Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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Business In a Jobbing Way All That
Could Bo Asked.
Tlio WrrU'n llnnk ( IrurliiRH Show tlio Itc-
Milt of the Storm A Itrtlnw of the Con
dition * t'nilrr Which Oinnlm I * lln-
Jojlng Unprcccdrntcd rro pcrlly.
While no especially new features have
been developed In the Jobbing trade of
Omaha during the past wcok , still the situa
tion Is gradually changing. The advent of
genuine winter weather Is always n feature
that produces more or less change in the
course of business. Severe cold weather in
variably stimulates the purchase of winter
goods In n retail way by people who have put
off supplying their wants as long as iwsslblc.
This "last mtnuto" trade frequently depletes
stocks to nn extent that necessitates the fil
ing of additional orders and thus creates
quite a brisk Jobbing trade at n time when It
was reasonable to expect a let up for awhile.
r The heavy snow storm of the past wcok
interfered to some extent with business ,
practically two days being lost out of tbo
week In that section of the country covered
by the stornir Retail customers did not
venture out only ns compelled to and mer
chants were generally contentcd'to ' remain
Indoors and keep warm. Under such condi
tions the amount of business transacted dur
ing the two dajs of tlio , week was light , but
taking tbo week as it whole It was fully ute
to expectations. The Jobbing trade of Omalui
continues very good and them is no cause
for complaint , though In some lines tlicro is
the usual let up conunon to the ncason.
Collections are very satisfactory In all
sections of the territory covered by tbo
Jobbers of this city.
The near approach of the holidays is
putting new llfo into the local retail trade.
The general conditionsaro such that the retail
merchants have reason to anticipate a good
demand for holiday goods this season. The
Increased activity In till lines of business in
the city has f mulshed employment for all
classes of workers , and everything seems to
Indicate that tlicro Is a good deal of money
In general circulation.
Tlio bunk Hearings show the effects of the
storm on business perhaps more clearly than
anything else. On tbo day of the storm the
clearings dropped down almost $ > 00IXX ) , and
though there was u gradual increase as the
effects of the storm wore olt the clearings
had barely regained their normal position at
tbo close of the week. The total for the
week shows a heavy decrease IIH compared
with that of the previous \\celr. which was
$0,8HG80. ( The following \\ill show the
clearings for tlio different days of the week
under review :
Monday . $1,238,197.25
Tuesday . 1,019,881.20
Wednesday . H7U.U3H.fiB
Thursday . 893,958.70
Friday . OID.H'J 1.7-1
ttntuiduy . 1,014.IG < ! . ( U
Total . } 5,9fll,037.27
Weekending December 3 . 0,804,080.97
Wi-ek ending November 20 . 6,304,315.10
Weekending November 10 . 0,200.780.25
Week ending Xo\ ember 12 . 5U5J,33G.8I ;
AVIlolciilhi Trailo Xnt Matrrliilly AllVetml by
tlio Storm Chapter on Collections.
Ill reviewing local trade Mr. W. II. Robcr-
son , manager for R. G. Dun & Co.'s mercan
tile agency in Omaha , says :
"The storm stimulated trade In some lines
and paralyzed it In others. The commission
men received very few shipments , and tbo
local dealers in provisions were not tiblo to
reach the commission houses ; hence trade in
this line was dull. Rubbers , overcoats and
winter garments generally sold very rapidly.
"In the wholesale districts , the sudden
storm had very Httlo if any effect. The Job
bers In clothing and winter goods have long
since closed their orders , and their men are
now out soliciting for the spring trade. Busi
ness at the dry goods , grocery and boot and
shoo houses has been as good as usual and
better than this time a year ago. The
drug trade Is fair. Heavy hardware and shelf
goods are not In as active demand ns a
month ago , but orders thus far in December
exceed those of last year. Prices are
steady and collections good. The lumber
season is over. Ono of the heaviest dealers
in tlio city says his season's business is Ki
per cent ahead of last year. In llquois
dealers report nn active trade.
"At the banks money is still plentiful
though the demand Is increasing as the close
of tlio year approaches , and banks are less
anxious to put out cash. The national
banks are daily expecting a- call from the
comptroller of tlio currency. The meeting
of the State Bankers association occurs oii
the 21st and 22nd of the present month at
Lincoln , Neb. , and considerable interest
Is being taken by bankers hero ami
throughout the state in the coming
session. The bankers will in nil probability
propose some legislation , as their meeting
occurs so short a time previous to the open
ing of the legislature.
"Speaking of the approaching session o
the legislature reminds mo that the Jobbers
of the city are very much In earnest over tin
question of our Ineffective collcctioi
laws , and it will not bo at all surprising U
learn that they have taken definite steps t (
secure some necessary amendments. Ainoiu
the recent failures In this city it is very gen
crally believed that several cannot bo consld
crcd honest. It Is openly charged in ono case
where tlio liabilities were very largo
and the assets very small that the bankrupt !
have more money today than they over lint
before. The wholesalers are thorough ! )
arousedu | > oii the subjcctof dishonesty ninoiu
retail dealers and persons convcrsau
with the circumstances will not blumi
them in using their utmost endeavor t <
secure nn amendment to the statutes whlul
shall uiako It very difficult to steal undo
form of law. There Is talk of proccedlni
crlmlnall.vy against parties who are holiovei
to have disposed of their goods fraudulently
"One of ourrcpicsentntlvcs writing fron
Central City reports trade in the capital o
Mcrrlck county very good , the banks In fund
. . . uu in. . . , . i sheep in the count
near the city. Merrlck county fanners wll
have a market at home this winter for over
bushel of corn and oats raised in tlio eouutj
"Our traveler , writing from Kcainoy , say
the , first of the season's shipment of cor
from Buffalo county bus Just passed inspt'i
turn at Chicago and Is graded No. a. To gral
men this will bo a fact worthy of note. "
IKilu of tlio I'lritt Ainiiml Convention |
Xcnr lit Jluml.
There nro 400 associations in the city c
Cincinnati and Immediate suburbs ,
The Valentine , Nob. , association has forti
Bovon members carrying 214 shares ,
Chicago has between 200 and iiOO assocl :
tlons , most of them organized within te
Two associations In Laramlo , Wyo , , hand ] '
pUH ) , most of which is invested I no'
homes ,
Illinois associations are moving to seem
the iwBsago of H law by the. next leglshitui
providing for thorough state supervision i
building associations and an annual exan
inatliin by the state auditor.
It Is estimated that there are about 7,01
associations In the United States at th I
time , with nearly 2,000,000 persona intc
csted In their deposits. Experience hi
shown that n largo proiwtlon of the mom
thus saved goes Into the purchase and ciiuli
incut of homes.
An ImiKH-tant ruling was made rcccutlv I
the attorney general of Ohb. The initial
volvMl was whether
an association cou
amend Its by-laws HO as to issue prlvllegi
paid up Mode on which stated dlvidem
w"nro to ho paid scmi-nnmmllv. Such slot
was toleexemi tfrcmu pi o rat a th.roofo
pciibis aim bssos , U ho attorney general d
cidod that such block Auld not bo issue
Under the law all stockholders must bear
pro rata shuro of excuses , and also shai
equally in the profits ,
The llrst annual convention of the N
bruuktt State league of local loan uud bull
InR association ! ! meets In Lincoln next Tues
day nt 1 > , in Heports from associations
whlMi have elected delegates Insure nil at-
tcntlnnco cxceedluK Hint of tlio first or pre
liminary mcotlnir In September. Tlio Inter
est manifested In tlio league. Is confined to
the Inrper cities , and is not ns general ns It
should be. Tlio actual membership of the
league Is barely one-third of the local asso
ciations In the state , whereas every as
sociation ought to bo n member. It
Is nil the more surprising when
It Is considered that the puri-oso
of the league Is to protect the Interests of
nil. Every association Is directly Interested
in the pcncral ndvancement of legitimate co
operative. home build Ing and In securing
such legislation ns will prevent dangerous
Innovations and reckless management.
United action is essential to this end. The
value of the work of the league will bo in
proportion to the support given by the asso
ciations of the state. It Is expected that
the convention will nrnuso greater interest
in the work undertaken and tmlto nil In n
common cause.
G'liiiilltlnii * la Omnlin.
W. II. Taylor writes ns follows regnrdj
Ing the bank clearings and the bright out
look for this city :
From the report of the comptroller of the
currency I gather some interesting statistics
which show conclusively that not only
Omaha , but the state of Nebraska , has
made material progress during the
Oinnha stands out boldly and prominently
with u wonderful Increase In Its business ,
greater than that of nn.v other western city ,
with the exception of Chicago and Minneap
olis. Our totabbank clearing1 * for the year
ending September ) , IS'.tt , were $ ! 71WMIUT ,
showing nn increase over last year of . * . " > : ) . -
.01 1. In the matter of Increase the fol
lowing cities conic in their order : Now
York , Chicago , Philadelphia , Hoston , St.
Ixmia , Minneapolis. Cincinnati , Omaha
this city being eighth In the largest cities
of the United States.
For the month of October , IS'JO , com
jurc.l with the sumo month of
last year , Omaha stands the fourth
city of the union , being only ex
ceeded by Chicago. Philadelphia and
Cincinnati. The business for this month
shows an increase of $7,1)71 ) Hi.
These figures speak volumes for the solid ,
substantial business progress of Omaha. It
Is the. best possible index to the business
transactions of a city. It means that while
many cities showed an increase over last
year and many an actual loss , Omaha shows
up tin enormous Increase. Taking our iopit'
lation Into consideration our per cent of in
crease is greater than any city In the United
States with the possible exception of Chicago
cage , Now York and Philadelphia.
Now with the many enterprises and lin
provemcnts contemplated for the coming
new year it seems to mo that It Is not a rasli
prediction to assert that the year of 18'J.T wll
develop more substantial and solid business
improvements In Omaha than has over been
contemplated In any ono year in our history.
The building nt the new railroad bridge
means great things for the midcontincnt
metropolis. Our people can scarcely over
estimate the benefits wo arc to derive fron
this great steel structure. It opens to us n
new lluld for trade. It settles for all timi
the monopoly enjoyed by the Union Pucill
Bridge company these many years. It wil
bring at least two new railroads into Omaha.
which will give us direct communication to
the pine and iron region of the Tiako Super
ior country. It will reduce traffic rates be
tween Chicago and Omaha. It will build 11
largo passenger and freight depot to accom
modate eight or ten railroads. It will place
on equal footing all the roads entering from
the cast.
Another great enterprise is well under
way and It is backed up by some of Omaha's
largest capitalists and men who have never
mudo a failure of anything with which they
have been connected. I have the best ot
reasons for believing that the proposed canal
for water and electric power can bo set
down as an established fact and that it is only
a question of a year or two at most when
this will be in full operation. In my judg
ment there is nothing that can be done for
Omaha and the great state of Ne
braska which will bring to us so
much in general prosperity and wealth as
a gicut water power , such as is proposed by
this canal. It would tit once reduce the cost
of power to such an extent as to make
Omaha ono of the greatest manufacturing
centers in the great west. By using only
one-half of the water that flows through the
Platte river at low water wo will have a
power second only to Niagara falls. Tlio
cost of bringing this into usefulness in
Omaha is trilling compared with the benefits
wo will derive. By all means let this enter
prise receive tbo hearty and earnest cooperation
ation of every man and property owner ,
especially in Omaha. It would not only in.
sure permanent employment to every labor
ing man and woman in Omaha , but would
add thousands to our population and millions
to GUV wealth.
Building operations for 1893 promise well.
Our architects arc now planning out more
, buildings for next year , and of a more sub
stantial character , than have been built
, in the past three years all put together.
Verily at no time in Omaha's history has
the immediate future looked so promising.
Wo will need to put everything in the best
possible shape for the coming year. Tons of
thousands or people from the east and Europe
will bo our guests. A largo number of those
who visit tlio World's fair will come on west
to see for the first time one of the most en
terprising and progressive cities of tlio great
west. Omaha is the natural gateway for all
this travel.
Altogether and all around , wo are on tlio
very eve gf great things for Omaha. Our
people should wake up to this fact and not
: loose an opportunity to co-operate in all that
is for the general good of all.
Perfect action and perfect health result
from the usoof DoWltt's Little Early Risers
A perfect little pill.
OltltKlt OP iO/.O.V/.V
Charges of I'ruml Mudit unit a Itccclvcr Ap
plied 1'or.
PiTTSiiL'ito , Pa. , Dee. 10. Application was
made in tlio county court today for the ap
pointment of a receiver for the Order ot
Solon. The bill charges that Ucv. W. H.
Covert and others , acting as the supreme
0 lodge , unlawfully expelled the complainants
nnd afterwards constituted n now supreme
lodge , electing Covert attorney ; that
Covert falsely and fraudulently represented
that ho was a person of financial ability , and
by throats , charges nnd misrepresentations
Induced the other defendants to upixiint him
attorney ; Unit within four veins certificates
nifirejitiiitr ; ! fH.OOO.OOO will have to be
met and the assessments will become
so burdensome as to bo impossible
of collection , rendering the purpose of the
order nugatory . A preliminary injunction
was granted restraining tlio defendants fron
acting till after the hearing next Wcdues
tlio Army lllll.
Dec. 10. The Reichstag today began
gan tlio debate on tbe first reading of tlu
army bill , Major von Hoinlngen Hucno an
nounccd that the center party was wining t (
concede a two years service system , but \vui
not prepared to increase tlio standing army
INST1MTMENTS placed on record Deecmbci
10 , 1892 ;
, I ) S Lander and wife to Mary Ijams
" umllv li of n' } so hW 32-15-13. . . . . . $ 15,001
ithiirCopeliind and wife to Mary
lo Klsiiss , lot 4 , T II Whlttlesey'h snb-
w dlv BOi ,
O II Wilson too ! ' Davis company , lot
ll.VInton Place , u 38 feet lot 9 ,
ro bhh'k7 , lledfoul I'luee. s 100 feet of
ro w 25 feet lot 18 , block ( M , " thunders
of iV II'H IQl
Oato City Land eompuny to Ulobo
Loan & Trust company , trustee ,
lots 0,7,8. 18. 24 , 25 , 27 Ulld 28.
00 rhloclc 3. llnwihornu
is S n I'ndy to 11 II Haider , lot 1 , block
isT 2 , Van ( ' .imp's add 70
8J Murphy tind wlfu to 1' W Corllsn ,
113 MI 0-16-10 ie\Gu ) . , 6,301
uy 11 A Thompson to II A HariowH , lots 0 -
and 10. blH-k 12. West Sldoudd . 2,00 K
J J Tarpley nnd wlfo to John Htuben ,
by lots 22 nnd 61 , Kuspur's add . . . . . GO
W W KeyMirand wlfu to A I1 Tukey ,
" lot 7 , block 12. Clifton lllll . . . | 1,00
V 0 Luntry und wlfu to 11 U Clark , lot
ds 0. In hub of block 0.1)111'ont ) 1'lucu. .
uk Milton llemliU and wlfu to 11 K
IX Clark , lot 10. block 4 , lot 8 , blocks ,
lo- lot 17 , block 7 , und lot 0 , block 8 ,
'd. lu ) I'onl 1'lueu , , . . .
re Q A llennet f > herHT ) to Nuw Knglund
loa n unit Trust company , lot 2 ,
block 13 , Shhins 2,70
w- Total amount of transfers . . . . .I )
Wheat Yesterday Only Maintained the
Price it Closed nt Friday ,
IH nppiliitiiient Otcr tlin tlinldne Snld In
bo ( li-ncral Moderate Hrcrlpt * anil I'our
Inspection WITO Strong 1'iictor *
Stocks nnil JtomN.
CHICAGO , III. , Dec. 10. Wheat today only
maintained the price It closed nt yesterday ,
although averaging above that during most of
the session. Corn was In good demand and
closed ! 4e higher.
Provisions More In a small way again egged
on by the clique.
Wheat opened at -moderate ndvnnco on
better cables and the liberal export * . Tlieio
were good buying oidcr.s on the market with
very light offerings. Hut the belter prices
started .selling , nnil the big iccclpts In the
northwest and llriulsticot's report of the
available .supply 17,1)00,000 ) bu. moro than
ever known befoie , weio depiesslng factors ,
riucluiitlnns were confined within ? , c range.
Coin wits Iliincr , the Iowa icport showing
only a 173,800,000 bushel crop this year ,
against 350,000,000 bushel last year. Prime's
icpoit , saying tlialtbeic was disappointment
nearly everywhere oycr the husking and the
nioUcrato receipts and poor Inspection , weie
alt strong factors. Shorts were good buyers
from the start and tlicro was good speculative
buying with sellers scarce. The buying np-
peaii'd to bu led by houses snppo-cd to be not
ing for the provision Inlrii'st. Tlio market
opened at a fractional advanri ) and sold up
with little leactlons from'ic to ? .c , eased on"
fiom ! BO to Jc , inletl flim and closed within
fioin ' ( c to He of the top.
Uatsadvniiced ljc In sympathy with other
grain and closed steady.
Provisions eie tame nt a lluhl advance.
CiiiiipiirtMl with yesterday price * are up &c to
10c nil 'iniiml ,
r.stlnmtcd receipts for Monday : Wheat. lf > 0
rnis ; coin , 150 cats ; oats , 140 hogs ,
35.KH1 ( beid ,
Tlio leading futures ranged ns follows :
.AUTICI.hS. UI'KNl.Sll. 111(111. LOW. CI.OKK ,
llvcombcr . . . t
Jnnunrr . T3H 73H
Stny . 733WM TS'H '
C'oitN No. 2
Dcconibur . . . 4JV !
Jnnunrr . 41 42MMI.I
May . 47. ® KH
OATS No. !
Deruuibcr . . . MM SOW
Jnnmiry .
Mnjr .
Ml n I'onif
Jnnuiiry . IMo li 70 ir , ra 15 fi.1
Mny . 15 05 15 bO 15 to 1575.
I. A 1111
lleccmbor. . . o ro 9 70
t ) 2K 0 1U 9 05
Jnnnnry. . . . 8 01 8 17H 8 OS 8 17t
Mny . BOTH H 20 8 DT 8 I7
Cash quotations were us follows :
1'i.otm Quiet and unchanged.
WilKAT No. i ! spring , 72u ; No. 3 spring , 03
© liOc ; No. iired,7iMe.
CORN No. 2 , ta-.c : No. 3 , 38jfc.
OATS No. 'J , 30'sc ! ; No.2 while , 33e on track :
No. 3 white , 3U'iu ( > 33c.
UVK No. 2 , 47c.
HAIIMJY No.2. Cite ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , S
No. 4 , f. o. 1) . , 33(8500. (
1'i.AX Sir.iNu. : . 1 , $1.08 r1.00.
TIMOTHY SIKI : > 1'ilme , $ 'J.OO.
I'OHK Mess , per bid. , $14.455514.50 ; lard ,
per 100 Ih * . . $9.024 ; short , libs , sides ( loose ) ,
JH.1038.20 ; dry suited .slionldersbo\edif7.37' ( )
© 7.50 ; sbort clear sides ( boxed ) , | 8.OQ8.55. !
WHISICY UlstlllerV llnlshed goods , pur gal.
StKJAn Cut loaf , granulated , standard "A , "
Tbo following were the receipts and ship
ments today :
On tbo 1'roduco evclinngo today the butter
market wns dull ; creamery , 19Q29c ; . dulry , 19
< 32Ge. Eggs , llrm ; strictly flesh , 22J-J ! 23Hc.
New York Miirkutn.
New YOIIK , Dec. 10. I < 'r.oun Hecelpts , 42-
000 iikgs. ; exports , 4,500 bills. , 0,000 sacks ;
moderuto demand , easier ; sales , 102,000 bills ;
low extras , $2.002.75 ; winter wheat low
grades , $2.00 12.75 : fnlr to fancy , $2.753.80 ;
patents. $3.854.20 ; Minnesota clear. $2.5056
3.50 ; Straits , $3.50(24.25 ( ; patents. $4 040
4.75.KYB Mixtures $3.003.75 ; buckwheat flour ,
$1.00 ; biickwhent , 53c. !
CHUN MKAI , Quiet , .steady ; yellow western ,
Wiir.AT Hecolpts , 140,000bu. ; exports , 80-
000 bu. ; sales , 470,000 bu. futuies ; 8,000 bu ,
spot. Spots dull ; No. 2 red , 784"c ! In store and
elevator ; 78'c alloat ; 78Ji@70.t'c f. o.b. : No.
3 red , 74 > ie ; No. 1 northern , 83Jic ; No. 2
northern , UOQSOUc ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 77V ( :
No. 3 spring , 74Uo. Options were very dull
nnd Irregular , closing steady at ! c decline
after opening steady ut JJSHe. ndvutico nnd
declining ii@ai > c , tiudlng entirely local uud
nwalting the govoinment topnrt. No. 2 ted
March , 80 0-10@91c ; Mny. 82 7-10(382 ( 13-lGc ,
closingnt82iJc ; June , 82S82. ( ct closing at
Hvi : Steady , dull ; western , 545J58c.
IlAltl.KY Dull ; western , 58.GOc ( ; No. 2 To-
lento , 84@85c.
HAIII.KV MAI.T Quiet ; western , 79'282c ' ;
city inudo Canada , 7580e.
CoilN Kecolpts , 62,000 bu. ; exports , 10,000
bil.iisales , 275,000 bu. of futures : 29,000 bu.
spot , pots ( Inner , dull ; No , 2,51110 In elevator
vator ; D21BUulloit. : Options were modointcly
active , H&3i' < ! higher on firmer cables , higher
Chicago and shorts covering nnd closed :
December , ni'fc , closing at 5llic ; Januury ,
51 Q515Sc , closing ut 51(5c ( ; May , 5211-1040
52' c , closing at 523ic.
OATS lteculnt.s,28,350bu. ; sales,20 )00 ) bu.
futures , 30,0(10 ( bn spot. Spots dull. Options
quiet , steady : December , 30Hit Junnury ,
37c ! ; May , 30'Si1 ' ; No. 2 spot white , 41'e ;
ml\ed western , 30ft38c ; whlto western , 40
fti48c ; No. 2 Chicago , 37 c.
HAY Klrm ; hhlpplng , COSOSc ; good to
Cboici ) , 75(0,900. (
HOPS Dull , easy ; common to choice , 18 ©
24e ; I'nelllc coast. 18@24c.
S'lidAii Haw , llrm , dull ; fair leflnlng ,
2 15-10c ; centrlfilguls. 90 test. 3ic ; lellned ,
llrm , good demand : off A , 4'ifiilftc ; mold A ,
4 IS-fOfi ejstumlnid A , I 11-11 > < B l.'Jc ; con-
feetloners' A , 4 0-1043'c ; crushed , 5 5-1044
S'So ; powdered , 4 13-lGiij.Gc ; granulated ,
4 Il-lWi5c ; cubes , 4 13-10 ( < l4'e.
Mor.AMKS Foreign , nominal ; Nuw Orleans ,
modurattily active , meady ; open kutllu , nuw ,
good tocholci * . 2513,37.
KICK Fair demand ; domestic , fair to extra ,
4 < f5 ? . c ; Jnpun , 4" < a5e.
Kdds Quiet , weak ; western , best , 28c.
lliiiKS Quiet , sternly : salted Nuw Orleans
selected , 45 to GO Ibs , 57c ; Te.\us seleutud ,
50 to GO Ibs , 57c.
1'ork-Dnll , llrm ; old mess , Jt4.5OJM4.70 ;
new mess , * 15.5015GO ; oxtru prlmu , J17.00 ®
17.50 ; cut meats , nulet ; pickled bellle.s , 8j
( fW.e. : pickled shoiildws,8 < a8iieiplekled ; ; hums ,
HSj@lle ) ; middles nulut ; slioit clear , $8.55 ,
Laid ( inlet , stronger ; western steam closed
utiflO.OtKail.OO ; Miles , nonoj December , 10.05 ;
January , * 9,08 , asked ; March , J0.45 ; .May ,
liliTTKit Oiili * ! ; Elgin , SOi'.asic.
CIIKKSK Firm , falily active ; part skims ,
3fi.0c. .
Dl'KlIuo. Qiilet , steady : American , 113.00 ®
COPPEII 1'lim ; lake $12.20.
LuAii-Qulet ; domeslle , } 3.75.
Tl.N-Flim ; htiults , * 10.90.
_ " _ _ _ _ _
dry lliiit , oc"to7c ; No. 2 dry iliiit , 4o to 5c ; No"
1 dry hutted , 5o to tic. Part cured hides one-
hull cent pur pound lc s tlian fullvciiied.
HIIKKI- l'iiTS-Oreen halted , each 35c t1.25 :
gieen hulled shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , each 16 > i 25c ; dry hheurllngs ( short
wooled early sklnsf , No. 1 , each , MtlOc ; drv f
hlienrllngs ( short wooled euily hklns ) , No. S
Q each. 6e ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska
butclier wool pelts , per Hi. , actual weight , KXQ
14ic ! ; dry Hint Kuiibiis nnd Xeln-uska murrain -
rain w ( ) l pelts , per III. , actual weight , 8itl2e ;
dry Hint Colorado butcher \\ool pelts , per Ih.
I0 actual weight , 10Tftl2'Se ' ; dry llfnt Colorailr
iiiiirruln wool pelts , pur Hi. , actual weight
8f9lOcj ! dry pieces and bucks , actual weight
TOOe. Have feut cut oil' , us It Is useless to puj
frTijght on them.
TAU.OW ANII OIIKAIn-Tallow , No , 1 , Slfc
10 tallow , No. 2 , 3Q3UC1 grease , whltiA,3 ? c
Breasu , whlto II , 3J. c ; grease , yellow , 3e
grease , dark , 2'o ; o d butter , itt 'ic ; bees
wax , pilme , 10&25u ; lough tallow , lfC
lIUHlncHM llrlcfn ,
Harris k Jones huvu closed up their men
market at Hcd Cloud.
H. ( 'humlHiilaln .V Co , have moved their gen
erul stoio fiom Utlcu to Kuwuid.
0.11. Huberts , confectioner nt lloldrege , ha
been succeeded by IlulUV Itoberts ,
O , T. Stephenson bus succeeded to the Implu
mont buslnes-s of Wlllliuu Atlierton.
McFarlund & Kllroy liavu bought out the Im
plciiiont business of I'opo Hro-i. ut Ited Cloud
S. O. Hacker hns succeeded to the con fee
ttonery biislneshof Wllllum Hacker , deceased
K )
Kuimuit City Market * ,
)3 KANSAH CITY , Mo. , Dec. 10. WHEAT-
Higher ; No 2 Imtd. 08 * l5iP ; ( No , 9 red , GO ®
Coil's Firms No. 3 niUml. 33' 3 lei
OAT" Steady i No. if/juWd , J93300.
HVKFirmI No , 'J , ( WM7'Kt ' ,
llt'Tinii Fair demntiVlj'erenmory ' , 2fitt29o ;
ilalrv , 14ftlpc. "
IthCKirwWheat. . W\000 bit. ; corn. 7,000
bn.Mints , 1,000 bu. , , , L
SiiifMKNTsWheut , STVOOO bn. ; corn , 3,000
bu.l outs , none. u ( ,
Omnliu 1'rotlucr Market.
The produce marketW did not present nny
verv Important , ehnngtH from tbo < | iiotiitlons
of lliodny In-fore. Thn week as a whole hns
not been entirely Mitls'fiictnry to ptodiico
denier * . On most dn\4 ( ho demand hns been
light nnd trndu dull , "At thu sumo time re
ceipts have not bceiH-ffy large , and stocks
accordingly have not accumulated tunny note
worthy PMcnt. There bus been a gradual re
covery In tlio tioitltr/mnrket from the very
low prices of the week livfore , nnd eggshnvo
advanced about Ic. The chnnge to colder
weather bus made the bnudlllig of poultry nnd
gnmo moiosatlsfucloiy , und Its contlnunnco
would have a tendency to stimulate the de
mand ,
Ai't' nrc ; Hood Mock$3.50
© 4.00 ! choleu to fiincy , 4.KXS4.25.
llANANAft Quotation * are : Fair to good
shipping MiM-k , * 2.0W.2.50 ( per bunch.
llurrr.n The bulk of the lewolptsof conn try
roll-oils ut I4510c. Heleet stock brings 17W.
lOe , nnd occasionally something Is received
that Is good enough lo lit Ing 2Uc , but siteb
packages ate vcnice. Thcio Is piuctlenlly no
leininid for creamery , which Is iiioted | nt 2Ge. Quotations uiu : Hell nnd
chei ry.50 per hhl. ; bell nnd bugle , $9.50 ;
Into Capo Cod , $10.0J. The arrivals on the
market are light.
Cr.i.Kitv 3ixa35c.
Kotis rn".h stock Is quoted at 24Tl25c ( , but
It Is no easy mutter to seeuio stock Hint Is
strictly fiesh.
UAMI : Quotations nto : Vrnlile chickens ,
M.004.50 : grouse , $4.00 ; qiinll. tUHViU.ttG ;
snipe , $1.00 ; Jack snipe. il.25t.50 ; plover ,
fl.oOj golden plover , J1.2.Vtl.50 ; cunvns back
( lucks , JO.OOfr.lO.OO ; red bend ducks , $4.00 ;
mulluid ducks , $3,75 ; . blue wing teal , $2.00 ;
gieen wlngteal$1.5O.r.75 ( ; mixed ducks , $1,50 ;
Canada geese , $ O.OOW,7.60 ; small geese , $4.00
© 5,00 ; Jack rabbits , $2.00 ; small inbblls , $1,25
(2,1.50 ! . ( initic-N , $1,25 : nntclopn saddles , 12 ©
14u : deer < uddles , 14Stl6e : nntclopucuicusses ,
SiiiOc ; deer carcasses , 10 < iillc.
UltAt'K I'liuiT- I'erboJ5.00. .
HONKY Uood white Clover Is quoted nt , 17e
nnd llrm ut that.
11 A V No. I , $8.00 ; No , 2 , } G.6Of&7.00.
LKMOSS-Qiiotutlons ate ! Choice Messbius ,
$5.ooS5.50 : fiuicy , $0.00.
M.MiAOA tiltAl'is : The market Is well sup
plied nnd quotations uiu $0.0030. 50 per keg.
Uvsrinis-- New York counts uio quoted nt
35o and other tills us low ns nt 13c per can.
ONIONS llomegiinui stock Is quoted bore at
80UH5c , nnd Spanish nt $1.00 tier crate.
OitAMir.s Kloi Ida , $3.50 per box.
1'ot'i.Tiiv The week closed with the market
inelty wollclenied up uud thedemund rather
Improved , espoelully for turkeys. Ll\e poultry
of nil kinds Is slow sule , the I ratio much pi'1-
fen Ing dressed stock. Quotations me : Tur-
ki-ys. llil2c ( ; chickens , 80c ; geese nnd
ducks. OfiMOc.
I'OTATOIS Quotations me : Home-grown ,
0575e ; Colorado and I'tnh , 85c.
SWIIT : POTATOKS Choice Muscatlno nnd
Illinois stock , $3.75 per lihl.
T.VMinniNiiS A few tnngeilnes have arrived
on the market nnd Mild ut $8.00 per box or
$4.50 per half box.
VIAI < Quotations are : Small and fut , O1 } ®
7c ; lurtj'o anil honvy , 35J5c.
St. l.ouls Miirkt-ts.
ST. Louis. Mo. , Dec. 10. Fi.oim ITnchangcd ,
WuIAT Closed about us yesteiduy ; cash ,
G8Uc ; December , 084c ; Mny , 753ic.
Cons ? ® ! Jc above yesteiduy ; cash , 38c ;
Decenber | , 38nC ! ! May , 43 > c.
Uvr. Firm at 475148C.
llAlii.uv Dull ; Nebraska , 50@,51c.
IttiTTKitUnehansted : creamery , 252Gc :
Kilns Firmer al 22J5c.
WHISKY $1.25.
I'OIIK Steady at $14.50 ; lard nominally
higher at $9.02 .
KKCiil'TS : Flour , 100,000 bbls. ; wheat , 118-
000 Im. ; corn , 128,000 1m. ' ; outs , 23,000 bu. ;
rye. 5,000 bn. ; hurley1 ; o'llOO bu.
SlIll'MKNTS-Flonr , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,000
bu. ; corn , 47,000 Int. ; outs , 8,000 bu , ; rye ,
7,000 bn. ; bailey , none.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 10-Options-opened barely
steady , 10 to 15 polAts ( town , closing llrm ,
10 to 20 points down1. Shies 20,000 bags , In
cluding December , $10.05(2)10.10 ( ; January.
$15.75@15.80 ; February , 815.00 ; March. $15.40
@ 15.85 ; JIay.$15.10 ll5.25.Iiilv. ; ' $15.00 ; Sep
tember , $14:90flU5.05 : ; October , S14.85. Spot
Uio , dull , steady ; No.7 , & 1G.87JS.
OH Murkut.
Nr.w VotiK , Dec. lOP-l' The mnr-
ket opened llrm and 1,000 bbls. sold ut 55c.
Subsequently there weru offerings at 54c ! but
no furl her transactions took place. Pennsyl
vania oil , snot sales , iiionc ; January options ,
sales 1,000 bbls. at 55 < ; i Lima oil , sales none ,
17c bid. Total sales l.OOU bbls.
Mllmiukeo Gnllu .Murket.
May , 72VJe ; No. 2 spring. GGlJc.
COHN-Oillet ; No. 4 , 38HQ39C. /
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , 34Q35c ; No. 3 ,
32i33'ic. !
HAlll.EV G45c. ! .s
UVII-51C. / _
Cotton Market.
NEW OIU.EANS , La. . Dec. 10 , Dull ; middling ,
9sC ? ; low middling , OUc ; good ordinary , S'ic ;
net receipts , 11,100 bales ; gross , 12,421) ) bales ;
e\ports to Oieut Krltuln , 2,220 bales ; to
Fiance , 7,700 bales ; coastwise , 5,695 bales ;
sales , 9,000 bales ; stoek , 240.G46 bales.
Liverpool Miirkcts.
Livnni'OOL , Dec. 10. WIIIIAT Finn , demand
poor ; holders" offer sparingly. No. 1 Califor
nia , Gs Gid0s ! 7d per cental.
CORN I'll in ; demand Improving.
Traders' Tulle.
CHICAGO , 111. , Dec. 10. Kcnnctt. Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. McWhorter : Thu t.peciilutlvu un
dertone shows Increasing strength In spite ol
hem Ish conditions. Itootn traders ate looking
for a winter wheat condition from Dodge In
the vicinity of OOc and have Kenorully
sold out In consequence * . Foreign
inuikcts show moro strength , but uiu not
encouraging to holders. In corn and outs
nppuiently 11 strong clique bus been accumu
lating a line for several days and Is now
icudy to advance pilces us on foimur occa
sions. 1'iovlslons weio weukerenily , but le-
coveied later though on account of reull/ln
sales. The advance wus not maintained.
ClllCAdO. 111. , Dec. It ) . F. O. Logun & Co. tr
Duncan , Holllnger & Co : Wheat opened
aellvo with a genciul scuttered trudn. The
opening pi Ice wns from 79c lo 79'ic. It sold
ns low ns 7H fi * and closed at 7834'78'i. Thric
N no fcntuiu to Ihu murkut. Somu lltllu of the
wheat piirchused during the week WHS sold
out , but the Kggleston holdings so fnr us can
bu leuined lemulii Intuct. On any decline ol
lc or over It Is generally believed these hold
ings would bu sold out. Thneffoit toinakn uny
advance MI fur husbeen n fullnru and with the
prospect of another Incivusoof about 2,500OC )
bushels wo think no advance can IH
eslubllslied nt piesent. Until wu get fiirthci
In tiiuheiison und know moru of the glowing
crop wu think the market will bun sculping
one , good enough fora piollt of n cent n bushel
on either side. The goveiiinumt report due
this afternoon It Isniipposcd will show u condi
tion of 90 per cen tor over on the gi owing crop
Af Itir It Is known It won't niter thu piesent sit
uation. What wo want now to Increusu value-
Is n butter export demnnd nnd a steady ilc ;
crenso of our visible supply , Foielgn advice-
urn steady. Corn at the/ opening and foi
thu llrst hour wus Inactive , runglng fion
47o to47UcforMuy. On thuestlmatuof I25cuif
for Monday the nmrket advanced to47 > c und
closed nt47'/ic. ' Wu have been advised thai
icculpts would Increase , but so far they don'l
show up. Values In thu near future dupem
on this. The cash demand for low grades I'
decidedly better ut nil advance of u good !
cunt. Not much doing In outs ; thu lliic.tiiu.
lions In May him ! been fiom 35'tc to 35ec
The business , doing In hog pioducts has buci
light. _
Iliioynnrj * und Artl\Uy CliururtrrUiul tin
DeiilliigH-.lii Securities
NKW YOIIK , Dec. lO.ltiioynncy nnd nctlvlt ;
churncterized the dealing nt thu Stock u.\
ehuiigu todny. Not In months have thu biok
ers been so well provffU'jj with order.f ns the ;
were at toilay'n slioi t be slun. In fact , It wu
nnold-tlmu bull speeiiiillon ) , At tlio opoiilni
Westein Union and ll ) ) plllng und Cuttlefeed
Ing forged to the fiontj uid ) bounded upi pe
cent nt a time. Hubsuqiiently thu other Oouli
htock.s sympathised , ami In a little whllu West
ern Union losu from 03 to 97 , Manhattan fror
133JJ to 137 , Mlssourl'l'ucllk ! fioniD71 to5t
Tuxns Paellle from Of { to 10'i ' und Wubusl
preferred , from 24 ! " 't.o 25 ? , The stioot In
slsts that negotiations ( tiu being conduc.ted b
J , I'luiiuiiont Morgan for thu Vunderhllt
on one side and thu Goulds on the othei
uheieby thu former party will secure u lurg ;
ruprcseiitutlon In tlio Western Union nmt Mini
lialtan dlieclors. llrokuis iisimlly Iiluiitltlc
with tlio Metropolitan traction peoplu wer
liberal buyers of Maiiliattun on thu way up.
Distilling und Cnttlefeedlng and Nutlonu
Coidngu weiu the feutuics of thu Indiistrlu
group. Distilling bus been heavily sold n
ccnlly by'Now York and Chicago tiadcis wit
beurlhh pioellvltles , nnd thuoiitstuiiillnghhoi In thu xlock In likely lo bu citorinoif
In thu fiist tiansactloiiH DNtllllng und Cattli
feeding jumiied to 70i , but thu advanc
would not hold and a icactlon tixik place. A
the clo-o there wus u rally to 7Oi , It Is in
derstood that thu direclois will put uptli !
dividend uitu nt their meeting next weel
Some enthusiast * nio bidding Hi pur cent fi
It now , Coidugu common io-e to 142. Tli
dlioclors will meutbluntly to fix upon thu di
tails for thu stock dividend of loopercun
National Starch common advanced nearly
points to 43' * on the declaration yesterduy (
thu it'gnlurKeml-uiiiiualillvldeniriif G percei
on the second preferred , Itullwny htockH wei
llrm except Atchlson , which wus heavy t
36 > , U34 ? > , Itulluuy IxnuUeio btronf. Tl
bales nggregnted to 13.00O ,
The Post buyb ! When the present wcc
liognn It wnsdeclnrvd by thn lendrrsnnrt
lleved liy many nhn-wd olncrvers Hint tin. : '
gold entlinont , " n term which has beptin lo '
Imvonvery iinu < ual mennliig hns nlroadr
Mictit Its force. The event shows how bard It
Is to me.viron sentiment Instead ( if dl np-
nrlnc ns n fnetor hi'the slix-k market tlu *
feeling of relief from n dniiircttius butdcn hns
IHHMI evtended nnd ho week clo < ed todny with
n burst of rnthiKlnsin. Its cnusn wns unml -
tnknble. The general list wns inotlonless , the
Industrial stocks nt tint sturt extremely weak ,
but Western rnlon , Missouri I'uclllo nnd Man
hattan Klwvaled led thu day's uethlty nnd
secured ndvinieos. It Is nfu to uyof this
wcek'sspeeiilntlon Insllverwblehthe loalsln-
tle and diplomatic sltunt Ion mnkes peciillnrly
Interestingtlinlll bus repreented vltlunlly
nil the sale of the Stock e\elmnge's < < pcciilitlMi :
holdings to foreign consumers. Tlio dully le-
ports of the ineicnntllo companies ha * > o
prined this.
The following nre the closing quotations for
the leading stocks on the New York Stock ex-
chnngu today !
Americans , tliouh Inactive , have been de
cidedly stroimer.tlno to n butter tendency In
New ork. Krlo preference advanced I per
cent , Union I'ucllle nnd Chicago > V Milwaukee
? i percent , Wubash debenture , Denver prefer
ence nnd Northern PnelHe prefeieneu > i per
cent and nearly all others ' to ' { percent.
AIoNlcuns were Him. Aigentlne lines wens
well maintained. Miscellaneous securities
were quiet. Moimy was niiltp n drug. Short
loans were freely otl'ored at 1 per cunt. The
discount market was nlsoinilut , two and tluee
months bills being quoted at fiom Hi to J ! per
> w York Money .Mnrkct.
Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 10. Mosuvox CAi.rKasy
at 3 percent.
I''.M'nii 5G per cent.
STKKUXO KxciiAN < u : Kliin , with netiml
business In bunkers' bills at W.R.'i'ilio-I.HH for
sixty-day bills and J4.H7yi24.88 for demand.
The elotlng quotations on bonds :
Itoston Stock Uiiotiitloim.
11OSTO.N , Mass. . Dec. 10. The following are
the closing stock quotations :
Atch. A Topeka . l-'nuitilii
lloston A Albany.
Itopton AMalno. . . . 17 i Osceoln . H7
CII. . it g VJ ! Qnlncy . 1451 !
KltblilMMK n , a 85 ! rantu Fo Copper. . . 5
Flint A 1'cro M. pfrt 73 Tninnmck . 1.V1
Mom. Central Id ! Annlston Land Co. . 23
Mer. Con , coin 11 ! Huston Lund Co . . 5' (
N. Y. It .N. KiiKlnnd. 411 West Knd I. ana Co. 17 > s
( Io7 ll'J Hell Telephone . ! 07
\VI . ten. com ! . ' > I.Hiuaon Store S . . . 15 ( ) 'JO Water Toner . 3 1MB
Atlantic 9 ! C. M . 7J
Ilotton X .Moi.t 84 ! II. ft I ) . 1IM
Cnlunict It Hccln. . . SM T. ii . nn
Sun I'rantNco Mining : Stockn.
SAN VIUNCISCO , Cal. , Dec. 10. Tlio ofllelnl
closing iuotatlons | for mining stocks today
wuieas follows :
Altn au
Hulwcr lii Mono 20
llclchcr 1611 Ophlr 21U
Host A. llolcher 145 I'otosl .115
llodlu Consolidated 30 SHVSKO , . . . . 1.10
Cliollnr BO Sierra Nevndn l.'W
Con. Oil. & Va . . . 2i Union Consolidated 120
Cronn I'olnt W IJtnli 10
( ioulil X Curry "i ! Yellow .Inckct 70
Hnlo A Jsorcrots. , . . Ul ( Norlli Oupen 5
V York Mining ; 4 > notiitIoiiH.
NRW'YoiiK , Dec. . 10 The following uro the
closing mining quotations :
Crown 1'olnt M Mynioiith 70
Con. Cul. , V Vn. . . . 250 hlerra Nevada 10J
IJeadnood 110 Standard 140
Gould A Curry 70 llnlnnCon 110
IliiKiA .Vorcroha. . . . 140'ket IU
HoniPitnku . . .1IWO Iron Silver is
Mo.xlcnli 14C yulck Sliver SJi
North Star I'M do prefd..l ! > 00
Ontario KK > 0 Dulwer 20
Ophlr 219
I'lliMlldlll Not en.
Nr.w OIIIIANS , La. , Dee. 10 , Clearings , 82-
535VJ8 ( ,
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Dec. 10. Clearings , $1-
ho.MioN. Dec. 10. IjiNHnnii 7 2s per ton
for western.
1'Ains , Dec. 10. Three per cent , icnles , 100 (
for the account.
OMAHA , Dec. 10. ClearliiKS.Jl.OU COj wimo
day last week , (1,008,01'J.
: llAl.TiMOlii : , Mil. , Dec. 10 , Hank clenrlncs ,
12,804,740 ; balances , 1555,510. Money , 0 per
Mr.MI'lUR , Tenn. , Dec. 10. OleaiIiiK , JB01-
5(51 ( : biilnnce.s , $140,049 , Now York exchange
fielliiii ; ut par.
HKIIUN , Dee. 10 , Tlio statement of tlio Im
. perial bank of nei many fallows a dccteasu In
specloof 5,400,000 murks.
Niw : YOIIK , Dec. 10.-lenrliiKs , J127.102 , .
033 ; bulancen. (3.H71.Q&7. Kor the week :
Hearings , * 7801tl5l087 ) ; balances , ? 3BrJ25. , .
ST , I < otns , Mo. , Dec , 10-niearlnss , $4,2fi3 , .
438 ; bjiliinces , 1134,488 , .Monny niilet at Oiit.'i
per cent , i\ehaiigo on Now iork , pur u
Piui.Aiiiii.i'HiA , I'n. , Dee. 10 , Clo-mlngs
fll,30 ,310 ; balances , li40,48H. ( Kor tlu
week : C'leailngs , * 72,055,8U3 ; balances , , til ) , .
i03'J'JS. ! Money,4'/t percent.
HOSTON , Mass. , Dec. 10. Clearings , fl 1,431 , .
OU7 ; balances , H.047.317. Money , f , noi
cent. rAchanuo on New York lU'Jo dlv
count to par , For thucek : Kxehunge , J10U ,
'J3U.030 ; balances , tlO,404,171.
OlllOAno , III , , Dec. 10.-Heailn .s , J18.032 , .
431 ; for the week , ? 115HMOul ) , : for the conn-
hpondlng week lust year. J97,21 > 0i'J7. ! Now
Yoik exchange , OOc nremliim. .Slcrllng ex
chuiiKo dull ; * 4.H.r'i for hlxty-day bills am !
JM.88 ! { for demand , Money eusy ut &IiO pe
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
r ,
o ItccrlptK Intcrfcrrd with liy tlin b'noiv-
id ltliiv of the Sltinitioii.
OMAHA , Dec , 10. The lecent hll/zuid sorl
ro ously Intel feicd with the marketing of hfoul
ul thu past week , and leeulptHof nil kinds hhov
ul u decieubocompured with thu week previous
D- Cuttle , Hogs. Hlii'iii '
DIII llecelptH the past week. 10,301 3H3O ( ) li,4tJ.
rt l ecelit.spii | > vlUS ( ) weulc l , i14 ! 30,180 3,0'Ji
rts. CoriehpniidlligweuklbOl. 14,781 55,051 4,351
s.o - ' .Thocittthi trade has developed no now fea
oI'O HITCH , ulthoiiKh , owing to tl > o slight reduetloi
Vt In biipplle.s , prices inuy liuvu Hinted up n trllli
n- ( jinx ! tocholcurlpo cornfed cuttle find a ver
n1(1 ready Mile at Htiong prfecs , Onn bunch o
k.or prime I,7u7-lhj _ rndo lleiefoids sold fo
or Cliilatnmsbeef on Friday , ulilch will give i
10 /ulrldfiiof thu condition of the market 01
e- anything really choice. HuyuiH , howuuti
eit. . luivo not asked bo much after prim
it.of nsuflergood enttlo and Mich huvu Mild :
of trltlubtronger tliiina week ugo. On the gen
lit era ! inn of hiilf-fut and hhoit fed hteeiM tin
ro inai ket wtis decidedly iincertnln and nne\ei
ut If the Niipply HUH limited buyer * took them u
ho very fair ngures , but us a rule | hey hiivo hvei
hok Indllfeient sollerti uud nt unsiillsfaolor
k prices. They cuu'C btund the competition i
( he butclirr * ' otnlN with poultry , prune nnd
oy ters. Outside of the best cuttle1 , prlees nro
rather low , but with n better enl lde domnlul ,
nnd continued ( rood Inquiry Irom lnl l hou e < i
thci-c Ims iK'en n henltliy iidertonp to ilm
trnilo nnd the market for the week chxes
rather tinner thnn n week ago. In butchers'
nndrnmirrV stock It has been the inniP wny.
nnd fnlr to good cows hnve brought \ery good
figures nil work. Kvrn poor itnIT Is selllliR
better thnti for a couple of weeks pn t.
The feeder Undo has picked up eonsldernbly
the past dny or two. nnd while there bus been
noimtleonlflonihnneo lit prices Ihero hns been
n tinner feeling and n freer movement ns far
ns thobettorurndos nro colicerned. Common
light thin sltx'kcntthuiro Mill neRlectcde\eii
nt iiitnllliig ildtciilouslv low prices ,
Hecelpts today were somewhat lighter than
on Init Sntuidiiy , nnd the week's n-celpti ,
while nlMiut aKHi ( heavier than n year into ,
weio nearly 3H)0 ( lighter thnn last week.
There were more good cuttle on snle t hnn on nny
one day for over n week. Huslness was brisk
with the market strong ton dime higher than
1 ililny on all desirable ollerlngs , ( loud to
choice 1'JOU-lli. to 1.400-lb. steeisold at from
? 4.i0 ! In J&.2U ! fnlr to good . , lOOO-lb. to
1,300-lb. steers at fromfa.f.O to II. 15 ; common
to fnlr OOO-lb , to 1'JOO-lb. steeis nt frtim
$3.00 to * 3. o. > ! omo ptvltv fair westerns
brought $3.35. with one Imncli at M.HH , but
olTerlngs In this line were limited. Altboimh
there was a sllRbtlv weaker tone towaid the
close on ncconnt of thu Inctensed receipt" , the
close found the pens ptaetlcally empty.
About u thlid of the ficsh receipts were
cows and mixed slix'k , nnd with aery fair
and geiieial deinniid they ehunged linnds
freely nt steady to strong pilcei. lulr to
good eows nnd heifers sold hnttcly at fmni
t'J.tH ) to $ i.5twlth ! ) extieme sales of poor to
veiy good stock nt from $1.25 to } 2.8& . The
supply of bulls , oxen and slugs \\asnot huge
and with n very fnlr Inquiry fiom l itb Kllleis
and feeders the trade was good and ptlces
fully steady at from M.7f > to } 'J,25. Veal
calves weio searco and quotnbly stiong at
fiom I3.1HI to $5.00. Common largo eahes
nnd yenillngs inther dull nt from Sl.'JO to
( f2.CiO. Kepiesentntlve Miles :
niiKssnn :
l > r.
3 7&
3 Hft
31)0 )
H Oil
4 111
2 10
2 10
2 111
2 111
2 10
2 15
2 15
2 15
2 15
2 1ft
2 15
2 15
i ! 45
1 240 300 1 110 450
1 110 400 5 100 475
1 120 4 00
1 1130 105 1 1470 100
1 1100 1 05 1 100O 1 1)0 )
1 1430 1 75 1 1100 1 ! M )
2 11BO 175 * 1 1410 1011
3 1180 1 87'1 1210 200
4 14O7 10O a 1300 200
1 1210 100 2 13H5 200
1 000 1 00 1 1300 2 15
1 1350 1 00
4 1307 200
1 720 2 25
STOCKr.its AND Fir.iins. : :
2 435 .135 7 710 205
G 57H 225 4 800 205
1 H70 2 25 8 HOH 2 70
0 700 225 3 713 275
2. . . . . . 025 225 H 755 275
2. . . . . . 070 250 15 RH2 2 HO
5 010 2 5O 00 01H 285
10 701 250 H2 040 2 H5
2 075 250 21 050 300
JiG H4H 2 00
IB steers..1155 335 50 steeis.1110 335
20 steers..1200 380 14 Meei.s.llBO 350
4 feeder.s.l)30 ( ) 270 13 hleei.s.llOG 335
27 cows. . . . 005 275 3 1 sleets.1018 335
lloos Thu nmrket bus been uneven nil
week. Puckers' ellorts have been more deter
mined than ever to break tbo market , but the
light lecelpts occusloned by HieMoim huvo
been ugulnst them , und while pilces have gene
otr consldiirubly since Tuesday , the high day ,
they are still fully n ( IImo higher than on
lust Sutiuduy. The situation Is lather
slialned. Piesent comparatively high prices
uio the result diiectly of short supplies
and Indlieclly of speculation In hog products.
Should Iheie ho n dig inn of hogs nnd tbo
schemes of speculators nil-curry theio Is no
telling wbeiu pilces would go. On the other
bund the shoiluge muy be mme .serious than
geneially anticipated , In which case the pies
ent high pilces would seem low. One thing Is
certain , funnels are well sutlslled with piesent
pilces und me iiinnlng In nil Kind * of hogs ,
pigs , brood sons und nil lo ieoehu the beneilt
of them.
The supply today wus fully us good ns lust
Hal unlay us to numbers , but iheolTerlngswcio
decidedly common. Business wus hi Isk , but It
wus dlllleiilt lo compute the mnrKct Intelli
gently with I'llduy's uneven I mile. Tliuinnge
wus pietty much the sumo , very com
mon light und mixed to choice heavy
bogs selling nt fiom jn.fcl ) to 8ti.HI.
The populur pileo was JO.OO and It was
piucllcully ut J5.U5IO { 0.00 for fullto good
hogs of nil weights , Severn ! tiulns weie Into
In niilvlng and on some of these pilces inled
lower and u few loads lemulned unsold , ( irli-
erully hpeuklng It wus not fnr fiom a steady
inurKcl. Hales weio hugely ut fiom $5.05 to
$0.05 , the sume us on Frlduy , und us ngalnst
f5,85 lo $5.00 lust Halm-clay und f3.45 to 3.55
on the Mime Hutunluy of December last , year.
lEcptcscntutlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
2..205 $580 54..272 hO JO 00
2..205 5 85 53..200 100 000
05..181 280 585 50..203 W ) 000
HO..172 5 H5 82..210 120 000
54..210 120 500 00..251 120 000
42..207 HO 600 03..22H HO 1100
30..241 40 500 70..210 40 000
01..215 40 500 51..250 2OO 000
OH..203 HO 500 50..212 200 000
00..220 210 5 02Si 5H..205 12O 000
OH. . . 210 240 505 51..210 120 000
02..231 120 505 52..307 400 000
78..200 120 505 51..280 200 000
tit.217 ) 40 505 42. . .201 120 000
70..232 200 505 5H..205 280 (100 (
40..212 240 505 80..210 UOO 000
OH..242 505 87..235 hi ) 000
08..242 280 505 OH..300 2HO (100 (
88..222 320 505 02..202 20O (100 (
81. . . .231 2HO 505 112. . . .2113 120 000
08..244 505 08. . .280 24O 000
HI. . .222 240 505 02. . .273 100 000
0..245 505 00 . .250 100 000
(15..250 120 505 05..20U 200 000
70. . . 202 120 505 70..251 240 000
82. . .210 HI ) 505 123..205 100 000
, 72..237 240 505 02..217 40 000
50..252 200 505 57..211 100 000
02. .201 440 505 03. . .27O 40 000
70. . .102 HO 5.1)5. 72..200 280 002' :
82..205 200 505 57 . . .313 40 005
31..225 6 07ij (15..213 bO 005
31..280 200 50744 05..231 005
02..211 100 5 O7'i 57 . . .322 100 005
02. . . 208 140 5 07'/ 72..277 320 005
17..244 200 5 07 } { 50..270 200 005
70..241 HO 000 07. . . 205 200 1105
05..2H7D12D 000 01..205 HO 1105
74..214 40 GOO 57..255 280 005
72..230 * 80 000 DO. . . 277 005
02..278 210 000 40. .215 005
50..231 200 000 01..200 80 (105 (
05..20O 150 GOO 05..208 100 005
70..228 100 000 03..301 80 010
07. . . 221 80 000 05..285 (110
71. . . 271) 200 000 48..327 HO Oil )
GO.240 GOO C3..320 HO 010
1-ion AMI notion.
09..135 240 5 00
SIIKKI * Tlit-io were no fresh receipts of MIOOJ
nnd nothing huio to inuko u nmrket , ( iooi
muttons continue In nctlvo demand nt stion
pilccti. Fnlr to good natives. iJ3.50ft4.75j fill
to good wcsteiiis , JX'-'Mi-l.Wl ; common uiu
stock hbeep , 'J.25'K3.60 ' ; good to choice 40 t
00-lb. lamlta , Il.0int5.50.
KANBAH OITY , Mo. , Dec. 10 , CATTI.K Itr
, 7.OOO hend ; bhlpnientK , 1,501) ) lieai
dull ; weuk to lower : feeders and Tuxu
slccrs , quiet nnd slendy ; shipping slccrw , K3.U
( & 4.GO ; Mockoranml fccdeisM5ft3,7J > ,
Houti-lCccelpts , 0,900 head ; hhlpmchtH , 1 ,
G0 ( ) ; good hogs , hteadvi otherx , weak to 5
lower ; all gradcx , 11,75&0.25 ; bulk , Kl.OW
HllilKi1 Kecelpts , 1,100 head ; bhlpnieiiti
nonot good sheep , Miong ; others , dull an
weuk ; mutlons and lambs , $5.00.
Kt. I.on It I.Uu Stock .Market ,
RT. Loir i M. TUo. , Dr.o. 10. IUTTI.K- <
celpU , 1,000 , heud ; bhljjiiic.nls , 1200 lieut
niarVpt stcndyt imtlvo MC-OM. to
Indlnii Meer , * - ' O0d3 10 ,
llom KceelpK 3.1IX ) hcndi uhlpmrnt * .
n.noo hend i market 1ow. low en licit vy , 10,00
0.040 ! piH-kliiK , 3 80r.lO.2ft ! light. Kt.HMKUO.
SIIKKIHtvi'lpK 400 hendi "lilpmonl800
bond ; market qnletj nntlvo.i , J3.Wht4.liO.
ItccrlpUnnil lll pnltlon of Stock.
Oniclnl receipts nmrdlspnsltlonof shock ns
shown by the Imokfl of the I'lllon Stock Yards
coimmiiv for thu twenty-four hours , ending
nt 5 o clock p. in , December 10 , lB02i
'am Illpadl Cnrs , I Hpail.
7,183 Ml MMJ
ill' CATTI.1.
Ornahn I'npklngt'o II2.0IS
Tlio II. 11. llninmoml Co. , IAS ]
HwlttA Co ; . . . IIM 1.774
'I lie Cnitnhjr rncktna Co. , M 1,831
Andrew Hunti
* < ppp.tilpprs ! and Kepj'ts
l. fl over WU
T 7a7. B.TM
1.1 Mi Stock .Mnrlu-t.
riiKnon. 111. , Dec. 10.-Special TeleRrnm to
Tin : llii.l-The : : cattle market was intlct. to
day Mini prloes were without Important
elmliee. Only nlmul l,5tii enttlo arrived
nt the yntds and they were botiKbt up
einly nt full prices. The ( iffeilnirs conslstpd
pilnelinlly | of butchers' nnd dinners' stock ,
and pilces iiiiiftlni ; donnwnrd from * 3,60 ,
which took most of It. ( notations wtm < from
Jl to J3.25 for Inferior to extin eows , helfurs
nnd bulls , J1.75 to J3.25 for stockers nnd feed-
eis , t2.'JOtd$0.tM ) for common to extra dressed
beef nnd shipping sleets , mid fiom Jl.OO to
Jo.oO for enlxes.
Sales of hou's were made to minion lint hotter
iiiUnntiiRe tnan at Ibe i < lo . of yesteiday's
minuet , lieeelpts weio Kinnll estimated nt
lU.tlOO , nnd they wewixii ) outofselleiN blinds
: il fuiin iii.on in $0.45 for common tocholco
medium and heavy , and nt from 15.00 to $ rt.lO
for poor lopilmc light. Timllnc was linuely
at from ftlAiU to JO 35 for the former , wldlo
iiom J5.UO to Jtl.K ) took tin ? bulk of the llpbt.
I lie demiind was flood at fiom $3.00 to t&2.1
for poor to choice KI tides of sheep. Culls and
poor stun sold nnywlieie ftom } l,50to J'J.76.
Theic wns n strong nmiKet for lambs at from
W.75 In JO.oo for poor to choice. I'aney were
ipioted ns liluli us JO.Uft.
lieeelpts : Cattle , -J.OOO ; boss , I'J.OOO ; sheep ,
1 lie Kvfiilng.Tonr-ml leporlsi
( 'ATIi.iHecelpts ! , 1.500 bend ; shipment ! ) ,
1,1)00 ) bend ; market slow und weuk : Christ
mas beeves , fri.TIVftlUiO ! others , $2.H5ftB.40 |
helfeis , $2.75a ( 3.50j stoekeis , $1.70 ® 2.50 ;
feeders , f2.GOiffa.lU ; cotts , f 1.15CT.2.80.
llods-Itecelpts. 12,000 head : shipments.
5,000 head ; innrKct. uneven , closed lower ;
nnmli nnd eiiminon , $ , * i.75 5H5 ; packing iiiul
niKed , J5.0l > ' . (0.15j ( bnteheis nnd medium
weights , $ G.2IKilfl.30 : light , $5.7lKnO,15 ,
Sitiii : : * Iteeelpts , 1,000 hend ; .shipments ,
HOO hend : niuiket uctlvo ; prices strong ;
Clirlstnms wethers , $5,5030.t)0i ) unlives , J4.1K )
| 5.25 ; western , $ l.704.00 : TeMius , H4.40O
4.00 : lambs , M.7C 0.2Q.
TK.IXS.I//.S.SOfv/ ns.
They Agree on 1'relnht llimlnesH , but Are
nt Outs on I'assenurr Itnti-s.
Citir\Hi , 111. , Dec. 10. The ircncrnl freight
itKcnts of the tiMii.siiiissouri ivnds , who have
been In session in this city for several days ,
adjourned last evening after adopting nn
agreement for tbe protection ot freight rates
in their territory. The committee of three
appointed to report n plan of organization to
take the place of tbo association that went
out of c.xislence November 11 submitted Its
recommendations. After considerable dis
cussion the main features of the plan wcro
adopted and will bo put into effect as soon
as the necessary arrangements can bo made.
The new plan provides for the appointment
of three rate committees , ono for Nebraska ,
ono for Kansas and one for Colorado-Utah
tnifllc. Kaeli committee is to hnvuchurga o
nil rate matters in its particular territory ,
but they are to work In harmony
and are to hold ( imirterly meetings
for the consideration of questions re
quiring legislation. General meetings
may be called at any time on
the request of the manager. A secretary is
to bo chosen to keep tbo records of all the
meetings , but every meeting will elect its
own presiding officer from among the mem
bers present , thus saving the salary of a
regular chairman. The headquarters of the
new combination will be at Kansas City ,
and it is understood that Mr , McFaddcn will
be retained as secretary.
By this agreement , which is chiefly re-
marknblo for its .simplicity , provision is
made for the preservation of freight rates
west of tbo Missouri river. In the menu-
time passenger rates in that territory are
becoming badly demoralized , The Union
Pacific is accused of paying a commission ol
. " 1 on way tickets sold over its lines from
the Missouri river to Colorado points. When
the Transmissouri association wns in exist
ence there was a rule fixing the maximum
commission at § 1 for such business , and.
some of thu roads contended that this should
still bo observed. The Union Pacific In
sists , however , that it was not the first to
increase tbo commission , and that it will bd
time enough for its competitors to niako
charges when they have purified their own
households. Owing to the bad feeling be
tween tbo Union Pacific and its Colorado
competitors , growing out of the quarrel over
Pacillc coast business , there is little pros
pect of a satisfactory agreement for the es
tablishment and maintenance of transmis-
souri passenger rates.
South ( 'nrollim'rt Credit.
Coi.rMitrs , S. C. , Dec. 10. Covornor TI11-
inan today sent a message to the general as
sembly regarding the refunding of tlio
Brown consol bonds , which fall duo July
next. Ho says the state's credit has suffered
by reason of the bad management of Its finan
cial aflairs in the past , and that it is now
impossible to place its bonds at par at 4 per
cent , as had been anticipated. The governor
proposes that thu bonds bo made < H < fs , that
the general assembly provide a sinking fund
for thu gradual payment of the debt , and
that the phosphate bids bo mortgaged us
"Whlsliy In on tlio Advnncc.
CIIICAOO , 111. , Dec. 10. Whisky has been
booming lately. President Grccnliut of the
Distillers and Feeders company , otherwise
the whisky trust , explains It on the ground
that the demand has increased so enormously
as to necessitate the full operation of all dis
tilleries. lledcnles the report that the trust
had been running a corner. "Wo cannot beheld
held responsible If members as Individuals
buy great quantities of whisky for specula
tive purposes , or if people outside spcculnto
In it , T believe that the price will advance
still further. "
I'rrparliiK for u Hiiynl Wi'
Dec. H ) . A largo party , consist
ing of royalty and nobility , assembled at
Windsor cnstlo today to greet Crown Prince
Ferdinand of Koumnnla , who came
to visit his fiancee , Princess
Marie , daughter of the duke of
Edinburgh. The wedding will occur at Slg-
nmrhigcn. Prussia , and the duchess of Kdlu-
burgh and Princess Marie will leave for that
place Thursday to prepare for it.
loiibl Kllllm ; 1" Arlroim.
FI.AOSTAFI' , j\v\f. \ . , Deo. 10. At Siiowflnko ,
in Apuclie county , James and Charles Flake
attempted to arrest James Taylor. Taylor
killed James Flnko nnd wounded Charles ,
who in turn killed Taylor , Taylor was : v
desperado nnd recently robbed u bank at St.
Mnrclal and was wanted ut several places for
crimes committed ,
A ny "lib Iho JMunldllorH.
President llurribon never commended him
self to railroad 'corixirations by his interest
In railroad employes , but , regardless of this ,
bu for the fourth time recommends legisla
tion for the benefit of this class of citizens.
If congress neglects to give them protection
It is surely not his fault.
? Ior 1' ) | > 1iolil CIINCH UUrovorril.
NEW YQIIK , Dec. 10. Two cases of typhoid
fever were discovered yesterday among the
patients In the alcohollo ward at llollovuo
hospital. Tlio sufferers froijj the contagion
were 'removed to the pest liouso. Tbo thir
ty-two patients in tliO' Infected wards have
been quarantined ,
KnKliH'1'm Killed In u U'roclf.
WATKIIIWIJV , Conn. , Dee , 10 , Freight
trains on the New York & Now Knglancl
road collided near Klinsbury this morning ,
wrecking a larjjo number of cars , find , H fs
reported , killing Engineers Thompson find
DrcrciiKo In Iliu Hunk Ufucrvit ,
Nuw VOIIK , Dec , 10. The Bank statement
shows the rcservo has decreased i'U.Sl.CMX
0- and specie has decreased $ llftr > , OOU the banlii
; now hold 5,010,000 , In excess olrcqulremcuVu