TT-TTi ! mUTATTA TiATT.V O THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Opened with First Saloa nt Wednes day's Closing Figures. THERE WAS A VERY QUICK ADVANCE During tlir tnt Hour Tlirro Wai n Ilrnrllon nnil the Miirltct Itcrninn Wcnk on rliiK Siilm Stoch-i mill Hand * . rniCAno , Ill.i Dec. 8. Wheat maintained Its fnll of day before yesterday's closing prices , but It win won ! * to tnwnnl Iliu clo p , mid nt nlmiit 'tu higher tlmn on yesterday iiftcrnooiii Coin opened ( Inn and closed wi'nk'ir nnd ' { o lower tlmn on I ho dny before. 1'iovlsluns felt the effect of liquidation , morn { 'specially for pork , which tnadu u dion of1'Jl'iC from the top | ii Icon , but rocovurrd 17icnt ! , the close. Wheat ofiied | ) with llrst sales ut yetturdny's ( Joslnc figures wltliu nutiibcrof buying orders on the timrlfut , nnd very lltllo forwili ; , and tlicro was a ( jiili'lc ndvnnco. Itcvi'lpts In the northwest , ulillo a Rood dent smaller In consequence quence of the storms theie , WIMOIBllll luiRoly in excess of thofu a year IIRO. lint thu L'ln- clnnatl I'llro Current rupoitrd that the Blocks of wheat In the country except 4n thu noithwcst wrro reduced below the iivi'tuRU of fntmcr years. The clearances ftotn Iho srnboatd Mt'io also ro * polled liberal nnd dm talk of bis concentinted ImyliiK by n powerful bnllcllnuo tnadu shorts nervous , Nlhmilatcd covi-iln , * nnd Incti'iwd tlinhpociiliitlvi'hnylni * . Thuio was a leactlon dililiiK the last hour nnd the unit lu't bocnnio lU'iik on icallrlnc .sales In tin ; llnal llflreti inlniitos. Tin1 nun kot nt the stnrt advnnce < l 5iC , then sold oil' fie , held steady ami closed from > .e to Uu higher Ihnn yesteiday. In coin Initial trades ueio nt yesterday's final iiniilatlonslth the market tame for sometime , but paining ? c later on the buying of .tuoo : ) bu. of May by Wildi ) , which Hindu room l uitlers u lltllo iinceilaln and many covetedbill when Ibis support \vllhdrii\Mi the prlco hiiKKed back losing the early advance - vance and closed with Uo to ? i ( ! decline. le- ! celpts weio Ini-Ki'l'tlian e.vpeeled. ( Jals averaged fdlf-'htly higher early , but closed easy about ! < ; loucr than Insl night for May , The early Mii'iigth ennui rhlelly from sympathy \tltholliiTginlns. Them Is quite u "tdiortngo" In December , and thodlll'erenco be tween U and May that uii.sOJ.e u week ngohu.s ilcciGiihCd from -lai ? ; to ? e. HOK DloducfH opened strong and higher on the fact ( hat hog terelpts wciti 10,000less than expected and pi Ices nt thu yards higher. Hut theio was free hulling on tbo luhance anil u diop. Tlie week's packing In the west , nccotdlnji to the Cincinnati 1'ilco ( 'uncut , was 37O.UOO head , combated with U'JJ.OUO on thu cot responding spending day u year ago. As compaied with liiMt night , pork Is olT about ICc ; lurd,7Sie ; and ribs , 5c. Kstlnmtcd receipt ! ? for tomorrow : Wheat , 200 cars ! corn , 175 cars ; oath , 170 cars ! bogs , Ufl.OOO head. The leading fntuies ranged as follows : A11TIC1.KS. oi'iisi.Nu. | mini. | LOW. | ei.osB. WHEAT No. 2 December. . . 71H 7IJ * January Wl mt May 7'JM W 78M COHN NO. J December. . . 4IM 41t < 4m 4IH January 4S > .diK Way , Q47 4bHWi OATS No. a December. . . sou J.O31K so January 3IW 31K May.- ' 35 MESS I'oiuc January U. 60 15 SO ir > : . . ' ) May 1575 1575 15 40 LJUH > December. . . 9 45 9 45 II 45 9 45 January. , . , . B B7M VIO II 4U u i7 May . . . . . . . ' US B B 97H' 885 8 87 > s BllOHT ItlllS January. . . . 8 17 ! < 817W S 07W May H W 8 I2M 4 vm 8U5 Cash nuotatlons weio as follows : li'l.ouit Dull and easy , without quotable change. WIIBAT No. 2 spring , 7134 < 3.717 'c ; No. 3 spring , 03Tt07c ( ; No. 2 ted , 71ii&71 ( , ' < ic. CoiiN-lllghor ; No. 2. 415c ! ; No. 3 , 37'c ; yellow , 3H'5j. ' No. 4 , f. o , b. , 33Cll43i1. ( KI.AX SIKI : > No. 1. M.OB { ® 1.08J. ! TIMOTHY h < Kii : > 1'rlnie , $1.U4. 1'OHK-Jless. per bill. , S14.25&14.37' } ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , J0.45 ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) , } H.10 .H.15 ; dry halted shotilder.s < bo\ed ) , * 7.17'i ; short clear sides ( bo\ed ) , JB.45S.8.00. ( WHISKY Distinct * ' finished goods , per gal. , HiJOAJt Out loaf , granulated , stniiduul "A , " unchanged. The following wcro the receipts nnd ship ments today : On the I'roduco c.\chnngo today the butter market was -very dull ; cieamery , 15S10c ; dairy , 10Q2Gc. KggN , 22'J3'/c for Now York MlirlirtH. Nnw YflliK , Dec. fl. Ki.oiiu KecelptH , 32- 800 pkgs. ; exports , 000 bbls. , 18,000 Micks ; market dull but easy ; .sales , 10,100 bbls. C.OIIN MnAir-Oulut. steady. WllliAT Houvlpls , 171,000bu.i exports , 114- 000 bu. ; sales , 1,4 0,000 liu. of futures , 3,000 bu. of spot. H ots dull , tinner ; No. 2 ted , . . . . . . . . , , . , . I * M < > nvt ' \ * * i F. nniili | , * oUc ons nero moderately uutlvu and IriOKiihir. but closing steady with December He up unit other months nnclwiiKcd to ho down. The openlng.was ( Inn and prices' advanced ' /jfiiJii ; on steady cnhlcs , with bullish iccelpts fiom the \vcst and expected postponement of tint Hatuh bill , declining Ji < ! on lunll/lng , .May and March most active. No , 2 led , December 7f > ? ( ? 17D1Sc , closing at 7H5 ! < " .Itiiiuary elo-ed nt 77'ao ; Mnich. BOWBle , closing ut blHic ; May , b2 * aH3 l-10c. closing ut bU c. Hvr. Dull InitHtendy , llAltl.KV Dull ut C5c. ll.UU.KV .M.M.T-QllIl't. t'OHN llccclpts , lOO.OOOhii. ; exports , 28,000 bu..sales ; , 420,000 hit , of fiitmcs ; 00,000 bu. himt. .Spotshteady und ( inlet ; No. 2 , OOu In eleviitoi ; ( JO'.o alloat. Options were dull. The opening was Him und pi Ices advanced 'i ® Kc , dec'llnlng U@aaU ns following wheat , and the closing weil : > ' , unchanged to ! ic donn , May and January weie most nctlvu ; December , 60 I-lOc. closing at OOe ; .Iniiiiary , 60JJ@ilc ! ) ? , closing ' at Die ; .May , MifDa.Mc , cloblng at 0'J\c. ; UATS Iterelpts , 12,000 hu , ; ( ivports , 40 Int. ; wiles , 1-111,000 bu. ; fntiiU'N , 4'J.OOO liu. spot. Hlioth dull , hteady. Options iiilot | , iinc'liiiiigud .LVV. * . . . * ; : 't ! uv , ut.74 , tufiiii lib UU/HU ; Jnn- ; unry , 37fte.37-c ! , closing at ! 17c ! , May , 'J ® 3UtC ) , closing at 3Ufu : No. U. spot white , -II ! ' , c ; nil.M'd western , 3ti < i ' . > Hc ; > vhlto we&tuin , 402) ) 4He No. ' . 1 ; 'J. Chicago , 37Jic ; ' HAY-I'lnn. lloi'ii Dull , weak , HuilAii Itiiw , llrm , demand fair : sales , 0,800 bags niiiclo and ! t,70U bags IVrimiiilinco muscovado H7 lent at i ! 3-10c , ux dock ; rellnud , fairly actlvo and linn. Atni.ABHis : Nnw Orleans , moderately active. HICI : ( iood demand. Kdds Quiet and weak ! receipts , 3,528 , pkgs , lllliKS Quint but hteady , 1'noviRio.NH I'oik quiet nnd llrm ; cut meats , iinlot and Him ; pIcMed shoiildors , Hfe ! : pickled hams , lei ! < Q.llu ; middles , quiet , l.uril , dull andweaKur ; western bteam closed at. I'J.UO iibUed ; Miles , none ; option biiU'H , MIU tleices ; Decembur , ID.80 iisked ; Juiiuary , i'J.bU , closing ut * 'J.7& ' j i May.i9.20. liUTTKit Quiet and weak ; creamery.20G3lc ; Elgin , 31c , < 'iiicHK : Kliiu and fairly iiellvo , I'liiliid.Mlloderalely uctlxo , steady ; Amer- Jcun , tlil.OOfOlU.ul ) . ( 'oi > i'inKlrni : ; hiku f 12.20. I.CAII Quiet ; domestic , ti.7r : > , TIN tJlfiidler ; Sliulls$1U.JU ( , Omalnt I'roiluen .Murhrt. The recolptsiof pioduco. weie lightowing no doubt to thu storm , which has delayed tliu trains and Inteifuit'd with the movement of romiuoilltli's of all Muds , Thuie Is HKcly to bu only nioderalo receipts for a fuw days , or until Iho country loans nro well opened , K ) that funnel Klll have no tioublo In teaching town with their pioducts. Thu geneial niar- Kcl contliiueN rather ijulot and with few cluineoM of any Impoitiinco , Thu eg imirKot is ullttlo llrmer , as was noticed yestuiday. Ari'l.i.s- : Quotations aio : ( JiHul-ntook , * 3.0 CM.OOj cliolco lo fancy , f- > . .00it.2a. . BANANAS - ( . . . . . . . ' * * * i jiintutlinis , are : .1'nlr to good shipping stock. * 2.00it2.50 per hunch. IIUTTKIITho bulk of the recelpti , of roll hi'll.s nll-UtlOo. Select slock hi Ings country 1740 lOc , and occitblonally something Is lecelved that It good enough lo bring 20c , hut hiieh imckuges uro Bcarco. There U practically no ileiiiund fur cieamery , which U quoted at 20c. CiiAMiKiiniKH Quotallons uru : Hell and chem' , * H.60 ner lihl.i bell nnd bugle , I0.r > 0 ; lulu L'upu Cod , 110,00 , The in rivals on Iho iimrkut uru light. < 'IIEUV : Ui5c ! , l.'nosThu markut Is llrmor and fresh slock In helling nt 23c'Jli' ! . OAMK Thu u-celpts for tlio week thus far Jiavu beenqullo large. The bhlpplng demand at tliU point UgiKid und that , together with the local demand , Is bulllulent to keep thu ru- colptH well cleared up. ( iASaiQuotultoiib : nro : 1'ralrlo chickens , M.004.60 : fc'roiuo , t4.00 ; nuall. * 1.001,20 ; ; Millie , fl.OOi luck bidpe. U'5$1.M > ; plovgr. fl.UU 1 ; golden plover , l.'J046l.0canvas ; back UuckiTJ.OOiilO.OO ; red liuaU duuks , W.OO ; I mnllnvil diirks , I3.7B ; blue wlit tcnl , $2.00 ; preen wnRtonltl.&ctfM.76inlxcl ! ; ( duck * , $1,60 ; Cntinda necsc , Jn.o05l7.50j mnll oocso , ? 4.HI K5.H ( ) ; Jnck rnbhlt , J'J.OO ; snuill rnliblts , J1.25 Wl 60 ! squirrel" , 11.25 : nntolopo saddles , 12 ® 14c ; doer saddles , I4ffil5r : ntuclopo carcasses , 80c ; deercnrcasiPt. loftllr. JliiAPi ; KituiT-l'er box , I5.TO. HOMF.V Uood whlto clover Is quoted at 17o and llrm at Hint. HAYNo. . 1I7.6W.B.OO ( | No. 2. M5.OOflO.50. I.KMONSQuotations am ! Cholco Mosslnas , $5.00(35.50 ( : fnnry } r..oo. M.u.An.v aitAWi ! The rnnrkot Is well sup plied nnd quotations tire J0.00ao.60 | > cr kei ? . OVflTf.iis New Vorlc counts nro quoted nt 35r nnd oilier lllh ns low n nt 13c per can. ONIONS Ilomegitiwti slock Is quoted hero nt 8ftt,86c , nnd KpnnMi ntil.OO per crate. OitANtir.s At present them nto only Morlda oranges on the nuirket , which nre quoted nt $ .1.60 per bov , II Is estimated by competent authorities that In Florida thcie nio 1O.OOO- 000 tU'Cs benrlng and mmbcnrlng. In Arl/ona , n new section ns regnrds oningo cultiitc , tliwo nrc nboitt 1,000,000 ttees that will como Into bcnilng within n few ycnis. In California tliorn are 0,000,000 ttoes , part of which nio beat Ins nnd pail will ptoducu In u few years. AM each tree inrely grows less tlmn two boxes nnd sometimes teaches tit high as ton , II can easily bo prcn that In ten vears fiotn today Iho production of ornnges In the Ihdted Stales on the basis of the low average of t o boxes a tteo will be 34,000,000 boxes , or enough to supply the whole wet Id. l.ust year tbo ctopof California nnd Plorldn combined was about 6,000.000 Imxcsof oranges , each hex contain * IIIR about 175 oranscs. I'ot'i.THV ' The general tnatket was about Moudvul thu qnotntlonsof the day befoie. llooddiessed jmiiltiy was quoted as follous : ChlcUens , H'Jc ( ( ; ttliuey.s , llxTollc ; geese and iluclcs , OUloc. ll\o poiillty appears to bo neglected. I'OTATOIM Qnnliitlnnq nio : Home-grown , CS fjoi Colorado and Utah , Bflr. SWIHT : I'OTATOKSCholco -Cholco Mu'Ciitlno nnd Illinois stock , 93.76 per bbl. TANIIIINIS | : : A few tnngeilnes have arrived on Iho market and sold at J8.00 per boor $4.50 pur half bov. ViAi/-Qnolnllonsnrn : : Snuill nnd fut , OHw 7c { Inrgu and heavy , 3nc. St. I. mils .MiirltcH. HT. I.otJic , Mo. , Dec. 8. I'Loutt l.owor. \VIIIAT : Sold up half catly , then tecrdcd nnd closed n .shade OIV fiom vesleidav. Cash better , tlb'tc ' : December , t)7. ' c ; January , COJfc ; .May , 76'c ; July , 76)sc. ) CoitSr Cash , steady nt 37jc ? ( ; options better early , hut dcullneil laler and chised ! ( c below jesterday ' ; December , 37V'i37Uci : January , y c ; I'elnunry , 3Uc : May , 42'5c. ' OAISCash , steady at 32c ; May sold ? ic higher early , but closed tit 3 1 Ho. UYI ; Heller at 47c. llAUMiVSlenily ; Allnnesola Mild nt 67 < 3COc. HitAXDull , otreied ntCOc , east Irnck. HAY I'lichamird. hlAi"Weakoireioil3,48 ! ; speller , dull nt KI.ASSIIIIDull : : at $1.00. HtTTiu ! : Dullj cienmeiy , 25Q.OOc : Kdtis-Hetternt 22c. COHN Mii.u , Quiet at Jl.85. WHISKY -Steady , il.20. llAdniNd AMJ I.'OTTO.N Tins Unchanged. I'novisiON.s Steady , dull ; no change In quo tations. i l.lXJiili'TS Flour , 3,000 bbls. : wheat , 48,000 bu. ; coin , 163,000 bu. : oats , 31,000 bu. ; rje , 60001)11. ; bailey , 11,000 bu. Hour , 7,0(10 ( bbls. : wheat , 22,000 bu. : coin , 42,000 bu. ; oats , 15.0UO bu. ; rye , 4,000 bu. ; bntloy.nonc. Oimibu Hide * mid Tiillnvr. Iltnns No. 1 green , 3'c ' } : No. 2 green salted. 4@4Hc ; No. 2 gieen .salted , 21ic to ! l3'fc ; No. 1 green salted , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 4'c ; No. 2 green salted , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 3fe ! : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 lbs.Cc : No. 2 veiil calf. 8 to 151bs.,4c ; No. 1 dry flint. Gc to 7c ; No. 2 dry flint , 4c to Gc ; No. 1 dry salted , 5c to Gc. I'attcuied bides one- half cent per pound less than fully cured. Slim1 1'ut/rs liivcn salted , oncli 35c < S1.25 ; green salted shearlings ( shot t wooled early skins ) , each 1525c ; ihy hheai lings ( slioit wooled early sKlnsi , No. 1 , each , 6@10c : dry shearlings ( slioit wooted early pKlns ) , No. 2 each , 5c ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebiaska butcher wool pells , per lb. , actual weight , 10 ® 14'4c ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska mur rain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 8@l''c ; dry Hint Coloiado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , UKi.l2 ! > 5c ; dry Hint Coloiado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , WfilOc ; dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 70c. Have feet cut off , as It is useless to pay fielght on them. TAI.I.OW AND anr.Asr. Tallow , No. 1 , 3'lc ; tallow , No. 2 , HiiJHWe ; grouse , \vhlto A , 34'c ; gtense , white II , 3 ! ( < ; j glean1 , yellow , : ) c ; grease , dat k , 2'Sc ' ; olTT butler , 22Ui ( ; : : bec.s- wn.x- , prime , I0a25c ; tough tallow , 115G2C. Kansas City 'Murlu'N. KANSAS CITY , .Jlo. , Doc. H.Vnr.AT About stcaily ; No. 2 haul , OSBOSlii : ; No. 2 led , GUc. GUc.Uoitx Uoitx Fait ly steady ; No. 2 mixed , 3333Hc ; No. 2 white , 33Q33V5C. OATS Weak and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 20 ® 3c ) ; No. . 2 wlillp..31&32i : . _ „ . . . , timothy 17.00 © 8.50 ; ptalrle , 5(1.00 ( .7.50. HiiTinu Steady ; creamery , 2529c ; dairy , Kens Firm : 18 < aiOc. HiX'Eil'TS wheat , 63,000 bu. ; corn , 30,000 bu. ; oats , none. Sltii'MCNTS Wheat , 03,000 bu. ; corn , 17,000 bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu. on NKW VOUK , Dec. 8. I'ITIIOMUM : Opened and closed nominally steady. The quotation tliiougboiit wasu3 < jc bid ; 63 ? e asked. Penn sylvania nil , .spot Miles , none ; January option sales : liliiia sales , none , 17ubld. Total.sales , none. L'oTioN.snni ) OnPhm ; crude , 37ffi37iJc ; yellow , 4lis ) nsUed. 5c. TALI.OW Dull , btcady ; city ( $2.00 for pkgs. ) , 5c.KOSIN KOSIN Quiet and weak. Tmii'KNTiNi : Dull and weak. LONDON , Dec , b. OAJ.CUTTA 3d perciuarter. TUIll'KNTlNllSl'IUlTR 22.S , Oil perCWt. I'lis-liiCHK ItrloTs. Dann Itros. , In the general sloiu business at Iliirncll , have sold out. ( Co. are closing out their gcneial store at I'otorsbuig. Carlson & Hanson have succeeded to the Implement business of U. J. Cailsoii at Wahoo. Mr , Kdson Is selling his Intoiest In the gen eral Mom run by Duncan & Kdson ut Tool Siding. A. T , Ilradley , In the hardwnio business at Ansley , has hei'n succeeded by Ilradley & Kieemuii. New York Dry ( inoils .Miirlfrt. Niw : VOIIK , Dec. B. The demand for dry Roods was model ate as a whole today , but for some iirlIdes In plain and colored cottons It. was moro or less Agents niu sold about as far ahead as they can go , even at the advanced prices , and aio not entoitalnlngniiy largo cnqiililes. 1'rlnts Incieaso In , hut agents mo generally not icudy to nnmu in Ices for tbo leading makes. Stocks aio very light. Coll'cu Miirlcut , Nr.w VOUK , Doc. fl.-OptIons opened haiely steady , unchanged to 10 points down , closing steady to lOpolntsnp. Sales35,600 bags , In- eluilhij * December , 4lG.30iJ10,35 : Januarv , * ir..0l5.10.0. : > : March , if 16.6.1 15.70 ; Aplll , $15. ( > 0 ; Muy.15.353ir > .fi ( ) ; .lime. $15.30. hpot Klo , steady , modulate domanil : No , 7 , JlC.OOa 17.00. Cotton Marlivt. Nnw Oni.iiANS , T.a. , Dec. H , Steady ; mid dling , u ; c ; low middling. U'ju ; good oull- niuy , BJe ; net lecelpts , 14,082 hales ; gloss 14.142hales ; e\poils to Cii'at Britain , U.'JIO hales ; to Trance , 8,771 . . bales . . ; in . the . conti nent , 6.50'J hales ; coastwNe , 3,700 bales ; stiles , 3,500 bales ; block , 200.121) ) bales. Milwaukee drain .tlarket MiiAVAUKin : , WIs. , Dec. 8. WIIUAT Steady nilitliul : ; 73Kc ! . ! ; Nn. 2 spi lug , f > 7c. t'OHN Quiet ; No. 3. 3H ! Lia3Uc. OATH tiieady ; No.2 white , 3iHc ; Xo. 3 , 32 ! $ t33 c. 1IAHI.KV Steady ; O Sjc. Hvi-Qiili't ; Mliic. .uiiiiii-iiiuiin Wlii'.tt 3lnrl < et. Minn. , Dee , 8 , May when opened nt last night's clo- and advanecd ° iO lllllu hotter In thu cash maiLct , Decembe closed ut G7cj Jlay closed at 72'a'c. On track No. 1 html. fiH'to ; No , 1 northcn | , ( JG. c ; No , ' . noithcin , 65Jj.bOc. TruilorH' Talk. CiilfAno , 111. , Dec , 8 , Counselman A Day lo Cocktell HUM , rnmmlsslon Company : Whoa : il had nn upwind Iliictiiatlon ofte \ which fright cncd In sumo small shoits and brought on It scatteied lines held for a shipping inollt , The udvanco was lost on model ate selling by beai houses and while theio was not iru heavy nggiegntu of trading done vu think that I liu largo lines , both long and shot vut weru slightly Ineioased today. A consei vntlv estlmntoof thu amount of wbeut sold In thl Is mtiiKot against purchases elsuwhoio and if , the bpeciilatlvu blioit Intel c t makes thu ug - giegato slightly o.xceedlnj ; thu ylslblo supply Wo do not Imllovo that this unprcccdcntci short Intoiest cnn IMI liquidated Ithout fore Ing pt Ices considerably hlghur. Corn and outs went dull und closed a shad lo easier ufler following thu fluctuations In wheat. Tiaillngwa hiiuil ) and unimportant . The Ciidahys continued 'their teceiit policy u.of selling all the bog pioductthnt the imirke would ubsoih. Thu country Iradu who soli pork liolow 110.00 per bbl , dining the cholen bdiru liibt summer uro buying ut fO.K ( ) per hhl iidvnnco with another cholmu bcurv iilmost In uvllublo nu.u bummer , CommeiitH mo su pcrlliioiu , , CIIIOAUO.III. . Dec. 8. Kennett , Hopkins .t ' Co. to K. A.McWhorler : Un thu quick adviinc shoi tly nfter the opening theio was u tukln Ig of profits by room I ruder * and probably sum. lealUIng by big holder : ) hut thu mar Ui't liaw bhown consldciablu strength . Thu cllquu liuvu demonstrated tliul nhlllty to Biistulu urlccs whe thu outlook was purllculurly gliKimy and no iw Unit udvlces show a fulling tilt of tecelptu It is generally conceded that It U iniiftlblu for then to bring about a further udiunc ? . The fchor > luterc t U ijultv luigu uud thu tulk of u bl I comhlnn to bull the nmrkot would mr\Vn It 1 easy to force It to cover. Mysterious manipulating lias special terror for shorts Br ports continuelarge. . Cnbles show some strength and receipts In the northwest wore nearly 400 cars less thnn yesterday. Corn and oats wpro strong cnrly but weakened on realizing sales. Wo ad * vlso buying them. In provisions heavy liquidation wns checked by purchases for parties who hnvocontrolled the market tc- centlly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .STOCKS AND ItONDH. Itricr.Spurt-of ActlUty Clmrnctcrl/cd Karly Dealings. Nr.w YoitK > Iec. 8. The stock market had brief spurts of activity today but Rcnernlly spcnklng speculation ruled dull nnd presents : i fenturo of Interest. , The coursu of prices wns decidedly Irregular , but the net results of the day's operations were merely fractional changes In n majority of Instances. It was re ported that u new pool had commenced ope rations and were taking advantage of the largo short Interest to ndvnnco thu pi leu. Distilling and Cattlefccdlng opened at 08 nnd closed at 07thu oMiomcs of the day. There was a good deal of manipulation of the shares which mystified the traders and caused some of Iho thnld ones to part with their stock , It Is said that the directors at a meeting to be held on Sntmdtiy will determine the rate of dividends to be paid for Iho current qinuler. Thegenetnl list was Inllnenced by thustiengtliotstcrlingoxchango and the talk about nn Inlluv of gold either on Saturday or by the steamers sailing enily next week. The market closed weak. The sales ngtfiegnted 109,704 listed nnd 61,530 unlisted. Hallway bonds weiu llrm , Thesnlesamounted to lGOH,000. The Post snys : Sterling exchange wns nd vnnced ngnln today , but the change In rates did not seem to clear up the situation In the mnrkut. The stnto of affairs Is very singular. Monday's leilncllon In thu demand into was iiH'ilhi'd to the easing oil' in London discounts ! so that since the London money into has not advanced since that day , It may bo assumed that thu actual tiade and secutlty movement has become moio aihersu to us ; something which eottnlnly was not expected. On thu other hand Kuiope's demand for gold has shown considerably less urgent thnn It was n , month ago. It Is believed In London that Hussla's needs have been ptetty much sup plied nnd the exceptionally strong position of thu Hank of Kngland suggests that the Aus- tilan demand has been nlieady provided for. The declining market latu for money In Lon don and thu leported i eduction In the nngllsh price for bar gold point in the sumo direction. Thu following nro the closing quotations for the leading stocks on Iho Nuw Vork block ex change today : Alchlson . : u .North\iiicrtcur. 10. I'J Ailiun * . t2xprcu. . . . 151 Northern I'ncltlc . . . 17'fJ Alton. T. II . S3 do iiruferrcil 4i'U ' ilo preferred. . . . IW U. 1' . Dun A. CJuU. . . American I'.U NnrtliwL'-tcrn llalllninro \ ulilo. S'l ' do preferred 141 Cnnniln I'nrlflc . . . . IH ) .V. Y. Central Canniln uiitla'rn . la .V. Y. JIN. 13 i'M Ci'iitrnl rnclllc . 28 Ontario Jv Western. . 18i ! Clics. A. Ohio . tl ) OruKon Iini I'J ClilcoKO Alton. . . . Ill ) Ori'KOii Kav 71 C. II.Q . O. S. ! . . i U. N 23 Chlcairo Uus . . . . I'aclilc.Mnll S'H CunsollilutLMKin * . 121 I'eorla , Dee. JV K. . . . 1'ili C. C. C. , V ht. I , . . . . 121S'JJS I'lttsbiim 154 Colo. Conl , \ . Iron . 3'JJi 1'iillm-n I'alacc 1U8 Cotton Oil Cert. . . ito.ulinir 65H Dul. Hudson . lllchnionil Tor 8 IJ. KiW . ISl. do preferred 15 II. All. ( ) . iifd . ISl.6I Itlo Uraiulo West. . . 25 1) ) . ttV. K. Co . do preferred KH KiistTonn . Itoek Island 8 : Eric . st. UJIcb. K. iBtptil. . 75 Oo prcfcrrcit . . . St. 1'anl 78H Kort Wnyno . . . . do preferred 121 Ct. .Nurtln'rn nfd . St. 1'iiul Jt Oiiiuli C , * K. t. pfd . 1JJ do preferred. . . 119 ' 28 ! < Southern Pacific. . . . 4 Illinois Centra' ) , . . , 101 SuKar Itellnory. . 10S ! < St. 1'anl ft Dnliith. 41 Tonn. Coal , t Iron . Kan. A.TOX , pfil. . . . 2.1 Texas 1'aclllc l.ako Brio. * , West. 22H lot A O. Cent.pfd. . ill ) prefcned 71M Onion 1'ncltle l.iiko Shore U. S. Express Lead Trust \V. St. 141' 11 l-onls. Jt Nash. 71 do prefcrreil. . . . 24 I.ouls. ji f > cw Alb'y. 24KJ'VoIls-K rite 1'xp 145 Manlnittnn Con . . . . lMr > 4 Wottorn Union. . , C. . 50 \VlicclhiK Jt I , . 13. Central. 101 do preferred. . . C2M XH'sourl I'nclllc. . Minn..St. . I W < .Mobile A. Ohio. . . . ill n. Jt it o ion Nntlonnl CordnKO ( Jcncral Klcctrlc. Ill do preferred . . . .National I.tiibceil ii''H ' N. .1. Central 1154 C. Fuei'l Jt Iron. Cl j Xorfolk A W. rid do preferred. . . lull Thu total sales of stocks tollny were ! 24,000 shaics. Including : Atchison , 3'J,420 ; Chicago CJas , H,4-l ) ; Louisville & Xasvllle. 4/J25 ; .Mis- souil I'aclllc , H.OGO : Northein 1'aelllo pio- fei i I'd , 0,000 ; Now Knglnnd , 8,800 ; Ueadlng , l'J,5UO ; St. Paul , 3.CCO ; Western Union , 3,2'JO. Xc\v York Jloney MurUet. Nr.w YOUK , Doc. 8. MONK.Y ON OAt.i Kasy , ranging fiom 3 to G per cent ; lust loan 3 percent , closing oll'eied atS'porcejit. 1'iu.MU ' MKHCANTILB I'At'r.u 50 per cent. HTIIIII.INO KxcitA > aii Stumg , with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.85'4 < 34.8G for sixty days and M.879 < ® 4.88 for demand. Thn closing quotations on bonds : . . . N. Y. A N. ICuxInnd. Sun Dlcuo IjUiul Co. " \Vot I-nd l.ium Co. 18 Ohtiolony ] k ) HellTcleidionu 2uS WIs. ten. com 15 I.nmson store a . . . 15 ( ) 110 Wiilur t'oner. 2 1-10 AtliuUlu 10 C. M 8 Huston A , Mont .11 ! $ N. K.T 8M Cnluniot Jt llocln. . . 590 II. A I ) 1'nuiklln ] | T. It w York .Mining fjnotiitlons. N'r.w YOIIK , Dec , 8. The following uro the closing mining quotations ; Crown I'oliU VJ I'lymoutli 7U Con. Cut. A Ya. . . . 215 blerru Nevada 10J Dcmluootl 115 Mandiird I4'j Uould A Curry 70 UnlonCon. . , 100 IlnloA Norcross. . , . l.V > Yellow Jacket IS llomestnku | : ! UO Iron Silver 41) ) Mexican 115 Quick bllver HOO ' .North fctar HAO do pref'd. . . 1800 Ontario l.'iOG Itulnor 25 Ophlr 2,11 nuki'il , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sim rriiiiclico Mlnl/iK / Stock * , SAN Kn A.v Cisco , Cal. , Dec. 8. The ofllelal closing quotations mining stocks today weio us follows : -Mtii au llalu A.orcroca , . . . HU llulwur 15 -Mexican 14j llclcbcr 75 Oplilr 210 llcHt A llolclinr 150 1'otosl it,0 Iludlo Contolldated ' . ' , ' . hlorra Nuvndn 70 Chollnr 25 Union Consolidated 175 Con. Cnl. A Vn . . . 255 Utnli 6 Crown Point , 10J Yellow Jacket 70 ( loiild A Curry 75 North Qnuon 5 SI. f.oulK .Mining OnotatlniiH. fiT. Louis , .Mo. , Dec. 8. Thn following quota' lions weiu madu on call today : btockn. Hid. Anked. Wouks. Jllil. A-kuil. Am. Nettlu. . 25 27K ( iranltu M..UUJ 7.U ) Illmutalllo. . . 10 l 2i Murphy 4H to bm Hopes. . 4. : 4.45 1'limnrliil Notes. KANSAS OITV , Mo , , Dec , 8 , Clearings , II- 814,515 , NP.W Oiu.i'ANs , La. , Dec. 8 , Clearings , 12- , 217,225 , Nnw VOIIK , Dec. H.--dealings , $143,003,752 balances , $0,81)0,0011. ) llAi.TiMOUK , Mil. , Dec. 8.-riearlns , J2.3CO- 74U ; balances , 3b,333. ( Hate , 0 per cent. I'lm.Anm.riiiA , I'a. , Dec. H. Cleailugs , f2- ! 133,323 ; balances ' , $1,477,053. Money , 5 per Tent. Mi-Ml'llts , Tonn. . Dee. 8. Clearings. J55H- 71'J ; haliinces , J101.020 , New yuikuMilmiiKu selling at par. CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. 8. Monnv , 3'iiao pei cent. Now Vnik oxchaiiKe , 25c piemlum Cleaillig.si2,3bbur > 0 , Sr. LHIUH , Jlo. , Doc. B. Clearlngs , ? I,03I.- 703 ; balances , $325,357. Money qulot , Olii7 per cent , Kxchangu on Now ork , par. IIOSTON , Muss. , Dec. 8.-iearlngs ; , $17,078 , ' 852 ; balances , (1,091,018. .Monoy , fl7 pui cent. Kxcliun o un Nu\v York l&ii-Oc dls count. > Nnw VOIIK , Dec. 8. [ .Special Telegram to Tun IlKi : . ] K\chanu was quoted as follows : Chicago , 40 pii'iiiliiin ; llostun , IDii'JOoills count ; .St. Louis , par. 1'AlllS , Dec , b , The weekly of the Hank o. Kranco shown an Increasu In npecleof li,225- OOOfgoldanda decieasoof 2,2OO,00f , ( ) hllver , Tlueu pur cent lentes , lOOf 2c for the ac count. CincAno , 111. , Dec , 8 , Clearings , $17,020- 4B5. Now % oik u.\chiiiige , 40c piemlum , Kiel Hug exchange steady ; sixty day hlllr , * l.85 4 ; sight drafts , 446' ! . Money Moady 6li'i 0 percent , LONDON , Dec. B. The bullion In thu Haul of England deciea ed * ' 214,000during thupUK week. Tint i > roMitlon | ) of the Hank of Kng land's iiiservo to liability , which last weel was47,67 percent , U now47,07 percent. I.lVi : STOCK -MAKKIM.S. Cuttlu Trailo Itullier Iiiuellvo Ilogu tlrl k but hlliclitly l.uuer , OMAHA , Dec , 8. As. was generally iintlcl pated , the recent atorm reunited In compuia lively limited itcelpta today. Itcculptb fo : ho past four dny foot p ll.OOOcMtlo. 18.ROO 'init-inii(19SiH ' ) MifOTT. ns compared with II- H7 rattle , 27,080 Iftgs and 3,033 f. epl for the orrespoiid ng fourifiiysof inst week. .The cuttle inuVket wns rather uneven , i-esli i-ecelpts wi'rtt'not Inrgo , butnddedto ivhnt wns left ovef from Wednesday the offer- wiiito iMiyers wltliplcnty of cattle "Insight" were unwIllliiK to pity tnoto than stendy prices unless It wns for "ometlilnc reullv cliolro or irltno. As a result HIP trudo wim not purlieu- arly actlvo althougli In thu main prices wcro "Iher strong than otherwise. 1'alr lo very rood 1,000 to 1.400-11) ) . cornfed steers brought , ' 'u ' . * 3.55 (0 .cowlth poor to fair grades loin $3.0 ( ) to J3.50 , A xory fair clenianco was nully effected. Iho trade In butchers' stock and dinners ivasul'.o more or lt ) < 3 uneven although prices -eneially ruled steady with Wednesday. In- ludlng holdovets theio were In the nelghbor- tooil of tlfty loads on sale and everything hanged hands In good season , ( lood to cbolco ows 1111(1 ( lielfeis sold from J2.50ip o $3.25 with fair to good grades totii $2.00 to $2,60. Common cows and aimers Mlil nil the way from $1.00 to J2.00. hero was u very fair trade In bulls , oxen irtid 'tags ' at fully steady pilccs. Sales weto all ho way from Jl.nt ) to $2.75. Votil culus wem 11 li"M.lF.rnt ! ' sll'Ply | and sttonger at from $1.0 o ifo.oo. with common lingo eultcsmul ycnr- IIIBH selling ut from $2.00 to $2.50. Htislncss wns not very i iHilng In the slockcr tul feeder lino. The flesh offerings were icely taken by thoyntd speculutorsnt steady o .strong prices , but with no country demand o speak of the movement In that direction ms decidedly limited , guotulloim weio nom- nully uncliungeil. Hepresenttitlvo snles : tlllUSSCI ) HKI'.f. " Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. 3 . hG7 $3 00 at ) . .1008 $3 GO . J10 3 10 30. .1138 3 70 . you 3 25 20. .1140 1 10 . 025 3 30 20. .1171 4 10 .1003 3 35 42. . 1233 4 15 .1200 3 35 10. .1211 4 20 . 1058 3 40 .1300 4 25 .1092 3 60 21 .1300 4 30 . U70 3 65 8. .1435 4 35 .1005 3 GO 3U . . .i.1221 4 60 COWS. . OGO 1 25 1. 1140 2 16 . 8-tt ) 1 25 25. 012 2 20 . Hfit ) 1 60 7. 020 2 25 .1050 1 60 4. 1147 2 25 . GO ! 1 611 2 8-10 2 25 . 075 1 6O 2 ! 111)0 ) J 25 . 804 1 60 0. 718 05 . H51 1 60 3. HUG J or , . 050 1 60 25. 834 1 fin . 085 1 60 7. 080 2 3D . 8-10 1 05 13. 1020 2 35 . UJO 1 75 18. 10'JO 2 35 . H81 1 75 5. 080 _ 40 .1010 2 75 6. OHO L 40 .1021) 1 75 1160 ' _ 40 . 082 1 75 1142 - 40 . 015 1 75 U70 ' _ 60 . 052 1 75 1MO 2 50 . tint 1 HO 1185 2 60 . ! )3G ) 1 00 11 GO 2 60 . 730 2 00 1090 2 60 . 841 2 00 021 2 00 .1050 2 ( X ) 1143 2 05 .1105 2 00 005 J 05 .1300 2 00 1 1200 J 75 . Oil 2 15 1 1170 2 75 . 870 2 15 12 1075 a BO . 000 2 15 2 040 2 80 . 045 2 15 1 1200 3 00 . 013 2 15 IIIUFIMIH. . 570 200 0. . . 818 2 30 . 088 2 15 17. . . 895 3 25 CAI.YUS. . 343 2 15 1. . . 80 4 50 . 2U5 2 15 1. . . 110 4 75 . 200 2 50 5. . . 108 5 00 . 100 425 1. . . 200 5 00 11UI.I.S. 1 50 .1270 2 00 .12S.7 1 00 .1310 2 00 .1400 1 75 .1340 2 20 .1140 1 80 - .1000 2 35 .1515 1 00 . GGO 2 50 . 020 2 00 . 470 2 50 .1680 2 00 , .1030 2 60 .1340 200 ; .1750 2 75 11 OXUN. .1625 1 76. ) 2 1400 1 75 STACS. 000 STOCKW1S'AND r 2. . .885 22-1. 3 810 2 GO 5. . .035 230 ; 11 884 200 60. { 553 230 0 817 275 7. . 814 .245 5 054 20 1. . 7GO 260 10 823 "iJ 80 35. . 717 260 8 708 200 1. . 780 250 , 20 883 295 0. . 077 260. 20 047 295 2. . 4GO 255 , 12 800 295 7 725 2 CO . 0 1103 300 COI.OIIADO CATTI.I ! . 20 Mrs..1103 310 ! 100 Mrs. . 890 200 lIMJlij CATTt.i : . 75 fdrs. . 945 280 .28 fdrs.,1071 290 37 fdrs. . OGO 2 8O Hens Tlio supply wns light , but us on Wed nesday the demand did not appear to be ovoily urgent at the pi Ices and the ollerlngs did not go off like hot cakes. Un account of the > term the tucelptsso fur this week havu fallen icurly H.OOO snort of thu sumo four days last iveek. The general quality of the ollerings the past few days has heen lather below the recent average. On the weak closu to the pro vision market Wednesday the buyeis all tnrtcd In beailsh and as thcro was lit tie peculatlvo and shipping Inquiry to sustain prices early sales wcio ut baiely Wednesday's closing figures , Improvement at custom mar kets caused a better feeling hero and the close was at a shade to 5u advance on the early moinlng pi Ices. Fair to good hogs of all weights -sold largely from $5.95 to JG.oOwlth cliolco heavy loads at $0.05 nnd $0.10. Commonlsh light and mixed loads sold fiom $5.05 down to J5.87'a. Kverythlng sold , the big hulk of the trading being lit $5,05 to } ( ! . ( ) ( ) against $5.05 to * O.U5 Wednesday and $5.05 to $5.75 on lust Thursday. Itepresenta- tlvosules : No. Av. Ph. Pr. No. Av. Ph. Pr. 87. . 200 120 ? 5 8715 04. . . .233 200 $0 00 80. . 218 280 5 00 68. . . .J07 80 G 00 33. . 105 120 6 OO 60. . . . 101 240 0 00 05. . 237 100 5 021/2 04. . . .240 HO 0 00 55. . 201 10 5 02'5 07. . . .Jot ) 200 C 00 82. . 191 40 5 02'4 05. . . .214 120 G 00 61. . J77 200 6 02'4 00. . . .258 280 0 00 01. . J51 300 5 05 05. , . . -53 280 0 00 240 40 5 05 00. , . .247 100 G 00 71. J58 120 5 05 25. , . .251 0 00 74. .227 5 05 05. , . .259 120 0 00 07. .218 120 5 05 03. , . .2GO 120 0 00 02. .230 240 5 05 72. , . .211 8 ( ) G 00 77. .234 . 200 6 05 01. . .280 100 0 00 79. .100 320 5 05 05. . .258 3GO 0 00 02. iSiiu 80 5 05 00. , .2fiG 520 0 00 80. .224 120 5 05 72. . .204 100 G 00 50.o . .255 40 5 05 0(5. ( , . .247 210 G 00 o .335 6 05 70. . .200 80 G 00 40 ! , .234 100 5 05 02. . .203 80 G 00 57. .208 100 5 05 OH. . .2-18 80 G 00 05. . .203 40 5 05 20. . .271 120 G 00 fi3. . .247 100 6 05 71. .209 210 G O2 73. . .240 200 5 05 _ 74..280 280 G - Kill \ \ 00. . .251 120 5 07'4 112..300 : 320 f 05' 77. . .230 120 5 07i ! CO..203 005 GO. , .218 100 5 07 ! ' 03. . .301 240 0 05 05. . .207 120 G 00 57. , .301 240 G 05 00. . .227 G 00 60. . .311 40 G 05 08. . .305 80 0 00 54. . . .240 40 0 05 80. .253 440 0 00 65. . , .307 80 0 10 73..250 40 0 00 ItOUOII , 1..320 350 1..470 350 8HI3IU1 Kecelpts weio rather limited , The mnrUet was strong , a hunch of very good mixed natives helling quickly ut $1.50. / " , . , , . , liJ. * \ u-l * , lll IVJ f uull t , f tCJ'JII , trdt tJliV 4.50 ; common and Mod ; sheep , $2,2518 3.50 ; good lo rholi'i-10 to 00-lb , lambs , H.OO15 5.50. Itopiescn tall vo bales ; No. Av. I'r. 150 iiiitlvo mixed 05 $450 G'hlciiKO I.lvo Stork Market. CIIICAOO , 111. , Dec. 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB 1II3I3.I Tliu cattle market was In no respect - spect moio favoitililo to hcllcis than on the closing day of last , week. Supplies were far too largo for the iii'jiuincl , and sellers found It Imposslblo to" empty Iho pens even nt yesteiday's deullinf. 'liadu was slow till day and thu eleMi , of business found enough cut tin Mil ! hi the yi ; ) ( Is to nearly meet any ilo- mand that Is likely'to exist tomoriow , Hales worn on a basis of from UOc to $3,00 for Inferior to cliolco cows and hulls , ut from $1.05 to$3.25 for stockcis and feeders and fiom $2,76 lo $5,75 for common touxtra'stcors. Chtlstmas beovcs Uli ! quoted fiom M.70 to0.25. At the opening of business this moriilnghogs advanced a point t'nd they hold equally slioni * . In the foienoon , 'MII closing sale showing u gain as coinpaiod iUh ) yestoiduy'H market of bo. There wiisiui actlvixlumandat fiom$0.10 to $0,15 for poor to pilmi ! light and at from $0,10 lo $0.15 for midiiini ; mid heavy weights , Thu quality was rather holow grade , Them u us not much tiadlnV under $0.25 for medium and heavy or below fG.OO for light. Nilr.s of sheep ( < r < i on u buhls from $1.50 ti $2.50 for culls null Inferior stun" , $3 lol foi poor to fair and fiom $4.25 to $5 forgood t < choice , u.\tiaqiialUvs ) Inlnglng hlghoi llguies than quoted above. The range nf quotations for poor to cholcp lambs was fiom $3.60 to $5,75 , with extra at fiom $6.'Jiftn $0 , I'rlcos aM'raged iilmut thusamu a forycstciday. Hecelpts-Cat tin , 10,000 ; hogs , 31,000 sheep , W.OOO. The Kvi'iilng Journal repoith ! CATTI.K HecelntH , 10H)0 ) heud ; shipments , 5,001 Hicud ; maruetstiong ; Christ mas beeves $0.liO > M.15 ) ; good to choice , $4. iOJi6.50 ; olheih , $2.0Kii4,40 ( : btockeis , $1.7Uil3.M ( ) ; cows , $1.10 ® 2.HO. rllons Htcelpts , 28,000 head ; shlpmeiitu bOO head ; market 6U10c higher ; rlo1 \uak ; rough and common , $5.Kx ( < i 5,85 ; paeK and mlxud , JS.DOiiU.-5 ; pilmu heavy , $0.3 WANTED . Total l .um of CITIES. COUNTIES , SCHOOL. J DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , ST.R.R.COMPAHIEOtto. ( 'orrfjpontlence lollcltcd. N.W.HARRIS&COMPANY.Bankers , 103-103 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 13 Wall Street , NEW YORK , 70 State 9t. , BOSTON. 0.461 bitlclior * nnd medium , tfl.2.VilO.IO ! | light , J5.ROflO.20 ! skips and pips $4.60ft 1.76. PilKKl' llocelpts , 8,1 > OO hcndi shipments , 1,300 bond " ) hestRrndesstroncl other * stondy : "hrlstinni wcntherd , $5.2.Vft6.40 : nntlu" > . $1.80 (715.12 ( ] wrslctn , $4.60414.85 ! Tcxnns , $3.3Oit 4,70. Knn-n- City l.ttp Stork Market. KANSAS OIT v. Jlo. , Dec. . OATTI.K Itecelpti . ,200 head ; shipments , 1,000 head. The innr- kel for steers wns stead v : cows nnd feeders strong to liv higher. Iteprescnttitlvc sales : Diesscd beef nnd "hlpiilng .steers , $ ) : eow ( , $1.6032.70 ! , stockcrs nnd feeders , $2.60 ® lliios llecnlplo,4,400 head ; ililpments. 000 liead. Thu market was strong to Sc higher ( ban thu onrly and lOc higher than thu Into market yesterday. All grades , $4.0020.10 ! Imlk , $5.0iva0.00. SIIIIPKccelpts : : , 400 liend ; shipments , 500 head. Thu market was quiet. New York l.ho Stock Mnrkrt. Nr.w VOIIK , Dec. 8. Unr.vr.s-llecelpls , only -2 heads no trade : feeling llrm : dressed beef steady 041 beeves. at HSJOSic per 11) ) . Shipments today , OAI.VKS llecelpls , 225 head ; market . .steady : venls , $7.00518.00 * per lee llw , : grussers , $2,60. SHKin AMI IJ.XMIIS--Uecelnts . - - . , .1,559 bend : sheep.slow : Inmbs very weak : sheep , $3.6 < Kiti 5.25 per 100Ibs. ; Inmbs. $5.255(0.37' ( } ; dtessed iutton steady at 78'jc ' per pound ; dtessed lambs dull nt 8 , 'Jic. lions Receipts , 3,402 hend , consigned dl- Its. ectly , nominally sleny nt $5,7030.30 per 100 St. T.oulsl.ltc.Stock Market. PT. I.otlts , Mo. , Dio. : B.-\VTTI.I : Hell - -ll > t" , 2,700 heud : shipments , 2,200 heud ; nuiket stendy ; fair to good natl\e steers , 3.2S'iM.60 ' ; choice. $4.05 5.16 ; Te.xas and In dian .20. steers , $2.1t > 33.00 ; rntigo cows , $1.30 ® lions Kecelpts , 5,200 hend : shipments , ,100 hend ; matket 6c liluhor ! heavy. $0.00 Q0.60 : mixed , $5.30W,0.25 ; nghl. $5.75 0.20. Hniii' : : Itecelpts , 800 bend ; shipments , 200 lead ; mnrkut stoutly ; fair to cholcu nutlvcs S3.00 ® 1.00. , Arrest nf.Iiunrs Mejors Churned nlth Com mitting the Crime. MOUNT VKIIXO.V , N. Y. , Dee. S. Before daylight this morning Coroner Drew , nccoin * limited by Detective Moore , went to the liouso of Mrs , Meyers , the woman who keeps the Intelligence olllco at which Ella Newton applied for the address of some ono wanting u nurse girl , itiul nrrestcd Mrs. Meyers' son .lames on suspicion of having murdered Ella Newton. Meyers was locked up at police headquarters , with the two ne groes who were iirrcsted hist evening. Cor oner Drew thinks that James went to his mother's place , followed her and enticed her to East Chester , where ho tried to assault lier. It is also believed that he murdered her. either with or without the assistance of the negroes , and that after she was dead 4hc thrco throw her into the water. > 0 Not from u rinancliil Standpoint. "I do not recommend Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy from ti llntineial standpoint , for wo 'iavo others in stock : on whick we make n urgcr pro-lit , ' ' says Al Maggiui , a pjominent dnijjgist of Braddock , I'a. , "but because 11111115 * of our customers have spoken of it in the highest praise. AVe ssll more of it than aii5' similar preparation wo have in the store. " For sale by druggists. Chicago KohbrrH Niihbcil In St. r.onlH. ST. Louis , Mo. , Dee. 8. A gang of robbers from Chicago have been operating with the utmost boldness in this city , ns they recently iliil in Chicago , but the police went to work with such good results thut the bund appears to bo broken up. Over forty arrests of crooks have taken place and a Chicago de tective has recognized ubout thirty of them us members of the organi/cd gang which has been holding up and robbing people in broad daylight in thut city and suburbs , Requisitions will be secured for the whole ; ing. o Draw Yiiur Otvii Conclusion. Mr. J. O. Davenport , manager of the Fort Brugg Ucdwood Co. , Ft. Bragg , Cal. , has this to say of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedj1 : "I used it for n sovcro cold and cough und obtained immediate relief. In the Fort Brugg Hedvvood Co.'s store wo have sold largo quantities of Chamberlain's medi cines. " For sale by druggists. Didn't Darn to Kill Thrill. \VII.T.IAMSIIUUO , ICj' . , Dee. 8. Several per sons suspected of conplieit5r in the assault and murder of Mildred Bryant were ar rested and placed in jail hero. A mob took two negroes nnd ono white man out , carried them to the woods nnd strung them up , pleading piteously for life and protesting their innocence. Tlley strung them up to n tree till nearly dead und then let them down. Still they protested their innocence. Again they were hauled up and again let down and carried back to the Jail. Tile white man and ouc negro will die. I have sold and used in 1115' family for sev eral years Chamberlain's Colie , Cholera and Diarrhoea rcmed5' , und have found it ono of the most useful and satisfactory remedies I over handled. C. H. Lewis , druggist , Salt Lake City , Utah. Father and Sun Assassinated. ATLANTA , Gu. , Dec. 8 , John Hoborts , a well-to-do pluntcr.while driving on the Sand- town road nine miles from Atlanta , was , with las 10-5'ear-old son , waylaid near a dense clump of woods and both fatally shot from ambush yesterday. Hobcrts stated it was too dark to see who ilrcd the shot , hut ho strongly believed it to bo : i farmer named Fred Cunningham , who is said to have a sworn vengeance against Hoborts for assault ing his half-brother. An honest pill is the noblest work of the apothecary. DoWitt's Little Early Risers euro constipation , biliousness and sick head ache. Fatal Fight Over a Woman. RICHMOND , Vu. , Dee. 8. Four Greeks , two brothers named Gibling and two brothers named Johnson got into a free light in the WesLlend lust night. Blood llowed freely , pistols , knives and n bur of iron figuring in the contest. 1'oter Johnson , who was shot in the neck , is believed to bo fatally wounded. The dlfliculty was about a profli gate mimed Lottie May Whitlock , formerly an employe of Iho Johnsons , but who loft them and engaged herself in marriage to John Gibling , You don't want a torpid liver ; yon ( Jon't want a bud complexion , you don't want a bud breath ; vnu don't want a heudueho. Then use Do Witt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills. Kept \p ( tor years the olfcr that's made by the proprietors of Doctor Rage's Ca tarrh Komqdy. It's iidilressed to I/OH , Jf you have Catarrh. It's n reward of tSOO , if they can't euro you , no matter how liad your case , or of Low long standing an oiler that's juado in good fuith by ro- fcponsiblo men. Think vihut it means I Absolute confl- dcnea in their Remedy , or they couldn't af ford to taku the risk. A long lecord of per fect and x.-rinnnciit cures of the worst cu-ses or they couldn't have fuith in it. It menus no moro catarrh or $500. If you fail to Ixj cured , you won't ' fall to bo puiif. But perhaps you won't bellovoit. Then there's another reason for trying it. Show that you can't Ixs eurcd , nnd you'll got 6500. It's n plain business offer , The nmkcrs of Dr. Sngo's Catarrh Remedy will jmv you that amount K they can't euro you. They know tliat they can you think that they can't , Jf they're wrong , you get the cash. If you'ro wrong , you'ro rid of catarrh. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company , South OpnaVia. lk' t Catllu Ho nnil Eliocii market In tbo vveit. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers , SoutliOiualia Telephone 1157. JOHN I ) . DAplhltAM , I . . . , . , - „ Man-gen- WAI1T. K. WOOD , f Market Itvporti by mall and wlro cheerfully tur ui > i > lloatlou. i\ \ "DON'T BORROW TROUBLE. " BUY SAPO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. PERFECT PURITY AND SOLUBILITY OF ocoa " -BEST ( AND"COES FARTHEST > - of'Its Inslantonoous preparation and render 1L Highly Digestible and Nutritions. REMOVAL SALE. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , [ For Thirty Days only wo will offer our entire stock of Diamonds nnd Christmus Jewelry and Silvorwiiro at loss thtm manufacturer's cost. Fourteenth and Farnam Streets- win move Jnn. 1. to N. W. Cor. 10th and Farnain. SAFKS FOTl "Worvo Soods. " the nondorful In olil with a ftcn irunrnntcr to euro 411 nervous discuses , such a * Weak Mcmorjr , ( of llialn 1'OTTcr. Hnodachc. Wakufulncss , Lost .Mlllihoou. NlKbtlr Until' ' , ' " Blons , Nervonnnoas , l.nltudo , all drain- and loss of power of tliaUancratlro/ ' OrganIn eitlior-oicauecil byororexertion , ynittlifnl rrrors.or ezcemilTV use of tobacco , opium or-tlmulants which soon lend to In llrm itConuump. . tlonAnd Ingiirilty. I'ul npconvi > nlontncarry In TCFI nockci. HI per pact- SKOhymuihOforSS. with every I > onlor wn give a written guarantte toeurt orrejututthemoncv- Circular free. Address J ervo Hc.ciU'o. . C'hlcuco.IU. li For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell , 1515 Dodge Street. DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stocking's , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , d Water Bottles , Syringes , a Atomizers , Medical Supplies. ALOE & PENFOLO , 114 S.lOth St. , Next to Postofflee. To nil owners oT lots or.purts of lots on Jnck * hon street front Tnlrty-alxth fltrcul to 'I hlrty-sevi'iitti street : You uro horohy notlllml tllitt the nnilor- slKiioil , thruo ilislntoruHtuct freoliolclcra of thu city uf Uniiihn , liava been duly appointed IA' tliu mayor , with the npnroviil or the city council of fluid city , to nssoss the ( laniiiuo to thn owners ruspectlvoly of thu uropurty iilluolvd liy Kriulini : .liioUson trcut from Tlurty-Hlxtli street lo Tlilrty-sovontli streot. dcclnrnd nccoss.iry uy ordlnunco No. illlii. , 'passed November - nnil npprovucl Novom- W St Voiinrofiirtliornotlfloil.tlmtlmvlni'iiccoptod sfiul uppolntiaont , anil duly iju illllo'l ' ns ro- qulroa liy law , wo will , on thu btliday of Oucoiiibor. A. I ) , WJ ! , lit thn hour or 11 o'ulouk In thu foruniion , ut the olllco of It.V , Olbioii , room ' 'III. Now Vork l.lfo luillillnj , ' , within thocorporatollmlts of sulil city , moot for thn pnrposu of consldorlnK nnil iniililiiK thu usacssiiient of UiiiniiRo to the cwnurs is- spooiUuly of Hiiltl property , niruutud Uy snuli uradlnir. tuliln Into coimlcloratlon hiniolltii , If any. Von aio notfllod lo bo present at the tlino .mil placu aforusitlil. nnil niiiliu any objections to or statements uoncurnln'bald ; assossmunt of UuimiKcs , its you inuy fotisldar proper. WM. O/KllldVHIl. JOHN W. HOIIIIISS. Omaha , November iH. Ib'J. , N2tidiOt NOTICEOPASSKSSMKNT OP DAM * AOKS FOR GRADING , To the ownois of all lots and parts of lots on alluy In biock 51 from " 1st to 'nd Htrceta Von urn huroby notlllcd that thu unaor- slk'ned , tlirco dlslntoresto i froiilioldnrs of tun city of Oinnhi , n.i\o boon dulv nppolntuil by the mayor , with the approval of thu city coun cil of suid ulty , to absuss the damaL'eb to Iho ownurn rc8pootlvcly of the property alfeotuil by Iho ( 'railliu' of Raid allov , declared nociiii- sary by ordlnunco No. : MII : , passed November Ut 193. ' , approviid Novombi-r Uli , IbOi. Vnu aru further notlllcd that havlir : au > ccptod : iM appointment und Hilly ( iiiallllfil as requited by law. wu will oil the iTltfi day of Drcomlicr , A. I ) , IB'J. . ut the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at thu olllco of Shrivor & U'Donohof , Itu.'l Karn'un U , within thu uorpor- ate limits of nulit city , incut for the Diirpono of con ldurlni { anil liiaKliu thu auticksinnnt of dainu''o to the owners rcspccthely of said property alTcctcil by Hiioh Kradlni ; , taking Into conoldcratlon epuclul benullts. If any. You uro notlQod to bo present ut the tlino and placu aforesaid and muko any objection to or statements concerning said us.oBs of dai'iauos us you may cnn-uli > r proper. OKO. J."i'AUU It. W. OIIISON , ( toniiniUeo of Appraisers. Omaha , Neb. , Nov. IMth. Utii. ' " " SliiTlll's SHIP. Unilcrand liy virtue of an oxcciitlon Issued by I'riink K. Slooros. clorl ; of the district court ! within and for Douglas county. N'obraslin , upon njuilKincnt rendered bv salil court ut Its September term , A. I ) , 160In favoi of too' , ? . Merchants National bank of Kansas Olty , ) ! Mubouri , and nzalnsttha Mctiopolltnn CnblcAi. Kallnay company of Umaha , Nebraska , I' , , have luviod upon the following dosorlliedV- nroporty as the -import" of the Hiild. Tbcl * Mutropol tan ( Jubio Ital .vtiy company oti , Omaliii , Nebraska , to-wlt "Traulc nnd rona < bed , InoliulliiK rails , tics , intet < . frogs , bolts , splices , wires , ( switches , pees , trolley wires , cross wires ote. . otc. undo .crylhliiK pertain- , In toxald track and the operating tllurcof as an oiectrlo motor line of unlit The1) ] Metropolitan Uablu Hull\viiy companv on4nth | street < indoiiIoilf'oslioetlntliiM > liyofOnialia , and on Doil L-n street 119 extended. Woodman ( menno , Under u oo < l a ven no and WlUon avonuoiJ * orHlicntln Dnndco I'liico ' or adjacent thereto > } In the county of OoilKlas mill Btito of Mob- . , , insica. " "Ono car lionso ( friimu bnlldliiK ont t poslBor bloil : < a ) located on lot H , block BBli. ' Diindvo I'laco , Don his county , Nolrankn ) , " ( A "Two motor passoncer cars iiumburod rosnooil tlvoly two a1) ) , and tiirun pn. "Hecord boolf ( * ! stock cortlflnato book and fioM of H'lld com pany. " and also "tho frnnchlio crantdd tr < hiild ooiiiiriny , which Inolndus all Urn rlrhu and nrlvlleKus sunnied thuiuuri" and 1 will on the llth tliiyof Du-emljur , A. D. , IH'.t' , ooin- inviicliiiriil K ) o'chicU a , m , of Milddiiy ft ) the east front door of the county court house. In the city of Onmlm.sullHald pronnrty' ' at miblla auction to Ilin lil host and host , bidder or blddeiH forciisli. touatlsfy HII : ! | ox. nuntlon , tliu amimnl dim tliureon bulinc forty , thoiibaiid , four liniidred forty-six and OI-1UO , ' , dollars ( ? IJ.4IBll ) ) Jmljinniil , iin.l sUteun and. IW-luu dollur-i ( $ iiUb ) costs , with Interest on' said iiinoiintH from tlio Mith day of Kuntuinborj ; Ib9 ! . and the iicurnlnircnsts on Bald jniU'dniont - and execution. IICOKUK A. 11 UN NI ITT. , , bhiirill' of lliiiiKliiM Coiinly , Nobr.islnu 't I/AKI : , HAMILTON ft. MA.VU-III , . Attornuys. Uniuha , Ncljrusldi , iJaucmbur 1 , IB'J . ddl'Jtm PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Sealed proposals will bo rcualvod by the un- , dorrili nod until lt.0 ! u'uloolc p , m. , Dueembur tilth , IhlC , for cradliiK l.ivunport fctrcot , from1 Itr.lh street toiUlh Htri'ct ; ( Jrand uvi'iiuo , fioip 'iH 11 fctrcct to 4''d Htrcel : I'owler avenue , from fisih streiit lo 40th avi'iinoi : uth street , fiom ( irainl nveiiuu toAmca nveiiuui 4Uth street , fiom ( iiund nvunuu toKpnuuo Rtroutt 40th u venue , from l.'r.uid avoniiu toHiir.iKiiustiuutt tlm alluy In block W. from 17th htruot to IbtU street ; liltli strrct. fiom DmlguHtroni to lav- dnport strcuti Dccutiir btrojt. fiom ' . 'Jth btroot to ( list struct ; HuinlltoiiKtrcuU from 4 th street to west eltv llinlta ; Arbor strcol , from 10th titruut to tilth Ntrcui , In tlioolty of Omaha , In uccoidiinco with plans und specifications on Iho In the olllco of the Hoard of I'ubllo Works. I'aub proposal to ho madooti printed blnnke fiirnlshtd by thu board , nnd to bu nccom- nunlud with , i BIT tilled rhoo ! < In the HIIIII of J' > IKJ , payabln to thu cltyof Omulia , as an ovl- di'iiuiinf Kood faith , Thn board reserves tl o rl.hMo i eject nny o ull lildi und to wulvo defects. I' . W. , Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omaha , Nub. , December 1st , IB'J. ' . dl--B.O SEWER PROPOSALS. Bonlod propoiulH will bo received bv thu under - der lKiiod until liAU u'cloi'k p. m. Diti'Cmber , IMJ , for thu construction of sewers In sewur districts Not. iT.Vund 10 , In thu city of ( Juiulia , us purordlnuueus Nos. a.lii and 17) ) , rt'sijonllvi'ly. ucL'ordlni ! to plat B find spoolflca * lions on fllo In the olllco of thu llojrdnf I'nbllo Works. ICach proposal to bo madu on printed blanks furnished hy the board , and to ho no- conipunled by a ourllllod cheek In the sum of t'.ou , payable to the city of Omuliu us uvldonco Kooil faith , Thu board rcsorvi-s the rlu'ht to reject any 01 . ( : { > OhalnnaD of Iho Hoard of 1'ubllu Works , Onidbu , Neb. , Ltceinbur lit , Ib dl-2-8-0 jl