Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1892, Image 8

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Mnyor Hernia Threatens to Proceed Against
the Street Railway Company.
Order * Immril to thn Co in puny mid Property
Ottiirr * Wnitlior Iturriitl I'romUes
How tlio Dump Durllcrs Stood tlio
llllrrnnl The-Htiirm ACIcrumtli.
The Oinnlm Street Railway company
stands In n position vvhcro the ofUecrs of the
eoiiccni are lliiblo to hear something lroi > It
the lines nro not open to tr.tvel within n very
short time.
It Is seldom that Mayor Ilemis allows him
self to become angry , but when ho reached
his onico yesterday morning ho wns In that
condition and frame of mind. Ho had waded
through a foot of snow , along the sidewalks
of some of the wealthiest and most promi
nent citlrcns of the city , and thru when ho
reached the tracks of the Omaha .Street Kail-
way company , ho found them buried beneath
the snow , while hundreds of the residents
wcro plodding alonjr , trying to get down
town as best they could.
AH soon ns the mayor closed the door of his
ofilcc behind him , ho sent for City Attorney
Council nnd a consultation was held. The
consultation was over the city charter , the
city ordinances und the t > owcr of the mayor.
The meeting , or consultation , was satisfac
tory to both of the city olllclals , and when it
was over , the mayor said that two things had
been decided upon. Ono was that ho would
at once issue an order to the street conimis-
sioner to hire n force of men nnd put them at
work clearing the snow from the sidewalks ,
Ho was sure that this could bo done and that
the expense could bo cliitrged against the
property and collected the same as any other
tax. The order uouUl not apply to the non
residents , but would apply to all property
owners , whether they were residents of
Omaha or Now York.
Too Hlg for tlio Nc-Rloct.
Omaha , the innyor said , had pot out of Its
Bwnddling clothes and there was no use of
allowing the pcoplo to think that the town
wns still an overgroAMi country town. The
thing had gone far enough and if pcoplo
wauled to own property they would have to
comply v 1th the provisions and terms of the
ordinances. The ordinances gave the city
power to make the olti/cns do certain things ,
and , if they did not do these things , the
authorities would have to take hold and en
force the laws of the city.
When asked what ho proposed to do , the
mayor s.ild that ho would not wait for the
spirit to move the mud-sills who had nit idea
that they were living in tlio hack woods , but
that ho had already issued his orders , and
that they wcro for the street commissioner
to hire as many men as he could work. Thb
men would bo put onto the sidewalks in Iho
heart of the city nnd that when these walks
wcro cleaned , they would bo transferred to
the outskirts where they would be employed
until all of the sidewalks were cleared of the
accumulation of snow.
Upon the subject of the negligence of the
street railway to open its lines the mayor
said that in his opinion the time for action
was most opportune. That company had
ono of the most valuable franchises within
the gift of the city and was doing nothing to
protect it , nor was it doing anything to fur
nish the public with the accommodation that
It had guaranteed. It was true there had
been a bad storm , but it was over and the
company was not attempting to turn a wheel.
What flight Hum lliippeni'il.
"Look at it , " continued tlio mayor. "Last
night was a beautiful night , with the moon
shining and the weather almost as mild as
summer. What did this great corporation
do ? Absolutely nothing. It simply rested
on its oars , apparently waiting for warm
weather to melt the snow off its lines. This
morning the situation is unchanged.
"At a rough estimate 20,000 pcoplo were
compelled to walk to their labors or places of
business , while the ollicials of this bonded
corporation sat around their fires and
watched the people wade through the drifts
of snow.
"If the company was doing anything today
there Mould not bo so much cause for com
plaint , but is is not , nor does it Miow any ev
idence of possessing any life. Itis true that
the show of an attempt Is being made to open
the Farnam stieot line , but who and how
many men is the company working ? Pos
sibly flfty men and those who are the regu
lar employes of the road. At the rate of
spced at which the company is now prose
cuting the work the public may expect that
the system will bo in operation by the middle
of next July , but not much before that time.
"If the company had worked as street
railway companies do in other cities
there would have been hundreds
of nicn working all last night ,
and this morning the lines would have been
open nnd the public would have been accom
modated ,
"Look at the injustice of the course that
this company has pursued in this matter.
There are many hundicds of people who
reside in Walnut IHH and these north
western suburbs. Then there are hundreds
ofotheis who work in tlio South Omaha
packing houses who have lost the day
simply because they could not get to their
work. ltisashamo and u disgrace and if
the pcoplo will stand by mo 1 propose to
show the Omaha Street Hallway company
that it cannot run the city ; I propose toshow
that the Omaha Street Hallway company
cannot use its own discretion as to when and
how it will run its cars. "
"What will you doi" was asked of the
chief executlvo of the city.
"Ono thing , and only one thing , " an
swered the mayor , "and that will ho lo take
steps to declare the charter forfeited. "
"When will jou do this } " was next asked.
"At once. I have consulted with the city
attorney and wo have now como to the con
clusion that the city has the right to step in
nnd have a say in this mutter. Omaha is
callable of running a street railway , and if
this corporation does not propose to live up
to the conditions of the terms of its contract
with the city now is the time for the city to
demand its rights. Wo are running a light
ing franchise , and wo Had that wo are doing
good work and me doing it ut actual cost. "
A Slii'i't Cur Olllclul Tulliri.
When questioned Secretary Goodrich of
the Street Unllwn'y company said that
ho had absolutely nothing to say.
Ho thought that the severity of the
storm and the condition of the streets was it
tiunicicnt explanation , When he was in
formed that there was a good deal of dissat
isfaction because the tr.icins.woro not cleared
lust night , ho haid that their men had been
at work all night. In fact , most of
the men were nearly worn out. lie. did not
have any idea when the lines would bo in
operation. The system was an extensive
ono and it would take some time , "Wo are
just as anxious as anyone to get the tracks
clear " ho concluded ' 'for '
, , wo are losing
money every minute wlillo the lines are
blockaded. "
Xotlivsto Clear Snow.
Mayor Bcinls has itsued the following
orders :
Due. B. To the Sunn Inlrmlcnt nnd pcci clary
of the Onmliii rUiiMij lall\\ay ! Company : lien-
tinmen You uiu huioby nolllli-d and ii > riilii | > d
without fuithi-r delay to clear thu Hacks , of
the MUIMII ! lines of htieot uilhuiy In thu city
by loinovlng thu MIOW thoitifiuin t > o us to
miuhlu the passage of Indus for Uni accommo
dation n ( thu public. You aio also notilli'il nnd
required In thu rontural of such MIOW In
the business portion of tlio city to
dither haul Iho siumi away of spread
the ! > ainu around to as not to Ink'rfoio
with piilillo tiiiu'l. and In the suburban portions
tions of thu city to so lonmvo und spiend such
MIOW as to pnncut the Imppunlni ; of ncrltliMitg ,
You in 11 also notllli'd anil miulird utiill stiettt
ciossliiRs to HMIVO u in dpi'r und butlli-lunt
opening and pitshUBo llmmt'li the snow nuiu-
your trucks NII us in cnnblo pedi'Stiluus to
Mifoly and conveniently pass ulong such eio ; > -
' Ing * . Respectfully ,
OKO. V , UEMIS. Sluyor.
Tlio owners nnd occupant * of till lots und
real t'stuto In the city of Gmulm iiioht'iuliy
notlllC'il and ivqulicd to IniMi'illiUoly clour thu
MdowulKb oplMisllu biii'li loth mill ri > nl Cntutu
liy removing tlio snow tlieiufiom , In thu lin.-l
NCOS iMirtlon of thu city the SIIOH fco lumovvd
must Intspieml aiouml on thu stieot so us not
to Inlcifeio with nubile t fa vol.
Any pouon falling or iodising to comp ly
with tlio piovlslons of the ordinance it-qulll lym
bitch removal of snow will bo subject
cntlon und n line of not exceeding fJl > ,
In addition to such penally , the lot opr > olto
which snow Is allowed to remain will bo
clourcd by the blreotcommli-slonorutul thoc.x-
ponsoof clt > arliiK such sidewalk will be as
sessed against Uio propoity.
\Vllncs9 my hand und seal this 6th day of Uu-
ccmlwr , IB'/J. Gio. : 1' , UKMIS , Mnyor.
IVhcre the llojs Muy Count.
lu order to give the boya a chance , Mayor
flemis lias oflldally proclaimed that coasting
nay ho Indulged In on the following streets ;
SIT . Mary's avenue , from Nineteenth to
Twenty-fourth streets ; Popplcton avenue ,
rrom/l'wenty-slxth to Twenty-ninth streets ;
Twenty-second street , from Davenjwrt to
Webster streets , and on Hamilton street ,
from Twenty-lift'to ! Twenty-ninth streets.
frct the alMivo named streets the boys can
; east to their heart's content , without a IK > -
llccman daring to make them afraid , but If
they are caught on any of the other streets
ol the city they will bo liable to arrest.
After the Htorin.
Sheriff Bennett has published an official
announcement that ho has decided not to _
open the Dundee Place motor line. He says'
that ho has no authority to put any money
Into the plant for the purpose of Improving
the line or in making extensions. He an
nounces , however , that If the pcoplo living
along the line of the road will shovel the
snow off the track and out of the cuts ho
wlil see that the road Is operated until the
day of the sale.
The street commissioner has acted in
accordance with the instructions of the
Hoard of Public Works and has employed a
largo force of men who have been put to
work cleaning the snow from the viaducts.
The police have notified nil of the resident
property owners to clean the snow from their
walks. Violations of the order will result In
arrests. In the case of nonresidents the
cleaning will bo done by the street commis
sioner's gang and the expense charged
against the property , to bo collected ns a
special tax.
Sheriff Bennett has Invested in two uoren
pairs of rubber boots and has set the inmates
of the county Jail to cleaning the snow from
the court house grounds.
The sewer contractors who laid off their
men yesterday on account of the storm today
doubled their forces and went to work with
the determination of closing up all of their
contracts at the earliest possible date.
Hood's I Sarsapnrilla stands at the head In
the medicine world , admired in prosperity
and envied In merit by thousands of would-
be 1 competitors. It has a larger sale than
any other medicine. Success could not bowen
won without positive merit.
Hood's Pills cure constipation by restoring
the peristaltic action of the alimentary
canal. They tire the best family cathartic.
Holiday goods , Frcnzcr , op. p. a
Ni\v PIANOS rou RUNT Ford &
Churl ton Music Co. , 1608 Dodge.
Frescoing nnd Interior decorating ; de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lohmann , 1608 Douirlns street.
Complete ) Now Stock of furniture.
All goods marked low in plain figures.
, CHAS. SmvKiiific &Co. ,
1200 , 11OS ! nnd 1210 Par n am St.
Real cdtato.
Bargains only.
My word is good.
W. G. Albright
621-2-3 N. Y. Lifo bid ? .
Sturkmcn Clioosn onlrors.
The annual meeting of the Ogulalla Lam'
and Cattle company was held at the Paxtoi
Tuesday afternoon. Among the stock
holders present were August Hiehard anil
William Clark , Now York ; J. II. Boslcr
Carlisle , Pa. ; E. F. Lawrence , Jonathan
Abel , Jacob Newman , A. B. Scarling , C. II ,
Schwab , B. Kuppcnheimer , Emmanuel Man
del , W. Ames , Henry Over , Joseph Hosen
baumundir. B. Williams , Chicago ; C. M ,
\nthony , Pcorin. 111. ; W. E. Irvine , Hess
Vyo. ; Philip M. Crape , Burlington , In. ; N. B
Crawford , Eureka , 111. ; W. A. Paxton
Dmaha. But twenty-six of the 114 stock
oldcrswcrj present , hut they represented
1,027 of the IM.WfJ shares of the capita :
lock of Jfl.OOO.OOO , which is half paid up
'ho meeting \vas for the purpose of electing
Ulcers for the ensuing year and the follow-
ngwerc chosen : E. F. Lawrence , Chicago
iresident and treasurer ; William A. Paxton ,
Dmaha , vice president ; Jonathan Abel , Chi-
ago , secretary. j
I'roni New licrj ; . (
C. F. Moore & Co. , prominent druggists of
"Cowberg , Ore. , say : "Since our customers
uivo become acquainted with the good rfual-
tics of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy wo
ell but little of any other kind. Clmmbcr-
ain's medicines all give good satisfaction. "
Tor sale by druggists.
Oiii'ttions mill Ansucrs.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 7. To the Kdltor of THE
1KB : 1'le.isostntu tlio ppf-oiisof thoclectoral
'oinmlvtlim ' of 1H7C , appointed by congress ,
vlio voted for I'lesldcntlluycs ; ulsothoso who
voted for Tlldon. 1 , . I , . I , .
Hayes William Strong , Samuel F. Miller ,
Joseph P. Bradley , George F. Edmunds , Oli
ver I1. Morton. F. T. Frelinghui sen. James
V. Garileld. George F. Hoar. Tildcn
atephen J. Field , Allen G.Thurman , Thomas
A Bayard , Henry B. Payne , Eppa Hunton ,
Josiah T. Abbott , Nathan Clifford.
VAi.r..NTiNT. , Dec. 5. To tlio Editor of Tun
Itr.i'.i I'lcaso Inform mo tluou li tlio columns
) f your valuable paper If tlieio l-t anything
tlinlulll pinvi'iit fiost from uciMimulntiug on
tlio luildi ) of phituKliisssbow ulmUius.
A good furnace will do it.
Sot'Tii P.MAII.I , Doc. 7. To the Tdllor of Tun
ltii : ; : Kindly publish Sir. Ciounso'.s majority
u\or Van Wyck for jjoernor , to dccldo a but ,
and greatly oblige. ' A tiuiteCUiUEii.
A Cure for Croup.
If your children are subject to croup
always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Ucmody at hand. It is a prompt and
certain cure. If given as soon us the croupy
cpugh appears it will prevent the attack.
For stile by druggists ,
District Court Doing * .
Tlio criminal division of the district court
Is engaged in an effort to convict
George Llndcll nnd Howard Hammond , both
of whom are charged with having com
mitted the ciimo of houscbrcaking and
grand larceny. The victims of the theft
wcio Moses and I.iz/ie Bando , and from
their premises there wore taken Jewelry to
the value of J&S nnd a family bible.
Stnttt SlirrllU Will .Moot.
A mooting of nil the sheritls of tlio state
has been called to discuss proposed legisla
tion. The meeting will bo held at Fremont
to begin next Thursday.
The ofliciuls will iibk the legislature to pass
a law by which If a man commits a crime and
llcs to another state the securing of u
requisition will not bo necessary.
Qlu tlio AValmxli Itonlc ,
The short line to St. Louis and quiek-
cut route south.
Only ! 17 hours to Hot Springs.
Only HO hours to Now Orleans.
Only asfr hours to Atliintn.
Only 62 hours to Jacksonville.
With corresponding fast time to nil
points east nnd south. Round trip
tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orlonns ,
Lake Charles , Galve ton , San Antonio ,
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran
cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha-
vnnti and nil the winter resorts of the
south nnd wost. Reclining chair cars
( reo to St. Louis , Toledo und Dotrolt.
Pullman hulTot sleeping cars on nil
trains. Baggage checked from hotels
and private residences to destination ,
For tickets , sleeping car accommodations
nnd further information call at Wubnsh
ticket otllco , ] i > 02 Farnnm street , or
write , G , N , CLAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
Some People Say the Colored Evangelist is n
Monumental Fraud.
Itemn Cook Cnnio f o l c n I'rrnrhrr , Though
Opixnetl li } ' Miiny of III * llnco
Suys Ho Cim Sliuul the
Tlicro Is nn alleged evangelist now holding
meetings at the Xlou Uaptist church -who
1ms attracted to himself a great deal of nn-
welcome attention. Ills name Is Albert
Mack. To this ho has added the title of
"National King and President of the Colored
YOUIIK Men's Christian association of the
United States. " Ho dresses in the garb of
nn Episcopalian clergyman and professes
to bo deeply Interested in the salva
tion of the colored race and In the
success of the colored Vonng Men's
Christian association work In the United
States in particular. Ho Is a large , robust
negro , evidently very Ignorant ns to book
learning , hut somewhat skilled In the art of
preying upon the credulity of the colored people -
plo In such a manner as to secure very satis
factory returns In a financial way. The al
leged "king" 1ms recently received several
exhaustive exposures in the Louisville Cour
ier-Journal and in the Young Men's Era ,
published in Chicago , but he keeps right on
In his self sacrificing efforts to evangel ! the
African world.
Mr. Mack was formerly n cook In a grill
room and saloon In Louisville , but in ISS-I ho
decided to change his occupation and inci
dentally the character of his lifo. Ho be-
c.imo interested in the colored Young Men's
Cln istlan association then being organized In
Louisville. A few .veins after the organ-
ifiition of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion in Louisville Mr. Mack bewinio very
prominent in the work , and several of the
leading workeis , not liking Mr. Mack , drew
out of the association and it fell to the
ground. Hut "ICiim" Mack was not to bo
bulled in the fall , for ho soon came to the
front with n call for a national convention of
colored delegates for the purpose of organ
izing a national association.
KIiiK Mack's VoniiiirrliiK Course.
There seems to bo a difference of opinion
as to whether the convention ever really
convened. Mr. Mack says it did and that
the organization started out with Mattering
prospects and with him at the head of It. Ho
has been ut the head of it all right ever
since. In fact he has been about all there is
or over fins been to it. Ho has gone from
town to town representing thut ho was giv
ing his valuable time and talents to the
perfecting of the National Colored Young
Men's Christian association with head
quarters at Louisville , and that he was mak
ing a special effort to collect funds with
which to put up a line building that would
cost 10,000. In the circular which "King"
Alack sends to the brethren where he in
tends to hold meetings ho announces that he
has collected 0,000 , and that ho must liavo a
great deal more before the national head
quarters building will bo commenced. Ho
goes right ahead making collections for the
alleged purpose of putting up this imaginary
Mack has also been exposed as a fraud by
the Memphis Frco Lance and his alleged
conventions have been declared to exist only
in his own Imagination. Ho has operated at
Minneapolis , Kvansvillo , Cincinnati ! , St.
Louis , Cairo and several other places.
Speaking of the alleged "King" and evangel
ist the Young Men's Era says :
Tlio recent exposuio In the Young Men's Era
of Albi'it Mack , tlio rnloml innn nho styles
hlniMilf on Ulb , caul "Evangelist Albert Muck ,
National King and 1'icsldunt of tlio Coloiett
YOUM ; ; Men's Christian association , of
Amuilca , Jll ; .1111 , llil 11U1 1 Louisville , Kontuekv , "
seems to have been \ery timely , for on his
reaching Milwaukee : i llttlo whfto aso Inqury
concerning him came to our association there ,
and our hvcictury , Mr. White , Inserted
In the papers of Milwaukee a caul
exposing him as "an unuthorfrccl col
lector , " and slating "that the so-called king
has no connect Ion with the adlllated associa
tions of the United States and t'unndn , " but
that "them are a number of colored Voting
Men's Cln Istlan associations In tills country ,
twenty-two In colleges andtnelvc In elites , but
Mr. Mack has no connection with any of them ,
nor Is ho authoilzcd by our International com-
mltteu to lopiescnt them In any way. The
Intcinatlonal committed employs n traveling
secii'tniy to look ufll'r the ( lupin tmoiil of col
ored associations ; his name Is W. A. llnnton.
and he should not bo confounded with Mack. "
Mr. Mack lopicscnls no association woilc
for young men In LotiIs\llK' , nor , so far aso
can li'.irn , anyxvhoro uUo , and Is without the
slightest claim to use or hear the name of the
VniniK Men's ( JlirMInn association. Vet ho
htlll scorns to l > o ahlo to Inijioso on many In
many places , and 1 am glad to taKe thlsop-
) oi tuiilly of I'oinmundliig to association socio-
lailos the vlcllnnco oxuiclsed by Mr. Wlttu.
.Similar solicitude for the good name of the as
sociation In any city vheio Mr. Muck may
eomo will save many fiombolngImposed upon ,
and it Is eainostly hoped that with such help
ourcoloted association filends will bo able to
lender It Impiacticablu for Mr. Mack to Impose
fin Himuixin the f i lends of the. association and
of colored young men.
Suys It's Jealousy.
Mr. Mack was seen yesterday by a re
porter for TUB BBC. Ho was at the Progress
ortlce , and when the reporter entered the
evangelist was reading a two-column roast
of himself printed u few days ago in the
Louisville Courier-Journal. When asked
about the apparent unpleasantness of the
situation Mr. Mack only laughed.
" 1 can stand it , " ho said. "This whole
matter has como about through the jealousy
of n lot of colored folks down in Louisville.
They got Jealous because I took the in
the local organization , and from the very day
I began to organise the national association
they began to kick and they have been kick
ing over .since. Then the international com
mittee of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation has made a light against me.
"Tho fact of the mutter is Just this : When
I first began to take an interest in the Young
Men's Christian association work tlio colored (
men of Louisville had no show at the Youim
Men's Christian association at all. And
oven today if a colored man should go intc
the white men's Young Men's Christian as
sociation In Louisville hoould either bo led
out or kicked out. My success In organizing
the colored people aroused the jealousy ol
some of the colored men and the hatred ol
the white men and that is the lo
secret of the light that Is being lo
against mo. lint let them go ahead 1.
Lot them arrest mo If they wish to
Jf limy Jump onto mo once they will got off It
goodiileal quicker than they got on , I cat
lull you that , I am no thiof. If any of thesi
folkh who are making such a fuss about nn
think I am a thief lot them Imvo mo arrestei :
once , 1 am not going to run out of their way
They can't hurl mo anil I shall keep right in
in my work. The colored people of Onmhi :
bellevo that I am nil right as 1:1U )
will see by leading the Progress tomorrow. '
"King" Mack is holding meetings at th <
/Clou Daptlit church , corner of Grunt 1CHi
Twenty-second streets , every night , and IsO
said to be something of a success as a ro
vlvnllst. Ho says ho has taken no collee
tions yet. for the Young Men's Christian c8
socintlon building , hut ono of the colorei
brethren who attends the meetings said thn
it was tlio understanding that a colleutioi
would bo taken next Sunday night.
An Iiirulimhlu Itumoily lor Colds.
Sheriff Hardman of Tyler county , Wcsi
Virginia , wus almost prostrated with a coK
when ho began using Chamberlain's Cougl
Kwnody , In speaking of it ho says ; "It gav <
mo almost instant relief. I find It to bo in
invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale b ;
The only 1'ure Crcuiu of Tartnr Powder. No Ammonia ; No Aluui.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
GEierrr Pectoral
Una no cqualiTbr the prompt relief
nml speedy onro of Colds , Coughs ,
Croup , lloursoncss , Ixm of Voice ,
Trencher's Sbro Throat , Asthma ,
Bronchitis , fctv Grlppo , nnd other
derangementst of tlio throat niul
lungs. Tlio best-known cough-euro
in the world , it' is recommended by
eminent physicians , ami Is , the favorite -
ito preparation with singers , actors ,
preachers , and tcnclicia. It soothes
the inllanicd membrane , loosens the
phlegm , stofescoughing , and induces
taken for consumption , in its early
stages , checks further progress of
the disease , and even in the later
stages , it eases Iho distressing
cough and promotes refreshing
sleep. It is agreeable to the taste ,
needs but small doses , and docs neb
interfere with digestion or any of
the regular organic functions. As an
emergency medicine , every house
hold should be provided with Ayer'a
Cherry Pectoral.
"Having used Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral in my family for many years , I
can confidently recommend it for all
the complaints it is claimed to cure.
Its sale is increasing yearly with me ,
and my customers think this prepa
ration has no equal as a cough-cure. "
S. W. Parent , Queensbury , N. JJ.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Avcr&Co.I.o ellMnB .
Bold by nil Druggists. I'rlce $1 ; px | bottles , $5.
Promptto act , sure to cure
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
HL Rheumatism ,
H Chronic ,
Nervous nr
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
For the Treatment of
Chronic , Private' and Nervous Diseases
PILES , FISTULA , F1SSUHK , pcriunnontljr cured
without the use of knife , ligature or caustic.
All maladies of a private or delicate nature , of
cither BOX , positively cured.
Cnll on or address , with stamp for Circulars , Free
Hook and Hcclpea ,
118 South 15th Street ,
Dr. OJIKI/IIJ , Xol > .
T ! lioorto Postonice.
for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc , A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei
mont , n npocllo ! for Hyitorln. IHztlmiat * , Flt , Ncu-
. , rnluln , Jluii'Jncho , Nt'rvuiia I'rotttratlun tnusod by
liquor or tuliueoo , wnkofiilnong , .Mi'iitul lloprvntiloii ,
, Hoftni'Hs of the llmln , rniiHlni : Insiiilty. mliory , < ] -
cny , dentil , I'munfiroOM AKO , llnrrenneuu , Loss of
1'nwor In ulthcr BOX , 1m potency , Loucorrh can an * ) nil
F.inmluVuuknosaoi. . liivoluntury i.u e > , | icTinn-
torrhoa ciillHoil liymvur-oxcrtlun of the bruin , A
niunlh'H Iroutrnentfl't li for 1,1 ; by moll.Vonunr -
mili-oil lioxoi to uuriu Knch onlcr for H huxun with
K " 111 \vrlttmiunarnNteo to refund If nntcurcil.
Uunrnntco Issueil only by Tlivoduro F * . I/owl , ilniK-
elitnolo ttKt'nl , soutttanit corner Idth and ionium
itrcetB , Omalia ,
- - CURB
- A ncwnml complotnlronttm.'nt , consisting of Blip-
ronltorlc'8 , Olntiuunt In Cupsulea. nlio In box and
I'llU. A positive cirr * for r.uornnl , Imunml , Illtml
H or lllt'oilliik' , lU-liliiK. . Chronic. Itecunt or Hereditary
1'llci. Tlil > runiecljrilian never been known to fall
II per box , U for fir ncut by mail. Why miller from
thin terrible ilUeMB whun u written uuurunleo Is
positively Klrvn wllli li boxes or refund tlio money
if not cured ? fcondfcump for frea aamula. ( iiiar-
anteo Innupil by Kuhu .V t'o , , druKgl'tti , vole nu-entn ,
corner IMli und IKiu IIIB alrools , Ouiaun , Nob.
- TUB - .
Ladies' ' Perfect
Tlio only perfect vaginal
and rectal byrlniio In the
It U tlio only Byrlntio ev
er In rented by which vagi
nal Injection * can be art
lulnUtert'il without leakIng -
Ing and Bolllni ; the cloth-
I UK or neieenltiUlnn tlio
u eof a veaeol , and whlth
can uliio bo ued for rectal
Injectloin or Irrigation.
fcOrT UlMlllKIl 1IUI.I1
Mall order * tollclted.
TheAloe&PenfoldCo. ,
JTilli Street ,
1'u } tlrlaut' prctcrlptlons
accurately i > C pared at
Recognizing the fact that the Holiday trade will soon demand great quantities of goods in
our line , being heavily overstocked and wishing to give our customers the benefit of lo\V prices
a t a time of year when our goods are most in demand , we have concluded to CUT PRICES
all to pieces , \yithout regard to cost of articles mentioned. The goods offered at cut prices are
the same quality and purity that we have always sold , and we guarantee their absolute purity.
We handle no imitation goods of any description. A glance at the prices given below will con
vince customers that we have done as we said , viz : CUT PRICES ALL TO PIECES :
Pure California 8ml Vlnei
Regular prices. : ! 0c , 40c and 50c per
, quart ; 81.23 , 81.60 nnd S1.7S
per gallon.
Port , nil now reduced to
2oe per qt ; OOc per gal.
Sherry , all now reduced to
2oe porqt ; 90 per gal.
Angelica , nil now reduced to
23c per qt ; OOc per gal.
Muscatel , nil now reduced to
2oc per qt ; OOc per gal.
Blackberry , all now reduced to
2oc per qt ; OOo per gal.
Sweet Catawbaall now reduced to
25c per qt ; OOc per gixl.
Madeira , nil now reduced to
25c per qt ; OOc per gal.
Malaga , all now reduced to
23c per qt ; OOc per gal.
Toitay , nil now reduced to
25eperqt ; OOc-pergal.
Pare California Sonr fine' . -
Regular prices , 20c , 2oc und 40c per
quurt ; OOe , $1 and $1.25
per gallon.
Clnrot , now reduced to
12ic per qt. 45c per gal.
Zinfandel , now reduced to
20c per qt ; 65o per gal.
Riesling , now reduced to
12ic per qt ; 45c per gal.
Sour Catawba" , now reduced to
20c per qt ; 03c per gul.
Pnre California Brandy ,
Regular prices , 75c , $1 nnd $1.25 per
quart ; $2.75 , $ S.25 and $3.50
per gallon.
All now reduced to OOe per quart ; $2.30
per gallon.
Imported Port fine ,
Regular prices , 7oc , $1 and $1.25 per qt ;
$8.50 poi1 gallon.
Now reduced to OOc nor qt ; $2.30 per
DnDortcil Slicrry he ,
Regular prices , 75c , $1 and $1.25 per
quart ; $3.50 per gallon.
Now reduced to OOc per quart ; $2.30 per
IrajForteil Three Star Hennery Braifly ,
Regular price , $1.50 per quart ; $4.75
per gallon.
Now reduced to OOo per quart ; $3.50 per
St , Lenis Export Beer ,
Usual prices , 2oo per quurt.
Now reduced to 12jc per quart ; packed
in plain box , 1 dozen quarts to iv
box , $1.50 , packing churgo
25e ; total , $1.75.
and Jam'w Rim ,
Regular prices , $1.25 per quart ; ? 3.50
per gallon.
Now reduced to COc per quart , $2.25 per
Regular prices. Tom Gin , $1.00 ; Do
Kuypor , $1.25 ; Crystal , $1.-10
per quart.
Now roduded ns follows :
Booth Tom Gin 70c per quart
Do Kuypor Gin SOo per quart
' Crystal Gin OOc per quart
Tom Gin $2.00 per gallon
London Dock Gin 2.20 per gallon
Rye Malt Gin 2.30 per gallon
Cherry Bounce , Apple anil Peach Brandy.
Former price $1.25 per quart ; $4.00
per gallon. Now all reduced to 70c pel-
quart ; $2.50 per gallon.
Imported Bass Ale.
Dog Head Brand , 20c per pint ; $2.00
per dozen.
\Vhlto Label Brand , 25o per pint ;
$2.25 per dozen.
Imported Dublin Stout.
Doer Head Brand , 20c per pint ; $2.00
per dozen.
Imporlcd Rhine Wines.
Old price $1.00 per quart. Now re
duced to 50e per quart-
Imported Claret.
Old price $1.00 per quart Now ro-
duccd'to SOc per quurt.
Imported Champagne.
Pomraery "Sec , " $1.50 per pint : $2."r
nor auart.
" Piper Heidsicck "Sec , " $1.35 per
pint ; $2.45 per quart.
Dry Moilonole , $1.40 per pint ; $2.55
per quart.
Mumm's Extra Dry , $1.45 per pint ;
$2.05 per quart.
California Champagne.
Eclipse Extra Drv , 70c per pint.
Grand Vin "Sec40u , per pint ; 75o per
Golden Gate "Sec , " 50o per pint ; OOc
per quart
Imported Ginger Ale.
15c per pint ; 81.50 per dozen.
Venezuela Bitters.
COo per quart ; $1.75 per gallon.
Clear Havana and :
is Cifars.
Key West Cigars ,
Recn.Ua. Graotosa , nor CO box 85 25 I
Rotliehild 4
PunotcUa 4
Coneha Espoeial Extra 4
Concha , hspocinl 8
U. C. Es ] > cciuls 3
Rosalia , Rolmv , Extra line 8
Albortas 4
Clear Hayaia ,
White Seal , per GO box $2.2
Grand Royal , per 50 box . ' . . . . $2 7fl
Pit ro Stock , per 50 box 1 7fl
\Vo handle the Genuine Nevada , . ]
aizo Nevada Perfectos , per 50 box 3 40
Here is Where We Do Cut Prices.
"Washington , per gallon $1 4(1 (
Adams , per gallon 1 CO
.Tofferson. per pillion 1 7q
Elkhorn , per gallon 2
Glonmoro , per gallon 2
Pop Corn Whisky , pot1 gallon 2 2J
Imperial , per trillion 2 21
Athoi'tou , per gallon 2 Ot <
Monarch , per gallon 2 2C
It. P. Popper , per gallon 2 CO
T. 13. Ripy , per gallon 2 7fi
Monogram , per gallon 8
Kentucky Club , per gallon 8
Bell of Anderson , per gallon 2 502
Boon & Knoll , per gallon 3 501
Old Taylor , par gallon 4 00
Edgowood ( old ) , per gallon 4 CS
AV. J. Frazier , 1870 , per gallon 0 1C
American Club , per gallon 2 00
Old Pioneer , per gallon 2 25
TOJI Kettle , per gallon 2 OftJ
Silver Wedding , par gallon 1 76
Whiskies in QnartBot'Jcs ' ,
Cut to Following Prices.
IIormllagc , per quart , I8SO 75ol
O. F. C. , per quurt , 1880 7601
Monongaliola Ilyo , per quart. 76ol
Maryland I'.yo , uor quart , 1879 75cJ
Guckonhoimor , per quart , 1878 76oj
Blue Grass , per quart , 1874 75c
Oucar Popper , pur quart , 1880 76c
Gibson Ilyo , per quart 40o
Joukoy Club , tier quart COo
, lnh , 10. Pepper , per quart , 18SO
Homl & Lilian ] , per quart 7G0
XX Private Stock , per quart COC
Instructions to QUt-of-Town Customers : 1
We assort bottled goods , putting in just such an assortment as you may wish. I
We dp a strictly cash business. _ 1
Do not send in an order without money remittance , as goods will not be shipped until moneyl
is received , .
In sending money to us remit by posloffice order or bank draft. Personal checks will not !
lir * 1 PCCOtGCl J
Express companies will not receive wines or liquors for shipment C. O. D. So to avoidj
delay send money with order. 1
We make the following charges for packing : Each package of one dozen bottles or onej
gallon jug , 250 extra over quoted prices , x j
IMPORTANT From now until the ist of February our out-of-town orders are very nu-1
merous , and while we try to pack goods and ship promptly , we are sometimes so crowded that !
orders are delayed ; hence we advise customers who contemplate ordering from us to order aj
few days ahead so goods will be sure to arrive when wanted. No attention paid to orders un * |
less money is remitted. |
Los Angeles Wine , Liquor and MM Cigar