THE OMAHA DAILY DEE : 1'IKTDAY , DEOEMBUK ! > , 1892. 8PEC1RL NOTICES. i > ISBMKNTS roii Tiw A will he InVrn until 1JJW : p. m for tlin cvonlnir triicl iiiillis ap. m , for tbo morning or Sunday edl- No nrtrcittiipmcnt taken for let * than II cents for 1 Ixllio nrtt ln rtllon. All Rdvrjtli'oments In thcio columns IH centnii ( "word for Iho Iirst Insertion unit I cent word for cnrh ful , niiipnt ln rtlon. or II M per line per vtnontli Terms cn li In advance. Initial * , figure * , nymbolii , rtc each count in a word. All advertise- -ntsrniisl run consecutively. Advertiser * . by ro- iliipMinu n numbered rhrtk. rnn Imvo tholnttPM nrtiirrancil to n numbered loiter In cnro or Tim IIKE. Answers * o mltUpurcd will bo ilcllrcrcd on Iho jirocntnllon of tlio check. SITUATIONS WANTED. ntrnoKritpher nnil tclrrreph operator wants n tltiiMlon In rlllicr Imtlnri ur Loth combined. Ad' ilrcn I F. ( .ctnhcrdt , Nebraska City. Holcrcneps. -I'ltlNTIMl IIKSIUKS STEADY J0fl IN NK- Mjra ka. deferences. Address J. Clluy , ferry , la. MIGI1U * WANTED MAI/E HELP. I WANTKIl ON SAIiAUV , ONI ! WHO CAN ) team quickly. Apply at IMGDoiulai. 4041)111 -AfiPNTS VVANTKI ) , 8AI.AHV I'All ) WKKK 33AfiPNTS Ir. Hi Mnscr onico. 40lll 1 > MAX WANTK1) , HAI.AltV ASM ) KXt'ltSSUS. J'Tciliinntnt plncc , nliolo or imrt tlmo. Ap ht onto , llronn Uros. Co. , Xuttcryincn , ClilcnRo. t > . Adl'NTS" SNAI'I M.OI ) 'Jo KM JIAV SIWK , J > Aillri' ir ( iocliunour , 4512 Clinrlcs at. ; Oiiinlm , fctcb. S15T7D2J * 1)PA1.AIIY OH COMMISSION TO AOKN18TO J 'hindle the I'ntcnt Chemical Ink Kranlnii 1'ciicll. Ihomoft tipoftil and nmel Invention of tliu nun. irans Ink thoroiiKhly In two neeomls. Works llko rnnglc. % 0 lofrlO per cent prollt , Agonl * making J.7J per wppk. We also want auenprnl auontto take rhntKoof lerrllory nnd appoint * ub nupiitn. A rare clinucoto tnnki ) money. Write lor tcrnin.iml n * am- .I'lo ol rrni-IUH. Monroe irn : crMf . Co. , X 3'1 ' La J-WANTKI' . FHWT-CLA8S COACHMAN. > Apply W. U. Mlllnnl , Omaha National bank. II WAMT.I ) . K.M'KltlltNCKI ) CIIOCKI'.UY AND Jiglneuwnro xnlpumen , Aildri-m , tinting experi ence , town * traveled to nnd full pnrtlculnrn. Only thane linvltmostnbllKhrd lOtitPB will be considered , lltirlcy .V Tyrrull , M nnd 41 l.nko atreet , Clilcnuii. - ) , I'ANTS ANI ) Vl'.ST MAItliH AT B-WANTKI Jncckel , tlio tnllor'n. nt liobron. Neb. ; atcaily work nnil iiood pay to n tlrdrlnsoman. HUB * BVAr.TKl > . lltlOKKI'.KI'KIl WHO HAS HAD Benin experience In wliolernln builnesa. Youni ; inun prcfrrrcil. Addrets , S 41 Uee. 11411 T > -AOHN1S WK WANT MKN. WHO AUK AI/- JJrcB.ily travi'lluif FBlcsnieii. to carry our lubrl onntt as a aide line. Name reference * and terrt tory. Mnuufiicturcm Oil Co. , Cleveland , O.MIST MIST 20 * - ) . A UAUPKNTKH TO TAKK CAItH B-WANTKI of n liouso diirlnu the winter for repairs I.nrico room for n ahop. also largo llvlnc rooms. C. ! ' . llnrrleon , BI2 N. Y. Life. S1IB5 10 l > -I.AII01tKltS KOll K , ftK. W , HY. IN IOWA ; J'stendy work ; free pass. Krnincr , V O'llenrn , labor nKonry , : U South llth Htr.-ol , 171 3- - ' ANI ) TYI'KWIltTKU B-STKNUISHAI'IIKII wanted , must bo thoroiiunly acquainted with general niernhiindlao , broki'rnno biislnosi und BKOod corri'spsnilent. Hoforenco recpilred. Posi tion now open. ' Address llodwell Mer. Co. , l.'i.Vi Market street , llonvor. Colo. MIS'J 11' 31 WANTK1 * . AOKNTS , J.VOO TO 510.00 I'KH DAY icolk'ctlim Binnll plcturos for us to copy nnd en- InrKO. SntHfiictlon i4unranli eil and n ? 4.CQ oiitllt tree. A. Dunne \ Co. , Mi Ileado street. New York. MIS3 U WANTED FEMAIiE HELP. C-WANTKI ) . liAIliB : OH YUIINtl MKN TO lake Ibiht , plensaut work nt their own homos ; fl.OO to fil.O ) pentay can bo quietly made ; woik iicnt by mill : no ranva slnr. Kor partlcularn ad- Urcnndlolio MfitCo. , lloxW , ) ! , llostou , Slnsi. Ks- tnbllalieil 1BSO , MW.l 1)14 * /T WANTKIl , ( IOOD NUH3U UI1IL , , AT 40U V/NottilUrdRtrouU ) 107-10' i.osi : i-uiciw. o llcMlorclfM)0. ) i-bDAmhlt-r. f.W. C. I1. HarrUon , ! ) ! ! N. Y. Life. 1C8-9 C-WANTKD , ( II ULKOll C1UNKHAL I1OU8K- work , In a big house but In a small family , at lll ) ) Illnuoy. M181 ID * FOR RENT HOUSES. TV-TON HUNT , N1N1MIOOM HOItSU , MODICUN J-'CDnvonlenccH , 2211 Lake at. Inquire 0. D. Wood- 1 worth. 11I10 Karnam , ISO - - STKAM-IIKATKD , B--NUW , room 1.Continental block.M17S M17S Dll "T-V-Kall IlKNT , 2 KHAMK DWKU.INOH COHNKH fJol DodRfl nnd 17th nnd 17th nnd Capitol avcniio "Cloven roomn each. Near now postolllce plto tico 11. H. Clark A Co. M26.I 1)1' . ' D -KOH IlKNT. NO. 241.1 CA1MTOL AVKXUK , modern. The O. F. Unvlu Co. , 15W Karnam l. l.I'i ! ' D A I.AllOr. I.lfcT OF ( 'HOICK HOUSK ! . . ntores. Hats. etc. Houses from $ o.UO per mont end up. , ( icoruo J , I'mil , 1MJD Karnaro. 37b d-15 * i SINK HOOM HOUSK. MODKIIN CONVKN- lenccn , water rent pold , S2S.UU per month. J. H. eeler , room 417 Karbach block. MI87 'tn-FOIl IlKNT , MOliilN ) 10-HOOM HOUSK , ALL JMcOnvcnlenci'it , llvu luluutea' walk pobtolllco , * trcct cars pa s the door. Nathan hhelton or Ij. S , fiklnnrr , Hill 1-liruiiin nt. 63) ) TV-KIOIIT-IIOOM DBTACHIU ) HOUSK , MOD- J-'ern. I > el iielRhborhood , 120. Socn rooms and b > rn. Ufirk uvcnuc. IV& . U , V. UuttH , TAJ So. 17th Btreof. MI3S d'.li T-A DKSIHAJILK HOMK OK ItOOMS. KUH- J-'nlshctl or unfurnished , t'arlli's uolnu to Cali fornia. Apply on proiulsca. 111 : ; south Tenth at. 770 11-S-1IOOM CO'JTACB. 8112 MASON. IhUOOM J 'lioime , modern , Ulst .V Mason * Apply oODSMiiHon. 777 D-KOIl ItKST , HOUSKfl IN ALL I'AHTS OK city. The O , F. Davis company , 1WJJ Karuum nt. 778 T\-F01l IlKNT , ID-ltOO.M HOUSK. SOIS CA68 , JJIO.UO , Heed .V Selby , Hoard ot Trade. 771) ) rT'LA'i'S , DWKLI.INB ! , COTTACKS IN ALL purlHOf city. Kilkenny & Co. , Continental blk. 7BU vi-KOIl'ilKNT ' , 6-HOOM COTTACiK ON MOTOH J-'llnu. Apply S , W. corner ' . 'Hi and Douglas. 7S1 OKU ItOOMH. ALL S1ODK11N CON 'vcnlencea , pleasantly located near business cen ter. Apply IS'JU Chicago st. , or L. S. Skinner , Hill Knriium. 763 T - NKW7-ltOONi COTTAOKS : HATH , HOT AND 4-'cul.l water , all modern Improvements. 'Icttrablo locntlon for business men In huaiillful Stanford Circle. Convenient to Omnha and .South Omnha , Apply 0 S. t.lKUtl'ir , r 4. Nuir York Llfo building. 78J 1-KOIl ItlCNT , NKWMIOOM .MODKHN HOUSK , J-'nlcely papered , near Went Karnam car. Dr. JIuUlcu , Douxlns block , Mb21 Tj-t'OII IlKNT MV 1III1CK HOUSK , NO. S7IW J'Kurnam vlieut , complete \\lth every conven loiici' . Warren M. Itocers , lfl.1 Karnam si. M 631) ) TV I ) HOOM TlllICK HOHSl ! ' , f 3 ! SOTH ANI ) .I'Dudjiu ; eveiy convenience. Kuyii auil I'upliol nvciiuo. M1U12 * TWT-lloOM HOUSi ; , Ol'.CllAHl ) HILL , (111 I'KH . 'J nionlli forlho rlnKr. ( % K. Harrison , V\1 \ N , V. Life. 13J8 . . . . . SIX-HOOM HOIISKS I. < WALNUT .I'lllll. city water , ono block from motor line , I .W , I'ninli.'i Heal Kstalu acil Trust Co. , room I , Hue building. Aim | a T'I WO MCK MtOOM COTTACK8 , IToS. JBKia J-'uiiil.aill Dcciitur st. , will rent for 110 per month , Apply to Louis Ilrudlord , lllth und Douulns sts. M17a II- 3) IWINTKH IMIICKH KIIOM fiW ( UP. K D. Wead. Ililh .lllouiilas. Ml WHO KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. bTMAUY' AVK. , forliutisokropliiK , cruunil Uoor. ( i. K llults.f&J I * . Uth. 4UI.I13 t cv , E-NICKLV FU1IN1SHKD UOOM , 11)10 ) DAVKN. port. M678 _ _ _ EX i\VLY : KUHNISIIKD ItOO.MS grccntleiiu'ii , lniuro | | at IMU Dodge. 3KOll I.IIIHT HOUSKKKKI'INU 3 hUUNIHIIKI ) -Jrooius. I TUT lodie street. 51I5J HAIINKV , UJIODIi * IfKiilMHHKI ; > 1100MS KOIt HOUSKKKKl'ING I ' Jfor lutin and xlfo. Kent taken lu board. 3ID N J'lh pi'j E-NICK KUIINISHKD UOOM WITH OK WITH- out board. t'Ai N , luth st. l ( 6' 1FOU IIKNT. TWO KUOM.H , KUltNlBHKl ) Oil J.j uufiifiiuiitd. .wjru i. isjg. 1 ] STlAM ! HKATKI ) niONT IIOO.M. 'j.Nlcliolns. IlKNT. FIJHNISHKI ) , B1X-HOOM COT. good tvrmi to deslrablu parties. Call JiW lf tj MUiU- l -.FOIl HUNT. KLKUASTLY FlIlt.NISHKD , 4J stl'Utu bcnted rooms. lUi B , I3tb kl. IW-IJ 111 -4- | 4UOOM. . KOIt ONH Oil TWO-GKNTLKMUN .1 uliu or without Lcard , iirlvata fuuilly. con' vculeut la 1'nrk Ttnui > car , COI lAiavouworth , . 143-1I' Jj-rOUUKNT WITH 11OAHD , A FUHNlSHKIl A' front room kuln.Uo for two vcntlvoieu. TBU " il street. WS b 1100MS AND 110 A Ul ) . SU1J JUouglts street. MIUI n * F-KOII HUNT. FUHN18I1KI ) ItOOUB WITH Oil without board. liU ! Uoilgo ilruol. UIU V * TJNFURNIStlEEi ROOMS. ; ' G'l IIOOMP. MOtiKiilNf'CONVKNIK1 XCBiV TO fomlly wllhnnt children ; XV)1 Farnnm. Inquire CM 1'ntlon bloc k. T8A p-ailOO.MS ATISOT CALIFOHMtA ST , B J5t - KOH HOUSKWOllK. tO 9. 23TII ST. c- BOAHDINO. KIH T Tf.ASJ TAItf.E 11OAUD. TltK H llolnn , ai9-5ll N. Itth tt. 6.0 FOB RENT BXOBES AND"OFFICES ! 1-KOH UK NT , FOUIt-STo'rtV llltlCK WA11K- .1 lioni > o nltli trnrkniro. X.nqulro J. A. Crcliliton , WSIstNntlonnl llnnlt t > Mg. 4inl)17 ) j KOIt 11K.NT , TII1C 4-9TOUV 1III1CK lltIlt.tlNO , .llMfi Knrnnni ft. TboliulMlnit hm n llrc | < roof co- incnt basement , complete nteninhcntlnit IUtitrr i wntrr on nil the ttoors , uns. etc.'plr | at tin olllco of The lloo. SIS T DOWN TOWN OOHXI5H KOH IIAHHKH R11OI * . llCttAbllihcd trnilc. Wright A l.nsliury. ICtli nnd llo\rnril. ? 73 _ T -OSK rilDIl STOItV IlltlCIC IlUlt.UINU ZJ 1'KKT Jnlilo. UUTIInrncr trcct. 874 _ fTf-im IIK.NT , SUIT OF OKKICK HOOMS , VKIIV I ilolrnblo locution for n doctor. C03 Boutli 13Ui etrcot. KM U | -FOH IlKNT. TIIK IIKST COHN'Ki iN WAllOO , I Ncli. . miltnblo for n Inriro cciicrnl mcrchnnillto ittocki tlio boat openlnK In tlio ntiitu for n llvn imrtr nltlicnpltnl. AilJrcs4j. A. I.oltnr , Wutioo , Nvti. 10 * AGENTS WANTED. 7-HAt.KSMKN AND STIIKKTMKK UtIU M'.W ' 'jtnnin , tliu prim rlnR content , ll'iutrntlncn ten- round lioxltiR inntcli , 1' tlio Intert ( nil ; plnj-cit nlth to | nntl Intcrentltiirto olil nnil youpo : I' nelllnit flint cTprynliern ; IIU.OJ to f 15.14 n itnr wbllc tliu crnto laBln. Catch on iulck | ; enuiilo2 | ! > c. Tlio Clip- pur MfK. Co. , Clnclmmtl , V. MI52 'J * WANTED--TO KENT. K WANTKI ) , TCMIKNT A B OH 7'HOOJI COT- tncn with fnrnnco iul nil moili'rn convlcncca , for fnmlly of two : I'O.nchMoii vniitcil between Jntiunry 1 ninlll. A < lure > 9 , Klvlnx location , prlco , otc. . H M , Hep. lltll * STOKAOE. M-HTOHAK. ( ! YOIJK ItUKUY OH CAItlllAOK cnrofullr looked nftcr. Clenn , drr , nlrjr room IStli anil llnrnoy. Drumiuonil Cnrrlnvu Co. Co.IflJ 1)11 M -STOHAOH CH15AP , CLMAN , WKI.LS , 111 ! rnrnani street. 7W1 WANTED TO BUY. T WANTKD TO 11UV SOUK 8 I'KH PUNT. ' I Ilrsl mortgages. Uccd & . Sclby , HI Hoard Trade. 7S7 N WANTKDT. ) IlirV.KUIlNlTUltH AN'll HOUSK holilKOOils. 1430 Doiise. M510 Dl'J r-HAUDWnllK STOCK WANTKIl ! 12.000 CABU. I Van fallen's Kxclmngo , Uoard of Trade. 831 8' -V"-\V1I.I. 1'AY Al.h CASH KOll STOCKS OK l ilrr KOOiH , elothlnK , hoots ntul Minus , k'rocorlus. No commission. AU'.v. Moore , 401 lice blilK.M130 M130 N -FAU.M IN KASTKKN NK11HASKA. C. F IlnrrlBOii.'JIZX. Y. l.lfo. 15iS r WANTKD TO IIIIV , FUK.SH JKIiSKV COW. I Itiqulio IDI'J I'arnam. IHISINKSS WANTKD. WILL t pay cash. Vim I'attcn , Hoard of Trade. 173 1S FOR , SALE FUKNITUBE. - SAI.l ! AT A IIAIK1A1N , OFP1UK Oil O- furilttliro. nNo cooil burRlar and flro proof u Iminlro American Savlnirs bank. ti 0 I KOH 8AI.K. WII.Ii riKWj KUHNlTUItH IN 5 room cottiiio very cheap. 3J10 Slicniiiin nve. 130 11 POR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , EIC P-KOU HAI.1C. A NUAIILY NKW DOUIII.K JL sprlnKexpresswnzon. horse , harnues anil bucKy ; also a nearly now but of crcnmury tools , consisting of hotter worker , churn , Huwo pcalo , truck , etc. , all n-lll bo Bold at n croc sncrlllc : . Address R. U. Tzsclitick , lleo olllco , or call at 3W7 Mlama > tri > ot , hero coeds cnu bo wn. JIB33 1)TWO 1IKAYY WOIIKHOIISES , WM1OIIT ahout 1 , 00 ; also ono line driving IIOTKO 4 yoara old. Fidelity Loan and Cinranten Co. , room 4 , Wlthncll btilldlnK , corner 16th and llnrnoy street. 1K01l SALK , MAIlli 'A.VO COLT AT HALK .1 their value. Nobruskft l.oau Co.r ISlii Donu'las mrect. MlM-fJ SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q KOll SALK CIIKA11. . A iU-HOHSK I'OWKH automatic cngcna ; also ono IS-horse power up right engine : both In wood repair. Inquire of Fest ner 1'rlntlni : Co. , I3U7 Howard street , Omaha , Neb. 7 ! > 3 - FOll HAI.n. AT A BACIIIFICK , ALL TIIK furniture , carpets , curtains , etc. , at 2.'W Dnven * port lit. ; goods are new ; owner leaving city. Call Monday p. m. 91174 11 * MISCELLANEOUS. . . , LAHiiis : . . . . . _ _ _ . . Vmocllngs or lectures. Apply at " 40J Dodge.b78 b78 J-l .CLAIRVOYANTS. S-1IH8. NANNH ! \VA7TirH.vT CLA1HVOVA NT , reliable bunlnoia medium , llfth year bt U'J N 10th. IS'J ' S MIIS. Ilt. M. I.1COIIA VH , I'HOIMIKTKSS , DKAU trance clairvoyant end llfo reiulur ; tells your life from rradle to iirave ; can l > o uunanlteit on all attaint of life : lia thu culebrated Kuyptlan breast plalo lo unite the separated and cause umrrlatio with ono'you lore. ( Tome one. como all and be con * vlncailof her remarkable powers. Olllco and roil- ( k'lici ) 117 S. llth t. , lioura Un. m. toj ) p. m. Strict life chart anil puoto of your future ulfo or tins * baiulBcnt thrnuch mall for $5.00 , chart alone IU.UU. .All letU'r.conlulnliii : 1 rents lu etanipi iironiitlr | ) answered. 9U5 1C * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. . Douglas block. Cor. 10th and DDiU'e. inl''ii-l. TI-AIJllsoAllSON. IISl DOUGLAS STIIHKT , 31) Hoer , room 7. tnai4a : e , alcohol , sulphur nnd HOO. baths. M8i J 8 * rp MAUAMKHMIT1I , i2J : ! CAI'lTOL AVKNUE , X Itooni X 3d floor. Massage , alcohol Hulphur anil ten baths , .MKU U' rj'i MMK. LAHUIJ , .MASSAOE. * lfl a. 15TII 8T , , 1 3rd lloor , lint 4. It ITII l.'i * MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. V"f' . Sj7i : T cor. 15lh unit llnrnoy. liaiiiey street entrance. Ull MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. i coin , Council Illults buslnun property : n per sent. Also muallloans. UeurgoJ. 1'uul , Ilili Kariiani. \\T MONKV TO LOAN ON IMI'HOVKD CITV It property , low rate. A. C. Froit , Douglas blk. 7'.i7 \V-LOANS ON IMl'HOVlll ) AND IIMIMI'UOVKD II city properly.ftl.UUO and upwurdsiilo7 per cent. No delays. W. Faruum. Smith A , Co. 15th and lluriioy. 7W W 7 I'KU C'KKT MONKV NUT TO HOHIIOWKUS on Omaha city property. Nooitru charges of any kind. Why p y high rates ? Money H cheap. You ran get full benefit of low rates from ( ilnba J.OMl and 'J'ni t Co. . Ilith and Dodge. 7tU \\r OMAHA SAvTNcTllANK MAICKS LOANH i > on real estate at lottrnt market riiteu. Loans madu In small or large kiiins for short or loiu llu.e. No cuiumlu lon Is charged uiul the lo.inn uro not oil ) In Uio emit , but cnn always bo found nt thu bank on the curuur of 13th and Douglas slrcela. TJt A\r ANTHONYLOAN ANHT tllJST CO. , SIS N. V. f > Life , lenits at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or lomt farms or Omaha clt1 * protierty. protierty.M \\r-MONKV TO LOAN AT UM'KST HATK The O. V. Davis Co , , 1M5 Karnam lroct. 7V1 \\r-UKAI. KbTATI-5 LOANS. 0 TO 7 I'KH CKNT , ilno mldlllomil charges for commission or attor ney Ices. W. II. Melklu , Krst National llauk bldg. \\r-MOHTGAGK IXJANB LKtiS THAN I I'KH II cunt Incluillng all charges. Charles W , llalnur , Omaha Nat. b nk bldic. . 785' \ir-l ANDZ-VKAIl LOANS ON CIT\ AND FA KM > I mortgages , lleed & Selby , 8H Hoard of Trado. _ _ _ _ _ _ H > 1 \\7-U > ANH ON CITV PKOI'BIITV , C ANI ) 7 I'MIl cent. li. F. lunger , ISI'J Farnnm. J1013 JJ - SIONKV TO l ) ANr LAND TO HKI.L , h to rent , ( ieorgo M Coiles. MK8 \ \ r-I.OWBST HATiS : KIDKUTV TIIUST COMpany - i > pany , I'Ui Kniuuiu > ircei \\r-C. K. HAHHIbON , VII N. V. LIFK. 798 \V-IMUVATK MO.SUY , IST ANDSII MOHTCUUK < I loam , low rales. Alux Mooro. lleo bldg. Kit MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X-l'IHTCHAItl,6t IJOUOLASULK. HI4DO > rtB. too X I1ONKV I.OANKK CIIKAl1 AT YOUIl OWN time. Nebraska iMua Co. , 131G Douglas it. tt' f-WILl. UAN MONKV ON ANY K1NROFBK. > > curlly ; slrlctly ouiiOJuutlsl. A. K , Harris , room I , Continental block , tui " " " ' VlONKV-S. U ) . W DAYS , ClfK".lF"HATKa Aaud vasy par menu , on furniture , pianos , lire lock , eta. , without delay or publicity ; cssb on baud. DuflUrueu , room B , Uarfcor blook. 601 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. Continued. xUO YOU WANT MOMRl THIS rttlKMTr LOAN (1UAHANTRI3 CO. , HOOM 4 WITIINKLIj 1ILOUK , SIP < SOUTH Utli COIlNFill 11AII.NHV ST. W1U. \ 1AMN BUM \ tAHOK FHOM \ TEN \VH MAKK LOANS OX Fl'UNITtWK , IIOltSKS , CAUIllAIIKtl , WAIIKHOlfaK ItKCKIl'Td OH I'Kll- SONAI.IMIOI'KIITY OK ANY KIND. / WILL / DO WKLI. / TO /VOU JALLON /U3 FIRST / ron. OUUTKHM3 WIMiMRKT YOUIt Al'PHOV.U. . You can ] iny Uio mnnoy b.icX nt any tlmo nnrt In nny amount yon null , inil thus reduce tlio coat of carrying tlio lo n In proportion to amount you pay. IK YOU own n balance on your furniture or other personal property of nnr kind , no will par It oil for you and carry HIM lonj a * you do'lro , YOU CAN HAVK YOUIt MONKY IS ( INK HOKIl FIIO.M TltK 'II.MK YOU MAKK APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property so Hint you not tlio uio of both monny nnil property. lit ! X CALl. AT TltK OKK1CU OK ioMAltA MOUTGAOK LOAN tX ) . : INCOIll'OllATKl ) . IK YOU WANT MONKV. You rnn liorrow on llOtiSKHOt.l ) FOUNlTUItr. AND TIAN03 , IIOltSKS WAOONS AND CAItltUOKH , WAiiunotisi : uiuniiT : : > , .MKUCIIANUISU tilt ANY OTIlHIt HKUUUtTY. Via will Icurt you nny amount from HUM to H.IAK ) ON Tin : HAY YOU AHIC KOH IT , nlthout inilillclty or removal of property. You rnn | my tliu nioncr bnck In nuy mmvinti you whli. nnil nt n > - tlmp , nnil ouch payment. t o ninilu will rodiici'tlio coat of tliolonn. Uuinrnilior thnt you luivo the tine of both tlio property nnd the money , mill pay for U only in yon keep It. There will be no cxponap or clmrpo kept out of the nniouul wnuteil , but you will ruct'lvo the full ninount of the lorn. lloforoborronlnR olfcivliero cnll nnrt sco in anil you will Unit It srenlly to youriulviintuiie. OMAHA MUllTUAdK LOAN CO. Hoom II , t'rolxhton block. 2il lloor. , 114 South ISlli. unit to postolllc , TIIIlOIillKST , luVlt'lKST AND ONLY INCOIl- 1'OllATKI ) LOAN COMl'A.NY IN OMAHA. OMAHA.M175 M175 BUSINESS CHANCES. TOlTTAT.K , AT V15ilY LOW entire stnto Interest In ono of the heaviest pny- IIIR monopolleii now before the public. It will nave 2 ! > percent of thoconl bllU of oreryboily anil pro- iluco better le.iults. Kvcryboily wants It nml will Imve It when iuu. A Intrelmslnosi cun bo ilono nt r nco In every county. Kull iinrtlculara by mnll. BO. K. K. , lU'J ' L at. . Lincoln. Neb. MM Y-U'YOU WANT TO UUV Oil SKMj A STOCK of Kooda quick , nililresn with ntamii , Ynu t'at * tcu'ubuslnei'a oxcliiinuo , Hoard of Trnilo.MI82 MI82 1)11 * Y-KOIl SA1.1J Oil KXGIIANOK , A GOOD liUSI nets with the renl ontnte In Omnha. nooil roa Rons lor nolllac. Aililruss 707 Now York l.lfo , Oinnhn .Nub. MB15 I U V-l'lNH HUfllNKSS Ol'liNINO KOH .MAN WITH -1 f.F > ,000 cualt nnil aome property. Muat bo a mishl'r. Auhruskii Uxcbnngo Co. , llccbulldlni ; J03 0 V WANTKI1-A YOUNU MAN TO TAKK AN 1 intvroHt In n neil established prlutlni ; business ; one Mho Iscapulle of kocpliiR books nnd ito Kon- prnl ollico work ; numtconio well recommen led anil be nble to furnish aomo capital. Thli In n iiooil chnnoufor tbo right innu. Aildriisa S12 , Ilou olllco. 1 Y-1)UU(1 STOCK. MUST UR SOU ) ON ACCOUNT of ilciith of owner , ( iooil openlnKi 1,000 popu lation , llljr cash discount to sell quick. Ynnl'at- FOB EXCHANGE. Z -Cl.EAll OMAHA UKAI , K8TATB KOll MDSi : . , actual valuation. Money to loan. llox513.Onivlia. : Z-I OWN 100 KAKMS IN NEHUASKA , KANSAS and Dakota. Will soil cheap , or cxcuniiKO for merchandise , horses nnd cattlo. Address box 70 , Frankfort , Ind. MSG1 rHAVK VA1.UA11I.R IMPHOVKI ) AND UN Improved farm lands to exchange for Soutli Omnha or Omaha property or for tnrms wltliln& ) miles of Omaha. Have ono of the best of stock und Bruin farms. 1,300 ucics , half In winter wheat and rye , ami 2X1 head of line stock , nil clear of uncum- irancc , to cxclinnwt lor real o.itato nurt uildht pay loiuu CIMI : dllTenftiou fordoslrablo property. lc- crllio your property carefully , price , oto. Aildross box ' 37. Omaha , Neb. MiVVJ 1)2 ff KOll KXC11ANUK. OMAHA I'JlOt'KUTV VO1 property In noulkcrn California. Call or nd Iri'.ij. with full pnrtlculnra , U. li. Orecu , room 43 larLcr block , Omaha. 7J'J HAltOAlNS IN ItUAti estate , cull or write , Alex Moore , Jloo bids. ItG Z A LOT 133\li3 : IN S. H. UOlil'UlS ADI ) . TO Omabn , luiilsu cost $ : l.V)0 ) ; clear of Incumbrnnce ; will c.vchuiiKO for KOOII Cnllfornla proporty. No brnnkii Kxchantco Co. , lleo bulldliift. WJ 9 r4SO ACItKS OK Cl.BAH ] , ANU IN ONK OF /-Hho bent winter wheat dlstrlcta til Kansas to ox < : hoiuo for 10 or 0-acro tract near Omnha city Inills. Will pay cnsh dltTcrcneo If property la Kocnl. Addrcsa , giving prlco and location , O 2ii , lleo o 111 ccs. SOS r/-flfi,000 ( IKNKitAT. MICIICUANIMSB AND /-/Kloro : want realty and cash ; Bales , S2I.OOO. Ad dress a 4:1 : , Onmlia Dec. Mitt ! Kl' NICKSTOIin IIUIU)1NO , ChKAHOK AUj Jcumbernnco , rented to permanent tenant , slzi OxGJ feet , rock cellar und llvo rooms above fo family. In Kood NcbraHkn town which hn Htrcai curs electric llshts anil waterworks , prlco 12,000 , ti trmlo for fttrni. U'llllains & Mlttau , McCUKUi bulldliiK , opposite iiostolllcu. 17 : II FOB SAIiE BEAL ESTATE. U1 KAI. KSTATK. , Iluruiilns only. My wont In fcood. W. ( i. AlbrlKht , i'Jl-'J-.l New Vork Life. 17011 BALIS Oil THAI ) ! : . 2 OOOI ) LOTS IN MT L I'leaaunt addition within 2 blocks of motor lino. Will take wood upright piano or 111 sell equity In Iota very cheap. Address at unco d 1 , Uco office. 716 AT A ItAIUJAI.V. A VKVT VKIIY KINK LOTH IS UrlKKS add. nt u bargain ; only 5 mln. nalk from licit line or streetcar lu Omaha. AilJren K. J. A Co. , Calena , I , fi74 DM * 17INK IIIWINI5S9 I'HO1M5IITV , WOHTH JIO.OTO , -L new rented , foraalocheap. .Small cash payment , balance to suit at low rate of Interest. 1'arty must leave city. Nebraska Hxchunxe L'o. , IJeo bullilliiR. MW W ! KS OK MDSK. FOIl LAND AND cash. K. V. ( linger. 1519 fur nil in. ll'.H'J 13 * \\rANTI5Il-OWNKHS. TO LIST OMAHA I'HOl1- ' ' erty , acroaKO nnd farms that are linriinlns. either for aale or ejchnn e. K. 1' . Hlntor , UIO Kariiani. JIUM 13 * -\\rANTKD-THACTOK10TO 40 ACUKS SUIT- i > nblo for truck , poultry or small fruit farm , not to cost over I-.UK ) . Writs description nnd terms , li. G. Wallace , Ilronu Mk , 10th uiid Doui- ln . KW 8 ATA IIAIKIAIN , 3 RIIOICK LOTH , MX 135 foot each ; moro adjoining If doslrud.I'.mt frontsi H. W.corner 10th unit Arbor Klnost louUlon In city for rasManco. Illock from lllh .Si. muter Una. Charles Hnnluy , lui so. 10th tit. , Omaha. M'JIl ' mono AciiK.-i OLKAII LAND KOH BALK HY TIIK Downer. Several largo tracts ! would maku n Iirst class Investment to hold fur thu rlio In prlcn. Might exchange uoinouflt for InsMo property In Omaha or South Oiuulin , or acre property or u good farm near Omaha. If you wish to oxvhaiige do * ncrlbo your property , prlcu , etc. Address box 7117. IJOH SALK , KAHMS. ONH THOUSAND VKHY L bunt farms In Nebraska uml Iowa , 110. ( I' ' , $15 , fiO , $ .10 and up to fijand fiiO pcracru ( ienulnobar * KUlll is. Kasy termo. Call for particular * ! . Hoggs A Hill ( , real cstale , 1408 Kuril am street , 870 8 G OOM COTTAOK , 1 MILK N. W. . tl,7W. j-rcuni cottage , 1 mile S. W. . fl,500. i-roum cottage , Itith and Lake , Ii.UOO. Full lot. Hertford t'laco , JI. > J. F , I ) . Wead , 10th and Douglas , formerly Hulchln- son anil Wead. NQVELTY MANUFACTUBERa. uLKCTiO'A'riNtJ 1'lVA'NT a TJIOIU ouchlyeiiilppod | to plate , polish and bun In nil kind * of metals ; wo are nl > o troll fixed to do all kinds of I lull t manufacturing la metal. Larira o nlera solicited ! viork uuaiantood All write for estimates. Chnso Manufacturlm ; Co. . Llacolu. Nob. Makers ot "Noble" and "Lincoln" owlnu maehlnoi. MU7 UIJ HORSES WINTERED. HOIlftIM I'KD ANU OAHKD KOIt. II MONTH Ul' , U. U. litma , 1' O. box 1JJ , South Omaha. 7CJJ3 OllSKd KRU AND CAI1KI ) FOIt f-iflO 1'KH mouth up , on farm two miles outh of rioiilh Omaha. Address Uco. U. liuns , 1 * . O , box 13d. Boutli Oinnha. 1 70IV * LOST. T O.--T ON OH NKAIICUMMI.NU KniKUT , I'AIlt JJk'old-rliumed elastei In Ilunmer scalibinl. Kinder plrasu return to Mrs. Mc.Udle. yi N. llth ttrcel. H7I IU' _ DRESSMAKiNO. : KiNGAiTKVl : K NTS TO iw"IUb8 M AlVlNG " " "IS sollcitoU , Mlsi Sturdy , i'OJl Haraoy St. Ntorkholilor * ' Aloctlug , The lORiilar annual inectlni ? of tlio stock holder * ot llio AmtTlrun Nittloiiul bank of Oiiialm , Nob. , ( or tliu ulccllon u ( Ulrt'oturs will ( HI held at its hanUliiK IIDUSO , corner DodKO und l'Ifli > eiillistri'i'ts , on Tuesday , Jiinuury IU , lH03.utauVloclcp.iii. HENiivV. WYUAN , dOd3lM Cuahlur , TIIK INSTIIPMEXTS record December 8 , H II Ilnldrldiro nnil wlfotort , M South' nmyrt ; undlv > i of w 2V ( cot lot 1 , 4 , llrown 200 O 1 * Cluibbtick nnd vlfo { , ! ! O Cndy , lot 8 , block 3 , lot 1 , U.iooli 2 , Vnn Cn tup's . } k ii . too A .1 1'qpnlpttm nnd wife v\M S I'lipplo- lond.lG-10 ! . , , . . . . . . 1 Jlalonii AVIirolcss nnd wf ( < ; to W T NelMin , liita 14 nnd lt > , , \ > ! pck 1 , Mou- imiuth park . . . . , . ; . , . . . . . . CO Paiuo to sumo , lots 8 a lift u , block 4 , 50 W T Nelmm nnil wlfo to g A-Slnrr.Iols 8.nnil U , block 4 , lots 14 and ID , lilock 1 , Nairn * . , , ( . CO J H Kwins anil wlfo -pnmlia Holt Hallway company , lol-i H and 0 , bhx-k ! ! , Doneckcn's add to Walnut Hill 2,000 Mutual In vest mi-lit company to .Inlin KliK'kner , lot 23 , block 5. Wcsl Slilo. 100 I.nurlU ( 'lirlstciiMMi and wlfo to 1'eler llnn < oii. lot 20 , Oak Hill No. a COO hniim anil vvlfo to 11 N Kl * > well , lot 10 , block Hit. lloyd'sadd. . . . 2,000 Charles Wasmer and ttifn tow I Kltr- stcad tbat part lylnjj .M of n 14'J feet , lots G anil 0 , block'JO. West I'nil addition. 1,250 11 I1 and . ! A riii'lpi to UV O Downs , lot 4 , block 1. Vnndoreook Terraco. . 2,000 llnnnab NeNon and husband to Murv and iJbrlst Miller , lot I ) , block li , Jl'rnyn pat k . 000 Mary Miller and liusband lo Hannah NeKon and htisband , lot 10 , block D , llakcr I'lttCf 1,400 QUIT CLAIM niii : ; > - > . MMlfL-odlo Ccntrnl Unttril I'rcsby- lorlnn Uliitrcli , o ir > foul sub lol 2 of loll in no H021-15-13 . J K Kurd nnd husband to sumo , sub lot 1 of lot 1 In MUIIO . A It I'barlton and wlfo to .same , saino. T 8 fJrlcor nnd wlfo to Kanic , c ID foot of stlb lot 2 In sub lot 1 tnsamo . Total amount of transfers $ 11,003 REM ING TON Fov Sale , llont or Kxchangc. I STin the World. N1ECEATH STATIONERY CO. , 4 J'lirrinrn Sfroof. OnuiJin , Ao' > . THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat- jd Vestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. , riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- lam St. , Omaha.- ! ; F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. PROPOSALS FOR ; ; ; PERMANENT SIDEWALKS , WOODEN SIDE WALK AND CROSSWALK CON STRUCTION. Seal proposals will 1)0 ) rccjjlvcil by llio tindcr- iiuil until 1:30 : oVlool'p. in. , December I ! ! ) , 2 , for tliu constrnotloiv of all permum-nt .sidewalks , woodun slduwnlks anil crosswalks , ordered laid by the mayor and city cotinrll front Jiiinitirv I , 1893 , totfimo 1 , 1H03 , In tliu cltv of Oinalr.i. I'ermiinl'rtt , sldowalks to bo constrnctril of stone , nrtillf'lal htone , lirlrk or 'llhiKi wooden Milowalks1 ( If white pine luin- ler , and crosswalks of white iilne , while , or HUT oak plankn , accordlnff'lo plans and .sped- Icallons on llli ! in tliu olllco of the Hoard of J'ublle Works , lild.s tiK'ilfylus ; a jirlro per lineal foot wllbo ) , recelveijifor white and burr oak tlinlier.s Oxl'J and gxl2 ; to bo placed paral lel on Hie ground fun'roiftvalks in accordance with plans on file In llio office of llio. Hoard of Public Works. No bids Tor stone sidewalks will bo considered1 d.vcont fun mono known to have an actual I'xIsU'iieo and of known iiuil- | Itv and merit for permanent sidewalks. Kach bid for poriniinriit sidewalks to specify a price per .superllclul .square foot , and fur wooden walk.s a prlco per lineal foot for Iho sidewalk complete , and to be accompanied by acertllli'dcheck In the sum ot $500. payable to thocllyof Omaha , as an ovideuco ot pmtA faith. Tno board reserves the rl ht to reject uny or all bids and to waive dofcct.s. Hlddors must furnish a sample of stone , brick or tlllnj : . 1'V. . niKKIIAUSRK , Ulinlrmnn of llio Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , Dec. U , 1HU2. Dec. 0,10 , 10,17. RM1LWRYT1JVIEGRRD Loavei I OHICAOO lIUItl.l.MITON .V Q. I Arrives Oiiinlm I Depot 1'Jtli niul Maaiin Sta. I Omaha 4.45 p 111 . . .Chlc.iKO Vcatlbulo ! > .60 a. m . . . .Chicago KxprcHii y.tom . . . .ChlcaRO Kxpress 4.-.r > p m lj.50 i ) in .Chlcueo & Iowa Local u.UO n m Leaves lIUULINIiTON A Jit ) . ItlVKIl. Arrlvs Omaha Depot 10th and Mnaun Sla. Omiiha 10.15 am . . . . . . .Uunver Kxprcan 4.05 p in 10.15 a m . . . . .Ocndvrood Kxpreau , 4.oi p m 4.M p m Denver Kxprcx.i O.US a m 4,50 p m Denier Limited 12.aj : a m O.iU p m Hastings Local I1.37 p ra 8.15 u m .l.lncoIn Local ( KxooptSun ) . . . II.TO am .eavca K. C. ST. J. A O. 11. Arrives Omaha Depot 10th Kiiil Mason 8ts. Omaha CHICAGO , it. 1. it I'ACIKIO Krom Kast. Union Depot 10th & Marcy bts KllKt. ( Tolnij CIllCAliu , H. I , v I'AUIKlO. , Krom West. Union Depot 10th and Murcy bts.I West. llml Denver Llmltcil I 4.31 pin ami..Kansas I'lty ( Except Bnnday ) . . I 7.05 p m Leaves Arrives Omaha I Union Depot 10th and Marcy Sls.l Omaha i p m I p m I p ia L"eiiveS I CHIUAtiO , MIL. , \ nv. r < > uij. Arrive ( Jmnlinl U. 1 * . rlL'pot and Marcy fin. ' Omahs J pin' Chicago Kxprt'ns I''A'i ' a m i11"I J. ' ChlciiKD Kxpross. . | 5.5U p in Leaves I SIOUX CITV A I'AIMKIU I Arrives Omaha ) Depot. lOth and .Marcy Sts. Omaha T.'iU uml tiloux i.lty 1'nsseiiKur llU.Mp m pin I PL I'niil Kxiircss . . .IIU.UU a in Leaves I BloUXt.'lTVA I'AOIKIO. ( Arrives Omahal Depot. litlinnJ Webster Sts. Omaha O.Oi ) pin | Bt. I'aul Limited . . .I U.25 am I.cnvcs I Oil AH A \ ST. LOUIS. { Arrives OmahalU. 1' . Depot , 10th and .Marcy Sts.I Omaha 4.110 p ml St. Louis Cannoa Hall II2.8J p m Leaves I C. , St , 1' . . , M. k O ( Arrives Omaha I Depot 15lh ond'Wfbsler Sl . I .Omaha 8.1U ami..Sioux ( Ity Ardoininodatlon. . U.U5 p m 1.15 pmisiouxClty KxprcWt'.x. ' Sunday ) 13.40 pm n.w - St I'aul T.lnllted , . a.js u m 6 IS p m llnncrdft I'luaomHiriKi , Kuiiil'yl H.45 p m leaves I K. K. t MO.VALLV , | ( Arrives _ _ Omuhal Depot 15th and , Wqbster Sit. I Omaha .I.IKI a m . .llcadwooil K3lireu > _ . . . . 5.U p m ii.OO a m . S 'at. ) Wyo. IJ.xp , ( Kx. Alon. ) S.VO p m 5.w : p m . .Norfolk ( Kxi. nnday ) n in li.CKJ p m St. I'aul Kipros U.'j a m J-onves I Ull 1CAUO It NOHTUWKCTKHNI Arrives _ OmaluilU. 1' . depot. IQlli ti il Marcy Slu.l Omaha ' " 7.W'u ) tn"Kx. ( Bun'y ) Carrotl I'a V.6U p m 10.40 a m . . . . . . . . ( hlrago r'xpioss. . . . I'.Oi p m 4.U > p m . . . .Vi'kllbnleT.lniltiHl , , . V.'ja u m 7.00 p m iFly | r. 2.14 pin li.40 p m ( Hx. Bun.lfhlii. ! 1iH > . ( Kz. ilon. ) U.'JO a m .eaves I MISMIUUI ( UOlFlU. Arrives Ouinlittl Depot lith and \\V-lntur Bts. I Ouiuha 1.10 pin 7.00 a in 10.00 p m St. J iuls 6.U5 p Ul 6.10 p m .Nebraska .U1I u 111 leaves I OMAHA & BT.ToUIS. ( Arrives Trnnsforl Union Depot. tVAncll Illtiffi. iTfanifBf 4.Upiu | . . .7.1F. LouTii tanoirTaTTTr. . IIH.I5 pm _ fflTrc77lT irT7FFA'tTi''ii rATrTvDr Trunifcrl Union Depol. Council lllulls. ( Transfer Leaves 1C. O. , bT. JOKA.C. 11. ( Arrives 'J riinsferl Union Depot. Council muffs. ITrunnfu fiUMTauil . . .KniuunCity I ) y Knpren. . , ! tV.1'5 p m 10.15 pm | . . .KankasClty Nliiht JCxprvss. . . tt.'M am U5P _ mU..M. lAmliJixprPM I U.SO n m LTaTeiT" ! riTTiMiiti , H Ull I.'N & "iHJINri'Arrlvf | Trniitfurl Union Dcpuj. Council lllulTi. iTransfer IU.U5 am : ChH-HKo Expreis i 0.10 pm JO.IS inn ChlcuBO UxprcM I 11.24 u m 7. ( pml Creston I ocnl jlUiOaui leaves I SIOUX CITV'ft I'ACIKIC. ( Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot. Co u no II Ilium Transfer 7.45 u uil. .Hour city Accommodation. 110 On p in j jgpm ' . . . . . . .Jit iaul ; Kipri-M , _ IMU o ro leaves IL'lilCAUlJ A JsUKTli\VKnTllt.NI Arrlven Transfer ! Union depot. Council IllutTs ITrauiler IL8U aiu , . . nilcuSo'lIxprcM . , " i. ll"ii lu pu . . .VesllbuluLlmltud. . . . . , 11.110 u ia T.80 pm . . . . . . . . , Eastern Flyer . . . . . . . , . . . j L.t'J p ID T.W p m ( KxKuu ) Atlantic Mall IKx MOD ) 8.15 urn T.ti H Ul ( Kx buo ) fnrroll 1'nn. ( Ei Biiu ) | VM p m Soap It is a wonderful soap that takes hold quick and does no harm. No harm I It leaves the skin soft like a baby's ; no alkali in it , nothing but soap , The harm is clone by al kali. Still more harm is done , by not washing. So , bad soap is better than none. What is bad soap ? Imper fectly made ; the fat and al kali not well balanced or not combined. What in good soap ? Pears' . All sorts of stores sell it , .especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. Vou cim reduce your wclulit ( torn , ten to twenty iiounds n month , at home , with out starving , nt reasonable cost by Uio use ol Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In many ycnrs practice , causes no HlcUncHH or injury to the health , Is highly Indorsed. Bend for proofs nnd testimonials. DR. F. B. CLARKE , P.O.Drawer 1.13. Chicago , III * AGEKT WASTED. The Latest CHICAGO STATIONERY Nothing Better. Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding Invitations ; Reception Cards are sent , at reasonable prices , anywhere in the United States. Send for samples. JEETOALK STATIONEBTf COMPANY , ( lito Cobb'a Library Co. ) 136 Wubasli Ave. , Chicago. "Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo never ext > cctrt. In our moct sanKulnc mo ments , such an Increase In our nalcs as commenced on the 1st of Spptember. The Smith Premier TypeWriter Writer In liavlnir iniormons sales which are wide nnd far-reaching. These are the rtporta > vo are receiving from our many branch oflJces. Sonil for a descriptive ontalojjuo. Smith Premier Type writer Co. , 171H and Fainam Sis. , Omaha , Scft. E. H. MAYITRW Manusror. TO ALL OWNERS OF LOTS OR PARTS OP LOTS ON SHIRLEY STREET FROM 2STII STREET TO 29TII AVENUE. Yon are hereby notified that the iinilur- sljjncil , Ihreo dlslnleresled freeholders of Iho oily of Oinalui , havu been duly appointed by Iho mayor , with the approval of the city coun cil of Mild city , lo : IIM".S the damage to HID owners respccllvoly of tlio properly all'ected liyerailtiiic Hlilrley street from iJHth street to UOtli avennn , declared necessary bv oidlnancn No. 3101 , itssud : July 'JO , 1B02 , and apjiroved Jiily'JB , 1B012. Yon are further notllied , thai bavins ar- cnpled MI ill appointment , and duly qualified as required by law. wo will , on the 'Jlsi day ot December , A. I ) . 1802 , at tbo hour of It ) o'clock In tlm forenoon , altho olllco of K. W. ( llbson , room'JlO , Now York l.ifu building , wltliln tin ) corpointu llmlls of said city , meet for Iho pur pose of considering and maKln lbn u sesMiiciit. to llio owners respect I vel.v of said piopnrty , alTriMed by said ( 'nidiim , taking Into consideration spei-lal benetlls , If any. You aiu notllied to bo pirsi'iit ' nl the tlmo nnd placi ) aforesaid , and maku any objei'tlons to or Matcmi'uts concornlnvr said assesimunt ot damages as you may consider proper. H. W. ( JHISlN. IO11N W. ItOlimNS. \V. II. ( JATKS. MEN AND WEN Are robbed dally ot Illo , vitality , zest , ambition , their birthright ! HOW ? By breathing Impoverished. air , in close heated rooms . _ _ of olllco and homo. Coiorom : bronhurj of jiuro air are useful people because healthv. SPBOIE'IC ' OXYGEN Is rich ooncentratod oxvenn u niarveloua blood onrlohornorv- strengthener constitution bulldor , It never falls to cu'e coughs , oolds , bron chitis , dyspepsia , headache. Inhalations very pHasant and refreshing. Oiyeen boolc free , Call or write. The Specific Oxygen Co. , Uuite 510 Sheeloy Uldg. , Omaha. DRUNKENNESS Or tlio l.liinin-Jliililt J'tmltl\'ulyCiii-Of ] l > y * l < liiiliilnturlii > fDr , million' fio/ifun Si It ran he Klvcn In ucup of colleuortoa or In food without the knowledge of tlio pullenl. It Is abso lutely harmless and will cRecl u permanent nud spct'dy cure , whether Iho pallcnt Is n tuoderato drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It ban buen given In thousands of cusua and In orery luatsiico a perfect euro him followed It never falls. The system unco Impregnated with becomes an utter luipusilulllty for the ll'i uor appetite lo exist , UUI.I > hl'lCCII'ld ( . < ) . , Prop ) . . Cincinnati. O. < 8 page book of particulars free. To b bud of Hiihn & Co. , Uth and Douglas Sts. Wholesale Illake , llruco & Co. , and Ittchardson Drug Co. , Omaha , Net ) . rriioHuln | for AilvertlHtiii ; for the City of OlllHllll. Sealed bids will bo rocolvcil at the oftlco of tno city comiitrollur , up to 4 D , in. , De cember llltl. , IbO'J. for tlm nfllolul uu- vtrlUIn for tbo city for tbo your 18'JJ ' , In uo- cordanco Arltbsoetlan KUof tliu charter. All ailvortUoiicnla for llrju.t/ be consuuuttvo In the piiuor und lioudud "City Adver- tUomonti. " Tbo bids should specify nrlca par siiiiuru o' ten I nux nonuariel , for llrst , soeond , third , nnd tlioti for ouoli sub- beijiiont Inbortlon. Ivuitli bidder t < > cnolobo u certllled clioox ottlOO.uo. Tlio right la rudorvoit to reject uny or ull bids. T 11EO. OL3KN , Oniuha , Nob. , Doc. Tib , IKii ll'J dot AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OSAIIA Inconvonieuco Suffered ly Eoasou of the Snow Storm. HOW THE PEOPLE REACHED THEIR WORK School * lUml MMl ninl lln liipM ItroiiRht Al most to n SlntiiUtlH l.lvorjinm Itcnn n Itlrli llnr > est No Accident * Hiiro llrrit Itcportcd , The blizzard cut off street car trafllc be tween this city ami Omaba , nnil practically suspended business yesterday. A few do- llvcry wapons ventured out mul mad 3 their ilatly rounds , but asldu from that and the land oflleo buslnoss ilono by livery stitblo proprietors , who reaped a harvest from the exigencies of the occasion , the rlty was life less , The public schools were dismissed at noon , anil the sehoolma'ams encountered an arduous task in talcing earo of their pupils. No casualties arc reported , though many stnurtfles with the elements arc ix'itorteil. N street was blockaded with snow , worse than tit any time since the town en mo Into existence. The high temperature was the redeeming feature. ITud the snow storm and jr.tlo tecn niviimpanled by severe cold , fatalities would no doubt liuvo resulted. Twenty-fourth street iiresunted an intimated itppoarnni'o yesterday morning. Hundreds of working people , Iwth women and men , formed a continuous procession , wending their way on foot between the two cities. Everybody walked 'lit the middle of the street , as that was the only pathway open , and that was duo to the efforts of the street car company , which vainly attempted to clear the trucks of snow. Scats at dozens , yes hundreds , of desks were vacant yesterday , owing to the in- ubillty of clerks mid proprietors to span the distance between their homes and Iho sccno of their dally labor. AiUliilltlt.v nl n Ci'imn. The advisability of a city census , for the purpose of determining whether South Omaha saloonkeepers should pay $1,000 or ? .MX ) , Is , Just now , the cnrrenttopio of conver sat Ion. The opinions recorded in TIIK HKE , however , may bo taken as almost the imaii imous sentiment of the peoplo. There ia scarcely it dissenting voice. Practically all agree that the census should betaken taken and it it shows n popula tion of 10,000 , the license should bo raised , if not now , at the end of the license year. Citizens generally express gratillca- tion that the city Is of the iirst class , but re gret the difference' of opinion which has de prived us of a tax levy for school purposes. Should the city authorities see ill to order u census them would IIP no opposition fi-om any quarter , not oven from thesaloonkccpers themselves , most of whom are perfectly will ing to abide by the luw. Horribly SriililiMt , Snllio AViso , a dishwasher at the Heed hotel , met with u serious accident. She was carrying a lai-ge tin dishpan full of boiling water , when she tripped and fell , plunging her head into the pan of hot water , the eon- tents of which drenched her clothing to tbo waist. Before the clothing could bo cut away the girl was terribly scalded. AH the skin came off her face and her body is scalded to the waist. It is not thought her injuries are fatal. City NoU-s. Mrs. D. Li. Holmes has goao to Chicago on business. Jlr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan are guests of Ed Johnson and family. The Pleasant Hour club gave a delightful dancing party at Blum's hall Monday night. Clover Leaf camp Xo. 8 , Hoyal Neighbors of America , enjoyed a hoi ) ut Masonic hall last night. Adah chapter. No. 52 , Order of Eastern Star , will hold a regular meeting at Masonic hall next Saturday night. Fred Schmidt's case was called in police coure yesterday and continued for a week to await the result of ' Clayton Symons' injur ies. ies.U. U. U. Scott , one of the stock yards pie neers. has been cpniiiH'd to his room for some days. His physician reports his condition improving. A rumor was circulated last evening that Mayor Walters will sue ex-Chief of Police Ik-cket on his bonds for attorney's feus in the injunction suit. A meeting of the city council and a com mittee of the ISoard of Trade , 'to discuss amendments to the city charter , failed for last night , failed to materialize. The Ideal club gave a dancing party at Knights of Pythias hall last evening. The young folks were out in force , and a most delightful social evening was > enjoyed by all. Charley Sherman , n brother of the Mrs. Fox who wns killed by her husband last summer , was arrested last evening with a Jag and a new gun and was locked up. Harry Kelly , city distributor at the post- oftlco for the past two years , has resigned to take a position with the Oeorgo II. Hammond mend company. .T. .lacobson will take his plnco in the postofllce. The Iirst street railway train after the storm ran Into this city at 7:40 last night. The people were glad to sue it , but much in dignation was expressed at the long delay , and apparent indifTcrcnco of the company. Yesterday morning's HKE , announcing the acquittal of Dick Horlln and Charley Hays and the arrest of the Allen woman , was largely sought for by all classes of citixcns. , The news was received with ovldent satis faction by nearly e\ory one. The linanco committee of the city council has sold to Spotter & Co. of Toledo , O. , SWIFF'S BPKCIKIC is totally unlike any oilier blood inuillciiiu. ItcuruHillscascauf tliolilooilanilhliiuliyrrmoviiigtliuiiolsoii , and iittlioKimo tlmo KtipiilliM good lilood to tlio wusteil parts. Don't lie iinpiisvil on liy mbstl- tutc.s , which are Fiild to lie just aa Rood , it Is not ( rue. Nomtidlclno | U 1msperformeduamany IIQ wonderful cure , or rclltnucl lie much BUllurtng. " My lilood was liadly poisoned last year , \vlilcli Rotiny wIiolosyMcinuut of order diseased unit a constant eourro nf milTcrlng , no nimetltuniiil no enjoyment of life. Twolintllcaof I brought mo right out. Tlieru is no [ better remedy for lilood dincaseH. ' "JoiiN GAVIN , Dajton , Ohio , " Treatise on blood and skin discuses mailed freo. SWIFT UrKCU'IO CO. , Atlauta , ( ia. Nutlvtt of Axni' < miioiit ( * l IJitiiiiigcit for ClniiiKM or Or.iilo. To tbo nwnurs of all lott or jnrtsof lotion Duuulor strcut , from Will Htruut to Ulit ttruot ! You nro lir.rnliv iidlldoil that tlio nndur- Hl nod , tlircij dUlutuiuitud fi'iuiliolilurn nf I lid city of Oinalui , liuvo Uuon ( Inly upixilnteU hy tlio tiniyor , with tlio ipurovnlnr tliuulty uonn- ell of nald city , to umous tlio danniKo to tlio ownura ratnciulroly nf HID urnpurty ulluvtud by tlio elmiiuu of uriidu of Huld Htri'iit , ( Inclareil nucossury l.y orUliinnco No. I HI pusscd August Dili , IB'J , ' , niiuovi..l . Anlist llth. 1BU. ! Von arc furtlicr notlllod that Imvlnx no- copied laid unpulnlinuni , nnd dnlv inntilflod UK roQiiliod liy luw. wo will , on tlio 171 fi iluy of Oucniiibur. A , ! > . , IhQ. ' , at Iho hour of IU o'clock In Iho forononn , in ihu olllco of Klirivor . O'Uoiiiihoo , 1401 Funuim struot , wltlitn the KO'pornto llniln of Huldclty , a-nutfor tlio niir- poio of eniisldiirini ; nnil iiiiiltlni llio ntisoss- moiit of ( liiinii- to tliu owners rospcullvo'.y of said property , iirfoclnd by said clitinuo of vriido. tHKini ; liitocomildurutloii bpoulal beno- ( lla. If any. Vou nrnnotlfler. to bo jirosont at the tlmo mid placa iiforusulil , mid iniiliu uny objoutloni to or stfttomontH coiioarnliu "aid naiouitiiotit of datauBOS us you m ly consider iironur. ' ' 'J''ll. MuUUlAMOll. JAH. faTOOICDAI.K. Omaha , Nob. , Doc. 6th , IBW. l)7-diut PROPOSALS VOK SI5WI3U REPAIRS Healed proposals will ho received by Iliu midiTKlKju'd until l:30uVlock p. in. , Dcci'ialxir 'J3. IBU'J , for tliu rupalrH of Mtwurx that may liu oidorvd by the city counrll for Ilioyciu-ciid- \tW \ Ilcoi'inbor 31 , 180J. ! Hiich work tii bo dimu and material furnished In accoidiincoUlli plans unil bpi'clllcallons on Illo Inihuiilllcoof the lloiiul of I'ubllt ; Works. . to IKI miido on pi Intud blanks fur- nlshi'd liy tlio board , and iiccompiinlcd with a ci-rtltlcd clictck In llm sum ( if JMX ) , | iay- ablii to tlio city of Oinntm , ua an uvldonco of faith. Thi < board rusurvi'H tbo rl bt ( o reject tiny ur ull lilda and to walvu defects. 1 > . W. lllltlCIIAl'Sr.K , Chairman lloaid of 1'tllillu Wurka. OjitttUu , Nub. , Due. 0 , JU'JJ. Due. 0 , IU , 10 , 17. fc VViO worth of "perrentgi-ndlnRiUiil | v\v- ing Iwnds nt JOOO prcinlutn anil ncvrued Intor- est. Thnt Is the best IKMII ! sale the elly hns over mnde , which li the best possible proof that the credit of the city Is good. T'eler Lund niado n Inngo the other tiny which cost him some inonoy. Ho went Into Diamond's clothing store on N stn > ot and purchased sonio poods , which wns nil right , but in coming out the poods nnd the Jag ho carried proved too heavy and ho fell through n window , which caused his arrest. Mr , Lund paid the damages nnil was released South Omaha Tyixigraphlcal union No. SOU. licld n tneotlng Tuesday ovenlng and elected ofllcera as follows : 1'resldcnt , Alex Schlo- gel ; vice president , K. O. Smith ; flnanelnl nnd coiTesiHiudlng secretary , K. I ) , ( ildeon ; rcconling secretary , O. 1C. Strong : sergeant- at-nnns , I * . ,1. Mnyflpld : executive commit * tee , Ales Schlcgol , R li. Hurt. K. (5. Smith. Deputy Organizer Kennedy ot Onmla wi s ptvsent at the meotlug. An exasporatlng boy named Chnrllo Dnvt' " son cntiseil Charles w. lily to got thcro.wl h his list on the protasis of said oxnsneratlng boy. The father of the boy had Kli rtr- rcsted and us tbo ivsult of a hearing .Itnlgo lAiwler decided that Mr. ICly had no right to exercise the iiarental prerogative of admlnls tcrlng corporal punishment to another man's child and lined him 1 nnd costs , $ > VM ) In nil , Ills honor also guvo the father of the re calcitrant boy n lecture , which may prevent future trouble. o Ignorance of the merits of DoWllt's Lltllo Karly Kiscw Is n misfortune. These llttlo pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad broalh , constipation and bilious ness. UNSAFE ELEVATORS. Olt.ilrrpi'roiK I. Ill * In tinOlt.v Hull Xow Dcfi-cl. And now thoelovi\torsaro \ to bo condemned j\s unsafe. After much tribulation and not n llttlo wear and tear on official swearing ma chines , the city hall lifts were Induced to lift as jrcr scheduled agreement. Hut the trouble with them has apparently Just com menced. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Txwry's special committee hold a' session at whlon ICuglneer Carnaby of the city hall , and Engineer Brice , an expert from the Union Pacillo shops gave in some 'Startling ' testimony. According to their .statements , the trouble lies in the faulty construction of the overhead sup- ixirts of the elovntor. Tito beam to which is fastened the sheaves over which the cable travels is Insecurely an chored , and the holes through the brick arch under which the elevators stand and through which the cables pass , are too small. There is much resultant vibration , nnd this induces a greater wear on the cable than is natural , and the whole combination promises some day to glvo a car full of people n drop akin to that of the lamented Mr. McOinty. There was much detail to the testimony of the experts. Many minor defects in the set ting of the machinery were pointed out. Tan Its nro built and no way to tell when they are full ; there is no room to work around the elevator cjlinders ; tlio beams overhead in the elevator shaft are Improperly put In , and many other things exist which should not , according to the ideas of the export engi neers. On Monday Architect IJeindorff , Con tractor Coats and the agent of the Crane company will bo given a chance to tell who Is responsible for the condition complained of. In the meantime proper precautions to pro tect those who use the elevators have beeu taken. For hoarseness , sore throat nnd cough , lake Dr. Unit's Cough Syrup , thospecillo for afflictions of Ihu throat and chest. .Phis evening the spectacular "Now Devil's Auction" opens a three nights engagement with Saturday matinee at IJoyd's theater. The now piece is ropluto with ballets , new tricks , transformations and specialties. There is the wonderful mechanical picture , called the "Advent of Spring , " which is en tirely now , and which is one. of the most beautiful effects over witnessed on thostago. Another of the line features of the "Now Devil's Auction" is Signorltti Adelo. Amore , the daiihcusc charac-tcristiiino from LaScala theater , Milan , Italv. She introduces many novel dances never before presented in this country. The "New Devil's Auction" is ono of the largest aggregations now on the road. "Tho Midnight Alarm" is booked at the Farmtm Street theater four nights , com mencing Sunday matinee , December 11. This play has been reconstructed and improved and the now version will now rank as Oho of the best plays on the stage , and , with the capable companj now prcse-nting It , there is no reason why it should not hold place with the leading dramatic successes of the season. The excellent stage suiting evokes much upplauso , cspoclally the scuno where the fast express train Hies along the bridge after the attempt to wreck it hud been foiled , and the one showing this interior of the engine house and the receipt of the alarm of.llre , changing to the exterior of the house and showing the smoking steamers dashing through the storm to the lire. It is a llvn-act melodrama and sure to draw largo housus. Wednesday matiueo. Ask your druggist for Cudahy'sIJex Brand Fluid Icof. ! He's uuro to keep it , because tbo best trade demands it. Tim Charily Fair. Tlio grand charity fair opened at Metro politan hall on Tuesday night In : i bhizo of glory. The numerous booths are tastefully decorated and well tilled with elegant and attractive goods. The fair will continue to night nnd Saturday nights , and on ac count of the inclement weather of yes terday may bo prolonged until .Sunday or Monday. Tbo object of the fair is a highly commendable dm ; , and no chivllably In clined person should decline ) to support it. Tonight t hero will bo a sacred concert nnd an exceptionally Jino supper. c Salvation Oil has cured many of rheuma tism when other remedies failed. I'ricoiin ) . Injured \Vlilli ) Sirloinlillnj- . Mrs , Schluuclc , wife of Charles tSchlnnclc , ono of tbo pi-oprlotoiii of the Arc-ado , was slightly injured Tuesday cvenhiij. Mr , and MI-H , Sehlani'lr were onjoyiiifaslclfthi-ltlonnd whllo passing nlonn l > oilj'O stn.'Rt the uuttor WHH upturned , OHO of the ruuut'rHluiiK'iHilit ) ( ill the cable tramway i throwing out the ois- ciipiiiittiof tbo slolKh. The runnel-piiasiul ovorouo of Mrs. Si'hlaiirU'niiiiUlu.sand It will rcipiiro ( > on ti1crnllo nursing liufuro sliu attain has the usooi Uio member. . Perfect notion nnd perfect health result from thotiRoof Io\Vltt'f > Kittle Harly Klscra A pcrfeut llttlii pill. The following marriage licenses were issued by County .Tndgo ICllor yesterday. Nuniii uml address , Ago j William Dozloy , Oimilia . 21 ( Vlolu Klinrur , Uiimliu . 1H I llrury Mleclt'ii * . liliilr. Neb . , . 2G 1 Addlu Ivrvcry , Jllulr , Nub . , . . 10 If. vou have piles DoWitt'H Witch Ha/ol salvo will surely euro you , iiK tint Tax I .HUH. 1C. M. Cornell , state si-nator-clect from tlio Twenty-third district , 1ms written to County Cleric Suckott , asking for HUggestlons upon tlio manner of assessing real cstnta uml ixsr- Bonal property. Mr. Cornell mills that ho Is fully convinced that the prc.Mcnt laws am very dofoetlvo dml that lie pr ixSL s to Introduce a bill at tbo coming sesalon of the legislature that will make 1'nturo tux shirking ono of tbo Impou- BlbllitiCB. _ \VIII hit Tried Siilnnliiy. Clara Allen was urruljfiiod before Judge Herka yesterday morning uml plondod not guilty to the charge of perjury in connection with her testimony In the Miller cusc. The catio was sut for preliminary hearing at U o'clock Saturday nftcnuxm. The amount of ball was ilxtxl at Sl.axJ , uml as the bond was not forthcoming the prisoner wuts tultcn back to her cell. - llcniiftt IliiliU tlio Turk. For tbo present Sheriff Bcnncat is the un disputed custodian of the (4muha base bull park. This morning bo levied upon the , chulrs , fences and grand stuud that ho might Kelt the same to satisfy it MIX ) Judg ment , which is the outcome of a suit , brought to recover thu runt that accrued lust auauoy