THE OMAHA. DAILY 1J13K : SUNDAY , ID12CTOBKR 11 , 1892-TWKNTY-FOUR PACKS. It is our pleasure on this the second Sunday before 1 Christmas , to present to the housekeepers of Omaha and i r r = vicinity , two pictures illustrating the changes brought I about in a period covering seven years of active biisi- iness. The little store in the upper corner is the Birth- I place of the Installment System , and in this verv house . . - _ _ j fciav flr iwas celebrated the first Christmas trade in 1885. In the slower corner is the picture of our Mammoth New rBuilding and in which celebrate ! ii r- , we hope to our : i'i Christmas trade for 1892. Reliable goods , Honest Prices and True Business Policy were the foundation stones on which was built the Installment House and Installment largest Largest Where ths Stavt was M fide Seven Years AETO Business the world over. We extend to all our patrons , to all the residents of our great city and vieintty and tf ! to the-readers of THE BEE in general , a hearty invitation to visit our establish ment which is now in holiday attire. m J ' J fl You Can Buy at the People's Mam moth Installment House for 25o or Loss. Tea cups and saucers , alter dinner colTeos. breakfast colT < -os. cuspidors , mugs , vases , salts , poppers , finger bowls , toothclck stands. For 5Oc or Loss. Bread and milk trays , bon-bon trays , cups and saucers , ouho plates , pen trays , fancy covered butters , china spoon hold ers , docoiated individual butters , rose bowls , cut finger bowls , llowor brackets , butter knives , sugar spoons , napkin rings , shaving mugs , orange spoons. For SI or Loss. China oako plates , covered ehceso plates , craim pitchers , silver salts and peppers , decorated stnml lamps , table bells , vases , bicad knives , moustache cotjors , set fruit plates , bamboo easels , children's rockers , children's high chairs , nursery chairs , bedspreads , com fortables , flower stands , clock shelves , coat and hat hungers , Bowir.g tableg , towel racks with mlrrorsfol lliig chairs , waste paper baskets , fire screens , lamp stands. For $2 or Loss. Ladies' < wood rockers , combination loilot rucks , lint and coat racks , jar- dmioro stands , llowor stands , umbrella holders , gentlemen's smoking sots , chil dren's rattan high chairs , sofa pillows ; youths' chairs , baby swing jumpers , line sateen quilted comfortables , panel pic tures with fiamos , butlers' trays , cradles , folding fire screens , lump stands. tttfi Ji31niW ; il'iMrtWtu\fit4Mi ? < ifyTi For S3 or Loss. Cracker jars , comports , cuspidors , jardlnlotos , sugars and crcnms , salad bowls , salad sots , water sots , out vinegar bottles , hanging lamps , hull lamps , borrv spoons , castors , wall desks , wall cabinets , medicine cases , finely orna mented easels , ladies' sewing rockers , gravings , reclining chairs , fine uphol rugs , ladies' cane rockers , reception stered easy chaiis , onyx tables , library chairs , tapestry seat , large aim polished , tables , parlors tables , pedestals for btnt- rockets , bamboo music stands , rattan unr.v , music cabinets , leather easy rockers , statuette stands , folding card chairs , upholstered students' chairs , up- tables , folding tables , swing wheel holbtorod students' rockers , glnbs door cradles , corner what-nots , hall chairs , bookcases , china cupboards , buffets , dictionary holders , corner stands. sideboards , hat racks , bird's eye maple parlor tables , pillar dining tables , For S5 or Less. couches , chilYonicis for gentlemen , la dies' chiffoniers with minor , mahogony Ilaviland pitchers , salad sots , toilet jniuio stools , wheel ch.iits , bcdioom dopon decanters , table sots , champagnes , suits ( thioo pieces kitchen cabinets ) , , blo lumps rich ciit glasses silverberry , jelly , ladies' writing desks secretaries , berry dishes , silver cake baskets , carv ing sets , crumb tray and scraper , work For S25 or Loss. baskets , rattan tea tables , boot black cases , ottomans , piano stands , piano Pier mlrrois , cheval ml.Tors. line ma stools , mahogany and rattan , rattan hogany desKs , bideboardT bedroom bulls work standB-hall chairs , rattan rockers , ( three pieces ) . Bullet sidoboaids , china foot rests , rattan reception chairs , la closets ( gins ? doois ) . dies' rockers , tapestry and plush scats , Gen tlemon'b shaving cases with Pionch gentlemen's arm chairs , gentlemen's mirrors , cabinet book cases , cylinder arm rockers , gentlemen's library chairs , book cases , Mark's adjustable reclining open-front bookcises , card tables , carpet - chairs , , roll top library desks , folding pot platform rockers , hall tables , teach beds. ers'chairs , typewriters'chairs , butlers' Fine library tables , line tea tables , trays , kitchen cupboards , rattan cradles , narloi bulls ( HX pieces ) , leather easy art squares , lace curtains. chairs , leather easy rockers , colonial For SIO or Loss. fancy chairs , gold gilt recontlon chairs. Invalid reclining and wheel chairs chairs rattan , rattan largo Largo arm , ottomans with down cushions combina rockers , fancy reception chairs , chiffoniers tion , hall stands hull hall secretary book cases , rattim con foniers , , chivirs , versation chairs. benches , settees , corner chairs , hall ° with hat hooks , window chalis glu s , For SSO or Loss. ottomans , bookcases , library tables , tilt- back library and ollico chairs , lounges , Fine library hook cases , bent ghifB children's cnniagcs , gilt reception china closets , Flench bulletc , pillar din chairs , platform rockers , bedroom suits ing tables and chairs complete. Lo.ithor ( Uo pieces ) , ladies' dressing bureaus , Turkihh chairs , leather couches for of ladles' desks , revolving bookcases , li fice or library , upholstoiod reclining brary desks , teachers' chairs , students' chairs , fancy divans , corner chniis , tables , wardrobes. window chairs , library sots upholsteioil For SIS or Loss. with loulhur , hull bctleos with mlirors , Gentlemen's shaving cases , ladles' brass bedsto-ids. ladles' cqmblntitioii hat pnrlor desks , oficiotolrcs , cabinets , en box and chlllonioiB. CATALOGUE COUPON. Send lor our Mammoth Port/olio / , 1 8 snoots , 12 by 18 inches , showing the best things in ouch depot , TWO CONDITIONS - Stoves 1st , Numo some one who Is building , has built or will build. 2nd. Cut out and send us this coupon. Oonilum our pirtlul ptymcnt plan nnvwlioio this side the Arc the best. The Peninsular stoves I'aollii' . Samples caruots sent ] st.itu Mini and jirleo.Youay 11)0 ) inlleaifroliilil , uxcopt on gnoils uilvurtbotl ul spoolul prlcuH are the liest in the world. We control Ono prlcujtoa'.l. OI5'JJ4 Uoo. them.Vlien you buy a Peninsular of us you net the bust for what you would pay for the poorest elsewhere.Vo .slumlOOdilleront styles. A written guarantee , .signed by the president of the Peninsular Stove Company - pany , furnished uitli every Move. A MONUMENT TO RfJLIAHLE GOODS AT Till : LOWEST PRICES. TERMS : MOTTO : If the Goods are no * On a Bill of Ten Dollars Bank. Hotel Office and House Furnishers . Satisfactory and as . Lodge , , , lars $1.OO Cash Represented , come KV t aud Week. 1.00 a 131B131Y Farnam Street , to allow us and all clainis. we reasonable will TELEPHONE 727. OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS ONLY.