THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SU/rtTRDAY / , DECEMBER 10 , 1802. 'Mnrtin Burke Crosses the Styx Keeping His Secret of Oroiiin's Death , QUICK CONSUMPTION RELEASED HIM ilnt Two Yrarn nf J'rlMin t.lfe Srrvpil How lie Apprnnrlird tbu ind : IVarful 1'ntn Tbut lln I'ollowril AVH- In tlie Caio , .TOMIIT , III , , Dec. D. [ Special Telegram to Titr. Hut : . [ Martin Httrkc , ono of the men convicted of complicity in the murder of Dr. Cronln , died In tlio penitentiary hero nt 8'.15 o'clock tonight of consumption. Ho was sen tenced for llfo. ntirko wns arrested in Winnipeg Juno 10 , 188'J , while on his way to KiiRland , Ills ex tradition followed after a Ions * legal tussle , nnd ho was tried In Chicago In company with Meggs , Ban Cougblln , P. O'Sulllvan and ICunz. Ucpgs was acquitted nnd Ktltiz was sentenced to thrco years In the penitentiary , but never served the term. The others went down for llfo. It was alleged in the trial that IJurko and Coughlin struck the blows which killed Dr. Cronln. liurlcc made no confession before death. NOT I.ONO INl'ltlSON. Consumption Mercifully Shortened IIU Nat ural Life. JOLIET , 111. , Dec. tl. Martin Htirlte , one who was sent to .loliut prison for complicity In thu murder of Dr. Cronln of Chicago , died at the penitentiary in this city this evening of quick consumption. Ills death was expected for ho had been sinking rapidly for some time. When Hiirlfo llrst entered tbo penitentiary in January , 16K ! ) , ho was placed in the cooper shop , Ho remained there until last summer , -when ho contracted a severe cold , which steadily grew worse and necessitated Ills change to lighter work. After a short period in the shoo shop he went to the iillo room for thrco weeks nnd aftcrwardsiwas removed to the hospital , quick consumption having developed. Siuco his entry to the hospital Ilurko has steadily declined , and Dr. Fcdcrlck who made nn ex- animation of his condition expressed the opinion that ho could not llvo moro than n week. His end , however , came quite un expectedly. As ho was sitting talking this evening lo a convict nurse about his case he referred to the last examination made by Dr. Fredericks , and said : "Well , I guess It is all up ; Its all right anyway. " After some further conversation ho re verted to his approaching death and said : "If I die I want Forest to come down and take my body to my folks. " Forest is the attorney who conducted Burko's defense , and has since his incarcera tion in prison kept up work ou appeals to the supreme court. Burke had hardly uttered the words given above when his head fell forward , and after one or two gasps life was extinct. Tliero was no hemorrhage , no strug gle , the vital spark simply wont out. Burke was a ware that his cud was near at hand. Father Daniel of this city came early this morning to see him. The prison officers , say ho has never spoken ono word in regard to the Cronin murder. Ho has been uniformly friendly with all the attendants and talked freely on all questions except that. When that subject was broatehed he would resolutely decline to talk. Ho had but few visitors. His attorney , Forrcst.Jias been here several times and his brother-in- law of Chicago has also visited him regu larly. Mr. his brother-in-law notified Conway , - - , was fied of the death , which occurred at 8:17 : this evening , and came down on the late train. Ho will take the body to Chicago. 31I5T VIOMONT DtiATHS. Peculiar Fate That HUH Overtaken 1'ooplu Prominent In the Case. JOLIKT , 111. , Dec. 0. Ucmarkublc has been the unhappy fate of the alleged actors in the Cronln murder. Eight of them nro now dead ; piiQyis a helpless cripple. Of these who have passed from llfo , four were witnesses for the state the two Molmiery girls , William Nicmain and PntDiimn. Tlio two girls were present ut the doctor's ofUce when " ho" was summoned to the O'Sulllvan house ; Kicmtin was the owner of the saloon near the Carlson cottage where Coughllu , O'Sullivan andilCunz were seen on the fatal night. All four of thcso met a peaceful and natural , . death. Edward Spollman , the wealthy brewer of Peoria , whoso ovidoncoon the stand stamped him as n bitter enemy of th < j doctor , died about n year ago , literally losing his head iii a frightful full from a ladder. Ho was a prominent Clan-na-Oacl and contributed largely to the defense fund. Tom Desmond of San Francisco , anothoi Clan-na-Gaol , who ciimo to ndvlso and assist the , defendant , is a permanent cripple , sus taining a compound fracture of the leg b.\ .a fullono night , ou Clark street while ou hU way to n secret mooting of Camp 20. Matt Danney of Camp 0 was an alibi wit ness for the defense. Ho never prospered after the trial , his saloon being finally closet up , nnd ho loft the city. Michael Cannon was a bartender in Pal Dolan's saloon , another resort of the order and is supposed to have known a good dca i > f the testimony , however , having been un important. After the murder bo carried hi ; arm in a sling. During tlio trial ho caught a severe cold ono night while Intoxicated It quickly developed ' into pneumonia ant while in n Jit of coughing he choked ti death. Frank Shea was another pneumonia vie tim. tim.A A horrible death was that of Pctei McCicahan , the Philadelphia ! ! who was accosted on tlio street by Dr. Cronin about t week before tha murder and charged will being in the plot to murder him. Ho diet Bomo tlmo between the coroner's inquest am the trial. Ho obtained employment at ; South Stdo rolling , mill and fell Into n pit sustaining severe injuries. Ho was taken t < the county hospital and died n ravia ; maniac. The fate of Uobcrt GibbojiH , who was ai nlibl witness for Burke , was tragic. Twi rears ago , while in company with Aldormm MeCormlck in the Lalco View oxchiingi near Hooloy's theater , the two got into i quarrel with' Captain Schuutler of th ' pollen ofllce , who had been active in runniii ] tlown tbo conspirators , Schuotler she Gibbons , who died a few dayo latci Ejchuetlor was fully cxhouerated , In addition several other deaths Imvo 01 purred among the antl-Cronln "gang , ' .among . them being I uko Jordan , brothVru Harry Jol-dan , who was strongly buspootcil and u man named Bullivan. III the Krcnt'h ilguuii , which has for It 'central character a woman of thn worU Bonietlincs thu victim of man's ruthlcssnc mid soinotimes the wanton scour'o ; of soc oty , few Aincrlcau notresscs httvo ilUphiye Utter , tcpser powers than Miss Jeffrey r owls ut her bnst , A niisitl Quality has croj Into her tones ilurlug the past few yean robbing Ihwu nt sonio of the tremeniloi v foix-o she was capable of expressing by the exctx'iso. but oven that Impairment has lul ' her with n dramatic ; ability not often e : celloil In a eortttlii line of roles. The bill nt the Kurmun Httvet theater la ; nljjht was "ClutlliU ) , " ono of the ( Jullio jilnj for which Miss I owls lb so atlininibl luliipunl , As t'lotlldo , who has been i-nst o by Audro , her lever , for a youtiKcrand f roslu face , Miss lo\vs | is u inaKiilllccut tlj-tre * * now puralng us softly us a cat lo lun > un hi Troy , and n moment later Jieivo , hatofttl nu , with vciiKuful'fooltiiBs ' lashed to the biltore fury , In the swift clmiifn.'b fixim pltiyf oiooils to despair utul bate , or vii Tci'su.Miss LoAvis displays the llnessoof consununutu actress , -In the btorin of pu illon she exerts a power undiin intensity th compels ndmlratfoii for tbu urtlsto ilespi the rcpu nuuco which the character nit insptro. Miss Lewis hue tnulDUbted person churins , has a queenly curriuge that at woman might envy und nbova > ull la ono H the strongest actresses hi her line of chara tej-a. If wo must havoFrenohmlventurcssi liuiunn Jovlls of feuiiulno fonr | > u tbe Aiue : con stage , by all means lot thcmbaportruyi vrltb the art 'Of a Joffroyg I jwis. Lewi * U fortunut tn htviug one the best balanced of companies , rind , Indeed , It tnny bo Mid that the organization ns n whole Is ono of the strongest combinations , drntnntii-all.v , seen lu Omalm this soaROti. The lending innn , Mr , Hnrry Malnhnll.lsn iinished actor with n. fine stiifto presence nntl n volcoof n most nttraetlvcmngnotlenunllty. Ills manner is easy nnd repressed , an ad mirable foil for the fury of the star , and the quid naturalness of his art Is most cratcful. The lending lady , Miss Ealhu Williams , made nn unexpectedly stront ? display of emo tional powers , and deservedly won n lareo share of the plaudits of the evening. Mr. Ilercward Iloyt also proved nn accomplished actor of the quiet school , and Mr. O'Kraft Walton was almost ns clever. In short , Miss Lewis and her company make n combi nation well worth Rcclnu by those who go to the theater for art rtither than for sensation or for fashion's sake. .sj'.i TVJS wit ni-nois. AlRrr I.nnlcliijr Alter tbo nU to I.DKIIII ntiil Slii'i-lilan. NF.W YOIIK , Dec. 0. Ocncritl Huascll A. Alger pf .Mlchtgnn , who is a mciubcr ot the committee hnving ! n chnrgo the erection of statues of Generals-Losan a ttl Shurldnn , has been hero in search of a sculptor for GeneralLogan's statue. 'J'ho committees will meet Saturday tit the war ofllco In Washington. J. Q. A. Ward is the sculptor of the Sheridan statue. General Alger desires Miy. Ward to make the Logan statue. Hoth are to ho equestrian and hi hronws. The Koverninent uppropriatod S50.000 for each of these statties. About $15,000 iiddl- lioiKil has been raised for the Logan stuttio and nearly $ : i.lKX ) for that of Shnrldtin thrungh the efforts respectively ot the so cieties ot the Army of the Tennessee nnd of the Army of the Cumberland. Tbo statues are to bo located in Washington , General T/ifrnit's In Iowa circle , thn spot selected by Mrs. Logan , and that of Sheridan in the tri angle at Seventh street and Pennsylvania u venue. The character of the pedestals will depend upon the amount of the subscrip tions. e .Society Ctrl , Ii > tn llio Kill vat lonlsts. NEW YonK , Dec. 0. Miss ISmma Van Nor- den , eldest daughter of Warren Van Norilcn , who is well known in society , has Joined the Salvation unity and Is n full Hedged uni formed soldier. While this fact has been known to the Intimate friends of the family for some time , yet to a largo number of per sons who know the Van Nordeu family socially and Mr. Van Noiilen through _ busi ness connections , the announcement will bo very much nf a surprise. Miss Van Norden , who is not Ion ? out of her teens , is n gentle , good looking young woman and exceedingly accomplished. A'till'S OJP JVJ.S7 Pomc.itlc. A youns man In San Franrlsro , Cal. , with a hngim dynamite bomb attempted to hold up a pawnbroker and is now In Jail. A larsro distillery will MIOII bo erected In St. I.Dills. Mo. , and will bo run Independent uf and in opposition to the whisky trust. Tin ) whisky trust him ordered an Immediate advance uf an additional 10 cents In the prices of alcohol and 5 cents In spirits. ( , 'havles O'Xelll was attacked by u nindnitin In a Chicago lodxhi ! ; house- and his throat cut frum ear to ear. Tbo inunlai : then severed bis uwu Jugular. The ofhVIul returns on the count of tbo vote of Nelson county , XoHh Dakota , gives n. sulll- clcnt majority to elect all the Weaver electors In that stnto , ir-orjro II. Dawson , ono of tbo persons' In tbo 1 pllal sulTerlni ! from injuries received In 'J. 'r.sdny's accident nn the Central railroad uf . Jw , Ii > r.-i'y , has died , Thi' thontliiKof Henry Green , who was found dead In tbu road with a pistol bulletin bis brain , Is leuaided as the Mxnal fur reopening the Green-Jones war lu Hancock cuuutv , Ten nessee. It IH reported hero that a freight ami pas senger train on tbo Hock Island cninrMunethut1 lu a head-end collision between Trey and llolton , Kan. , and thai suvornl passengers were badly burl. W. M. Itnnisay , nil old fanner of Itlploy county , Indiana , was killed Thursday by u hog. A viciousboarattnekedthoman , who was 80 years old , throwing him down und biting HID flesh from lib , thigh. . Hem. John , T. O'Neill , congressman from the I-.leventli Missouri district , who was on the fnco of I ho recent returns defeated by C'harles I' . .Joy , republican , by sixty-seven votes , has seemed service ou Mr. Joy of a notice of con test. test.A A colored preacher by the name of Light foot whu has .been collect Ing money from the negious luMnekson county under the piomlsu of taking them to l.lbei-la was assassinated at Itohcrtson churi'h , Iwelvo miles west of New port , Jll.ssisslppl. itov. I.owls 111rd nf Auburn , N. V. , slandered n number ot city officials , was arrested on a I'liurgi ) ut criminal libel and convicted. On bis making apologies In tbu court IKOIII and promising to iirenc.ii a sermon re tracting Ids charges the case was dismissed. A .syndicate of capitalists in Now York Is iiifildniiiKli'iil to purchase entire all tlio rollIng - Ing mill and blast , furnace properties located in the vicinity uf Voungsluwiit O. , anil nnllo them In u mammoth combination under ono management. Thu properties Include six \I\K \ \ plnnls. This total amount , lu bo uaid fur all thu properties is * 7 0go)00. ( ) A reference to tbo flmires In tbo secretary ot state's olllco of New York MI far ruturiu'd from fifty-three counties on the three constitutional nmendments'show Hint a majority has been returned'against all llireo of them. Tbu amendments provided fim a judicial determ ination of all leglslntlvo contests , for addi tional supreme court judges and for tlio sale of the Unugu salt .spring , Furrlfjii. Kmlil I'nsba has Just been roporiea mur dered. The cabinet crisis In the Argentine Republic will undoubtedly bo Mil tied by the resignation t of tbu minister of the Interior. Tin ) Panama canal Inquiry continues lo In- tcrcs.ltho people of Franco. Huron do Heln- aeli's lu > dy will bo e.vhumed today and an autopsy held. A largo bomb was exploded near tbo dwell ings of tbo wui kmeii In tlm great Iron works of Krupp'ri nuiilunv at Iternsdorf. Austria. Much damage was caused to property. Advices received at Itrussels from the Congo country nro lo tbu olTeet Unit tlio rumored innssici'C of t'aptaiii Jni'iuesaml | hlscommand near l.ako rangaiiylkl uru without founda tion. tion.Ai Ai the coming session of Parliament Mr , James l.uwchcr will Introduce a bill pruvidlnn for tlm slaughtering of all foreign ciitllu Im- purtcd Info ( iieut Itiltuln at the port at whlcli they are landed. Kmperur Krancli Joseph of Austria Is sr greatly aixltateil over tin ) recent com MI ol events In Hungary that bo has abandoned bis customary hunting uxiicdltlon.s and has or- del oil I bat his pack of hounds bn .sold. 1D Tbu ( iiioen regent , of Spain bus siimmoner D Pi'imr Mieaxiu to form a cnblmif , Tbo pnblli Isgicutly dlMiiipotnted , There uus rumors ol 0 serious obstacles to delay a settlumeut , flu 0i ; i powerful military piirty opposing a llborn cnbbutt. Hlr Kdwln Iteed publishes u long letter In t London paper displaying that theru Is a rnvuli on the part of many Ilberjils. Hit declares ti nil who It. may concern that hu and others wll not bun party to a homo ruin bill giving Ire hind control of anything morn than domesth nll'ulrs , if The dial of Rector Ablwnrdt at Ilerlln bn. ' 1 ended lu bis belnweuteiiced to IIvn month- , linprlsnnineiit forslanderlns llerr Io wo , lln KUII inaiiiifactui-ur. An appeal wlllhotakci totbe Itolcbstait to oxpniiil Ablwardt fron punUbiiienl , bu havlnir been recently elvctei totbutbody. . A mouth bns passed slnee Dip jjrpitt strlk I , nnioni ; the eoUon opnrativoxof Mnland ha is been Inuugiiiatud , and tbu iiuestiuiisal Issii isI between employer * and employes am far fron Id being settled , ( ircat destitution and MilIVilii I'S piuvalls among the Idb ) mill hands , many o ' whom donnt-b long to any union and bavu n 'S relief fund to draw upon. It Nutu * . ISr Nr.w OHI.KANS , La. . Dec. 0. Tlm wind ) ! r meeting opens tomorrow with a line curd , Th rtt track Is in good slmiio nnd SOU horsc.s moo t- hand , Tlierolll ho lee days racing. UOSTON , Mass. , Dee , 0 , Vuglllst James C > t Corbutt today fjirulshed full bonds In thu MI ! s brought against him by Jon I.annon , dm llus ' ' tun llgbti-r , who wants f5M)0 ( ) because Corbet 'if' did not appear ut bis bunollt , Nr.w YonK , Dec. 9 , A cublegiatu was rt colvcd tuduy from London saying l hat-Prim Bluvln would lii-'lit Jou Uoddaid If thn Crct-ccn C'lty club of New Orleans would put up tlO.OOO purse. Tbo ( 'oney Island Atiihul club will probably bid for thu fight and tb Orescent Ofty club , to get the Ufa-lit , must pu up another largo purse. Niw : VCIIIK , Dec. 0 , Tbo trotting assoolatlo board of ruvlow held uu oxecutlvu ut today , In t ho of A , it. Hpoarnnd A.Cun to mluiciof Michigan , Luklngs of .Mount lloll' N..T. Purmu . . Mono' ly , OeorgoTuft , , MIrli..J , H. ul ut Washington , D.O. , und Martin dul'oruKtt lllrniingbain , Vt. , tbu trmnorury reinstall ' incuts were continued , In tlio case of Geiin ; of O'Iomi H a contlnuunco was granted wlfli ic- notlco thutlf furtbor uvideiieuas not pri icrl ! . d need It would go by default. In tbo case < rl- tbo black muro Murksmuii , alleged to I rlcd Tonic , tbo horoo wus ruled from the track an Thomas K. U'olls nnd \ \ , I' , Lyttlo buspcndt till all friiu1ulint- : * tiikeii In of ruturn d , FOUGHT FOR A WOMAN'S ' LOVE Tom Guilland'u Luck Causes a Riotous Tirao in a Washington Town ( HE WINS A GAMBLER'S ' CASH AND MISTRESS t \rnnaltnllrniul Mtlmrrr , 1ml "o rlnyod Tlinm HlKh llloc > d hcd 111 tlio Streets \Vittintclirn for n Slriiinpcl'n 1'iivnr. SroK\xn , Wash. , Dec. 0. A , terrible riot occurred at Wenatclico last night , nnd for thrco hours tlio town was the center of n mob of frenzied graders.Veniitelieo is n town nbout 100 miles west of hero on the Great Northern railroad. Tlio trouble was started by the luck of n drunken gambler nnincd Tom Gnllland. Ho worked on tho-Great Northern grade nt in tervals through the summer. About once in six weeks ho would quit work and come to Wenatcheo to spend all his money a wild carousal. So long as ho had money ho would fri'iiuont French Annie's i > laeo , ono of the toughest dives in the town , and spend nearly all of his tlmo with one of Its lnmateskno\vn hero as Susctto. For. the past month she has been living with Gtiisseppo Vueo , a faro dealer , who is a sort of king among the Ital- lims hero , and is said to have been driven from New Orleans for his part in the Malla murders. riled Them Up to tlio Celling. Gullltwd quit work a week ago and came \Venatchee , getting drunk the llrst night. Last night ho started for Vaeo's faro bank with nearly $0,000 in his pockets. Here he played recklessly , and finally throw all his money on the table in a heap and bet on the iiueen and aeo. When his pile was counted it was found to contain § oOSO. , Viico took the bet. Gullland won. Vaeo paid , but it broke the bank. Susotto heard the news and started to the gambling room , saying she was going to the man who had luck. Taco met her and would not let her pass. GTuilland pushed him aside , walking off with tlio woman. Before they had gone a block a doen Ital ians , led by Vaeo , surrounded them , and while some attacked Guilland the rest tried to carry away the woman. Guilland fought like a tiger , knocking down two or three with his list before ho could draw his gun. The screams of the woman brought a crowd of men from till sides , and bands of graders rushed to their cpmr.ido's rescue. J'ast nnil I'nrlous Fighting. Vaeo gave a peculiar whistle , and in a noment the street was llllcdwith Italians , some of them but half dressed , and all inncd with cither knives , clubs or stones. Tlio railroad men gathered in a group with ttiillnnd and the woman in the center and began to retreat slowly , iiring as they went mil calling for help as they fell back. Others oincd them and finally they made a stand in 'rout of u .saloon. The Italians pressed them ilosely at llrst and many lights occurred , but is the graders opened lire they gave way , mill there was a space o twenty feet be tween tlio two parties. Across this space , stones , clubs and brickbats Hew in a regular cloud , those who were knocked down being carried to the rear of the mob. Thrco graders who had been stubbed with long Jinives were carried into the saloon , and the woman was spirited away in the darkness. About ten minutes after the graders had .ntulo their stand a band of twenty Italians charged on them from the rear , and those on Lho other side cldscd in at the same time. [ Tor a moment it seemed as if the railroaders would bo wiped out , but their hot fire forced Llio Italians to fall back in confusion. Before Lhoy could rally the railroad men were rein forced by nearly Jlfty men , who came down a side street on the run. The Italians fell back several blocks , carrying with them their wounded. Both parties gradually broke up into small bands and scattered through tlio town. Whenever opposite factions met there was a skirmish , generally ending in the defeat of the Italians , but there were no more general engagements. Dessultory lighting continued until dawn , when both parties scattered and got out of sight. * v CHARTER CHANGES. ( Several Sections of the City's Constitution Subjected to lU'vlslcin. The first subject considered by the charter amendment committee at its meeting last evening was the report of Mr. Connell on section ! K ) relative to the deposit of city funds by the treasurer , which was referred to a special commltte at the previous meet ing. Tlio report , as adopted , so amends the section as to allow city funds to be placed in banks outsldo of the city if it is deemed advisable , and adds a provision giving the mayor and council power to order funds to bo deposited on interest bearing time certifi cates in such banks as they may designate. Section 100. providing for a street com missioner and defining his powers and duties , was referred to the special committee of which Mr. Steel is chairman. The section applying to the building inspector specter precipitated a discussion in regard to the receipt of money by inspectors for per mits. It was the unanimous opinion that the city treasurer should have n monopoly of the collections of money. Applicants for building , sewer and plumbing permits should pay tlio fee to the city treasurer and obtain a certificate upon which tlio inspector would grant a permit. Tlio section waa referred to Messrs , Wheeler and Council to revise and present at the next meeting. The section covering the Board of Park ommissionors was tinkered- with to a con- sldcrauloextent , but the changes were uniin- ' The section defining the duties of the boiler inspector ' wns referred to Major Wheeler for revision. Section llii , which relates to the duties of the assistant city attorney and city prosecu tor , was changed to instruct the city prosecutor cuter to try nil cases on appeal from police court. This was at the miuust of City At torney Council , who said that the prosecutor who tried tlio case in police court was con versant with the facts and tlio evidence and should linvo charge of the case to the end with ! > ucli assistance as was necessary. PUSHING THE WAR. I'arson.Mills Shown Xo HlRim of Ictting l'l > In IIU Cnmpiilgn. There was a largo audience at the Mills meeting last night and everything indicated a renewed interest in the work of railing sinners from the error of their ways. Nexl week will probably bo a real harvest time for the unregenerate In Omaha , Great efforts will bo put forth to make it the most interesting week over experienced among re liglous ] > eoplo hero. i'ho afternoon meeting yesterday nttractei an audience of100 or MX ) people. Mr. Mills talked about half-hearted Christians , ant took the llfo of Ijoi as a text. There wlllbo hut ono meeting today , thai will bo tlio noonday meeting for men at th < Young Men's Christ lun association. Tomor row tlH'i-o will bo thrco meetings at Kxposi tion hall. The 10.80 a. m. meeting will hi for men only. The afternoon meeting at j o'clock will bo for boys only , and the 7 : W meeting in the evening will bo for peopli who do not belong to church. The wive ; and husbands of noiwliurch members maj also attend the evening mooting in case the ! husbands or wives wish to go with them. Them will bo meetings for women at 10 : a. in. Sunday nt the following churches First Congregational , Plymouth Coiujro gational , Second Presbyterian , Both-lulci Baptist , Lowe Avenue Presbyterian. Tliero will bo evening meetings for churcl members at the following places : 1'irs Methodist Episcopal , Knox Presbyterian Calvnvy Baptist , lianscom Park Methodls Episcopal , Ixiwo Avenue Presbyterian un < Castellar Presbyterian. * And With 1'oor foul , too. There is a loud wall going up from th city hall , all of which la caused by'tlio coo that Is being furnished by Jeff W , Bedford I the contractor , Comptroller Olscu says tha Bedford contracted lo furnish the best quality of stoamfJit but , Instead of doing so helms been pmUng hi slack , nml that of the iworest quality. The engineer states that It Is Impossible to keep up steam with the fuel , while the comptroller adds Alat ( the contract will bo canceled if the qtlallty of the coal docs not improve with the irt-kt dcllvory. font KtdmiiKo Olllccrn. The Omaha CoaCJ3xchnngo held Ha annual mooting yesterday .afternoon and received re ports of the officers on the work of the year just closed. The rtftlgnfttlon of Wing A. Allen as BccrctarjioPi the exchange was re ceived. Mr. AllciWiWJto has been secretary of the cxehangosneo ! Its organization , resigns - signs to engage In business oil his own account. The exchange adopted resolutions that were very Haltering to Mr. Allen and his work for tlio body. C , 1C. Coutant was ro-cleotcd pres ident. H. McClelland vice tiresldent and Wil liam Solvers treasurer. Tlio selection of u secretary was deferred to a future meeting. Mr. Allen agreeing to continue the work of the ofllco until his successor has been selected. Slid oil lor the IKTorm School. "Kdillo , the Wabash kid" nnd Kddlo Bab- bingtou were both up before Judge Davis yesterday , where they were slated for the reform school. Tlio little fellow known to the police as "Eddie , the Wabash kid" had a tale that was filled with woe. Ho said that ho was 0 years of ago and that his homo was at Wabash , Ind. Some months ago his father died and iv week later his mother skipped out with another man. The authorities of the town bought a ticket and placed him on an Omahabound train , telling him that if ho ever returned he would bo killed. \Viis on n Journey. Some eight or nine months ago little James Dohurty , who lived with his parents at Fourteenth and Cass streets , ran away from home and was not heard from until yester day , when the erring lad turned IIP at his mother's front door. The parents spent con siderable money in limiting the boy , but their efforts proved without avail. The youngster claimed to have been having a nlco tlmo traveling about and was only driven homo by the cold weather. Z. T. Lof twich of St. Paul is at the Paxton. John G. Pollock of Columbus is in the city. Hon. .T. G. Tate was In the city yesterday. W. W. McUenny of Blair is registered at the Dello. D. N. Wheeler of Pcnder is a guest at the Dellono. E. C. Salisbury of Beatrice is at the Mil- lard. lard.G. G. W. Hnrtman of North Platte Is at the Arcade. J. H. Lathrop ot Kearney is registcVcd at the Paxton. Dr. E. Li. Holyokc of Lincoln is a guest at the Paxton. W. Li. Park ot North Platte is a guest at the Millard. John Mattes , jr. , of Nebraska City is at the Dellono. It. II. Mai-grave of Columbus is a guest at tlio Arcade. W. N. Dawson of 'Long ' Pine is registered at the Arcade. .1 : Judge R. S. Norvnl of Lincoln is in the city stopping at the Murray. Will G. Nye , cxjcounty clerk of Buffalo county , is at the Paxton. General C. H. Van-Wyek of Nebraska City is stopping at the P.oxton. J. T. Moriarty bus returned from Colfax Springs much improved in health. Hon. E. J. Hainer , congressman-elect from the Fourth the Murray. ' F. G. Simmons , ciiitp'r of the Seward Re porter , is in the city , stopping at the Mil- lard. * Fred B. Smith , stjcr'c'tarv and manager of the Nebraska City'distillery , is at the Del- " " ' ' ' lone. Hon. E. M..Corrq\l ] < 5f the Hebron Journal , member-elect of the , .legislature , is at the Murray. Hon. John Wilson ot Jfearnoymcihber-clcct of the legislature fr&m Buffalo county , is at the Paxton. Hon. George D. Meiklcjohn of Fullerton , congressman-elect from the Fifth'district , is at the Millard. Lieutenant Robert L. Howzo of the Sixth cavalry.U. S. A. , stationed at Fort Niobrara , is at the Delloiie. Superintendent J. T. Mallalieu of the state industrial school at Kearney , is stop ping at the Millard. M. D. Roche is back from a three months' trip to the Pacific slope. Ho reports that country on the boom. Senator-elect W. J. Thomby of Hot Springs. S. D. , and Dr. Siddons of Hermosa are in the city , stopping at the Arcade. Harvey R. Lewcilen , a young man who holds a responsible position at the hospital for the incurable insane at Clarindu , la.was in the city yesterday. Matt L. Berry , representing M. B. Lcav- itt's great spectacular burlesque , "Spider Fly , " and who is known as ono of the most thorough theatrical irieu on the road , and a capital story teller , is in the city. At the Mercer : .T-P. Simmons , Salt Lake City ; George J. Morton , Colorado ; Robert L. Hawzo , U. S. A. ; Miss Kittio C. Wilkins , "tho cattle queen" of Idaho. CHICAGO , 111. . Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] The following Nebraskans are registered hero today : Grand Pacific Arthur Potter , John R. Webster , R. C. Gush ing , Omaha. Tremont Samuel L. Dewy and wife , Omaha. Victoria J. T. Keck , Kearney. * JtllKl'1'J.'IKS. William Percy , who was arrested for em bezzling $ ' . ) . & ( ) from the People's Installment house , was lined Jiio in police court yester day. day.Relatives Relatives of William Booth , the man who was killed by the cars in South Omaha a day or so ago , have directed Coroner Maul to send the remains to Troy , N , Y. The coroner will hold an Inquest on Michael Donahue at 10 o'clock this morning. Deputy Sheriff Lewis has opened the Dundee Place motor line and again the road of which ho is the custodian is doing busi ness nt tlio same old stand , O , F. Ingalls' funeral took place today nt 2 p. m. from the residence of his sister , Mrs , Flemon Drake , 2.7i ! ) St. Mary's nvo , , Rev. Macky and Rev. Kuhns ofileiat'ing. Jack Welch , alias Ryan , plead guilty yes terday morning to stealing an overcoat from the Kaglo house , and was Bent to the county jail for twenty-live days , the first live on bread and water. Superintendent Tilly of the building department - partment of-tho cU.v has issued an order allowing Ed Haumlovjjo ( , repair tlio barn at .Seventeenth atreet/nid St , Mary's avenue that was crushed tyv.Hiiow during tlio recent storm , The barn wfll ho allowed to remain until spring , when \ \ will bo removed , Ktttlo Fox of FatrlHiven , rt. "When my daughter Kitty was about tliree years old , KczemaorSaltlthcnm appeared ou her face. It Itched so badly she would Scratch till it Bled We had seven or eight doctors , without tha least shadow of benefit. When Kitty had taken half a bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparilla Bho was better , and when she had taken I'/i bottles she was perfectly cured and has shown No Sign of Salt Rheum For almost four years. lltr ? skin is now as fair mid clear ns any child's In town. " W r. Vex , Williams Blata Mantel AVorks , Fair Haven , Vt. HOOD'S PILLS are the belt f ter-dluner 1'IUi , uiiit dJgntlou , cure heudicho and blUouiueii , NOTICE OP THK SITTING OF TUB CUT COUNCIL AS A HOAUD OF KQUALI55AT10N . To the owners of the lots parts of Iota nml rcnl onato abutting on or ndjnconl to tlioslrocK nlloys or HVi-mics heroin nninoil or situated In wlioloorlu partwltliln uuv ot the ills- trlot * li or nlii snccllloil : You an il each ot you. ixrn horohjr notified liattlmcl ly councilor tlni city of Omnliii will ill ns n lloutd of Kqittillrntlon. at , tlm olllro of tlio cltv elor. < . In tlio city liall. Oimilm. Nob. . on l-'rldny , the loth dny ot December , l&tt , from 0 o'clock iv. in. to ft o'clock p , in , , for tlio pnrpnto of coiifildprliif ! and oiiuulltlirj the pro posed levy of special t'lxcs mill nSKMSinutils iiflRliown by " 1'iopoieil 1'hinsof Assessment" now ( in Illo In tlio nlllcn of sulil city rlcfk , nml corructlnK nny errors tlieroln. unifoC licurliiK nil coniulalntit tmit tlio owners ot property so to bo assessed and tnxcd limy mnUo : nalil specliu tuxes nnd nssimmonls prnpoioil to bo lovlod being neeownry to covur the cost ot tlio Rovenil ImiimviMMiints duly Jiuthorlzed to bo mno : : anil now completed , us follows ; To cover tlio oust of UIIIIIIIKCS for grading Twoniy-secnna street from Olark street to Nlcliolns sti-eut. iiiiionnt.lnp to the sum of S''l.lmi , which s-ild sum It Is uroi ) si > d by n ro- jmrlduly niluptcd by the oily council , to us- si'ss nro nitu on tlio real osti\to on both slilui of \voiity-sccond atrout from Clnrk street to Nicholas street , ucecmllnn to Iho usunl sciillni ? ImoU process to tlio deptn of 1IJ foot from the utreot. Hutu per fool , ixuiitA 'J.o cover thu test of crmlliu Ohio street from T wt'iit.v-soi'oml street to tbu OHM ! line of Ui'iilto's addition , miioiintini ? to tnosumof } il.4i ! ) . which Mtild sum it N proposed by u re port duly iHlopum by vho city council , ' to as- esiatu on both sides nf Ohio street , from TwentyRccoml street to Ilia line of Hun Isu'iitlilltlon pro ratu according to foot frontage nnd tlio tl seiillnK buck pro cess In ileutli to tlio llrst alley. Ituto per foot , $ o > I'M ] t To cover tlio cost of cradlns Mnplcentli street from Mason street to I'lerco street In Mlstrjet No. 0' , atiionnlliu to tlio sum nt fillti.ii " 'hk'li Hiild suin II Is proposed by u re port duly ndnpted by tlio city council , to II < I USH on tlio real estate on Imtli H ties of Nineteenth sticot from Muson street to 1'iereo slreiit , Recording to foot ftuntuco , In depth to the first , ulloy as per usual scallnp back pro- ee < " ) . Kulo pur foot. W U7Til. ; I o cover tin * oust of smiling Douglas street from I'orty-fnurth stu-ot to Torty-ulghtli strcut , in Krudliig dhtrlel No. 'lu. ainouiitliis to tlio sum of 8 i..8i.T ) , wliloh Bltld sum It N Iirouosed by : i roporl duly niloptinl by tlio i-lty council , toussi'sn pro ralv : neeordlng to foot fronttiKo , on tlm real osinto on e teh side of Douglas street from 1'orty-fourth street to l-orty-olcltlh street , according to tlio usual sealing Imck process to llio ecnler of block. lluto per foot. ftUOjM. To cover the eostnf jirmllng Capitol uvoniio from 48th street to Holt Line railway In IIIK district No. Kl , iiiiioniitlnt to tlio sum of vl.tll ! . ' . 4. which sii id sum It Is uroposod by a fe- portjluly adopted by tlio eltv council , to as sess pro rata according to foot frontage ou the real estate on each side of Capitol uvoniio from 4Sth slicet toltolt Mne r.i 11 way accord ing to tbo tisuul sciillne nrocess to tbo lirsc al ley. Itato pur foot , ii.tKWi'.1. I'o cover tlinbnc-lialf cost of unidlnz Mason street from IStb street tolltli street , uiiiounl- Imi lo tlio sum or J.liU.S ) , which sinil sum It Is uroposed , by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on tlio real estuto on oaeh slilo of Mason struct from IBtli stu-ot to L'Olli street mo rata nccordlug to fool frontaRe nnd tbo usual. scaling back nrocoss to the cen- or of tlio block. Hate per foot , $ ) . "S3'H. To cover tbo onu-half cost of railing HSd street from I'opplolon uvenuo to south line of tax lot % section LT , amounting to tlio sum of Klll.tfr , which sniil sum It is proposed , by a re port duly adoiiteJ by the L'lt.y council , to as sess i > ro rata nccoriifni ; to foot frontage , on tlio real estate on ouch side of id ! ! hi root from I'opn'oton ' avenue to south line uf tux ! ot Ilii. according to the usual scaling liack process in depth I'M I'cot , from struct. .Ualu per foot , JJ.llij7.-i. To cover the ono-lmlf cost of trading 2id street from l.oDiist street to Spencer street , amounting to tbo sum of } 7C1).U ) , " > , which said sum It Is proposed , bv n report diiiv adopted by the city council , to assess on the real es tate on each sldo of'U from Locust street to Spencer street , uccorilin.1 to the usunl scaling back process In depth ns follous : On tbo west side to the alloyrou the cast Hide to the cen ter of block. Hate nor foot , * J.jI7SI. To cover tbo cost of giatllng Unnont street and Castollar street from ois : > t line of Dunoni i'lace to west llnu of Dupoiit I'lace In m-atllng district Nos. 45 ami 41) ) . amounting to tbo sum of $ . ' , r) ( ; , which said sum It is proposed by a report duly adnutcil by the city council lo assess , pro ratu aceordlnir to foot frontage. , on 'ho roiil Chlnto on uuoh sldo of C.ibtellnr and hipont .streets In Dupout Place , according to bo usual sealing buck process In depth to the first alloy. Unto uer .out , J0.7170I. To cover llio cost ot grading Amos avenue rom Sherman iivqnuo to tw feet east of the nlloy between lOtb and lltli streets , umount- 'ng to the sum of K.TKI.-I. ) , which said .sum It Is .iroijosod by a report duly adopted by the elty council to assess pro rat < t on caebsldoof Ann's avenuu from Sherman avonuoto OU fcoteast of alley between 10th uml lltli streets , according lo foot frontage and the usual -scaling back process , In Uopth from said street 150 feet. Kate per foot , Jij.Cii.iI7. To cover the cost of grading alley In block tl. Campbell's addition , In grading district No. M , amounting to the sum of $611.hlchsuin it Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to nsscss on the real estate on each side of said alley pro rala. according to foot frontauo and thu usual scaling back pro- cess. In dentil to depth of lot. Kuto uer toot. S0.7U : ! 1. To cover the cost of grading tbo alley In llii- pont I'laco between Dunont nnd L'astellar .streets , from ti'Jtli slreut to tli'e west line if Diiuont 1'liice , nmounliiigto thu sum of $ l.'i2.14 , wblch sum It Is pioposu hy a renort duly adoplcd by tboeliy eounell to assess on the leal estatoon both sides of sa hi alley pro rnt-i , accord Ing to foot frontage ami the usual .scal ing back process , In depth ono lot. Kale per loot , fulfil. ' To covur tha one-half cost of grading thn alley In block 10. Koiint/.o's4th .suuplcnicntary addillon. amounting lo thu sum of $ lK. ' . i.i : : . ' , which sum It Is uroposeil by u report duly adoped by tbo city eouiuill to assess pro raia on mo real estate ou each side of said al'ey in block in , ICountzo's -Hli supplementary addi tion , us per foot fiontagn and tbo iiBiial soul- Ing back process In depth one lot Halo per foot , * : .iwn. To cover Ibo one-half coslof grading Hamil ton street from I'nh street lo the Holt Line rallwav , amount Ing tu tlio sum of jl.O.biil , wlilch said sum It Is proposed by u report duly adopted by thn city council to USSCMJ on thereat roat estate on onuh siUo of Hamilton street from 4jtli Street to the Holt Uno railway pro rata , us pur foot frontage , according to the usual Healing bacic process , in depth to the first allov. Kate per foul. $1.03049. To cover Ibo cost of yrudirnr alloy 'n block 4 , Campbell's addition , being tbo south alloy in said block , amounting to the sum of Hlfl.Ai. : which said sum It Is proposed by n report duly adopted by the city eounell to assess on the real citato un both sides of said alley pie rate , as PIT foot frontage and according to ilu usual sealing back process , In depth fiom alley on south side to Hancroft street , on north sldo lo the depth of two lots. Uulo per foot , 8'J IBiiiiS. To cover the one-half cost of grading 'Jio nlloy In block l , Kount.o'sItli MldiUon , aniountlng to the bum of ISVJUH. niiloh said sum It is proposed by a report ( Inly adopteil by llio elty council to assets proratauu the roalusiutoon both slilosof said alley , n per fool frontage , to the depth of ono lot , ao online ine to thu usual scaling back uroccss. Kate ucrfoot , &UIK4I. To covur Hie cost of grading Illth stn ot from I'arniini htreet to IJodgo stieut , ainounllng lethe the sum ot $1)74 ) , 01 , which said Mini H Is pro posed by n ropurt. duly adopted hy tbo elty council to assess on the real estatoon both sides ot tilth Htruot from UoUgo sueet to Kur- nu in Btreut pro ratn , na per foot froutngo anu the usunl scaling buck1 process. In depth to tbo center of block , Itatu pur fuct , tl.'MM'J , To cover tbu cost ot paving and curbing In street Imnrovoiijoiit district No , 415 , compris ing Izaid street from ItUh strnut to Kd ) Blrcut. amountlaz to tbo sum of II'J.ISI.Owhich Bald Hum. It la proposed , by a lop-jrt duly adopted by tbu elty council to assess pro ratn , accord ing to foot frontage on tbu real estate on both tildes of l/.aid htiTut Hum ISlh street to VJd street. In depth tiicoiiinr of Noitk , ni'cnrdlng to thn usual scaling baukjuoccas , H me per foot. 47.MI. To cover tbo cost of paving and curbing 13th street from iliu south line of Unicostiuet to north line I'addock place. In street Improve ment district No. : i7' ' , amounting to tlio * urn of tlu.-'J.'il , which said sum , it Is nrouosutl. by a report duly adopod by the city council , to as sess on the real cstalo on each sldu uf 1'Jth fctioot from UracoHtreel to nurth line of I'nil docic place , pro rata aecoidlng tu foot frunt- axound thu usual Hcallnir baelc process I- deptli thu dlstancu of duo lot. Itato per foot , J"iUiGI. ( Thu cost of paving and curbing pri vate. approach to buusso-scd tu tborual eitute for which Ills In Id. ' To cover Ihu cnsl of paving and eurb'ng Bburiuan avunuu tu a uolnt : uu reel north of tbo center of section U In street Improvement district No. 40'J ' , uiaotinllng to thOHiim of il ( > , - Vb7.Wl , which sum. It IB prooo.sud , by a report duly adopted by tlio elty council , 10 asse s mi thu property on both Hides of Kliurinan aVu- nuu In suid district , pro rata according to tool frontage and tlio usual scaling bud ; process in ilep'li icfuot. : ! I'rovldud. That that of tax lot ll ! lying huiweon Umiiha licit railway rlghlof way and Commercial struct * hall ha assessed for a fronugu uf IIU fuel. Unto jiar foot , Ji3,010'i"i , To covur the coil of paving and curbing In Htreet Improvement district Na XO. Uharles btreotfrom Thlriy-ol.'lith struct , to Fortieth btreetaiuoniillni ; to the Hum uf t7ii3.1U. ! winch bald sum It U proposed by u lepoil duly adopted by tbo ully euunull to nssess pro rata on tlm est.ilo un bolliHldesaf Clmrlns btroel from Tblrty-ulghtli Htreet to Kurt let h Htreet , in depth to first ulluy or center of block , ueeording to tbo usual soullng back process , Hate pur fuot. ii.HI'i ) . To cover the coat of puvm ? and curbing Michigan street from Twenty-third hlritot to Twonly-fourtb btreet In street Imuiuvument district No. 410 , amounting to the sum of f U58.1U , wliloh said Hum It U proposed by a re port duly adopted by the city council to us- besson llio real estuto on botli si tl us of Mlchl- Kan Ktrcut from Twenty-third street to Twenty-fourth street , pro rata according to fuot fronta f , uud the usual scaling buck pro cess In deuth to center of block , Itato Per foot , JiWi.'di Tlio fust of private approach to the ruul estate for wblch It U laid. Tu cover thu cost of paving and curbing Sbormtin nvniuto trout n point Ml foot north of tbo renter of icctlon 3-l.\-it : , to tlrntiil nvcnuo In street linprovotnent cllvrlat Na 411. amount In i to tt.nsumot $ I'W1M : , which sild sum It M prooosod by a report duly adopted by tlio city eounell , to nsscs-tuii tlio property unoacliMdoot Hhorninn nvviiito from a tiolnt. : io ; feet north of tbo < * enl r of sec lionMo ( Uiind nvcnuc , pro rntn , according to tlio foot front- ase. In dcptb from Shornmii nvennu 111. foot , as pprthnu.siial scaling back liroccsj. Uato nor fool , juvia To cover tbo cost , of pavln ! and ctirblr.a Thirty-second street , from tbo north line of Ktiulld I'laco to Woolworlb nri'iiuo In street Improvement district No. 4'1't , amounting to the sum of Ji : < ,8ift.i7 { , which ftalilsuiii It U pro posed , by u report duly ndopled by tbo city council , to assess on tlio urotierty on oaoli suloof Tblrty-sccond street , from north line of Kucllil I'laco to Woolwortli av 'tiue. accordIng - Ing to foot fcontago , and thu usual nvilliu bank process In depth to lltst nlloy or center nf block. Uato per foot , tl.ilfll thu coH of prlvnto impronches toboasscsscdtu the urou * urty for which iiintlo. H To cover the cost of paving nnd riirbln ; CnllTornla street from I.Mn street to lOtbstrect. In MrceltniprovciuonldlstrlolNu. I'll , ninoiuit- Ing to the sum of 5.1.77.VO.I. whloh sa d sum It Is proposed by a rciortduly | adopted bj- the cltv eounell In asses * on the real estate on each side of California street from l.'tli street to Kith street uro rala , according to foot frontaeoand the usunl Healing back process. In doph In the lint alloy us per usual sc.xllnj buck pro cess. Unto nor foot , * 7.051 : thn urlvnto road way , amounting to thosum of iJ.UJ , to be as sessed to tlm rual ostatu 'idjolnlng ' , To cover the cost of paving and curbing Howard street from Will street to S.Mb street In street Improvement district No. 4:1 : ? . S4ld puv- Ing aiiiouutlng tu the sum ( if $ l. < " \8l anil ' .bo eurhlni ; to thosum of $11.117. which said sums It IH uronosed by a report duly iiduptoil by tlio oily council to assess as follows : The cost of curbing lo bo assessed to lot 0 , black II , Shlnn's nddtlfiri , The cost of puvln.ptlvnlo npproarb , amounting to the sum of t'JI.lto bo assessed to lotl , bloc , < n , Shlnn'snddltlon. The balance of the eost of paving , amount ing to the sum of fJ.Itxt. 70 , to be assessed on I ho leal estate ou both sides of Sovrnrd street from " 4th street to U.ilh street pro rata per foot fronttmu and In depth from street to llrst alley , according to the usual scaling back pro cess. Itata per foot , fi.OJUT. To cover t he cost of pivln ? unit curbing nf 23ril street fromCiimlng street to north line of MlchUan street In street Itnpiiivciiiant dis trict No , IIU. amounting lo tlicsum of f.1.4 'J.U7 , which said sum It Is proposed by a rem rt. duly adopted by tlio city council to assess as fol lows : Thu amount of VO.lMo bo assessed on lot 7 , block IDIti. for paving and curbing npurouoh. Tlio balance of $ .ii'il.Ui : to be asiossed on the real estate on both sides of Kid streol from Cumlng street to the north shlo of Mlchl.-an street , neeordlng to foot frontago. In depth to thu center uf block , accord In. tu llio usual fouling liaek process. Unto per foot. * I.O.Vi. To cover tlm cost of ( laving and curbing Oraco Htreot from tlio easl line of the 0. . St. I' . , M. , t O. Hy'right of way to east line ot I'ad dock place. In streol Improvement district No. ii7i. : amounting to the sum of 9l,4-S.i ( , wlilch said stun , It is proposed , ly a report duly adopted by tbo city council , to assess on thu real oslalo on each sl-lo ot tiracu street from llio said right of way tu the uist line of I'ad dock place , pro rata .is per fool frontage and tbo usual scaling back piocuss la depth Kl fool , Halo per fool , M.rJJ4 , To cover the cost of paving ami curblnj nth street from 1'ierco street to lllcltorv slroot. in Btioot Iniuroveuiont district .No. K' > , aniount- Ing to the sum of 81VJKIti7 , which sitd : sun , . It Is proposed , by a report : duly adopted by ibu ellv council , to ua-iuss us follows : The eosl of private approach , amounting tu the sum uf * iiri.SA : to bo av-osso I to tbo 10:11 : ostalo for which constructed. Thu balance of said cost to bo assessed pru rata ou the real estate ou both sides uf said street , according to the foot frontage and the usual sealing back process lo the depth of bald district as croatuilt the strips from nir- rowlni thostieets In said district not consid ered In calculating the frunt.igu. Uato pel- root , $ -i.0.s'Jij. ( : To cover tbo eost of pavlni and curbing Cass slroot from S.'il street to Ulh street , In struct Improvement district No. 4:10. : iimounl- lug to the sum of * .V-U.U' ! > . hlcli said sum. it Is proposed , by a report duly adopted by the elty council , to u se > pro ratn. pur foot front age and llio usual scaling buck process In depth to tbo first alloy- Kate per fool , jr.SS4.T- ' . To covur thu coslof paving and ciirhlngot Oassatieulfrom otsl : line of Twenty-fourth street tovcst line of Twenty-fourth direct In strcctlmprovomontdislrlct No. 4.VJ , amount ing to Ibo Mini of $ | .M. ; . wblch s.ild sum It is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council , tu assets on lot 7 , block ; ; ( ! - . city. To cover timeout of conslructlng a sewer in sewer district No. IVI. amounting to the sum uf if tMil. 4.I. wblch said sum It Is proposed by a reportdulv adopted by ino i-lty council , to as sess pie rata according to foot fronlagoon tbu real estate fronting on sain so-.ver. corner lots bav ng a suwor on l\vo sides to bo assessed for I ho lougorsldo only. Kilo par fool , Ji.3Sl7i. ( To cover llio eost 01 coustruJttng a sewer in fiowcrdistrict No. llio , amounthu to thosum uf SI.7I7.MI , which h.ild sum it Is proposeit by n loporKluly adopted bv tbo elty council to as sess prorataon tbo real estate adjoining s-ild o r aeeorJIn to the foot frontage , and the usual seallns back piocess In depth to the luumlarles of said district as created. Kate per footJ.8UOii. : To cover the cost uf constructing a sewer In sewer district Nu. llil , amounting to the sum ofS lJ4. ' i. which said sum U Is proposed by a report duly adupted by the olty council , tons- sens pro nuu on the foot frontage and the usual Healing b.iek process In depth to the boundary lines uf said - Uairlut as cro.ited. Unto per foot , ; ' . > . To cover the cost of ennstructlng n sewer In sowerdfstrlctNu. l.Vi , ninouiitliijto thosum of $2J'JI1W ( , which s-ild sum it Is piopood by a roiiortduly uiloptml by the city i-ouucll to as sess pro rata according to foot frontage ami the ilsiiul Mealing back proeosf to tbo depth of onolotou real est-ilo In s .Id district : 1'rovUlod , Thai ou coiner lots having a sewer on two slili s they shall bo assessed tor tbo long bide only. Certain trlauzular lots are assessed for the one-half of frontage- Hate per foot , fl.WJrr. Tax lot 11 nssosscd for JM.f : ; and tax lot HI aMseusen for J.Vilit , To cover the cost of constructing connec tion ? tu Mewtu.s In bl reel Improvement districts NIM. 41li101. . 4SI. 4:10.4:17. : : ami latMlimu ttiitlur contrat witii John K. Daley , amountliu tu the sum of fsi : > .r > l , which It is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city cobnuil tu ns-ess thu eost of each sepur.ito coiiiinutlini to the lot ur jiartoC lot or real estate to which such con nection is made , ns follows : J-115 SI Tu cover ihor-ostof conslrucllne cunrioctluns tu suwers in Htruot Imiuuvomiuit dlstriuiH ( l ' . ' 'SO. 121. 411 , 4CI , 414 , 450 , < , ' ) l , Si ( , 4 ( > l , 101 , 40" and ITIln Ihucltyut Omaha.ninoiintlns tolliuuiini of JJtJU.M. ) which said Hum It ispropr.sod by a icnurl duly adoulod by the city uoiinull tu at- lot real t'El.itu tu Bus-ion tliu lot , parlor or wliluh Connecticut tire made , uu per the. ful- nut. No. Amount. . L'BJ 113 Demon's sub { 11 IU " ltt : " H 18 UK ) ICIIzabotb I'laco IS ' "J Hid " J--D ' ltl < J " iiiSi lui ) " J- * a it ) ft of it 23 Franklin tirpjaru IU iO naaftuf 1134 " ii I" Uilblicii I.aliu'siuMltlun 'M'M U7idki : " SUM itubika no M lti2 rrauldln Snuuro II lu ' It 13 " J | I" Itll " 1 10 " U I'-1 ' It 13 - ' " " li i ? It 17 " 1 1 ! ) HIS " 11 10 H7blk3 B VHmtlh'iaddition 11 IU It B blk U " H IU Hi blk * " , 1S1M liablkl ! U-M : H'rtltt - 3& To covur tbo cost of d.-naiiL'cs for cbnncoofl irnido. liobu u ,1iiilsonnnt In favoruf yclii-f | ) iorot : , ( llurk nnd Ulnburnu furcliuiuoof uriulot of Kl hti'onib strrut irtin l.n i vi'iiworlh street to4'H ) foot boutli of Mason .stiotit , iiniountbiK to tbostnn of i2,2IMO , wlilch said sum It Is | iro- Jioaud , by u ruiiort nuiy uiloituil | liytbo olty I'OiiiiL'll , lu iissi-ss on tbo real osialo on botb : sldi'suf I'lKlitoontb strt'Rt fiuin l.uiivonworib ' stii'ut to tlio railway rl tliiuf w ty. pro rata : n per font frouln o , and tlio usual &callu'4 bauk nro.'fhs in di'jrtli lo tbo Hist alley. Italo per ' foot , ! M.7i7il7. To nn DIM IIB cost of ( liiinngot awarded for HID iiponln. ' of 'r\viiily-si.Mb ! trvul frum tlio nurtb line of Nn.son's aililltlon loOaldwutl sirool. ainonntlni totliitsnniof HOIW.5 , which said sum It. if projiohuil Ly a report duly ( ) | ) ! liy the i-liy connuH. to as uss un botfi ' suit's of Tivf.nt.vslxtli Htreut , frnni Ciiinln siroet lo Suward 8tii"j | , IIH fulluw : I'roin CninlnJ.itroot. tonortb llni' N"iIson's ) < adilltlon f I , r."J.5J. ul the r.ilu of S-.4Miiir front' font. font.Un Un lots 2 to G liu'luelvo In Jocstuns' sub , 5207.18 , ut tbo riitoof J2.44 per front fuot. KroinU i Idwnll to Hamilton si roots , Jiri'J.OO ' , nt the r.iloof 1)0 ) uonlH pur fionl font , from llomlltcmlti ( . 'liiirh-s ' htronts , J10S.OO , at thu r.itoof Mi cuntH per front foot. l-'rnnf t'lmilos ' to toward slrtoH , $ . ' 57,00. at ; the r.iloof 70 I'ciilH per front fool. ( Ju lul .No. I , .lumli'ifs sub.fill 8' . On Iota , Monl. IJ , HIilnii'H addition , I ThuahiivnaxsissnionllnilL'iith frniu'I'wciity- sl.vlli street tu ilioill lanceuf unu lot only. To uuvor the i.'O'luf const ruoliiiK poriminbiit hldowitlkH hv l''unl .V II usu , ainuunlliii ; to. tllu Mini of J.ii.-i ! : ) , wlih'ii u ilil Minn It IH projiusod by a rnpiirt duly iidupltid by llu > cily t'ouni'll , lo nssutis on HID follutvlir real uslato , uloiii wlilL'h nalilYiilK aru luld : I.otfi block 72 Clly Ufa S01 Lot Oblool. 72 . Kid 10 Iol7blui'k7J " 'U.'KI Iol I block Ml " fil" C4 l.otab.ouk HO ' KM 17 hot 4 block UJ ' 2I7 ! 5' ) Iul0 bou.(20UJ ! ( " 2' . ' ) ! fl Total : .0'I32 , To cover tbo cm t mid li a ) ii"t'iiii of laying licrin .limit stone walks by .1. W. KiiriinH&fl Huns , aniountlirj to ihu sum ot ff..T.'ji.'iT. ' which salil xiim II Is nioposud by a report duly iutopti'd bv the elty council , In nH3s un thu ' real i-tato ) nliiiiit which sain walks HID laid , ai' follows : iott : , block KII. city ' J''rj77 Illu'b hcliool cniiindK , "Oili un I : r.'rl uud Diui 'J and Davenport Simula 2.HI7 : il ' Tot 11 J2.7.MI7 Ti ) cover the cost of Ktimo MdownlkH laid by . .1.V. . I'lirniih iV Hun , ninonntiii to the iiim uf JTri..K.1 , which Hulil hum It IH | iru.usi | > d by a re port duly ndiiptoil hy Ihu city council tu assnss on the lot'1 ur mills ol lots ndjiicent tu thu walk laid , lu-wil : 1,17 blk 4(1 ( CIlv Sill ! ! ) Total > "B ! 8J Vim u ro f Hither niitlflcil thnt hald ' 'I'lupnvoil I'laiibof Aa ot. > ninl" ( : uro now ubjii"t In tlio lnsi'Ctlun | ) und uxuialnatloiiof any uf tliouwiit urKutnuld lutH , pu ; IN of lota or | ifr"i'i of real I'Ktnlt' , or Ihu InniiiH'tloii uranilimlinn uf uny utlior DOI OII intiiriMloil In wild | irujm o.l iibscs'inioiiJH. ul tin ; olllco uf Ha d ciCy ( iliuk , und th'it by n rupurt uf n cumniltti'ii uf KIU : | foiinflliluly iidoutt'd. It U | in > | ii-ii'd Hint mi- ! ! forcooil and uulllulinit ouiia.i n may hu oihiTwii' oi-Junid und fluturiiilnuil , tu.itu \ \ \ ( ii iuf sutil IniniovuiiKiiiii n-si'ilv ! -y ) b < a"- uow-cd on tlio wiveral lots , ujul of lul uud pli'i'i'hof rual'istato u < i BIIUWII hy "b ! tine iinsi'd iibini of aH4us * > inniil. Von , and u ich of you , aw hi'ioby iiotlni'd to nppuui lii'furo said itoard uf I''iua i/'iMun ' , at thu llmuaiid iiluuoabuvu Biievlllod. to niukii any uiiiiiiilalnt.slutuniuntorqtiluutluii yuiidn- HlroconcornliiK any of hild : t'ropo'.v't Invii' * and ussosinionlsof siicolul iuu"i. : , Olty t'/'urk. / „ Nub. , lJcconib r7tb. .Si ) . ' . IW 7t IlClG I UUO.\uil nil tha train uf KVIUi. WAKNKnsKS , HKHII.irV KTf , . tlial. ct eumimnr Ilium In mmi yl'ICKI.V m > a 1'KHHA- NKNTI.V CbKKIl Full HTIlKSO'i'H unit tons Illrttn tuutrtrr part of Ilia builr I " 111 " ' ) ' ) ( vurulr l < k J ) Kltlltioftnir ! uitiirpr IU prnjnrl * . i lion thatciueJ mo oniimn troubldta4riiit , L * . j A UHAliI.KV , lUrH-ECllEX ! : , > IIC .