r THE OMAHA DAILY 13EE : SUNDAY , MojEMBtill 11 , 18fi2-frWENTY-POTOPAOBfl , , SPEOlflL NOTIGES- A HVBIlTlHKJIKNTH FrTlt Awlll IM > Infctn tinlll 1ISO p. m. lor the evening and until -Op. ni. for the iiiornlngur Sunday cdl- "i ? o'idverlltemcf t t kcn for leu than SJccntf for All ndvcrllfcmrnls In lhf o colnmns 1H trnl * n word for the ftr t Intcrllon and 1 cent n word for cnch luhicnucut Infcttlon , or ( I M per line per tnontli. 'icrmdcafh In n < lv nro. Inlllals , llgurcF , ( tmtiolf . elc. , entli count n n noM. Air ndvcrlHo- "cVn smuBt it.n consfcntlvely. Artverllscrt. by re- nucitlnc n nimtpred tlictk , cnn hnrn Iholclleri ifrtdrtMccl to n numbered letter In carp or Tin ; Hr.r. Aniwcri ro nddtct'cU will be OcllTCrcd on Iho prctcnlttlloa of Iho check. _ _ _ _ _ _ I' ! SITUATIONS WANTED. A COMPKTKNT oricrntar wanls n tlttinllcn In ollhrr blitlnf n or fcolli combined , Ail- flrcn L. K. Gctnbordl , Ncbrnika Clly. Inferences. 118 11 - . ( ! YOU.NI1 HVJSINESH MANI ( SB ) A-KNTF.IIPHISIN In Nebrnsknl good lulleRor , collector nnd onica rannt tttlct habits ; good references. Address U Hlloy.411 llldoul ( trect , London , Canada. 3" " ' HELP. } - MAN WANTED ON SAl-ARY , ONE WHO OA N JIrnrn quickly. Apply at 1510 Douglas. < OI lii 1-AGKNTS WANTKI ) , SALAHY PAID WKIJK Jy | , atHngerofllcc. . till DM U- MAN WAN'll'.D , SALARY AND E. .Ul'crmnnrnt plsce , whole or part time. Apply at once , lliown Hros. Co. , Nurserymen , Chicago. n- SNAPI t.1.00 111 EJUO DAY SUIli : . J > Addrcss Oochenour , 4i'.2 Charles sU Omahn , D-SALAHY Oil COMMlhSlON TO AGKNTS TO JL'liaiirtli' the Patent Chemical Ink Kraslng Pencil. 3bu moil tiraful ninl novel Invention of the ago. Urasea Ink thotnughly In Uo seconds , Work ? llko tragic. 210 lo MO per cent proilt. Agent * making j.'Oper week. Wnnlno want n general ngenliu tnku charge of territory and nptumt stib ngcntn. A rnro chs.nco lo make money. Wr.lc lor terms nnd a pain pic of crnMug. Monroe Hrasci Mfg. Co. , A .K J. Crcsn , WIs. ' > -WANTED. FI1IST-CLA83 COACHMAN BWANTED. ' : Mtllard , Omnhn National bank.MB MB 81) T -WANTKD. DCOKKr.KPKH WHO HAS HAD J Jfome exi orlcnceln wl.olcsnlu buslnets. Young mnn preferred. Addre s , S 41 llec. 11411 1J-AOKN18-WK WANT MEN , WHO Alii : Alj- Jircady trnvellng mlcsnicn. to curry our lubrl cnnts ns n sldo line. Nnmo refercncen mm terrl lory. Mnnufnctutcrs Oil Co. , tlevelnnd , O.M > M 1 iM 20 -8TEXO < ! HAPHiil : AXI ) TYPEWIUTER - -MEN FOR THE SOUTH ON U. S. C1OVRHN E-WIO work In Tennessee. Krarocr & O'llrain Labor Agency.TO t'outhllth street. M210 12' - WANT SALESMEN AND WOMEN IN B-WK county In the UulU-d States whcro terri tory Is not nlrendy tnkcn to sell our Aluminum silver Bolld metnl knives , forks nnd spoons to con sumers. No pinto to wonr off goods. ( Junrnnteed to wear U ) years. Agents averngo $ ' . ' 5 to $ lli per week , nnd meet with loadysnle so great Is thu de mand for this class of ware. Sample cnso free. Wrlto at once with stamp. Western llrass nnil Metal Works , Marlon. Ind. 222 11' B-WANTED , TRAVELING AND LOCAL SALES men to take orders for staples already Intro ditccd : light samples ! liberal arrangements ; be. * ' lido linn and adapted to nil classes of tinrotnl trade. Address Manufacturers Co.NoS'JIO Filbert t. , Phllndelphln , Pn. 221 H * WANTED. ORGANIZERS FOR FIRST-CLASS B frntcrnnl order. Life nnd endowment classes. Kvcluslvo territory nnd big pny. A rnro clmm-o ; npply at onco. Fraternity , Wi : Exchange bldg , Uoston. Mass. 231 11 * -CANVASSEHS WANTED , MALE AND FK- male , fl.UO nn hour , samples and terms free. Grand Central Novelty Co. , Lock-port , N. Y.2J3 2J3 11 * 1J-T1IK STEDMAN-HI1TCHINSON "LtllllAHY JLluf American Literature" offers nn cxcoptlonnl opportunity to agents who hnvo nold encyalo- pecllnf. histories or high clans subscription books. Ono ngent cleared . $311,20 In first two weeks' work , 'Jwo agenls In ono town cleared $707.10 In ono ucck. Ono lady In Plttsburg cleared $4'i.40 ' in ono day. References required but no capital ; no de livering and no collecting. Inexperienced men carefully langht nnd Drained. Address nt once , Charles L. Webster A Co. , ( n 6th nvenuo Now York. 225II * -WANTED. SALESMEN AND DEALERS TO jell whlto unumul letlers for window signs , nlso signs enameled on Iron. Dig prollts. Send for II- luslralcd price list. New York and Chicago Ennmel company , 40 Clark street , Chicago. 2fl 11 * "O-FOUR SALESMEN IN THIS TEHKITORY ; -It75 per month "and expenses. Enclose stamp. Kecwood linking'Ponder Co. , tUT Madison St. , Chicago , HI. 234 11 * B WK OFFER AGENTS DIG MONEY , IN EX- elusive territory. Our safes sell nt sight In city or country. Agents first In Held actually getting /tcli. Ono agent In ouo day cleared f'JI.W. So can you. Cntnloguu freo. Address Alpluo Safe Co. . NC..WO-371 Clark sfrcet , Cincinnati , O. 2.17 11 * -WANTED , AGENTS , $5.00 TO $10.00 PER DAY collecting small pictures for us to copy and en- larsc. Sntlnfactlon guaranteed and n fl.CO outllt free , A , Dunne & Co. , Ltt Hcadu street , New York. Miitt 11 * _ -AGEN'IB. SALARY AND CO.1.MISSION. REST frtternnl order. Assets. $ : iOO.iOO. Doth Ufa and endowment classes. Gilt edged In every respect. Homo district agents wanted. A rnro chaneo. Ad dress King & Co. , 8 Union t'qvmro , New York. 2:19 : 11 * _ -WANTED-GKNTLEMBN OF GOOD ADDRESS lo represent an entirely new entorprlto con nected with the World's Fair Ylstor's ussoclnatlon. Call at UI.I Now York l.lfo bulldln . between 10 nnd 12 n. m. Monday. 2M-11 * -AGENTS WANTED , MALM AND FEMALE , to sell n fast sailing nrlltile. Dig commission. K. I ) . Weud , Ilith und Douglas. 2i0 ! 11 * f > - AGENTS WANTED , PRUDENTIAL LIFE -l > lns. Co. , good pay. Apply room 20 , Freiuer block , uppo. 1' . 0 , M270 JIO * > -KlllST CLASS MKAT COOK WANTED AT JLIndol Ilolol , Lincoln , Neb. M271 13 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. C'WANTKl" ) , LA 1)1158 oil"YOlJNt ! MI5N TO toke Unlit , pleasant work nt their own homes ; 11.00 to JS. 00 per day cnn bo quietly mudu ; work cent by mcll : no cunvassliiu. For purllculurB ad dress ( iloboMfi ; Co. , lox&iJl ! , Uoston. Must. Ka- tabllshed lt > 0 , MW. ) 1)11- C -SKCOND G11IL , 2J1I ) FAHNA.M. 165 11 C-COMl'KTKNTOIHLFOH GKNKHAL 11OUSC. work. ItiCV Mivrnian avenue. HII -WANTKI ) . OIHL KOIt UKNUHAL HOUSK- work , 1053 I'ark nvriuie 110 11 C-WANTI'l ) , ( ! IHL I'OH ( iKNKHAL HOUSK- work atOU5 Unit street. imi H' -YOUNH LAOIKS CAN SOON ACQUIUI \ worklnt ; knowledge of shorthand and type' wrlllnit ut Van Sauls' 513 N. Y. l.lfo. ju-ju ; _ -WANTKD-COMI'KTUNT OIHL FOll C.K.V. cral housenork In tumlly uf Ilirce. 110 S. 2.tli ftvcnuo. MIUU 12 * CANY ONK WISIHNli 1IONA FIDK 1IOMK ICM- ployment to earn (5 to ( SO weekly , spam 1 1 mo 01 Heady work wllhout ciiiivasnliig , send uddross to (1. H. Wilson , Fall lllver , MUM. m''O'J 12 * -WANTI-iD. A FIHST-Cf.ABS COOK IN HMAl.f prlvalu family. Good wages to competunt Klrli SoOl Doutilas. 210-11 -\VANTHI-LADY BTHNOtJIt Al'lllO IIH , ONIi for local work and ono to trpvol. fall Tuesday Duconiber IK. from II to 10 a , in. , ou Mrs , ICzernack I" * "inn liMi'l. 2U4-r { C-WAN ' . . .VI KLLKJKNT LADT TOTHAYKI north In in miuiner , . south In Uio winter In llu .Iturcstot ri'llnblii firm. Salary iiuyublo weekly , or parllo I - call Monday , December 12 , U to 11 a lu , I'lixton hole ) , room 127 , Mr . O , Kternack. 2G5 II' | _ _ _ I WANTK I , l.AUIKS WHO WILL DO W1IITINC V forn.o nt niiiiu ; will mukuKOOd wugea. Heplj wllh uddroi ed stumped envelope , Miss .Man i.nt . . . OMulli llend , Hid. 22311' C-WANl'F.D A LADY NOT 'IDO YOUNG , UK quired lo till a llghl but responsible position li our business. Mutt bo well reau and agreeable Address K II Heo. 257 II' -AN ACTIUK YOUNG LADY OF HUSINKs ! hubllB wanted In collect anil lake orders. Nom liut peisunul applications conbllcrcil , Apply Mod day niter 10. huperlulendenl's Uillce , 12 , ' elghlui lllock. C ! -WANTKI ) , GOOD G1IIL FOll GKNl'.HAl BIOS. a7lh street. MMJ 14' FOR RENT HOUSES. 13 -NltW bTKAM-HKATKD MODKHN FLATi Ktlkenney , room I , Continental block. _ M172 Dll D-VOll IIKNT.2FHA.MK DWKI.LINGH COHNK1 of Dodge nd Kill und l\lh \ and Capitol avrnu Kleven looms each. Near now putlonlro ll trail , 0. Clark A Co. MtiJim D -FOll HKNT. NO. Jltil CAPITOL AVKNUJ luuderu. Ihe O. F , Davis Co. , 1605 Farnam it. 111) D-A I.AHGK LIST OF CHOH'K Motes , flsln. tie. Houtcs fiom J5.00 per inont Bud up. Gcorce J. Paul. 111)6 ) Faruaru , 87III5 * n-M.Ni : HOOM nousi : . MODKUN CONYKN Icncei , water rout paid , (25.00 pur monlh. J. 1 Whfek'r , room 411 Karbach block. MIS7 -FOll HKNT , MOHK1IN 10-HOOM 1IOUSK , AL conveniences , Hve uiliiules' walk iioitottlci nreel c rs pass Iho door. Nathan theltun or U t tkluner , 1014 1 iirnixui si , 120 D-KIOHT-IIOOM DF.TACJIKP HOUSK. MOI cm ! I'Cbl neighborhood , (20. to icn rooms au burn. I'ark a\enuc , t5. U , F , Units , SWO So. lit . slrtel. MKvi d20 D-A HKS111AUI.K 1IOMK OF 9 HOOMS , FIJI nlihcd or unfurnUhed. 1'urllcs going toCnl iorula. Apply ou premises , ill * t'uuth Tenth > t. 770 \-nll HKNT , 10-UO011 HOUSK , 2015 CASI /IIO.UO , Heed & felby , Hoard of Trade. 77V 4 OR RENT HOUSES. M\6oM CO7TAllt. - ( SMI MASON , P-1IOOM hou e , modern , Slit & Maton. Apply aui3.Mn on , _ 777 -KOIt IlKNT. 1IOUSK8 IN ALL I'AHTS OF elly. The o , F. Hurls company , I50J Fnrnam st. 7' , 3 -Kl.ATB , DWKI.IlNiy. CorFAOKH IN AM. I ) pnrtsoJ city , Kilkenny Ac Co. , ContlncntaHilk. MIOOM COTTAOI : ON MOTOU JT , , . An < ly S , W < corner t'lh and Dounlns. 781 TV-HOUSK OF II HOOMS , ALL MOHKHN CON J-'vcnlenccf , plca r > nlly locnlcil near business cnn- lor. Apply ISgt ) Chicago Bt. , or L. S. Skinner , ir.lt I'nrnnm. 782 -NKW7-IICOM C.OTTAIJKS ! HATHHOT AND cold wnler , nil modern linprovcmenU. Dclrnblo Iccntlontor biislnrM turn In bcnulllul Stanford Circle. Convenlonl to Omahn anil Soulli Omahn. Apply C. S. Klgultqr , r I. Now Yurk l.lfo building. n-fOH HKNT , NKW7-IIOOM MOIIKIIMIOKSIJ , J-'nlccly | inierod | , near West Farnnm car. Dr. Mnttlco , Douutnsblock. M8S1 n-JOIl HKNT-.MV 1I1IICK IIOUSK. NO. 570 < l J-'FnrnMii Mrcct nnd brick barn , romplclo with ncry cunvcncncp. Warren 31 , IIUKcro , 1321 Far- unm it. MS5'J -II HOOM tMlirK lTullsT < r s7 Sfil'll AND Dodgci every convenience. Keys ZMI ) I apltol nvrnue. Ml315' TWO pTx-HOOM HOtJSI'.S IX WALNUT lllll , city wiitor , oin-block from motor line , $11110. Omalm Itcnl Hitntuacd Trust Co. , room I , lieu building. MIU 13 I\ TWO McT : "fi-TroOM COTTAOKS"N08. HOOO -J/and Mil Drcntnrnl. , nlll rent for $10 per month. Apply to Louis llradford , lUth and DouKlassts. Ml 18 11 * IN t-AMlLlEBl SATISKAirrlON l-/Kuar ntCd. ( 1411 N. 17th. MI05 15' D-KOIt ItK.NT , A TKA-HOOM IIOtlflK. NO. Ill S. ! 9tlist. , lurnUhed or unfurnMicili modern eon- venlencos. rrlrn , unfurnished , $10 per month. Ap ply 17J3 Doitco street. M201 11 D-KOIl HUNT , NKAH HANSCOM I'AUK. llrlck IniiiBO , eight rooms , > o. EW2 I'opplcton nve. , corner I'oppli'ton avi and iSntl Kt. , south nnd east front. llnMicd In oak.wllh handsome mantele , bath , xplundlil furnarc. brlelc cellnrs. etc. . $ ( . " > W. hrnmo house , eight rooms , No , Mlfi I'oppleton avc. Miutli front , with bath , furmcf , etc. . $45.00. llrlvk house , olclit rooms , No. 1144 H. : i''nd St. , onk finish , with nice dath , furnnce. ( Ity n.tier , cistern , Ran , sc < reraga. brick cvllnrn , etc. , $40 DO. Kli-gant brick lieu e , No. MK'5 ' I'nclllc slrcot , ono of thu tlnost llnlshed nnd coslestelght-room houses In thn city , tvltli nil mudern cunvenlences. Inrltul- In ; , ' eiegiint porrelaln bnth till' , hot nnd CO Id wn- tor , ntntlonnry water tubs , etc. ; no llnor location In Ilia city ; fttMK ) . Thu nhovo house * nro nil on paved streets , co A Tcnlcnttn motor linen. In ncrioctly honlthy loca tion and plcnvml uelghborliood. Ooo. \ . lllcks , ; 10JN. V. 1.1 to. 270 11 D ArAHT.MK.NT 110 US K TO HKNT. .1 11LOCKS from World's fnlr entrance. hlc.iEO. New : i- story stone "fiont bulldlnc , havlnc411 rooms , good sUi > , every room opens In tbu hulls ; stecm hent , hot nnd cold irntcr. ntul all modern conyenlcnccH , I'or furlhur pnrtlciilnrs apply to Ilobert'S. Wllcor , mnnniicr riruwnlng , King .V Co. 2)3 11 D-FOIl HUNT. FLATS IN THK I' . K. 1LKH block , coiner Kith nnd Jackson sts. Thov nro choice , linvlns nil eonvunlenccs. Includlni ; stenui hent. Tlio block has llrrt-clasn fnmlllei In It , Ap ply nt once If you whh to get out' . 349 II D-KOIl III5NTIKIO.M COTTACU , 839 S. 21J-T street : elty water and cistern. Apply nt 103 llamuu bulldlni ; . Mi'Jl-lo' FOB BENT FXTRNISHEP ROOMS. 3 ItOO.MB ON bT. MAIIY'S AVI ! . , FUI1N1SHKD forUouickccplne , L'tound lloor. U. K. Units , 220 f. 17th. 4WJ > I13 Nl'.WLY KU1INMSIIRI ) UOOMS FOll LADHIg or gentlemen. Inquire nt II'IB ' Dotlge. U7 -SOUTH HOO.M , VOlS I1AKNKY. M34C D1V E-STKASt 111 ! ATI ! 1) 1'HO.NT 11OOM. 1714 Nicholas. M1M II * KOIl HKNT , KI.KGANTIjV KLMtNISHKD , Btcam hentcd rooms )2S. ) 13th t. 1(9-13 'I ? KOIl HKNT-KUItNlSHRD HOOMS IN PHI. J > Jvnto family. 1603 Davenport street. MS03 11 * E-NICELY FL'HNISHKD HOO.M , 1010 DAVKN- port. M.'i73 17 TWO HOOMS UHNiailK.D 1'OH L1CHT . housekeeping , rent $12.00 , 8.2 S. 17th. 214 ll.i E I'liKASANT KUHNISIIKD I'HONT HOO.M , { li.tO month. 1121 X. 16th. 31247 12 E lMUi ! : FHOXT HOOM. SUITAIILK KOK TWO RCntlemcn , with board If desired , 2117 Kprnuni. aw-ii * E TWO DKSIHAIILK VirilNISIlEn HOOMS , southern exposure , fur rent nfter 12th Insl. The MndlBOii. ' 'let nnil Chicago sis. 273 II * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. -HOO.M , KOIt ONK Oil TWO GKNfl.KMH.V < vtli ! or without board , prlvato fimilly , con- venlent to I'urk avenue cnrs , JUl'J I.cnvcnworlh , 143-13 * F TUK DO1.AN , 200 AND 211 N. 18T1I ST. 414 F FUHNI8IIKD HOOMS AND liOAHD. 2013 Douglas street. M101 17' T ? NKWLY FUIINIMIKI ) FHOXT HOOM , W1T1I X board. Hcfcrcnccs required. 1722 Dodgcst. Ibli 11 * 17 I'OHHKNT WITH HOAUD , A KUllNISHI'.l ) 1. front room sullnblu for two Kcntlemcn. 201 ! ) California btrect. 193 15- I -FOll ItK.NT , FUKNISIIF.I ) IUJOM8 Wll'II OH Lwllhout board. 1707 Dodcc street. J11D5 I2 17-MCKI.Y FUHNI81IKI ) SOU'rilKAST KHONT i- room wllh alcove anil bay window. All modern conveniences. Hoard ; prlvnla family. K'fl S. Z'Jtli slrcol. MSOO 12 17 WANIlWn , 2 OKNT1.KMK.V TO HOO.M AND -i- board In private * family ; modern conveniences ; CiU per month. Address ti. 47 , lloo oltlco. 3I II' i - V FHHNISIIEU HOOM AND HOAIID , ' ftWS DouKlni. M2ii3 ; > UNFURNISHED ROOMS. -4 HOOMS. MOlVlYltNr CONVKNIKN'OBS , TO family nlthont children ; 2JJI rurnum. Inquire CM Paxtun block. 735 Q-3 HOOMS AT ISO ! CALIFOIINIA ST , l > 02 J2 $ -FOll HKNT , TWO OH TII1IHIO UNFUH. nluhcd rooms , ullh all modern conveniences foi light housekeeping ; runt reasonable. Call 1'X ! ' ! Lcuvciiworlh.urd floor , M272 13 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. j"FoiT liKNTFOUH-S'iwiY IHUCK WAHI .1 lionno with trncUncc. Knqnlra J , A. Crulghlun , 1(8 1st National Hank bldg. 4001)17 1-FOH HKNT , THU 4-Sr01IV HHICK IIUILDING -I'Jlti Farnam ti. The building 1ms a fireproof ce ment basement , complc'o fctcamhenllnn ttxlurcsi water on nil the llcors , gas. etc. Apply at tlia otllcc ' /of The Dec. 918 I DOWN TOWN COIINK1I FOll HAIUIKH SHOP KMabllshed Irade , Wright & Lasbury , lUth nnd Howard. 77J 1-ONK FOUIl S'lOIIY 11II1CK HU1LDING 22 KKK'J wide. 1407 Ilnrnny slrecl. (74 I FOll HKNT. A VKIIY DF.SIHA1ILH IIUILDING I lultnbla for a warehouse , with stabln In conec lion , Truckage frunt ami ronr. Address K , A Cnrmlchael , cure uf McCord , llrndy A Co , 215 I-OFFICK OU DKSK HOOM FOUUENTCHKAP -l llli tuleplionu , steam hent. gna nnd Ja iltorsor vice , llooui 22 , Paltorsnn block , 17th and Farnnm Btrccta. M Ma-lil 1KOIl HUNT. THK COHNF.il STOIIK 110OM 1 > .1 tlio P. 1C. Her block , corner ICth and Jackson sts The location Is good and suitable for most nn ; kind ot business , llciil re onable. 21911 AGENTS WANTED. T-AGKNTS WANTKI ) TO 8KLL "TllK CIIIMI 'of Caslu , " n now. slarlllng. powerful boob written by the ppople'K champion , llenj. U , Haven port. Tolls what bent Harrison ln18J2ThoPoopl : vit. the llarons , Dudes and Chapules ; rttl hot t every linen llnuilng swunl ; 0,1100 s old In Phlludel phla first week. Outfit 25e ; big terms ) books read Dec , 15. Wrlto lodny to uovetono Pub , Co. . 1'lilln delphla. m.'OI II' -WANTKI ) , AGHNTS'IOlNTHODUCKTOLKAll < ' Ing hotels , reitaurnnts und families fhn enl practical and thoroughly siiccesiful line of dish washing machines , flies lu suit all clusses , fron the tmiullcst families tu thu largest hotels. I families tlio housuwlfu ran warh. rlnsa and dr Ihu dlsheB fur un entire day In ten minute without wetting the ImiiiU nnd with prac tli'iilly no exertion , SHVCS time and laboi Nu braiding or chapping uf hands. In holeli rostuurunts , cle. , the machlnci will soon pa fur themselves In the Kiivldg effected In tno breav Ing Hit ; chipping n f dishes , In ono holel havln on un nvcrugu less than lee guents dally , one uf on machines oaved them f 101.87 In nine moiithls' ttm In breaking und chipping alone. All machine , glvu absolute satisfaction. Hvery machine gum unteeil as reprcsenlt'd. Nu compellllon. hplendl terms. Kiclmlve control of territory. Men wh can come well recommended and are willing ti wurk van secure n good opening for a permanen business. Illustrated circulars mailed , 'Jho lion ell-Low Mfg. t 0. , 875 , Cleveland , O. Kl H I AGKNTS-IIIUDHKH THOUSAND FOll OU1 ' "llghliilng Belief , " the "WUard of Wall Stree und Ills Wealth , ur the Llfo anil Daeds of Ja Gould , " by the distinguished journalist. Trumbu ; White. Profuslry Illustrated. First nulhentl hlslury of Hit ) world's groiitust mlllloii'iuaker , an how ho made them. Sells at slht. I.lvu agent Uko W orders In a day. llook Bulls at II 2) . Sem > vie In slimipi fur elejant proieclut. First COUK tlrsl served. Mlil-Conllnout Publishing Corapahi 9r 4i ) Jackton slreet , Chicago. 217'U' I-\fANTKI ) . LADY OH GKNT TO BEL ' fsitcst selling 25u article ever put on the uiarke Viva sumple and ageiitt' terms fur lOc. Address , M. Husso , bultu U , o25 fcouth W sleru avo. , Chtcagi i H' ( I-WANTKI ) . AOKNTS IN KVKHY COUNTY 1 tl lowu and Ncbraika lo sell Ihu Simplex typ writer ; retail price , ( .1.50. Does as good work as (100 munhlno ; uvery machlno fully wuriante Good pay. sleady employment. Address wll lauip , A. H. Iloughtou.JiON.10th slrceu Oniuh \VANTED TO RENT. K-WAJJTKO , TOHfCNT A B OH 7 HOOM COT luen with furnace and nil modern convlcncr-i , for family of twoi possession wauled btlworn January I andli. Ailiirct * , giving location. i > rlc , etc. , 810 , lice. . 1U1P STORAGE. M-STOHAUi : . YOUIl IIUIIOY OH CAIUUAOB carefully looked nftnr. Clean , dry , Mry room Uth and Ilarncy , Uritinmond Cnirlngu Co < v -SIOKAOR CHKAt' , CL15A.N , WKLLSl ! TiTi Farnam ilrcct , 7M 1 > flrtl tnorlKiiRcs. Heed A Sclby , Ul Hoard Trado. AT- WANTHHTO lIUY.FUitNlTUHK AND HOtlSK 1 > hold goods. I4M Dodge. .M510 IMJ ) _ VT WILL 1'AY ALL CASH FOH STOCKS OF -Li dry goodn , clotlilnp , hoolsnnd fhoc' , Krocorlc-i. Nu commlislon. Alex. Moore , 401 lica bldg , MISO N-WANTKI ) T ( ) HUY , FllKSIl JKIISEY COW. Inquire 1010 Farnam. IRMV VT ntl'ljF.MRNT IIUSINI'.SS WANTl'ID. WILL -L' pay cash. Van I'allcn , Hoard uf Trade. 17.1 13' FOR SALE FURNITURE. FOll SAl.i : AT A 1IAIIOA1N , OFFIUK OH O bank furniture , nl.io good burglar and IIro proof safe. Iuqulro Mncrlcnn Savings bank , VM rj-roil 8AI.H WILL SKLL FUHNITUUH IN V-/room coltnRO very cheap. 2010 HLcrmnn nvp. 133 11' 0-rOH HALK , AT A SACHIFICH , ALL TllK furniture , carpels , curtains , etc. , nt 2Jl : Dnvi-n- port nt. ; goods are new owner leaving city. Cnll Monday p , m. M174 11' 0-FOIl HALK , KUHNlTUlin OF TKN-UOOM house , Includlni ! pinna , 17 boarders ! rcnl. (25 per month , liiln Cnpltol live. 24011 * 0-FOHSALR A HAllflAIN. SQUAH13 1'IANO In good condition. $ i0. ! Address S 65 , Due. 277 II' FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC p-FOH SALK. A NKAHI.Y NKW HOUIILK JL springcxprets wacon , horrc. hnrnexs nnd buggy ; also n nearly new scl of crenmery tuols , consisting ofhuttcr worker , churn , Ilown scale , truck , etc. , all will bo sold ntnercc' sacrlllco. Address G , It. Tzschuck , lice olllcc , or call at 3327 Mlauln street , whcro goods can bo eccn , MC33 1)-TWO HEAVY WOKKlIOItiiKS , WKIOHT I nlout 1,200 , ; nleo ono line driving liorso 4 ycnrs old. Mdcllty Lonn nnd Gunrnnli'a Co , room 4 , Wllhncll building , corner 15th and Hartley street. MI31 p-FOll SALK , MAllH AND COLT AT HALF J their Tnluc. Ncbrnsko. Loon Co. , 1310 Douglas street. M120-12 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ( " 1-FOll SALH C11KA1' . A SJ-IIOIISH I'OWKU Wnntomntlc cnRcnci iilso ono ! 2-liorae iniwer up rlghl engine : both In good leprilr. Inquire of Feat uer Printing l.'o. , 131)7 ) Howard slrecl , Omaha , Neb. 788 Q-ICO I'HINTKI ) KNVKiOl'KS > ? 3 CKNTS. 1'OST paid , samples free. Journal , Amelia , Neb , 1S9 H Q-rOIt 8ALK-C110ICK YOUNG AFHIOAN. grey and olher parrots , line singing carnarli's from Gcrmnnv , good , strong brnss cage * , gold llth and tlsh globes. A , llohnu's bird store , 710 Market Btreet , Bt. Lonls. Mo. 25 , ' > .ir Q-FOIl SAI.K. CllHISTMAS 1'HKSKNT. MALK and femnlo cannrla ? , excellent bird ? , (5.Otper pair. Address S 51 , Heo. 2118 11 MISCELLANEOUS. TV-FOH iKNLalAUoH SOCI KT1 KS , -LXmeetlngs or lectures. Apply at ' 403 Dodge. & 78 J-l K KOIl HK.NT-FIItST CLASS CONOVKH 1MANO K per month to good party. Address K. W. H. cnro Drover's Journal , South Omaha , M274 17 CLAIRVOYANTS. 2 v. S reliable busluois medium , tlfth year at ll'J N ICth. S MllS. Hit. M.LKO HAVK , I'HOl'HKTKSS , DKAD Iranco clairvoyant and life reader : lolls your life from cradle to grnvo ; can bo consulted on-ill ! nlTalruof life ; has the celebrated Kgypllun breast pinto to nntlc the separated and cause marrlngo with one you love. Couio one , cnmo all and be con vinced of her remarkable powers , olllca nnd resi dence ! ? S. 11th si. , hours 9a.m. toll p.m. Strict llfochart nncl puoto of your future wife or hus band sent Ihroiigh mail for (5.00 , chart nlonc (2.00. All letters conlnlnlng 4 euntt , lu stamps promptly nnawcred. ' S05 ! ID * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. T-MME , STOWK. MAONKTIO HKALKlt. 2UJ Douglas block. Cor. ICth and Hodge. uil fi-12 * fp M.ME. LAIIUK , MASSAGE. 410 S. 15TII ST , , J. 3rd floor , lint 4. M176 15' T-MMH. CA118ON. 1121 HOIlr.f.AS STUKKT , 31) floor , room 7. inassugc , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. StlTC 15' rp-MAI > AMK SMITH , 1821 CAPITOL AVKNIIK , -L Itonm 3 , 3il floor , Massuge , alcohol sulphur and ceil baths. M2IIU 10 * PERSONAL. U 8KXD TEN CKNT.S TOH IMCOIM.K'8 A DVO- oato , dL'scrlblnjt liullcB and uenls In nil stations of life who vrliu to marry , llox < h ( ! , Chicago.tM : tM ) 11 _ U PKHSONAlj-HO YOU WANT TOKNOW YOUIl sirccthcnrt , your future husband , nmlrlmonlal and business chances In life , as rercnluJ by Asfrol- oi-O bond 20 ceuls , full Union of blrlh and descrip tion. 1'rof. M. Drown , llox 1070. ChtcaKO , HI. ' . ' 30 11 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. crKU.K V cor. I5th und llarnuy. Haincy street entrance , .HI y-JJO TO WKIIICK'S MUSIC IIOUsKJIUnonniS , MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. W' LAIIUK LOANS MADK ON OMAHA , LIN- coin , Conncll Hluffs business properly ; U j > cr cent. Also Buialllouns. GcorguJ. Paul , IG15 Farnam. 37o-d,15' Tir-MONl'.Y TO LOAN ON I.MPIIOVKO CITY > 1 property , low rate. A. C. Frott. Duuglns blk. 7117 \y I-OAJi ! * ON IMPIIOVIII ) AND UM1MPKOVKD 'i city property.,000 : ! nnil npwiirils.i ) to 7 percent. No delays. W. Fnruaui Smith & Co. I5lh and lluruuy. 7'JU \\T 7 I'KIl CENT MONKY NKT TO HOIlltOWKHS ' > on Omaha city propeity. No extra , charges ot any kind. Why pny high rates ? Money Is cheup. You ran get full benefit of low rates from Globe Loin und Trust Co , , IGth and Dodge. 7fJ \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKK3 LOANS ' on real estntout lowest market rules. Louns made In minll or largo sums fur short or long tltiio. Nn commission Is charged and thu loans uro not sold In Iho east , but can always bu found at the bank on thu corner of lath und Douglas sir eels. r 7111 \V ANTHONY LOAN ANDTUUST CO. , 313 N. Y. , 'I Life , lends at low rates fur cholcj Nccurlty un Nebraska or loiva farms or Oninlmclt1' properly. 7113 \H7-MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWKST IIATKS. ' The O. F. DavlsCo. , 1505 Farnam slrcet. 7U1 \r-CKNTHAL LOAN &THUSTCO. DISK IILUG. W HKAL K8TATK LOANS , TO 7 PKll CENT , no additional charges fur commission or attar- ney'B fees. W. II. Melkle , Frst National Hank bids , \\r-MOHTOAK ( ! LOANS LKSS THAN 7 1'KH ' < cent Including all chnrgo. Charles W. llatnoy , Omnha Nat. bank bldg. 705 \\r-l AND2-YKAH LOANS ON CITY AND FAHM > ' morlgages , Heed It Solby,3l Hoard of Trade. HJJ lo \V-LOAN8 ON CITY PIIOPKIITY , U AND 7 PKll ; cent. K. F. lllngcr , 151U Farnam , V.9M JS' I- - Iiy iy -MONKY TO UAN. LAND TO SKLL , liuuscs to rent. George M Coatos. .M'/8 A\r-LOWKST HATKS. FIDELITY THUST COM. < > puny , 1702 Fainum street M'.it5 ' : " C. F. IIAU1I1SON , 1)12 ) N. Y. LIF1C. 709 \T PIUVATKMOA'KY , 1ST ANII2I ) MOllTGAIH ! ' loans , low rales. Alex Moore. Heo bldg. bOl Vi' ' MONKY TO LOAN ON GOOD HI5AL KSTATH tocurlly. Address Albert K. Peterson , 41X Chestnut Ktrcct Phlladolphla , Pa. 235 II' MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. "V-CALL AT TUB OFFICK OF , OMAHA MOHTGAGK J.OAN CO. 0 - * INCOHPOHATKD it , You can burrow on 11 HOUSKIIOLD FIHINITUHK AND PIANOS , 't II011SKS , WAGONS AND CAHIllAGKP , 'tr \YA1IKHOUSK HKCKII'TS , MKIICIIANDISU r , Oil ANY OTHKll SI.'CUIUTY. lo Wo will lend you any amount id from 110.00 tu (1.000 ON TllK DAY YOU ASK FOll IT , d wllhout publicity or removal of property , ' lou can pay the money back In any amounts , you wtsb. and at any lime , and each payment no made will reduce the cost of the loan. llemenibcr that you have the uitt of both the Tt. properly und Iho money , nnd pay for It only us t. lung UH you keep It , t.J , There will bo no ejpenie or charge kept out of the amouut wanted , but you will receive Iho lull amount of thu loau. Dofore borrowing elsewhere call and see us IN and you will Und It greatly to your advantage. left. OMAHA MOHTGAGK IXAN CO. ft. lloom II , Crelghton block , 3d Hour. , id. 114 Eoulh lith. neit lo poitortic. th TUB OLDEST. LA IKI UST AND ONLY 1NCOH- 1'OHATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. OMAHA.M175 MONEY TO LOAN -CHATTELS. V-DO YOU 'WANTytyO.NRT TllK Flt > raiTY'U\N [ OUAHANTKK CO. , HOOM 4 WITIINKMi HLOCK. ; SOUTH mjivonNKii , iiAiiNHYflr. LOAiM \ YOU \ ANY \ LAWJKj on lttft\DOI.LAn3\ \ \ UP- WH MAKi : l.OAN3)ON ) FUIINITITIII ! , HOIfKH , CAUIIIAGKS. WA11KHOUSK HKCKIPTd Oil IMIIt- 8ONALI'HIJPKllTY'hic ' ANY KINIJ. / WlbUy DO WELL / TO / /TOD / ON /'OS KIHST / FOK. / t / / / / OUIITKHMS WllibMRKT YOUIl APPHOVAL. You can pny Iho money back nt nny tlmo nn.l in nny amount you wish , nnd linn reduce the con of carrying the loan In proportion lo amount you pay. IF YOU ewe a bulanco on your furniture or other persona ! property uf nny kind , we will pay It off for you nnd carry It n < lent at you do lre , YOU CAN HAVKYOim MONKY IM ( INK ItOUH KHO.M Tin : TiMu YOU MAKI : APPLICATION. No publicity or removal ot properly so Dial you get the use of both money nnd property , lit ) XMONKY LOAN HI ) CHKAP AT VOUH OWN tlmo. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1316 Douglas Bt. 83 ; X WILL LOAN.MONKY ON ANY KIND OF 8K- curltyt rtrlctly confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 601 -t'HlTCHAIll > ,5t DOUGLAS 1ILK. HIADODOK. m X MONKY-30 , l0 ! , W HAYS. CHUAP IIATKS nnd cnsy pitvmonls. on fnrnHnre. pianos , llvo stock , etc. , without dolny or publlclly ; cash on hand. DiillUroen , room U , Darker block. 801 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y- of goods iiulck , address with stamp , Van Pat ten's business exchange , Hoard of Trade.MIS2 MIS2 Dll * Y-KOll SALE OH K.XCHANtJK , A (1OO1) 1IIJ9I- noswllli the real oitatu In Omaha , flood re.v tons for selling. Address 707 New York Life , Omahn .Net ) . M81.S D7.I V WANTKD-A YUUNU MAN TO TAKK AN - 1inluiest In Moll established printing business ; ono who Is cnpatlc of keeping books nnd do gen era ! olllco work ; tuustcoiufl well recommcnlcdnnd bo ublo to furnlih some capital. Thli Is n need chance for the right limn. Address S 42 , lloo onice. / M128 13 Y-DUUH bTOL'K. MUSTUK SOLD ON..ACCOUNT of dcnth of owner. Oood opening ; 1,000 popu lation. Illtf cnsh dlacount to tell quick. Ynnl'nt- ten. I'uard ' of'Irndu , 1CC-14 * \r FOH SALE , KSTAUL1SHED CHOOKKHY J. bu'lness In good location , Splendid chaneo for young business ninn with small capital. Kor par ticulars nddrcss llox 1MI , Lincoln , l < cb. M212 11 * V-WASTEII , MAS TO TAKK THU MANAOK - * . ment of pcrmnncnt brnnch tor established Chicago cage house ; will pny nil expenses and $11'3 per month salary , also good pcrcentnee on all business ( lone ; must Invent f'J.W.I In stock of goods to bo carried , and must give entire attention to business. Chester llurtun , COS llouio Insurnuco bid' ? . . Chi- cngo. 22.1 11 * AT-TO MKKCHANTSi "AUCTIONKEH. " MKll- JL chants desiring to quit business or reduce stock < 1 mnku n specialty nuctloncurlug all kinds mcr- chundlso llest reference. Kor terms nddrcsn L. W. Newell , lonn City , la , MMJ 15 * -KOIt SAI.K , STOCK OK MKN'S KUHNISH- Ings nnd fixtures nt 320 N. 10th , Onmhn , or will exchange for A 1 rental property * Address .1 , M. Davis , I harlcston , 111. 23211 "V WANTED. A DOCTOR. TU I.OCATK AT 1IAJC- LardNeb. For particulars , address K. C. Dates A Co. 2JQ II * V KOU SAI.K , A tl.LINEHY STOUK IN 11KST J- location , handsomely fitted , fixtures almost new , doing nn excellent business ( lood reasons tor selling. Prlco very low. Address .Milliner , H ' I , Dee. 270 11 * V-l ,000 STOriC of'DHY ( JOOU8 , CLOTHING , J- boots nnd shoes nnd furnishing goods , for sale t n bargnln If taken Hilon. fiXMNM stock of clutlilniJ , gents fiirntshlne goods nil boots anil shoes , new , nil bought within the nst sixty days. Will sell for 70c on the dollar If nken at once. f.'I.UJJ stock of boots and shoes. Will sell for ] c. ( food clenn stock $ I.1.JOO ( stock of clotlilng and Edits furnishing oods , good clean stock nnd coed location. Will ell for We on the dollurjf taken within the next en days , Ilargafns In storfka of goods $2,000 to JIUO.OOO. lenry C Smith , Falls City. Neb. M27S 12 FOR , EXCHANGE. y-CLKAK OMAIAKEAL ! KSTATEFOHMDSK. , "actual valuation ' Jloney to loan. Uo.vilSOmaha. - \ OWN 100 F-AK.MS IN NKHHASICA , KANSAS nnil Dakota. Will sclC'Cheup , or exchange for merchandise , horses and cattlo. Address box 70 , Kronkfort , Ind. ' M8 l r/-l HAVE VALUABLE IMI'IIOVED AND UtS- A'lmproved farm lauds to exchange for South Omaha or Omahn property or for farms within W miles of Omaha. Have onoof the best of stock and grain farms. 1,300 ncies , hnlf In winter when t unit rye , nnd 250 head ot line stock , all clear of encum brance , to exchange for real estate nnd might pay boiuo cash difference for desirable property. De scribe your property carefully , price , etc. Address box 137 , Omahn , Nob. MOT 1)25 I/ FOR EXCHANGE. OMAHA PHOPKIITV KOR property In soutbcrn California. Call or ad dress , with full particulars , U. 1 , . Green , room 43 Darker block , Omaha. 739 I/-480 ACHES OF CLEAR LAND IX ONK OF Auhe best winter wheat districts In Kansas to exchange - change for 10 or 20-acro tract near Omaha city limits. Will pay caith difference If property Is good. Address , Elvlnu price and Iccntlun , O 2li , Heo offices. 203 y-tr,000 GENEHAL MERCHANDISE AND /-/store ; want realty and cush ; ealcs , $ . ' 4.000. Ad dress S 43 , Omaha Dec. M1H2 13 * T/ NICE STORK HUll.DIXG , CLUAHOF ALL IN AVcunibcrancc , rented to permanent tenant , alzo 20xiU ( feet , rock cellar and llvo rooms nbuvo for family , In good .Nebraska town which has streut cars electric lights nnd waterworks , prlco S2.000. to trr.co for farm. Williams & Mlt'.au , McCuguo bulldlne , opiiOBltopostoUlcc. 172 11 y-I HAVK 2 STALL10.NS 'IOT11ADK , NOHMAN /Jnnd trotter , price fJ.OJJ. Illscly , Shcnundoah , In m 14 * ICI.1CAU fO AC11KS IN WISCONSIN. 1M11CI5 , AJf 1,200.00 , lo Undo for larporfarm In Nebraska. If Innd Is izood will UBSiimeinehnibnince. Wllllaius A .Mlttan , McCaguo tililg. , opposite postolllcc. 213 11 r/ TWO NICK OMAHA LOTS , CLKAII , IMHOB , / II.OOO.OO , lo Iradc for lunil. WllllamB & Mlltan , cCuKiio blilt , opposite postolllcc. 213 Jl a ly-HHAUTlFUL IXKSIDKNCK , COUNCIL IH.UFFS /Jiiud ( . ' .MX ) cash for Ilanscom or KonnU I'lnco reic Idcncu. Uulchlnson A Wcad , 102,1 Farnnm Hlrecl , M 2iIJ-13 f/-FOH KXCHANOK-TWO nOiD ) LOTS IN LIN- /-'coin I'lace , Omaha , to oxchamto for n Ptock ol clolhlnic. 1'ropurly Is very desirable. Lock llox ' ; / ' Atkinson , Neb. ' 'II11 y-KI.KGANT B-ltOOM HKSIDKMOK , UVKHY /-/modern convenience , on Smith 2eth tt , neai Leavenworlh ; must leave city ; will toll cheap ! terms to suits can't bo boat. Nebraska KichuiiKi Co. , lloo bld'R. M2li ) 17 T/ FULLY KQUIl'l'KD IHUCICYAHI ) AND CON. /JtrnctlDK bnslncea fur enlo cheap : a KOOI ! time to buy ; xood rcaions for sollluu : It " 111 | iuy to Invcs. UKale , 1'rlce fl.OtXJ , part cash , biilnnco tluie. No brasku Kxchance Co. , Ilco building. MJ < 0 17 ( / ACIIK I'ilOrKHTV AND FINK HKSIDKNC1 ! /Jin Central City , Nob. , and 320 acre farm ncnr by ; Una opportunity for sheep railing und poultrj farm , small fruits , etc. , etc. ; this will bear Hit closest Investigation , yon can't find unytlilnK bet ter : will cschnntfo for (8.000 xeneral merchandlii slock , Nebraska Kxchaucu Co. , lice building. A12I8 17 Z (4,000 In cneh and balance In clear lands fo 110,000 Block of Kcni'rul merchandise. Nebruski Bichnuve Co. , lica flulldlnu. M2iO 17 Z t'.OJO In cashand , bulanco In elcar Nebraski lands for M.UOO stuck of KCIUTUI merchandise Nebraska KxchiiiiKO Co. , lieu hulldlux. M24U-17 lOI'J-AL'IIK ' NKIIIIAHKA HA.VUH AND (5,00 /Jcatli for ul5OAstick ) , | of general mcrchandlso Nebraska KxchaiiKU Co. , Heo llulldliiif , M24U 17 V-FINKST HKTAU , DHUd HUS1NKSS If /JOinuliu Annual ( ales over ( JO.OOU Slock nev nnd clean , A trreat WarKaln furshort time , llest o reasons for tclllDK. J'rlco CO.OOO ; about $10,000 ti citah , balance good , cjeur lands or tlmo , NebrusLi KichuiiKO Co. . lleo'llulldliiK. ' iUIti 17 y FINK OMAHA FIXJUH MILL KOIt KXCIIAMil /Jtiir. clear Nebraska und Iowa lands. 18W talet ( I4)OOU.UO ) ; protlK , 2Jiirrcnti | ( price , (10,00000 for i thort tlinu , Heiisona for Belllm ; , olher Inlerent oulsldeclly , Nebraska Kxchuntie Co. , Itco itlilK. j n M24U 17 T/-FINK HOTKL , VtiLtY KQUII'I'KI ) . F1NI ! HAH (2.500.00 wgrlh a f ttock , doliiK fiS.OO per duj Monthly profits , IJiiJW , Hent rvasunable , 1'rle (7,000.00. Will oic'liango for good clear Nebrusk lands not too far west ; UlTer open fur few clay only. Itensoim car selling , 1)1 ) health. Nebrusk llxchangoCu. , DeoUldg. M2II1 17 fFOll KXCHANOK.LOT.CLKAH , I MILK WES' /Jot ICth street for Improved propurty In soul ! west part uf city , I'rlco und dltcrlptluu , Addres B , ID , lice. 252 II' rA VALUA1ILK HKSIDKNCK AND LA1U11 /Juluck of Kround clear , lu Maryvllle , Mo. WH Irado for unimproved , uuliucumburvil land or clea city properly. Alonzo Tlioiuu uu , room tilil Nui York Life. 25'J11' r/ WILL tilYK ( JOOD NKIIIIASKA OH COI /Dorado UII < 'B ' lor stock dry good * , furnliulni goods , shoes or liardnuro. Address S 13 , lice. , MSGO-13' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. KAI , KSTATK. Itvrxaln * only , My wordlsKood , \V. ( L Albrlnht. C2I-2-S New York Life. 810 17011 SALlToH THADK. 2 HOOD IXTB IN M I11'leasanl addition wllhln t blocks of motor HIM Will taku good uprliiht piano or will cull cqully I loll very cheap. Address at onto 3 1 , Ilco utllcu. 715 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. AT A n AW ) A IN. A KltW VRIIV FINK 1.OTS IN llrlcci iiltl aiHbfirgalm only A mln.Ik ( from Hell line or utreclcsr In Omaha. AddrcM K. .1. A Co. . Uitlvnit. i. 674 DJj * \V 1A N T JcT ) STOCKS OF MDSB. FoiTlTANH "ANT ) ( ; nib. , K. V. Illtmer. lil 5 Farnnm. MP43 13 * \\ir A NTICH-OWN F/HTTOT LIST OMAU A i-HoF ' of IT , ncrcneo nntl farms tliftt nro hnrpMnv Mthtr for Halo or oxuhanga. 1C. 1' . Hlngrr , I.M'J Fnrnam. MKM IS' ATA IIAHUAIN , ritOICB LOT ; ? , Mtl.lJ f < t ouch ! mare ndjilnlnalf deslrcl. ran frontil 8 , W.cornor 10th nml Arlior Finest looMlon la clIyfotro Munce. Illoek fro.n lllli St. motorllnj. Charles Hanley , 1071 So. lOlli St. . urn.\h v M'JIl OJ.COO ACKKri CliKAIt LAND roll SALH HV TllK Downer. Several largo lri\cts ; would make n flrsl class Investment to lioM ( or tlia rlso In | > rlce. Might oicliniifo ( oino of It forlnMilo property In Omahn or South Oraahn , or acre property or n good fnim near Omalm. 1C you wish toctcliangn ilc- Bcrlbo four property , price , etc. Address box 7S7 , MK U23 'TWO OF A KIND. HKINO A PA1H OFSS'AI'8 IN -L Orchard HIM. Sec Spencer , Hoard ot Trade building. MMHJ 1KAITIUSOxll8Fr.KT : WITH & -IK > OM COT - * v tage , (10 per month without Interest. No pay ment down. Zlttlo , llrown block. Mm 1 CO AUItKS IN 1IA1ILAN COUNTY , NK11. , PAIITLY 1 Improved , J8.UO per acre ; C100UO cash , hnlnnco tn y. Alto HMncren In tlio l.oup valley. Cutler connly , K ncrc * lu cultivation , homo nnil Ktnblu , & 5 acres fence.L ( UOO.Urtt ( .WO.OJ rn h. Williams , V Mlltnn , room 31.1 MeCnguo building , oppoilto post- oltlco. 21311 A N KLKUANT OMAHA HKSIDKNC'K , FINIII.Y - -located , dirt cheaps prlco , (17,0'JO ; ( VOW cash , balance to suit. A grand bargain for Hie right man. Neb. Kichango Co. , lluo building. MJII ) 17 101l 8ALF. AT A IIIU HAW ! AIN. NF.W COTTAtlK. 1 9 room" , : i toil rooms , parlor , dining room and kitchen on lint lloor , Clly water , neneraga nnd olosct conveniences ; will b sold for ( I.OJO lo s than It Is worth , ( .r > 00 cnih , balnnco longtime with Interest less than 7 per cant , or will rent It for FMinner month for ono year ; choice location , Inquire of Willis Gales. 32nd and California sts. 2I'J 12 JyllOOM COTTAGE , C01INKH DOU1ILK LOT , t-Ml t ami Ames nvonue , worth (3.000 , for $1,600. Mrs. UCBBO , 325 S. Wcslorn uvenuc , Chicago. 512 11' 17011 SALK-1N UNION COUNTY , IOWA , IM L proved 400 acres , ' . ' 40 acres. 320 acrc , 4bOncres- ; nl o I.VSO ncres In Nancn county , Nebraska , Im proved at ( K < tier acre ; HU In Luup county , SS'JO. ' L. Wateriiihii , N. Y. Llfo bld'g. , Omnhn. 545 II' O KXCKLLKNT LOTS FOK SALK CIll'.AP ON 'iltlntrcct , south of Fnrnam. lie you desire to tlicciilatoor build ? Think over Ihls. Neh. Kx- chance Co. , Ilco building. MVIfi 17 I7oii sAi.r : ou TIIAUK. conNnii IOJXITO , oit- , -L rhnrcl lllll ; Corner 100x13' ' ! Ambler I'lnco. both clear. Klthcr cheap for cash , or will oxcliauiio both for good rental property not heavily oncinu- bcreil. Heo Siicncor , Hoard of ' 1 fade building. .MStll-IJ ipuil 8AIK-K1.1COANT MODICUM HUII.T HOUSI3 near Ilanscom pnrk , can ( jlvu liuuiccllnto pas- petition. A splendid t.arfaltt If taken at once. Gco. .V. Hicks , ; l.lfo bulldliiK. 2TU 11 ASl'hKNDll ) 01'1'OUTUNITY TO 8KCUIIU AN , clciant home , lean otter for sale ono of the lltu'at doiihlc resiliences In Omahn , L'llt edged locu tion , oplcndld nclKhborhood. 1'rlco tlS.UOd , Will soil and take ( S.UUII or SIU.IM ) of the purclmso prlro 111 k'ooil farm land. Uco , N. lllcks , ; iu. " > I . Y. l.lfo building. 279 11 LOST. TOST Oil STOLEN , OX SIIKU.MAN AYR. nil- -L itayovenlnR , fur lap robe ; return to 101 Heo bulldlue and receive renoril. No questions aikcd. 2SO 11- LOST. A 8MAL1. BAY HOltSK HITCHED TO slnlch , ( jotavray from corner aoth ann Leaven- north ( trocts 'J'I'J : last ovenlni ; . TclcpUonc Cur- pontor'a livery barn , South Omaha. 218 11 * OST. A HUNCH OK KKYS. UETUNN TOJ. S. McCormlck , 213 South Utli street , and receive rowurd. 217 II * HORSES WINTERED H OIISKSFKD AND CAHKD KOIt , $1 .MONTH Ul' . U. U. Cans , 1' O. box I'itt , South Onmhn. 703 J 8 HOIISK8 FBI ) AND CAHKI ) FOll tj.00 I'KIl month up , on farm two miles south of South Omnhu. Address Gco. G. Guns , 1 * . O. box KU1 , South Omaha. 170-12' DRESSMAKING. NOAUKMBNTrt TO 1)61 DiiKSSilAKlNG IN E families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2631 Hartley St. AFinST-CI'ASS imiCSSMAKEll , JUST FUOM the east , would llko work In f mlllc . All work Runrantuol. Artdrrss llox JIM , Omaha. M3T8 13 * ! TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. J3J3STiii the World. MECEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1UO3 1'iii-iiii in Street. Ofnii7ni , RR1LWRY TIME GRRD "Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo never ointcted. In onr most snnenlne mo ments , such an Increase In our aalM ai eoinmonced on the 1st of September. The Smith Premier Typo Writer Is having onorruoiii sales which nro wldo nnd far-renchlnp. Tlieso nro thn reports wo ate receiving from our many branch otllpos. Sontl for a descriptive cutalofjtio. Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 17Ui and Fainam Sis. , Onialn , Xc'j. 13. II. MAYHKAV Muniifror. - THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.ar- , riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket OlTice , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU I Well.como and Imvo them examine I by our opllclnn rcoof ciiurge.nnd.irtiOL-e'unry.tlltel with njmlrot our-PKIlFfcUriON''SI'KOTAOI.KSor KYI" GLASS- SU-tho best In the World. If yon do not need gla cf wo will tell vou so and iKlvNis you what to do. GOLD Sl'F.OTACL'lW or KYK GLAS3KS FHOM $ .1.0. ) UP. Plain , smoke , blue or whlto glasses , for protectlnzlho eyed , from Wen pulr up , Max Meyer & Bro.Co Jewelers and Opticians. Farn ntn and Fifteenth Streets DR. E. C. WEST'S NERYE AND 1IHA1N THEAT- ment , n spcclllc for Hysterln , Dlr/lness , Flti , Neu ralgia , Hea'liichc , Nervous Prostration caused byft llguor or tobucco , wakcf ulnoss. Mental Depression , Soft ties. * of the Drain , cniulng Insinlty. misery , de cay , death , PrL'iunfjro Old Age , HarrenncMi , Loss of Power In either sex , Impotency , Lcucorrhco aaml all r.imalo Weaknesses , Involuntary Losses , Spcrnm- torrhca uaimod by over-exertion of the brain , A month's treatment $1 ; 0 for $5 ; by mull. Wo gunr- nnleoti boxes to cure. Each order for 0 boxes with $5 will send written guarantee to refund If not cured. Guarantee Issued only by Thcodoio F. Lewis , drug gist , solo agent , southeast corner IiHh nnd Faruam htreets , Omaha. Notice , . Whnroas , tlio AulabniiKh Fur Company , by a certain inort-'uso. ilatotl SoptoinUor St , ISU2. und flloil In tlio nlllcoof the coutitv cleric of DoitKlus conntv , Nobr.iska , on thu ' . ' ( Ith dny uf Hciitcinbor , IS'J' ' , tnorttrauod to Adnluh Muir- ; lender & Co. , of Now York , stiita of Now Vork. tlio followingdesorlbo'1 ' property , to-wit : Tlio ontlru stock of goods. < .vuros and mcrcliitirJlBO In tlio store room und busoniont known us No. 'JlSbottth 15th street In Onmlia. Nobruskn. and all furniture and store fixtures , desks. , tc. , and nil other property of uvory n.imu and 11:1- : tnro described In n cliattol niortxaeo executed nnd delivered to tlio American Nntljiml Il.ink of Uiiiitliu , Nobrusliu , on the -4th dav of Sop- tonibor , IbU' ' , nnd nowon ( Ho In thu olllco of the county clerk of Douelns county , Nobr.isun , nnil which was thru In the possession of said bank , but which property ( excont such por- HOIIH thereof as were sold by s.ild lunlola now in the possession of the umlorHlziird , and whoroussnid mortgage was given to secure , ihu payment of three promissory r.otcs. dated March 10. 18S. ! ) for * 1,50AOJ. $ I,5'J8.U ) und ll.MH.O ) respectively , uiid duo In seven , oluht nnil nine months lifter ( tutu rotpootlvoly , with Interrst nt the rate of six per cent per annum from unto until paid and also of an ovot-duo open ucctiiuit for $ ! D9..V. > . And whereas..Iho amount clnlnio 1 to bo duo nsild miirtdieo nttliu time of publication of this notice Is JI.M.V5T. And whoriiaM , Ucfault IIHS been made In the payment of sain niorliingo anil the notes and accounts secured thereby. Now heroforj , public notice lihoroby Rlvon that In pursuance of Bald morlxavo and by vlrlun of tlio Htatutos of Nebraska Insiu'li case in ado and provldod , we , the uiulersl nod , will on Wednesday , the 14th day of December. Ib'J' ' , nt U o'clock In the mornhi ! ; of sill ; ( day at suld No. 218 South i : > lh street , In Uruahn. sell so much of Hnlcl cnodx and chattels IIH are then unso.d , at public auutlon for the highest and best urlccs Uio same will lirlnj in cash and will continue said s'tlo from day to day until said morlKiiuo Is satisfied. November21 , ISJ ! , AOOLl'll MAKULEXDEIt .t CO. Dy HowAiti ) It. .SMITH , their Attornay. Sheriff's Sale , Under nnil by vlrtnonf nn oxoeiitlon Issued by I'rank K. Mooros , clerk of the district courl. within nnd for Doimliis county. Nebraska , upon u jmlKincnt rondiircd tiv Kiild court ut Its September turrn , A. I ) . 160In fitvqi of Uio Merchants National lianlc of Kansas City , Missouri , and airalnst tlio Metropolitan Uibl : Itiillwiiy company of Unutliu , Nebraska , I Imvo levied upon tlio followlm : ilcscrlliud property as tlio proporl" of Uio Huld. Tlio Motropol tan Cubic Hal A'IIV company of Diniili.Nebraska : , to-wlt "I'mclc ii nil roadbed - bed , IneliHllntr rails , tics. uiU-s. ttng , holts , splices , wires , switches , pi.es. trolley wires , cross wires tito. , utc. and o . crylliliiK porlaln- Instosald track and tlio oporatlni ; thereof us tin oiuetrlo motor line of hiild Tlio Mctropolltiin Uablu Knllway company on 4 ( Hi Klrcol nml on Doil oatrcutln tliocliy of Oinitliii , and on Doilso street us extundetl , VYooduiHii avoiiiio.UndorwoDd iivoiiuu mid Wilson uvuiuio or sticotln Dundca I'lauoor aiUiicent tlicrolo In the I'ounty of DoiiKluH nnd Bttitu of Nub- riiHita , " "Onounr honso ( fraino Inilldlnu1 on inists or blocks ) located on lot H , block tH. Diindeo I'lnco. Hondas county. NolirnH'xa. " "Two inolor imsiunaurcnrM nuinlioroil rnsiino- lively two ( i ) . and three CJ ) . "Ki-eonl bnolt , stock rcrttllnato book and BO.I ! of s.ild coin- puny , " and nlso "Uio frnnclili-.o grniitiid to Kiild coinpmy , which Includes all thu ilpliu mid iinvlleKua sucnrod tliurcby " and 1 will on tlio Hth dnyof DuL-embor. A. D. , Ib.1 ! ) , coin- inc'iit'lnirnt 10 o'clock a. m. of biilddny a Uio oust front door of the county court liouho. In tlio ulty o ( Uniiiiiii. Hull Halii iironnrly ill nubile aiictlon to tlio lilxhust and best bidder or blriclrrs forcnsh. to satisfy said ox oiuitlon , tlio iiinonntdiio thereon beliitf foitv thousa'iil. four linndrcd forty-six unit 01-101 dollars ( U.41 .illl Jiidsriient. and u xtmm Hint iiS-UK ) dollurs ( * ( lH ) fosts , with ntorosl on snld amounts from tlio lUlli day of bunteinbiT. lb . and tlio acornlm : costs on salil jndirdineiit and execution , ( j ICO I ( UK A , HICNMCl'T , BliiTltT of DoiiKlns County. Nubrasko. LAKK. HAMILTON fc MAXWKI.I. . Atiornuys. Omulia , Nobruska , Occunibrr 1 , IKf ; . dSdiatm Mtocldioldrrs1 .Mi'rlllli ; , Tlio refill a r annual ini'otliiK < > f H' ' ° stoi'k- liolih-rs of Hut Anierli'itii National bank of Oiiiiiliu. Null. , for tlio olccllon of clliocloi-K will bo lii'lil at UK baiiklii ; : lioiise , conit-r | ioile and l-'irti'unllihtmilH , onTuiiMlay. Jaiiuiiry 10 , 1B'J3. ai a o'clock p , in. HI.NHV V. WVMAN , ( l'J(13l.M C'uihlcr. ( li'rnmn Tlirnlnr. The Ocrinaiiln Theater company of Rt Louis will iippoar at Gfrininli : : luill Sunday Monday iiml Tuesday ovcnliiBa , The reper tory will bo ; Sunday ovcnlng ; "I'cnsloi Sfhocllor ; " Monday orcnlni ; , the eli ncssitUL'f "Youth I vc"aiiid Tuebday ovcu h\K , "llnntzau. " The company Is a vcrj Btrong ono and tlio costumes und Hccnli oiTccls nro llrat t-luBH In every respect. This IB tliuoilfHt of a Kurlcbof dramatlu filter tainmt'iitH to lie ( 'lvon for the German fill zciis of Omulia and a liberal patrouago Is expected. iirsie , P.irlt Avenue- United Presbyterian Church Tlirt members nud adherents of the P.irtt Avenue. United Presbyterian chinvh nwrO- quested to meet nt the church for n special service nt 19 o'clock noon on Sabbath , the usual hour for Snhbnlh school. This will bo our only separate church sorvlco during the ilnv. All otlu'r services are merged lulu union Mills mcMlngs. UH no one full to up. pear at this service. H Is Important , John A , Ilenderson , pastor. First Untvcrsallst Church1'orii.n - Nine teenth nml Lathrop streets \V Franklin Smith , pastor , Mornlnp service at 11 o'clock. Sumlny school nt 12 noon. Vesper service nt TiKOp.m. Junior Young People's Christian union atI p.m. Scats free All me wel come , First Presbyterian Church Seventeenth nnil Dodge streets unites In tlio union Mills meetings , so Unit no service will bo belli In this church. Hut Sunday school will bo hold at noon , anil the Young Peoples9 Society of Christian Endeavor meets at 0:30 : p.m. , anil nil nro welcome to these. Kount/oMcmorlal English Lutheran Church Corner Sixteenth nml Uarney street * . Kov. A. ,1. Turkic , pastor. No services mornIng - Ing or evening on account of tbo union evangelistic services of the Mills meetings. Sunday school nt noon , Mr. H. a. Hell -.t superlntendi'iit. f > ] . . . 'Xcs ! ' ' v thodlst Episcopal ChinvhKov. . 'l.C. Webster , pastor. . Sunday school lit JP , aPreaching at 11 n. m. by tbo pastor. \\o will Join In the union service at the unvo Avenue Presbyterian church In the evening. Central United Presbyterian Church 113 North Seventeenth street. Hev John Wil liamson , IX IX , pastor. No services except bnbbntli school nt 12 in. , and our Young People's Christian union at 0 p , in. Everybody - body invited. Unitarian Church Seventeenth and Cass streets. Hev. Newton M. Mann will preach in the morning. Subject : "Spiritual Llfo nml Spiritual Excitement. " Sunday school nt 12 in. Urania of "Tbo Cricket on the Hearth , " Monday evening , postponed from last Friday. Unity club Friday evening. Free Church of St. Matthias ( Episcopal ) South Tenth street and Worthington place. Hev. Alex W. Macnab , priest in charge. Third Sunday In Advent. Celebration of thn holy communion , 7 a. in. .Sumlny school and bible class , DM a.m. Matins , litany and sermon , H u. m. Haptism , 4 p , m. Evensong - song and sermon , 70 : ! ! p. m. Monday , Tues day , Thursday and Saturday , even ing prayer at fi0. : : ! Wednesday 7 p. in. litany service and bible class. Friday 7IO : ! p. ni. litany service and continuation class. Fri day 2 p. in. Woman's auxiliary. Saturday llliiiO a. in. , Industrial school , December 14 , 10,17 , Emburdays. German Evangelical Church Service lOiltti n. in. at the chapel of the Omaha City mission , 110 North Tenth street. All Ger- nans are Invited. J. Jans , missionary of the jcrtuan Evangelical Synod of North Amcr- ca. First Christian Church-Corner Capitol f ivcnuonnd North Seventeenth street. T. f E. Crainhlot , pastor. There will bo no servJ J ces at tbo usual hours. A brief meeting } will be held at 12 in. for the reception of t low members und the observance of the / lord's Supper. Sunday school follows the [ jrief service. All are Invited. 4 Grace Evangelical Lutheran Chinvh Twenty-sixth street between Poppleton nnil Woodworth avenues. Kov. Luther Af. Aiihns , pastor. There will he no services Sunday , tbo congregation Joining in the dis trict union services and in the Mills mcct- ngs at Exposition hall. Sunday School lit ! : : ) p.m. Y. P. S. C. 10. nt Gu : : ) p.m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church -Cor- icr Twenty-llrst and Binnoy , Kount/.o Place. W. K. Beans , pasUu1. Preaching at 10:30 : i.m. and 7i : : ; ) p.m. Subject : Morning1 , 'Make your Calling and Election Sure. " simdny School , 1U m. A. T. Hector , super- 'ntendent. Junior League , It p.m. Epworth Neaguo , G0 : ! ! p.m. Class meeting l-ir ) : > a.m. Scats free. Everybody made welcome. All Saints Church Corner Twenty-Sixth ind Howard streets. T. J. Maekay , rector. "Morning service , 11 a.m. Evening sewlco , 70 : ; ! p.m. Sermon topic , morning"Tho : Seed of Enthusiasm. " Sermon topic , ovo- ling : "Earnestness Essential to Success hi Life. " Sunday school U : ! ! ! ) a.m. Young men ind strangers always welcome. Scats free ; it evening service. The First Society of Progressive Spirit ualists hold meetings every Sunday afternoon - i noon at 2'M : o'clock in Marathon ball , corner burning street ami Twcnty-lifth avenue. Services consist of lectures , readings and essays. Welsh Presbyterian Church North Tweil- ly-llfth nnd Indiana strcotsi Pastor , Hov. J. Morlais Kichards. Sunday services , morn- ng nt llU ) : ; ! , Sabbath school , evening at 7:80 : ireaching by the pastor , subject , "Call oil Men to Seek the Lord. " Everybody invited to come. Seats free. On Wednesday even-1 ; ng at 7 : ! ! ( ) a prayer meeting. First Baptist Church corner of Fifteenth ind Davenport streets , Rev. W. P. Hcllingd , D.D. , pastor. There will bo services at the church n 10 a. in. , which will close in time to } go to the Mills meeting at Exposition hall rtt 10 o'clock and tbo union service at First Con gregational church. All members nro re quested by the pastor to be present. Sunday school us usual at 12 in. There will bo no service Wednesday evening. The Younjr | People's Society will meet at 7 o'clock Fri day evening. St. Philip's Church ( EpiscopalTwenty ) - lirst , between Nicholas nnd Paul streets. Hev. John Albert Williams , priest in charge , iundny services : 7 n. in , , holy coimnuuiou ; ' 10 a. m. , matins and Sunday school ; 11 a. in. , lioly communion and sermon ; 70 ; ! ! p. in. , choral evensong with sermon ; ! liO ; ! p. m. , young men's bible class. Daily services : i Matins , U a. m. ; evensong , fi p. m. except { Wednesday nnd Friday ; Wednesday , 7:80 : p. m. , litany and Instruction on the Book ol Common Prayer ; Friday , 70p. : ! ! m. , litany and instruction in church history. Smvard Street Methodist Episcopal Church Preaching at 10:80 : a. in. by the pastor , D. K. Tlndall. Subject : "Jesus Our Savior , " Sunday school at 2U : ! ! p , m. St. Andrew's Church ( Episcopal ) -Forty- second and Nicholas , Walnut Hill. Sunday , 7 : : > ( ) , . ' . ) ; : ! 0 and 11 a. m. and 7l : ) p , m. ; Sunday school , 10 a. in. ; Friday , 7IO : ! p , in. . St. John's ( Episcopal ) Twenty-sixth arid Franklin. Sunday , 8 nnd 11 a. m. and 7:80 : p. in. Sunday school , 'J-A5 a. in. ; Wednes day , 70 : ! ! p , in. , St. Paul's ( Episcopal ) Thirty-second and < California , Sunday , 7tO : : and 11 a.m. nud 7tOp. : ! m. ; Sunday school , 10 a. in , ; Friday , TUI ! i . in , - * St. Augustine Episcopal ) Thirty-third J and Francis , Sunday , 7iiO : p. in , ; Sunday ; hchool , U p , in. An Invnlimliln Ki'incily fur C'olilx , Sheriff Hiirdman of Tyler county , West Virginia , was almost prostrated with u cold when ho began using Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. In speaking of It ho says , "H KU.VO mo almost instant relief , I llml It to be nn Invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale by druggists. i Itoyiil Ari'h MIIHCHIH. Cyreno chapter No.12 , Hoyal Arch Ma sons , of Holdrogo , Nob. , held their annual i election Thursday night. C. H. Hoborts was j chosen high priest ; CJ. W , Updyko , king ; Harry Stern , scribe ; LewVober , sccrotary ; . Max Ullg , treasurer , nnd J. E. Austin , sent- ! . ni'l. The lodge Is in n good , strong condlr lion , with plenty In the treasury , nnd the Masoulo fraternities of this place aru con. templiitlng the erection of 11 tempi' ) In the near future. A I'nru for Croup , If your children are subject to croup lways keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy at hand , It Is a prompt ami ' certain euro. If given as boon as the crou'py cough appears It will prevent the attaclc. For sale by druggists. to Lincoln , Sheriff Bennett went to Lincoln yesterday , talcing with him Peter Scolatil , who was con victed of having murdered Tlicjinimi dl Paulnand sentenced to a term of ten years In the penitentiary. Tlio murder was com mitted last summer and was the outcome of a Sunday afternoon row , In which a keg of beer played an important part. Piles of people have piles , but DoWitt'a Witch Hazel salvo wlll'Ctire them , Knitciircd lor Their Slim , J. K ; Shaver , tho'man convicted of forging American Express company money orders was arraigned for sentence yesterday morn ing and given a fifteen month term , W. J. Wallace , convicted of stealing ft watch from the person of a drunken man , was Kent to Lincoln to do thirteen months. Constipation cured by DoWltt's Earlf KIstTs.