. THE OMAHA DAILY ME ; SA'.j&llDAY , DECEMBER 10 , 1892 , SPEG1RL NOTICES. " " A UVKin IHBMKNTH FOIl TliKSB OTM MSi .Awlll hi-tfikfn until IJM : | i. m. for llio cvenlnB r nil until PWti , m , for the morning of Sunday edl- No niltf-rtlx-mpnl taken far lc s than 2.1 cents for he first Inirtuoitt All nrttnril omcnt In Ihono colnmnlK cent * n rfoM for tha first Infcrllon and I font word for rneli uh oqucnt Inocrtlon , or $1M per line per Innntli. Terms CArii In ndtance. Initial" , figure * , ftymhnl * . < > lc. ouch count n nnnnl. All nrtvcrtUc- nicntmnml rim consecutively. Advertiser * , by re- fjnoul nu n mimtiprfrt chetk , ran liavo tliolnltrrii urtdrcs edlo n numbered letter In rumor 'IIIK IIKB. y\n < wrr * no nddre crt will be ilcllTcrcil on tlio lirtscntntlon of ttio clicck. SITUATIONS WANTED. * ' - * " ' " T 'sni'ATIoir-"wANTKI ) . A COMI'KTKNT j\BlcnoKrnilior | Mid lolrtrnpli oriptntor watitiin tltntllim In i-liticr l.uclhi M or 1 ctli combined. Ail- drtts I. . V. ( itrnlierdt , Ntbraikn City , llcferoncf * . t PIHVrrn DKPIIIKSTKAIV ( .11)11 IN NK- JVdriukn. Ilcfcrences. AdilrcsiJ. ( lltiy , I crry , la. WANTED MALE HELP. ) M/N WASTKIMN SAI.AHY.OSB WHO CAN llcnrn qnlcklr. Applr at 1610 Donglin. 4U < IC > -AIKNTri ( WANTKD. BAI.AHY PAID WKKK ' " " " " 5 | , nt Mnger ortlco. 11 MAN WANTKIt , HAIiAllY ASH KXl'KNHIW. JM'ennnncnt jilnce , whole r part tlmp. Apply at once , llrown Hros. Co. , Nurserymen , CMcairo. M7 il 50 * U -AOKNTS1 HNAI'I I3.O1 TO 5.JO DAY 8UIIK. J > Al(1tp Uoclicnour , 4513 Clinrlcs t. . Omnhn , ' M 577 DM * TJ. PAIAIIV Oil UMMIH10N TO AtlKNTfl TO Jt'lionillP Ilin Pnlcnt CliPtnlrnl Ink KrnslnR Pencil. 'J lie iiiOftumful nml novel liivi-ntlon of tlio npii. KrRBrs Ink thoroughly In two seconds. " orks llko iimctc. U loHflpcr cent prollt. AKcntn mnkltiK tfi'J per week. We also wnnt n pom-mi niiMit to tnko rhnrpo of territory nnd nptoiut ub incuts. A rare chntiru lo iiinko uioiicy. Write for termn iinrt n snm- pin orrrnslug. lloiiroo Krnscr Mfi . Co. , X 3'j. l.n ITOBfeVls. . ' ' 5 1JwTjiT15D. . FIHHT-CI.A8H COACHMAN. JJApply , 11 , Jllllnrd , Onmliu > ntlonnl bunk.fll . fll ffij IJWANTKI ) . IlCOKKKKri'H WHO HAS HAD .lifompcixierlonrolu wliolccnlo tuislncts.ouniz innn preferred. Address , S 41 lico. 114 11 jAtlKN'lHWKVAM' MKNVIIO AUK Air -Jrciuly irnvi-llni ! pnlenmcn. to cnrry our lubr emits ns a nlily lino. Nnmo r ri-rencc nna terri tory. Mttnufneturcrs Oil Co. , Cleveland , o. _ - ' . ) , A CAHPKNTKIt TO TAKK CAUK B-WAN'IT.I dnrlnK the winter for repairs l.ar o room for n shop , ntso largo llvliiB rooms. O.I'1. ' Harrlron , Ilia N. Y. Life. M115 10 - ANI > TVP1SWHITKU wanted , nmst bo tborouunly acquainted with Keneral nierrlinndlso , lirokcrnmi business and OBOOd correspindent. Hufiitonco required. I osl- tlon now open. Address Ilodwoll Mcr. Co. , I.u8 Market street. Denver , Colo. _ aiuu 11 * -WANTKI ) . KXPBUIKNCKI > HAI.1WMKN. NO otbers need apply. Nebraska ClotbliiK Co 'll llAKKIl WANTED A KIUST CI.AH3 I1AKK11 4J and tatty maker. Como nt onco. City linker , DcnlBon , In. MI03 10 - ) MKN KOUTHK 8OUTII ON 0. B. HOVKUK- B-WK work In Tcnnnsico. Krnmcr i O Ilearn Ijibiir A enoy. : K)3 ) South llth Btreel. M21CI12 * WANTKI ) . A MAN TO TAKK AN OKKI P. B and repreii-nt n manufacturer ; JM.IH ) per week : Kiiitfjl capital required. Addru.is. with otniiip , Mnu- Ufnetnrcr. llox 7U , Went Acton , MHM. M20i 10 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-WANTKII. 1.AD1KS OH YOUNG M1SN TO take llKht , pleasant work nt their own homes ; H.OUIoJ.1.0) per day can bo quietly mndoi worlc icntbymclt ; nocanvasalntr. For particulars nd- dress Ulobe MfK Co. , lIo.xWll , Ilosloi : , Muss. Ks- intillslied 1830. M3SM 1)14 * C I WANTKI ) , GOOD NUlldK GI1IL , AT 400 North S3rd street. 107-10' - , GIHL FOH GKNICUAL IIOUSH- C-WANTKD big house but In a imall family , nt 1910 lllnncy. M1SI10 * 0SKCOND GIHL , 2210 FAHNAM. 185 H - ' , LADY TYI'KWHITKH , .MUST UK rapid , nccurute , nent ; steuogrnpher preferred. Address U 4.1 , llco. 181 ! > - . GKNEHAL 1IOUSK- C-COMPF.THNTGIULFOH work. lOAt Sherman avenue. 1'Jl - . GIHL FOH GKNKIIAL I1OUSK- work , 1013 Park avonuc. 1W 11 CWANTKP. 7iXPHItlKNrKD : SALKHI.ADIUS nt Dotlon tlore , Onuihii. Nnno hut these who liuvo.nt lentt ti months cxi orlence need apply. f-i-oiiu , rou iiousKwoiuc. oios. SSTHST. li ) IM-H- / 1 WANTl'J ) . tilllL FOH GKNEHAL IIOUHK- VVworUaf.OUJ I'.urt street. M2I1 11 * C - KOU GFNEHAL HOUSKWOHK , 1414 MartlmetreuU , M208-10' C-YOUNG LADIUS CAN BOOV ACOU1UK A wotklng knowledito of shorthand uml type writing at Vnn SantB'513 N. Y. Life. MZU7 O-WANTKD-COMl'KTKST O1HI , FOH OBN- eral houtowork In fnnilly of three. 110 R. 2Mh ovuuue. M1W 12 * p-ANY ONK WISHING HONA FIDl ! HOME KM- -.ploynu-nt to earn f. > to t2H weekly , spare tlrao or Ktcaily work without canvassing , send nddicss to U , IU Wilson , Fall HIver , Mnps. m202 12' FOB BENT HOUSES. TTVOH HKNT , N1NK-HOOM HOUSE , SIODI5HN J-'eonveiitences , 2214 Lake St. Inquire C. D. Wood- Tforth , llllfi Farnnm. 120 NKW STEAM-11KATKD MODKHN FLATS. > Kllkennuy , room 1 , Continental block.M172 M172 1)11 TV-FOt HHNT.2FHAMB DWELLINGS COHNEH Jl'of llodco nnd 17th nnd 17th and Capitol arenuo Eleven looms each , Near now iiosloniro ullo tcoll.O. Clark & Co. M253 D12 -FOH HUNT , NO. 241S CAPITOL AVENUE , D modern. The O. K Davis Co. , 1505 Farnain st. li'l D-A IM1IU15 LIST OK C1IOICH IIOUHKS. stores , tints , etc. Ilourcs from f5.UO per month und up. George J , 1'nul , ICU6 Karnnm. iftb-d-lS * B-N1NE UOOM HOUSE. SIODKUN CONVHN- tenccs , wHler rent pntd , f2.r > .UO per month. ,1.11. Wheeler , room 417 Karbuch block. M187 TKOK HKNT , MODKIIN 10-UOOM 1IOUSH , AII. Jvconvenlenccs , llvo minutes' walk posloftlco , Blrecl cnrs pnss the iloor. Nntlmn Klielton or K ti. tiktnncr , IC14 l-'arnnm nt. b'3 > KKIIIT'IIOOM DKTACIIKD 1IOUSH , MOD- cms best neighborhood , t'iO. b'oren rooms und barn , Park avenue , * - ' & . U. K UnttB , Hl So. 17th Btreot. MM d''ii T\-A DKHiiiAin.H IIOMK'OK o IIOO.MP , KUII. vSVnlnhed or unfurnished. Parties going to Cali fornia. Apply on promises. 111 : : youth Tenth t. 770 n S-1IOO.M COTTAGE , SI12 MASON , 9-ltOOSt JJhouse , modernSlat A lluaon. Apply ! X" D -roil HUNT , HOUSES IN ALL PAU'lS OF fit ) ' , Thu O , F , DuvU company , IU)5 ) 1'arnaui st. 778 D I'Oil ' HUNT , 10-UOOM 1IOIJSH. 2015 CAPS , IIU.UI. Hood .V t-oUiy. lloiird of Trndo. 77U D i'liATB , ' lIWKt.MNdH , rOTTAQKS IN AM < parts of city , Kilkenny & Co. , Continental blk. BFOIl HUNT , 6-llOOM COTTAdK ON MOTOll B- lino. Apply r ) , W. corner i'th uud Douglng , 781 D-I1OUSH OK U 11OOMS. .M.I , MODICHN CON veuleuccB , plcnBantly locntt'd near bualuess ron- tor. Apply IXJtl Chicago t. , or li , t ) . tikluuar , 1011 1'nrnoiu , , b'J Mw-IICONi CO'ITAOES ! HATH , HOT AND cold water , all modern Improvements. Doalrnbln locution for builni'sa men lu lieautllul Stanford Circle , Convenient to Omnhn nud South Omahn , Apply C. b. Klk'uttqr , r i , Now YurK Life building. rv-KOU UENT , NKWMIOOM MODEHN HOUSE , L'nlci'ly papered , near West Farnam car. Dr. Matllco , Dounlii block. M32I T -FOIt HENT-MV IIHICIC 1ICU3K. NO. Z70S J-/Farnam elicet and bilck barn , conipleta with every conveiiencc , Wnircu 51. Hosori , 1BJ1 Far uam lit. Jtbi'J 1 - fl HOOM IIHICK HOUSIC , 125 ! 2I1TH ANI1 J-'Hutltu ; evorycouvt'iilenco. Keys 20(11 Capitol ovtnue , M12J | j TV TWO "SIX-HOOM HOUSES IN WALNU1 J-'lllll. city watur , one block from motor line fU.OO. Omaha Heal lUtatunr.d Truit Co. , room ! 1IO bulldlne. Mill 13 iclj B-HOOM COTTAQE8 , NOS , " ( XJ ! t DecaturH.wlll rout for 110 per month Apply to LouU llradford , loth und Douclnii im. M17S II * \-WlNTiil : PI11CK8 KUOM fiOO ui . r. D /Wl'llll , ICth Allouiilos. ' MIRMO TrjllKSSMAKISCJ IN SATISI'ACTIUI L/guarauloi'd ' , UU N. llth.SATISI'ACTIUI T\- lKKT , A TKM.1IOOM 1IOUHK. NO , 111 fi JJitiU tU , JurnlihcJ or unfurulslicd ; moUcru con ifcnlciicos. 1'rlce , utifurnlslieu , HO i > i > r lugutli. Ar jiljr IVJ Dodgu tret't. MWI 11 13 ItOOJIFoN bT. JIAIlY-a AVK.7FUUN1811KI v , cruuoU ttoot , U. F. llutts 231 1MM18 E-.SKWKY ruKNisiiEii itooTTs rouluiiVc urtrnllcrocn. Inquliu at nnv DoduB. til .SOUTH ItOOM , W03 M > M PIS' I ? -B-riJUNWUKl ) IKWMS FOIHIOIJSKKKEPINI I J for man na wife , ll ct Ukcn lu lioard. 8181 E-STEAM JIKATK1) FWOKT 11OOJJ. 171 Mcbolss. S\t \ > \ Il T ? rou IIHNT. KUCOANTLT"FIHINISIIEL Jj iteam h t d rooms ( O1S , 19thik 1(9-11 FOR RENT'-rUKNiaHED ROOMS. CnnllniiM , HKNT-iFtflTSTsHKII nOOMS IN PHI- family. JgM llncnpott nlfcct. M'.Ol II' E -NICKLY KU1INISI1KI ) llOOjlOlO DAVKN- port. M.W8 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. I''Oll ONK Oil TWO ith or without lirnnl , prlvnlo fnmllr. con venient to 1'ark ( iTenuecnrn , .Sola I-cnvonworlh. -T11H DOI.AK , ? J9 AN1J Jll N. 18TII HV. JU 411 _ 1-KiniNI8IIK ItOOMS AND 1IOA1U ) , 2013 I1 Dolml as direct. MIDI 17 * 1-NK\VIY VUIINMIVI ) KltONT ItOOM , WITH L bonrtl , llcfcrencfs required. 1722 l)0lRC' _ t. Vi-JOUHKNT WITH 11OAUII , A PUKN1SHKI > ' frnnl room suitable for two KCiitlcnicn. 21)19 ) Callfornln mi-el. IM 15 * _ -KClll HUNT. Klilt.NISHKD UOO.M8 Wll'lt Oil J. wlllioul board. 1107 Doiluc street , S11W IJ * IJ-NICKliY vlJIlNISllKir'sOlfi'IIICA T I'ltONT 1 room with nlcova nnd bay window. All modem couvpulonccs. Ilbnrit I prlrnlo fnmllr. H22 f. Will Mrect. M2t I ! ' UNFUBNISHED ROOMS. G-4 HOOMH. MOIIKIIN CONVIIMKSCKS , TO fnnilly wlllioul children ; & > U1 Knrnnni , Inquire Kf 1'nxloli block , 7M G -3UOOMSAT130JCAUKOUN1A ST , M3J5 $ FOB BENT STORES AND OFFICES. 'I roil HUNT. KOUIt'STOIlY I1IUUICVAHK - JlKMiKO with trnrknirc. Kiuiulro J. A. CrckhUm , 1(8 lit Natlunnl Hank bkla. ' 4UUD17 1-roil UKST.THK 4-S'OllY ! 1IIUCIC lltltl.OINO , lOlfiFnrnnm tt. Tlio bnllillniilim n llreiiroof co- nipht Im enient , coiiipleto ptcamhcntlnu llxture i nntfr un nil tbo llcors , Kns. etc. Apply nt tha olllca of Tlio llco. 18 1-DOWN TOWN COHNKH I'OH I1AUIIKII SHOP , llittnbllsucd trndo. VVtlKbt & l.nsbury , IGtb nnd Ilownrd. 773 -ONH I'lllllt BTOIIY 1IU1CIC HUtl.DINO 2J KHHT 1 ' ldo. 1407 llnrncy street. , b74 T-KOIl HUM' , KI.MT OK Ol'KICK IIOOMS. VKUY lilcslrnblc location for n doctor , cm South lath Btrret. . ' .IM II -KOH HUNT. TIIK 1IKST COHNKIl IN WA11OO , iN'cb. . Biiltnblo for n larco general merclianiU'O ftork ; tlio best opening In tbo state for n llvo party villh capital. AildrcaiJ. A. l.clter , Wnlioo. Neb. MWO I0 AGENTS WANTED. .1 AdISNTS WANTKI ) TO HKljti"THK CIH.MK "of Cnntc , " n new , stnrlllnk' . puwcrtnl book , written by the people' * champion , ItaiiJ. U. Daven port. Tolls whnt beat Harrison In 18.12iTbe People v . the llnrons. Diutcs nnd Chnpnlcs ; red liot : every line n tlitmlnc nwont : 5.IILKJ so Id In I'lillndel * phla first week. Outllt-'uc ; blit terms ; books ready Dec. in. Wrlto toda ; to notstono rub. Co. , Plilla dclphln. inJUl U * WANTED--TO BENT. K WANTKI ) , TO HUNT A 8 OH 7-llOO.M COT- tnc" with furnace and nil modern convlenccs , for funilly of two ; ptidsesslon wanted between Jnnunry 1 nndli. Address , giving location , price , etc. , 8 40 , lleo. 11111' STOBAGE. M STOIIAU1C. YOUIl UUflOY OU CA Kill Ann carefully looked nftcr. Clean , drv , airy room 18h ! and Harney. Drumuiond CarTln u Co. 199011 M -STOHA015 C'HKAP , CL15AN , WKLLS , 1111 Farnam street. T6U WANTED TO BUY. T WANTKD TO I1UY SOM15 8 I'Bll ( MINT I llrst mortgages. Heed & Sclby , &IJ Hoard Trnde. 737 T-WANTUDTOIIUY.FUHNITUHKANO HOUSE hold goods. 1421) ) Do d go. M510 DID VT WILL PAY ALL CASH FOH STOCKS OF -L' dry goods , clothing , boots nnd fdiocs. groceries. No commission. Alex. Moore , 401 Uco blilg. Ml SO T WANTKD TO IIUV , KHKS11 JKHSKY COW. S Inquire 10IU Farnam. IC'J-U * J IHPI.KMICNT BUSINESS WANTKI ) . WILL i pay cash. Vun Pultun , Unnrd uf Trndc. 173 13' FOR SALE FTJBNITURE. KOH SAI.K AT A IIAIIOA1.V , OFFIUK OH O batik furnlturp , also * rood burclar nnd tire proof snfe. Inquire American Savings bank. ( J5li 0 -KOU BALK. W1II. &KI.I. PUIlNITUllr ! IN 5 room cottnite very chuap. 2U1U Sherman nvo. 139 11 * 0 I KOIt SAI.K. NKW STKWAHT. KUIJ , N1CICM3 buso burner ; very chuap for cash. 814 S. 17th. IST'J * FOR SALEHORSESWAGONS , ETC T-FOH SALE. A NICAHlVv N JVv loulLR JL sprlngoxprcss wagon , hone , hnrnCBs nnil buggy ; also a nearly now set of crcnmcry tools , consisting of butter worker , churn , Howe t < calo. truck , etc. , all will bo sold ntngruK' sacrifice. Address G. II. 'Jischnck , Heo olllce , or call nt SOT Mlamu street , where goods can bo seen. M033 I ) TWO HEAVY WOHKHOHSICM , WKIGHT about 1,200 ; also ono line driving horse 4 years old. Fidelity Loan and Guarantee Co. , room 4 , Wlthncll building , corner 15th and Harney street. M131 _ IJ-FOH SALE , MATIK AND COLT AT HALF J their value. Nebraska Loan Co. , ISHi Douglas street. M120-13 _ FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Fo SALl ! CHKAP. A 35H.HSE : POWKH automatic cngone ; also ono :2-horao : power up right engine : both In good repair. Inquire of Fest ner Printing i'o. , 1S07 Howard street , Omaha , Neb. 783 _ -FOH BALE , AT A SACIUFIOE , ALL THE furniture , carpets , curtains , etc. , at 2573 Daven port nt. ; goods nro now ; owner leaving city. Call Monday p.m. 31171 11 * Q-10U PHINTED KNVKl.OPKB 35 CENTS , POST- paid , samples free. Journal , Amelia , Neb. 1S3 11 MISCELLANEOUS. . - rf-A u'cETlAtirKOlT R-I.- C - uioollnes or lectures. Apply atU09Uodeo. CLAIRVOYANTS. S lTN NSTi\TNV ilufrrci I m''ANT ] rclltiblo bunliiois uictlluiu , Uftli year ut 111) ) X 10th. _ _ _ 1S9 S-MHS , nit. M. MtqilAVH , 1'1101'IIKTKSS. DKAD triincu clairvoyant and llfo rcndor ; tells your llfu from cradle to Rravo ; can uo vonHtiltod on ull nirulrsof llfo : bus the colobratcd Knyptlan hroast pinto to unlit ! tlio icpnrMcd nnil cnuso nmrrlngo ttlth ouo you lovo. Como otio , conio all und bo con- vlucod of her roinarkiiblo ponrors. Olllco nud rest * donco 117 B. llth St. , hours Un. m , to U p. m , Htrlct llfo chart and photo of your future \vlfuorhuj. uundsi'nt tliroitKli mall for $3.00 , clmrt nlono f..OO. All lutturacontiiliiluuJ routs lu utauip * promptly answered. W5 10' MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. m-MMH. BTOWK. MAQNBTIO UKAhBU , 205 J Douiilii" block. Cor , 10th and Dodge. mlSii-li' rp-M.MIC. liAUUli , MASSAOK. 110 8 , 15TH BT , , 1 Drd Iloor , lint 4. M173 15 * T-MMK. OAIIBON. 1121 IJOIICIjAH 8T1I15KT , 3D Iloor , room 7. uiasiagc , tilcohol , sulphur nnd son liathn. M170 15 ril-MADAMKSMlTII , I ! 4 OAl'lTOIi AVKNIIB , XHoom 3 , : Ul Hour , Mussngo , alcohol tuilphur andscnbollii. ilam | U MtrSIO , AKT AND LANGUAGES. . . . . . - Kit , NW , T cor. 1Mb. nnd llurner , liniuoy street , entrance. till MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. \Vr-IiAIlOK irOAN H jTATiIToN OMAilA UN. < > coin , Council Illuffs buslnois property ; G per oout. Also suiallloaus , UeoreoJ. Paul , 1011 Karnam. \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVKU C1TV I > property , lovrrato. A. C. Krott , Douglas blk , ; . 7 7 _ \ \ T I.OANK ON IMPUOVHI ) AND UM1MPHOVK1 V t I clly propertr.W.WO and upwards. ) ! lo 7 par cent No ilc-Iays. . Karnaui Hinlth A Co. 15th und ilurney , 7HU \\r-7 I'KH CKNT MONKY NKT TO UOHllOWKIlS IT on Omalm city property , No eitro clinrties o , nny Vliul. Why puy high ratcsl Mouey Is cheap You ran sol full benefit of low rates from ( Jlotx Loan und Trust Co. , lUtVt and Dodgo. 7W \\r-OMAIlA BAVINas llANlC MARKS I.OANf ' on real estate nl lowest market rules , l.onu luado In tmall or lart-o sums for short or lorn tliijo. No coiuiuls lon Is charged and the loans isU : not sold In llio cait , but can always bo found U thu bank un thu corner of IStli and Douglas street ! TiU s.r. \\r-ANTlJONy WAN ANDTHUSTCO.,318 N , r. ii Life , lends at low rates for choice security 01 Nebraska or IOWA farms or Omaha cllr proportjr. \\r-MONlJY TO LOAN AT I.OWK9T HATK8 Tbo O. F. Davis CO. , 1M5 Faruam street. 791 \ \ r-CBNttlAti LOAX 4 TIIUBT CO. IIKE JILUO ' _ 791 8 -\\r-llKAl4 K8TATB LOANS , 8 TO I I'KR CBN1 1 1 no additional entrees foi oommliilon or Attoi nojr'i feei. W. II. Melklo , frst National Uank b W-ilOIiyaAOB I ) AN8 LUES THAN 7 1'EI cent Including all hurfo . N Charles W , llalpor , QmaliaNtt. bank blag. IM ry-1 ANUa-YEAniXJANSONCITVAND ru < Tmottga ( s. IteM & BelUr , > ( lioara ol ata \V-WANBON ciTirfuomiTr.e ASDH-B cent. M , f. Ulnger , 1615 l'arn m. M i8 JS MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. CVmtfntifl. r-MONKY TO LOAN. LAND TO 8151,1 , i rent , ( iporpc M Conto * . JtW8 r-lOWK4T tlATKS , KtOELlTir TllUST COM- y , 1705 Kalnnra street MMS vy-c. v. iiAiinisoN.iiuN , v. MFK. res ir-I'IUVATK MO.SKV , 1ST ANOSD MOHTOAI1E i lonns , io < r ri\tp < . Alor Mooro. Hoc hliU. 801 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. x- CAM , AT T11K OFK1CK Ot" { OMAHA MOUTH AUK LOAN co. : INCOIU'OUATKI ) , ! IK YOU WANT JioSBY. Yon can Imrtow on IIOUSIIIIOI.I ) KDIIMTIIIIK ASII 1'IANOS , 1IOUSICS. WAliO.NH AMI CAllKlAOKS , WAitiniousn IIKCKIII ? , MKIICIIANMUSK OK ANY OT1IKU BKOUHITV. \Vo will lend foil nnjf nniount from flO.UO to fl.PU ) ON TIIK DAY YOU ASK KOH IT , nltlinut luilillcltr or remnvnt of property. Yoiicnn pnjrtliu inoner bnck In nny nniount * j-oii wlsli , nnil nt nnr time , nurt cnch pnytnenl to lunde will rnlncc tlio cost of Dm lonn. Itcmcnitier Hint yon liavo the u o of both the iri'iotty | nnil tlm munpf , anil | iar for It only ns ) OUR : IH jnu keep ! ! There will liono pxpennc or clmrco kciit out of tin1 nniount wnntetl , but roil vlll rccclru tlio full nmount of the lonn. llcfurnborronlnit eltcvrherc cnll'nnil i > c us nnJ you will ft ml It cronlljto your adrnntagc. OMAHA .MOllTOAOI ! : LOAN CO. Hoom II , Crrluhtnn block. 2il Iloor. , Ill ( until I.MIi. uoxt to postnlllc. THKOI.DKST. I.AIIDKST ANIIONI.V INCOIl- 1'OIIATKII LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. OMAHA..M173 .M173 -BO YOU WANT MONK I KH1KUTY LOAN OUAHANTIIK CO. , HOOM 4 WITIIMMI : IH.OCIC. 8ID ! < SOUTH 15tb COUNUIl HAHNKY ST. LOAN \ YOU \ ANY \ \ BUM LAIinE Oil SMALJ- , ' TEN \DOIiLAnS\ \ \ UP- W1S MAKK LOANS ON fllHNITUHK , HOllSK9 , OAHHIAOUt-l , WAHI511OU8H UKUKHTd OH PKU- BONALPltOPBUTY OK ANY KIND. / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / /YOU lALL /OH / UB FHIST / FOIl. / / / / / / OUHTKHMS WILL MKKT YOUIl APPHOVAL. You con pay tlio money back nt nny tlmo nnd In any nmour.t you winli , aid thus reduce tbe cost of carrying ? llio loan In proportion to amount you pay. IF YOU ewe o bnlanco on your fnrnlturo or ollior personal property ut any kind , wo will pay It ufffor TOII ntul carry It as lon as you dailro , YOU CAN HAVK YOUIl MONKY IS'ONK IIOUll FHOM TIIK ' 11MB YOU MAKK APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property so tlmt you Kot the usu of botli money nnd property. 19tt X--MOSKY LOANHI ) CI1KAP AT YOUIl OWN time. Nebraska Loan Co. , 131(1 ( Douglas st. 837 X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF 8K curlty ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block , SOi X riHTUHAUD.SI DOUGLAS 13LK. IRADODOK. , see X MONUY-30 , CO , IK ) DAYS. CH15AP HATK3 J\nnd cnsy payments , on furniture , pianos , llvo stock , etc. , wltbout delay or publicity ; cash on liiuul. Dun Urecn , room il , Darker block. 801 BUSINESS CHANCES. of eoods quick , address with stamp , Van Pat' ton's bnslnosn uxclmnKO , Hoard of Trade.MIS2 MIS2 1)11 * Y KOH SALB Oil KXCIIANtSIS , A CJOOI ) UUSI- ncsH with the real ontuto In Omaha. Good rea- Bens for sclllUL' . Address 707 New York Life , Omahn .Neb. MS15 D2'.l Y FINK HUSINKSS OPKN1NU FOH MAN WITH f5X)0 casb and name property. Must bo n Dustier , hebraska Uxcbnnxo Co. , lleo bnlldlnu 1W9 -vr WANTKD A YOUNCJ MAN TO TAKK AN X interest In a Hell ostabltsbod prlntiim business : one ube Is capaLle of keopliiK booktt aiul do Ren- ernl olllco uorlc ; must come Vfell recnmmcn led and lie able to fnrnlih HO mo capital. 'I'll I < Is n good clinucofur tbe rljjbl man. Address S 42 , lloo olllco. Mm 15 Y IHIUG STOCK. MUST UK SOLO ON ACCOUNT of death of owner. Good opening : 1,000 popu Inllon. lllR cai h discount to sell quick. Vnnl'nt1 ton , Hoard of Trndo. lCtf-Hr Y FOH SAL13 , AT A VEHY LOW FIGUHK. TUB entire etnte Interest In ono of tbo heaviest pny- Ini ; monnpollCH now before llio public. H will snvo K& percent of tbo conl bills of everybody and pro fluco better icMilts. Kverybody wnntB It and will liavo It when peon. A largo business can bo douo nt i-nco In every county. Full particulars by malt Address G. 10. K. . 112'J L St. . Lincoln. Nob. - MW3 \r-vou . BALK , ESTABLISHED CHOCKKHY J IniHlnoss In KOod location. Splcodld chance foi youni : business man with Hinnll capital. 1'or par1 tlcularh address Uox 1301 , Lincoln , Neb. M212 IP FOB EXCHANGE. Z-CLKAU OMAHA H1SAL K8TATK FOH MObE. , actual valuation. Money to loan. UoxSROuiah BIW r/-I OWN 100 FAHMS IN NKUHASKA. KANSAS fJnnd Dakota. Will soil cheap , or oxchanRO for merchandise , borsos and cattle. Address box 7'J ' , Frankfort , Ind. MM1 I HAVK VALUA11LB IMPHOVKO AND UNImproved Z Improved form lands to exchange for Soutli Oiuahft or Omaba property or for farms within il mllca of Omnbn. llnveonoof tbo best of stock nm' grain farms. 1,300 ncics , half In winter wlieat nml rye , and 2W bead of tlno stock , nil clenr of encum brnncc , to cxcbanca for real estatu nnd mleUt pay borne eush dllTerenco fordeslrablo property. De ecrlbo your property carefully , price , cte. Addros box 737 , Omahn , Neb. MGU'l ' 1)25 ) y-FOH KXCIIANGH. OMAHA PHOPKHTY KOH property In southern California. Call or nd rtrcis. with full particulars , U. L. Green , room 43 Darker block , Omaba. T39 Z-FOHKXCHANGGSOH HAHGAINS IN UK At , estate , call or write , Alex ilooru , lieo bldi ; . 110 Z A LOT 132X138 IN S. K. HOUKIIS ADD. TO Omnbn , liouuo costf3X)9 ! ; clear of Incumbrancoi mil exchange for good California property. Ne braska Excbnngo Co , , lice bullJInp. V03 V V-480 ACHKS OF CLKAH LAND IN ONK OF /-itho bout winter nbcat districts lu Kansas to ex change for 10 or 2U-acro tract near Omaha city lliulu. Will pay cash dlllerenco If property la Kooil. Address , elvlne price and Iccatlon , O2D , Dee unices. 205 FIO,000 OKNKHAL > ! KUCHANIMSIS AND AJstoro : want realty and cash : ealca , $31,000. Ad dress S 43 , Omnlia lleo. Ml02 13 * ry NICK 8TOHKIIUI1.O1NO , CLKAH OF ALL IN AJcumberunco , rented to permanent tenant , sl/o 20100 feet , rock collar nnd lire rooms above for family , In good Nebraska town which has street cars electric lights and waterworks , prlco 12,000 , to trade for farm. Williams It Mltlan , McCaeuo building , opposite postotllce. 173 II f/-lllAVK2 STALLIONS lOTHADK , NOHMAN /Juaa trotter , prlco f2X ( J. Illcely , tihcnaudoah , la 18 i H > FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 13 KAIj KHTATK , LV HnrEnlns onlr , My woid Ucood. W. C. Albrlulit , 031-2-3 Nnw Vork Lite. 810 Ij'Oll HAI.K OH 'J'HAIIK , 2 GOOD IOTS IN ilT JI'leasnnt addition within 2 blocks of motor line , Will tuku Rood upright piano or will sell equity Inlets lots very cheap , Address nt oncob 1 , lleo olllco. 716 AT A IIAUUA1N. A VKW VKKY VINK LOTS IN Ilrlggsadd , at abnrgaln ; only 5 mln. vrnllt from licit line or streetcar luOuiaua. Address It. J , & Co. , Oulcun. t. 674 tl'fi- iiMNK 1IUSI.NISS8 PUOPI5IITV , WOHT11 tlO.OCO , now rented , forsalo cheap. Hinall cash pnymont , balance to Bull ut low rate of Interest. Party must Icavoclty , Nebraska Kiuhunuo Co. , lloo bulMlnK. W ) il t\rANT15D-STOCK3 OK MD6K. FOIl LAND AND i cash. K. F , Hlnger , IM'J Furnani. M91U 13 * \\rANTKD-OWN151lS TO LIST OMAtlA . 'UOP. ii orty , acreneo and farms that are barualus , cither for ale or exchange. K. V. lllnuur , 151'J Fnrnam. ilWJ 13 * TA 1IAHOAIN , 2 OIIOIUH LOTS , 60x133 feel each ; more adjoining If desired. Kan fronts ! H.\V.corner 10th and Arbor Finest location in : city for residence. Illock from llth tiu motor Una. Charles llanlojr , 103 * bo , 10th St. , Omahs HUH 2 :0,000 : ACIlUtt CLEAH LAND FOIl BALK 11Y Till ! owner , Bovoral largo tracts ; would makn a tint a class Investment tu hold for the rl o In price. MUht exchange somooflt for Inside property In Omalm ur South Omiilin , or aero property or n good farm ucur Oiunhu. If you nlsli tu oxclmiiKu describe - scribe your property , prlco , etc. Address box 737. 9 is / - -HOOM COTTAOK. 1 MILK N. W. . 11,700. isa Us-ruom cottngo , 1 inllu H. W. , tl.SOO. a 6-room cottage , IVth nnd 1 Jiko , f3,000. Fulljot , lleclfordJ-llnce , | 1W. s. F , D. Wcad , llilh and Uouvlai , formerly Hutchln- onandWuad. MI7U-10 . TJKADTIllS-MiHSFBKT WITH C-UOOM COT- r.in -IV taire , 110 per month without Interest. No ray mcnl down..Ittlo , llrown block. Jllvl AHM CIIliAP-M ACHKH M .MILKS SOUTH ; west of Omaha , 13,300. O. F , Harrison , VIZ N. y ! t > " . liXl 10" - HORSES WINTERED. HOUSES FBI ) AND CAU15I ) FOIl , ( I MONTH UI' . U , U. Uaus , P O. box 130 , South Omaha. 109 JS nOBSES FBI ) AND CAIIKD FOIl 13. )0 ) PiCI Ill month up , on farm two miles soutb of Bout ! Oaiaba. Address Qeo. U , Uans , P.O. bor 13i ) Soutb Omalm. 1TO-13 * " DRESSMAKINO. i" ' " pNOAaKMBNTtJ TO TjO ollKSbirAKINd' Elt Jjfanillles ( ollcitoa. Miss aturU/ tUl liaruey rlt 603-IJK- is THOU- . SilUh and bun In alt kind * of mdtldj wo urn nMit'Hnll ftied to ilo Ml Hindi of ll ht rmnitfactNVCriU In mvlal. I.arRA order * nollcUeiti nork Etmrkntpod At ; nrllo tor pillmalrii. Cbmp MnniiKMUtlni Co.Vccpln * Wntor , . Neb. Makers oi > ! 3oblo" and "Lincoln' ' coning machines , M M 1,17 1)10 Manlll ) E 9 23-1J Ilpilfnrd , tSM , 5-S9 Atnlilrr. IXX ) . C. F. Harrison , ? H X , Y. T.lte. 1C38 IO&T-ON Oil NKAU CUMMINO STIIKKT. I'Alll Jsold-rlrunipd Rlnssct In * llaumor scnhbird. Kinder plcnse return to Mrs.'McArdlo , t'lrt N , 34th street. . , MI77 10' " TinTIUAI./ : M.VIIKIT. ; INSTUUMIINTS placed on record December WAIIIIAXTV 1IKF.IM. S O Cndy to Tlilollty Trust Co. , lot 12 , hlnok'J , Avnnitnlp pnrk $ 1,400 A .1 l.lhliy lo H 1 Ltbby , lot 1 , Kllloit 1'lnco 650 A .1 Aytvs toV II CiisbliiK , RM lol 1 mid oust .15 foot of .sH lot 2 , block 1-1 , Improvement Aisoolntlou mid _ V Cole and wife to Wulhiru llaeUolt , loto , block a , ukuhotnn nark- . Same to KV lloss , lol 0 , block l.und lot n. lilocl ; 'J. same . 1 Sauiu to , I II Dodge , lots 1 nnd 7 , block U , Mime . 1 IT Powell uml'nlfo to AT Viinder- venter , lol 'J2 , vIlhiRi' of Wntoiloo. . 200 Leavllt llurnhaiii and wlfo In A A Shalil.'i , lols'J and 3 , block 4 , Hiirn- bam Place . 1,000 T . ' .leirerls et nl to M A I'uclduek , lol r > , block L.lctrerl replat . 1,000 M A I'mhloclc niul busliand lo 0 W I'retton , w a"i ! feet of o ICO feet lot 17 Knuiitzn'Jndmld . 3.GOO LonU llocbino loM M Holmes , lots 4 to ! ) . 11 , 14 to 18 Holmes . 5,600 C W Martin to K .1 Martin , lot 21 , block n Albright's Annex . 1 K U Perfect and wlfo to same , lot 30 , blocks , Paddock I'laco . . . 2.DOO DP.IIUS. L A Itath ( special nwMerlto Hellows I'alls SavliiL's Institution , lot 1 , I.utey't mibiltv . . . 1,220 Hatue to ItiirltiiKton Savluus Hank , lot 11 , block "K" Prospect Place . 1,034 li M Ulclimoud ( special master ) to C It Wll-oii , e 38 feet lot y , block 7 , Hert ford I'lnco . , . 000 Saino tusume , lot 11 , Vlnton I'liicu. . . , 780 Total amount of transfers . 9 20,489 TO I TYPEWRITERS For Sale , llent or Exchange. 111 * tliG World. MECEATH STATIONERY CO. , J.'JO-S I'ltriium Sfrocf , Oinii/iii , PROOF FHOMJHE Story of a Government Scout and Interpreter , Ho Tells His Experience With Kiekapoo sagna. A Remedy Known To The Indians Tor Years , HIGHLY PRIZED BY THEM. Jinny of our n-mli-ra In the Kurt will ro. member I'rnnk 1) . Ynto . wlio o exploit * on tlio frontlet'lnxvo given litin anntloiml ropu. Uitlon. The testimony of such n innn wbo 1m * llvcil ntnoiiK the ruil men for so Innir Is liicontro. vrrtnlilo evidence of the nbsoluto penulncM of this tcmdcy , ntul Its rciiulc uniting tlmt racelioo noble hoiilth whatever tuny Imvo liccu their faults has always been fiimon * . CAVT. VrtANic n. YATFS. Ills ciulnrwmciit of It Is btlll further proof of 1U effectiveness , dipt. Yntca writes na follows : GORDON , Nr.nttAsiCA , July IS. I tnlso prcnt ploiisuro lu rcconiineiullng the Klcknpon IloinuiltCH , ntul Imve known of UMH nmouK the Imllnnx , us I lmvollvc.it on the a.xtrumuVestiirn frontier for tlioimst.lO \enr , anil nm nt present n Sioux Itullun Interpreter for the ROeminent. . Sly pcrsonul experience with Sagwn , wliliih In the Imllnn tongue HlKiilllcs " 7'A 7iM/ " has been considerable , butonoot the most wonderful effect ) from personal Icuowl. cdgt3 In my own case was the cm-Inn of Uu-onlc Cntnrrli with which I hccaino allllct. ctl , owliin to the great nltltuilo of the conn. ry In which I had been living. H did not at Mm occur to mo to tnlco Kick. apoo Indian Sn wu for this trouble ; anil it wns not until I hail visited the Hot Smlniis , anil failed to obtain relief , and tlio disease had become so very nlarmliiB that I was nf raid It would fjet the best of mo and devel op into consumption tlmt I concluded to take Sagwa. I tfot ono bottle of It and a bottle of t 10 Indian Oil. The effect was so mnrkcil that I Immediately ordered twelve bottlci of each , and now bless the day tlmt the thought occurred to nip , for I nm entirely ciircdof tlmt mor disagreeable and distressing of all diseases , catarih. ' I nm mitl.-illed my catarrh was cured owing to the perfect manner In which "SnRwn' ' purlllcs the blood ; and I claim that Sagwn taken In connection with Indian" Oil , will positively euro the worst cases of catarih ever known ; ami so far as the use of Kieka pee Indian Ucmedics as general family med- icincs nre concerned , there Is nothing on earth which can equal them. An Indian would almost as soon be without his pun and blanket as to bo without u supply of thcso remedied. FKAXK U. YATES , Indian Interpreter. Sold by all Druggists. $1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5. DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic - Stoeking-s , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , d Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies. ALOE & PENFOLB 114 S.15th St. , Next to Postofilee. "Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo never expected , In our most sanguine mo- munts. such an Increase In our sules as eoniinHiiced on the l t of September. The Smith Premier Typo Writer U having enormous sales which are wide nnd fiir-renchlng , These nre the report ! we are receiving from our many branch olllcos . Send for a descriptive catalogue , Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 17th and Fainam Sts. , Oinalu , Neb. E. H. MAYITEW Mannfjor. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. ROBBED MEN AND WOMEN Are robbed daily ot llio , HOW ? VMiifl'l titf &sssrt& mSJ of office and homo. Generous breithorj of pure air are usefUl people becausa SPEOIFl'c OXYGEN is roh ! concentrated u marvelous blood enriohernerv Btrongthener constitution builder , It never falls to cure coughs , colds , bronchitis - chitis , dyspepsia , headache. Inhalations very -pleasant and refreshing. Oxyeen book free. Call or write/ The Specific Oxygen Go , , Bulte 610 Bhceley Uldg. , Omaha. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA People Who Uncle Sam Employs at the Mngio Oity , GUARDING AGAINST DISEASED PORK How the Dc.idly Trichina 1 < Trnppcil and l > r u u SbrlrkltiR from lift I.nlrVhiit tlio Vnrmlnt Ioak * l.lko Wlim dinghl. Comparatively row people arc nwnro of Iho number of government employes brought Into existence through tlio merit In spection business Inaugurated by Secretary Husk. A Urn reporter visited the ofllces of the. various chief inspectors in this city re cently mid found tlmt seventy government employes were on Uncle Sum's payrolls in the meat inspection departments in South Omaha nlono. In addition to the regularly commissioned force of triggers thcro tire seven men draw ing regular pay ns taggers who are not com missioned , but are designated as ) laborers. In the microscopical department there are forty-four lady Inspectors , or examiners , now In active service , with several more newly appointed ones who have not yet reported , mid ten more to bo appointed within the next thirty days. It is impossible to tell in advance who the unreported ladles are , as tne chief Inspector is never notHled by the department , and has no means of knowing who big now assistants may bo until they show up with their commissions. TnkliiK Tlu'lr I'lrit liwson. Dr. II , Ij. Howitson , chief mlcroscopist , was busy with a class of sixteen young ladies , talcing their llrst lessons , when Tin : Btn : man visited him. A description in detail of the work might bo interesting , but suttU'o it to say that the ladies are seated at tables in groups of four or six , each with a mounted and highly polished microscope before her , through which she squints with ono eye at three tiny strips of pork from as many dif ferent portions of the deceased hog's anatomy , tightly compressed between two pieces of heavy plate glass , held in place by u metal frame. The reporter was permitted to take a look at an infected specimen , but instead of see ing a reptile as largo as a boa constrictor , as bo expected , the vicious little animal against which Franco and Germany turned their diplomatic batteries had the appearance of the hair spring of a watch coiled tip In a transparent paper sack. Tlio trichiiuo are always coiled and encysted and appear dor mant , unless released by tlio compression between the plates of glass , when they con tinually lengthen and contract the coils , similar to a watch spring in motion. The proper adjustment and tiso of the microscope is the Jlrst lesson the fair micro- sropist has to learn , and the duties of the chief inlcroscopists , when giving the first lessons , are very much tlmt of the old- fashioned country schoolmaster. Dr. Ilew son's force is , at present , di vided , the old foreo still occupying the rooms over tlio Packers' National bank , and the new accessions taking possession of the new quarters on the third iloor of the Pivonka block. As soon as practicable the entire force will move to the new and permanent rooms. In Government Kinplny. A complete list of the names and places of residence of the microscopic force at this point is appended , beginning with tlio llrst appointed , a year and a half age. Sirs. S. M. Patterson , Superior ; Mrs. .TennioM. Walker , South Omaha ; Miss Coo K Cress , South Omaha ; Miss Lulu K. Miller , South Omaha ; Miss Ethlccn Ithodcs , Pawnee - neo City ; Miss Gertie McCulloh , Pawnee City ; Miss Daisy C. Mans , Omaha ; Miss Cherry Tylee , South Omaha ; Miss Jessie Savage , South Omaha ; Miss Swiss Elliott , South Omaha ; Miss Orra Roberts , Fullcrtou ; Miss Ida Uierwortb , Lincoln ; Miss Cora Leo. Oxford ; Miss Dora Spccbt , Omaha ; Miss Lottie AVicr , Wymoro ; Miss Mary Hagin , Anslcy ; Mrs. Corrigan , South Omaha ; Mrs. Etta Holland , South Omaha ; Miss Mary Hyan , Wymoro ; Miss Liz/uo Spencer , Omaha ; Miss Helen Wain- wright. Omaha ; Miss Ivato Fnrrell , Omaha ; Miss Sadie M. Clark , Omaha ; Miss Maggie La voile , South Omaha ; Mrs. Orpha C. Thomas , Omaha ; Mrs. Ncllio Arnold , Omaha ; Mrs. Violet Johnson , May wood ; Airs. Nancy .f. Mercer , Omaha ; Miss Maggie Ward , South Omaha ; Miss Etta Thompson , Friend ; Miss Etta L. Higuor , Omiihu ; Miss Itoso Llndstrom , Stromsburg ; Miss Louise Brereton , Omaha ; Miss Anna Gurske , Omaha ; Miss .Icunetto liingcr , Louisville ; Miss Laura C. Sehamcl , Omaha ; Miss Mary E. Kilbourne , Omaha ; Miss Nellie Itomm Extract of Beef.Do Do you want a cup of 13oof ToaV Sec tlmt it is mudo from the Genuine uino Incomparably the boat. Pure , jiala- tnblororeshlnj. [ { Dis- Eoluds clourly- the Baron Loi- bip's alcjnauro n blue on oaoh nhol , thus. DH. K. C. WEST'S NKHVE AND UIIAIN THEAT- mcnt , n spcclllc for Hysteria , Dlr.zlni'ss. Fits , Neu ralgia , Headache , .Nervous Prostration o.iusedby liquor or tobacoo , wnkof iilnens. .Mental Depression , Softness of the Drain , causing Insanity , mliory , do- ray , death , Preiuafiro Old Age , HiirnMinesJ , Lee of Pen er In either tux , liupotoncy , J eucorrhu ) a nnd nt Fomnlu Wcnknusses , Involuntary l.oanen , Hperma. torrhon caused by ovcr-fixertlou of the brain , A inonllrH treatmonttli G forti ; by mull. Wn guar- anteotl boxes lo euro. Ench order ford boiea with l.'i will send written uunrnntco in refund If nut cured. Gunrnnteu Issued only by Thcodoro F Lewis , drug' gist , solo ngent , southeast corner llith and Fnrnnin itreols , Omuhn. A ncwuna complete treatment , eonnUtlng of Hup Fosltorlcs , Ointment in Capsule's , also In bor and 'Ills ' , A posltlvo cure for E lcruul , Internal , Illlni or Illoodlng , Itching , Chronic , llecent or Heredltar ; Piles , Thla rumody bus uover been known to tall , ,1 per box , (1 ( for &Jr tent by mall. Why miller from this tenlblo dlicsto when u written iiuorunteo Is posltlvuly given with ( ibnxoi or refund the uiimuy if notcured'/ bond stamp for froa suuipla. Guar- untou luueil by Kllhn A Co. , ilruKuUtu , oolu agouti , corner 15th nnd lion Insslraots , Omahn , Nub. HEALTHFUL , AORnEAIlLB , CLEANSINQ. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT 8DAP FDR ALKALI WATER , Curt * Chafing , Chapped Handi , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP , Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wte < Oninimi Mis * .leiinlo Doyle , Omnhn : Miss Ida M. Olluioro. Omnlmj 7sH Etlu M. Jlua * son , Onmliu ; lls ! Ktnmn Wlcsc , Omnlirt ; Mrs. Sniltb , Oinnlin ; Miss Corrltino I'olsuut , TnpHHojij Dr. H. U Ilowltson , chlot micro * scoplst , There nro nineteen Inspectors employed ni tlio Omnhn nnd Cndnh.v company's houses I Dr. .Inmes Wilson , flilof Inspector , Omnhn ! Wchiml Klibilt , nsalstanti O. II , Phillips , Uoatrieo , forcniniij George 13 , Whltmnn , Ox forvl , cleric. Tnpucrs Oeorpo Sclu-oeder , Ucntrlco ; Jerry Howard , South Omnhn ; D. FJ. Mo Oulekln , South Omnhn' , Itotibcn l rlicwi Soutli Oiruilin ; .Ininos Coiulon , Ulller : Oliver I'Vnnor , South Oinntiu ; .lohn 1) ) , t'nyton , South Onialm ; HniT.vShnUell , Lincoln ; John A. MeKltute , Alliriuht. Noncommissioned Day Men Willis IL Swtincy , Lincoln : Robert MeDoiip.il , South Omnhn ; John T. BlairSouth Omnhn ; Henry Walker , Deatrlco ; J. O. Hnstmnn , South Omnhn , Some of these men huvo been nt work for a your and n hnlf. Ai Iliuninond'n niMl Swift's. The Hammond house lets ten Inspectors. Dr. .Tohu l-VrlioR , chief ; I. N. Shovlcn , Soutli Omnhn , nsslstnnt ; Julius Hhodes , Piiwnce , foremnii ; W. I. . Ijookwood , Omnhn , clerk. 'Puppers John 13. Hurt. Omnhn ; Loxvls V , Miller , Uc.itrlco ; 1'ctor Welch , Omnhn ; IJ. 1i. Orlirps , Itoono. Noncominlssloncd Day T iboi-ora Henry 1'holps , Omnhn ; J. 13. Smith , Heatrleo. Thcro are cloven Inspectors t S\vlft & Co.'s ; Dr. S. W. Mc(5reAuburn , ohlof ; John 13. Hctslilnp , Omnlin , nsslatnnt ! Cai > - tnin iMilllIp I'ainc , Lincoln , clerk ; 12.011- moro , Omaha , forcmati nndacthiu ; iisalatant chief. Tapgcw J. W , Aipnbright , South Omnhn ; James Austin , South Omahn ; N. D , Mann , South Omalui ; Stephen Roberts , South Omaha ; ( .leorpoT. ICeuyon , South Omaha ; T. J. Alexander , Johnson , Nob.j M , O. Aleunoy , Omalm. MitKln City Notrt. The Hoard of Trade will hold a meeting to- nipht. Charles Sherman wns given fifteen days in tlio county Jail. The Infant child of TMr. and Mrs. Juuiea Ilurtnig was burled yesterday , Chauncey Wilson , motor conductor , who went east some weeks since , relumed yester day. day.Lewis Lewis Miller of the Inspection force Is nursing n badly burned liniul which ho got lighting u gasoline stove. Alpha lodge , Daughters of Rebekah , nro making arrangements for a bull at Masonic hall Friday evening , December 10. Uniformed rank Knights of Pythias post poned its ball on account of the weather until Thursday evening , December 15. Fifteen motors were massed nt Twenty- fourth nnd N streets yesterday morning. Trips were mndo all day with more or less regularity , no trailers being used and nil motors crowded to their utmost capacity. The board of directors of the Huildlnt ; nnd Lonu association met last evening In Secre tary Lnno's olllco and transacted routine business. President C. M. Hunt presided , The business of the nseociatlon is in n very satisfactory condition. Last month shows sales of 1,100 at il ! ! per cent premium. At the mooting Inst evening J. Levy , one of the board of directors , paid a loan of $800 which ho made at : i per cent premium llfty months ago , > Thn C iis ill" KluMiiimtlfmi. Aii acid which exists In sour milk nnd cider , called lactic acid , is believed by phy sicians to bo the cause of rheumatism. Accumulating in the blood , it attacks the llbrous tissues In the joints , and causes agonizing pains. What is needed is a remedy to neutralize } the acid , and to so invigorate the kidneys and liver that all waste will bo carried off. Hood's Sarsaparilla is heartily recommended by many whom it has cured of rheumatism. It possesses just the desired qualities , and so thoroughly purilles the blood as to prevent occurrence of rheumatic attacks. Wo suggest a trial of Hood's ' Bar- sapnrilla by nil who suffer from rheumatism. Real estate. Uarfjuliis only. My word is cood. W. G. Albrifht. 621-2-3 N. Y. Llfo bid ? . .1XXO irXUHMKXTtl. Prof. D. M. Bristol's ' educated horses , which appear nt Uoyd's new theater Hvo ights next week , commencing Sunday ovcn- ; ng , give a most entertaining and instructive [ icrforinnnco. Prof. Bristol has his herd of lorscs under complete control and the spcc- : ators nro held spellbound at the intelligence displayed by the animals , and thu marvelous tricks and antics they perform at a slight notion of their master. It is simply n won derful exhibition and unless tlio wonderful nets of the trained animals are seen they jannot bo appreciated , and to miss seeing thcso nnblo animals Is to miss witnessing u : nest rclincd and interesting ontcrlalnmcut. Matinees Wednesday and Thursday. "Tho Midnight Alarm , " which will bo presented at the Farnam Street theater for our nights , commencing Sunday matineo. December 11 , is said to bo ono of the biggest and strongest productions now on the road , I'ho play is not only an intensely interesting one , but it is produced by a strong company with a carload of beautiful scenery and some of the most startling realistic effects , inelud- a genuine llro eiif-ino and horses , "The Midnight Alarm" will doubtless bo greeted by a liottso packed to the doors. Usual Wednesday matineo. i This afternoon and evening will bo the last opportunities that the pcoplo of this city will nvoof witnessing Charles II. Yale's great spectacle "The Now .Dovil's ' Auction" ut Uoyd's theater. This afternoon at Sl)0u : ) pecial matinee performance will bo given for ladies and children. This evening the engagement will close with the regular evenIng - Ing performance at 8 o'clock. For many years it has been Manager Yulo's ambition to eelipso any traveling spectacle , and with his present show ho certainly has accom plished it. Wonderland and Bijou theater yesterday did n largo business , it being ladles' day , and every lady visitor was presented with u beautiful art panel. The entertainment was highly appreciated. The drama "Burr Oaks" appealed to their bolter nature , the comical specialties to their love of humor nnd the dancing of the won derful ' ' ( 'yrciio" enthralled them. Cyreno is certainly America's ' greatest dancer. Today the children haw their outlnir , it being chil dren's innlineo day. 13vory boy or uirl at tending will bo charged half prlco , 10 cents , receive a line parquet seat and see tlio cntlro show , and as n special inducement the man ager will present each with a quarter of a pound of choice candy. A I'piiny'H Worth. Tills Is the title of a eloper llttlo booklet relating to the advantages of North Oalvcs- ton. It tells how anybody that has suvcd up a "rainy day" penny can mnkoii judicious usu of It either In investing in < : ity property erin + . .11 in adjoining fruit lots. The North Gulvestoi ) association is represented In Omauu by Franklin F. 'Williams , who will bo pleased .to cull upon any citi/en of this town nnd explain - plain the remurlcabla advantages of North Ualvostoneithcr , In point of settlement or In vestment. . * Frescoing and Interior ilocoriUln ! > ' ; de signs timl estimates furnished , llonry L9tiinnnn , 1508 Douulus street. l.lccniiuii. The following marriage licenses were issued by County Judge Kllor yesterday. Numo and ml dress , AKO. I Patrick I' . Hcioliiii.Ktmlh Omaha . zr 1 Jt'imlo 13 , tiaciinU'iv , Soiilh Omaha . . U'J i Kredorluk Kifluhh. Oklahoma Oily , OU1. . 28 1 Jlurtliu HwehuHbtirj , ' , Omalm . . 'fO ( Oscar Marlln Henry , .Suulli Oiualm. . . . . . . . S3 1 1da IJi-nii , Omaha. . . . 23 .1 William C.-irtiT. Omaha . , . . . . 46 ( Kllza Hums , Oinulm . . . . . . . . . . . U2 Although many remedies are pushed Into the market by spicy mlvortlHcmoiiiH , Dr , Bull's Cough Syrup still takes the lend. The following permits wore , issued by the superintendent of buildings yesterday ! Kmlly Wood Hnow , repair * on store bulldlni ? ut 13071'nrniimbtrfut. . f U.uDO Tin eo mluur penult * . . . . . . . . . . 200 An ICxtendcd Popularity. Brown's Hron- fhlal Troches luivo for many years been the most ibpulnr article In use for relk > vluff coughs and throat troubles.