully describe. I hnil Brent trnublu
with my Btoinncli. Itvns very weak , so thnt
my food o.tnscd isrcat pain nnd ills truss , nnd I
could oat very littlo. Sly npuclltn wns noor
nml 1 lind no relish for food of nnv Idncl.
\\licm 1 did oat my stoinncli would (111 ( with
gas , so much so thnt 1 thought 1 would ImrsU
COMRADE IX VLUClf , 4'-'d Indiana Infantry ,
plio constant drlopliiK of cntnrrhnl mutter
'rci. . xjiosn mid throat Into my stomnch
undo mo fool sluk , c'.o Rcd nn my liver
nnd bowels nnd poisoned my whole system.
1 ulso foil very
My heart wns very fcoulo and Irregular , f-'ov-
crnl times every diy I lind attacks of pnlplta-
tlon thnt KUVO mo uincli distils nnd niiirm
At those times I felt us If I could nut live
much longer. 1 could not llo on my luff sdo !
it nil ns that tiosltlon orently disturbed my
lonrt. 1 had n feolliiR of great nressnro over
the lictrt nnd pnlns throuzh my chest nnd
\lysloopwasalsovcry much disturbed
nnd broken.
" 1 consulted snvoral physlolnni for relief ,
but Rot no bolter until Drs. Cnpolnud nnd
Shepard 4.oolc my case. Under tholr treiitment
ny luiurovomont wns prompt nnd steady , and
L am now bolter tlmn 1 over expected to bo
igaln. I cat well mid have u Rood digestion.
My heart trouble Is entirely relieved. 1 sleep
well nnd am mnoli stiomor.
"Those splendid results hnvo stood the test
of nnd 1 hnvo no pntloneo with people
who.say C'ltarrh cannot no cured. ] have h id
10 return of any of my old symptoms nml I
Tool llko praising I'rs. Copolnml and i-liopuid
ill the time , for tholr system Is. I nm sure , the
bolt In the world. "
a Month.
Catarrh treated at the uniform
rate of t$5 a month medicine s fur
nished free. For all other diseases
the rates will be low and uniform.
Patients at a .distance successfully
treated. Send for symptom blank.
w H. corr.r.ANi ? , M. r > .
< J. 9. SIIEf/THD.-Al. D.
Specialties : Catarrh , ABtlimn , Hronchlttg.
Nervous Diseases , lllood Dlsoascs. Rhflnmn-
tlsiu , O'oiisiimptlon , and all clironlo iifl'oe'.Ions
nf the , Lungs , Htumncli , Sicln , I.lver
uiul Kidneys.
Onion Hours : 0 to 11 n. in. , 2 teD p. in. , 7 to 8
I ) , m. Sunday , 10 a m. to 1'J m.
Anhousor , Budwcisor , Faust hnd Palo
KEGS , cnn leave orders tit No. 213
Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , or
Telephone U2 , ' ! .
Goods delivered promptly.
. Anlicuscr-Buscli Brewing Ass'n ,
of St. Louis , Ho.
Rcntly Mtulo Drci o * .
jo thorn nil , if you will.
, . -lieu ROO our * . You'll iliiil
two hnvo better style * nutl
imjro of thorn , bettor ittnclo nuil nt
priced nil low or lower thnn others
quote. Cloths in our cnrmoutii nro now
nnil mn , t dckirnblo ,
Opposite N. Y. Life Building.
Special Notices.
TirA.vril pupll'mmo nl the W C.A.IIOI-
> pllal , cor ( jth UTCMIHI nnil nth ulrpct , must ba
between 20 niul JO yunra olili of KOOI ! moral charac
ter. Apjily nt onco.
(1OOI ) tilrl wBtiUul for Kcnernl homework.Two
'In fnmlly. Itr. Kourtli street.
\\rAM'KII-HKLHINII lllltl. ; WAUKS fl.UO 1'Kll
' work. Apply to .Mrs. llornco l'\urclt,2J avo-
mioniiiistli street , Council lllult s
If Oil KXCltANUK A nlco homo on S. "th itrcot ,
A ncnrbtli nrimiu1 , clour of cncuinbrnncc' , for liomu
In Umalin. Itniiicoiu I'lnoe or Kounlio I'lnco pro-
fcrrcil. Will put In JJ.IJJ illlTeroneo. Urounsliluili ,
Molmliun , V Co.
11011 K.Xc'lIA.NOi : ( iooil I room Imnio on Moutb
8th nroi-tfor luniljlrouniilileMi. XlcnolBon Jt Co
AIisi'ltACl'ifnml loans. Fnnn nnil cltjr'iiroiiertr
liouxlit ana BOM. I'ujoy , V Tliom.ii ) , Coiuiell } f
7AIIM nml city loutn. Mono/ loaned on Block'
! rtiTil J."iJii' " "ullo"t /lpriirD. ' iwmiir.ij"mm " " k
buMncsa runtnls. .Monur lonuutt for local foresters ,
Lougeo A'lowlo. ! M5 1'cnrl utri'ct.
100 loin In Central mil > ,
DO lots tn Mullen's nil.I.
3 ! > lots In llnyllsi , t I'nlnicra'
* 'i IOK In MajrnR'n 1st.
70 lota In 1'oltur & Uobb'j.
21 lotpln llocr' n'jb.
lf > lota In lU'dr's ailil.
221otnln UlKlilnuilnilil.
IB Iota In Ilntchlnson'a nrti
< 5 lota 111 Turlciy'n mill.
laidUIn lllilitlo'wndit.
1W lots In Wrlk'ht'n mill.
1G lota In 1'lcroo'n urtil.
l.oti In overnililltlon to the city cheap for cash ,
or on iniymcnU. lull nnil BOO us. No trouble to
ahotr properly. ( .rcenaliUiUK NIcholBou A t.'o.
/'H ACUK3 upper llrondwur ; aplonillil pkvo for
wplnttlng ; cheap for u.i li , or will oxchanxo for
tmprovvil roalilcnco proiiorty In Council lllurrs.
Urconalilolila , Nlcholaon A. Co.
GAUD UN AND Kit'JIT Innil : rlchcU nnil most
benutlful tract In 1'ottarntlnmlo county : tea
Hntciprlin I'lncoj tlvo or ton ncro lots , tlrcon-
ahloUla , Nicholson A Co. , H2I llronilway.
W'K WANT ton ncrei of laml within llvo mlloj ot
city. Don't care how rouuh It Is. ( iruon-
nlilolrtj , XlcholBOii A Co ,
ENTKKl'lllSi : IMncc , for fruits or iinrctcns.
inburbnu hoinc , flno acio lotn. twenty mlnutofl
from motor lino. tlreonalilolil Nloliolioii , V l.'o.
15 KAIl.MS to o for hounes nntl lota or
Kooit vacant loU. 21 ncrca of nlok'nnlen laud
for > nlo nt f.V ) per ucre. Johnston A. Vnn 1'nlte.a.
I IUJIT FAH.M Improved , n mile nnil a half from
this poitGHIce , UK acres : A room home. Htablo ,
etc.VIII exchuiiL'u for resilience In Council 11 lulls ,
t.rec' ihlelils. Mi-hohon A Co.
Vl ! ACKICii4 : miles from city ; nil ! sell at cut If
JLtakon this ttock. ( .rconahlolda. Nicholson A Co.
UNT1II.Y l AVMKNTd For Halo , new nvq-
room house , hath room , electric llxhti , alt
modern linprovoinents , one bioolt from motor. A
model home , ( { roi'iishlclils , Mcholson k Co.
"IJ KSIDKNCK lotHI ( feet tro'nt. llvo blocks from
AVllloomcr school , olfored for sale , for this wG3k
only ntS'MJ. ' ( ireonihlolilt , NIcholKOn Jt Co.
1'OK , SA1.U nt n riicrlllco : A corro poiHlciit of
ours neeillni ; money rciinoits ns to recclro
oilers for lot : < , block : ll ; lot fi , block 2S : lots , block
2. KTcrotts'nddlttnn , nml lot 2 In block ( , UayllsV
flrnt addition , together or ocporatc.
: nko us nn offer nnil you will doubtless cct the
propcity. Dny.lllcss.
MONDAYS In It. A. parlora , children. 4 p. m.t
mlultB , 7:30 : p. in. boclaU Bceotul nml fourth
Mondayo. Up. m. Music furnlnliuil parties nml clubi.
.Address H. A. I'arlors.Counull lllutTB.orlfUJ Kiiruam
nt. . Onmlia. W. K. Clmmliers. Instructor.
GAH11AQ13 removed , cesspools , vnnlts nad
I'lilmnoys clcincil. 1C. I ) . Ihirkn. city bid * .
I/OU HAM } cheap , a nloltth. Imiulru mrboa Coat
Jcouiimnj' .
* f Cltlicn'B State bank tttock. Must bo sold. Ad *
dross K. H. Slionfo.
I'ropoBillH for Atlvrrtlslne for the City ot
, Onmhii.
Healed liids will bo rocolvcd nt tne ofllco
of tuo city comptroller , up to 4 n , in. , Lo- )
cctnlior Clth. IMl. , for tint < ad
vertising for the city for tlio year IS'.M , In HO-
cordnnco , vlth siii'llon lil'lof the charter. All
ndvortlaoiionls for tin c ty to no consucutlvo
In the piuicr mid headed "Oltv Adver
tisements. " Tlio blila should specif/
prlco per squire ! of tun lines nonuiiriol.
for first , Kocond , third , tui'l lliuu for oucli 8UU- .
scipumt Insertion. Kiiuli hlddor to onuloso a
certified chock of $101)00. ) Tlio rl ht ts rjsorvoi
to rojcct uny or ull bids.
Onmlia , Nob. , Dec. 7th , lb ! > i I ) dCt
Special Sale at Reduced Prices During December
Spieos , caslncB , color , rockers , new style blocks , lurnacos nnd cauldrons , moa'1
racks , scales nnd spring bulauces , butcher's coats , frocks , caps , otc.
D. H. MeDANELD & CO. ,
820 and 822 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
A plain
To come to the point at once , let U3 infer that you war )
now clothing. Wo know how you fool and what you want
Whether you have little , or n snua sum to spora , you desire/
to get for the amount you spsnd the best possible return for *
your money. In this you ara rignt , and METCALF'S la the
place where you will get it. The pretty styles or suits an4
overcoats at $ B.OO , $ a.OO , $1O.OO , $12.OO , are something
much superior to suits and overcoats usually otferocl a/i /
those pi-leas , being made better than ever , and ths fit , style *
and finish are extraordinarily good.
Winter days fa&t approaching , will remind mother to tales
an inventory ofthe young hopeful's wearing apparel. Wo
are ready to supply his nosde. if it's a suit , trousers , overcoat - *
coat or a shirt waist.
Our prices are noted for tholr modesty.
Complete stock of hats , caps and furnshing goods.
Mail Orders solicited.
BOS Broadway , Eisman building Council Bluffs *