Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Big Exports from Pivo Points Advanced tbo
Prlco of Wheat.
" " " " * "
Corn Opened Uorlrinijpil nnd After Splllni ;
Up n Fraction limed Oft' , Clo
rlrm ntTop I'rlcrs Stocks
nnd lloniM.
OinoAoo , III. , Hoc. 0. Mg exports , pqulva-
lent to 1,115,003 lii. ) from Ilvo ports , pulled
prlco of wheat hero'c ' { out of the hole , Attlio
close the market was steady nt ! fe gain over
last night's prices. Oorn shows nn ndvuncoof
So nnd provision1 ! , uflor avorngtnx very weak ,
It'ftolT slightly above yesterday's lliml figures.
Wheat opened a sliado cyslur on light busi
ness mid tlio large receipts In tlio northwest.
Hut tlicro was nut much o ( To red mill , with Iho
demand mlllclent toulnorb It readily , price *
held Htendy. Ijuler tlio c.lour.incos bacnmu
Itnown , when tlio tnnrkot displayed inoro
Btrength. The hU ovpjrls , taken In
connection with the loportod dull
ness and weakness of Iho ( ratio
abroad , s a surprise totho trade. Many ron-
tendi'd tliut ( ho exports are of wheat sold dur
ing tlio summer for fiitino .shipment , and only
now trolns forward. Others said It was merely
wheat ronslKitcil on speculation us II could bu
carried cheaper alnoad than here , Itas also
declared that the visible supply In die- eleva
tors pointed to an Increase of 2,000,000 b-j.
and on the other hand them wetu minors that
Htrong paitles hetu have bought more than
twice as much for May as t belt- con ti act wheat
In Htoie. and Insist upon an Immediate loukon-
Ins with the .short selluis.
Corn opened about unchanged , and after
fcolllns up a f i action eased oir fiom 'So to He.
At the decline the demand Imptoved , and on
buylnx by commission houses supposed to liu
representing the piovlslon Inlciest , tlio pilco
was soon ndvanced full ' { e. Then ) \\IIH a dis
position on the pull of many ( o .ell shot | as
the tun ) hot has had a steady decline for some
time. Theclosoasslendy at thu lopiitlee.s.
Outs llnctuated ulthcotn and closed fi out
Kc to ? < ; hlcher. The mat Uet \ \ as quiet and
featuieless tluuilKhout.
Provisions opened sltoiiK and hlRhnr on Iho
fact that tbo hog market was quoted early as
opening bljjber. Later It was leporletl weak.
Thu bccond leport caused homo sollln ; ; of pto-
vlhlons anil theie was iiilleu | deellne mini Iho
oiicninitpilccM , hut late In Iho session the
clique biokeis became iielho huyeis and
caused a tenellon to above theeloslnjs UKUI-CS
of the prmlons day , I'oik at the close was \ip
50e , laid fioin 5c to 10c and ilbs'Si ; , lly
homo It Is thought that thu Uudahy buying
was only a blind for frcu belling going on
through other houses , >
Tbo estimated lecelpts for tomoriow aio :
Wheat , 100 ears ; corn , 175 cars ; oals , 185
cats ; hops. 14,000 head.
Thu leading futnies ranged as follows :
December. ,
Jntumrr n
Mny 73H 71) )
Cons No , a
December. . .
OATS No. 2
December. . neat 80 SOW
January. . . . at 31
Mnjr 35H
HESS 1'oiuc-
Jnnunry. . . . 15 70 11 TO 15 I2 15 GO
15 05 15 02 ! ii 15 5U 15 U
December. . 9 55 0 B1 tl 45 9 GO
Mar b 8J 8 U3 8 871. ; 8 ' . ' ( '
Jnnunry , , . . 8 IJM 8 15 807M
Mny 8 10 8 15 7 H7H , 8 10
Cash ouotatlons ucro ns follows :
l''i.OUH Kasy and unchanged ,
WHKAT No. 2 spring. 7iMi7'2jic ! ; No. 3 spring ,
G4@G'Sc ! ' : No.J led , 71 > Q.7116C. !
COHN Lower ; Xo. 2 , 2-HSc ; No. 3 yullow
08 o.
OATS No. 2 , aO'ic ; No. 2 white , 35Ucj No. 3
White , 31 > @ 33ic. !
Uvn No. 2 , 40'5c.
HAIII.EV No'.2 , tile ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 40301c ;
No.I , f. o. u. , 3344c.
KI.AX Sr.KO-No. 1 , Jl.08nWl.00.
TIMOTHY PCIu : Prime , $1.09.
I'oiiK-Mess , per bbl. , $14.3514.r.O ; lard ,
per 100 Ibs. , $0.r > 0 : short ribs , .sides ( loose ) ,
18.15 ; diy salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $7.8714 ©
7.50 ; short clear sides ( bo\cdJB.40 ) < a8.DO.
WHISKY Ulstlllcis' llnlshed goods , pur gal. ,
SUOAU Cut loaf , gianulated , standard "A,1'
unchanged ,
The follow Ing weto the iccolpts and ship
ments today :
On the Product ) exchange today the butter
market was dull ; creamery , 20fi29c } : dairy , 19
© 2Cc. Eggs , steady ; ; stiictly fiesh , 2223S5c.
* Now York Markets.
NEW YOIIK , Doc. 9. Ki.oini Kocolpts , 27-
200 pkgs. ; exports , 11,700 bbls. , 20,000 sacks ;
uuirkut very dull and weak ; sales , 8,100 bbls.
WlllIAT Hceoints , 271,000 bu. ; exports , 200-
000 bu. ; sales , 175,000 bn. Spots dull , unset
tled , weak ; No. 2 icd , 78'i78Jc ! In store and
clovator ; 78" , ' < 70e alloat:78@7e : ! ( f. No
a red , 74tfn70i : : ungraded , 75@7HJc ! ; No. 'J
northuin , 83Mrtt83''c ; No. 2 noithern.HO'fW '
BOHc ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 77U@77'Se. Option'
were dull , closing ' 1,0 advance on steady
Ing , ch Icily local switching , and advancing on
light iccpfpts'ic. December , 7HT,77'6c ( , clos-
Ingat77 < a77 c : Januaiy , 77j'-i7Hljc ( , closlnv
at 7H'c. ' ; March , BOKfCHO'ie , closing at bOJJc
May. 82"i < ( i82 11-lOc , closing at 82 c.
HYK-Dull. steady ,
HAUi.t'.Y Quiet.
MALT "Dull.
COUN Itccolpts , 23,000 lti. ; exports , 59,000
uii. ; sales , 405,000 bu. of futures ; 28,000 Im. .
Boot. Spots falily actlvo and firm , with op
tlon ; No. 2 , OOc In elevator ; OKftOUio
Options advanced Hau on .light icculpls
letter expoit demand and shorts
) ecembur , OO'jC ' , closing at OOijc : January
> 0'J51'e. $ closing at01j c ; May , 52Ji52 ac
dosing ai < 52iC.
OAIS Kecelpts , 7,000 bu. ; exports , 1,000 1m.
sales , 85,000 bu , futures , 30,000 bu spot
HpolH ( lull , steady. Options dull , tinner
December , 30.ic ! ! .lannary , 37Q37UC , closln
nt 37'ic ' ; May. 39V3'Je ! $ , closing at 39fe
HpotNo. 2 , white , 41ic } ; mixed westein , 305
8H ( ! ; whlto westoin , 4048o ; No. 2 Chlcagi
HOPS Qulot and easy.
KuilAitHaw , nioio lit in and active ; sale-
1,000 Muscouido , 89 test , 2 15-lCo ; lellneil
moderately active , flim.
MOI.ABSKS Now OrleaiH , steady Imt inoilcr
ntoly actlvu ; Klo , falily active , steady.
Kios Uulot , weaker ; western best , 28c
receipts , 4,050 pKgs.
Wool Kiitr ilemand : firm ; domestic llcuc
2035 ; pulled 20&32 ; Tu.xas 10tt21.
Ql'ork quiet , llrm : cut meats , Clllll'
pickled shoulders , 8 8'io ' : middles dill
liHid qulut. Hi men western stuai
closed at $9.90 bid ; $10.00 asked ; sale
none ; option * ales , none. December , $ U.8I
January , $9.22 , asked ; May , $9.20 , bid.
HUTTint lull , wuakur ; Klgln,30j4i31c ! ;
OilKi-.SK-ralr demand.
1'ioliiON Qulut , steady ; Amui lean , $13,00 :
15.50 ,
Coi'1-r.u-Qiilut , llrm ; lake $12.22.
LKAIDilll$2.75. ; .
TiN-Steailp ; Straits , $10,80.
Oiiialiu Product ) .M irlict.
The feature of the market was the advanc
In eggs. Other kinds of pioduuo roinalnm
without any Important changus.
hiiiis Slilctly fiesh stock was In demand a
I'oyi.TiiY The general marKut was al ) ii
Bluntly nt the quotations of thu day hnfoi *
Upoddiussed poultry was quoted as follo'wh
Chickens , Ka8c ( ; till keys. UHftllo ; gcu u an
ducks , oaioc. Llvo poultry appears to b
neglected ,
At-ri.ns Quotations aio : Good stock , $3r
e4.00 ; cholco to fancy. $4.004.25.
HANANAB Quotations mo ; Tajr to goo
iMpplng-stock. $2.)0 ( 2.50 per bunch.
j uiTiu--Tlio : hulk of thu receipts of count r
roll sells at 1'1 Go. Select slock brings 17 (
lye , and occasionally somulhlng IsiecolM1
that Is good enough lo bring 20c , but sue
packages are scaico. Thuiu Is practically i
demand forereiimuiy , which Ibiiuoicd at 20
OuANiiuiiniiui Qiiotatloiis mo : Hull ai
cherry , $8.00 pcrhhl. ; boll and liuglo , $9.51
lutu I'aiio Cpd , $10.00. The uulvuls on tl
Vuurkct are light.
. . . are : 1'ralilo chlckt'i
- - - - - - . -v
W.OO4.nO ; KiniiM ) . 4.OO ; iiiniU , * l.OO < ai.2
IP , 1. < H)1 lack Milpo , * I.25 l.tJOi plovi
Vf ? , ( ' , " - . ' ) > 'Kr' * l.- & < ai.t'0 ! canvas biu
( lucks , f9.OlWUO.00 ; icd head duck , J4.O
mallard ducks , J3.75j bliiti wlm ; teal , * 2.o
Kreenwln lcaln,5Xpi.75iinlxedducknS1.5 (
Onnada Ki'ObO , $ ( .00vj 7.50j hmall Keese , f4.i
5.00 ; Jack rubhltK , * 2.00i small rahbllH , 91. '
( il.50 ! Miuhicls , n.25i untelopu baddlus , 1 :
14ci deer buddies , 141&C ! aniulopucuicubsi
bif.'Jc ; ilccrcurciisscs , HXiiilli ! .
( liiAi'H Fiiitir 1'cr box , $5.00 ,
UoMivUooiltliltuelover laauotcdnt 1
and llrm at that.
HAY No. l.7.5fKIl8OQi No. 2fG.OOffi0.50.
huMONs Quotations ate : Uholcu .Messlm
t&.ooit&.OO ; fancy. (0.00.
MAI.AIIA ( JIIAI-KS The murkot Is well su
piled and iiuntutlons uio J9OO0.50 per kee.
Oviiiiits Nuw York counts uio iiuotud
S&u und other HIU ns low us ut 13u pur can.
ONIONS Homi'irrowit block Is ijuotud beio
80JtU5c , and HpunUh ut$1.90 purcratu.
OIUNC.ES At prusont thuro uio only 1'lorl
oranKos on the inurKet , which arc ijuotud
13.60 per box. His estimated by compote
authorities that in t'lorldu tboru uro H 0.0O
000 btarluu and uoubearlug , lu Arlioi
ft new owilon as ifaruds ornnao culture , there
urn nbout that will i-otiin into
bi'firlna within n few yenrs In California
them urn 0' tici'i. pnM of which tire
hent-ltia ntul jinH will prodncu lu n few yea is.
As rnrli Irco lately grows Iris thun two boxes
and sonuMlines lenclips as hlsh its trn , It rnu
easily bo ( .con that In ten years from today
the production of oranges In tlio United States
on tlio basis of thn low uveniKu of two boxes n
tieo will bo 34,000,000 boxus or enough to
oumily the whole wet Id. l.ait year the rropof
California and 1'lorldn combined was about
6,000,000 boxes of oiangcs , each box contain
ing about 175 oranges.
I'OTATOiM-Quotiitlnns nro : Homo-grown ,
Ci' Vfit * ! Colorado and I'lnli , B5c.
Hwi'.nt I'OTAIOKS t'htilco Muscatlno and
Illinois stock , t3.76 per bbl.
TANOliniNl'S A few taiuuilnrs have arrived
on Iho market and sold nt 83,00 per box or
1 1.60 per half IKIV.
VKAti Quotations arc ! Small and fat , G ! { ©
7c ; laigu and heavy , 3ii5c. (
SI. l.ottN
FT. I.ot'is. Jlo. , Di-c. 9. I'l.ot'lt Unchanged ,
WHKATCash , steady at OS'ic ; options Mete
to ? c above vesteidtiy ; December , 084Ci ! Jan
uary , 09' < c ! May , 75sc ( ,
Cons Cash , steady nt 37yos options \lc \ to
? , c above jcsteiduyi December , 37iC ! Jan
uary , 3aHO ! May , 42yft42' i' .
OATS Huttcr1 , cash , 32ci Mtiy , 3l , c.
ltYi : riiin ai 47 < niHc.
HAIIMIY Quiet i Mlnncsotn , 65cs Kansas ,
llUTTiut Unchanged ! creamery , 25lS2Gii !
Koo.s Unchanged ; 22c.
I'OUK AMI I , -Unchanged. .
Kl.CKIPTS Kloitr , 4,000 bbU.i wheat , 60,000
bu. ! coin , 119,01)0 ) bu , ! outs 19,000 bit. ; rye ,
3 ooo bu , ! barlcv , 3ooo bu.
Sllll'.Mi.STnoill : , 9,000 Will. ! wheat , 27,000
liu. ! corn , 74.000 im. ; o.its , 23,000 , bu. : rye ,
7,000 bu.i bailey , none.
Oil Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 8. I'r.Tiiot.r.t'M The mar
ket opened and closed steady. Only 12,000
bbls. changed bunds all day at 53ajc ! opening
pi Ice , 631jc ; highest , file bid ; lowest , 633ic ,
and closing , 6 Ic bid. rennsylvatilu oil , spot
sales , none ! January options sales 1,000 bids.
at 63.i'j ( lilma sales , none. 17o bid. Total
vales , 1,000 bhls. Kollni'd oil in bbls. nnd In
bulk declined 5 points , ( ( ) : Oil , rirnicr ! yrllow , 40 < ; hid.
TAj.ixnv Qulot , steady ! city ( $2.00 for
pkgs. ) , Oc.
Itosi.v Quiet , steady.
TUHl'KXTtNi ! Dull , .slcadyj
Kiinsus Clly Market * .
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Dec. 0. WHKAT Plcady ;
vo. Uliitrd , 04V < it06'Jc ' ; No. a icd , Obta09c. !
COUN 1'lrni ! No. 2 mixed , 3223 1C !
OAIS Kli'ndy ; No. 2 mixed , 20a30c.
ItYM Steady ! No. 2 , 47.O
llurTiin Steady ; creamery , 22S29c ; dairy ,
Kdtis-Diill : IS'TJigc.
UKCi'.tt'TSWheat , 102,000 bit. ; corn , 23,000
bu. ; oats , none.
SllU'Ml'Nis , 98,000 bit. : corn , 11,000
bu.j oats , 7,0001)11. ) _
< : < ) tton Mtulu't.
Nr.w O t. A s , Ia. , Dec. 9. Quiet and
steady ! middling , 97 c ! low middling , O'-ii' ' !
good oidlnary , H3c ; net receipts , B.GKi bales ;
gross , 9,03 1 bales ; exports to ( limit llrituln ,
3,990 bales : to IVanee. 5,778 bales : to the
continent , 5 , 41G bales ! coastwise , 7,370 bales ;
stiles , 3,700 bales ; stock , 149,370 bales.
Weekly nut iccolpts , 03,430 bales ; gross , 90-
103 bales ; e.xports to Gicat lliltaln , 21,775
bales ; to Krance , 14,047 bales ; to the conti
nent , 171,904 bales ; coastwise , 21,000 bales ;
21,850 bales.
CollVo Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 9. Options opened barely ,
steady , lo to 25 points down , closing Steady ,
5 to 15 points down. Sales 29,250 bugs , In
cluding December , $10.05K > .15 ; January ,
tlC.H556in.00 ; Kebiuary , $15.70 15.80 ; March ,
$15.55 < iM5.CO ; May , $16.25@15.30 ; September ,
$15.003115.15 ! October , f 15.45. Spot Klo , dull
and easier ; No. 7 , $17.87' $ .
Liverpool Murltcts.
Livnui'ooi , , Dec' . 9. WHKAT Steady , demand
poor ; holders oll'er moduiatcly. Hecelpts of
wheat past thieo days weio 202,000 centals ,
Including 198,000 Ameilcan.
CORN Steady ; mixed western , 2Gs 2d. He
celpts of Ameilcan corn thieu days , 20-
000 bn.
HA CON i'5 Gs per cwt.
Cruln Market.
32"2 < S33'/jC.
llAHI.KY G4'ic.
New York Ury ( leeds Market.
Niw : YOIIK. Dec. 9. The Imports of dry
goods at thu poitof Now York for the week
were $2G3G,1G2 and the amount marketed
$2,455,720. The Imports ( exclusive of specie
wuio $12,101,730 , of which $9,408,508 wcic
general merchandise nnil $2,030,102 diy goods
Minneapolis Wheat Mnrlcrt.
AttN.srjAi'OMS , Minn. , Dec. 9. Docembei
wheat opened atC7c and advanced to 07'oC ai
thcclosu. No. 1 northuin went pilnclpally at
G7c ; December closed at G7:1ac : JIny closed Ut
73jc. ! On track : No. 1 haul. G8'/.c ; No. I
northern , G7c ; No. 2 northein , 59Glc.
riilladclplil.i r.raln Market.
Puir.ADi'.M'iiiA , 1'a. Dec. 9. WHUAT Quiet
No. 2 led , December , 7178 < 0i75'6c.
COUN Options a shade weaker ; No. 2 mixed
December , 49@49 > ! C.
OATS Car lots quiet , unchanged.
Cincinnati Murkutu.
CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. 9. WHKAT Stronger
No. 2 red , 7i71c. )
COIIN Kli-iidy ; No. .2 mixed , 43c.
OATS Klrm ; No , 2 ml.xed , /i35c. .
AViilSitY $1.25.
llultlinoro ( iraln Murkct.
RALTIMOIU : , Md. , Dec. 9. WHUAT Dccembc
closed at 741SQ,71 'ic. '
COIIN Kusy ; spot , 483i@49c.
OAUS Steady ; whlto westuin , 4242Hc.
Toledo ( iriilu Market.
Toi.noo , O. , Dec. 9. WHEAT Dull ; cash , 71c
COIIN .Steady ; cash , 43c.
OATS Dull ; cash , 33'2c.
Wool Market.
I'liir.Anrii.riiiA , I'a. , Dec. 9. Wool qulel
pilcus nominal and without change.
T.ondon I'lmincliil HIM low.
[ fipl/r/o'ileil / / ISD3 l > y Jiinici Gordon Jtcnnctt. ]
LONDON , Dec. 8. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable-
Special to Tin : it UK. ] This has been a da
of Inactivity , on the Slock exchange. No\
engagements eiili-ied Into vury hpailngl
and thu maikets did notpiescntmany featutc
oflnteiest. Funds weiu unchaugoiftthllo In
dlun rupeupaperlmpiOM'd VI owing tobette
tendencies In sll\cr , I'oiclgn government se
ciirllles closollimon thu whole. The lylnclpn
feuturo was an udvunco of fiom jtfto 1 pe
cent In Aigciitino htcillng loans and 1 pc
cent In Cedillas bonds. Homo lallwiiys bccam
weak dm Ing the last hour , owing to a foi
sales and Until pi Ices hhow a decline of H pc
cent In llilghtQn defoncd and 'J to ! ( per ecu
In most ot hers. Amui leans , after being mor
or less dull all day , closed i
rather better tonu and In many cast
prlcos iccovuied slightly fiom their wow
points , still In a majority of cases a decline i
S to Jf perccntis established. Noithein l'i
cillo picfuiicd and Lotilsvlllu fi. Nushvlll
however , maik a ilso of ! to U per ecu
Canadians weio neglected , lluyontt a rlso i
! 4 percent In Grund Tiunk llrst piefuronc
und n full of ! a per cent In Canadian I'ucll
pilces aiu unchanged. AiKcntlnu lines in
htioiiKer , whllu Jluxlctin uio weak. Monc
contliiucil ( iiiltu u diii . Mioit loans wui
easily obtained at 1 pur cent. The dlscoui
maiket wasiiulet ; IHO anil Ihieo months' bll
wuruiiuotcd ut l'i to2 percent ,
Secures Were on the Adiiuiro Ycstcrdi
Throughout thu lluy.
Niw : YORK , Dec. 9 , Tbo stock market wi
all ono way today , und that In an upwu
dtiectlon. Alutijoiltyof tho'tnidurs left tl
bt > "i.yestuiday In a decidedly bearish frtui
of mind , thu fearof the shorts having Induct
them toBoshoitof the uetuul railway and I
dustrlalstocks , Distilling and Cattlufccdb
icculvedbpcclal attention fiom thu hears , tu
thu slockvus nnidu loclosn at HH lowest pik
t-'lilcaco , howoM-r , wnsu llbciul si'llur. T |
moinln thu Mock opened at G7'i. nnd
a JlIVy sold up to OHU , This iKu was based i
thuannouncement fiom thu west of furlh
advancu In hlKh wlnesof 5 und 10 cents f
thu week. The duvolopmi'iils over night
Distilling and Cuttlcfeudlnj ; put the smalli
shoits to llliiht , iinil thoiu nusu rush to cov
l.eadliiK b.inkurs , usually piomlnent In go
tnnortmovements , stated that they would n
ship any of thu inutul this week and If the
was a moderate Impiovumi'iit hi thu supply
bills thuy would not ship nuxt week. ' ( 'I
lidded to the dlscomlltuiu of the shorts. In i
Kind to Western Union It was duilnltuly stall
that responslblu parties had nntdu Hussi
SIIRO an oiler for his holdings. Thu pilco te
dured , It Is iindurstood , Is above current ma
kut iiuotutloiib , The uunurul htiwk mark
closed btioim to buoyant. Hallway bom
wuio llrni. The sales were if 1,712,000 of whh
W3Woo < Mu'rc. Ueadlnjr.
The I'ostMiysi roielKii bankers who liu
uhandoncd thti Idea of hhlppln gold tomorri
still tupii'ss ' doubt as to whether Its shlpnie
can bu uvoldctl nu.xt week. This simply men
that onlsldo entirely of commeiclul cow
tlons , Kuiojican b.inkurs uio eager to get
iiiucli us they iHisslbly can obtain from lie
heforo tbu Kiild piumlum which thuy biispi
to bu approaching comes Into opciatlon. S\K \
uio multiplying that KuiopudocK not Impur
thcly need our gold at thu present momi1
anil ii-t It is laboring nvi-r thu closest culcul untlcipato the normal moM-ment
thu uuirkut. Naturally thin cugerlimulry wl
the attendant inanlpulutloii of commurc
bills bervcs of Itsulf to push rates up tona
the actual gold shipping point. In other woi
the uxcbaiiKu market ut Ihu present moint
U utmost wholly
DTho following uro tUu closlui ; quotations I
Iho lending * Moctn on tbo Now York Stock
clmiiRo todtiyi
The total sales of Mocks today were 352,000
shaies , Incltidlns : Atchlson , 13,000 ; Chicago
Oas. 8,020 ; I.ackawanna , 3,200 ; loulsvlllo .
Niisvlllc , 5,535 : Missouri 1'aclllc , 12,875 ; Notth
AtuctlRIli , 3,700 : Noithein I'aclllc piefened ,
0,160 ; New Knirlnntl , 7,710 ; Iteadlna. 22.HOO ;
St. 1'aul , 0,008 ; Union 1'aclllc , 5,000 ; Western
New York .Money .Market.
Xr.\v YOHK , lice. 0. Moxnv ON OALtHasy
: \.t \ 3'i'iJ4 per cent ; last loan 4 pur cent , and
closed olTered nt4 percent.
I'IIIMI : Miitc\.Tiic : I'AIT.U 50 per cent.
STr.tti.tN4 > i\ciiANir. : ( rlrm , with actual
business In Imnkois' bills at $ l.R5 J < ii4.BO for
sIMy-day bills and f l.87 @ 4.88 for demand.
The closing quotations on bonds :
I'lnanchil Notes.
CITY , JIo. , Dec. 0. Clearings , $1 ,
I'Aitif , Dec. 9. Tlnce per cent rentes 1001
5c for the account.
Nr.w YOIIK. Dec. 9. Clearings. 1120,441,797
balances , $4,891,037.
HAr.TiMOllR , Md. , Dec. 9. Clearings , $2,038 ,
529 ; balances , $270,573. Halo , 0 per cent. G [
MKMIMIIS , Tenn. , Dec. 9. Clearings , $011 ,
219 ; balance- , , $100,225. NowVoiJco.\chang <
at par.
CI.NCIXXATI , O. , Dec. 9. Money , 3H4 pc
cent. New Yoik exchange , 2oo piumlum
Ulearlngs , $2,400.300.
WAHII 1NOTON. D. O. , Dec. 9. The Tieasnr
department , today puichtised 400,000 ounce
of silver at $0.84U5$0.8410 ,
NBW Onr.nANa , La , , Doc. 9. Clearings , $3 ,
210,202. Now York uvchango , commoicia ]
50c pur $1,000 premium ; bank , $1 piomluni ,
LONDON , Dec. 9. Amount of bullion gen
Into the Hank of Kngland today , JU15.00C
Sugar , Cuba ccntilfugal , 90 tust , 10s 3d pc
ST. Loins , Mo. , Dec. 9. Clearings , $4,140 ,
838 ; balances , $300,354. Money quiet at 0 ®
per cent , Exchange on Now York , 25o dU
liosrON , Mass. , Dec. 9. Clearings , $15,447
080 ; balances , $1,010,442. Money , C pe
cent. Kxchango on Now York lOc to 20c ills
HAVAN.NA , Dec. 9. Spanish gold , $2.5tC (
2.55 ; exchange weak ; short sight gold 11' , (
12u piomlnm ; on London , -Ulic prumlun
Sugai quiet.
CIIIOAUO , 111. , Dec. 0. Clearings , $17,001 ,
4 tl. Now York exchange. 25o to40cprumiuii
Sterling nxchango Hlcady ; ft.8U > for slxt
days and $4,88 for demand. Jlonuy steady c
0 pur cent.
Cattln Slnnntonnsly Steady Hogs Iririui
nnd Slightly Higher.
OMAHA , Dec. 9. Hecelpts so far this woe
foot up 14,105 cattle ; 24,918 hogs , and 2,4fc
sheep , as against 10,433 cattle , 33,327 hog
and 3,025 sheep the same Ilvo days of la :
The cattle market In IIS general fcaturt
\\as not a great deal dllt'eiunt fiom that (
Thutsday. Iteculpts woto modulate , rathi
heavier In fact than dealers weio looking fi
and outside of ono hunch of cholco 1,757 1
Christmas hctncs that hiotight $0.00 , thu ollc
Ings weio about as they ha\o beun ot hit
hugely made up of cattle that have only hoi
on coin fiom thirty to ninety days , I'll
to good 11HO to 1,300 Ib. stee
sold nt steady to stiong pile
fiom $5.55 up to $4.bO with fiom poor tooi
fair grass ami slioit fed stock selling at fie
$3.00 lo 3.50. Thu latter class of cattle in
selling considerably under shippers' inpcut
tlons , tint this Is usually thociisoat thUsoasi
of thu year whim thu maikuts are glutted wll
game and poultry. On anything at all tl
market was luu'-oimbly uctho.aml u M'l-y got
clcarancu was finally alfccted ,
The cow miiikut was toleiahly active ai
prices genoially llrm on all guides. A coup
of loads of cliolcu fat cows and heifers bioug
$3,25 , but fair to good ) sold largely
fiom $2.00 to $2.35 , with Inferior lots and coi
IIIOIH fiom that on down to $1.00. Thuro wi >
only about lifty loads on .sale and tl
noon hour found lliu supply piactlcul
exhausted , On bulls , oxen and stag * thu ma
kct nun rather ucthe with in let's linn ai
stiles all the way fiom $1.25 ( o $3,25 , Thu
was and actlvu inquliy for veal calves and tl
fuw heio sold at good stiong prices ( torn $3 ,
to $5.00.
In thuHtockur and fecdur line business w
good as far as It went. The ficsh iccelpts wit
rather limited but thu regular deuluis hi
How is Your Blood ?
% mm m % ! % % % ' * * % * % \
I had a malignant breaking out on iny leg
below tlio knee , and was cured sound and well
with two and a half bottles of j Kapiai
Other blood mcillcluca had failed Kc rfJtt9
to do mo any good. Win. C. JIKATY ,
e , S , C ,
I was troubled from childhood w Ith an ng *
frravntnd cuso ot Tetter , and t lireo buttles ol
Mimirille , IT ,
Out book on lllootl anil Skin Diseases inaUeil
face , BWUT SI-ECIWO Co. , Attouta.U *
tlultoiifewonlmnrTVllli wic to supply a
modt'rnto ' Ituiulry ffCfiitho country. Smooth
llc hv feeders wiun , Rood sellers nt Mtong
prlcdi. but ( hrro \ rttio | demand for lliln uu-
dernolght ilnlTevpjiiyit present very low tig-
UK's. Hales todny wnrti at fiom 82.00 to 325
.Uio bulk nf the decent stock ut from 12.40 to
$2,76 , KepreMMitMlvflxalt" ' . uj
leow. . 830 $275 2GCOWS..10G1 $275
Hods The fiesh supply was fair , nearly
3,000 heavier thltn' Thuihday and less than
500 lighter than on last Friday. Receipts sc
far this week fall about 10,000 short of the
same live- days last week and the genera !
quiilty ! of the oll'eiings appears to bo jjcttlnt
worse fi fl 11 \ * .
With only , moderate supplies early and t
rather fuvoiablo report ftom Chicago , tradi
heruoponcd up q.ulh ( lively , with prices any-
whom fromstrongito nickel higher than Thurs
day. erybody bought on the cai ly market
hut with less encouraging advices fiom east
ern centers Iho trade weakened ns the mom
Ing advanced and as receipts Increused , am
before noon buycib wuro trying to get hogs 10i
cheaper than on the early mat kct. Knrlj
sales of good heavy hogs weie laigely at fron
$0.00 to JG.05 , with a couple of cholco loads a
$0.10 and W.l'2'i. JU\ed hogs sold luigoly a
from $5.95 to $0.00 , with very common llgh
and mixed stuff nt $5.85 and $5.09. The mar
kct was carried over Into the afternoon , bu
baldly anything changed hands then , U' '
btiyeis weio tiylng to got good hogs at $5.91
and S5.95. Kully 1,500 hogs , or about a fouitl
of thu entire receipts , lomalncd unsold at tin
close. Sales were la " "
Dilutions , im
itations , and
counterfeits o i
Dr. Pierco'8 ined-
icinos , thougli
cold at lowoi
prices than the
genuine mod.
icinos , nro dear nl
any prlco. Bewnrt
of them. Old Lot
" " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tlcs are 'rcllllal
' / now ones tnm
poroil viitli , nil s6rW of eubstitutcs otrcrctl nl
"cut prices , " byi uiiscrupulous dealers , ivlu
are not authorized to sell Ir. ) Plcrro's genuim
niedicinos. Don , ' ) > g deceived by them.
Tuoso genuine , \vorld-famcd remedifn an
now sold only tluWigli rcKiilarly atithorizet
ngents , mid under a jx > sitivo irunrnnteo ol
benefit or euro , pi ; ' money refunded. Tlu
makera tale all tli ? risk. I'rnctically , thej
cell them to you-on trial. On Uieso libcra
tcrnia , tlio nemtiiio ffuttranteeil incdlclnea cat
bo sold ontu nt tliew loiiBK&tablishCHl prices
Golden Medical Discovery , 81,00 per bottle
Fnvorlto I'rcscviiiUon , . 81,00 jx3r bottle
Pleasant Pellcta , , , .25 cents per vial
I3ut , sold in thid way and nt thcso prices
they're tbo cheajwt incdicinea that j'ou cai
buy , for you pay only for the yootl you yet
Scaled proposals will bo received by tl
undurslgncd until 1:30 : o'clock p , in. , Decemb
23 , 1892 , for the iupalrn of suwurx that may I
oidurcd by thu city council for lliu yi-aren
ing Decembur 31 , 1893 , Such nolle to l > o doi
and matcilal fuinUhcd In accordance w |
plans und spcclllcntlons on lliu In Iho olllco
thu llcKiid of Public \\'orUti.
1'ioposalHto bo Hindu on printed blanks fu
nlxhcd by the hoaid , and these accoinpnnli
with a curtllled check In thu sum of $500 , pa
abio to thoolty of Omaha , as an uvldencu
good faith.
The board il'i-ervos the light to reject m
or all bids und to walvo defect H.
1 > . W. lllltKHAUSnil.
, Chairman Itoaid of 1'ubllcVoiKs
Omalia , yub. . Dec. 9 , 1B92. Doc. 0 , 10. 10 , 1
1 .M cut III ) ; .
The tegular annual incclliig of the Moc
holdeiti of thu American National bunk
Omaha , Neb. , for thu election of dlrectoi w
bu held at ItH bunking hoitsu , corner Dod
and I'lftei-nthstri'i'ts , on Tun day , Janunry 1
1893. Ut 3 o'ClOCk p. UI. llK.NItY V , W YUAN ,
C5 283 r.20 ( I 00 61 . . .347 0 12
CO 291 320 0 00
2 100 n oo
Stif.Ki1 llutnnn frrili load'wa ' rocolvcd. The
demand N Rood for di slrablo mitltoni at
troiig prices. Quotations arc ns follows ! Talr
to good natlvei. $ > tl 1,76s fair to good west-
( rus , $3,2.- > 5ll 50 ; common nnd stock sheep ,
$2.2503.00 ! peed to chnlco 40 to 00-lb. lambs ,
$ l.OOS5.5U. Keptcscntatho sales )
M'.V . , Avrr -
stockcrs 87 300
Itrrrlpt * nnd l > lnit | ltlon ( if Stock.
Ofllctal receipts nnd dloposlllonot shock ns
shown by the books of the Union Stock Ynrd *
company for the twenty-four hours , ending
at 6 o'clock p. in , December U , 189.2 :
Car § , Hond Carn llend Cam. Item ! Cnm llcnil.
Chicago 1lt Stock .Market.
CmflAfio , 111. , Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to
Till' IlHlM As a conscqiienco of une\pcctedly
light uirlviitsilurlngtholast foity-olglit houis
tibout 20,000 betid thu cut tin mm kct as-
burned u tinner tone todav. lit opened falilv
actlvo at an advance on Thursday's pilces of
fiom 5c to lOc per 100 liu. , and continued llrni
to the close , lloth local anil custom huvi'is
wcto after the stun" , and by noon the yuids'had
an emptier look than they hud nicsonled for
many a day. Trading was on a Inisls of fiom
$1.00 to $3.25 for Infcilor to extiu cowsand
bulls , from $2.75 to .1,30 for stockers and fcctl-
eis$2.85 to $0.00 , for very common to extra ,
Kteers$1.25 to$3.60 for Te.xaiisand fiomjl.50
to 45.60 for cahes.
' 1 he hog tiudo opened fairly actlvo nnd firm ,
but it did not hold out that \\ay. KiMern
orders did not cull for as many hogs as usual
and tlio supply was too small to make It worth
their whllt' for puckws to cnler Into actlvo
compelItlon. As it result trtido soon lost all
appcaiance of aiitmatlon and juices bccatuu
weaUer , closing at fiom 5i > to loc lower than
they opened. Hales weio reported all the wav
$3.75 to $5.25 for culls and Ilillu pigs lo $ fl,2i >
for cholco assorted lightweights anil to $0.50
forpilmo heavy. Not much business was donu
outsldo of the limits ot fiom $5.00 to $0.40 ,
however. Closing quotations weio from $5.00
to $0.15 for poor to choice light and from 30.00
to $0.45 for medium and heavy.
Rood to choice muttons continue scnrco and
all lots answering to that descilption found
ready buyeis at strong prices. Tor poor and
common guides the .situation Is no better than
before. Quotations Lingo fiom $1.50 to $2.25
for culls and Inferior stun" , $2.75 to $1.25 for
poor to fair , and fiom $4.50 to $5.25 for good to
strictly choice.
Hecclpts Cattle , 0,600 : hogs , 18,000 ;
sheep , 3,000.
The Evening Journal reports :
OATILK lieeolptu , 0.500 heads shipments
3,000 head ; market steady to strong : Chrlst-
inaslieuvcs , $5.75110.35 ; good to choice , $4.50
ff&5.35 ; others , $2.90514.40 ; btockuis , $1.76 ®
3.35J cows , $1.152.8 ( ) .
Hoes Hecelpts , 17,000 head ; shipments ,
0,500 bend ; market opened strong , closed lOc
lower ; tough tindcommon$5.80 5.85 ; packers
and mixed. $5.9 ( > TJG.25 ; prtmo heavy , $0.30 ®
0.40 ; hutcheis , $0.20(3.0.30 ( ; light , $5.70 < a0.15.
8mip : : Kecelpts , 3,000 head ; shipments ,
350 head ; market stions for sheep , lambs
higher ; natives , M.005.50 ; westem , $4.00 ®
0.00 ; lambs , $3.7530.00. *
Nf\v York Ll\o Stork
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 9. Hnnvr.s Hecelpts , 2,000 ;
market active at former prices ; nut Ive steeis ,
$3.1625.50.liills ! ; and cows , $1.15(23.25 ( ; dicssed
beef , steadv. 7'2@0c.
C'Ai.vr.s Kecelpts , 100 head ; market sleadv ;
veals$0.50H8.00 ; ; westeincaUes , J3.2G@3.37VS.
SIIKKP AND LAMIIS Kecelnls , 1,000 head :
sheep , $3.00Q5.00 : lambs , $5.2500.35 ; diessed
mutton steady , 7UUc ; diessed lambs dull ,
Hoes Ttocolpls,2,7001iead , nominally steady
nt $5.70@G.30
KunsaH City Iliu .Stock .Murliet.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Dec. 9. OATTM : Receipts'
4,800 head : shipments 1,300 head. Stems
opened 10@15e higher , lost most of the gain ;
feeders lO15c higher ; shipping steers , $3.60
© I.GO ; stockeisund feeders , $
lions Itecclpts,5,000head ; shipments , none.
The market was active , 10@15c higher. All
grades , $3.)00.30 ( ) ; bulk. $0.0500.15.
Suur.i1 Hecelpts , 1,900 head ; shipments ,
none. The maiket was firm , 2550c higher
than lust week.
St. Louis IKu .Stock aiurlcot.
ST. I.ouis , JIo. , Dr.c. 9. CATTI.H lie-
clpts , 2,300 head : shipments , 2,100 head ;
market active , lirm ; natives' , i$3.005.10 ;
Tiixasand Indian slciTS$2.10ffl3.15.
Hens Iteceipt.s , 5,200 head ; shipments ,
4,100 head ; market nctho and strong ;
heavy , ? 0.00 < SG.50 : packing , $5,600.25 ; light ,
SIIIKP : Hccolpts , 000 head : shipments , GOO
head ; nmiKothtuudy ; nutlvcb$3.004.GO.
You will find at Excelsior Springs , Mo. ,
one of tlio most charming , all-year-round
resort hotels lu America ,
Capaclty'MO guests ; cnlslno unsurpassed.
A perfect hotel nnd complete eaultu-
rlnm. Superb bathing establishment with ,
trained attendants. Surroundings pic
turesque , location healthy absolutely frco
from Malaria. Tbo famoas tonle waters
free to guests. All chargco moderate. For
illustrated pamphlet and particulars ad
dress Excelsior Springs Company.
Exceisior Springs
ITn/c /
for Pampl.M. Missouri
Riclianlson Drug Co. , Agents , Omaha , Neb
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Opiaha.
Host Cuttle IIo uiul rMivup market In tlio trcit.
Wood Brothers.
South Omnlm Tulupnuuo 1157. Chlcnso
JOHN 1) "AUISMAN , IM n , ,
\VAJ/tlIll II. WOOD , f *
Market Hcporti by mall and n Ire cliccrf ally lur
nUlicd upon iippllciitlon ,
W J. I.ninb , Ueorite Ailnini , Alfred W. Hcott.
l'rc'3. l.uncastur Co. Hank. Notary 1'ubllo.
Laml ) , Atkins
Attorneys-at-Law ,
T.ancnhtor County Hunk Iluldlnf.
Iff ) CMclir-.trr1. Kniflltk blauiunil Kn-so.
VTCV.OrltflNul IMI Only Ueiiulnew
Arc , ilwAri rellttl * . LADICA , aik
U\l1fM in Cltitliutiri tnaliil l > la-
vtowf llranil lu Itcil Q'l C'oM ui lftlll
ith blu rlbboo , Tute
I'lonumilH fur Ailvurllslng fur Iho City o
Oliuillll ,
Healed bids will bo received uttlioofllc
of tlio city comptroller , up to 4 n , m. , Du
cembor Kill. . IK ! . ' , for thu olllulal tia
vcnlslng for the ulty for the yuur IbUJ , In tie
cordanco Althsoctlnn HCi of the oliHrlur. AI
iidvurUbUJifiits for ih c tyto Do conbucutlv
In tbo paper und beaded " ( Jlty A ( Ivor
tlbomcntii. " The bldH fchould specif ,
prlco pur BQiiuro of tun line * noiiuuiiol
lor tlruc. sucuud , third , nnd thun for uuuu Hub
svununt Insertion. Kuch bidder to enulosu i
certified check of IIUO.OO , Thu right Is reaurvoi
to reject auy or utl bids.
Oraaba , Neb. , Dee , 7tb , 1601 DU dot
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Omalta Tent-Awning
111.1 Ffttnuni .
Bemis Omaha Bag M , 0 , Daxon ,
Importers andnnnufr * IIIcjclc ? told on monthlf
Hour incKs , burlapi.
tntno. pirnionli. 153 jj uih.
Morse-Coa Shoe
- Company ,
Kactorr corner ttlli nnd Doiislns Strcots.
\Vonro niaklnielo a pile's to cnh liuyor' . nn3 nro
BCllIci ) nchisa of Kiiiut nlilrhltcrrtAlonulo
with inorclmul' .
A Ruddy Glow
on cheek
and brow
is evidence
that the
body is
getting proper nourishment.
When this glow of health is
absent assimilation is wrong ,
and health is letting : down.
taken immediately arrests
waste , regardless of the
cause. Consumption must
yield to treatment that stops
waste and builds flesh anew.
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prepared by Scott A Benne , N , Y. All drucKists.
Notion or AsHCHinient of Damagca for
CliuiiRo of Oruiic.
To tlio owners of all lots or pirts of lots on
So\sard street , from oOth blrcat to Uls > t
street :
You are l.orouy notified that the under
signed , tlircu disinterested ficeholdors of tlio
city of Omah'i , have boon duly appointed by
the m.iyor , with tuoapurovalnt thoolty coun
cil of said city , to assess the * damage to the
owners respectively ot the property nlTuctcd
by tlio change of crude of s.ild street , dt-clared
nocossnry Ly ordinance No I8i > , passed August
Uth. 1S9 , ' , appoved Airlist lltli. 183i.
You are further notified that having nc-
ccpted ; : ild uuiiolntnicnr , and dulv niuillfled
as required by law. wo will , on tlio 'Jlht day of
December , A. I ) . , 189. ' , at tlio hour ot 10 o'clock
In the forenoon , at "tho olllco of bhrlver
&O'Iannlioe. 140.1 Karnam street , within the
co"porato limits of said city , n ect for the nui-
poio of consldoriiu and mnklni Iho as oss-
niont of dumirjo to the owners respuctlvo'y of
said | ) roporty. allocted by said change of
rrjdc. taking Into consideration special bcno-
llt.-i. If any.
You .ironotlflct. to bo present at Iho time
nnd place aforosald , nnd make any objections
to or tatomcnts conoarnln'A said assessment
of damages as you nny consider prone r.
< V. ti. SllltlI'jlv ' ,
Omaha , Nob. , Dec. Cth , Ib'JL' ' . | DiO-dlUt
Seal proposals will bo received by the undci-
slgned until 1:80 : o'clock p , in. , December ua ,
IH'J'J , for the construction of all pciniaiii'iiL
sldowalks , wooden .sldowalKs and eiO'-MuilUs ,
oideicd laid by the mayor and city council
fiom January f , 1808 , to Juno 1 , IBM. In the
city of Omaha. I'ermancnt sldowalUs to ho
constiiuMcd of .stone , aitlllclal .stone. Inlckor
tiling ; wooden sidewalks ( if while plno lum
ber , and ciosswalks of wlilto pine , while , or
btirriiak plunks uccoidlng to plans and Hpt'd-
llcallons on Illo In the olllco of the Itoaid ( if
I'lililli : Woiks , HKU hpcclfylng a pilco per
lineal foot will bo lurched for whlto and litur
oak tlmheis (1\1'J ( and H\1'J , to bo placed ptmil-
lel on tliogionnd foi ciuiswalks In accoidanco
with plans on Illo In tlio ollicoofthu Itoaid of
Public WoiUs , No bids for Mono hldewall.s
will bo consldcicd except for Mono known to
have an actual tixlstenco and of known ijual-
llv and merit for poinmmint sldeualKK ,
Knell bid forpeimani'iit sldi-walKs to hpeclry
a pilco pi'i hiipci'lli'lul wiiuiii | fnot , and for
wooden walks a inlco per lineal foot for thu
hldoualK complete , and to bo accompanlcil by
a cm tilled check In the sum of $500 , payablu
to the city of Omaha , as an evidence of good
faith , Tiiolxiaid io-ei'Vcs the light to leject
any or all bids and to wulvo defects.
Ulddeis must fuinlsh a samjdo of Mom1 ,
bilck or tiling. I' , W. ItlltlOIArsKU ,
t'lialimnnof the Itoaidof I'nlillcVoiks. .
Omaha , l > eu. 0,1HUJ. Dec. 'J , 10 , 10,17.
ii'jril ' AVENUIO.
Von aio huicby notldcd that the tinder-
hlKned.lhieodWnli'M'sU'd firi-lioliluiti of Iho
city of Omaha , have lieiinilnly appoliitcd by
Iho mayor , with the approval of the city coun
cil of Mild city , lo assess thn ilamago to lint
owneit * iescctlvoly ) of the piopi'i ly allcrtfd
hyginillng Milrluy hticcl fiom UHlli hticel lo
UfJtli aM'iuio , dcclau'd nccessaiy by oidlmiiico
No. 31U1 , iiasscil July UO , Ib'J'J , and appuncd
July 'M , 1HOU.
You inn fin ( her not I lied , that having ac
cepted said appointment , and duly qualified
lib iciinlred by law. wo will , on thtiIst day of
December , A. D. 1H02. at thu hour of 10 o'clock
In thu foi 1110011 , at the olllco of K.V. . ( illMiii ) ,
loom'JIU , Now Voik l.lft < building , \vlthln the
corporate limits of Mild city , incut for the pur-
posoofroiiilduilng and nniklng the assessment
of damage to the owni-rn lespcctUuly of said
piopcrly , alVcctcd liy said grading , taking into
conalduiatlon special bencllth , If any.
You iiru notified lo bu pii'scnt at the tlini )
and plucu ufoicMihl , and niuko any objci "
to or htatuini'iitK concuinlng wild asses' '
of dunuiicj ; > us you may coiihldur prnpi-r ,
w. u. UATIS.dOdlOt :
I. Gqorgo I' . Ilcnils , mayor of the city of
Oniuhu. hureby KM'O public millco and pro
claim that St , Mary.f ) ivvoinio from lUth atroxt
to L'4th Htreut , PoDpluton nvuniiu from i-'Utl )
struut totilli stniut , sad street from Davenport -
port atreut to Webster stieet , and Hamilton
street from SUtli struct to ii'ith Btrout. are au
thorized to ou used for thu purpose otcouBtliig
during the winter of ib'r.-lfi'J ) ,
Willies * niv hund atOmuho , this 8th day ot
Dumber. 1893. .
Rector & Wilhelmy LobecK & Linn ,
Denlorj in linritnura and
Corner 101k luvehsiiln' lool ,
htroeti , St.
W , A , L Gibbon & Co ,
lints , cap * , ( ilrftw Rood' ,
Klovcs. mlttpii' , .Stli
nnd ll.irnoy MI.
John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. Lee ,
ImportedAmorloinl'ort llnrdnuod lumber , wood
Inml comcnt , Mllwnii- cniiu't nntl pnrquoi
Vo < roiiK'iit nmlUtiliK'r
white litre. Ptli ntid
Prick & Herbert , II , Oberfeldcr Ko , ,
Importers nnd jobber !
Wliolcsnlo liquor donloM ol millinery , notions
David Cole & Co.i
H'liolpsnlp oystersfancy
coli-rs , ,1I _ S. lutli b
Branch & Co , , Jas. A. Clark & Co. , | .
I'roilucc , fruits of nil Mutter , chposc , cggi , 5
poultry nnil u
kinds , oysters. : ii ; . lath st ,
Omaha Stove Repair M.A.Disbrow&Co , ,
WOUKJ , to\o ropiilra Munnfnfltttrorn of amlt ,
niidwutor attnchmonts d o o r i , ti 11 n d a and
fur any kind of Btovu mouldings , branch oC
made , 1207 DouKlas M. 11 co , 12th and Itard 8tJ ,
Sheriffs Hnlo.
Under and by virtue nf an execution Issued
by Frank I" . Mooros. elorkof thudtstrlct court
within and fur Douglas county. Nubruska ,
upon aJutlKinent rendered bv said : court at
its September term , A. I ) . IB,1 ) , in fuvot of tna
Merchants National bank of Kansas City ,
Missouri , and naalnst tlio Metropolitan ( Juulq
compiiny of Omuha , Nebraska , j
have levied upon the following described
property us the propert" of the S'lld , Thq
Metropolitan Cable Hal , vay eompnny o |
Omah , Nubr.ibku. to-wlt "uncle tindrona- '
bod. Including rails , ties , > , nti-s. ftoj-8 , boltf ) ,
bpllccs.tc9. \ . switches , r i us. trolley wires ,
cross wires etc. . ote. and o .crylh UK pertain-
In" to said tr.iek and the operating thereof
of snlit The
ns an electric motor line
Metropolitan Cable Hallway company on 4Cth ,
street nnd on llodfiostruot In the city of Omnhii ,
and on Dortco street us extended. Woodman
omieUiiiiir ! ooil aventio and \Mson \ | avenue
or j'trcot In Dundee Place or udlncent thereto
In the county of Honshu , nnd Kfito of Nob-
rasK.r. " "One car hotisn ifiamo biilltllm ! on i
nostsur blncKs ) located on lot 14. block * 8. i
Dundee Place. Douclus countv. Nobr.iskn. "
"Two motor pussoncurcars numhcied ipspoo-
tlvoiy two fi ) , and tbreo (3) ( ) . "Uncord book , ]
stock cortlllcato book and seal of mid com- !
puny. " and also "thu franchise Rrantod to j
mild oomp my , which Includes all the rlclits >
and privlleKca secured I hereby " nnd I will ;
on thu 14th dnyof December. A. 1) . . IB1com ) -
mcnclncat ID o'cloeU a. in. ot snlddiiy a
the east front door of the county court
house. In the ulty of Omaha , soil s-ild property
at mibllu auction to the highest and best .
bidder or bidders for cash , to satisfy said ox
edition , thoanioiintdno thoruon belni ! forty
thousa'id. four hnnnred forty-six nnd 01-100
dollars ( JI0.41IUM ) Jmlsnieiil. nn.lH'xtcen ' nntl
IiS-100 dollars ( $ U.oS ! ) costs , with Interest oa
said amounts from the 19th dny of f-outembcr ,
IS1) ) " , nnd the ncerulntrcosts on Raldjiiriiriltiiouti
and execution. GEOUOK A. linNNKTT ,
Sheriff of Douglas County. Nubinsko.
Umuha , Nobrasku , December 1 , l&'J :
Totho owners of all lots and p.irts of lots oa Jl > "
alley InO.oclcSl from 'Jlsfctov.'nd streets. too
You tire liuruby notified Unit tlio tumor'out
slKiicd , Unco dlslntoresto i freeholders of the MX
city ot Oinalri. mivo boon duly appointed by fo-
the ninyor. with tlio approval of the city eounty (
ell of said city , to assess the d.unuuos . to tlio HH
owners respectively of the property ulTcotoa Mi
by the isradhu of H.iiil ullov. declnroil neces-us
stiry by ordinance No : tll.l. p.isiod Novembo nolc
IstlSDI , approved Ninuinber Uli , ISO. ' . lor
You urn further notllled that linvlnz ne > . '
ceptud salil appoliitmenl and duly qualltled. eras
as remilrod uy 'aw. ' wo will on the l.lth dny of ho
Decumber. A. D. IS.1 ! ) , at the hour of 10 o'clock Oil
In the forenoon , tit the olllua of Shrlvor & ich Jfjl
O'Donohoc , I4ua Karutim st. , within thu corporlly
nto limits of said city , incut for the unrposo of | th
coiisidorin ? and malclns the ussesanimit oj Its
damairo to the owners respncthely of snlU
property allectod by such Kr.iilliiK. talcing n J
into conildoratlon special benellts. If any. Out
You are notlllod to bu prcsont at the tlma
and place aforoiuld nnd rnaku any objoellou lib ,
to or Btatoinonts coiiecrnlirir said assossmonl
of dainnuoi an you may consider proper. at
KuspcQif ully submitted.
W. O , 911HIVKU , at
0150. J. I'AUr < ,
It. W. OIIIBON. lit
Ooinniitteo of Appraiser * .
Oinnhn. Nob. , Nov. Kttlh. JbSA lUOdlOB
1'nlillo Auction of I'niir CottiiKrft. fc I
On December 27th , 1802 , at 10 a. m. , the city public auction , hull thu follow Inn du-
RCI Ibi'd nouses on the nii'inlscs to thu hlKhcst )
bidder for cash , Paid IioiiM'H to bu removed
wllhln four months. Thu hlKhchl bidder to do-
] ) oslt.r > ( ) at Iho tlmn of wile , Iho balatico tone t 6H '
no paid to thu city wilhln ono weidc. Thu four 0 4 < 1
coltiiKcs : nu situated on Iots7 , H , 0 and 10 III ?
.liislln'H hiihilhlslou of lolHl nnd U , block 10 , K
bhhm'H addition. T1II.O. Ol.hl.N , t IT ! ?
Comptiollur. ' r r.'i h
Omaha , Neb. , Dec. Oth , 1B92. dlU ilGb ]
{ ai
Pi ml 1O conliiforoiir 100 page J77
'Klcctro-Moaical Theory aud
Practice. "
U. 11.1IMSS , lena FnlU , Iow .
.7 .
i bv
, of
Ho-tltid prouos ils wilt bo reojlvod by the un-
durhlirned until IsU ) o'olook p. in. . Duconihuv
liltli. IhJ. , forcrutlliiK Davenport. Ktrcut , fiont
Ji'ltliBtruot ' tolisih Htrcotj Oriind UVUIIIID , from
Ililholrfut to lid Htreol ; Kowluriivunuo , from r , t
'SMIi Htrnut to Ulh nvunuus illth Htroiil , from
( irnnd iivunuu to Anus iivunuui111th utrcot ,
fiiini Oruiid avennu toHpiaitiu Htruuti 40tli ft
uvoiiuu. fro'ii ' lirind avinnu toKpr iviiustiout ; ij
thuiilluy In blook.Vi. fiom 17th hircut to I8tll ! 1i
HIrcot ; .tllli struct , fiom DodKUHtruutto Dav-
import htruet ; lucatiir ) trout. from " .Uli btruut
toillHt , itrcnt ; llnmlllimHlreul , from IHh street
to west uitv Hiiiltsi Arbor street , fiom lUtll
strut't to l.ltli street , In the ulty of Omaha , In
accordance with plans und sncclflcullotis on
tlio In the olllco of ihu Hoard of I'nbSlu Workx.
llacli ijiopusal tobumudoon piloted blunka
fnriilslicd by tlio board , and tu bu accom-
nuiiiud with ,1 ourtlilcd fboak In the stun of
till , povublo to thu city of Oniuliu , IIB an ovl-
dunuu of isood faith.
'llii < boar. ) lusoivcs tl.o rUht to reject any of
, , U bid , and to ft
AUflRI | >
Chnlrmnn llouril of I'ubllo Works.
Omaha , Nub. , Uuccmbur l t , IB'J. . , . „ D „
dl 3-80
Bo.ilod pronoiulH will bo reuoivud bv the nnei ;
derslijiiud until 1'JJ : o'elouk p. m. Diiv-cinbor
Kth , IMl , for tbu uunsiruoilon of BOWITJ In
howurdlHtriclii Nos. 175 und 17(1. ( In thu ulty ot
tinihu ) : , UH purordlnaneuH Nos , 8tt5 nndffii , i
r hpo nlvi'ly. according to plat B and spcollloa-
t mis on < l'o ' In the olllco of thu llouril of I'ubllo
Wiirlcs. lluch proposal to bo inaduon pilutou -
blanks furnUhud by the board , and to bu ac
companied by iicurtllluil ohotik Iiithu uiuol < %
$ vxi. pnyablu to thu city of Ontuha an uvldenoi s
ofuooJ fultli. *
Thu buuid riiborvos the rltrhtto reject unyoi jj
all bids , and to wolvo uU.dpf.eow. . . o
Chalrinnnof tlio.llonrd of 1'ubllo Works ,
Omaha , Neb. , December l t , JWJ. . ,