PRRT THREE. FHE OMAHA UNDAY PRGES 17-24 TWENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMAHA , SUNDAY M011NJNG. DECEMBER 11 , 1892-TWENTY-FOUH 1'AGKS. OmKU 171. for \\onioMilonsont * . Hi\cti't : you trlod thorn ? \\ol I , your frlculn uliohivo will toll you thnt tl > y " m the uosUn . tlio world.Vu iiuoto tliuin us folluu * sn lUITorout stylos. a BY THE MILLION. of these is Every Klefitintly one embroidered in The most bewildering display and greatest collection of useful , beautiful , valuable and durable Exclusive designs and Patterns. They are HOLIDAY GIFTS. 5-noox ciioim si. Guaranteed to be MOOR ChfllHl $1.25. $ o-liooK Fonioinc $1.25 , 7-ncoK Foniome $1.75. tlie price we s-iiion suefle Ask Tor - Them. Mousqueifllrcs $1.50. $ Gifts for the little tots , Gifts for boys , Gifts for girls , Gifts for young folks , Gifts for grown folks , Gifts for old folks , Gifts for all. TO FTT 7 LA ? MEN'S SLIPPERS. LADIES' SLIPPERS , CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS. BOYS' SLIPPERS , Men's Velvet Slippers 75c Ladies' Fancy Plush Slippers. . . . . $1.5O Men's Plush Slippers $ I.OO Ladies' Fancy Bronze Slippers.SI .75 Men's Goat Slippers.$1.25 $1.50 Ladies' Even's Shade Suedes$2.5O Men's Faust Slippers $1.75 Ladies' Dclic ( c Satin Sandals.$3.50 Men's Ooze Slippers $1.50 Ladies' licdilcd Satin Sandals $5.OO These From 1 Zander's $7-50 Men's Shoes $3.75 All These from Zumler's $7.on Ladies' Shoes $3.50 Zunder's | Zunder's $6.00 Men's Shoes $3.00 Zander's ' I Zuiiilcr's SO.OO Ladies' Shoes $3.00 Douglas St. J-Zunder's $5.00 Men's Shoes $2.50 BankruptZnn } Jer's $5.00 Ladies' Shoes $2.50 Bankrupt | Zunder's $4.00 Men's Shoes $2.00 Stock on | Zunder's $4 00 La lies' Shoes $2.00 Stock , J Zunder's $3.00 Men's Shoes $1.50 Douglas St. J Zander's S3 00 Ladies' Shoes $1.50 N. W , Cor. 16th Douglas We have received the remainder of a big jobbing stock of CUPS A"UD SA'CJGEHS , MUGS AND VASES , and a general stock of G&QCKERY AN ! ) which is on sale now in our BASEMENT. Dinner Sets $7.75 , wonTVoa Vase Lamps $ $1.49 , WS' ' Vase Lamps $1.98 , WOI ! ' U We have also a sample line ot Antique Ivory Statuary. No two pairs alilce. You can have your choice of any pair at WHOLESALE' PRICE. THING- POS , LADIES' REEPS2& -BLACK BEAVEK , JACKETS JACKETS , in tan or black diagonal cloth , -32 inch long , bound with braid , . worth $6.00. Go Monday at a sightly and well made gark k ment , half salin. lined , worth $7.50 , 34 in. WATTEAU BACK REBPSS& , One lot PUH TBIMMED U IlaiuKomc Xo\clty Clotli , brown and ( tan nii\tiircs , ray or lij lil mixtures , GARMENTS , hall * satin linccl , fancy pearl buttons , Tn brown , gray or black cloth , trim worth $12.50. Gous'Moiiilay at $5.S ! ) med \\ith poismu , mink and black I astr.ichan , satin lined , worth $13.50. * ( Jo iUoiul.iv at $ U.50. TAILOB , MADE COATS Fine lot TUB TRIMMED in tan. ray or black , lialf surah lincO , lap seams , pearl buttons , SAMPLE COATS , never sold less than $15. ( Jo on Handsome novelty cloth , in brown , gray Monday at $8.50. and black , trimmed vtilh electric seal , mink or possiiiii , satin lined. MH.ITAE.Y CAPS COl EY PUB CAPES , rtj NEWMAHKETS , Electric seal fur trimmed \ Made of heavy novelty cloth , . \ " capes , "with Krimmer. For Monday . i with velvet colars. N' all go at P J Fine Tailor KERSEY Mnilo COATS , Lone Shniio ELECTRIC SEAL MUFFS ( with velvet collors , beautiful fliiisli. assafgHSMti xrtx ? * IMPORTED COATS , Trimmed with fiiv and braided liuod. Wattonu bach. . * . ' , , Fyn mr.-j ir. < > i i 'jum JEWELRY Consisting of 3 large sample lines and lots of fine jewelry of a well known manufacturer At 40C on the dollar a most complete-and beautiful line of fine quality and the latest designs lor the Best City Retail Trade liicsc Arc a Few of the Many Bargains : 3,000 finest rolT-plalo IVico l'ln , elegant de- blcns. atho , worth 'le ' unil u > c. J.SOO hulld noli ! anil $1.18 : u01 Hi doiiblu. ' . ' ,000 tolld gold and flnast rolled-pinto Pairings In screw and diop atWe , 4so. f.Hu , C9o and We : ro il viluo : Wv , SUu. * I lUiind ifl 4S B Opcnt'8 Watuli t'liiirins mid I.ooliols. olosant Kootls. : it .Mo. 4So. Mc'.Tl'o. ' MJ and Hsu , uu to S..4Sj uo.ltlsolyorth Uiinblo. > .8JiKuiit'M | riillcd-jil-ito Watdi ( Jlmliis. WAK- HAM'iu : a VJAH : . at i.s.\ SPECIAL SALE. On our Hiirpnln .loHclry Countoryon will find T.tHJJ lollud-nl.ttc Slcu\ Itnttuns at . " > ( ? . n.lHlJ lnua I'lns at lOo : contl valuu iitAc. ! ! " ' 001 ' ' " V'H10'1 ' UJUIS ( w ll11 st01111 s iti'i ( , i)0 ) liullrs' nnilns at lOc , worth JKo. 1'JOJ ladles' KairliiKe , hi screw und diop , Z't G iQcoaes ! anu An Extra " ) A Pound Box Chocolate and Good Gift I . I K : A To an Extra f1 Good LadyJ So is one of Bissell's Famous Carpet Sweepers--We have them. ] VT ( " ) H"1 "TT Miunifactiirers , < n\ins to the ailviince in the * ' * -1 ' cost of raw material , have ail vanccil their prices IF YOU NEKD ANYTHING IN THIS LINE " YOU AUK ( JOINC ; ACJAINST YOU OWN J ( ) > ccllt Aftcr cleari lc yon"wTiTpay/ < ( ) I1CI > S ? ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IN'l'JCUIJfa'J'S IF YOU DON'T UL'Y percent more furthu Bailie qnulilics being bold now. 55 plccns MOQiniTTn- Hinlth's Itust ( juiillty All tills seasons p.ittcrn 98c , . llvjiiluruilco J1X3. 85C Big Uo ulur price , Jl.'J to 11,50. 100 Moquctte Rugs Toys , no pieces nonv nuu&snr.s- 75 luir Rugs , white and gray $2,25 liiuliidlu the lieit A-franio goodi , Small Itosulitr pi Ice , I1/J5 toil. ! ) . 26x51..75 150 Smyrna Rugs , . . $ )0n ) pieces 100 Smyrna Rugs , 30xbO.$2.25 Toys , Tin TAI'i&TUY : llIlUS3ni.S 65c Kn iilar price , U3e , Tic , We. 100 Smyrna Rugs. 36x72.$3.00 and Wooden DO pieces III'.ST HAM ? WOOIiHX- T TIIABUI'KUINCKAINH , 356 big Line Door-Mats , TOYS Koziilnr pilce , CUcv i In Wire and Cocoa. , CO nlecos I.NUKAIN , I3c. S50. 30c prtcu , 2 ' f Bissell's Caipet Sweepers ' W nieces Olf.or.OTH ; v' * $ : i feet In U fuet ulilt' , 20c jEojtilar up prluo , U.u , $2,00 $ , and $2,75 $ , , t&ojfk % ° ' $ t All Kinds Of YOUJZ GAMES , FOli \ATV > Ol * TUB A I3OVH Doll Hiift-gies , GOO7 > S TO Rocking ; Horses , Tool Chests , Trains of Cars , China Dolls Kid Hody Dolls lilc. Street Car ? , Satin Dressed Dolls ' - > ; Express Wngons , Itubkur Dnlis from 1o to II UDdy DollH . 'Do , Mechanical Toys , OBC. Jl.v.V SO-lnuli Industructlblo OolU Clockwork Toys lurgo ho cU , > k DOLL FURNITURE 'TOYS Tor Hoys and Girls. ' * P Doll's buds. I9o to 4U > r. W. Cor. 16th. and Trumpets , Music Uoxcs llolU' Imiss . . . Douglas. DolU1 sliloboai-ilu. ilol And Hooks for Everybody. trunks , tables , wuslistiuiils , utturu teu , dulls' ots ol ills lies OMAI-1A. . m ? Blookv from lOo iip (